ryndraws2manythings · 5 months
I’m working on an animated series called Rebels Display which is a circus based series
There are 5 different circus's. They are all at a war with each othe until a new circus begins, this new circus is called the Rebels Display, its a rather strange circus, only filled with clowns? i guess we'll see what these clowns have to offer then
And I’m looking for animators, voice actors and story boarders!
So if your interest msg me here or at discord
My discord username is boxyghostt
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boxyghost-blog · 8 years
Just had a crazy dream where
Ryo and I went to the bathroom and it turned ominous and he disappeared then I found another dimension or world time by crawling through the roof of the bathroom where I found two people who were my friends which I was now in a home (their home) we walk down the hall since we heard something weird and walk into a room which is filled with many lights and I am see myself lying in a hospital bed with a broken leg where I am wagering for my life with a god then I wake up.
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