#Bring Back My Queens!
naomistares · 1 month
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random queen rejoice art cause i'm obsessed with my own ocs and story + working on big things (and taking forever)
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wannabeskyferreira · 9 months
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12 years ago today (December 30, 2011), the world changed forever, and Lana del Rey released the masterpeice Born to Die, as the second promotional single for her first official album Born to die. 🇺🇸🚬🌹
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How the actual fuck am I supposed to deal with this show again in two years if she's not even going to be on the press tour, what's the point actually. I hate it here.
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crime-wives · 14 days
sometimes i think about the fact that regina has literally held emma’s heart in her hands. the intimacy of soft fingers slipping under layers of skin and bone and blood and pulling out the muscle that keeps emma alive. cradled in the palm of her hand, glowing, still beating. regina having to be so gentle so as to not hurt her. and emma allowing regina to have that power over her. and then i think about the fact that regina’s fingers were bare and not gloved. the way she could feel every vein, every groove. the way she was not limited in her ability to see all of emma. something about the way regina handed the heart back to emma. placed it into the palm of her hand like an offering. look, i kept it safe for you, i love you, do you trust me?
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sunfyredefender77 · 2 months
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i miss them
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coatl-cuddles · 6 months
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One day I'll finish this midna redesign
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ladyystardusst · 4 months
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iooiu · 2 years
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i miss these bozos 
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inkystaarart · 7 months
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oh boy. i do not think this ariana griande thing is a phase anymore.
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mispelled · 1 year
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I drew the guys on brand enough times that I think I deserve a lil bit of self indulgent semi-humanization. for funsies
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fissionmate · 10 months
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luimagines · 5 months
IM LATE IM LATE IM SO LATE OH MYGOD anyways Divorce hcs with the links?? :3
Sure. Let's cry today. And naturally this has to come from you since this was your idea. :)
Content under the cut!
Easily takes it the worse out of everyone.
Like hello? He tried so hard to not only work up the courage to get past his insecurities, but to also allow himself the privilege vulnerability in a world that's actively hunting him down
That would have been years in the making
And then to have it ripped away from him??
To be on cloud nine than have the rug pulled form under him?
You think it's not going to go bad? that he's not going to be depressed?
That he's not going to rethink everything that led up to that point?
How bad are you willing to bet that it's going to get? Because I'm thinking potential self harm in whatever manner it may be- for better or for worse- since he no longer cares about what happens to him
If the entire world wasn't hanging by the threat of his blood being spilled, he probably wouldn't have survived that kind of hit, you know?
Not to mention that he's probably going to be able to look at you for a long time afterwards.
Every time he does he's reminded that despite his best efforts and every humble thing he had to offer you, it wasn't enough.
Hyrule: Is doing his best to make things work
You: Yeah, it's not working
If he was trying to save a sinking ship by throwing out all the water with a bucket, why didn't you say something earlier?
Or maybe you did but clearly things just weren't the same.
But after a while, his doubts and insecurities rear their ugly head
You knew... you knew that it wouldn't be the easy life, living with him. You knew. He told you. He laid everything on the table for you since the beginning.
Why did you agree then?
Why couldn't you have simply turned him down to begin with?
It would have hurt. But he would have been past the hurt by this point.
He would have already healed
He spent so long invested in this to make sure you wouldn't regret choosing him
And he's here anyway.
Not that he's ever going to say this out loud.
He's aware enough that you're allowed to live your life as you please at the end of the day- more so if you want to leave him
But why???
Why waste time like this? Why hurt him like this?
He dwells on this for a long time and it's going to take him a long time to feel ok again
It's best to cut it cold turkey then and leave him alone.
What... what do you mean?
Weren't you doing ok?
He thought you were both ok.
You came to him, telling him that his job took too much time from him.
Warrior gets whip lash.
He knew it was demanding but he was trying his best to spend as much with you as possible.
If he wasn't working he was with you
You had talked about cutting back to save more so he could retire earlier.
This job was a temporary circumstance
He was almost there
Warrior would try to get you to talk about it but if you weren't having it... what could he do?
He doesn't want this.
It took him so much to open up to anyone
He thought you were different. You didn't go after him for his title or power or connections.
He just didn't think those would be the things that would be your breaking point.
Warrior thought that it was that you liked him for him.
Now you're telling him he wasn't good enough?
He begs, no, pleads you to reconsider.
He doesn't want to lose you.
He starts getting insecure and begins to question everything.
When did this start? Was it something he did? Was it something he didn't do? Why didn't you talk to him? Did you even truly love him? Why didn't you want to make it work?
He could have met you halfway.
Is there someone else?
That's a question that cuts him to his core.
If you truly decide to leave him and go on your merry way, Warrior throws himself further into his work.
His retirement plans were for your benefit. He's still young. He doesn't have family. He has no one depending or expecting anything from him.
He has no other home to return to.
Warrior will stay in the Queen's court then.
He will also stay out of relationships from that point on.
If another comes along then it will take a lot of persistence on their part to get through to him.
His entire body freezes up
But he thought-
He could have sworn-
Sure, your relationship wasn't perfect but he was happy with it.
He was doing everything he could to make things work.
He thought that it was working.
What do you mean you want other things?
What do you mean this wasn't what you thought you wanted?
Why are you doing this?
Why bring this up?
No. He doesn't want this.
Where did you think you could go with this?
Give him a reason.
Give him a single solid reason for this divorce.
He doesn't want to lose you-
But really... even if he doesn't agree with your reason, is that all the more reason to let you go?
Were you just looking for a reason to leave this entire time?
Do you think you could just cut him off? Just like that? After thing you went through together?
Have you been talking to someone and he didn't know it?
He gets angry.
He's heartbroken.
Was this an easy decision to come to? How long have you been thinking about this?
He goes to work, throwing all his frustrations onto the anvil.
Four wears himself out quickly.
After weeks of letting the process go through he finally comes home to an empty house.
He looks around his house for the first time since you mentioned it.
All of your stuff is gone.
He sits by the couch- feeling too tired to process any emotion he may be feeling.
Until he cries himself to sleep.
His reality crashes, much like the plate he was in the middle of washing.
He's sorry...but what?
Maybe he misheard you... somehow
"What did you say?"
You repeat yourself and say that you're going to leave him.
"....Ok but.... why?"
His brain shuts up and he's no longer thinking.
Goes along with it
Because what else he supposed to do.
Is this even something he can fight? Should he fight?
You brought it up. Is this something you want? Probably.
He loves you. He wants you to be happy. Would this make you happy?
He promised to do everything in his power to make you happy. He promised to support you through thick and thin, even at the cost of his own happiness.
He vowed that on your wedding day.
Sky tries to get your side of the story.
He tries to see what he did wrong.
If there was something you wanted out of him that he wasn't giving you, then he wants to know.
If there was something that he did too much of, he wants to know.
If there was a moment where you realized he was different than what you thought he was, well... he wants to know that too.
He cries every night.
You moved out early, not wanting to see him at his lowest so you could go through with the decision.
It's not that you hated him... but you weren't going to change your mind about this.
He knows that he was supposed to help with the surface settlement stay sturdy and strong, but he really just wants to be with his loft wing right now.
But what if you also went back to Skyloft?
Sky isn't sure he can handle seeing you again without breaking down into bitter sobs.
Even if you decided to stay on the surface, even if it was to get away from him, he not so sure he would be able to handle that either.
Granted, the surface is much larger than Skyloft would have ever hoped to be- but he would much rather you choose the direction and he'll go the opposite way.
News travels fast about your divorce.
There's only so many people for it to go to and everyone knows everyone any way.
Sky isn't so sure that he likes that about his people anymore.
Sits you down and wants you to write it down
He wants you to write everything wrong with him and what was wrong with the relationship
He wants you to add as many details as you can think of
Twilight then proceeds to read the entire list out loud.
To your face.
Do the reasons make sense?
Do you stand by what you said?
Is it things that you're willing to work on to make it work?
You're not going to let him make the necessary changes to even try?
He takes a deep breath but lets you go.
Fine. Leave then.
He already has some abandonment problems but he likes to think he's grown over them at this point.
Not that he has- but he handles it better than most would think.
He cries for months because he misses you but he's never been one to stay in one place or remain idle for very long anyway.
There's always something to do around the farm and the village.
And to be honest, the fact that he stays busy makes it easier to dull the pain little by little everyday.
Arguably takes the less time to heal since he actually has a support system near him.
His village family help him a lot and also help him to stay busy and distracted.
They don't want to give him a moment where he has the opportunity to miss you.
Not to say that it's a perfect system, but they want Twilight to know that they're always by his side even if things didn't work out in the end.
That being said. They no longer like you.
They'll be civil to your face and when Twilight is around but you hurt Twilight and hurt him deeply. They won't forgive that easily.
Twilight knows this but he's not about to tell them to leave you alone in that regard.
It really... really hurt and he's not exactly interested in keeping any kind of relationship in the beginning.
He'll never speak bad about you but he can never look at you the same way again after this.
Never stops caring about you though.
Twilight can't even bring himself to be mad about it.
It just hurts.
Still lives on peacefully though, just without by his side.
Wind (aged up)
Guess who's going straight into the ocean!!
Well- he sorta does.
He doesn't walk straight into it, but like a lot of other Links he's going to do his best to distract himself.
Not that it works all that much.
He leaves his cabana and gets back in his boat, just ready to spend who knows how much time along at sea.
It's worrying to the islanders.
He just left and hasn't come back yet!! Did something happen to him?
Wind is trying his hardest to find comfort in the familiar
But the lack of your presence is really highlighted with his time at sea.
There's just energy inside of him that urges him to do something reckless- to live recklessly.
But he's not a child anymore- and well... actually...
Who's going to miss him?
Aryll for sure, but she's a big girl now. He knows she can watch after herself.
There's Tetra and her crew but he hasn't seen them in a while and contact was few and far in-between to begin with.
The time at sea has him thinking dangerous thoughts.
And he fantasizes about worlds perhaps he shouldn't venture to.
If When he comes home- he actually goes back to Outset- not his cabana.
At first it was to see how everyone was doing after his time away.
He wanted closure- to see everyone for potentially the last time and leave things on a nice note.
He's finds the familiar he's looking for.
He's strengthen by his nostalgia and the love that was stripped away from him.
Wind stays there for months, building himself back together without you by his side.
It's not easy.
His sister and her family are a life line he didn't know he needed.
He tries not to feel jealous though.
He quite meet the pirates yet or they'll tempt him to join them back at sea...
Back to the thoughts and the blank pages...
The drinks.
Wind writes to them though and tells them to save his spot for the time being.
When he feels better.
This guy- destroyed
I'm talking gives up on life kind of deal
He no longer cares
Do you hear me?
Warrior and Hyrule react badly but this guy is right on their heels
Someone is going to have to check in on his constantly
And I mean constantly
If someone doesn't, he's not going to get up from bed.
Meaning- he won't clean, he won't eat, he won't drink water
He's done- he is done with life.
The one time he had happiness- and stability- and genuine care from another person turned out to be a total lie.
Did you do this on purpose?
This is worse.
He hopes he's dreaming. He hopes that every time he goes to sleep, he's going to wake up and it would have all been just one messed up, scary and heart wrenching nightmare.
But he's tired.
He's tired of losing people.
He's tired of fighting, of heartache, of needing to prove himself
He thought he didn't have to do any of that with you- but he still fell short?
Tell him you're playing from messed up prank on him.
Tell him you're not going to do it.
Tell him it's not real.
Tell him he's dreaming.
Don't go.
He's sorry.
He's not sure what went wrong but he can fix it! He swears it.
Legend may not survive otherwise.
Record scratch TM
Is this it then?
....Every meeting does have its parting after all.
Just... Just why?
You both promised until death do you part.
Time does not take his promises lightly. And he does not make them often.
Time feels long forgotten bitterness bubble up from inside him.
Alright- go then.
Don't come back.
He leaves before you can begin to move out despite what he told you.
He's never needed much. He's fine and content with a satchel and the clothes on his back.
That's what he tells himself anyway.
His inner child wishes to return to the forest but he knows that he's grown too large and too old- the magic would never allow him to enter into the comforts of his once peaceful childhood.
He can no longer make Epona run as she used to. She is an old mare now- but she's still his loyal companion, taking him far from the home you both once shared.
Granted, he plans to return... at some point.
He'll give you a week or two to leave before he returns.
He hopes you've taken everything you've needed because he packs up the things he plans on keeping before getting rid of everything.
And I mean- everything.
You wanted to part ways? Fine.
He'll burn that bridge.
Forget it.
Forget everything!
He'll start over. With less, but with himself and his horse and the little things that he needs.
It's not like his life had known peace to begin with- this is just one more disappointment to add to his list of life's backstabbing betrayals.
Forget romance- he never should have tried.
He never should have let you in.
This is his own doing- he fooled himself into thinking things were ok.
That this was something he could have.
A little voice tells him that Twilight still needs to come from somewhere...
But there are ways to pass on his legacy... or maybe he was wrong?
Oh dear
He thought he knew what it was to have loved and lost
This is different
This is completely than what he thought he knew
This... is worse.
You're leaving him
Because.... because why?
Everything was fine.
He.... he was good in the end, right? He did his job and saved the day and wanted to live a peaceful life
But he's not losing you to some accident or some unforeseen circumstance.
If anything, you're leaving him... out of a want.... to have nothing to do with him anymore.
Was he not enough?
Insecurity rears its ugly head and faces him head on.
He wasn't enough to take down the calamity when he should have, he wasn't enough to save his friends when he should have, he wasn't enough to get the master sword when he should have-
Are you just another person he's disappointed in his life?
Wild takes a while to come to terms with this.
A long while.
Long enough where you might have moved on by then and found someone else.
Surely it's nothing personal, right?
Oh goodness- when you find someone new- yikes
Someone ought to make sure that Wild gets out into the sunlight every now and then and that he's actually eating something as well
He completely shuts down.
He stays in his house- not willing to go on any adventures... or go anywhere in general
It would take a while for people (other than Zelda, I think) to even notice that he's suddenly a shut in.
Considering he was hardly home to begin with- going from place, to place, to place- and then moving between places so he wouldn't be in one place for very long- it would take a while for Sidon, Yunobo, Riju, Teba, Purah, Paya, Robbie- anyone to figure out that "hey, Link hasn't been here a while."
Zelda would have to be the one to either help Wild or get reinforcements so that Wild would stay active.
It would be completely up to Reader if they try to help him or not.
They would probably have the best success in getting Wild to take care of himself- but it could also very well make it worse when they leave again.
It's almost like they've died.
Except they're very much alive and Wild's not so sure what would have been worse.
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wannabeskyferreira · 10 months
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lanalove2012 · 6 months
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coney island baby ౨ৎ˚.⋆
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lady-quen · 12 days
Hello Guild Wars 2 community! A new poll has dropped! 🐦‍⬛
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(At least, hopefully new, lol.) I'm curious, which blessing did your Commander get on their first/canon go through the Raven Sanctum in the story mission "The Invitation?" Choose and tell me in the tags why they made their specific decisions :)
Compiled explanations from the wiki below for ease of access:
The trial choices in order:
Save the wounded man or save the healers
Save the spell tome or save the historical record
Save the queen or save the prince
Blessing of Daybreak
"When the fear of beastly claws and a child's pain is made sharp by the knowledge of elders, we make no mistakes. But do we grow?"
Healers -> historical record -> prince
Grace of Dawn
"When wisdom is favored in all things—a healing hand, a text of old, a beloved queen—we lose the sharpened sword of the truly bold."
Healers -> historical record -> queen
Consecration of Morning
"We seek to destroy monsters with sharp claws and icy breath, but do we protect ourselves from the beasts shaped like us, who prey on the young and vulnerable, who seek to rule us?"
Healers -> spell tome -> prince
Invocation of Midday
"When we flee from the things we fear most - the teeth of beasts, the storm of a dragon, a change of power-we risk running backward."
Healers -> spell tome -> queen
Supplication of Midday
"We favor the skill of healers and the wisdom of elders over the uncertainty of the future. But the young take chances, and the young push us forward."
Wounded man -> spell tome -> prince
Consecration of Evening
"We long for the comfort of a healing touch, an ancestral word of wisdom, a leader we know and trust. But comfort is fleeting, and with it comes inertia."
Wounded man -> historical record -> queen
Grace of Dusk
"We sacrifice so much—safety from the claws of death, knowledge of the ages, a steadfast reign—to propel ourselves forward. But if we move too fast, do we risk the inability to stop?"
Wounded man -> spell tome -> prince
Blessing of Twilight
"We try so hard to do the right thing. We heal, we protect our people, we preserve stability. But we cannot control how the winds of fate may shift, and a tight grip can sometimes hurt more than it helps."
Wounded man -> spell tome -> queen
#guild wars 2#gw2#icebrood saga#the invitation#raven sanctum#gw2 ask game#ask game#dash game#character poll#gw2 commander#ibs spoilers#As for mine: Invocation of Midday because Mael values a winning hand by any means necessary. Making choices where the few may have to die so#that more survive in saving the healers#valuing the present victory in saving the spell tome since forgoing the present war will only mean there is no future to preserve#and saving the queen because an immature heir is worse than a stranger hopefully elected by the people#In my personal hc of this mission Raven specifically takes note of how ruthless his answers were and asks if he'd really do anything to#secure a winning hand. From letting the wounded man die for the sake of the healers to letting a child heir die to preserve a nation. It's a#trick question as everything is with Raven but he finally answers Yes. To which Raven comments#''Of course you would. You were even willing to sell your soul.''#This wreaks some havoc on party dynamics because nobody present knew the true extent of what Mael had to do to bring himself back to life :)#Whether his soul will actually be unable to pass on into the Mists... I shall see. But it makes for good thinking. and possible plot hook#for the party coming together to save him from his own doomed magic#Furthermore: Fuel for Rytlock angst because now he has real reason to think Mael would Not Hesitate and kill Ryland. And that he is lying#This doubt of Rytlock's (and Crecia's) Jormag of course capitalizes on#commander's musings
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funsizedcrow · 4 months
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zelink doodle
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