#Bratislavský hrad
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View of Petržalka from Bratislava Castle Pohľad na Petržalku z Bratislavského hradu Ligetfalu látképe a pozsonyi várból Blick auf Engerau von der Pressburger Burg aus Вид на Петржалку с Братиславского Града Vue de Petržalka depuis le château de Bratislava
#Petržalka#Bratislava Castle#Bratislavský hrad#Bratislava#Ligetfalu#Pozsonyi vár#Pozsony#Engerau#Pressburg#Pressburger Burg#Петржалка#Братиславский Град#Братислава#château de Bratislava#Dunaj#Danube#Donau#Дунай#Duna#Most SNP#Bridge of the Slovak National Uprising#Szlovák Nemzeti Felkelés hídja#Brücke des Slowakischen Nationalaufstandes#мост Словацкого национального восстания#pont du Soulèvement national slovaque
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-Brooding-Bruised-Sky Bratislava-
1 September 2021
4656 x 2620 Digital UNEDITED...yes...I know...
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Bratislava, Slovakia
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Bratislava - Slovakia por TLMELO
#Man#Work#Statue#Bratislava#Slovakia#street#floor#women#talk#Slovensko#Bratislavský hrad#Clock#Tower#Michalská brána
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Between Hungarian power and the Slovak people

Bratislava Castle (Bratislavský Hrad, in Slovak) is the evolution of an ancient fortress dating back to at least the 10th century, although it was not until the 16th century that it acquired a certain renown, when it hosted the coronation of the Hungarian kings and became the residence of the monarchs and the seat of the Parliament of the Magyar kingdom.
The castle was rebuilt in the Renaissance style and has a square structure, the corners of which are crownetopped by four towers, one of which was known to hold the Hungarian crown jewels for two centuries.
Another major renovation took place in the 18th century, when Hungary was already under the rule of the Austrian Habsburg dynasty. Empress Maria Theresia was the driving force behind the conversion into a baroque palace.
For much of its history, Slovakia was part of Hungary and the name of its present capital was Pozsony, but the influence of the neighbouring Czechs gave it the name Pos, perhaps in memory of the legend that Poson was the first lord of the castle. The Habsburg domination led to the Germanic name Pressburg.
The Hungarian presence in Bratislava dates back to the 10th century, and they may have been responsible for building the first castle, but it wasn't until the 16th century, when the Turks attacked Hungary, that the city became the salvation of the Magyar kingdom, as the capital was moved from Budapest to Pozsony.
This allowed culture, arts and politics - Magyars, of course - to flourish, and between the 16th and 19th centuries, as many as eleven Hungarian kings were crowned in the cathedral of St Martin, many of them also Austrian emperors.
However, the modern name of the town is probably a derivation of Brezalauspurc, linked to a local lord later identified as Bratislav. The castle suffered several sieges, but perhaps the most important was that of the Tatars, which it withstood between 1241 and 1242.
Converted into a seminary in the 18th century and from 1802 into a military barracks, the castle could not withstand the fire of 1811 and its restoration was delayed until after World War II.
During the Slovak national revival of the 19th century, the Hungarians had imposed their laws with an iron fist, so it is likely that after the revolution of 1848, Hungarian domination resulted in Bratislava remaining on the Magyar side.
A new revolution in 1919, after the end of World War I, saw the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the rise of a new nation, Czechoslovakia, in union with the neighbouring Czechs. In 1939 it was declared the capital of the first independent Slovak Republic, a satellite state of Nazi Germany.
In 1945, the territory was returned to the Czechoslovak Republic when the Nazi Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was dissolved. When the Iron Curtain fell, Slovakia separated peacefully from the Czech Republic in 1993. Recently, Brastislava Castle was restored and its greyish walls were given a light-filled white colour.
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Bratislavský hrad, Bratislava, Slovakia,
@world _Walkerz
#art#design#aerial photography#architecture#bratislava#slovakia#luxury house#luxury home#luxury lifestyle#history#style#castle#hrad#schloss#danube river#world_walkerz
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There always comes Sun after storm, no matter how long it takes. So do hold on just a bit longer. --- 📷 @hudektomas OC by me Contact lenses @vasesosovky Makeup: @nyxcosmetics_czsk (base, foundation, powder, lipstick) @makeuprevolutionczsk (eyeshadows, brows and contour) All makeup was ordered online from @pinkpanda.sk 💗 --- So as today (30th of January) is my name day in my country, I decided to celebrate and bring you bit of sunshine into these times. Hopefully things will get better for all of you, and do please know that you are all important, unique and amazing people. I hope you all have lovely day and amazing day. Stay strong, stay safe and listen to science. 💕💕💕💕💕 And maybe if you feel like, leave some nice words in comments below. --- As I believe I mentioned already, this exact dress was bought from other person (I don't know her IG). --- #historicaldress #historicalcosplay #cosplay #cosplayoc #owncharacter #cosplayowncharacter #historic #lady #ladycosplay #gingercosplay #gingerlady #cosplaygirl #cosplayingisfun #fun #joytohavefun #womeninhistorydeservedbetter #history #historiclocation #uniquemoment #gingerwig #contactlens #contactlenses #colourfulcontactlenses #slovakgirl #costume #historycalinspiredcostume (na mieste Bratislavský Hrad / Bratislava Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKremO4ra-K/?igshid=8tpuobvxsiu0
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Bratislavský Hrad

El castell de Bratislava (Bratislavský Hrad, en eslovac) mostra l’evolució d’una antiga fortalesa que es remunta com a mínim fins al segle X, tot i que no va ser fins el segle XVI que va adquirir cert renom, quan acollí la coronació dels reis hongaresos i es va constituir en residència dels monarques i seu del Parlament del regne magiar.
El castell va ser reconstruït en estil renaixentista y presenta una estructura de planta quadrada, els vèrtexs de la qual són culminats per quatre torres, una de les quals va ser coneguda per guardar les joies de la corona hongaresa durant ben bé dos segles.
Una altra gran reforma va tenir lloc al segle XVIII, quan Hongria ja estava sota l’autoritat de la dinastia austriaca dels Habsburg. L’emperadriu Maria Theresia va ser l’encarregada d’impulsar la reconversió en un palau d’estil barroc.
Durant gran part de la seva història, Eslovàquia va formar part d’Hongria i el nom de la seva actual capital va ser Pozsony, però la influència dels veïns txecs li va atorgar el nom de Pos, potser en record de la llegenda que diu que Poson va ser el primer senyor del castell. La dominació habsbúrguica l’atorgà el nom germànic de Pressburg.
La presencia hongaresa a Bratislava es remunta al segle X, i potser van ser els responsables de la construcció del primer castell, però no va ser fins al segle XVI, quan els turcs van atacar Hongria, que la ciutat es va convertir en la salvació del regne magiar, en treslladar-se la capital des de Budapest a Pozsony.
Això va permetre que hi florís la cultura, les arts i la política -magiars, naturalment-, i que entre els segles XVI i XIX, a la catedral de Sant Martí fossin coronats fins a onze reis d’Hongria, molts d’ells ja convertits en emperadors austríacs.
No obstant, el nom modern de la ciutat seria una derivació de Brezalauspurc, vinculat a un senyor del territori identificat posteriorment com Bratislav. El castell va patir diferents setges, però potser el més important va ser el dels tàrtars, als quals va resistir entre 1241 i 1242.
Convertit en seminari al segle XVIII i des del 1802 en caserna militar, el castell no va poder resistir l’incendi de 1811 i la seva restauració es va fer esperar fins a després de la Segona Guerra Mundial.
Durant el renaixement nacional eslovac del segle XIX, els hongaresos havien imposat amb mà de ferro les seves lleis, motiu pel qual segurament, després de la revolució de 1848, la dominació hongaresa va tenir com a conseqüència que Bratislava es quedés del costat magiar.
Una nova revolució, la de 1919, després de la fi de la Primera Guerra Mundial, va veure l’enfonsament de l’Imperi austro-hongarès i el sorgiment d’una nova nació: Txecoslovàquia, en unió amb els veïns txecs. El 1939 es va declarar capital de la primera República Eslovaca independent, un estat satèl·lit de l’Alemanya nazi.
El 1945, el territori va tornar a la República Txecoslovaca, en dissoldre’s el Protectorat nazi de Bohèmia i Moràvia. En caure el Teló d’Acer, Eslovàquia es va separar pacíficament de la República Txeca, el 1993. Recentment, el castell de Brastislava va ser restaurat de nou i els seus murs grisosos van adquirir un color blanc ple de llum.
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Bratislavský hrad 🏰
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Bratislava Castle #bratislava #bratislavacity #bratislavskyhrad #gothic #renaissance #parlament #hrad #slovak #wall #sunsetwalk #walktime #morava #danube #architecture #walldecor (at Staré Mesto, Bratislavský, Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMXQe3HH3a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g8yuppmz8fj
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Bratislava, Slovakia
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Saturday 5 January 2002 - Train to Bratislava - view of Bratislavský hrad - tram ride to Trznica shopping center - cheap hot dogs and beer
Hi everyone! Grüezi mitenand! Hallo allerseits! Üdv mindenkinek! Ahoj všetci!
Today twenty years ago, was my visit to Bratislava in Slovakia. During the Austro-Hungarian Empire it was called Pressburg in German, but not so much anymore, and to this day in Hungarian as Pozsony. I went there for almost an entire day, though I wish I could have stayed longer.
In 2002, Bratislava was not quite the easiest city to visit from Vienna, despite a decade without communist rule over there. Getting to neighboring Marchegg and Kittsee in Austria was no particular challenge, but it's about getting the right cross-border service from Vienna's rail stations. I had to wake up really early, before 7 AM, then eat very fast at the hostel, then hope the 52A bus would arrive at Sauttergasse in time for me to catch the U-Bahn at Hütteldorf to Längenfeldgasse, Meidling and Südbahnhof. I made it to the Bratislava train, right before the train doors shut. The train however was an icebox. It was probably built in the early 1980s or earlier, and the heat was not functioning until the train was halfway to Bratislava. The train made a few stops towards Parndorf and Kittsee, the last station before crossing into Slovakia. In 2002 Slovakia was neither a member of Schengen nor the Eurozone. For that reason, the Austrian border guards gave me a stamp in my passport for Kittsee. The train went on for five minutes until it arrived at the Petrzalka station. I thought this was the end station so I stepped off. It was supposed to go to Hlavni Stanica (central station). Leaving the platform, I had to present my passport and received an entry stamp.
At Petrzalka station I had to buy a bus pass. It was fairly cheap, much cheaper than a day pass in Vienna. But the machines accepted only coins but no bills. I had to break a 50 Koruna bill. Before conversion from Koruna to Euro, the exchange rate was 33.00 per Euro in late 2007. The bus pass was valid for 24 hours, so about until 9:15 AM the next day.
From Petrzalka to downtown, other than the trains, the only other access was by bus. I somehow stepped of the bus at Nový Most (new bridge). Right there was a view of the Bratislavský hrad, or Bratislav Castle. With my bus pass, I boarded a tram and ended up somewhere at the Krizna and Sancova intersection. At that intersection still is the Trznica shopping center. In 2002 it had many local shops, including groceries and clothing boutiques. They somehow reminded me of what it was like to visit St. Petersburg in 1990.
Although the Trznica was interesting, I did not want to stay there all day. There was also downtown to see. And at the Nákupné Centrum shopping center on Spitalska, there were some cheap hot dogs to buy and eat. And also very cheap beer, about the same quality as Czech pilseners. After my snack, I took a tram to Hlavni Stanica, so that I could get a more accurate time of departure back to Vienna Südbahnhof that was not too early or too late. I could not resist buying another Slovak beer at the station. The first one was so good but I had to be careful to consume wisely, not anywhere in broad daylight and certainly not on the trams or busses. The train to Vienna would leave around 5 PM.
I took a bus that would connect to the tram at Botanicka zahrada (Botanical Garden) back to downtown. The tram I took went in tunnel under Bratislavský hrad. So far that is the only underground public transit in Bratislava. Plans to build a metro like that in Prague, were only rumors and the Bratislava government has had to shelve the plans.
About 4 PM I needed to return to Hlavni Stanica. I took the tram and passed by Rozhlas a Televízia (Radio and Television Slovakia) Slovenska, which is a wide building that gets narrower for each floor, like an upsidedown pyramid. The trams used to stop right outside Hlavni Stanica but now only trolleybusses go. Looking at a Google Earth photo of the station, the tram tracks were removed and only trolley bus wires remain. I bought some postcards and stamps. Also I had a quick snack at the rail station, and another beer. At 5 PM I boarded the train. About ten minutes later it pulled into Petrzalka station. The customs guards were making sure no one was smuggling goods from Slovakia to Austria. I had nothing to worry about though. I arrived in Vienna at 6 PM and was at the hostel about 7:30 PM. I was very worn out. But it was a worthwhile journey to Slovakia.
From then on it would be just four more days left until I would fly home.
Tomorrow, I visit the Vienna Zoo, see some interesting animals, have a schnitzel lunch at the farm restaurant, ride to Grinzing and back, take the trolley ring to Upper Belvedere, see the Klimt paintings and see the Praterstern Volksrad close down for the night. Also I take note of fuel prices in Vienna.
Hope you will join in tomorrow’s adventure!
Ich hoffe, Ihr nehmt am morgigen Abenteuer teil!
Remélem, csatlakozol a holnapi kalandhoz!
Dúfam, že sa zapojíte do zajtrajšieho dobrodružstva!
#Seuttergasse#Vienna#Wien#Südbahnhof#Hütteldorf#Petrzalka#Bratislava#Pressburg#Bratislavsky Hrad#Trznica#Rozhlas a Televízia#Slovensko#Slovakia#Koruna#Hlavni Stanica#Schengen#Euro
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Čas sa mi šmýka pod nohami ako koberec na naleštenej podlahe. Padám. Môj nový domov je tichý. Tichý byt, tichá kuchyňa, tiché stromy v záhrade. Prázdna ulica, nízke domy, bledé tváre sa mihajú za záclonami. Počuť pučanie kvetov, štekot psov, pomalý príchod jari. Električky na Náměstí Míru sa otáčajú okolo železnej osi. Rozmŕzajú mi prsty.
Často myslím na Willy-Brandt Straße. Na domov, ktorý mi už nepatrí.
Je obdobie ticha. Zbierania odvahy. Stretávania seba samej. Som sama a mlčím. Dnes som nikam nešla, mám nádchu, pracujem z domu. Svetlo je mäkké, roztápa sa v mede, v zázvorovom čaji. Plávam medzi bielymi stenami, vznášam sa dva centimetre nad drevenými parketami, na knihy mi padá prach. Zasadila som avokádo. Po dlhom čase kreslím rukou. Namáčam štetec do čierneho atramentu. Sústredím sa. Občas musím dýchať zhlboka. Upokojovať sa. Čas sa mi šmýka pod nohami. Práca sa mi triešti pod rukami ako kávové šálky, ktoré mi v pravidelných intervaloch padajú na kuchynskú dlažbu. Črepy nosia šťastie. A čo nakoniec z toho všetkého zostane? Čo nestratím po ceste? Mám pocit, že žijem v bubline, mydlová membrána ma oddeľuje od reality, nedokážem vykročiť ani na juh ani na sever. Do koša hádžem množstvo popísaných papierov. Budúcnosť je bližšie ako kedykoľvek predtým, hovorila som kedysi Frederike v májovom modrom súmraku, v izbe s výhľadom na Bratislavský hrad. Už to budú štyri roky.
A čo z toho nakoniec zostalo?
Budúcnosť je bližšie ako kedykoľvek predtým, ale teraz nemá jasné obrysy. Zahmlené siluety ďalekých miest ma budia zo sna.
Spím ťažko. Snívam sen kohosi iného, som cudzie dievča, mladšie, ruky mám menšie, zápästia útlejšie. Neviem ako vyzerá moja tvár, nepoznám svoju minulosť, neviem koľko mám rokov. Nerozumiem, prečo som musela podstúpiť túto cestu. Stratila som pas. V náručí držím dieťa. Na ženu za úradníckym okienkom kričím, nemôžte mi vymyslieť falošnú identitu, nemôžte nás oklamať!
Budím sa vyčerpaná.
Inokedy, ležíme vedľa seba v tráve, v záhrade v akejsi neznámej krajine. Z diaľky počuť hluk osláv, stmieva sa. Chce sa mi plakať, myslím že sme sa pohádali, ale neviem prečo. Rýchle kroky neznámeho tvora mi prebehli po vlasoch. Za hlavami máme les. Ah!
Budím sa na vlastný krik. Hey, hey Barb, I’m here. Everything is alright. Objímaš ma v tme a bozkávaš mi spotené čelo. Lapám po dychu,
Čas mi beži pod nohami ako koberec na šmykľavej podlahe. Čas meriam podľa toho, čo práve kvitne. A tiež podľa toho, koľko nám zostáva dní. Dní spolu alebo dní bez seba. Začali kvitnúť snežienky. Možno ich vidieť na mestkých trávnikoch aj v predzáhradkách. V Brne aj v Berlíne. Neviem koľko dní zostáva do najbližšej dlhej cesty vlakom.
Mydlová membrána ma stále oddeľuje od reality, svetlo v tvojej izbe je mäkké, v sobotu popoludní mi bozkávaš stehná a slnko na bielom posteľnom prádle sa mihoce ako korálky v kaleidoskope. Som ako vo sne, chodím bosá, nakláňam sa z balkóna do ulice. Tvoj nový domov je tichý. Tichý byt, tichá kuchyňa, tiché stromy pred domom. Počuť vzdialený ruch ulice, zvonenie bicyklov, krik detí v parku. Cítim sa ako vo sne, neviem ako sme sa sem dostali. Raňajkujeme v posteli, zase prší, Berlín sa leskne ako zrkadlo. Spiegel. Už som tu skoro týždeň, kreslím čiernym atramentom, práca sa mi triešti pod rukami, hovorím ti o neúspešných revolúciach, o demisách, makovej panenke aj o králikoch z klobúku. Pri jazere Plötzensee sme videli čierny kačky s bielymi hviezdami na čele, vravíš mi, že v lete sem môžme chodiť plávať a raňajkovať budeme len na balkóne, a na zimu by si sa kľudne odsťahoval do Portugalska a na staré kolená preč z mesta, človek pracuje celý život a čo z toho všetkého nakoniec zostane? Ešte si nikdy nejedol čierne moruše, ale tie biele máš sušené v sklenom pohári v kredenci. Ráno mi ich sypeš do ovsenej kaše. Tvoj starý otec spálil všetky denníky z druhej svetovej, keď zomieral, čosi mu krivilo tvár, a čo z toho nakoniec zostane, denníky hodené do ohňa a na veľké lásky sa aj tak nezabúda.
Strácaš sa mi v nejasných obrysoch budúcnosti, v polnočnej tme izby na štvrtom poschodí, stláčaš mi ruku pod perinou, Berlín sa nám krúti pod oknami, na zastávke metra Rosenthaler platz pripaľujem cigaretu mužovi s igelitovými taškami pri nohách. Pri pokladni v supermarkete ma bozkávaš na líce. Som stále no future, ale budúcnosť je bližšie ako kedykoľvek predtým.
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Castillo de Bratislava: Una de las maravillas de Eslovaquia
Castillo de Bratislava: Una de las maravillas de Eslovaquia
Es el principal atractivo de la ciudad de Bratislava y de toda la República de Eslovaquia. Se le puede ubicar desde cualquier punto de la ciudad, ya que se encuentra en lo alto de una colina rocosa; su nombre en eslovaco es «Bratislavský Hrad» (Hrad = Castillo; y Bratislavský = De Bratislava). Este es un castillo del siglo X y su ubicación es privilegiada ya que se encuentra al lado…
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