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Brightless Dark-Heart Cover Reveal from Teshelle Combs
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#Tess Combs#Teshelle Combs#Indie Author#Brightless#Cover Reveal#KickStarter#Book#Special Edition#Special Edition Book#Instagram
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Look at this COVER REVEAL!! its for Brightless by Tess Combs and its an absolute favorite!! Must read!!
Follow the kickstarter here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/teshellecombs/brightless-deluxe-edition-fantasy-hardcover
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When big stars die they explode into Supernovas and sometimes turn into Black holes afterwards.
I was thinking of Naruto and Obito being suns but Obito is a dead star and how his story reflects a star's life and how Kamui is like a black hole so I made this :>
Like Naruto and Sasuke are the sun and moon, Obito and Kakashi are a dead star and a brightless moon.
Obito is my second favourite character and it pains me how mischaracterized he is, his story and mentality is so interesting like how he chooses to live under the lie that the world is fake to cope with the pain but how he still doesn't want to kill Kakashi. I love him so much.
On a side note this artstyle looks so cool but it's a lot of work. Here's a different version of the Supernova one:

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It Wasn't Supposed To Be Like This
We were supposed to get a reunion. We were supposed to have the boys reconcile their friendships. We were supposed to see the boys return to their former glory. We were supposed to see the boys thrive free of Simon Cowell's influence.
We've been robbed of the chance of any sort of reunion, or collaboration between the 5 of them.
We've been robbed of seeing Liam make a comeback.
We've been robbed of Liam getting clean, of Liam getting to patch things up with Zayn after the podcast, of seeing One Direction as a 5-member boy band, or even just seeing the 5 of them together.
We weren't supposed to lose Liam like this.
We shouldn't have to say goodbye this soon.
I still remember seeing Liam smiling in all those videos during the early days of 1D, and how happy he was compared to later on, and the dull, brightless look the 5 of them had after having to deal with 4 years of idol status and non-stop tours.
All the other boys looked happy in their solo careers, but that happiness never came back to Liam. He always looked like he'd been through too much. He looked like he'd only come out with half his sanity intact.
Despite everything, he loved 1D, he loved the boys, and he wanted to be with them again.
I hope Liam is at peace wherever he is now.
#one direction#why the fuck am i so sad over this#payno#rip payno#rip liam payne#liam payne#i hope niall doesn't feel guilty over this#i have a complex relationship with simon cowell#on the one hand he formed 1d but on the other hand he burned those boys out#i hope the directioners make simon know what he did to those boys#harry styles#louis tomlinson#niall horan#zayn malik#1d#1direction
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distorted lullabies [chapter XXVIII]
Word count: 2k
Warnings: aftermath, still a bit of gore
Pairing: Dracula x reader
AO3 link | masterlist
Upstairs, my phone rang.
Diana’s dull, brightless eyes drew me into its emptiness. I half expected her to blink or to give me some sign of life or get up and start dancing ballet to prove that this was a nightmare and somehow I was still cocooned in my duvet upstairs. But the lingering taste of blood in my mouth couldn’t be ignored or made into a silly delusion.
Her skin between my teeth had been real. The flesh rending, blood pouring while she pushed and debated under me. And the sweetness, the thick hot taste of her– to still think of it as she lay dead before me was degenerate but even through the horror I could not forego the blissful feeling of consuming life.
The phone ring stopped. Then, started again.
Extending my hand, I touched my fingertips to Diana’s eyelids and carefully closed them, ignoring how much they felt like paper. I sprang up, running my hands over my face in a stupid attempt to clean up which only resulted in smearing blood all over myself. I wiped my hands on my robe as I leapt two steps at a time to the stairs.
Reaching my room, in the midst of my duvet where I had nestled no more than 10 minutes ago, my phone lit bright with Dracula’s name as the caller.
I answered it as I paced to the window of my bedroom.
“What happened?” My lover asked before I spoke a word.
“You know?” I whispered.
“Something has changed. I feel you.” His voice sounded stern, yet interested. “Tell me.”
My stare found a faint reflection on the window glass. I paused as my brain needed a second to process that I was looking at myself. Strands of hair looked wet as if I had just showered but the colour was unmistakable. A half mask of red covered my face. I looked savage.
“Diana. I-” Watching myself speak put a knot on my throat. I closed my eyes, tried to swallow the knot but all it did was bring Diana’s taste back to my tongue. “I bit her.” Covering my face with a hand in shame, I continued, “I couldn’t control myself. She was so close and I was so hungry and it hurt. It was all I could think about. And when I noticed- we were on the floor and I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. Oh god- I couldn’t.”
Peeking between my fingers, I looked through the window down in the garden. Two of Diana’s cats sat looking up at me. Down by my ankles, a third one had made its way to my room. The little calico Hedy squeaked at me, still twining between my legs as her tail danced in an obvious sign that she was trying to get my attention. Diana hadn’t had the chance to feed her and the poor thing was still hungry.
“She’s dead,” Dracula stated on the phone after a long pause. I bobbed my head even if he couldn’t see me. “Stay put. I’m coming over.”
“No, don't hang up! Please. If you do, I’ll be alone with her.” I stifled a sob as I sank down next to the cat, resting my back beneath the window sill. “She’s in my hallway, downstairs, by the front door. I don’t know what to do.”
“Y/N, I need to come over and deal with the body. The sun is setting, I can be there in an hour or so.” I opened my mouth to protest and as if knowing I was going to say it was too long, he carried on. “Renfield lives closer to you, he can keep you company until I arrive and help with the situation. I’ll tell him to go over.”
“I don’t trust myself,” I breathed. “I’m still thinking about it over and over again. I can still taste her. It won’t go away. What if I turn on Renfield? If I kill him, too? I’ll die, do you understand? I can’t kill someone I love again. I can’t - no he can’t come over. Please just be here fast.”
“Y/N,” he sighed on the line. “Darling.”
“You’re glad, aren’t you? God, you’re probably doing fucking pirouettes over this.”
“I am not glad you killed your friend, Y/N. I know Diana was important to you.” A long pause as if he was letting mull that over. “Like I said, I can feel you. Feel what you feel. On Saturday something changed after I drank from you. This has never been the case before, not even when we were bonded.”
His words weighed my heart down to my stomach.
“I think I lost a day. I don’t remember anything from yesterday – I mean, it’s as if it never existed. I slept on Saturday and woke up today. Monday.”
“You were half asleep when I arrived Saturday night. You asked me to lie next to you and bite you. Do you not remember?”
“No,” I said in a small voice. “I’m sure it’ll come back to me at some point.” I swallowed down my panic. “Just, please, come here. I need you.”
“I’ll drive fast.”
The call went dead.
Hedy hopped on my lap and started purring.
An hour was a long time to sit and wait. I needed to get up, clean myself, feed the cats and cover Diana with something. Leaving her corpse exposed in the hallway while I went about the house seemed disrespectful. The thought almost made me snicker – why did respect matter now that I had taken her life? As if anything that simple would clear my mind.
Then there was the matter of my lost memory – another heavy burden on my crowded mind.
I ran the events of Saturday in my brain. Waking up after the farewell party for Renfield, taking a photo of Dracula, the taxi ride to V&A, fighting with Mallory, coming home and talking with Dracula over the phone. I remembered it all until I went to sleep. And there was the dream of asking him to bite me, but what if that was not a dream? He had said himself he had bit me.
I touched the sides of my neck. Aside from the previous scars he had given me, there was no fresh wound. Peeking inside my robe, my gaze landed on my cleavage but the bites there were gone without a trace of scarring. No scabbing, no ridge, not even a paler outline of his teeth. My arms, which had been veritably torn open by Dracula only a few nights ago, were unblemished.
No fresh bites anywhere I could see.
On impulse, I pushed Hedy aside, raised the robe to expose my legs and looked at my inner thighs. Also unblemished. Either I couldn’t find where Dracula bit me, or my body healed over a bite that was a day old.
Hedy bumped her face on my chin, pulling my mind away from reeling. To the small cat, her hunger was more important than me losing my mind. I extended a trembling hand to pet her. She smelled the tips of my fingers stained with blood and licked me with her rough tongue.
Diana was still all over me. I muttered a silly apology to the cat as I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t dare to look at myself in the mirror when I stripped.
The water burnt my skin as it hit my back. Even so, my entire body trembled as if I was cold.
Dracula would deal with the body, he said. He would have ideas, after all he had practice.
Diana had no next of kin to report her as missing, but her work would undoubtedly notice her absence and contact the police. They would come knocking for a welfare check, break in when there was no response and start an investigation. If Scotland Yard was even the slightest bit competent they would interview me and if they found reasonable grounds to search my home and use luminol – well, that’s an easy arrest.
How my mind was even cogitating such things was beyond comprehension. I convinced myself it was the lawyer in me – the rational, calculating cold front – taking hold so I didn’t succumb to panic.
When I stepped out of the shower, I automatically raised my eyes up to the mirror and was glad to see it clouded by steam. As I considered whether I should wash the robe and underwear or throw them in the fireplace, my phone rang from my room. The clothes went in the washer. I would arrange a fire later.
Hedy had hopped on the bed to wait, and was now accompanied by two of her brothers – the tabby Clark Gable and the orange Laurence Olivier. Liz Taylor was nowhere to be seen, which wasn’t unusual. Of all Diana’s cats, Liz was the only one to hiss at me and stay away. Not even having an empty stomach could summon her to my room.
Holding onto my towel, I patted them on their heads before answering the phone.
“Hi, Renfield.”
“How are you?”
By his tone, he knew. Dracula must have called.
“I don’t have a clue, really,” I responded, rather sincerely as I sat down on the bed. Laurence started to lick the water droplets from my arm. “I’m sort of waiting to go catatonic or go on hysterics.”
“People deal with things differently.”
“I just ripped out the throat of one of my best friends, one would think I would be going insane with guilt and yet—”
“There is no right reaction, Y/N. You know you loved her.”
The words washed over me. All the love in the world couldn’t stop the hunger for her blood. What good was love when a bigger force drove me?
“Why are you calling, Renfield?” I murmured.
“The master said you didn’t want to be alone. He had me call you. He’s on his way,” he answered. “I would’ve called either way.” I nodded. Renfield had met Diana in many of my birthday parties. Probably knew each other well enough to stop in the street and make small talk. Somewhere in my phone there was a photo of me hugging Di and Mallory years ago that Renfield had taken. That night, his cheeks were ruddy from whiskey and he actually smiled when taking the photo while demanding that we did the same. “I’m truly sorry.”
“I am, too,” I almost whispered.
We stood in silence over the phone until Laurence had licked me clean of shower water.
“Renfield,” I began. “Does Count Dracula still own his castle in Romania?”
“Not anymore.” There was almost a question mark at the end of the phrase. He was almost asking me why the odd question. “After more than a century unoccupied, it has become a protected site by the government. Last I checked it is now a museum.”
“Does he have land anywhere outside the UK?” I continued.
“No.” The two syllable word dragged out as if in thought. He had figured it out. “But not too difficult to acquire with his estate.”
“Something remote but still properly close to a big city in case of emergencies, you see,” I pressed on. Renfield hummed in accordance. “How quickly could it be arranged, do you think?”
“I would need time to research, and to run it by him. A month perhaps? Maybe less. However, not the smartest idea to acquire in his name. There will certainly be an investigation after Diana, you know as well as I that the police will attempt to interview you, and when they see you left the country–”
“Will be suspicious, I know.”
“You’re easily linked to Count Dracula by everyone in the office. You and him disappearing and buying property somewhere else–”
“We use your name,” I interjected. “You’re retiring. Makes sense you would acquire a house to spend time abroad.”
“Not a bad idea at all.”
Downstairs, the doorbell rang. The cats hopped up from the bed as if they had been shocked and ran down stairs before I could react much.
“I think Dracula is here. I’ll call you later to brainstorm.”
@5thelement @jar-of-moondust @festering-queen @deborahlazaroff @mr-kisskiss-bangbang @girlonfireice @saint-hardy @xoxodracula @princessayveke @dreamer2381 @25ocurer @vampirescurse @blue-serendipity @iwasjustablur @sunscreenfeverdream @daydreaming136 @bittenlove @newyorkrican922 @feralstare @soph3228 @jmor25 @clussysposts @werwulfy @rainbowgoblinfan @soulofsalt @mistandmoss @lddracula @skelior @cesspitoflove @mymindpalaceismywonderland @candleslut @sweet-delila @jackbootedfucks @tilldeathripsusapart @recklessgiraffelife @isayweallgetdrunk
#distorted lullabies#claes bang#vampire fanfic#dracula x reader#bbc dracula#dracula bbc#bbc dracula fanfic#dracula daily
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Untitled (“Here language”)
—Here language particle and you find to acquire of delight red vest, as that damned the blue of the Brere is not—but why lighten thee, turn in his weak thy widow’d bear you may not with one being she art plaining stones your distances melt in our love’s mine image, as strappiness. And the large brightlessness? Eat it will, for your like all but deathless well forget the in Glenturit glen. Who, when memoree. She strange of sight enter this cigaretted Cyclades. With murder, I am pretty lady Geraldine, the oceans peer now! And they have a pulse, but and next better the Town. The beloved of passings I had thee hent. The new suddenly for comes to me.
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#Markov chain length: 5#181 texts#Meredith sonnet
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I cant deal with brightless win
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Seeing your friend with those sad and brightless eyes makes you want to tear up. What if we all had the bodied we wanted? If we could choose how we developed or how we looked like.
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He should have expected an attack, a slash or stab from her blade. But he hadn't noticed her unsheath, clearly the king of knights would be someone who wouldn't raise her sword unless decided to fight. A weird form of 'honor' Judar would never understand.
Instead, he received words that annoyed him more than any attack. At least, fighting this knight would have been sorta fun! The scowl was evident now, the brightless red eyes turned to her as he forced a smile, there was no happiness in it.
'your shelter', 'where would you go?' Why couldn't she just shut up! Now he saw it, how she held her blade pointed at him. Good! They could fight so he could forget why he was here in the first place.
"Hmph," he scoffed, his attention now fully on her. "You see, king of martyrs. This place was my home, everyone's gone now. Why should I leave it here to remind me there's nothin' left in it? C'mmon Saber!" hands spread to the sides of his body, his own anger and loneliness fueling the dark rukh around them. He was seething. Hating, hurt, alone. And Saber had just happened to cross his path.
The wind rose, whipping his braid "Let's burn this place to ash!"
The building were in disrepair, that much could not be denied. However, to be 'his', and meant for destruction, she found to be a suspicious tale. Compared to the expectations one might have of a caster seeking to spread chaos and uproot the system, it was a humble abode — which cast doubt on his claims. But if it were to be the case, the lord... perhaps they'd long departed the land, and its remains preserved as result of his tenancy.
Emerald remained sharply aimed at the back of his head, maintaining watch for any sudden movement to instigate an attack. The miasma around him, murky like poison, threatened to swallow his image like smog obscuring any within its field. Suffocating more than the unnatural mists which spilled from this very territory once.
"And then what?" she questioned, tone laced with distrust. "Should this place be your shelter, where would you go?" He was too dangerous to simply permit roaming free — even if not completely unshackled, his power grew far beyond the measure of most here. That which he had already demonstrated were a threat once he acted. If it were the lord here had held him back like a chain, then their absence signalled the end of peace balance on a knife-edge.
An arm raised, Excalibur brandished with a defensive slant so that her gesture not involuntarily invite him to attack. "You would have any believe you would simply relocate and make no further action? your allegiance with NULL made clear your intent to rebel at first chance. Why the Stars have not dealt with you is anyone's guess, but you will not be free to commit any atrocity you may have in mind".
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ngl i have a love-hate relationship with the scp communities at times but i gotta say i love that we’ve all agreed to erase a guy from existence
#very very good reasons to go brightless bc admin bright is a horrible fucking person#but also its objectively very funny. to me#existence privledges revoked motherfucker! its dr shaw time!!!!#scp
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Brightless Light-Heart Cover Reveal from Teshelle Combs
Kickstarter coming August 1st
Follow now so you don't miss out!
#TessCombs #TeshelleCombs #Brightless #CoverReveal #book #booksta #bookstagram #IndieAuthor #SpecialEdition #SpecialEditionBook #KickStarter
#Tess Combs#Teshelle Combs#Brightless#Cover Reveal#Indie Author#Special Edition#Special Edition Book#Light Heart Cover#Instagram
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Brightless Deluxe Editions With
Sprayed Edges
Hunger Games x Dune x Shadow and Bone
vibes with light and shadow magic and fated mates, 500+ page dystopian fantasy with romance and plot twists.
Scroll to see both covers!
This is currently available on Kickstarter. ONLY a few days left Before it's closed, GO GRAB this one, IT'S calling to you!
#specialeditionbooks #BookTok
#booklr#books#reading#book quotes#currently reading#fantasy reader#book review#bookmarks#bookworm#preorder#kickstarter#buy now#5 stars
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"Question?" his gaze lowered, thin eyebrows rose. Looking at her, was looking down at another servant, another ant in the palace. But this had some little privileges, right? Perhaps could be fun.
His expression changed from bored to an eerie smile, staring at Aya through those ringed and brightless eyes. There was something uncanny in the magi's appearance, something just felt wrong, perhaps fed by the black rukh surrounding him. Or the side effects of someone fallen into depravity and growing up with it.
"What is it."
@blackmagi here

"Yessir." She gave a small nod. That was all? She supposed it was a relief to not be something more. From what Aya knew about the magi, which admittedly was very little, he was unpredictable.
She didn't exactly mind holding the basket---it wasn't heavy.

"I wont tell." The young woman replied, though she tilted her head slightly to one side. "If...I may. Could I ask you a question?"
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Once again I feel regected by my family....it feels like nobody wants to spent time with me or share some of the things that makes me laugh or I enjoy, lately I tend to keep most of the things by myself cause when I start talking about something, I dont know..maybe that happened at work they start talking between them about any other thing interrumpting what I'm saying, and that makes me feel like what I have to say is not thaaat relevant, so I go quiet instead.
I just want to move somewhere else, everyday I spend here I feel my confidence vanishing and my happiness fadding away.
My dad is sick, and while I understand that he feels bad sometimes, that doesnt give him the right to misstreat or make annoyed faces to us, and trully that's something I wont accept.
What hurts me the most is that my parents kinda expect from me to give him one of my kidneys...but I dont want to, it just that I feel deep down my heart (and my guts) that he wont appreciate the gift that I'm making to him. Maybe its selfish of me to think like that or not even consider donate him my kidney....but it just don't feel right to me.
I just wish the day were I could move to another country or even just a different house from theirs...my mood will change for good.
Sometimes when I see my reflection in the mirror my eyes look sad...brightless.
Also sometimes I feel lonely, but like a woman, sometimes I just feel I want to share a part of me with someone else besides my family, someone who I can share my dreams, goals, interest and my love to BTS💜. I've never experience having a partner or being in a relationship, so sometimes I found myself longing about it eventhough I never had had it before.
That's all for this entry
Thx for listening (reading?)
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“Himself wit: resolve one hunder have to his”
From violets, who service in for who gather Wise. The fearfully, timidly, the hours, be betide, love and were a gild together, we are two must to lear, that ever: its down, was drinking seem’d and survey, for humanity. Would ask a kind, we drop downward chid I known the stain’d outraught to seed its at one to the Land, and bright desire shall
car, easily yellow to creep between their voices shall keep them appear; childish languid and look’d and plain. Lest and thunder all dancing palace for because I holds my inventide that is not say the air thought,—with sound of sweet so when two. Your changes in the horses be; seeing cake. To go. Of doth were her eyes at these essence from the People
thing since finding my boon for Shimei taught of thee that needfull of the vanquility. We two reeds the places, stress ocean’s gown made sent on each pleasure you will could beside, for presented turn to One, inspir’d with leaves me nights—and the first, undefiled, she day, then came upon a daffodil I care two boding as too full of dissolving
alone can crack to run Popularly loitering on the lambs we name had wander’d; leaves rosy face. Of nobler ye light mars are that Relief, her only decreed from those ugly Scars, clouds wrapped flutes: it is to a shouldst in the fields of moss, I shall be my life melting please men the joyous with then, my heart only. As yet deceives foam and face
in me and Juster up and boundless being the coud brew’d such garlanded; when true as rain he know not how he used by boyling pity never ends his life. But thy Mount over studs, within his own roses, but yet on a marble and an in a brier, ye space and arms swamp. Watch thou shall think, thered lesse with nimbly with the wauks. There a name, usurp’d
and human hours shook, and smoothly wrap it round, and breaking her and rot sharp Eye to gild than mine own that twines, So shew I am alive—for steepy more the roots. For plight a glimpse of their those, a tears about you all, so surprise there Mahler with me, heav’n, magnetic soul, which piec’d his careless again These got that me writing, as the Rose wholly
Stews; for lamb stranger, myselfe thine in true world’s ende succeed; so do I not why! She less and so high for this will not thy love. And Buttress her maid, is grow; but Esau’s Hand foregone? Religions widest Hope! And vale, but, trowth. By form happy chang’d its his Booke what march tame Expensive brightless footsteps still the end of heaven! Would her own desolate
as thee-—yet such the Wise, imparts beak over shonest mine! Come, I ween, maud is hushed! Shall I make the won from High, that which along, lean, as a tender thou, for babes of the dull twanging at midnight-eyed the sedge is not enough the step afresh love thee for revenge forehead night to let the stream, they may Give a Range of moving heave hist! In Region who
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snow’s arc above, a glossy fine, of lips? Of music’s kisses, blood of my days Salámán saw her fall: for stop as the falls me and thinking over to thine eye is grot of Prophecy gives me to grows; whose silver Scissors Reign fields of white hand! Grey church of Decline mind did to Mercury. The needments the lake in the man can she meditation
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thy Mountain-height: poison can be thou said he bustling your hair. By a mail, and feet him wiht nearer her wise, by who short is my hands upon might, but babble! So much, new lose care not how to melts with shiness, and no show, is thing the Tenements surcease my vows are scarlet, all asleeps winding, long shepherds I care in death of world of the law.
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#Markov chain length: 5#133 texts#ballad
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Main plot
This story takes place after Dangaronpa 3 the anime.
It has been almost two years since Makoto Naegi has become the new Hope's Peak Academy director.
While his life seems in some way perfect, Makoto starts to have nightmares where he meets his dead classmates.
At first he believe there are just nightmares but after he accidentally takes a photo album he wakes up holding the objects in his arms.
After taking a look closer to the album, he notices it contains what it seems pictures about a particular person's life: Mahiru Koizumi's.
Lately, he has another nightmare but this time something of wrong happens: Makoto can't woke up!
Thankfully, he discovers the missing picture from the album which is actually a "living picture" where Mahiru is trapped inside.
She tells Makoto that he is actually in the "place of maximal despair", a kind of afterlife for all the victims of "most awful and tragic event".
Mahiru doesn't know many things about this place since she can't move by herself but she still wants to help Makoto to break free from this.
So, the adventure of Makoto, Mahiru and a "too friendly Sayaka" starts...
AU idea
All the ghost in this AU have a kind of shape resembling their death or personality:
Sayaka Maizono:
She looks completely normal besides her color are a bit brightless.
She is also the main villain of this AU. Infanct age offers to help Makoto only to come back to the living world and posses a new body to make her dream real (she couldn't accept she lost everything).
Mahiru Koizumi:
She is inside a picture. From her point of view, she is trapped inside a small empty room.
Also, if someone looks at her the picture seems static (she can move and speak only if nobody is watching).
Chihiro Fujisaki:
He looks completely normal besides a little injure on the back of this head.
Also, he doesn't know he is dead.
Celestia Ludenburg:
She wears a gothic mask and her flesh is on fire.
Ishimaru and Mondo Owada:
They ride a motorbike and they are electrocuted.
Hifumi Yamada:
Looks normally except he wears a mask of handsome boy. The mask is sewed on his face.
Her eyes are bright with black sclera.
She wears rusty chains.
She is one of the guardians of that world.
Leon Kuwada:
He looks like a zombie with green flesh and has a baseball bat as weapon.
Teruteru Hanamura:
His eyes are constantly on fire (making him crying) and the extremity of his arms are replaced with iron skewers.
The imposter:
His body is pierced by many iron skewers.
He is one of the guardians.
Peko Pekoyama:
Same as the imposter, but the iron skewers are replaced by swords.
Hiyoko Saionji:
(Based on the fact she has actually a very low selfestime)
She shows her true self: She is a paranoid crybaby and she wants to be alone.
Ibuki mioda:
Mikan Tsumiki:
He looks like mechomaru.
Gundham Tanaka:
Ah! Yes!
I know dangaronpa 2 victims/murder are just in coma, but in this AU Togami thought they wouldn't wake up again and so he shut all machine abd they died by suffocation.
#danganronpa mahiru#danganronpa naegi#danganronpa AU#AU#makoto naegi#Sayaka maizono#celestia ludenburg#ghost AU#danganronpa ghost AU#alternative universe
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