205 posts
Big Destiny Person, every Tuesday will have a weekly reset as soon as I can. Also a big Endless Ocean fan and will post about that too.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
garuda4321 · 1 month ago
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Tucker isn't a fan of thunderstorms.
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garuda4321 · 3 months ago
All good! Complete and total respect as I can only do stick figures and really bad art on a good day. Appreciate the response though!
So, I found a few folks on Reddit having a conversation…
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If you have the time, (obviously no rush, I respect you and your talents) I think they’re onto something with that Umbra meets Arthur idea.
Thats a good idea but nah im probably not gonna draw that, for several reasons (or should i say excuses)
Im bad at drawing human faces and arthur is not addictive (?) enough for me to learn that specifically for him, like how bloodhound kickstarted the whole art thing i do
If this is already discussed widely then theres probably a million artists thats gonna draw that specific idea out so i can just see their art instead of drawing myself. You know, like open source code
I... think I already dealth with that in my au when i saw arthur for the first time? By "dealt with" i just set that umbra is more attracted to the original trapinch version excalibur and just disregarded the whole thing, probably because it involves human faces and theyre the arch nemesis for me
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garuda4321 · 3 months ago
You’re forgetting the best part about that: he was sick and had practically lost his voice! The only things he said was “you’re welcome” and that he was sick to the OFFICERS that came to pick up (I believe) Shocker and his crew!
Spiders being Earth's top predators, the most successful hunters on the planet, and arachnophobia being the most common phobia in Humans really makes Peter the ideal horror movie adaption if Marvel ever wanted to go there
instead he's just a guy, just a little guy
but oh if they wanted to...
Edit: remembered how easy it is for Peter to scare people?? He didn't talk for one night and scared the living shit out of so many people all across New York?? It's literally his quips and chatterbox nature that stops him being a terrifying cryptid
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garuda4321 · 3 months ago
You can easily spot the ones that have not heard about the Alice’s Restaurant Movement.
Time to get this out of the way
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garuda4321 · 4 months ago
Ghost is fine, don’t worry. Ghost just needs to really examine the finer details of that mark the Cabal wear.
oh my god. ghost. i'm so sorry. fuck.
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garuda4321 · 4 months ago
Hey, I know a lot of queer people follow me, especially young trans people, and I just wanted to say that I know everything is scary right now, and it's probably going to be scary for a while longer, but it's not the end.
I've seen a few posts floating around saying that you need to survive to outlive Trump or to spite the people that put him in office, and if that's what keeps you going, then hold onto that. Spite is as good a reason to live as any, and god knows we've got every reason to be spiteful right now.
But if that's not enough, if you can't hold on to spite, then I need you to stay alive for hope, and love, and community, and the future. I need you to stay alive because you deserve to live, and to get top surgery, and to start HRT, and to love openly. You deserve to have dinner with people you care about, and to wear something that makes you happy, and to build a life that you want to live, even if you have to do it brick by painstaking brick.
You deserve all of that, and so do your friends, and so does your family, and so does every other queer and otherwise marginalized person that he's going to go after, but we can only get there if we're alive to do it. So you need to survive. You need to check on your friends. You need to find the communities around you, and, if there isn't one, then you need to look harder because I promise you community is never as far as you think.
It's going to be hard. It's going to be miserable, and terrifying, and enraging, but you need to do it. If not for yourself, then for the people around you who need it just as much as, if not more than, you do.
Remember, there are millions of queer people out there who love you. I know because I'm one of them, so, when I say this, I need you to understand that I mean it.
Stay safe, stay together, and stay alive.
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garuda4321 · 4 months ago
Oh boy, frame by frame analysis time wheee!!!
It’s definitely not the grenade launcher. We can clearly see the grenade launch along its proper trajectory (also it’s a stasis weapon not an arc weapon).
The moment the marauder fires the lord of wolves, a large arc explosion occurs. Considering where we are in the EDZ… not many options for arc explosions, especially of that size. It’s really just skiffs. It’s possible that the marauder and a departing skiff hit you simultaneously and the game tried to blame the no longer present skiff resulting in “misadventure”.
That’s my best guess.
What just happened?  Seriously Destiny what even hit me?
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garuda4321 · 4 months ago
Don’t worry, I’ve been told I’ll get advanced notice if the world is ending from my buddy in Poland. I’ll make sure to keep you all posted on that. Of course, he also had an interesting thing to tell me, which I will quote because I think a lot of folks need to hear this. However, saving that for a little bit later because I feel like folks could use a bit of a motivational speech (I gave my first one today focused on hope, and boy do we need it).
Here goes.
I want to start by reminding people that it’s ok to feel. Whether that’s anger, sadness, hope, happiness, or whatever else you’re feeling, it is ok to feel them. Emotions should not be suppressed. I work very hard to ensure that I am a part of a community that is not only safe, but somewhere I can call home. I am always willing to invite more people into my home, especially in times of need as feeling safe is something everyone deserves.
I know that when faced with outcomes such as these, it is considerably easier to live with a victory than a loss. This is why this I am speaking about hope, having hope. I understand that not everyone has hope right now. If you do have it, please try to share some of that hope with those that do not have it. If you do not have it, hopefully you can find some in this reblog.
I am fairly certain that everyone has had the experience when something doesn’t go their way. In the realm of Ninja (the obstacle course racing variety), this is rampant. Perhaps we fell on the first obstacle of a course, or perhaps we missed qualifying for finals by mere seconds. When this happens, we have two choices. We can either stay down and let the negativity eat away at us, or we can get back up and keep training and trying until we reach our goal.
Unfortunately, we can only do that during training. On a course, when we fail obstacle one, that’s it, we don’t get a second chance. We don’t have that choice to stay down or get back up as we can’t change the outcome. As depressing as that sounds, it’s true.
You can’t change what happened and you don’t get the choice to “get up and try it again”. But we don’t have to sit and cry, complain, or hide from it either. We don’t have to give up.
Right now, there are lots of us that are down. We have communities that we feel safe and welcome in to support us when we need them. Together, as we refuse to give up, we can do each and every thing to help better our communities. It may not be a large difference, but a difference is a difference, and a difference matters! We can leave a smile, a compliment, or even a positive message behind because if someone is having a rough day, those small actions can make a large difference for them.
I encourage you to try to bridge outside of your comfort zone and meet new people, join new communities and try to spread some positivity in the world. I did so earlier today by giving a very similar speech to this one and again now by posting an abbreviated version of it. Do your best to make a difference with all people, no matter who they are, what they look like, or what they stand for. Because we will overcome whatever is thrown our way together, and by helping those that are struggling to overcome their own obstacles. We will believe and we will have faith. We may not know who or what to believe in, but we all know that we can believe in each other.
To finish us off, that quote from my friend in Poland.
“Remember that life is a long distance race. In a few months, a lot will change. In a few years, whole world will look completely different. Don’t lose your energy and faith in being a good person. World will need good people.”
Choose to be kind, caring, compassionate, and empathetic.
I’m signing off for now, maybe I’ll return with the next one I end up giving.
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garuda4321 · 4 months ago
All we can do now is hope.
What have you done, America?
I am anguished, I am heartbroken, I am afraid of what’s coming for people I love. I am shocked that my country just gave 247 years of Democracy away over one night. We live in a different country now, than we did when we woke up, yesterday. Exactly how violent and cruel and hateful this new country is has yet to be revealed, but it’s going to be pretty terrible. I fought hard to prevent this. We…
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garuda4321 · 4 months ago
I remember hearing this line with my old fireteam! Back when I… HAD… a fireteam… that’s a different story altogether though. Anyways, we looked at each other and over the VC we all collectively agreed right there and then that yep, they were flirting and that yep, they would be a couple.
Ah great, now I remember that I miss having a fireteam.
They told me to make her fall in love, I had to make her laugh. But everytime she laughs. I'm the one who falls in love.
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garuda4321 · 4 months ago
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garuda4321 · 5 months ago
Apparently quite a few of us don’t know who MatPat is… though to answer your question, Bill Nye.
Had a thought
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garuda4321 · 5 months ago
Rather brilliantly too, I may add.
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Tumblr mention!!😳😌
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garuda4321 · 5 months ago
It’s been busy around here and I keep meaning to record and just don’t get around to it and I’ve been dealing with that for a while but it’s gonna happen eventually!
Do you have a youtube channel?
Yes, I'm actively working on it
Yes, I upload videos sporadically
Yes, I have an abandoned channel
I work on someone's/corporate channel
No, but I'm planning on it
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garuda4321 · 5 months ago
Please reblog if YES so your followers will know!
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garuda4321 · 5 months ago
Regarding, “the jerk” as you so politely called that thief, you need to vanquish their underlings a lot to get requiem murmur progress. Then you have your selection of requiem murmurs (Fass, Lohk, Xata, etc.) that you acquire from requiem relics. You need to put them in the correct order to make them flee to space (I know Liches go to Saturn, uncertain where Sisters go). Then railjack mission, board and kill, either mercy them (they become your friend) or vanquish them (you get their weapon like Twin Kuva Stubbas, Kuva Nukor etc.)
The wiki probably does a better job clarifying but hopefully that helps!
koumei spoiler? i mean that mission is so short i don't think i even need readmore
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dark mode ui? i don't even know i WANT this
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fuck how do i kill that jerk
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please tell me i can finally stop worrying about warframe and weapon slots
also i hate son and deimos conservation
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garuda4321 · 5 months ago
Hey, @aquatark isn’t this both shown and explained in Blue World? Somewhere near Triton in Ciceros Strait? Or is my memory acting up again?
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