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art-now-usa ¡ 3 years ago
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Queen For A Day, Brian McDonald
In "Queen For A Day", layers of paint and collage are woven together to create a dense network of relationships ripe with narrative possibilities. By using disparate and often ambiguous imagery, the flow of ideas is disrupted, meaning is subverted, and logic is obfuscated. My work thus becomes infused with an elusive visual poetry that seeks to inspire viewers to make their own connections based on personal associations. With a nod to outsider artist Henry Darger, this mixed media collage painting is sure to be a conversation starter!
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plvcebofeelingss ¡ 7 years ago
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Last night I held hands with this beautiful women and helped her not fall into the crowd as she sung to us all. Thankyou @lynngvnn for the cute smile you gave me when you almost fell on me and I held you up. @maxfairclough
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artofnor ¡ 6 years ago
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Storytelling Saves Lives # We tell stories to save lives. People remember us from the stories we tell. Wether it teaches us that lying can lead to our own grisly undoing or that we only last as long as the last person who remembered us. Stories keep us all connected and tells us we are the same. We learn from stories to watch out for danger. We learn to stay alive from the people who came before us. #storytelling #keepwriting #stories #goldentheme #brianmcdonald https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1FhmXlNck/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ivtvr4w8z6ws
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slaughtersidd ¡ 7 years ago
Found this video of when i saw Pvris on their first headliner tour back in May 2016 in San Fran. they opened with Smoke and Lyndsey’s little dance in the beginning is the cutes thing ever!!
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emosleepp ¡ 7 years ago
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PVRIS Providence RI 2.18.18 🖤
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yo-newsociety ¡ 7 years ago
this was the purest one hour i've ever felt #thankyou #pvris #europetour #vienna #woow and they finished the show with my favorite song #whaat #nomercy #lynngunn #brianmcdonald #alexbabinski #flex #showmenomercy #ibelive #youcanfly (at FLEX)
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b3th ¡ 7 years ago
Pvris were amazing last night. 🙌 #Pvris #Manchester #awkohawnoh #lynngunn #brianmcdonald #alexbabinski #whatswrong
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the-dreamer-of-the-northlake ¡ 7 years ago
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Thanks so much @thisispvris for the beautiful show you've made in Luxembourg. So much emotion in it. We love you guys. @lynngvnn @alexbabinski @brivnmvc @jsnace #thisispvris #Pvris #luxembourg #denatelier #cvlt #inkwell #concert #show #justinnace #brianmcdonald #alexbabinski #lynngunn #lynngvnn
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meesimo ¡ 6 years ago
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Great New Book ALERT: OLD SOULS is Highly Recommended! A masterfully written and drawn journey that evokes some great artists while creating an immersive reading experience unique unto itself. Two under appreciated artists finally have a chance to shine in this powerful book. At times hilarious, heart wrenching, and overall completely engrossing, this is one graphic novel worth reading, and rereading. Brian McDonald is not only a master Storytelling teacher(INVISIBLE INK), but also a master storyteller (Also read his great FREEMAN screenplay/novella). Les McClane (see his great JOHNNY CROSSBONES) is at the top of his Cartooning game, shining with excellent draftsmanship, but always in support of his fluid storytelling. Great Book! Get it at your local Bookshop, or even on your Kindles #brianmcdonald #invisibleink #lesmcclaine #oldsouls #graverobbers #ink #illustration #graphicnovel #comics #art (at Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJqedBAhtH/?igshid=4b0ock4p42e6
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art-now-usa ¡ 4 years ago
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Godspeed, Brian McDonald
Desire brings me to my knees again. Crawling in the soft sand, I creep towards a dream, the ultimate dream. A dream, so rich and creamy, with promises of earthly delights and treasures far greater than anything that could possibly be imagined by Hugh manatee. In the dream, a beach is filled with my latest creations, masterpieces really, all waiting to be gobbled up by the media. Swallowed whole, and spit back out, into the sand, a tiny splash of water seals the deal on all those dreams and desires, dreamt so long ago, on the distant shore of a foreign nation.
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heckerleash ¡ 7 years ago
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hey bmac, thanks for bringing our boys some luck, tonight, by showing cappy some love, last night. : ) get well soon, @jonathantoews. go hawks! enjoy some time at home, @judahandthelion. heck of a run! luh you. #morethanmusic #nashlove #chicagolove #favorites #judahandthelion #brianmcdonald #live #therivieratheatre #music #livefolkhop #singinalongwiththemando #heathers2018showseries (at The Riviera Theatre)
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edavri ¡ 7 years ago
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-You give me something to think about  That's not the shit in my head You're a miracle #pvris #milan #concert #lynngunn #alexbabinski #brianmcdonald (presso MAGAZZINI GENERALI)
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frenchtom34 ¡ 8 years ago
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Hey people ! Another day, another review ! This time it's about the mesmerizing universe of @thisispvris with their new album All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell ! Go check it out on tomsroom.net ! • • • • • • • • #pvris #lynngunn #alexbabinski #brianmcdonald #riserecords #band #blog #blogger #musicblog #review #music #poprock #awkohawnoh #allweknowofheavenallweneedofhell
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ziagallery ¡ 8 years ago
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Brian McDonald and summer fun is here with “Hot Fudge Sunday.” 
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supified ¡ 8 years ago
Rules of writing, as told by someone else.
            When I read books I used to have this sense of things I liked and didn’t but it was hard to put into words.  This sort of thing is explained in great detail by Brian McDonald in his book Invisible Ink, but who is he and why should you care?  Brian McDonald is a writer, director and teacher and is well regarded for that book amongst other things.  I really think he nailed it and if you bother reading it I expect you will too.  What Brian did for me is give words to the feelings and the tendencies I had for the things I liked and didn’t like.
                 In another post I went into the four things that generally determine what is my favored stuff to read and hinted that those rules could be broken.  A lot of my friends would, for instance, not recommend romance or heavily qualify it before they did.  However it isn’t universal that I dislike romance, in fact some of my favorite stuff has romance, het norm romance at that.  So what is it that makes romance okay in some instances and not okay in others?  The answer is invisible ink.
                 In essence what invisible ink refers to is the planning and design in a story that isn’t directly written in the story, but was used in the creation of said story.  It goes into great depth about everything, but the main things which my previous post spoke of and I will go into greater detail here is covered in invisible ink.  These are things that I look for in reviews and will always try to call out, for good or for ill, when I see them.  It doesn’t mean a book can’t be good or enjoyable even if it doesn’t follow these rules.  In fact there are many examples of things that break them and still end up being a lot of fun to read, but I think the rules provide an excellent safety against bad writing and tend to keep things more on topic.  Kind of like something with a bad design might still be good, but maybe not as efficient as it could be.  I should also note that it is possible something about invisible ink or the ‘rules’ there in are wrong and maybe there are cases where they will be.  Perhaps new rules will evolve from the old or something, but for now this is what I work with and largely it seems to be accurate in predicting what is good and what isn’t.
                 The rule which made the biggest impact on me was the notion of not telling lies.  This is about keeping everything in line with the world you created.  Does this mean characters can’t deceive or the narrator be unreliable?  No, but don’t include super powers if you established a world without them.  This is where the first act is so important, you really must establish your world in the first act, the beginning of the story.  Are there examples of stories breaking these rules?  Many.  But I can think of no example of a story using lies (forcing something to occur that breaks the established rules or characters) and have that turn out good.  Usually it is at best something you forgive, but at worst it can ruin your enjoyment. 
                 Why rule breaking happens is probably for a few reasons.  Painting yourself into a corner, a narrative corner as it was due to poor planning.  Maybe a narrative was planned out, but things unfolded in a way that made the plan no longer fit the story is a better example.  Brian McDonald says you should be the slave to your story and not the other way around.  If your story changes, or unfolds not how you expected, you need to be flexible and not try to force the story.  A modern pop culture example of this is Game of Thrones.  The show runners, the writers and many fans really want to see Dany and Jon get together.  In season 7 the show runners spoke about how it would happen and how various scenes should be seen as sparks between them.  Problem was, that isn’t how it played.  They were awkward, lacked chemistry and frankly didn’t belong together.  The plan may have been to put them together and fans might of enjoy imagining it but it no longer worked with the story.  Maybe it could have been fixed with enough time, but the show went with their original plan and forced it.  I for one found that particularly jarring.
                 So rules and structure are important and can help make a story or break it.  This doesn’t mean every story needs to have them.  There can be fun stories that do not follow an act structure or have a central guiding principal.  It isn’t that it can’t be done, but that if you’re doing it you should have a good reason.  Bad examples include, because I’m sure I know what I want to do or I don’t want to be constricted by rules.  Those types of reasons sounds like bad authors who might get away with it, but generally their work will suffer for it.  I could be wrong, after all, who am I? But when a book is well planned and designed I think they typically shine way better than those that aren’t.
                 Even Invisible Ink has a part I object to and many others do too.  Though it is an informational book, the fact is it kind of follows the rules of story telling.  The book seems to have a guiding principal that it follows (which it calls an armature).  The book even seems to use an act structure in a bizarre way.  I’m not sure if this was all on purpose, but read the book and it kind of feels like it’s using the same method to convey information.  The book does state story telling is about conveying information so in a lot of ways story telling and non-fictional writing does have a lot in common, but anyway, back to my complaint.  At one point Brian McDonald goes into great depth about feminine and masculine story telling methods and even gives different words than gender.  The section spends a large portion, it felt like half, of the time defending his choice of words, rather than talking about the two styles of story telling (internal and external to be specific).  I couldn’t help but feel it was a distraction from what his book was about and hurt the conveyance of information.  Why go into a gender debate in such a book? What was the purpose.  The thing that Brian McDonald did was he drifted away from his guiding principal and his book suffered a little for it.  It’s supremely ironic that this section exists and that it does that because in a lot of ways it serves to prove his point, even as he himself doesn’t see it this way.  I did ask him about it and he still defends the inclusion of that (being the master of your work).  In a funny way, by breaking his rules like that he demonstrated why they’re so important and I’d like to think someone else reading the book can see what I mean as well.
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slaughtersidd ¡ 7 years ago
selling one tickets for the PVRIS show in Santa Cruz this saturday 4/14!! let’s me know if anyone what’s it!!
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