#Britt Sweef
butterfrogmantis · 1 year
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Something cosy
Nova and Britt are mine / The Smurfs based
Smurftober List
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
FINALLY got to see the alien comic I’ve been trying to hunt down thanks to @schtroumpfalunettes​
The alien is called BRTT which is kind of close to Britt haha. But since Britt is already so well established in my AU they’re very obviously different dudes
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Oh, and have another Sweef
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BRTT (c) The Smurfs
Britt and Talis are adaptations
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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I'm up in space, man Up in space, man I've searched around the universe Been down some black holes There's nothing but space, man And I wanna go home
And so here we have child Britt and his older sister Juno! Britt was always a boisterous, adventurous, cheeky type. He dreamed of donning a space ship and setting off to explore galaxies on his own, see what other life was out there and interact with them. His sis was pretty much the opposite. Juno dreamt of getting married, starting a family and maybe owning a small bookstore not too far from their hatchplace. Even as two different Sweefs, the two of them loved and looked out for each other and supported their dreams :)
( Tries not to cry )
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butterfrogmantis · 3 months
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Smurf puberty is bad enough for parents, any magical creature has the potential to go a bit crazy, and even Diligent had his rebellious phase. But try being a single dad with a hybrid goblin child.
Dreamy and Tracker had the advantage of having Britt on smurfdial, who being both Nova's uncle and the same species, was far better equipped to help his nibling understand Sweef hormone changes and give the appropriate physical body talk for whatever biological sex was more appropriate and then just hope living on earth wasn't going to alter the phsyiology too much. So not too bad.
Blacksmith? Yeah no sorry mate you're on your own. Smurfs don't really have much info on goblins. Not even books. There are nice goblins out there that would have probably helped but none well known to smurfs. And to be honest even if they'd HAD books and a nice goblin therapist to speak to, Zinc is a hybrid which double complicated stuff. His body was fighting between wanting to grow agile like a forest goblin and bulky like a mountain goblin which kind of ended up in him shooting up drastically overnight in height but everything was growing at different rates and his appetite increased tenfold and his feet were clumsy and his wings kept knocking stuff over and on top of all of THAT he was contending with his forest goblin magic being much stronger now, and like Sorcerer. wasn't always able to control it.
He tried, he really did. He tried for 20 whole minutes to gently lower Mr.Tailor gently back to the ground after his third wardrobe adjustment of the year because the proportions had changed again had gone wrong when Tailor accidentally pricked him with a needle. It wasn't the most fun years for anyone. But as with everything, it passed. Zinc just kind of stumbled through those years and eventually the rest of his body caught up to him and working for his dad gave him the muscles he needed to really bulk out the mountain goblin strength. He's still tall and bulky but he knows how to carry his own weight now and can control his magic so it's all memories.
In terms of actual adult height he's probablyyy on par with Diligent. He'd be taller but since his legs technically bend it shortens him slightly. But like. being slightly bent in the legs and STILL matching up to Diligent is not to be sniffed at.
Blacksmith (c) The Smurfs
Zinc is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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“Britt? What are you-”
“I’m sorry, I wouldn’t be disturbing you at this time unless it was absolutely urgent”
Dreamy rubbed the sleep from his eyes and squinted at the vague silhouette of his friend standing in front of him. He remembered that the Sweef had told him their eyes were adapted for good night vision, but as Smurf, Dreamy’s eyes were not.
Tracker had appeared now, having turned on the light inside the house. Now illuminated better, they could finally see Britt standing in front of them, holding something in his arms. A baby. A baby Sweef, Dreamy assumed, although this one was purple with a blue crest, and with what appeared to be a broken right horn.
“This is Nova” Britt explained “There was a ship crash and m-my sister and brother-in-law-”
But he couldn’t seem to get further than that, the words catching in his throat.
Dreamy exchanged a glance with his husband, who looked equally as perplexed, wrapping his dressing gown tighter around his waist.
“I’ll uh, put the kettle on-” Tracker said to neither of them in particular, slipping back into the house and leaving Dreamy and the two aliens on the porch.
Dreamy wasn’t sure what it was, but he had the weirdest intuition that something big was about to happen.
“You two had better come inside, then”
Little first meeting thing! Bittersweet, perhaps Britt, Dreamy and Tracker (c) The Smurfs Marz, Juno and Nova are mine  
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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Sower 🤝 Nova
You weren’t actually meant to exist and yet here you are
Every other NG came from me actively wanting a NG (actually maybe add Patisserie to the handshake since he was meant to be a joke before I got attached) but Sower came from a NG game and Nova came from Sims 4 frickery
And yet, here we are. My dearly beloved little alien :) Dreamy and Tracker’s beloved adopted child and Rover’s slightly surreal sibling. 
Also - some context for that very surreal meme I posted the other day! Basically at the start of my fandom days I used to like MarcoxDreamyxTracker as a bit of an OT3 but it only really works on Dreamy's terms, Marco doesn't like him back romantically so it’s more a fantasy thing - I've ended up with a bit of an alternative since I gave Britt a proper design though skjdfjk not technically canon I suppose but ... fun to explore. Idk, Britt isn’t a major presence but it’s more of a ‘Hi I’m Tracker, this is my husband Dreamy and this is his pen-pal Britt who we sometimes call our boyfriend’ 
It’s complicated, Britt’s been coming down to Earth to learn the languages more and check up on Nova since they’re the only Sweef on earth and he wants to make sure they’re settling alright. Most of the time he’s a lone traveller kind of guy. 
Dreamy, Tracker, Farmer and Britt (c) The Smurfs
Nova, Crash, Bolt and Sower are mine
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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After I drew the Britt n baby Nova the other day I started to think about what would have happened if Nova’s parents lived and tbh it wouldn’t have been that dramatic. In fact Nova probably would have met the Smurfs anyway since Britt would have taken them to earth at some point, though they wouldn’t have been raised on it. So then I thought ok, taking Britt out of the equation – what about a first meet AU? So now I have this, only Nova gets to keep their broken horn cause it’s a big part of their character tbh, even if their parents are presumably not dead in this AU. Also for the sake of it, no Grimies or Gligo ever happened.
But anyway, Sower starts to notice weird things happening around her dad’s farm. Livestock is going missing, there’s weird marks in the crop fields, the whole thing just feels off. Farmer assumes it’s a forest animal of some kind and lays traps, but the strange happenings keeps occurring. Sower decides to stay up one night to catch the ‘animal’ in its tracks. She’s on the verge of falling asleep when she hears something unearthly that wakes her up – it’s a god damn space ship on her father’s fields, and a strange purple creature is nicking the snails. The next day, nobody believes her, insisting she’s full of the same imagination as Dreamy. So she goes to Dreamy, and the two of them stage an alien specific trap for the same night and wouldn’t you know it, this time it works! It's the first extraterrestrial she's ever seen up close and despite them being a 'thievin' varmint' it's ... actually kinda awesome.
I also affectionately called it 'The Shape Of Sweef AU' but that's. A joke based on some of the inspo for it
Sower and Nova are mine
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
Got some doodles I did as free therapy this weekend but I’ll separate the posts
First of all I updated my human! Dreamy jaskdjkj Gave him flowing locks~
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Also decided Sweef could keep their original apperance in the human verse, I’ll just alter proportions. Their disguises would be human tho, which I guess makes sense.
Dreamy and Britt (c) The Smurfs
Nova is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 3 years
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Alien timeeeee lets go
Thinking bout the Sweefs and also that one alien from It Came From Outer Smurf, seemed like a good crossover! He was called ‘Britt’ in the Smurf village app I think. Actually the village app has Swoofs be real but I’m going to ignore that.
Except well, the Sweef design sucks. So I fixed it cause it’s my AU and I said so. @/schtroumpfalunettes had the crest idea tho!
Also I dyed my hair purple this week so I get to draw my new look >:)
Sweefs, Gligo, Grimies, Gargamel etc (c) The Smurfs
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
Wanted to make a female sweef and also wanted a villain, the two kinda got mushed together!
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Still playing around with her atm, but she has potential
Britt (c) The Smurfs
Lyra and Nova are mine 
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
It occurred to me last night that raising members of other species is all fun and games until it comes to the 'Blue Moon and Storks' talk FJSDKFSDJK
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Dreamy intends to have a little ‘talk’ with his pen-pal Britt next time he comes to visit but ... well he can’t exactly be mad, after all Britt technically gave a species apt-response to his nibling. I don’t suppose Dreamy had thought that through when he went to go give the old storks talk. 
I mean even though Dreamy knows Sweef’s better than most other Smurfs there’s still a first time for everything.
Dreamy (c) The Smurfs
Nova is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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I decided to change Nova’s origin story cause it was a bit like, weird to assume no Sweef would take in an abandoned baby one. So instead I decided to give them a direct connection to Britt, so Nova's his nibling, and therefore he'd actively seek out Dreamy to consider raising Nova as Britt trusts him.
So Britt's sister and her husband essentially ended up in the equivalent of a car crash (space ship crash?) Nova was protected from fatal damage as they were strapped in the backseat, tho that is how they lost their right horn. Marz and Juno weren't so lucky, and Britt was called as next of kin to collect his now orphaned nibling from the salvaged wreck. Britt himself is still pretty much a lone traveller that didn't want to raise the Sweefling himself, but knowing where they were and knowing they were 100% in safe hands + being able to visit frequently worked out nicely.
Britt (c) The Smurfs
Marz, Juno and Nova are mine
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