#Boom!Eggman is a better villain than MLB!Hawkmoth!
tenebraevesper · 2 years
The Return To Sonic The Hedgehog
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I have to say, this wasn’t how I imagined returning to the Sonic fandom, especially after being absent for ages (I’m more of a casual fan, if anything). It all started out with me getting bored after the shutdown of Digimon ReArise and in my search to cure my boredom, I came across not only Sonic Dash, Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom, but also Sonic Forces: Speed Battle (which I totally recommend playing, the game is great!).
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I’m so proud of my achievements. (*≧ω≦*)
Not to mention, watching the new movie Sonic The Hedgehog 2, which was absolutely AMAZING!
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This (and the first movie) made me feel like I little kid again, where I would just enjoying watching Sonic zipping around, and him and his friends beating up Dr. Eggman (or the villain of the day). Just to note, I’ve grown up with Sonic Underground and Sonic X (never watched Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)) and when it comes to the Archie Comics, I only fully read Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide while re-visiting the Rockman/MegaMan franchise (I’ve grown up with Rockman.EXE/MegaMan Battle Network/MegaMan NT Warrior, so I didn’t know much about the other eras).
Anyways, moving on:
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Jim Carrey stole the show as Eggman and while I am aware that he is retiring, I still hope that we’ll see him in the third movie. Still, even if he doesn’t appear in Sonic 3, I do have another reason (aside from seeing Sonic, Tails and Knuckles going on adventures) to be hyped up for it:
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I’m sure I wasn’t the only one screaming and fangirling during the mid-credits scene.  ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
I just hope they’ll to Shadow’s character justice. However, considering how Tails and Knuckles were portrayed, I’m sure Shadow will be back to his Sonic Adventure 2 self (but no, seriously, don’t make him an edgelord; he has more depth as a character than you think).
Something to add - it is quite interesting to return to a fandom after being absent for a longer time just to see where it is. I kind of feel like a child in a candy store, where I was told I could try any candy I want (including guidelines to which candy is the best). I usually try everything, just to see what I like, which is also how I ended up giving Sonic Boom a try, out of pure curiosity:
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I didn’t play the games, but I watched the show and while it’s not perfect by any means, I laughed my ass off. It’s just fun to see the characters interact and Eggman being more of a frenemy to Sonic and co. I also liked the battles, especially the ones in the S1 and S2 finale.
Anyways, I’ll be leaving to explore more of the Sonic franchise (including fanfiction, Whipple Family (mis)adventures by @stillafanofsonic​ is so far my favorite).
If you guys have any recommendations for what I should focus on, I’d be happy to hear them. (≧◡≦)
EDIT: My opinion of Sonic (Archie) up until the Reboot.
My opinion of Sonic (Archie) Post-Reboot.
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