#Both ideas are grt
lunarlando · 2 months
Hi I just saw ur girl dad lando requests r open and ran over bc I'm obsessed with dad lando too and there's simply not enough fics on it unfortunately.
Anyway my fic/blurb idea is fluffy and slightly angsty? so lando and fem!wife!reader's daughters r in their teens and and they're used to reader (their mum) typically being the "bad cop" and lando being the "fun parent" who will spoil them and can never say no to them when reader does. One day readers tired of her teens hating her for being the mean one so they decide to switch roles and the girls r rlly confused and angry at lando and start being nice to reader who's enjoying watching lando take her place for once. Maybe the girls ask to go out to a party or ask for new phones or smth u can decide. Ignore my request if it doesn't seem interesting 😭 and have a grt day byee xx
thank you for the request! a few other grid kids make an appearance, hope that's okay! and lando is such a fun dad type guy you're so right x
feel free to request more :)
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Having teenage girls was not an easy feat.
You were warned of the terrible twos and gotten through them twice with your sanity intact, but nobody had ever warned you about teenagers. You suspect it should’ve been a given, but when you thought about having teenagers you always saw yourself as the type of mum who your daughters would feel close to.
Now that you’re the mum of a sixteen and seventeen year old, you find yourself becoming the opposite. You’ve turned into the bad cop between Lando and yourself. He’s the fun parent, you’re the party pooper. He spoils Estelle and Delilah because he can, because he loves his girls more than life itself, and you’re stuck reining in his gift giving because you don’t want them to become accustomed to always getting what they want when they want no matter the cost.
Even when you put your foot down on some of their more extravagant requests, Lando finds a way around it. 
Part of the reason Lando spoils them so much is because he was still racing in Formula One when both of them were born and while they were growing up, so he’d miss things sometimes. He tried his hardest not to miss bigger events like their birthdays and holidays, but other stuff like their school recitals, sports games—he did the best he could, but a lot of the time it just never aligned with his busy schedule. 
Now that he’d taken a step back from being in the seat of a car for the past three years, he was trying to make up for lost time. 
“I feel like the girls think I’m a hardass,” you sigh as you’re getting ready for bed one night. Lando is brushing his teeth, but he sticks his head out of the bathroom at your words, frowning at you with the brush still in his mouth. “Do you think they hate me?” 
“You’re their mum, they don’t hate you,” he replies through toothpaste bubbles, wrinkling his nose at you. “All you’ve done their whole lives is take care of them. How could they hate you?” 
“Because I’m their mum,” you say pointedly. Lando cocks his head, like he doesn’t understand what you’re saying. “Mums and daughters are different from mums and sons. Trust me.” 
“Okay, fair. But I don’t think you’re a hardass. You’re just…firm with them, is all.” 
You snort unattractively, looking at him pointedly. “Yeah, I have to be, mister take my credit card, buy whatever you want.” Lando hums thoughtfully, disappearing back into the bathroom to finish washing up before reappearing and padding over to his side of the bed. “I love that you want them to have everything they could ever dream of, and I say this with nothing but even more love, but you’re not the best when it comes to saying no to the girls.” 
“I know. I just…I hate it when they look so disappointed and sad.” 
“And you think I do? I don’t want to be the bad cop, but someone has to,” you grumble, setting aside your book. Lando snuggles up close to you, propping his chin on your shoulder. “You should try it.” 
“Ha, that’s funny.” 
“No, I’m serious, Lan. Tomorrow, we switch roles. You’ll be me and I’ll be you, and then you’ll understand,” you propose, smiling at him in that way you know he won’t be able to resist. All these years and you’ve still got your husband wrapped around your finger. 
“That doesn’t sound like a good time.” 
“Oh, it won’t be. Not for you, at least. But we’re a team, aren’t we?” 
“I hate it when you’re right.” 
Fortunately for Lando, things at the Norris household don’t get interesting until nighttime the following day. 
“Hey Mum, we’re going out tonight. Just wanted to let you know since we might be out after curfew,” Estelle says absentmindedly, not looking up from her phone. Beside her, Delilah giggles quietly, ever her older sister’s follower. You want to tell them no—their curfew is late enough as it is and they’ve got school tomorrow—but you refrain. It’s Lando’s turn to be the bad cop. 
“Sure, I don’t see why not. Ask your father first though,” you reply instead. From the couch where he’s watching some rerun of an old grand prix, Lando straightens at the mention of his name, twisting around to look at you with wide eyes. You raise a brow, tilting your head at the two girls who’ve turned their attention on their dad. “Go on, he’s listening.” 
They share a confused look with each other, but you can see the gears turning in their quick teenage brains. If mum said yes, dad would definitely say yes. Easy.
Or so they think. 
Delilah bounces over to sit on the couch next to Lando, smiling at him widely. “Hi daddy! Can we go to a party tonight?” 
Now Estelle’s sitting on his other side, bringing out the same patented charming Norris grin. “Well, it’s not really a party. More like a few friends hanging out. Super laid back.” 
“Uh huh. Gonna need some more details, lovebugs,” Lando hums, flashing their same smile right back at them. There’s no use in trying to play the guy who invented the game. “Who’s gonna be there, where it is. You wouldn’t want your mum and I to worry, would you?” 
“Um…” Delilah balks. She probably wasn’t expecting him to ask so many questions. He usually doesn’t, just says yes because he can’t bring himself to say no to them. 
Estelle cuts in before her sister can potentially dig them into an inescapable hole. “Adrien’s going, Clara and Maeve will be there too, and Teo.” 
Adrien and Teo—Charles’ and Carlos’ sons, respectively, and Clara and Maeve—Oscar’s twin daughters. You know that she knows the two of you trust your friends, so name dropping their kids would give them a fighting chance. She’s smart like that. You’d admire it more if her intellect wasn’t aimed at sweet talking her parents. 
Lando sneaks another panicked glance back at you, and you shake your head slightly. That solidifies his resolve, because as much as he doesn’t want to disappoint them, you have an agreement, and a deal’s a deal. “Sorry girls, it’s gonna be a no. We’re all staying in tonight.”
“Let’s do something as a family, yeah? Game night? Or you can do some laps on the sim, I know how much you like that,” Lando offers up, as if enticing them with sim racing would soften the blow of their dad’s first no. 
“Seriously? But dad, it’s not a party! We’re just gonna watch a movie or something!” Estelle exclaims, crossing her arms over her chest.
The girls share another look with each other, this one more irritated than confused. Lando just tries his best to stay firm looking. You, on the other hand, watch the whole thing play out from where you are, fighting to hide a smile, because now he knows how you feel all the damn time. It shouldn’t please you, but as someone who’s been taking the brunt of their teenage-ness for a while now, it brings you just a smidge of joy. 
“That doesn’t change things, unfortunately. You two will be staying here with your dear old parents, and that’s it.” 
“That’s so unfair though!” Estelle huffs, rolling her eyes. 
Lando cocks his head at her, brows raised in challenge. “I’d watch the attitude if I were you, Stell.” 
Delilah switches her tactic to try and salvage things, coming over to where you’re still chopping vegetables at the kitchen counter. Out of the two of them, your youngest knows exactly where her mum’s soft spot lies. “Mum? We just want to hang out with our friends. Please?” 
“You heard your dad, girls,” you say, shrugging. “If he says no, it’s no. Sorry.” 
They disappear down the corridor grumbling to each other rather quickly after that, no doubt already texting their friends about how awful their dad is. It almost makes you laugh, because for once, you’re not the one they’re mad at. Lando trudges over to you, pressing himself against your back in a rather dejected hug. 
“Doesn’t feel great, does it?” 
“Is this what it feels like to be you?” he groans. You can feel him frowning against your neck and you chuckle, running your fingers through his curls affectionately. “We’re setting some more ground rules, effectively immediately.” 
“Like what, don’t be mean to your mum? They’re teenagers, Lan. It’s what they do.” 
“I was never like this.” That draws quite a laugh from you. “What?” 
“So if I call your parents and ask them if you were ever a little shit when you were younger, they’d say no?” 
“...Don’t call them.” 
“That’s what I thought.” You kiss his cheek gratefully still. “We balance each other out well, I’d say. I don’t mind being the bad cop sometimes, but you can’t just be a fun dad all the time.” 
“But it’s so fun being a fun dad,” he whines, but you know he understands. “I don’t have to feel like this.” 
“You’ll get over it, darling. They will too, and we’ll be back to the same old thing tomorrow.” 
“I love you, bad cop.” 
“Love you more, fun dad.”
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hallownoxie · 1 year
Portgas D Ace as a Father
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4am headcanons
Reader is afab (due to preganunun)
He can't wrap his mind around the idea of you carrying his child. One hand hes over the moon but on the other hand hes terrified of fucking up.
Boy has both mommy AND daddy issues ™️
The baby would make him actually want to seek getting help with his sever mental state.
Cue the journey of: Getting legit mental help with out getting arrested and executed.
Ace would legit run your funds dry by trying to grt everything under the sun.
He would also try to read a parenting book, only to realize theres too many big words and needs your help.
Ace would track Luffy down to tell him the good news and oh god the terrifying news that Luffy is an uncle-.
Somehow you get front row seats to Ace finding out Sabo is alive, beats the ever loving shit out of Sabo and ends up crying like a littlw bitch while cuddling Sabo.
You are eventually remembered and introduced to both brothers... 😅
Did you tell Dadan yet?
I haven't even told Gramps, what do you think?
Ace's big fear is saying something hes gonna regret, hes a lot more hotheaded and emotional out of Sabo and Luffy.
He doesn't want to say anything bad like the multiple times he heard Dadan call him demon, or wishing to get rid of him while she was drunk venting.
Because that shit stays with you...
After months of brainstorming Ace settled on a name for the girl! You got full dibs on tbe boy's name.
He decides Peony if you both are having a babygirl.
When your daughter is born? You got half the damn crew in the room.
Ace had to fight his brothers to actually hold his fucking daughter.
God he was a blubbering mess over the poor newborn, he refused to set her down for hours and took over majority of the baby care.
Your child is the safest baby on the damn planet with Uncle Pirate King and Uncle Revolutionary Leader fighting for your attention.
Plus your daddy too.
But thats ok because its worth seeing the pure joy and happiness in Ace's face when he stares at you both...
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scarlettrxse · 2 months
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Name: Scarlett Rose Blackwood
Age: 29
Birthday/Zodiac: Oct 31st 1994 / Scorpio
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch
Occupation: News Reporter @ The Blue News
Neighborhood: Cardinal Hill
Gender & Preferred Pronouns: Cis female & she/her
Brief Bio:
trigger warnings: kidnapping, death, breast cancer
Scarlett Rose Blackwood was born to her parents, Frank and Fiona Blackwood in New York.
She lived a happy life, finding her passion being reporting abyone and everyone's news until her mother was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer when she was only 16.
Her father left both her and her mother, seeking a happier and healthier family and that caused Scarlett to step away from her extracurriculars and take care of her mom.
Scarlett graduated with honors, opting to go to college online so she could continue to make sure her mom got to and from appointments, and she was in good spirits.
While she did that, she got a part-time job at a local coffee shop that sat right across from a Tattoo Shop.
She would glance into the shop every now and then, playing with the idea to go in and grt a tattoo but never took the leap.
Scarlett continued to work hard at school, and in her workplace, graduating with a bachelor's in communication -- her passion ma nifesting once again, with her mom backing her up along the way.
Around that time she decided to take the chance on going in and getting her first tattoo, not kn0wing that the first person she would talk to would change her life forever.
Oliver Ashford swept in and took her right off of her feet, and the two were inseperable from that day on.
Her mom loved him, he helped her around the house even though she hyad been in remission now for a few years.
Life came crashing down for Scarlett though, as she was kidnapped from her job one night after closing -- the man revealed in taking her was one she had seen once or twice around Oliver's shop.
Threatening to end not only her life, but her mother's too, he told her she needed to take whatever money Oliver had been saving to pay him off and run. He wanted Oliver's servitude more than money.
Feeling as if she had no other way out, she did as he told her. Only to find out when she was already on her way to get her mom that they had taken her out for enforced compliance.
Scarlett fled, leaving her mother's dead body and Oliver behind.
Two and a half years have passed, and in that time Scarlett's been using her journalism job to seek out the man who essentially took everything shr held close away.
2 weeks in and she hasn't run into him yet, though what she doesn't realize is who Blue Harbor also holds as a resident and just how soon she'll find him.
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hal-o-ween · 5 months
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Still really like the simple little height chart I did for the pokednd party, so I decided to draw over Mia on it with an idea for an end-game outfit for her, one that leans more into her psychic specialty!
In-game, she just started her multiclass into the psychic trainer class, but by end game I think she'll have more levels in psychic than her starting class (pokemon breeder), and psychic will be her primary type specialty. So far she just has one skill from it, which boosts the special attacks of pokemon she shares a strong bond with. She isn't aware she's a psychic yet, and just thinks Amalthea (her partner ponyta) is getting really strong. Eventually she'll find out, probably once she gets a psychic skill that's more obvious lol. I want to give her telekinesis, but I think that one should wait until Amalthea evolves.
It's funny, she and Kel (the short one) are both from Ballonlea, a fairy type themed city in a dark, magical forest. Kel also has weird mystical abilities (aura based, rather than being a psychic). They are the only two people Grt (cowboy) has met from that area. So in Grt's experience, everyone from Ballonlea just has weird magical powers, probably because of weird fairy magic.
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🦌(deercervidae): (hai im the same one who sent a few anon asks prior. youve prolly seen the username before and im on twitter and instagram) anyway
i love love love the idea of revs being born on Valentines Day (it fits the depressing nature of the show lol). he gets no bitches and he’s been lonely for about 6 decades and sometimes he thinks he was destined to be lonely since he was a baby until his death. but thanks to people like stephanie and orel in his life, it starts to change his pov on life a bit. sure, he’s still depressed, but hes glad hes got a two-person friend group to ease his loneliness and lonely heart.
iil think at some point his heart problems would be at an all time high and would develop a heart attack and be sent to the hospital to get some kind of cardio surgery. i hc him absolutely Hating hospitals and anything medical related so hed be terrified by the thought of having it. Or he would have cardiac arrest when he gets super old and dies from that
- he could die from a broken heart from being lonely forever and being born in Valentines Day (oh the irony)
and back to the ibs thing i saw that IBS is linked to appendicitis so he could get that at some point idk
and since putty hates hospitals stephanie would be there to comfort him and give him company and food when he recovers from whatever operations he has <33
ive also had a medical fixation as well in my younger teen years eeeee
that’s all i got for now for hc/story stuffs
Omg hey!!! I do recognize you. Might reach out on insta later if I have the energy.
Thank you for replying and giving HC, I need this shitttt.
I love your wording on this btw (might steal some to write fanfic if I have it in me). Revs probably only really saw love as romantic love as he chases after that constantly and I don't think he had the best sense of family love. I HC that his father was serving in WW1 or WW2 and away a lot. He either died in combat or returned home being a very distant person. His mother was more strict, constantly working, and not the best at being a parent. I also know he has siblings, but I see him as a middle child or older of some sorts and still very distant. I see Rod moving out asap so he doesn't have the best connection with family love which may also explain his complicated relationship with Stephanie and Orel. He had no role models and is just trying his best.
He constantly chased after romantic love as platonic is only now more so getting talked about and all the media since the beginning of time says that romantic love is a goal for everyone and it'll fix everything!! It's a weird subject but Revs bought into it and as a result, constantly felt like a failure and probably developed rejection sensitive dysphoria from how he was treated too.
It makes ALL the sense of Revs to eventually die of a broken heart as it matches with the story themes of Moral Orel and general physical health. I may be obsessing over this HC..
On the terms of what you are saying, I see him reaching a peak at around 70s or late 60s, after Moral Orel would end or close to the original ending of it timeline wise. He just ages and while he has family love more so now, he still lacks consistency (as both Steph and Orel have other families to go home too and I know Revs would like to *live* with someone constantly for consistency and to not feel alone). He also feels like he failed in many aspects due to depression, his age, etc.
This is a pile up of issues that he barely works on mentally that is combined with kinda a shitty diet and he also smokes, not making his organ issues better at all. It's not sudden, it builds up. I see him either having chest pains at his house or at church and calling Stephanie in a panic. Stephanie would take him to the hospital despite his protests because I think he would majorly have a fear of them (and needles specifically). He gets looked at immediately and probably grts surgery the same night because it's a legit emergency, if he waited he would have died, and low population yada yada. He would be glad Stephanie took him in but be grumpy about it and grumble, saying if God wanted him out he should of went. That and feeling like even MORE of a failure for having health issuss and feeling guilty for making his kid go through this. Stephanie would get mad at the God comment but be more gentle and reassuring for the others. I bet she wouldn't work for at least a week to watch over Revs.
Also, I know for a damn well fact Revs would be stubborn as hell, so Stephanie would have to FORCE him to lay on his back, not move or pick at anything, and take his meds.
After about a month, Stephanie would let Revs have some days where she isn't there again but she still checks on him more often.
I could very much do a fanfic idea with reader taking Stephanie's place as a caregiver after he has surgery. Either way, sweet. But canon, it would be Stephanie caring for him.
Also Orel would visit and be a questioning little autistic child which might make Revs feel insecure because of how personal the questions get, but Stephanie can guide the conversations and everything.
... one final note is I think Revs would be very grumpy and shy about his scars from surgery but dear god I wanna kiss them if he has them and make him a blushy shy mess. Old grumpy Reverend needs more love. Kiss him over his heart too for another personal touch💜
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
As I have been reminded of MegaStar Problem Children AU and the idea of grandchildren.
I am going to say that Flamewar is going to be the first Rodiclash baby (she only appears once in IDW1 and it is playing Rodimus in Thundercracker's movie so I am grabbing). Hot Shot (UT and he was used in four different backgrounds so I'm gonna grab him) is the second with his twin Flareup (Wings universe for the spoiler). Shadow Striker is their youngest and both take after Thunderclash's side of the family.
Slash, and Cyberverse!Swoop (named to honor IDW1 Swoop) are GrimFire's split-spark twin femmes.
The TarnSaber kids are: Megaempress (Tarn carried her and named her) and Thunderblast (after her uncle) and Esmeral (who doesn't appear in IDW1)(carried and named by Deathsaurus)
Oooo ok ok! Fair!
So four kids for Rodiclash, if i know anything about the characters suggested then wow are they in for a trip
Oooo with Slash and Swoop, i really like Slash
Sdfhu okay megaempress as Megatron's granddaughter is going to be hilarious because i grt the vibe she's got a favorite grandparent and she's gonna be a 💫character💫
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What's your new book idea?
ypu guys enable me sooooooo much i luv it 💞💞💞💞💞💞
so theres this kid. vincent. (i keep almost calling him victor whoopsie doopsie!) vince is freshly 18 and he WOULD be a dorky kid- he wears red color contacts for godssake- except everyone is wary of him bc he has a Record. he's acutely aware that most people think hes gonna pull a columbine and tends to use his reputation to his advantage
his only friend is a loud autistic girl, emily. theyve been besties ever since first year of high school and she doesnt really find him intimidating at all. she KNOWS hes intimidating but she can follow the logic vince has wrt the things he does. vince also has an identical twin brother named theo. he's a weeb! their parents tried to drive a wedge between them since they see vince as the Bad Child and theo as the Good Child, except it didnt really.... work....
vince n theo's parents range from neglectful to outright abusive depending on the day. theo shrunk inward while vince developed conduct disorder. sorry vince
anyway vince gets diagnosed with aspd Literally on his 18th birthday. once again sorry vince. at least ur therapist got u a keychain! (its a keychain of izaya but idk if i can namedrop him in the book)
so vince is reeling over that and doesn't think he's all that bad mentally- and what IS there, he can control. he's also piss bored and NEEDS a distraction from his recent diagnosis
so he uh.... does. a questionable move
this is where i say the plot deals HEAVILY with sexual assault, rape, (vince is NOT the assaulter) and child abuse, medical neglect specidically so uh. under da cut is the rest
so vince gets wind that one of the teachers is, uh, molesting students. and instesd of being normal about it, he decides he wants a closer look. namely, he wants to expose the teacher while using himself as bait. emily, a csa victim herself, tries to talk him out of it but he doesnt listen :|
this goes About as well as you'd expect! so its a novel about vince kinda like, grappling with the fact that he really cant control his piss bad mental state, and both his choldhood trauma and his newfound trauma! and also some fucked up New Shit his parents did. plot twist vince has a heart condition!! this is gonna be foreshadowed in that he does get dizzy spells and faints a lot and when he has panic attacks his heart rate and blood pressuee spike WAY high, even by panic attack standards. anyway his parents didnt do anything abt it bc they were kinda hoping itd kill him :| bc theyd rather he be dead than they have to deal with him
and then theres a prom chapter in the middle of all this. vince and emmy go together as friends- shes a little into him but hes gay and shes kinda getting over her crush lmao. shes bishrexual
this didnt rly grt too in depth wrt the plot but yeahhhhhh psychological horror coming of age novel??? except with accepting a mental health diagnosis too? yea
this all started as "what if i wrote a book eith an aspd main character except i didnt SAY he had aspd explicitly so itd sell, but id heavily hint at ir throughour???" and now its this
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ladymazzy · 1 year
I, for one, will forever wish that Diane Abbott had never written that cursed, ahistorical, plain weird letter to the Observer. In a couple of short paragraphs, she presented a half baked semantic analysis of what 'racism' means (never a good idea to try that in a short comment letter when there are 80k word doctoral theses on the subject that wrestle with socio-historical nuances of 'race' 'ethnicity' 'xenophobia' etc), and seemingly forgot the Holocaust happened - nevermind the preceeding centuries of European antisemitism, anti-Roma and anti-Irish rhetoric & policies
Abbott's apology was swift, and whilst I'm also wondering what the hell could have possessed her to think 'yup, this'll do' and click send, I can't help but notice that so many people gleefully commenting are doing so as if she didn't immediately apologise and reject everything she said in the letter. Not to mention lose the labour whip and be subject to another round of hate messages. People like Petronella Wyatt - who, just a few days ago was busy telling the world that golliwogs are fine and not racist at all actually - are now busy telling us about how Diane Abbott is the most dangerous, most racist person in the country. Bad faith bad takes everywhere I look
And I can barely stomach listening to Keef pontificating about how she's wrong; the man clearly doesn't understand why what she said was wrong. There's no consistency in any of his responses to situations like these. He has the does-not-get-it vibe of the sort of 'moderate centrist' who would try to call someone out for calling a Black person 'Black'
Reading the article she was responding to (by Tomiwa Owolade), he undoubtedly downplays the impact of racism on the lives of Black and Asian people in the UK. His opinion piece has all kinds of issues. For example, he conflates the idea that a higher percentage of GRT survey respondents than Black respondents reported experiencing racist attacks, with the idea that it immeadiately corrolates to Black people not experiencing as much discrimination. This is simplistic and concerning for the way it downplays the experiences of Black people who may, for example, under-report 'attacks', or may experience other forms of discrimination that could described in different terms. I mean, just this week there's a campaign running to highlight the issue of disproportionately high rates of maternal and neonatal mortality across the Black and South Asian communities. Not to mention the revelations about the enthusiasm with which the Met performs strip searches on Black children
The rebuttal to Owolade's piece does not depend upon the erasure of the Jewish and GRT experience of both systemic and interpersonal discrimination. This is not a zero-sum game
It should be easy enough to say something like 'racism is not so black and white in the UK; there are multiple minority ethnic groups who are each marginalised by discrimination, and each one has a particular history and legacy that needs to be understood when tackling racism'
Instead, Abbott said what she said (and then apologised!). We live in a febrile hell in which we've collectively suffered so much and are so ignorant of our histories that the reaction too often leans into needless, nonsensical comparisons, defensiveness and erasure
Meanwhile, the arbiters of all this - the establishment and all those who seek to profit from or defend white supremacism - can relax, safe in the knowledge that divide and conquer works every time
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
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The top is the Nissan GRT And it's the electric version the bottom is the Gagliani and it's one of the versions and they all kind of similar the rear end is very different and the front end is very different the window is kind of similar but the air intakes for the engine are different. Oddly enough this was going to be a front engine electric and it works out because it would provide cooling for the gasoline engine and he's wondering how we're going to get a gas fill up thing you can put it behind the license plate he says it's not a bad idea so we don't have to destroy the hull he's laughing about that too and Julian's car it is about the same length so within 1/4 inch and we would put trim because you have to make it up for it with both of them and around the whole tire so you get a slightly smaller tire so he's saying that's the design and that's what it is and how I'm supposed to afford the original electric prototype for Nissan which is worth millions of millions of dollars if not more on Social Security remember I don't make any money at all and we do know that and we see it everyday every few minutes we're aware of it we do understand what you're saying it seems like a long shot it kind of is but it really isn't and we would not have you assemble the kid it's not a regular kit it is an aftermarket special. And he adds that he's never seen himself in a car like this where it was borrowed from one car and put on another and we are thinking about that that the combination made a new car The top of the Dougliardi is similar but not the same and the electric is longer it's a 107 and it won't fit on Hera's chassis. There's a thing about what year it is but really he's gonna get one or the other or some approximate one if you look at the chassis of the VW golf it is not a Nissan in origin at all no it's not it's not that far off but it is not really close and we look at more like a Korean type chassis and they're VW was not beefy it was sturdy and they found the Honda to be OK but Toyota was better it's true it's not massively sturdy and he says it's not because they went lightweight and that's what the VW is about so I'm looking at this i'm wondering what the hell to do and we don't know what to do no we we do know what to do but how is he supposed to get a supercar that would cost $100,000 on absolutely no money and let's be realistic that's stupid what he was thinking is he's going to get a carriage to toe behind his E bike and he doesn't have money for that now there's a price for not doing anything and it's very high. We think that there are several possibilities the kit car looks very similar and he's his brother and he doesn't exactly get the same thing and they've been kind of doing that the whole time but then again he's had several vehicles that are the same vehicle and they just don't tell anybody they were modified and they looked very different the Honda Accord looks exactly like the Honda that he had and it's a different year so this would be very far off that and it's on a need-time chassis with a Nissan body this is neither but they could put it on a Nissan chassis but the body was a Nissan and it came from Japan literally he took it from Japan and it was Tommy F who took it from the Papa not the father and mother and we helped design it so I guess they took it from us too so we know the story and we understand it but how the heck are you supposed to get this to him and it's metal by the way and it's a decent metal it'll go up to 800 miles an hour and it looks like the car can anyways and it probably could you know what and it's extravagant.
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So his first vehicle was this rickshaw and it was fast it had little shocks on it or springs and it did it had leaves on it and it's because our son and daughter sent it back. And we allowed it and approved it we know what happens and how it happens this sounds very crazy to a lot of people and it really is
Nissan and Goddess Wife and good we recall it too dont hve my name yet good no but we help and that is how and we understand o he does it
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
gd broad b dk yhkjjj
Prsn k no mt hlp n end gd, leaving spir uh ok n yh uh idea uh mind uhnooo ojjujnou wwhikpn. Clearing stealing wasier messing n cards, hsnging up, ok yh nt wr. Ok misse, wt say then, char, me at df tms, h k ju, way saying okhmu
K dv stories, way explained n rejected ok yh uh no h k uh myuh nc hm I j okhmuh yh uh nc cu muj o kj hm uh yh huh jkij
Gruer gr frgtng so aay b grv fr nt ckr, id, eh cimbi, wd oribably be list eventually, b die too soon? Dk, cnt lk bk, sd, 3, measure day by or rem, wwwthk k k kj y jo lm ok hm uhyh no uh omhnu no uh yh nc c u k in o mu jjjnk
K no b nc uh wt uh no uh no wt dk uhkhmuhuuj ww okhmuhhhuh o j h uh no uh n I'm
Ww kgkuj no uh yj I hm k
K dku my hmu
Plaij ok yh nc uh gd uh hw lrn yh abit omg still ij , tk yrs of think to leav, ore int b dk, csnt access b ok, found uhdkuh ww uhf ku jhk
Nt fr lng, doing lt bc tlking alot, wt, n ko uhhmuh no hj ww no umuj pssv uhkhm we b okjmu
Js don't answer okjmjhjno uh yh ikhmuh yhuh dk uh ok none yh uh ok uh no yh nt want do uh no b hv uh no onuj
Mnly uh ww no umhj jk, jo in uw unk uh kklo
Ww no uhk hm uj okhmuh no yh uh no hm uj yh uh o k nuh yh uh y hi muh no uh okhm yh uhb no jjunjplj yh ww no I hm uh yh hmk ok cncp yh ww no hmu uh chng b ethics, both, if nt idk, b 1 lkly lead to other, wealth corrupts , nt feel if nt nd. Ww dk poossibo ki tuies ok h y no j up jj uj ua we atokpjhjjno
Types oj hm uh no wt dk yju no hukinjo
K uh gd found ww no b aspects k dk uhyhu ok hhmj no, nt knw hw ask so bammo blammo on u ok nc irony jmojo in k huh nn I lgh hk hm i
k n okhmuh ikhmuh
Ok wt yh cndn interviewing yh ok nc uh no b gd uhlhmujo mybe uhy I hnlhj yh stop h mu hn hm oh no ok gd yh uh noh
Ok hmu,h,hm,uh,try. B prob is idk uh ok,hm uh y i h* it's a defense man, helop, distress,k,yh,uh,idk uh,think, ww, dk,uhh,wt,ww,uh,yh. Rly bd ruins,uh,no,forget,js in wake, mygd,uh,no,ww,dk,b do hlp,uh,u,uh,m,m,kk,j,
K nouu,yj,o,k,ok,hm,uh,yh,u,n,hm,uh,wt,uh,dk,uh,yh,uh,n ojmuj ok my h uh, nou,hwt,hlp,uh,no,u,k, hmu, dk,think,uh,distresss soon,yh,,k,no, uh, ok,uh,yh,uh,uh,note to me, hmdkuh n,o,uj,
uh,u j o iu jh mu o,j,k,jdk, uh m,m,uh, n u,jyh uh,ww,uj,,jh,okh,jj,j,n,o,u,jww,u,i,k,yh,uh,ok yh j,yh uh,ok,yh,uh,k,o,uj,jk,j,ok,uh,ww,uh,l,j, Lynn j n,o,j,
ry idk,uh,yh,uh,oo,yh uh,no,uh ok yh uh n,o,j,k,wt,,,o,l,hb,wt,u,jk,p,m,j,
Nt cm, lv. B stuck Stl, n
Panic,idk,yh,df,uh,hits,ok uh maybe b no yh uh,ok,ww,uh,no,ok,uh,h,ok,uh,ww,eneryy,idk,uh,luck,do stuff,uh,jmyh. Their habits n vulnerabilities make distresssttain undignity etcxxxx
h,k,u,h,gdu,h,ww,uh,jo,uh,ww,uh,no,bad,yh uh o kj muh,yh,u,hdk,uh,uh,dk,uh, h kuh,no,uh,j,k,yh,uh dk,uh,nc newaek yh kei hn ouh wt fd uh y ubmad n bitu ho k k j j j uh. Ndk j cjnj i k i
Ohmuh y h
Shoes position bc i usually not wear shoes uh mo , socks? Hmjuh no yh, but dkuh nibj
Ytb khmunouh wt wn wt no ij bd thng en uh wt uh dk hsh uh prsnk no idk, btr wn return lk synthetic spontaneous reflection, after, nt then, nt transfer, b idk, tmlin, js too mch to pit there lk the idea editing while thinking hard, but for placing while getting written n smtm thinking, dk ww uh dk yh o j hm un ambiguous yt ohmuj yh uh on hk nko uh sth
Dark fr emp n those exp n paradigm grt, b idk uh okhmuh ww uh no uhkhmuhno uh yh ok dk yhno uh okhmuh no ww ub, side. Idk, hh, mr lkly to stifmatz n do bd yh nd be aware b idk, sm nds. Hmunomjk hmuh no. Is nec? Ethics beyond code is so yh ohmujww idk uh dk b yes jmm hm no ok h uh ilk yh hmiuok uhnuuh ok
Multi cul wt dk uh no ha uh ha too Like Johnny carson donated alot after deathAct at promotional podcast booktoursInappropriate comments ,
Uh toowtf df yh, idea, okhmuyhuhnouhwt no no hujok okhmuh no uh yhulk okhmujjj
Okhmuhyhuh no yhuh no yh uh ok unresearchaility ww dk uhkhmunouj ww uh no, slw, me, ww, slw, k, yhikk, idea, yh, prsn, pssv uh? Dk ubkhbj
K no pn b less ww dk uh dth ww uh dk uh yh no uh khmuhnowt no ww nt lv. Regulation, hv nds b censor actions ww. Yh ww uh
Yh clr feel df no, nd prsn yh okhmuh nouh okhmuh no yh uh ww khmuhnyh yhuh ok uh hm uh ok uh n khm wt unk nouhok
Yh okhmuni jn
Dont tmpr cnt uh
Nc k hm uh yh uh no uh ok jj jjmooj
Gd ww yh min dk hkuok in my hj
Smwr ok envi uhnounoh no uh kouuokhmunouh yh uh noun ok uh yh uhokhuh yh dk ul
K uh yh uh bit sth dk upmuhnu o uh hok ok n yh ouj
Nt cpcty, competitve in obsessive sense b nt not sgaring sense, nt gd collab hlp stat afloat y h kmlklj
K plc , they nt sense ur playing, okhuhno ww uh, i sebse u r b wt, if k mk u bacon wt ifk uh lhk cns, cold, wt, y , k ok m
I not business anymore, wt, wr, uh, uh
Xk uh mimetics n seek articulations of feelings n kindof comapny where ppl freer y,ho,l huh ,thst case paid to say,uh,no,bad idiom,uh, fastuh n o j. J o n o u h eioc
Maybe crush ish or attr but cdnt say idk or thght i fragile n othr rsn for smiling n sth uh, ww,no. Think too highly,nt say things, js chat,uh,n,o,uh,wt,uh, no it's n br they js say sh,uh, they dont hv apprch,idk wt diung. Sad,jh,
Dk hmkuh no uh hdche n vul to slpng wt fk y j o um
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mochmint · 5 years
ok i know i posted a text post already today but i wanted to ask if anyone has any tips for anxiety while driving
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straykats · 3 years
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findingmyselfatm · 3 years
This is the last post on this series, venus-chiron
Usual disclaimer: I am no professional, take what resonates.
To find out your chiron placement, go on astro.com (make an account if you don't have one) and click on Horoscopes. After that, under "Drawings & Calculations" you will find the extended chart selection. There, choose Chiron from the additional objects.
Chiron represents out deepest wounds that will never be completely healed. It also represents pain, but not necessarily unfortune. Where Chiron is, you will become wise in that area and grow into the "wounded healer" archetype. Venus represents love, romance, self-esteem and relationships. Combined, these aspects are a little hard to handle (like all Chiron aspects tbh), but they are plenty interesting.
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Venus-Chiron aspects:
Venus-chiron brings pain and wounds to relationships, romance and self-esteem.
These people can have trauma coming from their relationships with others (Unpleasant experiences keep happening)
They might think a lot about what others think of them
And they might tweak their personality because of that
I believe people with venus-chiron can feel inadequate for their friends/partners/social circle
They are more likely to be criticized by others regarding their social status
Issues with self-esteem are huge here- even softer aspects, but the free therapy firstly goes to harsh aspects lmao
They might romanticize pain as a coping mechanism
They can also escape or distract themselves with pretty or positive things (not always bad, only if they neglect their trauma)
Venus-Chiron can also make someone like the idea of bettering a partner/friend. This can go both ways as in the worst case they might attract people with a ton of trauma and who depend on them to be fixed. In best case, these people like helping their partners/friends grt over their sorrows and are very accepting
Talking about helping people, venus-chiron's type in romance might be someone with a wise attitude, who is aware of the painful aspects of life, someone Chiron-like. They might also be into wisdom.
Venus also rules over artistic skills, so I think these people can create stuff related to wounds and hurt in other words, emo poetry-ok no jk, but there is potential. I have seen authors with venus-chiron who have written beautiful pieces capturing emotional distress and heart ache
They are most likely respectful to others' issues and don't like overstepping boundaries
People are more likely to come to them to vent about others and romance (just an observations of the few folks I have encountered with venus-chiron)
They can sometimes be too tolerant of others
And they can be quite sensitive to others' opinions, what others say
People with these aspects can grow to analyze relationships very well and give great advice on this matter.
Random note but, they may experience creativity blocks often?
Venus-Chiron can make someone hesitant in relationships, perhaps slow to open up or keeping an emotional distance
The best partner/friend/connection people with these aspects can have is someone who respects their boundaries as well and is open in diving into issues together, someone who will be there for them
They are more likely to benefit from talking things out, either with someone close to them, or a therapist, but also creating art!
Venus conjunct Chiron smashes the planets' themes together. They bring love and wounds together. I think these people make excellent healers, and are very accepting and kind. People might take advantage of them because of this, so they should be careful to not tolerate toxic behaviors without realizing.
Venus trine Chiron is an easy aspect. Things flow easily, so these people are very accepting as well. They like being there for others. Artistic skills, but make it slightly edgy lmao- good listeners. But the trine has dark sides too, because there is potential that talent can be brushed off and left undeveloped. They can ignore their problems and escape into their fantasy land. They could forget to put effort into keeping their relationships fair, either ending up taking advantage or being taken for granted. Conscious work is required, but it is easily harnessed.
Venus sextile Chiron is another positive aspect. These people are great at understanding and offering support. Big potential for deep artistic skills as well. I am sensing they're a little on the introverted side.
Venus square Chiron is our first harsh aspect. The square creates inner tension and is hard to deal with, but also has its benefits. These people may be constantly wronged or treated below their worth. They can be taken advantage of because they understand emotional pain easily. Relationships can make them feel trapped and like their healing is being sabotaged or slowed. There is also a lot of self-critique. This is why they should surround themselves with equally devoted and understanding people who do not overstep their boundaries.
Venus opposite chiron is another difficult aspect. The opposition manifests more outwardly. There is a strong imbalance between relationships and the self, their own healing and well-being. They could have their boundaries overstepped constantly. There also exists a strong sense of indecisevess, and they may overthink a lot in relationships because of past events regarding this topic. They can also feel held down by others, just like venus square chiron. The key here is finding balance. They need to help themselves, but also sustain the relationships worth sustaining.
As an end note, venus-chiron are like the wallflower archetype. They have been hurt in the past, have lots of scars from relationships, but it is these very scars that bring them wisdom :)
Thanks for reading!
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
once again i am back with a fic idea that i actually did start writing but i never finished.
also this one mentions sex but there is no smut. i started writing it and all they do is talk about like a few times. literally the only times its mentioned is the word sexiling. just a heads up. i am not a smut writer at all. they legit only talk ab it. okay yeah just wanted to put that out there.
this edition: mailee
mai and sokka are roommates. best buds. mai and sokka as friends is an essential need in my life and i dont get enough of it so ive decided to do it myself.
mai and sokka are roommates. sokka is unlucky in love. literally has the worst luck possible. he tries relationships and they fail. he gets cheated on. he grts dumped. half the time the other person hust wants a one night stand.
mai feels for him she really does. but shes also annoyed at just how often he tries again. she always ends up ‘sexiled’ as she likes to call it.
this time sokka asks for mai to leave, but only until 10. he thinks that if he doesnt imply that sex is on the table he might have better luck with actually dating someone for real.
mai agrees since shes able to come back home at night and sokka seems happy and he promised to get her take out as thanks.
on her way back shes walking down the street to their apartment complex and bumps into the most gorgeous woman ever. mai doesnt flirt but hey: this girl is gorgeous. they exchange numbers and start dating.
mai comes home and sokka is sulking but he forsnt seem too sad. he informs mai that the girl was a lesbian and thought sokka just wanted yo hang out since they knew each other already from talking yo each other at the tea shop. sokka says hes upset that he didnt get a successful relationship but hes still happy because now he has a new friend and theyre gonna hang out again.
woman on the street and sokkas lesbian date?: ty lee.
sokka and mai both keep hanging out with ty lee seperately. ty lee thinks that the roommates are aware that ty lee is dating mai and friends with sokka. she thinks that they both know who she is.
they dont.
anyways mai wants to meet sokkas friend and sokka wants to meet maid girlfriend. they all decide to hang out and sokka and mai both text ty lee. ty lee thinks nothing of it, she thinks that they both texted her just to double check that she was free.
anyways ty lee shows up and sokka is like WAIT YOUR MY ROOMMATES GIRLFRIEND?
mai laughs so hard
is this fic based on the fact that i wanna hear sokka say “you stole my lesbian?” yes. yes it is.
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wayhaughtprompts · 3 years
Hey y’all I’m gonna combine these two prompts together:
Wayhaught having soft, giggling sex and Wayhaught celebrating their 6 months wedding anniversary
so for Wayhaught’s 6 month anniversary they planned the day off to spend time together
since they can’t leave the GRT they have to be creative for their anniversary
also, since they got married in the spring their 6 months anniversary is in the fall/winter
Nicole had the idea that they would do a cute fall/winter themed thing
Waverly thought this was hella cute and agreed
Wayhaught also kicked everyone else out of the Homestead for the day so they can have alone time
most of the day was hella cute like they had a day long celebration
but after diner it got a bit more adult in nature
and they found their way to the bedroom but they were so happy bc it’s their anniversary
they ended up having soft and giggling sex
like both of them took their time with each other and they couldn’t stop giggling and smiling
bc it was their anniversary and they’re wifes 
at one point Nicole accidently tickled Waverly was she was tracing her fingers down her side
causing Waverly to giggle but it was hella cute
also Nicole would press soft kisses all over Waverly as she goes down on her
while Waverly would play with Nicole’s hair and just admire how beautiful Nicole is
which caused them to giggle even more and lbr they love it
the whole night they couldn’t stop giggling and smiling at each other
bc it’s feels good being married to each other
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haughtnoodles · 3 years
Was thinking about what each characters future might look like...
I think Nicole gets to hiring a second and spilts the department into two branches for humans and supernatural beings, and then takes a long break with Waverly to settle into and enjoy married life. Once they return Waverly gets to truly understanding exactly what she is, and helping Nicole and perhaps Jeremy with research and how to best manage the GRT.
Jeremy runs the GRT branch of BBD and works closely with the gang to keep it hidden from the outside world, so the wrong types of people don't coming poking around. After floating around the dating scene and having endured many set-ups from Waverly he finds someone and they settle in town somewhere.
Wynonna and Doc travel for a while, coming back ocassionally to see everyone and take care of things at home but mostly they work on themselves and their relationship. They decide not to take Alice back with them when it comes time to settle but she visits on holidays and the pair bask in every moment of it. The visits however get longer and longer as Gus gets older and just before Alice starts high school Gus and everyone decide it might be time for her to live with her parents.
I don't believe Nicole and Waverly take care of Rachel, but instead I like to think Nedley took her and Billy in and made them both enrol in high school once things had settled. The pair try dating but it doesn't work out but they are best friends and can be always found together.
In the end the gang gets to living and growing old together, what ever way makes them happy.
Side note: I kind of like this idea that Nicole and Waverly don't have children of they're own deeming it unfair due to the fact they can't leave the GRT. They do however after much discussion decide to foster kids in the triangle both human or otherwise. Over the years the little arch way that made Waverly sad because her name wasn't on it is full of names of all the kids that have come through their doors.
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