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kil9 · 3 months ago
it should be a legal requirement that any device with a screen has to come with a bare bones minesweeper and solitaire preinstalled
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mugzymiik · 1 year ago
this vaguely reminds me of something my friend retweeted on twitter and it is the funniest shit to me for like no reason at all😭/pos
Saw a thread on Twitter of "gifts to give a person with ADHD and autism" that was full of stereotypical and quite frankly patronizing items, so here's a list of I (autistic individual) want instead as a gift
Fourteen billion dollars
Free coupon to kill somebody with my teeth
Suitcase full of money
Cool looking rock
Scratching post for me to sink my claws into
An albino elephant
The head of Jeff Bezos mounted on my wall
Uncooked rice
A cup full of blood
100k in cash
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8ande · 9 months ago
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11.05.2024 - Ny genser ferdig
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reppyy · 10 months ago
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40 000 bollar
När man var 4 hade man 4 bollar, vid 18 har man typ 8 och man fattar inte hur man kan tycka livet ens är komplicerat. De är ju nötter.
Men det roliga i kråksången är att sedan...växer högen med bollar exponentiellt. ...och vid 40 är det 40 000 bollar.
Det är inte så konstigt att man ser sliten ut! Det är fan inte lätt att hålla allt i schack och inte förlora sig själv i processen. Ärligt talat, det kan va assvårt ibland.
Det är fett med gråskala och det får va såhär tills vidare och nödlösningar och 7000 bollar av jag har ingen aning var jag ska göra med det där. Lite på hyllor, lite i frysen, några lådor på vinden och några fick limmas upp på väggen. Det är...hm...konst? :)
Det känns som att jag ber om ursäkt allt oftare för att jag är människa. Sorry for needing to breathe and for doing what I need to make ny heart beat. För honestly..? Döden är inte värt not losing face och leka bror duktig. För vem? Jo de man älskar. Där klämmer som värst. Men Honestly, människor som älskar en är Skyldig att älska en för den man Är, inte den de tycker man är eller borde vara. That aint love.
Men det hjälper knappt, för skammen ligger där som en stor elefant. FUCK OFF!
Kuratorn sa att tankar och känslor kan man inte känna skam för, för vi har ingen kontroll över dem, de är där oavsett vi vill eller inte. Och att skambelägga dem blir ju att skambelägga den vi är, vilket känns fucked. Ska jag skämmas för att jag är byggd som jag är? Do GoOD really make mistakes? jag tror egentligen inte det. Kanske mest att det inte passar in i alla regler vi har Just Nu. Men jag vill ju ingen illa, jag vill mest att...det även ska inkludera Mig nu :'(
Men jag skäms för mina behov. Jag skäms för att jag behöver det jag behöver. Som att jag mest är för kräsen och krävande. Jag tycker inte det. . jämt.
Det är så lätt att halka in i gamla dåliga vanor av förnekan och skyddsmekanismer, näe men det är för att... men jag orkar inte reda i det just nu. Jag har haft det jävligt nog med att upplevt en 50/50 chans att överleva. Jag är mest så jävla glad över livet och nu söker jag att faktiskt känna mig levande också. ..och då kommer gamla vanor som förut funkat, i kläm.
Man gör nog så gott man kan med 40 000 bollar. Skulle man säga det till en 18 åring skulle de nog inte ens våga bli äldre. Men det är samtidigt coolt hur mycket nyanser man lär sig och hur det är från fall till fall och 100 olika "det beror på".
Så det får va lite bollar på väggen och i frysen. Det är nog typ ok. Ish. Det får va det. Det ÄR ok att jag andas.
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curiositasmundi · 1 month ago
Le persone impegnate socialmente sono poche, un’esigua percentuale sul totale. E lo sono perchè direttamente coinvolte o vicine a qualcuno che fa parte delle minoranze per le quali si stanno esponendo. Inoltre chi è coinvolto su un fronte il più delle volte non lo è in altri, magari solidarizza ma non ne fa parte. Chi è sensibile ai problemi della disabilità magari non si preoccupa delle questioni LGBTQ+ o di razzismo e immigrazione. Abbiamo i nostri cazzi di tutti i giorni a cui pensare, hanno la priorità sui problemi degli altri e questo ci rende ignoranti in molte cose, non perchè siamo stupidi o menefreghisti ma il più delle volte abbiamo altro di cui preoccuparci nell’immediato. Solo chi porta avanti direttamente una battaglia sociale ne parla con cognizione, tutti gli altri, se chiamati in causa, rientrano nella grande maggioranza degli “indecisi a riguardo” che si sono appena posti un problema di cui prima magari ignoravano l’esistenza. Proprio questa maggioranza è terreno fertile per la disinformazione, deve trovare una risposta o una spiegazione, il più immediata e semplice possibile, alla questione per la quale è chiamata ad esprimersi. Facile caderci e siamo tutti a rischio. Ma se finiamo nella bolla sbagliata, i suddetti problemi sembreranno urgenti al punto da passare per l’unica preoccupazione del governo (di solito, la sinistra detta anche “i comunisti”) e che sia d’obbligo per noi prendere quanto prima una posizione a riguardo per risolvere la questione e andare avanti. Ma come sempre, il mondo è complicato, i problemi sono complessi e le posizioni mai definite come bianco e nero. Trovi gente convinta che “vogliono farci diventare tutti culattoni” oppure “se vuoi dei diritti devi essere nero e sceso da un barcone” oppure “ci sono più parcheggi per disabili che per gente normale” o la mia preferita “la gente muore di fame e loro pensano al gender”. Risposte semplici a problemi complessi, e se ci scappa un po’ di autoassoluzione non finiamo per sentirci brutte persone perchè non ce ne siamo occupati prima (“non è colpa tua se non ti sei mai preoccupato dei ghei, prima non serviva è adesso che si offendono ‘sti froci…”). Spesso me la prendo con mammainformata86 o Zio Peppino classe 1960 terza media, no vax e filo Putin ma non tanto per lo scempio di dignità, quella è loro, quanto per l’influenza negativa sulle persone “neutre”. Per tornare al solito discorso “se lasci un vuoto, qualcuno lo riempie”, tutti abbiamo un vuoto che qualcun altro può riempire. Ma se non siamo immigrati, non abbiamo un parente disabile o un amico gay, perchè dovremmo preoccuparcene, per lo meno fin che non siamo chiamati in causa? Infatti non dobbiamo, per questo esiste l’educazione. Chi sta facendo in modo che determinate tematiche vengano trattate già a livello scolastico non lo fa perchè “vuole venderci il gay” ma per farci capire che esiste un problema, che è complesso e che possiamo interessarci un minimo PRIMA che il cugino complottista ufologo ci faccia cadere dalle nuvole dritti nel suo trappolone logico, con tanto di SVEGLIAAAAAAHHHHH!!!1!!! giusto per farci sentire ingenui e creduloni ed elevare lui al rango di “tutti scemi tranne me”.Uno degli sport preferiti dai bifolchi privi di argomenti propri è cercare di denigrare quelli degli altri, bollare tutto ciò che porta con se un minimo di intelligenza e di etica come ipocrisia di qualcuno che in realtà è peggio di loro, che al contrario sono schietti, sinceri e pratici. E giù a dare del radical chic a chiunque si esponga per qualcosa, dall’ecologia ai diritti delle minoranze. Quando non puoi elevarti oltre un certo livello perchè sei stupido come la merda, cerchi di trascinare gli altri al di sotto. [...]
Non ci sono più i gay di una volta (Who the fuck is Gisella?)
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hyp-fixator · 10 months ago
if you could get 1 billion bollars but had to kill subspace from Phighting! would you do it
short answer, yes.
Long answer?
I better not be getting scammed tho......
Bollars. Do not exist........ what is your scheme, anon????
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khalewren · 1 year ago
Sometimes...... yuou gotta have the bad thing and take what good comes of it....... i speak from experience asd i lost one jillion bollars recently gambling but i had a fun time doing it
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sparklyaxolotlstudent · 10 months ago
G3 Alivia Stein!
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Frankie Stein little cousin that goes to Monster Junior High and is only 13 days old.
She looks so small besides Frankie, I totally forgot that Frankie is one of the tallest haha
Oh well.
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Alivia is a EAH pixies Featherly head on a Fail Fix body, who are surprisingly compatible with MH proportions wise. She's wearing Monsteristas Frankie dress, along with a RH hoodie and pants from a fakie. I have no idea where I got that belt, but I know it's from MH. The purse is also Monsteristas, but I modified to be more of a cross bag.
I was going to put the bolts to the side, like both the toy and the ghoul squad versions of Alivia, but the Featherly head had those hole already there, so I decided to put them in there. I guess all pixies share the same head mold and that's where the animals ears go. In Featherly's case, only one was used with the bird nest.
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The bolts are from a cheap dinosaur that you're supposed to build with different parts. I was going to paint them silver, but I think the yellow suits her.
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Funny story. Her shoes are Rainbow High, and I bought them with the whole blind bag box at the flea market, 30 pesos (abou 1.5 bollars) if I remember correctly, but I only opened them recently.
They're both left shoes. I was annoyed and thought I was never going to use them, but... Well, I think the style suits Alivia very well, and having two left feet is something I can totally see a Frankenmonster having. (The doll has correct foot)
I didn't paint the body due to lazyness and well, she's a Frankenmonster, I'm gaslighting myself into thinking that some of them are bound to have mismatched skintones.
I did add the pants and the hoodie due to this, otherwise I would have used the whole Monsteristas outfit.
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splashink-games · 1 year ago
A Note On... Dodgeball School!
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Dodgeball Academia is an RPG dodgeball game by Pocket Trap! Be the best baller at school!
I wasn't expecting too much from this game, tbh. I thought it would be a funny little in-between game, but entertaining enough while I'm busy with life things. and while I did get that, it's worth a little more than just a funny little game.
there's some challenge to playing Dodgeball in the school, and I appreciated it until I busted the game open by failing at the underground challenge like 50-something times (and thereby farming hundred of Bollars in prize money). of course, a sane person would use that money to buy new equipment or level up their character, but I mostly used it on strength increases. eventually I was doing 50 on regular throws, 80+ on throws from centre court, and 180 on crits. even then, the final few battles weren't a breeze, and I'd probably steer clear of that underground tournament (1v5 is not manageable on a regular basis)
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the writing in this game is pretty good. handles some cool topics throughout the arcs. there's tons of funny moments in the game, though sometimes the humour missed. it was however funny that a character has the same name as a friend.
my favourite characters throughout were unsurprisingly Boris, Suneko, and Kyabo. they've all got really solid characterizations. and with Boris being a feature in a lot of the game, we see a lot of how he reacts in different situations. very cool
I thought the graphics in the game were solid. it does that 2D sprites in a 3D environment thing, which worked out pretty well. both the character design and the locations were distinct. plus the character had some cool idle/narrative animations during cutscenes.
Dodgeball Academia is a solid, short RPG where you always try your best and dodge some balls.
As Always,
Enjoy Gaming!
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year ago
The only reason I'm not surviving in loverslab is because the search function sucks- herregud kuk och bollar!
anon speaking in tongues everyone watch out
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legend-collection · 2 years ago
The kulshedra or kuçedra is a water, storm, fire and chthonic demon in Albanian mythology and folklore, usually described as a huge multi-headed female serpentine dragon. The kulshedra is believed to spit fire, cause drought, storms, flooding, earthquakes and other natural disasters against mankind. In Albanian mythology she is usually fought and defeated by a drangue, a semi-human winged divine hero and protector of mankind. Heavy thunderstorms are thought to be the result of their battles.
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Pic by Adrian Veenje
In northern beliefs, the kulshedra can take possession of the sun and moon. In southern beliefs, she is described as an enormous female serpent who surrounds the world. According to this version, if she were ever to touch her tail with her mouth, she could destroy the whole world. It is said that she requires human sacrifices for accepting to postpone the natural disasters and catastrophes.
According to folk beliefs, the kulshedra's earlier stage is the bolla, which has the appearance of a water and chthonic demonic serpent. The bolla's eyes remain shut for the whole year except on Saint George's Day, when it gazes the world and will devour any human on sight. The bolla will eventually morph into kulshedra if it lives many years without being seen by a human. The bollar and errshaja are considered intermediate forms of this serpent as it goes through a series of metamorphoses. These terms also signify serpents; the term bullar merely being a synonym for bolla in Southern Albania. In some regions the kulshedra is depicted like a female eel, turtle, frog, lizard or salamander.
The kulshedra can also appear in the guise of a woman, who keeps her true nature hidden. As a semi-human divine figure she holds also positive qualities that emerge indirectly from Albanian folk tales, beliefs and rituals. It is said that the village where the kulshedra lives has great prosperity in agriculture and livestock. Indeed she absorbs by her breath foodstuffs from everywhere, and her village thrives, while the affected villages become poor and do not prosper. According to folk beliefs people used to practice sacrifices to her so she could bring them good and stop any harmful action.
The term bolla is etymologically related to Greek Φάλη, Φάλαινα 'monster, whale' (although the relationship is not certain).
Kulshedra or kuçedër derives from the Latin chersydrus, roughly meaning an "amphibious snake".
The term bullar is given as a Southern Albanian variant by some sources.
The legendary battle of a heroic deity associated with thunder and weather, like drangue, who fights and slays a huge multi-headed serpent associated with water and storms, like kulshedra, has been preserved from a common motif of Indo-European mythology. Similar characters with different names but same motifs representing the dichotomy of "good and evil" – mainly reflected by the protection of the community from storms – are found also in the folklore of other Balkan peoples.
The bolla is said to remain closed-eyed until Saint George's Day, where it peers into the world, and will devour any human that approaches it. It is explained in folklore that Saint George had cursed the beast to be forever blind except on his feast day.
Kulshedra is generally considered to be a female dragon, like a multi-headed serpent form, but it is known to have pendulous drooping breasts touching the ground, thus some German commentators have stated she might be also regarded as a hag. Kulshedra is furthermore said to be covered in wooly red hair, have a long tail, and have seven to twelve heads. It is also said to spit fire. Kulshedra's milk and urine are both considered poisonous. Kulshedra can also appear in the guise of a human female; its appearance in an ordinary woman's guise known locally for example in Dukagjini, Kosovo. It may also appear in the form of a female lizard, turtle, frog, or salamander.
At the same time, kulshedra is widely considered to be a storm demon. Kulshedra is believed to cause drought and other water-related issues for humanity such as torrents, tempests, water shortages, big storms, flooding, or other natural disasters. Often to placate it, a human sacrifice must be made, as witnessed in the tale of the hero Qerosi ("Scurfhead").
In southern beliefs, she is described as an enormous female serpent who surrounds the world. According to this version, if she were ever to touch her tail with her mouth, she could destroy the whole world. In northern beliefs, the kulshedra can take possession of the sun and moon. To frighten the evil demon, the Albanian tribesmen used to shoot in the sky or provoke great noise with metal objects, even by ringing the church bells.
"The male form, called Kulshedër, acts as a devil".
According to folk belief, a snake after living a certain number of years will metamorphosize into a bolla and eventually become the monstrous kulshedra. The belief that an ancient snake becomes a dragon is not unique to Albanian culture, and similar beliefs can be found for example in Hungary and Romania, as pointed out by Robert Elsie.
In the Kosova town of Prishtina, the kulshedra begins life as a being invisible to mankind for the first twelve years of its life, after which it turns into a bolla ("a kind of serpent"), and afterwards it sprouts wings, becomes hairy, and begins to combat the drangue (dragúa). But the folklore of Malësia and the Northern Mountain Range in Albania provides a more complex life cycle: when the serpent manages to live fifty years without being noticed by anyone, it becomes a bullar, a reptile that feeds milk to snakes, from which these snake derive their venom. If it lives another fifty years without being seen, it becomes an ershaj which coils around its human victim's neck, punctures his chest and eats the heart. When an ershaj (er̄šaj) lives for another century unseen, it finally becomes a kulshedra.
In Tirana, kulshedra was said to begin life as a being hiding in a dark hole which became a snake after six months; the snake must grow an additional six months before it exhibited the behavior for which it could be properly called a kulshedra. Among the Albanian Kastrati tribe, it was believed that a snake sighted by a wren lost its ability to transform into a kulshedra.
Dragùa, sometimes called drangue or drangoni, is the male conqueror of the female monster kulshedra, whom he must fight to the death in collective beliefs. Their prime aim in life is to combat and slay Kulshedras. They thus spend much of their youth exercising and running around, so as to learn how to avoid kulshedra's urine and milk. When they sense a Kulshedra approaching, dragùas "go completely berserk and their souls depart from their bodies in preparation for the coming battle". When a human is attacked the dragùa will "fly to their assistance and slay kulshedra by pelting it with cudgels, ploughs, yokes, lances and stones, and even with uprooted trees and houses. Such attacks are seen by humans as lightning". Heavy thunderstorms are thought to be the result of the battle.
The dragùas, even as infants, use the cradle to shield themselves from kulshedra's attacks, which consist of her urine and poisonous milk from her breasts. They also use this cradle as weapons.
In the Northern Albania, the two are envisioned as battling perpetually in the bend of the Drani River in the Northern Mountain Range. But some folklore speaks of the dragùa accomplishing kulshedra's destruction by drowning, and in Central Albania, the hero is said to have drowned her, knocking her unconscious by throwing trees and boulders at her, and afterwards drowning her in Shkumbin, a river in central Albania.
Dragùas are not the only beings said to have defeated Kulshedra. There are multiple folktales in which saints and folktale heroes not identified as dragùa have defeated Kulshedra.
Saint George and Saint Elias (originally the Old Testament prophet Elijah) both have stories in which they fight (and defeat) a Bolla/Kulshedra. Saint Elias, in particular, is identified in some regions with the Dragùa and is also a weather god and provides protection against storms and fire.
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littlehenrikehd · 1 year ago
Jag har kommit för att göra ett tillkänagivande: Igelkotten Shadow är ett tvehunds fnask. Han pissade på min nedrans hustru. Just precis. Han tog ut sin igelkotts jävla tagg-penis och pissade på min NEDRANS hustru, och han sa att hans snopp var SÅ HÄR STOR, och jag sa att det var det äckligaste jag någonsin hört. Så jag gör en utropning på min Twitter.com. Igelkotten Shadow, du har en liten kuk. Den är samma storlek som den här valnöten men MYCKET mindre. Och gissa vad ? Så här ser min pellejöns ut. Just det, baby. Långa punkter, inga taggar, inga kuddar, spanna in, den ser ut som två bollar och en bong. Han knullade min fru, så gissa vad, jag kommer att knulla jorden. Just precis, det här är vad ni får ! Mitt SUPER LASER PISS ! Men jag kommer inte pissa på jorden. Jag kommer gå högre. Jag tänker pissa på MÅÅÅNEEN ! Vad säger du om det, OBAMA ? JAG PISSADE PÅ MÅNEN, DITT PUCKO ! Ni har tjugotre timmar innan piss DROPPARNA träffar jorden, försvinn nu från min jävla åsyn innan jag pissar på er med !
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noeggets · 2 years ago
Auto Fiona Fox was created by Mike Gallagher and then her organic counterpart was introduced by Ken. She started dating Sonic under Bollars I believe and then Ian was the one who made her a baddie. -Signed the resident Fiona Fox Expert.
I knew somebody knew the answers, TY
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fiorescente · 2 years ago
Ho leggermente sgridato L. che mi esprime le sue emozioni e poi dice "ma no, mi sono reso conto che è un pensiero stupido"
Perché bollare gli stati d'animo come stupidi evitandoli impedisce di vivere tutto uno spettro di emozioni e va a finire che rifiutiamo noi stessi e a me non sembra una cosa bella
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pedrop61 · 2 years ago
Ci mancavano i droni contro il Cremlino.
Eh sì, brutta la guerra, ma come si sarebbe potuta evitare?
Analizziamo, ora, il progetto di pace secondo l'Occidente e la NATO, dal 2014 a oggi:
-attuazione di un regime change in Ucraina, attraverso un golpe agito con manovalanza ne0n4-zista, e fatto passare per rivoluzione fricchettona;
-inizio di un'operazione anti terrorismo (aprile 2014) da parte del governo di Kiev, contro la parte dell'Ucraina, il Donbass, che si oppone al golpe;
-censura, in tutto l'Occidente, dei bombardamenti dell'aviazione ucraina contro il Donbass (estate 2014);
-riduzione di otto anni di guerra fantasma a una scaramuccia di poco conto;
-bando a tutti i partiti ucraini che si oppongono: dal 2015 a oggi, tutte le forze di opposizione e di sinistra, in Ucraina, sono state bandite;
-persecuzione da parte del governo di Kiev verso intellettuali, attivisti, politici e dissidenti;
-divieto dell'uso della lingua russa a tutti i russofoni che vivono in Ucraina (come se a noi che parliamo italiano, ci chiedessero, da un giorno all'altro, di parlare il portoghese);
-libertà d'azione a gruppi della destra più nera come Pravy Sektor o S14 (quest'ultimo, a "pattugliamento" della città di Kiev, ce lo ricordiamo, ad esempio, per le sue gesta durante il pogrom contro il campo rom di Lysa Hora nel 2018);
-integrazione dei gruppi ne0nazist1 nell'esercito regolare di Kiev con creazione di battaglioni punitivi come Aidar, Donbass, Azov;
-censura totalitaria, sia in Ucraina che in Europa, attraverso il divieto di accesso a tutti i media che mostrino i crimini commessi dalla NATO e dall'esercito di Kiev contro la popolazione del Donbass;
-ridefinizione mediatica di gruppi ne0nazist1 come gruppi di "bravi ragazzi" (Gramellini, non dimenticheremo mai il tuo contributo alla causa);
-riscrizione della storia anche attraverso la ridefinizione della strage n40zista di Odessa come incendio (grazie Wikipedia);
-intimidazione verso politici, giornalisti e intellettuali attraverso la pubblicazione di liste di proscrizione (Myrotvorests per l'Ucraina, Copasir per l'Italia);
-riscrizione della realtà con occultamento dei crimini commessi dalla NATO, mostrando ogni bombardamento contro obiettivi civili, come opera del nemico;
-diffusione continua di fake-news fantasmagoriche, per alimentare odio e paura: dalle deportazioni mai esistite agli stupr1 di neonati, ad opera del nemico;
-distruzione dell'economia europea attraverso l'imposizione di sanzioni e distruzione di rapporti con partner economici vantaggiosi;
-incremento dell'odio per il nemico anche attraverso la discriminazione di artisti e sportivi di nazionalità "nemica";
-attività terroristic4 e attentati contro le città del nemico: da Mosca a SanPiter fino a Belgorod;
-utilizzo del fact-checking per bollare come disinformazione ogni voce dissidente (non scorderemo mai David Puente contro il premio pulitzer Seymur Hersh, in merito all'inchiesta sull'attentato al Nordstream);
-obiettivi finalizzati a ulteriore espansionismo militare con creazione di basi in Ucraina e missili puntati su Mosca, con sconquasso totale degli equilibri geopolitici, attraverso i quali si sarebbe potuta garantire la pace.
In tutto questo: organizzazioni non governative per la tutela dei diritti umani, complessivamente non pervenute.
Lo ripeto, se a gennaio 2022, quando la Russia chiedeva garanzie sulla fine dell'attività militare della NATO ai suoi confini, vi fossero state rassicurazioni, non sarebbe iniziata l'operazione a difesa dei territori russofoni del Donbass e tutto questo si sarebbe evitato.
Zelensky fu votato dal popolo ucraino, perché nel suo programma politico aveva pianificato un progetto di distensione e dialogo nei confronti del Donbass e della Russia. Ora, è ostaggio di un manipolo di folli.
Questa è l'Ucraina, ma l'Italia non se la passa meglio, ostaggio a sua volta della NATO, attraverso il servilismo di politici, in primis le due smaliziate guerrafondaie che ci stanno portando simpaticamente al macello.
[by @sarareginella ]
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