#Break and enter SSM
measuringbliss · 5 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 056: The Frightful Four!!! (SSM 41-43)
The last time, Peter became a lizard for a while. Fun stuff!
In this issue, mysterious enemies try to seem menacing and utterly fail, homophobia, as well as special guests and the best villain ever!
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Are you shocked, are you impressed, are you terrified yet? *snickers*
After using his powers to give his late paper to Professor Slater, Spider-Man interrupts Meteor Man at a microwave exhibition (...). We met this antagonist previously in Team Up, which shows you exactly how important he is. Bill Foster, whomst I know from Ant-Man and the Wasp (the movie) but who apparently has a different position, is giving a lecture nearby, but gets the opportunity to lend him a hand as Giant-Man.
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The art actually has a lot of trouble trying to convey how big exactly Giant Man is supposed to be. There's perspective, and then there's whatever is going on here.
Meteor Man gets away, they track him down, and Giant-Man casually drops in his internal monologue that's he's dying of radioactive poisoning. Wow. Um. Alright.
They fight, Meteor Man gets to grow bigger, but...
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Oh, between twelve and thirty feet? How audacious. How incredible. Show us, dude.
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Okay, this is better! Actually a nice page.
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That... was an issue alright.
Issue #42 has a neat cover!
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Peter is trapped in traffic and ends up swinging to his class boat ride thingy.
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I love this, because half the time I barely register that Marcy Kane and Debra Whitman are different characters. Digital issues (hey, have you seen these clean screenshots? Much better!)!
My opinions on each character: Philip is alright, I need him to have more of a personality. Marcy sucks, been there, done that (although I just read a spoiler about her and what the fuck, I'm curious to see how THAT plays out). Steve is hot and adorable. No opinion on Sloan and Debra.
I'm glad to see Peter's social life though. I still feel like these characters aren't anywhere as solid as the previous cast was, but I think jumping between both magazines really doesn't help either.
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I missed you, hon.
No but seriously, I'd be interested to reread SSM only focusing on it, I think it's probably a stronger experience.
Marcy Kane immediately aggros Pete, but Connors interrupts them. Meanwhile, the Frightful Four aren't far away! We've got the Sandman, the Wizard, Electro and the Trapster (who even is that? :p).
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They do a bit of mischief, and I'm pretty sure that cop is homophobic. "PARTNERS?", he says (lmao).
On the boat, Peter wonders whether he has a crush on Marcy (nooo) when Debra arrives.
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Some depth? Wow.
Anyway, before Peter settles on whether he wants a relationship with our desperate lady, the Human Torch cockblocks him.
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Why is this so funny?
She feels guilty about Peter getting away, and...
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New, rare poses!
Hell yeah. Sorry for the amount of screenshots but I really enjoy looking at these!
It wasn't the Human Torch, however, only our Frightful Four! The Wizard created a suit imitating the Torch and gives it to Electro.
Our hero doesn't get fooled for long, and a fight quickly breaks.
A hilarious moment is Spidey trying to figure out who's attacking him. The Sinister Six? No, the Frightful Four after replacing Madam Medusa with Electro? No, it's actually the Frightful Four after replacing the Brute with Electro! What a mess hahahaha
In his own words, Spidey's fighting a "foursome". *snickers again*
The fight goes badly for Spidey, until... Electro interrupts everybody because now, he wants to know who's under the mask.
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They sure are a bunch of idiots.
Their plan is to impersonate Spidey and eliminate the Fantastic Four. Uh-huh, sure. And the story continues in FF #218!
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This is a really cool first page.
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The Human Torch acts extremely gay with "Spider-Man" in this scene. He gets knocked out. The Thing and the security system are also quickly neutralized, but as our villains enter the building, Sue wakes up... she finds her brother, but is quickly attacked and subsequently, knocked out. And just when Mr. Fantastic gets unconscious as well, Spidey arrives!
The ensuing fight is fun, and at last, all's well.
Anyway, SSM #43!
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OH THIS IS GORGEOUS. THE SHADING ON PETER'S SHIRT. I LOVE IT. His face, not so much... Anyway, Steve and Peter being bros, hell yeah!
So bandits have broken into ESU and use Debra as a hostage. They get their stuff and get away, but not without Peter throwing a gadget of his at their car.
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His spider-tracer leads him to a twink.
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And what an ugly twink. Especially compared to this highly stylish Belladonna, what the heck, I love her.
I think I've been spoiled something on Roderick Kingsley, but we'll see how it goes.
Anyways, Belladonna wants to steal Roderick's ideas, apparently. Spidey decides to intervene. The villains get away, and Roderick's annoyed that Spidey ruined his apartment with the fight. However, our hero surmises that Belladonna wanted chemicals for her special gas.
The next day, at the Daily Globe, Sandy Jones is quickly charmed by Peter and she explains that Roderick is rumored to steal his designs. Plus, he has a show that night! Peter easily gets the assignment, and goes to his lab to work on countering Bella's gas.
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I love that second panel, it's a very strong one.
Debra's here, she bought what was on Peter's list. He's so happy he asks her on a date, to which she obviously agrees. I would too, girl.
Turns out what Peter was searching for was vinegar. He worries about reactivating his ulcer, which is a nice callback to a storyline from like, ASM 80 something. That's cool!
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This feels like a Pretty Little Liars storyline, I love it. Seriously, I love this issue! Also, Peter very pretty.
Anyway, Spidey stops the bandits, but Belladonna gets away!
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Oh, I really went from bored at very excited throughout this post, wow! Hell yeah.
3 notes · View notes
redcameleon · 4 years
SSM 2020 Day 3
Prompt: Sleeping Soundly
Summary: Sakura has the ability to travel to people’s dreams and alter them. So she helps resolve Sasuke’s nightmares.
Rating: K+.
A/N: The story is set during ancient times when kingdoms still existed. This was inspired by the drama Mystic Pop Up Bar. Go check out the show!
Life is surely filled with mysteries. Mysteries of the mind and the body. One can argue that they both are just equally as important, equally dependent on each other, and equally strong. But Sakura would argue otherwise. The mind is the key to everything. A strong-willed mind can withstand anything. It can even push one’s limit beyond anything they imagine. Unbeknownst to some, it even has the ability to affect one’s body. When the mind is strong, the body is as well. And when the mind is weak, so too is the body. Thus, becoming the key to unlock one’s potential.  
This is what Sakura has control over. Not necessarily the mind itself, but the thoughts underlying it. One might ask, how is this possible? Through dreams.
A scholar once believed that the mind is the door that to peak into person’s subconsciousness. A dream is like a projection of one’s beliefs, thoughts, and hopes. Many things are uncertain, but one thing Sakura’s certain, is that she is not like other people. Ever since she was little, her dreams have never stopped being so vivid, so clear. Her mind has always been so alert and conscious, even during sleep, movements so clear and swift, she can practically do whatever she wants in the dream plane.
That’s when she realizes she’s special. She was ten when she found out her abilities can be stretched out to enter other people’s dreams. Seeing what they see, standing in the sidelines, watching the events unfold and change from one thing to the other.
She was thirteen when she found out she was able to alter those events. Creating her own playground in other people’s dreams, architecting rooms and houses, making things disappear or appear.
Back then she had to learn to manipulate her powers and hone them by using it on her friends. But soon, she realizes, it’s both a blessing and a curse. She was then feared by many. Feared that she is a puppet master who can control people’s minds to do whatever she wants. Feared that she will someday bring doom to their village.
The thing is, she did believe them. By the time she was sixteen, she decided to run away and leave her village behind.
Sasuke’s day has finally come to an end. With a war coming, the palace is becoming more eager to manufacture weapons and armors. Bows, arrows, swords, and spears are constantly in the make each day. Constantly being surrounded by the hot furnaces, handling scolding metal and heavy hammers, Sasuke’s body aches all over.
The walk back to his house feels the most rewarding. A day at the forge earned him three days’ worth of meals. He can barely remember when he started working there. The only thing he remembers is the face of his brother going into war. It’s been two years since he last saw him. He wonders if he’ll ever see him again.
Boiling some water in a pot and cutting up vegetables, he settles for a simple meal for his dinner before deciding to sleep right away. All cleaned up from the coal and dirt on his body, he lays himself on the futon, closing his eyes.
Just as his mind is starting to drift, flashes of blood fill his mind. He can hear the screams of women, of children. He sees arrows lodged into trees and ground. He keeps running and running deeper into the forest, running as fast as his legs could carry him. His body feels sluggish, as if putting one leg over the other is the hardest thing to do. His whole body feels heavy. He looks back to see if anyone’s following him when he accidentally trips on a branch, rolling down a hill and falling into a dark endless pit.
His body jolts as he sits up, covered in sweat. This has been the nth time he’s had the same dream. They never fall far from similar themes of blood, war, and fear. It’s like he’s watching his memories on tape being rewinded over and over again. Memories of the civil war that happened in his village years ago. Sometimes he gets to see his brother in them and they’re not as bad as he thinks. But some days they’re worse because he sees his brother in them, dead.
He runs a hand over his tired face and ruffles his hair in frustration. He lies back on the futon and stares at the ceiling.
Brother, where are you?
“Hey, Sasuke, Sasuke!” Someone finally snaps him out of his musings. He turns to the source of the voice.
“Careful with that.” The man points to the hot rod in his hand. Sasuke quickly sets it on the table before taking off his gloves.
“You okay? You look like you barely got any sleep last night.” It’s apparently too obvious that he didn’t get any sleep last night.
“I’m fine.” He goes to the back and splashes some water on his face. He lets it cool himself down as he stands there, staring at his reflection in the water. The man places a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder.
“Hey, you know what might help? I heard there’s a shaman in town that can give you good dreams!” Sasuke quirks an eyebrow at the suggestion. He surely is not one to believe in ghosts or spirits. He might believe in an afterlife, but hearing about someone who can supposedly give him good dreams is a bit too far-fetched.
“I’m telling you it really works! My brother went to see her the other day and he said she could really do it! Just try it once. You got nothing to lose, right?” He’s right. He doesn’t have anything to lose. His nightmares are already bad anyway, he can only hope that things get better from there, right?
He decides to give this shaman a try. At the end of the day, following the directions the man gave him, he comes across a small house at the edge of the village. The house looks small and humble. The yard seems barren except for the clay jars lined up along the sides. He notices the bell that hangs from the ceiling. He approaches the entrance and knocks a few times.
“Come in.” He hears a voice from inside. He slides the door and steps inside. He finds a woman sitting on the floor behind a table. He’s never been inside a shaman’s house before but he can say it’s not like anything he imagines. The room appears empty, except for a futon on the right side of the room, and an incense on the other side of the room.
She eyes him and chuckles.
“Wow you must really need my help.” Sasuke is beginning to re-evaluate his decision. But he might need her help after all. He steps closer and takes a seat in front of her.
“I’ve been having nightmares.”
“I see. And what kind of nightmares?” She’s probably heard this so many times, judging by the unchanging tone in her voice.
“People dying. War.” He can’t tell if it’s just his imagination but he can see her eyes widen a bit.
“That’s rare. You see most people say they want dreams of meeting their loved ones, flying, travelling.” She can tell that he only wants one thing. Peace. Peace of mind.
“Okay. I’ll help you.” She gets up and sits next to the futon. She gestures him to sit as well. He gives her a questioning look before he decides to follow her words. He sits there and Sakura hands him a cup of tea.
“This will help you relax. It’s chamomile tea.” He takes a sniff before sipping the beverage. He then lies down and tries to even his breathing. She’s lying of course. It’s not just any regular tea. It’s a special liquor of hers that can put a person into a deep slumber. Not long after that, Sasuke begins to drift into sleep. His eyes flutter closed.
Sakura grabs his hand in hers and touches his pulse. She closes her eyes and tries to match his breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. She focuses on Sasuke’s heartbeat in her fingertips. A few minutes pass and she begins to enter his dream.
Darkness. Everywhere around her. The moon is the only thing lighting up her path. She notices she’s in a forest. She walks a few steps before she sees an arrow lodged in the ground, followed by a trail of blood. She then begins to hear screams. She keeps walking and starts hearing fast footsteps. She quickly steps to the side, hiding behind a tree. She then sees Sasuke panting and running. She follows behind him to see where he’s heading. He keeps on turning back, as if someone is chasing him. She looks back to see no one.
She keeps following him. Deciding that she should end his misery, she grabs both his shoulders, startling him.
“Hey.” He turns around, fear evident in his eyes. His face is covered in dirt and sweat.
“Who are you? Let me go!” He tries to break free, but she holds him in place, remaining calm.
“There’s no one here. No one will hurt you.” Sasuke keeps his gaze on the ground, seeming afraid to look at his surroundings. Sakura decides to brighten the surroundings. Literally.
The sun slowly starts to rise, a colorful orange and yellow hue appearing from the horizon. Sasuke notices this and looks up to the sky. He can see the woods clearer now. The arrows stuck on the ground begin to crumble and sprout branches and leaves. The blood on the ground and barks slowly fades to nothing.
His eyes widen in surprise. Fear and terror seem to have dissipated from his eyes and Sakura can’t help but let out a relieved sigh.
“Look, there’s nothing here that will hurt you.” She points towards the path behind him. He turns around to see a clear road ahead of him. The trees surrounding him appear livelier. Birds are singing and the sun shines down on him, engulfing him with warmth that he hasn’t felt in a long time. He breathes in the clear air.  
Sakura takes his hand and starts walking along the path. He lets her lead him to wherever they’re going. A village is starting to come into view and before he knows it, he’s arrived at the entrance of his village, of the village where he grew up in.
He takes in the surroundings. Children are running around laughing, women are carrying tubs of leaves, and the men are carrying a boar, laughing and patting each other on the back, celebrating their hunt.
He can’t remember the last time he’s seen his village this happy. He feels his mind is more at ease as he finally spends a well-rested night.
He opens his eyes, and finds sunlight peeking through the cracks and edges of the house. He rubs his eyes and looks around. He sits up and notices he’s still at the shaman’s house. However, the shaman is nowhere to be found.
He spends some time to recollect his thoughts and remember what had happened the night before. He remembers seeing sunlight and trees in his dream. He remembers hearing children laughing. He gets up to find the shaman to thank her before he hears a door being opened.
Unbeknownst to him, a door at the back of the house open and he sees her walk in with a bowl and a glass of water.
“Good morning. I see you must’ve slept well last night.” She sets the items on the table in front of him and kneels. He sits himself back down.
“Thank you.” It’s the best rest he’s had in years and he has her to thank for it. She shakes her head and smiles at him.
“I’m glad I can help. Here’s some breakfast for you.” He eyes the bowl of soup in front of him and thanks her for the meal before downing it all in one go.
He gets up to head out for the forge.
“My name is Sasuke.” Sakura looks at him for a moment before responding.
“Nice to meet you, Sasuke. I’m Sakura.”
He will surely remember that name from now on..
A/N: I have a few more ideas on how to expand the story. So let me know if you guys are interested in reading more :)
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$17 Virtual treatment.
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Back To institution: how children's health In Dallas Is integrating Virtual care To help assistance trainees, Parents & professors.
If you have inquiries or concerns related to the support in this paper, please email The prescription is issued for a genuine clinical function by a practitioner acting in the usual program of his/ her professional practice.
7 Virtual healthcare.
Enter your place to get details about nearby SSM Wellness services. Allow you to continue to be in your area with family support while getting care.
To stay educated concerning updates for telehealth as well as other DHCS subjects, register for DHCS Stakeholder Announcements. For non-emergency medical concerns (allergies, bronchial asthma, respiratory disease, cool & influenza, infections, fever, ear pains, nausea or vomiting, pink eye, sore throat).
Enjoy reading local features as well as information concerning Willis-Knighton and also The Oaks of Louisiana in this nationwide magazine. Click the link listed below for response to frequently asked questions concerning telehealth. The majority of the savings demonstrated came from in your area done lab and also pharmacy solutions. USDA Area Facilities Direct Loan as well as Give Program awards straight finances and/or grants for essential community facilities in rural areas. McLeod Telehealth is a very easy method to see a medical professional online by video clip anytime, anywhere.
NIBIB researchers are creating a paper-based diagnostic that can measure HIV viral load in whole blood in 15 mins. A mobile phone is utilized to power and control the paper-based RNA removal and also reaction; assess the fluorescent readout suggesting viral load; and also keep the cause the cloud where they can be accessed by a doctor. The $10 examination will certainly be extensively applicable for contagious condition diagnosis at the point-of-care. Life Expectancy, Rhode Island's initial health and wellness system, is a thorough, integrated, academic health system associated with The Warren Alpert Medical Institution of Brown College. You might be asked to confirm that you have read as well as accept as well as agree to the above files as component of your go to. See our MyLifespan page for parents and also guardians for details on exactly how to authorize your youngster or teenager up quickly as well as to obtain the right level of proxy accessibility.
Contact Us
Levvel Health
Phone: 4570713383
Savsvinget 7
Hørsholm, , Denmark 2970
Pardot and Google Tag Supervisor cookies improve our ability to existing visitors and clients with item details they'll be most curious about. When you visit any internet site, it might keep or obtain details on your internet browser, mainly in the type of cookies. This info may be about you, your preferences or your device and also is primarily utilized to make the site work as you anticipate it to. The info does not normally straight recognize you, yet it can offer you an extra tailored web experience. Register today for the Telehealth Innovation Online forum-- Medical care's best telehealth event.
Transmission using wireless was done making use of regularity modulation which got rid of noise. The ECG outcome was linked to the telephone input making use of a modulator which transformed ECG into high frequency sound. At the various other end a demodulator reconverted the noise into ECG with a good gain accuracy. The ECG was transformed to sound waves with a regularity differing from 500 Hz to 2500 Hz with 1500 Hz at standard. 2 crucial locations of telerehabilitation study are showing equivalence of assessment as well as therapy to in-person evaluation and also treatment, and constructing new data collection systems to digitize details that a specialist can use in practice.
Telehealth reimbursement may be changing. How should providers prepare? - Healthcare IT News
Telehealth reimbursement may be changing. How should providers prepare?.
Posted: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
-- Remote patient-monitoring devices such as high blood pressure monitors, Bluetooth-enabled digital scales and various other wearable devices that can communicate biometric information for evaluation. -- Store-and-forward modern technologies that accumulate pictures and also data to be transferred as well as interpreted later on. When medical professionals' needed solution to concerns on adjusting to exercising in a pandemic, the AMA established sources to fulfill the demand.
If you have concerns or worries connected to the guidance in this record, please This record consists of web links to various other sites and content coming from or originating from third parties. Such external web links are provided for informational as well as academic objectives just as well as are not explored, kept an eye on or checked for precision, competence, legitimacy, dependability, accessibility or completeness by ASAM.
Usual daily emergency telemedicine is performed by SAMU Regulatory authority Physicians in France, Spain, Chile as well as Brazil. Airplane and also naval emergency situations are additionally dealt with by SAMU centres in Paris, Lisbon as well as Toulouse. At the dawn of the modern technology, videotelephony also included picture phones which would trade still pictures between devices every couple of seconds over conventional POTS-type telephone lines, essentially the same as slow-moving scan TV systems.
Ground-breaking study in telehaptics and also digital fact might widen the range of telerehabilitation technique, in the future. cultural barriers occurring from the disinclination, or hesitation, of some physicians to adjust medical paradigms for telemedicine applications.
VA Telehealth Providers offers you access to the care you require, when and also where you require it. Prior to implementing telehealth into your method, review and also become acquainted with state and government laws in which you technique. Making use of telehealth to deliver physical therapist services is expanding swiftly, as well as if you have not already, you're probably considering it. Contact your existing EHR vendor to see if there is telehealth performance that can be turned on. Connect to your state medical association/society for guidance on supplier examination, selection and contracting. These kinds of adjustments are mostly on a state-by-state basis as well as are altering at a rapid price. ASAM is connecting with state chapters and also areas to help address concerns connected to state laws as well as policies.
Maintaining your wellness currently is equally as essential as ever-- and also telehealth can aid.
Across almost all medical specialties, telehealth services can be used in attaching suppliers with different clients in various areas through real-time sound and video.
We offer a variety of telehealth services in areas such as wellness, health care, specialty care and acute treatment.
In various other situations, solution centers can make use of telemedicine to gather from another location along with send out information to a main monitoring system for interpretation.
There are numerous advantages of real-time online visits, consisting of boosted accessibility to suppliers as well as decreased requirement for emergency situation department sees.
One more disadvantage of telemedicine is the lack of ability to start therapy immediately. For example, a person struggling with a microbial infection might be given an antibiotic hypodermic injection in the clinic, as well as observed for remote patient monitoring rn jobs any reaction, before that antibiotic is prescribed in tablet kind. It might be called for that the professional and also patient included have to meet in person at the very least when before online prescribing can occur, or that a minimum of a live-video seminar should happen, not simply impersonal questionnaires or studies to figure out need. Ultimately, in 2015 the state legislature legislated electronic examinations. Limiting licensure regulations in the United States need a specialist to obtain a full license to provide telemedicine care across state lines. Normally, states with limiting licensure laws likewise have a number of exceptions that might release an out-of-state specialist from the added burden of acquiring such a certificate. A variety of states need specialists who seek payment to regularly deliver interstate like get a full license.
Should vagaries of hospital possession have bearing on physicians' ability to speak confidentially with lawyers? See daily video updates on how the AMA is dealing with COVID-19 by talking about arising cyber dangers during the pandemic. From below, our system documents each step with the designated medical professionals available. Tracking all results developing day-to-day openness reports on our patient interactions. Complete transparency between TeleHealth Option Carriers, PCPs, Area Admins showcasing all outcomes.
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$17 Virtual medical Care.
requirement Of care.
Back To school: how kid's health In Dallas Is integrating Virtual like help support trainees, Parents & professors.
If you have inquiries or issues connected to the assistance in this paper, please e-mail The prescription is provided for a reputable clinical function by a professional acting in the typical training course of his/ her professional technique.
7 Virtual medical Care.
Enter your place to obtain details concerning close-by SSM Health solutions. Permit you to remain in your neighborhood with family members support while getting treatment.
To stay notified regarding updates for telehealth and various other DHCS subjects, register for DHCS Stakeholder Announcements. For non-emergency medical concerns (allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, respiratory disease, cold & influenza, infections, fever, ear pains, queasiness, pink eye, aching throat).
Enjoy reading local features and also information concerning Willis-Knighton as well as The Oaks of Louisiana in this national publication. Click the link below for answers to regularly asked concerns regarding telehealth. The majority of the savings demonstrated originated from in your area done lab and also pharmacy services. USDA Community Facilities Direct Finance as well as Give Program awards direct fundings and/or gives for essential area facilities in backwoods. McLeod Telehealth is a simple way to see a physician online by video clip anytime, anywhere.
NIBIB scientists are creating a paper-based diagnostic that can evaluate HIV viral tons in entire blood in 15 minutes. A smart phone is used to power and control the paper-based RNA removal and also reaction; assess the fluorescent readout indicating viral lots; and also save the cause the cloud where they can be accessed by a medical professional. The $10 test will certainly be extensively suitable for infectious condition medical diagnosis at the point-of-care. Lifespan, Rhode Island's first wellness system, is a comprehensive, integrated, academic health and wellness system affiliated with The Warren Alpert Medical Institution of Brown University. You may be asked to verify that you have read and also approve and accept the above documents as part of your browse through. Visit our MyLifespan web page for moms and dads and guardians for information on just how to authorize your kid or teenager up easily as well as to obtain the proper level of proxy accessibility.
Contact Us
Levvel Health
Phone: 4570713383
Savsvinget 7
Hørsholm, , Denmark 2970
Pardot as well as Google Tag Supervisor cookies enhance our ability to existing site visitors and also consumers with item info they'll be most interested in. When you visit any kind of web site, it may keep or fetch details on your internet browser, mostly in the type of cookies. This details could be about you, your preferences or your device as well as is primarily made use of to make the site job as you expect it to. The info does not typically directly determine you, but it can provide you a much more personalized web experience. Register today for the Telehealth Technology Online forum-- Health care's premiere telehealth event.
Transmission utilizing wireless was done using frequency modulation which removed noise. The ECG result was linked to the telephone input using a modulator which transformed ECG right into high frequency sound. At the other end a demodulator reconverted the audio into ECG with a good gain precision. The ECG was converted to acoustic wave with a regularity varying from 500 Hz to 2500 Hz with 1500 Hz at baseline. 2 important areas of telerehabilitation research are showing equivalence of analysis and also therapy to in-person assessment and treatment, and also developing new data collection systems to digitize info that a therapist can utilize in technique.
Telehealth reimbursement may be changing. How should providers prepare? - Healthcare IT News
Telehealth reimbursement may be changing. How should providers prepare?.
Posted: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
-- Remote patient-monitoring devices such as blood pressure monitors, Bluetooth-enabled digital scales and also various other wearable devices that can interact biometric information for testimonial. -- Store-and-forward modern technologies that gather images and data to be transmitted as well as translated later. When doctors' needed solution to concerns on adapting to exercising in a pandemic, the AMA created resources to fulfill the demand.
If you have inquiries or issues connected to the guidance in this file, please This document has links to various other web sites as well as content coming from or originating from 3rd parties. Such exterior web links are provided for informational and educational purposes just and are not explored, kept track of or looked for precision, competence, credibility, reliability, schedule or completeness by ASAM.
Usual day-to-day emergency situation telemedicine is executed by SAMU Regulator Physicians in France, Spain, Chile and also Brazil. Aircraft as well as naval emergency situations are additionally handled by SAMU centres in Paris, Lisbon as well as Toulouse. At the dawn of the modern technology, videotelephony likewise consisted of photo phones which would certainly trade still photos in between units every couple of secs over standard POTS-type telephone lines, essentially the like slow scan TELEVISION systems.
Ground-breaking research study in telehaptics as well as online fact might broaden the scope of telerehabilitation technique, in the future. cultural barriers taking place from the disinclination, or aversion, of some doctors to adapt clinical paradigms for telemedicine applications.
VA Telehealth Providers provides you access to the treatment you require, when and also where you require it. Prior to executing telehealth right into your practice, review and become familiar with state and also government regulations in which you method. Using telehealth to provide physical therapist services is expanding quickly, and also if you haven't already, you're possibly considering it. Check with your existing EHR supplier to see if there is telehealth functionality that can be switched on. Connect to your state clinical association/society for guidance on supplier examination, option as well as having. These type of modifications are greatly on a state-by-state basis and are changing at a quick rate. ASAM is communicating with state chapters and also regions to aid resolve issues related to state guidelines as well as policies.
Maintaining your health and wellness now is equally as essential as ever before-- and also telehealth can assist.
Across almost all clinical specialties, telehealth services can be applied in attaching service providers with different people in different areas via real-time sound and also video.
We provide a wide variety of https://www.levvel.health/solutions/features/ telehealth solutions in areas such as health, primary care, specialized care as well as severe treatment.
In various other situations, service facilities can use telemedicine to accumulate from another location as well as send data to a central tracking system for interpretation.
There are lots of benefits of real-time virtual gos to, including enhanced access to companies and also reduced need for emergency division brows through.
Telehealth successfully links people and also their doctor when an in-person communication is not scientifically required and also helps with physician-to-physician examination.
Another negative aspect of telemedicine is the inability to begin therapy immediately. For example, a patient struggling with a microbial infection might be given an antibiotic hypodermic injection in the clinic, and also observed for any kind of reaction, prior to that antibiotic is recommended in tablet kind. It might be needed that the professional as well as individual included need to meet in person a minimum of once prior to on the internet prescribing can occur, or that at the very least a live-video meeting must happen, not just impersonal questionnaires or studies to identify need. Consequently, in 2015 the state legislature legislated digital appointments. Limiting licensure legislations in the USA call for an expert to obtain a full permit to deliver telemedicine care across state lines. Typically, states with restrictive licensure regulations additionally have numerous exceptions that may release an out-of-state professional from the additional burden of obtaining such a license. A variety of states need practitioners who seek payment to often supply interstate like get a complete permit.
What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?
An outbreak is called an epidemic when there is a sudden increase in cases. As COVID-19 began spreading in Wuhan, China, it became an epidemic. Because the disease then spread across several countries and affected a large number of people, it was classified as a pandemic.
Should inconsistencies of hospital possession have bearing on doctors' capability to speak in complete confidence with attorneys? See everyday video clip updates on just how the AMA is battling COVID-19 by discussing emerging cyber threats throughout the pandemic. From below, our system documents each step with the appointed clinicians on call. Tracking all end results creating everyday openness reports on our client interactions. Complete transparency between TeleHealth Option Service Providers, PCPs, Area Admins showcasing all end results.
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
Crime of the Week: Bell Store Break and Enter (video incl.)
#CrimeOfThe Week: @Bell Store Break&Enter (w/video) @SSMCrimeStopper @SaultPolice @CanStopCrime @CitySSM @LawEnforceToday @OPP_NER
SAULT STE. MARIE, ON– Crime Stoppers and the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service are asking for your assistance in identifying a suspect in a break and enter. On the 10th of March 2018 at approximately 3:55 am an unidentified male entered the Bell store located on Bruce Street by smashing a door. The unidentified male went to the back…
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measuringbliss · 3 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 069 Harry's Back! (SSM 61-68)
Someone finds out Spider-Man's secret identity!
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Oh this is a brilliant first page!
The kid actually wants to be just like Spidey, aww!
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Okay, that's funny.
So Moonstone enters Connors's lab at ESU to get the Enervator, but Spidey fights her. Marcy gets caught in the middle of this.
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Marcy goes to the hospital, and when Debra learns that it was Peter who took care of Marcy until the paramedics got there, she's admirative.
The cops guess that Spidey was there, but Connors arrive to defend him. Aww! He even helps Spidey find Moonstone later.
In her apartment, Moonstone angsts. Nobody wants her services!
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This issue's really silly at times.
Spidey and Moonstone fights, and the Enervator finally explodes and takes out Moonstone's barely standing building. Alright.
Later, Peter goes to see Marcy at the hospital. She seems to be fine, and she even cracks a joke! I'm beginning to like her since she got her hair back to brown.
And now... I'll be using my French physical edition for the next ~12 Spectacular issues, so bear with me here. I'll still probably put out screenshots, but maybe less. We'll see!
In #62, everyone's angry at Peter because he's late to his own experiment. Debra also has something to say about Biff... Did they break up? At the very least, she's very much into Peter, who seems to be getting closer to Marcy... Hmm! Finally some compelling relationship drama!
Debra feels inadequate because she's a secretary, not a science junkie like Peter... and Marcy. When Dr Sloan comes back from Peter's experiment (letting him finish it alone), he's surprised to see Debra read Heisenberg, and not Austen or the Bronte sisters... Ugh, men. But also, you deserve better than that, Debra! I do relate to this, however. My boyfriend and I are in completely different fields, and sometimes it can be difficult to get some ideas across. However, that also means that we complete each other. Differences are a strength!
Meanwhile, Gold Bug asked the Maggia for help, but he has to prove himself. Being a criminal is expensive when your entire costume, equipment, ship and weapons are made of gold! You don't say...
Anyway, he barges in on Peter's experiment.
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It's funnier in French, but oh well.
Debra also gets goldenized, but thankfully, Peter knows Science and can melt the gold off everyone's skin. Gold Bug flies away, though.
The issue is that the gold is radioactive. Spidey soon convinces the Maggia to not retrieve it, and they shoot at both Gold Bug and Spidey, who fall into the sea. Spidey gets away, but we don't know Gold Bug's fate...
In #63, Spidey witnesses a fire on a hospital that didn't even have time to be opened. An arsonist is arrested, but assures everybody that he didn't do it. Peter decides to ask his old friend Harry Osborn for help... But he can't join him, so he calls Flash instead!
And Flash tells us that Harry married Liz! He wasn't invited to the wedding either. They wanted to stay away from their past. Understandable!
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But when Spidey arrives at Harry's, the Molten Man is already there. They'd almost convinced him to surrender himself--he's the true arsonist! He woke up five years (of publication) after "dying", and immediately left to join his sister, Liz.
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Holy hell, Harry, I love you.
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I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. The people uniting with Spider-Man and protecting each other!!! Harry trying his very best after having been dealt a rough hand! This is so good!
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HAHAHAHA I get it!
In #64, Cloak and Dagger kill a drug criminal and Spidey's powerless. He goes to Mack Stennet, the Bugle's chief researcher, who redirects him to Ellis Island.
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That's good!
Turns out Cloak and Dagger were part of the kids some assholes experimented on. They're the only survivors. Spidey gets there and complains that if they'd explained that to him, he'd helped them make sure justice would be served.
Cloak and Dagger want revenge, though, and they get it. Spidey goes home quite distraught.
It's a nice issue, a bit artistic. I enjoyed it!
#65 time! Kraven's back. The last time, his girlfriend Calypso wanted to see blood and manipulated him and Spidey to fight. This time?
She got human prey for Kraven to hunt, as he thinks he's losing his talent. She even beats on drums to make it more fun, hahaha.
Meanwhile, at ESU, the dean calls out Peter's bad grades and lack of attention (ADHD, ADHD...!). He suggests that Peter should stop teaching, but obviously, that's not a good idea if Peter wants to keep some money.
Debra asks Peter if he needs a friend to talk to, but he rebuffs her. However, when Marcy heard them...
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Oof. Poor Debra.
The quasi-entirety of the issue is Spidey fighting Kraven on the roofs of the city while Calypso has a fun jam session on her drums. She ends up drugging Spidey to help Kraven win, and the latter, understanding what happened, tries (and more or less succeeds) to save Spidey from death. I love this, I really love this, but why is Calypso still there? The couple already had communication issues the last time. But Calypso's a fun, goofy character so I like her.
And at the end...
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Wow, Marcy, you're doing your absolute best to get that man in your bed. To be fair, I'd do the same.
Fun fact, that issue was Kraven's last one (in Spider-Man stories) before Kraven's Last Hunt! That's wild.
#66 time!
Electro escapes from Ryker's Island, Peter's on a date with Marcy, not far away from Debra and Biff. Naturally, Debra prefers to stay away from them...
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Oh, Peter... Well, at least, I know that his characterization in a WIP of mine is accurate. He's a SLUT. Good for him.
Marcy's not very enthusiastic though. She's here for the studies, not the romance!
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Good for her! By the way, while Peter looks snazzy as usual, Marcy also looks really good. I like that new her! We're getting characterization and everything, this is great.
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I like that. Oh, Peter...
So Spidey and Electro fight it out in Times Square, while Jonah, Marla and Lance Bannon (Peter's rival at the Bugle) witness the scene. Oddly enough, Lance seems to be a fan of Spidey's.
In French, Spidey nicknames Electro "Electrognon" (Electro + trognon, "cute") instead of "Sparkles", I love it.
Electro leaves Spidey for dead and seeks the Fantastic 4. Jonah's joy doesn't last long, as Spidey quickly comes back with a new, isolated costume. I wish we got a clear view of it, because I really like it.
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Electro tries to trick Spidey, but our hero doesn't let him.
Overall a nice issue with nice panels! There's a sense of the crowd being in danger, I thought it worked well, and Electro's powers were entertaining.
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What a nice panel, I like it.
The guy's Willie. He just got killed by Boomerang, a a contract killer "who keeps coming back" *snickers* Okay dude.
Somewhere else, Edward Hannigan (this issue's artist) tries to seduce me.
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That's a nice effort, I'll say. I like his hair in the last panel.
May's calling to remind Peter that the next day, he promised her they'd visit Ben's grave for the anniversary of his death.
Finally, Peter sews his costume back and flies off in the city, not noticing that Wilson Fisk is back and currently receiving Boomerang.
Boomerang killed Willie to make himself look useful to the Kingpin, but the latter had actually been feeding Willie false intel, so that was useless. Well played!
Still, Fisk tells Boomerang to kill Spidey. If he succeeds, he'll move on to Daredevil.
At ESU, Marcy praises Peter for the pics he took of Electro's fight with Spidey, but she says that she has no time to give to someone who's not serious about science.
And Peter actually wonders about whether he really wants to keep studying science... This is good! This is really solid. We've all been there.
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Development! Peter confronting his masculinity!!! We love to see it!
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Excellent! Reminds me of Miles's breakdown in Into the Spider-Verse.
And then Spidey fights Boomerang. We learn that Peter enjoys New Wave music!
Their fight leads them to the Bugle office and we see that Glory's still working there, yay. Because he's petty, Spidey throws away Lance Bannon's camera, which I'm not a fan of because I don't think Lance has been particularly antagonistic towards him.
When he learns that Boomerang's working for the Kingpin, Spidey gets angry, but he still saves him from being killed by the Kingpin's men.
I really enjoy that fight's sense of moving through spaces. It's exciting! I also love that these issues keep the trend of using grey/black dots in the background, it looks nice.
And then... #68.
It starts with Peter and May at Ben's grave, as promised.
May tells Peter that Nathan and her want to leave their rest home to go back to May's old house and make it "a halfway house for senior citizens". She asks for Peter's financial help, even though our poor guy is... well, not rich.
As May and Nathan leave, Peter stops secret agents from violating Mendel Stromm's tomb. Stromm's a guy from 1966 (we get continuity, yay!), a robot maker hired by the Green Goblin. Hmm!
At ESU, things don't go well.
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OH MY GOD. I hope she keeps the secret. I really hope, because it was really time.
Also, Peter giving up his teacher's obligations? That makes sense.
Spidey finds Rachel, one of the agents, fighting off one of Stromm (?)'s robots. They head back to his tomb and find...
...themselves trapped in there, with a ticking bomb!
The agents are knocked out, but Spidey investigates the new hole in the floor and finds... Stromm's clone.
The two of them (plus robots) fight, and the French translation finds the opportunity to reference Lucky Luke comics. Alright, sure!
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Lmao, Spidey, you jokester. In French, he writes "Dead, at last!".
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pain-somnia · 6 years
It Started With Rain
Fic Commission
Rating: M (for sexual content)
Word Count: 3,626
Day’s Notes: hello hello. I know I was supposed to update KFT but I took a break from that to do fic commissions and this is one of them. The commission was for “sexual tension” in a canon compliant setting. Because of canon compliancy and also being set in the canon compliant universe of my ssm fics I wanted this to still feel very soft. If you are interested in commissioning me for a fic there’s more info here. My next commission is for a fluff piece so you have that to look forward to.
There’s also more to look forward to! I’m a mod and writer for @sasusakuzine and right now there’s a giveaway going on that ends on January 31st. You should check that out!
FF | AO3
A mist had settled in the village the past few days and brought a chill to the village. The season was changing and Hi no Kuni was entering it’s short rainy season. The clouds had been dark and heavy for days, threatening to burst.
The weather was affecting Sasuke’s hair, making it curl more at the ends and lift away from his head even more than usual. The bangs that fell in front of his face were softer but the frizziness bugged him when he sat still for too long.
He caught himself constantly smoothing the forelocks as he sifted through scrolls and paperwork hoping to flatten them back down.
What the weather was doing to Sasuke’s hair was also affecting Sakura. He had grown accustomed to seeing her hair neat and prim now that she styled it in a bob but with the moisture in the air the ends no longer curled inward in a uniformed fashion.
“Here we go.”
Sasuke’s eyes shifted away from his scroll as Sakura set a tray with tea on his coffee table. The action gave him a view of the back of her nape, pink hair curling up and away from pale, smooth skin.
Lately Sasuke found himself focusing on that specific area of skin. It flashed at him when she bent her head as she chopped ingredients. He could catch it peeking through wisps of hair when she helped him wash dishes and he placed them in the drying rack and wiped them down.
“It’s actually coming down.”
Sakura’s voice broke through his reverie. He turned his head toward the window in the kitchenette and sure enough the clouds had finally burst into a steady shower.
Konoha was a bright and warm place but for a few weeks in the year the sunny village would become encompassed in fog. It would fill the streets and fit snug around the buildings of the ever growing village.
There were many changes to the village after so many years away. The buildings were taller and and the village limits were stretched further as  construction continued to expand the size of the hidden village.
But the one thing that didn’t change was the feeling of being isolated from the world when the raining season hit. There was comfort in being sheltered inside as the downpour kept civilians out of the streets. It was the complete opposite of Ame where the reprieves from rain were few and far between so business went on as usual no matter how hard the rain came down.
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Telehealth reimbursement may be changing. How should providers prepare? - Healthcare IT News
Telehealth reimbursement may be changing. How should providers prepare?.
Posted: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
-- Remote patient-monitoring devices such as high blood pressure displays, Bluetooth-enabled electronic scales and also various other wearable gadgets that can connect biometric information for review. -- Store-and-forward innovations that gather images as well as data to be sent and translated later on. When medical professionals' needed answers to inquiries on adapting to practicing in a pandemic, the AMA developed sources to fulfill the demand.
If you have concerns or problems connected to the assistance in this file, please This record includes links to other web sites and also content coming from or stemming from 3rd parties. Such outside links are offered informative and instructional objectives just as well as are not explored, kept an eye on or looked for precision, competence, validity, integrity, availability or completeness by ASAM.
Common daily emergency telemedicine is executed by SAMU Regulator Physicians in France, Spain, Chile and also Brazil. Airplane and maritime emergency situations are also handled by SAMU centres in Paris, Lisbon as well as Toulouse. At the dawn of the technology, videotelephony likewise included photo phones which would certainly exchange still images in between devices every couple of seconds over traditional POTS-type telephone lines, essentially the like sluggish scan TELEVISION systems.
Ground-breaking research in telehaptics and also online fact might expand the scope of telerehabilitation method, in the future. social obstacles occurring from the lack of desire, or aversion, of some medical professionals to adjust clinical paradigms for telemedicine applications.
VA Telehealth Solutions gives you access to the treatment you need, when and where you need it. Before applying telehealth right into your method, review as well as become familiar with state and government policies in which you method. Using telehealth to provide physiotherapist solutions is increasing swiftly, and if you have not currently, you're probably considering it. Consult your existing EHR vendor to see if there is telehealth capability that can be switched on. Reach out to your state clinical association/society for guidance on vendor assessment, option and contracting. These type of changes are greatly on a state-by-state basis and are changing at a rapid price. ASAM is connecting with state phases as well as areas to help attend to problems associated with state guidelines and policies.
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Another drawback of telemedicine is the failure to start therapy immediately. For instance, a patient suffering from a bacterial infection could be offered an antibiotic hypodermic injection in the facility, as well as observed for any type of reaction, before that antibiotic is recommended in pill type. It might be needed that the professional and patient included must fulfill face to face at least when prior to on the internet prescribing can take place, or that at the very least a live-video seminar must occur, not just impersonal sets of questions or studies to figure out demand. Consequently, in 2015 the state legislature legislated digital appointments. Limiting licensure legislations in the United States call for a professional to acquire a complete permit to supply telemedicine treatment across state lines. Usually, states with limiting licensure legislations also have numerous exceptions that may release an out-of-state expert from the additional worry of getting such a certificate. A number of states need specialists that seek settlement to frequently provide interstate care to obtain a full license.
Should vagaries of healthcare facility ownership have bearing upon physicians' capacity to talk in complete confidence with attorneys? See daily video updates on exactly how the AMA is battling COVID-19 by going over arising cyber dangers throughout the pandemic. From below, our system records each action with the assigned medical professionals on call. Tracking all outcomes developing daily transparency records on our person interactions. Full transparency between TeleHealth Solution Carriers, PCPs, Area Admins showcasing all end results.
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joygaroz · 7 years
writtenjoys’ masterpost
Hello, loves! I have decided to make a masterpost now that I reached 500 followers, thank you for sticking around! And so, here i'll list some writers i enjoy reading and my own prompts... Hope you enjoy it, and thanks again to you ALL~ It wouldn't be the same without the constant sharing and fangirling going around~ 
| roraewrites | xxlovendreamsxx | ebondeath | jadeandonyx | vampiretteknight | blanket-fictions | sun-summoning | windsilk | pastelnoctis | reviee | ghostofyou2 | southsidestory | theclosetpoet7 | hermadnessmac | kuriquinn | 
School AU [Iridescent]  One | Two | Three | Four
Actors AU  One | Two
Canon Divergence [Sehnsucht]  One | Two | Three | Snippet  
Selection AU  One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
Sasuke is back in the village, Sakura jokingly asks him out.
They're on a mission and Sasuke freaks out because he can't find Sakura.
Sakura challenges Sasuke to arm wrestle with her.
Sasuke pouting over Sakura's dinner choice.
Modern AU - Sakura is pregnant with Sasuke's child and men hit on her.
Sasuke comes home and tries to figure out who is Sarada's dad.
Sasuke teases Sakura as she cooks.
School AU - They had sex and Sakura stands her ground 
Royal AU - They're enemies but attracted to each other.
Young!Sarada asks Sasuke about his parents.
Sakura Hiden - Sasuke says "I'm home, Sakura"
Sasuke realizes he misses Sakura while he travels.
Definitely, Maybe Inspired - Sarada asks about Sasuke's past.
"I'm sorry that i got way into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately"
Naruto Gaiden - Sarada confesses she thought she could understand his past once she met him.
Pre Naruto Gaiden - Sarada is asked to write about her Family Values.
SSM 2015 [The games we play] - They're tipsy and teasing each other.
SSM 2015 [Pillow Talk] - They support each other during midnight.
Sakura wants to be clingy-ish with Sasuke.
Sakura recieves a letter from Sasuke asking for her to meet him.
Continuation: Sakura decides to meet Sasuke after he sent her a letter.
Songfic Sweet Beginnings - Sakura ends up at Sasuke's door.
Slice of Life AU - Sasuke is Sakura's childhood friend of her, but he has entered a gang.
Sakura wonders if she was too cute for a sexy Sasuke-kun.
AU - Sakura wants a rom-com moment with Sasuke.
Sasuke proposes to Sakura during an eclipse.
AU - Sasuke takes care of his sick childhood friend, who becomes his wife.
Sasuke has to play doctor but Sakura is a terrible patient.
Sasuke couldn't understand why Sakura loved him.
Sasuke is determined to try going out with Sakura.
Sakura is reading novels and compares Sasuke to Daisy.
Sakura wakes up to Sasuke lying in her bed, post-coitus.
Sakura teases Sasuke for his lack of alcohol tolerance.
Sakura calls Sasuke "Darling" for the first time.
Sasuke realizes his genuine feelings for Sakura.
Sasuke tries a reckless way to get Sakura out of her flu.
They meet by coincidence and realize their feelings are connected.
Sasuke regrets in silence as he stares at Sarada confronting him.
Genin Days - Sasuke gets jelous over a client.
SasuSaku Shinden - Sasuke decides to go back to Konoha, Sakura greets him.
Sarada and Boruto after their fathers' deaths
Episode 500 - Sakura writes a letter to Sasuke about NaruHina's wedding.
Continuation: Episode 500 - They long to be closer once they meet again.
Sasuke proposes to take a break, Sakura stands in front of him halfnaked.
Sakura claims to be ready for their first time.
Naruto and Sasuke get protective over Sakura in her new outfit. 
Genderbend AU - Sakura is nice to everybody and Sasuke is jelous.
Road to Ninja AU - Sasuke challenges Sakura to a duel so he can go out with her.
"Alright, I love you"
"You look really tired"
Sakura seeing Sasuke blush for the first time.
Songfic [Better by SYML] - Sasuke and Sakura as they travel
“Who were you with?” Jelous!Sasuke
Sakura queda inconsciente y Sasuke cuida de ella
Sakura le pregunta a Sasuke si es feliz
SSM 2014 [There was no warning] - Naruto hace que Sasuke admita lo que siente por Sakura; Ino y ella lo escuchan
That’s all loves!! Hope you find this one useful and happy reading! Besos~ 
[Updated: 26|10|2017]
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measuringbliss · 8 months
Spider-Man Comics Read-through Masterpost (The Eighties)
See previous masterpost for more information
-The list is a WIP. Numbers will be corrected. Maybe. Someday. When I get to it.
-Eras are divided by artists, but I kept the division by story arc first and foremost.
The Wolfman Era (Part 2)
053 Enter Swarm (SSM 35-37): Here 054 Schizoid Man and Spider Lizard (SSM 38-40): Here 055 Man Hunt (ASM 201-203, WI v1 19): Here 056 The Frightful Four (SSM 41-43): Here 057 Black Cat Always Lands On Her Feet (ASM 204-206): Here
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The O'Neil Era
058 Somebody is Killing Them All! (SSM 44-45, SSM Ann 2): Here 059 The Prophecy of Madame Web (ASM 207-212): Here 060 What If Gwen Stacy Had Lived (ASM 213, Ann 14, WI 24): Here 061 Prowler and Belladonna (SSM 46-48): Here 062 Enter The Smuggler (SSM 49-52): Here 063 Then We Shall Both Be Betrayed (ASM 214-216): Here 064 Wig Snatched (SSM 53-58, SSM Ann 3): P1 P2 065 Mud Thing (ASM 217-218): Here 066 Prison Break (ASM 219-222): Here 067 ARMS!!! (ASM 223-225, Ann 15, WI v1 30): Here
BONUS: Marvel Team-Up 2 (#36-79): Here
The Stern Era
68 Beetle, Gibbon (SSM 59-60): Here 69 Harry's Back! (SSM 61-68): Here 70 But the Cat Came Back (ASM 226-228, Smokescreen 01): Here 71 Nothing Can Stop The Juggernaut (ASM 229-232, Ann 16, Savage Land): Here 72 Silvermane Dies (SSM 69-71): Here 73 Brand Corporation and Tarantula (ASM 233-237): Here 74 Octopus and Owl (SSM 72-77): Here 75 First Hobgoblin (ASM 238-239): Here 76 The Final Battle (SSM 78-80): Here 77 Vulture, Wings of Vengeance (ASM 240-243, Ann 17): Here 78 Stalkers in the Shadows (SSM 81-83): Here 79 Search For The Green Goblin Formula (ASM 244-245): Here 80 Hobgoblin's Return and Spider-Kittens (SSM 84-86): Here 81 The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man (ASM 246-248): Here 82 Secrets, Confessions and Endings (ASM 249-251, SM&PP 01): Here
BONUS: Marvel Team-Up 3 (#80-129): Here
The DeFalco Era 83 Unmasked (SSM 87-89) 84 Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 125 Untitled (ASM 252-255, WI v1 46) 126 Spidey and Black Cat vs The Answer (SSM 90-93) 128 Puma (ASM 256-258, Ann 18) 129 Cloak and Dagger vs Silvermane (SSM 94-97)
[check out book] 131 Return of Hobgoblin (ASM 259-262) 132 First Spot (SSM 98-100) 133 Untitled (ASM 263-267, ASM Ann 19) 134 Web of Spider-Man (WSM 1-3) 135 Untitled (SSM 101-104) 136 United We Fall (SSM 105-106) 137 Arms and the Man (WSM 4-5) 138 Spider-Man vs The Firelord (ASM 269-272)
[end of book] 139 Death of Jean DeWolff (SSM 107-110) 140 Secret Wars II (SWII 1-9, ASM 268, 273-274, WSM 6, SSM 111) 141 Local (Super) Hero (WSM 7-9, WSM Ann 1) 142 Peter Parker, Vigilante and Victim (WSM 10-12) 143 Untitled (SSM 112-114) 144 Hobgoblin Unmasked (ASM 275-278) 145 All That Glitters (WSM 13-15) 146 Things Fall Apart (SSM 115-117) 147 Ace (SSM Ann 5-6) 148 Missing In Action (WSM 16-19) 149 Silver Sable, Sinister Syndicate (ASM 279-283, ASM Ann 20)
The Michelinie Era
150 Roxxon, England - Ireland with Joy Mercado (WSM 20-22,WSM Ann 2) 151 Untitled (SSM 118-124) 152 Gang War (ASM 284-288) 153 Untitled (WSM 23-28, SMvW 1) 154 Wrecking Havoc (SSM 125-126) 155 Hobgoblin Revealed (ASM 289, WSM 29-30) 156 Spider Slayers (ASM 290-292, ASM Ann 21) 157 Untitled (SSM 127-130, SSM Ann 7) 158 Kraven's Last Hunt (ASM 293-294, WSM 31-32, SSM 131-132) 159 Mad Dog Ward (ASM 295, WSM 33, SSM 133) 160 Doctor Octopus Recovers (ASM 296-297) 161 Return of the Sin Eater (SSM 134-136) 162 Untitled (WSM 34-39, WSM Ann 3) 163 Return of Tarantula (SSM 137-138) 164 Chance (ASM 298-300) 165 Cult of Love (WSM 40-43) 166 Fifth Reich (ASM 301-303) 167 Spider-Man meets Tombstone (SSM 139-142) 168 Reunion (WSM 44, IH 349) 169 The Evolutionary War (Marvel Annuals 1988) 170 Untitled (WSM 45-46) 171 Untitled (ASM 304-314) 172 Lobo Brothers Gang War (SSM 143-154, WSM 47-55) 173 Return of Venom (ASM 315-317) 174 Scorpion (ASM 318-319) 175 Atlantis Attack (Marvel Annuals 1989) 176 The Assassin Nation Plot (ASM 320-325, WI v2 4) 177 Skin Deep (WSM 56-58) 178 Untitled (SSM 155-157)
Recommendations: First Half | Second Half
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sacks-usc · 6 years
CPS Model Collection
The PMI Technique by Edward de Bono
What are the steps?
Find PLUS Points - Write all possible positive results of taking action
Find MINUS Points - Write all possible negative effects
Find INTERESTING Points - Enter implications and possible outcomes of taking the action, whether positive, negative, or uncertain
Make your decision.
Which professions practice this model? This is especially useful when working with children, but everyone should be able to use this model.
How it differs from the other models? This process is different in that it guides you to think about specifics in other possibilities. Many processes just say to “find all possibilities”, but at least this method guides you saying “find all possible positive results”.
Where it excels? This process forces you to see other perspectives, especially the ones contrasting your current view, and thus broadening your view.
Where it falls short? This process only starts after you’ve formed an opinion. It’s not very helpful when you’re starting out on a problem with no research, no opinion, and no direction to start.
Link: http://sourcesofinsight.com/avoid-the-intelligence-trap/
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) by University of Lancaster Systems Department
“The primary use of SSM is in the analysis of complex situations where there are divergent views about the definition of the problem. These situations are "soft problems" such as: How to improve health services delivery? How to manage disaster planning? When should mentally disordered offenders be diverted from custody? What to do about homelessness amongst young people? In such situations even the actual problem to be addressed may not be easy to agree upon. ” – quote from link to explain the method a bit.
What are the steps?
Enter situation considered problematical
Express the problem situation
Formulate root definitions of relevant systems of purposeful activity
Build conceptual models of the systems named in the root definitions
Compare models with real world situations
Define possible changes which are both possible and feasible
Take action to improve the problem situation
Which professions practice this model? This model is can be applied to many fields, like ecology, business, and military logistics.
How it differs from the other models? It does not encourage as much out-of-the-box creative thinking.
Where it excels? This model helps with tougher bigger-picture questions that don’t have a black and white answer, or potentially even a hard-to-pinpoint question.
Where it falls short? It tends to build on whatever political/power structure that’s already out there, instead of breaking out of the status quo and pushing boundaries.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_systems_methodology#The_7-stage_description
CATWOE Analysis Model by Peter Checkland
What are the steps?
Customer: the recipient of the outputs from the business system
Actor: the roles that perform the business system processes
Transformation: the core process that delivers the outputs to the customer
Weltanschauung: the underlying world-view for the transformation
Owner: the stakeholder with the overall authority for the business system
Environment: the rules and constraints surrounding the business system
Which professions practice this model? This process is used at various stages of the business change life-cycle and during projects, so is mostly used by people in business/corporate roles.
How it differs from the other models? This model explicitly keeps in mind the people, processes, AND environment that contribute to your problem. Many models only keep in mind the process and getting from problem to solution but forget that you’re dealing with people within a certain-sized environment.
Where it excels? It excels in the same regard that it differs from other models, it keeps in mind the people, processes, AND environment that contribute to the problem. It allows for realistic changes to be made.
Where it falls short? It’s hard to make everyone happy and fulfill ALL obligations when solving a problem. If there are too many holes and not enough pegs, it doesn’t walk you through how to prioritize the parts of the problem.
Link: https://businesschange.co.za/what-is-catwoe-analysis/
“Make It” Method by Kent Beck
What are the steps?
Make it Work
Make It Right
Make it Fast
Which professions practice this model? This process was made specifically for programmers, especially useful for beginners.
Also applies to business needs:
Meet minimum requirements for business to call project a success (Make it work)
Add details/features to make program less prone to errors (Make it right)
Find and eliminate waste/uncessary logic or assumptions in the process (Make it fast)
How it differs from the other models? It keeps the steps very short, precise, self-explanatory, and memorable.
Where it excels? It helps you remain focused on your current priority before moving onto the next one or falling prey to premature optimization. This process works especially well when you apply it to smaller parts of a larger problem.
Where it falls short? This method assumes you can tell when you’re getting ahead of yourself, but many people who directly follow a process step-by-step needs the guidance to keep them on track. This is assumed
Link: http://www.weeklydevtips.com/006
SWOT Analysis
What are the steps?
Strength-Opportunity (S-O) – strategies target the opportunities that fit well with the innovative product strength.
Weakness-Opportunities (W-O) – strategies targets overcoming the weakness to build opportunities for the new product or service.
Strength-Threats (S-T) – strategies aim to identify the methods to use the product’s strengths to reduce the threats and market risk.
Weakness-Threats (W-T) – strategies which builds a plan that prevent the product’s weakness from being influenced by external threats.
Which professions practice this model? Stakeholders, business analysts, and companies use this method to find profitable opportunities.
How it differs from the other models? This model encourages a big-picture view, helping you detail knowledge and experience of the team, creativity, innovation, reputation, market needs, brand, budget, competitors, users, and the idea itself among other things.
Where it excels? Guides product developers and stakeholders to determine the correct direction to turn an idea into a new product.
Where it falls short? This is not an all-encompassing method. You can focus on parts of the process and still have a successful product.
Link: https://www.designorate.com/swot-analysis-innovation-creativity/
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addictionfreedom · 6 years
Addiction Treatment And Recovery
Red rock recovery greeley
Top-rated beach town
Interventions that help people stop abusing
Studies have shown that physician
And diagnostic terminology
Program director Allen Grecula said the art, music and cooking programs have “everything” to do with successful addiction treatment. “It gives people an …
Mar 22, 2018 … For example, some people with severe forms of addiction enter a detox program before transitioning into rehab. Others may choose to begin recovery at an inpatient or outpatient facility. After treatment, it is recommended to continue reinforcing the lessons learned in rehab by attending support groups and …
Find local addiction recovery centers, explore drug and alcohol treatment resources and connect with others in recovery.
Funded by LWSD PARTNER PAIR HHSA. Contact Information: Addiction Treatment & Recovery Director: Sunnyo Pak, MFT, CCGC-II, NCGC-II 3288 El Cajon Blvd., Suite #13. San Diego, CA 92104. Phone#: (619) 521-5720. Fax#: ( 619) 521-5728 …
Can drug addiction be treated? Yes, but it's not simple. Because addiction is a chronic disease, people can't simply stop using drugs for a few days and be cured. Most patients need long-term or repeated care to stop using completely and recover their lives. Addiction treatment must help the person do the following: .
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Prescription drugs, like Diazepam, Alprazolam, and Clonazepam are some of the most common substances abused today by Americans who are 14 and older. Elan Recovery + Wellness is offering a multi-disciplined approach to …
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Sedona, AZ — (SBWIRE) — 09/22/2017 — The Sanctuary at Arizona, a pioneer of the Integrative Addiction Recovery …
Overcoming Drug Addiction. How to Stop Abusing Drugs, Find Treatment, and Begin Recovery. Woman arms folded gazing out. Developing a drug addiction isn't a character flaw or a sign of weakness and it takes more than willpower to overcome the problem. Abusing illegal or certain prescription drugs can create …
The team of professionals at the facility includes some of the top professionals in addiction and rehabilitation in Toronto. Together, they have created a treatment regimen that takes a holistic approach to client recovery. This means that …
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Technology such as the Internet and mobile phones offers considerable promise for affecting the assessment, prevention, and treatment of and recovery from substance use disorders. Technology may enable entirely new models of behavioral health care within and outside of formal systems of care. This article reviews the …
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The Peoria Recovery Project brought that mission to the community … we also need action on the state and federal levels in terms of funding for addiction treatment and mental health,” said Harwood, whose office often sees the …
He’s CEO of Cumberland Heights, a drug and alcohol treatment center in Nashville … "We really need that intervention to break that cycle of addiction." ARCH …
SPRINGFIELD, Mo.– It’s funny sometimes when you consider life’s little battles are sometimes a big pain. Brooke Mingus. and her daughter Debi fight those little battles every Tuesday night. "We got to make it pretty for them," says …
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Mar 20, 2018 … Learn about treatment and rehab options available to those struggling with heroin withdrawal and addiction. Find out what make The Recovery Village unique.
Welcome TO ADDICTION RECOVERY MEDICAL SERVICES (ARMS). We are your compassionate coordinators for drug and alcohol, and substance abuse …
Speaking in New Hampshire – a state ravaged by addiction – Trump unveiled his plan to combat … additional federal funding for prevention and education, as well as treatment and recovery programmes. America is facing a growing …
Find outside support. Heroin addicts need to go through treatment and support groups. They need the professional advice and medicine that will get them out of their addiction. Many times, surrounding themselves with these groups …
Jan 22, 2018 … Trace the history of substance abuse treatment in the United States and see how care for addiction has changed over the centuries.
Jul 1, 2014 … Can addiction be treated successfully? Yes. Addiction is a treatable disease. Research in the science of addiction and the treatment of substance use disorders has led to the development of evidence-based interventions that help people stop abusing drugs and resume productive lives.
At our drug and alcohol addiction treatment center, our goal is to make sure that anyone who needs treatment from drug and alcohol addiction are able to get the help needed to assist them on the road to recovery. If you don't have insurance contact us to inquire about alternate methods regarding treatment for yourself or a …
The Baraboo SSM Health Treatment and Recovery Center will close its doors …
Can addiction be treated successfully? Yes. Addiction is a treatable disease. Research in the science of addiction and the treatment of substance use disorders has led to the development of evidence-based interventions that help people stop abusing drugs and resume productive lives.
(KUTV) Salt Lake City – Today on Fresh Living Mark Richards, owner of Wasatch Recovery, and Corey Markisich, Executive Director, sat down with Kari & …
2 days ago … The Baraboo SSM Health Treatment and Recovery Center will close its doors June 15, further limiting what many health officials view as a shortage of assistance programs for drug addiction.
Text based recovery options might be a solid supplemental option for addiction recovery. “Terence…understands the many variables of addiction and applies them to his feedback,” writes A.N. “He’s been an invaluable part of my …
Addiction Recovery will help you find a rehabilitation center for your specific addiction treatment needs.
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has issued a call seeking applicants in a combined $12.9 million expansion of addiction treatment and recovery services statewide. Four and a half million dollars is available for the development of nine …
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studies have shown that physician knowledge, support, and monitoring of the recovering patient significantly improves long term treatment outcome.
Drug and alcohol rehab and treatment helps those suffering from substance use disorders find hope and begin lifelong recovery.
Drug and alcohol addiction recovery advocates are calling for swift provincial action, based on the findings of a new survey into drug treatment. The Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada survey, released late last month by the …
At times, the path to lifelong recovery may feel easy. Other times, it will be difficult for individuals to withstand the temptation to relapse. Like anything in life, it's a journey that may feature varying terrain, so lifelong support is essential. Prior to leaving an addiction treatment program, the patient will …
Aug 1, 2014 … The ASAM Board has endorsed the establishment of a Descriptive and diagnostic terminology Action Group (DDTAG) to develop additional terms to clarify matter for the various stakeholders in clinical and policy approaches to substance use, addiction, treatment, and recovery. Inherent in terminology …
Jan 24, 2018 … Turning the Focus from Opioid Addiction to Treatment and Recovery. As more people in recovery share their stories, journalists need to explore the under- reported experiences of people who have been drug-free for many years …
Addiction affects people from all walks of life, and most people need help to recovery. Learn about treatment methods and rehab programs.
The Congressional Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery Caucus is bi-partisan caucus of the United States House of Representatives established in 2004 by Rep. Jim Ramstad. The Caucus is currently co-chaired by Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Rep. John Fleming (R-LA). According to the Caucus' webpage, its mission is: .
Our professional staff interacts closely and compassionately with clients to …
Apr 17, 2013 … Learn about the types of drug rehab treatment programs, who can benefit from rehab and which factors to consider when searching for a recovery center.
It’s been almost a year since Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs began leasing their new facility at 1001 …
Being a Good Friend: How to Support Someone in Addiction Treatment and Recovery. February 4, 2017. If someone you care about is in recovery from addiction, your support of their choice to stay sober is huge. It can play an incredibly positive role in helping them to remain accountable for their choices and stick to the new …
Help a loved one or yourself by fighting addiction today. Search online for inpatient rehab and outpatient services by state at addiction.com.
The entire community, including treatment staff and those in recovery, act as key agents of change, … Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction.
Aug 29, 2014 … My work on my book Slaying the Dragon: The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America began in the mid-1970s when I sought to understand the roots of the field I was called to serve. I wanted to understand the historical cycles of alcohol and other drug problems in America and how the …
The post Addiction Treatment And Recovery appeared first on Freedom From Addiction II.
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Thieves steal dad’s truck from parking lot while he’s at Mo. hospital with sick son
ST. LOUIS – “Not another thing,” Michael Trower said. “I have enough problems, I have enough stress. It’s just been really rough year.”
For the past 10 months, Trower says his family’s been in and out of Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital while his 13-year-old son, Braden, battles Crohn’s and colitis disease.
“All year since January, month here, six weeks there, lot of time here and a lot of missed worked,” he told KTVI.
On Wednesday, Trower decided to take a moment from inside the hospital to go check on his work truck—a 1993 Chevrolet C-K 1500—but he was in for a rude awakening.
“Some of their kids may not make it out of here. There’s a lot of really sick kids in there. To come in here and steal one of these vehicles or to break in and steal something out of it. It’s horrible, just why, I don’t understand it!”
“I just went down there to check on it and it was gone,” Trower said.
St. Louis Police say surveillance video shows two men – one driving a white older model car and the other driving a tow-truck entering the garage and parking next to Trower’s truck.
Investigators say both men got out of their cars, hooked Trower’s vehicle up to the tow truck and left.
Now, Trower is left without his primary source of income.
“[The truck is] worth nothing to nobody but me,” he said. “Not worth money, I had a little insurance on it, but it’s not going to pay for it. Tools weren’t covered. Years and years and years of tools I’ve accumulated and they’re just gone.”
Police didn’t give a license plates number on the suspects’ cars.
Trower said he can’t believe thieves chose the children’s hospital, a place where parents are at their most vulnerable.
“Some of their kids may not make it out of here. There’s a lot of really sick kids in there,” Trower said. “To come in here and steal one of these vehicles or to break in and steal something out of it. It’s horrible, just why, I don’t understand it!”
SSM Health released a statement:
“At SSM Health, the safety and security of our patients, visitors and staff are our top priority. Upon learning of the situation, we immediately increased patrols and are actively cooperating with authorities on the vehicle’s recovery.”
If you see the truck, Trower is asking you call police or the number on the truck because it links to him.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/10/13/thieves-steal-dads-truck-from-parking-lot-while-hes-at-hospital-with-sick-son/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/10/13/thieves-steal-dads-truck-from-parking-lot-while-hes-at-mo-hospital-with-sick-son/
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