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in sickness and in health, ch. 3 - alpha!simon riley x omega!reader
here is chapter three!!!! this chapter did NOT go the way i thought it would, but i promise we're getting to the whole simon groveling and begging and all that lovely stuff soon - i just cant seem to stop writing these two FIGHTING! as always, if you want to be added to the tag list to make sure you stay up-to-date, let me know in the replies! eat well, lovelies <3
if you want to understand more about my omegaverse au, you can look at my masterpost here, and it'll help explain all of the intricacies that may or may not be explained well enough in these short-form fics!
word count: 4,208 chapter two chapter four masterlist ao3 link
You were in a forest, surrounded by pines. Snow was drifting down slowly, coating the needles around you in light flakes before they melted from the heat of your breath as you stared up at the grey sky. You felt… at peace, for the first time in a long time. You were wrapped securely in the knotted roots of one of the pine trees as they wrapped themselves over and between the straps of your tactical vest, the wood gently resting against a sticky scarlet mark where your heart was supposed to be. You turned your head as much as the roots would allow, and you could see flames in the distance of the forest, a cacophony of gunshots and explosions ricocheting through your ears as the scent of smoking pine and wet gunpowder reaches your nostrils-
You woke up with a start, a gasp of air drawing through your dry, chapped lips sharply, the movement causing your aching ribs to spasm in a coughing fit. Your hands flew up to your chest to check for the wound that you were so convinced would be there, only to be met with the soft, warm, flesh of a massive tattooed bicep that was flung across your chest. But the everpresent scent of smoked pine, wet gunpowder, and a freshly-lit cigarette was still burned into your nostrils.
It was just a dream.
You blinked a few times, the light filtering through the blinds too bright for your blurry eyes to handle. You tried to lift your head, to move, but your body felt far too heavy and sluggish. You were reduced to your basest of instincts - you felt better than you had in months, but it felt like your omega side had completely overridden your logical one. You tried again to speak, to move, anything, but all that came out from your too-dry mouth was a cracking, reedy omega whine.
That made the heavy arm that was draped over your chest move. It quickly lifted off of you, the bed that you were laying on dipping and shifting like sand underfoot as the massive bulk next to you moved. You flinched slightly as rough fingertips gently touched your cheek, the image of Simon’s face swimming above you as a look of concern furrowed his brow. Oh. That would explain why that scent was swimming around you. If you two had been in a normal, healthy mating bond, it probably would have been easier to recognize. But after the months of distance, and neglect, you had forgotten your own alpha’s scent.
You felt it as your own face morphed into a matching expression. Where were you? Why is Simon here? What the fuck happened? You opened your mouth to say something scathing, the words nipping at the tip of your tongue, but before you could speak, the back of Simon’s hand traced down your cheek, almost reverent in his guilt.
“Shh, shh, love. You’re okay, you’re okay. ‘M ‘ere. Just don’t… don’t move, okay? I’ve got some water here for ya-” his voice broke off as he twisted his torso, keeping one hand securely under your head while the other grabbed a white styrofoam cup with a bright white plastic straw sticking up from the lid and brought it back over to the bed. You had to fight to keep your expression neutral, as the sight of the sterile-looking aerated plastic and the very thought of drinking the disgusting water contained inside made your stomach dip in disgust.
Simon could have cried when he felt your disgust through the bond, the cavernous darkness that had shrouded you from him in his mind finally lifting enough to allow him to feel you again. However, that didn’t stop your feeling of disgust, even if it was directed at the apparently devil-like cup in his hands and not at him, from lodging into his chest like the blade of a knife. He winced and quickly moved the cup away from you, frantically looking around his quarters for some other source of water. When he didn’t find one, a short curse fell from his lips as he glanced back at you sympathetically, regret and guilt shining in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I- I just grabbed this from medbay… there’s some vitamins and electrolytes and whatever else you combat medics throw in it, and I figured that that would help since, you know, you’ve been asleep for three days.”
Your eyes widened in shock. Three days? Three days!? You could vomit, and you probably would have if there had been anything in your stomach.
Simon sighed, screwing his eyes shut as he realized that was probably not the best way to tell you that information. He brought his hand - the one still holding that damn cup - up to his face, rubbing his eyes with the back of his thumb. Gods, he sucked at this. He ran his hand down his face and moved to get up from the bed. “I’ll just… yeah, I’ll just go get you some, um, different water in a different glass and… yeah, I’ll be right back.”
As he moved to get up from the bed, your hand weakly shot out, your fingers feebly wrapping around his wrist. Simon glanced down at your hand in thinly-veiled shock before he looked at you. You were just as shocked. You were still angry, at least, you knew you should be, but the only thing you could focus on was the way your omega writhed in pain at the mere thought of Simon walking away from you again.
“You need to drink some water. And if you won’t drink it out of this,” he said as he raised the cup, “then I gotta get you something else.”
You looked up at him pleadingly, an absolutely pathetic look on your face. You didn’t have the strength or energy to fight against the instincts right now. Everything in you was screaming and clawing at the idea of Simon leaving, even just to get you more water, and your instincts didn’t care about how it looked, or if it made you seem like you forgave him and were willing to forget everything that happened. You knew, logically, that you weren’t, but logic was so far out of the realm of control, the only thing reacting in your mind was your wounded omega, desperate for the proximity of her alpha.
“I don’t wanna force you to drink this if it grosses you out that bad.”
Another needy, desperate whine was his only response as you let go of his wrist, your shaking hand held outstretched to take the cup. It was a clear message - I’ll drink it. Just don’t leave.
Simon’s gaze softened as he sat back down on the edge of the bed, bringing the straw close to your lips. You closed your eyes, the moment feeling far too intimate for the reality of your relationship with Simon as your dry, chapped lips wrapped around the plastic of the straw. After a few moments of forcing down the polluted-dirt tasting water, Simon slowly and gently pulled the straw away from you, his free hand coming up to your face to brush an errant strand of your hair behind your ear. His heart ached as your eyes fluttered open, still cold and guarded even as he could feel your omega pleading for him to stay through the bond.
“Feel better?”
You nodded slowly, the movement disjointed and sluggish as you brought a shaking hand up to wipe a small droplet of water off of your lips. “Yeah,” you muttered, the words thick and gruff with disuse. The thanks that should have followed that response stayed stuck in your throat like a pill that was much too big to swallow.
Simon nodded in response as he sat the cup back down on the bedside table. He then grabbed a wrapped protein bar, and tore open the packaging with his teeth. With the unwrapped protein bar in hand, he turned back to you, holding the bar near your face. “Eat.”
A pause, a short breath leaving Simon’s lips as he realized that a demand was probably not the best way to get you to do something at the moment.
“Please,” he amended, his voice softer, gentler. “You need to get your strength up,” he added, shifting the bar a little closer to your lips.
You knew he was right, ultimately, but it wounded your ego, accepting his help after all of the neglect he had put you through. You sighed softly and shifted on the bed with a groan as your muscles protested against the tiniest of movements. Simon’s hand quickly wrapped around your aching shoulder to help shift you on to your side, and you settled back down into the bed, lifting your head up slightly to take a small bite out of the protein bar. You figured it would be impossible to swallow, as all food had been the last few months, but you were shocked to find it easy to get down. You sat up slowly, achingly, agonizingly slowly, but Simon, shockingly, was there to support you. You reached out and took the bar from him, suddenly ravenous.
Simon watched as you all but scarfed down the protein bar, his gaze softening with guilt. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, looking down at his now-empty hands. He hated himself, the guilt and regret of being so blind to you throughout the entirety of your marriage, your mating bond, eating him alive.
You froze, mid-chew of the last bite as you heard his murmured apology. You didn’t know how to respond, feeling like a deer in the headlights of his sin.
“No, I… I am. Gods, angel, you have no idea how sorry I am. I was such a dick to you, such a bad fuckin’ alpha, and I know that my words probably don’t mean much, or, really, anything to you, but… if I could reverse time, do it all over again, I…”
“Simon, stop,” you croaked out, your gaze fixated on the comforter that pooled against your sweatpant-clad legs, anything to keep your eyes off of him. You couldn’t look at him. It was all too much, far too quickly, and you had nowhere to even begin to parse through the emotions and pain that still existed under your skin like a thrashing beast, even if it felt more subdued than it did three days ago. You didn’t want to think too hard on that, though, wanted to ignore the way your alpha’s presence, his scent calmed the ugly thing, if only slightly.
You couldn’t - wouldn’t - forgive him. Not right now. Sure, he had kept one promise; he had stayed with you, but in the grand scheme of things? It didn’t mean much. You smoothed your hand over the soft comforter, balling the now-empty wrapper of the protein bar in your other hand. Too many emotions, too little time. You felt like you were trapped between your base omega desires and the reality of your situation. The wrapper crinkled in your hand louder as your grip became tighter, the atrophied muscles in your arms shaking with exertion and emotion.
You felt Simon’s hand as it inched closer to you, more than likely to try and bring you comfort, but you couldn’t take it. Right before his hand touched yours, you jerked it away, throwing the wrapper into some random corner of his room in your panic. You quickly scrambled out of the bed, your need to get away from him, from the situation, much greater than any of the aches and pains of your neglected body. You stood in the center of the room, your chest heaving from the exertion as you steadied yourself on your feet, your legs wobbling beneath you.
Simon just stared at you, wide-eyed and frozen.
You stared right back. Your mind was a mess, fractured between your omega and your logical, rational side. Your omega was screaming, tearing at the confines of your skin at the very idea of leaving your alpha, but you pushed it away. You felt cornered, and you were lashing out like a feral cat.
“I- I gotta go.”
And with that, you turned on your heel, and all but ran out of the room. Simon was still sitting on the edge of the bed, shellshocked and staring at the space in the center of his quarters that you were just occupying.
It had been about a week since you had left Simon’s quarters. That first day, after you had left, you were violent, volatile - your own quarters destroyed as you tried to release all of the pent-up emotions by throwing anything and everything you could get your hands on before you collapsed into little more than a heap of tears in the middle of all of the broken glass and ripped papers. You had slept there that night, on your floor, but when you woke up, there was one of Simon’s sweatshirts outside of the door of your quarters with a note.
I know you don’t want to see me right now. I know you’re pissed, and you have every right to be. But the bond is still fragile. Just keep this around, please? -Simon
Part of you wanted to burn it, still so full of rage and pain, but the desperation of your omega had you pressing your face into the soft, plush fabric, a small omega purr unconsciously pulling past your lips. As soon as the sound of your purr reached your ears, you threw the article of clothing onto the ground as if it was a ticking incendiary bomb. It was still there, in that corner, but it cursed the entirety of your quarters to smell like Simon, the scent of smokey pine, wet gunpowder, and the first drag of a cigarette cloying to everything, no matter how many of your own clothes you piled on top of it.
The rest of that week had passed by you like a blur. You had mostly stayed in your quarters, focusing on how to control and push down your omega desires, instead replacing them with the rage you knew you should feel towards Simon, definitely not because it was the only place that you could still smell him, certainly not. It was just that the thought of being seen out and about when your emotions and physical health were so volatile seemed like it wouldn’t be the best of ideas, and that was definitely the only reason.
But, today was the first day that you had actually gotten up and took a shower. Looking in the mirror, you noticed that your skin looked much more lively, the sickly grey of the bond sickness had dissipated, and the bruises that had covered your skin had all but faded away. It made you feel… wrong almost, to be, to look, “fixed”. The torment that you had undergone still lived and breathed in your very bones, and seeing yourself without the physical marks of it, even if they were self-inflicted, felt wrong. So, you quickly tugged on some workout gear, grabbed your keys, and left your quarters, determined to make someone pay for the grief and rage that thrummed under your skin.
You dumped your keys and your sweatshirt in a corner by the sparring ring, stretching for a moment as you scanned the gym. Plenty of people to spar with, but, more importantly, no Simon. And, before you knew it, an unsuspecting, far too cocky beta recruit was swaggering up to you. He was new to the base, you could tell. Fresh out of basic training, by the looks of it. You pushed a smirk down off of your lips, as you wanted the challenge. Wanted him to fuck up just so you could absolutely let loose. You batted your eyelashes up at him, really playing into the whole weak omega stereotype.
You ran your gaze up and down the recruit, sinking your teeth into your plush lower lip. You watched as the recruit’s eyes lit up at your actions, obviously taking them as flirtatious. Meanwhile, all you had wanted to do was knock him off his axis, get him thinking hazy.
The recruit smirked, rubbing his hands together. “Name’s Conwell. James Conwell. Need a sparring partner?”
You grinned up at him, the expression so fake and sickly-sweet as you leaned towards him slightly, clasping your hands in front of you. If it pushed your tits together, what was the harm in that?
“Oh, yeah, James, that’d be great! I might need a few pointers though. You okay with that?” The grin that the recruit gave you was downright predatory as he nodded and slipped between the ropes, bouncing around and shadowboxing, obviously trying to show off. You quickly stifled a laugh behind your hand, clearing your throat before you slipped between the ropes as well. Gods, new recruits, especially new beta recruits, were such easy marks. They always had such a chip on their shoulder, desperate to prove themselves, and certainly not above pretending to be something they weren’t to do so. And as you settled into your side of the ring, you could smell just how desperate this recruit was to be something he wasn’t.
He had sprayed fake alpha pheromones on himself. The scent was nauseating, making your stomach roll. But, you pushed it down. You’d play the part, let him get one or two good hits in, then it would be game over for the poor boy.
“How do I start this?” You asked innocently, looking down at the smooth vinyl that coated the floor of the ring. The beta’s (Jim?) grin widened as he sunk into his own fighting stance.
“Just like this, pretty girl.”
You suppressed a disgusted shudder at his words, painting that saccharine faux-innocence on your expression as you pretended to copy him, sinking into your own stance. Yours was a much stronger base, your legs spread wider to better accommodate your movement, your fists actually tucked up to your face as protection, unlike the way the beta kept his hands low over his bare chest, obviously believing the lie that you were no threat.
“You should probably swing first, you know, show an omega like me how an alpha does it.”
That did it. His eyes glinted with that repulsive possessiveness that every douchebag gets when you stroke their ego just right, when you pretend to believe a lie that they’ve tried so hard to force to be truth. And so he did, but it arched wide, giving you the perfect opportunity to dodge under and land a jab right in the left side of his ribs. You popped up, a glee-filled smile on your lips, genuine this time, as you looked at him as he gasped for air, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
He blinked, bewildered, as his head swiveled from side to side in an effort to find where you went. Once his eyes zeroed in on you, his lips pressed into a thin, angry smile, the kind that someone would give an annoying child after they spilt their snack for the third time in a row. “Wow, quick learner, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess!” Your words were bright, your eyes filled with a predatory glint that you tried to hide as you beckoned him tauntingly. “C’mon! That was fun!”
The beta growled in a terrible impression of an alpha rumble, swinging out in the exact same way. It forced you to wonder what the fuck they were teaching these kids in basic training nowadays. The velocity of this punch was slow, and you knew you had to let him get at least one punch in if you wanted this to last any longer than a few minutes before he stormed off with his tail tucked between his legs in embarrassment. Normally, you would have braced yourself for a hit that you knew was coming, but something else hit you before the punch could. Smoked pine. Wet gunpowder. First hit of a cigarette after a stressful mission. It pulled your attention just long enough to allow the beta’s punch to land squarely in your ribs, the force of the impact much greater than the velocity, which promptly knocked all of the air from your lungs. You stumbled back a little, but you forced your gaze to stay on your opponent, not allowing yourself to get distracted by the pheromones that had settled over you like an oppressive coat.
That was, until, you heard an actual alpha growl emanating from the door of the gym. It was so loud, so full of anger, that it caused everyone to stop what they were doing. You rolled your eyes, shaking out your shoulders as you sank back down into your fighting stance, but your opponent was frozen, his hands dropped as he turned to look at where the growl had come from. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who he was staring at. You sighed, your head dropping as you saw Simon’s long, purposeful strides carrying his massive bulk up to the ring. You heard your opponent get pulled from the ring, and before you knew it, Simon was in front of you, lifting your head up with gentle fingers.
“Did he hurt-”
You forcefully knocked his hand off of your chin, your eyes hardening. A small omega growl ripped past your lips as they curled up in displeasure. “Oh my gods, fuck off! We were just sparring!”
Simon’s gaze darkened as he looked down at you, but he, thankfully, didn’t touch you again. “You smell like fuckin’ shit. What, fake pheromones are what does it for ya now, huh?”
Your growl increased in volume as you shoved against his chest. The anger, pain, and guilt that swam between the two of you was almost tangible, the tension thick enough to cut through with a knife. You didn’t care. “Don’t pretend like you know anything about what ‘does it for me’,” you mocked as you put sarcastic air quotes around the repeated words.
Most of the gym had cleared out by now. Everyone knew how volatile the two of you could be separately, and when they sensed the heightened anger and emotions between you two, they quickly disappeared. For the few stragglers that were left, Simon fixed them with a glare hard enough to freeze an ocean, and they quickly packed their things and also scurried away.
“You wanna fucking punch something?” Simon growled as he took a step closer to you. “Punch me. Not some stupid prick tryna peacock around as if he’s an alpha. You fuckin’ smell like that shit ass cologne he was trying to pass off as his own.”
A downright predatory grin spread over your lips. You were pissed. Pissed that he was here, that he had taken away the one outlet that you knew you had to work through all of these emotions. So, you bit back. You knew you were playing with fire. It was one thing you were always good at, part of the reason the team, especially Simon, called you spitfire.
“Oh, is that what that was? It smelled so good, I thought it was real.”
You were lying, and the smirk that spread over Simon’s lips confirmed that he knew it too. You shook your head, blowing out a frustrated breath as you moved to step around Simon. You didn’t want to be around him right now. His hand shot out to grab at your wrist, but you jerked it away from him.
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me,” you bit out as your teeth ground together. “I didn’t need you to come save me, and you had no right to storm in here like this.”
“No right?” Simon seethed lowly as he turned his head to look at you. “No right? Pretty sure that’s my fucking teeth marking that mating gland right there on the side of your neck!”
You froze, slowly turning to fully face him now. Your expression was set into a mask of absolute, unbridled rage that Simon had never been on the receiving end of. Your fists were clenched impossibly tight at your sides, and you could feel the anger rolling off of you in hot, tangible waves. You had known Simon didn’t know how to be a mate, but you had never imagined that this is the way he would deem acceptable to treat you. No matter what, you were a soldier first, more than capable of taking care of yourself, you didn’t need him breathing down your neck like some sort of denmother. It almost seemed like he was trying to overcorrect from his mistakes, becoming overbearing and overprotective. That almost pissed you off more.
“If that is how you think this bond is going to go, especially after everything you did, I will cut this mating bond out myself. Do not test me.”
You didn’t wait for a response. With that, you stepped off of the mat, grabbed your things, and walked out, not even bothering to look behind you as your hand rubbed harshly over the mating bite on your neck.
as always, thank you so so much for the support, and keep an eye out for chapter four! tag list: @kerst666 @misscaller06 @letaliabane @sai-int @itsmeamysworld @massivescissorsthingperson @aeeliy @alkalineapparition @cringeycookies
#in sickness and in health#chapter three of in sickness and in health#starlit-writer#simon ghost riley x reader#simon riley x reader au#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley fanfiction#simon riley fanfic#cod fanfic#ghost fanfiction#ghost cod#simon ghost riley#simon riley#alpha!simon#omega!reader#alpha!simon x omega!reader#alpha!soap#alpha!john mactavish#alpha!price#alpha!john price#beta!gaz#beta!kyle garrick#a/b/o#alpha beta omega#a/b/o dynamics#omegaverse#tf141 omegaverse#omegaverse au#tf141 au#tf 141 x reader
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zutto — chapter eight | wc: 5.7k | series masterpost | prev. chapter
Chapter summary: Lia and Noah go to couples therapy. Noah and Lia spend a cozy evening in her studio. Reading time: 22mins. aprox.
Tags and trigger warnings: therapy, talks of mental health, ptsd, anxiety, insecurities, self-doubt, mentions of parents' neglect, abandonment, mentions of medication and lia's overdose, mentions of lia's abusive relationship with mitch, mentions of alcohol intake, talks of sex, implied sexual scenarios that include oral sex (female receiving) and protected sex. The rest is pure fluff, noah and lia being totally madly in love with each other and being supportive of each other's works. There's blindfolding going on in this chapter but it's not in a sexual scenario. If I'm missing sth, let me know. The therapy scene took me ages to write.
General trigger warnings: this work addresses and depicts issues related to addiction, abuse, & violence, contains explicit sexual content, and explores themes of childhood trauma. Reader discretion is advised. +18
“Have you found any hobby; any activity that helps soothe your anxiety?”
Lia processed Dr. Reynolds question, thinking back over the past few days: rejoining her long-missed yoga classes, meeting Emery for coffee on Thursday, catching up with the BO crew to discuss tour logistics and merch-related stuff, drawing, packing for Japan…
After a brief pause, Lia replied,
As soon as the word left her lips, her face flushed. Sitting next to her in the other armchair, Noah remained still, his eyes wide in surprise at her response, though he didn't look directly at her. His cheeks were tinged pink as well.
Dr. Reynolds immediately noticed their reactions, especially the way Noah quickly avoided eye contact.
“Okay, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed,” she reassured them, raising her hands slightly from her desk, which separated her from the young couple. “Sex is something totally normal and natural, and it’s great for our mental health and well-being.” She waited a few seconds until she saw Noah’s shoulders relax and Lia let out a sigh. “Tell me, Lia, how do you feel when you’re physically intimate with Noah?”
Lia raised an eyebrow while still curled up in the armchair.
“Mentally, emotionally,” Dr. Reynolds clarified, a genuine soft smile on her lips.
“Umm,” Lia’s mind wandered to their first time—both drunk and needy for each other. She remembered it had felt good, but she didn’t want to dwell on that night, since it was followed by the worst weeks of her life. Instead, she thought about the last few days, about every time Noah had covered her with his body or laid her down on the sofa, his face sinking between her legs. She had never put into words how it felt, aside from when Noah asked if she liked what he was doing to her, or the previous night, when she’d been sitting on his lap, arms and legs wrapped around him, and he had asked if that posture felt good. She had breathlessly muttered in his ear that it did, “it feels so good, Noah.”
“It feels good,” she started.
Better than that. But she didn’t feel comfortable enough to say to her therapist the same she’d told Emery two days ago when they’d met. “It feels like everything’s okay. I feel loved, and I feel safe.”
Dr. Reynolds nodded in understanding. Her dark brown eyes shifted to Noah, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“What about you, Noah?”
Noah cleared his throat.
“Uh, I—”
Fuck. Did he really have to talk about it to that woman? It was hard enough to put into words what he felt, let alone say it out loud to a stranger. Still, he wasn’t there just to sit comfortably in that chair, listening to Dr. Reynolds and Lia’s difficult answers. He was there to communicate. Lia had made the effort, and his heart had fluttered when he heard her say how loved and safe he made her feel. The least he could do was the same.
He replayed images from the day before in his mind: her skin against his, the way she wrapped around him, how warm she felt, the look in her eyes when he flipped them both so he could be on top, thrusting deep inside her.
“It feels like….” He swallowed, avoiding direct eye contact with the therapist. “I’ve always felt that something was missing, and… After things got better between us, I… I felt complete.” He wasn’t talking only about sex. “I feel utterly happy when I’m with her, not just for myself but for her, too. I know I was… I know I am making her happy.”
Well, that sounded cheesy as fuck, Noah.
Dr. Reynolds gave a gentle nod.
“I think it’s clear that you and Lia have a deep connection. Would you say it’s been like this since you first met?”
Grateful for the shift in topic, he answered quickly.
“Absolutely,” he said, with certainty. He’d been fighting everyone from the very beginning to show the world that no one knew Lia like he did. Therefore, no one could take care of her the way he could.
He expected Lia to echo his response, but her mind was somewhere else.
“I feel so guilty,” she began, directing her words to Dr. Reynolds. “I’ve loved him since I was a kid. All those times I scared off his girlfriends, I was being selfish and a coward. Then, Mitch came and…” she sniffed but held back tears. “I’ve… carried this fear with me my whole life. A fear of never being enough, of not deserving love. I know I always had Noah, but even when I did, I was convinced that it was all some cruel joke, and that as soon as I finally had him, life would rip him away. I couldn’t bear that thought. So, I buried my feelings, blocked them out; I forced myself to believe it wasn’t real, that I wasn’t in love with him. I told myself for months that it was just infatuation, that he had bigger things to focus on and worry about. The band has always meant everything to him and…”
“That’s not—” Noah started, but Dr. Reynolds raised a gentle hand to quiet him.
“I kept pushing him away, again and again. I know I hurt him. I know he loves me, but the guilt is suffocating. I’ve put him through so much.”
Dr. Reynolds listened intently, her eyes calm and steady, letting the silence linger after Lia’s words. It was a weighty silence, one that felt like a deep exhale after too many years of holding it all in. Lia’s hands trembled slightly in her lap.
“That weight has always been there,” she continued through clenched teeth. “I’ve always sabotaged things before they could go wrong, merely because I was convinced they would go wrong.”
Noah shifted beside her. He wanted to reach out, to hold her hand, but the heaviness of the moment kept him still. He hated hearing her talk like that, as if she was the villain in their story. He opened his mouth to argue, to tell her she didn’t need to feel guilty, but something in Dr. Reynolds’ gaze made him hold back once again.
“Lia, what you’re describing is a fear many people experience when they’ve been hurt before or when they deeply value something. We’ve talked about this, remember? It’s called self-preservation. You and Noah have been friends since you were kids. You’ve been attached to him most of your life. He’s been your constant, so it makes sense you’d fear losing him. That fear made you protect yourself, even when there wasn’t a real threat.”
Lia swallowed, her eyes glassy as she fought back tears.
“But I pushed him away. I hurt him when I should have trusted him.”
Dr. Reynolds nodded.
“I understand. But what’s important now is recognizing that your feelings of guilt are part of that same fear. You’re punishing yourself for something that, at the time, you thought was the right thing to do. You didn’t want to lose him, and pushing him away was your way of safeguarding your heart.”
Noah’s jaw clenched. He had been so frustrated with Lia over the years, but sitting here now, listening to her talk about her fear of losing him… he realized he understood that fear all too well.
He wished she could see what he had always known, that no matter what, he wasn’t going anywhere.
Lia turned to him, her voice breaking.
“I didn’t want to be a burden to you.”
He leaned towards her, her shoulder almost brushing hers.
“You were never a burden and you know that,” Noah said quietly. “I’ve always wanted you around. You make me happy. You always have.”
Dr. Reynolds leaned back in her chair, giving them a moment to let that sink in.
“Lia,” she said after a short while”, I want you to delve deeper into that fear. Do you think it's why you've always stopped yourself from doing certain things? Like telling Noah you loved him?"
Lia hesitated, her breath catching as memories flashed through her mind.
“Yes,” she exhaled. “Everything has been because of fear. Deep down, I always knew I loved him, but I was terrified of what that meant. If I admitted to myself that I was in love with him, with my best friend, everything would change. And… if I let myself love him fully, the risk of losing him would become real. I couldn’t handle that.” She made a pause to take a deep breath. “I fough hard to convince myself it was just infatuation—that it wasn’t as deep as it felt; that I just wanted to be the center of his attention because he was so perfect. But I was lying. It was love. I knew it the whole time, and that scared me more than anything.”
Noah felt his heart tighten in his chest. She had been carrying that fear the whole time, while he had been waiting—always waiting—for her to believe he wasn’t going anywhere.
He reached out, his hand resting gently on hers.
“You don’t have to be scared anymore,” he said.
“I know,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “But I’ve spent so many years convincing myself that loving you was dangerous—that as soon as I let myself have you, I’d lose you.”
Dr. Reynolds kept on jotting down notes on her notepad before speaking again.
“Lia, that’s a common reaction when someone is deeply afraid of loss. You never had a paternal figure, you mother didn’t provide you with the care and attention you deserved. Then, the people closest to you—Noah’s grandparents— also moved away. You mentioned this not long ago, right? When Noah’s grandfather passed away, his grandmother decided to return to Japan, and you felt that as a loss, too, as a kind of abandonment.”
“I know it wasn’t,” Lia said, her posture stiffening, discomfort creeping in as if she didn’t like the truth of it. “But I couldn’t stop myself from feeling it that way. Then I only had Noah... and I guess my attachment to him grew even more.”
“Of course. It makes sense, Lia. You’ve loved Noah since you were merely a kid—first as a friend, then as something more—so much that you feared the very thing you wanted most: being with him. But now that you’ve faced that fear, it’s important to remember that love isn’t something you need to protect yourself from.”
Dr. Reynolds let the words settle between them before leaning in, her gaze moving between Noah and Lia.
“Noah, I think you’ve been carrying your own set of feelings for a long time, too. While Lia was dealing with her fears, you were facing a different struggle, trying to support her. Isn’t that right?”
Noah rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the familiar knot of tension there. He didn’t love talking about himself—he never did—but he knew today wasn’t the time to hold back.
“Yeah,” he admitted, “I’ve always felt like I had to prove myself, even with her. I’ve always been scared of not being enough for her. Like, maybe one day she’d realize I’m not this perfect guy she thinks I am. And, I guess that fear made me hold back sometimes, too.”
“You both have been trying to protect each other in different ways—Lia by pushing you away, and Noah by trying to be perfect. But what’s clear is that the connection you two have, the love between you, has never really faltered. Even when you were afraid or apart, you didn’t let go.”
Lia wiped a tear from her cheek, processing the Dr.’s words. She turned to look at Noah, who was watching her with an intensity that made her heart ache. Without a word, she reached for his hand, intertwining her fingers with his.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I never meant to make you feel like you had to prove yourself.”
Noah shook his head.
“You don’t have to apologize. We’re together now. We’ll figure this out—together.”
Dr. Reynolds leaned back, her gaze warm and understanding.
“Both of you have been carrying fears and doubts for a long time, but you’re both ready to face them—together. Your connection, this love, is strong enough to handle the uncertainty. You’ve already proven that.”
Lia wiped at her eyes, nodding. The guilt hadn’t disappeared entirely, but it had loosened its grip. She wasn’t alone in this, and that was enough for now.
Dr. Reynolds shifted slightly in her chair, her expression softening as she turned her attention to Lia.
“Lia, I want to acknowledge the progress you’ve made. You’ve been through an incredibly tough journey, not just emotionally but physically as well. The abuse you suffered in your previous relationship, the trauma from your childhood—growing up without a father and with a neglectful mother—those are heavy burdens. And on top of that, you’ve struggled with your relationship to medication.”
Lia glanced down, her fingers fidgeting in her lap. That was going to be a long day. She was sure the moment she got home, she would collapse into bed, terribly exhausted. The weight of everything she’d gone through still felt fresh at times, and talking about it was like watching it play on a TV, or worse—reviving it.
“The meds did help at first,” she explained, “but then I got lost in them. I was dependent on them, and I started taking more than what I was prescribed.” Her voice quieted, as if confessing. Dr. Reynolds already knew, but she had told Lia a few times how important it was for her to verbalize it until it didn’t trigger her anymore. “I was using them to escape.”
“That overdose was a wake-up call,” Dr. Reynolds said. Noah winced at the mention of it. “But what matters is that you’ve taken steps toward healing since then. You’ve made a brave choice in deciding to taper off the medication, and even though it’s not easy, it’s clear that you’re managing much better now, especially with the positive changes in your life.”
Lia’s gaze flickered to Noah, who gave her a reassuring smile.
“It’s been hard,” she admitted, her voice soft but steady. “The withdrawal was terrible at first, and I didn’t think I could handle it. But things have been different… better since Noah and I started working things out. Being with him, in a healthy way, makes me feel like I don’t need the meds to be okay.”
Dr. Reynolds smiled warmly, her eyes filled with encouragement.
“You’re taking control of your life, Lia. You’re moving away from dependency, both on the medication and on the emotional crutches you once used to cope with all the pain. And that’s an incredible achievement. You’re learning to rely on healthier mechanisms—your relationship with Noah, your art, and most importantly, yourself.”
Lia felt a lightness in her chest, something she hadn’t experienced in a long time. The meds had numbed her for so long that she hadn’t trusted her own emotions or ability to cope without them. But now, without that fog, she was starting to feel everything—both the good and the bad—and it wasn’t as overwhelming as she’d feared.
“I still have bad days, but… I don’t feel like I’m drowning anymore,” she said quietly. “Noah helps, but I think I’m helping myself, too.”
Dr. Reynolds nodded, pride evident in her expression.
“That’s exactly what I want to hear. It’s not about never feeling anxious or sad again—it’s about learning to face those feelings without needing to numb them. You’ve proven to yourself that you can. And having a supportive partner like Noah is a huge help, but ultimately, the strength you’re finding is coming from within you.”
Noah’s hand tightened around hers. She wasn’t fixed, but for the first time in years, she didn’t feel broken either. She was healing—slowly, but surely.
Dr. Reynolds closed her notebook.
“Keep going, Lia. You’re on the right path. You’ve come a long way, and it’s clear you’re capable of even more. The fact that you’re doing this—getting off the meds, facing your fears, building a healthier relationship with Noah—it’s all a testament to your resilience. You will get better.”
Lia nodded, a small, hopeful smile tugging at her lips. For the first time, she believed it.
As they stood to leave, Noah slipped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.
Once out of the elevator and onto the street, Lia hurried toward the car, eager to get home. But before she could, Noah grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. He cupped her face in his hands, and without a word, leaned in and kissed her deeply, ignoring the people passing by and the noise of the street around them.
When he pulled back, Lia was breathless, her wide eyes gazing up at him, a spark of something new and beautiful shining in them.
“Whatever happened—whatever will happen—I don’t care. We’ll face it together. I’m not letting you go, Lia.”
She wanted to say, I’m not letting you go, either, but the words wouldn’t come. She was too awestruck by his closeness, overwhelmed by the love she felt for him and the weight of everything that had surfaced in therapy. So, instead, she just stared at him, her heart full.
Standing on her tiptoes, she grabbed two fistfuls of his hoodie and kissed him back, pouring everything she couldn’t say into the kiss. After a few moments, Noah pulled away, looking down at her with a soft intensity.
“Lia, am I clear?”
She nodded.
He gently tucked her hair behind her ears and leaned down for another kiss, this one soft, reassuring. When he finally pulled away, he took her hand in his.
“Let’s go home. That was exhausting.”
A week later
Every couple of minutes, Lia would push a stray lock of hair behind her ear, only for it to fall back into place again. She was sat cross-legged on the floor, her sketchbook balanced on her knee. Her pencil moved in quick strokes, pausing every so often as she bit her lip in concentration, only to resume with a renewed burst of energy.
The late afternoon sun filtered through the blinds, casting warm streaks of golden light across the studio floor that reached the other end of the room, where Noah was sitting at the desk, focused on the apps open on his laptop and on Lia’s iMac.
He’d brought over two mugs of hot chocolate earlier, one of which still steamed next to her on the floor, while his sat neglected on the desk. They had spent most of the morning out of the house—Noah had gone to the gym and then had met the boys at the studio while Lia had gone to one of her yoga sessions, then had met Emery at a nearby Starbucks. In just three days, they would be flying to Japan for the Bad Omens tour, followed by a well-deserved two-week rest at Grandma’s house, in the outskirts of Tokyo.
Noah’s mind had started to feel mushy in the last thirty minutes. Growing distracted, he stole a glance at Lia, watching her as she worked. Her focus, the way she’d push that same strand of hair away from her face, the way her brow furrowed... Eventually, feeling his mind grow too fuzzy, he stood up, muttering something about needing to wash his face.
When he returned to the studio, Lia was in the same position, still immersed in her sketching with her back towards the door. Without saying a word, Noah walked over and sat behind her, sliding his legs around her body as he leaned in close. Tempted, he pressed a soft, lingering kiss in her hair. Then another one further below. And another one right below her ear. Lia squirmed in his arms but kept her pencil moving.
“Noah,” she mumbled, her lips curling into a half-smile, half-protest.
He didn’t answer, trailing another slow kiss down to the nape of her neck. Her shoulders tensed, then relaxed, a small laugh escaping her.
“Stop,” she said, though the warmth in her voice betrayed her, as well as the way she titlted her neck to give him more access.
“You’re not really convincing me,” he teased, brushing her hair aside to kiss the curve of her neck.
Lia twisted in his arms, still trying to focus on her sketchbook, but the pencil faltered as she squirmed again. She laughed, turning her head slightly to glance at him.
“You’re such a distraction.”
“Guilty as charged,” Noah grinned, wrapping an arm around her middle and pushing her flush against him. He was practically caging her with his body.
Instead of reaching for his own mug of hot chocolate still sitting on the desk, he lazily grabbed hers, taking a sip.
“Hey! That’s mine,” she protested.
“Yours is closer,” he replied with a shrug, taking another sip before handing it back to her. “What are you working on?” he asked, glancing over at her sketchbook.
Lia flipped through some of the pages, her pencil resting between her fingers.
“I’ve been sketching ideas for Grandma’s garden,” she said, her voice soft with affection. “You know how much she loves that garden. Last time we were there, I planted some peonies and lilies around the trees by the entrance, remember? I’m thinking of adding more this time.”
Noah leaned closer, peering over her shoulder as she traced her fingers along a delicate sketch of flowers winding around a tree.
“I’ve been imagining how it would look if I added some kiku or fuji seeds. Chrysanthemums and wisteria,” she explained, her eyes lighting up. “And I was thinking… maybe we could place some traditional statues around, or even build a tiny pond.”
Her voice trailed off as she flipped to another page—a rough outline of the garden, filled with plants she had already painted with soft strokes of watercolor. The colors in the drawing—deep pinks from the peonies, pale purples from the lilies—looked almost alive, like they were already blooming.
“Look,” she said, pointing to a part of the sketch where she’d blended purple hues for the wisteria draping from a branch. “I’ve been working on the colors, trying to match how they’d actually look in the garden when they bloom. I can see it in my head—how the sunlight would hit the flowers, the way the colors would change depending on the time of day.”
Noah’s expression softened as he gazed at the painted page.
“She’s going to love that,” he said, setting his mug down. “And it sounds like a great excuse for us to check out those famous Japanese gardens you wanted to visit last time but didn’t get a chance to.”
Lia’s face lit up, her eyes sparkling as Noah added, “I could even sketch some ideas for the pond, maybe add some stones and other features if we get inspired by those places."
Lia hummed thoughtfully, inspecting her own designs.
“After the tour, we’ll have time to explore more traditional spots—temples, hidden gardens in smaller towns. We can start with the city’s chaos, then unwind in the gardens and parks. Once we’ve soaked in all that inspiration, we can start working on Grandma’s garden," Noah said.
A smile tugged at her lips as she leaned back against his broad chest, feeling the comfort of his warmth.
“I like that plan,” she admitted, smiling. “I’m excited for the shows, but I think I’m more excited about seeing Japan… with you.”
He leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
“Me too,” he murmured. “And Grandma’s going to love whatever you do to her garden.”
They sat in a peaceful silence for a moment. The room was cozy, filled with the scent of hot chocolate, and Noah’s hand rested warmly on her stomach, his cheek brushing against hers tenderly.
Lia finally broke the silence with a mischievous smile.
“I have an idea,” she said, untangling herself from his arms and standing up. Noah made a disappointed sound but didn’t question her, merely raising an eyebrow as he watched her disappear into the other room.
When she returned, she held something behind her back, clearly up to no good. Noah’s curiosity piqued.
“What are you planning to do with that?” he asked, a teasing lilt in his voice as she revealed a sleeping mask she’d likely grabbed from her half-packed suitcase.
“Blindfolded drawing challenge” she announced, playfully slapping his shoulder as she sat down in front of him.
Noah grinned, catching on quickly.
“Hm. Not what I expected, but I’m intrigued. So, do I get to blindfold you?”
“Nah-uh,” she said, keeping the mask out of his reach with a smirk. “I’m blindfolding you. If you’re going to help me with Grandma’s garden, I need to check your drawing kills.”
“I’m an amazing artist, Lia, in case you didn’t know,” he said, puffing his chest in mock pride.
“Let’s prove it then,” she challenged, eyes sparkling.
“I’m ready to show you the real artist in the room,” Noah replied, rolling his shoulders as if preparing for a competition.
Lia scoffed.
“Keep your ego in check, Sebastian.”
Lia grabbed her sketchbook and flipped to a blank page.
“Okay, mister. This is your canvas,” she said, placing it in front of him.
Noah sat up straighter, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips as she stepped behind him, slipping the mask snugly over his eyes. Her hands brushed his neck, her fingers lingering for just a second longer than necessary. Noah’s grin widened.
“You’re not secretly trying to turn me on with this, are you?” he teased.
She leaned down, her breath warm against his ear as she whispered, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Noah laughed.
“Alright, alright. Just hand me the weapon of choice.”
Lia placed the pencil in his hand and sat back on her heels, watching as he hovered over the notebook with exaggerated focus.
“Alright, Picasso, time to show me what you’ve got.”
“Okay, here we go,” he declared, setting the tip of the pencil to paper. He started drawing—if you could call it that. His lines were uneven, jagged, the kind of shaky curves you’d expect from someone who had no idea what they were doing.
Lia bit her lip, trying to stifle her laughter as she watched the absolute chaos unfold on the page.
“Are you… drawing a person?” she asked, half-choking on her giggles.
“Obviously!” Noah said with mock indignation. “Can’t you see it? It’s abstract.”
“Sure, sure. Very abstract,” she teased, covering her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing too loudly.
He added a few more crooked lines, lifting the pencil occasionally to think before continuing. When he was finally done, he sat back triumphantly, pulling off the sleeping mask.
“And… voilà! A masterpiece.”
Lia leaned over to inspect the mess of squiggly circles and jagged lines. It vaguely resembled a potato with stick arms and what might have been a smile—or a grimace. She couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst into laughter.
Noah looked down at it and shook his head, feigning disappointment.
“Okay, I’ll admit, it’s not exactly what I imagined.” He pointed to one of the misshapen blobs. “That was supposed to be an eye.”
Lia wiped a tear from her eye, still giggling.
“Yeah, I think this guy’s been through something.”
Noah sighed dramatically.
“I need your artistic genius to fix this. Save my poor little guy.”
Lia laughed again but nodded, taking the pencil from him.
“Not from there,” he said, opening his legs and gesturing for her to come closer. “Come here.”
She nestled between his limbs, leaning back against his chest. Noah’s arms wrapped around her, his chin resting on her shoulder. The warmth of his embrace made her smile as she began to work, reshaping his scribbles into something recognizable. Her pencil moved, sharpening lines, smoothing out shapes, and adding playful details until Noah’s chaotic doodle turned into a quirky little character with a goofy grin and big, wide eyes.
Noah watched her, his grin softening as he admired the way her hands worked so effortlessly. The look of focus on her face, her gentle smile as she fixed his mess—it was moments like this that made him fall in love with her even more.
When she finished, she leaned back to admire their combined effort.
“There. Now he’s got some charm.”
“You really are a miracle worker.”
Lia glanced up at him, her eyes sparkling with playful pride.
“I know.”
He reached out and gently moved that stray lock of hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. His fingers lingered, brushing against her cheek as his gaze softened.
“You’re amazing,” he said quietly, his voice low and full of warmth.
Lia’s breath hitched just for a second, her heart skipping a beat at the way he was looking at her.
“So are you,” she whispered, leaning in closer.
Their lips met in a soft kiss, the warmth of the room wrapping around them like a blanket. It was a simple, quiet moment—the kind that felt like the calm before everything changed. In just two days, they would be off to Japan, diving headfirst into the chaos of the tour. But right now, in the quiet of Lia’s studio, it was just the two of them, savoring the comfort and coziness of the evening.
When they pulled apart, Lia’s fingertips grazed the skin of his jaw, feeling the rough stubble that had started to grow.
Noah’s voice broke the comfortable silence.
“Have you thought about letting others see your work?”
Lia frowned, her fingers halting, barely brushing his chin.
“What do you mean?”
“I know you sell your stuff online through your site, but I’m talking about something bigger. Like an exhibition, or maybe an illustrated book? I could help with that. I could write the story—like I did for the Concrete Jungle comics—and you could do the drawings.”
Lia’s shoulders slumped as she considered it, her brow creasing in hesitation.
“I don’t know if I’m qualified for that, Noah.”
“Come on.” He shook his head, not buying her self-doubt. “Your work is amazing. Okay, maybe I’m biased, but have you seen how fast our merch sells—the merch that has your art on it? And every time you put something new up on your store, it’s gone in less than forty-eight hours.”
When he noticed the hesitation still on her face, he extended an arm in the air, as if to grasp all the piled notebooks and sketchbooks she had stored on her bookshelves and drawers.
“People need to see all of this, Lia.”
Lia’s brown eyes flickered across the room, her eyes landing on one of the bigger sketchbooks resting against a stack of Bad Omens vinyls.
“Some of them are really dark, Noah.”
“You don’t have to show the dark stuff if you don’t want to—even though darkness is part of life,” he conceded, shrugging his shoulders. “But everything else? Lia, you’re an incredible artist. The things you draw, the ideas you come up with… They’re fascinating, to say the least, and people love seeing fascinating things, whatever it is,” he poked her cheek to get her full attention. “And there’s already a bunch of people that love your art, starting with me and our friends.”
Lia stayed quiet for a moment, her brown eyes searching his, still uncertain but intrigued.
“I already have a lot of work with Bad Omens…” she started, though her tone was more reflective than dismissive.
“Is that an excuse? Seriously? Considering your “boss” is your boyfriend?”
That made her laugh, easing the tension. She snuggled closer to him, resting her head against his shoulder, finding comfort in the warmth of his body.
“Wouldn’t you like that, though? To exhibit your work? Let the world see what you’ve got tucked away in all those notebooks?” Noah’s voice was low and sincere. “You could even write something, turn it into an illustrated novel or whatever you want.”
Lia looked up at him, and for the first time, there was a glimmer of real possibility in her eyes.
“Yes. Yes, I would,” she said, her voice filled with quiet honesty.
Noah’s excitement was imminent.
“I can help you with ideas. Maybe I can doodle something and you can improve it if you ever feel stuck or…”
Lia laughed, nudging him playfully.
“I think you should stick to writing. I’ll handle the art,” she said, picking up the notebook they’d been using and shaking it, the potato drawing that Noah had made still on the page.
“Fair enough,” he agreed, wrapping his arms fully around her, squishing her and prompting her to drop the notebook. “But you can’t deny this was the best blindfolded potato drawing you’ve ever seen.”
“I’ll give you that,” she said with a giggle as she felt his lips and nose brush her neck.
Lia leaned her head back onto his shoulder, and they sat there quietly in the peaceful warmth of her studio, perfectly content just being wrapped up in each other. Noah began swaying them gently, side to side, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent of her. Outside, the sun had dipped lower, casting a soft, warm glow through the windows, wrapping the room in a golden haze.
“You fit perfectly in my arms,” Noah whispered, his lips brushing her ear.
Lia hummed contentedly, her heart full as she nuzzled her nose against his chin, tenderly.
“Because it’s where I’m meant to be.”
Noah’s heart swelled with something sweet and heavy, like warm honey filling every corner of his chest.
“Right answer,” he teased, before lightly tickling her sides, causing her to squirm and giggle in his grasp, but with no hope of escaping. He held her close, thrilled by her laughter, by the fact that she was his, completely and utterly.
He couldn’t wait to get on that plane and head to Japan, this time with her by his side not just as his best friend, but as his girl. The thought of them wandering through the vibrant cities and tranquil gardens together filled him with an excitement he hadn’t felt before.
He nibbled playfully at her earlobe before murmuring,
“Off to Japan in two days, baby. You ready?”
We're off to Japan in the next chapter, babes!! 🥳
— prev. chapter | chapter nine
🔖 Taglist:
@somebodyels3 | @respectfulrebel | @thecoyotescry | @bluestdai | @lma1986
@sweetwombatpizza | @missduffsblog | @shilohrosechicken | @jilliemiw86 | @alwaysfightforwhoyouare
#noah sebastian fanfiction#the inevitability of love at second sight#noah x lia#lia x noah#noah sebastian x ofc#noah sebastian fic#bad omens fanfiction
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Clone Force 99 sticker sheet
501st sticker sheet
If you came here for nature art might I suggest my Instagram blackseafoam
Always happy to put people on my tag lists too, just let me know!
The Bad Batch
Prey (hunter, crosshair) . Wrecker . Our Kid (adult omega) . Fake Sleeping (Omega & Echo) . Air Show (Howzer & Hera) . Bandannaless Hunter . You Promise (Omega & Hunter) . Bald Bitchy Snipers (Aurra & Crosshair) . The Bird (Crosshair & Omega) . Return . RBF (Tech) . Droid Echo . All that matters (CH & Omega) . Tech & Kandria . Oldmn Hunter . Ghost Agents Outfit Hunter
The Bad Batch x Red Dead Redemption 2 crossover AU
Fic: Part 1 . Part 2 . Part 3 . Part 4 (coming soon)
Group Photo . Riding Lesson (Omega & Tech) . The Tech Turn . Tech & Phee Moment . Tech’s Mullet . Bad Feeling . Gonky & Batcher are dogs . Borrowed Hat (Omega) . Phee’s Horse . Karaoke (wrecker & omega) . Train Station Nap (Tech & Phee)
The Clone Wars
Wildness (Ahsoka) . GSFO (Tup) . Aurra Sing . Sideye Ahsoka . Blackout and Blair (Kelstare's Clone OCs) . Nerra (Waxer, Boil, Numa) . Echo . Choices (Cody) . ✌🏽 (Echo). Trust Issues (echo) . 👋🏼 (Fives)
STAR WARS (other)
Kanan Slut Strands . Dume (Kanan & Loth Wolf) . Shin . Leia . Buried Alive (Ezra) . nowhere (Sabine) . Not your fault (Cassian & Maarva Andor) . Bo Katan . Darth Vader . Let’s Decorate! (RebelsxRO) . Droid cuddling (JFO)
Vessel Vesper (My Star Wars OCs)
Fic: Part 1
Ulvi Ref. CT-8424 Flinch Ref . Fern Ref (Older) . Topdeck Confessions (Flinch & Ulvi) . Ulvi Sketches . Fern meets Anya . Flinch gets adopted at 79's . Young Professor Motti . Lost
Red Dead Redemption
Long Hair Arthur . Campfire Sean . Homestead John . Charles & Javier . Hosea . Bounty Hunter Sadie . Javier & Boaz . Sketchpage . LENNY . Kieran & Branwen . John . Sadie . John washed his Hair
#masterpost#I've never had enough fan art of specific things to make one of these until now#I feel so cool#all sfw#wholesome memes only
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MK1 Behind the scenes AU - Masterpost for #1-52
As my project already reached 50+ parts, it seems I hit the limit(?) of links allowed in the notes. It was a useful way to keep a track of the story for me, and hopefully to all those that enjoyed the series so far. So from now on, while posting the new AU’s parts, I will redirect fans (and myself) to this master post for the earliest pieces, so in advance, sorry for the inconvenience :)
The main tag for my project is: "mk1 behind the scenes au". This AU is also posted on my ao3 if anyone would like to have the whole series in one place.
[Cage’s Mansion]
[Waiting for Liu Kang]
[Special Bonus]
[Grandmaster’s commentary]
[Climbing scene]
[Madam Bo’s Inn]
[Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)]
[Shang Tsung’s sad face]
[Smoke’s Fall]
[Scenography (1)]
[Scenography (2)]
[Show off!]
[Favorite brother]
[Climbing on the wall (nonsense)]
[Tomas’ commentary]
[Perfectly fine]
[Sexy, sexy man~♪]
[Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)]
[Wrong team!]
[Since when you two are friends?!]
[I like being evil sorcerer more]
[I forgot my line, sorry!]
[Read the script Kuai!]
[Get. Lost.]
[Why date a punk like him…]
[Panic (Mom is visiting)]
[Decapitation then]
[Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)]
[Cultural differences (paid leave)]
[Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)]
[Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)]
[Stop closing your eyes!]
[There is never a god around when you need one]
[(Over)protective brothers, p. 1 - upset Tomas]
[(Over)protective brothers, p. 2 - Control your anger]
[(Over)protective brothers, p. 3 - the perfect solution]
[A mother knows best, p.1]
[A mother knows best, p.2]
[Good at multitasking]
[One moron to save]
[(Over)protective brothers, p. 4 - BUT ARE YOU SURE?]
[It’s bad enough there is three Shang Tsungs + BONUS]
[Tolerate, maybe]
[Losers. I’m Lin Kuei + bonus]
[Shao learns about Paid Leave (p. 1)]
[Not paid enough for this nonsense…]
[Brothers between filming (4)]
[Brothers between filming (5) - the last ice cream]
[Why Liu Kang always must omit me?]
Fake dating subplot: “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, “Why date a punk like him”, “Panic (Mom is visiting)”, “Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)”, “Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)”, “Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)”, “There is never a god around when you need one”, “ A mother knows best, p.1”, “ A mother knows best, p.2”, “Good at multitasking“, “One moron to save” & "It’s bad enough there is three Shang Tsungs + BONUS”
#mortal kombat#mk1 behind the scenes au#either i hit the limit or tumblr is having some serious problem with my AU XD#a masterpost#that I plan to update as regularly as possible - and once I hit again the limit of links#I will add them here by reblogging the main post.#and repeat and repeat until i will run out of my BtS AU's ideas#my goal is to hit 100th part and depending how good or bad will be expanded story i will continue with the new source material XD
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Hello, loves! <3
My name is Boaz, or you can call me Bo :3 they/them (or they/she works too)

Behold my super epic sona ^^
This is my writing/art blog, or reblog-for-stuff-I-find-especially-cool blog. Some of the fandoms I’m in right now are RotTMNT, Wish, EPIC: the Musical, Sonic, Trolls, Deadpool & Wolverine, Dog Man now I guess, and any other random stuff I find cool 👍
Tag navigation:
#saph thoughts (my thoughts— I know, very creative)
#saph doodles (my art)
#art request (pretty self-explanatory)
#saph creature (my sona!)
#magika tag (my own little blorbos I like to torture)
#the fallen star au (my main Wish rewrite, see below for more details abt it)
#of stars and secrets rewrite (my side Wish rewrite because I found another idea I loved)
#wishverse moots ✨ (art featuring my wonderful friend’s AUs)
#shenanigans with the moots 💕 (stole this from my friend @oh-shtars hi flicker, but basically it’s art featuring my friend’s sonas)
The Fallen Star Masterpost
The Fallen Star is my own reimagining of Disney’s 2023 Wish, told through comic form and featuring the pretentious Princess Asha and, to her annoyance, the sunshine starboy Cielo.
My 2024 Art Fight
Come attack me! I shall revenge all I can and attack all I find wonderful!
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Ficfinder finds: The Lemonade Leak
Chapter 10: The Devotee
Chapter 10 Summary: No summary
The Devotee: Appraisal and Ratings
(Don't know what fanfic "Appraisal and Ratings" means? Check out my explanation on my Main Masterpost! Looking for a different fanfic to read? Head on over to my Fanfic List Masterpost!)
Disclaimer: This fanfic is only available to those who have an Ao3 profile. This fanfic is written by @turtleinsoup, so go show them some love and support!!
The fanfic ratings are not based on quality, favoritism, or how good I think it is, but rather, how intense a subject may be. Like a movie review, or the tags on Ao3, letting the readers know what to expect.
Plot: 💛💛💛💛🖤
"Plot is four out of five!! Things are really getting intense now!! This chapter starts out a little stagnant, as if waiting then the story slams full force into effect!!”
Suspense/Mystery: 💛💛💛💛💛
"Suspense/Mystery is five out of five!! Aaaaaa oh gosh, things are crazy!! This chapter ends on a wild cliffhanger, so be prepared for that!!”
Angst/Hurt: 💛💛💛💛🖤
"Angst/Hurt is four out of five!! This chapter just has such a sense of wrongness to it, like something horrible is going to happen.”
Fluff/Comfort: 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
"Fluff/Comfort is zero out of five! Like I said, everything feels like something is all going wrong, and there’s no comfort to dissuade that fact.”
Emotions Conveyed: 💛💛💛🖤🖤
"Emotions Conveyed is three out of five!! I’ll say it again. This chapter is filled with a sense of wrongness and dread, and stress. It was very suspenseful at the end!!”
Drama/Tension Level: 💛💛💛💛🖤
"Drama/Tension Level is four out of five!! The drama keeps only getting more and more prominent as Leo digs deeper into what's happening!!"
Triggers: 💛💛🖤🖤🖤
"Triggers for this chapter are two out of five. This chapter isn't quite as triggering as some of the others, though it is certainly chock full of suspense!!"
Legibility (Reading): 💛💛💛💛💛
"Legibility (Reading) is five out of five!! In this chapter, I specifically enjoyed reading how Leo and Donnie communicate, and how the action of completing each others sentences was so well written out!!"
Legibility (Audio): 💛💛💛💛💛
"Legibility (Audio) is five out of five! Very wonderful, very smooth, good for audio book format ^^"
Length: 💛💛🖤🖤🖤
"Length is two out of five!! Chapter 10 of The lemonade Leak takes about 18-19 minutes to listen to!!"
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The Lemonade Leak: Story Ratings and Chapter List
Personal thoughts on chapter below cut (Contains Spoilers)
Donnie leaned back into his polyester privilege, and drove his foot against the bench, turning his chair away again. “Dije que deberías creer en la mierda que ves.” ‘Believe the crap you see.’ Leo rolled his eyes. With an acrobatic flip - too hand-reliant for combat and too risky for breakdancing - Leo landed back on top of the workbench, shoved his foot into the plush padding next to Donnie’s shoulder, and spun him back. “I just can’t believe-believe it, y’know? Mikey is… He’s not your twin!”
The direct translation for that phrase is “I said you should believe the shit you see.” I find it a little amusing that Leo censored it in his mind lol. I also enjoy seeing that Donnie knows some Spanish.
“Yeah.” Donnie offered his weapon off- and one-handed; like there was no weight in it at all. Like he wasn’t giving Leo a part of his very own soul. “Tibi credo, dummy.” Leo had no idea what that meant, but the grin blooming on his face could’ve powered a nuclear reactor and might have been equally as hazardous. He took Donnie’s bó with both hands.
Tibi credo is Latin translates into “I believe you”. Basically, Donnie is telling Leo that he believes him, that he’ll do a good job using his bo, and that he believes in him.
It was heavier than it looked but balanced itself into its last ounce. Finely worked, strong but gracile and so very Donnie. Leo’s calloused thumb traced the well-worn leather warping and the bó sang to him. Oh, Leo realized, A she. Leo chirped, threw an arm around his twin and nudged Donnie’s cheek with his nose. “Your princess got a name?” Leo made sure his hold was loose enough to be shoved off easily, but Donnie didn’t remove it. “Yeah," he muttered and rubbed his neck. "Her name’s Common Sense. Be efficient with her, she hates unnecessary touching, okay?” Leo’s grin only grew. He leaned away, placed Common Sense safely in his lap, and drew his twin blades. He spun them, caught them by the flat of their steel and offered Donnie the hilts of his soul. “Be respectful to my boys, Walking-stick and Pizza-cutter.”
I love how much thought is put into their weapons!! The respect, and the awe shown in regards to the weapons, is wonderful!! I’ve actually trained with a bo, and a katana, so it’s enjoyable to see this display. I did actually name my first bo, but it’s a silly name XD. As for katanas, it’s tradition to name them after the first things they cut. For example, I had a sensei who had a katana he named “Watermelon Slicer”. The name is pretty self explanatory. It’s just amusing to me, to think how this tradition may have influenced Leo’s naming of his swords. Most likely, the tradition didn’t play a part in the names he chose, but it’s still an amusing thought!
Could be worse. It could have been the Staten Island Ferry Mascot.

This guy. This is the Staten Island Ferry Mascot. You’re welcome XD
#tmntficfinder#ficfinder#ficfinder finds the lemonade leak#the lemonade leak#rottmnt fanfiction#rottmnt fanfic#rottmnt#rottmnt post invasion#tmnt fanfiction#disaster twins
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Veronika ・ She/Her・ 20-something writer ・my kinks ・ moodboard • picrew
Queen of Unlocking Kinks™️🔑🔓 ・ 18+ CONTENT
Masterlist ・Kink Masterlist ・Collection of BO fics
・Wattpad ・AO3
Taglist Sign Up
Thank you for your support! I appreciate you all so much. 💜
big shout out to @sorrowsofsilence for creating my header, icon, and banner💜 post dividers by saradikagraphics
Sara / @sitkowski and I have teamed up once again to bring you all Kinktober in the Concrete Jungle 2025!
We are doing things a little differently this year. Sara and I have opened up requests for our fics this year! We wanted to change it up and have the readers involved too! Request a Sara fic here || Request a Veronika fic here Fic requests are now closed! Thank you to all who sent in requests! We cannot wait for October<3
Kinktober 2024
Inspired by @ao3userfeistycadavers Friends in Sin // Motionless in White Kinktober prompts; we wanted to bring Kinktober to the Bad Omens boys.
All adults (18+) are welcome to join- no need to ask permission from either of us, get filthy and nasty and have fun!
You are welcome to write any pairing as long as one of the band members or crew is included. Feel free to use reader or original characters!
All we ask if that you use appropriate tags and warnings!
How it works:
pick as many or as few prompts from above as you want - feel free to combine!
any pairing as long as it includes at least one member of Bad Omens (band/crew)
write fanfic or draw fanart or whatever else you want to create
post it to Tumblr from OCTOBER 28th-November 1st
you can participate in every day or just a few!
Make sure it is tagged :: #LadyMidnightsKinktober2025 ; you are welcome to @ sitkowski and @ ladyveronikawrites but not required -- a masterpost will be created with everyone's fics!
Prompts include:
Orgasm control / orgasm denial
tasks and assignments
temperature play
spanking / impact play
sensory deprivation / bondage
pet play
voyeurism / exhibitionism / semi public / sex tape
Dominant/submissive dynamic
CNC / primal play
knife play
monster fucking
edge play / fear play
power imbalance
If you have any questions about this or anything else feel free to DM me or Sara. Happy Kinktober<3
#navigation#masterlist#fic masterlist#bad omens fanfiction#star wars fanfiction#bad omens fandom#star wars fandom#ladyveronikawrites
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(temp image until i make one)
HELLO! Welcome to my gay as fuck excuse for an AU! I can see you have questions!
First of all, what is Just Around The Corner? Basically, its the joke of a storyline that surrounds my RotTMNT OCs and their lives! It mostly takes place in the good future, explaining the lives each turtle had with the ones they have close, as well as the traumas to come!
Mainly (and only semi-intentionally) it surrounds my Donnie and his partner, my OC Marcelo. They have a whole plotline with death, drama, love, and hate.
I suppose I should get onto the links now!
CATCH ALL TAG: #just around the corner au FICS: Not A Chance ONESHOTS AND DRABBLES: Insomniacs Finally Sleeping, You’re Everything to Me REFERENCES: Donnie (good future), Marcelo (good future), Fibonacci (good future kid), Newton (kid), Rodent (good future) OC TAGS: #the embodiment of cotton candy (Marcelo), #bo the emo boyo (Fibonacci), #newt go SCREM (Newton), #rodenthamato (Rodent)
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Ao3 Masterpost
Hi friends! I've decided to make a masterpost of all of my work on Ao3, where my username is casuallysavingtheworld. If you see a fic you recognize and didn't know it was me who wrote it, hi! My name is Kate, I write mostly Dinluke/Star Wars fanfic!
Currently, you have to be a registered user to leave comments on my works. This is because I've had a couple of shitty people hiding behind the internet being rude. If you do not have an ao3 account, but would like to say some nice things about my works, please send me an ask! I love talking to people about my writing. Kindness is always appreciate it!
This masterpost will be updated periodically with new works as I continue to write! Please read the tags of each story on Ao3 before reading.
Thank you!
wherever you stray, i follow series
Republic never fell, and Anakin didn't go to the Dark Side AU. Luke is an ambassador to Mandalore and Din is the Mand'alor.
wreck my plans, that's my man | Rated E | Part 1 -Dinluke, with background HanLeia, and super light Boba/Fennec and Cara/Bo-Katan Luke Skywalker-Naberrie is sent on a diplomatic mission to Mandalore, on behalf of the Republic. He plans on getting the work done and leaving as soon as he can after the two years is up, but that was before he meets the Mand'alor.
i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover | Rated T | Part 2 -Dinluke, with background Anidala, Hanleia Anakin, quite frankly, is sick of his son’s shit.
(Luke comes back from a mission on Mandalore with a surprise, a husband and a child. Anakin doesn't know how to handle this.)
all along there was a invisible string tying you to me series
A golden string of fate soulmate AU.
one single thread of gold tied me to you | Rated T | Part 1 -Dinluke with background HanLeia Luke just sits and stares, as it’s all he can do, hoping one day, he’ll be able to follow his string, all the way to whoever is on the opposite end of it. He bets they’re beautiful, no matter what they look like. At night, in Luke’s dreams, he catches glimpses of deep brown eyes, a pre-empire ship, armor and a silver helmet.
(Luke Skywalker has a golden string attached to his finger, that floats into the sky, leading him somewhere, to someone. He's the only one who can see them. During the adventure of a lifetime, he searches for answers, eventually leading him exactly where he needs to be)
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven | Rated T | Part 2 -Dinluke, no background relationships He hates that he can see the strings, something he realizes no one else around him can do, and Din hates them. His string wants to lead him away from the things he’s come to know, the life he wants to live. He’s trying to be brave, god damn it, and the string keeps pulling and tugging, trying to get him to follow it.
(Din Djarin has a golden string attached to his finger, that floats into the sky, leading him somewhere. He's the only person he knows who can see them. He runs from it, hating that they exist, which leads him exactly where he's supposed to go.)
honey, life is just a classroom series
College AU series, with both Dinluke and RoseRey.
up on the roof with a schoolgirl crush | rated T | currently the only part, working on the next part! -RoseRey, with background DinLuke Professor Djarin looks disheveled. Professor Djarin never looks disheveled.
On one of the last Fridays of the semester, Professor Djarin is late to class. Rose wants to figure out why, and why he's acting so anxious, all while trying to keep sneaking glances at Rey, her long-time crush.
Where only the sweetest words remain
Hades/Persephone AU. I will not be writing more in this AU, series complete.
when suddenly I saw you | Rated T | Only one part of this series -Dinluke, no background relationships This story is about two people. One was considered life. The other was considered death. It starts like this. (Or a retelling of the story of Hades and Persephone, with Din as Hades and Luke as Persephone)
all's well that ends well to end up with you
Canon fix-it, post season 2 of the Mandalorian. Series completed.
what must it be like, to grow up so beautiful? | Rated T | Part 1 -Dinluke, background Hanleia if you squint Grinding his teeth down, Din was once again, grateful for his famed helmet to hide how he was really feeling. Leaning against a wall, away from the rest of the party guests, the party Leia had crafted, Din couldn’t help but think about the moments he realized he had feelings for the Jedi. (Din thinks about all the moments he realized he had feelings for a certain Jedi)
you drew stars all around my scars | Rated T | Part 2 -Dinluke, family relationships Din’s eyes catch the pale scars that line many parts of the Jedi’s body. They are all parts of Luke’s past, which led him here to this moment with Din.
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hello !!! my name is bo / barracuda and welcome to my silly little brain dump blog !!! here is some info :3
Who are you?
>> my name is bo or barracuda !!! (xe/they/he/rot)
>> queer / trans + autistic DID system
>> fic writer, artist, poet, general sillyguy
>> hyperfixations / spinterests are minecraft, dnd, psychology, piercings, subcultures, pirates and dogs (feel free to send us asks abt these things !!!!)
What fandoms are you in?
>> Just Roll With It
>> MCYT (hermitcraft mainly)
>> horror
>> critical role
>> 911 tv show
>> and more but those are what we most frequently rb :]
Important Blog Tags
#just atommy with it - jrwi tag
#atommys favs - favourite art
#arommys fav sillies - fav shitposts
#atommy art moment - general art tag for our own art
#atommy writer moment - general tag for our writing
#the atommy void - yelling into the void about whatever
#atommy asks - for asks
occasionally other people in the system will use this account and tag an emoji to signify who’s speaking and this is the key:
jaybird (she/it/rot) - 🎸
dakota (any prns) - 🍕
techno (he/him) - ⚔️
drizzy (she/pix/it) - 🍏
Lastly, Links !
art commissions: https://www.tumblr.com/atomicraft/750022338837446656/atomics-commissions-open
discount fursuit paw commissions: https://www.tumblr.com/atomicraft/756123428649664512/discount-furpaws-commissions
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i'm not even going to pin this so this is for the three people who might see this in my bio in the distant future lmao
hello! i'm leanne, i'm in my 20s (barely), and i'm southeast asian. my asks and dms are always open for anything + feel free to tag me in anything you want me to see, including your own work!
and tony stark is my favourite character of all time. just had to mention him here somewhere
ALL my own posts will be tagged #fearandhatred. all my good omens posts (which is like 98% of my blog) will generally be tagged #good omens but that won't really help you because i also use that tag for my reblogs
anything related to my writing and all two (2) of my fics. i've just realised they are both "aziraphale comes back wrong" fics in different fonts lol
#fic: blood in my eyes
It starts and ends, as it had before, in the bookshop.
#fic: transitional heart taxidermy
Aziraphale comes back wrong. Crowley tries his damnedest to figure out what happened, until he doesn't.
#fic: sunflower fingerprints
A fun little side perk of being a demon is that Crowley only gets to see the world in shades of grey. That is, until that world is touched by one particular angel.
my ao3
wip ask game snippets
#fearandmeta: all my meta posts
#fearandart: my art
#fearandedits: all my legitimate textposts, video edits etc.
#fearandtextposts: shitposts basically
#fearandasks: all my asks
#leanne's travel blog: for when i travel and want to say things
#tag game: all the tag games... that i am tagged in
my queue tag is either #q (so i don't scare anyone with the yelling) or #THIS IS A QUEUED POST. i am asleep (for my own posts) but i only tag my queued posts when i feel like it AND it also doesn't necessarily mean i'm asleep. it just means i thought i would be asleep when i queued it
reblog tags:
#good omens, #textset (photo edits with text), #photoset (plain photos), #gifset, #art (no good omens-specific art tag), #ficlet (ficlets posted on tumblr), #fic rec (fics linked on tumblr but posted somewhere else), #marvel, #david tennant, #palestine, #misc (anything not good omens) -- under #misc i also tag #movie watchlist (gif/photosets for movies i've watched this year), #ethel cain, #bo burnham, #saw, #house md, #hatai (hedwig and the angry inch)
ok. goodbye
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Another Contestant Chapter 1-11: Who Can You Trust?
Fandom: Total Drama (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Heather (Total Drama)/Original Character(s)
Characters: Heather (Total Drama), Gwen (Total Drama), Original Non-Binary Character, Owen (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Geoff (Total Drama), Duncan (Total Drama), Devon "DJ" Joseph, Courtney (Total Drama), Ezekiel (Total Drama), Sadie (Total Drama), Katie (Total Drama), Eva (Total Drama), Noah (Total Drama), Justin (Total Drama), Tyler (Total Drama), Trent (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Cody Anderson, Harold McGrady V, Lindsay (Total Drama), Beth (Total Drama), Leshawna (Total Drama), Alejandro Burromuerto, Sierra (Total Drama), Chris McLean, Mildred "Blaineley" Stacey Andrews O'Halloran
Additional Tags: Total Drama: Island, Total Drama: Action, Total Drama World Tour, Nonbinary Character, POV Original Character, Slow Build, Slow To Update, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Romance, Crush at First Sight, Teen Crush, Canon Lesbian Character, POV Lesbian Character, Canon Lesbian Relationship, Original Character-centric, Developing Relationship, Minor Alejandro Burromuerto/Heather
I'm Carmen, and I signed up for this show as a last-minute decision a few minutes before the time ran out to sign up. I signed up for Total Drama because I wanted to get away from my life. My parents don't understand me, and they constantly mis-gender me. I'm non-binary, but they keep using she/her when referring to me and deadnaming me. I know they love me, but I just need a break from it all. Maybe I'll make some new friends, or meet someone special.
Carmen is AFAB non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.
**AO3 & Wattpad links in masterpost pinned to the top of the blog**
I'm the last one to enter the cafeteria today for breakfast, and I groan when I see that the only available seat at our team's table is next to Heather. A week ago, I would've been thrilled to sit next to her, but after finding out that she was just stringing me along... not so much. I grab whatever mush Chef is serving today, and sit down between Gwen and Heather.
I ask Gwen, "What the heck is this? I've never seen... whatever this is served for breakfast before."
Heather responds in a stuffed-up voice, "Chef said it was leftovers from last challenge."
She must've gotten a cold from yesterday. You know what? Good.
I grimace at the food in front of me, then turn to her, asking, "I'm sorry, did I ask for you to respond? I don't think I did. I was talking to Gwen, not a back-stabbing liar."
I turn away from Heather and start chatting with Gwen and the rest of our team, ignoring Heather any time she says anything.
After breakfast, we all head outside to hear Chris say, "So, last challenge exposed a few Gopher issues," Heather and Gwen glare at each other, and I just roll my eyes as Chris adds, "And I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too."
Duncan lightly elbows Courtnay, and she shoves him to the ground.
Chris continues, "So this week's challenge is going to be centered around building trust. Because all good things begin with a little trust."
I whisper harshly to Heather, "Like the trust I gave you and you spat back out at me by stringing me along? Yeah, we're totally gonna win this one."
Chris continues, "There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of their team. Normally, we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time! More fun for me!"
I really hope I don't get paired up with Heather for any part of this. I don't know if I could trust myself to help her win if we do get paired up together.
Chris leads us to a tall cliff, saying, "Okay! So for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme freehand rock climbing adventure! DJ and Duncan will play for the Bass, Heather and Gwen for the Gophers."
Gwen mutters, "Ugh..."
Chris tosses equipment to both pairs, saying, "Here's your belay and harness."
Gwen catches them, but Heather yanks the equipment from her.
Gwen exclaims, "Hey! What's your damage?"
Heather responds, "If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts."
Chris explains, "You won't be holding her up, exactly. One camper pulls the slack through their belay as their partner climbs. If the climber falls, the belay will stop their from crashing."
I mutter, "Alright. Seems easy enough. But what's the catch? Nothing is ever easy on this show."
Chris adds, "The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like... rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives, and... a few other surprises."
Harold exclaims, "Wicked!"
I mutter, "And that's definitely not a tetanus shot and a lawsuit waiting to happen."
Chris adds, "The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust, people. And remember, never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it."
Gwen asks, "Excuse me, can we trade partners? I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today."
Heather adds, "Puh- lease. As much as I love your company, I'm not gonna throw a challenge just to kill you. Yet. Now spread 'em." It takes a few minutes to get Gwen strapped in, and when she's done, Heather says with a smirk, "There. You're all hooked up."
Gwen asks, "What's the second rope for?"
Heather responds, "It's a backup line."
Gwen narrows her eyes, asking, "What are you smiling about?"
Heather responds, "Nothing. I'm just really happy we got on this challenge together."
I mutter into my hand through fake coughs, "Bullshit."
The challenge finally starts, and Gwen and DJ start climbing the mountain. One of the 'mild' explosives explodes, and Gwen starts screaming as she falls.
Gwen exclaims as she suddenly comes to a stop, "Ow!"
Heather calls up at her, "It's okay! I've got you!"
Chris holds up a water gun to one of the cameras, saying, "I promised surprises! Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?"
He sprays some on Heather, and she exclaims, "Ugh! What the heck, Chris?!"
She lets go of the rope to rub the sauce from her eyes, and Gwen falls all the way to the ground.
Chris says in a fake Spanish accent, "Muy caliente."
He tries spraying some at Duncan, but he's wearing sunglasses and drinks the habanero sauce.
He licks his lips, asking with a smile, "Is that the best you can do?"
Chris asks one of the cameramen in a hushed whisper, "Is that the best we can do?"
Further up the mountain, as Gwen starts passing DJ, Heather calls out, "Come on, Gwen! You don't wanna fall... behind!"
She pulls the second rope hard, ripping off Gwen's shorts and revealing her underwear, her shorts landing on DJ's face.
Gwen exclaims, "Gah!"
Duncan takes off his sunglasses, saying, "Well, you don't see that every day."
Chris adds, "No, you don't, my man. No, you don't."
Ugh, Chris is such a creep. Isn't he like, 40 or something? And he's oggling a teenager. DJ removes Gwen's shorts off of his face and accidentally takes both hands off the cliff. He starts falling as Gwen takes her shorts back, and Duncan tries to help steady DJ, but the rope gets caught around his ankle, and both are left suspended in the air.
They both groan in pain, and Duncan says, "This bites."
DJ adds, "Ugh, big time."
Gwen looks down at the two, then says, "Ah, screw it."
She places her shorts in her mouth and climbs the rest of the way up.
Chris says, "Looks like the Gophers have won the first challenge."
Gwen exclaims, taking her shorts from her mouth, "Yeah!" She then covers up her underwear with what's left of her shorts, adding, "Crap!"
The second challenge takes place in the cafeteria, where Lindsay and Bridgette have to prepare Fugu sashimi from the Fugu blowfish for their partners, Trent and Geoff respectively. Lindsay prepares it wrong and sends Trent to the infirmary, and Bridgette prepares it correctly, earning the Bass a point.
After Chris and Chef make sure Trent is still breathing, Chris announces the next part, "Good news. The third round involves three more challenges. It's the three blind challenges! It begins with the blind William Tell, followed by the blind trapeze, and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan."
DJ says something about his pet Bunny that he left in Geoff's care for the rock climb challenge, and Geoff looks nervous by the topic. I'm guessing the rabbit died or ran off somewhere, and he doesn't want to have to tell DJ what happened.
Chris places an arrow on DJ's head, saying, "Like legendary marksman William Tell, you'll be knocking arrows off your partner's head with crab apples."
Courtney asks, "Um, wasn't it the other way around?"
Chris shushes her loudly, adding, "Also, the shooter will be blindfolded!"
DJ gasps as Chris blindfolds himself, and the TV host continues, "The person who knocks off the arrow while causing the least amount of facial damage wins."
He slingshots the crab apple right into DJ's crotch, and the teen bends over in pain.
Chris removes his blindfold, saying, "Aw, nuts! Leshawna and Owen, you'll be one team. Courtney and Sadie, you'll be the other."
DJ groans, and Harold raises his hand, saying, "I'm violently allergic to apples."
I say, "Ok? Nobody asked, dude. You're not even part of this challenge."
Sadie jumps up and down, exclaiming, "Ooh, let me shoot! I'm a good shot!"
Courtney sighs, saying, "You'd better be."
Chris says, "Okay, let's rock and roll!"
Leshawna and Sadie blindfold themselves, and slingshot their apples at their partners. Owen seems unfazed when Leshawna's apples hit his body, but Courtney recoils and exclaims in pain every time.
Leshawna finally hits the arrow atop Owen's head, and he says, "Wow!"
He laughs, and Leshawna peeks from her blindfold, asking, "Did I get a bullseye?"
I run over and high-five her, saying, "Yeah, girl! You got it!"
Sadie, undeterred, puts another crab apple in her slingshot, saying, "I've got her this time."
Chris exclaims, "Leshawna won already!"
Courtney adds, "Hey moron, it's ov- Ah!"
Sadie launches a few more crab apples, one hitting Courtney in the head, and a few others all over the place.
Chris grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her gently, exclaiming, "Sadie! It's over, man! Let it go!"
Sadie says with an apologetic smile as she removes her blindfold, "Oopsie. Sorry."
Courtney says weakly, "You're going down..."
She groans, and passes out, falling on her back. She's taken to the infirmary, and Chris leads us to our next challenge.
He says, "And now, the blind trapeze! To avoid serious injury, the trapeze has been set up over this pond, which is full of jellyfish." We all gasp, and Chris hands Heather and Bridgette blindfolds, adding, "You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump."
Heather asks, "And then?"
Chris responds, "Then hopefully they'll catch you, or that's gonna be one heck of a painful swim." He laughs, then adds, "Okay! Hut hut!"
DJ cries about his pet Bunny, and Harold and Bridgette go first.
They make it successfully, and Chris says, "Okay, Gophers. Your turn!"
Heather rolls her eyes and gets in position, and I ask, "Wait, who's her partner for this challenge?"
Chris responds, "Wasn't it obvious? You're her partner, Carmen!" My eye twitches, and he adds with a chuckle, "Now, get to it!"
I grumble under my breath, and get into position on the trapeze. I keep repeating to myself in my head, 'do it for the challenge', 'do it for the challenge', but I just really wanna let her drop into the jellyfish-infested pond.
Heather starts tying her blindfold, saying, "You better not let me fall, Carmen."
I mutter, "Don't tempt me."
I start swinging myself on the trapeze, and get a good rhythm going.
I say, "Alright, Heather. Jump in one... two... three... Jump!"
She jumps just a hair too soon, landing in the jellyfish pond, and screams as she gets shocked.
Chris grimaces, saying, "Ooh, that's a point for the Killer Bass!"
As Heather continues screaming, I exclaim, "Sorry, Heather!"
As much as I wish I did this intentionally, I really didn't. I just have really bad depth perception, and I told her to jump a bit too late. Heather finally manages to pull herself out of the pond with a jellyfish attached to her head, and she makes her way to the infirmary, ignoring my apologies.
At the base of a tall mountain, the one we cliff-doved off of in the first challenge, Chris says, "And now, the final leg. The blind toboggan race."
Leshawna asks, "The say what?"
Chris continues, "Each team will have a driver and a navigator. The driver steers while the navigator shouts directions. Oh, yeah. And the driver will be blindfolded!" Geoff and Harold gasp, and Chris adds, "Not many of you left, huh? Keep losing you guys." He laughs, then says, "Oh, well. Uh... Gwen and Leshawna, Geoff and DJ."
Chris announces once both pairs are set up atop the mountain, "On your marks... get set..."
He blows an airhorn, and both pairs start sliding down on their toboggans, Chris and Chef having shoved them both to start. Leshawna and Gwen launch off a rock and start flying, and land in the water above the waterfall. They go down the waterfall, and bounce off a log.
About halfway through the race, Duncan calls out, "Hey, DJ! Look who I found!"
He opens his hands to reveal a rabbit that looks a lot like DJ's pet Bunny, and DJ peeks from his blindfold for a moment to see it, then goes back into the race, now fully committed to winning. Some explosions start going off around the mountain as Leshawna and Gwen land back on the mountain.
An explosion launches DJ and Geoff, and Lindsay and Owen start cheering for our team just before the two Bass toboggan racers land directly on the finish line.
DJ removes his blindfold again, and grabs the rabbit, saying through sniffles, "Thanks, Duncan. You're the best."
Duncan says nonchalantly, "Whatever, man. It's just a stupid rabbit."
He and Courtney talk for a little bit, and the rest of our team is brought back from the infirmary.
Trent speaks incoherently, still under the effects of the blowfish poison, and Chris announces, "And the Bass are the winners of the toboggan race!" The Bass start cheering, until he adds, "Unfortunately, I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment, you broke the number one rule, which makes the Gophers today's big winners!"
We start cheering for our win, and Gwen exclaims as Trent start foaming at the mouth, "Rock and roll!"
Leshawna adds, "Oh yeah, baby! That's how we roll!"
The two of them high-five, and that night at the campfire ceremony, Sadie is sent home. When we're all getting ready to go to bed, I walk up to Heather, who is laying on the bunk above me.
I say, "I really am sorry, Heather. You know I'm mad at you right now, but I'm not mad enough to throw a challenge just to get rid of you."
Heather just says, "Whatever."
I sigh, and lay down on the bunk below her, which is my bunk. After everyone else has gone to sleep, I'm still awake. Why am I really so mad at her? Was Beth right, and she was just stringing me along, like she's doing to Lindsay? Or did she actually like me, and I really hurt her by leaving the alliance? She definitely seemed more mad at me leaving than she was when Beth left.
I roll over, and I'm about to try falling asleep again when I hear Heather say quietly, "I get it, you know?"
I look over at the ladder where our bunks connect, and I see her standing there, looking at me.
I ask her, "What?"
Heather responds, "I get why you're so angry with me. But I wasn't just stringing you along."
I say, "You did that with Beth."
Heather scoffs, saying, "Okay, fine, I did pretend to be friends with Beth to win her vote, but I never did that with you. I actually wanted to be your friend. I really do like you."
I ask her, "Why are you telling me this?"
There's a quiet pause before she asks, "Can I sit down?"
I pull my legs in toward my chest, gesturing for her to sit on my bed with me.
Once she's seated, she admits, "I don't have any actual friends; here or at home. Most people only tolerate me because I'm popular at school. Even my own parents don't really like me. And when I saw you, I thought you were really cool. You were so different from everyone else. I thought, 'that's the kind of person who would understand me'..."
She trails off, and I sit up, waiting to hear more.
After another moment, she says, "Most people see me, and all they see is a mean girl. And, I'll admit, most of the time I play into it. It can be kinda fun getting a rise out of people. But when that's all they see you as, it makes it hard to actually connect with people. I thought you and I had that, and I messed it up."
She starts tearing up as she says that last sentence, and I ask, "Are you okay?"
Heather nods, continuing, "I think I actually like you more than I've ever liked a girl... Or, well, someone who was born as a girl. And you leaving the alliance made me confront that in... I'll admit, it wasn't the healthiest way I could've handled that. It's just... I've only ever had crushes on boys, so I didn't know it was even possible to like anyone else."
I sigh, saying, "I think I get it, but in a different way. Everyone's always told me that I'm a girl, and the only thing I could be was a girl, since that's how I was born. But when I learned that it wasn't the only way, it was mindblowing. It took a while before I was comfortable in my skin, and it took even longer to figure out that I like girls."
I cup her cheek, making her look at me.
I wipe one of her stray tears, and add, "But I knew I liked you the moment I saw you." I chuckle, adding, "I've always had a thing for ballerinas. Sure, I saw your mean-girl exterior, but I also saw much more than that, just below the surface. I wanted to get to know you, even if we could only be friends."
Heather sniffles, then cups my face back, pulling me into a kiss. It's a deep embrace, and she places her other hand behind my neck, pulling me closer. After a moment, I gently push her away, my cheeks dusted pink.
I say, "Hold on, Heather."
She asks, "But isn't that what you wanted?"
I sigh, responding, "Sure, at first, but right now... I don't want to go rushing into anything with you."
Heather's expression droops, and she turns her head away from me, wiping away one of her remaining tears.
I add, "That's not to say I don't want to be with you, I just need more time to stop really being mad at you. Maybe... maybe after the show, where we'll have time to really get to know each other off-camera."
Heather turns back to me, asking, "Really?"
I respond, "Really. I want to see what you're like when you're not putting on a show."
She smiles, and stands up, saying, "I'll let you get to sleep."
She starts climbing the ladder to her bunk above, and I say, "See you tomorrow, Heather."
I can see Heather smile a little as she says, "See ya tomorrow."
#total drama#my fanfiction#my oc#carmen smith#total drama heather#chef hatchet#total drama gwen#chris mclean#total drama duncan#total drama courtney#total drama dj#total drama harold#total drama lindsay#total drama bridgette#total drama trent#total drama geoff#total drama leshawna#total drama owen#total drama sadie
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●■intro to this sick blog yo■●
yo my homies, welcome to this totes fyre and whimsical blog, cat-loving-elf!!
i mainly post wyzzerd stuff (the urge to make a wyzzardrous pun and write "staff" hehe), homestuck things, fyre lynes and also epic whyzzardrous bars and various other tumblr shenanigans
general info:
i mainly post:
- my epic lines and bars and raps
- homestuck stuff
- and other such antics and shenanigans
the blogs main language is english, but i also speak polish (native) and some german
im (quite passively) looking for mutuals, so if you like my vibes or sumn then hit me up!! (either send me an ask or like a dm or just follow me and ill likely follow you back and we can become moots!)
some facts n such about me:
- a proud homestuck fan!! Bo]
- im down with the clown :o)) may the mirthful messiahs and they wicked elixir be upon yall!
- i like (love) physics and maths
- i made my wyzzerd nep profile pic myself B33 (i think imma give her some herb to smoke soon B)))
- i use male pronouns (he/him) (also bro/broself and other such MANLY and STRONG pronouns)
- i have a strongly hatelove relationship with chemistry (oh shit i should actually add chemistry fans to my dni) (nah jk but that would be fire tbh) (but fr: chemistry fans are welcome)
- but like i be cool with quantum chemistry and generally the subatomic-scale chemistry
- i love spitting some fyre lines from time to time (very often)
- i sometimes cook beats and stuff up and if they are cool i post em here (rather rarely, that is) (the DAW i use is LMMS, and im a keybo n mouse cook, but might get some hardware)
- i think the coloristic scheme i picked for this masterpost is absolutely lit B)) (i have no more ideas what to write here, ill prolly add something l8r, so be all buckled up and tuckered out and shizz for updates of this post)
TAG GUIDE (incomplete)
so yeah i gotta categorise those tags n tag some posts but rn this wicked shizz be lookin like this:(and also prolly more tagz will be added in da future)
- #Scrumptious the Lizzard - posts containing parts of the scrumptious saga
- #epic fire wizzy rap - i think the name speaks for itself ☆_☆
- #wizardblr, #wizard posting - anything remotely or directly connected with WIZZERS!!
- #homestuck - anything and everything about homeeeeestuck!!!!
- #fyre lynes, #fire lines, #poetry, #slam poetry (and anything other mentioning lines or poetry or fire or epicness) - the lines and the raps and the bars!!
- #music (or other such tags) - my totes baller beats n shit!
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ok i have been cautioned that it is, in fact, a horror show, but i have two cans of some kind of fruity IPA and i’m making roasted sweet potato slices, so i might just go ahead and try out that first episode of the terror
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Have you ever wished to read some /r beeduo, but fear what the Ranboo/Tubbo tag on ao3 holds? Have you ever wished you could somehow magically filter the tag, so you'd see only the character works, with no explicit content in sight? Well, lucky reader, I might just have what you were searching for all along.
I went through the entire goddamn tag, and I manually filtered out all the sfw c! fics so you don't have to. And then I compiled everything into a spreadsheet. That's right, I am just that incredibly cool and sexy and amazing.
Things I tagged each fic with: word count, completion, angst/fluff, au/dsmp canon, "Do they kiss?"*, pet names** and additional notes if I felt anything else was worth mentioning (and there are also stars for fics that we especially liked)
*Only if Ranboo and Tubbo kissed explicitly on the lips, didn't count forehead/cheek/hand kisses or anything else of the sort
**Didn't count Boo, 'Bo and Beloved, since those are extremely common in the canon.
This took me and my discord pals many many hours, so I would be extremely grateful if you shared this as much as you could!! ♥
For what is and isn't on the list, as well as a disclaimer, keep reading.
What may be included on the list:
works by authors that also occasionally write RPF (I try to let you know of this in additional notes so you can avoid them if you wish! Check disclaimer for more info about this particular topic tho.)
violence, gore, there's also some cannibalism I think. I didn't tag any CW, but there are reminders to check the warning whenever I felt the fic warranted that.
What isn't on the list:
fics centered around sexual content and or involving explicit sexual content (past or present) (there is one about pregnancy, I noted so in the additional tags) (I also cut instances where the characters were making out...heavily.)
fics about CCs or works that were too ambiguous to be able to make a clear distinction between c! or cc!
works from authors that otherwise extremely frequently write RPF nsfw
unfinished works that were +- below 3K and seemed abandoned or just not properly built out yet (though I did this step very subjectively)
as I went on, I also started cutting out fics that didn't seem to have beeduo as their main focus, or if there were so many relationship tags I felt like you could find them from there as well (<- read as: I got frustrated and left out a lot of SBI centric fics)
shipping fics that included relationships not canon to the DSMP (for example, I cut out TNTduo but kept Puffychu. There's also some light background DNF in some of them I'm pretty sure, though I literally do not think there exists a fic involving both Dream and George without it being DNF, so hey, that's my reasoning. But if you want me to cut those ones out as well, let me know).
Disclaimer: I hadn't actually read all of the fics. Unfortunately, I am not the deity of free time. I've tried to skim almost every single one to find out whether or not it truly is sfw and about c! (but only if it wasn't made abundantly clear by the tags or author's notes, or if I got general weird vibes), and tried to add any warnings and additional notes I could come up with when there were some.
I also hadn't checked each author and whether or not they had written RPF in the past - again, I simply don't have the means for that (and also because most of them are anon or orphaned anyway), though I DID check some, and anything iffy I found about the author I included into additional notes.
I tried to sort everything to the best of my abilities, but I am only human - which is to say, if you DO find some fic that you thing doesn't belong there PLEASE dm me and I'll look into it! We are a community, helping each other is the key 🧡
If you are the author of any of the fics on the list and for some reason want them taken out, dm me and I'll delete them!
If you've got your own fic on the slash tag and wish to have it on the list (if it wasn't there already), dm me and I'll look into adding it!
As for the final note, I'd like to thank everyone who supported me the entire week this took, the Hellen Hellenite discord that had to listen to me bitch about fics, and most importantly, once again thank you @likecarillonbells @uyun @deminjackets for helping me tag the fics and for the philosophic discussions over whether or not certain works are c or cc ♥♥
#tubbo#ranboo#beeduo#dream smp#dsmp#tubbo fanfic#ranboo fanfic#beeduo fanfic#ao3#dsmp fanfic#this took so much time and also sanity you have no idea#i'm seriously considering going through our discord and compiling all my findings and stupid questions into a bts post#but it's done#I'm free
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Jasper's Pop Culture Magic/Paganism Resource Masterpost
last updated: December 23, 2024
This post aims to compile as many useful posts and other resources as possible. As such, some of these offered sources have opposing views on certain topics (e.g. working with villains).
My Stuff On Tumblr
My pop culture tag of my primary witch blog: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/tagged/pop%20culture
My pop culture chapter of my Tumblr grimoire: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/tagged/chapter%3A%20pop%20culture
My guide on how to get started in pop culture magic/paganism and ways it can be incorporated into magical/religious practices in various ways: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/681522570893377537/pop-culture-magicpaganism-you-dont-have-to-use
My theory on how pop culture stuff works/doesn’t work in my practice: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/678440977848057856/hey-there-i-was-wondering-if-youd-maybe-be
Unforeseen downside of pop culture magic/paganism and how that influences how you interact with the media from my perspective: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/680469128881078272/fire-emoji-sorry-im-on-desktop-unpopular
The results of my pop culture magic survey: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/681431738203947008
How to Start Pop Culture Deity Research: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/685862541927317504
What “counts” as a pop culture deity: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/686536875942559744/hello-this-is-kinda-linked-to-your-pop-culture
Worshiping villains: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/686985999434268672/do-you-have-a-particularly-strong-opinion-on-the
Why pop culture magic appeals to me (and other common questions): https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/691430114855092224/hi-i-have-heard-a-lot-of-pop-culture-paganism-and
Pop Culture Deities & Spirits: Common Questions: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/693138711667425280/pop-culture-deities-spirits-common-questions
Common theories behind pop culture deities and other spirits: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/698400540201287681/hey-there-just-wondering-exactly-how-pop-culture
A very beginner 101-type guide to Pop Culture Paganism: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/750955546202587137/hi-sorry-to-bother-you-but-i-would-like-to-get
Stuff By @neonswitchhouse On Tumblr
BoS/Grimoire/BoM Prompts & Ideas for the Pop Culture Witch/Pagan: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/680111771676180480
Pop Culture Paganism/Witchcraft & Days of Celebration: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/680111811749625856
Pop Culture Paganism & the Main 3(ish) Categories of Work/Worship: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/681250490352271360
Working With Villains in Pop Culture Paganism/Witchcraft: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/680111745850884096
Pop Culture Witchcraft/Paganism & Active VS Static Sources: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/681463993451298816
Popular VS Obscure Sources: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/681882919252492288
How to Find Correspondences & Associations in Pop Culture Paganism & Witchcraft: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/682794767861579776
PCWT: Invocation & Calling Forth / “How to Summon Your Scrimblo”: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/693125408805257216
PCWT: Closet Crafting, Discreet Devotions, and Inconspicuous Altars: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/703188483174481920/pcwt-closet-crafting-discreet-devotions-and
PCWT: Villain Work Expanded Edition: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/710349149939367936/pcwt-villain-work-expanded-edition
PCWT: Communication, Confirmation, and Conversation: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/717340545380483073/pcwt-communication-confirmation-and
PCW and the Importance of Being Cringe: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/735816894793285632
The source material you’re drawing from, along with any wikis or databases for the source material
"A Look at Pop Culture Magick" by Heather Greene on The Wild Hunt: https://wildhunt.org/2015/07/a-look-at-pop-culture-magick.html
"Pop Culture Spells Are Real Spells" by Samantha on This Crooked Crown: https://thiscrookedcrown.com/2018/02/05/pop-culture-spells-are-real-spells/
"How to Pick Your Pop Culture for Pop Culture Magic" on Magical Experiments: https://www.magicalexperiments.com/blog/how-to-pick-your-pop-culture-for-pop-culture-magic
"Making Light: Hero Worship" by Sunweaver on Patheos: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/agora/2013/05/making-light-hero-worship/
Charging spells with your special interests: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/693130786588753920
Fictional entities you probably shouldn’t work with: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/695056090797375488/what-fictional-entities-should-you-not-useavoid
Creative self-reflection by @serpentandthreads on Tumblr: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/717391517572005888
"Pop Culture Paganism: An Introduction" by The Pagan Study Group Page on Tumblr: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/695056338802425857/pop-culture-paganism-an-introduction
"Pop Culture Paganism & God Theory" by The Broken Stones on Tumblr: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/695056788410793984/pop-culture-paganism-and-god-theory
"A Short Intro to Pop Culture Pagan Theory" by Pop Culture Pagan 13 on Tumblr: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/699017745584570368
"How UPG May Vary Even When Drawing From the Same Source" by Storm Water Witch on Tumblr: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/699017962919690240/hey-storm-if-you-dont-mind-me-asking-did-you
"Trading Card Game Divination" by MahouOWO on Tumblr: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/763776715797512192
"No, You Don't Have To Stop Writing Fanfiction" by Ren Elfchild on their website: https://renelfchild.dreamwidth.org/1054.html
“What Is Pop Culture Magic/Witchcraft” by Chaotic Gremlin 27 on Tumblr: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/767544329428500480
“Figuring Out Pop Culture Deity/Entity Domains” by Chaotic Gremlin 27 on Tumblr: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/post/770676057360744448/hi-i-love-your-pop-culture-entities-posts-and-was
#jasper post#pop culture magic#pop culture magick#pop culture pagan#pop culture paganism#pop culture witch#pop culture witchcraft#pop culture#beginner#masterpost
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