#Bro did I rush myself to be able to rush a VIP
purestblue · 9 months
H-How do I look?
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She wears a ring from me >:v
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bangcrizpychan · 4 years
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Blood Is Not Always Thicker Than Water
☆Pairing: Mafia underboss!S.Coups x Reader
☆Genre: heart-sickening angst, mafia!au, pregnant!Reader au
☆Word count: 2.2k
⚠WARNINGS: suggestive themes, blood, violence, drug usage, death, swear words, and A MASSIVE EXPLOSION OF ANGST FROM ANGSTVILLE, *read at your own risk*
☆Summary: You were the city Mayor’s daughter, he was a Mafia underboss, a relationship that never should’ve started in the first place. Will you be able to go against all odds?
☞Note: since the request didn’t really specify whether the fic is going to be an angst or fluff, I went full blown ANGST. THIS IS 100% ANGST (╥_╥), so grab a tissue and have an angsty reading♡
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You fixed your skin-tight dress and dark red lipstick then looked at your boyfriend, Seungcheol, who smirked at you and eyed you hungrily. You seductively walked towards him, every step making your heart pound with excitement. You have been dating for a year now, but the thrill of having a mafia underboss as a lover when you’re supposed to be an angel to your father’s eyes, who was the city Mayor, still exhilarates you.
You straddled Seungcheol’s lap and attacked his neck, he sighed at your touch and let his hands roam your figure. You grazed your teeth against his soft spot and it earned you a beautiful moan coming from him, oh how you loved the noises he make and you knew that you were the only one that can weaken him like this. You started to unbutton his shirt when a sharp knock interrupted your session.
Seungcheol let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his temples, “come in,” Jeonghan, a capo, went inside and gave a letter to Seungcheol. “It’s a VIP invitation to Congressman Han Seongsu’s 50th birthday,” Seungcheol rolled his eyes. “Why do I need to go to that old scum’s birthday?” “He is one of our loyal customer, and there will be a transaction on that day to send more of our package to Jeju.” You almost felt bad for Jeonghan, Seungcheol seems to be mean towards him like every time.
“And your it was your father’s orders to you send there,” you rubbed circles on your boyfriend’s chest to soothe him. Seungcheol’s father is the current Mafia boss and Seungcheol is his successor since he’s an only child. “Also, you need a date before going there.” Jeonghan added and shot you a look, He ‘tsked’ and sent Jeonghan away with his hand, who left without saying another word. He took a deep breath and looked at you, a smirk back on his lips.
“So, where were we?” you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, “we were starting this part,” you smashed your lips against his and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. His chest rumbled with laughter, “you seem so eager baby, don’t worry, we’ll get there.”
Your tongues played together as you discarded each other’s clothing, ending the night with passion and pleasure filling the air.
You let out a shaky breath when you saw the pregnancy test; two visible lines that seemed to taunt you. You were pregnant, “No, i-it can’t be,” you were sure that you were on pill, so why was this happening?!
When you finished crying in the bathroom, you decided to call your best friend, Seungkwan, to ask for guidance. He agreed to meet you at his apartment so you got ready and headed there as quickly as you could.
When you arrived at his place, you completely broke down in his arms, he whispered comforting things and your ears and soothed your back.
“y/n, what happened?” he asked and handed you a glass of water, you took a sip and explained yourself, “I-I don’t know Seungkwan, we were careful!” you sobbed, Seungkwan knew you had a boyfriend, but he didn’t know what kind of person Seungcheol is. What would he do to you if he finds out?!
“You have to tell your boyfriend, y/n, and your family,” “I know, but I-I’m just scared.” that was a lie, you were completely terrified, you were allegedly a good girl in your family’s eyes, to them, you finished University without any boys bothering you. But most of all, you were terrified of Seungcheol, he loved you, you knew that, but you’ve seen what he was capable of. He had ended someone’s life in front of you before, what if the next person that will stand at the end of his gun is you?
Seungkwan babied you the whole time you were at his place, you watched your favorite shows together and ate a lot of sweets. Your phone beeped in the middle of the show and your blood ran cold when you saw the text.
“come home. Now,” it was from your brother, Joshua. You bid Seungkwan goodbye and went home anxiously. When you arrived at your place, you saw your brother, who was still in his uniform, and your mother sitting in the living room. “What’s going on y/n? Why did your brother drag me here and called for a ‘family meeting’” your mother asked, twirling his diamond ring, almost looking bored.
“I want to know what’s going on as well,” your brother reached out from his pocket and pulled out a plastic, “care to explain what the fuck this is, y/n?!” you flinched at your brother’s voice. He handed the plastic to your mother who then screamed when she pulled out what was inside. Your maids rushed to the living room to see what the commotion was but you stood there still, staring at the pregnancy test that was dropped on the floor.
“How could this happen, y/n??!” your mother cried, the maids brought her tea to calm her nerves but she refused and continued to sob. “what the fuck were you doing in my room?!” you demanded to your brother, tears streaming down your face.
“You think I wouldn’t notice you looking sick and barely eating anything?! You think I wouldn’t see the signs?!” he yelled at you, “Who the fuck is the asshole?!” No, he couldn’t know, he should never know. “Oppa! Please don’t, don’t tell Dad, I beg you” you dropped to your knees and begged your brother. Your mother was stopped sobbing for a second, and thought about rushing to your side but she was too weak to do so.
“Just tell me his fucking name, I can charge him with rape and I’ll cuff that motherfucker myself,” you chanted a series of nos and I’m sorrys. If you weren’t that terrified before, you are now. Your brother is a police officer and if he knew that the father of your unborn child was a mafia underboss, he would definitely kill him.
In the middle of the chaos, you decided to run away, you heard your mother call out your name but you didn’t care, you got into your car and drove as fast as you can. You called Seungcheol and he decided to meet you at the Hangang Bridge.
He lit up your cigarette that was hanging in your lips a little too long. “What happened, sweetheart?” “I got into a fight with my brother,” you sucked some smoke in and slowly blew it out. “Do you want me to take him out?” Seungcheol suggested, which you would’ve laughed at if you didn’t know he was serious, but you knew he could definitely kill your brother. You just scoffed and let the silence took over you.
“Do you love me, Seungcheol?” you asked out of the blue, Seungcheol disposed of his cigarette and took yours off from your mouth. “Of course I do baby, I love you so much,” “Well, what do you think about babies?”
He chuckled and smoked the rest of your cigar, “I mean babies are adorable, but they’re so fucking annoying to look after.” you lowered your head and muttered a single ’oh’. “why? Do you want to make little Seungcheol or little y/n to pester us?” he laughed and cupped your face.
“Because I’m definitely down with the baby-making process,” he said and crashed his lips to yours, you tasted the minty flavor of the cigar and the scene alone made you feel hot. Maybe you could tell him after tomorrow’s event.
You turned a lot of heads when you entered the congressman’s manor, you were wearing a silver long gown that barely covered your breasts, and Seungcheol loved the fact that he can show off your beautiful body and let them know that you were his.
“y/n??” you stopped your conversation with the congressman’s wife and whipped your head to the direction of the voice. Your eyes widened when you saw your father together with your mother. “M-Mom, Dad? What are you doing here?” “What the hell are you doing here?! You ran away from home and now you’re attending a party?!” your father scolded.
“Guys? What’s going on?” Joshua appeared behind them and then looked at you, “y/n? What are you doing here?” he quickly shooed your parents away to talk to you. As you and your brother started to talk, Seungcheol suddenly appeared at your side.
“Hey baby, who’s this?” You couldn’t believe it, it was the most unfortunate coincidence you’ve ever experienced, your brother had to meet your lover like this. “I’m her brother and you are?” “I’m her boyfriend, it’s nice to meet you bro,” Seungcheol reached his hand out to offer a handshake but your brother only stared at him.
“I know you from somewhere,” your brother’s eyes widened with realization. He pulled you from Seungcheol’s grasp and dragged you across the room. You struggled to remove yourself from him, yelling at him to let you go.
“What the fuck, y/n?! You’re fucking dating a mafia?!” your eyes widened with fear, this cannot be happening right now. “Is he the father of your fucking child?!” he grabbed a fistful of his hair and pressed his earpiece, “I need backup right now, I caught sight of a mafia at Congressman Han’s mansion. I need backup. Now!!”
You ran off as he was yelling orders and went to find Seungcheol. You found him conversing with Congressman Han, “Seungcheol! You need to leave! Now!” you yelled and tugged at his arm, he excused himself and turned to you, “What’s going on, y/n?” “My brother, he knew you were gonna have a transaction here. He recognized you and called for backup-”
“Wait, your brother is a fucking police officer?! What the actual fuck y/n?!” he cut you off but you dragged him behind with you. “There’s no time to explain, we need to go, you’re not safe here!” you heard the police sirens and both of you made a run for it. His goons took out their guns and chaos erupted inside the mansion. A couple of officers tailed you but Seungcheol’s goons came and fought them off. However you were both caught in a crossfire and barely managed to reach the abandoned warehouse near the manor.
You helped Seungcheol drag himself to the warehouse, he got hit in so many places just to cover for you. You fell down next to the sacks and groaned in pain, blood seeped through your once silver gown but you ignored your pain and focused on Seungcheol’s wounds.
“Baby, don’t close your eyes, please. Help is on its way, I managed to contact Jeonghan before we got to this warehouse, you just have to stay with me,” you cried and applied pressure to some of his wounds.
Seungcheol coughed up blood and reached up to hold your face, “w-when you were talking a-about babies yesterday, w-were you s-saying that you were pregnant?” you cried and held his hand that was cupping your face. “Yes, I was baby. You’re going to be a Dad, so stay with us. Okay?”
“I’m g-going to be a Dad? I don’t k-know if I’m going to b-be a good one though,” he chuckled. “You are going to be the best Dad in the world, baby.” you cried and let out a small smile.
You didn’t want any of these to happen. You never wanted to be a sister of a policeman and Seungcheol never wished to be an heir to a Mafia boss. All you ever wanted was to be a normal couple that was going to be a family soon.
Seungcheol coughed and grunted in pain, he looked at you straight in the eyes, “I love you y/n, so fucking much. More than my fucking life.” “I love you too, more than anything in this world.” You cried, and pressed your lips against his.
Seungcheol nodded and smiled, then his hand went limp. Silence, aside from the sirens you hear at the distance, it was all just silence. You screamed at the top of your lungs and embraced your lover, you held him like you were holding onto life, he can’t be gone. He can’t leave you behind.
You started to feel pain so you looked down and saw a lot of blood seeping out of you. It turned out that you were hit by more than one bullet and you felt yourself cough up your own blood. Seungcheol was not going to leave you, you were going with him.
You rubbed your belly and sobbed, “I’m sorry, my baby, you didn’t even get the chance to see this world, I didn’t even get the chance to see you.” you groaned in pain as you lied down next to the corpse of your once lover.
You stared at the ceiling of the warehouse, smiling widely and scooting closer to Seungcheol. You felt your eyelids go heavy and you couldn’t hear nor feel anything, anymore. You mentally scoffed, you never thought you were going to die at a horrible place like this; but you were glad of your imminent death, because at least you died in the arms of your one true love.
☞Note: I may or may not have imagined the request too deep and created this chaotic monstrosity. Sorry, I was just feeling too angsty (╥﹏╥)
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calypsoff · 4 years
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I hate and love interviews, I feel my overseas interviews are better than my American ones, “you done girl?” I said to my makeup artist “break is over near enough” Mylah laughed side eyeing me “all done” she walked off, taking in a deep breath “all set! We resume in three, two and one!” turning to Jonathan “welcome back, we have the beautiful Rihanna. Did you ever think you would be this famous? Looking back, did you think you would be known by millions of people? Like you can’t even have space now, we have fans knocking outside” I chuckled “erm, it’s hard. I love to have my space, I find my peace at home and that is in Barbados, this is where I can be me when I am at home. I can drive, I can see my people so I do go back there every time to get peace” I hate when I talk with my hands, now I can notice it, it is actually annoying “do you get asked for pictures there or not? Or are you the people’s princess like you are here” I giggled “am I a princess here? Well in Barbados they don’t hound me, if there are tourists around then I may get it but the people, my people. They call me Robyn; I am Robyn to them. I get all the love and hug for being me, and it’s a great feeling because I have inspired a new generation of talent there, that you can do it. I love my home, and that is my peace” clasping my hands together, I need to stop “I have been Barbados before it’s a beautiful place, so what is next for Rihanna? The empire you are building” raising an eyebrow “empire? Well next for me is I am working on another album and, I have something in the pipeline that I think people will love and won’t see coming, it’s a big collaboration. It’s something I have always wanted to do; I can’t say it but it’s coming. But that is me right now, I have a few projects coming up but I am working on a new album” nodding my head smiling “you know what I love about you? So I don’t keep up with who is dating who but, we all go through horrible break ups but how you and ASAP Rocky, your then boyfriend. The way you both broke up was so fluid, I couldn’t even comprehend how amicable that was, there was no mean words or anything. Just yes we have love for each other but as friends, so smooth. What advice do you give to people that don’t want to be with their partners?” I wasn’t expecting that question “wow, it’s hard because everyone is in different situations but you need make yourself happy, I tried to carry it on but I was doing it for what was around me, so people adored him and us together but I am a happier person now. The would be, go with your heart” even though my heart is in hiding now, I did go with my heart.
Sitting in the car next to Jay Brown “next up Miami!” I spat; I need to start working on my album now. I have been here in London for longer then two weeks and it’s getting too much, I have people that want to add their vocals onto the songs I have kind of already done “yes, I don’t understand and I never got to ask, why did you break up with Rakim when you was both perfect?” I knew he would start “perfect for promotional things, we are better as friends and we knew that. We went wrong when label got involved and got us together” he won’t like that “got involved? We didn’t force you both together” I sniggered “sure, that is what that meeting was for then? Just to say hi to us, we practically had a meeting about it. Doesn’t matter now, we are happy, and we still talk” shaking my head, he is annoying. Men are actually very annoying, Chris included. It’s been about two weeks now, no contact from Chris at all. I did think, let me do it and he didn’t contact me back. He didn’t even read my message either, he hasn’t posted anything at all but delete pictures of his ex. I have posted pictures thinking he would react, no. So fuck him, I guess that is it. More so, my heart is in hiding and has been ever since New York, it hurts but we move on. I mean I didn’t ask for much, I said dick appointments but whatever, my fingers are fine.
Hugging Sonita “I am sad you not coming with me, but we will meet soon. I will be back in Barbados before you know it. I love you” we are now having to split ways, Leandra and Sonita are both going back home “I love you too, this has been great. Just to spend time with you” moving back from the hug “and bitch, meet me in Miami when you can” hugging Leandra “you know me, I will be behind you. Have a safe flight while we ride economy” I chuckled “only the best for two hoodrat bitches” I cackled moving back from the hug “girl fuck you, love you Robyn!” waving them off, Rich picked up my suitcase “let’s go back to the USA whores” I would have got the jet but I rather just fly business class on a plane, I don’t really care for being on a jet. Only when I am with my family I will put us all together but I am working I just fly on a plane, but then you get the added bonus of paparazzi up my ass “you leaving us Rihanna!” one shouted, smiling as I continued to walk with Rich. Get me to the VIP lounge so I can have some peace “love you Rihanna!” as soon as the guy shouted my name the whole airport decided to push and now this is where is gets draining.
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“Christopher” I groaned, my vision blurred and the lights. Opening my eyes only to close them again “Christopher, take your time. He is coming around, this is good” frowning with my eyes closed, pain hit me so hard. Opening my eyes slowly “son” my dad’ face all in mine, I am confused “Clinton, please don’t get in his face” hearing my mother say “what happened” I managed to say and then it hit me “Christopher, you are in hospital right now” it hit me, closing my eyes again and it’s there. I got beat up, I knew that shit I did would come back to me, I knew them niggas would come at me for snitching “we will give him a moment, just let him come around” hearing the doctor say, I was beating that guy up when he came at me, I remember but then I blanked out “how long has it been?” my throat is dry, I feel so lost “to be exact, we put you in an induced coma, worried for the injuries to your brain. It has been overall two weeks” I breathed out “oh my god” I said in a whisper, I have been gone for two weeks.
My mom is emotional but so am I, I blanked out but between that time I could have been killed but it makes me wonder why I wasn’t, how am I here. I feel the pain “we was so scared Chris, we thought we lost you. The doctor was saying all sorts of things to us, I told you to move back with us” shaking my head “my own family hate me mom, because I got their son more time for snitching. They hate me here, look what happened. All I did was come to see you both, I left the home to go back and that was it. I am in pain mom; all I did was come to see you. There was one nigga, and we fought and that was it, all I remember” shaking my head “they got arrested son, don’t worry. They got caught, they left you for dead, outside the home. I cried and prayed every day and night, god just to bring you back. You just rest now; you will be in pain. Your face is better, your body is sore. Just to stare into your eyes my baby” I am so angry “I am not even like that, I just want to be left alone” looking away from my parents “I bet I lost my job now too, the only place that will hire a convict like me, even that was done because of who I knew” this is a mess “don’t think about work son, just think of you” so easy for my dad to say that.
My parents left me, they left because of how silent I am. I am laid here thinking, I should be thankful I am alive right now, but I just hate myself, I hate that I am worth nothing now and still I am getting my ass beat. I fought back but they played dirty, second time getting my ass beat and this time I was in a coma, next time I will be dead but the least I won’t need to think someone is going to get my ass if I wasn’t here, I am just a mess. I had so much going for me; I had a life. I had a future, and everyone saw it, now I haven’t. Now I got to be the thug that I am now, I have to protect myself. Maybe I need to go into a crew because if I was in a crew then this shit won’t constantly happen “bro, oh my god. I am so glad to see you!” TJ half shouted, looking to the side of me, he rushed over to the bed “you’re awake, my nigga I was so scared you wasn’t going to actually wake up and we lost you, you good?” nodding my head “I am alive” I mumbled “bro” Barry said, I didn’t need them to come because I feel depressed as fuck.
Sighing out heavily “you are so down ain’t you?” Barry said, “what are the streets saying?” I asked because I am going to be back out there and I bet they are laughing at me, I got beat twice “lot of niggas are upset for you and also, someone hit you from behind. Niggas weak like that, heard that you beat the other guy’ ass but one of the members played dirty, niggas don’t play like that so they look stupid, I wouldn’t worry about them Chris. I want you to worry about you, get the fuck better. I was so scared when they said they putting you in an induced coma, they was worried your brain was going to be damaged” I should be blessed but I don’t feel it “I feel lost” feeling my eyes well up “you cool bro, stop thinking that shit. We got you, I swear you my brother and I am happy you here” TJ being nice as hell “appreciate you both, trust me” I mumbled “my body hurts like mad, doctors are keeping me in and they said they ain’t looking to let me go right now. They want to do scans of my head and shit, I am good though but they ain’t letting it happen. I don’t think I will be able to move anyways, even now just moving my head side to side I am in pain. It’s wack but yeah, I will be here for a while” I better get comfortable.
TJ left to get some drink for himself “I have your phone, it died but I charged it. I don’t know your passcode but twin text you once, that was two weeks ago” Barry winked at me “but Seiko been acting like the widow, it’s weird. I literally said to her y’all are split but yeah. I kept your phone safe, I got you my nigga” I feel so weak even holding my phone “two week bro, I can’t believe it. Do I look bad?” I ain’t seen my face yet “a little bruised up, your hair is a mess bro. I mean looking bad” I expected that, I grinned. Let me see what twin wants, she probably hates me. This shit has been two weeks, I don’t think I will text her back because it’s been that long “damn” I got my password wrong, typing it in again because the phone ain’t recognizing my face of course. The first message I went on is of course Twin, but there is so many others and lots of other messages, but I don’t care for it, I need to know what she has put.
Hey freckles how are you?
I want to ignore the message because it’s shameful to answer back after all this time but then it’s rude, but what would I say to her. Do I tell her the truth, let me message her back anyways and if she is angry then so be it.
I’m alive, you!?
“I just realised you peeing in a bag” TJ spat pointing, of course he would point that out. Locking my phone “you dumb, I can’t really get up and pee. I don’t even think I am capable of walking at this moment” TJ laughed sitting down “is your nurse fine though? Like she going to wash the royal dick” see what I mean by he is stupid “royal dick!? Where the fuck do you get this shit from” Barry said laughing, my phone pinged in my hand. She’s messaged me back, I am shocked.
You could have just not text me…….
I jump at your texts but this time I couldn’t
Not a lie
Sure and anyways I decided to not come for my appointment I cancel
Sorry if I upset you for not texting but I been in hospital
You got a face on with me when I said dick appointment so miss me with that!
I wish that was the issue but it isn’t, I will send a picture to you. Just be ready
I didn’t want to take a selfie, but she doesn’t believe because I was upset with her when she started to speak on me being a dick appointment, it was pathetic, and I was annoyed with her. Flipping the camera around, I actually feel disgusted, I have a bandaged head. Flipping it back over, let me take a picture of my hand with the IV lines, that can work. Taking the picture and sending it to her “rest up, don’t let anything get to you” nodding my head but my phone rang straight away, I don’t think I am mentally ready to be talking to Robyn right now but she is ringing, answering the call “hey” TJ and Barry are both staring at me “oh my god, I am shaking. Are you serious, what happened!?” I can tell Robyn is in shock “it’s a long story, but I woke up out of a induced coma. I wish I could speak to you longer, but I am tired” I feel it “I am literally shaking, which hospital are you in?” I think she is on a plane, sounds like it “we will link up when I am better but just know I am not lying” that is all I wanted her to know “I will find you but just rest, I am actually shaking right now, just take care” I can’t even take care of myself right at this moment.
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chrisevansbabymama · 5 years
Daddy Hair Care - Chapter 5
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Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5 - Cupid, Draw Back Your Bow:
“Good morning gorgeous,” Sebastian said loud and obnoxiously from his kitchen island, with the intention to wake Chris up as it was almost midday and he was still sprawled all over his couch, now stirring.
Chris groaned as he turned over, greeting his friend back with a lazy wave as opposed to the middle finger that he would have preferred.
“And what time did you get in last night?”
Chris could hear the smile in his friend’s voice and so he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and stretching.
“Sometime after 2 – I think,” he yawned.
“Where did you guys go?”
Chris paused, suddenly remembering last night’s events with Kayla. There was no way for Sebastian to have known whom he’d spent the evening with; Chris was so sure of this because the snitch – Lauren, and Seb were not on speaking terms. When the lies she’d told both Chris and Kayla last night didn’t add up, Chris automatically assumed that she was covering up for shackling up in bed with Seb for a few rounds of make-up sex. 
It soon made sense when he later saw Lauren’s messages; she’d sent him a couple of Snapchats in her hooded onesie and a wine bottle, with her thumbs up and a cheshire cat grin, captioning over the image:
Sike! Enjoy your date! Sipping this as I wait for updates…
If I get to the bottom uninterrupted then it means you two fucked and I win!
He couldn’t be too mad, he supposed; that had worked out to be one of the best night’s he’d had in a while and since his pulling game was rusty, he needed all the help he could get. Even if meant an intrusive Lauren pulling a few strings and lying to make it work because they were both stubborn.
“Uh, this little place in Lower East Side, and then we watched a film,”
“That’s different, you guys are typically high-brow; it’s usually something Michelin and VIP sections at the most elusive spots,” Sebastian chuckled innocently, chopping ingredients for his morning green juice.
Chris chuckled too at the epiphany of how different his night was, but despite the change of pace and crowd; it had been a blessing. He’d been able to let his guard down and be himself around Kayla; she hadn’t treated him like a precious stone or egg, like everyone seemed to do when they were around him. Where everyone would call him “Mr Evans,” to kiss ass, she called him “Hollywood” to keep him grounded – as she’d testified. And he loved that. And he liked that authenticity and consistency.
“I was coming from a press event so we just wanted something chilled, it’s Lauren that usually picks the high brow spots,”
“Mhhh,” Seb said with an eye roll at the mention of her name. He would know, he’d dated the woman for four years.
“What time is it? Is Mya still sleeping?” Chris asked quickly changing the subject.
“11:47, I was going to let you sleep some more but I need to use this guy, y’know my routine,” he pointed a thumb to his noisy Vitamix that he would usually use first thing in the morning, but Chris occupying the living room space a few metres from the open-plan kitchen, had perturbed his plans.
Chris laid back down, “Nah, go ahead bro. I was actually going back to the hotel last night, but my ride drove past this way, so I thought I might as well stay the night instead of coming back in the morning to pick up Dodger and Mya, then I fell asleep here watching replays of the match,”
“Y’know the door’s always open man,”
“I know,” he had the spare key too. “How is she still sleeping so late?”
“She didn’t sleep too well last night,” Seb said sheepishly. “I made the mistake of caving in to everything she wanted: pizza, candy, ice cream, popcorn – she was flying off the wall with the sugar rush and then threw up twice. She didn’t sleep until 1,”
Chris clasped his hands behind his head, “That’s what you deserve, she sleeps at 8 and she’s not allowed more than one treat,”
“Just because you’re on the Cap diet doesn’t mean she has to be,”
“I don’t force her, she throws up every time she eats most of that junk,” Chris had learnt this the hard way and since then, he kept the treats to a minimum.
“Yeah but you know how she has me wrapped me around her finger,”
Chris shook his head in a disappointed acknowledgement, “I know. Was she okay though?”
“Yeah, she settled down well after,”
“If she’s not up in thirty, I’m waking her up or I’ll be paying the price tonight,” Chris said reaching for his phone.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but he’d envisioned missed calls and messages from Kayla. It was a farfetched little fantasy he had cooked up before he fell asleep after their text message exchange, hoping she took him seriously on his offer. He reopened the conversation, re-reading it like a hopeless romantic trying to uncover hidden meaning or any flirtatious hints. It was their first text exchange since they had met and that hadn’t been how he’d planned for it to transpire; he’d always hoped it would be something overtly flirtatious and sexy, but given the circumstances last night; that was the best he could do.
He wanted to send her another one message: wishing her a good morning and ask her how she slept, ask her what she had planned for the day and tell her that she looked absolutely beautiful last night. He’d also wanted to tell her that last night was possibly the best night he’d had in a while and that he couldn’t wait to see her again and that Monday was really far away. And Monday was the only day she was scheduled to see him, until the following week, which was jam-packed with press and a couple of shoots.
“Why are you smiling like that you creep?”
“Nothing - just on Twitter,”
Seb pierced his eyes at him in contemplation, “You’ve got this weird smug look on your face. Did you get laid?”
Atypical, his face flushed, “Huh – no -I didn’t-”
“Come on, I’m on your team. Tell me, who was it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Mhhh, so it was just the whole team that went out?” Seb pushed. “You didn’t meet anyone?”
“Uh yeah, just the whole gang,” Chris lied, his attention locked on the device.
“Huh,” Sebastian hummed. “Interesting,”
Chris finally looked up, triggered by his friend’s suspicious and interrogative tone.  “What is?”
“Nothing,” he commented. “Just interesting, that’s all.”
“Is there anything you want to ask me man?”
“That’s what I’ve been tryna do,” Seb walked over to the fridge, retrieving two bottles of water, throwing one into Chris’ direction, pouring the other into his blender. This was usually a topic they reserved for beer, but even they knew it was a little too early to start drinking. “You were finally with a woman last night, I know that but who is she?”
“You don’t know her,” Chris finally resigned, knowing fully well that his best friend would find out sooner or later, and Kayla was too close to home to keep it a secret.
“I didn’t say I did, I asked you who she is, but your default response was defensive which makes me think that I do know her,”
“Again, is there anything you want to ask me?”
“I am asking, you’re deflecting,” Seb repeated. “Let me rephrase myself, maybe you’ll get me this time: where did you go last night? And who with?”
Chris took a big gulp to buy himself sometime to think and deliberate on whether he wanted to answer this question or not, eventually opting to because as much as he would have preferred to keep it a secret; he really needed his best-friend’s help. If there was one thing about Seb, like Lauren, he was persistent; if Chris didn’t offer the answer, he would find out one way or another. It was safer this way, Chris decided, at least his friend wouldn’t have to go on a digging rampage and ruffle unnecessary feathers.
“Kayla…” it didn’t ring a bell.
“Y’know, my hairstylist and –“
“The one she-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned always said you have a secret crush on? That Kayla?” he frowned, alluding to Lauren.
Chris smiled, bringing the bottle back up to his lips to shield his smile but his skin tone kept warming up in betrayal. He resented that trait.
“Oh,” Seb put his bottle down and sat down on the stool at the island, this warranted all his attention. “So, she-whose-name… was right all this time. I thought it was a joke that no one was taking seriously. Wow. So you went for it, huh?”
“I didn’t make the move,” Chris corrected. “Lauren set us up and decided not to show up, so it was just the two of us hanging out,”
“So, how was it?”
“There was no it,” Chris said, sipping again for a dramatic pause. “We just got something to eat, hung out and went to see a film,”
“That is the most boring fake date ever,” Seb said flatly. “I’m just saying, you get to finally be with the woman you want and all you do is just go to eat and watch a film. Did you at least fool around in the back of the car or theatre?”
The bottle was becoming Chris’ trusted prop.
“Did you?”
“Nah,” another sip. Should I even tell him I fell asleep?
“You kissed her though, right?” he pushed “At least?”
Sebastian sighed, “Wow,”
Chris placed his bottle down. He shrugged.
“So you were basically just babysitting each other last night? Couple of dumbasses,”
“It was the first time we were ever together alone,”
“I’m not too sure on the details, but ahem-Lauren-ahem told me once in passing that you had the hots for the girl, but I didn’t take it seriously because I know you man, I thought back then I’ll know it’s true because you don’t take so long to make a move. But that was old Chris: he made moves, fast. So what is it – what’s the deal with you and her? Do you even like her or do you just want a bed-buddy – cos this is not like you to not make a move,”
“No, I like her,” Chris shrugged, speaking honestly; more candid that he could with Lauren because she always had an agenda to set him up or manipulate situations and end up embarrassing him. He wanted to be transparent with Seb because he was objective and didn’t know Kayla to run back to her. He’d met her once or twice but it was formal and pleasant, and at the time, Chris had given nothing away.
“I do like her, but I don’t know if she likes me the same. It’s just confusing because all my past relationships have been easy because the women have always made it clear and so it was easier for me to make the first move. Kayla, she’s different,”
“She works for you though, so she probably wouldn’t be too explicit because she’s afraid to lose her job, because I’m guessing you’re holding your cards close to your chest too. You are gonna have to just go in for it and be a little aggressive in pursuit because seems like she’s gonna need you to take the lead on this one,”
“You’re right, I don’t blame her. I haven’t given her much to work with either, we are just playing this dumb game with each other,”
“You just need another chance to feel her out – and don’t let other people meddle in,” Seb frowned, Chris was very aware that he was referring to Lauren’s handiworks. “What was she like when it was just you two?”
Sebastain didn’t know it but that question had opened a can of worms, because the second Chris opened his mouth in reply, he couldn’t stop. Even his face now had a glow to it, his smile radiant and eyes dancing with excitement. Sebastian remembered that feeling that was etched across his best friend’s features because it was only a few years ago that he had fallen for Lauren and he wouldn’t stop smiling or talking about her. She was all he could talk about. All he wanted to talk about.
“…she’s so cool and funny too. Really cool. It’s like she’s got her life together, she’s so comfortable in her own skin and has this confidence about her that is really sexy. And she’s just an assured person. Everything about her is just so – I don’t know, I don’t know how to describe it. Like she’s just full of peace and goodness, and I know there’s even so much to her that I haven’t uncovered yet and it’s so exciting,”
He trailed off babbling away about her and that feeling from last night, the overwhelming elation that he couldn’t express in words tormented him again. It was a pleasant feeling; like a heady summer night after making love. A high that he couldn’t come down off and sent chills down his body, through to his core.  He felt embarrassed when he finally snapped out of it, noticing Seb’s grin.
“Sorry, you don’t care about all that,”
“No, do carry on,” Seb motioned with his hand.
Chris bit his bottom lip, now embarrassed to carry on. He’d said too much and felt incredibly vulnerable; he trusted Seb with no doubt, but he hadn’t been this raw with his friend since his last break up, which had taken him years to recover from. Chris had adopted a defense mechanism of pretending he was fine and building walls and now the very wall he had erected was falling apart at his own hands.
“Why don’t you blend your juice or something,” Chris deflected.
“It can wait,” Seb patted the machine, filled and waiting, but it was too noisy and interruptive. This conversation was much better. “When do you see her again?”
“Monday, I have a fan event that she’s grooming me for. But after that I don’t see her until the following week,”
“Talk to her on Monday and get her alone again and maybe you can get together in those days you’re both not working,”
“What if she’s busy?”
“You wouldn’t know unless you tried right?”
“I guess, but-“
“Stop that, I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to find reasons for her to say no because you’re scared to actually go through with it. Just make the first move, and everything will fall into place,”
“And if she says no?”
“Well it wont ever be a ‘no,’ I know that for a fact, otherwise she wouldn’t have stuck it out with you last night. You remember four years ago we had this conversation about Lauren?”
“Yeah,” Chris chuckled, remembering telling Seb to go for it and make a move on Lauren. Seb had taken a liking to her when they had hit off during the Winter Soldier press tour. “But look at you two now, barely talking and can’t even bear to be in the same room, I don’t ever want that with Kayla,”
“Me and Lauren are me and Lauren, we have our issues. You and Kayla will have your own unique relationship, what if you don’t end up like us?”
“I don’t know man, I’m used to being interested in women and being okay to let them go, because I feel like I can’t do both: be with them and protect them from all this Hollywood stuff,”
“The way I see it, she knows what it entails, she’s with you and Keith all the time to know what your publicity landscape looks like, so she knows what she’s getting into,”
Chris nodded, running out of excuses to shelter him from making a move. Sebastian was making a lot of sense but it was scary nonetheless, to make that move and leave his single life behind. It wasn’t his single dad bachelor life that he was afraid to give up – because that wasn’t as glamorous as it sounded, it was more about what Kayla would have to give up and tolerate to be with him. Those reasons he feared, were the same reasons his previous relationships hadn’t been successful even with actresses he dated: the people he thought were very well-versed about the industry and its pressures, couldn’t handle what came with dating a man so carefully observed and adored by the media and fans amass. What more Kayla?
“Can I ask a question?”
“Why the hell didn’t you just kiss her? At the very least, I mean you had every opportunity to,”
“I don’t know, I asked myself that very question over and over,” Chris was reminiscing. “I don’t know, she’s different and it scares me. I was scared that maybe I wouldn’t be able to stop,”
“I don’t know if I should swoon or throw up,” Seb deadpanned. “But the fact that she scares you, alone outweighs all your dumb excuses you were listing just moments ago! I used to have this friend who got offered an amazing opportunity to play Captain America, but he had anxiety about the role and what it would entail and how it would affect his personal life. So he almost backed out until he realised that ‘maybe the thing you’re most scared of is exactly what you should do,’ he told me those words when I wanted to pursue this woman, and it worked. And he says them every time in an interview, so I never forget those words,”
Chris smiled, shaking his head and looked down bashfully, playing along he said: “So what happened to this friend of yours then?”
“I don’t know, he’s some hotshot Hollywood actor now but we stopped talking because he was a hypocrite and never took his own advice,” Seb teased.
“Back to you though; why don’t you ask her out tonight or tomorrow?”
“No, I can’t this weekend is reserved Mya. I miss her,” Chris expressed. “I feel bad, like I just dumped her on you last night over some woman,”
Seb grimaced, “You didn’t dump her on me, I offered and y’know I don’t mind, I know that’s Tiffany’s job but I like the kid. And you didn’t know you were going to be alone with Kayla, clearly she’s not just ‘some woman,’”
Chris hissed, cringing at his poor choice of words, embarrassed that he would reduce her to being ‘some woman.’
“I guess this is all a bit new to me, I’m having a hard time trying to negotiate the balance between the two worlds,”
“The balance will work itself out once you figure out what you want and work towards it. You’re allowed to enjoy some me-time without Mya you know,” Seb said reassuringly, Chris smiled immediately at the familiarity of those words. “What?”
“That’s what Kayla said yesterday,”
“See! She practically threw herself at you and you didn’t even meet her halfway. Unbelievable,” before he turned on his blender, he pointed at his friend, “If you don’t at least make a move next time you see her, I’ll get myself involved. Use those perfect blue eyes and pretty face to your advantage,”
“Well actually, there’s a bit of green in the blue of my eyes,”
Chapter 6 >>
Disclaimer: Gif not my own
Tags: @thegirlwithpaperheart  @disaster-rose @youlifetime @mississippifangirl @thinemineours @tessathedragon @thottio @caninoona @eratotalles @allonszassbutt@thinemineours@dreamingwithmendes @void-imaginations @daybreak96 @l-auteuse @cliffordasparagus @bumber-car-s@lvlyab@melaninmarvel @milkymil-k@dyckvandyke @prettymuchboodup  @i-fear-neither-death-nor-pain@the-doctors-fallen-angel @tfandtws @mariswritingforfun @renesmeeharelds
@turn-thy-paige @disaster-rose
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter two
A/N: Chapter two here we go!! Let me know what you think of the story so far. I’d love to hear it. Plus, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist. Thank you for all the love yall have given the story so far, it means so much to me. Alrighty, on with the story.
story description
taglist: @far-to-many-bands , @idfk-tbh-oops , @muted-mayham , @ughwhyislifesohard , @justtanerd , @ashyoungxblood
trigger warning: cursing, alcohol mention, manipulation powers, general vampire things
word count: 1245
Nights that I didn’t have to work revolved around me lounging around in my apartment, watching movies, and eating copious amounts of stuffed-crust pizza.
But tonight was a change of pace.
I had been up all day trying to figure out what XPLR Services was. The paper X had dropped had no info on it, besides a number. Looking it up yielded no results. Searching for XPLR Services did nothing either.
How the fuck was he hiding it?
“It’s a vampire thing.” I whispered.
A lot of the vampire world was completely hidden from humans. No one really knows how vampires came to be, or how they went about living their lives. Maybe this explains why XPLR was hidden.
I jumped up off my couch and got changed. Rushing out of my building, I knew exactly where I needed to go.
Trapp Haus.
Luckily tonight was the second ‘Human and Vampire Night’ there, otherwise I wouldn’t be allowed in. I knew who I needed to talk to.
I walked down the alleyway behind the club, hearing the thumping music vibrate outside its walls. I banged on the back door four times.
A sliding piece of metal moved at the top of the door. A set of red eyes peered back at me.
I rolled my eyes. “Kevin, you know me.”
“Password, Jade. I don’t make the rules.” Kevin insisted, his eyes melting back into their regular brown color.
“You own this club, so technically you do.” I sighed. “Fine… ‘Let me in…Dad.’”
I could see Kevin’s shiny white teeth through the darkness of the alleyway as he grinned. “Close enough.”
Suddenly the metal part closed, and then the door swung open, enough space to allow me to walk in. I stepped inside, the music now twice as loud.
“Nice of you to show up finally. I’ve only been begging you to come to a human night for months now.” Kevin stated, giving me a tight hug.
“Well, I’m only here because I need some help. You know I’m not a partier.” I shrugged.
Kevin Langue was a tall, dark, and handsome man and one I had known for about a year and a half now. He was one of the only vampires I trust, mostly because I don’t know many, but also because he’s the most genuine out of all of them. He is kind, which you don’t find that often in vampires. He came into Vampiro one night, and we became friends instantly. He’s one of the few I feel I could tell about my ‘abilities’.
I still haven’t though.
“Help? What’s wrong?” He walked me into the VIP section. We slid into a booth that overlooked the whole club. This was his booth, one that he sat in every night.
“Um, I know this is gonna sound weird. But I need your help. I found out about something, and I think it has to deal with vampires, because I can’t find anything about it online.” I replied.
“What is it?” He laughed, taking a sip of his drink.
“XPLR Services?” I asked.
Kevin froze for only a split second, gulping down his drink hard. He cleared his throat. “Nope. Never heard of it.”
“Are you sure? Do you think there is someone here that might know?” I inquired.
He glanced around the club, trying to keep his eyes off me. “Maybe. I think there is someone here that might know. Stay here in the VIP. Enjoy yourself, though. Get a drink. It’s on me.”
Kevin stood up and left the booth, smiling as he went. Something about his smile was off though.
He was hiding something.
I ordered a vodka soda, sipping it slowly as I waited for Kevin to get back. My eyes scanned the whole club, but no Kevin was to be found. I grumbled to myself.
Maybe I shouldn’t have come.
“Jade, I’d like you to meet someone,” Kevin stated, pulling me out of my thoughts. “This is Mike.”
I looked up at Kevin and Mike. Mike was dressed in a dark t-shirt and jeans, tattoos covering both his arms and hands. He had dirty blonde hair and mischievous eyes.
“Hi, nice to meet you Jade.” Mike smirked.
I nodded. “Nice to meet you, Mike.”
Kevin and Mike slid into the booth, both staring at me. Mike reached over and took my hand. “So you want to know about XPLR Services?”
“Yes.” I agreed.
Mike closed his eyes softly, taking in a deep breath. Slowly, a neon pink aura appeared around him. It reached his hand, and he opened his eyes. They met mine instantly, pupils dilating.
“Why do you really want to know about XPLR Services?” He questioned, his voice deep.
An image came to my mind: he was ‘forcing me’ to tell the truth. That was his power.
I yanked my hand out of his, blurting out. “I was planning to tell the truth. You don’t have to force me.”
Kevin and Mike’s eyes widen. They glanced at each other quickly. I tried to step out of the booth, but they appeared in front of me suddenly. They both took my hands and ran me out of the booth and into an office at the speed of light. Slamming the door shut, Mike leaned against it.
“Holy shit, vampire speed is no joke. I think I feel faint.” I groaned, hunched over.
“How do you know about his power? You’ve never met him before.” Kevin responded, ignoring my illness.
“Did you tell her? That’s the only way.” Mike spoke, glaring at Kevin.
Kevin scoffed. “Bro, why would I tell her? That doesn’t make-”
“I have abilities.” I cut him off, finally recovering.
“What?” They both called out.
“I know what powers a vampire has. And… no vampire’s power works on me.” I admitted.
“How is that possible?” Mike stepped away from the door.
“I don’t know, but it’s how it’s always been.” I responded.
Kevin crossed his arms, gazing between me and Mike. “So, not a single vampire power works on you. None whatsoever?”
“None. Try yours out. I’ll be able to tell what it is.” I challenged, sighing.
Kevin shrugged. “Alright.”
Kevin stared me down, a green aura materializing around him. I could feel what he wanted me to be: happy.
“You… manipulate emotions?” I guessed.
Kevin relaxed as his aura dispersed. “Wow. That’s weird. Yeah, that’s my power.”
“And Mike’s is to force people to tell the truth.” I remarked.
Mike nodded his head. “How are you immune?”
“If I had an answer, I’d tell you.” I chuckled.
Kevin and Mike strolled towards each other, turning their backs to me. I could tell they were mumbling to each other, low enough that I couldn’t understand what they were saying.
“Look, I told you guys about my abilities. The nicest thing you could do for me is tell me what XPLR Services is.” I ranted.
They stopped talking, turning back to me. After a pause, Mike smiled. “Why don’t we show you?”
Mike strutted over to a door in the corner of the office, opening it. Behind the door was a set of stairs.
“Head on up.” He ordered.
I squinted my eyes at him, giving him a weird look as I passed him and headed to the top of the stairs. At the end was another door.
I lightly grabbed the handle and turned it, opening the door.
“Who the hell are you?”
<< CHAPTER 1 || CHAPTER 3 >>
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calmbeforeastorm · 7 years
Club corners
‘So, basically, you’re saying that you were the original sugar baby?’
Izzy decides it's time to take a night off. They end up in Pandemonium.
Three weeks after the defeat of Valentine, and the resumption of normal Institute activities, Izzy put her foot down while they were standing around a map in the ops centre, delegating patrols.
‘That’s it. We’re going out. Pick a night this week’
Four confused faces turned towards her.
‘What?’ Jace asked.
A smile was already beginning to tug at Clary’s face, but the two boys didn’t seem to get the message.
‘I said, we’re going out. Out, out. Alec can clear all our schedules one night this week. We deserve it’
Alec opened his mouth to voice his inevitable refusal, and Izzy rushed in to cut him off.
‘C’mon, big bro. We just helped win a war, for the Angel’s sake. Surely we can take one night off. I think we’ve earned it’
‘She’s right, Alec. It would be nice to all have a night out together. We can ask Simon and Maia too’
Clary joined her in the fight, and Izzy couldn’t help shooting a grin her way.
Jace was starting to nod his head, lips pursed – never one to turn down a night out – and so, with two down, one to go, Izzy turned all her persuasive powers on her brother.
‘Besides, I’ve been itching to go on a night out with Magnus since we met him. He definitely seems to know how to party’
Predictably, Alec seemed to brighten up at the thought of his boyfriend joining them. How sweet. Even after having practically moved in to the loft in Brooklyn, he still leapt on every chance he could to spend time in Magnus’ company.
He sighed.
‘Alright. I’ll mention it to him. What night do you want me to clear?’
  They ended up – surprise, surprise – in Pandemonium. After all, why pay to go anywhere else when someone in the group was dating the owner of one of the best clubs in town?
They had loitered in the queue for a while (Magnus had a client with him and said he would join them later if they went on ahead) because Alec shot down Izzy’s suggestion of going up to the bouncer and using Magnus’ name to get them in for free.
‘We can’t do that, Izzy! That’s embarrassing’
Of course, after fifteen mins – during which time, they advanced about five feet in the queue – Magnus himself swept by, still dressed fairly formally in dark jeans and an expensive-looking grey shirt, which he’d unbuttoned halfway down his chest and draped some necklaces over. His hair was streaked with glittery pink, and Izzy could practically sense Alec’s mouth watering.
He walked right by them – then strolled back, confusion on his face.
‘What are you doing in the queue?’
Alec blushed as they all turned to him.
They were pulled up and brought in past the barrier by Magnus himself, holding it up for them with a wink.
‘After you, my dears. You all look stunning, by the way’
Izzy nearly missed the whispered ‘Especially you, Alexander’ as he slid an arm around her brother’s waist. She deliberately did not think about where his hand slipped to.
 After some dancing – Izzy managed to dance with everyone, including even her brother, who looked more and more at ease as the night went on – as well as a ridiculous amount of free drinks in the VIP section, they piled in together in a corner on some couches, sweaty and high on tequila shots and laughter. The music thumped around them, but somehow – undoubtedly thanks to some magic of Magnus’ – they were able to hear each other perfectly well.
Clary began regaling them all with the story of Simon’s first time in a club, when a very drunk girl had plastered herself all over him until Clary managed to pull him free (unfortunately not quickly enough to avoid the poor girl vomiting all over his band t-shirt).
The subject, as it usually does on drunken nights out in the heady atmosphere of a club, quickly turned to sex.
‘But what I’m saying is that you kind of, like, lost your virginity twice. In a way’ Maia managed to slur out.
Magnus looked at her quizzically. Or as quizzically as possible in low light and with what would be a lethal amount of alcohol in his system, if his was anyone other than Magnus Bane. He and Alec were squished in tightly together, one of Magnus’ legs draped over the Shadowhunter’s knee. Alec had a tight grip on it, as if he was afraid his boyfriend was going to slip to the floor without his support. Maybe he would.
‘You mean once with a guy, once with a girl?’
Magnus took a sip of his gin and tonic.
‘I wouldn’t look at it that way myself, but whatever. I guess’
He paused, thinking.
‘Didn’t sleep with another man until I was in my -must have been my early twenties, I guess. Had to be real clever about it, back then. Had to, you know. Really want it’
He huffed a laugh.
‘Who was he?’ Maia asked.
It seemed to take a lot of effort for Magnus to remember.
‘Eh. He was, uh. The father of a little boy I was tutoring in Dutch’
Izzy burst out laughing.
He laughed again.
‘I know, I know. He must have been, god. Twice my age? He was nice, though. We kept it up for three or four months, then I left Madrid to travel around Spain. Never saw him again after that. We kept in touch, though. He’d send me money every now and again if I was low on it’
Clary suddenly laughed, loud and clear. Jace grinned dopily at her.
‘So, basically, you’re saying that you were the original sugar baby?’
Magnus paused, a strange look on his face, drink glass dangling from one hand and the other hand frozen in the gesture he’d been about to make.
The Shadowhunters – barring Izzy – looked baffled.
‘Original what?’ Alec wondered, and Magnus shushed him quickly.
‘Let’s move on, shall we?’
Izzy clutched on to Clary’s arm and buried her face in her shoulder as they dissolved into giggles.
  They staggered out into the fresh, cold air of Brooklyn at about four in the morning, all pleasantly drunk.
Simon and Maia said their goodbyes and wandered away, Simon’s arm slung over Maia’s shoulder.
Clary pulled Magnus down to give him a kiss on the cheek, then, to Alec’s evident surprise, did the same to him. Jace smiled at that, obviously happy to see his girlfriend and his Parabatai finally getting on, and Alec grinned back.
Izzy reached up to hug her brother just as he leaned down, and she gave him a tight squeeze before letting go. He’d had a good time. She was glad.
‘What time will you be in the Institute in the morning?’
Before Alec had a chance to answer, Magnus leaped in,
‘Not til at least noon, I’m afraid’
Izzy laughed, and turning to leave, she blew Magnus a kiss, rolling hers eyes fondly as he pretended to grab it.
‘Alright. No portalling! Walk home’
It was Alec’s time to roll his eyes.
‘Yes, Mom’
But he smiled at her.
‘Goodnight, Izzy’
She watched them set off into the night, wrapped up in each other, then turned around to catch up with Clary and Jace, a bounce in her step that hadn’t been in a long, long time.
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