#Braig's entire family is kinda a clusterfuck woop
kyberled · 7 years
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She hated the Jedi.
She had always disliked them, but the hatred had been something newer, even though it had become coated with the dust of a decade and a half. She owed them nothing, perhaps less than, after all they’d taken from her. That which could never be replaced. That which she could never get back.
That which she missed more and more each day.
The woman regarded the stranger coldly, quite sure that her contempt would be obvious in their precious Force, if not every fibre of her being. She had half a mind to slam the door in the Jedi’s face, but… Her eyes wandered to the clone trooper all but hanging off of her shoulder… She’d heard about them. Just children, really, pulled into a war they hadn’t started, simply because of the circumstances of their birth…
Yes, that hit close to home.
She sighed, bowing her head and closing her eyes for just a moment, then stepped aside, pushing the clinic door open as she did.
“Fine, bring him in. But you stay out of my way. Don’t touch anything, don’t say anything, and I want you gone by sunrise. Is that understood?” She pauses in clearing off a cot to fix the Jedi with a cold stare.
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“Have I made myself clear?” 
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