bohdisanders · 7 months
I have some exciting news for my readers! It has been over 2 1/2 years since I have had a new book published, but the wait is over! My new book, Musashi's Dokkodo:
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wocado · 7 years
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Focus on making yourself better ~ @BohdiSanders
Focus on making yourself better,
life, life quotes, focus, focus quotes, improving oneself, improvement, improvement quotes, becoming better, better, ameliorate, Bohdi Sanders quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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skalkastuff · 6 years
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Anger is a very powerful emotion, but responding angrily to an angry person is about as effective as trying to dry a wet towel in a pool of water. Because the main psychological hunger anger feeds is fear and a need for control, and the way an angry person looks to satisfy that hunger is by fighting. And let's face it -- it often CAN be hard to resist the temptation to engage - especially with folks will resort to anything to bait you into a fight. But don't do it. Because you can't help them that way. And, believe me, angry people DO need help. Because through their anger, they're trying to express something bad or sad or wrong in their lives. If you can remain calm, not get emotionally involved and really listen to what they're saying - you actually CAN put yourself in a position to help them. And then? You've just won the fight you never had. 😉 . . . #dontfightit #anger #staycalm #help #november #dontgivein #quotes #advice #angry #gratitude #premiereyear #loa #inspire #life #lifelessons #wordstoliveby #wisdomquotes #bohdisanders #inspiration #wisdom #positivity #goals #instadaily #rulestoliveby #instalike #youcanhelp #mindsetofgreatness #hashtag #quotedaily #win (at Palm Beach Gardens, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPo9_AHSv_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ffx4i3z0o8z5
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thecpdiary · 3 years
Focus on making yourself better, not on thinking that you are better.
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#Release the #ego and #focus on #BEing the #BEst version of #SELF..❤️💫🙏🏾🕉 #Namasté. #quotes #qotd #BohdiSanders #healSELF™ #growth #change #learning
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threesquarerunner · 10 years
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"Never respond to an #angry person with a #fiery comeback, even if he deserves it...Don't allow his #anger to become your anger." -#BohdiSanders #DalaiLama
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bohdisanders · 7 months
My new book, MUSASHI'S DOKKODO: The Way of the Lone Warrior, had an incredible release! It shot up to #1 NEW RELEASE in 4 different categories on
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wocado · 7 years
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Focus on making yourself better ~ @BohdiSanders
Focus on making yourself better,
life, life quotes, focus, focus quotes, improving oneself, improvement, improvement quotes, becoming better, better, ameliorate, Bohdi Sanders quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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wocado · 7 years
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Focus on making yourself better ~ @BohdiSanders
Focus on making yourself better,
life, life quotes, focus, focus quotes, improving oneself, improvement, improvement quotes, becoming better, better, ameliorate, Bohdi Sanders quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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bohdisanders · 4 years
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Your mind is a battlefield be its commander, not its soldier! Bohdi Sanders
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bohdisanders · 4 years
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bohdisanders · 4 years
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No matter how many times a snake sheds its skin, it will always be a snake. Remember that when you think about allowing someone back into your life! Bohdi Sanders All the great religions, the new age gurus, and spiritual teachers throughout the world, teach the importance of forgiveness. They teach that we should not hold grudges because those grudges, and the negative emotions and energy which goes along with those grudges, only hurt the one who is holding the grudge, not the offending person. Buddha put it this way, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of harming another; you end up getting burned.” While this is all true, there is a part of this concept which people seem to get confused about – FORGIVENESS DOES NOT MEAN ACCEPTING THAT PERSON BACK INTO YOUR LIFE! Just because you are willing, and have taken the steps to forgive someone for their malicious actions, that doesn’t mean that you must allow that person back into your life. I believe that this misconception has a lot to do with making forgiveness so hard for most people. You can forgive someone without ever having anything to do with that person ever again. You can forgive their actions without wishing them well or caring about what happens to them. Let’s get something perfectly clear – forgiveness is for your benefit, not for their benefit! You are under no obligation to allow that person back into your life or to even be friendly to that person. Forgiveness means that you have let go of all of the negative emotions and energy surrounding the incident, that’s all. It is an act of freeing yourself and moving on. It is for YOU, period! Many people like to throw around the phrase, “Forgive and forget.” I totally disagree with this concept. I think that it is much better to forgive, but never forget. By all means, forgive what happened, forgive their behavior, but don’t forget the lesson that this person has taught you. This person taught you exactly who and what he is. Forgive him and move on, but remember the information which he freely gave you. Let’s look at it like this, if you were totally naïve about snakes, and while out hiking, you reached down to pet a rattlesnake, got bit, ended up in intensive care at the hospital for a week, and almost died. You wouldn’t hold a grudge against that snake forever. After all, that is what snakes do; they bite and inject venom into their victims. But, at the same time, you would not go seek out that same rattlesnake and try to be friendly with it ever again. That would be idiotic. This same concept applies to the human snakes which are unfortunately found in abundance throughout the world. When you naively have dealings with one of these human snakes, get “bit” or attacked in some way, don’t continually hold a grudge forever. Forgive them and move on. Don’t give them free rent in your mind! Block them from your life and don’t even think about them again, unless they cross your path or the path of someone under your protection. Do not seek them out or allow them back into your life again so they can have another opportunity to attempt to maliciously attack you. There is an old saying which teaches this concept, “Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.” This is simply naïve and unwise! If someone takes a shot at you, they meant to do damage to you in one way or another. That is a deal breaker! Have nothing more to do with that person. Just like with the rattlesnake, you must learn your lesson. A rattlesnake may shed its skin, but it will always be a rattlesnake. The venom inside is still there. It remains a dangerous predator. The brighter, prettier, new skin is cosmetic only; it does not change the true nature of the snake. If the snake didn’t kill you the first time it bit you, it would be idiotic to allow it an opportunity for a second bite. Be finished with it once and for all. The human snake may give the illusion of shedding his skin, but unless that “snake” has completely changed deep in his spirit, heart, and mind, there has been no true change. He is the same toxic, venomous snake that he was before. He simply changed his tactics and his colors, much like the chameleon. Can such people change for real and become a better person? Of course! The world is full of people who have radically turned their lives around, but it is usually not the norm. A rattlesnake doesn’t always strike and inject its venom, but it is foolish to take the chance that you might get lucky and not get bit again. Just because the snake seems peaceful and does not strike at you this time, that is no indication that the snake has changed his true nature. This same principle applies to the human snakes. The bottom line is that once you have been attacked by a snake, whether it is a human snake or a venomous snake, you have learned something about that creature. It is foolish to continue to have anything to do with that “snake” and give him another chance to attack you. Likewise, if that snake attacked you in your backyard, you get rid of it. You certainly don’t invite it back when you see it again because it now seems friendly! When someone maliciously attacks you, whether it is verbally, physically, or in some other way, remove him from your life, period. Don’t invite him back simply because he claims that he has changed and is no longer that same person. Forgive, but never forget! File this information away, as you never know when it may come in handy again. This is not the same thing as dwelling on the “snake” with thoughts of anger, hatred, or malice. Just file what you know in your mental filing cabinet, just as you would keep an important document filed away in your file cabinet in your office. You don’t go and pull out that file and read it several times a week or every day; simply keep it safely stored away in case you ever need it again. Forgive and move on, but never forget the true nature of that “snake.” No matter how many times a snake sheds its skin, it will always be a snake. Remember that when you think about allowing someone back into your life! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestsellers, MODERN BUSHIDO and MEN of the CODE, both available on Amazon and on TheWisdomWarrior. com.
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bohdisanders · 4 years
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Beware of people who brag about themselves. A lion never has to tell you he is a lion. I see so many so-called “martial artists” who go out of their way to try to show others how tough they are. They take every opportunity to take photos of themselves looking tough, talking tough, and usually, with a scowl on their face, in same vain attempt to make themselves look like a bad-ass. To real warriors, they simply look like little boys trying to impress their buddies on the playground. You can also see this with wannabe military guys. I know one guy, who, when questioned about his claims of being a sniper and a sniper instructor, went so far as to make two videos of himself, whining and showing fake documents, so far from the camera that no one could see what they were of course, in a failed attempt to “prove” that he was indeed a sniper and a sniper instructor. Of course, he was never either of those, in fact, he was a dishonorably discharged loser; but that doesn’t stop him from using his false claims, stolen valor, to try to sell his books and videos. This guy works nonstop to try to convince people that he is a real martial arts master, a sniper, a sniper instructor, etc., not realizing that the vast majority of people only see him as a joke, a martial arts fraud, and guilty of stolen valor. The truth is, real snipers, Special Forces guys, martial arts bad-asses, and true warriors don’t go around bragging about what they have done, and they certainly don’t make videos begging other people to believe that they are truly a sniper or a Special Forces guy, etc. In fact, those who have been there and done that, will rarely speak of the things they have done, even with their close friends. As a rule, if some hack is bragging about all of his feats in the military or martial arts and going to great lengths to try to get you to believe him, that should be a red flag to you. You can be fairly certain that he is nothing more than a liar and a wannabe, period. Beware of people who brag about themselves. A lion never has to tell you he is a lion. Those, who are truly warriors, don’t really care if you believe they are a warrior or not. In fact, they really couldn’t give a rat’s ass what you believe about them, period. Your beliefs don’t affect their abilities and certainly don’t have anything to do with who they are, what they have done, or what they are capable of doing. The tiger doesn’t lose sleep over the opinions of the sheep. You won’t find those who are experienced fighters and real warriors, sitting around bragging about what they can do. First of all, they know that it is stupid to give people advanced knowledge of their skills, in case they actually do have to use them. The element of surprise is a valuable weapon in your arsenal. Why would you freely throw it away? They only share those experiences on rare occasions, and with very trusted friends, not every dipshit who is willing to listen to them in a bar. When I see some blowhard in a bar, bragging about how tough he is, how he was a sniper, a Special Forces hero, how he beat up 20 cops at one time, etc., I know he is about as dangerous as a ladybug. It is the quiet guy, usually sitting alone and away from the “action,” that is the guy who is most likely to be the dangerous one. I can usually tell these guys just from the look in their eyes. They have the warrior energy, and those who are familiar with what that means, can see it and sense it from across the room. They don’t have to tell you that they are a warrior. They don’t have to brag about being a warrior. They don’t have to tell you that they are dangerous. But those who know, those who truly walk the path of the warrior, know it, without a word being exchanged. Fools, like those who are in there bragging, usually find out the hard way. Lions don’t have to tell you that they are lions; and warriors don’t brag about being warriors. In the jungle, the tiger walks quietly; it is the monkeys who make all the noise. In public, warriors quietly mind their own business, and it is the monkey’s asses which make all the noise. Think about this.  Bohdi Sanders - author of The Warrior Ethos, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LY1SIX4. Also, check out my #1 Bestsellers, MODERN BUSHIDO and MEN of the CODE on The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com.
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bohdisanders · 4 years
Now on Instagram!
I am now on Instagram! Please follow me there. https://www.instagram.com/bohdisanders/
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bohdisanders · 4 years
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A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.
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bohdisanders · 4 years
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Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie. Miyamoto Musashi I hear many people today speaking of “my truth,” as if there is more than one version of the truth. Let’s get one thing perfectly straight right now, something is either true or it’s not. There are no versions of the truth; there is only people’s perceptions of the truth. There is no such thing as “your truth” or “my truth.” There is only the truth and everyone’s personal perception of the truth. As Musashi wrote, truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is. If you don’t like the truth, so you spin it or change it to suit your needs or desires, then you are living in denial, or as Musashi stated, you are living a lie. So many people today do not have the courage to face the truth. They had rather live with a comfortable lie than to face the painful truth. As they say, ignorance is bliss. But there is a difference between being ignorant and purposely living a lie because you do not have the courage or the character to face the truth. Perceptions differ, but the truth remains constant. Have the courage to face the truth instead of living a lie, even if everyone else is living in a world of lies. Warriors do not follow the path of least resistance, but rather the path of truth. Warrior up and see things as they are, not as you wish they were! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884201 or from The Wisdom Warrior website at: https://thewisdomwarrior.com.
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