#Brain Gym Classes for Kids
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cabinetofotherthings · 3 months ago
i thought i'd reached a state of resigned equanimity but my work is really into celebrating christmas and every day i feel myself drifting back towards jewish rage
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ilikeevilblondes · 7 days ago
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18+ MDNI!
Summary: Joel, single dad extraordinaire, is struggling to teach his daughter how to swim. You end up teaching Sarah over the course of a few weekly swimming classes. One fortunate day, Joel accidentally stumbles upon a rather intimate situation involving you in the shower rooms after hours. He’s about to leave, but right before he can, he hears his own name spilling out in a desperate moan from your lips.
TL;DR: It’s more fun to stay in the YMCA (shower rooms) (because that’s where Joel fucks you.)
W.C: ~7.7k
Warnings: Singledad!Joel x swimmingteacher!reader, softdom!joel, accidental voyeurism, mutual masturbation, blowjobs, praise, fingering, unprotected p-in-v, shower sex, pull out and pray, implied age gap, Joel’s got that daddy humour (no outbreak!)
Note: waiter! waiter! some plot with my porn, please! sorry, you freaks, mama had to stretch the narrative before the rawdogging. and sorry for the late upload, the flu was not gucci. hope y'all enjoy as always, though! and if you got any reqs, feel free to send them my way 🤓
According to HealthyChildren.org, most children in America begin to learn how to swim by their fourth birthday. Basic abilities like floating and treading water can be ingrained in their motor skills at that point, and by the ripe age of five or six, most children will have been able to freestyle across any urine-defiled public pool.
Joel sighed as he watched his five-year-old angel scream and hiss at the local YMCA pool, refusing even to dip a toe into the chlorinated abyss.
“Sarah, pumpkin, you’re not a cat.” He sighed, pinching his curved nose bridge.
Sarah merely shot him a dirty look, the dirtiest a toddler could muster. She crossed her arms over her chest, the bright orange inflatable armbands around her upper arms squeaking as she did so.
“I don’t wanna go in there, daddy.” Sarah humphed.
Joel shook his head, looking up at her from where he sat in the shallow area of the gym’s pool. His little treasure, bless her heart, was stubbornly standing over the ledge and peering down at him with both fear and unwavering defiance.
“Y’gotta, pumpkin.” Joel ran a hand through his wet hair.
Of all the dads in the world, Joel would not say he was among the worst percentile. He certainly tried his best to do anything and provide everything for his little girl; working as many shifts as he could to pay for her school (his kid somehow, thankfully, didn’t get his brains and was starting first grade ahead of schedule), moving into a ‘nicer’ neighbourhood, and spoiling her with all the stuffed toys and lego sets her little heart desired.
Being a single dad wasn’t easy, to put it simply. Joel would’ve thought, owing to karmic nonsense, the universe could have been a bit nicer to him for the measly crime of forgetting to teach his daughter how to swim. But there he was, staring up at a child more hydrophobic than a rabies survivor.
“Can we go home, Daddy? Please?” Sarah stomped her little foot down onto the tiled floor.
“We will, sugar, I promise. Just, not until you at least try to step down here.”
Sarah shook her head wildly.
“No.” She said, more decisively.
“Says who?” Joel raised a dark brow.
“Remind me again, pumpkin, are you the adult or the child in this relationship?”
“You’re the one in the kiddie side of the pool, Daddy.” Sarah giggled, revealing a toothy grin.
Joel sighed through a smile. God, this kid was too smart for him. She was gonna be the death of him.
Mumbling something to the effect of ‘smartass’ under his breath, Joel treaded to the end and hoisted himself up, towering over his three-foot-nothing daughter and dripping chlorine-infected water down onto the ground.
“You wanna switch places?” He crossed his arms over his broad, bare chest, nodding his head toward the pool.
“Nope!” Sarah smiled.
Joel was about to give up for the day and take his troublemaker home only to return the next weekend, when he suddenly felt a tentative finger tap his shoulder.
He whipped around to see a girl, much younger than him—and much shorter, too, dressed in the standard red lifeguard one-piece uniform. 
“Sorry to intrude,” You began, biting your lip. “I couldn’t help but overhear.”
Joel blinked, not realising he had to reply to your remark like a normal fucking human would. Instead, he opted for the less popular, uncivilised caveman method of furrowing his brows and blinking madly.
He was too distracted by the way your swimsuit clung tightly over your body. Too mesmerised by the droplets of water sliding in slow motion down your curves. Not to mention that disarmingly pretty smile of yours. 
God, he’d been too single for too long.
“Hello!” The reason for his singleness beamed up at you and waddled closer. “I’m Sarah.”
Your smile stretched wider as you bent down to meet her eye level and introduce yourself in return. Sarah repeated your name back to you delightedly, like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
After making a comment about how ‘cool’ her floaters were, you straightened up and met Joel’s coffee-brown gaze.
“Anyway.” You absentmindedly tucked a stray piece of wet hair behind your ear. “Um, well, I overheard your situation. And, uh, just wanted to let you know that the gym hosts free introductory swimming lessons every Saturday afternoon. I teach the classes, actually, and you and your daughter are more than welcome to come, mister…?”
By some miracle, Joel was able to move his mouth and properly communicate this time.
“Miller. Joel Miller.” He managed to say without so much as a stutter, smiling politely at you and sticking out a hand.
You took his hand in yours and shook it.
“Nice to meet you, Mr Miller-Joel-Miller. That Italian?” Your laugh was a sweet sound and, at risk of being completely predictable, music to his ears.
“The only Italian in me, sweetheart, is from the canned ravioli we had for lunch today.” Joel chuckled. “And we’d be more than happy to come, wouldn’t we, Sarah?” 
To punctuate his claim, he flashed Sarah a look.
A frown cut into her soft features, but she relented. 
“Yes, we would.” Sarah sighed dejectedly.
“Great! Um. Here’s the flier.” You produced a colourful leaflet and held it out to Joel. He took it. “It has the times and details and, uh, that’s my phone number on the bottom, there.”
“Thanks, sweetheart.” Joel pocketed it. “We’ll be there.”
“I look forward to seeing you two then.” You smiled again.
Joel would’ve fallen to his knees if you had stayed longer with that damn smile of yours. But you turned around to speedwalk towards the other side of the pool, blowing your whistle and reprimanding a bunch of teenagers running across the slippery poolside.
And if he thought the front of you was stunning, he was quickly shown that your back view was just as providing.
“You’re staring,” Sarah observed, tugging at his arm.
Joel cleared his throat.
“Let’s go home, pumpkin.” He ruffled her hair, much to a fit of giggles, and led his daughter away from the outdoor pool.
Saturday afternoon did not come quickly enough. 
After a week of late nights spent finishing drywall and early mornings making Sarah’s lunch—because there was no way in hell she was going to eat whatever junk-filled shit the American school system provided in cafeterias—Joel was tired, to say the least.
By three o’clock sharp, he had arrived at the pool with his daughter dressed to the nines in a robot-themed swimsuit and bright green goggles that suctioned so hard into her little face that she looked wide-eyed and cartoonish.
And when four o’clock had rolled around, Joel was happy to report that his daughter had finally worked up the nerve to get in the pool. With your help (and some floppy-haired assistant coach), Sarah had also managed to do some basic swimming manoeuvres without clinging to the side for dear life and frothing at the mouth.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Joel approached you after the session had officially ended, and Sarah was dried off and warm. “Just wanted to thank you. And, uh, Coach Bryan for, you know…”
“No thanks necessary, Mr Miller.” You winked, then bent down to Sarah, who stood beside her father. “You did great, Sarah. Really.”
Sarah smiled sheepishly. Joel chuckled at her bashful demeanour and ruffled her hair affectionately.
“Same time next week, Coach?” He asked.
“Yes, sir.” You saluted him and walked off toward the shower rooms, a towel around your shoulders and a spring to your step.
Joel shook his head, smiling, and took Sarah home in a better mood than he had been that morning.
Joel quickly learned that the swimming lessons were beneficial to both him and his daughter. Sarah was speedily conquering her fear of water, and Joel was… well, Joel spent a lot of time talking to you when you weren’t in the pool. And afterwards, too, when the rest of the kids had already left and there were no other parents to chat your ear off.
“You’re taking a gap year?” Joel mused after one particularly smooth sailing session, taking off his sunglasses and hanging them on the hem of his shirt.
“Yep. Just taking a break after college so I can figure out what I wanna do in life.” You shrugged. “Is being a contractor any fun?”
“Well, sweetheart, I doubt you’d like it very much.” Joel smiled, glueing his eyes to yours with steely resolve. 
He was not going to look down at your body this time. He was not going to ogle the tight fit of your one-piece. He was better than the average man.
Besides, you were definitely too young for him. Possibly even young enough to be his daughter. You’d likely recoil in disgust and horror and, possibly, contact the local authorities to capture him, the creepy older man, if he were to ever make a move.
“Eh. I was open to the idea.” You laughed, shaking your head. “But I guess it’s dominated by big, strong hunks like you, huh?”
“I mean, I—” Joel began, but cut himself off upon realising what you had just said.
He blinked. Did you just flirt with him?
As if sensing that Joel was getting somewhere other than friendly banter with her swimming teacher, Sarah jogged up to the two of you.
“Daddy, I’m hungry. Let’s go home!” She pulled at his wrist.
Joel cleared his throat, offered you a quick goodbye, and led his daughter outside back to their car.
“I promise it’s funny.” Bryan nudged your shoulder, giving you a very indiscreet once-over.
Joel was shamelessly eavesdropping on your post-lesson conversation as he towelled Sarah’s unruly hair nearby. Not to be nosy, of course, just to find out whether he was your boyfriend or not. Out of pure curiosity, really. No ulterior motive whatsoever…
“I somehow doubt that.” You hummed, no amusement evident in your unimpressed tone.
“Okay, so, there’s this ginger, a brunette, and a blonde—”
“I’ll stop you right there, Bryan, is the punchline, by any chance, ‘breaststroke’?”
“Well, shit.” Bryan sighed.
Joel chuckled to himself, giving Sarah one last tousle with the towel before settling it over her shoulders. 
He concluded you either hated your boyfriend, or he wasn’t your boyfriend at all. 
Joel preferred the second option.
“I’m just getting some water. You okay with the kids?” You pulled yourself out of the pool, glancing at Bryan.
“Yep. All good here,” He called back.
With a nod, you draped your towel over your shoulders and made your way towards the deck chair that held your things.
It seemed that the heavens were smiling on you that day, too, because none other than Mr Miller himself occupied the chair beside yours.
And what a sight he was.
Sun-bathing, his sunglasses resting over closed eyes, and his broad, bare, tanned chest exposed to all. 
“Having fun there, Mr Miller?” You smiled, taking a seat on your chair, bringing your water bottle to your lips.
Joel lowered his sunglasses and very discreetly let his gaze travel down your body. 
You bit back a grin. He always thought he was so subtle.
“Absolutely, coach. Need to set a timer, though, or I’ll end up medium well-done.” Joel sat up, facing you.
You snorted at his dad-humour.
“Tan looks great.” You commented, wiping your brow with your towel.
“You think?” Joel smiled, reaching for the can of soda on his side table and taking a sip. “Thank you very much, sweetheart.”
“No problem at all, Mr Miller.” You licked your lips, your gaze momentarily caught on his … form-fitting trunks. “Well, I better get back to it.”
“Yeah. Wouldn’t want to keep your boyfriend waiting.” He pushed his sunglasses back up his aquiline nose.
“My—oh! Oh. Bryan? No. Ew,” You held back a gag. “No. No. God, no.”
Joel chuckled.
“I think you may need one more ‘no’ to prove your point there, darlin’.”
“No.” You played along. “Him and I are strictly friends. Besides, he isn’t my type.”
“He isn’t?” 
“I like my men like I like my cheese.” You shrugged, standing up.
“Don’t say smelly.” Joel laughed.
You opened your mouth but decided to leave your preferences shrouded in mystery as you began walking off.
Well, until you threw him a look over your shoulder, catching him in the act of staring at your ass, but pretending not to notice.
Joel choked on nothing while you innocently walked away like you hadn’t just made a heavily suggestive remark.
“Daddy? Can I go talk to Amanda for a second?” Sarah asked, her gaze flickering over to a plait-wearing blonde girl nearby.
“Yeah, okay, sugar. Be quick, though. Tommy’s coming over soon.” Joel squeezed her shoulder before letting her run off, her wet flip-flops squeaking against the tiled poolside as she approached her friend.
Joel shook his head and smiled. He was so proud of his girl for overcoming her phobia. Maybe he needed to treat her to ice-cream one of these days–
“Hi, Mr Miller.”
After craning his head, Joel found you standing behind him. Bright-eyed and wearing that same, impossibly tight, lifeguard swimsuit. Thank God for nylon.
“Hey, coach.” Joel offered you a lopsided grin. 
“I just wanted to say, I’ve been really impressed with your daughter over these past few weeks.”
“She’s a fast learner.” Joel moved beside you, still facing Sarah and her little friend but keeping his eyes trained on you. “Unlike me.”
“Does she get it from your wife, then…?”
Joel couldn’t shake his head faster. “No wife.”
And there went his eyes, dragging down your slightly wet body. Christ, it was like you jumped straight out of a Baywatch episode—keep it together, Miller!
“Oh.” You coughed. “So that’s why all the moms flock around you.”
Joel let out a short laugh. “I think you’re exaggerating, sweetheart.”
You took a quick glimpse at the hoard of middle-aged women unabashedly staring at the wide-shouldered man next to you before returning your sights to the wide-shouldered man himself.
“I don’t think I am.” Your lips pulled upward in a small smile. “Well, anyway. Just wanted to catch you before our final lesson next week.”
“Our final lesson’s next week?” Joel sputtered out, sounding way less calm and collected than he had intended.
“Yeah. Unless you want to learn how to swim, too.”
“I think I’m all covered in that department, darlin’.” Joel smiled. “But thank you. For everything. I know this whole shindig is free, but I just wish there was some way I could repay you.”
You clicked your tongue and, if Joel caught that correctly, lowered your voice.
“I’m sure we can find some way for you to pay me back, Mr Miller.” You said innocently, but your half-lidded eyes told another story.
Before he could so much as utter out the first syllable of a reply, Sarah came darting back.
“Okay, Daddy, let’s go!” She took her father by the hand and spared you a glance. “Bye, coach!”
Joel tried to hide both his shock from your very obvious innuendo as well as his disappointment from his daughter’s very poor timing.
He rubbed a hand down the lower half of his face and nodded at his daughter. “Let’s go then, pumpkin.” He gripped her hand and turned to you with a slightly dazed smile. “I’ll see you next week, sweetheart.”
“That you will, Mr Miller.” With a quick wink, you spun around on your heel and made your way toward the shower rooms.
As fate would have it, barely half an hour later, Joel found himself sighing unhappily and looking down at his daughter as he attempted to contain his frustrations.
“We just got home—what do you mean, you left your goggles at the pool?” Joel said through a deep exhale.
“Sorry, Daddy, I didn’t mean to forget them.” Sarah shuffled her feet, her eyes locked on the floor in front of her and her fingers twisting the bottom of her t-shirt.
Tommy stuck his head out from the kitchen, one hand clutching a can of Bud Light and the other braced on the doorframe.
“Yeah, Joel, she didn’t mean to.” He piped in, unhelpfully.
“Shut up, Tommy,” Joel grumbled, shooting him a quick glare.
His brother just smirked and took a sip of his beer.
Joel sighed and turned back to Sarah, pinching his nose bridge. “Look, pumpkin, it’s fine. I’ll just drive back to the pool and get ‘em for you, okay?”
Sarah frowned. “Will you be back in time for dinner?”
“Yeah, Joel, you better be. You’re the one making it.” Tommy let out a dramatic huff.
Joel ignored him.
“Won’t take but a hot minute.” Joel ruffled Sarah’s unruly curls and pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head before turning away toward the front door.
“Say ‘hi’ to sweetheart for me, if you see her!” Sarah smiled up at him.
Joel paused mid-step, his shoes halfway on.
“Hi to who, now?” Tommy leaned closer.
“That ain’t her name, pumpkin.” Joel chose not to look directly at Tommy as he huffed out another sigh and yanked his shoes fully on.
“Ain’t that what you call her, though?”
“Now, who are you callin’ ‘sweetheart’, Joel Miller?” Tommy wore a shit-eating grin on his face.
Joel decidedly ignored him, believing it to be the best course of action.
“Watch my kid, Tommy!” He called as he stepped out of the house.
The pool area was mostly deserted by the time Joel returned to it, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows over the lengthy stretch of lane-roped waters.
Joel walked a slow lap around the perimeter of the pool, scanning the tiles and lounge chairs and the lone lifeguard tower for any sign of Sarah’s goggles.
Turning around, Joel’s eyes landed on the entrance to the womens’ locker rooms. He huffed out a heavy sigh, running his hand through his grey-flecked hair. He would have preferred to not snoop in there in fear of startling any lingering guests, but he decided that there wouldn’t be anyone this close to closing time on a Sunday and, moreover, didn’t want to come home empty-handed and disappoint his daughter.
So, on he went.
The locker rooms were quiet when he tentatively stepped inside, the scent of chlorine and cheap soap clinging to the air. 
Fortunately, it seemed that he was the only one in its vicinity.
And, even more fortunately, Joel immediately spotted Sarah’s bright green goggles lying by its lonesome on a bench near the showers.
He was ready to make a beeline for them and head quickly home, but upon taking a few steps forward, Joel’s ears caught the distant sound of a shower running.
Turning his head toward the source of the splashing sounds, Joel’s eyes immediately noticed a swimsuit hanging precariously off the shower curtain rod.
But not just any swimsuit. It was a red one-piece with what appeared to be ‘lifeguard’ in bold, along the front.
It was your swimsuit. 
You were in the shower.
Joel pursed his lips. Just his fucking luck. Of course, the inappropriately young girl he tried not fantasising about for weeks was the only other person there.
Mentally chastising himself for even entering the locker rooms in the first place, Joel pivoted sharply and began making his way toward the exit.
He didn’t get very far, though, because, after two intentionally light steps, he heard his own name drifting from the steaming shower.
He stiffened. Evidently, he was caught. He’d have to apologise profusely and somehow testify that he was not, in fact, a perverted Peeping Tom—
“Joel,” You sighed, followed by … shit, was that a moan?
And at that moment, Joel realised that, alongside the splashing of water echoing from the stall, there was the unmistakable clap and squelch of—
“Joel! Oh… fuck,” Your breathy moan carried easily down the short hall.
You were fucking yourself to the thought of him.
Shit, shit, shit.
If Joel were a better man, he would already be in his car, driving home. He would have forgotten this encounter had ever occurred, tucked it deep into the depths of his mind, granted you a curt farewell for the final lesson the coming week, and proceeded to never see you again.
But Joel wasn’t a better man.
Judging by how quickly his dick came to life to rest, half-hard, against his thigh in his swim trunks, Joel was an awful person.
Well, he couldn’t come home nursing a semi, now could he?
Yeah. Reaching down to pull his throbbing cock out of his waistband was the right thing to do.
At least, that’s what he told himself as he leaned against a corner and slowly slid his fist down his stiffening length.
“Joel! Fuck, your cock feels so good!” Your pitchy whine floated down the room, amplified by the generosity of the tile acoustics.
Joel’s dick twitched in his hand. 
Out of habit, he tightened his grip around his base and fucked up into his fist, squeezing his eyes shut and pretending it was your tight cunt he was jutting in and out of.
And it wasn’t hard to pretend, either. What with the sinful noises you were making a few stalls away, and the desperate pleas of ‘that’s it, Joel, fuck me harder!’
With pearls of precum dribbling down his tip and smearing along his hand with each thrust, Joel felt himself near his release. Judging by the increasingly airy quality of your whines, you were facing the same predicament.
Joel continued to fuck his fist, picturing you in various filthy scenarios. 
You, slowly wrapping your dainty hand around his hard-on and eagerly taking over.
You, on your knees, choking on his cock. 
You, tits smushed against tile as Joel fucked you with reckless abandon under the hot torrents of the showerhead.
Ramming brutally into your greedy fucking pussy, watching as his come-soaked dick disappeared in and out of your tight channel—
“Fuck!” Joel cursed aloud after a particularly enthusiastic thrust.
Suddenly, the water stopped. So did your noises.
Joel stilled. Oh, shit.
“Hello?” Came your voice, meekly. “Is … Is someone there?”
As silently as he could, Joel released his hold on his cock and carefully tucked himself back in his trunks.
Shit. What was he going to do?
Almost immediately after he regained his decency, the shower curtain slid halfway open with a faint metallic rattle, and you cautiously peered out, hiding most of your body behind the vinyl barrier.
“...Mr Miller?” You said, uncertainly, as if half-convinced he was some kind of dreamlike apparition.
Joel cleared his throat and took an instinctive step back.
“Uh—yeah. Just, uh… goggles. Sarah’s goggles.” He stuttered, holding them up weakly. “Her goggles. She left them here. The goggles.”
“Well, thank god you clarified that.” You smacked your lips, a sarcastic bite to your tone. The snarkiness soon faded from your expression once you added, with knitted brows, “you’re in the womens’ showers.”
“Yeah, I—” Joel winced. “I know.”
After a moment or two, you opened your mouth to say something else, but the words died in your throat as your eyes fell on Joel’s trunks.
More specifically, the raging bulge making itself known in his lap.
“You’re hard.” You stated, your cheeks flushing a pretty shade of pink.
Joel’s eyes shot wide open. He glanced down, too, and sure enough, he was hard. It was almost as if he was fucking his hand to the thought of you only moments before. Oh, wait, that’s because he was!
To preserve the last shred of dignity in Joel’s inexecusably shameful body, he threw his hands over his groin and attempted to stammer out a valid excuse.
“Sorry, sweetheart—” No, he wasn’t. “—I, um… well, you see, I…”
Your eyes found the faint traces of precum on his right hand.
“Were you … jerking off to me in the shower?”
Yes, yes, he was.
“Frankly, darlin’, I think the better question here is, were you jerking off to me in the shower?” Joel coughed.
Your eyes trailed over his body, lingering again on where he covered his hard-on.
“I was.” Your stare found his. “Your turn, Mr Miller.”
Joel sucked in a breath through his teeth. There was definitely no backing out now.
He nodded slowly. Reprehensibly. 
Shame churned within him as he desperately wished for the ground to open up at his feet and swallow him whole, possibly even spitting him back out into the fiery pits of hell where he so clearly belonged after what he had done. Unfortunately for him, the earth, indifferent to his suffering, remained stubbornly solid beneath him, leaving him stranded in his own mortification.
“Look, sweetheart, I can’t express how sorry I—lord almighty.”
Instead of letting him scramble to finish whatever bullshit he was cooking up, you decided to pull the shower curtain all the way back.
Joel gulped, taking in your newly-exposed bare body, from the soft curve of your breasts to the thickness of your thighs to the seam of your … fuck, to the seam of the same pussy you were probably fingering just moments before; glazed in glistening beads of water under the cool fluorescent lights. 
You were fucking gorgeous. 
So gorgeous, in fact, that Joel felt his cock fully spring to life at the sight of you, standing naked and dripping-wet from the rain of showerhead.
“Let me… let me help you out.” You bit your lower lip, your eyes hazy.
“H-Help me out?” Joel breathed, staggering backward, his hands still persevering to conserve his modesty.
You slowly approached him, stopping when any semblance of personal space was lost, and dropped down to your knees.
Jesus Fucking Christ. 
Joel heard himself swallow.
“Don’t you want this, Mr Miller?” You looked up at him, your eyes pleading and almost doll-like from that angle.
While waiting for his response, your hands softly wrapped themselves around his, guiding them away from his lap to meet his tenting swim trunks head-on.
Joel, meanwhile, was busy trying to convince himself this wet dream of a situation was really happening whilst simultaneously refraining from spending his load in his trunks, because the vision of you, bare and waiting patiently on your knees, looked downright sinful.
“Doesn’t matter if I do.” Joel shook his head slowly, not registering the fact that his grip on the goggles loosened to a point where they fell to the floor in a dull clatter. “This… this is wrong.”
“The way I see it,” You hummed, your hands finding gentle purchase on his hips. “I’m naked. And already wet. And you’re…”
Your eyes flickered down to his bulge and wet your lips. Upon seeing this, Joel’s breath hitched in his throat.
“Ain’t there some—some rule against, I don’t know, a coach fraternising with a parent in this way?” Joel furrowed his brows, distractedly taking your chin in his hands and tilting your head upwards.
“No.” You eagerly let him direct you, moving at his will. 
“You sure?” 
“Positive.” The corners of your mouth pulled up in a small smile.
“What if someone comes—yeah, fuck it, I ain’t gonna keep pretending like I don’t want this.” Joel shook his head, his eyes dragging over you unabashedly.
“Oh yeah?” Your smile only widened.
“Go on then, darlin’.” Joel purred, his voice a low and rough timbre, his eyes overtaken with want. “What was it you said a while ago…? Help me out.”
With his less-than-reluctant approval, you tossed him another heart-stuttering wink, slipped your fingers past his waistband, and pulled him out.
And, fuck, you were not disappointed.
Joel was big, to say the least; in both length and girth, and you may have felt your cunt quivering at the mere thought of the possibility of taking him inside you later, but you were quickly overtaken by need upon seeing the drops of precum spilling from of his head.
With a hand wrapped around his base, you stuck your tongue out to lick a stripe up his length, tasting the salt of his skin and his arousal.
At your actions, Joel inhaled a sharp breath.
“You gonna finish what you started now?” Joel mused from above you, closing a fist around your grip on his cock and bringing it closer to your parted lips. He gently tapped your cheek with his free hand. “Open up for me, sweetheart.”
And you gladly did so, taking his tip into your mouth and swirling your tongue around his head like a fucking lolipop.
“Fuck,” Joel gritted his teeth, tossing his head back against the wall.
Taking his expletive as a sign to continue, you proceeded to hollow your cheeks and take his length deeper, as deep as physically possible without making you choke. 
“That all you can take?” Joel tutted, caressing your cheek.
Much to your determined efforts, you only managed to fit a little more than half of him in your mouth. Because, fuck, was he big.
You whined around his cock in response.
“Shh,” Joel murmured. “‘S okay. ‘S okay, sweetheart.”
His deep brown gaze met yours, and for a second, you could have mistaken the emotion swimming in his eyes as affection. 
“Nice and slow, hm?” Joel said through a satisfied exhale, his brows furrowed at the sensation of being enveloped by the warmth of your mouth. 
His fingers threaded through your hair, coming to grasp at your roots, but remained stationary, waiting for you to make the first move.
You looked up at him through your eyelashes and held that eye contact as you began moving your head back and forth. Seeing his eyes briefly flutter in pleasure, you flattened your tongue against the underside of his cock, feeling it twitch as you continued your movements.
“Fuck, sweetheart. That’s it.” His grip in your hair tightened.
You started to bob your head up and down at a quicker pace as you sucked him greedily, your hand moving in deft strokes along the stretch of his length your mouth couldn’t entertain.
Joel cursed under his breath and guided you on and off his cock in a steady rhythm as he fisted your hair.
And, fuck, he let himself thrust into your mouth once or twice, but upon hearing you gag, resolved to let you take charge of the speed entirely.
“Sorry sweetheart,” Joel breathed. “Sounded pretty chokin’ on my cock, but I guess I went too far, hm?” He sighed, caressing your cheek again.
You moaned with his cock heavy on your tongue, signalling your eagerness to die of asphyxiation from a fucking blowjob, and begun to take him even further into your mouth, feeling his head touch the back of your throat.
“Shit, darlin’.” Joel groaned. “That’s a good girl. Taking it so well.”
A strangled sound escaped from your otherwise occupied throat as you continued to deepthroat a man old enough to be your father.
Truly realising the situation you found yourself in, you felt a needy sensation thrum from in between your legs. Whilst continuing to bob your head around his cock, your hand went to trail down your front and relieve some of that tension you ached to be rid of, rubbing your clit furiously.
“Oh, my poor girl.” Joel cooed, seeing this. “Come on, now. Up you get,” He gently pulled you off his cock (wincing at the loss of your mouth) and up to stand in front of him.
“Not good?” You breathed, resting a hand on his chest while his hands settled on either side of your waist.
“No, sweetheart, it was very good.” Joel dipped his head down so his mouth was less than an inch away from yours, every word releasing as a warm breath against your lips. 
And then he leaned down to capture your mouth in a desperate, hungry, horribly sloppy kiss, licking into you and no doubt tasting his own arousal on your tongue.
You didn’t even register he was walking you backward until your back hit the shower wall.
“Just wanna fuck you now,” Joel mumbled, his half-lidded stare drifted down your bare form before flickering back up to meet your eyes.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” You smirked, pulling him back into another frenzied kiss.
Joel smiled against your lips.
“So mouthy,” He tutted in that authoritative, paternal voice you’ve heard him use before, in between eager kisses. “I’d like to teach you a lesson, sweetheart, but I’m afraid I’m too fuckin’ impatient myself right now.”
At the sound of that, you clenched your thighs together.
The slant of his mouth trailed down your jaw to your neck, sucking and biting at your wet skin, humming in pleasure as he did so. Simultaneously, his big, calloused hand made their way from your waist down to your lower abdomen, and lower, still, until you felt his fingers ghost over your slick entrance.
You gasped.
“Mr Miller–”
“‘Joel’, darlin’. It’s ‘Joel.’” He mumbled against your neck, his stubble scraping lightly against your skin. “Heard you moanin’ it in here a while ago, I’m fairly certain you know how to pronounce it.”
“Joel,” You obliged, biting your lower lip as you felt Joel’s fingers meander nearer to your core.
“Yes, sweetheart?” 
“You don’t have to… you know,” You glanced down in between both your bodies.
Joel followed your gaze and saw his own fingers hovering close to your aching mound.
“Think I do.” He clicked his tongue. “Need to get ya ready. Wouldn’t wanna hurt that pretty pussy of yours when I… well, to put it bluntly, darlin’, I don’t wanna hurt your pretty pussy when I’m fuckin’ you in a little bit.”
“Oh,” You breathed.
“Yeah,” Joel hummed, nudging your cheek with his nose. “That sound good to you, sweetheart?”
You nodded almost too avidly.
“Good,” Joel sighed, his fingers skimming over your aching cunt and just barely dipping inside your folds. “Just relax, darlin’. I gotcha.”
That was the last of the preamble before you felt one of his fingers slip inside, dragging up and down against your walls.
Normally, if left to your own devices, you were barely satisfied with a singular digit of your own. But here you were, gasping and clenching around just his middle finger.
Content with your reaction, Joel kissed your neck and slipped another finger to crook alongside the first in an even rhythm that began to spark a familiar warmth in your gut.
“There we go.” He mumbled against your skin.
“Fuck,” You whispered as you felt his thumb settle on your clit.
You felt Joel smile against your pulse point. And then, with his other big hand, he gently held your face and titled it to the side to pepper kisses along your jaw.
“You can take another, can’t you? Yeah, you can.” Joel hummed, and before you could respond, you felt a third finger slip inside, stretching you wider. 
Your eyes squeezed shut as Joel’s fingers curled inside you at a faster rhythm while his thumb graciously swiped at your clit.
Blood pounded in your ears. Your breathing shallowed. You were so, so close.
“Joel, please…” 
“Please what? C’mon, baby, use your words like a big girl.”
His fingers only sped up, dragging against your walls so deliciously and filling you better than your own hand could have ever done.
You inhaled.
“Please don’t s-stop.” Your breath hitched in your throat. “I’m so close.”
“You wanna come for me? ‘S that it?” Joel cooed, his breath warm against your skin and right beside your ear.
“Come for me then, sweetheart. Let me hear you,”
With a scream of his name, your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave, sending you into a light-headed bliss as you clutched his big upper arms.
His fingers only began to slow once your cunt stopped pulsing rapidly around him, and when you caught your breath again, he tenderly slipped them out.
“Made a mess of my fingers, huh?” He mumbled, staring down at how his hand glistened with your arousal.
You felt your cheeks redden.
“I’m sorry–”
“Don’t fucking be,”
And you watched as Joel stuck a finger in his mouth and sucked your slick off it like it was a world-class dessert.
“That was hot,” Was your breathless response.
“Oh yeah?” The corner of his lips tugged upward as his eyes danced from your own to your parted lips. 
A soft, low laugh rumbled in his throat.
“Come here,” Joel sighed, placing a hand on the small of your back and another on the side of your face, leaning down to devour your lips in another messy kiss.
His tongue slid inside your mouth as if starved, licking against your tongue and letting you taste your own pleasure. All while the hand on your face brought you closer and gently stroked the curve of your cheek.
After a few moments, Joel broke the kiss almost regretfully.
He barely pulled away, his lips closely within reach of yours, and his breath mingling with your own as he spoke in a deep, gruff rasp.
“You still want this, sweetheart?”
Joel smirked. “A simple ‘yes’ would’ve sufficed.”
Before you could form a response to his slightly snarky remark, your breath was stolen from you at the sight of Joel tugging down his trunks fully and stepping out of them.
Glancing down, you found that he was still incredibly hard. Almost painfully, by the look of how his cock practically bounced up to his navel. Clearly, your recent oral assistance did nothing to tame the lust in his body.
Joel crowded you up against the wall once more, his tall frame easily looming over yours. One of his big hands went to caress your jawline, angling your head up toward him, and the other went to your thigh, wrapping your leg around his waist.
“Been a while for me.” He sighed, a hint of embarrassment peeking through his tone. “You tell me if I get … carried away, yeah?”
Instinctively, you hung your arms around his wide shoulders, bringing him even closer.
“Yes, sir.” Your lips quirked upward.
“Good girl,” He hummed, his thumb absently running along your bottom lip.
Then, the hand cupping your face went to guide his aching dick to notch against your entrance, sliding against your wet mound.
And, with a shaky inhale slipping past his lips, he sheathed himself inside you. 
“Fuck, you feel good,” Joel muttered lowly.
You let out a whine at the feeling. 
Despite being barely halfway in, Joel was already proving to be more than sufficient, especially from the way your velvety walls were already pulsing wildly around his length.
“I know, I know, I know,” Joel sighed, his thumb caressing where he held a grip on your thigh. “‘S okay, sweetheart. Shh, you can take it.”
In response, you nodded.
And Joel drove himself the entire way, balls-deep, his greying pubic hair tickling the inside of your upper thighs. He gasped in your ear at the feeling of the first full thrust and at the sensation of your channel clamping desperately around him.
He filled you up so fucking well.
“You doin’ okay? Hm?” He mumbled, leaving lazy, aimless kisses along your neck.
“Need more.” 
“Oh? She wants more, huh?” He smirked against your skin. “That what you were imaginin’ in the shower?”
“Y-Yeah,” You whispered.
“Flirtin’ with me for weeks now, and here you are bein’ all shy.” Joel tsked. “Don’t worry, you’ll get more, darlin’.”
Joel began sawing in and out of you at a relaxed pace, letting out low groans of satisfaction. 
With every sloppy thrust, you heard the distant wet thud of your back against the shower tiles, sounding in a steady rhythm. But, despite each measured roll of his hips sending white-hot shivers throughout your throbbing cunt, you found yourself dangerously craving even more.
“Harder?” Joel hummed coyly.
“Joel,” You whined.
“Careful what you wish for, sweetheart,” Joel mumbled against the corner of your mouth.
You only realised you were moaning obscenely loud when the echo had bounced around the room, and Joel was muttering something encouragingly into your skin.
“That’s it. Y’sound real fuckin’ pretty.”
Joel’s thrusts had picked up the pace. The only sound competing with the volume of your moans were the crude wet slaps of his body against yours.
Slap, slap, slap.
You thanked your lucky stars the shower rooms were deserted after the swimming lessons, because you were sure even if someone happened to walk in on you two fucking like wild rabbits, you wouldn’t let him stop.
And some part of you knew that he wouldn’t want to, either. Not with the way he was breathing airy curses beside your ear and mumbling about how ‘fuckin’ tight’ you were and other such filthy ramblings.
After a particularly harsh thrust, you felt his pace falter and his dick twitch against your walls.
“Fuck,” He whispered sharply.
Out of the blue, Joel pulled out, leaving your slick mound vacant for a heartbeat or two before he spun you around roughly, forcing you to brace yourself against the wall.
And, not long after, he fed you the entirety of his cock again in one deep thrust.
“Joel!” You gasped. 
Your hands, stretched out in front of you and anchored against the wall, scrambled to find a grip on the smooth, slippery surface.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He said from somewhere behind you, beginning to ram into you at a brutal pace as he held you in place with an iron grip on your hips. “Needed—fuck… Needed this.”
With your tits pressed against the tiles and his length kissing your cervix after every drag against your pulsing walls, your vision began to blur and your lower gut began to flutter. 
You were very fucking close.
As if reading your mind, one of Joel’s hands trailed from your hip to your front, sliding down until he brushed your clit. And then he began rubbing the sensitive nub in sloppy semi-circle motions, tutting sweet words as you whined nonsensical syllables.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Let me hear you,” He cooed soothingly.
You let out a pitchy whine, “feels so good.” 
“That right?” Joel mumbled distractedly, using a rough hand on your neck to turn your head toward him despite the awkward angle, and claimed your lips hungrily, licking desperately into your mouth as if it was the last thing he’d ever do, and letting out hoarse noises of appreciation as he did so.
His hips continued to jut into you, setting an erratic, jerky pace.
Slap. Slap-slap. Slap. Slap-slap-slap.
You arched back against him and unintentionally broke the kiss when the overflowing pleasure spiked incredibly high.
“J-Joel,” You breathed.
The man, who was single-mindedly pistoning in and out of your splayed legs, hummed a sound of acknowledgment in response, his warm breath ghosting over your cheek.
“Joel, I’m close,” You whispered, the heat of both your bodies meeting where your back leaned against his front. 
“Are you?” He replied almost casually.
His fingers only sped in their motions, swiping at your clit almost feverishly as he continued to rut animalistically into you; each thrust stretching your aching cunt impossibly wide and oh so easily finding your cervix—
“Fuck!” Your chest tightened.
“Ask for it.” Joel’s gentle yet commanding tone nearly made your knees buckle. 
That, and the manic force at which he was fucking into you.
“Go on, baby. Ask.” His nose nudged at the side of your face, breathing in your scent as he tutted lowly, “hate to see you all worked up like this.”
“Shit—please! Can I come, please?” You acquiesced.
You felt the muscles of his rugged face pull up in a small smile against your cheek and his dick twitch inside your tight walls, sending shivers down your spine.
“Be a good girl and come for me then, sweetheart,” Joel said in between strained breaths. “Come all over my cock, I gotcha.”
Your climax came rippling over your whole body, a prolonged resonance that sent you into the territory of overstimulation—much more powerful than your first orgasm—as neither his fingers nor his cock slowed down in their frenzied pursuits. 
So, there you were, chanting his name like a prayer and clenching tightly around his relentless length.
When the fluttering of your cunt subsided, Joel hurriedly pulled out and wrapped a hand around his throbbing cock, fucking up into his fist frantically and cursing under his breath. You all but folded against the wall as you felt his loss, sticking your ass out and waiting for the inevitable.
Soon, his breath caught in his throat, and you felt hot ropes of his come spill over your back.
“Shit.” Joel sighed, gently rubbing along your sides. 
He pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder once he recollected himself a few moments after, still softly trailing his hands up and down as both of your breaths evened.
“You okay over there, sweetheart?”
You nodded weakly, unable to voice your satisfaction with your brains all fucked out.
Joel huffed a short laugh. “C’mon, I’ll clean you up.”
Somewhere behind you, the shower handle groaned with a faint squeak. A dull clunk followed, and then, with a sudden rush, water erupted from the showerhead, dousing the two of you in a sputtering cascade.
Gently, Joel tugged you away from the wall to stand directly under the jet of water, softly helping you wash away any reminders of your reckless impropriety.
He pressed reverent kisses along your jaw, down your neck, and around your collarbone as you got cleaned up.
There was no hidden, lustful agenda to this, as far as you could tell. You assumed it was either a result of his years of fatherhood or some testament to his overall caring nature, but either way, you weren’t complaining. You happily let your eyes fall closed as sheets of warm water streamed down your body, all while Joel’s lips tentatively found yours, then your neck, and his strong hands moved along your body.
“Um…” Joel began after he had turned off the shower, looking at you with his big, soft eyes. “I know this is the completely wrong order of things, but would you like to–”
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You didn’t even know what I was gonna say.”
“Were you gonna ask me out on a date?”
“Yeah,” Joel laughed bashfully. "Is that... is that okay?"
You stepped closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, and rising on your tiptoes to meet his lips in a lazy kiss.
“The answer’s yes.” You mumbled without breaking away for too long.
You felt Joel smile against your lips.
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norrisainz33 · 8 months ago
Champ || MV33
☆ summary: Max is chasing down another wdc while his partner is competing for gold at the olympics
☆ pairing: max verstappen x olympian!reader
☆ fc: ilona maher
☆ warnings: some haters and mildly suggestive but other than that none
ynuser made a post
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liked by maxverstappen1, usarugby, redbullracing, yourbff, and 65,123 others
ynuser: i’m on the road to paris 💙🏅🏉
view all 143 comments
user1: yes y/n/n!!! you are THAT girl
maxverstappen1: an unstoppable force 💪🏻
verstappencom: try not to say goat challenge failed
user2: y/n master class incoming
yoursibling: beauty, brawn AND brains 😫
user4: every 4 years i get possessed by a bald eagle and find the patriotism i never had. USA USA USA LETS GO Y/N
maxverstappen1 made a post
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liked by redbullracing, verstappencom, ynuser, danielricciardo, and 345,123 others
maxverstappen1: the grind never stops! getting in some final reps before y/n heads off to paris 💪🏻🏅
view all 345 comments
redbullracing: good luck at the olympics y/n!
user3: the way she’s lifting more than him,, iconic
user4: i’m foaming at the mouth something about the max gym pics get me
danielricciardo: hot
maxverstappen1: mate don’t talk about my partner like that
danielricciardo: max im talking about you
maxverstappen1: oh 🤭
ynuser: am i interrupting something?
ynuser: i’m going to miss you
maxverstappen1: bring me back that medal baby
ynuser: on it 💪🏻
redbullracing posted a video
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view all comments
user14: max melts every time someone mentions y/n
user5: notice how his face lights up, oh he’s so down bad
user8: wife? what is he.. a girl?? like ik his gf looks like a man but? this is ridiculous redbullracing
user6: did you see the part where max got offended?? yeah i didn’t either gtfo of here
user9: user8 just because she’s strong doesn’t make her less feminine. good bye loser
user10: a man can be a wife stfu!! also y/n is perfect do not even try me
redbullracing: that’s the spirit! 💪🏻
user14: making one of these for my partner rn
user99: whoever made this - i love you
maxverstappen1 has made a post
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liked by ynuser, redbullracing, charlesleclerc, verstappencom, and 674,441 others
maxverstappen1: great job today by the team and everyone back at the factory. huge win on the board to close out the first half of the season (featuring a very important radio conversation). see you all in zandvoort!
view all 894 comments
user24: max emilian the man that you are
charlesleclerc: congrats on p1 and for being the best olympic wife
maxverstappen1: thank you, i take my duties very seriously
user88: CHARLES
user55: lestappen crumbs
redbullracing: congrats on p1 max! that’s our world champion 💪🏻
landonorris: great race mate! we’ll keep up the battle in the second half 😉
maxverstappen1: we’ll see about that
ynuser: max 😭😭 you’re crazy i love you
maxverstappen1: i love you more
ynuser: not possible!
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maxverstappen1 has made a post
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liked by danielricciardo, charlesleclerc, carmenmundt, ynuser, redbullracing, logansargeant and 879,057 others
maxverstappen1: y/n y/l/n - olympic gold medalist, best player in the world, love of my life and soon to be wife
view all 1,435 comments
user99: THEY GOT ENGAGED?!?!
user88: when her teammates pointed him out in the stands and she almost fell to her knees (i’m sleeping in the road tonight)
redbullracing: congratulations on a hard fought win y/n 💙 the red bull fam is so proud
ynuser: my maxie, my world champ and my future husband 🤍
maxverstappen1: i love it when you’re possessive
landonorris: there are kids on this app
danielricciardo: YESSSS Y/N!! that’s our girl!
danielricciardo: p.s you gotta warn a man before you publicly announce things like this
charlesleclerc: no really max when were you going to tell us?
maxverstappen1: if you checked the group chat you would know
landonorris: daniel & charles there’s even photos in the gc 🤦‍♂️
user22: quick leak the photos lando im begging
ynuser made a post
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liked by iamrebeccad, maxverstappen1, redbullracing, usarugby, danielricciardo, and 101,432 others
ynuser: i won gold in more ways than one! truly an unforgettable experience - congrats to the team and thank you to everyone who supported us on our journey. it looks like next olympic games i’ll be competing as y/n verstappen 🫶🏻🏅🇺🇸
view all 783 comments
iamrebeccad: making history!! so glad we got to celebrate with you 💙
ynuser: my love , i’m so glad you made it to paris 💙
redbullracing: we’ve got two world champions now 💪🏻
user22: and one of them is not named checo LOL
user53: i know that’s right!
maxverstappen1: incredible team and an incredible effort!
maxverstappen1: you have inspired me in more ways than i can even express, congratulations mrs. verstappen 😍🤍
ynuser: thank you for the endless support mr. verstappen 🥹
ynuser made a post
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liked by maxverstappen1, iamrebeccad, carmenmundt, georgerussell63, yourbff, and 87,980 others
ynuser: when he flies out all the girlies to celebrate your success and your engagement 💅🏻🏅
tagged: carmenmundt, iamrebeccad, alexandrasaintmleux, lilymhe, lilyzneimer and maxverstappen1
view all 345 comments
user20: the most iconic girl group im so jealous
user22: i want to be their friend so bad 😭
alexandrasaintmleux: so happy for you mon coeur
iamrebbeccad: there’s no place i’d have rather been
lilymhe: i am your biggest fan
lilyzneimer: i love love and you
carmenmundt: thanks for inviting us maxverstappen1
user99: max flying out all her friends omg
a/n: another installment of olympic reader. love the olympics, love rugby so had to put them together and i v much feel like max would support tf out of his strong olympic girly.
© norrisainz33: please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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hoshifighting · 3 months ago
ok... so i've seen your amazing college fling works for seungcheol, jeonghan, and joshua.... but what about one for hoshi 👉👈
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WARNINGS: freshmen!hoshi, late night practices, burn-out, shyness, sunbae!reader, fluff, a lil bit of angst.
WC: 2.8k of this... judge me 🗣needed to divide this into parts...
part 1 / part 2
college fling!hoshi that you clocked that he was a freshman by the very moment he stepped into the dance practice room. it started with the smell, honestly. freshman reek—like nervous sweat and too much axe body spray, paired with the faintest whiff of fear. baggy-ass hoodie that practically swallowed his arms, hands shoved deep in his pockets like they’d get fined if they came out, sneakers so new they squeaked against the gym floor. he looked young. not in a bad way, just in that “i’m not used to being left unsupervised” way.
he stood in the doorway like he didn’t know what to do with himself. everyone else was stretching, pulling their limbs into shapes human joints probably weren’t meant for, and there he was, swaying on the balls of his feet like a kid waiting to ask if they could borrow a crayon.
“you lost?” you called out, not even looking up from where you were sitting, tying your shoelaces.
“huh? n-no, i’m, uh—this is intro to hip-hop?”
the way he said it like a question had you biting back a grin. “yeah, you’re in the right place. c’mon in before the instructor roasts your ass for lurking.”
he shuffled in, taking a spot in the back corner like he was hoping no one would notice him. “i'm invisible if i stand still enough”, he thinks. but of course, everyone noticed him. new kid energy was impossible to ignore, and to top it off, he had that awkwardly cute thing going on. messy bangs falling into his eyes, face pink like he was one awkward comment away from combusting. his eyes, wide and curious, darting around like he was mentally cataloging every single thing in the room.
“you got a name, freshman?” you asked, leaning back on your hands as you watched him.
he blinked, like he didn’t realize you were still talking to him. “oh, uh, hoshi. i mean, soonyoung. but people call me hoshi.”
“cool. you dance before, hoshi?”
“alright, new guy!” the prof clapped his hands, dragging everyone’s attention. “show us a little freestyle! don't be shy...”
college fling!hoshi who freezes mid-blink, still thinking about your question. clutching his backpack straps so hard you thought they might snap. he turned to you, wide-eyed and panicked, like you could save him from the impending doom.
“relax,” you whispered, stepping closer, your voice low enough that only he could hear. “you do this and sunbae’s buying you dinner. whatever you want. ramen, fried chicken, you name it.”
he blinked, like the concept of being spoiled by you was enough to short-circuit his brain, but there was something there. a spark. like maybe he didn’t wanna flop in front of you.
“okay,” he mumbled, and you gave him a grin that could probably power a small city.
“attaboy,” you said, patting his shoulder as you turned back to the class.
by the end of the first class, he’d loosened up a bit—mostly because the instructor made everyone run through improv drills, and there was no room for shyness when you were flailing around to some experimental old-school rap track. you caught him sneaking glances at you when he thought you weren’t looking.
college fling!hoshi who finally zipped up his backpack after what felt like an eternity, stood up, and immediately knocked over a water bottle with his foot. he muttered a quick, shy “sorry,” barely glancing at the offended plastic, and shuffled toward you. his shoulders were stiff, his hands gripping the straps of his backpack like they were the only things tethering him to this earth. you gave him a once-over, your phone in one hand, and a smirk playing at your lips. “you survived,” you said casually, and his grin was so tiny you almost missed it.
college fling!hoshi who started walking alongside you, a little too close like he didn’t know how to pace himself yet. every few steps, his elbow brushed yours, and he’d shift just enough to make it obvious he noticed. you didn’t say anything—just side-eyed him with a teasing smile that had his ears turning red.
college fling!hoshi who paused outside the building with you, his fingers fidgeting with a loose thread on his sleeve as he asked, “so, uh… what do you like to eat?” his voice was barely louder than the passing breeze. you raised an eyebrow at him, tucking your phone into your pocket. “you’re really gonna let me pick, huh?” he nodded, determined, even as he shuffled his feet. “you said you’d spoil me,” he countered, and for the first time, there was a flicker of sass in his tone. you liked it.
college fling!hoshi who almost tripped on his untied shoelace when you said you’d pick a place, his backpack slipping off one shoulder as he bent down to fix it. he was mumbling something about bad luck when you crouched beside him, yanking the lace from his hands and tying it with a quick knot. “you’re gonna kill yourself before dinner at this rate,” you said, and the way he stared at you—wide-eyed, lips parted—made it feel like you’d just handed him the keys to the kingdom.
college fling!hoshi who sat across from you at the tiny chicken shop, looking at the menu like it was a math test. “it’s just chicken, dude,” you teased, propping your chin in your hand. he fumbled with the laminated page, finally blurting, “but what if I pick something too spicy?” you laughed, shaking your head. “okay, rookie, let me help you out.” you ended up ordering for both of you, and when the dish came, his eyes lit up.
college fling!hoshi who distractly puts too much sauce on his chicken wing and doesn’t notice because he was too busy grinning at your stories. “wait, wait—so you fell during a performance?” he asked, the sauce at the corner of his mouth. you groaned, throwing a napkin at him. “it wasn’t just a fall, okay? it was a crash,” you admitted, and his laugh was so loud the couple at the next table glanced over. “stop making fun of me or I’ll make you pay,” you threatened, and his face instantly sobered. “wait, what?”
college fling!hoshi who insisted on paying despite your earlier threats. he pulled out his wallet like it was some grand declaration of independence, only to hesitate when he realized he didn’t have enough cash. “um…” he started, cheeks burning. you rolled your eyes and handed your card to the cashier before he could protest. “rookie rule number one,” you said smugly, “always check your wallet before acting like a big shot.” he muttered something about repaying you, and you just laughed, nudging him toward the door.
college fling!hoshi who got lost again on the way back to his dorm, despite the fact that he’d been living there for a week. “are you serious right now?” you asked, watching him squint at the campus map on his phone. he scratched the back of his head, mumbling, “it all kinda looks the same at night.” sighing, you grabbed his phone, pulled up the map yourself, and started walking. “come on, hoshi-ya you’re hopeless.”
college fling!hoshi who walked beside you, hands in his pockets, quietly humming a tune you didn’t recognize. “what’s that?” you asked, tilting your head toward him. his eyes widened like he’d been caught. “oh, uh, just something I made up,” he admittedquietly. you stopped in your tracks, turning to him with a grin. “wait, you write music?” he shrugged, suddenly bashful. “a little… it’s not a big deal.” you nudged him with your shoulder. “nah, that’s cool as hell. show me sometime?”
college fling!hoshi who hesitated outside his dorm door, hand hovering over the handle. “thanks for… you know, today,” he said, glancing at you shyly. “and dinner.” you smirked, crossing your arms. “you earned it, rookie. but next time, you’re paying.” his smile stretched wide, and for a moment, he just stood there, like he didn’t want to go in. finally, he nodded, fumbling with the key. “goodnight, sunbae,” he said softly, and you had to resist the urge to ruffle his hair as you turned to leave.
college fling!hoshi who always trails behind you, holding onto the strap of your backpack like a lost puppy. “you’re gonna rip it, you know,” you tell him, but he just grins and tightens his grip. “you’re my sunbae. gotta make sure I don’t lose you.” it’s so dumb and cheesy that you flick his forehead, but your chest feels warmer anyway.
college fling!hoshi who managed to charm his way into your friend group like he’d been there all along. one of your music department friends spotted him loitering outside your lecture hall and asked, “is that the guy you’ve been dragging around campus?” you rolled your eyes, but hoshi smiled like he’d just won an award. “that’s me!” he said proudly, and somehow by the end of the conversation, they were swapping playlist recommendations.
college fling!hoshi who shows up at your dorm one night with a bruised knee and a sheepish smile. “i tripped during practice,” he admits, wincing as you drag him inside. “tripped or collapsed?” you demand, pointing at the ice pack in his hands. he shrugs, trying to play it off, but you’re already crouched in front of him, scolding him as you press the ice to his knee. “you should stop, sunbae its worried about you.” you mutter, and when he mumbles, “i’ll be fine,” you glare at him until he mutters an apology instead.
college fling!hoshi who gets into his first real argument with you after you find him practicing in an empty studio way past midnight. “what the hell are you doing?” you snap, flipping on the lights to find him mid-spin, sweat dripping down his face. “just a bit more,” he protests, breathless. “i need to get this routine perfect.” but you’re not having it. “perfect doesn’t matter if you’re too dead to perform, hoshi!” he flinches, wide-eyed, but you don’t stop. “you can’t keep pushing yourself like this. stop before you break something.” he looks at you, frustrated, and finally, he slumps onto the floor, whispering, “sorry, sunbae.”
college fling!hoshi who randomly shows up with snacks between your classes. “figured you’d be hungry,” he says, handing you a convenience store bag. you peek inside—your favorite drink and a pack of cookies. “didn’t know you were trying to bribe me,” you tease, taking a bite. “is it working?” he asks, grinning, and when you give him a thumbs-up, he beams like a kid on christmas morning.
college fling!hoshi who ends up crashing at your dorm after a long night of studying. he’s sprawled on your bed, one arm thrown over his face, while you sit cross-legged on the floor, typing away at your laptop. “you’re gonna fail if you don’t actually read the material,” you say, glancing up. he groans, rolling onto his side. “then i’ll just ask you to tutor me again,” he says, smirking, and you chuck a pillow at his head.
college fling!hoshi who catches you off-guard one day by slipping his jacket over your shoulders during a chilly walk across campus. “you looked cold,” he says simply, his voice softer than usual. you pull the fabric tighter around you, the faint scent of him lingering on it, and when you glance at him, he’s pretending to be super interested in a tree. “thanks,” you say quietly, and he shrugs, his ears turning pink as he mutters, “anytime, sunbae.”
college fling!hoshi who came back one day to the practice room after a late practice, two cans of soda in hand, humming to himself. “sunbae, I got—” his voice cut off when he saw you slouched on the floor, one hand clutching your forehead. “y/n?” he rushed over, dropping the sodas with a dull clunk. crouching in front of you, his voice softened. “what’s wrong? are you okay?” you waved him off weakly. “just tired. it’s nothing.” but he didn’t buy it for a second.
college fling!hoshi who gently pried your hand away from your forehead, his fingers brushing against yours. “you’re burning up,” he said, his brow furrowing. “why didn’t you say anything?” you tried to sit up straighter, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal. “it’s fine, really. just pushed too hard today.” his expression tightened. “this isn’t fine, y/n. you shouldn’t have kept going if you felt like this.”
college fling!hoshi who helped you lean back against the mirror. “stay still, okay?” he murmured, crouching next to you. you gave him a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. “you’re acting like I’m dying, hoshi.” he didn’t laugh, his lips pressing into a thin line. “don’t joke about that,” he said quietly, his eyes scanning your face for any signs of improvement.
college fling!hoshi who let you rest your head against his shoulder when you slumped forward again. “here, like this,” he said softly, adjusting so you were cradled in his arms. his hands were steady, one supporting your back and the other brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “just relax. you’re safe.” he started gently blowing on your face, the cool air soothing your heated skin. “better?” he whispered, his voice close enough to send a strange flutter through your chest.
college fling!hoshi who stayed with you until you could sit up on your own again, his arm still lingering behind your back just in case. “you scared me,” he admitted, his voice quieter than you’d ever heard it. “i thought… what if something happened and I wasn’t here?” you blinked up at him, guilt bubbling in your stomach. “sorry,” you muttered. his hand found yours, squeezing it gently. “just don’t do it again, okay? i mean it, you always scold me for practicing too late...”
college fling!hoshi who refused to let you walk home by yourself, no matter how many times you insisted you were fine. “nope, not happening,” he said firmly, slipping your bag over his shoulder along with his own. “if you collapse halfway there, what am I supposed to do? carry you like a princess?” you snorted, but the teasing tone in his voice couldn’t hide the worry in his eyes.
“you know, I could really get used to you carrying me around,” you said, nudging him playfully with your shoulder. he raised an eyebrow, glancing at you. “oh, really?” he asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “yeah,” you said, deadpan, “I mean, who wouldn’t want a cute guy carrying them everywhere?”
college fling!hoshi who, despite the teasing tone in your voice, caught that little glint in your eye. “alright, then,” he said, voice suddenly serious, as he paused in front of you. “come here.” without waiting for a response, he slid his arms under your knees and around your back. you yelped in surprise, but before you could protest, he had you lifted off the ground like you were weightless. “you wanted it, right?” he said with a grin, carrying you like it was nothing. “not a word out of you until we get to your dorm.”
“you’re a natural at this,” you teased, your chin resting on his shoulder as you looked up at him. “yeah, well, someone’s gotta keep you from passing out on me,” he muttered, but his cheeks were flushed, and his hands felt like they were holding you just a bit too tightly. “this isn’t bad,” you added with a smirk, “maybe I’ll start making demands. like, no more walking for me from now on.”
he blushed at your joke but didn’t miss a beat. “you sure about that?” he asked, glancing down at you with a sly smile. you nodded, playing along. “definitely. I’m a princess now. I’ll need snacks, water, a blanket... and don’t forget the back rubs.” hoshi shook his head, clearly trying to hide his amusement. “I’m pretty sure you’re taking this way too far, but okay,” he said, adjusting his grip on you. “I can do all that...”
“deal. but only if you don’t drop me halfway there,” you teased. hoshi’s grip tightened, his voice lowering a little. “I’ll never drop you, sunbae.”
college fling!hoshi who made it to your dorm room, still carrying you as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “I should’ve known you’d enjoy this,” he said, shaking his head as he set you down on your bed. “enjoy what?” you asked innocently, grinning up at him. “this whole ‘being carried around’ thing,” he said, still laughing a little. you shrugged dramatically.
college fling!hoshi who would come up to you after class, always fussing over you—was your shoulder okay? did you stretch enough? how was your lunch? you’d always brush it off, sulking a little at the way he took care of you like it was his full-time job.
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lovebugism · 1 year ago
Im a very indecisive person but I guess I'll go with “Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them.” with Eddie, if you have any inspiration for this prompt 💕
ty for requesting!! — you get mean when you like someone, so eddie thinks you hate him (grump!reader, enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, shameless succession reference, 1.9k)
“Please, tell me you’re joking,” you mumble through the melting vanilla shake on your tongue.
Robin grins at you across the table and shakes her head. “Nope,” she says, popping the p. “You are officially looking at Vicki Carmichael’s latest odyssey.”
You and Eddie look over your shoulder at Steve. He stands at the front counter and fumbles with the straw dispenser — hitting the lever repeatedly, with an increasingly rougher touch when nothing comes out. He flounders when they all spill out at once. 
He’s lucky he’s so pretty.
“Wait, I’m confused,” Eddie announces from beside you after stealing a sip of your milkshake. He squints and fights off a brain freeze. “Why didn’t he just tell us? He’s screwing the hottest girl in town— it feels like something he’d brag about.”
“I’m sitting right here,” you scoff, mostly kidding.
“‘Cause he knew you guys would totally ream him for it,” Robin answers and pinches fry crumbs into her mouth. Through a mouthful of them, she says, “It’s not like you’re usually supportive about this kinda stuff.”
“I’m all for Steve being a slut, okay?” you defend with your hands up in surrender. “But I do draw the line at my best friend fucking the girl who bullied me in high school.”
“What’d she do?” Eddie asks. You can’t tell if he really cares or if he just wants something new to laugh at you for, but you decide to humor him anyway.
“She cut out the boobs of my gym shirt before class because she knew if I dressed out again, I was getting detention,” you explain, smiling when it makes the table laugh. “I had to run the mile with my bright pink sports bra showing, but at least my record was clean.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Steve wonders aloud when he returns to the table, carrying the only straw that hadn’t fallen to the floor. He slides into the booth next to Robin and looks at the three of you expectantly.
“Nothing.” the brunette girl chirps.
“You,” Eddie deadpans.
You squint. “Real smooth, Munson.”
“Wait, what?”
Eddie laughs. “I mean, Vicki Carmichael? Seriously?”
Steve gapes at Robin, features yawned in betrayal. “You told them?” 
The girl shrugs, taking a big bite of her burger and playing coy.
“She’s hot and everything, but she’s really not your type, man.”
Steve’s eyes narrow across the table. “What’s that supposed to mean, freak?”
“She likes bad boys,” you answer for him, shrugging like it’s obvious. “You know, the Billy Hargrove types. With tattoos and leather jackets and long hair. And, no offense, but you’re the furthest thing from that.”
“I think you just described me, doll,” Eddie laughs.
“Weren’t you screwing around with Billy Hargrove a couple months ago?” Steve wonders with a knowing, honeyed squint.
“Shut up, Harrington,” you bite.
Eddie grins with all his teeth, pink and boyish and proud. “Oh, so you’re screwing guys that are just like me now, huh? I’m flattered.”
“If anything, you’re the dollar store version of Billy Hargrove, Munson,” you retort with a roll of your eyes, turning your attention to the milkshake in front of you. You stab holes in the thick ice cream and try to ignore the sudden attention.
All the eyes on you make you nervous. You were never good at being the butt of the joke. ‘Cause when you get embarrassed, you get mean. Like some kinda hurt dog.
“You have everything but the looks.”
“Fuck off,” Eddie snorts and snatches the frosted glass away from you. He slides it over to his side of the table and sips from the straw that has your lipstick stained on the tip of it. “You can’t insult me—”
“Can’t I?”
“—Not when you’re fucking a carbon copy of me,” he scoffs and tries to ignore the jealousy burning wildfires behind his ribcage.
“He’s nothing like you,” you insist.
“He’s exactly like me. Just blonde. And watered down,” Eddie argues, face twisted with disgust. He smiles when it makes everyone else laugh but you. “I mean, it’s kinda sad, actually. I turned you down, so you had to try it out with Hargrove?”
“I didn’t try it, first of all, I fucking conquered it,” you retort, not exactly joking but grinning when it makes Steve and Robin chuckle to themselves. “And second of all, I never wanted you, Munson. So there was never anything to turn down.”
Your words sting somewhere deep in his chest. Like there’s a knife lodged deep in his heart that aches every time he breathes. He doesn’t know what to do with this hurt other than hurt you back. 
“So that night you told me you liked me after my show— that was all a lie?” he asks, smirking to hide his ache.
Robin’s eyes go wide as she bites into her burger. “What is this? A sleepover?” she scoffs with her mouth full. “Why is everyone telling each other’s secrets?”
“You started it, Buckley,” Steve quips before stealing one of her fries.
Your answer is immediate. A total lie, but instant nonetheless. No one’s gonna out-insult you. Rarely ever do you come out of petty arguments without having drawn the most blood.
“Yeah! You bombed, and I felt bad, and I wanted to make you feel better,” you confess with a sinister giggle. “What I really wanted to say is that I wish your mom had given birth to a can opener because at least then it might be good at something.”
Eddie meets your smirk with a glower, something genuinely pained that makes your chest sting. You refuse to show it, though. Not even when he slides out of the booth. “Yeah, okay. Fuck you,” he mumbles to himself as he goes.
“What?” you scoff a cynical laugh.
“C’mon,” Steve murmurs quietly to you. “That was a little too far.”
“Oh, so he can make fun of me, but I can make fun of him?”
“It’s different. You know that.”
You roll your eyes even though you know he’s right. Eddie’s a clown, but he means well. He’s a dumbass because he doesn’t know how to be serious about anything, but he’s hardly ever outright mean. 
You’re made of something more hardened than that. You set fires all around you, and only when a person walks through it do you know they really care. You don’t mean to be so mean half the time. It’s a defense mechanism more than anything. A time-bomb you never really learned to defuse.
“It was a joke, Eds!” you shout as he storms the short distance to the entrance of the diner.
“Well, surprise. I have feelings—” he grins, though there’s little emotion behind it. The door dings over his head when he shoves it open. He reaches for the crushed packet of cigarettes in his pocket. “—And you just hurt them.”
The diner feels strangely silent with him gone. The air feels noticeably heavy, too. 
You reach for the milkshake he left on his side of the table and slide it audibly back over to you. You don’t sip from it, though. Your stomach’s too much in knots now. You just busy your fidgeting hands with it, holding the frosted glass in your delicate palms until they ache.
“Stop staring at me,” you mumble, not meeting the silent looks Robin and Steve give you across the booth.
“Go talk to him before you give him a complex.”
“Yeah,” the boy hums with a knowing smile. “Go kiss and make up.”
“Shut up,” you bite with a scrunched-together face. You deflate with a sigh. “Fine. I’ll go— but not because you told me to.”
You hear them laugh quietly to themselves as you walk out behind Eddie. 
He leans against the corner of the old building and blows smoke from his lungs. He looks relatively unfazed despite the circumstances. You swallow down the worry that you’re embarrassing yourself by being out here at all.
Your shoes scuff against the sidewalk as you near him. “Eds—”
“I’m fine,” he interjects before you can say anything real. “You don’t need to apologize.”
“Well, it’s too late. Steve and Robin already kicked me out here, so…” You trail off in a monotone, despite having already declared that you were out here not because you were told to be. He doesn’t need to know that, though. “…I’m sorry.”
He takes a puff of the cigarette between his fingers, then shrugs on the exhale. “Okay.”
“The can opener thing was stupid— I mean, it wasn’t nice either, but it was a really dumb joke,” you ramble without taking a single breath. You cross your arms over yourself in a makeshift shield. “You didn’t even bomb that night. At your show or whatever. I lied. You were… You were actually really good.”
Eddie turns his head slowly. He blinks at you with chocolate eyes sparkling with amusement.
You cower under his stare. “What?”
“I know what you’re doing,” he insists with a crooked smile.
“What?” you repeat, forcing a laugh.
“You’re fucking with me,” he chuckles and brings the cig back to his mouth. He mumbles through the stick. “But it’s cool, you know? I can cope.”
“I’m being serious, Eddie,” you argue. And then, when your chest starts to sting, it becomes impossible not to make a joke. “I think you’re a… super-talented superstar—”
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” he interjects with a sincere laugh, like honey and gunpowder.
You giggle, and the foreign tension ebbs.
“I’m just kidding,” you assure and prop your back against the wall beside him. “Well, I mean, I’m not, but I…” You stammer when you can’t find the words. You gesture wildly with your hands. “I do think you’re talented, it’s just— It’s hard for me to be serious, okay? But I am sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he assures, tossing the cigarette to the ground and snuffing the ash with his sneaker. “Trust me. I know what you mean.”
You swallow hard. “And I wasn’t… What I said to you that night, in your van after the show… I wasn’t lying.”
Eddie’s head snaps up. He blinks at you with a gaping gaze, even though you’re not looking at him to see it. You’re much more focused on the dumpster across the street, lest you meet his eyes and get embarrassed all over again. 
This is the realest you’ve ever been with him, you think — since you told him you liked him and he all but turned you down.
Being vulnerable has been impossible since then.
“Then why’d you never talk to me about it again?” he asks, then stammers over himself. “You acted like it never even happened— I thought I fucking— like, dreamt it or some shit.”
“Because you didn’t say anything back! I thought you didn’t feel the same way!”
“I was just— I was just shocked. You always act like you hate me!”
“Because I like you, you idiot!” you blurt before you mean to, then huff with impatience at yourself. “Fuck. Sorry. I don’t know… I don’t know how to be nice to people I like.”
“It’s okay,” Eddie laughs, shifting on the brick wall until his shoulder rubs against it. He looks down at you like he’s seeing you for the very first time — glittering with the hope of finally getting close to you, of finally having something real.
“Don’t laugh!” you argue. “I’m trying really hard here!”
“I know,” he murmurs lowly, leaning in until you can taste the nicotine on his breath. In a honeyed tone, he confesses, “It’s a good thing I like you mean, then, huh?”
Your heart lurches into your throat. He smirks when you freeze, and knocks his shoulder against yours when he heads back into the diner.
The game of cat and mouse continues.
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loveinhawkins · 10 months ago
a cherished headcanon I keep coming back to is that Eddie is very much invested in the school basketball team right up until the graduating class of ‘85 leaves. By an incredible series of mental gymnastics, he tries to convince himself that this has nothing to do with Steve Harrington’s presence on the team.
(And maybe Eddie avoiding the championship game of ‘86 in the near future will have more to do with Jason Carver being on the team, but that’s a sadder story for another time.)
The thing Eddie can easily admit he loves about the bigger games is the fleeting anonymity: while he’s got notoriety in Hawkins High, as soon as there’s a rival school involved he can blend into the crowd for a couple hours, lost in the roar of support.
It’s nearing the end of just such a tournament game when the ball accidentally goes flying into the crowd. Eddie’s reflexes kick in and he manages to catch it before it can take out the back row of the marching band.
The clock’s been stopped for a timeout—a kid on the rival team is injured—so more eyes are drawn to Eddie than normal as they find where the ball ended up. He feels acutely like a spotlight’s on him—holds the ball to his chest almost like he’s a part of the game himself.
A whistle cuts across the court. Steve Harrington.
He’s looking right at Eddie, raising his hands for the ball.
He has more than enough time to say something, some jeer that would well and truly break the spell of anonymity. But Eddie knows underneath the knee jerk worry that it’s not Steve’s style; it’s more the kind of thing Billy Hargrove and his ilk would do, and he’d thankfully been benched at halftime.
Eddie inhales then throws the ball, praying that he doesn’t end up smacking Steve in the face.
He doesn’t, thank God; Steve catches the ball smoothly, manages a thumbs up in thanks before the spotlight shifts back onto the game.
Eddie quietly sighs in relief, loses himself in cheering again.
They don’t win, but it’s still a good game. It’s like Eddie’s reasoning for campaigns: not everything needs to be an all-out victory for it to be entertaining.
The parking lot is a nightmare so he contents himself with waiting it out by his van while the worst of the crowds clear. It’s only when he hears a car door opening and closing nearby that he realises Steve is parked right next to him. Of course, of course he—
“Good catch back there, Munson,” Steve says, tossing his gym bag into his car. He notices something on one of the seats—Eddie can’t tell what it is, but he hears Steve mutter under his breath in benign exasperation, something about, “Dickheads, I keep telling them not to…”
“Yeah, thanks. All my years of training finally paid off.”
Steve makes a face at the build up of cars, chatting parents leaning out of their windows. “You could’ve been on the sub-team.”
“Kinda resent that you don’t think I’m star player material, Harrington.”
There’s the beginnings of a grin on Steve’s face. He has no right looking that smug for someone who’s just lost a game, Eddie thinks.
“Dude, I can hear you. You’re loud.”
Eddie wills his face not to flush. “You’ve got no proof.”
“Nah, just firsthand experience.”
“What, do you have ears like a bat?”
“Nope. Don’t need that to pick you out.” Steve chuckles to himself as he gets in the car, sits side-on to face Eddie as he speaks. “You’re worse than Tammy Thompson’s singing.”
“Uncalled for,” Eddie says, firmly locking away the part of his brain that’s screaming in embarrassment, because if he’s unable to fire off a comeback, he’ll actually never recover; he might as well go and tell Higgins that next year is already a wash, because he has to go and live in the woods—
“Hey, c’mon Munson, I didn’t say it was bad.”
“You implied it,” Eddie says, totally overselling the entire thing, like he’s been greviously wounded.
It works; Steve laughs, shakes his head.
“I didn’t,” he insists as he reverses out of his space. “I just meant it’s… distinctive.”
“Wow. Thank you.”
“That’s your whole shtick, man, don’t act like that wasn’t a compliment.”
“Sure. Eddie ‘Distinctive�� Munson, that’s me.”
And post-game sentiment must be in the air, because as Steve leaves the parking lot, he calls out the car window, bright and teasing, “Hey, maybe I’ll miss the cheering!”
But Eddie can’t be sure. Unlike Steve, he might be mishearing things.
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jazzsonly · 4 months ago
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ꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱɪᴅᴇ ֹ⠀⠀✶ ⠀. tara carpenter, scream.
warning(s): fem!reader, use of she/her, fluff(?), smut (only implied. not detailed.), amber is alive and sane, anika is alive, no gf au, talks of the readers body being fit and toned, reader is a gym rat, talks of protein intake and meal prep, talks of the gym, friends with benefits, etc.
HC summary: the one where tara is fucking her gym rat neighbor…
ֹ⠀⠀✶ ⠀. masterslist. ֹ⠀⠀✶ ⠀. ֹ⠀⠀✶ ⠀. ֹ⠀⠀✶ ⠀. ֹ⠀⠀✶ ⠀. ֹ⠀⠀✶
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it started off as an innocent crush, really. it really did.
see, when tara and sam first moved into the apartment, tara would see you jogging around the complex.
“woah, she’s hot.”
sam, peaks, humoring her sisters comment. she hated to admit it, and she never would aloud but you were indeed ‘hot’
tara figured you must live in the complex as she’d seen you on your morning jog twice but it wasn’t until the third day she had found out you lived right across from her, she were coming home from her afternoon class and caught a glimpse of you, clad in your black alo sports bra with matching, grey alo sweats, entering your apartment
you had shot her a quick smile as you unlocked your door to step in
tara’s little high schoolish crush grew, in fact so much core four made it a running joke
“there’s your neighbor!” mindy perked up, looking out the apartment window
“where?!” tara immediately jumped up from her macbook that sat on the kitchen table, she searched through the window, met with an empty complex
“i’m just teasing you!”
mindy’s obnoxious laugh turned to a harsh “ow!” being met with a tara’s punch in the arm
“i was just joking!”
“why don’t you just ask the girl out already? i mean, she goes to blackmore too and you live right next door to each other—”
tara cuts off chad, who were laid out on the couch scrolling through instagram, “she goes to blackmore?!”
“yeah we sit next to each other in math. she’s really smart, lets me cheat off her.”
“you have to introduce me to her!”
and that chad did.
it wasn’t odd but it wasn’t particularly normal either that out of the blue chad had asked to hang outside of math—i mean, besides him copying your answer you two discussed gym related things and sometimes video games
you were a simple person and chad was a cool guy. why not?
“here comes chad with your dick drop off”
“you mean pussy drop off?” amber counters mindy.
“hey, you don’t know what she has in her pants.”
“will you two shut up?” tara seethes, as she fixes her hair and straightens her posture.
“everyone, this is y/n. y/n this is core four.”
fuck. you looked so good. tara couldn’t even understand how you could look so good in an oversized beat up t-shirt and black sweats. you just always managed to look so sporty and it really turned her on.
“hey! you’re my neighbor aren’t you? apartment 216.” you instantly recognized tara.
little did the carpenter know, you had been watching her too. developing your own little crush. seeing her come home from classes. her skinny jeans and crop top combos never failed to catch your eye. you liked the fact that she seem studious, yet looked like one of those hot popular bitchy girls in the movies.
“yeah, yeah. i’m tara.” you exchange a hand shake.
“y/n here is really into horror games…i told her that’s perfect because we love horror movies. especially, tara, i bet you could talk her right out of her panties about horror movies.”
both mindy and amber, on either side of chad punch either of his arms at the same time.
“excuse, my brother…he lacks social skills, part of his lumped up brain.”
“it’s fine, i deal with him all day in math.” you joke.
“so, horror movies, huh? what’s your poison? slasher, thriller…”
“physiological. like, the babadook.”
“no way! my brother loves that movie. it used to scare me to death when i was a kid.”
you get close to not only, tara but core four rather quickly.
tara eager to get to know you and get in your pants, invited you to movie night immediately.
of course, leave it to mindy and amber to tease her about the way she would hog you.
“ok y/n’s on her way, said she’s in the shower.” tara reads off the text you had sent her.
“she’s gonna be all over her again.” mindy snickers, wrapping her arm around anika’s shoulder.
“shut up, you literally worship the ground anika walks on.”
“duh, she’s my girlfriend.”
it wasn’t long before movie nights with core four turned into just you and tara hanging. first you started to get coffee together,
“i can’t believe you like your coffee black.”
“it feeds my soul. plus, it’s an appetite curver and i’m on a cut.”
“i’ll never understand your gym talk.”
“and that’s what i love about you.” you joke.
then it turned into walks at the park,
“ya’ know, we could be running right now.”
“not a chance.”
then it turned into tara hanging around at your apartment,
“so remind me what a ‘winter arc’ is?”
you continue you cut of the banana that was set to be put in the blender along with other cut fruit and your protein mix.
“it’s basically, like when you workout and diet all winter so when summer comes you’re all ‘hot’ and shit.”
“huh…maybe i need a winter arc.”
“no you don’t. trust me.”
tara pauses, were you flirting with her?
“that’s a compliment.” you read the expression on her face.
“well, if i don’t need one, neither do you.”
“oh, i’m not on a winter arc, hon. this is a lifestyle.” you tease, before turning the blender on.
it wasn’t until a month after nonstop flirting and banter, you and tara had kissed.
you were both sharing a movie night alone in your apartment, you sat side by side under your comforter on your reclined couch.
tara being comfortable enough with you that her head was on your shoulder, mindlessly ignoring the movie as she admired the feel of your body.
“dude, your arms look so slim but are like rock hard.” she reaches up, feeling your bicep.
“why, i do workout you know.” you tease, letting out a snicker.
tara ignores it, letting her hands childish roaming your body.
“you have got to tell me your secret, you stomach feels amazing.” over your fitted black under-armor shirt, tara runs her fingers and nails over your ab’d stomach.
“handsy much.”
“oh shit, sorry.” fuck. did she just fuck things up? come on too strong?
“no, no…” you grab her hand, placing it back onto your stomach.
“i didn’t say i didn’t like it.”
tara looks up at you like a deer caught in headlights, she swallows the lump that’s in your throat, her bottom lip caught in between her teeth as you lick your own lips and eye her face down.
she doesn’t know why she’s so nervous that she hesitates. this is all she’s wanted for the past two months.
she’s in a trance and it takes you finally leaning in to break her out of it.
she becomes hungry and irresistible to you all at once.
this time, she seriously does let her hands wander. she can’t get a enough of your body, you feel hot and cold all at the same time.
her body feels all hot with your hands on her waist.
you firmly pull her into your lap.
for a second you break the kiss, “tell me if you want me to stop, okay?”
tara pants, “god, why would i ever want you to stop?”
eagerly, she goes back in for more.
her hands slid up her waist, pushing your shirt up, indicating that she wanted to get it off and you take the hint. breaking the kiss, you reach for the front neck hem of your shirt and pull it over your head. you are left in a white gymshark sports bra.
hastily tara does the same, sliding over her blue crop top , leaving her in a black bra.
“you have a tattoo?” tara runs her fingers over your mid-torso tat that’s just says ‘love’ in cursive. how didn’t she notice this before?
“yeah, matching family thing.” you brush off, softly grabbing the back of her neck to pull her back into the kiss.
that night tara woke up in your bed, and months worth of nights after that.
it almost became a routine, you’d even given her a spare key to your apartment. tara would wait for you while you finished up at the gym. you’d cooked a little dinner, you two would talk, and then fuck.
you weren’t really sure what to call you two and neither was tara. but to be honest it didn’t really matter, all you knew was that you enjoyed the time you spent together and you were only seeing each other.
when anyone asked sometimes tara would slip and call you her girlfriend but you didn’t mind.
you went along with it.
“you make a sexy gladiator.”
“and you make a sexy pirate.” you lean down, kissing tara.
“you and your girlfriend are gross.” amber fake gags in her raven (teen titans) costume.
“at least i have a girlfriend.” tara teases as she pulls you into the obnoxiously loud and crowed house that held a halloween party.
“girlfriend, huh?”
“i mean—”
“i’m just teasing.” you smirk.
the pirate rolls her eyes, “well tease me in another way, you look really hot in that costume.”
━━━👩🏽‍💻 im back…sorta…kinda. anyways finally out of my depression #backtogetherwiththeloml #winterarc #manifesting this was definitely supposed to be a fic but i was too lazy and turned it into a headcon. yes this is named after side to side by ari.
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munsonsmixtapes · 9 months ago
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Eddie Diaz x fem!reader
summary: Eddie knows you have a boyfriend, but he’s going to do everything in his power to get you to break up with him
Very heavily inspired by “Breakup” by Ashton Irwin
This take place during the beginning of season two
Eddie speaks a little bit of Spanish and I used a translator, so I apologize if any of it is inaccurate!
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) unprotected sex (please don’t do this) fingering, miscommunication, emotional cheating
Eddie was the first to admit that he always wanted what he couldn't have. When he was a kid, it always seemed like the other kids had the cooler toys and clothes and Eddie always felt jealous of them. Even as an adult, there were still things that he wanted that belonged to other people. He just never though that one of those things would have been a person.
The second Eddie laid eyes on you, he knew he was a goner. You flashed that million dollar smile at him at the park when you first met and he swore that his knees were going to give out and he clutched onto the jungle gym that was next to him for support.
The first time you saw each other was at the park when his son, Christopher had fallen off one of the swings and you had rushed to help him up, and when Eddie had gotten there, you had already taken care of it by patching the boy up with a bandaid.
Of course, people were always nice to his son, but you took care of him with such gentleness that it warmed Eddie’s heart. He had to know the name of the woman who single-handedly saved his son from potentially breaking a bone.
As a way to thank you, he invited you and your niece who you had been watching for the day out for ice cream and you both gratefully accepted. You, wanting to get to know the pretty stranger and Caroline just wanting ice cream.
“So, Eddie, what do you do?” You asked him as you both stood in line, waiting for your turn.
“I’m a firefighter.” You didn’t like the images flashing in your brain at his words. Of him showing up at your door in uniform, assuring you that he’d put out the fire and you both knew exactly what he was referring to. And you’d press your lips to his, pulling him inside with the intention of having your way with him.
“Wow, that’s really amazing. You save lives for a living.”
“I mean, technically yes. And what do you do?” He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts and you didn’t know why you were suddenly paranoid that he could read your mind. Your thoughts were perfectly safe there and you could think any dirty thing about him and he’d never know.
“I’m a teacher.” That made a lot of sense in Eddie’s mind and the idea of seeing you with your class was an adorable thought.
“Oh, what grade?”
“Kindergarten.” Eddie thought seemed like the perfect job for you despite only knowing you for about an hour. Just by seeing you take care of Christopher, he could tell that you were a natural with children.
“I can see that,” he nodded in response as you both shuffled forward as you got closest to the register.
“What do you mean?” You wanted to know exactly what he had meant by that.
“Just, the way you were so quick to help Christopher. It makes sense that your career would be based around children.” That warmed your heart hearing those words. You had wanted to be a teacher even when you were a small child and hard worked hard to get exactly where you were. So whenever anyone had complimented you in that area, it showed you that you were exactly where you were supposed to be.
“Well, thank you.”
You both ordered your ice cream and Eddie had insisted on paying for yours even though you tried to tell him that you could pay for your own.
The four of you sat at a table by the door and you watched your niece joke around with Christopher and it warmed your heart since you knew that it was always hard for her to make friends. And Christopher was a sweet boy so you knew that they would make the best of friends, hoping that her mother would be okay with them having a playdate. Because you wanted Claire to have a friend and totally not because you wanted an excuse to see Eddie again.
Once everyone was done with their ice cream, the two of you headed to your vehicles after having exchanging numbers with the sole intention of setting up the playdate and neither of you were debating asking the other to meet up again without the children. Totally not.
The second time you ran into Eddie was at the gym. He had just so happened to be lifting weights in the area that was right across from you, giving you the perfect view of him doing some bicep curls. Whether he was doing it to impress your or not, you didn't know. He was, but he would have told you that he wasn't.
You couldn’t help yourself. Before you could stop it, you were turning off the treadmill and making your way over to him. It was as if you were magnets that were always being pulled towards each other and you hardly minded.
"Hey," you greeted and Eddie was so close to dropping one of the weights on his foot at the sound of your voice, but he caught it in just the knick of time.
"Oh, hi," he said, turning around to face you, placing the weights back on the shelf so he wouldn't risk any injuries. There was no telling what would have happened as long as you were around.
"I didn't know you were a member here," you said as you leaned on the rack and Eddie had to stop himself from letting his eyes rake over your sweaty body, finding himself wanting to lick up every last drop.
"Just joined the other day," he smiled. "Guess it's fate," he gave you a wink and you felt like he was purposely trying to fluster you.
"Guess so," you winked back. "Well, I'll let you get back to your workout. It was nice seeing you again, Eddie." You turned to leave, but Eddie couldn’t let you go so soon.
“Wait!” He called after you and you turned around. “Do you think you could spot me?” He asked, nodding his head towards the bench that had the large weight with the plates on each end and you nodded enthusiastically, willing to do almost anything as an excuse to be around him for longer.
“Sure,” you responded and followed him to the bench. Eddie laid down on it and grabbed hold of the weight, lifting it off of the thing holding it.
He pulled it to his chest and lifted it up and down and you had no trouble watching him, seeing his biceps that were shining in sweat flex making you feel wet between your legs. Making your cheeks go hot. You really couldn’t be thinking that way about him, you really couldn’t. Not when you had a boyfriend.
But you just liked that someone was actually paying attention to you. That for once someone was treating you the way you deserved. And you weren’t going to do anything with Eddie, you just liked that he was nice to you. What was the harm in making a friend?
Eddie turned his head to look at you just for a split second, but he got distracted by you getting down on your knees to tie your shoe. It gave him a perfect opportunity to look at your cleavage that had been caused by your sports bra pushing your tits up.
His distraction caused him to lean a little to the right to get a better look and he ended up almost falling off of the bench, but you were quick to catch him and push him back onto the bench with no problem.
“Oh my god are you okay?”
“I’m good, I’m good,” he nodded.
“What happened?” There was no way in hell he was telling you the truth.
“I don’t know, I just lost the grip of it, but I’m good, I promise.”
“Why don’t we put this up?” You asked and the two of you put the weight back where he belonged and you helped him his feet.
“I-I think I should probably go,” he jerked his thumb towards the exit. He had to get out of there before he hurt himself, or worse, someone else. He couldn’t imagine having his coworkers coming to respond to a call because he couldn’t keep his hormones in check.
“I agree. Get some rest. I’ll see you around, Eddie.”
“Yeah, see you,” he gave you a little wave. God, he was so far gone and didn’t even notice.
With that, you turned on your heel and headed back over to your treadmill and Eddie watched you as you bent down to grab your water bottle, giving him a great view of your ass. The ass that he wanted to grab, giving it a tight squeeze as you let out a yelp.
The third time you ran into each other at the grocery store, Eddie was convinced that it was fate. He saw you in the produce section looking at the containers of strawberries, turning them every which way to make sure that they were all good.
Eddie had every intention of asking you out in that moment, but you turned behind you and waved someone over. A man approached you and you showed him the strawberries and he took them before smiling down at you, pressing a kiss to your lips.
You had a boyfriend. You had a boyfriend and had let Eddie shamelessly flirt with you without even a mention of the man you were in a relationship with. He had been convinced that there was something between the two of you, but clearly there wasn’t.
He backed away so you wouldn’t see him, but couldn’t take his eyes off of you and the man with your lips attached. He backed up so much as he ran into a table that had been stacked with oranges, causing them all to fall to the floor in an avalanche, taking Eddie with it.
You and the man with you turned to see what the cause of the loud crash was and you rushed over, only to see Eddie lying amongst the oranges, groaning in pain.
“Eddie!” You called out and rushed over to him. “Honey, help me get him to his feet.” Both you and your boyfriend helped Eddie to his feet and the man felt like it was his own personal hell.
"Are you okay, man?" Your boyfriend asked as he gave Eddie's back a pat.
"I'm good," Eddie nodded. "I'm good." He was feeling a little lightheaded, but he just needed to get out of there as soon as possible. You looked at his face for any sign of discomfort, but all he could do was look back and forth between you and the man, wondering why you hadn't told him about the guy.
Was it because you were ashamed of him, knowing that he couldn't please you the way that Eddie definitely could? Or was it just because you really didn't owe Eddie anything because all you had been was friendly?
"Well, I'm glad," you smiled. "Oh, Eddie, this is my boyfriend, Mark." You grabbed onto the man's arm and Eddie felt his blood boil. What the fuck kind of name was Mark? And he wasn't even attractive. Okay, maybe he was. Maybe a little too much to the point where Eddie was questioning things about himself.
Mark had dark brown almost black hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. The exact opposite of Eddie in every way looks wise and he didn't like just how beautiful he thought the man was.
Eddie put his hand out for Mark to shake, but Mark just stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Oh, so you hadn't introduced the two of them because Mark was an asshole. Now Eddie understood and he didn't think he could fault you for that.
Mark just stared at Eddie with a glare and wondered how you knew the guy. You hadn't mentioned an Eddie and he had met all the teachers at your school at all of the events he had gone to with you, so he definitely wasn't a coworker. And Mark couldn't have cared less that you were friend with men, he just didn't like that you had kept Eddie a secret from him.
"Nice to meet you," Eddie smiled awkwardly as Mark just stood there, not saying a damn word. Eddie then glanced at you and you nudged Mark as if to tell him to say something but he didn't. He had never behaved that way and you wondered what was causing to not want to speak to your friend and you had every intention of calling him out for it as soon as the two of you were alone.
“I know you,” Mark pointed at him. “You’re a firefighter, right?”
“Well, isn’t that cute?” Yeah, this guy was definitely an ass and Eddie was a few seconds from putting him in his place.
“Excuse me?” Eddie asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He was going to say he was a hero or anything, but he didn’t think his job was “cute” by any means. It was hard work and every single day, people’s lives were at stake and he did his best to help save them.
“Running around helping people with their little issues, it’s cute.”
“Little issues?” You asked before Eddie could speak. “Eddie responds to emergencies. He saves lives everyday.”
“And so do I.” Sure, what Mark did certainly wasn’t an easy job, but how was that in any way comparable to being a firefighter? They were two very different things.
“You’re a personal trainer.” Eddie loved seeing you stand up for him, but he almost felt like he shouldn’t have been listening to your argument.
"Well, Eddie, we should probably go. It was nice running into you and I hope that fall didn't hurt you too bad."
"Well, thank you and it was nice running into you too." You grabbed Mark by the arm and pulled him back over to your cart. Eddie knew he should have left, but he couldn't help but watch the two of you argue in hushed tones.
You couldn't believe that he had embarrassed you like that in front of Eddie of all people. The two of you had gotten friendly and now he wasn't going to want to talk to you anymore because your boyfriend was a jerk to him. Just your fucking luck.
You rested your hands on the cart and took a deep breath as you felt Mark stand behind you, resting his hands on your waist as he leaned down and pressed his lips to your temple. You turned around in his arms and and pushed his hands off of you as you glared at him.
"What the fuck was that about?" You whispered and Mark only rolled his eyes.
“I just didn’t want to shake his hand. What’s the big deal?” You moved to the handles of the cart and turned it to head towards the check out even though you hadn’t finished your shopping. You just wanted to get out of there and take Mark home so you didn’t have to see his face for a while.
“You didn’t just not shake his hand, Mark,” you corrected him. “You insulted him to his face. You embarrassed him.”
“Whatever, y/n. You seemed quick to stand up for him too.”
You pulled your cart over to the self check out and began scanning your items, shaking your head at the man next to you. Your relationship was already fizzling out and you were beginning to think that the whole situation was the final nail in the coffin.
Mark was as sweet as could be when you met him but as time went on, he had let the city take over his personality and he had turned into nothing but an LA man, suddenly becoming very obsessed with his health and getting spray tans whenever he could, which there wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with either of those things, but it seemed like those were only two things he ever wanted to talk about.
And now he was just like every other LA douchebag and the urge to breakup with him was strong and if he was going to treat your friends like garbage, then maybe it was best if things just ended.
“You know what?” You asked as you finishing paying and all of your groceries were in the cart.
“What?” He spit, turning to face you and the fact that he was angry was starting to piss you off.
“Maybe it would be best if we just didn’t see each other anymore.” Maybe the grocery store wasn’t the best place to break up with someone, but you just had to rip the band aid off already.
“Baby, no,” he whined and you were all for a man being all pathetic for you, but not in that way. He was behaving like one of your students.
“Yes,” you nodded. “It was a long time coming and you know it. You don’t want to be with me anymore. I see the way you look at other women, Mark. That’s not the way you look at me anymore. So, I’m gonna go.”
“Fine,” he scoffed. “Why don’t you catch a ride with your little side piece?” Side piece? You hadn’t done anything with Eddie except be friendly. If Mark interpreted it any other way, that was on him. If anything, he was the one who was most likely cheating.
“Maybe I will.” You grabbed your cart and stomped out of the store to see Eddie getting into his truck. You raced towards him and parked your cart behind his truck so he couldn’t leave. He shut the door to make his way towards you and the sun shining down on your face gave him a perfect view of the anger on your face.
You felt like you should have been crying because of your breakup, but all you were was mad. You were so angry at Mark for treating Eddie the way he did and for brushing it off like he didn’t do anything wrong. You were mad at yourself for staying with him for so long when he had treated you like nothing but garbage. You had put up with that shit the entire six months of your relationship, but now you were free.
“Don’t ask why, but do you think you could drive me home?” You asked and Eddie nodded furiously. He was afraid that he’d find a way to give you the moon if you had asked for it. He was always so down bad for you that he didn’t know how to be around you without telling you how he felt.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Of course.” He helped you put your groceries in the spot behind the front bench then helped you get in on your side before heading to his own.
He started up the truck and you felt the need to apologize to him for what Mark had said about his career. What he did was admirable and you felt like he needed to know that. To know just how important his job was.
“I’m sorry for what he said,” you apologized and Eddie just shook his head.
“No need to be sorry. You weren’t the one who said it. And you stuck up for me. That means more to me than an apology.” He turned to you with a smile before turning back to the road. “Now where do you live?”
You gave him your address and you two spent the car ride talking about everything and nothing like old friends, your now ex boyfriend completely forgotten for your potential new one if you played your cards right.
Eddie was nothing like Mark. He was sweet and kind and funny and he actually cared for you. Something that Mark hadn’t done in a long time. Just in the three times you had talked to Eddie, he actually seemed interested in what you had to say and he didn’t pull his phone out of his pocket to scroll through it as if you hadn’t even mattered.
Eddie’s truck pulled into your driveway, but you couldn’t say goodbye. Not yet. Not when you both were having such a good time. It was a nice day and you felt like the both of you should have enjoyed it. So, you both got out of the truck and you pulled him down the path to the lake that was behind your house.
Eddie blindly followed you like a lost puppy and didn’t even care where he was going as long as it was with you. You could have been pulling him to a spot where you were going to kill him and he hardly minded. As long as he was with you, he didn’t care about a damn thing.
You pulled him to a lake and continued to walk until you go to the short dock that led to where the water was just the right height for swimming. He looked around and wondered why you had taken him there when you had groceries to put away, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to question it.
“Where are we?” Eddie asked and you turned around to face him with a roll of your eyes.
“It’s a lake, Eddie. People usually ride boats around on it or they swim. And I thought that we could swim.” You pulled him towards you and he moved to you just like a magnet. You brought your lips to his ear and he swore he was going to cum right there.
“Without our clothes.” Your voice was so sexy that it was unfair. He wanted you whisper the most dirty things to him and he hated that he couldn’t partake in any of that with you because you had a boyfriend. Or at least, he thought you did.
“Break up with him,” he replied, his voice sounding so whiny, so desperate and it was doing wonders for your imagination. He sounded so pathetic and you felt yourself getting wet as you heard it.
“I already did,” you responded before wrapping your arms around his neck while his went to your waist. You pressed your lips to and he was quick to respond to it, slotting his between yours together perfectly.
He began to back you up, not knowing where he was going, but feeling the need to move. You were getting close to the edge of the dock, but neither of you were paying attention until it was too late.
The edge of the dock was slippery from the water and your shoe slid against it, causing you to fall backwards. Eddie reached for your hand in an attempt to save you, but it only made you take him with you as you both plunged into the water.
You both surface pretty quickly and Eddie reached for you, wrapping his arms around you once again as you both laughed at how ridiculous the whole situation was, knowing that you probably should have gotten out, but you stayed there, wrapped up in each other as the sun slowly dried off your upper halves.
“We should probably get out,” he told you. “It’s not good to wear wet clothes for too long.”
“Well, lucky for you I know a place where we don’t need clothes at all,” you started moving towards the shore and Eddie was eating up every single word. He was beginning to think that maybe you were a better flirt than he was.
“And where’s that?” He knew exactly what you were referring to, but just wanted to hear you say it.
“The shower.” The words sounded even hotter coming from your mouth that he had imagined.
“How’s the water pressure?” It wasn’t like you were going to do much showering anyway, but Eddie still felt like he should have asked.
“Really good.”
“I think I should see for myself.”
“Me too. Now c’mon, Diaz," you grabbed onto his hands and pulled him along.
You both got to the shore and practically ran to your house in a hurry, nothing but giggles escaping your lips as you did so. Your wet shoes had slowed you down so it had gotten to the point where Eddie had picked you up in one swift motion and carried you the rest of the way.
You both took off your shoes and Eddie carried you up the stairs to your bathroom and you had assured him that your roommate was going to be gone all day so you could make as much noise as you wanted. Not that her being there would have stopped him anyway. He had dreamed about this for weeks and nothing could have stopped him from living out his fantasy.
Eddie set you down on the floor and you opened the shower door to turn on the water and let the door close as the water heated up. You grabbed him by the shirt and pressed your lips to his in a messy kiss. It was all teeth and tongues, but it wasn’t like you cared. You just needed his lips on you in anyway you could get them.
Eddie brought his hands up to your jaw and tilted your head back for more access and he opened your mouth up by pulling your chin down with his thumbs. He slid his tongue into your mouth and swirled it around your own as your hands slid up the front of his shirt, making contact with his chest. You pushed the shirt up onto his shoulders and he pulled away just long enough for you to take it off before his lips were on yours again.
His hands slid underneath your sweatshirt with every intention to take off your bra, only to find that you weren’t wearing one. He slid your sweatshirt off and your tits were just as perfect as he thought they would be.
“Jodidamente hermosa,” he sighed and you had no idea what he was saying, but loved the way it sounded in his accent.
“What does that mean?” You asked and he just chuckled, pulling you in for another bruising kiss.
“Fucking beautiful,” he replied against your lips and you decided that you needed him right then.
“Tell me more,” you commanded as your hands went to undo his belt. His lips captured yours as he went to unbutton your jeans as he was getting more desperate to be inside you.
“Quítate la ropa,” he said, his voice authoritative and raspy. You had absolutely no clue what he was telling you to do, but you were desperate to listen to him. He brought his lips to your ear for the translation and you thought you were going to melt right there.
“Take your clothes off,” he whispered as you heard your pants unzip and you were quick to take them off before removing your underwear as well.
As soon as Eddie got his own pants off, you opened the shower door and pulled him inside before he pulled the door, closing you both in. The shower was small, but neither of you minded one bit. It only gave you an excuse to be that much closer.
Eddie pressed his lips to yours once more in a rough kiss and you wrapped your arms around his neck while his went to your waist as he pushed you against the wall. He grabbed onto your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist as he slammed his dick into you, causing you to let out a loud moan that was music to his ears.
He thrusted in and out as fast as he could go and you were afraid that you were already coming undone even though you had just gotten things started. Your fingers dug into his shoulders, but that only encouraged him to go harder.
“So fucking tight,” he said. “Guess your boyfriend didn’t take care of you like he should have, huh?” He asked and you just moaned in response.
“No,” you shook your head and Eddie gave you a devilish grin.
“Don’t worry mí amor, that’s my job now.” His hands gripped your waist and he pounded into you the hardest and fastest he could go while simultaneously trying to fit all of himself inside you even though that wasn’t an easy feat.
“Oh, Eddie,” you moaned and he loved the way his name sounded so filth falling from your lips. Almost as if it was a dirty word.
“Look at you,” he said, his voice sounding even more raspy. “Taking me so well and you look so fucking pretty on my cock.”
“I feel pretty,” you responded with a moan and decided that sex was always supposed to feel like that and you had gaslit yourself into thinking otherwise because Mark was so bad at it.
He was a horrible partner in that area especially because he was always so selfish. He’d do whatever he wanted and didn’t even seem to care so you just got good at faking it. But with Eddie, you didn’t have to fake anything.
Your fingers were digging into Eddie’s shoulder so hard that you were convinced you were going to draw blood as he continued to fuck into you, making you feel like you never had before. He was so good at knowing exactly what you liked without even having to ask. And him praising you was driving you wild, making you feel special even though you were sure he said that to all of the women he slept with.
You could feel your vision go hazy as you reached your orgasm and you let out a loud moan as your back arched in absolute pleasure. At that, Eddie began to slow his pumps and he pulled out of you as you collapsed against him.
“C’mon, mí amor, you can’t go dumb on me yet,” he let out laugh and pulled your head away from his shoulder so you would look at him. “How about we take a break and I clean you up, hm?”
"No," you whined, grabbing onto him. "Need you right now," you told him.
"As long as you're sure," Eddie looked at you and you bit your lip as you nodded and all he could think about was the all the ways he could scandalize you. His fingers trailed down your front until they found your cunt. He shoved them inside you and began to pump them in and out of you as you moaned loudly. You turned your back to him so he hand more access and pressed it to his front as your head fell back onto his shoulder.
Eddie watched you come undone from his touch and felt like he was going to cum himself. The sounds you were making and the looks on your face were so hot that he was having trouble controlling himself. He pumped in and out as fast as he could and it was obvious that you were close. Your back arched as you reached your second orgasm and Eddie pulled his fingers out of you before turning you around to face him, pressing his lips to your in a bruising kiss.
Your hands moved to his hair as he deepened the kiss, reaching behind you to turn the water off. You both exited the shower with your lips still attached and you only pulled away to grab a towel for the each of you and you both quickly dried off before he followed you to your bedroom.
You gave him your biggest t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts and told him to get comfortable while you threw your wet clothes into the washer. Eddie threw himself onto your bed and let out a contented sigh that not only had he finally hooked up with you, but that you had invited him to stay instead of kicking him out afterwards.
He turned on the tv as you entered the room, looking like something straight out of his dreams in your over-sized t-shirt. You got into the bed next to him and he took the opportunity to lay on your chest, feeling his eyes get heavy as he snuggled into you.
You carded your hands through his hair and felt your heart warm as you watched Eddie drift off to sleep, feeling lucky to have found a man like him. You had hoped that your hook up hadn't been a one off and that you could do it again, after he wined and dined you, of course. And Eddie had every intention of doing just that.
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enderlovez · 2 months ago
On Thin Ice
Spencer Reid x Chubby Reader WORD COUNT: 1300+
Summary: After a particularly grueling case, the weight of your insecurities catches up with you. Despite years of toughening yourself against judgment, an unexpected moment of self-doubt has you questioning everything—until Spencer reminds you of your worth.
Content Warning: body image issues, insecurity and self doubt, emotional vulnerability, mentions of childhood bullying, Spencer is a sweetheart, metaphors about falling through ice
────── ꒰ঌ·✦·໒꒱ ──────
You've always been the fat kid.
The one picked last for teams in gym class. The one who endured sidelong glances at lunch when you grabbed a second slice of pizza, even though everyone else was already on their third. The one people were dared to ask out during games of truth or dare.
The one whose confidence had to be built like a fortress over the years of relentless judgement, brick by painstaking brick. You'd grown used to the torment over the years—or so you thought.
The things you've seen in this job are enough to shatter most people—dead bodies and grieving familiar and the kind of darkness that crawls under your skin and refuses to leave.
You've stood on the edge of danger more times than you care to count, facing down killers without so much as flinching, literally been stabbed and shot. None of it breaks you. But tonight, staring at your reflection in the BAU bathroom mirror, you feel like you're crumbling.
Your blouse, which you'd liked when you put it on this morning, now feels all wrong. The fabric stretches across your chest and stomach in ways that make your skin crawl.
It fits—technically—but your brain won't let you believe it. The logical part of you knows it's fine—it fits and it looks good, no one cares. But the voice in your head, the one you've spent years trying to quiet, whispers, Isn't it a little snug?
You press your palms flat against the sink, trying to steady your breathing. Why does this matter? you ask yourself. Why do I care?
You see the worst humanity has to offer every day. You quite literally deal with life and death and unimaginable grief. Your body—how it looks, how it fits into societal expectations—should be the least of your concerns.
And yet, here you are.
Maybe part of the reason everything feels to terrible tonight is because of him—Spencer. He's been talking to you heaps more lately, and though it really should make you feel better, it only deepens whatever this insecure feeling inside you is.
The way he moves, the way he talks, the way his beautiful mind works—everything about him fascinates you, and you've been harboring this ridiculous, all-consuming crush for months.
But no matter how much you try to push it down, it always creeps back in, and with it comes the certainty that you're not his type. How could you be? He's brilliant and kind and effortlessly charming in his own unique way, and you're... you. Soft in all the undesirable places, sometimes a little too loud for even yourself.
It's not that you don't think you're worth something, but when you're next to him, it's hard not to feel like you fade into the background. And you've been next to him a lot more than usual.
The mirror reflects your frown back at you, the tightness in your chest growing until it feels like you might snap. You splash cold water on your face, hoping the shock will pull you out of your spiral.
It doesn't, but you can pretend it does.
The bullpen is quiet when you step back into it, the hum of computers and the rustle of papers the only sounds. Most of the team has gone home for the night, except for Spencer.
You find him in the kitchenette, his tall frame bent awkwardly as he wrestles with the ancient coffee maker.
He glances up as you walk in, his expression softening when he sees you. "Couldn't sleep?"
Right—you were going to nap somewhere before getting back to work before you detoured to the bathroom.
You shrug, leaning against the counter. "Something like that."
Spencer nods, his focus shifting back to the coffee pot. "I think this machine predates the invention of modern technology," he mutters, earning a faint smile from you. He pours two mugs of coffee and hands one to you, his finger brushing your briefly.
"Thanks," you say, your voice quieter than you intended.
For a while, the two of you drink in silence, no words shared. None are needed. It's comforting, standing next to him in the soft glow of the kitchenette light. For a moment, you almost almost feel normal in your own skin. Like everyone else.
Except Spencer has always been too perceptive (especially when it comes to you, but you don't need to know that), and you can feel his gaze periodically flicking toward you, studying your face.
"You know," he says eventually, "it's okay to feel overwhelmed. You don't have to hold it together all the time, not when you're... in this particular profession."
The comment catches you off guard, and you look at him sharply. His expression is calm, his tone heartbreakingly gentle, but the words hit a nerve. You force a laugh, trying to deflect. "I'm fine, Spencer. Just tired is all."
He doesn't buy it. Of course, he doesn't. This is Spencer Reid, profiler extraordinaire, the man who can read you like an open book even when you think you're being subtle.
"Are you?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. His voice is soft, but there's an unfamiliar firmness to it that makes you pause.
You want to brush him off, to keep the walls you've built around yourself firmly in place. But the words slip out before you can stop them—apparently your subconscious is desperate to get it out.
"I don't know," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's just that sometimes I feel like... I don't know, like I don't belong here. Like I'm walking on thin ice, and any second it's going to crack, and I'm going to fall through."
Spencer's brows knit together, and he sets his mug down on the counter. "Why would you feel like that?"
You hesitate, the familiar shame and embarrassment bubbling up in your chest. "Because I've always been the... the fat one, okay? The one people look at and judge before they even know my name. I should be used to it by now. I am used to it, but sometimes..."
You trail off, swallowing hard.
"Sometimes it just gets to me, and I hate that it does, because it's so stupid. There are so many bigger things to worry about than how I look. People are actually dying out there, and I'm sitting here worried about my stupid blouse being too tight..."
Spencer step closer, his expression unreadable. For a moment, you wonder if you've said too much, if he thinks you're being ridiculous. But then he speaks, and his voice is steady, full of quiet conviction.
"It's not stupid. What you're feeling is valid," he says. "And you're not 'the fat one.' You're you—intelligent and compassionate and one of the strongest people I've ever met. The way you connect with people and make them feel seen, even in the darkest moments of their life—that's not something everyone can do. That's you."
The words hit you like a wave, the sincerity in his tone making your throat tighten. You look down at your coffee, unable to meet his eyes.
"You don't have to say that just to make me feel better," you mumble.
"I'm not just saying it to make you feel better," he replies. "I mean it."
He hesitates for a moment before reaching out, his hand hovering near yours. When you don't pull away—you don't think you could ever make yourself pull away from Spencer—he rests it gently on top of yours. The warmth of his touch is grounding, and for the first time all night, you feel like you can breathe again.
"Thin ice can hold more weight than you think," he says quietly. "And even if it does crack, you won't fall. I'll make sure of it."
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, and you think them away quickly. "Thank you, Spencer," you say, your voice thick with emotion.
"Anytime." He smiles, the kind of smile that feels like sunlight breaking through the clouds. "And for the record, I think you're beautiful."
Your heart does a little flip, your face warming. Maybe one day you can tell him how you feel, how desperately in love you are with him.
Baby steps.
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sweetlyvibe · 5 months ago
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PAIRING : Hajime Iwaizumi x F!Reader
GENRE : angst/comfort
WC : 1.3k
SUMMARY : Iwaizumi discovers your love letter, revealing your feelings for him, but Oikawa’s arrival complicates everything.
CONTENT/WARNING : oikawa angst, love triangle, unrequited feelings, friendship strain, confession, character anxiety
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Iwaizumi Hajime wasn’t someone who spent much time thinking about popularity. He never cared for the spotlight or the attention, unlike his childhood friend, Oikawa Tooru, who seemed to thrive on it. In fact, the dynamic between the two of them had always been clear—Oikawa was the star, and Iwaizumi was the reliable friend in the background. It didn’t bother him, not usually. He was content being the steady presence, the dependable one.
But lately, something had changed.
It started with you.
You weren’t like the others. At least, that’s what Iwaizumi told himself every time he caught himself thinking about you, every time he watched from the sidelines as you talked to Oikawa. It was easy to assume that you, like everyone else, were drawn to Oikawa’s charm. Who wouldn’t be? Oikawa had a smile that could light up a room, a way of making people feel special, like they were the only ones in the world when he spoke to them.
And Iwaizumi? He was just… there.
Sure, you talked to him too. You’d laugh at his dry comments, ask him how he was doing, sometimes even linger a little longer when you saw him after practice. But Iwaizumi convinced himself it didn’t mean anything. You were friendly with everyone. It wasn’t like you were seeking him out specifically. That was just wishful thinking, something Iwaizumi had long ago trained himself to stop doing.
Because Oikawa was always the one people liked. It had been that way since they were kids. Whether it was volleyball or school or just walking down the street, Oikawa would always be the center of attention. And as his best friend, Iwaizumi was used to stepping aside, letting him have that spotlight. It was how things were, and it was fine.
But when it came to you, it wasn’t fine. Not really.
Iwaizumi found himself thinking about you more often than he cared to admit. During practice, during class, on his way home. He’d wonder if you were thinking about Oikawa, if you liked him the way everyone else seemed to. Why wouldn’t you? Oikawa was everything Iwaizumi wasn’t—charming, effortlessly cool, confident in ways that made people swoon.
It was stupid, Iwaizumi knew. He didn’t have a chance. He wasn’t flashy, wasn’t charismatic like Oikawa. And deep down, he believed that if you had to choose between the two of them, you’d pick Oikawa. Everyone always did.
The day everything changed started out like any other.
Practice had just ended, and Iwaizumi was heading to the locker room, towel slung over his shoulder as he wiped the sweat from his face. His mind was still on the drills they’d run that day, thinking about how they could improve before the next game. Oikawa was already off chatting with some girls near the gym doors, flashing his usual smile, and Iwaizumi shook his head, used to the sight by now.
But when he opened his locker, a small, folded piece of paper fell out, landing at his feet.
At first, Iwaizumi didn’t think much of it. Probably a flyer or some forgotten note. But when he bent down to pick it up and unfolded the paper, his heart skipped a beat.
It was a letter—a confession.
He stared at it, his brain struggling to catch up with what he was seeing. The words were written neatly, carefully, and at the bottom was your name.
Your name.
Iwaizumi felt his pulse quicken, his hands tightening around the letter. Was this real? Was it a mistake? There was no way… but there it was, in black and white. You had written him a love letter. You liked him?
For a long moment, Iwaizumi just stood there, staring at the paper like it might disappear if he blinked. This couldn’t be right. He had spent so long convincing himself that you were just like everyone else, that you had no reason to notice him when Oikawa was right there. But this letter…
It was real. And you liked him, not Oikawa.
Later that day, Iwaizumi found himself walking toward the school courtyard where he often saw you after class. His heart was racing, his thoughts spinning with a mixture of disbelief and hope. What was he supposed to say? How could he even begin to process that you, the person he’d been quietly admiring for months, had confessed to him?
When he spotted you sitting on a bench, his breath caught in his throat. You looked up when he approached, a soft smile spreading across your face as if you had been waiting for him.
“Hey, Hajime,” you greeted him, your voice warm, familiar. “What’s up?”
Iwaizumi swallowed, suddenly feeling awkward and unsure. He wasn’t Oikawa—he didn’t know how to charm people, didn’t know how to make this feel natural. So instead, he just pulled the folded letter out of his pocket and held it up.
“I found this in my locker,” he said, his voice gruff, trying to hide the nervousness underneath.
You blinked, your eyes widening as you recognized the letter. For a moment, you looked like you were about to say something, but Iwaizumi beat you to it.
“Is it real?” he asked, his voice quieter now. “I mean, did you… did you really mean it?”
Your expression softened, and you stood up, stepping closer to him. “Yeah,” you said simply, your voice steady. “I meant it, Hajime. I like you.”
Iwaizumi’s heart was pounding in his chest, his mind still struggling to make sense of it all. You liked him. Not Oikawa, not the guy everyone else seemed to gravitate toward. You had chosen him.
“I don’t get it,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Why me? I mean, Oikawa’s right there. He’s…”
“He’s great,” you finished for him, nodding. “I know. But he’s not you.”
Iwaizumi looked at you, searching your face for any hint of doubt, but there was none. You were serious, genuine, and it was starting to sink in that maybe—just maybe—he wasn’t living in Oikawa’s shadow when it came to you.
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa’s voice rang out suddenly, cutting through the quiet moment like a sharp blade.
Iwaizumi turned, and there Oikawa was, walking toward the two of you with that usual carefree grin. But as soon as he saw the letter in Iwaizumi’s hand, his smile faltered.
“Oh?” Oikawa’s voice was still playful, but there was an edge to it now. “What’s this?”
Iwaizumi’s stomach dropped. He hadn’t told Oikawa. He hadn’t had the chance. And now, Oikawa was standing there, putting two and two together. His eyes flickered between Iwaizumi and you, and for a moment, something unreadable passed across his face.
“So,” Oikawa said, his voice unnaturally light, “I guess I’m not the only one with feelings for Y/N, huh?”
Iwaizumi’s chest tightened. He knew Oikawa well enough to recognize the disappointment behind the smile, the hurt that was carefully hidden behind his usual bravado.
“Oikawa, I—” Iwaizumi started, but Oikawa waved him off.
“Hey, it’s fine!” Oikawa laughed, though it sounded hollow. “It’s not like I had a claim or anything.”
But Iwaizumi could see the truth in his eyes. Oikawa liked you, too. And now, things would never be the same.
That night, as Iwaizumi lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, the events of the day played over and over in his mind. You had chosen him. Oikawa had hidden his hurt behind a smile, but it still weighed heavily on Iwaizumi’s chest.
But as he thought of your smile, your words, and the way you had looked at him, a quiet sense of happiness settled in. For once, he wasn’t just Oikawa’s dependable friend. You had seen him, truly seen him.
And despite everything, that was enough.
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months ago
Tim Through the Years - The Proposal
Series Masterlist (part 10)
Summary: Tim finds the perfect way to propose. 0.9k+ words
Tim has been trying to wrack his brain on how to propose. He found the ring because of Angela and now he doesn’t know how to ask the woman he loves to marry him. Because of the incident when he got the ring, everyone has an opinion on how he should propose, and it’s giving him quite the headache. Lucy has been talking non-stop since she found out and expressed all of the ideas she had. So here he is, hiding in the interrogation room, trying to think of the perfect way to ask. Tim’s phone starts to ring and he answers without looking to see who is calling.
“What?” Tim asks gruffly.
“Hey baby, is this a bad time?” 
Tim freezes; it was you calling him and not Lucy as he thought. “No, not at all, what can I do for you?”
“We’ve been having issues at school of someone stealing other people’s lunches. Today they stole my whole lunch instead of a couple of things. Everything is just gone; would it be possible to bring me some lunch? I really don’t want to eat cafeteria food.” 
“Of course baby, I’ll grab some food from your favorite place”, Tim replies softly. He can tell you’ve been having a rough day just by the sound of your voice.
“Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, I love you! See you soon.” 
“I love you too.”
When your phone call ends, he sees he has a few texts he missed from you earlier. They were pictures of different drawings your students did and they all centered around you and him together. Tim knows that you love your students and they mean the world to you. You always boast about how much your students grow and how proud you are of them. That’s when Tim has the best idea ever.
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You slump in your seat after your phone call with Tim. The kids were in the gym before they were going to head to lunch. There has been a lunch thief in the break room and even if you leave your lunch in your classroom, some of it gets stolen. You’ve never had your whole lunch stolen - matter of fact, no one has, so it looks like the thief has stepped up their game. You have your suspicions of who stole your lunch: your coworker Dennis has been causing all sorts of problems. He cheated on his wife with a student's mom, and now he blames his ex-wife for why his kids don’t want to see him. A rumor you were told was that he was a massive alcoholic who took out all his stress on his family, and he had a gambling problem. You want to make a super spicy meal for him to eat so he will stop eating your lunches since Tim puts a ton of effort into making sure you eat a balanced meal every day.
You check the time and see that it is time to pick up your class before lunch so they can grab anything they need. When you walk into your classroom with your students, you see Tim sitting at your desk with your lunch. The class all squeals and runs up to Tim, asking him all sorts of questions. Your class loves it when Tim visits and thinks he’s a superhero. 
“Hey guys, I’m just here to have lunch with your favorite teacher.” Tim has a smile on his face while he talks to your students.
That’s when your class turns to you and declares they want to use their marbles to have lunch with the both of you. You use marbles as a reward system to encourage good behavior, and they can choose what they want within reason.
“How about instead of me taking your marbles, I’ll give you a free pass because you have been so well-behaved today.”
The class cheers and goes to get their lunch stuff, so you send a classroom aide to go with some students who need a hot lunch. Tim hands you your stuff and when the aide returns with your students, you tell her you are going to run to the bathroom and be right back. When you return to your classroom, all your students are suspiciously quiet. Lunch goes smoothly, with you and Tim talking about your guys' day and the students talking amongst their friends and asking questions here and there. Once lunch ends, the students say goodbye to Tim and you kiss Tim on the cheek before telling him you’ll see him at dinner tonight.
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It is getting close to the end of the day when the fire alarm goes off, which is weird because there was no drill planned for today. You calmly walk your students outside and do a head count of your students. After a few minutes, police and fire arrive, and all the kids talk about how cool they thought the trucks were. That’s when you heard your name called from one of the police vehicles' microphones.
“Y/N Winchester.”
Everyone grows quiet, and all turn to stare at you. Your students run toward the vehicle, and you run behind them to try and stop them. You freeze because your students are standing behind Tim, who is on one knee.
“Will you marry me?” all your students shout together with massive smiles on their faces.
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doberbutts · 2 years ago
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Yup! Per my neurologist, before the mid/late 00s the medical community was sort of, uh, unconcerned about so-called "minor" concussions, because the symptoms didn't seem to last longer than a few seconds and thus it was treated as a non-issue. Most parents didn't take their kids to the doctor for them and the few who did were told to let the kid rest for a day and then get back to life as normal.
Then a breakthrough study happened and revealed there is no such thing as a "mild" concussion. All concussions are concussions and all concussions are brain injuries. And all concussions run an exponentially higher risk of increasingly dangerous and life-affecting symptoms as you knock your brain around more and more. And with each subsequent concussion, you run the serious risk of these symptoms becoming permenant brain damage. Turns out, your brain does not actually like to be jumbled around in there, who knew.
The white flash is usually caused by one of two things: a jarring motion in your retinas (not a concussion) or the impact of your brain banging against the fluids and other matter inside of your skull (that's a concussion). Same if you "see stars"- the "stars" are the damaged nerves that just banged into something firing off electrical impulses trying to figure out how to cope with what just happened. And of course if you hit your head or are shaken to the point of losing consciousness, that's your brain's equivilant of the computer that, when smacked, turns itself off. All of these are concussions, and while it may seem like knocking yourself out should result in a worse concussion than just seeing stars, brains don't always follow that rule. All of these concussions will eventually stack on top of each other and will cause a major TBI once you hit your head a little too hard or perhaps even just one too many times.
So when he said "okay so you were never *treated* for a concussion but have you ever had this happen after hitting your head?" well... yes, actually. I was hit in the head by a thrown baseball bat (accidentally) in gym class and promptly took a nap. I was awake and otherwise fine in a few minutes so besides being sent home that day and having a large bruise/egg nothing really happened. I was doing flips on the gymnastic bars and lost my grip and whacked my head against the ground and, you guessed it, was unconscious. By the time my friends got the recess teacher over I was already awake and just a little dazed- again they sent me home but that's it. I fell through one of those dome monkey bars at a playground with my mom and hit the ground head/neck first. This was before the age of cell phones so Mom told me she was trying to figure out what to do about her very unresponsive child in the middle of the park (it's dangerous to move someone who may have broken their back/neck but she also can't just leave me laying on the ground to knock on someone's door to call 911) when I woke up and outside of a stiff neck seemed "quiet but fine".
In fairness according to my neuro there's not really much a doctor *could* have done medically as I bounced back without any problems except maybe have me take it easy for a couple weeks (I'd've died of boredom with no stimulation) but it still should have been noted that each of those were concussions. Then the amount of times that I've been dazed or saw lights... too many to count. I work with high energy dogs in an impact sport, they headbutt me or punch me or knock me to the ground all the time. I was an active kid and an athlete prior to my heart acting up, so sport-related injuries just sort of come with the package and that includes knocks on the head.
But sitting in his office and hearing him say that, and then recovering from the TBI and examining what it's done to my life... it made me realize how much people take for granted. It just takes one too many knocks on the head. He said the major thing he regrets as an older neurologist is that for a very long time, most of his practicing career and certainly a significant portion of my own life, no one really cared about concussions. But the line between concussion and TBI is very blurred, because in truth a concussion *is* a brain injury, and at some point you will concuss yourself much much worse than you were expecting due to the buildup of damage from not taking hitting your head seriously.
The best way to think of it is breaking your ankle. A broken ankle is a broken ankle, there's no such thing as a "mild" broken ankle. But there are grades of severity- a hairline fracture on a single bone is a broken ankle, but recovery time and process are relatively straightforward in most cases. Completely shattering multiple bones on the other hand significantly lengthens recovery time and the process is significantly more involved with a risk of further complications. If you keep doing whatever it is that gave you a hairline fracture, one day you won't be so lucky, and you will completely shatter the whole joint assembley.
That's how concussions are. Those cute little knocks that cause a white flash and nothing else? That's a warning to stop doing that and be more careful. You get to hobble around in a boot for a while to think about your choices leading up to this point. Knocking yourself out? Well you've snapped a bone. You get a cast and some crutches. Full blown TBI? Congrats, the whole ankle is fucked and you need major surgery now.
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jade-jini · 1 year ago
Student Council president!Chaewon x Little Menace reader Headcanon
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Genre: Fluff. Smut.
Warning: this sht is LONG and well as I said there’s a little bit of smut-
I recommend reading Yunjin’s headcanon first since it’s where this chaewon is first introduced. Not necessary tho. I mentioned before that I think this will be some type of series. And yes, but also I might post other student council content but with Yunjin as the romantic interest. Almost the same universe as these but with that difference. Anyway we’ll see how it goes in the future.
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-Your dynamic is basically arguing almost 24/7 dbdjdjnd
-Your friends find it amusing most of the time tbh.
-Your routine is based on having breakfast, creating a little bit of chaos here and there, and getting detention/afternoon activities as punishment which were mostly with the student council members.
-Which in your brain translates to having a good day because you had food, went to class, had a lot of fun and spent time with your favorite girl(s) during the afternoon. What’s better than that??
-Chaewon, on the other hand, just can’t believe you.
-How are you always getting in trouble but looking so happy? Aren’t you concerned about anything?! She knows you’re smart, and knows you’re not a bad person neither, but you’re so reckless and impulsive and just a magnet for trouble sometimes and Omg you get on her nerves, you’re like a puppy who never listens!
“Why would you do something like that!”
“It was Yeonjun‘s fault! Why Tf would he say green flavor when red or blue are better!”
“Those are colors, y/n. not flavors!”
“you don’t get it :(!”
-you’d complain with a pout like a little kid. Again, you get on her nerves so easily.
-She’s always scolding you, telling you that you need to tone it down, to learn how to behave, be responsible and to stop being such a troublemaker.
-To respect your school and take some pride on being a student there.
-You just sigh, roll your eyes and complain that maybe you don’t need to tone it down, maybe she needs to tone it up and learn to have fun and to let go of all that seriousness.
-And you guys spend the time arguing about it.
-The rest of the girls look at you in amusement
-You’re sure you heard Eunchae said that you two should get a room.
“Hey! What do you know about those things huh?!” You heard Sakura said while chasing Eunchae down, who ran away to avoid being scolded as well.
-You looked at chaewon, who also heard the whole thing and laughed at how her cheeks turned into a cute pink tone. You winked at her and started walking to the gym to meet with Ryujin and Yujin but
“Hey I’m not done with you! You still have detention today and the principal said you’re assigned to help me move some equipment from a practice room and…”
-But when she’s not scolding you tho…
-Ohoho when you guys are alone
-you’re all over each other kissing until your chests hurt ‘cause of the lack of air.
-You’re sure you’ve kissed her in every secret corner of the school.
-In the library, when you meet up with the excuse of tutoring you.
-You have her against the bookshelves at the end of the hall, holding her so close to you while her arms are around your shoulders. Kissing her like her mouth is more interesting than any adventure in any book in that library.
-And it is! You’re sure about it.
-In empty rooms when you’re assigned to help her with anything the prestigious Stucon president might desire. Lucky for you, very often what she desires the most is you.
-Encounters in the student council’s office when you have detention and Yunjin is not there to watch you. It’s never planned and she always says it won’t happen again because it’s their office and it’s the school! It’s not a place for such acts!
-But it always ends up happening bsjsndjd you just let her talk ‘cause it’s funny. But it really only takes for you to kiss her neck and she’s melting in your arms, ready for you to please her.
-You lift her and make her sit on her own desk, while you get on your knees and eat her out so good she almost forgets where she is.
-She’ll grab your hair and push you closer to her pussy, rubbing herself on your tongue and looking at that pretty face between her legs while she bites her hand trying to keep herself quiet.
“Hurry up! they’re gonna come in any second”
“Hopefully you too”
“Omg shut up…”
-As I said you let her talk ‘cause it’s just comical that she tries to lie to herself when you both know she can’t keep her hands off you when you’re both alone.
-Unless you’re not in the mood to deal with that.
-Either ‘cause something happened and you’re angry or ‘cause you’re stressed.
-You’d be rather quiet for your usual self, surprising her.
“What’s up with you?” she asked with a raised eyebrow (the rock).
-You looked at her, without answering while an idea popped in your head.
-Maybe the dear stucon president could help you destress.
-So you get up and sit on her lap while you kiss her aggressively.
-She tries pushing you, shocked about it.
“Wait ! Not here, somebody could walk in and-”
“Kim Chaewon, shut. up” you said in a rather deeper voice that gave her shivers and made her close her mouth immediately, ‘cause there weren’t many occasions where you’d be actually dominant like that. “I’m gonna fuck you on top of this desk until you can’t feel your fucking legs do you hear me?”
-And she’s scared but is even more turned on ‘cause damn didn’t you look hot af like that bekdkdkd
-So instead of “complaining or arguing” about how you shouldn’t be having sex at school, she follows your each and every order, enjoying how you fuck her while bent over her own desk, the papers she was working on long forgotten. Pulling her hair, spanking her ass and grabbing her tits from behind while focusing all your energy and anger in only one thing: making the girl under you come hard as you fuck her until her brain can’t organize an easy thought besides you you and you only.
-After you’re done and dressed again tho, she’ll ask you why you were so upset.
-You ended up telling her what happened and depending on what is it, she always has a way of making you feel better. (Besides Fuckin, Ofc)
-If it’s a silly thing, then she’ll jokingly scold you a little bit
“Seriously?! You’re angry because Ryujin scored and won against you?!”
“I’m angry because she cheated! I wouldn’t be angry if she’d won fairly but she wasn’t following the rules we stablished ! Not fair” you said with cross arms and a pout, causing Chaewon to laugh at you.
She shook her head to then rest it on your shoulder “fine you’re right, but still I can’t believe you, y/n”.
-If it’s something serious tho, she’ll quietly listen to you as you vent and either give you a little bit of advice if you ask for it or she’ll just let you talk if she doesn’t know what to say, knowing sometimes you just need to let things off your chest.
-And since Yunjin wasn’t there that day, she could do her role as your bestie. Ofc she could, you could always come to her.
-Lowkey jealous and a lil possessive as you can see lol
-Not if it’s her friends tho (well -)
-But like if she sees someone being too touchy or extra smiley with you it’ll show. ‘Cause yeah you’re funny and charming but she didn’t know you was a fvckin comedian to have that girl almost rolling on the floor and choking when you’re just there breathing-
-You think it’s hot tho. Oh-
-Specially since you know it’ll reflect when you’re alone jddjkfjf. More details here.
-Constantly fixing your tie ‘cause it’s always loose and your shirt sndkdjj.
-You tell her that’s just your style and you like it like that!
-But she says your uniform should always look impeccable because students represent the school. You roll your eyes, but let her have her way because secretly you enjoy the attention and how cute she always looks fixing your tie and shirt collar.
-It’s not like she’s trying to change the person you are. Even if you’re a little bit of a mess, she respects and appreciates you.
-But Ofc you know she’d like you to be a little less of a menace kdndkfh. She knows it won’t happen. Not that easy. But she’s happy to be a little bit of a good influence sometimes (lol).
-And you’re happy to be the one corrupting the oh so well mannered student council president Kim Chaewon.
-It’s a win-win, sex or not related.
-You love your dynamic. It’s fun, it’s interesting.
-Sometimes you wish you didn’t have to watch out for how much distance you had to keep with her sometimes tho. You weren’t good at it anyway, you let yourself be guided by your feelings. Often hugging her close, Ofc with the excuse you guys are friends (even when most of the time people see you arguing shjdkdjf).
-People bought it tho.
-You had that cute golden retriever puppy energy, so they knew you got clingy with your friends sometimes.
-didn’t expect it to happen with the stucon presi who sometimes seem like your enemy more than your friend but oh well -
-Who could say no to you anyway, right?
-You like it like that tho, being each other’s little secret. Maybe eventually the guilt of hiding this whatever-it-is from your friends will invade you two. But for that you’d have to first realize that what you’re feeling is more than physical attraction aaand
-we’re not there yet jdndkdn.
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formulaforza · 2 years ago
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oh, simple thing— c.sainz
"the earth laughs in flowers" pairing: carlos sainz x female reader wc: 4.1k notes: guys remember when i used to write? back in january? crazy times. anyways.
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You were five years old the first time you proclaimed that you were going to marry Carlos. It came, of course, after the implication that you would also be marrying Prince Charming (as long as he didn’t keep your glass slipper–shoes are a woman’s best friend, your mom had told you once and you never forgot it) and the gym teacher at your primary school, whose crush you’d never admit to anyone but your mom. Can you imagine the teasing? Thinking a grown-up is cute? It’s completely preposterous… or, when you were five, super-duper silly. 
All three of the loves of your life were completely coincidental, coming to your brain while your mom read you a bedtime story completely coincidentally. You’d had gym class that day, of course. Played with the rolling scooters and argued with the older kids about getting a turn on the tube slide. Scooter day was always your favorite, so it was no surprise your teacher was in your good graces that evening. A
After dinner, while flipping lazily through channels on the big square television in the family room, your dad had clicked on the Disney Channel by mistake. Cinderella was halfway through and you threw a fit every time he tried to change the channel. You just thought she looked so pretty, in her big princess dress dancing at the ball. 
Carlos, what had Carlos done to be in your good graces that day…? He wasn’t in your class, so you couldn’t enlist him in the war of the slides or crash into him on the scooters. He definitely wasn’t running around your house after dinner. If he was, your Mom would still be cleaning up after him somewhere in the house. Carlos, Carlos, Carlos… what had he–oh! That’s right! The flower on the way home from school. How could you ever forget the first flower? He’ll give you shit for it later. 
Your mom and Carlos’ mom had been best friends long before you and Carlos burst into the scene. They liked each other more than just about anyone, and you never did understand how Reyes never tired of your Mother’s antics. She was always bossing you around, forcing you to clean up your toys and read your books. Carlos got away with whatever he wanted, his parents would even lie for him on his reading logs. Anyways, stay focused. Because your parents were such good friends, you and Carlos grew up side by side. Parallel play or bust, since neither of you were particularly apt at sharing. Everyday on the walk home from school, your moms would catch up on the gossip from the night before while you and Carlos tried to kill each other with various objects found on the sidewalk. This day, there had been eleven pebbles, two rocks, a stick, and Carlos’ metal water bottle (the one with the HotWheels logo on the side). Now, Carlos was charging at you with… a flower? A bluebell, one he’d picked straight from the ground, root and all hanging from his fist. When he held it out to you, you scowled. There wasn’t anything wrong with it. In fact, it was about as perfect as a bluebell from the sidewalk can get, but, you’re a little shit. 
“It’s dead,” you said, took it from him and tossed it aside. “It’s not nice to pick flowers, Carlito. It kills them.” He burst into tears and your mother scolded you the rest of the way home, even though it was her who always told you to leave the wildflowers wild. After some time and consideration (a plate of dinosaur nuggets, half of Cinderella, and a bedtime story) you’d decided maybe Carlos was right to cry about the dead flower. 
Carlos, it seemed, had gotten over the dead flower incident pretty quickly because, the very next day, he was already making a joke of it. He’d held up the walk home for fifteen minutes while he searched through a field in the park. Both of your mothers and Blanca had already shown him what had to be a hundred or so healthy, perky flowers. Carlos shook his head at each one of them, typical. You sat on the curb of the garden and played with the ants that had built a sandy hill beside your foot. You resisted the urge to stomp it, only because you knew you’d be lectured about leaving the bugs alone in the same way you were about leaving the flowers alone. After a lifetime–or enough time to have an after school snack–Carlos finally settled on the ugliest, most wilted flower you’d ever laid your eyes on. He presented it to you with a laugh and, because you’re just as stubborn as he is, you accepted the gift graciously and let it sit vaseless on your dresser for three days before someone threw it away. 
Truthfully, though, the real reason you probably proclaimed your intent to marry him that night wasn’t some flower. It was that Blanca had defended you from his water bottle strike with a pebble to the back of his head, and you thought that would be a good kind of person to have as a sister. 
Carlos was seventeen when he figured he’d probably end up with you eventually for the first time. There wasn’t anything romantic about it. It was more of an ah, fuck. It’s gonna be her, isn’t it? 
Your families were in Mallorca, touring some vineyard–well, your parents were touring the vineyard. You, Carlos, and all of the siblings had snuck off from the group one by one and met up in the grove just outside the property. Carlos was bumming a cigarette from Blana when Ana finally turned up, stomping her way through the grass and wildflowers annoyedly. Carlos takes a puff of the cigarette and passes it over to you. 
“You’re going to start a wildfire, you know?” Ana says, crosses her arms over her chest and pops out a hip all bratty. 
“Ana,” Carlos groans, “shut the fuck up.” You exhale a puff of smoke through a laugh. 
“If you’re going to be mean, I’m going back to Mom and Dad.”
“Okay,” he says, “have fun.”
“I will,” she proclaims, visibly annoyed that she isn’t drawing a reaction from her big brother. She loves to piss him off, everyone does, because it’s just so easy. “I’ll have sooo much fun telling them about how you’re all in the woods smoking. I’m sure Dad will love that, don’t you think, Carlos?” Blanca rolls her eyes. Sometimes it’s fun to mess with Ana, and sometimes keeping her humble becomes more of a chore than anything else. 
Ana stomps away, her whole sneaky journey wasted, the group’s entire smoke session ruined by the pesky baby sister who can’t decide if she wants more to be included or to be a tattletale. “Don’t kill any more flowers on the way back!” Carlos calls after her, passes the cigarette to you again for one last puff before the lot of you have to make your way back to the winery, to the bathroom you’d all claimed to need to use over the past hour. Ana turns on her heels to make sure Carlos can see her eye roll. He just smiles, and you think if Carlos was your brother you probably would have killed him with your bare hands a long time ago. 
You squat down to put the cigarette out in the dirt and Carlos digs a hole with his heel for you to drop it into, kicks the dirt back over it and stomps on it a couple times. “Fuckin’ snitch,” he mutters under his breath. 
He snatches up one of the stomped on flowers, pulls it from the ground–root and all–and presents it to you. “You really are such an ass,” you say, take the flower and link your arm through his for the remainder of the walk back. “I love you,” you add, “but you’re an ass.”
You were twenty the first time your friendship with Carlos became a threat to one of your relationships. It wouldn’t be the last time. You’d been together for seven months, you and Mateo, Mateo and you. Met at a club in Barcelona and the rest was history. It was a simple conflict of interest, a scheduling woe. You were forced to make a decision. Your boyfriend’s grandma’s birthday party… or Carlos’ debut in Australia. To you, it seemed like the easiest decision in the world. His grandmother isn’t even that old–she’s got plenty of birthdays ahead of her, ones that you’d be happy to celebrate. But Carlos’ debut? Really? That’s once in a lifetime. It’s the shit you just don’t miss, even if you’re in the hospital or literally on your deathbed (which Mateo’s grandma is NOT, by the way. She lived seven more years according to recent Facebook posts). 
“You’re going to Australia?” He’d scoffed when you told him, mentioned it so nonchalantly over dinner. When I’m in Australia, don’t forget to water the plants, or something along those trivial lines. He was just as offended as you were utterly confused. There’s no way he thought– “What about my abuela’s birthday?”
You’d laughed. The wrong thing to do, you know, but it was an action done without thought, without intention. “What about it?”
“You’re supposed to come with me.”
“I never said that,” you shake your head and he pulls a face. You set your silverware down and prepare for the coming argument. Normally, you’d just back down, but this is Carlos we’re talking about. Carlos, and his dream. Carlos, and his reality. “I didn’t,” you reaffirm. 
He leans forward onto the table, elbows shaking the entire thing, rattling the wine glasses and ceramic against the wood. “I assumed you–”
“–I don’t know why you would assume I‘d be doing anything except supporting Carlos,” you say, more defensive than you intend to be. It’s just, you can already see where this is going, even if it’s never gone there before. You’ve watched the girls Carlos brings home look at him the same way Mateo is looking at you right now, or more importantly, how he doesn’t look at you. 
“You know, I don’t either.” He nods, but it’s more of a full body movement, like he’s rocking forward, lips pursed and jaw tight. His eyebrows raise like he’s going to shrug, like he’s surprised with himself. You doubt you read the emotion right. “It’s always about Carlos, isn’t it?”
You lean back in your seat, cross your arms over your chest, close your eyes just long enough to hide the eye roll, and then you’re piling the silverware and the napkin onto the plate and moving the party to the kitchen sink. “I’m not doing this right now,” you say when you grab the wine glass carelessly. 
“Oh, so you know what this is about, then?” He calls after you, gathers his things sloppily and follows you into the kitchen. 
“You just said it’s about Carlos,” you say, slamming the sink on and clattering the plates into the bowl. Carlos had told you about these fights, about the ones he’s had with his girlfriends. You’d laughed about them, always thought it was so funny–the idea of someone left fuming by your friendship. The crazy assumptions, they couldn’t be more wrong if they tried. You and Carlos are nothing but platonic, you’ve always been platonic, you’ll always be platonic. When you know someone as long as you’ve known Carlos, they just become a part of you, build this little home in your soul that blends in so perfectly you could never cut it out with clean margins. It’s not just Carlos, either. It’s Blanca and Ana, too. Hell, it’s even Carlos Sr. and Reyes, but nobody ever seems to understand that. 
“It’s my Abuela,” he says, like you’re supposed to be moved or something, and he sets his dishes in the sink on top of yours. “It’s her birthday, and you’re supposed to come with me. I told my family you were coming.”
“I don’t understand why you would do that,” you start scrubbing the first plate with far more aggression than required. You’re not a good fighter, you get mean, and you get mean quick. “I was never not going to Australia.”
He laughs, leans against the counter with his arms crossed, staring at the ground, at the crumbs waiting to be swept up. “Because you’re never going to choose me over Carlos, right?”
“Answer the question.”
You freeze, squeeze the soapy sponge in a fist until there’s nothing left to ring out of it. “I’m certainly not going to choose your Abuela over my friend. Over my brother.”
“He’s not your brother.”
You sigh, go back to cleaning. “He’s like my brother.”
“Yeah, if you wanted to fuck your brother,” he says, and meets your eyes with wide, proud eyes like he’d done something, caught you in some illicit love affair. You resist the urge to grab the wand from the sink and spray him with a jet of water. 
Instead, coldly, you’d replied, “get out,” and pointed to the door. 
His hands shot up in some great defense. Or maybe it was offense, you really never could read him that well. “I see how you look at him.”
In. Out. In, and then out. Deep breaths. “I said leave, Mateo.”
“Because you know I’m right.” In, then out. “You know how fucked up it is that there’s three people in our relationship,” in, out. “Four, if you count Carlos’ girlfriend! What do you think she thinks about all this? You looking at her boyfriend like your favorite candy?” In, then. In, then–in, and then you slap him with a wet hand, the contact reverberating into a splash, coating the walls and the ceiling and the entire fucking room in anger. Anger, and dirty dish water. 
The anger is deafening, the room so quiet that the sink makes the kitchen sound like it’s directly behind a waterfall. 
He storms off into the living room. You return to the dishes, hear the jingle of his keys, the door opening. “Fuck you!” You call after him, but what you really mean is Fuck Carlos. 
When you get the breakup text a few days later, you’re not surprised. You put on your best face and pretend you never read it because while your boyfriend did just break up with you in a seven word text, you’re sitting out the back of the Toro Rosso motorhome watching Carlos pace.
You’ll tell him later, you think, after the race. And then, you don’t dare ruin the celebration, ride the high out until it can’t be ridden any longer. By the time you do get around to telling him, you’re all but moved on, mentioning it nonchalantly amongst the chaos of his first season. It falls away to the backburner, into irrelevancy, and Carlos never does ask what happened to sour the relationship. He does, however, have a wilted arrangement of flowers delivered to your front door with a handwritten note–ugly and dead, just like your relationship. You’d laughed for maybe twenty straight minutes. 
Carlos was twenty-four when he realized he was in love with you, that maybe he always had been. He’d just broken up with a girlfriend, one whose name he hardly remembers now. Alessandra… Alena… Adrianna–oh, screw it. It was definitely an “A,” and if it wasn’t, he’s sure it was a vowel. Not the point. He was twenty-four and had just dumped whatever her name was because it just didn’t feel right. (What does right feel like at twenty-four? And how do you know it when you see it? The world may never know). 
It was three races into the 2019 season, and he’d been having a particularly unlucky start with his new team. He’d spent the offseason relatively alone in Woking, finding his footing in a new place, a new team, a new car. Everything is gray, you’d told him the night he announced his impending move, scrolling through your phone at Google search results for the town. “It’s not gray,” he said, and without needing to say anything or flash him a look, he backtracked. “Okay, it’s a little gray.”
Three races in–an engine fire and two first lap collisions–in, and everything is feeling pretty gray, not just his rainy apartment (flat, he’s been taught to call it) in Woking. The cards felt stacked against him, and reluctantly, he’d called in reinforcements to Baku, a couple of good luck charms in the form of the people he loved. You, Ana, and Blanca flew in together and made Carlos come pick you up from the airport himself. 
You climbed into the backseat and were anything but gray. You were glowing, completely and utterly sunkissed, and your hair was messy from travel but it reminded him of what you’re like after a good nap. Groggy and sleepy and desperate to stretch out like a cat. He hates that he knows how you like to stretch after a nap, the exact pattern of movements you do. Do you know how much time you have to spend with someone to memorize their post-nap stretch routine? Too much time, that’s how much. 
You got into his car, all bright and sunny, and sure, his sisters were there and he loves them so much. But, you’re here, and you’re bright and sunny and everything feels just a little less gray. He pulls out from the airport and while he doesn’t realize that he loves you just yet, he knows something in him has been chemically altered by your smile, irrevocably so.
It’s Sunday when he realizes, somewhere between the checkered flag and the team debrief when you and the girls appear, practically crash into him like you’d been dropped down into the garage right from the sky. He hugs you, and you smell like sunshine. He wants to bash his head into the wall of his driver's room, to lay in front of Lando’s car and ask him to run him over because he’s not supposed to take note of the way you smell (unless it’s to call you out for smelling like shit). 
You kiss his cheek and shove his shoulder because you’re so happy for him, because you’re always so happy for him. He doesn’t think it’s fair for someone like him to always have someone this happy for him. He loves that about you. He loves everything about you. He loves you. Fuck, he’s in love with you. 
Lando nearly pees his pants over a tweet the next day. Carlos has reached a new level of Carlos-ing, it read, with a picture of him visibility distracted while being fed to the media pen. He can’t tell his teammate that the reason he’s so distracted is because he’s internally debating the pros and cons of ruining your friendship forever. 
You’re twenty-four when you and Carlos start dating. The two of you drag it out for as long as humanly possible, stretch the patience of everyone around you so thin they won’t be surprised (or concerned) at the idea of you and him getting together. It’s scary. Really, really scary to admit your feelings for each other, to tell the rest of the world about it, but Carlos keeps bringing you these mis-shapen flowers, ones where the dye is soaked up poorly or they’re a couple days too wilted. It’s our thing, he would always say, and kiss you while you cut the stems to fit in your favorite vase. 
He was right, it was something that was just yours. There was nobody else actively searching out dying flowers in the shops or carefully picking the dirtiest wildflower from its root on an evening walk through the city. That was just the two of you, and nobody else understood it. 
“It’s gross,” a friend told you, twiddling one of the half-dead flower stems between her fingers while you shared gossip over glasses of wine. “You got these today and they’re ready to be thrown in the bin.”
“You don’t get it,” you’d swatted her words away. The dead flowers weren’t understood, and they didn’t need to be. They were special to you and Carlos, and when it came down to it, nothing else mattered to you. 
“Seriously, though,” she’d continued, “It’s… I don’t know. Dead flowers, it’s just weird.”
Carlos is twenty-six when you break up. It’s mutual, it is. Even when it doesn’t feel like it’s mutual, when either one of you desperately searches to blame the other for the pitfalls, it’s still mutual, still two people who love each other. Who just aren’t in love with each other anymore. 
There’s a lot of reasons if you want to get into it, but his new drive is the catalyst for pretty much all of them. Carlos is with Ferrari now, which is the dream, but it's also the nightmare. McLaren is iconic and historic but Ferrari… well. Everyone knows the Vettel quote, everyone knows the kid’s car is red. Ferrari’s Ferrari and you’re just… you. Time runs out, patience runs thin, and that’s the end of it. 
You’re twenty-seven when you see him for the first time post-breakup. It’s a setup by your parents. Mallorca and the vineyard, again. You don’t think anything of it, so much has happened in the last decade and Mallorca is half of Spain’s favorite vacation destination. 
He’s sitting with his family at the bar, the whole clan of them sipping from a wine-tasting tray. His eyes shoot up to meet yours with the loud creak of the old, heavy doors. He does a double take, and your stomach turns into a ball of knotted necklaces. 
During the same tour you’d been on all those years ago, you sneak off with the same excuse you’d used. Blanca and Ana don’t follow after you to debate the environmental damages of bumming a cigarette in the grove or to threaten to snitch on you to your parents. They stay behind and listen and you stomp through the wildflowers to get some air. You’re already outside, Carlos would say if he were there. You’re my dirty air, you’d tell him, and he would roll his eyes, shove his hands deep in his pockets and rock on his heels. 
He knows you’re not in the bathroom, there isn’t a single nerve in your mind that thinks he doesn’t know exactly where you are. He doesn’t sneak off behind you. You gather your thoughts in the grove by yourself, leant against a tree older than you’ll dream of being. You pick a wildflower, one that looks picture perfect, snap it carefully from the root and stick the stem behind your ear. 
When you return to your party, they don’t notice you’ve been gone for far too long to use the bathroom or that you’ve got a flower in your hair. Well, all of them except Carlos, who slows his walking pace to drop to the back of the group next to you. “Nice flower,” he comments quietly. 
You nod, watch your feet as they move in synchronized steps with him on the grassy path. “Thanks.”
“It’s dead,” he adds, and you smile dimly. “It’s not nice to kill the flowers.”
Carlos is twenty-eight when he’s perusing the birthday card section at the local gift shop. He’s trying to find one that perfectly sums up his birthday wishes for you. It has to be sunny and happy and so, so sorry for everything (even when it’s nobody’s fault). It has to say, I’ll always love you without saying I am still terribly in love with you. It has to be subtle and obvious and endearing and serious and funny. It has to be everything his words can’t be. 
He eventually settles on one, tucks it into the yellow envelope and licks it shut. He handwrites your name on it messily, like you could get confused about who it’s for and need a label, or like he has a stack of yellow envelopes for dozens of other people sitting sealed on his kitchen counter. He goes to the florist next, picks out a stock arrangement from the fridge and a package of flower seeds. The final stop on his city tour is your apartment. Three knocks on your door, and then you’re undoing the deadbolt. 
“Hi,” you say, confused by his presence on your welcome mat. 
“Happy Birthday,” he smiles. “This is the last time I get you dead flowers.”
You and Carlos are thirty at your wedding. He cries when you walk down the aisle and there isn’t a single real flower in your bouquet. It’s all fake, and one of your friends asks if you’re worried it might look tacky or cheap. Anyone who thinks that shouldn’t be at our wedding, you’d told them. 
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penguinsravioli · 11 months ago
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·˚ ༘Crush Confession anthony vaughn x reader
: ̗̀➛⁺ chapter 1 ⁺ next
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“Well, shit.” I stare at the map while everyone crowds around it. Heaps for keeping my body count a secret. “Well damn (name), I didn’t know you got down like that ay?” Dusty nudges my side. I frown, I don't think my count is that high in my opinion, but I’d rather keep it on the low you know? This happened during holiday, me and Ant I mean. Didn't mean much to me because we were shit-faced.
But he’s been avoiding eye contact with me since I walked in. I think it's because he’s into Jesus and all that.
“Says here you went at it wiiiiithhhh, Ant and Missy huh? You enjoy getting a gobby?” I rolled my eyes. “Fuck off, cunt...” I shove Spider out of the way. Adjusting my jeans on the way down, they’re seriously starting to ride up my ass. When me and Missy went at it, I didn’t do anything with her. She did go down on me though.
To the gym, we all traveled for an assembly.  I sat down near the back, like 2 rows from. Which placed me behind Dusty, I messed with the charms on my acrylics, stoically staring at my feet when the gym silenced. I look up and see, Harper, with a full buzz. “Pack it up Eleven” Missy shouts. I hold in a chuckle. While Amerie frantically calls out her name. “Sit down Amerie,” Woodsy commands. Shortly after, she begins.
“I am a woke woman.” I sit up a bit straighter, curious on what’s about to come out of her mouth next. Woodsy is known to be a tight stuck-up bitch of a principle, I don't think she's that bad. She just… “I enjoy sex as much as the next person.” …has a way with her words is all.
“But reputation is everything and this map..has jeopardized your reputations” No fucking kidding woods. “And the reputation of our school. On the first day back, we are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map” 
Shit…shit shit shit shit shit- I am so fucked. Woodsy’s voice begins to lessen throughout my brain. “-and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs, or gathos-” my mouth begins to dry up. What will my parents say? They’ve had the ‘talk’  with me but they're not really understating you know. “Oooi central link is losing her shit” Spider comments. “Shut up Spider..” Ant whispers. “Hey! Hey!-” There's Woodsy’s voice coming in again. My legs begin shaking “-Unsupervised parties equals alcohol. Alcohol equals poor choices. The risk-taking behaviors outlined on this map are unacceptable.” I sigh, lightly pulling at the end of my hair. Trying to calm myself down, I'm so gonna get my ass beat when I get home later. Woodsy ends her speech a bit later and we’re finally dismissed. Well, except Amerie. It must have been her. What a dog. 
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Maths passes by excruciatingly slower than usual. I check my phone, no notifications. My legs begin to shake again, and the under of my boobs are sweating, how fun. I put my head on the table, I feel a headache coming up. I look at the clock. Thank GOD. I get up to use the bathroom as soon as the bell rings. I breathe in and out slowly. “You’re good man You're good, chill out” I attempt to calm myself down. When it finally works I walk out of the bathroom. Turn a corner and there in the gym, is Harper beating the shit out of Amerie.
“worldstar material?” I question, weaving myself into the crowd pulling out my phone to record. “Well shit, beat her ass then” I instigate. A small chuckle slips from my mouth when Amerie falls to the ground, Harper leaves, and Ameries nose is bleeding.
“Yikes..” I turn away. My ass is already grass when I get home. Let us not deepen the grave by being late to class.
“Oi (nickname), can we talk?” It’s Ant. I feel just as bad for him as me. I’ve met his mom, she's scary. “About? It seems to me you've talked a bunch” “Listen I’m sorry about it. I know you told me not to spill but Spider kept on prying because he saw us walk out of the bathroom.”  During holiday I had snuck out and went to a party that Sasha So invited me to. Now I don't drink, but I do occasionally take a hit. The last time I had gotten high I almost died of laughter, like so deadass. I'm a giggler, but this time I was dissociating.
—“Oi (nickname) you good? Ant looks at me. He’s a bit high, you can tell because usually when he’s hella high he acts like he doesn’t have a brain. “Yeah bruh, heaps”. We stare at each other for a moment and I begin giggling, he begins giggling too. “You know… you’re real cute when you’re not trying to be like spider and your group leader dusty” I turn my body towards him and get closer. I was wearing this cute skirt, it was pretty tight on me but it made my legs look quite nice. I had paired it with this cute black tube top as well. “Am I? I always thought I was a bit of a ripper” I giggle at his remark. My arms begin to wrap themselves around the base of his neck. “Wanna show me how much damage a ripper like you can cause?” He smirks, “sure mate” he puts his hands down my waist, dropping his arm to grab my hand as he leads me to the bathroom.—
I shake off the memory. “Listen, Um Anthony..” I think to try and find the right words to say. He lifts his head to reveal his puppy-like eyes. Ugh, what an asshole that boy is. “I don't really care anymore. But I think it would just be best if we forgot about it yeah?” His face seems to melt a bit with sadness. “Yeah Yeah, Of course. No biggie”
“Cool, Catch you later I guess” I begin to walk away from the sulking Ant. “Will the following students please meet at classroom 5D”
I continued walking, trying to get away from Ant, who was currently burning holes into my backside. “Amerie Wadia, Harer McLean, Sasha So, Missy Bekett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn—“ I whip my head around, and his face looks confused. “Well Shiiiit” I smirk his way, he rolls his eyes and adjusts his backpack straps beginning to walk the opposite way from me.
“(name) (lastname), Darren Rivers, Quinni Callegar-Jones, Douglas Piggott—“ He turns around. “HA!” I roll my eyes and follow him out the doors.
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hanadulsetaad · 11 months ago
Y/N Seo's life gets turned upside down when her crush, Hyunjin, starts dating her old friend turned enemy, Yeji. Suddenly, Yeji is part of their rich kid's group, even though y/n and Yeji can't stand each other. They pretend to be friends, but it's all fake.
Things get super messy when old secrets spill out, and new faces join the gang. Rumors fly, and trust crumbles as people in the group start leaking secrets, trying to wreck everyone's reputations. With newbies entering the scene, will the schemers in the group get busted for their sneaky plots?
Y/N's in the middle of it all, trying to figure out who's real and who's fake. Will she stick around with the rich kids, or will she find her own way? And what about Hyunjin? Will Y/N win his heart, or will she find love in an unexpected place?
Y/N Seo: Y/N is the brainy YouTuber daughter of a business tycoon, alongside her dropout-turned-millionaire brother, Changbin. Together, they're the dynamic duo of South Korea, known for brains and business smarts. Plus, she's also a college student, balancing academics with her online presence.
Changbin Seo: College dropout turned startup sensation, Changbin is the brother of Y/N and the mastermind behind his own wealth. In a secret relationship with Lee Felix.
Hwang Hyunjin: Hyunjin is the prince of South Korea's elite circle. Son of the third richest man, he's not just a pretty face but a model and dancer extraordinaire.
Yeji Hwang: Yeji is the princess beside Hyunjin's prince. A rising star in modeling and dancing, she's the perfect match for her wealthy beau, Hyunjin.
Lee Felix: Son of a fashion mogul, Felix struts his stuff on runways and social media alike.
I.N: Son of a top doctor and lawyer. Despite his privileged background, he's all about hard work and making his own mark.
Wooyoung: Changbin's business partner in their gym startup, Wooyoung is a college buddy and y/n's roommate.
Bang Chan: Born in Australia but moved to Korea at 13 due to his parents' separation, Bang Chan is anything but ordinary. Despite not being from a wealthy family, he's a genius who aced the Korean college exams. On top of that, he's a part-time composer for big idol companies, showcasing his incredible talent.
Kim Seungmin: From a regular middle-class family, Seungmin is Bang Chan's buddy, and he's a riot! He never thought he'd crack the college exams, but guess what? He did, landing at the 200th spot. Even he is surprised.
(more characters will be introduced)
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