#Bonus dialogue introducing Mother
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kingkenzieofmold · 5 months ago
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After watching the Dreamscape episode and finding out who Bill Cipher is, MADS CANT STOP SEEING IT EVERYWHERE (Her words). Which leads us to her getting indoctrinated into the Bill Cipher Cult at school, more at ten soon.
Text: Wall Writing - Look right … Look left … are you apart of the Bill Cipher cult? No - wrong answer Yes - two tally marks Mads: So thats how I joined. I couldn’t not add a tally! Like bro sounds like a commercial, I can’t not sign. Me: Wheezing-
Mads loves these comics, we have always want to showcase our funny moments! Being recorded though doesn’t work for us, so I spontaneously decided after we watched Land Before Swine to draw her reactions! So lot more comics will be made! (Bonus: Photo of the wall writing sign up)
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commsroom · 4 months ago
OK I need you to point me to the nearest entry point into this fandom. I don’t know what this is, but you popped up on my dash.. and I need to know what this is. Please lead the way.
oh!! that's exciting. yes. okay!! wolf 359 is a science fiction audio drama about the isolated and questionably competent crew of a deep space research station, the u.s.s. hephaestus. the initial four characters are comms officer doug eiffel, 'everyman' pop culture guy who really, really hates his job; commander minkowski, who cares about her job and the rulebooks that come with it a little too much, and desperately wants to feel like she's keeping everything under control; dr. hilbert... eccentric? station medical officer and mad scientist whose methods and mission objectives are not entirely above board; and hera, the station's mother program, who struggles with her job and the ways she's perceived by others.
there are other characters who show up later - i would say only three of the above characters are "main" characters, while the actual fourth main character is introduced in s2 - but that requires way more context, and i don't want to get into spoilers, obviously.
wolf 359 is a character drama - it's my personal gold standard for character writing - and the brief descriptions i gave you are the most surface, surface level parts of them. the writers once said something about it, like... that they weren't interested in subverting typical sci-fi character archetypes so much as looking at them and asking "why would a real person behave that way?" and i think it really worked. whether i like them or not, they all feel like real people to me. it has great sound design and a lot of "physicality" in the performances for an audio-only show, which i think comes down to gabriel urbina's film background and the way the scripts are written and performed. (and alan rodi's incredible soundtrack and sense for music cues.) you can't see a lot of what's in the scripts, but they're acted out in a way that you can kinda feel it anyway. i love that.
here's a fan made trailer that i think captures a lot of the right energy. it's a show about a lot of things, but some of the primary themes are communication + music, and i think the collaborative nature of the show itself adds something very sincere to that. it's also about corporate and medical exploitation, resisting dehumanization, what makes us human, connection, identity and autonomy, guilt and accountability, the stories people tell themselves to justify who they are or what they feel it's necessary for them to do, and, of course, the enduring philosophical question: "what's wrong with handcuffs?"
you can check it out at the website i linked above, or anywhere you can listen to podcast feeds! it's free, but they added ads a few years ago, which i hate, so you can pay a dollar here for the ad-free feed if that'll make a big difference in your ability to enjoy it: https://www.patreon.com/Wolf359Radio
it's a sequential story, nothing you really need to know about listening order except that i recommend not skipping the mini episodes (they have important character context and are where they are in the feed for a reason) (with the exception of mission mishaps ones near the end; those are comedy bonus episodes you can listen to whenever) and that you should definitely watch the live show after ep 26 and listen to special episode change of mind between s3 and s4.
i also have a folder here of every recording script where i edited any parts that were different from the show's dialogue + added transcripts for the ones that didn't have available recording scripts, if that's something you'd find useful! i also recommend checking them out just to see what i mean about how they're written.
the first season is pretty short, so i'd say stick with it until at least episode 12/13 (two part finale) if you can - i love the first season, personally, but that's the point it really becomes serialized, and so that's where i think you can safely say if it's something that's going to capture your interest or not. ... and that's it! sorry this is kind of an essay, but i got excited about it. i hope you love the show, please keep me updated, and let me know if there's anything else!!
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recvachka · 3 months ago
what would the dynamic be between restart okuyasu, josefumi and kira? does okuyasu get to meet gappy?
Hello, thanks for this question! :)
(There can be mistakes)
! there also can be headcanons on other characters and their behavior!
Restart Okuyasu knew Kira by sight, since they work in the same place. They did not know each other personally, but Okuyasu had an image of Kira as a responsible and serious worker, he had heard about his cynicism from other sailors, but did not treat it negatively based on rumors, just took note
Josefumi periodically came to Kira here, which caused Kujo to cross paths with Okuyasu, he had strange feelings about him, as if he had seen him before or knew him, but Josefumi tried not to get hung up and thought that it was because of Kira and his marine form, now this seems quite familiar
the communication between Josefumi and Oku started quite spontaneously, Josefumi was the first to start a small dialogue at the first meeting, and asking if they could have seen each other before, Okuyasu replied that most likely not, but Nijimura himself had seen him before and knew that he was probably Kira's friend
if we omit further details of communication, Okuyasu and Josefumi quickly found a common language, Okuyasu, unlike Kira, was more open emotionally, more sensual and partly created a feeling of naive kindness, which captivated no less in communication
Josefumi, having a problem and a trigger of abandonment, could quite easily become attached to people or feel quite strong gratitude (in the case of Kira)
Okuyasu because of his past (he lost his entire family due to accidents, and at the age of 13-14 took care of his sick mother, who passed away by the age of 15. From an early age, he already went to part-time jobs for this, which gave him the habit of guardianship, especially to close people and friends) he could show excessive signs of attention, albeit tactfully, against this background, Josefumi became much more attached to Okuyasu, but he still owed Kira for saving him in the past
Josefumi did not want to involve Okuyasu in their business with Kira regarding fruits and other things, so Okuyasu did not know anything about this and could not find out, besides, Kira would be annoyed if Nijimura got involved in their adventure
Josefumi, when he became close to Okuyasu, also introduced him to Kira, but Kira was not particularly welcoming and rather distant, generally maintaining neutrality. Okuyasu was not embarrassed by this either, and he did not impose himself, wanting to keep in touch only with Josefumi. Kujo was a little upset by this, but nevertheless he was not going to force everyone to be friends
but more often, communication between Oku and Kira could be strained, and yet once Okuyasu could not restrain himself and with the help of his stand forced Kira to fall off the pier into the water, which Kira eventually did not understand how it happened, in fact, like Josefumi (Josefumi found out about Oku's stand much later, but neither he nor Oku fully know the possibilities of the restart version of the hand)
After the events of the merger, Okuyasu could be another character who would help Gappy. I think after the disappearance of Josefumi and Kira, Okuyasu would have tried to look for them and would have been able to reach Yasuho and Gappy, connecting to them along the way and becoming one of the main allies
( + bonus: Okuyasu, using the abilities of his stand, would have been able to separate and return Kira and Josefumi, while leaving Gappy as the third, however, he rarely used his stand and he was not trained at all, and if you look ahead, Okuyasu would have died from the influence of Wonder of U )
sorry if it looks pretty messy!
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katarinas-redemption · 10 months ago
The mystery of Red’s connection to Elizabeth Keen was solvable in Season 4. The key episodes are Mato, Adrian Shaw Conclusion, and Requiem.
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The Blacklist first look: Mr. Kaplan's ties to Red revealed — first look
Source: Entertainment Weekly, Natalie Abrams
“In the episode titled ‘Requiem,’ we get to step back in time and see Reddington through the lens of what is essentially an origin story,” executive producer Jon Bokenkamp tells EW. “It’s a really compelling hour that involves Young Liz, her mother Katerina, her adopted father Sam Milan and, of course, Mr. Kaplan. In this photo, we see Mr. Kaplan putting on her ‘cleaner gloves’ for the very first time.”
The Blacklist unveils a shocking amount of backstory
Source: Entertainment Weekly, Natalie Abrams
"It turns out, Kaplan was more than just a cleaner for Red, but once acted as the caretaker for a young Masha, a.k.a. Liz Keen (Megan Boone), working for Katarina Rostova (Lotte Verbeek) and eventually uncovered that she's a Russian spy and becoming her cleaner."
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In 4.02 we learned for the first time that Mr. Kaplan’s history with Red went as far back as to when Liz was just an infant. This was the episode where Red shoots Kate for betraying him. During the episode and before he shoots her which she knows is coming… Mr. Kaplan explains to Red that she only betrayed him because of an agreement they had made back when Liz was a baby for which Red insisted she always put Liz first. She mentions an incident that happened with “Annie” way back when. At one point Red tells Kate that he “was away”. All of this backstory dialogue was pretty vague and didn’t give too much insight. But in the episode Requiem, all of this is explained. We get to see Baby Liz in Kaplan’s arms. We see the promises made to keep Liz safe. We saw the incident with Annie and Kate. We learned how Mr. Kaplan got her name. We saw Katarina call Kate from Cape May to tell her she was going "away". Etc...
In short, the episode of Requiem will MOSTLY feature Katarina and Mr. Kaplan. The younger Mr. Kaplan is played by Joanna Adler. Susan Blommarert of course plays the Mr. Kaplan we all know.
Susan Blommaert 
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And just like the episode of Nachalo, the story in Requiem is ABOUT RED in the flashbacks but who we see onscreen is Katarina played by Lotte Verbeek. This is because Red was formerly Katarina Rostova who took on the identity of Raymond Reddington.
The lines:
4x02 - Mr. Kaplan: Do you remember what I looked like that night? Lying in the street, my head torn open… Annie’s body in front of me. Red: You know I don’t know what you looked like. I was away.
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The explanation: 1. The episode Requiem will introduce the story of Annie and how Kate met her. The episode will feature the very scene that Kate referred to. We see her lying in the street, head torn open… Annie’s body in front of her. Bonus: We finally learn how Kate got her name “Mr. Kaplan”. We are also shown the tragic scene of both Annie and Kate being shot. Annie dies. 2. Red’s line about him being away is explained by the scene where Katarina calls Kate at the motel from Cape May and tells her she is “going away”.
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4x02 - Kate: Do you remember…? Red: You know I don’t know what you liked like….
When Kate said: Do you remember…? Red’s response wasn’t that he did not know her back then. Instead, he told her he was away. They knew each other. Also, there is no reason for Kate to ask Red in the first place if he remembers anything unless she knew Red during this time frame. What is important here is that the event of Annie and Kate getting shot at Little Nikkos happened BEFORE Red approached Mr. Kaplan to work for him. And yet: Kate to Red: Work for you? I don't know you. She thought he was the real RR. But anyway, the part where Red said he was away is explained by the phone call from Katarina to Kate from Cape May. She tells Kate she's going away.
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4.17 Mr. Kaplan: Work for you? I don’t know you.
Red: I’m not as unknown as you might like to believe, Ms. Nemec.
Kate believes that Red is the real Raymond Reddington. That is who he is presenting himself as after all. The explanation for Red’s line that he’s not as unknown as she might like to believe means that Kate does not yet know that Red is Katarina disguised. Red is known to her. Afterall he did put Baby Liz in her arms 10 years prior.
4x02 - Kate: I’m not sorry for what I did. I betrayed you for the same reason I just betrayed Nikos– to keep Elizabeth safe, just like you asked me to all those years ago, when you first put her in my arms as a baby girl, only now she has a baby girl of her own, and your existence in their lives puts them in constant danger.
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- to keep Elizabeth safe, just like you asked me to all those years ago, Requiem explains this line in the scene where Mr. Kaplan is in the nursery with the baby and Katarina walks in. 1. Note: that the song Kate is singing has the lines: You are safe, you are loved. You are wise. I think this was an intentional little nugget by the writers. 2. The scene ends with Kate telling Katarina that she would do anything to protect her baby. Kathryn: I told you. I have a pact with your daughter. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. And her mother.
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- “And her mother”: aka Red. 
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- when you first put her in my arms as a baby girl, This line is explained by the same scene when Mr. Kaplan is in the nursery. Though we do not see Katarina handing the baby to Mr. Kaplan's arms and asking her to keep her safe, (that would be TOO obvious). Perhaps the show decided to do the reverse as a clever clue to cover the handling of the baby. That said, in the scene, they do show Baby Liz in Kaplan’s arms. In the scene, Mr. Kaplan even mentions “in my arms”. 
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- Baby Girl, We can infer by Mr. Kaplan’s reference [“only now she has a baby girl of her one”] to Agnes being a baby that Liz was not a little girl but a baby when Red put her in Mr. Kaplan’s arms.
The timeline
30 years
Mr. Kaplan: Wrong. You have me. Raymond thinks he out maneuvered me today, but he underestimated my commitment. I’ve been his cleaner, keeper, and confessor for 30 years, and I’m prepared to tell you everything you need to know in open court.
(2017 - 30 = 1987. Liz was born in 1985 though she looks under a year old in Requiem.)
Two decades
Mr. Kaplan: For the last two decades of my life, you had me convinced I was helping keep Elizabeth safe. But in reality, I was helping you become a monster.
(2017 - 20 = This is when she started working for Red.)
This wasn't a part of Mato but the messy situation Red talked to Kate about in Requiem is about the "mess" in the kitchen. Red knows about it because he's Katarina.
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Also not a part of Mato but Requiem revealed Katarina was burned on her back.
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“Ultimately this is a ‘chosen one’ story. Elizabeth Keen is clearly incredibly important to Red. Why? That’s what we’re slowly revealing over time, and trust me, the answers are all there. - Jon Bokenkamp interview with EW post episode 4.08;
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shallyne · 6 months ago
(Are We) Out of the Woods for the ask game.
Need to know some details about my lovely gift 💕
My favorite scene
As morbid as it sounds, the scene where Feyre died and the goddess saved her.
My favorite chapter
Chapter 1 because 2 was only a bonus scene and the action happened in chapter 1
Hardest scene to write
The scene where Tamlin and Ianthe sacrificed Feyre to the goddess. It was hard to get the dialogue right, expression Feyre's panic and hurting Feyre hurts myself too.
Favorite character to write in the fic
Again, the goddess, Vae!! I just love creating new characters and introducing them but of course, Feysand too
Favorite dynamic to write in the fic
Feysand, duh. But I also kinda liked the dynamic between Rhys and his mom even tho we don't see much of them together
Why I chose the title
The stoey revolves about Feyre becoming a vital part of the enchanted forest and Rhys having to find his mother and leaving the forest as quick as possible (until he met a pretty, etheral brunette)
A funfact about the fic
You told me you liked retellings so I scrolled through tons of folklores and tales and legends and one caught my eye, the maid of the mist. This fic isn't a retelling per se, I only read the premise of it and that's how the story formed in my head and I just started writing things down. (I still have the page in my notes app and it barely makes sense to me anymore lol but I can show you if you want) it became a whole process in my head which usually never happens
Thanks for asking @starfall-spirit
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rose-from-ashes · 8 months ago
PSSSST HI HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!! slides over this character building question for vyn, cei, and vukmir! if they existed as npcs in the game that give a quest (or a quest chain maybe?), what would it be? and would there be a special item you get for completing it?
He gives a quest chain asking you to infiltrate someplace, possibly Ishgard, Ul'dah, Eulmore, or Garlemald in order to seek and rescue unfairly prosecuted or imprisoned individuals and such inside, giving them a safe out where he would not be able to due to his distinct appearance and reputation as a ruffian/warrior/beast/danger. Basically an underground railroad situation. He feels awful about being unable to save those people directly, and joining with someone less prominent would allow him to at least bring those people into an area he can actually defend. Mechanically, this would be dialogue, fetch quest, and sneaking quest heavy. He wants you to avoid combat, because he'd rather do the combat himself.
The special item would be a glamor garment or weapon from him of your choice, and repeating events would allow you to get the full set. Once you attain the full set, there would be a bonus quest wherein you get to speak to the people you've helped along the way, similar to the level 80 dark knight quest.
His npc name on first interaction until he introduces himself would be "Tall Stranger". The questline would be called "Cries in the Dark" and begin with a quest named "Hidden Injustice".
They give a quest chain where you help them for various experiments by gathering components or doing tasks, similar to the post arr urianger quest chain with the extreme trials. Just like with that questline, finishing it unlocks the ability to turn in components from the content of that questline in return for high quality equipment. There is a daily limit.
Their npc name until they introduce themself would be "Unnerving Garlean" and the first quest would be called "Hardware Requirements". This quest could exist in a theoretical pre-destruction Garlemald or Mare Lamentorum post-Endwalker. You would also meet their adoptive mother Herse at some point, if it takes place in Mare Lamentorum.
His quest/questline (either a very long quest or a questline with the same length just split between multiple smaller quests) and involve following a series of echo flashbacks in the Thirteenth following the Contramemoria from his perspective. At first he appears as a shadowy, vague figure, the vision distorted by centuries, but throughout it, he would grow more and more clear, until the player sees him in full just before the Calamity. Finally, we would see his Voidsent form after in the form of a statue that the visions lead us to with a description of his deeds as a Voidsent below, describing how he remained a great ruler afterwards, but eventually slipped into the Source, and has not been seen by his followers since, though spectres remain to guide them. The special item would be a statuette of him holding his sword high in defiance of his impending doom. The quest/questline would be called "Shadows of the Lost King".
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calamitaswrath · 8 months ago
Cal Lucia plays Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Chapter 9
Hah, so there's yet another gameplay mechanic that is being turned into an in-universe thing with the statistics. I think that's the most I've ever seen a game in the series does this. . . I like it. It's always nice when games do this sort of thing
Got Ike and Soren's C support unlocked! And hah, Soren even notices little tells with Ike like his left eye twitching when he's tired. And Ike calling him a softie, too. . . no wonder people ship them.
Got Titania's and Rhys' support as well. I like the little backstory there, which involves Shinon and Gatrie, too
Something I still don't get with these "info" things (not even sure if they're called that in English) is why they have a star ranking, but I guess I'll figure that out eventually (and this has since been resolved since someone just told me)
Have to say though, I really like the mechanic overall! Reminds me a bit of the things that each character has to say in the monastery exploration phase of Three Houses, in the sense that I take that those are time-specific interactions that have various characters weigh in on things that just happened. Except that unlike Three Houses, you don't have to run all over the place to talk to people, and that they're actual conversations, and not actual characters bouncing off of a mute protagonist. (. . .I say that, but I should still point out that I did like Three Houses, even if it has its shortcomings)
Ike was in Gallia before. Probably as a kid, I guess?
And a nother battle. It's almost like this is a strategy RPG!
Lethe continues to be a hater. Perfectly valid mind you, but I hope that when inevitably she changes her mind, it is well-handled and doesn't feel like it came out of nowhere
Mist and Rolf finally join! I know this isn't really anything I can convey here, but I love Boyd's dialogue during that whole interaction. It's funny. Anyway, I did wonder when the two were finally gonna join, so good to see that that's finally here
Ahh, Laguz tutorials! And. . . huh. I hope they're worth from a gameplay perspective
. . .Ah, that pirate's out to destroy the houses. Starting over!
Took some maneuvering of Lethe and Mordecai, but I did manage to stop the initial pirate, and then managed to get to both houses with Marcia. That got me two turns over the maximum bonus exp that I could have gotten, but it's better than nothing
Huff, Soren really is suggesting that they join Daein in case a war breaks out that involves Gallia. Seems to me like this guy has some baggage that will need exploring.
Another CG illustration! These are all very pretty.
Caineghis. . . goodness, now there's a beefy guy. Reminds me a bit of Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, if only for his mass and hairstyle. And judging by his role and design, I'm getting the feeling that he's either gonna be killed off at some point, or he'll become playable. One or the other.
Giffca. That's definitely a way to introduce a character - "Oh yeah he's here but don't mind him".
Ohh, more juicy backstory! Ike and Mist were born in Gallia, their mother was killed, Greil had a secret that he didn't tell anyone, even here. . . interesting stuff!
Ah, and Elincia's not getting any Gallian troops for support. Gotta keep the protagonist side the underdogs, after all.
A sea trip to Begnion is next? Sounds like ship maps. Let's just hope it's not gonna be as many as in Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia.
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anendtopursuit · 1 year ago
here's some questions spam!
what do you think is the best joke in tgwdlm? which nightmare time episode is the strongest? would you vibe with any of the lords in black? opinion on webby? favorite character introduced in black friday? some people have said that the youtube version of nerdy prudes must die gets fanservice-y with its hatchetverse references - what're your thoughts? which hatchetverse couple is the most transgender in your eyes?
here ends the question spam
YEAAAA QUESTION SPAM I LOVE QUESTION SPAM!!! my laptop is currently updating and therefore i feel no shame doing this instead of my dissertation LET'S GOOO
best joke in tgwdlm? - augh, a hard one. idk if it's the BEST but i always lose it at the hivemind breaking out of unison and having to stop and find their notes/re-harmonise after not your seed (i've been there... SO many times)
strongest nightmare time episode - ok this is the part where i admit i am VERY behind on nightmare time and have only seen a few in random orders - my favourite of the ones i've seen is abstinence camp, though. i think it's a rlly strong, relatively self-contained story, and ofc i'm always down for a friday the 13th parody lmao. boy jerry and girl jeri are my little freaks and i love them (and ofc peter and steph my beloveds)
vibing with the lords in black? - i love all of them an unreasonable amount and would LOVE to hang out, honestly. i never stop singing so pokey would probably be fun company, and wiggly won my heart immediately since i LOVE possessed/evil toys (if the url wasn't a dead giveaway for that) and green is one of my fav colours. but honestly any of them!!! they're deliciously evil and i would love to chill (and then regret it when i inevitably face their torment BUT THAT'S A PROBLEM FOR FUTURE ME!)
opinion on webby - i haven't seen a ton of her but i think she's really cool, both conceptually and in the execution i have seen! i love how the visions she gives hannah are contextualised and start making sense slowly as you work through the show (which it took me AGES to figure out, admittedly, because i'm either eerily good or absolutely terrible at recalling dialogue, and fsr her prophecies always fell through my brain like a sieve)
favourite character introduced in black friday - i'm disqualifying wiggly bc we've established i love him already - honestly, it's a tie between linda monroe (one word: MOTHER) and ethan green (aka the sweetest motherfucker in hatchetfield, holy shit). i find both of their characters super compelling and also i'm very bisexual about both of them so !!!
were the npmd hatchetverse references fanservicey? - i mean... yeah? i don't super mind though, fanservice isn't inherently a bad thing. i do wish there was some way to watch a pro shot of the show as it was on stage instead (i Lost My Mind when i found out the gerald part was originally my favourite little freak boy jerry), but i've heard through the grapevine that there's apparently a way to get your hands on a digital ticket recording as a bonus feature or smthn similar, which is good enough for me. so whilst i do think they came on a little strong in some sections (particularly hatchet town), overall i didn't mind - the smaller call-backs don't really harm the show at all if you don't get them (e.g. richie's joke abt peter looking like the homeless guy downtown is still a funny jab without the knowledge of who exactly that homeless guy is and how he's related to peter) and for fans who have been waiting for years, it's an extra little reward. i've seen some people be incentivised to watch the previous shows so they'd understand the audience's reaction to certain lines, too, so there's that. tl;dr it is a LITTLE much sometimes but i don't personally mind it and thought they were all fun
most transgender hatchetfield couple - oh you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE, i LOVE transgenderifying characters. i think lautski (peter/steph) feel very explicitly-queer gen z t4t, if that makes any sense, but i wouldn't be me if i didn't at least mention my quietly-queer first loves paulkins (paul/emma). they're like the chill trans elders (as in the community title, not in reference to their age lmao they're like 30) to lautski's spitfire trans youth. if that makes literally ANY sense
my laptop has great timing and has now finished updating (!!!) so i must return to the trenches of university coursework but this was VERY fun thank u
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In honor of Worldbuilding Wednesday... How do you present your worldbuilding to your audience without overwhelming or boring them? What techniques do you use?
Thanks for the ask @amaiguri!
This is an interesting one - I always think the knack is in finding a balance between just informing (aka straight paragraphs just explaining the world) and not doing enough (aka having characters references terms / places that make no sense because the world hasn’t been introduced).
With the proviso that I’m not an expert and these are my personal opinions, here’s how I generally approach presenting worldbuilding:
Snippets built into dialogue / narration which hint at or develop the nature of the world
Details of the world / society which also form part of character building moments
When relevant to give necessary context to the scene / action
and as a cheeky bonus (though it’s not always appropriate)
Including a map! I love a good map as a way to orient myself in a new setting
To give you some practical examples from It All Falls Down:
The setting of the book is a group of islands that exist within the eye of an enormous and seemingly never-ending storm, cut off from any world beyond. Details about the isles and storm are hinted at regularly in dialogue / narration.
‘His office wasn’t much to look at. It wasn’t run down exactly but, much like the building itself, it had that tired, rain damaged look that characterised the Stormbelt area.’
‘One was that the shock of dark curls and tanned skin pinned him as a citizen of the Vale, that golden valley of the Isles that Elias himself had once called home.’
An important aspect of Elias’s character is that he is in many ways ‘other’ to the world he has found himself in. Elias practices the faith of his mother - an outsider to the setting of the Isles - but he keeps it secret because he knows it would not be accepted by society.
‘Stretching in the early morning light he grabbed an old jumper to keep out the cold, pulled out the patterned mat and book from the hidden compartment in the floor. Laying out the mat he knelt in the centre with the book balanced on his knees. Brushing his fingers across the worn cover he took a moment to breathe.’
Finally, at one point in the story Elias and Sebastian are trying to avoid surveillance, so they head deeper into storm affected areas as technology doesn’t work as well and it lets them use natural (weather) cover and other elements of the world to their advantage. This gives me a chance to slip in some worldbuilding!
‘The intersection stood on the edge of the Copperfields District, where the main road towards the lightning installations for the sector ran, the great fields of metal rods that harnessed the storm and used it to power the city. Although they kept to the shadows, there was very little surveillance this far out from the Solarium, with the persistent spray from the storm drastically increasing the frequency of the need for technological maintenance. In the end of Solarium had decided it was cheaper to employ more guards that pay for the upkeep of the cameras. “What are we waiting for?” Sebastian asked.“Any minute now.” He glanced down at his watch. It was less than that before the sound of footsteps broke through the patter of rain and whistling wind. Shift change.’
Would love to hear from other writers how they approach presenting their worldbuilding!
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uvindu-mga2024mi5015 · 1 month ago
Designing the level map
------------------------Maurice Utrello------------------------
Step 2 - The story and game progression for each level
Before I begin i want to clarify what interactions exist.
object interaction - these interactions are for objects, upon interaction the object just disappears. Static interaction - these interaction are for conversations. Upon interaction the player will be static and force to listen to the conversation. To end it the conversation must end. Can click the screen twice to finish the conversation Static dialogue - These dialogues only happen when static interactions are active. The player is not able to move whilst the dialogue take place. To make it disappear the player has to click the screen twice. Active dialogues - These dialogues happens automatically upon met conditions. The player will be able to move freely whilst the dialogue takes place. To make it disappear the player has to click the screen twice.
Level 1 - Rue à Compiègne (Oise)
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When the player presses play, the game starts here.
The player will spawn at the start on the road of the neighbourhood of Rue à Compiègne (Oise). This is also where the controls are introduced on the floor.
When the player walks past the controls on the floor, the first active dialogue appears which indicates the start of the game. The active dialogue will say
''Where am I, why is it so quiet in here.. '' - player
as the player walks further an active dialogue appears again
''oh right this is the neighbourhood of Rue à Compiègne... It feels as quiet and peaceful as last time...'' - player
As the player follows along the path he finds out that he cannot walk into/ through the small alleys on the path. So he proceeds to go further in until he sees a figure.
'' Hm..?" - stranger
It is Miquel Utrillo , His legal father. The player is able to interact with this figure which opens up a static dialogue.
"Oh, why are you here? where is your mother? We were supposed to discuss some matters... Right, why don't you give this letter to her'' - Father
The player receives the letter (However not as an item just says he received it.) As the player completed the first dialogue which was also the first unique scenario, He is able to progress into the next level.
Bonus: There are 3 more figures in level 1. One of them looks like a old man. looking around. The other two are 2 mothers conversing.
Out of the 3, The old man is interactive. On interaction the old man opens up a static dialogue
''Hey you! You are here again how nice. Are you gonna paint something like last time, It feels refreshing seeing young folks chasing their passion these days. Maybe am getting old hahaha.'' - stranger
If player does not complete the unique scenario he will be met with the static dialogue, ''Was that father? I should talk to him'' - player
If the player tries to move again to the next level from that same spot, the dialogue repeats before the player can move.
Level 2 - Lapin Agile
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As the player follows the path from level 1, the player has to take a turn to the left from the 2 way split, This leads to the Lapin Agile where the player sees the bar covered by white fences. The place also seem to have people. Cheers and laughter can be heard from them as they talk to each other.
A active dialogue appears when the player gets closer to the bar
''What a cheery atmosphere, everyone's having fun.'' - player The player can cross the fence which unlocks a unique scenario. This is indicated by the dialogue pop up that happens upon entering the area.
''Those beers look like they need partner... No, no. I promised my mother I wont get drunk carelessly... Hmm? that man looks awfully drunk." - player
This is when the player sees a figure that is a bit more different from the rest in there. This figure is the unique scenario. Upon interaction a dialogue pops up
''Ah....... hmmm? Oh.. what you looking at... Ah you look like you want a free drink... too bad I am broke hahahahaha.... Ever since that restaurant opened up , its been lively as ever... hehehe... urgh *about to throw up* '' - stranger
The player exits the stranger's dialogue and pops up the player's dialogue
''Careful there, let me get you some water'' - player
dialogue ends, The player will now have to find a water bottle which is on the table outside the bar. Upon giving the water dialogue pops up.
'' *gulp* Ah.... thank you good sir... hmmm? something on my face? " - stranger
'' Nothing, goodbye." - player
after exiting the dialogue the player will get a active dialogue
''Strange, he reminds me of myself a bit. I ditched mandatory classes and would get drunk on alcohol when I was young. Mother would get so worried. Anyways this place surely fits for a great art piece. The vibrance of the cheery people with the mellow surrounding really works well. '' - player
Dialogue ends and the players ends the unique scenario. The player can now proceed to walk to the next level.
If player skips the unique scenario and tries to progress to the next level. The player is met with a static dialogue. '' The bar looks refreshing, A quick stop wont hurt would it? '' - player
If the player tries to move again to the next level from that same spot, the dialogue repeats before the player can move.
Level 3 - La Place du Terte
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Upon entering the player is met with the lively square with figures of people of different ages, talking, playing, walking. (not too many just few)
Here the player will be met with the first unique scenario which activates upon entering the square with a active dialogue
" What a crowd, It is noisy and busy... feels a little exciting. I should have brought a canvas and some paint. "
The player can now freely roam around the area. Where he will find random interactions as well as the 2nd unique scenario. The 2nd unique scenario is optional however completing it would give more insight to the place.
2nd unique scenario is for the player to find a certain figure that is sitting and painting something. Upon interaction, the player activates a static dialogue.
'' That is a fine piece of work. " - player ''Really? Thank you mister. I am just practicing with another daily sketch hahaha.'' - painter
"This place is always filled with other amazing artists, some working hard to gain a reputation and some earn a living selling their works. I pretty much fit into the first category, trying to master my techniques and earn a reputation and become famous. I just hope to get at least one my works to be recognized by a famous artist." - painter
The dialogue ends giving insight to what is happening in the square on a daily.
Then there is the random interactions the player can activate which is optional will consist of 4 dialogues.
static Dialogue with a child ''Hey mister, are you a painter, you look like a painter, can you paint me? oh well never mind. I need to go to school or I will get late again. "
static Dialogue with a women "Hey sir, would you like a portrait of yourself? For two portraits, one will be free. What you don't have money? Well next times the charm. "
Dialogue with a rude artist ''Sir please can you move, I am trying to paint here and you are blocking my view."
Dialogue with a man " Hmm? aren't you... never mind. "
If the player doesn't complete the 2nd unique scenario a static dialogue pops up saying
''I should check this place out but I am running out of time so maybe next time'' - player
This dialogue will only happen once when crossing one part of the boundary of the level. Click twice to end the dialogue. The player however can go to the next level unlike before.
Level 4 - Notre-Dame de Clignancourt
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The player now enters level 4, Notre-Dame de Clignancourt. The place where the church is. The place is busy with figures. the player is able to roam around but not too far. For this level the unique scenario is to find the mother of the player who is easy to spot. She is standing in front of the church in a black dress with a closed umbrella. Upon interaction a static dialogue pops up
"Oh dear, what brings you here.. Hmmm.. a letter? From father? Thank you dear.'' - Mother
''This church...'' - Player
''The church has been a part of your life hasn't it. standing there idle since you were born, It became a part of this city since 1860 around 2 years even before I was born.'' - Mother
"I was thinking it was sort of refreshing to see it even though its not very beautiful or too old, but it is still there all on its own. " - player
Dialogue ends and the player clears the unique scenario. The player now has to now figure out where to go in order to get to the next level which is the straight path on the right side of the church.
There are also a interactable figure that gives a detailed insight on the church. He is located in front of the church.
Level 5 - Le Passage Cottin
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This level is a straight path connected from the straight path from level 4.
As the player walks through the path, Player sees the beautiful architecture surrounding the passage with the staircase right in the middle.
This is where suspense builds up as nothing really happens. The player slowly walks through the street. An active dialogue pops up.
" My head hurts... " - player
The player will continue to walk through and reach the stairs. As he climbs up the stairs, The players finds that the stairs are a bit longer in a weird way, The player's screen will sort of blur in, blur out. When the player reaches the final step of the stairs, The screen fades into black. The player is actually teleporting to the next level.
Level 6 - The end
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The player officially completes the game. In this level the player is in a field of grass with a grave in the middle under a spot light to show the death of Maurice to be sort of like a fulfilled ending that is neither happy nor sad.
The player can interact with the grave to pop up a static dialogue
" Thank you for playing the game."
Game officially ends with a synopsis and a credit scene.
Synopsis -'' This is a three-dimensional videogame level based upon the visual aesthetics and conceptual meaning of Maurice Utrillo's work.... etc ''
and then end credits.
The end.
0 notes
blessedwithabadomen · 11 months ago
oh god how I'd love to come home to those kinds of sounds!!
"The music extended for about five minutes, finishing with a long groaning wail from Noah and Oliver’s loud words that said ‘you taste fucking delicious, man’, followed by Noah’s embarrassed laugh." I CAN'T PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS
"“Pretty boy can’t go a day without cock.” - “Well, that makes two of us, then”" your dialogue is ON POINT with these three, I fucking love it
"I could hear them discussing how good they looked" fucking cackling because that's 100% them
oh dear, sounds like the idea of introducing them to her mother isn't quite a favourite of hers 😬
" It was a comforting gesture, but a lie anyway. " 😭😭
"They looked at us as if wondering if I was fucking both these men. Truth was that indeed I was fucking both of them. They were fucking me, and they were fucking each other. It didn’t get any better than that." ghdaökfakjfhöasf YES (I hope my comments on this whole bonus scene aren't too nonsensical lmao)
uh oh sounds like the mother has a few issues she should absolutely be adressing in therapy instead of possibly using them against her daughter in a few paragraphs but alas
"Her boyfriend, too" ghkdöahföakdhfaös YES AAAHHH I'M SORRY I JUST LOVE THIS
TRAUMATISED ONES OH MY GOD I want to laugh but also my heart is breaking just that little bit because we obviously all know what prompted this and the fact that they still haven't forgotten and get scared about history repeating itself sometimes 😭😭😭 you're so fucking good at putting in these little details and referring to past chapters and I live for it
Marriage thoughts 👀👀👀 very interesting
"You don't have anything to worry about" he says as she's sliding into a panic attack lol
Oooooof guess someone was bound to recognise either of them at some point right? She definitely needs some fresh air and a drink possibly, poor girl, there's just entirely too much happening tonight
LMAO yeah you sorted that out alright
"where Oliver stood, holding a little girl in his arms." FUCKING SQUEALING
"You don't have to" FUCK YES
dgsjhksadhad babe, they'll do anything to help you out, how are you still surprised!!
how the fuck you manage to make these scenes so sensual I have no idea but I'm fucking gobbling it up like I'm starving
"“We’ve been dying to fuck you all day. We’re going to get you off now with our mouth, but as soon as we get home, you’re going to have us both inside of you.”" V you're hella good the dirty talk and it kills me everytime
LMAO THAT WOMAN jesus christ she's got some issssues but YES Oli lool
😭😭 oh man that really didn't go well, I just want to five her a crushing hug until she feels better and ahhhhh 😭😭😭 but I loved this bonus so so much, I love that it went more into her life and her family and upbringing and shed light on why she is the way she is in some ways and it was so artfully crafted and !!!!! I JUST LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE OK
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The engagement party | Series masterpost ✧.*
This takes place between part 4 and the epilogue. | Word count: 9.5k | Tags and tw: established polyamorous relationship, recurrent mentions of building anxiety throughout the entire text, recurrent mentions of religion, mentions of alcoholism and fractured families, parent's negligence, swearing, noah and oliver being traumatized boyfriends, slight jealousy, dirty talks, sexual content (including nudity in public spaces, oral sex, fingering, spankings, and slight hint at Noah having a high-heel kink. Also, Oliver just loves being on his knees).
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I stood frozen in the hall, the shopping bags hanging from my hands as I sharpened my sense of hearing. The giggles I’d just heard coming from the bathroom faded, and soon, a long masculine moan took their place. 
            That was unmistakably Noah’s.  
            I was tempted to drop the bags and run to the bathroom in my apartment suite. However, the sounds that followed his first moan rooted me in place. I was suddenly consumed with curiosity; I was eager to hear whatever other sounds and words would follow from Noah and Oliver’s heated activities in the shower. 
            The music extended for about five minutes, finishing with a long groaning wail from Noah and Oliver’s loud words that said ‘you taste fucking delicious, man’, followed by Noah’s embarrassed laugh. 
            I busied myself preparing a cup of coffee in the kitchen when the two of them came out from the room and into the living room, having heard me rummaging through cabinets and drawers. 
            “Hi, boys,” I said with a grin on my face and eyebrows raised to them. 
            They were wrapped in a towel, hair all wet and stuck to their foreheads and necks. Both their knees were red, an acknowledgement at how intense and how reciprocating their activities had been in the shower.  
            “Enjoyed your shower?” 
            Oliver’s laugh resonated in the house. Noah came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling my neck with his nose. His wet hair and the droplets of water still on his skin made me squirm in his arms. 
            “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Noah replied. 
            “Go slower. Yes, fuck, just like that. I’m pretty sure that was you.”
            “Can you blame him?” Oliver replied, leaning forward on the kitchen isle, looking intently at me and Noah. “Pretty boy can’t go a day without cock.”
            “Well, that makes two of us, then” I said, tilting my head to the side so that I could kiss Noah’s cheek. “Coffee?”
            “Yes, thank you.”
            Noah took a mug, and I served Oliver another. 
            They settled on the sofa, not bothering to remove the towels and get dressed. I had told them many times not to do that. I was worried that the wet stain would spoil the sofa, but they didn’t care, and if I insisted it only prompted them to make jokes about something else being wet and staining every other surface in the house. 
            As we enjoyed the next hour in a kind of slow motion, I took out my new dress from the bag and finally showed it to Noah and Oliver. My brother’s engagement party was in two days, and I was on the precipice of nerves and excitement.  
            The outfit I had carefully selected was a pastel-pink short-length dress that gracefully skimmed right above the knees, which gave a flirty and youthful vibe while keeping it elegant enough for the event. Its color on the satin fabric was delicate and perfect for this spring occasion. With its tight fit, the dress would accentuate every curve of my body. I would be lying if I denied I chose it while keeping in mind what it would do to Oliver and Noah once they saw me wearing it, along with my high-heeled white sandals. 
            “Have you tried on your suits, yet?” I asked, returning from the bedroom, where I hung the dress in the wardrobe. The expressions on their faces told me they hadn’t, and frankly, they didn’t seem too interested, either. “Boys! The party is in two days, and you don’t even know if the shirts we bought fit you.” 
            “They fit, baby,” Noah reassured casually, taking a sip of his coffee while Oliver’s hand idly traced over the knee Noah’s flower tattoo adorned. The TV droned in the background, and the Xbox controllers had migrated from their usual place on the TV stand to the coffee table. Was their plan for the day really just to play video games in the nude and sip coffee? 
            I arched an eyebrow.  
            “This is important,” I reminded them, not only because it was my brother’s engagement party but also because it would be the first time the three of us would be seen together as a couple. They were about to meet Jack’s fiancé, Sylvie, her family, and my mother. “We don’t have any other plans for the rest of the day, so here’s what we’re going to do: You two are going to try on your outfits and catwalk from the bedroom to the living room until I’m satisfied. Got it?” I waited. No response, so I took it as a yes. “Good.”
            Noah snorted, and Oliver raised an incredulous eyebrow.
            “You think you’re in a position to give orders? With two naked caffeinated men in the same room as you?” he quipped. 
            “Oh, please. Like it’s ever stopped me before,” I retorted with a roll of my eyes, diverting my attention to a bag in the kitchen counter that contained a few other purchases I had made that morning. 
            “Definitely not, and it’s always getting you in trouble,” Oliver replied.  
            “She definitely likes trouble,” Noah added, smirking, his eyes following me. 
            “Come on,” I insisted, growing desperate as I retrieved a small box containing new earrings from the bag. Noah and Oliver watched me expectantly, waiting for a reaction to their laziness. Finally, with an exasperated sigh, I dropped my shoulders in defeat. “Get rid of those towels and let’s get you into your outfits,” I said, marching over to the sofa and grabbing their hands in an attempt to coax them into action. 
            Predictably, they didn’t budge an inch, their raised eyebrows silently mocking my efforts. After a few moments, they burst into laughter at my expense before reluctantly following me to the bedroom, where they discarded their towels and allowed me to dress them. 
Two days later
At thirty minutes to seven, I was standing in front of the full-length mirror in the hall, flattening my dress and making sure my ass looked amazing. I was already wearing my high-heeled sandals and had applied some perfume from the bottle Oliver had gifted me last Christmas. Now, I was just waiting for the boys, who were inexplicably taking longer than expected to get ready. They had unceremoniously kicked me out of the bedroom before they had even donned their shirts or styled their hair, insisting on surprising me—as if I hadn’t already seen them in their outfits a couple of days prior. 
            As I stole another glance at my reflection, the muffled sounds of their conversation drifted through the closed door. I could hear them discussing how good they looked and playfully ribbing each other, smoothing down the shoulders of their buttoned shirts and exchanging compliments.
I would’ve verbalized how cute that felt from my position if it wasn’t for the sight that welcomed me when they emerged from the room. 
            As the door to the main bedroom swung open, Noah and Oliver emerged, both dressed impeccably, commanding my attention with their surprisingly refined sense of style. Their matching outfits had subtle variations that spoke about both the similarities and differences in their individual personalities. As I took in their appearance, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips, captivated by the sight of these two dashing and alluring figures. Each detail, from their meticulously chosen outfit to the glimpses of tattoos peeking out from beneath their partially unbuttoned shirts, added to their undeniable charm and left me utterly enthralled and in love.
            Noah led the way, clad entirely in sleek black, wearing tailored pants that hugged his legs with precision and shiny shoes that gleamed with every step. Beside him, Oliver followed suit, exuding a different yet equally captivating charm in his ensemble. He had chosen a crisp white shirt that provided a striking contrast against Noah’s darkness, but he pairedhim with similar tailored black pants and shoes.
            I was about to start drooling.
            “Am I supposed to keep my hands to myself all night?” I whispered as we made our way down in the elevator, the three of us unusually quiet and behaving like model citizens. We were anything but.
            “Let’s try to keep it nice and holy for Jack’s sake, shall we?” Oliver replied. “He’s already nervous enough about the fact that we’re both dating you.”
            “You’re right,” I sighed, feeling the weight of apprehension settle in my stomach. Noah squeezed my hand in reassurance and pressed a tender kiss to my hair, commenting on how delightful I smelled. 
            It wasn’t just Jack who was nervous; the butterflies in my stomach were in a frenzy, and I wasn’t sure if they would end up killing me. I knew the boys were sort of jittery, too. I was dead nervous, too, and I knew the boys were, too. 
            But this was inevitable. It was required. It had to happen sooner or later. The bandmates were already in the loop. Jack knew. Even Sylvie was clued in. But I still had to introduce them, and most importantly, introduce them to my utilitarian mother. The thought had kept me on edge for the past fortnight. 
            Once we reached the outdoor parking lot belonging to my condo, Oliver passed the car keys to Noah with a fluid motion, and he effortlessly caught them mid-air. Stupidly hot scenes like this one always left me awestruck, wondering once again how incredibly lucky I was to have both these men in my life and call them mine.  
             The car ride lasted no more than twenty minutes, during which we chatted casually. Oliver expressed concern about how he should behave and whether he needed to know anything specific about the people we were about to meet. I mentioned that Sylvie’s family was pretty religious, which added to my disquiet about the upcoming event. Jack had previously warned me about this aspect of Sylvie’s family. They had some old-school puritan roots, and while Sylvie herself wasn’t a follower and didn’t mind about my relationship with two men, her family might be shocked at the idea of a relationship of three. Normally, I would have brushed off their judgment, but it was my brother’s engagement party, and I wanted it to be memorable. I didn’t want to be judged, and I didn’t want anyone judging my brother for my decisions. 
            As I rambled on about my concerns, Noah sensed my insecurity and asked for my hand. He held it gently, giving it a reassuring kiss without taking his eyes off the road, assuring me that everything would go smoothly. It was a comforting gesture, but a lie anyway. None of us knew Sylvie’s family well enough to predict how they might react to our unconventional relationship dynamic. Besides, Noah was too calm, and that meant just the opposite: deep inside he was as agitated as I was and scared of screwing up.
            There was no possible way Noah could screw up that night, not even Oliver while we were at it.  They had it all together. They were both grown, mature, and educated men, and being with them as a real treat. They cared deeply about everyone around them and had hearts of gold.  
            If anything went sideways, it definitely wouldn’t be their fault. 
            And so it was, that the moment we stepped into the hotel lobby where Jack and Sylvie had organized the event and we walked through the doors to the function hall, all eyes turned towards us. Maybe it was Noah and Oliver’s towering frames and inked-up appearance that caught the attention, or perhaps it was the young woman between them, holding one’s hand and wrapping her other arm around the other’s waist. Either way, we definitely made an entrance.
            They looked at us as if wondering if I was fucking both these men. Truth was that indeed I was fucking both of them. They were fucking me, and they were fucking each other. It didn’t get any better than that.  
            With a friendly smile, we joined the crowd, exchanging greetings with some relatives and acquaintances with a casual wave of my hand, trying to keep our distance. I wasn’t keen on having to repeatedly clarify that Noah and Oliver weren’t just friends, but my boyfriends. There was only so much of that I could handle before feeling annoyed and exhausted. 
            Amidst the crowd, I head Jack’s voice calling out, “There’s my pretty sister!”
            I turned to find him, and as soon as I did, I wrapped my arms around him, letting him pull me into a warm embrace. He looked sharp in his black suit and silk tie, but more importantly, he looked genuinely happy, and that warmed my heart as well. 
            Growing up, Jack and I had had an ordinary childhood. We had our phases of intense animosity, during which we couldn’t stand each other, followed by periods where we simply pretended the other didn’t exist, especially during our teenage years. It wasn’t until adulthood that we truly began to appreciate the value of having a sibling—someone to rely on for support and friendship. Our upbringing was largely shaped by our mother and grandparents, as our father had left when I was just twelve years old. His struggles with alcoholism led to his frequent absences and eventual departure, leaving our family fractured. Our communication with him dwindled to just a couple of interactions per year, each of us speaking to him separately. Surprisingly, his lack of interested in his children may have been a blessing in disguise, as his absence didn’t weigh as heavily on Jack and me as it might have otherwise. In fact, I hardly noticed our father was gone until two months had passed, when Jack took me to his room, put a hand on my shoulder, and gently broke the news to me. 
            Although our father’s departure didn’t have a profound impact on me, it left a lasting mark on our mother, despite her insistence on the contrary. While she deserved an immense credit for raising Jack and me well, a part of her remained broken by the disappointment of her love story not unfolding as she had hoped. This disappointment sometimes manifested in her difficulty being optimistic and her resistance to unconventional ideas, particularly those that challenged the notion that life follows a perfect script of monogamous relationships and male dominance. She occasionally would express regret over divorcing our father, clinging to the belief that they could have salvaged their relationship and helped him overcome his struggles. However, my opinion on that didn’t quite agree with my mother’s, and neither did Jack’s. We had been too small to comprehend the extent of my father’s destructive behavior, but we had experienced enough to understand, much later, that it was very likely that his ways would have destroyed more than just a marriage.  
             I couldn’t help feeling apprehensive about introducing Noah and Oliver to my mother. I didn’t want her to perceive my relationship with them as wrong or to feat that I would get my heart broken not once, but twice. Moreover, I hoped she wouldn’t say anything hurtful to Noah and Oliver. She could be quite cold and harsh sometimes. 
             Noah and Oliver were well acquainted with my family background and my mother’s demeanor. In the days leading up to Jack’s event, I found myself wrestling with my own nerves, chewing my fingernails as I debated whether to attend alone or bring Noah and Oliver along. While they left the decision entirely up to me, they nudged me toward going together, recognizing that it was a step we would eventually need to take. It wasn’t that we were hiding our relationship, but the prospect of navigating non-traditional dynamics always brought a twinge of uncertainty.  
            Between the two of them, they helped me find the courage not only for that, but for many other things that, had I been alone, I probably wouldn't have done for fear of failure. 
            Oliver had his arm around me and gave my side a squeeze, reminding me that I had him on my right and could lean on him for anything. Noah squeezed my left hand. I took a deep breath. 
            “Thanks for coming,” Jack greeted us, shaking hands with Noah and then Oliver. After a brief moment of awkwardness, he laughed and pulled them both into hugs.  
            Thank goodness. 
            “I hope I didn't interrupt any concerts or important events.”
            “Not at all, man,” Oliver replied. “Besides, this is more important.”
            “Congratulations,” Noah said, giving Jack a pat on the shoulder.  
            “Thanks, man. It’s all a bit embarrassing, having to do this,” he commented, looking around, “but the bride’s family insisted, so…” When he looked at me, I gave him an understanding look. “By the way, I made sure to get some vegan options on the tables,” he informed, gesturing to the spread of foods and drinks on the tables. “Just look for the green sticker that says ‘vegan friendly’. Some of Sylvie’s friends are also vegan.”
            Oliver thanked him, and the conversation flowed from there, touching on both trivial and other more significant topics. Jack appeared slightly nervous, understandable given the attention on him and Sylvie that evening. Despite being accustomed to public speaking as a businessman, when it came to matters as personal as his love life, he couldn’t help but blush. It was endearing, reminding me of Noah, who used to flush at any mention of his affection for Oliver or whenever he was caught starting at him or at me.  
            After a few minutes of mingling, a familiar face approached Jack with an effusive greeting. It was Axel, one of Jack’s oldest friends from elementary school. They exchanged a brotherly hug, and Axel’s eyes widened in surprise when he noticed me. 
            He uttered my name in surprise, flashing a smile and opening his arms for a hug. 
            “I haven’t seen you in ages! How are you, beautiful?” 
            Behind me, I sensed Noah and Oliver tensing up, and If I had turned around, I would’ve seen them share a displeased look. 
            “I haven’t seen you since Jack and I graduated. You look fantastic,” he continued, his gaze roaming me up and down in appreciation but devoid of any hidden agenda. I wished I could have conveyed that assurance to Noah and Oliver, but before I could, Noah wrapped an arm around my waist, drawing me closer to him, while extending a hand toward Axel. 
            “Hey, I’m Noah. Her boyfriend.
            “Oh,” axel responded, shaking Noah’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Axel and you’re…” he turned to Oliver. 
            “Oliver. Her boyfriend, too.”
            As Axel shook Oliver’s hand, he froze for a moment, blinking. Glancing at me for confirmation, I offered a slightly embarrassed smile. Not embarrassed by having two boyfriends, but by their reaction toward Axel. 
            “Wow, that’s a surprise,” he remarked honestly. “But hey, if you’re happy, why not? You only live once, right?” 
            I had hoped Axel’s lightheartedness would ease Noah and Oliver’s preoccupations, but they remained on high alert, sticking close to me like protective Rottweilers waiting for someone to try and bite their female. 
            “Cool tattoos, by the way,” Axel continued, noticing Noah and Oliver’s inked skin.  
            I silently thanked Jack as he joined Axel’s comment and both steered the conversation that way and then toward business and music, giving me a chance to scan the room for my mother. I needed to introduce her to my partners so that I could get that done with and then discreetly slip away to some quiet corner where I wouldn’t have to worry about someone catching sight of me being smooched by two men. 
            But she was nowhere to be seen, and my anxiety mounted. 
            Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed by hostile and unnecessary thoughts.     
            I quietly excused myself, explaining I needed a quick bathroom break. However, as I took a couple of steps away, Oliver grasped my wrist. When I looked up at him, I noticed an insecurity that always made me feel guilty.
            “I’ll be back in two minutes,” I reassured him in a whisper, and reached over to leave a kiss on his cheek. I cast a reassuring glance at Noah, too. 
            Before I got far enough away, I heard Axel’s inquisitive voice asking what prompted Oliver’s gesture. With honesty, Oliver admitted that he didn’t like letting me go to the bathroom alone. 
            “Why’s that?” Alex probed further; his curiosity piqued. “Are you two those type of overprotective boyfriends?”
            “No,” Oliver responded without tearing his gaze away from me, “we’re just traumatized ones.”
By the time I came back, the boys were still chatting to my brother, trying to keep the conversation going while Jack got interrupted every two minutes to greet someone who’d just arrived at the party.
            “I should better go mingle with the other guests before they suffocate my future wife with questions and useless chatter,” Jack said, interrupting himself with a look towards Sylvie. Then, turned to address Noah and Oliver, his tone turning into a warning. “You two, you know I like you, but I’ve already warned you that if you break my sister’s heart, I will…” 
            “Break our necks,” Noah finished. 
            “Yeah, we’ve been duly warned,” Oliver added.
            “Jack…” I muttered, rolling my eyes. “That’s unnecessary,” I said in a hushed tone. “They’re good guys.”
            “Yeah, I know what sort of good guys...” Jack began, his tone teasing, but I felt a pang of discomfort despite the laughter that followed from Noah and Oliver. 
            If the three of them started cracking sex jokes, I would never see the end of it. 
            “Jesus Christ, Jack,” I admonished, glancing around to ensure no one overheard. “It’s your engagement party.” 
            “Okay, okay. Sorry,” he conceded, raising his hands. “I just want to make a good impression on Sylvie’s family and…” He trailed off with a weary sigh, running a hand over his face. The strain of the evening suddenly seemed to weigh heavily on him. “I’m just on edge, sis. And it doesn’t help that you two being attached to my sister’s arms has raised a few eyebrows around here,” he added. 
            “Let them. I don’t care,” I said, but I wanted to tell him that I had also noticed and that I was just as nervous as he was. 
            “Yeah, I just have t struggle through the process of telling them these will be my brothers -in-law one day. Both of them,” Jack remarked, his tone resigned rather than resentful. He was not pissed or unhappy. He was just feeling the pressure of keeping everyone happy and maintaining appearances at the lengthy party. 
            But his words resonated in my brain.
            That was something Noah, Oliver, and I had not talked about. 
            The words echoed in my mind, sparking a flurry of questions I hadn’t even asked myself.      Do I want to get married? 
            Do I want to marry them? 
            Would they want to marry me?
            Can we get married? 
            I didn’t even know if polygamy was legal in the United States, or in Europe, for that matter. No, it surely wasn’t, so what was in the cards for us? Could Jack ever call Noah and Oliver his brothers-in-law? Would it matter if it wasn’t recognized on paper? 
            I felt dizzy, but I managed to gather myself with a shrug and a simple declaration: “I’m not giving them up.”
            “I know,” was all he said, holding my gaze for a moment before pulling me aside. “Guys, excuse us for a second,” he said, leading me away. “What’s going on? This is about mom, isn’t it?”
            My anxiety spiked at the mention of her. I looked around, avoiding Noah and Oliver’s gazes.            
            “Did you talk to her?” I asked my brother, certainly dreading the answer.  
            “Yeah, I did,” he answered. He straightened up, placing his hands on his hips, “but it wasn’t easy. I’m not sure she…” he took a deep breath that felt like a knife twisting in my back, “understands.” Before I panicked, Jack touched my arm, grounding me. “But you don’t have anything to worry about, okay? She’s not going to freak out when she sees you with Noah and Oli, trust me. She won’t say anything. You just… keep it simple. Introduce them to her as you would any other friend.”
            “But they’re not just my friends, Jack,” I protested desperately under my breath. 
            “I know. And she knows,” he clarified, “but it’s better if you just keep names and labels off the table, at least for tonight.”
            Did I have any other choice? If I wanted the night to end well, I didn’t. Feeling defeated, I nodded. There was a cruel irony in loving someone and not being able to show it. 
            “Oh,” Jack added, “and I have definitely not said anything to Sylvie’s family.”
            “I guessed that much…” I muttered. I stole a quick look at Oliver and Noah, thinking that they didn’t deserve to be put in such situation. They probably didn’t care, but it still made me feel sad and guilty at the fact that there could be a bunch of people here tonight judging them. “So… My best friends.” The words tasted bitter on my tongue.
            Sensing my disappointment, Jack gently shook me by the shoulders. 
            “Baby sis, this is the world we live in. It’s complicated. People are complicated. But those two are yours, and nobody else’s. Enjoy the party, enjoy the food, and enjoy them. I mean, keep your hands to yourself. I’m not asking you to go all puritan for the night, but this is important for me.” 
            “Yeah, I know. You’re right. I just…” I fidgeted with my hands, still ignoring the background noise of people chattering and laughing while clinking their champagne glasses. “I’m scared of things getting complicated. With mom being the way she is after dad left, and her views on relationships, and everything else…” 
            If I was so much worried, I shouldn’t have come. And this night was about my brother, not about me and my love life situation. Get a grip on yourself, woman.
            “I need to get a drink. I’ll go say hello to the bride who, by the way, looks gorgeous.” 
            “She does, indeed,” Jack agreed, his smile lighting up at the sight of Sylvie. Maybe I wouldn’t have my mother’s support, but I had Jack’s. 
            With a kiss to Jack’s cheek, I made my way to the other side of the hall, where Sylvie stood. I wrapped her in a sweet hug. She looked radiant and joyful, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders, covered by the fabric of the white dress she was wearing. She immediately expressed her delight at my presence, alleging that she thought I would be in England at the time. I did, initially. When Jack and her told me about the engagement party date, I had tickets booked to fly to England. The trip was going to be two weeks, but given that this was way more important, we exchanged the tickets for ones for Oliver, so he ended up coming here and soon I confirmed the attendance of the three of us to the event. 
            After a brief catch-up about how thrilled she was about this event and making fun of my brother for his nerves, Sylvie leaned in and whispered, “so, where are they?”
            She was referring to Noah and oliver, whom she hadn’t yet met in person, but was understandably curious about. Despite coming from a family with very traditional views, Sylvie was refreshingly open-minded and accepting. She was a joy to be around. 
            But again, whenever her family would ask about those two guys covered in tattoos that seemed to be always glued to your sister-in-law to be, Noah and Oliver were my best friends. They were not stupid, though, and eventually they would have to deal with it because I wouldn’t keep this stupid façade up for much longer than tonight. 
            “Um,” I looked around, scanning the room until I spotted them, not far. Oliver was handing Noah a glass of champagne, which Noah declined, “they’re over there.”
            “The tall ones?”
            “Yeah, let me introduce you to them.”
            “Oh, they look goooood,” she said as she nudged my side and we started to navigate the crowd.
            I flushed as I dismissed her comment with a light shake of my head. 
            We made our way across the hall, making small talk with other guests along the way. When I finally introduced them to Sylvie, I realized that, at this point, we were all a family. 
            She greeted them with genuine warmth and excitement, her smile lighting up the room. The boys reciprocated, offering their congratulations on her engagement, and Oliver couldn’t help but compliment her dress, his cheeks turning a faint shade of red as she returned the praise, telling both of them that they looked very handsome. 
            It was comforting to know that there would be a good relationship between us, and that the fact that there were three of us was not a hindrance and was simply something that aroused curiosity in some. 
            As Sylvie engaged in a conversation about Oliver’s clothing line after expressing her admiration for both BMTH’s and Bad Omen’s music despite her preference for Taylor Swift —which elicited laughter from all of us after Oliver made a comment about it—, a sense of ease settled over me, a comfort I hadn’t expected amidst the earlier nerves. 
            But that comfort was short-lived as a young couple, likely around our age, approached us with wide-eyed astonishment, their focus fixed on Oliver. 
            Oh, no. 
            The moment the guy addressed him, my nerves surged to the surface once again.  
            “You’re the lead singer of Bring me the Horizon, right?” 
            I didn’t recognize the guy, and judging by Sylvie’s demeanor, she didn’t either. He must have been a distant relative from her family or possibly mine. But as I watched him and his girlfriend gush over Oliver, any thoughts about family ties evaporated, especially when the girl at his side also recognized Noah. 
            I stood there, frozen, unable to intervene or steer the conversation away. It was Oliver who, sensing my panic, gave me a reassuring look and smoothly offered to get drinks for everyone. Noah and Oliver walked off with the young couple, leaving me behind with my heart pounding in my chest. 
            The last thing I needed that night was someone recognizing them. Now I was terrified at the prospect of news about Oliver, Noah, and I’s relationship spreading through both the media and my family at the same time. I needed things to go slow, but it seemed I had lost all control, and everything would spiral out of hand soon. 
            A sheen of sweat began to form on my skin, my back clammy with anxiety. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the group until Sylvie spoke again, pulling me out of my trance. 
            “How do you guys manage it?” 
            “What?” I blinked, turning to face her. 
            “How do you do it?” she repeated, a curious gleam in her eyes. “The three of you. I mean, the dynamics, jealousy, all that. I don’t want to pry into your personal life, but I’m curious, if I can be honest. Also, about your sex life,” she added, making a funny face. 
            A nervous chuckle escaped me. I was grateful for the distraction.  Sylvie was like a sister to me. It’s not like I was very open about discussing those things. My personal life was private, especially considering that I was sharing it with two famous people. 
            “How do you manage it?” Do you ever doubt you each other? Not questioning your relationship, just…” Her tone was gentle and curious. 
            “I know,” I replied. “Sometimes I wonder the same thing: how do we manage it,” I let out a small laugh. “But it’s just… about feeling, and letting those feelings flow, I guess. And of course, communication. Everything becomes easier when there’s communication,” I explained, hearing Oliver’s voice in my head. “As for jealousy… Yes, there was jealousy initially. I cannot begin to tell you how we sorted that out…” I said, holding a laugh and remembering Oliver seated on his sofa, with Noah kneeled between his legs, me sitting on the opposite side of the couch, my hand between my own legs, watching them. “Everything’s okay now,” I concluded to avoid getting into details. 
            “And aren’t there days when you want to be with one more than the other? Or when they prefer to be alone?” 
            “Hmm. It’s not exactly like that,” I mused, giving it a thought as I glanced over my shoulder, but Noah and Oliver had already disappeared from my sight, leaving me with a tightening know in my stomach. “There are days when I need Noah more and others when I need Oliver more, but it’s because they’re different people,” I explained. “Oliver is more carefree, more experienced with certain things. He’s older, so… When it seems like the world is crashing down on Noah and me, Oliver is the one who manages to show us that it’s not that bad. He’s funny, more sociable. Noah, on the other hand, is more focused, more dedicated. He struggles with vocalizing his feelings, but this relationship has helped him a lot. And me… Well, I’ve always tried to be rational and brave, but sometimes doubts and fears overwhelm me. They best thing they have provided me with is clarity. I see things differently now, and I don’t hesitate that often to take any step I need. I think we complement each other very well. What one lacks, the other has.”  
            I explained that our relationship wasn’t so different from a monogamous one, all things considered. Simply put, we were three. We had to buy more food every week and have a bed big enough for all of us. While we were in Los Angeles, the three of us were staying at my small apartment, and one of us always ended up sleeping on the couch because my bed wasn’t spacious enough. 
            “And have you thought about finding a place for the three of you?” Sylvie asked, her eyes shining with interest. “I mean, I assume you’re serious. You look very good and very secure with each other. It’s wonderful, honestly. So have you considered looking for a bigger apartment or a house?”
            “We’re considering it,” I replied. “Oliver has his family in England, but he wouldn’t mind moving here. Anyway, both he and Noah spend half their time traveling, so it’s not really a hassle to have residence here or there. Noah is still climbing a mountain with Bad Omens and has a way to go. It’s important for him to be here, with the rest of his bandmates. He’s a workaholic. Us going to England wouldn’t be a good idea.”
            “Well, he could join your brother’s club, then,” Sylvie joked. 
            “Yeah, I know. Sometimes he takes on too much responsibility,” I chuckled, referring to Jack. 
            As our conversation continued, we moved to another corner of the venue, joining Sylvie’s closest friends. We laughed, drank, and danced, momentarily forgetting the complexities of our lives. 
            The hours slipped away unnoticed, and before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed without seeing Oliver or Noah. My mother’s absence was also troubling me at this point. 
            Approaching Jack as he was released from a group of older guests, I whispered urgently, “Where’s mom? Do you think she’s avoiding m—?”
            “Please,” he interrupted, saying my name. “It’s not like that. Of course she wants to see you and meet them. Maybe she’s not thrilled, but she’s curious. At least give her that.”
            “Curiosity isn’t always a good thing,” I remarked. 
            Jack dropped his shoulders. “She was talking to Sylvie’s aunt a while ago, over there.”
            Following his finger, I spotted Noah instead, a girl not much younger than me talking cheerfully to him. She seemed overly eager, her hand reaching out to touch him. A surge of annoyance rose within me, mirrored by Jack’s expression. 
            Sensing my stare, Noah turned to me with a plea for help in his eyes. Knowing his desire to make a good impression for my sake and my brother’s, I imagined he was struggling to dismiss the girl politely. 
            “He’s in trouble,” I observed. 
            “Look like it,” Jack chuckled. “That’s Sylvie’s friend’ sister. I don’t even know her name, but by the looks of it, Noah probably does by now. She looks like a…”
            “Predator,” I finished. “Hold my drink.” Passing my glass to Jack, I made my way towards Noah and the girl, with Jack cheering me on behind. 
            By the time I reached them, the girl had already touched Noah’s arm, ignoring the step that Noah took back. 
            “Hey,” I greeted, positioning myself next to Noah, effectively forcing the girl to withdraw her hand. “I see you’ve met my boyfriend. You’re on of Sylvie’s friend’s sisters, right?” I said, extending my hand. 
            She hesitated, confusion evident on her face as she glanced between Noah, me, and the room. 
            “Uh, yes, I am,” she replied vaguely, omitting her name. “But…” She glanced at Noah again, perhaps hoping he would declare his single status. “I was told your boyfriend was over there,” she continued, gesturing to where Oliver stood, holding a little girl in his arms.
            “Yeah, that’s my boyfriend,” I clarified, traying to maintain composure at the sight across the hall. “The other one is right here,” I added, wrapping my arms around Noah’s and resting my head on his shoulder. Feeling Noah relax against me and pressing a soft kiss to my hair, I shot him a soft smile. 
            “I don’t understand,” the girl admitted, her embarrassment evident as a blush crept up her cheeks.
            “You don’t have to,” I replied curtly. “Nice to meet you. We’ll see you around.” 
            With that, I led Noah away, his polite smile directed at the girl before he sighed heavily against my hair. 
            “Thank you for that,” he murmured. 
            “I blame your pretty face,” I said as we made our way towards Oliver. It wasn’t the first time Noah had attracted unwanted attention. His looks could literally make anyone salivate and bring them to their knees. Me, first. And it didn’t help that he knew exactly how good he looked… But he decided not to do anything about it, and then he found himself in situation like the one I just saved him from. 
            “Who’s that?” Noah asked, noticing Oliver with the little girl in his arms. 
            “The little girl? Lila,” I answered. “She’s the daughter of one of my mom’s nieces.”
            Approaching the scene, the sight before me made me feel something unknown in the pit of my stomach. Oliver was holding Lila close to him, his head a bit back so that he could look at her and make funny faces to the four-year-old kid as she inspected the designs on Oliver’s face, neck, and chest. Her mother stood just a couple of feet away, examining the scene with a tender smile as she chewed on some snacks. 
            “What is he doing?” Noah questioned, observing Oliver’s interaction with Lila. 
            “And this one?” Lila asked Oliver, touching one of the small tattoos peaking from his chest. 
            “Oh, that one! “Oliver responded cheerfully, “I let my nephew paint on me with magic pens and guess what, now it can’t be removed!” 
            Lila covered her mouth with her hands, copying Oliver’s look of shock. Then, she said, “But it’s nice!” 
            “You really think so?”
            “Maybe I should let people draw on me with magic pens more often, then.”
 ��          “Hmm, yes, but…” she continued, tilting her head to explore Oliver’s displayed skin with a frown, “you have no more space!” she exclaimed tragically, opening her arms and folding her hands out in a cute way, as if telling Oliver there was nothing to do.
            “Well, the color on the flower on my neck has faded, so if you want, I’ll let you color it next time.”
            “Really?” She was delighted at his offer.
            “Yeah, what do you say?” 
            “Good. Oh, look who’s coming,” Oliver said, noticing me and Noah approaching. 
            Lila smiled at me, happy to see me, but when she saw Noah, her eyes went wider again. 
            “Hi,” Noah greeted her.
            “Are you Oli’s brother?” Lila asked.
            Oliver chuckled. “Not exactly my brother, love.”
            “Is he the one that did all those other drawings on your neck and arms, then?”
            “No, but I’m sure he’ll let you paint on him, too,” Oliver added, casting Noah a tender look that would have made me melt if it wasn’t because we were in a public space.  
            “Sure,” Noah replied, playing along.
            “Is that an apple?” Lila asked upon noticing Noah’s neck. She had been eyeing him since the moment she spotted us.  
            Noah nodded. 
            “And a snake?! Snakes are scary!” 
            “Should I cover it up?” Noah suggested, but Lila shook her head. 
            “It’s scary but I like it.”
            “She loves scary things”, her mother interrupted. “I don’t understand where she picked that up from. Her father, probably. Lila, sweetie, why don’t you come back with me and dad?”
            “Okay,” Lila agreed, reaching for her mother’s arms. Oliver let her go, and we engaged in a brief conversation with Lila’s mom before Oliver promised Lila a dance later that evening.
            Finally alone, I rested my head on Oliver’s chest, feeling Noah’s hands massage my shoulders. 
            “Hungry?” Noah asked. 
            “Not really,” I replied. 
            “You’re tense, baby,” he observed, his fingers pressing into my skin. “No need to be.”
            “Still haven’t seen your mom?” Oliver inquired, his hands on my hips. 
            “I haven’t actively been looking, but yeah, I haven’t seen her yet, and I’m dreading the moment we meet her. It’s keeping me on edge. I’m not able to truly enjoy the party.”
            “Want us to take that edge off?” He whispered. 
            I lifted my head in surprise. “What, now? Here?”
            “Why not?”
            “…No, not a good idea,” I hesitated, glancing at Noah, who seemed equally eager to please. 
            “I think we’ve already made a pretty good impression,” Oliver said. “What have you been up to, huh?” He asked Noah. 
            “Causing a good impression, too, apparently,” he joked, clearly thinking about the way the girl from before had caged him into a stupid conversation. 
            I huffed with a roll of my eyes. 
            “All right, love,” Oliver decided, taking my hand. “You’re definitely on edge, and we’re going to take that edge off right about now.”
            “Oli…” I started, but Noah urged me to follow. 
            “Come on,” Noah insisted, guiding me with a hand on my lower back. “Let’s find a quiet place.”
            It wasn’t difficult to locate one in the vast hotel. Despite the option of simply booking a room on one of the upper floors, Oliver and Noah seemed determined to add an element of excitement to the night. 
            Eventually, we found ourselves in a housekeeping storage room. 
            “In here?” I questioned, feeling uncertain as I looked around me, at the shelves full of piled towels and bedsheets, boxes containing shampoo and gel bottles, toothbrushes and hand cream. 
            “In here,” Noah affirmed, standing close behind me, his hands settling on my hips while Oliver found the switch to get the lights on. He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear. “Now, whose mouth do you want on your pretty pussy?”
            I swallowed hard, meeting Oliver’s gaze as he walked to me. He stood in front of me, exuding confidence in that fucking attractive white shirt and with that smirk playing on his juicy lips. 
            I wasn’t sure about this. A voice in my head urged us to leave before we got caught, reminding me that this is not what we should be doing. We should be outside, enduring whatever we had to endure because it was my brother’s engagement party and my anxiety was no reason to hide away. 
            However, Noah and Oliver couldn’t be dissuaded. 
            “Your eyes are already saying yes,” Oliver said, his thumb grazing my lower lip and pulling at it gently. “We just need your mouth to tell us the same.”
            And just like that…
            “That’s the word that changed everything, isn’t it?” Noah murmured against my ear, his lips tracing soft kisses along my hairline. 
            Oliver’s lips met mine, the kiss slow and intense. Pressing against me, he sandwiched me between himself and Noah. Noah’s hands explored my body, one resting on my stomach while the other tugged at the strap of my dress, exposing one of my breasts to the chill of the room, causing my nipples to harden. 
            Despite our seclusion, the sounds of the outside world persisted— voices footsteps passing by—as Noah whispered lewdly in my ear and Oliver trailed kissed down my neck to my bare breast, quickly driving me away from the distressing situation in the function hall. His hand ventured up my thigh, sliding under the hem of my dress. 
            “So soft. Always so—” Oliver halted abruptly, and I closed my eyes.
            “You gotta be kidding me.”
            “What?” Noah asked, halting his actions, too. I longed for his touch and the way he worshiped me the moment he stopped. 
            “Doll, you’re not wearing any underwear,” Oliver acknowledged. 
            “Aware,” I admitted with the same casualness as if I had said ‘oops’. 
            “No joke. You’ve been bare all this time?” Noah questioned, lifting my chin to turn my head toward him. 
            “Since we left the apartment,” I replied softly. 
            I sensed all my worries draining down as I felt them giving into my not-so-innocent game. With their attention focused solely on me and the anticipation building, my anguish melted away, turning into something totally different. With them by my side and the heat rising, I knew I could surrender to them and they would take care of everything else. 
            “Jesus Christ, woman.” Oliver lifted the dress up to my navel, exposing me to his hungry green eyes. 
            “You’re a naughty little thing,” Noah growled in my ear. His words were accompanied by a playful slap on my butt, eliciting a wince and a suppressed moan that mingled pain and pleasure. “You planned on getting fucked at some point, didn’t you?” His voice trailed off as Oliver’s fingers continued their journey towards the spot between my thighs. 
            Yes, because I thought that might be the only way to distract myself from my panic. 
            I made that decision while panicking. 
            But here we were, weren’t we?
            “Just so you know,” Oliver whispered, nibbling on my earlobe. Noah’s kisses were peppered along my neck, the tip of his tongue softly licking at my skin. “We’ve been dying to fuck you all day. We’re going to get you off now with our mouth, but as soon as we get home, you’re going to have us both inside of you.”
            I gripped Oliver’s shirt, trying to steady myself as their words and soft touches turned me into a mess. 
            “So, who’s it going to be, kitten? Just give us a name,” Noah urged. 
            I felt Oliver’s lips curve into a smile against my mouth. Opening my eyes, I was captivated by the green depths I found myself staring at. 
            “Do you want my mouth, babydoll? Yeah, you do. Noah got you off twice last night with his. You’ve been missing me, haven’t you?”
            “There’s the magic word.”
            And in two seconds, he was on his knees. 
            “It seems all I’ve been doing lately is getting on my knees for you two,” he mentioned, seizing one of my legs and lifting it effortlessly. I observed intently as he draped it over his shoulder, drawing me closer to him, my core inches from his face. “Not complaining, though.”
            I inhaled deeply, but the breath was knocked out of me when Noah spanked me once more, propelling my body forward, my center meeting Oliver’s eager and warm mouth. 
In less than five minutes, I was unable to support my own body weight, my legs feeling like jelly and shaking as Oliver’s tongue and two fingers guided me through my orgasm, no mercy. 
            Meanwhile, Noah’s erection rubbed against my bare ass, one hand teasing my breast while the other steadied me against his chest, his seductive kisses sending shivers down my spine. 
            “As soon as we get home, I’m stripping you naked, but those heels are staying until I’m through with you,” Noah’s voice echoed in my head as I tried to recover from my orgasm. 
            Once Oliver made sure Noah was holding me, he stood up and fetched some wipes to clean me up, his own arousal evident in his pants. Turning back with a tissue box in hand, I saw the mess I had made on his mouth and felt a bit of embarrassment. But he just smiled, always happy to get me into this state and provide one orgasm after another. 
            Cleaning me up, he then adjusted my dress to cover me properly, ensuring my modesty, —if you could call it that—. Leaning against Noah, I caught my breath, feeling immensely grateful for the quick escape they had provided me.  
            Oliver wiped his mouth, purposefully licking his lips in front of me to tease me. I was about to throw myself into his arms to kiss him when, just as he tossed the used paper ball into a small garbage can in the corner and as Noah pulled up the strap of my dress, the door to the room swung open. 
            “Oh, excuse me. I was looking for the re—”
            We froze as an old small woman appeared in front of us, her eyes widening at the scene in the storage room. Her grey eyes fell on Noah’s hand as he hurried to get the strap of my dress on properly. And as inevitable as it was, she noticed my position, locked between two male bodies, and then, obviously, on the huge bulges the two men had in their pants. 
            “Oh, in the Lord’s name!” she exclaimed, recoiling in shock with a hand covering her mouth. “You three…” She stepped back, and despite her words, Noah took a tentative step towards her, thinking that if she passed out, someone would have to hold her before she hit the ground, “you three are going to Hell!”  
            Oliver, ever so calm, responded, “I’ve been told people are having one hell of a good time down there.”
            I wanted to pick up a bunch of those toothpaste tubes from one of the boxes and fill Oliver’s mouth with the cream. Maybe that would force him to keep his mouth shut. 
            I was blushing furiously, my body starting to shake again. I was going to combust at some point that night for sure. 
            From the clothes the old lady was wearing, the jewelry and makeup, it was obvious she belonged to the party group, not some random guest staying at the hotel. She hurriedly left, probably traumatized, and left us in a tense silence.
            Noah gave Oliver a disapproving slap on the shoulder.
            “Why did you have to say that, man?”
            Oliver shrugged his shoulders, offended. “Do you really think she’ll go telling everyone about what she saw?”  
            Yes, that’s exactly what I thought she was going to do. And then Sylvie’s family would haunt me down and burn me like a witch. 
            “No,” Oliver continued confidently. “She’ll be too embarrassed to admit she stumbled upon three people doing nasty things in the housekeeping storage room.” He touched my shoulder and hair, noticing my stiff posture. He tucked some strands of hair behind my ear. “Doll, believe me, there’s nothing to worry about.”
            But Noah’s heavy sigh next to him betrayed the lack of credibility in Oliver’s words and my own concern. 
            “We didn’t do anything wrong,” he defended himself. “I’m sure her husband hasn’t given her an orgasm in fifty years. Did you see the look on her face when she realized Noah and I were hard as stone?” 
            Were, indeed, because their erections were gone now. 
            Adjusting the spaghetti straps of my dress and smoothing the fabric covering my thighs, I shot him a glare that was met by his mischievous smile and the seizing of my hips as he tried to tickle me, forcefully eliciting my laughter quickly enough. 
            We exited the room after Noah made sure nobody was passing by. My laughter echoed down the hallway as I attempted to wriggle free from Oliver’s playful grasp. I grabbed Noah’s outstretched hand, letting him lead me to the function hall, but Oliver clung to me, trying his best to calm mine and Noah’s new nerves. It wasn’t as easy as home, though, where we had all the time in the world to sort ourselves out and breathe in and breathe out until everything seemed to be in place again. 
            Back in the hall, the last twenty minutes of distraction seemed to fade away with a finger snap. Oliver, in his attempt to distract us from worrying about what that old lady thought and what the consequences of being caught could be, decided to continue by nibbling at our necks. Noah wasn’t having it, though, and pulled away with a warning look and a tug on my hand, which caused his attention to slip and nearly collide with a tall elderly woman passing by. 
            “I’m sorry, ma’am,” Noah apologized.
            When my eyes met hers, a knot tightened in my throat to the poing of threatening to choke me. 
            “Mom,” I stammered out, the word barely audible amidst the turmoil around me and within me.       
            Her response was as expected —a cold and critical glare that seemed to pierce through me with precision. 
            Her scrutinizing gaze swept over us, dissecting every detail with unnerving accuracy. From the nervous tension in Oliver’s and Noah’s posture to the telltale of our indiscretions, no aspect escaped her keen observation; my hands clasped one in Noah’s hand and the other in Oliver’s, the wrinkles on Noah’s shirt, the sweat stains on Oliver’s, the red marks on my neck…
            “I’ve been looking for you for a while,” I managed to croak out, the weight of her scrutiny crushing my voice into a mere whisper. 
            “Of course you have,” she replied, her tone laced with skepticism, a sardonic smile playing on her red lips. 
            She was draped in a flowing light green dress that accentuated her elegance. Her hair, now cropped shorter than the last time I’d seen her, cascaded around her slim shoulders. Her right hand held a glass filled with champagne. She was beautiful, she looked radiant, impressive, …and I had just screwed up.  
            This was exactly the way I did not want to introduce the boys to my mother, just right after one of them had just had his head buried between my legs and the other had been nibbling on my neck and playing with my nipples while his erection pressed against my ass.
            I couldn’t see my reflection, but I could imagine my face at that moment.
            The irony in my mother’s tone made my legs weak. 
            “Mom, these are…” I stuttered, releasing their hands as I gestured towards Oliver and Noah. My mother’s prolonged stare felt like a weight that I wouldn’t be able to hold on my shoulders. "Noah, and Oliver."
            “My pleasure,” Oliver said, attempting to inject some semblance of ease into the strained moment. Noah remained silent, just nodding while his cheeks remained flushed. I wanted to get him out of there immediately. 
            “Sure it is,” my mother responded, her tone carrying the same ironic edge that had unsettled me a few moments ago. It was clear she saw through the façade; she knew exactly what we had been doing. 
            Earth swallow me.
            “Sylvie’s parents are expecting me,” my mother announced, her voice cutting. With a final nod, she disappeared into the crowd, leaving me feeling exposed and defeated. 
            The cacophony of voices around me intensified, engulfing me in a suffocating bubble. The walls seemed to press in, the frenzied movements of the crowd making my head spin, and waves of heat threatened to consume me. In my periphery, I caught glimpses of Oliver and Noah, their lips moving, but their words dissolved into the maelstrom, lost to my ears.
            “I need to get out,” I gasped, my voice trembling.
            It took an eternity to wrench off my heels, my hands trembling as I fumbled with the straps. One of the boys lunged forward, his grip tightening around me as he sensed my impending collapse, but his touch slipped away as I frantically pivoted away, heels in hand.
            Each breath grew more labored as I ran towards the exit, a weight crushing my chest, every fiber of my being screaming for escape. With pounding heart and trembling limbs, the last thing I heard were the echoes of two male voices calling my name. 
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willidleaway · 3 years ago
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OK, let’s talk about Deltarune Chapter 2. Right off the bat two things:
Toby Fox could have been charging 20 USD for this or asked people to pre-purchase the remaining chapters to play Chapter 2, and I’m frankly very surprised (if delighted) that he didn’t.
Soundtrack’s bopping. If you don’t feel like playing two free chapters of a game, which by themselves will give you nine hours of a brilliant time in an absolutely insane world filled with mad characters that all still manages to hold together somehow, I can still recommend giving the OST a listen and then a buy if you are so inclined.
And with that and the spoiler-free lead image out of the way, let’s actually (largely incoherently) talk about Deltarune Chapter 2 below the Read More line. Spoilers galore, including for a bonus enemy ...
OK, so this guy is still a card:
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But some non-positive observations to begin with: the Castle Town is nice to look at but maybe a bit uninteresting for the moment, since it’s a completely separate Dark World from the main underworld of Chapter 2. It seems perhaps like a decent hub world for people who haven’t replayed the previous chapter and need some refreshers, especially with the dojo challenges. But some of the other mechanics associated with the Castle Town like recruiting, fusing items, and so forth are as yet unclear. But perhaps it hints at more interaction between chapters through the Castle Town.
And that’s all the non-positive observations I have about Deltarune Chapter 2. It’s not even a negative observation, just taking note of potential seeds being planted for the remainder of the game.
Now. Now now now now now.
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I don’t know how Toby Fox manages to continue coming up with such a diverse array of antagonists all so ridiculous and insane in their own special way, but he continues to outdo himself. And not only is Queen insane but so is literally everything that happens in Cyber City and then in Queen’s Mansion, like the layers of truces across Queen and her quasi-willing peons:
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and indeed, ye Triumphant Returne of Rouxls Kaard, absolute card:
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But the madcap side of things doesn’t mean there isn’t real attention to fleshing out everything introduced in Chapter 1, in tandem on both the narrative side and the gameplay side. As far as the latter, we can (finally) get party members other than Kris to undertake at least basic standard non-magical actions on their own that don’t cost Tension Points, which is very much welcome. But at the same time managing TP well is even more important than before. A lot of careful grazing makes certain fights a great deal easier, in a way that I didn’t really notice for most of Chapter 1 (with the possible exception of Jevil, who I still haven’t successfully pacified). The attacks are correspondingly far denser and often don’t leave too much margin for error, but as someone with minimal hand-eye coordination I still had a reasonable time completing Chapter 2.
Well, except for one particular enemy.
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oh god this fight used up every single recovery item I had
Spamton NEO is an interesting enemy, arguably more so than Jevil, and I’m not just saying that because I managed to spare Spamton but still haven’t had any success with Jevil. For one, finding the pieces of the key for Jevil’s cell is straightforward, whereas finding the Empty Disk for Spamton is itself a nightmarish dodge-fest. But more importantly, you actively have to seek Jevil out in Chapter 1, whereas your first encounter with Spamton is actually mandatory as part of the main story and then you optionally follow up on Spamton’s lead later to be able to face off against his NEO form.
Perhaps relevant to the forced nature of Spamton’s introduction is his relevance to Deltarune as a whole despite his bonus boss status. Compared to Jevil’s dialogue, Spamton’s babblings seem far more directly tied to the central themes of Deltarune around choice or agency, or rather a lack thereof (in stark contrast to Undertale’s general ethos). Jevil mostly just wants to wreak mischief and chaos; Spamton is fuelled by a need for freedom, to no longer be a puppet of ... something. And facing him in this way obviously clearly affects Kris, whose own free will is in real question ...
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Oh yes, it seems now we’re really getting into the real core of Deltarune’s story, with all of the lore about the Roaring and more talk of the Knight leading up to this ending. But are Kris and the Knight one and the same? Or is Kris a puppet of the Knight? Or ... is it even the other way around? (No idea if that makes any sense but it sounds like a cool thing to throw out there.)
And another thing: this staticky smile ...
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I would guess that’s Chapter 3′s boss once we actually go through this new Dark World, but why does this static remind me of the static you see behind Spamton’s glasses in some of his creepier shop dialogue? Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but there’s certainly an embarrassment of riches to over-analyse, even around Chapter 2′s bonus boss.
And I haven’t even talked about every other character being amazing. Susie of course continues to undergo really positive development, but Noelle seems to get the bulk of the attention honestly—we not only get her to finally interact with Susie, but we also learn more about her past as well her family, both about her lost sister (strongly implied to be named December) and her mother. The latter we get not only through more dialogue with her father Rudy but also in an implicit sense through her interactions with Queen, which may well mirror her fractious relationship with an overbearing mother.
Ralsei’s characterisation doesn’t try to expand as much, instead continuing to detail what’s already been planted throughout Chapter 1—his rule of the Castle Town, his awareness of the danger posed by the potential dark/light imbalance, and so forth—but nothing quite as revelatory as with Noelle. It doesn’t mean I can’t try my best to ship Kris with Ralsei though ...
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Anyway, fluffy boys and mean girls aside, it’s also nice to see characters like Berdly—who seemed like a completely incidental one-note gag character in Chapter 1—get fleshed out with reasonably compelling (although obviously insane) motivation and backstory, and one wonders which other characters may get this sort of treatment in future.
Speaking of other characters as well, how cute and/or cool are all of the new enemies and enemy-adjacent characters???
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Part of me suspects Tasque Manager in particular is actually carefully engineered to break the Internet. But my favourite is Swatch, who gives off weirdly Tuxedo Mask-esque vibes to me:
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And an additional bit of speculation: I strongly suspect we’ll see some persistent things across the chapters that aren’t necessarily linear in progression. When I brought Spamton’s shadow crystal to Seam, they basically chided me for not having Jevil’s crystal (for god’s sake Seam it’s not for lack of trying), but then said this:
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Is it possible that the game’s keeping track of certain global things outside of any of your individual saves, and some of these certain global things might not just have to do with optional bonuses ... ? Is it possible that some of these certain global things may enable cross-chapter nonlinear gameplay to accompany all of the other Castle Town mechanics introduced in Chapter 2?
Or do I just not want to replay all of Chapter 2 if I manage to pacify Jevil?
Time will tell. How much time?
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Only time will tell on that front too, I guess.
Overall: Chapter 2 of Deltarune is another spectacular episode in Toby Fox fleshing out this unbelievable yet somehow credible world in his madcap way, and you can bet I will be watching for future chapters with great interest.
PS: I finished Chapter 2 of Deltarune to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now—
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look expiration dates are important okay
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bookaddict24-7 · 3 years ago
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I said at the beginning of the year that I would share my reviews more on my blog instead of just on Instagram and Goodreads. I’ve been reading a lot so far this year, so my reviews will be delayed on here. I upped it to 10 reviews per post so I can do most of the reviews before the end of the year!
Friend me on Goodreads here to read my reviews in real-time!
156. The Prisoner of Cell 25 by Richard Paul Evans--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was craving a re-read of this because I never finished the series and I loved it just as much as the first time! I'm always recommending this series to fans of the I Am Number Four readers, and anyone who loves books that feature a ragtag group of teens fighting the evil corporation (plus, they have powers and travel around the world.) Such a great re-read!
157. House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland--⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
While I enjoyed this book, I think it was a little TOO hyped up for me. I'm part of a book club and everyone loved it and ya'll know how I am with expectations (if you've been reading my reviews for a while). I think I expected a higher level of WTF, but it was still entertaining for what it was! I enjoyed seeing the relationship between the sisters, despite their mother being hesitant about them seeing each other. The mystery was intriguing and definitely worthy of being a Reddit mystery (as referenced in the book.) I was left with a few questions about why they can do the things they do, and I think a lot of it is left for the reader's imagination. I think this could even have the potential for a sequel, since the world introduced and the multitude of characters and experiences could be expanded. It also gave me really strong Wayward Children vibes (especially with one of the items mentioned). I'd recommend this to anyone who wants a spoopy read with a super atmospheric setting. If you want a conclusion that will leave you wondering wtf did I just read? This one is the one for you!
158. A Dash of Trouble by Anna Meriano--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This book was so adorable! I've been meaning to check it out for a while, so when I saw that the library had the audiobook, I immediately borrowed it. I loved reading about brujeria from the perspective of a younger character and also in a more whimsical storyline. I'm really intrigued by the siblings concept and kind of want to follow this series until the MC is 15 so we can finally learn what her specialty is! There's a scene at the end between the MC and her mom that was the cutest thing ever and reminded me of my mom and me whenever I was in trouble and I did the whole, "I love you, mami" thing. I also appreciated that the MC knew that what she was doing wasn't exactly right and her conscience was quietly warning her of the fact. If you want to read a cute story about brujeria and practice your Spanish, you should pick this up! I was so happy and excited to hear the voice actress speaking in Spanish as she read out recipe lists and other dialogues. Though I was thrown off a bit with how she pronounced azucar.
159. Honey So Sweet Vol. 2 by Amu Meguro--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a cute volume with how the two MCs are growing closer—I do think one thing was done rather quickly, but I’m also glad it was dwelled on. I can already see a love rival coming and the first hurdle this young couple will have to overcome! Can’t wait to pick up the next volume!
160. I Cannot Reach You Vol. 1 by Mika--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
SO GOOD. Omg. These two. And when the author started showing us both perspectives?? Dead. Those short bonus stories at the end? Ridiculously adorable and sweet. I just...I need the second volume. I can already tell this is going to be a slow burn that destroys me. Also that cover art and the cover art for the second volume 😍
161. The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ah, the plot thickens! Knowing some of the things we know from this book, the next book in the series should be interesting. I feel really bad for these kids. Not only do they have a murderous jerk after them, but now the world believes a lie about them and no matter how much they explain themselves, no one believes them. It just shows an interesting perspective of how kids might view the adult world around them.
162. The Deal by Elle Kennedy--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wow, it’s been six years since I read this book! I enjoyed it for the most part—there were just a few instances that either showed this book’s age, or showed how important communication would have been. I’m doing this re-read because I recently purchased the whole series and want to actually finish it (the nostalgia hit me hard in April.) Will be starting the sequel in June!
163. Komi Can’t Communicate Vol. 11 by Tomohito Oda--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This slow burn!!!! I love the cute scene at the beginning because it clearly shows that others see what’s happening, but these two are just being adorable and unaware. I always laugh when I’m reading this series because it’s either really silly, or really freaking cute.
164. The Way of the House husband Vol. 1 by Kousuke Oono & Sheldon Drzka  --
This was such a fun read and so different from other mangas I’ve read! This was more a collection of events per chapter rather than one linear story. The art was alright in some scenes, but the dialogue was great and funny. Also, the househusband is lowkey kind of fine af, so that was fun—especially the opening panels.
165. White Night by Jim Butcher--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was always told, before starting this series, that it got better as the series progressed and wow...they were right! I’m really enjoying this series and so happy I kept going past the slightly awkward first few books. I loved some of the twists and the moments between Harry and a side character I can’t mention because spoilers. I also just want these two characters to just...smooch. Ugh. Slow af burn, I tell you. Anyway, this was great and there were some pretty cool scenes where Harry just sounded like a complete badass.
Have you read any of these titles? Would you recommend them? 
Happy reading!
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leo-interactive-fiction · 4 years ago
Hi leo! probably already asked but which of the ROs (or any of the characters actually) did you created first and how much did they changed over time?
Haha, the Ros were the first characters I had planned. Of them I created dorm xeno first, but many of the characters have changed a lot from their initial conception.
E used to be a step sibling, where their mother and your father got married after the war, but I wanted to make E more appealing to romance and had already made a better plan regarding the parents that wouldn't fit the dynamic anyway haha. I've gotten flak for the change, saying it was better before or that I don't write the new version correctly but I'm ultimately sticking by it and think it's for the best.
R used to be a lot more flirtatious, especially in their first appearing scene. They also didn't have the label of an aristocratic black sheep hanging over their head, so they were actually quite popular with many characters that now treat them poorly or with suspicion. As I continued to write them their personality seemed to lean more towards wittiness and sarcasm, and as I rewrote their scenes they've lost much of the hard flirtatious forward edge they had in favor of that. Their introduction scene also changed to show them getting out of custody, whereas before they just appeared on the train, forcing their way into your booth.
L hasn't changed all that much, at least personality-wise. I always sorta knew what I wanted to do with them, but I did change some scenes about them. Their initial appearance scene in the library was the same conceptually with them getting bullied, but it was tweaked to also introduce the second-year no-nonsense student guard Juno. their penchant for rambling on and over-thinking/planning has also been accentuated, and their habit of reading books aloud was talked about but wasn't seen in the story until the rewrite.
V's personality has always stayed static, though initially I wrote them with a lot more brevity, their dialogue only consisting of simple sentences no longer than 5 words. They're still more brief than other characters, but I moved away from the obscure dialogue limitation as the writing went on. Their initial appearance showed them in the arena fighting a random large student and nearly executing them with their gun. So not much has really changed with them. Rex and Acer now appear in their initial scene though.
P's always been a swearing firebrand, though they were never shown actually harming any other students. I think they've become more violent in nature to match their personality. Their first appearance used to be when you see them in the first gym class, but they're now shown sooner protecting M at the back of the recreational dorm. In the old version, they had a diary you could read where they basically still called you a dumbass but it was a bit more positive. I could probably look back in the old files to see if I could find what it said exactly haha.
M I don't believe I changed at all. Even their scenes are pretty similar, though in the old version on their first date in the study room if you didn't first lean into their tendencies it would kick you off their romance route. That was changed for obvious reasons haha, but this was before I had implemented a romance route lock so you could pursue a different RO then. Now your choice is definitive, based on who you choose to pursue on the first date since they've got plenty of introduction before that point. In the initial game, the first date for some of them was the first time you ever really have a full scene with them, and S and F didn't even have one then. M's name has also changed. They used to be named Elliot/Ellie before they were Matthew/Mary.
Raven's pretty similar in personality though I've changed many of their scenes. The first time you met them, they used to just kinda appear in the dark after you were walking back to the dorms, and they gave you a card with a poem on it saying you need to keep it and they'll always find you. Their first date was also more bloody, as you find a room full of bodies. I didn't really tone down on their homicidal tendencies overall, but I decided to hold off on really showcasing it until later on, instead going for a tame kidnapping for the first date.
S and F were sorta bonus characters I made when I decided to put the ROs not in dorm Xeno into dorm Exul. Since there's 5 to a dorm, there were still 2 spots I had to fill, so my mind went to two different sides of the economic spectrum: A royal and poverty-stricken character, and so S and F were born. This is also why they didn't have a first date while the others did: they were introduced together into the story at a later time. This also meant they didn't have as many scenes as the other characters, so they had less development. When I did the rewrite though, I made sure to introduce them earlier so they could have a first date scene and be on the same page as the other characters.
S has changed a bit. To start, they didn't really used to be an oblivious idiot that couldn't understand your advances. I had initially wrote them to skirt around your advances because they had a bad relationship in the past that made them fearful of romantic things. They were changed because as I answered more asks about them on tumblr I had a lot of fun writing them as a more dense and oblivious character, so on the rewrite I leaned into those aspects of them.
F is pretty similar to how they were created, but they were only really showcased in the story as throwing insults and never really 'using' their authority so to speak. When I did the rewrite, I used their new introduction as a way to show that they had the power to carry out the threats they made and give their authority more weight.
Overall I'm ultimately pleased with how all the ROs have developed as I've written more and more, and I hope they get better as time goes on and I dive further into the story haha
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years ago
Blys’aan’s Bio (Wife #7)
TL:DR 2 Members of the Izvoshra bully Grievous into another marriage to the captain of imports of the largest trade organization on Kalee. Blys’aan was successful PR for them & was an angel with a soup ladle. Died 27 BBY due to scarcity of medical resources.
Part 1: Meeting I wrote over 1000 words, there’s a lot of dialogue, its like a lazy fanfic.
Part 2: About Her
First of all, I finally gave Western Wuja Bandit Izvoshra a name. It is Dakaliidae, as Western male names tend to be a ton syllables. Yes his name is Doc Holliday: it’s funny & topical, fight me about it. Anyway, I told you this because he is instrumental in meeting Blys’aan.
So, whilst Grievous was doing Ked’jat (the crackhead friend, if you’ll recall) a solid by meeting his aristocratic family, Ked’jat & Dakaliidae got together to try & be responsible members of society by helping Grievous out. They got him an audience with the council of the largest native trading organization on planet, aptly called Hakaleel. This surprised Grievous because Ked’jat & Daka were literally the two least law-abiding Kaleesh he knew. They must have been on their best behavior to get a meeting with an esteemed legitimate business council. He was not without his suspicions.
Hakaleel was already well aware of the planetary embargoes they were facing. Their High Trade Chief, Yaitee (ee-eye-tee) was present at the meeting Grievous had at the capital with Bryaru’s father. So, the Hakaleel trade council was pretty much in various states of the stages of grief. Hakaleel had an excellent local reputation; Kaleeshi people were not keen on material greed as a trait. The trade council were legitimately thinking of the economic impact on the people. The fact that they were themselves facing down poverty was just a bonus.
Yaitee, in a delicate manner, admits to being almost completely locked out of all nearby extraplanetary trade routes by Republic ban on official registered vessels in their system’s airspace & exorbitant fees otherwise in a currency they scarcely even had any access to. They had been combing over the documentations the Republic was gracious enough to provide them & came to much the same conclusion. There wasn’t anything they could legally do about it. After this admission there was a long heavy pause after which Grievous replied, “What about illegally?”
He had known Yaitee to be a very keen & straight-laced man. He could see his lips purse beneath the edges of his mask. Desperation does much to test a person’s image of themselves. Yaitee said, “Let us see what input our Captain of Imports has on the matter.” Grievous could almost feel the energy of Ked’jat & Daka doing their best to maintain their composure. Yaitee & his scribe led the three of them down to their spaceport. It was not on the scale of anything in the core worlds by any means but it used to be quite busy just a year before. The fact that Grievous had expanded his crusade against the Huk to the neighboring systems actually did a lot to improve relations & they had seen more traffic than usual despite the Yam’rii.
Now it was very quiet. In what looked to be a sort of central gate there was a stocky, medium height Kaleesh woman of day gecko colors standing in front of an equally colorful display of spices. She was looking forlornly at an old datapad from behind her hunt veil before Yaitee introduced her as Captain Blys’aan of Hakaleel Imports.
Grievous was like, “I hate to ask, Captain Blys’aan, but how are things.”
To which Blys’aan, in this warm mix of Caribbean & local Slavic space-adjacent accents, replied, “BOY lemme tell you. Is grim! So grim! Precious few of our off vendors want to pay the fees for reaching us out here on the edge of wild space & not ONE of them are willing to defy the Republic openly. Can’t blame most of them. We can’t afford to regularly offset the fees with oh- anything on our planet.”
Grievous was just like, “Yeah I thought as much.”
“Does the Great Khaganate General Grievous have any enlightenment for us today?” Blys’aan asked sarcastically. Not because she didn’t respect him, but because the situation was that dire.
Grievous deadpan replies, “How do you feel about pirates.”
“Oooh boi, I knew I was going to like you. Guess what, I already have a few in contact,” Blys’aan reacted very excited.
Yaitee was like, “Blys’aan what the fuck.”
But she just lays it out like, “Lissen Yaitee, sweetie, da core worlds want civilized societies. But when we try to advance? No. We should have done that already. We don’ warrant de resources.”
“Yaitee, you hire some tough sons to protect my inventory managers & you deal wit dese pirates. T’ings have to change with or witout us. You are best on Kalee at wheelin & dealin. If anybody try to throw us down river? De General will kill them. Won’t you, big boy?” She tapped his chest with the back of her hand like she was indicating quality stock.
With absolutely zero hesitation Grievous goes, “Yeah, I will. The Republic is not a popular as they like to think. You will find people willing to work.”
Blys’aan says, “I t’ink I’m gonna step down. Hakaleel doesn’t need my brand o customer service anymore. Everytin gonna work out. Or maybe no. I hope I get myself a husband before I get killed by pirates…”
It was at this point the Ked’jat & Dakaliidae can no longer contain themselves & go full gremlin mode. “Grievous is taking wives.” Ked’jat says. “Yeah, he is available.” Daka follows.
Grievous is just like, “I’m- I literally have- you just set me up with your sister-”
Blys’aan again gets very jubilant. “Oooh. You have a hard limit on that number? My pedigree maybe not so shiny as others but I can cook better than your hearth mothers, I bet this.”
Daka interjects, “Also. you came down here to denounce legally binding documents from the Grand Army of the Republic & she was already one step ahead of you.”
“That is true. I am impressed,” Grievous admired only to immediately regret it when Ked’jat says to her, “Oho, hear that? He’s impressed, bima-” Grievous is just stone faced wondering what is wrong with these two.
“Or. I could stay in my position & be killed by pirates,” Blys’aan says with a very overexaggerated sigh.
Daka grabs one of Grievous’s shoulders, really pouring it on thick like, “Ah, General, what if she is killed by pirates? So sad.”
Blys’aan gives Grievous big sad green puppy dog eyes. There is half a minute of silence.
“Very well, you can accompany me home & we’ll see how it goes,” Grievous relents. Ked’jat is like furiously giving her a thumbs up from behind Grievous, mouthing dumb shit like, “Girl that means yes!”
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ladykailolu · 3 years ago
Bonus Bastard AU:
Gyro, despite Johnny’s demands against it, decides to screw around with M&M…
Flash forward (it would be very awkward if/when they meet up again) [like Anastasia, M&M would be very hesitant to say anything]
Surprise, for once it’s a boy! His name’s Reese
Reese Meringue.
He’s got one dark green eye and one lime green eye (he got his hetrochromia from his mom). Light Strawberry blond hair He’s also got this x shaped birthmark on his cheek.
{note: He’s not part of the official line up with Sadie Mae and the rest, he’s a bonus a non canon non canon} 🤷🏾
So I see ol' Juju finally gave that Y chromosome huh lol
Anyway, I was specifically imagining he and M&M getting busy all hush-hush mere feet away from Johnny who was fast asleep.
Maybe M&M doesn't say anything for those years when she parts from Johnny and Gyro and lives in New Orleans, so she raises their son by herself and Gyro has no idea that he even exists. But yeah flash forward some years later when Gyro and Johnny take their daughter Julia to visit M&M and both of them are surprised to see that she has a son, who is a little older than Julia. And so they ask if M&M married, but she says that she hasn't and that Reese's father "went elsewhere years ago." She's dying to tell Gyro the truth, that Reese is his, that they created beautiful life together, and her courage peaks just before her old friends leave, but she fails in the end to tell him.
Can you imagine though? Juju gets a truth bomb from M&M that he now has a son *on top of* having three daughters, making a whopping four children from four different women? And Johnny's just staring at him like, "I thought you said you didn't have anymore kids, you're getting neutered"
On the other hand, maybe he would feel some relief that at least it happened outside of Naples so he doesn't have to introduce his son to the secret life of his family.
I know you said that Reese is non-canon non-canon, BUT
BUT BUT BUT: here me out--Gyro is so overwhelmed from meeting not only his son but also reunited with his lost daughters that he needs to sit down for a moment because his blood pressure is running high. He's like...circa 44-45 years old at this point and never imagined that his life would unfold like this.
Ofc Reese chooses to stay with his mom to take care of her, but he says he wants to visit his father and his half-siblings someday. He got along pretty well with his half-sisters while they worked as extra hands in M&M's shop.
Could you tell me more about Reese? Like maybe if you have any imagines/dialogues of him with his sisters or father or mother?
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