#Brian Carson deserves more of our appreciation
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mrros-e · 2 months ago
I'm rewatching slug fu showdown.
and I realized - the flute part pronto plays during master shanai's funeral? It's actually played twice in the show.
It transforms from a sound of loss; for life, and for Eli's education and knowledge of the world...into wonder and hope, because he's found a new teacher, and a new friend. That's BEAUTIFUL.
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robynkassisracist · 8 years ago
Andrew’s Midway Opening Statement
Hello jury, first I’d like to thank Monty and Pippa for the game. They put a lot of work into it, and I’m appreciative. But truth be told, this game has made feel dead inside in more ways than one and I would love nothing more than to somehow make this worth the torture with a win.
I know people are mad. I know people didn’t understand my gameplay. But I’m just gonna go ahead and say it. I played better than the 2 people sitting next to me. Nothing against Billy and Ash seeing as I love them both. But I fully believe that I did. Call me delusional. Call me a mess. I don’t care. I’m gonna come off aggressively in this opening statement, but I never shy away from the truth when I write these. The fact is, I was supposed to go home pre-merge. And I didn’t. I heard my name get tossed around so much and yet I made it to the merge. 
The pre-merge tribal councils were where I got what I wanted to happen to happen. I got everyone to take out Brian in a unanimous vote. And I know Ash will be claiming the Brian vote on herself and Gage, but I was the one who approached them. In fact I literally approached all other 6 people I could about it, and somehow he was blindsided 8-0. At the Kelsey vote, Allison didn’t want Kelsey going. But Kelsey had to go. I needed Shea to be a potential number for me down the line, and with Kelsey around things were just too messy. Then came the Gage vote, where I needed Ash to myself. I needed Gage out of the picture seeing as people like Ash and Sara and Ricky could have potentially prioritized him over me. Then it came to damage controlling with Ash, and after all of that she was still with me. 
Throughout pre-merge, I saw a lot of my allies go. I wasn’t there for the Kait vote, and she left. While she was a big threat, that doesn’t mean she wasn’t someone I could have worked with. I then saw Christine and Tyler go at the same tribals, where Carson and I had taken both of them under our wings to be numbers for us seeing as we were getting closer to them after Kait and Brian had both gone at earlier points. Again, that was a tribal I had no control over as I wasn’t in the war zone. 
Then came the merge where I knew people were gunning to separate Carson and I. And I was the target. I knew that Karen had heavily thrown my name around according to other people, and I know that potentially Isaac, Ricky, Allison, Jordan, and even Billy could have been entertaining those thoughts. Whether all of that was true or not, I was suddenly even more on the defensive than I was pre-merge. Then some unprecedented things happened. Carson and Sara both had to go for personal reasons. And Allison went in between those tribals where I had won immunity and was off on an exile, which caused drama. So here I am, in a limbo where I dunno where I stand. Are people still targeting me? Who wants to be with me and who doesn’t? Then, I find all other people in the final 8 minus Karen coming in to work with me. So what am I supposed to do? At this point, being forced into the free agent position is now going to force me to vote out people I didn’t wanna vote out. 
So here we. And yes, I am going to apologize on a personal level for the vote outs. But I am not going to apologize on the strategic level. Because I did what I had to do. All throughout the game I felt like I needed my guard up. People don’t generally target me as heavily as I was targeted, especially this early on in the game. And when I was suddenly given the power to work with anyone I wanted to at final 8 (again, minus Karen) PLUS the fact that I had the rainbow pistol and Saipan idol that were found so early on in the game, I knew I had to fight. I was given the opportunity to swing vote between Ricky and Jordan, and I voted out Jordan while still maintaining relationships with Ash and Shea who had voted for him. I got the vote to be unanimous on Karen where even Isaac voted her out, and I had the threat of the pistol to make sure people voted the way I wanted. If I had even seen a shred of a chance that the vote tied and could cause a rock situation, I was firing off the pistol so I could be in control. Then there was Ricky, who at that tribal I was being forced to vote out 2 people that it didn’t make sense for me to vote off at the time. I wanted Isaac out after Ricky, and I needed Ash around. So I threw my vote to Shea and fired off the pistol. And yes, I did think out every scenario that would have happened, and in that scenario I knew we’d lose Ricky since I had found the war zone regular idol 15 minutes before tribal and decided to use it. Voting out Isaac was also very personally difficult, but he was the threat to win and he had thrown my name out at earlier times. 
Billy, Ash, and Shea stuck with me. Billy especially, after I lost Carson, Billy and Sara were my final 3. After Billy lost Sara, we were as close as ever. Ash and I had a weird relationship, but at the end of the day we knew we needed each other. Shea was someone who I knew everyone wanted out, but I needed to keep them around as a number. I did want to be in the end with them and Billy, but me not being at tribal meant Billy and Ash were gonna have to vote out Shea so Ash would be in the finals.
At the end of the day, I had to do what I had to in order to survive. Yes I played more chaotically than usual, but it was a controlled chaos. I didn’t know who I could trust, and I needed to play the way I thought was best for my game. So I am sorry on a personal level to everyone, but not on the game level because I did what I had to do. I had 3 items, and a lot of wavering allies throughout the game that I needed to decide what to do with. I’ll take anything you have to say about my gameplay and answer as best as possible. Thanks for the game, and vote for who you think deserve to win this game the most. Not who deserve to win a game. Who deserves to win Survivor: Midway Atoll. This game. Please vote who you believe played the best game, not out of pettiness or friendship, but who at the end of the day played the best. Thank you.
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survivormidwayatoll · 8 years ago
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sorry for voting you out but it had to be done or my other potential allies like ash and sara and ricky could have potentially prioritized you over me and I’m strategically needy so ya ass had to go but ily <3
MY DUO. MY LOVE. You were a shady bitch sometimes you know that ? Honestly had I known you were getting blindsided I probably would've voted you too. But you're my best friend and I loved being your duo
Dude… wtf happened? I know what you can do, and I’ve seen how you can talk your way out of any situation. So how in the world did you get out this early? I’m sad that we didn’t get to play together sans being on a tribe (that meant nothing) together. But I’m glad we did get to play again.
I was so happy to see you go because it was you or me, and man, to see you walk out was just like validation, like LOOK AT THAT SHEA, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING IN THIS GAME! I'm sorry it had to be you but it was great to have the blindside of a strong veteran player under my belt. Love you!
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I wish I could have stayed in a lot longer, but I’m proud of what i was able to accomplish. It was so much fun crushing dreams every round in the warzone like… Billy you missed out! I’m also glad I made some new friends WOOOOOO
im not gonna get all sappy with ya but playing this game with you for the time that we did was kinda super awesome. we did THAT finding the pistol and idol and keeping them hidden from these shady mofos. I wanted to be chaotic duo with you so bad but I’m hoping we get another chance in the future. getting to finally play a duos season with you was super fuckin awesome and i couldn’t have asked for anything more, but we will co-win our next season <3 giraffes RISE
I'm not gonna lie I don't remember why we voted you out and I also don't remember if I even went to that tribal so sorry
Awe, this was our chance! My Malibuddy! We were FINALLY going to play together and actually do the thing, but divine intervention took a turn for the worst. Another time I guess, keep being cool bud.
I'm very sorry for how you had to leave this game, I got filled in on the circumstances and it was probably the only time in this game I was actually emotional, because I felt for you. I hope you're doing better.
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rip i wasn’t even there but i aint gonna lie I’m glad you were severed from jordan. was i hoping it would be jordan and not you? yes! was i mad y’all got separated anyway. no! but you did get done dirty tru. ily wife <3
your blindside hurt. A lot. That was when the game really fell apart for me. I did manage to pick up the pieces but your presence was severely missed
I love you as a person, everything about you is everything I look for in a friend. I’m glad we have each other, and I was so excited that we finally got cast in a PI season where we had the possibility to play together the whole time. I think lines were drawn pretty early, and you and I fell into a weird cross area, and unfortunately, others saw you as a bigger threat than I saw you and they pulled the trigger while I watched. I’m not so innocent, as I consciously helped, but it was not something I ever want to do again, and I hope you understand why I did what I did, even though it was just a vote.
I love and adore you, I had such a strong connection with you on a personal level and I was so pissed when you got voted off. I hope you're doing well, love you girl, and I can't wait for this game to end so we can TALK MORE and I won't feel like I'll get in trouble
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i know you had to leave for your own reasons and you know we all respected that <3 you’re amazing and ily and I’m glad we got to align for the time that we did. you’re a star and amazing and deserve the world and if there was one thing that brought this cast together for even a second, it was all of us coming together to show our love and support for you <3
I love you and I'm beyond glad that you seem to be doing okay
I don’t have words for how amazing you are. I wouldn’t have asked to have played Dynamic Duos ™ with anyone else, from any other game I had ever played. You’re my best friend, and you’re AMAZING at Survivor and you were making it to the end of this game. There weren’t many people who didn’t want that, and the people who did want you gone would not have gotten past your friends. Had situations not been the way they were (which come first, and you’re so strong and amazing and I love you), you would still be here. Know that. I love you with all of my heart, and I’m so glad that we have a PI legacy together that’s not only iconic, but it’s ours. <3
Again, really sorry for how you had to leave the game. You were a super nice person to talk to and get to know and I hope you're doing better.
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GOODBYE SPONGEBOB GOODBYE GOODBYE ngl that blindside where you had an idol in your pocket was WILD but you were playing a really good game that wasn’t even that messy so you were a major contender to win if you got to the end at that point. sorry friend but JORDO OUT!
Practically my other duo. Thank you so much for being my closest ally throughout the game as well as my closest friend
You and I had a very similar pre-merge situation. We both didn’t really have to do much, and we were never really in danger pre-merge. While I would have enjoyed working with you, because we found that you and I work well together sometimes, it was apparent our games didn’t match up. I appreciated you keeping me safe, but the problem was there was no trust between us. You were still lying to me (poorly may I add, lol) and I knew that while you had kept me safe the times you did, and I tried to as well, you would have turned on that deal faster than intended. I’m sorry, and ONE DAY we will work together in PI. But you have to trust me for me to trust you…
I was surprised that you went home, and despite my immediate reaction, It was a good thing for my game because you didn't have my best interest in mind. You're way smarter than people give you credit for and I really enjoyed gaining a friendship in you during this game.
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You're lovely and I apologize for your blindside
Karen I love you, you know that. I had your back, and you know that. Until a little birdie told me that you wanted JP in this game and sold out your friends for seemingly no reason. I knew you were coming for me the round you left (and I truly am sorry we didn’t get to talk, I actually was at the movies seeing GOTG2) But I know once your mind is made, especially when Ricky wasn’t there to help talk to you, I knew that once you were set on me leaving, I was leaving unless I targeted you. But outside of the game, you’re absolutely one of my favorite people ever.
I'm sorry how your vote went down, unfortunately the cycle I really started getting close to you was the cycle where you had to go. I didn't intend it to be like that, I just knew I rather you go than Billy and had to push for that because I didn't think I could ever beat you in the end.
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okay so i can’t believe I’m saying this but WE ACTUALLY WORKED TOGETHER FOR A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF TIME ! ever since carson had gone i knew you had my back, but the thing was i don’t think you ever believed i had your’s? seeing as you’re gonna see these after the season, i will say first thing that your suspicions were incorrect. i wish you had trusted me more and i am sorry for flipping the vote on you, but you was a threat.png. i am glad we got to play together again tho and ily <3
I cannot express how much I hated voting you out. Like, people can vouch. I actually cried. You're so so wonderful and I wish we hadn't been on opposite sides
Your elimination wasn’t even remotely something I saw coming. When you initially thought you were leaving, you weren’t and I knew that. I didn’t want you scrambling and potentially ruining your chance. But a the rainbow idol bitch slapped you and it was out of left field. I was so glad we got to finally play together, and play as close as we actually got to play. I think it’s good that some of our more “one sided” friendships (Like Kait and Brian) went out early, because it made sure that we stuck with us and not with others. Ilysm, and I’m so so so glad that we finally got our time together.
You're the reason I'm sitting here, You pushed for me to get on this season and there was a lot of pressure I put on myself, because I didn't want to let myself down but I also didn't want to let you down. We didn't work together, we just couldn't unfortunately, and I knew I wanted you gone and the moment that idol got played and it turned out to be Rose Quartz, I was overjoyed. I'm sorry you had to go out like that, but you had the most twisted tribal I've ever seen and that will never be forgotten. I hope I didn't let you down.
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WELL FUCK. this is the one thats the saddest and the one that i hate the most. i know we’ve talked everything out so I’m not gonna repeat the super emotional baggage here. you know that i love you to the moon and back and you know that i wanna see you succeed but this game got a really messy blurred line when i heard you wouldnt have minded seeing me go. writing your name down to eliminate was a really surreal experience i hope i never have to feel again. but i am glad our friendship is surviving through this. if a survivor game ever ruined a friendship as good and valued as this one for me i probably wouldnt be able to live with myself knowing i lost someone like you in my life. love ya dood <3
Honestly I love you and I'm not sure why I was so terrible at talking to you but oh well ! That's what hoenn is for !!
Our relationship this time was much different than the one in Johto. We were together, on the same tribe, (do the first couple days in the Warzone count?) and playing together from the very first day. I knew what you were thinking (at least I hope I do) for most of the game, and I watched you play and AMAZING GAME. You ran the pre-merge, whether you think you did or not. That was YOUR Warzone, and everyone knew it. You are just as much of a social threat as the rest of us were, because until the last round (The ugliest round) I don’t think anyone saw you as that big of a target. You had a solid alliance, with various people that wanted each other out over you. Which was smart. You knew what to say to what people to pit them against each other and it was an amazing strategy. I solidly believe that you were winning this game. It’s unfortunate that the round you left was a knife fight, and I know we’re good. But I can’t feel bad about writing your name down, when I gave you another option and you still wrote mine down. Nonetheless, I’m so fortunate to have watched you evolve from Rakiura to here. You’re such a great player, and one of my favorite people outside of the game.
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complainingegg · 8 years ago
Andrew’ Jury Answers
I definitely see where a lot of your statement is coming from. My social game was one that was pretty messy, but I felt like that’s what flowed with this game. In terms of talking to people, I don’t think I lacked that at all especially in terms of people at the merge like you and Ash who I hadn’t talked to much before this game. In terms of the part of my social game that was just pissing people off, I would say it was just a combination of people being indecisive and me not fully knowing where people’s heads were at. If people I wanted to trust were faltering and showing I could possibly not play with them, then I thought I could shake things up. With the pistol, it was definitely a sense of yeah, I could flaunt this and use this because I can. I was able to create chaos, but I was able to control that chaos. At the end of the day, I wanted to be the one with the most control, and I would say I was in a lot of aspects. With the pistol being played at the tribal it was played, I wanted to see if I could do something to prevent both Ash and Isaac from going home, and with some luck it did. And yes, of course it was more luck based, but that’s just the name of the game with the pistol that couldn’t really be helped. So yes, I would agree the social game was lacking, but I feel like without playing as aggressively as I did at times, I wouldn’t have been able to solidify my spot in this final 3. My motto is do what you have to do to see the next tribal, and that’s what I thought I’d have to do. Play a more aggressive game than I’m used to. So I would say behind that chaos was control that I’m happy stating here in my answers where my game did have purpose, and wasn’t as unreasonable as some people thought.
I know you’re probably gonna hate seeing a response to your soup can but I’m just here to say that yes I did trust you. I know you didn’t believe it, but for a majority of this game I did trust you and I was glad we were able to set Hawaii aside to finally work together again, even though I felt I did have to cut you when the time came. I did appreciate you having my back, especially after you told me that Carson told you to look after me as he was leaving.
You don’t like my game because admittedly, I’m sure from the seats of the jury it was a confusing game to watch. I whipped out a pistol. I voted out Ricky while tossing a vote to Shea. I voted out one of my closest friends in Isaac. And I pulled 2 idols out of my ass. And I think most confusing of all, and something that confused me as well, was this was probably one of my more aggressive games? Now, by no means do I think I was some raging maniac doing whatever the hell he wanted. But it was more aggressive for me. And this is coming from passive - tries to be nice like 95% of the time Andrew. This was a more aggressive style for me. I pulled some chaos, I held a tribal hostage, I voted out people I didn’t think I could. Now I dunno if I should be awarded for that alone, but I think it should be taken into consideration. I know my game is confusing, which is why I had the full intent to clear things up in my statement and these answers. I just had to do what I thought I had to do at the time. And I needed to play a bit more unapologetically, and I needed to take risks. So I think you didn’t like my game because on the surface, it was a bit of a clusterfuck. Which is why I’m trying to clear things up now in hopes of earning your vote.
1 I think my most important move was actually one that a lot of people might be surprised by. I almost wanted to say the Jordan vote, but I think one that I wanna touch upon a bit more is the Gage vote, because everyone knew the intent of the Jordan vote: get out the challenge threat while he was trying to build numbers. The Gage vote was actually one where I wanted to get it done before the merge. I wanted to have certain people prioritize me strategically more over Gage. I needed to be close to Ash, and the damage control with her worked and I stayed close to her. I was worried Sara and Ricky could prioritize him over me as well. I needed to rebuild a relationship with Ricky, and I wanted to be as high up as possible on his list because I needed to have a relationship with Ricky, and for more personal reasons I wanted things to mend from Hawaii. I also needed Sara to not be close to Gage, because I wanted to be super close to Sara and Billy as a duo. I needed to be as set up as I possibly could for the merge, and I think I did a good job of that with what I could work with.
2 It’s weird because I kinda had a motto this game where I regretted none of my moves. But if I had to pick one, I’d say winning final immunity? I actually didn’t want that because I truthfully did want to vote out Ash, but I thought that Billy would be able to do it with Shea. I was obviously wrong, but hey, you can’t get everything you want. And I think me winning the final immunity could be something I’m definitely still proud of.
3 Okay here we go
Gage - Oddish because I feel like he kinda sit back and observe a lot and even though he not the loudest personality in the bunch he still an icon Carson - Slowpoke because he a lazy boi who don’t really give a fuck and is here to have a good time Allison - Vulpix because a) I know you love them and b) you are cute and smol but are super fiery Sara - Dragonair because your majestic and cute at the same time and you’re ready to emerge as the powerful awesome Dragonite you’re meant to be Jordan - Machamp because he gotta be the champ and he physical af (at least in the flash games) Karen - Onix because that chiseled jaw line my guys Ricky - Jigglypuff because small but feisty and will double slap you know that Isaac - Kadabra because wise as shit but still not fully developed to that peak (aka he’s 16 but still smart as shit) Shea - Scyther because that sharp personality that could cut a bitch in half
Billy because Billy stuck by me through this entire merge while we were together seeing as we weren’t together premerge. We were both super emotionally bonded after both losing our duos for personal reasons, and he was my closest ally once Sara and Carson were both gone. I also think Billy ended up doing more that Ash, as I think Ash didn’t do as much in this game as she lead on even though she was a part of some of the moves - she ended up being in the dark and voting incorrectly more often than most of the others.
I dunno if this counts but like. Playing? Like I most definitely want to win and idk that sounds existential and dumb but like, I saw a lot of this game just turn into sad moments and turn into drama that’s gonna take a while to recover from, and you and I at the end of the day almost didn’t sign up to play this game. And while I did play this game, I’m not gonna discredit any of the gameplay. The gameplay was fun, but the personal aspects weren’t. I guess if I have to give a real REAL answer I would say like I did with Allison’s question - winning the final immunity. I definitely wanted to be there to make sure Ash was voted out.
If I ain’t gettin’ ya vote then I ain’t gettin’ it. But! I will say I think you're giving Ash more credit than she deserves. There are many moves she’s entirely claiming like the Kait and Brian votes that simply just aren't true (I wasn’t even at the Kait vote and I could tell you that). So if you are voting Ash based on the fact that you think she really, truly did play the best game, then please do. I’m hoping it isn’t out of bitterness or just wanting to see a certain person win. But if my game was lackluster, then so was Ash’s. She was a backseat player much of this game, so I hope you start to take those things into consideration when you vote. 
Gage - Team by Lorde Carson - Hazey by Glass Animals Allison - Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine Sara - Cecelia and the Satellite by Andrew McHanon in the Wilderness Jordan - Me Too by Megan Trainer Karen - Banana Song by Minions™ Ricky - Be Ok by Ingrid Michaelson  Isaac - Suburbia by Troye Sivan Shea - Bad Girls by M.I.A.
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