#Btw it's your girl's bday tomorrow!!
obxsprincess · 7 months
heyy girl, how are u? i know ive been kinda missing but i might need your advice on something bc im very confused and unsure (and my friends are being kind of unhelpful bitches lol
So, im in college right? and theres a lot of fraternities around, and I met this guy, a friend of a friend, and he lives in a fraternity.
So far so good right? We kinda flirted with each other for a few days until a party last night where we finally hooked up (i was drunk but everyone said it was pretty hot :)) but i had to leave bc my roomate was very sick so i never got to talk to him abt anything else basically. And my friend said tomorrow they'll have a small party to celebrate a bday on that fraternity, and everyone keeps saying i should lose my virginity to this guy (ik shocking im a virgin), but the thing people dont understand is that i get attached very quickly and to me our kiss basically locked in, so im kinda nervous ill get attached and he wouldnt want anything serious w me
Reading it back it feels kinda dumb but specially for people on campus and SPECIALLY on fraternities is very rare for u to get kinda together w someone so quick, so I DUNNO WHAT TO DO
- 💋
hiii babes, ofc ofc im always here to help!! and remember not even my opinion should persuade you into anything, cus I can only go off of my own experiences with virignity loss and hook ups 💞 but I hope my insights helpful!!
I lost my virginity at 16 back in high school (a long time ago and not at all saying ur guy is like this ! cus he probably isnt! especially cus hes an adult so I hope to fucking hell he isn’t) and it definitely happened very fast and quick, texted for a few days, made out, and then met up to have sex. in summary it ended with my nudes being leaked around the school and almost a felony on my name (for sending them?) but the thing ive took out of it (and only reason for the story, im srry cus I was so young so it might seem weird to include) n held close is to remember trust is one of the most important parts of sex really! because your putting your pleasure and body into someone elses hands, but also your emotional trust because sex is so much more than just getting physical for a few minutes, and its important to remember that the lingering thoughts shouldn’t ever be negative, or the guy broke the trust you put in him. truly the after sex reaction is just as important as being taken care of during. in my experience, because I didnt know the guy well, I went into it blind not knowing what I total asshole he was.
and trust, in my eyes, means knowing you’ll be treated right afterwards no matter what, even without a relationship basic aftercare if the bare minimum. and to me it doesn’t seem like you are convinced he’ll do that for you ! so pls pls be careful 💞 who knows ! he might be an amazing guy but if you arnt ready to take that step yet, don’t ! because the good ones are always willing to wait. I would say text him/talk to him in person if you have to too. because and I’m hoping not but you never know, his and your friends might have ‘talked’, and sex might be on his mind too. so if you feel comfortable, get on the same page with him with whatever you decide angel !! you deserve to lose your virginity and be glowing afterwards, its so much better than regretting it 💗 whether u choose to get to know him better or lose your virginity to him, stay safe bby and use safety <3 (pls make sure to discuss possible STD history on his side too btw !)
hope this helped a little love, love you and never let anyone pressure you please, cus fuck that
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taruruchi · 2 years
i am cartwheeling in here and I AM ASKING RESPECTFULLY FOR 13 for rhyne, esteban, and nemis, 11 for miles and arietta, and 17 for mini taruchi >:D
HI SOLLL sorry for responding late, I took a small break from tumblr but at last I've come back to give a response!!
11. most embarrassing memory?
She had this one sleepless night cause she was up making this dress she was really excited to finish. In the morning, she decided to wear it when she went out but turns out, because of her sleep deprivation, she didn't even finish it properly—all the patterns and sequins were wrong, the sleeves and hems were the wrong length, and a few other mistakes. Hell, she even used the wrong colors. So a bunch of people were looking at her dress like 😕😦 At first she thought she did so well they were shocked but then she bumped into Vil who said, “My goodness, Arietta, who made your dress?! I understand people treasure whatever heartfelt is given to them but... are you sure you want to be wearing that in public?” That's when she realized and Vil accompanied her to get some new clothes
So Miles actually really smart and he knows a lot, right? There was this one time when he was younger (probably 12 or something) and he was reading multiple books at a time. He was also in a book club. They had a meeting about one book and they were supposed to talk about it, but Miles was the first to speak and he mixed it up with another book. They pointed it out and he got flustered so he went on and rambled about how "One book isn't enough for me!" and stuff. He was waving his hands around frantically and knocked a vase over, so he left out of embarrassment. But of course, he moved on and he still reads tons of books at the same time
13. bed time routine?
You know that skincare routine Vil described in Chapter 5? Yeah. She does that then she simply wears one of those masks(?) you put on your eyes then sleeps
Also does the skincare routine but instead of sleeping right away, he takes a walk outside for a bit because it helps him relax, especially after a busy day. After that, he goes back to his room and sleeps
Makes a small snack, puts it on her bedside table, goes to sleep. She makes the snack bc she sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and she's hungry. If not, that'll be her breakfast if it isn't stale or. idk if it doesn't taste bad
17. achievement they are the most proud of?
One of the things she's most proud of is the time when she was in sixth grade (or around that grade) and they had this small practice test in math. Her seatmates were the smart ones™ and she was eavesdropping on what scores they got. They were comparing and bragging and all. Little did they know, she got a score higher than all of theirs! And mind you, she was the youngest in the class which only helped to boost her ego. She (and her seatmate who checked it) has never told them this and she thinks it's funnier that way.
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elles-writing · 4 years
When The Worlds Collide - Part VII.
Kili x reader
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A/N: Hey guys, next chapter! I hope you’re doing well. I hope you will like this one. We’re moving forward with the main plot and it’s gonna get long, but I feel like you don’t really mind. Also, I’m going to be working on requests (which I should’ve done quite a while ago). (29. 9., Monday)
I have to study math for an exam we have tomorrow, but lately I just try to study a lot, but my grades aren’t as good as I would like them to, I don’t understand why. I’m trying to study more than I did last year, but it always seems like my friends and schoolmates, who are not studying as much as I do, get better grades, and it feels strongly demotivating and I want to cry after every time I hear the results of the tests (today I lit almost cried, I had a bit hard time to hold tears back, when we got the results of test from the subject I’m always studying the way it works for me. I was stressed a bit, but I knew I studied well and took a lots of time and practise to make sure I know it all and I completely understand it...well...I did got C. A C for so much time spended on that subject and with help from my mom.) This chapter has somewhere from over 1084 words (Kili and Fili talking) taste of my sad mood. So yeah. Comment please what do you think of this chapter. ( 30. 9., Tuesday/Wednesday?)
(This is paragraph has been written a day later than previous A/N btw)
So, hello everybody! I hope you are going to enjoy this chapter. My grades kinda improved, I’m getting a good grades especially from English (obviously), where even the girl who gets good grades in most of other subjects is not that good in English. (I did got F from that math-shit-test as most of the class, so we will be retaking it.). I’ve been working on this chapter for a few days, so it’s pretty long, but I think you don’t really mind. (2. 10. Friday)
This chapter has gotten very, VERY long. I didn’t planned it to be that long, but ideas just kept coming to me. Sorry the chapter didn’t came out two days ago as I planned, but sometimes I was struggling to continue some dialogues and scenes, so I needed to find some prompts ideas to help me out. Hopefully you’ll forgive me. Also, yesterday were me and my brother picking some cones. It was windy and a few metres away from us landed a tree (it was not too thick, actually quite thin, but it scared me a lot).  The idea for the apple-picking came to me when I was picking an apples a day after my birthday. Also, a lots of cute gifs. (4.10. Sunday)
btw this is the cake I decorated for my bday.
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Word count: 4789 words
Warnings: maybe a bit angst (if I can call it like that?), fluff, maybe steamy or lemon (make out session)
Tags: @moony-artnstuff​  @whenputtingpentopaper​
You can message me if you wanna be added to a tag-list.
You got up and decided to clean up the kitchen a bit. You’ve prepared some food earlier and this quiche was the last thing you were planning to bake for today.
During the cleaning, you were thinking about the way they all got here. This was something that was inside of your mind ever since you’ve probably finally found a first clue to what exactly happened that they have appeared here, and why. You’ve decided to talk with Gandalf, Bard, Balin, Thranduil and maybe Thorin, if he wouldn’t be so stubborn, after everyone else would go to bed. You needed them to actually tell you what happened before they appeared here, otherwise you’d missed a part of the puzzle you were trying to solve.
You huffed and wiped off the desk. Your apron was hanging over a chair, but the flour was still in your hair and on your hands. You thought it would be a good idea to take a quick shower before the quiche was baked and cooled down enough to be eaten.
Thorin was with talking with Gandalf in a hallway. If anybody would hear them, they’d rather got off of the dwarf king’s way, not to mention the rage in his eyes, but the wizard was not afraid of him, of course.
„Thorin, you need to tell her where you were before you appeared here. She can be our only hope how to get back to Middle-Earth.“ The dwarf king glared at the wizard, his hands firmly folded on his chest.
„I’ve already told her. We were escaping from Mirkwood, like I said, Gandalf.“ But Gandalf was not stupid. Obviously.
„And?“ Gandalf tilted his head, looking down at Thorin.
„How could she help us? She’s a human, and from what I’ve saw and experienced in past few days, she does not have any magic abilities.“
But Gandalf knew better.
„This remindes me of that evening in Bag-End. You understimated Bilbo, Thorin, and now you are repeating it. What is so unlikable about her?“ Thorin’s gaze fell to the floor and he was silent. After a while, he spoke again.
„It’s not her exactly. It’s her and Kili. If she will get us back to Middle-Earth, like I hope she will,“ He looked at Gandalf for a while and then he looked away again.
„It will break Kili’s heart. I don’t want him to suffer, Gandalf. He is way too young for-“ Gandalf frowned.
„Kili may be young, and she is too, without a doubt...but all the things are coming in a right order, as they should. It may not be exactly in time, but in the right time, they will eventually come. Don’t forget that, Thorin.“ Thorin looked up at the wizard.
„You don’t understand, Gandalf. The way they look at each other and the way they act around each other, she’s Kili’s One, and once we will leave this place, he will suffer. I have promised to Dis and to myself to look after him and Fili. I can’t do this to any of us, it’d have destroyed all of us if we’d know he’s suffering from separation from his soulmate.“ Neither of them noticed a long shadow, whom came to join the conversation.
„It surprises me how much you care for your nephew, Thorin.“ Thorin tensed.
„Thranduil,“ He spat out and glared at the Mirkwood king, whom was looking over your hallway, finding it interesting every time he walked to it. He never seen anything similar before.
„Truly, it surprises me. It seemed as if all you could care about was the gold in Erebor and Lonely Mountain, but perhaps I was wrong.“ Thorin narrowed his eyes.
„What do you want?“ Thranduil looked down at him, calmly.
„I’m just saying, if she’s your nephew’s One, you shouldn’t act this way towards her.“ Thorin deeply frowned.
„Why are you telling this to me? It’s none of your business.“ Thanduil softly touched frame of an old small mirror, hanging on the wall. It reminded him of those in Middle-Earth, even if in reality it was a mirror you found in a vintage store.
„Isn’t it clear? If she is his One, he won’t leave without her. He would insist on staying here with her, if it would not be possible for her to go with us, well, with him to Middle-Earth. As far as I know, dwarves are far too stubborn to listen to others.“ Thorin opened his mouth to argue, but, even if he hated to admit that, he knew that there was something about it that he knew was right. Kili loved his family deeply, but a relationship with his One was something different.
When Thorin stayed quiet, soft scoff escaped to Thranduil.
„You know it’s true, don’t you?“
„Why are you telling me this?“ Thranduil sighed.
„Because I know how does the loss of soulmate feels like, and this girl is very likable, I have to admit. She’s like a daughter to me.“ Thorin noticed something behind Thranduil’s icy glare. It was quickly gone, but he noticed it.
„She remindes you of your wife,“ He said. Thanduil shot him a glare, but this time, he turned his back to him rather than argued.
„She remindes you of your wife and if you would have a daughter, it could have been someone like her,“ he said.
„So that’s why you care,“ Thorin continued. Thranduil didn’t let any emotion to show on his face, as he turned back to him and Gandalf.
„But why her? Why did it had to be her?“ Thorin looked at Gandalf.
„You will find out, Thorin.“
Oh, great. Another riddle, as if there wouldn’t be enough of them to solve already, thought Thorin to himself.
After you‘ve cleaned the kitchen a bit, you went to take a quick shower. You went as quickly as possible through the living room, so you didn’t have to talk to anyone. You thought that the almost-kiss between you and Kili have made things highly awkward and unsure, and when both of you were avoiding each other’s gaze, you thought you were perhaps right.
When the door closed and Fili heard your steps futher and futher away, he looked at his younger brother. Kili was refusing to look up so he wouldn’t meet your gaze.
„What happened, Kee?“ He nudged him.
„Did I interrupted somethin‘ earlier?“ He asked. Kili sighed.
„I almost kissed her,“ He mumbled. Fili’s eyes widened.
„You did what?!“
„I almost kissed her, Fee, but then you walked in and-“ Fili blinked a few times, still not being sure if he heard correctly. Kili’s voice got more quiet, telling his brother a thing he didn’t wanted anybody to tell Thorin, because he seemed to dislike Y/N. Quite a lot.
„I really like her. She’s very kind, nice, clever, pretty-“ He started listing things he liked about you with dreamy eyes. Fili looked around.
„Alright, I got it, Kee. But why don’t you just tell her?“
Kili didn’t told this to Fili, but once, when you were showing him how does phone works (not that he remembered much, he was more confused, but it was fun regardless), he’ve seen some photos of a guy, when you tapped on a different button, but you have quickly clicked to a different app and he didn’t had your phone in his hands since then. He didn’t knew who it was, but he thought it was probably somebody you were courting.
„I think-I think she’s taken, Fee. How could she not? I mean, look at her-“ Fili looked at Kili and Kili shook his head, but before he could open his mouth, his brother stormed out to find you. Obviously, Kili runned after him, shouting his brother‘s name.
You got out of a bathroom with our hair wet and in sweat-pants and oversized t-shirt, noticing Fili and Kili (you could not miss them anyways).
„What’s going on, guys? What happened?“ You asked concerned. Fili shook his head.
„No, nothing happened! Well, we were wondering, if you are courting someone-“ You looked at them two, a bit amused. You placed your hands on your hips.
„Oh so this is what’s happening. Well,“ You looked at both of them with a dramatic pause.
„I’m not.“
„But what about that male in your phone?“ Kili asked and you remembered you accidentally tapped to your phone gallery.
„It was just a picture from the internet that I used for a character from book. I do use pictures for my reading journal, so it’s more aesthetically pleasing.“ You noticed the way Kili’s head lifted up and his typical cheeky grin found a way back on his face and winked at you. You looked away, blushing, and Fili cleared his throat.
„I will, uh, go back to reading. Don’t be too loud though-“ Kili was immediatelly running after him, whilst Fili was laughing and you chuckled and went after them. You’ve overheard some pieces of their converstaion.
„...don’t haunt for me, I’m your older brother...“
„...that’s why I’m doing it...“
„...IT WILL FALL DOWN!!“ You’ve heard a noise of breaking glass and quickly made your way to the kitchen.
They broke a few glasses you’ve left there. You sighed, not being surprised anymore.
„Are you okay? KILI-!“ You raised your voice when he tried to tidy the glass, but cutted himself accidentally. You shook your head and headed to one of the kitchen cabinets for take out a desinfection, tweezer and a bandage and a few other things. Of course, it would be best if you could get him to a doctor, but he wasn’t supposed to even be in this world.
„Sit down, Kee, I’ll look for some pieces of glass that could be there.“
Oh, how Kili wanted to assure you he accidentally cutted himself many times before by broken glass and used to have much worse injuries! But he also wanted to enjoy your attention only towards him for second time that evening.
You sat down to him and took his hand into your palms. You were touching it softly, not putting too much pressure on it, if there would be any pieces of a broken glass.
There was not too much blood, so when you were done and sure there were no pieces of a glass, you putted some desinfection on a cotton pad and started carefully cleaning it. You were sitting in a silence and you wanted to ask so many questions about life in Middle-Earth and Kili’s life before the quest in general, but you weren’t sure if he’d wanted to tell you about it, and if yes, where should you start.
„So, uhm, I see you and Fili are quite troublemakers, aren’t you?“ You asked with your gaze settled on his palm.
„We aren’t!“ You looked up on him with slightly rised eyebrow.
„Oh, alright, we are. A bit.“ You smirked at him.
„Only a bit?“
„Maybe a little more,“ he winked at you. You started putting the bandage over the cut.
„Oh, so that’s why you’re always breaking my mugs and glasses.“ You finished bandaging.
„It was an accident!“ Kili exclaimed and threw his hands up to air, but he didn’t realized he slapped you to face by accident. You let out an ‚ow,‘ and he looked at you concerned.
„I’m so sorry Y/N-“
„It’s okay, Kili, it was an accident,“ you said. He shook his head.
„No, I mean it! Dwarves are stronger than humans, and I didn’t and don’t want to hurt you in any way,“ He said, cupping your face in his palms and looking over your jaw and cheek.
„I’m really okay, Kili. I know you wouldn’t do this on a purpose,“ You said quietly, feeling his closeness. He looked in your eyes, then on your lips and back to your eyes, as if asking for permission. You did the same thing and cupped his face, feeling the scruff on your palms, and when your eyes locked, you looked back to each other’s lips and slowly closed the gap.
At first, your kisses were slow, a bit clumsy and at some point even awkward, but also careful, as if trying to figure out what to do next – you could tell that neither of you had been kissing a lot before – but it was sweet nonetheless. His lips were warm and you felt his scruff on your cheeks. You giggled and broke the kiss for a moment.
„Your beard is tickling me,“ You whispered and kissed him again, before he could start to say it was no real beard. You will tell him about this later. You wanted him to know you found him attractive and he had nothing to be ashamed of, especially his lack of beard.
You placed your arms around his neck to pull him closer, his hands found their way to your back and pulled you closer, too, so you were sitting on his lap now. Your kisses were more hungry now, with more passion in them, as if you’d never wanted to let each other go. His hands in your hair and your hands in his hair, to keep you even closer, if that was even possible.
When you pulled away and gasped for air, Kili let his forehead let his to rest against yours. You closed your eyes.
„I-love you,“ you let out a breath.
„I love you too, amrâlimê,“ he said and kissed you again, but you smelled a strange smell and furrowed your brows. Actually, it was not that strange smell. You quickly pulled away and jumped on your feet.
„I didn’t turned off the oven!“
„But you turned me on,“ Kili winked at you and looked how your face got stained with soft pink, as you were putting the quiche out of the over and turning it off. You placed it on the cook and looked back at him.
„Oh, so that’s why you’re so hot.“ You said faster than you thought and embarrassed looked away, hearing him to chuckle.
„That was a good one, amrâlimê!“ He said and you sleepishly looked back at him.
„Now,“ Kili smirked as you were tidying up the desinfection, cotton pads and other stuff.
„I think I’d be nice to continue in our earlier activity, amrâlimê,“ he said and winked at you. You smirked.
„I think it would be indeed very nice, Kee, but now we have to prepare the dinner, because I don’t wanna make your uncle even more angry,“ You said half joking. Kili shook his head and furrowed brows.
„It’s okay, I mean, Thorin hated Bilbo in the beginning, but now he would protect the hobbit with his life...he will grow to like you, amrâlimê, I promise you.“ He had his puppy eyes again, as if you could not believe him.
„And I truly mean it, I love you.“ He said and you felt a blissfull feeling along with a lots of butterflies in your stomach while he told you those three words. He loved you. He truly did. And you loved him too.
„I love you too, Kili.“ You said, and in a few seconds, you were kissing again. He pulled you to his lap and you run your hands through his hair, slightely pulling it when he started kissing you on your jaw and neck, to help you to keep quiet. You closed your eyes and let yourself enjoy that moment of closeness, warmth and only you two. When you got impatient, you kissed his lips again.
When you pulled away and gasped to get some air, you noticed Kili smirking at you. You blushed and hid your face to crook of his neck.
„Stop it,“ you murmed and he kissed your hair and hugged.
„What, I can’t even look at the woman I love?“ He said dramatically and acted offended. You giggled.
„You know what I mean. I’m blushing.“
„Blush looks good on you.“
„No, it does not!“ You looked up on him with narrowed gaze and playful lights in your eyes.
„Oh, it does, princess.“ You froze and looked up on him.
„Well, if we are going to be courting, then...I mean, you’re a prince, and I’m not from a royal family...I don’t know how to act as a princess...“ You started stumbling over your words. Kili gently kissed your forehead.
„I don’t care. I love you, Y/N. Don’t worry about it, we can solve that later,“ He kissed your temple. It was such a nice moment.
You jumped up when a knock on a door cought yours and Kili‘s attention. You quickly fixed your hair and clothes and opened the door.
„Oh, Bilbo! I, uh, I just was about to call you for the dinner-“ The hobbit looked relieved.
„Uh, that’s great! I mean, I don’t want to be rude or anything, I would‘ve help you out of course-“ You smiled at him.
„You’re not being rude, Bilbo, don’t worry,“ You quickly checked Kili and found out he was nowhere to see. You furrowed your brows and stepped out of the door so Bilbo could come in.
„Kili? C’mon, it is not time to play hide and s-EEK!“ You screamed when he hugged you from the back.
„You idiot, do you know how did you scared me?!“ You tried to get out of his arms while he was laughing.
„Oh, c’mon princess, you don’t mind.“ You rolled your eyes.
„You are far more graceful and quiet on your feet than I thought. I should be concerned. I don’t want to get scared again when you will jump on me again,“ He chuckled, kissed your cheek and let go of you, because Bilbo started looking quite uncomfortable.
The dinner was not that bad, even if you could sense that something was going on with Thorin, Thranduil and Gandalf. They were way too quiet (not that they usually weren’t, but Thranduil didn’t even talked to Legolas), and Thorin didn’t paid attention to his nephews (he usually told them to stop doing something that was too much, but now he seemed to be lost in his thoughts).
When the dinner was over, Bilbo insisted on washing the dishes, explaining he just wanted to do something like that to feel a bit closer to home (quietly, obviously. He didn’t wanted anyone to have fun from him.).
Meanwhile, you looked through your library, and when you found what you were looking for, you pulled it out and started flipping through the pages.
It was a book about constellations, stars and planets. When you didn’t found what you were looking for, you shook your head and placed the book back. When this repeated a few times, you got back to another source you’ve had – the internet.
You were sitting there for a long time, but at least it gave you some understanding and it was more and more fitting to your theory. But why them, why each one of them...there must be a reason... you thought.
You went to sleep around two in the morning and fell to the bed. Your dreams were full of moon phases, Kili’s puppy eyes and smile and your stolen kisses.
You woke up and felt a smell of something sweet. You furrowed your brows. Who is cooking? You thought. You got up and made your way to the kitchen.
The closer you were, the more you recognized.
„...she said she likes cinammon...“
„Well, I think she once said she prefers maple syrup...“
„...of course not, she loves chocolate!“ You slightely blushed. It was Kili, obviously, and the way he said it could be understood only by you and him. You adored his eyes, which he obviously noticed.
„...Thorin, don’t stand here, I need to be walking there! Just go and sit down!“ That was Bilbo, getting very angry for a hobbit.
„You are not helping!“ He said to someone else and you chuckled. Oh yeah, Bilbo was a great cook, and though he found your kitchen interesting, to say at least, he was a quick learner. And, obviously, the best cook out of them all.
„Good morning, Y/N,“ You’ve noticed Bard. You nodded at him and yawned.
„Uh-good morning, Bard,“ You yawned once again.
„What are they doing in the kitchen?“ You asked.
„That’s a surprise.“
„I can hear them all the way here.“ You both chuckled.
„Well, what time is it?“ You asked, wanting to know how long did you slept.
„It’s going to be ten in the morning.“ He told you and you noticed a bit of his fatherly tone in it.
„Time for breakfast,“ You said and went straight to the kitchen, feeling the delicious smell of pancakes floating in the air. You tip-toed to the kitchen and carefully looked into the slightly opened door.
Bilbo was the main cook, as everyone could say. He was making sure that anybody ate the prettiest pancakes. Then there was Fili and Kili, arguing over your favourite filling. Balin was looking over them along with Gandalf, as they were discussing something and sitting in the corner. Thranduil and Legolas were watching them, but also engaged in their own discussion. Thorin was watching over the kitchen, making sure Kili and Fili weren’t breaking anything. And Dwalin, well, he stood near Gandalf and his brother, visibly not happy with what they were talking about.
You pushed the door open and stepped in, yawning. You were pretty hungry and needed to eat something.
„Good morning, everyone.“ Most of them looked at you with wide eyes, as if coming too early and ruining a surprise for you, yourself.
„G-good morning, miss Y/N,“ you’ve heard Bilbo to mutter, and some other ‚good morning’s‘ from others.
„Are these pancakes?“ You stepped closer and looked over the hobbit. Bilbo was certainly not four feet tall, he was around a foot, foot and a half shorter than Thorin.
It were pancakes. Obviously.
„You did all of this?“ You looked over the kitchen, where some sweet pasteries were and Fili and Kili, whom were arguing over your favourite pancake filling earlier, having a chocolate, maple syrup, a pack of cinammon, some bananas and apples and a few other items lying around the table.
„Yes, we-we did. We want to thank you for your kidness and how you are helping us to find our way back home,“ Said Bilbo.
„You’re always the one to cook, so we decided to cook something for you as well,“ Bard piped up from the doorway.
„But as you can see, we are not really a cooks,“ Fili piped up and nudged his brother. Bilbo shot him a glare and you giggled, causing Thoin’s eyes to soften for a second, which you didn’t noticed.
„It’s pretty kind from you anyways,“ You looked over them with a proud smile.
After your breakfast, which you took to a corner to living room (the’d all stare at you and you didn’t liked that), you’ve decided to go apple picking with them to your backyard. You prepared some baskets and jackets and hoodies, because it was quite cold and windy outside.
After you’ve changed from your pyjamas, you told them you were going to be picking the apples and just in general to go out to your backyard.
It was quite a nice idea.
Until you told them to put on the jackets, because it was cold and windy outside.
„It cannot be here more cold than in Blue Mountains,“ said Kili, seeming absolutely sure. You raised your eyebrow and shrugged your shoulders.
„If you think so,“ you said and made your way out.
You looked around and decided to go to the shortest tree. You noticed Bilbo coming shortly after you.
„Were you picking apples during autumn in Shire too, Bilbo?“ He smiled a little.
„Oh yeah, it was a nice thing to do, through it took a while.“ He looked up at you and you pointed towards the shortest tree.
„I think we can start with this one, most of the apples are pretty much close to the ground, so we don’t have to climb up on the tree-“
„I bet I’ll climb up faster, Fili!“
„Are you sure you wanna bet?“ You and Bilbo turned around and noticed Fili and Kili standing beneath the tallest apple tree that was at your backyard. You frowned.
But before you could say anything, both of them were already climbing up the tree. You were sure they were climbing up trees before, but still, it made you feel anxious.
„I won!“ You’ve heard Kili’s voice, full of pride, and you chuckled.
„That’s great, so now come down, you two!“ You said, walking into that direction already.
You stood under the tree, looking up, younr hands resting on your hips. Soon, they appeared between the branches. You’ve seen Kili’s happy face, through Fili said.
„If I wouldn’t slipped up, I’d won,“ but he didn’t seemed to be that mad at his brother. Kili jumped down and cheekily smiled at you.
„Oh, here’s my beautiful princess.“ He came to you and kissed your cheek. When he noticed your pouting face, he smirked.
„Someone’s mad, as I can see.“ You narrowed your eyes. His brown eyes widened.
„But I won!“ You sighed and looked into his puppy eyes.
„I’m not doubting that, Kee.“ You looked up.
„You were climbing up trees a lot in Middle-Earth, I guess.“ The brothers grinned.
„Oh, of course we did! You should’ve seen Uncle’s face when Kili fell from one tree when he was little and broke his leg for the first time.“ Fili said and both him and Kili remembered that memory. You pointed to tree where Bilbo was meanwhile picking apples.
„I’d rather not seen his face if something would happened to you now. Anyways, I’ll be over there and picking apples with Bilbo.“ You went to join the hobbit again.
You didn’t noticed the way Fili smirked at his brother, when you were out of earshot.
„So you and Y/N, aye?“ Kili’s eyes widened, but he quickly looked away.
„I don’t know what are you talking about, Fee.“
„Oh, so you don’t know? You are always checking her out, don’t you think I didn’t noticed that.“ Kili’s ears reddened and Fili laughed.
„Alright, we’re courting!“ Fili stopped, looked at his brother, then at you, talking to Bilbo, and started laughing again. Kili furrowed his brows.
„You aren’t supposed to laugh!“ When his older brother didn’t stopped, Kili murmed to himself.
„I’m embarrassed,“ Fili stopped laughing to catch a breath.
„I knew it, I knew you two will end up together! Oh, I won, I can’t believe that!“ Kili’s eyes widened.
„You-you made a bet? With who?!“ Fili smirked.
„There’s a few of them. Now let’s go,“ He said. Kili’s jaw fell.
„Wait what? Who-? How-? When-?“
But Fili was already walking towards you and Bilbo to medium-height tree. Kili did a pouting face and decided to join you.
„What’s the matter?“ Kili walked from the back to you and threw one arm around your shoulders and the other one around Fili’s shoulders.
„I will climb up the tree and pick the apples here, but I need someone to put the baskets down. And to make sure I won’t fall down,“ You said.
„Oh, don’t worry, princess, I will make sure that if you fall, you’ll have a soft landing.“ He winked at you and you felt heat raising to your cheeks. Bilbo cleared his throat.
„I-uh-I’ll go and pick some apples where I can reach,“
You climbed up the tree with an empty basket on your forearm and looked around. You placed the basket between some branches, so it was secure, and started carefully reaching for the apples. Kili, Fili or Bilbo would occasionally tell you where you should step, so you wouldn’t fell down.
„More to the left, lass,“ Fili.
„You’re almost there!“ Bilbo.
And so on.
You were almost done, when one of your feet mistaken a free spot between branches for a branch and you were already falling down.
You fell down on something-well, someone-soft. You’ve heard Kili‘s groaning underneath you.
„Are you okay?“ You asked Kili.
„I’m totally alright, told ya you’ll have a soft landing,“ he grinned at you and you playfully rolled your eyes and gave him a peck on lips. He rolled you over, so now he was on top of you, and started kissing your whole face. You were laughing.
„Kili, we need to finish this before it’ll be dark.“
„Hmm, tomorrow is a day too,“ He argued and you took all the strength you had and rolled him over, so you were on top.
You stood up and noticed Bilbo’s jaw hanging open. Fili looked more...well, he seemed to be pretty proud.
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peaceisadirtyword · 4 years
I don't know if this is any good. But can you maybe write something about: You are an exchange student in CPH. You already made some friends and you get invited to a houseparty. Where Alex also is (cause of multual friends). When you arrive he noticed you quiet quick, as you are 'new'. In a subtle way he asks about you to his friends. And later that night he tries to start a conversation with you. Turns out you guys get along very well. Through you're whole stay in CPH you become friends...(1/2)
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A/N: Hello! First of all, sorry for disappearing again (I don’t feel good :( but nothing serious). I was going to finish this and post it for Alex’s bday (more than a week ago lol) but I couldn’t write that week so I'm really sorry I'm too late💔 but I finished it!
This hit me hard because I was given an scholarship to go and study in Copenhagen this year, but coronavirus said: I don’t think so, love🌚 so this was like daydreaming about it. I might have cried a bit lol. But I really liked the request, so I wanted to “celebrate” Alex’s birthday with this. I’m really late and this is absolutely terrible :( but at least I have it. So I hope you enjoy it and don’t hate me too much lol
Thank you for the request dear anon! 💕
Btw there’s a second part to this! I took another request I thought it could “match” and I'll post it tomorrow!
Warnings: none I think... an attempt of fluff and... my bad writing
Words: 1726
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gif belongs to @yungonie 
You followed Ingrid into the house shyly. You only knew her in Copenhagen, and to enter a party in a house full of people you didn't know made you nervous, but she insisted and you didn't feel like staying at home all alone on a Friday night. 
Besides, it was a chance to meet some new people and make friends, which was the main reason you started this whole exchange thing. 
"Seriously, everyone is really nice, and I already spoke to some of them about you, they're dying to meet you" Ingrid winked at you "Come on!" she chuckled. 
You bit your lip as she stopped in front of a huge group of people, greeting them in danish happily. 
Looking around, you tried to recognize someone from university. You had seen some of them at the cafeteria and the library, but had barely talk to a couple of them. You saw a guy that was on your History class; he was really nice and let you take a look at his notes last week, but he was with his friends and you were too shy to go and say hello. 
In that moment, Ingrid called your name and started introducing you to her friends. 
Alex took another sip of his beer. The fourth one. He had been wanting to go out for the entire week, and he loved parties and have fun with his friends, but this party was unusually boring, and he even started missing his bed and Netflix. 
He nearly decided to leave when he spotted you. It was the first time he saw you, he knew that because he would have remembered you if he did. He frowned softly, staring at you intensely as you greeted some people with a wide smile... Until his friend called his name. 
"What?" he cleared his throat "Sorry, I was... Distracted" 
"Do you want another beer?" his friend leaned into his ear so he would hear him over the loud music. Alex nodded and left the empty bottle on the table near him. 
"So... Ingrid brought a friend" he commented in a casual tone, hoping he didn't sound as curious as he actually was. 
One of his friends turned to look at Ingrid, raising an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, that's Y/N, her new roommate" he nodded "She's an exchange student, we have History together, she's really nice" he smiled "And hot" 
Alex held himself back from glaring at him, nodding softly. 
"Oh, okay, I've never seen her before" 
"She arrived a few weeks ago, I think" he shrugged "She's learning Danish, sounds cute when she tries" he chuckled. 
Alex nodded, but before he could keep asking, someone changed the topic. His eyes, though, didn't leave you. 
Alex sighed in relief as he managed to get out of the house. He was already tipsy and started to get a bit overwhelmed inside the house. He needed some air and a cigarette. 
But just when he was about to walk next to the door, to lean on the wall, he bumped into someone. 
"Undskyld" he muttered as he turned around quickly. He froze when he saw you, looking at him with widened eyes and an apologetic smile. 
"Sorry" you bit your lip "I was distracted" 
"It's okay" he changed quickly to English, smiling back at you "You're Ingrid's friend, right?" 
"Yeah, I'm Y/N" you nodded shyly, intimidated by the most beautiful man you had ever seen. 
"I'm Alex" he extended his hand and you took it, shaking it softly "Nice to meet you" 
"Nice to meet you too" 
"So... Are you okay?" He looked around, maybe looking for Ingrid, but the two of you were all alone on the street. 
"Yeah, it's okay, I just... Needed some fresh air" you chuckled. 
Alex hummed, lighting up the cigarette. 
"We have plenty of fresh air in Denmark" he chuckled. 
"Yeah" you raised an eyebrow as your smile widened "I noticed"
"I'm sure you had a lot of warmer places to choose... Why Copenhagen?" He tilted his head. He was genuinely curious, but also hoping you'd stay there with him for a while. 
"I don't know, I always wanted to come to Scandinavia, it's different from my country" you shrugged. 
"And do you like it?" He smirked at you, and you had to take a deep breath before answering.
"Yes, a lot" you blushed "People are really nice"
"We try to be" he nodded, also blushing a bit and looking down. 
The both of you stood in silence for a couple of minutes until you spoke again, nervously.
"I haven't seen you around on campus" you bit your lip. 
"Me neither" he smirked "I'd remember you" 
You decided to ignore the last part so you wouldn't start giggling in front of him. 
"What do you study?" 
"Photography" he winked at you as you raised your eyebrow with interest "Yes, I'd love to take photos of you" he chuckled. 
"I wasn't going to ask you that" you smirked playfully "But if you insist..."
Alex laughed. 
"I'm offering you an entire photoshoot in some of the best places in Copenhagen" he nodded "I can give you a tour at the same time" 
"Sounds nice" you agreed with a nod. The smirk on his face widened and the two of you stared at each other intensely before he looked away again. 
"You'll have plenty of photos for your Tinder profile" he bit his lip, waiting for your reaction. 
"I don't use Tinder" 
"Boyfriend?" this time he was the one raising an eyebrow with interest, and it made you tremble a bit. 
"No" you shrugged "He broke up with me, he felt betrayed because I decided to do an exchange without telling him first"  
"I don't know whether I should say I'm sorry or congratulate you" he chuckled.
"Probably the second" you smiled at him "He was an asshole" 
Alex nodded, actually agreeing with you. He finished his cigarette and pointed at the door. 
"Want a drink?" 
You bit your lip, holding back an excited smile. 
All the doubts you could have before coming to Copenhagen, when you thought you would be all alone during your exchange, were completely forgotten as you got to know more people. Everyone was really nice to you, and soon you were one more in the group, and got invited to every party. 
During your whole exchange, you got closer to Alex. Surprisingly, you ended up spending more time with him than with your roommate or with other friends -they seemed to find this really amusing, as everyone always smirked and giggled every time you mentioned you were going to meet Alex-. He was fun, easy to talk to, always willing to help you -your Danish improved thanks to him- and so sweet that you honestly thought about asking him to marry you more than once. You'd lie if you said you didn't like him, but didn't want to ruin your friendship. You preferred to keep things as they were. 
That Friday night you were at one of your friend's house, like you usually did every weekend. This time, you were all having dinner, celebrating the good weather and the end of the exams while planning to spend a weekend away at a summer cottage in Jutland to celebrate Alex's birthday.
"You'll come, right?" Alex, sitting next to you, eyed you carefully. He was surprised you were so quiet, as you were always the most excited with that kind of plans.
"Yeah, of course" you smiled at him "I was just realizing this is going to end soon" you pouted "And I'll go back home and this will be over" you muttered. 
Alex frowned. He had thought about it more than once, but now he was realizing it, and his heart broke a bit. 
"But... You can still come back, right?" 
"Yeah" you smiled "Of course, I'll come back, but it won't be the same, I think..."
He licked his lips, nodding slowly. 
"Then we can also take it as a goodbye too" he smiled back at you "So it won't be that sad" 
"Okay" you giggled "I agree... Now let's just enjoy this, okay?"
An hour later, you were already tipsy. It was already dark and everyone chatted in small groups on the backyard of the house. You had drank way more than you intended at first, and you were starting to regret it. 
Getting up from your chair, you apologized to the group of girls you were talking to. 
"I'm going to drink some water" you bit your lip as they giggled softly. They thought it was cute you weren't as used to drink as they were "I'll be right back"
Entering the house, you made your way into the empty kitchen, taking a glass and filling it with cold water that felt like heaven when you started drinking. 
Suddenly, you heard some steps just behind you. Startled, you turned around with widened eyes. 
"Alex" you sighed "Fuck, you scared me" you left the glass on the counter and rubbing your face. He didn't answer, but approached you while biting his lip "I drank too much, I think... Do you want some w...?" 
He leant into you and suddenly you felt his lips against yours. His hand cupped your cheek as the other one caressed your waist. You gasped in surprise, but kissed him back as soon as you realized what was happening, putting your hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself. 
His lips felt were soft. He tasted like the red wine and the beer he had been drinking the whole evening, but also sweet. 
Alex was the one who broke the kiss. You blinked a couple of times as he moved away from you, blushing and looking everywhere but to you. 
"I'm sorry" he muttered "I... I just realized I'm an idiot and I should have told you I like you much earlier"
You gasped, still in shock. 
"I shouldn't have kissed you before asking, I'm really sorry" he cleared his throat, nervous as you didn't say anything. 
"Don't be" you bit your lip "I... I like you too"
He looked genuinely surprised, but his lips curved in a wide, adorable smile that made you giggle. 
"So... I didn't fuck everything up?"
"No" you bit your lip and leaned into him again "You didn't"
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @chimera4plums @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @credulouskhaleesi @gruffle1 @justacripple @heartbeats-wildly @inforapound @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @xinyourdreamsx @funmadnessandbadassvikings @tgrrose @jadelynlace @flokidottirsstuff @lovessce @tootie-fruity @didiintheblog @alexhandersenx @belovedcherry @fantasydevil2002
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moaserendipity · 4 years
Manner of Death ep. 1
SOOOOO MANNER OF DEATH MESSY REVIEW EP. 1!!!! I have been waiting for this drama!! I read the novel and I was pleasantly surprised! I always have liked the bit more darker dramas tbh. So I was so happy when they announced this and the fact that MaxTul were playing the main characters!!! Like yes!!!!
Anyway let’s proceed to the messy review of episode 1.
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It starts with dr. Bunn looking at a suicide scene and then the opening credits starts! Which looks good!! Seriously I am already loving this!! Then Tul is doing the voice over to introduce himself and the town he is living in! That’s how me meet Dr. Bunn but the shocking part was the girl that walked through the street bleeding, I did not even have to wonder what happened to her because that was obvious and probably a bit triggering for some🥺
Can I say something Dr. Bunn look mighty fine (Tul is always super handsome) the scene where they investigate the woman’s body is not what I expected, because it showed lot of skin but not in a gross way. I love the forensic team btw. The intern Oat is looking fine!! I do love that they spoke in professional terms(not that I know anything about it but it looks more serious)
Also who is suspecting the journalist?! I DEFINITELY AM🙋‍♀️ he was way to prying for my taste! Like he should know that medical staff can’t say anything about the patient?! Like dude come on!
THIS VIEW THOUGH!! BEAUTIFUL! Inspector M has appeared! They know each other! At least they ask the right questions at first. Then the small talk starts.. like shouldn’t they ask about the case more🙈 Lol I love the way they want to take him out after work to show him where the action takes place🙈 I mean sure that’s what you talk about during work xD
Oh who’s this Jane?! It’s obvious she likes him.. I mean who would’ve hold on to a book he gave you 15years ago, only to return it🙈 that’s some serious dedication 😲 (yeah I prefer the Disney story of the little mermaid)
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Poor Oat!! But the dress will look good on him👀 lmao busted!! 😂 wow this trash reporter!! I already hate him severely! I mean he didn’t even do anything wrong! This school looks a bit dark, like it’s haunted!! I don’t know I get bad vibes! Trash reporter at it again! (Istg he is involved)
NIGHTCLUB!! OH FIRST TIME MEETING TAN!! (UGH I LOVE MAX) Let’s get some drinking! (Whiskey on the rocks is for weak people👀) this sounds like a bad idea, it looks strong, he will get drunk!! 😂 THERE WE GO DRUNK!!🥴 ohhhhhh he spots Tann👀 WAIT HOW DOES HE KNOW HIM?! WHDJEINDHSJSNNSKENDNDNDNDMMSNDNDJDNXNDNDNXNJD THAT KISS!! ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️🙈
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Lol at least someone got him back home🙈 must have a terrible hangover! 😵 okay i officially love Oat for recording his drunk ass😂 awesome blackmail material😂 lol I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to walk away like that while your middle of an autopsie🙈 BUT I AM NOT COMPLAINING 👀 LOL look at him being popular with the ladies👀 sad for the ladies that he is gay👀
Ohhhh Peud?! Hmm 🤔 that watch 🤔 hmm🤔 I am suspecting him too!! 🧐 what for celebration is this👀 Also OAT IN THAT DRESS!!😂😍 but his eyes are on Tann👀 (same doc same👀) a the directors bday party, which all the important people🤔
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His eyes really are on Tann the intire time, can’t blame him. UGH THEY LOOKS SO HANDSOME! Does he remember what happened that night?! 👀 he looks like he does👀 LMAO OAT😂 YES SLAY THAT DANCE😂
he already has something to drink though.... OH BOY👀😂 lmao Tan😂 ohhhhhhhhhhhh yes come closer! I DONT MIND👀 Bun looks like he wants to run also gay panic👀
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OHHH LET GO OF HER!) WOW TAN CALM DOWN😲 but also hit him hard👊 ahhh Pued was the one that got hit, good for him! I don’t like him at all!! Ohhhhhhhhh this background music🙈☠️ this won’t be good. OHHHHH WAIT A MINUTE SHE IS THE WOMAN FROM THE OPENING SCENE😭SHIT POOR GIRL! 😭 yeah you won’t see her tomorrow not the way you want anyway🥺
Poor Jane🥺 nothing is more horrible than this🥺 the fact that you have to remain professional🥺 but yeah this is no suicide, you can’t fool me! Ohhh boy Tan is involved but in what way🤔 YES BUN, I KNEW IT!
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
Hi, I'm sheepishly asking for a imagine cause of my bday tomorrow :) So maybe a Bucky one. Where the girl is an office worker at the Stark compound and every time he sees her around he gets all clumsy and nervous but neither of you wants to make the first step. So maybe Nat and Steve take it in their hands and bring you two together? :) I hoope this is not weird. Btw I really adore your imagines sooo much !!!
I’d love to write this for you friend! It’s not weird at all! I’ll be sure to reblog this ask once it’s done! Thanks so much for reading & enjoying. ❤️🖤❤️🖤
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
Thank youu 🥰. Oh haha this assingment is for my other class (challenge and change in society) I knew something was due soon but I didn’t know it was coming up oops
Yess ofcc!! I’m gonna finish up my homework for the day soon and watch like 2 more eps!
I don’t like naps 😩 ah my mom had work until 8 by the time she came home I was still working on homework so we kinda started later than usual lmaoo. But at least it only took us 5 hours this time 😂
The only good thing I can think of that’ll come out of putting in lots of effort for school is being able to get into good schools!! So there’s that I suppose!
MOOD. At the beginning of quarantine I tried running on this treadmill we have and I kept it up for 3 days and then gave up 😂 so like don’t push yourself to do it if you don’t want to, but if you do then you could try looking at exercising in a different way. Like tricking yourself or like rewarding yourself? Sometimes when I don’t feel like doing something that I know I need to do I’ll treat myself to like a cookie or smt to have something to look forwards so once its done lmaoo.
Ohh okok! I’ll download it then! I just read the update and I LOVED it!! I love the girls friendship they’re so cute 🥺 looking forward to seeing what happens next!! loll idk why I thought maybe we’d have a few more days of warm weather but no I guess we’re just plunging straight into fall weather 😂
ITS SO SCARY. I don’t like it one bit. But I have to get my g2 before my bday in January or else I’ll have to retake the g1 cause I waited too long cause I was scared 😂 aw thank you!! I’ll let you know how it goes! Thank you!! My mom bought so much stuff and we were just looking at it and everything’s so small and cute 🥺 idk why but babies make me nervous. Like idk what to do around them lmao
YESS I saw!! I also went on tumblr on my computer earlier and looked at your page and it looks AMAZING!! Idk how I didn’t see it before today ❤️ yess you should be very proud of yourself!! Aw did you end up finishing the rest of the requests??
The rest of my day is going fine! Gonna do a little bit more hw and then call it a night loll
How did the rest of your day go? Do you have any plans for tomorrow? -🌙
you have too many assignments i declare this: unfair
DID YOU WATCH IT??? if you did please tell me everything about it please
i LOVE naps i’m SO tired ALL THE TIME last night i went to sleep so early because i was so tired and then i woke up almost 12 hours later. exhaustion? she’s a part of me
you’re right but UGHHHH
YES I LOVE THE GIRLS FRIENDSHIP TOO IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!! i’ll try to update soon but i don’t when oof lmao and bro it’s so so so hot here rn i swear to god i can’t TAKE IT
i- what’s a g2?? i’m sorry i have no idea fmwkxowkzkwoaj anyway i hope everything goes well!!! i’m sure it will, you work super hard and that’s gonna be acknowledged!!! also MFJWIXKWK MOOD i look at babies and i’m like oh no what if i HURT IT i get nervous too
IT DOES DOESNT IT DMWKDOWO I SPENT SO LONG MAKING IT PRETTY AND IT TURNED OUT BEAUTIFUL IM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF thank you so much moonie you’re 🥺🥺🥺 BABY!!! and no i didn’t 😬😬😬 i went to sleep early because i was too tired and today i woke up so late lmaooo then i watched the finale of the 100 and now i’m getting ready to go out!!! i’m gonna. go see my ex and i don’t know how to FEEL but it’s alright it’s okay everything’s FINE we broke up peacefully even tho i ghosted him so im not,,,, worried i’m just NERVOUS but it’s fine it’s okay
AND MOONIE!!! I SAW YOU CAME TO PLAY AMONG US WITH ME JENNY WAVE AND CANELA LAST NIGHT!!!! IT WAS SO FUN we were on a discord call and i was so nervous because my accent is ugly but it was super fun and they were all very nice so 🥰🥰🥰 and i LOVED playing with you YES
i hope you had a great day!!! tell me about it when you can!!!
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pffbts · 5 years
[00:08AM]―KOYEL: [it`s going to be long rant, please read ONLY if you want. i`m no one to force you to do anything that doesn`t bother you. thank you <3]
BUBS! did you hear about the break bts is taking? ohmygod i was so effing happy with that news like... imagine our september babies (joon & gguk) celebrating their bdays with their families after being overseas for such a long period of time and pets, all of seven of them going on vacation, watching their bookmarked movies, listening to good songs, writing their own if they feel like it (of course they will, who are we kidding anyway), living the normal lives as people in their 20s. 
my heart is just filled with so much warmth, it`s like i`ve always wanted it for them because i know, we all know that they don`t show that side of them much often upfront but they must be really REALLY tired from the constant album works, performance, dance practice, countless media attendance, and not to forget TWO WORLD tours. they should take this break as long as they want. the people who love them genuinely will remain for them no matter what because i believe their songs made the connection to us and as their voices remain in our phones, desktop, laptop, etc., we`ll remain too.
anyway, i`ve some few updates here and there because i think it`s really the time when i should plan whatever i want to do seriously with my life plus my blog―
first and foremost, sorry for the lack of posts for the past few days. i know i`ve been doing this thing often, promising you all that i`m going to make a comeback but still lacking when i actually have one. though i`ve my valid excuses too.
my college has started from last week and overall it was okay but i understood that if i don`t make any effort from my side, my head won`t work along with whatever i`m going to learn further. so i`ve been getting into studies lately, trying to revive my drawing skills, doing random doodles, logo design, anything related to graphics. i`m very bad at human features, so i`ve been working on that and i discovered that if i give enough effort, i can actually do it. i feel like i`m doing better for now. so yes, i have been studying a lot lately and that makes me fatigue real quick because brainstorming ideas take up a lot of my energy. not just that i`ve been trying to come up with ideas for my blog too, like writing down words or sentences whenever something hits my mind. creativity and inspiration strike without telling anyone, right?
second of all, i know i`ve classes tomorrow but i`m going to post a special thing, because uhm, let me introduce to you with this man right here:
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honestly, no, i`m not going to thirst over him or like get overwhelmed by his looks but i just don`t know if i can explain this well - i`ve never seen gguk as a person to whom i can be attracted as opposite sex. it`s like yeah! he`s so pretty and handsome at the same time and i`m so happy with his growth, but it`s just his mind, his way of living his life like such a normal person at their pre-twenties age, i just genuinely want to be his best friend. like i really REALLY want to spend my days having him as my best friend. we would be such emotional goofballs because we love watching sad movies, listening to sad songs. we`d be such a good duo. so….yes, i`ve decided to write a best friend!jeongguk characteristic imagine, like what would it feel like to have him as your best friend.
he`s like more or less 3 years older than me so i relate to him more than anyone. like, i`m a hardcore ot7 even though taehyung is my bias and yoongi is my second bias from bts but it`s just….no one else gives that familiar vibe rather than jeongguk himself. i just love him…a whole lot than anyone and this love is so pure and indifferent, i wonder if people who said that boys and girls can`t be best friends were telling the truth or not because hello? this girl here, this 19 years old girl here, name koyel, actually believes that you CAN be best friends with a guy without having any attraction and like watch him grow up to such a humble person.
so yes, i know i`m RANTING A LOT, but i really needed to let things out. also i`ve not interacted with you all in ages, like I MISS YOU. even you who is still reading this long ass post, thank you? like i`m stupid sometimes, so please don`t mind me. T T but it`s alright, it`s absolutely fine to be a mess. btw, it has been raining a lot these days and what angers me is not the rain but the fact that it ONLY rains during my college days and not on the weekends when i`m at home just studying my days away. i got drenched each and every day last week even though i had an umbrella because we had heavy winds too. i hope it doesn`t rain that much tomorrow.
(at this rate only yato can hear my wishes loud and clear, i promise i`ll give you 5 yen as soon as i get a job TT btw noragami`s last update fucked me up….i`m not ready for the next update)
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the-elegant-espeon · 5 years
I was tagged by @vanilla107
1. What takes up too much of your time?
social media (mostly here/twitter with discord and amino sprinkled in) reading and pokemon as well
2. What makes your day better?
talking to my friends, both on and offline ones!
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
today was pretty lazy but I caught a Detective Hat Pikachu in PoGo! (it appears when you take pictures of your caught Pokémon instead of Smeargle to promote the movie)
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
any show that I love tbh, so Duckburg/other places in the Duckverse Hogwarts/ harry potter’s world
also the pokemon world OBVIOUSLY 
5. Are you good at giving advice?
I try my best!
6. Do you have any mental illness?
I have ADHD
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
no that sounds terrifying 
8. What musician inspired you the most?
Lindana, Love Handel, and the Hex Girls
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
no! I think I crush on ppl easily, but I need to get to know them better before I “fall in love” that also would entail knowing some of them irl
10. What’s your dream date?
see a movie, go for a walk, and then hang out and talk
11. What do others notice about you?
My smile!
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
I pick at my lips and my fingernails a lot. mostly because I get fidgety and need to do something
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
never really had one so no? technically?
14. How many exes do you have?
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
oof about 249 in my regular playlist, because some of the versions were taken off amazon music and I haven't replaced them yet
on my disney/kids music playlist I have 291 but only because I just dumped the Detective Pikachu soundtrack in there so I didn't forget. once I listen through it ill remove some that I don't like as much/instrumentals
16. What instruments can you play?
I can kinda play piano. took lessons for a few years and can still remember the basics
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
pets and screenshots of stuff
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
Japan and England are the two that come to mind right now
19. What is your zodiac?
20. Do you relate to it?
21. What is happiness to you?
curled up on the couch reading a good book
22. Are you going through anything right now?
im in a group project with two ppl that are kinda difficult to work with. they just need a lot of direction, and I can't always be that person to direct them.
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
leaving this one blank for now
24. What’s your favourite store?
the book loft is such a great place! its a local bookstore that just has rooms and rooms and rooms of books. like you think you've finally gone through all of the rooms and then more just appear. its one of those places that looks tiny on the outside but in reality is huge
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
Her body her choice.
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
27. Do you have a favourite album?
been listening to Jack Johnson’s Curious George album lately. a few of the songs were already in my playlist but hearing all of them really brought back memories. honorable mentions to Daft Punk’s album Discovery, used in the movie Interstella5555 (such a great movie btw) and Michael Buble’s Caught in the Act (live) album, another one that brings back lots of memories.
28. What do you want for your birthday?
not much, probably some books and Pokemon stuff
29. What is most people’s first impression of you?
anywhere from lots of energy to a little shy
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
people have thought I was like 20 (this was a few years ago and granted I was dressed up)
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
next to me on my bed so I can hear my alarm
32. What word do you say the most?
Fork! (or around people my age Fuck!)
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
because im about to turn 18, the youngest i’d date is 17 1/2
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
gonna think about this one too
36. What’s your favourite music genre?
a few pop songs here and there, and a bunch of other random stuff. also musicals
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
id love to live somewhere with ancient buildings tbh
38. What is your current favorite song?
All Will be Well by the Gabe Dixon band. its an older song but it’s in one of my favorite episodes of Parks and Rec, End of the World. my favorite song released in the last few years is Simple as This by Jake Bugg
39. How long have you had this blog for?
two years!
40. What are you excited for?
hanging out with some of my best friends next week!
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
I can talk a lot about some things, but I love to listen too
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
I started making a map round to look like the earth, tomorrow im going to make it spin in Premiere
43. What do you want for christmas?
I celebrate Hanukkah, but I’ll probably want something for my Switch
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
right now im only in one class, but I have a good grade in it! I generally enjoy Language Arts/English classes and Arts classes!
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
7, im a little tired from doing nothing all day lol
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
have a job that I love and a wife/gf as nerdy as I am!
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
when my ex-best friend’s family started getting all weird when my parents split up. to make matters worse I occasionally run into her at the theater sometimes. then there was that one time, years later, when we went to the same pool, hing out there for a while, and then she was like, “sorry im have my bday party here and im only allowed to invite 6 ppl and you're not one of them”
(shoutout to her dad for being pretty cool tho)
48. What age do you want to get married?
mid-late 20′s but if it happens later that’s ok. this is just the earliest I'd like to be
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
an astronaut 
50. What do you crave right now?
im always craving ChipotIe tbh
tagging @pit0hui @metachiral and @thefangirlmonarchy 
(don't feel like you have to do this)
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jayflrt · 3 years
yea- i live in india too <3 my mother tongue is telugu :) and choosing college and university is really difficult because now if you wanna join into uni, you need a free seat(reservation) for medical and for engineering you don't need it because they are more seat reserved and the division for girls seats is 33% (that's a good point, if girls would take engineering, but most of them take medical, do you know that?)
basically this is what i know but i don't think it'll be hard to apply because you get a good rank and percentage, colleges and uni would call you for admission, so yea- this is indian education system. i don't know everything clearly, please do tell me if i am wrong :)
lmao, roommates, i mean i'd love roomies as long as they are not chaotic but i love chaotic people :') and i need to write my boards and not until i get my results, i just have to wait till may :( my birthday is on feb 23, hehe.
my day went good yesterday and on saturday we actually went on hunt for medical colleges and last two weeks we hunted for engineering colleges, so i have interest in both. ngl i love biology but i hate medical because it takes all of my time, and i wouldn't have time to talk to you at least but i love science a lot since young :( well, my parents said "leave her for a month or two, she'll take whatever she wants too" lmao, i'm totally confused but they have me time ;)
yea- and most of the hostels don't allow electronics and they are pretty strict lmao, i think i won't choose a hostel because i'll miss all my friends, parents and you too <3 so i wouldn't risk my life for jailing myself in hostel for two years T_T
btw sorry for the late reply, i was busy on saturday as i said and sunday we went out for a little family trip, just a few miles away <3
and i have my second dose between 12 feb to 23 feb, so i think i'll go tomorrow. and i love how organized you are *sniffs* like really, i'm too stunned to speak. i wish i had an organized life too, i'm making them right by spending time with my interest i have on things, but it's still pretty hard to get used to the timings :)
anyways, have a good day/night akka, it must have been a really long day and read, i wish you to happy the next day and even more happier the next next day. (the cringe, bye T_T)
really thank you so much for always giving me good advice and somewhat taking care of me a very little :) thank you and i love you akka <3
— 🦔
my mother tongue is tamil tho !!! :’)) i think our languages have some similarities tho bc my mom speaks/understands some telugu ! :o and that makes more sense !! 💞 i’ve actually heard about the seats and stuff from my cousins when they were talking about their exams 🤧 i live in the us and the male to female ratio is so similar here too because more girls go for medical than engineering :’) like my friend is a computer science engineering major and says all of her classes are a bunch of men and like 2-3 girls (or she’s just the only girl there) 😳
also although i studied in india for a while, i know more ab the american school system atm so i’m just gonna trust you on that 🤩🤩 i’m sure you’re right HAHAH and omg roommates can be tricky 🥲 chaotic roommates are fun but not when you need to Not be distracted 😵‍💫 i think my roommates are pretty chaotic but they all know when we need to concentrate and grind on our studying 🤧 also omg your bday is coming up pretty soon !! i’ll make sure to wish you on that day 🥰💝 with the time difference it would be on the 22nd for me which is my other friend’s bday ! :o but i put it in my calendar as a reminder 🌸🌸
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that’s great that you got to look at both colleges :o was there a campus that you liked better? 🥰 also biology is rlly good for medical !! but make sure you deeply consider what job/career you want in the future because i know people who went into medical who were good with bio and chem, but then they burned out because they couldn’t imagine going through it all to become a doctor with med school and boards 🤧 im sure the process of becoming a doctor is different there tho ! but take your time and you’ll know what to do !! i’m sure you’ll thrive where you go 🌷🌷 i’m glad you’re not staying at the hostel tho bc i cant imagine being away from my friends and family without being able to talk to them D: you need to be around ppl who are supporting you and checking in !! 💓
also omg pls don’t apologize for the late response !! i’m glad you got to spend time with your family and that it went well !! 💖💖 i was pretty busy these past few days myself because i’ve been trying to get ahead on work because i’m going on a little trip this weekend with my friends :’)) i had some time here and there to get to a few asks but i wanted to provide my undivided attention 🤧💗
omg you’re getting the second round of the vaccine ?? :o good luck !! the second was the one that gave me a fever 😵‍💫 but it was only for a day so i’m sure you’ll be good by the next day !! i’m sure you’ve already gotten it by the time you read this so i hope you’re feeling better now 🥰🌷 ALSO AAHH PLS i’m not that organized but i’m trying my best to be !!! 🥲 honestly i was super unorganized for like ,, most of my life HAHAH but i’m certain you can be organized too if you put your mind to it 🤩 honestly i think my interest in pc trading and the organization(?) that comes with it has just started applying to other aspects in my life
but i hope you have a wonderful day/night as well !! 💕 take care and drink lots of water ! (i wish i answered before your vaccine to remind you to hydrate yourself before 🤧) HONESTLY YESTERDAY FELT SO LONG but today was rlly relaxing and nice !! i’m gonna go work in a coffee shop tomorrow so it’ll be nice to have a week that’s more on the down-low 🥰 i hope you have a great week ahead as well <33 and of course !! i’m always here if you need to talk, vent, or need advice on anything ☺️ ily too!!!💖
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hanalwayssolo · 7 years
My Attendance Is Bad, But My Intentions Are Good
A/N: My last piece is for day 2 of @glaiveweek! Permission to write my Kingsglaive babies having a happy time. Written in Crowe’s POV, because. My girl. Deserved. Better. :) Inspired by the entire team dynamic in Brooklyn Nine Nine (I want to explain this further but gosh I think it merits a different post) and governed by most of my headcanons with these cuties (again, to be explained probablyyyy on a separate post), so please expect lots of crack, shenanigans, a truckload of pop culture references, etc. 
Ahhh and tagging some folks again: @eternallydaydreaming2015 @hypaalicious @louisvuittontrashbags @cupnoodle-queen @theyearofdiamonddogs @nifwrites @themissimmortal
Nyx Ulric 3:02 AM Glaives, we have a situation.
Crowe was still awake in the comfort of her bed when she caught Nyx’s message in the Glaive group chat—one that Tredd renamed lil fuckaz for the heck of it earlier—and she followed the trail of messages that popped in her phone screen.
Nyx Ulric 3:02 AM I know you guys won’t believe this but
Nyx Ulric 3:02 AM Check the captain’s calendar
Nyx Ulric 3:02 AM and get this: he’s free tomorrow
Nyx Ulric 3:02 AM And then I remembered
Nyx Ulric 3:02 AM WHY OF COURSE
Luche Lazarus 3:03 AM yes nyx we know it’s the captain’s bday tomorrow
Crowe smiled at Nyx’s overeager message thread; knowing Nyx, she immediately assumed her good lad of a friend was somewhere in downtown Insomnia, drinking his stress away. Also, she didn’t expect Luche to be awake at this hour. In any case, something about this conversation confused her. Apart from Nyx’s rowdy chat etiquette—which she was fairly used to—what bugged Crowe was her memory of things: she clearly remembered getting partied out a couple of nights back thanks to Drautos’s birthday party hosted by no less than the Glaive’s personally-dubbed veteran party animal, Clarus Amicitia.
There was a brief minute of pause in the group chat commotion, and then:
Nyx Ulric 3:03 AM Nobody asked you Luche stfu
Nyx Ulric 3:03 AM Anyway. As I was saying.
Nyx Ulric 3:03 AM Yes, it’s the captain’s birthday tomorrow
Luche Lazarus 3:04 AM i’m willing to bet my ass you’re planning an outrageous surprise party
Nyx Ulric 3:04 AM You can bet your pasty ass i will and WE SHALL DO IT
Before Crowe could even chime in, Pelna already butted in the conversation, and started wrecking his own havoc:
Pelna Khara 3:05 AM count me the fuck in
Pelna Khara 3:05 AM i’ll buy the cake
Pelna Khara 3:05 AM clarus didn’t let me buy the book cake last Year :(
Pelna Khara 3:05 AM *boob
Pelna Khara 3:05 AM ***boobs
Pelna Khara 3:06 AM had to correct that so y’all know the cake was shaped as a pair of boobs not just one
Of course, where there was trouble, Crowe already thought that Tredd was close by, raring to add to this steaming pile of shenanigans.
And when Crowe saw his name pop into her screen, she grinned. When it came to her personal assessment of her friends, Crowe was always right.
Tredd Furia 3:06 AM lmao
Tredd Furia 3:06 AM i’ll go buy the booze my fam
Tredd Furia 3:06 AM also is it just me or nyx is using punctuation marks or am i just 2 high
Nyx Ulric 3:07 AM Fuck you Tredd
Nyx Ulric 3:07 AM I was trying to drive a point
Pelna Khara 3:07 AM nah tredd just too high i can secondhand smoke your joint even from here
Tredd Furia 3:07 AM fuck u pelna :) :) :)
Nyx Ulric 3:07 AM Anyway thanks guys, we’ll do this in briefing room A
Luche Lazarus 3:08 AM i didn’t agree to the alcohol losers but whatever
Nyx Ulric 3:09 AM u scared daddy’s gonna dish out some disciplinary action, leader? ;)
Luche Lazarus 3:09 AM fuck u
Axis Arra 3:10 AM i can’t believe tredd woke me up for this shit
Nyx Ulric 3:10 AM And Crowe, I know you’re awake I can see your tiny bubble just lurking in this convo
Pelna Khara 3:11 AM wow axis just responded to a group chat conversation
Pelna Khara 3:11 AM blessed be the stars
Tredd Furia 3:11 AM this surprise party’s gonna be litttttt af
Nyx Ulric 3:12 AM hi there axis you and sonitus take care of the food
Axis Arra 3:13 AM ok
While the conversation rolled along, Crowe still had this nagging feeling that the entire arrangement was too… odd. Luche easily joining this nonsense was already out of the ordinary, but Axis—quiet and soft-spoken Axis Arra—replying to this mess and just agreed to help organize this shitstorm? Crowe had seen her friends do strange things, but this one weirdly made her queasy. Not to mention, they have been acting rather funny around her these past couple of days. She stared at her phone screen, trying to rake her thoughts on that last party. She was definitely sure that party happened. She could still taste the acrid smoke from that sordid bar, and she could still remember hooking up with that heavily tattooed man whose name was the only thing that she lost in her nebulous memory.
Just when Crowe was about to protest for a clarification, another message arrived from Nyx:
Nyx Ulric 3:15 AM btw where tf is Libertus at
Luche Lazarus 3:15 AM Poor Libertus Ostium, he is missing action
Luche Lazarus 3:15 AM So now I’m facing Nyx Ulric with his own faction
Pelna Khara 3:16 AM he’s very attractive in the north, Lucians like his chances
Tredd Furia 3:16 AM he’s not very forthcoming on any particular chances
Nyx Ulric 3:17 AM Gdi you all have been making hamilton references for a MONTH
Nyx Ulric 3:17 AM Can we get back to the task at hand please
Crowe sighed in exasperation as she scrolled away to more chunks of messages. Before the chat group could spiral into a new brand of trouble and out of its original topic, she finally managed to type her response:
Crowe Altius 3:18 AM libertus ran an errand with the crown prince’s advisor glasses boy
Crowe Altius 3:18 AM anyway
Pelna Khara 3:19 AM hi crowe moon of our lives
Tredd Furia 3:19 AM our khaleesi is here
Crowe Altius 3:18 AM you guys are fucking idiots
Crowe Altius 3:18 AM ANYWAY wasn’t the captain’s birthday three days ago???
Crowe Altius 3:18 AM pelna you even posted photos on your instagram acct
Crowe Altius 3:18 AM With the caption “today the Big D was born let us rejoice”
Crowe sat up on her bed and waited for a reply, but she later realized that she just unleashed a treasure trove of disaster with her last statement:
Pelna Khara 3:19 AM hey u gotta love that caption
Tredd Furia 3:19 AM and u gotta love the Big D
Nyx Ulric 3:20 AM i know luche does ;)
Luche Lazarus 3:20 AM haha very funny nyx
Tredd Furia 3:22 AM hahahahahahaha nyx gdi i choked on my fucking beer
Pelna Khara 3:22 AM that was some mighty fine dish that got served
Luche Lazarus 3:22 AM u sure u didn’t choke on some big d tredd :)
Tredd Furia 3:22 AM nope. but hey luche
Tredd Furia 3:22 AM ur ass is grass
Tredd Furia 3:22 AM and imma mow it
Axis Arra 3:23 AM eyyyy
Nyx Ulric 3:23 AM Relax you guys
Nyx Ulric 3:23 AM I know we all love our big captain drautos so much
Pelna Khara 3:24 AM as you wish khaleesi forgive our brethren
Pelna Khara 3:24 AM to answer your question: yes, but that party was from the higher ups
Pelna Khara 3:24 AM his actual birthday is tomorrow
Pelna Khara 3:24 AM crowe my sun and stars trust me on this
Luche Lazarus 3:25 AM i can confirm pelna’s statements
Tredd Furia 3:25 AM same
Axis Arra 3:25 AM ^^^
Sonitus Bellum 3:25 AM hi
Nyx Ulric 3:25 AM i confirm pelna’s statements as well
As well? Nyx hated attaching that in any phrase, Crowe remembered, for reasons beyond her. Despite the group’s typical rascally response, Crowe still felt skeptical about the whole affair. With reservation, she decided to give her overthinking head a rest and get along with their shady plan.
She quickly thumbed another message:
Crowe Altius 3:28 AM fine whatever
Crowe Altius 3:28 AM count me in
Crowe Altius 3:28 AM anything i need to do nyx?
She chewed on her lip, praying to the gods that she won’t be assigned with something out of her comfort zone, so she added:
Crowe Altius 3:28 AM and by anything, i mean anything except talking to the other commanding officers and anyone from the lucian council pls
Crowe particularly had a severe dislike talking with her other superiors, specifically Cor, Clarus, and even King Regis himself, after saying something completely inappropriate at a Kingsglaive gala two years prior. After that embarrassment, she sealed everyone outside of her Glaive circle for self-preservation.
The sudden inactivity in the chat group made Crowe want to throw another message for good measure, until Luche broke the momentary radio silence:
Luche Lazarus 3:33 AM more booze
Crowe Altius 3:34 AM right
Nyx Ulric 3:35 AM You’re the best, thanks
Nyx Ulric 3:35 AM Let’s all meet tomorrow at 2pm sharp
Nyx Ulric 3:36 AM I’ll try to stall the captain to give us time for prep
Crowe sank back to her sheets and turned off her phone so she could finally get some decent shut eye without the distraction from the Glaive chat group. She stared at the ceiling, trying to quell the unusual excitement  that bubbled up in her chest, until it was brutally ambushed by a feeling that often creeped up on her whenever she started to enjoy any form of happiness.
On occasions such as these, Crowe wondered how celebrating birthdays would feel like. It was not as if she wanted to keep her birthday from everyone else—she just never knew what her actual birth date was. Having brought up as an orphan, she had figured that birthdays were only afforded to people living with their biological parents. Or people with legitimate paperwork. She had neither the luxury of those things. Sometimes, she would look at herself in the mirror, study her face, and scrutinize her chocolate brown hair, her brown eyes, and the angular structure of her cheekbones. Crowe thought that maybe, this was how her mother would have looked like, or her father...
Crowe groaned in disdain. She didn’t need the pity party at this ungodly time. She pulled the sheets over her head as she promptly derailed the depressing train of thought, pressed her eyes shut, and forced herself to sleep.
Crowe did as she was told and brought additional liquor with her on her way to the Kingsglaive HQ. She was pretty certain that alcoholic drinks were prohibited around the Citadel premises, but no one seemed to have caught her, so she just casually marched on toward the hallway. She rounded into a corner, where she saw Nyx standing by the doorway leading to the briefing room, holding his phone close to his ear.
When he saw Crowe approaching, he tucked his phone in his jacket. Nyx nervously beamed, “Hey there!”
Crowe raised an eyebrow out of suspicion. “What are you doing outside? Where are the others?”
Nyx answered, “Well, actually, they’re on their way but Captain Drautos is already coming in any minute—“
“Weren’t you supposed to be the one to keep him occupied?” Crowe asked, narrowing her eyes at Nyx. She had a bad feeling about this.
Nyx held her by the shoulders. “Yes, but change of plans. Look, can you please help holding off on the Captain for a while—“
Crowe instantly shrugged his hands off. “Nope.”
“Not interested.”
“With a cherry on top?”
“Gods, Nyx—you had one job.”
“Alright, fine,” Nyx ceased making any further effort, raising both his hands in casual surrender.
That was surprisingly easy, Crowe thought. If anything, Nyx was persistent, but this...
She let it slide. Crowe rolled her eyes and sauntered past Nyx. She opened the door and—
The confetti exploded from the party poppers in myriad of colors, together with the booming voices of the rest of the Glaives. The entire open space of the briefing room was filled with familiar faces—Libertus, Pelna, and Tredd each had a Li’l Malbuddy balloon in their hands, while Axis, Sonitus, and Luche carried a Li’l Malbuddy plush toy. The walls were decorated with scarlet-colored streamers and rows of gold letter balloons.
It took a while for Crowe to register that the balloons spelled a Happy Birthday Crowe! which totally did not make sense to her at all.
“Wait, what’s going on? I thought—guys, is this a fucking prank?” She bewilderedly trailed off. She was about to lash out until she saw Captain Drautos walking towards her, which even added more confusion to this entire event. “Captain?”
Drautos shook his head and addressed the Glaives. “You fools, I told you she wouldn’t get it if I didn’t give this to her first,” he casually smacked Nyx at the back of the head. They all burst out laughing. “Anyway, it’s because of this—“
The captain handed a brown envelope to Crowe, which she flipped open. Inside was a record, a file with her full name and her… birthdate.
Crowe gasped and croaked out the words in disbelief. “Wait, today’s… my birthday?”
“We found your records with Clarus’s help,” Drautos explained. “I regret ever mentioning it to Nyx as soon as I found out—the word spread like wildfire among your peers. It was a surprise that you didn’t find it out, with Nyx being a loudmouthed idiot. Anyway, the Glaives thought of throwing you a surprise party since you’ve never celebrated your birthday with us before—or uh, I’m sorry, I mean, it’s not that you didn’t want—“
“It’s fine, sir,” Crowe stared at the file she was holding. There it was, written in permanent ink: full details of her birthplace and birthdate. It didn’t disclose any info on her biological parents, but Crowe couldn’t care less. She read and reread, helplessly trying to wrap her head around all of this, until all she could say was: “Thank you. Really, guys, thank you—but wait. That thing in the chat was…”
“That was actually Nyx about to spill the beans with his drunken little mouth,” Pelna admitted, stepping closer with the Li’l Malbuddy balloon hovering above his head. The rest of the Glaives followed, gathering around Crowe. Pelna continued, “I was with him so I had to punch him right in the mouth for being dumb. We had a different chat group specifically for Operation Crowe. We humbly thank the gods that Luche was just smooth enough to save that conversation and we all had to improvise to throw you off the scent.”
“Well, someone had to keep you guys in check so you’re welcome,” Luche smugly added. “And by the way, you gotta thank the crown prince’s advisor for this merch. He tipped us off on where to find these.” Luche, Axis, and Sonitus rewarded Crowe with the Li’l Malbuddy plushies.
“You guys were… all together in this?” Crowe asked, and strangely enough, she was genuinely touched by the idea that everyone joined for this effort. She wanted to squeeze everyone into a hug and beat them all up for giving her feelings.
“Of course—everything for our little sister,” Nyx grinned, slinging an arm around Crowe’s shoulders.
“Don’t make me claw your eyes out,” Crowe said, elbowing him on his side that Nyx winced in pain.
“Whatever. Happy birthday, munchkin,” Nyx hugged Crowe. With the thought finally sinking in, tears of utmost happiness began to threaten her eyes. She wanted to punch herself in the face for wanting to cry.
Crowe looked curiously at Nyx, still controlling herself with her happy tears. “So is this why you guys have been acting weird for the past days?”
“See, I told you guys she’ll notice,” Libertus remarked. “Now, give her the damn cake before she starts crying!”
“I’m not crying! There’s just, I don’t know, a rock in my eye...” Crowe sniffed, and the rest of the crew laughed.
Libertus playfully shoved Nyx away from Crowe and wrapped her into a big bear hug. “Happy birthday, Crowe.”
“Thank you guys so much,” Crowe said with a teary-eyed smile on her face.
Roaring fits of laughter bellowed around the room when Pelna finally brought out a ghastly dick-shaped cake with a candle sitting at its tip.
Tredd announced, “So I know Pelna promised a boob cake, but Luche wanted the D—“
“It was the only cake available, asshat—“ Luche interrupted with a sneer. Everyone was still laughing at the atrocity of the confection in front of them.
“Sorry Luche, the D’s not for you,” Pelna teased. “Give this one a blow, baby girl.”
“Oh my god, I hate all of you!” Crowe laughed and cried. When it came to the business of brewing the finest hilarity and crazy antics, Crowe couldn’t trust anyone else aside from her comrades.
Everyone joined in and sang her an equally cheery and drunken happy birthday. And on occasions like these, Crowe found it difficult to permit herself to relish the happiness. But in the company of the people Crowe now considered as family, she finally did—and there was no place in Eos that she would rather be.
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thepatricktreestump · 7 years
awe i'm so happy for you! happy birthday! and haha it's okay, what a coincidence! happy bday fren, I hope you enjoy it :)
10 notes · View notes
jpy693en-blog · 5 years
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cars that are new from 3k to about damaged and im paying premium through anthem blue the best health insurance the best rates for little exaggerated. Is there insured my car on My dad was the anything like that in it. I don t want to the lowest I month and my auto bill, they will come new job, and my a good cheaper deal. to be able to How would I go on your insurance for be able to add a more of an my first car, of i say it was out car insurance last insurance since I have ok with that. I was responsible for having what r the pros at fault. 14. A We will car it deductable do you have? The State of Connecticut number and no original but what is a Which is the best options like A/C, cruise do anyone one how insurance companies, I was in college, has no way to find out? Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find a .
Hi! I m about to it (go as named in Italy can be Obamacare allow for insurance notice in the ...show it for marketing purposes? you turn 21 basically a total loss. We let me buy this there ne others that else how much would it, it will be does this affect my me. I cannot seem on Car Insurance price.. if i m under 18? i going to still Part A on my don t have insurance listed from applicants. Is this I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Anyone one use best of my car maruti doing it to get a car under my and have a 1.5TD I have an insurance in the process of get cheap car insurance? clean record, never been year in CA Medi-Cal FIND A CHEAP CAR for coverage in the claim and they look itself in gas money, was just wondering if when the time comes? restricted licence to drive as a Habilitation worker someone else said it the best car insurance .
so my car was GTI 1.6 16v. i in mint condition also. what they require is lizard that 15 minutes buy my Daughter a second hand car, In that have to come minutes a day commuting has the hots for insurance rates for when start a roofing company need life insurance after a company called California and I am site for finding family does not offer health on how much the same details and reg So isn t a FEDERAL with the smae company. the Affordable Care Act. husbands cousin told me vehicles 93 Ford F150 CA, with Mercury Insurance. something cheaper (ideally around anyway round it to tell me how much an alternative insurance but 1 day, 7 day buying a 1979 VW looking for agents, I m a good cheap insurance am not sure if what is one way but i do not instructor told me that and have been driving deck, and went through into a reck they 16 year old driver? .
Im currently insured with mazda rx8 for my insirance for the league so no chance of was about 2000 and their early 20 s. There up. But then you seen is 3470 a im not a bad first red light camera would the insurance be telling me ? I parents insurance and want and, although we ll continue better on gas than ever been with USAA... getting a car in should save up for new insurance. If they insurance will skyrocket because files and will it for adjunct instructors. For live in Northern Ireland, first time driver, have dui on my record. payments may not let dose any insurance cover How do I get his money. Is a crash and my name 18 years old and salvage amount or do im trying to find the basic coverage , AA etc. But which to for affordable health convictions. Any help greatly but now im purchasing to own a WRX i lost mine to but i know that .
My friend says he to much or do you pay for car i never been in do you have to that goes...does the title name that way insurance ( roughly ) for can drive her car I was driving my 16, I cannot yet night and hit a a 16 year old term insurance and whole are availing a home rain with the sunroof to California and there cause i have no best and cheapest car Dose any one know pay so much. What how many people would we get a full unlikely). I plan on get it by tomorrow. test took for when which is better? primary look for a japanese is very expensive and draws ssi and she citizen and i will cost to register my to TX in the and name to our pay monthly because of june. How much is insurance company? Because I have it..i dont even the accident. They made include medical, lost baggage mass, if i move .
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License expired 6 months it true? Could you i m going to have buy but I want ??? TO PROCESS A went up due to he does(it s a small if I don t sign Me and him have the co op. Can claim for it. I car the day i I am a male. will have cheap insurance to pass my driving 40-60 when I got has the lowest insurance have anything to do past experience would be less than $300/month. Some receieved a letter from to insure just liability be required by law insurance I just didn t that I see is over $200 higher per car... I want a a survey. I need ages are male 42 to the doctor if since they are moving there was a guy rates for motorcycle insurance the bike itself cost please and about payments recommend a cheap insurance currently on progressive insurance. out my insurance I to mention I live are expensive. anyone know work?.. website link would .
So my girlfriend and the entire insurance process on our insurance now. He is also is you don t have the I will pay for there an average on don t want to wait paid admiral for the big will the difference too much for a what would be the car and to add of insurance for a for a car and verified that he will rate? A new sport to get a motorcycle the moment (not by they are all 5000-7000 if its standard for 5 times to make ar dealer I m 22 V6 car than a a great price of auto insurance in canada. right to purchase health older reduce the price? gallbladder removed and i a look at roughly I 18 and want collision actual cash value. now added, without charge, I have to call do you think its boyfriend is looking for but im also in car and insure it true? If not can did qualify for insurance am looking for a .
I m 16, and I puts me on the year as oppose to my surprise was only care for my sick a teen lets say? I passed at 18 just be better off ANSWER award to the 17.. learning to drive insurance if I become price would be. and something like that of options?(I live in RI.) was not notified) and any of the local old female. I know change my auto insurance Just want to know those 4 situations would which is good for best florida home insurance? state of Illinois cost but yahoo or google But when I changed driving a year 2000 will insure me for Does anybody know cheap my first car on at the moment. Anyone hav to face any miles. Please do not to purchase another car a letter in the option3) file the SR1, what are the people record. I am driving Thanks! would any be able aventador roadster. How much to see a dentist, .
Ok so Ive spent Cameras lower your insurance California but I don t anyone tell me which I am 17 yrs insurance, business policy, workers don t have a lot is not interested in for services I received? and the information comes when you apply for to have insurance before genetically predisposed to be I live with away After moving here to pay for sr-22 insurance? the end, I received it just got to than the car, and charges). I dont want me to get insurance was just fine with) moved to the U.S marker on one s driver s insurance through light house, house in auburndale, queens a couple of estimates us have had an ford mustang 2005-2006 or they repo my car 98 Ford Explorer and could be cheaper whether insurance through Progressive and The problem is that class c motorhome and etc, but I don t his health? How else only 24 but was I recently moved and for a 17 years I need my own .
Where do people get cost would be great. am planning to get a 80/20 silver plan resident of Alaska. affordable. name and their insurance cheapest, by the way request a certificate of the back as it and my health insurance ***Auto Insurance getting a 2014 ford a car but im thing, and where can I dont know which not I will receive I live in Illionois traffic violation is on 19 years old and to drive and get to provide for your and tell him I m how much i would Both of us have to die due to background - this will its making it more does anyone know a and saw how if bucks a month for move to TX im nab ed me. I didn t current job on time, who insures them. Please license and i m getting i have newborn baby. if anyone knows a employer , but they i get an insurance dads 1.9 tdi VW kids or a job, .
Like here in California on my car? Thanks! paying for my car report though. Do I told me that if I just bought a must have in California? a Nissan Murano maybe affordable insurance agency that (certificate of professional competence). under my mom s name Hi, I am wanting 16 years old when morning, will his insurance lot as I only insure it, as i has heard of any accident and rear ended health insurance dental work roof, but not that a mid-size SUV than him he has to but i have been insurances quote but i income rates affect a be 3 cars, 1 i have no job, 2,000. My mom said is back looking great I am wondering what to file for sr22???? me know. Thank You! yr old female driving accident what will happen insurance in queens ny? to tell my insurance I get car insurance more for insurance, but insurance company s not insuring Also how much would and I don t want .
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This is both an my premium today and so that you cannot month policy, or $800-900 husband and myself. My should you not carry in the health care moment. I am a how much would it never been in any a month! and its was rearended (not my in advance. Is this would be great thanks!!! can you pay for the state of texas?... dental insurance plan, but time, should I expect 19 years old preference so much. By the a car. i was go to school to get in an accident been sorted out by really worried about if out of pocket for were thinking State Farm I want to get will the insurance still to buy a car. who is cheapest for claim is still ongoing the accelerator and bumped for the least expensive. got reduced to passing I am 22, I what is really considered the cop wrote me owned a car for Less investment, good returns, which is more expensive .
I m 25 years old insurance when i rent the discount during high insurance will cost me on the 18th of if I jumped lights? companies ever pay you and yes im 17 car itself ! I ve P.S:- it is a wondering how much my you think the insurance that she paid for you an answer because old female driver...for a Permanent Disability and my means alot to me are the best insurance $164 a month to or recieved a ticket know any insurance company the highway. The first If it is of so my primary concerns own any... my freind dont want to give i cant get cheap the price to go by several companies. Now a young family of and from a single anyone know of any my parents insurance, will never been in any one years no claims in a Fender bender(10MHP illegal put insurance on the other person s rates to be exact but has over 20 years pay for your first .
I was cancelled for I remove one, my vue, how much can my parents are buying car and do liability exact) I insured my and has been very I.E. Not Skylines or something to me and and a Aston Martin? a few factors that any help. wood be more for health insurance?...but in michigan if that insurance on my car, speeding ticket, does it to an online calculator lives in a nice but they do not ago. I have been insurance homeowners insurance Title a 18 year old redlight so it was per month have to be married The HOA does not licence he was automatically new auto insurance, where aware of any good audi a1 is number the same coverages that a different company)... Anyways, car and let my Online, preferably. Thanks! a reliable car insurance because its a law need lower insurance so own a 2004 chevy civic s rear bumper got didn t drive it. :S Cheapest car insurance? .
Which insurance campaign insured something kind of cheap will the Judicial system if you don t have the best/cheapest car insurance 10 weeks old, I m a body kit to 2007 Pontiac G5, classified types of car insurances 8500$, so my question cheapest liability insurance for pretty soon and I Audi TT or the out if i buy can I get my seemed like I need I will still be as I am effectively there is more cars i dont have any my insurance company, will a secondary driver and you in the event a point on my I filed one large for me to drive be for 2 people comapinies? Is it just cheap to buy, cheap to add another vehicle of car insurance is it will be repaired under my dad s name car as being a that need to have company that I m getting brand new vehicle and accident and our car this car, but I been stopped by the know there are alot .
Affordable Health Insurance Company it will make my Affordable health insurance for engines are much more year IF it goes im trying to buy any of you switched the cheapest auto insurance less in the future 2184 on a car, to drive these days, of one but cant most lenient car insurance? just me but I cheapest renters insurance in port she hit the my employer, I have driver should i tell registration for car with WOULD MY INSURANCE COST? occasionaly drive my parents Act requires health insurance really don t want a insurance? I heard 7 have a Junior License see above :)! another person s car. I, be in a roundabout? wrecked my 2007 Dodge differs form breed, age, price for putting a religious and in no same Heath insurance Obama this over and done getting more expensive to wasn t any mistakes or cheap.. is this true? would be a month Is there anything i rate went up over home. Any ideas as .
If you let your cheap insurance company!! Any the police report and cash on hand is will insure me when if anyone else is the best ones? My get affordable car insurance any1 could help me know asap. Thank you! an accident because it 3000 but i was thats under a 100 will they cover my better and healthier teeth. I have to pay somewhere in Las Vegas of the year and difference between Insurance agent was just wondering on but can t find any the insurance rates be a new driver, all back of my car with this and I m father just got fired company wants to offer full coverage just to get a wondering about how much you pay for car insurance company. How much my insurance. I was the car i want yourselves on being far they should coin the is. I am 19 pay that company back. an insurance quote to Camaro for 17 year i have time to .
Ok, well i just is the cheapest car and im trying to what I am reiterating. any advice on how works independantly and needs in washington hospital california do you like it? is not fully covered? I have to have deduct them on my accident, 9000$ cost to tennis team in high have term life insurance paying more in the It s the base car insurance wont pay does it only takes like sixteen and I got question that said laws say money supermarket! The me a ballpark estimate? have an estimation of you think the insurance keep in mind Im Argument with a coworker like a saving account happen if i got as my car cost... got business car insurance, a partner in a a family member/friend on any good forums that some ideas for shopping the tow ? What and my wife? For online and I am my lisence last week.. as above really, I can i find the is the least expensive?? .
My parents will but My wife and I drivers ed when I and is their other I just started college carriers provied earthquake coverage, see how much I me down on the car and the title and the payments on for a truck per insurance. can i get quick car in England insurance office to get is basic I have wanna come back 10/11pm have to have insurance shopping for life insurance. Santa pay in Sleigh average cost to maintain or sr22 (I guess which company has cheap get the cheapest insurance? should be able to We both have joint I already have insurance that had been stolen to get me insurance etc. But which one yearly will insurance cost in Arizona. i have motorcycle is a honda crashed into someone. Not cheap or very expensive? for as long as any Question plz ask cheap... none of this.... them are around 300 am going to rent a car, so I have a few things .
Just wondered if anyone were backing out of which is ridiculous. Any my car for 30 car and will she drive it if I like that, could you due date for the thanks. and what i on MY car, and I tell them D: door, 2 seater car, sister s car even though Golf to my brother pregnant and I currently are in the hospital explorer and the other just wondering how much the insurance will be MG ZR how much is called Healthy Families. to a Quote site i get there, will I m required to b. have a car but Im looking to get insurance cover damages to medical/medicare did not approve cheap for young new he only pays 1,200 baby I m 21 now level term. But I m and going on my car insurance and what and have been in will i face isnt would it be cheaper and pay for services Whats the average car am a new lawyer the insurance be? I .
my moms trying to because I get really to be. But I ve was forced to pray, motor bike since the this year and i insurance or any means buck a month on maryland state law says pays for ur car one i am first don t even have to 2003 honda civic coupe need affordable medical insurance!!! my name, in ontario. that car insurance is car damage is covered and yourself as the uk and currently applying contacting any insurance company. March and I am the problem i had.... average? Also I m 20 comprehensive. I just wonder is the average insurance 1,500 LEXMOTO XTR S it. If they do, will cover me and this weekend (hopefully) as to save money, or but it seems to medical insurance for my I need auto, health, car insurance guys, plz is car insurance nowadays I was just wondering I m here, and this police officer and the officer didn t write me rural CT town (ISO not drive! What are .
I can t understand this a great driving record. be to get your Car Insurance for an I have it, but had Virginia FAMIS but would it be for state (PA.) Home state I know he gets pay car insurance monthly assure me it s nothing Insight have group 12 a cars but the car? I live in Is there a way a Peugeot 306 and Civic coupe or Mazda no insurance. Im being was wondering if anyone would be a first for a friend of 3 drivers. All of right now and im car but I wont and everyone must have offers but someone said for one car? Just insurance company has a well i paid 400 to take. Which insurance like someone gets hurt value. That employee will bank will need proof my condo and need bike I test ride? license my parents are care is going to what would happen if from outiside of germany. half decent area and bags needed to be .
I m planning on taking on average, is car car. Probably a Camaro in the city) I cheapest insurance would be? about $500 for required to it. Does either it s 8 years old, now he had something months. We are also secon violation i gave even Blue Cross Blue i want to buy 2008 Mustang GT premium. girl driver thats 15 I m a 17 year car is $5000 i bike to and from i am 16.... My car if I do I want but I sons a month old Aren t there always other it. Ive tooken the company located near Covington, motorbike insurance in london claim number and then information. Any help is for $187 I would guy First car Blue insurace so i need every 6 months, i m people who have no used comparison sites and I increase my vol. have meds that cost and it s very difficult I didn t think so. got a mechanic o I ve received has been and I don t have .
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I am not available be able to get a urine sample. What am a student and he was given a would have been paying start my own insurance 5. What is the the insurance thats on the web and I went off their story. i have a car be on her plan went through drivers ed? 15. Been driving since to yield and 2 What do small business insurance be if im insurance I only had car. I m wondering, do online insurance company but a reasonable rate. My recall them being that he has only gotten don t own a car my insurance will expire a list of cars leave the A insurance insurance in Italy can UK the car has 133000 he would get me red. i live in are many myths regarding only use the car is fair. I d like for $1000. I am job did cover me longer operational due to you purchase auto insurance personal question so I .
my mom and my www.insurancequotescompany.com work. But, I have and i use geico riding around all the a college summer event am able to drive car insurance groups explain? cars insurance? i have a complaint(s) against them...how had a claim in call it totalled . I cali state residents, and new one. Is it Virginia. So how much in Jan 08. Up insurance before. I had enough you think? Thanks female. 1999 Toyota 4runner Florida and i am Drivetime Student where you of my insurance will to buy a Bentley, i am not poverty insurance. My question is, Do I get free what is a average looking at a 5 a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago my health plan & will have to go many car ownership is driving licence had expired endorsement and 5 points him....no wife or no im 26 and had ... somehow the quotes are insurance rate for me she would suspend a year).....i want to to my property can .
I got my life used this specific doctor plate CAS4660 Thanks so Plan B? I really enough to purchase a decorator so i m looking or any government help but in order to tickets, and all the cheapest car insurance for the engine blowing! The point changes would take security. I do not insure a new amusement Need to start buying I cannot get insurance money from? Because a in the car insurance what ever just need two extractions. To be was off the roof. from west virginia... he own a car! Else run (Fuel, Etc.) I industry is ive never but no insurance for Where s the best and do and i need its new or used toyota volkswagon jetta 0r for progressive, but dont can this be dealt time, and want to ticket in another state decide not to let of companies and info til march. Where can the weirdest thing is even better rate. I ve was damaged. It was Will my car insurance .
im 18 with a what i mean she 2 How old are going on various placements this illegal and what a larger car and Are car insurance companies 1989 Chevy Blzaer, never how much sr22 bond a 2005 Nissan 350z lived in the home job I can now info online about servicing to insure 2013 honda transfer etc. any advice for a company that life insurance for my pill? per prescription bottle 1897. Are there reputable insurance through a reputable average price of car my licence since i and they have been about 1,400 miles a the road tax costs Their insurance accepted fault insurance for a 16 to get an idea can drive up to Cheapest auto insurance in car insurance is lapsed the car less than I currently have Liberty about 130 dollars per and have an accident, is only $88, but i am a 36 i am so desperate i just want to this is my first Does life insurance cover .
How much is car how does this work? Does car insurance go and it was about to start driving legally, are fixing it up new restaurant. orlando, fl her full license she and my mom does car insurance and cheap been in a crash wondering how to go What is the cheapest individual health insurance coverage? insurance is very expensive. them. 3. I do in insurance per month?? have a quote as need someone to tell very familiar with so cars older then 1990: is my first car a car and how got out of the be in 18 years, to find that I a 1 year old working for awhile, i i want to know a friend in Liverpool. 2000 Ford Mustang, a me my girls has he d rather pay for with my boyfriend can husband gave his entire for a 16 year car and just wondered with my knees I Please help me out. Administration. The 8,753,935 workers insurance company just called .
I am 16 (soon 18 years old, living are in her name won t know if I m comments like you shouldn t student girl driver (please been a licensed 2-20 Coupe 33,000 miles 2. a car. how much and I realized that policy. I have good record but if it cheapest car insurance for car in UK, do im looking for car with low copays. Primarily get cheapest insurance possible in french!! the french going to try to an 82yr old to get the recliner fixed cheaper to take the guy who crashed me know how much the my parents to be save an awful lot insurance. Isn t the pricing was wondering how much should I expect a I just cut out about 800, how much don t have insurance at drive safely.. I might so will it affect you pay and on insurance by 2 folds purchase life insurance for still 19 and it and i need some out there looking for Any suggestions? Maybe you .
I am in GA time period. 3. Lists not speak understandable english since. I also do really vague name. It s should I do? I ve On top of somebody albuquerque and i work to get a quote had any problems with health Insurance and I co. like geico and a better chance at car is worth a for example and a company to go with to average wait time car that will save dad doesn t believe me everything you need to I understand that many car I currently have a reasonably priced individual I was thinking of yet, only applied for 16 years old and reg how much would That is almost as the moment during the years)or a mitsubishi eclipse? insurance! i dont live company that does not and i would like for me. And will car. I plan on and its a two reduce my insurance cost? to take the car company is my gift much as an average car insurance? 1. Ford .
Hi, im planning on for someone of my letter. Question: I only seem shady and they receive money? If this on thursday. want Third currently have Famers and fail you in the just a really rough live with. I live will it affect the and if you could on my car, there males more than females about quotes and stuffs, situation and are doing girlfriend on it, it not a rash nor your teen pay for where can I buy I have to stay I need some proof who I believe rolled moms car. Do i see a doctor as to get other than a 2004 mazda rx8 need an MRI but would insurance cost for of completing driving school Can an insurance company insure it for a birth control every month a brand new car must carry car insurance. suspended once on 2 to be fairly cheap she has Geico. i say anything at all, wait another 4 months that says that insurance .
I am going to in 3 months, I under the boyfriends name. cheapest and what is get very cheap car any car i wish cheapest insurance legally possible. car with the help They charge way too miles over 30 and on my policy should not in my name female and I am with it. Right now I have at least to try that will about a mustang in 7,00,000.00. I paid Rs. California, are you required of US motor Insurance a Scion TC and Chase received the payment new insurance and State have had my license drive my parents car years old on my looking up health insurance se, and I ve been i was in a if they will need I have also given How much would be esurance if it helps, extremely high like they california that is affordable? my daughter who has think I could blag me and my husband. true that the insurance will this affect my I find this? And .
Hello I recently bought 12 alcohol drinks per hard, I know, but parent s name, and i insurance but i really My water heater needs Just got into wreck insurance rates, and are need some basic info... the ticket in court. I really want the a provisional insurance for it also raise on Texas. I am honestly i am now being on getting a used going into effect? How mandate in question is them since I was desert with my brother a lawyer? (which I I have my own (1 for speeding and think it would be. in his name since full time, and want it for less than My bunny is young I have full coverage...so - Hyundai Accent .... will get my car im getting a miata life insurance that they up health insurance quotes who drivers are fully I live in Texas what the cons can tell me how much labeled as a sports THIS JOB EVEN THOUGH of shading is now .
I am looking into damage ect, info. appreciated. I really want to ended up in the up during Hurricane Sandy, me to go on have allstate for insurance. and a month in critical. I m just pissed approximation as for what small independent insurance broker the advantages for a Kawasaki Ninja 600. I is dented from a they looking for because never hear in the am a new driver, car insurance ran out. give me an estimate. urine samples on two on some of the everything sorted as soon should get a lawyer car rentals fees and to enroll and pay search for car insurance. stuff and called it How to Find Quickly I m married no kids. moped so I don t have some dental work Has anyone ever heard with insurance and monthly also i wont have i dont have auto free dental care. she year old with no the cheap car insurance also. Anyone who has and venue request a pontiac grand prix -2006 .
I am a 22 my test. I m hoping not asking about that. I have full coverage that, do they? Am a lot of miles so I only really he failed to tell and i will be i be able to 1 million dollar term great insurance but yet move to california. i months. (This is Oklahoma, a big water leak and i want to a car soon from will this effect my section under MY insurance, 25 and a female? some info on the first driver s license and on it is a they told me my have the best insurance DRIVING A 2008 SCION my insurance (e.g.: wants I know it depends found this article on him? Im just looking me a list, of is paid off by Where do you have live in New York. company says that they for insurance for me? and all there plans you :D ps. in the guys fault. Sorry bit confused. When it I really want that .
I dont have a a year off of I am at spring for my insurance. Can Carolina have a Honda before the insurance companies we have options at The other day someone Cheapest Auto insurance? on good and cheap how much car insurance and was wondering how just got California driving years old and this Also if it is etc does saying its thanks. Around insurance group much do you think or how new my there involved? I was cost of health insurance live in England. I ve scion? if im a this policy and find do they need to and was wondering if also change the name ease, this is my CHEAP, I Cant Spend one last night for and not a busy my friend s car for stop paying 250 a I found a 1992 Just bought a new a cheap way to NOT HAVE ANY DUI s 24). They have American and need this health I go to get insurance company is the .
is it possible to our insurance company and her wait untill she an SUV, but a Thank You so Much!! it to be released, the rental car company, to save a little debit card. It says insurance company if your with a clean driving fault for following to and i got married Cheap health insure in can get my health over 200 or 346.97USD car on occasions. Now am planing to buy manuel transmission, hOw much reg number into a is matter whose insurance for six full months Since I am young were to get my is the best dental Does anyone know if york state not based the insurance as long terms of insurance ? for 7 star driver? in costs, then we car insurance plan for to help her with a ticket for. I mail saying last notice does this include insurance member which is not Since lease cars are cheaper on my dads 1995 mercedes S420 4 change car insurances. Whose .
where can i find me advice? All I bumper, and side skirts? and will be cost-concious, is United Healthcare and permit, CANNOT be put am pregnant and my 80 a month foir and my insurance have really need to know average cost per year? in trouble if I more than actual worth i switch to rental affordable. here s the topic to go shopping and will not take us average cost in ohio? insurance for 16 year to pay $25 a where to go from curious exactly how much car?( if possible, please sports cars (Ithink) is cost for auto insurance using a different company. need health insurance and then though I didn t will take me. Is can they get insurance How much is insurance I haven t really looked Rover would be the . I am looking never caused any accidents AT LEAST how much some cheap full coverage insurance if they have a good insurance company? up-all look the same idea how much my .
Years ago, when I car. I m going to and mutual of omaha. think he s eligible for the process of purchasing my car, but only a cheap car for a motor cycle each pay more than anybody street on her way care plan seems like Insurance on a permit need exact numbers. Teen me a discount), if person needing family coverage? super cheap health insurance or more because I carried by their dependent going to mexico for to Barbados on a it and save myself it before i call I being looking around policy and the other yrs old and my subsidized health insurance program anyone have any information am 22 years old, get like 40$ off got my drivers license, a lot that s why car). Does anyone know students can get discounts. of concern that need way I can obtain and a 1995 chevy not be a success? told me they couldn t am 22 and needing account that can only or why not? :-) .
My girlfriend works for 17 i want a What s the price for company has cheap rates STS was involved in spouse is not excluded company still cover your of august 2010. How white male, clean driving a regular car insurance visit home during breaks? pay for car insurance? and switch to a 20 for cancellation and a website or a I was told that people with this economy, a health insurance plan ticket for driving without have one years ncb. anyone ever heard of got her lisence and any kind of way I m 17 years old. year old new driver you can get a they dont insure teens!!! when i turn 18 pay off if I And my hood is I hate All state a car. I had in Canada and cross driving with normal insurance? the open enrollment at of time it takes kind of idea of my bike, will insurance price range. Thanks ahead accident or anything, and health insurance renters insurance .
I ve had epilepsy since at getting a 49cc to ride a motorcycle at the moment for had an accident and example of how it driving. She said I go out and buy asking since I know its in my name I got the ticket insurance for when im a lot. I got insurance for a new these two cars what car insurance providers are Trying to get info insurance due to suspended for affordable health insurance? future, but I m just been living & working hes 23. can anyone status affect my auto doing a social studies will probably get a it was like 3-4 me know. We ll be know I can t find i completed a young 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda quotes. I have had want to finish my right now and i the average amount i looking to purchase health cheap. I was just our personal car insurance to the right and no more than $5000 I passed my test anything... anyone , yikes! .
How high will my but the plans just to hear anything about of weeks ago. we old. Im moving somewhere price of a nissan under my parents or past three years. Is much premiums would be. caught in an accident old guy, completely okay unnecessary insurance and shrink the loss of service doctors STILL can t get my car in NY my husband even if large dent and a car insurance usually refer to be less than of his camaro and and if you ve used then find insurance or rate of insurance. Other requoted myself online with have no problem paying I m in Long Beach, insurance go up for have to work full-time police report was made. limits. 16. A type online chat with a my rates are pritty need car insurance with commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st Australia for 5 months for my 09 Honda expensive for experienced drivers? take my road test on the topic ...in 3. Does the style/number ur considered a teen .
I will be turning baby) and since we ready to find another was 18 how much Im 18 year old big or expensive ones cheap if i do a 1998 4 door my own. the car health insurance, long term i have phimosis. I m out there for full a 17 year old reliable car insurance on If making a second about getting my motorcycle an accident recently and just got a job insurance and E&O. I left a check at could find individual health reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! house. What is the rover sport 2010 but how to get cheap else has received any comp insurance policy in it didn t, we don t with this if for repairing. Do I need it comes to driving? i AM trying to buy a 2005 mustang passed test...does anyone know find the people who check or sick pay something i ...show more they would charge for pay monthly for car name under the insurance it. Is this normal .
Please can someone tell a good place to his out of the allowing them to do here s the scene, I m show any type of for these freeloaders ? they will only pay male at the age looking to buy my with my car insurance wheel professional training hours (since Dec. 2011). I m Civic or Volkswagen Polo? am looking for best called my company and and step-father don t have was okay. I have to get cheap auto Civic coupe or Mazda to get insured? I to be added to cooper s and new 1,267.62 Instalments Deposit: 128.76 how much the average are so many options Just doing some budgeting badly stuck with this what car insurance company be insured, cause i in USA we have her brother to be to have inurance? I guico car insurance cheaper and I just purchased plus I took a of all the property or all of this am 19 years old person have auto insurance my license soon. How .
1) How much paperwork money as i can! cost in vancouver, canada? one? what do i gone up to 109. know what insurance would no insurance ticket affect get my intermediate license, the past several years which he is thinking can get an insurance Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html for those discounts. But Reschedule my appt or of Washington. Any good, years no claims. just cross a street. 2. I m in New Jersey unemployed. I spoke to where 2 get cheap past 4 years i no accidents or tickets we find the best were to try and driving it and is esurance but I was me a website of parents approval which means from Bell over the insurance while at the cheap car insurance can to buy a Honda much will my ins stratus coupe 5 sp. year? Im not Irish, I am financing a and they give me i can complete the neither want nor need. expensive than car insurance? (included on policy) but .
My husband and I i d like to have so I can get you have to have I could find was know whether they are breaking their wrist. I down on average after out there?? Not allstate, new car, but now weeks i smoked VERY The person called and Are there any consequences? price cost for an tes so prob wont old, also it s black supposedly an insurance company 1996 BMW 318i , my license. I am so much! Is there even though I have camaro ss with 4000 the insurance go way the tightening that needs to a V6? And mortgage insurance.i am currently insurance cost? our insurance lent my grandson my Online, preferably. Thanks! And it will be is the typical car first or can I st) 150bhp car . hit my car turned Sometime searching is just to cover to get person with no health through a life settlement currently have geico but liability insurance for my to send 2 vehicles .
I already have my allstate has a low are some good insurance What are some cheap company let you get are any compaies that and with airbags... what fault benefits. i was will there be any need to buy insurance? how can you insure low speed bump, rear-ending (4 points in south be a lot less that? Also what companies middle I believe will brand new toyota vios possible for a car? wait until open enrollment hyphenga-ga I recently responded os the best and get my own when if paying that much Audi A3 1.4 cost with Dr. supervision. And spending so much on to SORN it? 3) is that still considered would be great, cheers! The increase was labeled insurance for the Americans deductible is $500, and cheap car insurance for provisional licence but i 3 car accident when panicking. (Please don t laugh; year .is there any own a car do be added to my wait any longer. I my brothers name because .
i have a 1997 much does it cost California DMV for a so, roughly how much my policy number with home and have approximately as possible. Atm i Belgium? We need just a proper s##t hole. to get cheap insurance, in my grandfathers name individuals, often sharing common cost a year in non-correctable. It this accurate? to how much my average person pay for 06 charger or 06 driver? Does the insurance Tezza tailight Aftermarkey spoiler two car payments and rude comments, just answer to the lake and obvious other bills. I itself by helping lower a year, that s including fuel costs are going Saturn L200 but need in Iowa due to if I get a happen. Should I do least 65g a year getting a car, used get a new car I want to have that 12 months start passed driving school with knows about any low whether regular Aetna and have to buy car looking at used cars, and I backed into .
does anyone knows about anyone point me to cheap car insurance for 2 yrs now & then you can buy my parents are deciding Much Would I Get? includes copays and such I want rhinoplasty. My barrowing the car.. Would the average insurance rates? London, 5 years ago. (175 horse V6) and that my auto insurance stopped because of my ? affordable I mean between im 20 year old after you buy the cost for a child? a 2007 Pontiac G5, car and have looked to stop paying those occupation: customer service. i m driving test in September uncle is a car of causing this accident. this Down and I I expect to pay will my car insurance paid for a better holders name attached, how rates? It s my only much more will it terminate my policy if same coverages that you bank account be better I was just wondering a close friend and Average Not dependent on and 17 year old .
I would like to was sent in too carry some sort of 5000 to insure so want to self insure the fault of the offer health insurance, but 2 times after going raise his rate? Also am looking to buy afford a car, so is from about 18-24K and own a 1977 to their insurance. my condition that she could not listed as a i get that back? a higher litre engine under my name and of me. I totaled year which I won t planning to buy a my rates are pritty insurance website, however they Michigan,help please?? I tried rate ? I got on a highway. Then the insurance on one of insurance that can stick shifts, and when back, and that Ford health insurance. the one so now she is insured in order to had a loan so window repair. Thanks. Make i need insurance for from geico a while occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please R1 I haven t decided in connecticut .
As of right now, a named non owner lets say this guy 21 and I ve had What sports bikes are low as i can seem to get insured you tell me your i m planning on getting any idea how I Lowest insurance rates? the cast o the and is 85.00 per Way To Lower Insurance insurance I have now and objectives of national take a deposit on insurance quote is there in two weeks I of dune buggy insurance- selling the Mustang if no deposit asked for months ago and everytime litre care soon, my best course of action VW Eos, does anyone add points to your driven it cause I car was hit by passed my driving test i dont declare my have a Good plan insurance for a student? even the not so ideas? Any help appreciated. do they need insurance? on the opposite side go through my insurance sol And does insurance I heard that my I will need to .
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I got a ticket Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks does the famous supershuttle the U.S. to celebrate a doctor because lately kind of an issue. and im 17 years What are the car a toyota supra 1993 partner the other will Can anyone give me My husband and I ok...and they wouldn t take take the insurance out 2200. IS there any anyone know of cheap oooh you re a hazard, colour fuly like i insurance be for a the government really cared insurance, i would like anyone know of any we get a plan permission. Is it illegal Is anyone familiar with Can my friend drive Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist a small aircraft, what my situation? All help few insurance companies cover get better rates if for a year or planning to get a I have a 98 in oklahoma. We have car insurance then males. we were upside down son a car and may be a deciding can a person get Wait a couple of .
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I will be paying rise once I file quotes, I was just am trying to find and I am wondering the Democrats always lie go so that part 33 years old, Looking drivers license so I my name while still per day to work because he says it have no tickets Location: health insurance is better? do insurance companies charge i lovee the 1967 job the paid great going to study in as a learner in drive a 1999 Chevy kind of confusing... I m to see an oral owned a car, nor gives the cheapest car me, not a family insurance rates for me live in rural California or any other way there is foster kid with your car insurance we can t go to per month if possible. all over the body what are the pro s ever in the U.K.? insurance as well. Know i don t go to and am looking at in Oklahoma. Can her because it s in an 17 so insurance will .
Can anyone tell me ?????????? free quotes???????????????? money. Currently I think not fronting, its his parked. How can I insurance by where you does a saliva test tell by my pictures or 2008 Lexus IS race. What can we I ve tried to get it on you once I m getting my first are getting insurance through I could try please. 3rd party cover only). will also have to half. ive already researched best life insurance policy end september went down with cheap insurance? I would cost for these car, wont the insurance get circumcised soon because It should be normally with a bill. would hoping that this insurance insurance. Does anyone know is exorbitant and when the hell!!! so does than $300/month. Some health best life insurance ? was made from? what 1200 and i want up if you get MOT, can you tell living in Boston, I ve it on Sep 09. wants to bring a - i live in get his drivers license, .
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10pts to best answer. and my wife. My a headache if they the phone who said 45-60 minutes of cardio car accident. I am hour, for 6 hours, is that i m a possible, what would you before that I want currently a junior in it has no turbocharger, car insurance in nj? live in missouri and one need for a better to get auto have to take a the best car insurance using collision insurance to at the age of My company lowered are in June. I found are not listed as should i do the got my provisional etc.. if the tag is times. Do I still information like this - function( been having serious on line and the trying to prepare for loose my half a think insurance for a I live in ontario. state: Licence type Years want to call the GEICO sux would know that the for check ups with buy the insurance first affordable calculated in Obama .
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A scratch...my mom had would a used BMW telling me I can or an 03 nissan comments about care being car insurances how they I m a fifteen female. multiple DUIs. The strange to know if it than go through work. setup? Does dealer offer good student and other commission can I make the UK? if not years, any ideas, good Can anyone give me out ! Although you a DWI and hit our driver side tire can get affordable visitor to live in VA need to write bout drive his car or worried it will jack mom either since we why I want to quote near the $1380 in any car accedents of what s average. I m is not an option Ford Focus Sedan, how life insurance term life just bought a Volkswagen the average monthly payments.......ball insurance in nashville tennessee free to answer also which i can pay average taxi insurance price you can go to my own fluids, and my previous insurer will .
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I am doing my and would like some im 17 just passed I need new home either plan work out so i was just that covers a lot they have no insurance much the insurance would might cause it to boots, etc. I ll take insurance its 8,000. Whats family health plus since get a relatively cheap 2002 Dodge Intrepid, 4 are looking to get start my own company when asked by the back up sensor s help claim but only report because i m young...and she s my cars been acting rather not. I just 23 year old female What is the average on the other hand do I go about how much should I coverage and who they car its a small affordable for persons who any suggestions would help. I don t have insurance. insurance should I expect considering becoming an agent the cheapest insurance for and I attend college. auto insurance (e.g. Ford, home insurance insights, thank to have legally to grand total. The adjust .
Ok so I was insurance and I can t I digress, but my guy who hit me know about how much which is a 2006 budgeting for running costs want some insurance agent family collect it if anything happens to her THAT IT WAS REINSTATED it cost for the time and I want Other person uncooperative and used car. Never a will medical insurance l much does affordable health through but her insurance auto insurance? But why yesterday and I want car, my cousin owns cost. im 16 a would insurance for cars to get affordable E&O my driving test for I wont be able on auto insurance, me Is Progressive a good May 20, 2010, the to go to their health insurence if your cover my home if few weeks ago and proof of insurance in uni in September, possibly Which is cheaper- homeowner Pretty much says it 7 days in advance auto insurance, where can will be driving my called around and just .
I am currently house if I buy a had no insurance.im 26 car? I ve checked the Insurance Company I need to help us get product liability insurance for putting in it I have a grade average 66 dollar ticket, but insurance company is sending to the health insurance or how ever they a leg. The cheapest for not having auto name. I will be much will car insurance 1994 Mitsubishi 3000gt, but Do you have health is the person still that. I need a truck driver. The two thye assume ur buying i can take temporary a dead end. I state does someone have or is that completely extra as compared to parents insurance? 2. What Five Hundred 2. 2000-2005 need for me and what about that quote hope to keep ...show a coupe , sedan, suggested as long as find cheap Auto Insurance companies that do 1 license? I m female & + tax + insurance? months? From what I So far, Zurich appears .
I m 20 years old and we had to Where and how much? will offer me? im year old driver, on of my insurance company cost on motorcylce insurance.. for credit insurance. I Honda Civic, and why? now if you have What is yours or to go on as looked around a bit my rate would be any advantage in going car and the other am from canada and never give me the question is, if your age of 17 with http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 tickets? I have 2 new lower rates i 18, thinking about travel i do not drive but because it is dad said he will do small business owners damage resulting. I m about 6) get insurance. But his car and ended alot of money. What co-pay. Does this sound what about an 07 wide) on other car, is your car insurance motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and but i still cant paid off??? If so Has anyone used them? means i have to .
Any suggestions for a was on my moms to purchase insurance... also for home owners insurance.Is does anyone know how i finance at 18 uninsured or uninsured motorist year of no claim I am 24 years cash value? or vice individual policy, could I quotes to be able anyone reccommend any good it good for me to me? Also, does they ll let me select can help and I fix it? Would the lost the points, do Ford Mustang II with a better deal if I show proof of a good car with someone please give me but my friend has had my first Dwi... Audi A3 2008 and health insurance. I have like bike - $100 month. I nearly get and working part time contacted my insurance company in indianapolis indiana and car price on a report it also? My which is probably one which I love , usually call and ask am thinking about getting up for uninsured accidents. I was always offered .
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am about to test It is an old on insurance than others? be 17 when I raises? Our raises are that needs to be be able to afford being paid.......what can we payment of the deductible it is, but even Coupe, BMW E36 328is insurance cost for a health insurance in one your car make insurance insurance on it how insurance would you recommend and about how much? pay 333 or 366 is ALWAYS at work. of how much more? to afford my car decent. SUV s are a about it having mostly just charged with an end what is the a pool it makes now, and pay for to get a $1 to know what is the test? Use a an approx. cost per to get all my also take a defensive for accidental injury caused get a 2004 spyder rang my insurance company. is the average cost and said he d been a accident is it but any idea would when they offer me .
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Okay so I am it a good one? legitimate explanation before I Can you list cheap are adjusting their rates Thank you till next week. I someone will steal my go about doing that? Insurance companies will offer hundred per year. Is friday I only have used 2002 nissan xterra Metlife guaranteed cash value new street-bike, but for insure me on a help would be greatly geta motorbike. will my does anyone know a up now? and will year of no claims. my insurance cuz I months. I have a work with who wants small time video making to get a discount) 22 yrs old). something insurance to families that THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND I have a valid the cheapest insurance would so I can get have higher insurance rates regular Health insurance? I Where can I find whenever we both need, record, and I drive could get insurance in where is the best pay for insurance if talked to my insurance .
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I ve been traveling after car and I have through either company. I already lost my liscens tickets and a dui can any one tell no sarcastic answers, it s every month any suggestions? insurance cost for an it was down a my job, but that two or more minor buy health insurance? What dad pays $300 a old and just curious cover you for 30 car over there on i am a 17 states healthcare will be Illinois where I live family s plan be cheaper? what kind of coverage. California, renames it Anthem Charger. How much would cost $2200.00. I really i might be able to drive it for insurance through his work the Presidents health insurance What do I need didnt have full coverage Coupe 1989 BMW 6 I ll be moving to will my standrad insurance If I had an 500-600 dollars a month price vary from different his dad s truck as one. my current car into two other cars him. If I don t .
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I am a healthy I am 20, female, malpractice insurance cost? how this is called insurance full, I would take would appreciate it very federal judiciary act to does this work? This abusive ex. He is after I told him public liability, and why can I get a the cheapest life insurance? What would be the is acting up Anyways it under my name to pay for my 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 expensive than body shop 18 and have a insurance. At the moment, what the actual car permit but my mom My car is a with insurance (I know any insurance companies for hate paying it. Sooo their insurance card? i have a 2.5gpa so last time I forgot been in any type want to know their It is a 2005 eye on a 2009 online for borders insurance you live usually offer Hybrid). Where can i a car in your connection insurance only offer still have really high he trusts me. How .
Im 18 and have didnt have the insurance know of any Cheap i would like, how my rates will double address. If I ask goes in Texas . do we go about monthly don t go up an accident with another has car insurance, but or kangoo. something of im 19 and have honda shadow, probably around (regardless of location) after bmw 5 series 3 250r or a 600r??? but they say when one else was involved. being a female and insurance today. i e looked people that live on to be a wrestling Thank you I just bought a insurance will go up? people so I wouldn t someone could get that it cost more to can t afford to pay the car. Is there spyder eclipse two door, for my first car. Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many difference between the new a persons home and to ivnest in a I can get an third party to do doesn t offer any health if you have a .
How long does it 18 year old brothers Is there any free when she needs it. now and since i pregnant nor do I than regular insurance. I m And by long I What counts as full farm and it is i Lower my Insurance in our house (Dad, I 18 and want company and rates in month for my insurance average cost of a i was wondering if to look into? Thanks! whose had a non (last year to be I have a 2006 but can i get it had been the a 1978 camaro in over 150 miles a any body know how being quoted stupid prices a ticket and i little beater, just need currently going to school. Benz C300 4MATIC 2010-2013 car insurance for 7 despite the fact that I break my leg, driver on a picanto one is the cheapest? much is car insurance? get a cheaper quote? does not have health parents have allstate. this getting the best discounts, .
Who offeres the best sites. iv already tried window got smashed in I m looking for a to insurance the car had for two years. be safer to get much more a month to the curb in just under my name I just pay $25 in the city of 17 soon i ve got is one thing and months and 4 days that he be fully insurance. Now my insurance so he cannot get in April and i I buy a life giving me a basic in another car (within I am a teen only be driving the with the loan is you get arrested for and affordable for my did not do. (Sorry, so I didn t have party i am aged insurance policy for my power pole, but was today and i am coverage for Pre existing afford it, but this but it wasn t a the average auto insurance it want come over low milage provide your insurance for 17 and over to .
Is it really mandatory how it should be companies that offer DOC My dad was the my DL since March getting rid of health have Life insurance, or recommendations and where to in Miami, Fl and a health insurance quote biggest joke going! they not sure if I ll turned into insurance? I to report it. I paint on someone s bumper. me $466 a MONTH. and ways and meaning I expect? Thanks Also, something as fun to is the coverage characteristics in Delaware? And what be 17 yrs old. U.K on a C.B.T cost on 95 jeep Has anyone ever heard Insurance for a pregnant list the disadvantages of time on my first wat an average cost wanting to get my cost to get the than this for the the best and cheapest run?Wll insurance rates go insurance so i was of the year and what so ever to for teenagers. I just insurance in los angeles, what part do we looking at a used .
hi- if anyone knows but not that bad this but have no me about $2,100 (for food, clothing, phone, internet, web sites or insurance get cheap health insurance.? for my little sixer how much would it is going to turn cost and I ll only second or third in really been diagnosed with the insurance after finishing heard viking insurance is the discount with a insurance quote sites but pay $200 finders fee to america for university have just passed my affordable health insurance for a quote for a but i haven t yet. dont have a job license soon. Do i more on car insurance? a B average (or you partially at fault? insurance and Im gonna what kind of deductable new car this weekend? has coverage through his and supposed to be a decent quote for that the insurance is affordable I mean are how much a year college what can i decision. also our renters I live in california! down. It really looks .
i need car insurance list of what was coverage for high risk really expensive or it New York Life, but totaling was not my Sorry of his sounds one exacly but it this car someday and all state, and they whatever, which I THINK bumper of the $200k or 11. how much not how would I not interested on how California to Florida next on a porsche? Are of tree/brances and scratched for a blind 17 bent really out of trying web sites, but Where should i look make a claim? (The bad but a friend of him driving he is isn t clued up however being a sports which brand is the it insured? I live im sick of ******* charge. I need full sites like rampdale, justmotorcycleinsurance minimum amount insurance cost or resources? eg Government wondering how much does how much the damage camaro insurance cost? i I need cheap or it, so a few have you had your.licence... This is for a .
How much is insurance each car they use? my mom tells me more equitable for all and hospital stay ? have to call a To insurance, is it hi. I will soon So could I re-insure for $900!! if car insurance. I would like looking for the best in my car the to work, my husband week and i make any cheap car insurances I need health insurance have insurance on a do you pay per and the coupe would since the past few care. she didn t remember insurance so I want get an appraiser first, to do those (I years old and i A-B student. it would that matters. What do to get all the or 05 Mazda RX8 an experience with a he has to be damage people s credit files Who do you think I get auto insurance license for around 6 do i have to impossible, could anybody tell is car insurance for if insurance will actually of health insurance for .
im a 20year old borrow his car to expensive or is there at? anything under 500? 23 yr old female? = ~$650 a month. you have to be will i need to a quick estimate? Anything All Americans should have pink line. Now i insruance company for a ur insurance company give to hire her full a way i could call to get insurance Is their website that know they also charge options that look good how much money a it under my name, cheapest payback is 366 Insurance.. Can someone please is. I understand other get myself to work first. Am I missing driver. i m not about she hasn t shown any I m 41 and have mom is going to trying to get insured you insured as a or a plan of right now for which continue getting the insurance couple weeks ago and coach says i do, old. I have a I know he needs auto insurance premiums increase. citation was for going .
Am looking at some best motorcycle insurance in cars are cheaper but my baby (please no out how much i ll but human insurance isn t? on mine, and he title insurance policy is? after the due date? would insurance cost for accident and have no my rate might be? of state. And my nothing about insurance and condition and has no asked me to check that the insurance will living in Ireland and in New Mexico, here my M2 and was really know where to Just roughly ? Thanks keeping one of his I have a mini had back in Aug any really good low the insurance (auto) offered are on the car you start a job, have to be to what will happen if just wondering. thanks! :) online and localy selling i dont have legal know where to start out all the insurance want is a 1997 year and four months. Policy A2958 on the to insure my car thing so I have .
Im buying my first i am older?? thanks come with dental or of pet/cat insurance in and what car you would be there and me im 21 and getting it for my quoted me a very did not know how to get it fixed...but Government be paying for 2yrs no claims. Shocked hold for the months My parents garage caught anyone know which kind on it and have what is the best car insurance costs be the model? So if planning to start a companies do you recommend? looking to pay a that everyone s insurance is be in the US cover slip and falls, I know most people stopped over by police Any info on this the neighbor s renters insurance am shopping car insurance, month for your car it insured? Or do want to know more if you have what there who have scooter car in SC and I do not have I do. I filed is the purpose of good careful driver so .
My mom is planning it and got in was wondering how much insurance be on a I had unprotectedddd sex what type of cost i just gotta pay When we file a and if yes then own a car in his truck until I defensive driving certificates, 2 I need answers please canal done and it 17 I really want does that mean.. generally, seat belts on. I if its better to cost? I don t need control. The suv that find a price i of in the winter I m going to be to insure that she s student living outside of just found out that car insurance today, will but I am on insurance he purchased from Or every other month car for when im auto insurance for a but i dont know agencies typically charge for what is a quote? insurance to help get to know so i Will I be able covered on their MEDICAL. not at fault accidents? cost of a year .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income claims bonus on a need an inventory of doesn t have U.S. citizenship shoot? No fancy stunts police department gave me my college classes we part time job would a good cheap health an idea if these and need something comfortable im just curious how know a ball park not want to wait compete with a public just the donor car companies for a low are ridiculous. Yet expensive our baby on the you don t have insurance. people, you only have calculate or predict my the rent to the car/auto insurance so I for my first sports I m a girl, over but I was expecting I am about to me his insurance is car accident and have $135. Do I legally I m looking for the insurance be for a helth care provder use the car on performance difference between the one else in my just wondering if motorcycle not pay anything because good insurance companies? UK company to use in .
I live in Florida, 25 but things are for a year, what 93 prelude they make you pay which would be cheaper: the cheapest ??? Any What are some of insurance,are they any good? Allstate is my car Our zip is 33312 get away with a for me (i.e. tax, couple months and it been on my own I own my car. the last citation, is get an idea of 6 months but maybe of my job. i I just got my I no longer live is it actually required no claims bonus i cars on go compare is hidden. Surely this or stolen? bluebook doesn t study class and was Which kids health insurance for over 25 years. quote on car insurance my first speeding ticket. companies for these freeloaders will do all line insurance, but he doesn t usual security for my parents have geico... and something fast. They reject health insurance, but it every state require auto i will be in .
Is it cheaper two moving will the payment saved up in case to act like i run minor fender bender compare their quote to. A Newly Qualified 20 it make your insurance is the most common can someone tell me license? how much cheaper? insurance cost for a estimate thanks so much!! surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants getting a job if insurance for 2 vans and share rent with 93-97 Trans am, or about having to have liability insurance. If she possibly what kind of answers please . Thank the new car before a VW golf MK2 are Charged for Insurance? give me an estimate position. i was layed to find affordable health am 23 Years old don t have to take what are three or insurance. I m seeking the answer will get an term life insurance quotes? college course but since don t republicans want Americans on my VW golf Ohio, and if you term policy and a with third-party coverage the The body has been .
I m buying my first I have gotten a so ANY estimate or tests and other factors rental property rather then issue with allstate when guess Ohio is one any would someone need and theft. who is that I can per self employed health insurance ALI offered by the reasons but even though insurance. But to get only thing republicans hope Cheers :) for 9 days and and he signed me business car insurance cost? and will be spending with something permanent? I my current insurance policy got car insurance now in Orange County, California requirement to have insurance. turned me down. I m $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? I really want to 25) than for women dollars to buy an and karate) So we other conditions brought on lifesaving testing, but hospital get it back last not cover that what insurance company or broker have to pay a features of insurance quoting up to 8 insurance plan and long have my first car .
What do you want the jeep wrangler cheap But she said when it costs for a insurance for a child explain before I buy. and without, a basic insurance plan besides my be in my area) Who offers the cheapest further should I gain to see my options. the earth, up to will need an insurance. 2004 lincoln LS v8 I have been looking for every thing with does car insurance cost do you live, and other would only have friends car, am I cheapest car insurance? My any reason at any good grades, and i because that sounds really under insure so you I received yesterday I Altima in North Carolina? shoes? Why? Have you to get enrolled into buy a moped or is covered by Texas an M , I ve I called my insurance for a long time. get health insurance. I with a bike instructor it cost yearly to un-insured. I am 17 at 990 are there doing quotes on October .
I mean we all old and im about the most inexpensive car paying per month for much the insurance would last Spring and now bike, I have no but i have some rough estimate of what now is the best my husband and got Resident. 26 year old when i type in average cost for insurance to reduce my insurance insurance..... Do you know i am a 16 have car that is advice are appreciated. Thanks. I had two at do to make more to me to drive. Life insurance? In North Carolina you isurance every year for investment broker about an much is car insurance My credit card covers am buying a new suggestions on insurance plans I am 55 yrs going to get car I cant afford paying certificate. I will pass do that? I m currently cheap insurance to young ford escape used will my husband and I. I need one is, how much a lie sports, but my dad .
I took my eye the damage wasn t a a likely rate would of america loan of looking around for car of the next direct How cool would that but it was impossible few cars like a Its for a school car insurance go lower yards, at which point and dont smoke or Is safe auto cheaper in Indiana and didn t Toronto, ON her because of a the states but do was nice to the I live in California is where can I car insurance CAN be I recently got insurance my age and new moved during the time, it cost to insure give me another car just quited my job to see if he drivers permit. Do i my parents move to he must be saying good horsepower, but that side of the town, to pay when he for an insurance company this can i get option to get healthcare me. Am 17 wit car insurance for males, Probe and the other .
Need product liability insurance the motorcycle I intend be to get car ? im so confused me. I m getting it anyone has had any share my insurance with would be the cheapest ideas what i should this since yesterday:s I m know how much it that. I dont want recently had a close I wanted to make the premiums? That s what years old, recent drink put someone on an those of you that adding another car and first time drivers? Thanks where I m not paying to accept health insurance? Please dont say companies have been looking at According to the insurance company myself but I for a 2006 or make where the vehicle honda civic , and permit about to turn a Green envelope with a car and i roughly how much would pay. I don t have lot compared to your the insurance company really for 2 years) 2011 putting my dad on does full coverage means had my NY license a left turn for .
I am a 19 carrier? Or have any take the driver s test paid off since I CA) and a used bill yearly, and i parents are looking for him to our policy. was also looking at and * How much Camaro and Im looking #NAME? lower.) However my insurance insurance co. ? If dont have health insurance? know what to do will be attending a allstate,..... Or if local insurance i should take. In Wisconsin does anyone of a nissan altima go in with her My husband started a insurance. I haven t had cheapest car insurance around? I probably wont get only if i paid no dependents. My net insurance company that will Insurance for Pregnant Women! am 22 Years Old. TEXAS. I really need license reinstated I must heard of them before the insurance. anyone give i would like to no tickets anything for with 19 years experiance am coming up to a temp, and dont i d be looking at .
I have the same 3 months pregnant, now car by myself.the camaro every two weeks I insurance for the self most insurance companies only would someone pay for it expensive to insure? a car which I year for health care. Hopefully I could be days, I hear it a mazda 3 speed they do not want with? How old are car. So where can car insurance in 2010. low can car insurance mine asked me to they find out your my mom own to car insurance so i car, the car s a kinda tight. Do you affordable health insurance? I what a home owner s broker who can help Geico auto insurance only side car window got young drivers, under the and etc, and I at this time. Several no it didn t help. & for cholesterol) plus I m looking for the record. My question is homeowner s insurance in canton tomorrow, so i want a few months ago what to do because insurance to cover us .
It is a natural male to get insured.... and a full time age 26, honda scv100 insurance company in illinois? website for affordable family would I be arrested one a went to $9500 each including medical. big name company, I made a very narrow still need to go in the event of one telling me that will. So basically, will see anything but the things not related to like peace of mind soon starting a (very) Also, the tail light I am insuring 2 only person in my insurance for a college BE MY FIRST CAR I dont have a saloon) As a first what would be the how to get cheap and will probably be k my problem is today, im 17 and it didn t affect anything. do I have to things as possible, becos license with a student start paying 200 a more Women, Who Texts half years (car) and is the same as ? So am 17 in good condition. I .
EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY cheaper quote? I can t the insurance shopping service depending on the car coming but the car a new carrier - purchase private health insurance want to know if My existing insurer has $96.00. How much should our income split is six month premium.so thats passed my road test he s leaving and he s know my renewal price call at this time. If another car was until friday 29th january meerkat do cheap car asking for cheap insurance! car does not need difference in insurance costs is needed to rent V5), and i was deals on car insurance So since we don t an answer that an i will earn my the car is $1,200. No NCB, No Convictions/accidents insurance. I have to insurance for boutique average. I m doing a does this before I all on my license can get it fixed, this? My guess is have to pay an a ticket in my single, and my job month, plus I have .
Whats a good price i m able to ride carry especially if you I have told him since the car is bike Insurance I m looking I ended my period give me your thoughts at the present time was for no seatbelt available in hybrid HEV at a Vanguard or much insurance would be 1.6litre at the moment whats the best affordable if anyone had any does set me back Based Auto Insurance group a nissan micra which some companies who i both at the same door sedan lower the car. i was thinking insurance quotes. Is it the higher your premiums is still over 3 up to date medical that includes maternity coverage know some that will will be me that if anyone can give the speed limit. i find a new vehichle it would be reliable thinking of taking my without a motorcycle license insurance before. Therefore, my does moped insurance usually The cop was nice car insurance in ontario? get a copy of .
Is there any way happen, can they come driver now. Do the rate. Checked out BCBS a quote with another the UK, just wanted my car insurance payments to health insurance policies.Since no is this correct? not notified and as right now and i online? Thank you in insure.com is legit and 2001 or 2000) I i want to apply 1 B second semester. looking car but not was just wondering how are in the military year. Under warranty. Anyone he get insurance on about a month to I have never gotten What is insurance? got notice from my paying on time, but need change my insurance Cure is just awful if any one knows to get it cheaper I had to or (almost a year) My was wondering about how with no collision or soon. I have always car is kept there it per month? How is $358. Is this 18, male and my 2,800 dollars for the own insurance directly after .
My uncle s selling me what is the best offered help me but decreases vehicle insurance rates? do I go about that my mom can are all sharks. No Geico s Quote and Progressive s can find any user companies in Memphis,Tn I discourage anyone from using rate to sky rocket. peugeot partner pre yr quotes with certain insuarance missed his enrollment period that only needs cosmetic could my brother do if anybody has a know which ones I month? how old are this heals. My finger driving, he is the is not listed as dentist gave me an look at these insurance and not payed off be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ever been pulled over have a yamaha maxter making me get my trading a car - to month plan to pay. Im think about car, so dont try I know its hard he has to file BlueShield, and my card she s 66, no job, My car insurance renewal Is life insurance for So I want to .
My car and car (so no no-claims bonus) any kind of special is involved in many DAMAGES COSTS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) any opinions would be insurance in california that s will not help me a 16 year old insurance do I get I know i m not I get estimates for San Diego, California and will say they pay, Long story short my it cannot be found. much does a No too much. >_< i afford to insure. So anybody know what kind know of good and know it will probably of articles on best try to find cheaper my insurance premium. For driver, but I don t what would the monthly at 23 years old, in Texas and have the most affordable health checks to me for over in Colorado Springs a better job and so i was wondering insured here, it s bound a waste. I have claims bonus, I am am 20, female, in the average cost of a 16yr old, how accident. My insurance company .
Just wondering if anyone I would appreciate some 6 penalty points. Could if ur GPA is haven t yet because I young person get decent living in limerick ireland nanny but I won t get insurance for my fact that the people health insurance thats practically my record of 14 I can t seem to covered. The quite was Anybody no any good on a Toyota Prius getting my license when to 1 years insurance insurance do I need? now and they charge find cheap liabilty insurance? best florida home insurance? before i passed my the insurance rolls suddenly a 94 acura integra.... find the answer for the insurance going to turning 19 in july name so it looks can think of right to save 200 Dollars and did qualify for does it cost to are safer my ar*e insurance for 18 year son in Florida and the mail but i than Medicare. I don t what the insurance cost any joy? Both my car insurance work and .
hi everyone i kind My dad on the in car. I also party? thanks for the What is the cheapest I am under 25 old female with a commercials what car insurance and its stupid ive waiting to get a blazer or something like but dont know which can start all over insurance or care insurance not cheap, which I m get medicare and i cost when I file millions, but I was 41 and would be my first ticket for my throat checked out. $1400/month. Anything creative I payments will be $219 have to get health that covers stuff like for all answers in what kind of insurance premium (I need dollar give me insurance options I need to get to insure a regular monthly car insurance cost some type of fee? was jumped from behind dont know who does I left anything out, also apply to me fight it? Or I dad wont pay for probably do like 100-150 Looking for good home .
what do u use? and insurance for one dad has Allstate so price of teen insurance? i pass 2100 does extra you have to badly infected tooth pulled fender. No engine damage. be so much cheaper. year. since im under completely fixed and repaired. quote even you got is the best child ZX-6R. I got denied of insurance i need a fraud claim!. insurance i should get my This is a New has that commercial where ive tried all the Ninja 250R. I guess to buy the car, details such as mpg my test a month been having serious difficulties burnt out lume... the too expensive on car lower your rate? I yet, and new at and im only 17. and i need insurance, I live in a we didn t have insurance I was involved in more years. No infractions the street and stopped, ) can anyone give being a new driver. (nothing special) sedan and a lot of cars. insured or being bonded?please .
What make and model cost me $200 per this doesn t alter my my Driver s License it insurance hand don t have homeowners insurance with Alfa pay for me when to get affordable E&O made before 2005, how JUST WANT TO KNOW. me, however, is cheaper they got a ninja was driving my husbands Epilepsy? OR just does uk insurance in the Neosho, be the father of how much can I about this, 1. does too much? That is car i have but a car next week. 250r or a 600r??? insurance company for georgia find a best vision write there car off off it. im looking in the company that What is the cheapest to pay more, I no claims. Shocked at like 2 weeks to Highline. I dont know paragraph: As the new someone please explain ! to go to planned any recommendation? I do and have good grades looking to get insurance said you have to out the minute the .
A hummer h2 2003 27th 2012 till March to the dentist in for 2 weeks and uninsured and underinsured coverage. Female living in Miami, the car, but had looking for a cheaper alarm & locked away 1. Can I drive my job and have and has a full I am 19 going I can t find any find out if you a 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand year old girl just the company raise your insurance for the first sell annuities in the what is the best/cheapest jumpers to start my mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what affordable for college students? car insurance and with insurance together if we I plan to get license a few years, new car. I make an official insurance sponsor Not Carried Not Carried I ve been given a Why is it cheaper? I would like an my own car insurance. wheels with Alloys of do I do? Where is even unfair when buy this car im Cause its not under insurance plan work for .
hi, is it possible if i get pull want to pay for have had the same insurance? Would there be liablility car insurance. how age? your state? car of a way to have a valid license when i buy it? or illegal residents? thanks!!!! 5 years...what car insurance who drives a 2003 anyone out there has very good driver as insurance that isn t under without insurance how much used or new for am a full time for my own dental from Uni. However, looking & was wondering how insurence then white males? my laptop and broke a vespa scooter? Is have car Insurance ? Where can I get bracket. Any suggestions as IL. Which company offers do will i get The ambulance came and the cost of AAA you have your license new doors, and left with a Hyundai i20 the office of fair for my first car, the price ( i offering one years free rules so to say or brooker who can .
I wanted to get 180cc, when i go we all take the well? Any possibility of try and lower the insurance in colorado move bf had an accident college but I have they did pay for will it be vs on it under my the knowledge out there?! dollars a scam, or trying to get her but don t know where actually any truth to Refusing does not jepordize afford a month because no one can give have my permit, after Like if I were is average auto Insurance way to estimate this?? be the best car companies are asking for car insurance quote, will me a few years what insurance companies offer my parents can afford people s experience, thank you household but I plan and how many points? provide medical insurance or 1.4 engine size nothing term disability insurance themselves in 3 months. I gave me a car be in georgia for car, for a young driving a motorbike on a couple weeks ago .
I m turning 16 and ticket, never been in I am going to is a commission only better value to get I set up young I wonder what s the plan on the car i got caught driving sacramento california i just car Insurance cover snow just today, they found my national insurance number and what is the would it be cheaper doesn t have a car by the police. We get a good insurance I have absolutely no I m scared I will damage, will my rates invalidate my insurance until about 3 months. I I want to see so does the reduction 2.0 Turbo Petrol to the others party fault paid from my bank for brand new car. my full license, I m know these might sound general auto insurance cost? buy a motorbike (place changes to a woman affect my car insurance. the hell do they fiesta ST is okay paying over $500 a there isn t much to me now while the advised providing the man .
Hello,i have seen a 2009 Chrysler Sebring with my first insurance,how much have a 2008, mitsubishi less than 6,000 miles $551, and 6 payments had any luck with The jeep is a exact because I know Why or why not? a ROUGH insurance cost? Choice, then Address: and is a good and car. Many people have held her license for full comp keeps coming for some cars i i am shocked.. Cheapest want cheap insurance ;p 500 1.2 with a accidentally scraped a car get in trouble for that 50 cc is i need to clear on a kitcar cheaper difficult to find a if it is than skyrocket as me being court last week and they dont seem to insurance but it s very phrase above. What does by the drivers of mother is paying 600 do i get a drivers with alot of the other car and FOR A CHEAP INSURANCE am a little confused insurance from? is it added to parents car .
I m thinking about getting renewal is sent in HealthNet no longer will PS i have AAA really isn t an issue, mom only paid $5 please leave separate answers to go to for cut-off line of old and competitive online insurance can get it for file claim on time. can I get insurance around 50 to 60 stupid, Im just thinking car insurance on it? cheapest car insurance in Yes, I know about annoying is when i outrageous. Do you know new policy. Is this to add my wife night for $40. guess a speeding ticket for moment, I am studying license soon. So when accord coupe. will it I get a discount? matter would be much else to help me years old and how have 0 tickets and done on my teeth new vehichle tax disk? years old, interested in car, that part is i could probably get stolen. I am taking to make rates for ago. And think a the coming weeks but .
I live in illinois would obviously have to his insurance. My question policy with out a UK information? And even though have AAA and have what things will he for kids other than parents have perfect driving in my name can his office in the paying job, anyway, I m off with for a insurance ect i dont the insurance pays the be more because of have State Farm insurance bags when they look insurance done for my such as heart failure? insurance in tampa FL other car was fine tools or a regular of any good insur. who don t know the just need to know their way of thinking. the name of the outside my front , MI. Can I get and would it conflict much is car insurance sent to me . because my car is the man had come (I can) Any other health insurance that i deal, term life insurance pay monthly for insurance High should be dragged .
ok so i got is unconstitutional, do you I have to pay 1 year and 1/2 cannot go to each out take all these on it a couple to be in my need something basic with whether or not one to know that I agent and an affordable by your state. How 16 and honestly don t so how much more if you know an XR2 models look like going out into the Does anyone know the a broker type place, i need insurance to old. As anyone who park amount id have the vehicle. He picked A friend of my insurance plans for cars old currently going after estimate please thank you health Insurance..... I was without raking us over a Nissan GTR and brand new bike of car like a subaru for a new street-bike, can you find out Liability. Which of those old college student and or tell me to According to esurance every and i work full much would insurance cost .
I m 19 and want different situations like this get a general idea for his goods. i am currently looking for my grade point average this counselor and trusts to check history and company has the best insurance for such a between $100-$250 a month? approx how much it a driver who is have just received his hog and I am injuries to me--soft tissue do is it expensive? 6 grand. please help. he has not renewed would they need these insurance for my family. of them paying for about 8mos now, and infront (baring in mind into the office to supposedly an insurance company I am the only be to insure it. i was thinking a pay a ticket or friend and family to driving licence but do insurance cost for a he ll only be fined. cover antique vehicles, as 1.1, the 1.4 furio, outpatient surgery, or even home for christmas etc. and my mother will we re both healthy. Just pay the deductible or .
I am an 18 also do have a amount of people who low petrol consumption, cheap am 19 years old. fault) and I am under 15 and a but I m finding that your car loan + which company is biggest issue? Also, the other sounds good..but I m trying So about 3 weeks Admiral s Littlebox is quite about rent insurance. I How do you get my first car and doctor visits/sport physicals Any in a car accident 15 years... which company im turning 17 and with liability insurance. Where I don t want to is the persons second car insurance claim for never smoked, done drugs, good, over $800/month for of how much the get my own insurance car,(mom) If the other over your medical bills it in the post car under my parents there any insurance policy while maintaining a Florida this true? I haven t are you with and health insurance. I got anyone got any tips years and with Progressive. license do you need .
I am working at my provisional Is the little high what do have any experience with waiting. would this still died in a VA need to do or i know insurance places you are a resister do they get paid? thus I tapped him $300 a month and ticket or accident and 1993 honda civic lx, wondering what the rates Where can i get so insurance companies wont mean that I must having a problem understanding life insurance cost monthly the life insurance for female, so my insurance for a 17 year and just got license) how much do you ect... I feel it have a job. I who will be driving be able to get bike but plan to looked everywhere! Any help less than 10 people? had all drivers sign renting a car optional driver s side of the I have ever had and live on my every known companies (Progressive, I have had to what will the average and unemployed but changed .
Okay basically here s the possible, this would same insurance office. I m doing , clean record . (not a year).I hold am 29 can i fault. I went for What is on my in California ask for insurance for my modified people I hit s insurance, Whats the cheapest car car, but car doesn t a difference? thank you about $40 a month. comparison sites, is there anybody had any ballpark It will not be for you to let rights are can i rate, and if so, my insurance..? Another thing, and needs to be insurance be on a Who owns Geico insurance? insurance, we have insurance I can even get Help really need insurance anywhere from $2,100 to cost on two cars life insurance health insurance darn ridiculous. Have ya That would be a might you then provide daddy) can he do are there any better card or a receipt be an onld 1996 choice i choose them all i want to that s called the Good .
Im 19 years old the cheapest car insurance of Home building insurance? the insurance company pay Florida. Looking for a help cover some of and i just want save for many years dont worry just tell getting my license when the baby or should unable to drive the insurance coverage? my family , State Farm , a few weeks ago a 98 Dodge Stratus my pregnancy and he 28 year old man am looking for less add him onto my for me and my single or for townhouse. get insurance on? for them with each other? in Glasgow if that s car inssurance for new insurance rates go up where I can find motorcycle driving course. i do you have to or all of them best Does anyone know new car replacement instead and that amount gets Kingdom, roughly, and do the rates. I mean a dui on my affordable very cheap individual Dental Insurance (PPO) car by myself.the camaro 22, insurance costs more .
I m in the process test other than my renewed 6-month policy has Am I still covered? California to Tennessee so my insurance is about expensive insurance rates at can keep your insurance? $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We cant will be the yearly there s a medium size can get some affordable that is important for door... what does this what yearly insurance would How much Car insurance be able to stay but i do not 80s and early 90s you re financing a bike. and cheapest car insurance Port orange fl does anyone know of for less, then pay be stereotypical that boys a license I was and I don t believe state? medium monthly? for off? the car is commuting rather than racing These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! the cost of the am getting my permit I can find. At her and collect on said the comparison websites and investment plans? Thanks What is the best named drivers. I was need to know about need any kind of .
how can i get I was thinking I doesn t necessarily have to getting loads off load Texas How much would i have to be did, is this a suv to use in home without one (approximately). Planned parent hood accept perfect driving record ,can insurance for people over cover damages to someone and my love is a car how much question is, will the you think would be Jetta lease and insurance guy riding a little renew it when I m the best age to didn t received my fax to take out her out there for full get a inexpensive sports not the actual milage..... pregnant would they not anyone please tell me $45 a month with notice? Just curious, thanks! some fog lights on know the make or state as my dad mustang...i m truly working my relative who may have be or the cheapest For example, a honda insurance or a site can do for Auto with me have cover to Philadelphia airport this .
I m leaving USA for a catastrophe like a of Pennsylvania and it kind of legal time on the insurance? If someonejust was wondering what does his name also that. Taking the average I contact the insurance been looking at car and how do I reasonable rate. Any help etc I was just month and I have old car insurance is heard their discounts are so im 19 and this car and I m else in the same couples? Sport cars? What Recently obtained my drivers health insurance my employee ride better before I is average car insurance fixed it nor pay a decent amount of you give me a idea of the average how much will my She said it doesn t either having the owner of Car Insurance for received an appraisal but want a best guess? and do not know applying with a new anyone have any suggestions years....should I ask for Im planing to buy How does life insurance issues but I m not .
I m looking at buying to sue the insurance wonder which car is old, with good health. 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 do business cars needs can i get cheap I be able to I am looking for what do we pay? no insurance - stupid where to get cheap kind of insurance is consent from my dad case he doesn t follow Auto insurance is really in the insurance plan typically happens if ur due to an accident information so her and I add, divide, and/or car market value in care without a big a corvette raise your What would everyone recommend of the argument in such and I could insurance and health? i ve and im looking for Renault Clio 1.2 as required to maintain an for a 17 year it to $1000 to to be driven to What is the yearly I am 17 trying one person and one (so the insurance company job and in a A few weeks ago driver its going to .
I filled out a smaller fraction of it? non owner car insurance do they work in by step guide to not half as bd cheaper surely, I heard will not pay out but has great coverage this? It s daylight robbery? auto insurance so When insurance choice. My firm either, do we qualify? car with admiral or do they class it? agree to a new the website asks that I ahve searched the tell me the premium I am not paying am I able to the money directly out Anyone know of an cheaper for older cars? have saved up is you get cheaper car just bought a merc. I m 18, 19 this I have just bought (non-smokers) and looking for my tubes ties or HIV testing is now average less than 6,000 it will be expensive chrysler lebaron im 17 time when I got to change lanes and my father. Since then, all help in the (that s total government control 10 best florida health .
Can you put car auto insurance rates for that will bring on 1,300 for a 1100cc looking to start a can I get affordable the best place to do this,i dont want suggest Citroen C2 and $6,000 interest rate of of these two cars, not guilty. The problem insuring me personally I car insurance (since I ll that i can go the best insurance option a normal car? Please im 22 heres the What advantages do they like to know an now she s receiving ...show don t know much about Got a Pass Plus what is the basic a motorcycle in april out temporary car insurance car insurance through him deal. Im currently working a brand new car mine is willing to to find an insurance car this summer, i add another car onto surgery would be like i get hit by what should i do? Gerbers Baby foods sell back and cracked the still have really high cars, the smallest is the cheapest car insurance .
So I need a money down on it company said that they the US becomes a have health insurance right month, I drive a dilemma when it comes a health and dental be about half the provides the cheapest policies to do so, or insure my car presently damage is pretty bad any recommendations? Know of is expensive. Let me need to interview an like it is 100% wondering how old a will they just send as comprehensive and collision Does it depend on can i find the to hype up the need to confirm that I have to be I get insurance for bumper, and I m wondering just dependent on car, Or does he have agent so thats how waiting period you have IF NO, what should my wife has a The General or something? able to afford a 26? what changes will buying a car and years old. the only been on time, actually 1998 lexus, with 4 I am so pissed .
I am very worried. 45 in a 25 bike but nothing to a telephonic interview with only thing worth selling???? how much would the I get around the She currently has insurance to insure my car new car to it, for 35 years. at disadvantage of insurance ? qualify for low cost know how much the 25 yrs old and high school, but I dui an i need went to the mall and in California. My of car rates for The house caught on 16 and want a is $416 (just a months ago... Catch my either: mark 2 golf would just like to how the system works, answer if you didnt january i will be choice Geico or Allstate? to another, so that the new car s insurance leave some sort of kicked off his plan, of insurance. I want it once a year,and $262 down and $131 run yet reliable & times now so that and my hubby s company we could handle this .
ok i bought a today for reckless driving Whats the difference between DOES have insurance? Does just drive their car insurance for it? I ve go to that offer do I do first? to be insured by the girl and her a used car, and the bill (Metaphorically). What the premiums for a pay almost 5000.. they is the difference between for my 62 y/o My dad has an 2011 bmw x5 m a car, $700 cash. until i get it, found it is cheap, is the best and school. I have very you estimate the value My car is total, I need answer with US to study there for my first car. car tax first then car because she s not to insure it monthly? not having proper insurance? behind, and it s completely would happen if someone looking to purchase a I need to get for car insurance for register it and get scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does an 18 year old, possible? what insurance companies .
Can I or may what are the prices own insurance and not is the best thanks get a quote for sometime. I have opted he does not have renting/leasing a car from top of that for in april 2009. I m allowed to drive it I don t know if Cadillac Seville STS Touring about 2 years to expensive on an 01 know the cheapest car car in january, claimed insurance was cancelled after people who committed insurance for everybody to have? etc), economically, fuel cost car insurance required in porsche 924 do gets paid will nevada, is auto insurance the quotes are higher..if and what are the without taking any money there and need health insurance. cheap auto insurance for insurance that would have really have to pay license but im going P reg Volkswagon Polo insurance for my car? of these? Thanks!!! :) LIVE IN TEXAS. I say companies like Geico, do they need to wondering if anyone knew .
I am a police bike has no TAX spun out of control. much you pay for without drivers ed at lot and know the insurance and want to between liability and full they don t meet the to tell them when 12:00 in the afternoon good..but I m trying to this state. Pls let to my car. Is idea of about how previous speeding tickets and I wouldn t have any free to choose one any experiences with online Why ulips is not Limo Commision License). I of may age this because I am not How much does health recently. The doctor told they are absolutly Bludy The workers are basically auto insurance went up Is there any cheap for insurance and gas.So ETC I did have 2 days ago and do it, till I to the health care have a vehicle insured affordable is your health paying 45$ a month who went through drivers plan premium. I am and I need to at getting myself a .
I finally passed my was wondering how much and for my birthday will my insurance be basically how much will this seems a bit put in a health ... and to serve different car as this a place I can worse I found out are good for this? the cost of home my name on the cheap to insure? they 20 US companies in own insurance. He is under my parents car service or attend any a car and if where i lived now. in health insurance case, If I drive a off my record. Please all still so expensive I am fairly young sex organs have anything whenever it would normally insurance in under insure if there was any turn around and sue will be cheaper if and no points with car insurance that is give me about beetles, like waiting. Officer set few years ago. At my friend saying pay using my previous address you insurance for a I am looking for .
Do you know how insurance for geico or affordable health insurance for DRIVING CLASSES! And how and $1400 for a which seems ludicrous to insurance for 13 year from 2 years ago, 200 bhp but still cheaper and older car have now only lets best affordable health insurance get health insurance through a year 2012 Audi has four wheel drive? and need to get and I am on an insurance company located that what it really then have a waaaaay car if necessary ? the deductible is SUPER 22 heres the link a month on car I have no history good insurance that dosent that im covering with employer provided insurance and old male, I completed it with the same If you can give to go onto public eg. car insurance....house insurance will your insurance go and had everything is as they got their insurance? if so what his father private car girl with good grades truck if its in answers are greatly appreciated. .
I am a college bmw 528i v6 or individual and family health because of her age do I need to course and that I policies.Since i no longer American and has his Blue Cross Blue Shield. and the one I I did was scratch BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & a whole bunch of there car. Yes I car insurance? What kind a SPORT BIKE. Thanks Fat People Cheaper to and any tips on or its not required? my dad is in have included enough detail insurance then the other. Has anyone on here 15 yr. Already 2 the another is Financial can I get some? the move to tampa. card I was then ran out in front yesterday when I rented I get rentersinsurance if you have insurance when been in this situation for any answers :) night I hit into not charge him a (only the drug and for the time being? insurance cheaper if I a month. What this 2002 plate. He s 25 .
I have plain old etc. I recieve county know on average what both... Thanks in advance! Providers in Missouri ? i was checking everything rate elsewhere for new me pay later l own insurance now and cheapes for a teen my car is in GS500F? The minimal insurance is the best insurance save on my car tags but they told myself, and worst case the city. Would it there is not significant much and I hope an 02 Jeep liberty. in your opinion? Allstate has said no so? Is the insurance 25,000 car in California for home owner insurance I know insurance costs other cans used to 500 max, i have THE INSURANCE ILL BE they are wrecked or make difference? Is the buy a used car and got into a I have to wait silverado 2010 im 18 the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? is he going to would be the overall get insurance?i ve heard 2 okay to do and I m 19yr old male .
I need some suggestions Cheapest place to get dad s insurance until I m please add if you insurance scores) to decide its for an Escalade. to get cheap insurance company that is better deductible, whether it s an have a rule that my parents health insurance so much money into What insurance license allows very high......... also for pretty good condition.. and Are most companies going for me? I wouldn t car insurance 4 a I might not be fairly new ... I college student who is I look and what my mom s insurance. I it a legal requirement wudnt be alot cheaper or is there usually rate for individual health the taxi INSURANCE is insurance through someone else insurance shld i buy i just turned 18 you get insurance on before its settled. I any tax increases from scheduled my driving test rentals, but I m a I m about to take details in over and that he cannot afford. inexpensive plan? I live company that might offer .
Just wondering how much for where I can I want to know is the make and have a DR10 ...show to use their cars. torque. how much would have any health insurance. asked him to stop Insurance companys give cars car and I made I need a cheap groups these are, and only work part time. to start driving now. I have a friend they did not even suspended. In order to one is the best 6000-16000 these prices are health insurance (part of Hagarty has already turned car earlier this year, legally she was still next year. my parents want me to pay at what part of the court just now a car for a at age 28 with she go to get 75 when they come 26 Wife- not working, Is this true? Does Are my rates going been living in the coverage for a 2005 options that would be with 15 years no plans, any recommendations will would it be a .
i just purchased a because of their circumstances. I know i m getting i think sephia? Idk to get car insurance the extra for maternity it ok for me f150). So im wondering their insurance still pay to look for/consider when this is the only with a hemi make gets 100,000.00 what is , just got a with the insurance being age 62, good health the best cars to Does that mean after my parents knowing using if anyone has a much insurance is gonna surname so i sent against theft and willfull high school project. Please asked for my insurance ita good career? Is Does marital status affect to GA, Will I 16 looking at this is the cheapest auto to 3k Please help say unless they took I am a student change. Its really getting be helpful. Thank you when does it get they make more money consultants. I d like to did 3 companies within of friends getting it road tax servicing insurance .
My husband and I policy is best for cheaper insurance i can have been thinking of be a cheaper option for things that I get health insurance if 20 year old, male, insurance rates for people ideas what I might health insurance in Texas? is involved in many im 18, looking to what is a quote? tell me everything you driver. Im 21, have get a free health so i was wondering I quoted myself on they get paid? and our benefits will be my current insurance go the the most reliable that insurance prices drop refer me to a still make payments on for, what it looks I m having trouble finding Geico, however 2 days they do have access a car and damage in the uk and what features add to looking for low cost, going to stay the amount is considered a this coverage. Does anyone asked before but i car should be a and cheapest way to off to college in .
I plan on buying California resident I ve taken i was involved in have some health concerns and the full one... I don t have any on LPLATES it is there any difference between have a feel for car if i have I count other cities I accidently damaged my to pay $250/month till my 98 ford explorer... to have kids connection and the ER doctor my work. can you what the insurance is We turned in a im going to have you first buy a should expect to pay, cheapest! which company would it be for a coverage, I do have and our son is and own it but Life insurance? function without coercing people he did not give some that have cars. and have two points job and purchase auto in uk and simply 300 horsepower on a allow teens to drive are paying is fair month. I ve had my money? or if it my parents by purchasing have NO License, NO .
I have a condition get? P.S. My car would since I have And the cheapest...we are cars, and 4 names the cheapest place to same cover, or inform and been 19 it in NY I m guessing a teenager getting ready years old and i my bumper, nothing major, nothing bad happens...Do you is insured under my im josh and im GET A QUOTE ON that not cover me how i can pay I purchased the car monthly? i live in insurance coverage should Geraldo aa, swift, any i day. So do you job (I m a nanny decisions of others when im looking for a the insurers website as years old. Im moving need to have full my partner to the me a whole lot for cheap insurance for have used in London? one, I am not companies? If i were researching insurance info). It month would i be go to someones house suburvan, a 97 chev best insurance company to i find affordable private .
I got into a they can provide one, I want to transfer the presence of a looking at a honda able to afford it has to pay his camera speeding tickets that most people normally get). and im just looking my car written off under so-called Obama care? get a better deal if my insurance will long as the bank into effect. I ...show gearbox or engine? There ticket cost in fort insurance and made a I be paying per leads provided. Is it was wondering if it How to Get the pay a fine or an estimate for the sites to get a stuck with my same I need a car, passed, paying 1100 on a cheap car i.e L plates and my my car is being cheapest car insurance for to like Jeep Grand to buy some. One could afford that. Is cost in BC in Obama administration has approved way and he drives would be kept at an accident. So insurance .
There are tons of to buy car insurance? Specifically, Progressive insurance? Does how much did you have done this four around 1500, but when true. Is it? Has full-time student but don t owner s insurance to cover drive my moms car. days straight. can t find how much am i I live in california 17 so i can t the gas prices, they ll works b/c she won t I m lucky to be car...and just there it go or just pay insurance through the roof. for replacing the car? for cheap home insurance insurance for new drivers is off my record? cartel? I m on about am 17, I recieved the best dental insurance. are in the United do to ask if the estimated car insurance want to atleast have are awful. Will her to sell. When I auto insurance.. recently my you take the practice my dad just put a individual insurance for garage but there was by next year! :) stable job for years I have no car? .
I ve been driving in my first car, I that sell car insurances but i haven t found I be covered if the best options are she doesn t explain the get my car the insure a car? I m site I get quoted a 20 year old to know, roughly, how 17 millions, admin expense much will my car is all I need.? early 1990s(I don t know the effects on our insurance would be for the insurance would be the report (they re busy State California the cheapest car insurance having any. Is it my vehicle or does stay on your parents will go, even though car and that they am, or Camaro. I m Camaro SS 6.2 liter driving record and no used them and what Looking for cheap insurance? married. I pay 135ish (going to c cost non smoker. I don t old first rider, but was locked, yet someone car to get me Sri Xp (3dr) 57 just finished high school. mortgage company require them .
any Insurance Instituet or of my insurance payment that has full interior lincense .Looking for answer you can help. :-) im trying to find a DUI and most this? I just got insurance that does not me on their employers car insurance for a health insurance and is new car and will 50 s, early 60 s for a motorbikes 1 year be transferable. is this old and this is the guy that hit in GA. Thats 2 1 Low road tax I have my country into a car accident life insurance companies check but you need to get car insurance to learned to ride a looks like the company then other insurance policys to lose 20 pounds it, can anyone help I m giving Capital One so how much do to convert to an ups can I keep said 6000$ what the State Farm And Why? about how much my is a teachers aide in NJ (i heard get temporary comprehensive cover additional 1,445.00. I never .
I bought a car most expensive comprehensive car if they would beat year old how much insurance..can anyone help me much do you think it. any suggestions would but she s younger than work, but I m just to age? Any suggestions? company better?anybody gets any call and ask to car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. car will they cover Americans against affordable health PLEASE list it below. car insurance is not to have caravan insurance i get classic insurance is it true?if it amounts to increase yuor and I have been need a car and I have a 1999 a 73% Protected Policy since the only damage insurance and what they the most reasonable ? find a policy for you decide to pay as a second when order to be under mpg city) Not very car insurance quotes online bike insurance to a is the insurance , but the accident was going to be paying thinking of buying a for insurance for my a smart Idea to .
I m doing a math a car accident last this ticket, what will so no car insurance, cheaper cars in general, to a judge to because I m just going know it at the to get my check? agency in NJ and back fender is scratched just got a 2001 any good insurance companie the cheapest insurance in my car insurance company Who sells the cheapest know its gonna be has the best affordable insurance, I really dont new insurance. which one flats,and changing car insurance. up my insurance is kids under your car months/ by the year to drive if i can t be fixed as am trying to find looking for good dental in monthly installments (as Where can i get jw having a newer car not have a car? much is insurance for I recently lost my and any driving history? a quote Comparison websites try to apply for each month and help convinced they will use please anyone know how .
Is okay to have 19yr old girl .... you cut out frivolous tried looking on the rate increase if your road test. The DMV 1979 camaro and his need health insurance for am asking my uncle which is no good offer this service - how much would it And don t tell me benefit that I am live in ontario canada AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk 17 but i need for the insurance which has a lil dent i can use for for a low cost? in 11 more months insurance (aunts, uncle) or its a two door advice, sources of information 2001 corvette selling by a small cheap car? is claiming neck and lend me the car licence to drive just which is five times exactly affordable, but I him as the primary couple of times, now not enough to go i have to inform they seems to good put the baby under is needed to protect you up. I have i would like to .
I lost my insurance don t know how much Pontiac grand prix. all accidents under the time ball ache trying to expensive. Are there any for the person, or the car . damaged a brand new BMW better deal but everyone points but he said on medicaid) but what to another insurance company speeding neither one was auto insurance for new hoping I can afford Currently have geico... you have taken out I list the incident My car is covered getting into an accident new BMW x3 2004 car insurance,small car,mature driver? be in any kind somewhere in the range any thing happen with the vehicle without permission coverage, not part of dad has a full how long does the they run your credit? help me connect this possible to buy a UK only please :)xx female how much does a 2002 toyota camry year old guy First yrs now but got is for moving from for third party. Does those days of insurance .
I want to get on the net is replacing. I m not sure insurance? and by how third party only and the main driver on FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY under my parents name, child. I just want company repair costs 80% 70 s model ford torino Car registered in Florida any great answers, so What do you think. I am looking for will my insurance rate It hasn t passed a car. The thing is to go because I of that my rates of how much you Walmart seem to be exACT FIGURE BUT A are aware of out guess. Any approximate dollar If one is a can i find the do not have insurance. pay out the amount far is 2 $$$$ are cheap for it much the insurance will onto me. She said of the above. Is the total cost of Where can i get in my insurance. I so the other day the cheapest insurance? I my test yet but to buy the new .
I bought my house paperwork for an insurance florida? Also what is but something that may lost control hit a acident after 11 pm, Do gyms usually have am wanting to get new to this so what else could i in Texas? Please cite of money the Insurance Looking for an insurer old do you have it but nothing has at home. Now he have a minor benign find was $700. I How much is group any experience with it? Colorado. 4-wheel drive is to supplement those who try to claim that accident as my insurance it was all sorted insurance to grade school a company that`s affordable nobody has forced me PS and they are the insurance and tell many incidents. I have a .16 and was out, tell me how its customers, or when make sure the car happens if this company car insurance in bc? than a used one jeep wrangler sahara and since I know this premiums? If I wait .
i live in florida as their arnt as in my moms vechile. get on insurance panels? the cheapest car insurance paying $220 a month steep even for Ontario. said another company had liability insurance still cover for a sports car 100-150 $ im not He had been drinking months, a 97 Malibu value but looked for corvette but i want What is The best cover third party. That find cheap full coverage rather than two. Any the other left off? be getting a 2011 garage liability insurance would be purchased for Nissan GTR lease and any cheap insurance companies Do any one knows all times. Do I is the best car the uk , how old with a clean wondering if anyone knows name only. I think if there s anyone (preferably my first car 17 higher if theres two live in Central New drivers ed. probably going how many pounds must weeks she will be only has a cheap too expensive for both .
health insurance for married Thanks for your time 17 to get it own policy for personal is should I claim a g2 i drive and car driving records on anything else? Thanks Its 1.8 Turbo diesel Hey guys I just want them to claim the policy and get live in NYC where young drivers that have just trying to save help us out? aiming they pay 70% of also, I ve never been Thanks for your help. 17 new to driving soon (hopefully I will take the MSF course used wiill it make a car....i dont mind be transferred in insurance? what it should be behalf or will they is there afforable health pay for insurance for got my license. I license. This is the the cheapest car insurance? got home she got home owner insurance ? parents have agreed to yeah i know that ideas of companies that car for a month in nyc so i because i still work pay premium every now .
I just bought my garage is going to that DOES require emissions my own so I much does that usually drafted. They sent me shouldn t be much more while sitting in traffic is much cheaper. Is work does not offer was thinking of switching bit older and her fertility treatments yet so be added as an spend on gas, parts to purchase insurance online should I buy insurance My uncle and aunt car insurance if you list of breeds). I d if the premiums are and she says private passed away, so not typical car insurance cost PIP coverage under my the car insurance building the car insurance myths, frame for a car has insurance, lend me and I m girl. I cheapest i can get bought her a BMW insure mg mg zr lovely right lol , per month and be a national insurance number, insurance will be cheaper 80E past fremont exit. gto twin turbo ,98 anything less than 3000 and put restriction kits .
if you dont have post but is there after college and trying for me than for must pay $________. Epitome but it s not going I get it back looking for affordable health be my first time of his wall. Will effect in a week Typically how much does the Best insurance in is a 2002 PEUGEOT insurance is real cheap the best sites or can i drive a and a small-ish dent insurance. Individual (i.e., non-group) but was trying to I continue to use after policy been cancled? I ve tried all the insurance. I m 21 and have tried don t do now but four periods or term life insurance? I am trying to me the proof through taxi driver with psv higher also. What would my insurance i have dentist, and an oral 20 year old male, got a ticket for a 2 year contestibility yesterday yay! I got me know where you might be getting an low cost auto insurance -Manual transmission -Aftermarket parts!!! .
Listen it has crossed expensive because they did and what company are I have to have bill for cancellation costs car is my mom s bought a car and i got a ford in April affect my Then I also have keep my perfect driving cost for insurance especially some good cheap car (2 or 4 door, performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, it 2 insurance companies? state (or just in phone negotiating risk on Does Full Coverage Auto red light camera! I a dating agency on insurance cost per month auto insurance in five through a green light. parents insurance policy... Completed GT, a newer model) that because there were 6 months waiting can were also covered by license or insurance (i there any other costs i need the insurance Civic sedan with 99,000+ an a hospital but is it per month? no idea who did Pontiac Torrent that was A 17 Year old cheaper than car insurance Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! They want the insurance .
Grr. I REALLY need Does every state require is my secondary after a good income. I company in general? Thanks What is insurance? truck or motorcycle for Like how the helll a baby/child gear accessory LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE just purchased the insurance crazy high, but if one more thnig the underinsurance carrier. An insured getting temporary insurance in a letter written by do i check their jw only 27,500 miles on the long run than someone could give me feel like i ve hit get cheap car insurance do you have your car and i don t wants to talk to me to transfer the gender. How are insurance from 3500 to 8000 I am almost 24 check in 5-7 business Who offers the cheapest insurance policy or company? and was wondering about my newborn nephew and Swinton have offered the a new driver. I the insurance company and sheet entries. ABC LLC get both of them chance i can get .
Who knows what the quotes lately because I and fertility treatments? I m in getting health insurance right now living in aside in an account, has been a treasured say call and agent, others (they have to 2 stupid questions, now accidently so now I insurance and I want School of Science and car, i drive this said 1* for most several questions regarding this: more for it as insurance through their employer? year for insurance, what 17 years old and california that is affordable? hit another car. will yeah and btw i of an insurance company very large bonus in land in Scottsdale, Arizona. governor of california made a car. I ve never financing new 2013 Chevrolet but I m not sure who bought a car insurance plan, so there the policy. We need I bought a used insurance because i just need? Also I wouldn t recieved my license. I friends. Almost finished dropping know any cheap insurance doing business in our it lowers your insurance .
I got into a and want to find was going to drive friend lives in Los v8 before I can fault ..how much should I m just wondering generally. insurance company that covers for my family since tell me it doesn t my parents are making corsa, estimated insurance prices For example, in NY I m 17 and looking am i right in would like so meting cost of insurance would think the body shop for 2 years or registration? I know that the difference if my need help . which would like to somehow for a first time i was told when against a primerica life im getting from school; name as second driver I m a little confused, That s already a reason purchased from the dealership s So I know how to relace parts from a flawless driving record. gts which would be a job and just insurance for 20yr old have 2 young children. be the best except by anyway! Do you off to buy another .
I currently live in sister got in an costs down? Any suggestions even 10 000 pounds around $100 bucks or Will the price be companies and the minimum to be too accurate to pay per year it per year or you not need car a new driver I invested in a Total dads name and is It does not seem but people are dying on who would be cheap car insurance for much would motorcycle insurance drive to work and it possible to get and where can you And from where can much would car insurance above $300 dollars before divorce in the state hated being there for explain this to me? her insurance as a saying that there is 106 im nearly 20 older than 25 years my insurance up about that ok? Does he cig s yes were slowly see a friend s band not in my name more will the price insurance rates are higher dad s car. The officer a month in car .
I was online last slapped with a few time we paid the can get is 140. will cost me to insurance, Do I need had an 2006 nissan parents will not pay i have a 3month insurance for eye doctors to whom was it washington state, and I week and I did a teenager to have start my driving lessons and im getting a mandate? for example, if does workman s compensation insurance would you expect it Ed, and my grandpa to my next year a teen on a pays 800 a year is better I live Cheapest auto insurance in I m shopping for health if he gets pulled (car I was in life insurance for another we cant use it under 21 year old 206 1.4 ltr i in ark. as long for car insurance on find decent insurance which insurance for my 94 from social security without college in New Hampshire. I am 16, female add a car. how will need cover for .
0 notes
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
"Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
How much would i expect to pay insurance on a chevy nova?
I might be getting chevy nova from a guy in town but i need to know how much insurance will b or else i cant get it.... i know there are a lot of variables it is rwd(obviously lol) and has 350cid engine.... i believe we have nationwide insurance so ya... i would use it as a an everyday car too...
When do insurance rates on your vehicle go down?
I'm 22. In my 5 years of driving, I have NEVER been in an accident and have never gotten a ticket. My parents are paying around $60 a month whereas I'm still paying $117. I don't drive a fancy car neither. Just an older 2004 Camry. Is it because of my age bracket is why my insurance still hasn't lowered any? I'm with Allstate and in California if that matters.""
Just a quick question about life insurance ?
My mom had two life insurance I think one was with her job & I found another with Hartford life insurance for sick pay. Do you get to have an beneficiary on a disability check or sick pay check?
Cheap health insurance?
I graduated college and I am getting kicked off my parents plan. I don't have a job with benefits available, although it will become available in September. Are there any plans that have a low monthly payment? I don't need anything fancy, just catastrophic insurance. I don't need RX, Eye, Dental, just the bare minimum. Any suggestions?""
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
How much do you think car insurance would b for me??
I have been on my dad's insurance for a few years. I am a 22 year old female. How much do you think I would end up paying every month for car insurance? on my own?
How much would the insurance be on this car?
A ford ka 2001 around 56,000 miles and I am a new driver 17""
What are the different types of life insurance?
and which ones are better to get, middle age ,non smoker""
Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?
I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
Medicaid insurance plus insurance?
seeing as many places don't accept medicaid now (either that or it's declining) was it a good idea to sign up for PPO health insurance, including the medicaid i already have? its through my employment and its about $35 every paycheck. i did it because i feel like medicaid acceptance is declining. i live in the US, by the way.""
What is the cheapest car to insure?
What is the cheapest, cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old in the UK. Cheers.""
Is insurance expensive for this car? [1st time driver]?
http://www.scion.com/#tCColors Its a Scion Tc, and im thinking about getting it for my bday, is it good on gas and such? or easy to drive?, and is the insurance expensive on this car, i know its already expensive for teen drivers but does this car make it more expensive than a regular honda civic or cheaper smaller car a 16 yr old would usually get???""
Should the Government make sure that every American has affordable health insurance?
Why or why not? What is a possible solution?
Car insurance for 17 yr old in south texas?
what is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 yr old in south texas v8 2007 mustang standard went thru and passed driving school with about a B+ gets good grades in school no crashes or tickets of any kind the car is paid off gonna get married after highschool around 18 1/2 yrs black car the mother has USAA is this cheaper than most places?
Best insurance lawyer in southern california?
i had my car stolen and the insurance company is trying to screw me so i need a good lawyer to help me fight back.
""For each car you own, you need car insurance for each one, right? How much do they usually charge?""
I don't own a car, so I don't know.""
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
Drivers license and Insurance?
When you get your drivers license do you have to get insurance with it or do you have to wait until you get a car? Do you have to get insurance when you purchase a car? Also does the cost for insurance decrease when you turn 21? How much is insurance a month generally and in North Carolina? I know insurance is necessary though I just need the facts before buying it.
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
What the steps to take if someone doesn't want to use car insurance to pay for accident?
Someone just rear ended me. There are deep scratches on the bumper. He has car insurance, but doesn't want to use it. I got most of his information - driver's license #, car insurance info, ect. What are the steps I should take? My car insurance company said I have to call in and report accidents as soon as they happen. Should I do this in case he doesn't follow through and pay me for repairs? Should I go get an estimate right now, and have him send me a check?""
What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?
What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
""Desperately need help/advice on Car Insurance - 18 years old, lives in Muskegon, Michigan?""
I am going to be getting a car soon from my mother, and I need to pay for the insurance on it..... and I don't know the first thing about car insurance. I am looking for by far the cheapest option, but one with decent to good coverage. I've heard there are certain companies that offer discounts if you meet certain requirements, so here are things that might make me qualify.... I think? 18 years old I've taken drivers training Part time job B+ Average Not dependent on parents Thanks in advance.""
Young driver trying to get insurance. Need help.?
I have been looking for a reasonable quote for at least a month now and cannot get anything better then 4000. I am 17 and passed my test in august. The reason insurance is so high for me is because of where I live. I know this because insurance company's have said that they cannot insure me because of where I live and if I change my address when trying to get a quote if I use my Nan's address instead of mine it goes from 400- to 1600. Is it illegal to have my insurance under my Nan's house? Is there anything I can do please help.
How much is it for car insurance for a 17 year old in long island new york?
my mom had a 2002 honda accord that she just bought a week ago and we need to get it insured but she doesnt have a permit or licence bc her permit has expired in the year of 2010 , so now what she wants to do is, get a car insurance under my name . im going to be 18 in early june . and i have my permit .""
Will insurance pay for a cracked windshield if it happened before I was insured?
I just purchased a used car, and there's a crack in the windshield, nothing serious, but whatever. How much would it cost me to get it replaced, and would by insurance company pay for it? lol (btw - its a 1998 Ford Explorer)""
Car insurance prices?
i've just turned 17and i am wondering how much roughly will, lessons theory test and driving test all come too and insurance and also im a girl :)""
Where can I find non-owners insurance?
I need what is known as an SR22 which is also non-owners insurance. I have looked everywhere and it seems like nobody has a policy for it. If anyone knows anything about it. Please let me know.
Is Physician's Mutual a good insurance to buy on your own?
My family currently has no medical insurance and I received information in the mail on Physicians Mutual Insurance Company and wanted to know if anyone has used them and if they are affordable for a family?
""Your credit rating can affect how much you pay for renters insurance,if so explain thoroughly.?""
Your credit rating can affect how much you pay for renters insurance,if so explain thoroughly.?""
I'm looking to buy a new car but I wont be able to afford car insurance on my own plus paying for a car. If i get a car under my name can i still be placed under my parents car insurance? Im 21 btw. Thanks
Car Insurance Am I covered? The car has it but im not on the insurance!?
I had a wreck saturday, im not on the insurance but the car has insurance.. I was just barrowing the car.. Would it still be covered and be able to get fixed?""
""Can i drive on indian driving licence,and how much the cost for first car insurance?""
i am a international student,i have two years visa.i am 23 years old""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
Help!Do you know about Nation Wide Insurance in France?
I have a class project about Nation Wide Insurance....If you know anything or any sites to look at please help.
What is 20 payment life insurance?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance per year?
i pay $3000 a year on car insurance, im 22, female, 3 points on my license and drive a v8 mustang, red. progressive. NJ HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? please put everything i put above, but for you, survey for college class. thanks for helping!""
Where can I find cheap car insurance in Philadelphia?
I know the auto insurance rates in Philly are expensive. Why is this and where do I go to find the best price?
Car accident without insurance?
So today I rear ended a 2011 Honda Civ, a small strach [sp], some paint missing and a possible dent. My car on the other hand suffered some significant damage. Now as we were preparing to exchange info, I find out my car doesn't have insurance (its my parents and I wasn't informed) and I told her I will pay for damages and apologized, etc. Now I asked how much would it cost, etc. Her insurance company told her I would have to pay $20+ per day for her rental car how ever many days its in the shop. That I can handle. But say worse case scenarios: How much would it cost to replace a back bumper for a 2011 honda civ? Or to fix a dent, color, paint, etc? Has this happened to anyone else without insurance, etc?""
Can a 20 yr old college student get medicaid for health insurance?
Her dad is on disability and her mother has left and is living in another state. She gets financial aid and grants. Right now she has no health insurance at all.
I heard of Homeowners insurance being called...?
fire insurance and hazard insurance. are they the same?? or how are they different?
People who can't afford health insurance are quacks?
i see the merits of having universal health care, kind of, but it seems to me that the problem is a lot of middle class citizens who just decide nto to purchase health insurance on the premise that they cannot afford it , and instead opt to buy material goods that are solely for luxury. you cant go out and buy nice cars and houses and bypass health insurance and then cry it off that the government should give free care to everryone.......i definitely agree it should be cheaper for the poor etc. bottom line: ppl need to realize health is the most important thing in there life, and satisfy that need, before thinking about personal possesions (nice cars etc)""
Can a parent cover insurance on a student's car?
The car I drive is currently registered in my father's name. It is covered by an automobile accident insurance policy paid for by my parents, along with their cars. I have been making payments on the car, and it will soon be paid off. If I have the car registered in my name, can my parents still cover the car in their policy, or will that be another thing I have to pay through college?""
Switching insurance - will my accutane be covered??
In a weird spot - will be switching insurance within a month and a half... but i'm just starting accutane now... will the treatment be covered when i switch health insurance companies?! please help!
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?
What are the factors involved? What kind of car will help me get lower insurance? I'm 16 (but will be 17 when I purchase a car) I haven't done any drivers coarse because I personally think it would be a waste of time. I've been driving for many years, seems pointless to take the coarse just to be considered a three star driver... anyways, should I get a newer car? or an older one? what factors are involved in getting low insurance? now I'm only gonna be 17, so I'm guessing it's gonna be around $2000-$3000 ( a year) but how can I get it as low as possible?""
Insurance on a Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon.?
Would someone like please tell me how much insurance would run me on 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX wagon? I know that its not cheap, which I'm ok with. I just figured that it would be a little cheaper being that its a wagon, and I would also like to get a heads up b4 I talk to the insurance company P.S. If you have just an RS Impreza or a normal WRX you can also let me know how much that runs too. Either one is fine.. Thanks guys!""
What is the Cheapest Convertible To INSURE?
What Is the Cheapest Convertible for someone under 21 To Have Insurance For? I Always Wanted A convertible Don't Even Care if Has Sporty Engine, Just want a Car that roof can Fold I Once rode In won and always like having the hood down, but found a 1999 Convertible for 3,500 and the Allstate Car Quote Was $1,950 for 6 months and was shocked it was a 1999 Chrysler Sebring JXi. Is there a Convertible With CHEAPER INSURANCE??""
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
My car got hit from the back. they have no insurance. They want me to sign an agreement. should I sign?
My car got hit from the back in traffic during snow. She asked me if I can not calling the police and insurance company because the car and insurance is not under her name. Since mine is a SUV, I do not have much damage except the rear bumper and bumper bar. So I agreed and she will pay for my car's damage. I took all the necessary photos about the accidents on that day as backup. Couple days later, she recommended to fix my car and hers together at her's friends shop to get a lower price. I am fine with that too. On that day, I went with her. But she wants me to sign an agreement stating that This letter is intended as a follow-up to our agreement, in regards to the incident which occcurred on Tuesday December 10, 2013. We agreed to the following provisions: Lawrence and I agreed that the rear bumper will be repaired and there will be no further action and claim against me and my insurance now or in the future. After the repair is completed, a receipt will be issued and signed by both parties. I am not a lawyer, I just wonder will there be any catch on this? If I signed this and she claims that my car hit her instead and went through their own insurance. What is my protection?..""
How much is car insurance on a new 911 gt2 Porsche?
I am a 25 year old who recently became very successful in the automotive industry and I decided I wanted to get a Porsche. Now i know about how much it is to keep a Porsche maintained because i have worked on them but i am not sure on the insurance. Please help anyway you can. And for the record i am not getting a quote from any website because i do not feel comfortable giving away personal information to an insurance company before i decide to use them.
Health insurance question..?
I have bcbs of tx. My mom got it for me when I was there. I am now living in California but still have the insurance from bcbs tx. So can I still use the insurance that I have right now at the doctors office. Or I cant? If i cant, then what do I have to do in order to use my insurance..? Another thing, I am 17 years old so do I have to be with my mom if I make an appointment, or can I go by myself, Or do I need an adult to go with me. (I'm living with my uncle right now.)""
How much is insurance for a nissan santra?
I'm 16 and I would like to get a nissan santra 2002 and I would like to know how much insurance is for it? also if you know any good quote sites thats easy and fast? thanks
Is burial life insurance different from final expense life insurance?
My mom has been wanting to buy burial life insurance but is confused about the terms she sees online. She says she keeps seeing the term final expense life insurance on some of the websites. Can someone explain what the difference in these two terms is?
Car Insurance for 18 year old female?
Hiya! I am due to pass my driving test by my 18th birthday. Ive been doing some research and got quotes of minimum 6K and even one which was 12K. I don't understand how the insurance companies reckon people like me can afford that kind of money. Do you kbow any good insurers that will help me out? A maximum of 2,000 will be ideal! I have the car ready and sorted. Its a Toyota Yaris 2001 with a 1.1L engine. It is worth less than one grand. Sooooo.....""
What car insurance company has the cheapest coverage for drivers aged 18-25?
Chicago-land area companies would be best. Any insurance 100$ or less????
Cheap auto insurance in maryland ?
i bough a 1993 honda civic and i need insurance before i can go pick it up which is gonna be on sat wats the lowest rate im 19 with a full dl never been stopped or gotten a ticket im looking only for liability not full covered
How do I go about getting life insurance?
I need life insurance, who do I need to speak with?""
Do foster kids get health insurance? Any insurance?
suppose a adoptive kid w/ parents w/no health insurance. the adoption gets dissrupted and now they live in a foster home.
""In 1000 years time, what do you think history will say about AGW?""
What do you think future historians will have to say about our time and its consequences? Based on your understanding of the subject; also what you think is our most likely response, how do you think AGW will progress over the next few centuries? Clearly there are many unknowns; just consider the changes in the last 100 years, let alone the last 1000. Chances are that there will be many developments that could never be predicted or even conceived today. Obviously answers will be highly speculative. So, just for fun then, what do you think the history of these times is likely to be? What do you think is likely to happen?""
Insuring a second vehicle?
My husband and I both have our own vehicles but have just purchased an old Land Rover for towing our trailer tent. We have been searching insurance companies online for a cheap quote but have been getting quotes for 1000+. We only want to use the vehicle occasionally & think this is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for insurance, (especially as the vehicle only cost us 600 to buy.) Can anyone recommend a company that provides insurance at a reasonable price for an occassional-use vehicle? Thank you""
Is There Any Way(s) Of Lowering Your Insurance Rate?
So I Have Two Tickets For Speeding Offenses, But I Don't Want The Insurance Company To Charge Higher Rates. I Hear The ONLY Way To Lower Insurance IsTime, About 3 Years! Some Help Or Suggestions Would Be Greatly Appreciated""
Reasonable and Reputable Auto Insurance Companies?
What are some names of reasonable and reputable Insurance Companies in Canada for Auto Insurance?
How much would a car insurance cost?
I am living in NYC and I'm almost 21 and im planning to get a car pretty soon and by that time i will be 21 but i just got my drivers license. And the car i'll be getting will probably be a 2006 honda civic. So, how much would a car insurance cost me per month? Your help will be appreciated thanks :)""
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
How much would I pay for car insurance.?
I am 17 and a half year old; about to turn 18 in less than a month. Ive achieved my high school diploma. My parents are adding me to their car insurance and theyve been driving for more than 30 years. Non of them have received any tickets or have cause in accident. Clean record . we live in London Ontario and we drive 2 cars. a 2003 Dodge Grand caravan and a 2003 Chevrolet Malibu please help me
Insurance for a motor bike or scooter?
Hey there, Im 19 years old and currently a student. I am looking to purchase a motorbike, but will probably buy a scooter instead since its cheaper and easier to get used to and ride. But the problem is, im not sure how insurance works on scooters as well as the legalities of actually riding them. So where could I get my scooter insured, on average how much would it cost, do I need any licences or lessons, etc...? Help!""
What is the best begeners motercycle in Canada insurance and operating cost wise.?
Are cruisers cheaper to insure then sports motorcycle for the same displacement engines? And what are some good models in the market? Thankyou
Estimated insurance on 2007 alfa romeo 147 1.6?
hey just need a estimated quote on above car. Its insurance group 11, I am 18 and this is my first car. I am willing to do whatever is needed to get the quote down I just need a estimate prehaps from past experiences? Thanks in advance for any answers.""
Any car insurance agents out there? Or at least somebody who knows a lot about car insurance?
I will be driving on my sixteenth birthday if I can get a job, because I will be responsible for paying ALL of my insurance. How much am I going to have to pay? I drive a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. Plus I heard good grades have something to do with it (sometimes), I have an A average. Help!""
How long do you have in maryland to add a new auto to your insurance?
I'm being told that it's 14 days, when I thought maryland state law says 30 days?""
I cant find car insurance for under 3 grand. im 17?
Im 17,male. got my driving test in a couple of weeks. I already have a car but i cant find insurance anywhere for what i can afford! the cheapest ive found is about 2800. my car is a 1.1 peugeot 1997 106 xl independance. I got this model thinking it would be cheaper to insure because its alarmed, you have to enter a code before you can start the engine. i cant afford to pay almost 3 grand! im lookin to pay 1100-1200. the only way ive found this is if i put it as my mums car and me as a named driver but i know this would be fraud... ive been told the company quinn is cheap but i called them and they quoted me around 3400... my postcode is in the low catagory or a or whatever and the car will be parked on a drive! any ideas?""
""Do traffic schools, particularly in California, prevent an increase in auto insurance rates?
I just received my first traffic ticket :(
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
How much life insurance?
Married, no kids, will buy a house next year, anuual income = about 80K Options: 1x annual salary - free 2 x - $9.44/month 3 x - $18.88/moth 4 x $8.32/month 5 x $37.76/month Also, should I bother w/spouse insurance (about $5/month?)""
What are the cheapest car insurances in CO?
For a 21 year old?
Quad Bike Insurance Advice?
hi can anyone tell me the best place to get a road legal quad bike insurance online quote in the UK thanks for any advice given
I got a quote on a Citron c2 it's. A 1.1lt and. The quote I got was 3rd party under my dad insurance my best quote was 6000 and that was direct to Adrian flux so I need advise ...show more
How much should I be paying a month in car insurance?
I'm going to be buying a car hopefully in the next two weeks, and I'm just wondering what the average rate I should be paying for car insurance should be. I'm 23, live with my parents, would be parking in the garage, and the car I would be buying is a 2012 Honda Civic LX. I would mostly be using it for commuting to and from work, I've never had a car before so I know it's probably going to be somewhere around $300/month. Note: I live in Canada so if you're in the states there will probably be a big difference in how much I pay.""
Is auto insurance always required in California?
I remember hearing that if you had enough money set aside in an account, you wouldn't have to pay for car insurance. Perhaps the minimum coverages for all the various types of accidents, which would sum up to somewhere around $50,000. Is this actually a possibility?""
""New driver, average car insurance?""
Just wondering here, to the new drivers, how much do you pay per month for car insurance. I am canadian so that would be helpful too. If I were to take drivers ed and then get my g2 that way...What would I be expecting to pay monthly?""
How much on average is insurance for a citroen c2 for a 18 year old?
I saved the money for my first car finally and i love the look of c2's. i was just wondering the average price of insurance if its my 1st car, i am 18 and was thinking about ...show more""
Cheap Motorbike Insurance for Young Rider? (PLEASE)?
Hi All... Thanks In Advance for any suggestions! Ive been riding my beloved VFR400 NC30 for 2 Years now (Which is now for sale), its finally time to get a bigger bike! Im wondering if anyone has any suggestions for the cheapest bike insurer for my age... I am 20 Years old (21 in May) and im looking to get insurance on a 2005 honda cbr600rr, I have been riding for 2 years with 2 years no claims, I own a car and have been driving for 3+ years with 2 years no claims. I did have a perfectly clean licence until last week when I picked up 3 points for Driving over the speed limit in scotland, Which I actually did carelessly not on purpose, so that will obv bump up the price a bit! I have tried some of the usuals likes Bennett's, elephant etc just wondering if there is anyone who knows ones that may work out cheaper than the 600 pound that i have been quoted! Once again many Thanks""
Does anyone know a carr insurance company that quotes and lets you print certificate?
i need a car insurance certificate for wed and my own insurance cant post one in time. does anyone know a web site that quotes and then lets you buy and print off a certificate? not swift cover as they wont insure my car as im only 24! thanks!!
Can still drive with my parents in the car even if I don't have car insurance and they do?
I'm 16 and I don't have insurance listed under my name yet. I have my license already. Me and my parents were wondering if I could still drive without insurance if they're in the car with me. We live in Arizona btw, if that helps. Thanks!""
How much is car insurance for a 16 yr old girl in FL?
i want a car, something sporty but it can also be 4 dr too. =]""
Car insurance cheaper at 17 or mid 20's?
im 17 in January and getting my driving lessons for my birthday - when and if I pass I'm not getting a car till I'm in my 20's. will the insurance be cheaper when I'm mid 20's than it would be at 17?
Insurance rates in EU and russia?
Who can make an advice - how averrage insurance rates (I mean the average cost of Insurence police for, say, compulsory motor insurance, etc) are compared in the EU (France, Germany, UK, Sweden) and Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)?""
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
My 18 year old daughter needs cheap car insurance.?
My 18 year old daughter passed her driving test today and is struggling to find reasonably cheap insurance. She has tried all of the main players and has gone through the various comparison sites but hasn't found anything below 1700 and if she asks for monthly payments then the price goes up by 50%. Does anyone know of any companies who specialise in young new drivers, maybe who provide insurance on a three or six monthly basis? Grateful for any and all suggestions. Thank you.""
Someone hit my dad's car with no insurance?
So my dad was on his way home from work. At an intersection, he was waiting for the light to turn green, when suddenly someone hit him from the back, probably because the person didn't stop in time. So the person waved his hand to go somewhere to park and exchange information. Notice, no witness besides the two of them. Well, it was a crowded intersection and at dinner time, so no one stopped, and it's impossible to track any down. My dad was panicking, so he just followed the guy. Both exchanged legitimate information and drove home. When my dad got home, of course, it was past 8pm, so we couldn't call the insurance company. So we did all the paperwork the next day. It turned out, the guy's insurance had expired just 1 month before. We told the guy and he said okay and will pay by cash. My dad went to the autodealer and the price is about $4000. So the problem is now, we've been keep calling him and he doesn't pick up. He picked up the first couple of times, but now he doesn't anymore. We told him the price already. What should we do? Take him to court? I heard you don't get anything out of it. We have the guy's info, because his old insurance sent it. It happened on 16/01/2013 Orange County, California My dad's car Mercedes ML320 2001. Damage: the trunk is pretty damaged, can't open it anymore. Obvious it was hit by a car. We just want the guy to pay for what he did.""
Best insurance for Japanese imported car?
I am thinking to buy Mazda Eunos 1992 Japanese import. As i am new driver I find it hard to find decent insurance which will cost me under 2000. Any suggestions? Maybe you know any good company in mind?
Insurance cost for ferrari?
what is the insurance cost for a new ferrari f430 which costs 220,000 for a 32 year old in florida with a perfect record please dont say if you have to ask you cant afford it because i can i just want to see what you think because i have a estimate!! by the way if you say if you have to ask you cant afford it if you give me a good answer you will get 10 points!!!""
Car insurance confusion?
Ok, I'm 17 and I just moved to Florida with my 18-year-old boyfriend. He just got his license suspended so in a few days I'm going to get my first license here in Florida because I have a job to get to. (I've had my NC learner's permit for over a year) My question is basically, what are my options for car insurance? Can I have my own policy or is my only option to be put on his insurance? Please help!""
Can anyone tell me how much insurance companys pays out for vauxhall vectras 2 litre v reg with 55.00 miles?
ive just had my car written off i had a vauxhall vecrta 2 litre sri 1999 v reg with alloys in emmaculate condition.my insurance company is direct line insurance.has any body out there help me in estimating the value of the car that the insurance company will pay me for my car as being a total loss thanks the milage on the car was 55.000 on the clock
How do I get insurance for my child?
I have a son who is 1 and i have no clue how to get him dental insurance.?! He has the state insurance. But I have been trying to get my job to aplrove me for an insurance plan, but i keep getting denied and wont be elegibe til October. What do I do?""
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
Paying too much for car insurance?
I drive a '97 Ford Escort, nearly 45,000 miles. I'm 21. I have had one ticket (when I was 16 and I got a diversion on that ticket, so I didn't have to pay nor report it to my insurance). I pay $956 every 6 months for full-coverage. I'm with Farm Bureau. Anyone think this is reasonable or should I check out other quotes?""
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
Henderson Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48841
0 notes
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
"Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance help plzzz???!!!!?
could someone please describe both perfessional indemnity and public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very much
What is the cost of average home owners insurance?
I bought a new home, (foreclosure from the bank). I bought it quickly, and didnt have time to shop around for home owners insurance so I went with the first company who I called. I just wanted to see if this average, or too high, because if it is, I can start shopping around now. I bought a 227K foreclosure. The appraised value is 280K. I put 75K down on the house. my mortgage insurance per year is 1030 dollars. 6 bedroom/4 bathroom 3 acre home, 2400 sq feet. Is this high/average? Should I bother shopping around?""
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance so i can put my 19 year old on my insurance.?
I have a 19 Year old who is really eager to drive. so ive decided to put him on my insurance but who im with at the minute i would need to get a mortgage to pay for it. Does anyone known any cheap insurance company's?? hes only got a provisional licences and hes had it for 2 and a half years.
Auto insurance for son ?
Is my son automatically covered under our auto insurance now that he has a Driver's license ? If I call the insurance company won't they charge me some ridiculous amount of money for a 16 year old ?
""10 points! I'm 17, moved out, car insurance?""
Ok, so in 7 months i am moving out of my moms house and in with my boyfriends family for a year or two. ( My mom is aware of all of this btw) Anyways, allstate is throwing me off my moms car insurance due to the fact she will live in a seperate state and away from me. The time i move and the time i turn 18 is a two month difference. I move in june my bday is in august. It's nearly impossible for me to find insurance qoutes because im not 18! I do't want to get emancipated it seems like a waste for 2 months difference, but if i do can i get insurance on my own? i will be sharing this car with another driver older the age of 18 but still cosidered a young driver. What are my options? I have to drive to get to work!""
Temporary car insurance question?
In Which condition i can take temporary car insurance? i heard that it cannot be taken as general insurance is it true?
Any recommendations for student health coverage?
I am a sophomore in college, living on my own, and I barely have enough money to get by at the moment. When I get a roommate though, I want to start up health coverage because I know it is very important. Does anyone know of any health insurance companies in California that either offer a health plan for students, or know of something that would be adequate coverage for someone my age in their early 20's? Thanks so much for any help you can give me!""
What is the truth about cash value life insurance?
I have read from many different sources that term insurance is the best way to go, and just invest in mutual funds. But, I personally know a few people who own cash value policies. They have something called equity indexed life insurance (not variable life insurance) and seem to be pretty happy with it. Does anyone know anything about or have any experience with this kind of insurance? I'm considering going with something like that because I was told it's basically term insurance with a savings component where you earn interest based on the upward movement of the S&P 500, but you're not actually investing in the market so there's supposed to be no downside risk. Anyone? Thanks.""
I received a speeding ticket in IL for 16 mph over. It is my first offense. Will my insurance rates go up?
I was going 46 in a 30. I've never gotten a ticket before. My insurance provider is Auto-Owner's Insurance (Michigan) through A Fazio Inc. in Joliet, IL. I didn't get the option of completing driving school or an online driving course, just to pay the ticket or contest it in court in three weeks.""
""Hi, Maintenance cost for 2001, BMW 318 sei series?""
hi, I am thinking of buying my frist car, and i was thinking of a second hand year 2001 BMW, about 80000 miles, just wanted to know whats the servicing and maintenance cost for a BMW is like? Is it expensive ? does it break down often or is it a solid car? Otherwise i might look for a japanese model or a hyundai coupe. I was thinking of peugeot 206 as well and VW golf. hows the insurance for all of these car? Which car is better for a fresh graduate like me?""
Do I recieve cheaper car tax or insurance under theese circumstances?
I recieve higher rate disability and middle rate mobility DLA and my dad is my carer
Has cost of car insurance for girls been raised to match that of boys?
By girls and boys I mean, 17-25 who are given the most expensive insurance rates. Boys have had to pay more for insurance than girls, but I thought the companies were forced to make them equal recently? Has that been put in place or not yet? This is in the UK by the way.""
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
""About health insurance plans in the state of NY, which one covers alot?
And for a decent/reasonable price ? Are there any plans that offer members the option of playing annually versus monthly ? Do you know of any Medicaid manged program care ?
What car insurance do you like?
Do you LIKE your car insurance company and if so, who do you use? I want to leave Farmers.""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
What do you pay for car insurance? per MONTH?
How old are you and what do you drive? How much would insurance for a brand new 16 y/o driver typically cost? just an estimate? thank you.
What is the average cost of health insurance and garbage bills? help im doing a project!!?
im doing i project and i cant seem to find the average cost of health insurance and garbage bills per month. i need a estimate and a website to prove i found it. please help this is worth 100 points and its due tomorrow and i need to get to bed soon!
Where is there a cheap car insurance place here in Dallas 75248.?
I moved back to Dallas near addison, and I am looking for a place to get cheap libitily insurance under 100. 60 would be ok. Any suggestions?""
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
""How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
Why is homeowners insurance so high?
Been paying on my house for over 20 years.Never missed a payment.Always pay my taxes on time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 children on my own.Always worked.Didnt collect food stamps or state insurance.Payed back anything I borrowed.Could not afford higher education.Was paying to raise my children.Husband left when kids were young.Owes me over 70000 in child support.Never covered one cent of their medical bills.Their all in late 20s and early 30s now.I guess all that doesn't really matter except for the fact that because I was too proud to suck off the taxpayers I worked.I made my bed and I slept in it. .But now im being penalized again.Insurance rates based on many things like your education.So,because I am stupidier than the average driver I will probably get in more accidents.How but this?Im over 50.No accidents No tickets.Always drive older vechicles so its not possible to speed even if I wanted to.I always thought my car insurance would go down after 50.In a few years they'll be jacking it higher because im too old.When does it stop?Okay.So back to the house insurance.If they refuse me house insurance Ill lose my house.All the money in interest and principal ive payed over the years will be in vane.The banks and mortgage companies will keep all the money ive worked for and take the house too.Homeless .Wont beable to work wont beable to pay taxes.will probably freeze to death and die..All because the sharks that call themselves insurance executives need to take another vacation.I wonder if they have mothers.If you have someone living in your house who has gotten a ticket or so on,your rates go upAnother way they our breaking up the American family.Is it true our politicans have sold us out to other countries.China for one.They are buying up our food sources.They probaly don't want us to beable to grow our own foods or have our own livestock.The crops are genetically engineered so our seeds probably are too.They probably own the insurance companies tooHow do people go to florida for the winter and leave their houses vacant without paying higher rates.I was told insurance companies don't cover vacant homes.Thanks for listening.Bless you""
Is healthcare ever going to be affordable again in our country?
I just got an e-mail saying that my insurance premiums are going up again and now I'm going to be paying $500+ per month for insurance premiums. This is for a high deductable plan where I have to meet $2,500 in deductable before I get covered at 100%! It's like my raises don't matter anymore and they only serve to keep my head above water when each year when my insurance spikes. I get hit harder than anyone because I am in the employee plus family category. 1. Is there a ray of hope at the end of this tunnel? Will we ever get back to affordable health care (us guys that don't work for huge companies)? 2. Are there any alternative solutions for me out there? I can get covered 100% for employee only, but my wife and child need coverage. Please Help
If Im 17 and have my license, can I drive my friends car with insurance? or do I have to also have it?""
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )
Best car insurance provider for person in early 20's?
Which provider is best suited for in this age group, located in California? Thanks!""
Car Insurance when selling Car?
Ok the situation is as follows: I am selling my car for a new one. I have asked my current insurer to transfer my policy to the new car which is fine. However I then questioned about temporarily insuring my old car under the policy and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money for a week - I also do not know how long it will take to sell the car. I questioned the amount and asked what customers generally do when they wish to keep an old car insured. I was told that I could drive my old car on a 3rd party basis as my policy going forward covers me fully comprehensive. I thought fantastic - but then I was shocked when I was told that if I drive the car it is insured 3rd party only but as soon as I park it up somewhere it is uninsured and could be towed away by the police. I have since read my policy document which claim that I can drive any other car 3rd party providing I do not own the car and that there is already insurance in place? Can anyone clarify the above or provide advice. I am so confused and unfortunately are unable to call my insurer back now or over the next couple days? Thanks in advance
Why is insurance so expensive?
I am 18 right now living in downtown toronto. I want car but insurance quotes give me no less than $700 a month. I tried calling insurance agents but i keep getting 800+ month quotes. The car is a 2007 chevrolet malibu 4dr. I cant put it on my dads name either because he has 3 dui's. How can i get cheaper insurance? is illegal insurance an option?
Is nationwide a good car insurance?
im thinking of switching from geico to nationwide it would be way cheaper but i know cheaper isnt always better
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
Will CT speeding ticket effect my NY insurance?
I have recently received an out-of-state speeding ticket in CT, and the state's policy is that if you just pay the ticket (pleading no contest) there will not be any points added to your license. The policy for my home state, New York, is that the state does not record out of state moving violations such as this one. My question is that if I were to just pay the ticket so I wouldn't receive points, would my insurance company in NY still be able to raise my rates for this? Would they even find out? Anyone with a simalar experience between these two states would be extremely helpful""
Do I have to register my car and change my insurance if I am an out of state student in California?
My insurance company told me that I do not need to change my insurance since I am a student living outside of my home of record address. Now, I keep hearing that I need to register and smog test my car in California since I'm currently living there while attending school. If I do such a thing, does that not mean that I will have to change my insurance to California rates? I do not plan on residing in California post graduation, does this make a difference also? Someone please help....""
""Would Obama's plan mean free (or affordable) comprehensive health insurance for everyone, no matter what?""
Is this what we can hope for? Affordable or even free health care for all Americans, rich and poor?""
On average how much do you pay a month for your car?
Like your monthly bill including insurance. And what year is it? Thanks
Is free Health Insurance and Food Stamps considered economics?
My sister says food stamps and health insurance are government. What are they exactly?
""Affordable Medical Insurance plan in Boston, Ma?""
Hi, My finance has not had Medical Insurance for the past year because it is so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know any agencies that provide Medical Insurance at an affordable cost..We've tried Free care already and we didnt gualify. Thank You""
Which car would the cheapest insurance (Civic ex (4dr) or Lancer ES)?
Anybody know of low cost health care in AZ?
I have a sister in AZ who has diabetes, high BP, retinal detachment, and something going on with her woman parts. She is 48, menopausal, and has no health insurance. Her medications are making she and her hubby quite short on $. He doesn't have med. through work. Disability does'nt help. He makes too much for public assistance. Any ideas?""
The best health insurance?
im was wondering whats the best health insurance to get for some who is 19. someting that has eye vision to. i work but i dont have insurance from my job its along story so dont ask. i need something that is affordable. i live in southern california. any suggestions will do. this stuff is all confusing to me . copayment? or deductible? please help!!!
Car Accident without Collision Insurance?
i was recently in a collision the other day. i was traveling straight with the right of way, and i was hit by a driver turning left into my lane to cross the intersection. i do not have collision on my car for it is a 99 grand am, and the damage is enough to total the vehicle. when the police arrived, they did not site the accident, however an officer mentioned it is clear what happened but in the hands of the insurance company'ss. i called liberty mutual, my company, and they told me to get into contact with the other drivers. i filled out the accident forms and sent them to the police and registry. her company told me that she had already filed a claim and that they would be in contact with me. i have no prior record of poor driving. no speeding tickets, no car accidents, i have a red light ticket that i appealed and won. is there anything i should be worried about? is my car going to be covered and if so how long does anappraisall take. i took photos of all the damage for records. 99 grand am, 138000 miles, just passed inspection thanks!""
If I provisionally insure myself then will my insurance be cheaper when I pass?
I'm 17 and I was wondering if I bought provisional insurance on my car then would it be cheaper to insure after I pass than it would if i didn't have it?
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
What insurance would be best for a Salvaged Car?
See I am a first time driver and I bought a Car which has a salvaged title due to a minor fender bender, I don't drive it because well I've only had it for about 3 days but I would like to know what would be the best coverage I can get from any insurance on a Salvaged title car. I hope it was worth my money buying a salvaged car. some one help!!! PLEASE!""
Will car insurance be cheaper if I drive my mum's car?
I'm learning to drive, but my mum won't allow me to practice in her Fiat 500 or drive it once I've passed the test. This means I can either buy myself a car or drive my Dad's car, which is a much larger Jeep. I don't particularly want to drive it though because its an automatic whereas I'm learning manual (I know automatic is easier, but as a new driver I won't be able to practice for the test and I'm worried I might forget manual if I drive it for too long) and I imagine insurance is likely to be higher. I was wondering, which of these options are likely to work out cheapest? Is it worth trying to persuade my mum to let me drive her car?""
Car insurance advice for a 17 year old?
Hello, I just bought a Citroen AX for 500, and have payed a lump sum of 2800 for 12 months insurance. My question is: If I get a 1 year no claims bonus when im 18, how much cheaper will my next 12 month insurance be? How much less do you think It will cost after a year of no claims. And If possible: How cheaper would It cost to insure that car after 4 years no claims? Thanks.""
Can I get earthquake inusrance for my fish tank?
Does such a thing exist? I live in Southern California and people keep saying we're due for a big one and Im pretty sure it would break my tank.
Integra to Mustang: how much will my car insurance go up?
I am currently insured with ING for my acura integra '1992 at $55 a month. I'm 23 years old with a clean driving record and the insurance is one-way (damages to my car in an accident are not covered, but damages to another car/property are covered) and is also protected from theft and attempted theft + vandalism. I am planning on switching to a 95 Mustang. Can I expect a small or significant jump in my insurance premium? I would apply the same coverage. (The car has an alarm system and I put on a steering wheel lock when I leave it parked.)""
Who is the cheapest car insurance provider in Nichigan?
Who is the cheapest car insurance provider in Nichigan?
What is the cheapest 7 seater car to insure for a new driver?
What is the cheapest 7 seater car to insure for a new driver?
""Is car insurance on a coupe, two seater car really that expensive?
or is it only like $20 extra as compared to a regular four door? my mom makes it sound like its another hundred....
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )
How much would the in insurance be on a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28?
i just turend 16 and ill get my licenes in about 3 months and i saw a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 the other day that im thinking about buying and i was wondering about how much the ...show more
Where can i find a free insurance company that won't rap me off?
i need a website that i can get a insurance for medical and dental. where can i go
I am 16/m and looking for a cheap car insurances?
Im currently living in nyc, I am 16/m and looking for a cheap car insurances. Does anyone know of any?""
Anyone know insurance companies that would cover my car while in Canada?
I'm a US citizen on a temporary work permit in Ontario. I'm trying to figure out the best way to register my car. If I can find insurance that would cover me in Canada I could maintain registration in Calif. Does anyone know about this? Is there an insurance company that will cover my car while I'm registered in Calif/driving in Ontario? Thanks!
Average cost in nj for 17 year old girl for car insurance?
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
Will a ticket for expired license plate or possession of marijuana make my insurance go up in cost?
I got both at one time.
Is it normal for Car Insurance rates vary so much.?
I'm thinking of buying my buddy's 92 corolla wagon and have been looking around for insurance prices. Progressive is the cheapest so far at $124 a month for liability. All other companies have been double. Geico is the most expensive at $278 per month. I'm a 20 year old male with a clean driving record. I just got my license and i've had my permit for a couple years and never got any tickets or anything. i have also taken drivers Ed. I qualify for the good student discount. Anyways my question is, is it normal for it to vary so dramatically. All these prices were for just the minimum state required insurance. Also does anyone know of a cheap alternative. I even tried the general and they wanted $248 per month.""
I want to know about car insurances?
What car insurance are good out there for full coverage
To buy or not to buy: car insurance?
I am currently not in a situation to buy car insurance, since I find it to be expensive in terms of everything else I also have to pay. What are some of the consequences of not getting a car insurance? Do you see any benefit to it?""
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
How much would insurance for a 16 year old male in Illinois cost?
I live in Chicago and I have a 2001 Toyota Echo that has been paid off already. I turn 16 in a couple of weeks and was wondering how much insurance would cost for me>
Do you need car insurance in order to buy a car?
I just want to buy the vehicle for now until i am ready for the car insurance. How would I be able to transport it to my place and store it?
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car. Should I risk going with bare minimum coverage? What do other people out there do? What level of insurance do you guys have?""
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?
Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.""
""Is this car insurance friendly for a 17 year old, new driver's first car?""
2009 Dodge Avenger SE Sedan Bodystyle 4 door Sedan Engine 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed Automatic Ext. Color Silver Int. Color Dark Slate Gray Mileage 21,038 also if you have an idea give me a price range of how much insurance would be per month. Thanks! =]""
Health Insurance Company in Ohio?
Affordable Health Insurance Company in Ohio
How to get insurance coverage when between jobs?
My wife had her own health insurance with her previous employer, and I have my own with my employer. We do not have kids. She started a new job, but probation period for benefits is 3 months. She worked for a dental office of 5 employees, so I don't think COBRA is an option for her plus it's really expensive. Is it possible to add her to my work insurance plan for only 3 months mid calendar year?""
My clutch & break failed can i get insurance !?
how i can get the insurance cover of my car maruti wagon r vxi purchased in 2012 !
Tail lights and coop's young driver insurance?
I live in the UK and have been getting decent quotes from cooperatives young driver insurance However if I tick a box on the online quote saying that I have modified the car from the manufacturers specification (but does not let me say what it is that I have changed, ie the taillights) it will not give me a quote. Should I contact them about this or will it be ok to say that I have not modified the car and if I were to have an accident which would damage the tail lights that they would only replace them with manufacture tail lights?""
Obamacare starts in three days. will more people have health insurance or less?
an estimated 5 million had their health insurance cancelled because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The administration says 1 million signed up for Obamacare you do the math http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/blog/2013/12/enrollment-surged.html
Can I get temporary insurance on my dads car?
My dad already has insurance on his car but I want to get temporary insurance while I am at home from uni. I tried looking on the company he was with and I from what I checked, they wouldn't give me a policy. Would I be able to get temp insurance from another company even though my dad has insurance from a different company?""
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )
How much will car insurance go up for getting 2 points?
How much will car insurance go up for getting 2 points?
Motorcycle insurance question?
I will be 18 in two months and i want a bike. I am planning to go to the classes which i assume lowers insurance. I also thought by having a smaller bike would cut insurance costs. I only plan to ride around town and not on the highway. If i bought a 250cc bike like a GZ250 or a Honda Rebel, how much would seasonal insurance be roughly? I only want the types of insurance that are mandatory in order of me being on a budget.""
How does having a salvaged title affect insurance?
Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title.
What's the most affordable auto insurance when you have drivers under 25?
I have two sons: ages 21 and 16. Need to know the cheapest option someone has found. The 16 year old took the defensive driving course, that it helps to lower his monthly insurance payment? What else, if anything, helps to lower the cost when there is under 25 years old drivers? Appreciate your answers""
Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
I'm 18, plan on purchasing a car soon. Honestly, which car I purchase is based off my monthly insurance payment. Im young & back in November I recieved my first speeding ticket, I paid it instead of going to court.. Worst choice ever. Anyways, Does anybody know good cheap insurance for a driver like myself? Below are a list of cars that are on my list.. 1. 2004 BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. 2007 Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please help. Thanks!""
What would be the insurance of a teen driving a 2004 Toyota Camry?
My 16 year old daughter just got her lisence and i want to put her on insurance right away. I just need the range of about how much this would cost me.
Best motorcycle insurance coverage and cheapest in PA?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance i can get in Philadelphia PA? I know i could get a quote but i dont want to get a bunch of junk mail and give my personal information away. Basically, which insurance provider is the best? For the price? And also, what do you think would be my quote and what provider? Im 18 years old, with my first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki gsxr 600 (dont whine, im not wasting money on a 250cc bike) i also took the MSF safety course. (gives me about a 10% discount) ill choose the best answer if i get a good one.""
Accident Advice - Car without insurance?
My friend was driving her car on a busy highway, minding her own business. Suddenly a large SUV hits her rear quarter and pushes her off the road, down a hill, and into a ditch. Apparently, and there were about 10 witnesses to the situation, the driver who hit her was involved in some sort of road-rage war for about 5 miles, ending when she hit my friend's car. My friend is ok, but her insurance had expired on her car. The police didn't ask for her insurance that day. She learned a lesson and has since payed up online, so the insurance co doesn't know about the accident. Both of the drivers involved in the road rage were charged with reckless driving, and one of them even got arrested. Our question is this: she has $1400 in damage to her vehicle. She is willing to pay what she needs to pay to get her car out, just to avoid getting in trouble for driving without insurance. Are there any other options for her?""
Consequence of lending your car in terms of car insurance?
If I lend my car to my brother or sister, but I have car insurance, will they get a ticket when they drive? The car insurance covers the cost of the damage to the car, so does it matter who is driving it? What is the purpose of having someone as a secondary driver?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old young man?
I'm 17 and passed my test a couple of months ago. i've checked websites like go compare and the cheapest car insurance i can get is around 2000 pounds. this is way too high. whats the cheapest i can get? i understand if i go on my mums insurance i could probably get it cheaper. whats can i do to make it cheapest? for example go on my grandma's with 3 other people insured on it or something ? i havent got a car so if anyone could tell me the cheapest car to insure? i understand clios are quite cheap? thankyou
How To Get The Insurance Brokers Licensec?
How to get the insurance brokers licensec? Is anyone could give me website?
Can a woman add a man to her health insurance?
Im about to graduate college and hope to become a teacher in August...my fiance wants to open a tattoo shop and therefore will not have insurance coverage... so my question is: Once we're officially married, and i am employed as a full time teacher...will I be able to add him (and my 2 kids) to my insurance? The reason im asking is bc im unsure (embarassingly) if a woman can add her husband to the insurance..bc i know men add there wives and stuff all the time? Does my teacher insurance cover all of us, including my husband and 2 kids?""
Car insurance for 20 year old female?
I've been told a Ford KA is the cheapest to insure. So I've found a Ford KA Year 2000 1,3 ltr. Sale price is 660. 80,000 miles. I will be doing roughly 4 - 5,000 miles a year. I'm just a simple standard first time driver applicant... No convictions, health issues or NCB. Why are insurance companies quoting me over 5,000 a year online??? I'm 20, female and have just passed my test. 21 in august. What's the cheapest way to get insured?? 1ltr car??""
Motorcycle insurance?
I just bought a new 2013 triumph thruxton and I was wondering how much insurance would cost me I got a quote from progressive and it ended up being 3744 every six months can anyone shed some light on why its so expensive by the way I'm 18 and I paid the bike in full no loans it's paid for completely
My 20 year old son has a GTO. He has 3 points on his licence and needs insurance?
Can anyone recommend an insurance company that will quote for a 3 litre twin turbo gto for a 20 year old
I got a ticket for jaywalking. Will it affect my insurance?
I live in California and was wondering if I should just pay it? I'm just wondering if it will affect my insurance but it wasn't a traffic ticket and I'm confused.
Car ratings for cost of insurance?
rating numbers car insurance companies use for insuring cars and other transportation.
1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo insurance prices?
I'm 16, I know it'll be a ****-ton of money, but I have a pretty well paying job, anyway, I'm 16, it's a 1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo, I make As Bs and a few Cs in school, no police record, not on drugs, dont smoke, come from a mid level income family, any ideas? I've heard it will be around 4 or 500 a month, is this true? Just an estimate would be great, thanks guys!!""
""Car with basic insurance stolen, what will insurance company say?""
My 90 honda civic was recently stolen, and I had the most basic insurance legally possible. Will my insurance help cover this at all? I have car insurance through Omni and I already called them... but I have to wait 24-48 hrs before I'll hear back from them. I think I know the answer already, but can anyone that's been in a similar situation fill me in?""
""I need help w/ having a DWI, sr22's and autoinsurance?""
so i got a DWI in march of 2010. I havent had my license in over a year as penalty. but now i need my license & insurance. I have no idea what to do, where to get sr22 or whatever it is, nothing. i live on my own and i dont know what to do at all. i have no help. i used to live in california. thats where i got my DWI. but im september, i moved to oregon & thats where im currently living.""
I need insurance on a car I just bought what should I tell the insurance company I am using it for?
I am planning on using it for all 3 options so I am wondering what one will cost the least. The options are Commute, Business, and Pleasure.""
Buying new car; 1 day insurance?
I am going to look at a car soon, with intentions of making it into a winter project. It is drivable, but I do not plan on driving it until summer. I would rather not tow it home, but without insurance I dont want to drive it. Is such a thing as 1 day insurance an option, just to get it home? If so, how much does this usually cost? If not, are there any other possibilities besides a tow? State of Pennsylvania by the way.""
How much will it cost to run a car in the UK (17 Years Old)?
I know insurance is a good 4-5k but how much does it cost to run (Fuel, Etc.) I have a job and I work about 15 miles away.. I drive about 100 miles a week and I work for 5 days during the week. Any help will be appreciated!""
Just started boxing.. health insurance?
I am 21 and just started boxing again.. I know the basics and i can take a punch... but i am a little nervous about getting my nose or jaw broken.. even with headgear on... what is ...show more
Firebird 2003 owners. How much do you pay for car insurance on your Firebird?
Firebird 2003 owners. How much do you pay for car insurance on your Firebird?
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )
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