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Actually so obsessed with how much juice there is in this episode, like the fact that choosing to become severed basically brands you as unhireable anywhere else because 1. the ethics and optics of it are so controversial to people 2. outties essentially have no discernible skills that would look good on a resumé because they aren't the ones who actually work, a major cost of the convenience that the procedure offers
Which means they are really only employable by Lumon. They truly do sell their soul to the company store.
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One of the things enterprise storage and destruction company Iron Mountain does is handle the archiving of the media industry's vaults. What it has been seeing lately should be a wake-up call: Roughly one-fifth of the hard disk drives dating to the 1990s it was sent are entirely unreadable.
Music industry publication Mix spoke with the people in charge of backing up the entertainment industry. The resulting tale is part explainer on how music is so complicated to archive now, part warning about everyone's data stored on spinning disks.
"In our line of work, if we discover an inherent problem with a format, it makes sense to let everybody know," Robert Koszela, global director for studio growth and strategic initiatives at Iron Mountain, told Mix. "It may sound like a sales pitch, but it's not; it's a call for action."
Hard drives gained popularity over spooled magnetic tape as digital audio workstations, mixing and editing software, and the perceived downsides of tape, including deterioration from substrate separation and fire. But hard drives present their own archival problems. Standard hard drives were also not designed for long-term archival use. You can almost never decouple the magnetic disks from the reading hardware inside, so if either fails, the whole drive dies.
There are also general computer storage issues, including the separation of samples and finished tracks, or proprietary file formats requiring archival versions of software. Still, Iron Mountain tells Mix that “if the disk platters spin and aren’t damaged," it can access the content.
But "if it spins" is becoming a big question mark. Musicians and studios now digging into their archives to remaster tracks often find that drives, even when stored at industry-standard temperature and humidity, have failed in some way, with no partial recovery option available.
“It’s so sad to see a project come into the studio, a hard drive in a brand-new case with the wrapper and the tags from wherever they bought it still in there,” Koszela says. “Next to it is a case with the safety drive in it. Everything’s in order. And both of them are bricks.”
Entropy Wins
Mix's passing along of Iron Mountain's warning hit Hacker News earlier this week, which spurred other tales of faith in the wrong formats. The gist of it: You cannot trust any medium, so you copy important things over and over, into fresh storage. "Optical media rots, magnetic media rots and loses magnetic charge, bearings seize, flash storage loses charge, etc.," writes user abracadaniel. "Entropy wins, sometimes much faster than you’d expect."
There is discussion of how SSDs are not archival at all; how floppy disk quality varied greatly between the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s; how Linear Tape-Open, a format specifically designed for long-term tape storage, loses compatibility over successive generations; how the binder sleeves we put our CD-Rs and DVD-Rs in have allowed them to bend too much and stop being readable.
Knowing that hard drives will eventually fail is nothing new. Ars wrote about the five stages of hard drive death, including denial, back in 2005. Last year, backup company Backblaze shared failure data on specific drives, showing that drives that fail tend to fail within three years, that no drive was totally exempt, and that time does, generally, wear down all drives. Google's server drive data showed in 2007 that HDD failure was mostly unpredictable, and that temperatures were not really the deciding factor.
So Iron Mountain's admonition to music companies is yet another warning about something we've already heard. But it's always good to get some new data about just how fragile a good archive really is.
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The Next 100 Years
The day was clear and bright, and dappled summer sunlight shone through the leaves as they rustled gently in the breeze. Billy whistled a cheerful tune as he made his way down the sidewalk, arms laden with bags filled with various lunch orders.
Finally, he ducked through a tall wrought-iron gate, nodding to the groundskeeper before following the well-worn path to his destination.
"Afternoon, ladies!" He called out in greeting. "Bet you thought I forgot about today, huh? Well, you know I could never let you guys down."
Maybe his knees creaked a little, but he ignored that as he settled himself in front of the stone monument that marked the grave of the other Cunning Hares.
...The closest thing to an actual family that he'd ever had...
"Aaaand here you go..."
A burger for Anby.
Nicole's favorite noodle bowl.
Fried mackerel for Nekomiya.
And three cans of cola, though he hoped that Nicole didn't mind the fact that it wasn't her preferred brand. That company had gone under fifty years ago, after all.
Then, sitting back on his heels. Billy vented a sigh and shuttered his optics for a moment, imagining that he was literally anywhere else, and that his girls were there with him. Maybe they were at the park, relaxing under a tree. Or maybe it was Lumina Square, weaving through the hustle and bustle.
Or maybe they were at home, sprawled across that old broken-down couch in a comfortable heap while someone's favorite movie played on the TV.
But he couldn't hide in those memories forever.
"...I miss you guys. But you probably already know that, huh?" A sad smile colored his voice as he reached out to brush some dust from the monument. "Sometimes it's hard to believe that so much time has passed since I last got to talk to any of you. It's been, what? Sixty years, this year? And sometimes I still feel like you're all gonna be there when I get home at night..."
He vented another soft sigh, resting his hands on his knees.
"I wonder if you can see it - how New Eridu gets bigger and brighter every year. With no more Hollows, there's not much left to keep it from growing. To keep the whole world from growing..."
And we did that. Or, well, we helped, at least.
"I wish I could say that there was much to talk about this year, but... it's actually been pretty quiet. I think you all would enjoy it, honestly. Business has been great - bet that makes you happy, huh, Nicole? I thought it might. Oh! That new shopping mall Belabog was building last year finally opened last week. There's a new Random Play there - the biggest one yet! Heh... Wise would probably hate it, it looks all slick and high-tech, nothing like the original store... but I think it's pretty cool. And you'll never guess who's got one of the prime spots in the food court! That place is gonna put all the little Chops through college..."
He let out a weak little laugh.
"...There's a mural, too. Man, I wish you guys could see it, it's a lot cooler than the one they made for the Centennial celebration. We're in it! And we - we look like real heroes..."
Lifting one hand, he pressed his palm to his faceplate, and let his shoulders tremble quietly for a minute.
Maybe next year would be the year someone would finally come out with a mod that would let him cry.
Eventually, though...
"...I really wish I could stay longer, but I've still gotta swing by and say hi to a few more people before I head in for my tune-up. You girls enjoy your lunch, okay? If things aren't too busy, I'll try to swing by again soon..."
Once more ignoring the creaking in his knees, Billy rose to his feet, and brushed his fingertips fondly across the top of the monument with a smile, before continuing on his rounds.
The years were merciless, each one more so than the last.
Even with Belabog running support, there was only so far his component parts could be pushed before they gave out. Only so many times pieces of him could be repaired before they needed to be replaced.
Only so many times he could watch another piece of himself be disconnected and swapped out for something newer.
He couldn't hide it any longer - for the first time in his very.
Very long life...
Billy was tired.
Not the tired that came from staying up late to watch his favorite soap operas. Not even the kind of tired that came from chasing a kid through a Hollow until he thought his air filters might blow and his knees might give out.
No, he was tired-tired. The kind of tired that came from burying everyone he'd ever loved, one by one by one, while he somehow remained.
And remained.
And remained.
Theoretically, with consistent tech support, he could have lived long enough to see the Hollows pass from living memory and into ancient history. Theoretically, he could have kept going indefinitely, if he just kept replacing himself over and over again.
Every last bit of him had been replaced at least half a dozen times over by now... except for one part: his brain module. The part of him that was the most "him." The part that held every program, every memory file, everything he'd ever experienced was in there, and... he was afraid to replace it. Afraid that, even if he downloaded everything to a shiny new unit, he would still lose something, maybe something important.
Like the weight of Anby's head resting on his shoulder, whenever she fell asleep mid-movie night.
The way Nicole's eyes sparkled when she was excited, or flashed when she was angry.
The way Nekomiya's ears twitched at the sound of a bird singing.
Belle's laugh. Wise's smile. Lycaon's measured footsteps. Corin's anxious little stammers.
Rina. Ellen Joe. Koleda. Anton. Grace. Ben. Everyone.
He couldn't bear the thought of losing even a single nanosecond of any of it.
So he just... never risked it.
"Man, when was the last time you updated your CPU?" The maintenance tech handling his tune-up asked. "This hardware in ancient."
"Eh... it's been a while," he half-shrugged in response. "It's no big deal, it still works just fine."
The tech didn't seem convinced. "How's your boot time?"
"Same as it's been for the past hundred years... maaaaybe a little bit slower? I don't really pay too much attention anymore."
"Do you wanna schedule a replacement? Or maybe I could just see about fine-tuning it a little, maybe squeezing a few more months out of it so you can weigh your options...?"
Billy paused, and thought it over.
"...Nah, it's all right. I mean, it's lasted me this long, right?"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure." He smiled. "Whatever happens, happens. It's okay."
"Well, if you change your mind, just gimme a call and I'll get you in ASAP."
The drive home seemed extra lonely that night, and his apartment felt extra empty when he pushed the door open.
Slowly, bit by bit, byte by byte, everything slowed to a crawl.
Days bled into weeks into months and soon...
[Hey, Fairy?]
[Yes, Billy Kid?]
He vented a sigh. Tried to, at least, out of habit if nothing else.
[I keep telling you, it's just - ahh, I guess it doesn't really matter. Can I ask a favor?]
[Of course.]
[I know it's a lot to ask, but... when I finally shut down, can you make sure my brain module is mulched and interred with the other Hares? I don't care about the rest of me, I just...]
[...I understand. Yes, I can do this for you, Billy.]
[You are welcome.]
He let his head fall back against the couch cushions, resting his arm across his midsection. There was a show playing on the television, but he wasn't paying enough attention to have said what it was. It was just pleasant background noise, something to drown out the sounds of his body struggling harder with each passing week.
Billy shuttered his optics and let himself go slack, feeling the tension drain from his limbs.
His whole body, which had previously felt indescribably heavy, suddenly felt so much lighter, like passing out of a Hollow and into the open air beyond.
A sudden pounding on his door had him jerking awake to liquid golden sunlight pouring in through the window and the sound of voices down the hall.
"Billy, come on already! Wake up! We've been waiting on you forever!"
"!!!" Suddenly wide awake, he lurched up out of bed, nearly tripping over his own two feet as he scrambled to the door; he didn't even think to grab his jacket before flinging the door open and scooping Nicole up into a tight hug. "Boss-!!!"
"Hey-!" She squeaked indignantly, squirming and smacking at his side; "you are cold! Did you seriously sleep without a blanket again?! Put me down and go put on a shirt or something!"
"Ah, sorry, boss!" With a sheepish laugh, he set her back on her feet and reached up to run his fingers through his hair. "Guess I got a little wound up, huh? I had this weird dream..."
"Well you can tell everyone about it later. Hurry up and get dressed, it's time for our yearly lunch meetup and I don't want to be late!"
"Right, right, sorry! I almost forgot...!"
Snagging his jacket off the back of his gaming chair, he shrugged into it as he slipped on his sneakers.
Then, after taking a moment to make sure his hair was neat, he hurried after her, to where the rest of his family was waiting.
#heavy angst#Billy Kid#cunning hares#zzz#Everyone's Dead Dave#The inevitable consequence of a robot loving humans
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Hey tumblrinas, I would love some techie advice.
i need a new computer. I've been limping on a 2015 HP but I want a desktop because they're cheaper and you can upgrade them. I want to be able to play RDR2 and actually see why everyone's amazed at the graphics. I wanna play AC Valhalla. I want it to easily run the Ciri Witcher game, whenever that drops. I want Veilguard to play perfectly.
I plan to get a used/refurbished/whatever tower because my budget is not very big (though I won't waste money on something that doesn't meet my needs; I'll save for longer if I gotta. pref to spend in the 400s though. I want to believe that isn't totally naive.)
So! I've never bought my own desktop. My plan is to get:
SSD at least 500gigs. should I combine SSD and HDD? like I said, budget's an issue. I'd rather have a terabyte of just SSD, but I don't know how costly it can get. I'm used to a terabyte on HDD on my laptop, and less would be a hassle. I have good internet, but sometimes I don't want to download and delete games constantly, and I have other stored stuff like writing and design* programs.
*like sketchup, not like photoshop or indesign or anything like that. not doing major rendering.
RAM of 16gigs.
good video card. historically I've always gotten NVIDIA gaming cards for my laptop. open to other options. obviously I need more VRAM than my current 960GTX has.
I have no idea what CPU to get. I know intel had a big run of fucked up CPUs recently, so I just want to go in with my eyes open.
at least 3 USB (regular, not C) ports, pref 5+, in addition to the monitor hookup, which I guess is HDMI?
and I'd REALLY like a built in optical drive, but peripherals are cheap enough, so I'm not worried too much about it.
I'm not sure what brands to look at. I've had an Asus laptop that literally fell apart after four years and an HP that's still going after nine, but I have no idea what brands are solid for desktops.
Anyone willing to offer advice on this will be adored and respected forever!
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carpet burn | r. kyojuro
summary: it all started with that stupid-ass rug messing up your washer. genres: smut, modern au cw: salad-tossing, fingering, explicit language, female reader, bodily fluids, established relationship music: endlessly - alina baraz
“Dumb-ass rug,” you grouse as you fish the accursed thing from your washer. Lightning strikes your spine when you bend, tugging a grimace onto your face. “I’m too old for this shit,” murmured while tossing the tattered mat in with the trash. It doesn’t help that you’ve been on your feet all day, cleaning the house and weed-whacking the backyard.
The summer heat was unforgiving, sun rays permeating your tank and branding your skin. Your clothes were saturated with sweat and mottled with grass stains by the time you conquered three-quarters of the terrace. You were baking, fatigued, and defeated when you peered down at your traitorous weed cutter.
Out of string.
Too exhausted for a trip to the hardware store, you decided to abandon ship and retreat into the house. Besides, your husband would be home within the next hour, and you had yet to start dinner.
An empty laundry basket greeted you, save for a few errant, crumbled dryer sheets. You didn’t want to toss your soiled clothing into it. Tirelessly worked through piles of laundry all day. So you decided to throw your attire straight into the wash. However, the bathroom rug in the cycle before had other plans. Shit had practically disintegrated!
The definitive click of the trash bin’s lid shutting brings you back to the present.
Clad only in your sports bra and boyshorts, you begin fetching loose wool from the agitator. Don’t want it caught in your clothing, for it will pose a more significant problem later. So engrossed in cleaning the washer, you don’t notice when the front door slinks shut—had silenced the motion detector earlier, annoyed with every notification of a school bus easing by out front.
When the pressure in the laundry room shifts, followed by warmth swaddling your backside, you realize you are no longer alone.
“My my,” comes a voice from behind, humor swimming in the undertow. “Is all of this for me, my love?” Icy palms engulfing the swell of your hips cause you to jolt.
“Jesus fuck, babe!” thrown over your shoulder at the room’s newest occupant as you squirm in his embrace. “Your hands are f-fucking cold!”
Luminous eyes glimmer with mischief. Kyojuro's smile is wolfish, and his mitts are devious whilst they creep to the rim of your underwear to squeeze those generous thighs.
“Apologies, darling.” Appreciative optics dance over your frame, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. His voice lowers to a sinister octave as he continues, “Couldn’t help myself. Not when you look so…delectable.” Kyojuro notches himself against you, the rough seam of his slacks grazing your ass.
You roll your eyes, averting your attention to the washer. “Yeah, yeah. Eat my ass. Tryna get this shit out the washer before I have a god damn aneurism.”
The clicking of his tongue should be warning enough. However, you’re a stubborn little shit. Once you set your mind to something, everything outside is mere background noise.
“Don’t mind if I do,” Kyojuro huffs. Fabric rustles. A cool breeze kisses your spine before the sensation of your panties swiftly drawn southward alarms you.
“Kyo!” You glance back with eyes wide as saucers. Your husband kneels behind, feigning innocence when your boyshorts puddle around your feet. Kyojuro merely shrugs, fingers gliding between your quads to coax your legs apart.
“What? You did tell me to eat your ass, did you not?”
You snort. “Not literal—ah-hah!” Your voice peters, replaced by a pathetic keening at the thumb lazily stroking your labia apart. You barrel forward, catching yourself on the rim of the glacial washer. Feel a callused fingertip prodding your opening, drawing your milky essence from inside, the sound of it sticky and obscene. “Kyojuro! I-I haven’t showered!”
“When has that ever deterred me?” the blond husks, pushing further inside, the intrusion a welcomed pain. He smirks at the rapture painting your features, digging a little more until he’s knuckle-deep. You bite your lip against a moan swelling in your chest, pleasure burrowing into the pit of your gut. He’s right; a little seasoning has never turned him off.
“Need an appetizer before the main course, my love.”
There is no warning. No preamble save for a palm spreading your cheeks apart, the slither of space allotting Kyojuro time to dive in.
His tongue is a scorching pressure against your puckering anus. Teasingly flits over the tight ring of muscle as he employs the help of his index finger, toying with your swelling clitoris whilst he drives his thumb in and out of your cunt.
“Ooooh, sh-sh-hit! You…cheeky little bi-hitch.” Your arms tremble, threatening to give way beneath you. Lips quiver, whimpers skittering out. Eyelids screw shut, tears gathering on your lashes. A sparkling feeling lingers between your thighs whilst he laves at your asshole, the strokes of his tongue voracious like he’s afraid to leave any part of you unscathed.
“Like that, lovely? Right there?” Kyojuro breathes, the crisp air against your asshole making your pussy clench around the grooves of his thumb. Your body hums from the feel of him when he plunges back in for another taste, the noise of his flittering tongue rivaling that of the dryer jostling beside you.
“Ah, fu-huck!” The worn pad of his finger circling the swollen heat of your clit sends you spilling further toward the edge. A shaky hand reaches back to bury its digits in locks of marigold, drawing him closer to you until his groans are muffled between your ass cheeks. Your calves burn from standing on tippy toes, your arm stretched taut against the washer to keep you upright.
Kyojuro continues his assault on your nether regions. His slippery appendage is wide and sweltering, flattening against your anus in quick swipes before he hollows out his cheeks and sucks. Fills the room with a vulgar rhythm, intermingling with your soft keens. Â Â
“Oh fuck. Oh, fuck, oh fuck. Like that. Just like that, baby.” You’re standing upright now. Tongue lolling about in your mouth, brows furrowed with ecstasy hanging between them. Your mind is a nebulous cloud, filled only with the gnarling urge to cum. Clit throbs, pussy flutters. You chase that inevitable high, that sparkling rush of pleasure like pins and needles in your extremities whilst his fingers and mouth work in tandem to bring you to the summit.
“Kyo-juro, I’m gonna…I’m gonna…Fuck, I’m—” Your chest grows tight. Breath hitches, the onslaught of pleasure too much for you to bear. His voice humming against you, his digits working like a well-oiled machine inside and around you overloading your senses.
Your peak trickles through you like liquid heat. Steals your voice, a moan caught in your esophagus. A warm, viscous, translucent fluid seeps down your leg as your cunt spasms around Kyojuro’s thumb, a blinding whiteness taking hold of your vision.
You’re a panting puddle when he departs from the milky mess of your pussy, leaning back onto his hands. When you return to Earth, you glance back through shuttered lashes, hunkered over the washer to keep afloat. Chuckle at the sight of him, his puffy, rouge lips and peach-dappled cheeks shining with your dew.
You watch the labored rise and fall of his chest. Gaze flits southward when Kyojuro’s hand moves, palming the bulk of his cock, threatening to spill through the seam of his pants.
“Round two?” Kyojuro offers. A boyish smile boasts his teeth, dimples cratering his cheeks.
“Fucker,” you snort. Kyojuro huffs a laugh of his own, the low flavor of his voice making your cunt hiccup with renewed delight.
It seems this was a mere precursor to whatever evening he has planned for you.
“At least lemme shower first before you try to fuck me again.”
#rengoku x reader#kyojuro x reader#rengoku kyojuro x reader#demon slayer fanfic#kny fanfic#kny reader insert#kyojuro rengoku x reader
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Welcome to IM27 Designs OPC Pvt Ltd- The Pinnacle of Creative Innovations
At IM27 Designs OPC Pvt Ltd, creativity meets precision to deliver world-class solutions that suit your business needs. As an ISO 9001-certified company, we take pride in the quality we deliver in all that we do. We specialize in cutting-edge design, animation, and product visualization services that bring ideas to life and help brands stand out in today's competitive market.
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IM 27 Designs OPC Pvt Ltd is where creativity meets excellence.
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Being a foldable fanatic I have been lucky to test use the last generation Honor V2 and it satisfied if not almost what I expected of a foldable for its time.
It's the year of the Honor V3 and several noteworthy features has undeniably grabbed my eyeballs.
My thoughts is first of all on the newest and thinnest body plus folded look, not just for Honor past foldables but the foldable industry in general, it comes with a 9.2mm folding thickness, it weighs about 226 grams and that's next level based on what brands have offered so far making it already dubbed as the "World's Slimmest Foldable", the slim design plus the weight earns it a 10/10 in my durability rating, the Honor V3 is definitely sending me some comfort vibes, so sleek looking and compact to be carried and lifted anywhere with zero chances of burden, A1 rating here âś…
Periscope on this device is nothing short of the word INCREDIBLE, the device already has some impressive array of cameras but I'm most thrilled with the periscope, we are still crying to some brands to help us develop a periscope lens on regular slab devices which is more easier and practical, but look the Honor V3 has a 3.5x optical periscope telephoto lens even for a foldable, foldables before are known to miss out on certain features because of their come factor, but Honor definitely did not compromise with the Honor V3 đź«´
They gave it their all.
50W wireless charging on a 5150mah is mega, someone please help me ask Honor how they managed to achieve this incredible battery while still maintaining the compact 9.2mm look of the V3?
I have no idea about smartphone engineering but I know a great job when I see one, the battery is good enough to cover daily needs for us consumers even the hardcore Call of Duty gamers, I use a basic bar phone with 4600mAh, so I hope you get why I'm so excited for a foldable to beat me to it lol, we don't get this much on the foldable side of things but the Honor V3 did it and it's worth feasting on, I would definitely love to share my feedback after some time of real life uses.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is the processor of this generation so i definitely saw this one coming since Honor V3 is a flagship foldable like the Samsung Z Fold 6, but I still would love to see how the processor blends in terms of performance and optimisation with Magic OS, OS often times determine how best the hardware responds that's why two phones can have same hardware but one performs better, it's not rockery science, since the MagicOS has a history of doing well, I'm eye peeled to see the optimisation with this beastly processor.
The Ai features is something I haven't seen more light on since but I think after the launch in September 5, we would be seeing more of that. Ai easily gets me excited these days, why you may ask?
So many scenarios are painted in my head for the Honor V3, like what would it do?, how far does it take user experience? What are the features; I know there is Ai eraser, Ai studio, Ai camera focus.. but is there any chance the Honor V3 has anything different in store for the enthusiasts?
I'm genuinely positive for the possibilities the Honor V3 can create with Ai integration for the foldable department, let's wait and see. September 5 it is guys 🗓️
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Let me introduce you guys to my V's!
I currently have four!
Of course, you guys have already met Wiktoria, my main V! She's Polish-Canadian, born in Quebec, and with a non-identical twin named Oliwia! Her twin, though, was luckier, since Wik was born with cystic fibrosis, a chronic illness that affects the lungs, stomach and liver. She has to take medication daily, but that didn't stop her from reaching for her dream of becoming a singer.
Thanks to her grandfather, she managed to get noticed by a local record company, Worldwide Label. So, she was accepted under the artist name of Wiktory (said Victory) and made pop and rock music! Well, that was until...
Anyway! She goes through a bunch of different looks, but the one you see under this is what she looks at the end of the game after the Don't Fear the Reaper ending.
Finally, below that is how she looked when she did a photo shoot with the brand-new Kusanagi CT-3X! (Don't worry, I have more than just one ;) )
From this point on, it may be way less detailed than my main girl, I'm sry...
Second, my Street Kid V, Vince, though his name is most definitely going to change sometime soon, along with his looks.
Night City, the place he was born, is full of death. He's known this ever since he took his first kill, the life of his mother, leaving it to just be him and his dad. Not only that, but he also has type 1 Diabetes. The condition got so bad that he lost his limbs and almost lost his sight. His dad, just a simple man running a department store, couldn't afford to buy his son the things he needed, so he asked a shark for some help, which brought him into debt.
Vince's eyes were saved thanks to the optics, but it was quickly found out that after a couple of months, they'd become glitchy, becoming worse when he'd look at direct sunlight and develop photophobia. Because of it, he wears sunglasses wherever he goes. Not only for the lights but also because he also doesn't like when people look at his eyes.
As he got older, he started to understand that his family was short on money, so he got into street fighting to help. Eventually, he gained enough respect on the streets to catch the attention of the shark, and, in return for his father's debt to be clean, worked for him as a mercenary, which Vince accepted.
Next is my Nomad lifepath gal, Vaasifa!
The Bakker clan was a clan that refused for their people to become reliant on technology and cybernetics, so the people there didn't have any unless they absolutely had to. However, some people in the camp seemed to become more reliant on changing this the more she grew up.
Vaasifa was born in Detroit, Michigan, as the youngest of two older brothers, so she'd be overlooked most of the time, leaving little V to be curious and wander about the camp. After a little accident involving a cactus when she was 5 years old, it was found out that she was in need of glasses, which were provided to her, however, this just started another uproar.
As she grew, she became more and more fascinated with the little technology that was in the camp. She wanted to know the how's, what's and the who's and soon got into car mechanics because of it, but watching someone pull out a tablet for a diagnostics check fascinated her even more. Her older brothers started picking up on this, and whenever they were allowed into the city, always brought her something back. For a birthday gift, they even got her her own little cyberdeck and a computer.
For years, she kept it hidden and did what she could, learning what she could with what she was able to. The yelling at night wouldn't stop though, and, one day, when she was 25, a huge fight happened in the camp. Fists, knives and guns of all sorts were heard from her corner of the camp until it eventually stopped early in the morning.
She came out to find her mother, father and oldest brother dead, along with many other members of her clan.
Vaasifa knew that she couldn't stay after that. She buried her family, said goodbye to her older brother, and left for a better life in the city.
Finally, last but not least...
Yes, that's literally their name at the moment.
V was born into a very high-class family in Japan. Their parents, both high-ranking members of Arasaka, gave them the best education money could buy, and held a very tight leash on their kids. They developed a brilliant mind and body, but personality, well, they were the ultimate douchebag. They knew they were richer than rich and made sure everyone knew about it.
When it came to picking a career path, V didn't have much of a choice but to pick the big moneymakers, so, doctor it was. They quickly found out that all the ethics and moral codes bored them, but the surgeries and operations fascinated them greatly. Soon enough, becoming a ripperdoc was on the table.
At 22, they were invited to attend Night City University, and for the next two years would start practicing their craft, illegally, of course, but for cheap. No one died on their chair, but some of their patients would definitely not come back again. In between patients, they would even practice on themselves, adding more and more upgrades to whatever part they could reach (and not die from).
At 24, the school found out about their illegal operations and kicked them out of school. When V tried to ask their parents for a ticket back home, they refused and left them to rot in Night City.
Homeless and without any eddies, they took residency in Watson, continuing to perform their non-licensed operations for a lower price. What they didn't know is that another ripperdoc was already in the area, Viktor Vector. Well, V found out about him rather quickly when Vik graced their presence in their dingy and dirty little clinic.
Upon seeing the pissed scared kid, Viktor took pity and offered to bring them under his tutelage, along with a roof and food. In return, all they had to do was work by Viktor's side as his assistant and get clean.
Well, that's all!
If you're someone that made it to the end, thank you! Please, ask a question about any of them if you'd like!
Most of these backstories need more detail and cleaning up, but this is mostly the basics that I wanted to write down cuz why not?
Again, thank you so much for reading!
#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#cyberpunk oc#cyberpunk#corpo v#street kid#nomad v#v cyberpunk#cp77 screenshots#cp77 photomode#cp77 v#cp77#street kid v
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hello there
so.. its been awhile, hasn't it? like a long.. long time. sure, a couple posts but my last actual post was december 21, 2021.. crazy!
have I written anything since then? no, not really. re-read some of my work, thought "man this shit is so fuckin good" ..but I just honestly wasn't well enough to sit here and write. as much as I missed it.
what's new?.. a mess and depressed! but working through it. if you read my person posts in the pass, I worked at an optical store for a big big brand (not naming names) that felt like my soul was getting sucked out of me.. retail, amiright?
but seriously. I was there for 4 years by July of this year. in October, the manager I had been with since getting hired was moved to a store closer to her (congrats bestie) which opened up the management role for the one I was in.
I interviewed!! ...I didn't get it!!
devastated. like everything I had ever done was for fucking nothing. all the times I covered, where I took charge when the manager was out, the shitty position of just being under the threshold of FT so I never got the FT benefits (pto.. I was a feign for wanting time off). I interviewed, never got a definitive answer from the dm, until the news was laid on us that someone was hired.
someone who had less than a years experience, from a sister brand that sold non-rx sunglasses. A MAN. nothing wrong with me, I love men, but it was a gut punch. I had to continue being in charge for 2-3 months while this guy got trained for the position I felt I was deserving of.
and when he started it was absolute shit. I have never met someone so fuckin lazy. he refused to close, refused to work most weekends, never helped clean or help keep things organized, left me to handle signage changes and other things, stating stupid shit like "I didn't sign up for that" when like.. yes you did? that's literally the whole point of being a manager? the last week of the year is extremely busy in the optical space, because people want to use their benefits before the end of the year (use it or lose it). december 31, 2022.. what did he do? he left me and my coworker alone so he could go home early. we did ten thousand dollars in sales that day. that is what the store would average a week. we did it in a day.
my depression got worse.. but I did get my associates in psychology (cute). it wasn't until February of this year that I finally got a break. ya girl got a new job, in an office, not having to sell anything! perfection.
I moved out of my parents (it's def a struggle but.. my cat and I are happy), I officially was diagnosed with a chronic disease this year, working on my mental health everyday, did my first semester of uni..
and I miss this. writing, posting, daydreaming. I want to come back but I'm not sure if it is possible on this blog or if I'll have to start fresh elsewhere. but this place is my writing home (and AO3).
if you read all the way through, thank you. I hope to be back soon with new content (branching out of my comfort zone! finish old stories!)
until next time not two years from now..
xoxo caitlyn
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Enhancing Vision and Style: Exploring the Optical Stores in Brampton
In the vibrant city of Brampton, a flourishing community nestled within the Greater Toronto Area, residents and visitors alike have access to an array of amenities and services. Among these, optical stores play a crucial role in catering to the vision needs of the diverse population while also embracing the latest trends in eyewear fashion. This article delves into the world of optical stores in Brampton, highlighting their significance in eye health, the evolving trends in eyewear, and the role they play in shaping individual style.

A Clear Focus on Eye Health
The primary function of optical stores is to offer comprehensive eye care services to the community. These establishments house licensed optometrists who perform comprehensive eye exams to evaluate visual acuity and identify potential eye conditions. Brampton's optical stores are equipped with cutting-edge technology, enabling accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Regular eye check-ups are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health, and these stores provide a convenient platform for residents to access professional eye care services.
A Wide Spectrum of Eyewear
One of the most striking features of optical stores in Brampton is the vast array of eyewear options they offer. From prescription glasses to contact lenses and sunglasses, these stores provide a diverse selection to suit every individual's needs. Whether it's for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or simply fashion, residents can choose from an extensive collection of frames and lenses.
Fashion Meets Functionality: Eyewear Trends
Eyewear has evolved beyond its functional purpose to become a fashion statement. The optical stores in Brampton have embraced this trend wholeheartedly, curating collections that combine style and functionality. These stores collaborate with well-known eyewear brands to offer the latest designs and materials. Frames now come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, catering to different face shapes and personal preferences. Trendy eyewear not only enhances visual acuity but also boosts confidence and personal style.
Personalized Shopping Experience
The optical stores in Brampton excel in providing a personalized shopping experience. Trained opticians and staff members are on hand to guide customers through the selection process, considering factors such as face shape, skin tone, and lifestyle. This personalized approach ensures that customers find eyewear that not only corrects their vision but also complements their individuality.
Technological Advancements
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the eyewear industry. Optical stores in Brampton leverage these technological innovations to offer advanced services like digital retinal imaging, which allows optometrists to capture high-resolution images of the retina. This aids in the early detection of various eye conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. Additionally, state-of-the-art equipment ensures accurate prescription measurements, resulting in lenses that precisely address individual visual needs.
Community Engagement and Outreach
Beyond providing eye care services, optical stores in Brampton actively engage with the community through various initiatives. They conduct educational workshops, seminars, and eye health awareness campaigns to spread knowledge about the importance of regular eye check-ups and maintaining healthy vision practices. These efforts not only contribute to the overall well-being of the community but also foster a sense of trust between residents and the optical stores.
Supporting Local Economy
The presence of numerous optical stores in Brampton also plays a role in boosting the local economy. These establishments create employment opportunities for optometrists, opticians, sales staff, and administrative personnel. Additionally, their collaboration with eyewear brands and suppliers contributes to the economic ecosystem of the region.
Optical stores in Brampton are more than just places to get prescription glasses; they are essential hubs that combine eye health, fashion, technology, and community engagement. By providing cutting-edge eye care services, offering a diverse range of eyewear options, and embracing the latest trends, these establishments enhance the quality of life for residents. Through their dedication to both functionality and style, optical stores in Brampton serve as a clear reflection of the city's commitment to holistic well-being. So, whether you're in need of new glasses, want to explore the latest eyewear trends, or simply wish to maintain optimal eye health, Brampton's optical stores are ready to cater to your every need.
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Lab Grown Diamonds- A Eco-conscious Choice For JewelryÂ

For centuries, diamonds have been one of the most coveted and cherished gemstones in the world. Known for their unique brilliance, clarity, and durability, diamonds have been used for centuries as a symbol of love, commitment, and status.
However, the traditional process of mining diamonds has been associated with several ethical and environmental concerns. In recent years, the advent of lab-grown diamonds has provided an ethical and sustainable alternative to natural diamonds, which has revolutionized the diamond industry. There has been a visible spike in demand for lab-grown diamonds for sale.Â
Lab-grown diamonds are created using advanced technological processes that mimic the natural process of diamond formation in the earth's crust. These diamonds are made of the same chemical composition as natural diamonds and exhibit the same physical and optical properties.
A significant benefit of lab-grown diamonds sold by top jewelry stores in Atlanta is that they are ethically and environmentally responsible. Unlike natural diamonds, which are often associated with human rights violations and environmental destruction, lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment without any adverse impact on the environment or human rights.
Another significant benefit of lab-grown diamonds is that they are more affordable than natural diamonds. The cost of a lab-grown diamond can be up to 50% less than that of a natural diamond of the same size and quality. This makes lab-grown diamonds an attractive option for people who want the look and feel of a diamond without the high cost.Â
Lab-grown diamonds are also a popular choice for people who are concerned about the origin of their diamonds. By choosing to buy loose diamonds or ready-to-wear lab-grown diamond jewelry, they can be sure that their diamonds are ethically sourced without causing any harm to human life or mother nature.Â
Moreover, lab-grown diamonds are not just limited to small, industrial applications; they are now increasingly being used in jewelry by celebrated jewelry brands. Lab-grown diamond jewelry is a popular choice among fashion-conscious individuals who want to make a statement with their accessories.
Lab-grown diamond jewelry comes in various styles, shapes, and sizes. From classic solitaires to trendy stackable rings, lab-grown diamonds offer a wide range of options to suit every style and budget.
Lab-grown diamond earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and engagement rings are some of the popular custom-design jewelry in Atlanta that are highly in demand. They are often set in precious metals like gold, platinum, and silver, which enhance the beauty and elegance of the diamond.
One of the unique features of lab-grown diamonds is that they are available in a wide range of colors. Unlike natural diamonds, which are predominantly white or yellow, lab-grown diamonds can be produced in various hues, including pink, blue, and green.
This versatility of lab-grown diamonds allows for a wide range of creative and innovative designs, making lab-grown diamond jewelry an exciting option for fashion enthusiasts. Another good thing is, that one can relish an old jewelry piece by upgrading it using lab-created diamonds. All those old diamond jewelry pieces that lost their diamonds can become new with an affordable addition of lab-grown diamonds in them. All you got to do is reach out to an Atlanta jewelry repair who deals in lab diamonds and get your jewelry fixed.Â
Lab-grown diamonds have become a game-changer in the diamond industry. They offer an ethical, environmentally responsible, and affordable alternative to natural diamonds. Regal Studio is a well-known jewelry store located in Atlanta that offers bespoke luxury jewelry pieces made with Lab-grown diamonds showcasing ultimate craftsmanship.Â
Original Source- https://regalstudio1.blogspot.com/2023/03/lab-grown-diamonds-eco-conscious-choice.htmlÂ
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I wasn't gonna say anything but I've seen this post too many times now.
Although the aesthetics of having a bunch of tiny ssd cartridges with movies and shows is excellent and very appealing, I cannot stand for this slander of the optical media!
Yes, optical disks are slower (for data transfer) and a lot more expensive BUT they last so much longer.
Optical media is the longest lasting medium currently in production. It can reliably hold onto your data for 50-100 years without power or cooling, and without the worry of magnetic degradation. Using recordable optical media such as DVD-R is perfectly suitable for long-term archiving because it is write-once, read-many, meaning it is physically immutable—cannot be changed—so the data on it is tamper-proof. (source)
I also saw some folks in the notes talking about Micro SD (it really would look super cool to have mini boxes of micro sd, like dvd boxes but tiny, I love the concept), but I gotta say: BAD IDEA!!! Micro SDs are not made for long-term storage!!! You will loose your media!!!
Its basic architecture is part of the problem with storing data on an SD. The gate can hold the electrons for some time. However, this group contains the pieces of data that make up the whole files you want to store. Some electrons leak out of the gate and get lost as time passes. If they do, you may have to deal with missing or corrupted data that could be difficult to get off the card later. [...] In short, it may be fair to say that SD cards can store some data for a few years. However, many factors could shorten that period. For example, a brand new card will keep data longer than an older one. Flash memory also has no error correction. Therefore, the chances of getting your data corrupted or unreadable are high. An SD card is practical if you need to store non-critical data for only a few years. However, this kind of memory isn’t your best choice for crucial data you want to keep safe for a long time. (source)
I don't know about you but I'd like to keep my favorite movies, shows, albums, etc, for like decades! I want my children to have them! And my grandchildren!
And I also saw some people in the notes talking about cassette tapes. They are very easily erased, guys. They are written magnetically and can be corrupted super easily. I still have a bunch but I have to be very careful with how I store them, and even so I've had the surprise of popping a few in the VHS only to see that their content is gone :(
Lastly, the SSD:
- SSDs are temperature sensitive. If you put it on a shelf of a storage room with high temperature, the memory charge that defines bits in flash will fade quickly over time. When the charge is gone, so is the data. - SSD’s speed and reliability are much relying on the firmware’s house cleaning work. Yet, when unpowered, the firmware is unavailable. - Since the SSDs make use of chips to store data while the chips can only be written for a certain number of times before they fail, there is great chance of SSD failure under too much writing work - SSDs store data on flash memory, which needs to be charged with electricity to keep the data stable. [...] In summary of the above concerns, the most important factors that affect the lifespan of an SSD are the temperature, the read/write frequency and the power charge. (source)
So yeah, SSDs are good! They work much better than normal HDs. But optical disks are still better. They are the best!!!
PLEASE DON'T LET DVDS DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want owned physical media back, but I'm not sad to see DVDs go – optical media was always a transitional technology, and suffers from a number of intractable drawbacks. I want them to start selling movies on indestructible solid-state cartridges the size of a quarter, so I can keep my entire media collection in an unsorted pile in a random cabinet drawer and have to go rummaging through it like an amateur chef trying to find the lemon zester every single time I want to watch something. Do you understand? I want to lose the entire Star Wars trilogy between my couch cushions.
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Lenskart Franchise Fees & Requirements: Everything You Need to Know

Lenskart, one of India’s leading eyewear brands, has revolutionized the optical industry with its unique business model and high-quality products. Many entrepreneurs are keen to invest in a Lenskart franchise due to its proven success and strong brand reputation.
However, understanding the Lenskart franchise cost and other requirements is crucial before taking the plunge. In this article, we will provide a detailed breakdown of the franchise fees, investment, eligibility criteria, and potential profitability.
Lenskart Franchise Model
Lenskart operates on a franchise model, allowing entrepreneurs to open and run their own Lenskart store under the brand’s name. The company provides franchisees with extensive support, including training, marketing, and operational assistance. The two primary franchise models offered by Lenskart are:
FOFO (Franchise Owned Franchise Operated) Model: The franchisee owns and operates the store, bearing the full investment cost.
COCO (Company Owned Company Operated) Model: This model is owned and operated by Lenskart directly and is not available for franchisees.
Lenskart Franchise Cost & Investment
To start a Lenskart franchise, a significant investment is required. The approximate Lenskart franchise cost includes the following components:
Franchise Fee: â‚ą2-3 lakh (one-time, non-refundable)
Store Setup Cost: â‚ą25-30 lakh (including interior, furniture, and branding)
Stock and Inventory: â‚ą8-10 lakh (initial product inventory)
Technology & Software Costs: â‚ą1-2 lakh (for POS system, website integration, and software tools)
Working Capital: â‚ą5-7 lakh (for employee salaries, rent, and other operational expenses)
Total Investment Requirement
In total, the estimated investment required to open a Lenskart franchise ranges between â‚ą35-45 lakh, depending on the location and store size. The investment might vary based on the city, store size, and additional operational costs.
Revenue & Profitability
Lenskart provides an attractive revenue model for franchise owners. The key profitability factors include:
Profit Margin: Franchisees can expect a profit margin of around 25-30% on eyewear products.
Break-even Period: Typically, a Lenskart franchise achieves break-even within 18-24 months.
Expected Monthly Revenue: â‚ą6-10 lakh (varies based on store location and sales performance)
Return on Investment (ROI): Most franchisees recover their investment within 2-3 years.
Franchise Requirements & Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for a Lenskart franchise, applicants must meet certain requirements:
Business Background: Prior retail or business experience is preferred but not mandatory.
Financial Capability: The franchisee should have the financial capacity to invest â‚ą35-45 lakh.
Store Location: The store should be in a high-footfall area such as shopping malls, commercial streets, or premium localities.
Store Space: Minimum area of 300-500 sq. ft. is required.
Commitment: The franchise owner should be committed to managing and growing the business.
Benefits of Owning a Lenskart Franchise
Strong Brand Reputation: Lenskart is a well-established brand with high customer trust.
Comprehensive Training & Support: Franchisees receive end-to-end training and operational support.
Marketing & Advertising Assistance: The brand runs nationwide marketing campaigns, reducing the franchisee’s burden.
Advanced Technology Integration: Lenskart provides AI-powered solutions for eye testing and virtual try-ons.
High Growth Potential: The eyewear industry in India is expanding, making it a lucrative business opportunity.
Challenges & Risks
High Initial Investment: The startup cost may be a barrier for some entrepreneurs.
Competitive Market: The optical industry has competitors like Titan Eye+, Specsmakers, and local opticians.
Location Dependency: Store success is highly dependent on a prime location with good foot traffic.
Operational Challenges: Managing staff, inventory, and customer service requires consistent effort.
How to Apply for a Lenskart Franchise
To apply for a Lenskart franchise, follow these steps:
Visit the Official Website: Go to Lenskart Franchise Page and fill out the application form.
Submit Application: Provide details like investment capacity, preferred location, and business background.
Screening Process: The Lenskart team will review the application and conduct interviews.
Approval & Agreement Signing: Once approved, sign the franchise agreement.
Store Setup & Training: Work with Lenskart’s team to set up the store and undergo training.
Launch & Operations: After setup, the store can officially start operations.
Owning a Lenskart franchise can be a profitable venture for entrepreneurs looking to enter the optical retail industry. While the Lenskart franchise cost is significant, the brand’s strong market presence, comprehensive support system, and potential profitability make it a worthwhile investment. However, it is crucial to conduct thorough research, assess financial readiness, and choose a strategic location to maximize success.
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WATER + MILD SOAP WITHOUT ANY LIKE LOTION OR OTHER CRAP IN IT (DAWN WORKS!! if you have it or the generic store brand, whatever cuts through the face grease and skin that builds up on your lenses, use that)
the cloth that you get in your case?? MACHINE WASHABLE (JUST DON'T USE FABRIC SOFTENER it kinda just makes the cloth gross and won't clean very well)
when you go to clean your glasses spray both sides with the spray and use the microfiber cloth to dry them. do not use the cloth without some sort of liquid.
if you are using soap, dampen the lenses with mildly warm water and put a dot of soap on them. rub it in. rinse. use the microfiber cloth to dry. if the cloth starts smearing the lenses more, throw that in with your laundry.
you don't need to aggressively scrub, you're just trying to get the smudges off. mileage may vary, some places say not to use dawn but we've told people that at work and I have personally used dawn and water when I just could not get my lenses to stop being streaky and it works.
pre-moistened lens wipes are good in a pinch but probably the actual pricey alternative compared to spray or soap+water since they're one time use.
for the love of god unless you are made of money and live in a country that still makes them, your lenses are not made of glass so do not use glass cleaner. No alcohol, no bleach, no windex, nothing with super harsh chemicals, no soaking in soap and water for extended periods of time, no high heat, all of that shit will destroy your glasses
if you're using your shirt and not really like cleaning the stuff off your lenses you're slowly rubbing all the particles into your lenses over time and it causes scratches and damage but like. we've all done that in a pinch so i'm not going to judge you BUT just be aware that's why we warn you not to do that
some sprays will say that it's not for coatings or whatever but honestly I kinda think that's bullshit and most big box retailers or pharmacies sell the sprays. target has it for like three bucks?
No microfiber cloth? Pure cotton. Got a clean, pure cotton shirt? That's your new drying cloth now. Just remember at the very least water, if not soap and water and lens spray.
My friends who just got their first glasses: i need this highly expensive special cloth to wipe them, I also have this eyeglass cleaner from the same company, did you know you shouldn't use your t shirt unless it's specifically soft
Me who's worn glasses since middle school: *slaps soap onto the glasses and washes them in the sink then wipes them with toilet paper* what
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Best Eye Care Center in Cambridge - Romin Optical
Since its inception in 2015, Romin Optical has been dedicated to providing top-tier eye care services to the Cambridge community. As the best Eye Care Center, their comprehensive offerings include eye exams by independent optometrists, a wide array of prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses, contact lenses, and safety eyewear. The center is known for its impressive selection of designer frames from brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, and Versace, ensuring clients have access to the latest trends in eyewear fashion. Conveniently located at 580 Hespeler Road, Romin Optical serves residents of Kitchener, Guelph, Cambridge, and neighboring areas. Their commitment to excellence is evident in their multiple accolades, including being voted the best optical store in Cambridge for six consecutive years.
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