#Brasidas Imagine
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author-morgan · 15 hours ago
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@rigshak asked for a Brasidas paragraph and the words just kinda came (and you know I can't just write a single paragraph lol)
Brasidas x fem!Reader
The night is young, though Anthousa has already given you leave of the Porneion—a reprieve you’ll gladly take after the chaos that engulfed the city. Lighting lanterns and candles, you turn to pour a cup of wine but are taken aback by the Spartan general standing in the doorway—his dusty red cloak damp from the summer rains. “Brasidas,” you greet when he enters, barely able to hide your smile upon seeing him—unscathed by battle and handsome as he’s ever been. He’s only ever come for conversations in the past—to learn about the Monger’s dealings. His men were never so scrupulous, but Brasidas of Sparta is nothing if not honorable in every aspect of his life. But with the Monger dead, he must return to serve Lakonia elsewhere.
He says nothing, only strides forward and seizes your face in his callous hands. His grip is firm—that of a leader’s—but not unkind, and his thumbs run along your cheekbones, committing your face to memory. Brasidas. You aren’t sure if you’ve spoken his name aloud or if it is only a whisper on your tongue, lost to a sigh when he cranes down. You barely have time to catch your breath before his lips are on yours—urgent and unyielding, as though he’s warred with himself over this moment since he first laid eyes on you all those months ago.
His kiss is raw, filled with longing. Your hands find purchase on his sides, drawing him closer. The scent of rain and sweat clings to him, mingling with myrrh and beeswax. Brasidas deepens the kiss, fingers threading into your hair as he tilts your head, demanding, taking more—just like a Spartan. He pulls away too soon, his breath ragged, and his lust-darkened eyes search yours to gauge whether he has overstepped. “I should have done that sooner,” he murmurs, voice rough with restraint and regret.
Silence stretches between you for a long moment. The candle and lantern light casts golden shadows over his sharp features, catching the scars on his face and arms. You reach up, hand cupping his cheek, fingers carding through his beard. This night, sans armor, the warrior in him is softened into something almost tender. Almost. He is still Brasidas—unyielding, disciplined, just as the agoge and battle taught him to be—but now, there’s a glimmer in his tawny eyes, and it’s unbecoming of a Spartan general. “Then why didn’t you?” You ask.
His jaw tenses, his hands still cradling your face, slip to your shoulder and neck, unwilling to let you go as if afeared you’ll somehow vanish—especially when he gives his answer. “Duty.” The word is sharp and decisive, but there’s a wavering in it, a hint at the battle he has fought within himself. One that has finally brought him to you. “Sparta comes first. It must.”
You almost laugh, having expected that answer, but it does little to quell the ache blooming in your chest. His lips part as though there is more he wants to say but cannot bring himself to. His honor has always set him apart from all the others. Even now, you know his honor wars with the longing—unacted on—between you. “But not tonight,” you murmur, almost a hopeful question, daring to trace the edge of his jaw, the raised scar on his cheekbone.
Brasidas’s eyes darken, and, for the first time, you see something akin to a crack form in his Spartan resolve. “No,” he exhales, the word heavy with surrender—desire. “Not tonight.” And then his lips find yours again, slower this time—carefully—and deeper, too. Tonight, he is a man savoring his first and last taste of something he knows he will never have again.
[Brasidas taglist: @balmacedapascal / @certifiedlittleshit / @erzsebetrosztoczy / @hereforreadandwrite / @jadynchronicle / @kvitravn  / @morganamayne / @mrsragnarlodbrok  / @qhbr2013 / @rigshak / @stormyblue90 / @tammym3903 / @thepreciouspurrsian ] if your name is italicized, tumblr would not let me tag you. if you’d like to be added to my Brasidas taglist, or any other taglist, just let me know with this Google Form!
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totally-unshway · 1 year ago
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Even generals and mercenaries get afternoons off
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mimbotomy · 10 months ago
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Chapter 29 of The Children of Kephallonia, Assumed Fatherhood, is now up! As you can probably imagine from the above drawing, this chapter is all about Kassandra and Barnabas. What you might not have guessed is that he spends most of the chapter calling her an idiot - albeit with good reason.
As always, more fic details below!
The Children of Kephallonia is an Assassin’s Creed Odyssey fic that starts at the beginning of the Korinth storyline, when Kassandra learns that Aspasia sent Phoibe to Monger ruled Korinth and decides she’s never letting her girl be put in danger like that again. And while bringing Phoibe on the Adrestia puts her in a whole new kind of danger, well... at least Kassandra can keep an eye on her.
Phoibe being the Atreus to Kassandra’s Kratos, as we deserved
a hopefully fun new interpretation of Kassandra and Ikaros’ bond
a less fun but arguably more accurate look at Kassandra and Myrrine’s relationship
Kassandra, Barnabas, and Herodotos taking turns with their shared braincell
Lots of references to Kassandra and Phoibe’s life on Kephallonia
Additional backstories for Deimos, Barnabas, Markos, etc.
Kassandra being an legitimate demigod (fuck the Isu) and a slight reinterpretation of the Cult’s MO to match
Lots of ships
fun little notes at the end of each chapter
And most importantly
Kassandra being the very best mom she can be to her beloved baby bird Phoibe
Rating: M
Warnings: Canon Typical Depictions of Violence, Mild Sexual Content, and the occasional vague reference to attempted or threatened sexual assault
Romantic Relationships: Kassandra/Brasidas, Kassandra/Daphnae, Kassandra/Alkibiades, Kassandra/Kyra/Thaletas, and Kassandra/Anais
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my-soliloquy-chamber · 7 months ago
I’m doing some light research into the Battle of Amphipolis (for reasons) and found this little tidbit at the end of the Wikipedia article.
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I’m picturing Socrates running around on that battlefield with his robes, questioning whether there really was a battle going on or just in their minds, is a sword really a sword when you parry a blow or is it a shield, does the fighting really change the outcome or can they all just stop and go home.
I think it’s probably good they excluded him in the game or the battle would have lost some of its emotional impact.
Imagine in the aftermath when Kassandra has seen both Brasidas and Deimos die (she believes) only for Socrates to saunter up and ask a hundred questions on the validity of personal loss in the grand scheme of the world’s suffering.
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b-plot-butch · 1 year ago
an extremely fun take on kassidas that i like imagining is that kassandra is the first woman brasidas had dated and brasidas is the first man kass has dated
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storytimefromthecreed · 1 year ago
Rewatching AC: Odyssey rn. Here’s what I’m loving.
. Going through as Alexios this time
. Why are Kassandra, Alexios, and Brasidas so good looking? Like so many people are just so good looking in this game
. The tension between Brasidas and Myrrine ���👀👀 like, I’m not imagining that, am I? They-they’re hooking up, they have to be. Making eyes in front of Alexios like that. Which is funny because when the play through is Kass, I think she and Brasidas are OTP.
. I forgot Brasidas death 🙃🙃🙃🙃
. Brasidas bromance. I love their connection with him, and him in general.
. This story was long as hell. There were so many parts and people, I couldn’t keep track. It was a bit overwhelming.
. Stentor, this poor loser lol I felt so bad for him lol
. Ikaros! 😍😍😍
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alethiometry · 2 years ago
what's this aco himym fic huh!!
kate i don't know how much you know about ac odyssey from whatever the hell i or anyone else you follow has posted about the game in the last however long it's been since it came out, so i am very very sorry if none of this makes any goddamn sense.
OKAY FIRST OF ALL i need to say that i have literally never in my life watched a single episode of himym and i do not intend to and i know nothing about it except i'm aware that people have Opinions on how it ended. it has barely fuckall to do with this fic, except that i just cannot think of a fitting title.
the short summary is that this is a kassidas fic where for some reason (have yet to figure this out) brasidas ends up with custody of elpidios and tells him all about how he and kassandra met, how their relationship developed, and how they came to be where they are now (hence the filename).
the long summary is i got WAYYYYY too ambitious with this fic and it mutated from being like a cutesy little wish-fulfillment love story to a full-blown fix-it fic where i want to address most if not all of my most vexing plotholes in ac odyssey, ranging from plot points that make no sense, to character interactions or lack thereof that had zero closure, to a complete rewrite of the very bad no good comphet dlc. and although i hated how the game handled the forced romance between kassandra and natakas, i do think there is/want to see if i can find a way to make their relationship more complex and messy and interesting by removing the romance of it but just making him a more fleshed-out character. part of my worry is that the dlc is so reviled (with good reason) across the fandom that this premise is dead on arrival anyway and no one will like it, not even myself. but at the same time, i still want the endgame of this fic to be kassidas-focused, because they are my everything and to me there is no ac odyssey without them*, and so i have to figure out a way to write some kind of weird love/parental triangle between the three of them even though i fucking hate triangles**
i waver back and forth between the himym-ness of it being due to the fact that for whatever reason kassandra is no longer in elpidios' life (thus bringing it closer to official game canon), or just waving a gigantic middle finger to ubisoft and letting kassandra actually be a mother to her son whom she loves so so much and barely got to spend any time with, but she's understandably pretty tight-lipped about her past because she's aware of the heaps and heaps of generational trauma that's plagued her family and wants to break that cycle, so it's up to brasidas to spill the tea.
another layer of complexity/difficulty in writing all of this is that i imagine elpidios to be around 7 when the story starts, because that's the same age kass was when she lost her family, so then that age becomes sort of symbolic as a milestone. which means there's also the issue of not a whole lot of ac odyssey being appropriate for a kid of that age. like, graphic violence and dark themes aside... i can't really have it be like "yeah and after decapitating korinth's biggest meanest crime lord your mother flipped me over and pegged me six ways to [whatever the ancient greek equivalent of sunday is]" and just... yeah. i don't know. i still think about what i want to do with this fic often, but i think there's a very good reason why i have barely even opened it in almost 2 years.
*this made me giggle as i typed it out bc actual historical spartan general brasidas has like 15 minutes total of screentime in a 100+ hour game. but it's also not a joke because despite all that (and also getting fucking killed at the battle of amphipolis) he still had more chemistry with kassandra than any of the other like 15 actually-romanceable characters in the game.
**another tongue-in-cheek joke/double entendre because it's revealed in the game that pythagoras who did all that triangle math equation stuff is kassandra's biological father and an absentee, deadbeat one at that. fuck that guy fr
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brasideios · 2 years ago
Writing ask: 6, 8 & 12 please
Thank you so much for the ask! 🤍
6. What do I think about the AO3 formatting and process of putting a fic up?
It used to drive me crazy, but I am so familiar with it these days, I can hardly imagine it being different. I work in basic html as a matter of course as I'm drafting, so there's a lot less futzing required before posting than there used to be; that helps.
As to putting up a fic - I loathe coming up with titles and summaries, necessary evils though they be. I vacillate between the need to disclose certain elements of the story and not wanting to give the entire story away in advance. I think I suck at it broadly speaking.
8. I answered this one here :)
12. My favourite ship.
Gods, this is a hard question.
I'll procrastinate a moment by saying that broadly speaking, I prefer ships that are complimentary rather than oppositional - opposites attract is harder for me to write (and read) than 'two similar elements make each other better in the face of terrible outside pressure.' I much prefer the idea of people being healthy and supportive of one another than any kind of 'passion,' when that passion takes the form of hurting one another.
Alexios x Brasidas is perhaps my favourite ship at the moment for that reason, though Alexios x Demosthenes will always remain very close to my heart.
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cogitoire · 5 years ago
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Midnight in Sparta
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writeforself · 6 years ago
Brasidas x Reader
Anonymous asked Can I request a short story where Brasidas holds his son/daughter for the first time?😊
A/N: Although I’m not a kid person, I enjoy writing Brasidas being delightful around children. Cuz it’s Brasidas :)))))
It’s as if he was riding Pegasus himself, across this land he cherished, toward the people he held dear.
He could recall the previous times he experienced this urge—to get back home in the fastest speed— when he came back from his first battle, when he was promoted, and after you promised to marry him when he returned from war.
He rode pass by the green fields singing under the spring sun, pass the helots working in the breeze, pass the soldiers patrolling on the dusty road, until he reached the gate to the city.
He jumped down the horse and staggered for a few steps. His muscles were still aching from fatigue, but nothing can get in the way of his good mood. When he regained balance, he started running, on his tattered sandals.
He ran pass through the agora, pass the training ground, up the hills, round the alley, and finally into the small neighbourhood you two resided in.
But he paused at the doorway. Only one meters away from you, he stopped and stood still. He gathered his breathes and straightened his appearance.
Am I ready? He asked himself.
He was nervous somehow. Since he had heard the news he was engulfed by exhilaration, he hadn’t had time to ponder on the subject. Then he started to worry about trivialities, like how would his child recognise him if he had never seen her before? Or how you would think for him not being around during the toughest moments? Or how…
“Brasidas?” You walked out of the house, holding a pile of laundry in your hands. “You’re back!” You dropped it and ran to him, holding him for the first time in months. Months of solitude and hardships.
Nothing worried him anymore, now that he had you in his arms after these long and tiresome days. How he had missed these—your skin that glittered under sunshine, your smell that always had a slight hint olives, your hair that tied up casually around you neck, your brightened smile whenever you saw him, your voice that sounded like the sweetest melody to his ears. But you sounded weary. To that all he could think of at the moment was to return with kisses, long or tender, any kind he could think of, until you laughed and asked him to save them for later.
“How is our child?” He asked, didn’t know why he lowered his voice. “Just fell asleep.” You sighed, “She’s quite a handful.” looked up at him and chuckled. “I wonder who she got that from.” “Probably you.” He answered without hesitation but laughed at it. “Really? We’ll see about that.” You pinched his arm while leading him inside.
Brasidas could feel the tension inside him building up once more. Am I ready? He questioned.
“She has your eyes.” You tried to console him as if you could hear his panic. “And your wit, to get whatever she wants.” He caressed your hand on his arm, and you continued. “She is basically you, my love. Nothing to worry about.”
At last he saw her, the sole reason for his haste journey. Tiny was the first thing that came to his mind. He walked toward the bed and kneeled beside it.
Those tiny hands curled up in the air, rising and falling along with the soothing rhythm. He reached out for the tiny hands cautiously, still holding his breathes, fearing any sudden movement would ruin that serene smile on her face.
“You can hold her.” Standing behind them, you spoke after quietly observing this scene you’d been craving for months. Moving forward, you demonstrated to Brasidas. “She’s a sound sleeper apart from everything else.”
Brasidas carefully tucked one hand beneath her head, with another arm slowly lifting the body. It’s lighter, he thought. Lighter than what he used to carry with him, the spear and shield, the things he had been carrying since the day he could run. And much more delicate than anything he had ever come across.
Yet in his hands he could sense another weight that weighed much heavier than his equipment, than anything he could ever hold with his two hands. Grander than anything he could imagine, yet closer to his bosom than anything that came to his mind.
He felt a droplet of warm liquid sliding down by his cheek. But he knew it was not for the immensity of the responsibility he now carried, but for the gratification that had risen inside him. That brilliant smile of his spread across his weary countenance as he leaned closer to that smile with the same tranquility. He whispered with the gentlest voice, hoping his words could travel to whatever sweet dream his child was in.
“Pater is here. Pater is home.”
p.s. I have been procrastinating a lot. So I have no progress on any other work. Just a head up if anyone is wondering.
p.s.p.s. I feeI like I work on requests faster cuz stretching out my own ideas is hard. idk, or maybe I just prioritise them. or maybe my brain doesn’t work properly for my own ideas... anyway, thanks for reading and requesting!
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alkibiadessuperfan · 1 year ago
ok I will join with alexios opinions because yeah he is a fun character to discuss and everyone experiences the game so differently: in my first playthrough I was pretty set on saving the entire family because I thought I could not handle the „bad ending“
aside from that there were moments where the game quite literally felt like it intended to make scenes are turning point for kassandra‘s convictions. those I can think of are indeed the scene where alexios kills perikles and also the battle of amphipolis.
the first because athens, the city we saw so majestically is being plagued, perikles father of democracy is killed by KASSANDRAS OWN BROTHER, and of course extremely important: phoibe.
the second idk if anyone felt the same but in my play through that was the one point where I really gave into one of the cruel decisions kassandra can make and drowned kleon that puddle because it felt like all the anger all the frustration all the disgust is bottling up in kassandra and about to explode also with alexios killing brasidas.
personally: I think it depends entirely on how you want to play the game of course. Alexios is a brainwashed child basically but now he is a murdering, weapon-turned, cruel adult man with a god complex terrorizing the greek world.
Family means a lot to Kassandra during this time. Wether it‘s her blood related family in a way or Phoibe. Otherwise there wouldn‘t be the entire Odyssey. It shows in her dedication to finding her mother.
I am not entirely sure right now if there is an ending scene where Kassandra kills Alexios and Myrinne is alive. I am not entirely sure which ending is „canon“ though I imagine it is that all of her family is dead or exiled because there is absolutely nothing of them after all.
In the novel which I am currently still reading (I am taking forever) Kassandra very often talks about feelings in her heart being repressed by her spartan upbringing especially whenever there is a scene with Phoibe. She feels responsible for Phoibe, she‘s like a mother figure for Phoibe and in the beginning keeps her distance but when her and Phoibe reunite in Athens there is a scene before Phoibe‘s death where they play hide and seek in Perikles house, eat food and fall asleep in a guest bed Aspasia offered them. Phoibe thanks Kassandra for the day and says how she wants to always be with Kassandra and then says she loves Kassandra. This once again is one of the scenes where Kassandra blocks herself and wishes to say she loves Phoibe too but just can‘t. The next day is the scene where she finds Phoibe dead.
Up to that point whenever danger is near Kassandra‘s first thought is making sure Phoibe is alive and okay. So yeah I think Phoibe and also Barnabas are the only characters that are truly like family for Kassandra.
This adds up to the moment you said that makes the moment even more impactful and even worse when Kassandra sees Alexios killing Perikles. Alexios is on thin ice the entire time but in my opinion a few scenes like these challenge the player to not stay „kind“ but to realise that actually Alexios is more dangerous and threatening than him theoretically being your brother „makes up for“. Challenging Kassandra‘s views on family, her own/her mothers wishes and what might be best regarding the entire corruption and war. Her family finds themselves in the eye of the storm. Most of them somewhat prepared or involved but Kassandra is pushed into it after a life entirely in exile.
ok this is a random thought about AC Odyssey but a while back I said on stream that I intend on killing Alexios bc of his 👹major crimes against humanity👹
and apparently that's quite an unpopular opinion??? but hear me out. just bc he's blood related to Kassandra doesn't actually mean shit. I have cut off so many family members irl for being horrible people and so I don't think Kassandra would want Alexios to run around murdering people left right and center *just because* they share some dna. and I also don't think that fact is enough for her to believe that he can magically turn good either.
in my brain it's the moment she sees Alexios kill Perikles that it clicks for her that he's so much worse and evil than she realised, so to me it makes sense for her to kill him lol
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b-plot-butch · 10 months ago
LUCIENNE obviously:) also Brasidas to mix it up
Oh my god Lucienne. Okay so my first thought is Ribs by The Crane Wives!!!! Especially the chorus The dark doesn't frighten me / I chose to close my eyes / It is mine, it is mine / The night doesn't frighten me / I chose to let it thrive / It is mine, it is mine. The THING about Lucienne is her choices. She chose to become Dream’s raven, she chose to become the librarian of the collective unconscious, she chose to stay in the Dreaming when everything was collapsing and almost all her community had fled. None of these things have been smooth sailing. But she kept making them; she’s made these decisions every day of her existence. No one forced her to do any of it. She could have quit, say I’m out, I’ve done enough, I’ve given enough, at any moment! And yet she hasn’t!! And that’s. A lot.
Also? This first part of Sampa the Great’s cover of DNA by Kendrick Lamar.
I’ve spent the last 10 minutes scrolling through my playlists for a song for Brasidas but you know, I don’t think I have one!! :( The closest I could think of is a song I could imagine Brasidas singing to Kassandra, which is Bentivi by ÀVUÀ. And now that I’ve started thinking of Bentivi as a Kassidas song I don’t think I’ll be able to stop…oh no…
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legendary-maddie · 6 years ago
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• B R A S I D A S × R E A D E R •
》Imagine you meeting Brasidas while being escorted by Kassandra/Alexios and him falling in love with your beauty head over heels
Feel free to reblog & write something to this imagine ♡
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brujahinaskirt · 6 years ago
I still can’t believe ubi made natakas like that and brasidas Like That
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the-good-spartan · 2 years ago
The background here is one of the rare times I’ve had a particularly vivid scene of Sparta in my head and succeeded to some degree to sketch it out.
In the Good Spartan, where Brasidas talks with Epitidas about Karpos, son of Isadas, they walk out of the gymnasium to stand underneath an olive tree beside the Hyakinthian Way. For some reason, I can see that scene very clearly in my mind.
The thing is, I usually think/imagine in words rather than images. In order to describe a scene, I have to consciously make myself enter it; so when I get an image in my head just of its own accord, it’s a kinda special moment.
Anyway… here’s the image without Bardas.
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Though the Hyakinthian Way was no doubt paved. Maybe when/if I refine this sketch, I’ll try to capture that.
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Bardas (an OC) in Sparta.
Just tinkering around with backgrounds and things.
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spartan-officer-brasidas · 6 years ago
I have just a few minutes really quickly, so I’d like to remind you all that Brasidas and Zopheras are absolutely amazing and perfect. They make my life complete, and I love them with all of my heart. Ubisoft, please give me more Brasidas and Zopheras. Please.
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