#BohRap cast
Promised- Finale (Grigor Dymov x fem! Reader, Arranged Marriage AU series)
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Series Summary: When Emperor Peter's behavior towards your family threatens the alliance between them and Russia, the only way to solve it from breaking is through an arranged marriage with his friend, the handsome but heartbroken Count Grigor Dymov. A man you barely know.
Previous Chapters: One//Two//Three//Four//Five//Six//Seven//Eight//Nine//Ten//Eleven
Chapter Summary: You and Grigor enjoy a long-denied honeymoon
Content Warnings: Some discussions of sex and cursing and mentions of pregnancy and babies- don't worry, Y/N isn't pregnant. But VERY fluffy!
Word Count: 1584
A/N: Thank you guys so much for supporting this series throughout! Now I thought was the best time to conclude it! When season 3 of The Great comes out and should I get inspired, there might be a season 2 of this fic like what @ladystrallan did with I Really Wish I Hated You (which, btw, highly recommend if you love The Great Fanfics). Who knows?! But I hope all of you loved reading it as much as I loved writing this series!
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Comments Reblogs and asks and dms about my works are deeply appreciated! So consider leaving one of them if you liked it!
General Taglist: @stardust-killer-queen​ @queenlover05​ @seraphicmercury
Promised Taglist: Taglist: @itsametaphorgwil​ @bluesfortheredj​ @grigorlee​ @retropetalss @queenlover05 @joeslee   @grigorlee @itsametaphorgwil @always-a-fairycat @foxinaforestofstars @simonedk @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @queenlover05 @xviiarez @kiainspace @gwilymleeisbae @writeroutoftime @staradorned @iwritefanficnotprophecies @panagiasikelia @marshmxllowfluf @jamesbuckybarns​ @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @rhapsodyrecs​ @ladystrallan​​ ​
You and Grigor were planning on returning to court. You both just wanted something denied to you when you were rushed to be married and when there was a coup- a honeymoon. Three whole months of a honeymoon.
The days were never more lovely- lovemaking at night, awakening when one felt like it, the most sumptuous meals, playing cards by the fireside, reading to each other, and you showing off the various songs you knew how to play. You were starting to teach Grigor chords and his clumsy practicing of scales with mutters of “fuck!” at a mistake could be heard. You still kept shooting practice, but you were relaxed, not caring if you missed the odd target.
It was quite warm for Russia the past two weeks. Flowers were deep in their bloom in the gardens, and it was green everywhere. The vineyards seemed to be a far brighter green than you expected. Perhaps springtime was arriving sooner than you expected or maybe it was a warm spot for a few days. You had to wear your lighter silks as opposed to the warm furs to keep one safe from your new home country’s notorious chill.
As you and your husband toured the grounds together that afternoon, there were fruits of light green and dark purple. You would both look at each other, pluck the small fruits, and try bites of them yourself, feeling the juicy sweetness burst on your tongues, as if only briefly. Grigor would wipe the juice off of his sleeve and give you a kiss and you would taste the grape in his breath as if combined with yours you made your own special wine. Grigor was in his favorite deep green. You had insisted he keep a few buttons down so you could see some of his chest hair. You insisted it was absolutely sexy of him when he wore shirts (especially white ones) with a few buttons undone and he took note. Yes, it was the wrong color today, but you didn’t care. Perhaps that could wait for later tonight when you would hop on him like a rabbit until you screamed each other’s names, not caring about disturbing the servants sleeping below. You were in a bright red dress with golden floral patterns all over it and you perfumed yourself with rose water.
You matched and complimented in your dress as had your souls on the inside- each perfect and making only the other look better when beside it.
You emerged from the kiss and wiped your hand on your skirt.
“Could you hold my hand, my dear?” you asked, presenting your hand out.
He raised his eyebrows.
“Oh abso-fucking-lutely,” he replied, eagerly taking yours.
It was warm and encompassing, the fingers intertwined within each other to feel the pulse of each other. As you both walked back home, the day was fading. The sky turned into a mix of orange and pink and the crispness of evening etched around you. Once you approached back to the manor, the housekeeper greeted you both and assured you that dinner would be ready in one or two hours. Olga, the little servant girl, handed you back your beloved dog and both of you cooed over her.
“Oh and Madame Dymova! Here! Messenger said it’s from Paris! And it’s for you and the master!” she added on, handing over a letter with a familiar wax seal.
Before you could comment on it, Sonya let out a bright bark for want of attention.
“Here Sonya- found this! Here- Good girl!” Grigor offered.
From his pocket, he pulled out a truffle and fed it to the eager and always hungry pup.
“Would you like some wine? There’s a new one they just made here and it’s fucking astounding,” he offered.
“Oh, yes! And ask the kitchen for a plate of bread and cheese and fruit, perhaps?” you asked.
“I don’t see why not!” he replied, giving you a peck on your forehead before going down to the kitchen.
You made your way to the back porch area outside on your white seats and white chairs. You found it had not grown so chilly that you would require heaps of blankets as you have in the past. Sonya lay happily on your lap panting away. Though grown, she still saw herself as a puppy who had to have every last of her needs attended to, or else her mistress would hear her barking and mischief. But you loved her more for it.
You pulled from your reticule an unopened letter from the dress of your pocket. It couldn’t be your family- you heard just yesterday that you were an aunt to a beautiful little niece. Both you and Grigor were already making plans to travel and visit your family and for you to be introduced and be acquainted with his own. So, who could it be? Was it Catherine about her baby or the new education laws? Orlo recommending a new philosophy book to you? Who? You saw the name on it and gasped.
“It’s George! George wrote to us!” you told Sonya, who only tilted her head.
You then ripped it open and smiled, your heart touched by the contents. From the corner, you saw Grigor come out to approach the table. He smiled, holding two glasses of wine, and giving one to you.
“Why thank you, darling!” you chirruped at him.
“No problem at all,” he answered.
A servant immediately arrived behind and held a platter of cheeses, slices of bread, and apples. His blue eyes went to the letter.
“What is that? Who is it?” he asked.
You smiled, handing him the papers.
“Why, it’s George!? Can’t you believe it? She’s in Paris of all places! Oh, that must be wonderful! And here…she said she met someone who she truly loves and who loves her! Oh, I’m so happy for her! We must write back and ask her more about this!” you squealed.
“Why- how good for her! I’m glad!” Grigor wished genuinely with a shrug and a relaxed smile.
Both of you held up your glasses of wine.
“Should we toast to her?” you asked.
Grigor shook his head.
“I have a better one. To what brought us together in the first place. Here, Y/N-to the alliance!”
“To the alliance!” you agreed, daintily clinking your glasses.
Both of you took a first sip.
“It won’t be too long before we return- so much will be different…” Grigor began.
“I’m just glad Marial is in prison…I’ve slept better at night since then…” you sighed.
He did frown briefly. He took a deep drink and set down his glass.
“Well…part of me is eager. Been worried sick over Peter.”
“But you always are, you silly shit!” you teased, setting your own glass down.
He smiled at the words. You thought there was never a more beautiful smile than that of Grigor Dymov when he was well and truly happy. Your heart would always burst with love for him at the sight.
His letters seem fine and happy though…he’s thrilled about the baby. Got a name picked out and everything!”
“What if we have a baby- will we be even ready for that?” you suggested.
So far, your courses were like clockwork and Grigor would spoil you with bedrest and vodka and embraces when the cramps tormented you. But that doesn’t mean the time would never come. In fact, with all the fucking you had been doing it was a pure miracle it hadn’t happened yet!
“I don’t know if we’ll ever be, Y/N…but what about life after the coup? Things will be so…so different. Peter’s not in charge as much. There’s a royal baby on the way. George is in France. Catherine’s changing all the laws to what she wants. Everything is upside down…” he muttered.
“But we can take it…” you assured him.
He clutched his hand onto yours in response and you used your other hand to rest it on his cheek. He relaxed into it, using a hand to touch yours.
“We can take anything as long as we’re together, darling,” he replied.
“Of course, we can, my dear husband…” you cooed.
"Oh, say that again!” he insisted.
You crawled on his lap, kissing his face- his freckles, his forehead, his cheekbones, his chin.
“Dear husband, dear husband, my Grigor, my darling…” you mumbled between the kisses.
“Fuck, you make me hard. Keep it up and I might have to have you on this table before dinner!” he confessed.
“Wait until after dinner!” you insisted with a joking slap on his arm.
“If Countess Dymova requests it, who am I to deny her that!” he gave in.
You giggled and paused. Both of you breathe deeply the warmth of each other and the closeness.
He kissed you with soft lips again, but there was a chasteness- a tenderness to how he cupped your cheek when it happened. You cuddled into his chest as the sun set and he placed an arm around you to draw circles on your back as the dog lay contentedly smiling on the floor with her pink tongue out.
You were happy. After such chaos you had been through- you were completely happy. Dinner was about to be served. You had a home in court and out. You had a precious pup. You had friends. And most of all, you had found a happy, faithful marriage. And a husband who you loved and who loved you.
And this time the wine did in fact not taste like shit.
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s their 9 month old baby daughter’s first Christmas and reader melts at the sight of Joe holding their daughter and showing her all of the presents she’s got and their daughter says dada and Joe and reader light up at how much of a daddy’s girl she is and reader thinks about how when she signed up to play an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody that she never thought she would end up falling in love on set?
of course!
pairings: Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader summary: ^^^ warnings: None note: y/d/n stands for your daughters name
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"oh and look at this!" you heard your husband say downstairs.
you walked downstairs and caught Joe holding your little daughter while showing her the christmas gifts she had gotten
she giggled and took it off him, throwing it on the floor
"no, no. don't throw it, play with it" Joe picked up the care bear and put in front of your daughter and waving it around
"well good morning" you yawned.
Joe looked up and you and smiled like an idiot, your daughter looked over and laughed
"good morning, darling" Joe greeted
"Merry christmas" you walked up the them, sitting on the couch, leaning down to kiss Joe who was situated on the floor, next to the lit up tree.
"how long have you been up?" you asked him and they looked like they have been there a while
"i took her down here about thirty minutes ago, I wanted her to see her presents" he shrugged
"and you couldn't wait for me?"
"not really no, you looked to cute to wake up" you looked back down and your daughter and made a silly face at Y/D/N before looking back up at you
"you should've just woken me up" you stated, looking down at your little baby, you've always noticed how much she looks like Joe. a spitting image of him, but she looked too much like him right now and it made your heart swell.
"I'm sorry, I was just too excited" he confessed, holding your daughter against his chest
you let out a breathy chuckle and closed your eyes.
"dada" Y/D/N whined, pointing at more presents under the tree
Joe pulled her away from his chest and looked at her, his mouth was agape and he looked like he was about to cry
"darling, did you hear that?" Joe asked you
you shuffled closer to them and smiled at him even though he was focused on your baby
"I did joe, I heard it clear as day"
you rubbed joe's arms from behind and rested your chin on shoulder, looking down at your little daughter, smiling at her gratefully
"I told you she was a dada's girl" he whispered to you, finally looking away from her.
"I never doubted it"
"I love you" he said kissing you softly
"I love you too" you smiled at him sweetly
"what did you want, sweetie?" Joe asked your daughter
you thought back to when you were an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody and how you two met and what would've happened if you didn't.
you were sitting down on your phone, waiting with other extras to be called on to go on in the scene, you were focused
"hey, you" you looked up and noticed the director standing front of me
"yes?" you smiled politely.
"I need you to go get joe, he's on in 5" he said.
"alright" you stood up and went out to the trailers, looking at the doors for him name written on it.
Rami, Ben, Joe.
you go up to the door and knock three times and waiting for a response
"come in" he replied through the door
he probably thought it was ben.
I opened the door slowly and peeked in, seeing him in his little couch on his phone
"the director wants you to know that you're on in 5" you stated as you entered his view
he didn't respond to you though, you though he was being rude and just ignoring you but the look on his face made you feel otherwise.
his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were relaxed, he looked sort of dazed and off in the clouds, it didn't make you uncomfortable per se, you just felt weak under his gaze.
"excuse me?" you forced yourself to say to snap him out of his daydream
"oh, right ok. just wait there" he said as he saw you were about to leave.
he put his phone away and got up. walking towards you
"who are you, exactly?" he questioned as you waked down the steps with him behind you
"I'm an extra" you responded
"no I meant your name" he chuckled
"oh um, Y/n"
"I'm joe" he smiled warmly
"I know" you took a deep breath
"do you now?" he responded in amusement
"well yeah, I feel like I have to" you smiled sheepishly
"you have a really pretty smile" he told you, looking down at your lips to your eyes.
"oh" you let out an embarrassed laugh as you looked down, tucking a piece of your curled hair behind your ear
"I'm sorry, just the way you're sweet, cute and beautiful at the same time is beyond me"
"oh my god" you muttered to yourself, you felt your cheeks turn warm and your stomach did flips.
"ok so wait other than taking my breath away what do you do for a living?" he smirked playfully. you turned you head away and covered your face with your hands.
"never heard that one before" you laughed, still looking anywhere but at him
"get used to it" he said
"this is the best christmas" Joe sighed happily
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deanscroissant · 2 years
has this fandom died out?? i miss writing about joe and pat murray and gardner like-
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bohrapbois · 2 years
Joe, you’ve just been hacked, now is not the time to be so ADORABLE and also somehow HOT
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sillygoose3964 · 2 years
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This is a Queen account now and maybe I’ll post stuff
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gwilymleeschesthair · 7 months
joe. don’t play with my heart like this.
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ava0brx · 1 year
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I read the words emotionally draining and traumatic and I just feel so sad because more than the film itself I think it was about Freddie, and Rami did a really great job and the set designers honestly did a great job the people involved in putting together the whole thing were great if only the script could have been too. Anyways I imagine it would have been pretty jarring to (kind of) step into the past, for a while think you're talking to your dead best friend and then at the same time realise none of that is reality. It would have emotionally wrecked me, personally.
They honestly deserved better choices that were not bohrap script or whatever dumpster fire tabloid-esque stuff SBC wanted.
Yeah, I think describing making the film as “traumatic” was probably referring to something like Brian momentarily forgetting Freddie was dead and talking to Rami like he was him. Just typing that out feels like fan fiction, but it’s not, and that’s tragic. Just seeing a version—even a dumbed down version—of their lives with Freddie portrayed must have triggered so many memories and emotions. I don’t think there was a way for Brian and Roger to have viewed the film objectively It’s been almost 5 years but I’m always going to hate the absolutely wasted potential of that film. It shows how important the script is, because no cast or production value could have saved it. I’ve said many times over the years that the band and Freddie, specifically, deserved to have a script that actually put some god damn effort in instead of giving us the most generic big rock band script ever with a nauseating load of Freddie x Mary fan fiction. It still sucks.
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Gifs I don’t want to lose :)
Top Gun + Top Gun: Maverick
The Dog fight Scene
More of the scene
More dog fight scene
Hangman & Coyote
Hangman and his darts
Bob in the sky
Hangman during the dog fight
The one time you see the other pilots
An adorable duo
Fritz during the dog fight
Bob’s move
“Hangman in costume”
“College Jake”
Yale in the sky
TGM cast
Bob and Mickey in college collage
Top gun as troubled birds?
TG and TGM teachers
Bob and Fanboy as besties
Bob, Fanboy, and Coyote
Dagger Squad
Rooster @ Hangman
Hangman @ Rooster
Bob’s hair
Kermit and Lewis
Things associated with BB
The Squad
Quarter of the dagger squad playing jenga
Mav and Rooster
Mav runs to Rooster
Rooster learns Mav is insane
Bradshaw boys // B Boys 
Goose Goose
Anthony as Goose
Iceman, Maverick, Goose, and Slider
Iceman being Iceman
Wolfman and Hangman
“Nerd” boys being proud of Nat
Cleaned up Dagger Squad 
Sassy Bradley
Should have been a real pic in the movie
Wolfman and Hollywood
Slider and Iceman
Top Daggers
Fanboy and Payback
Wolfman and Hollywood
Dramatic Hannix
Sad Hannix
The cast 
Everybody Wants Some!!
Finnegan with his cowboy hat // Cowboy hat
Finnegan dancing // more dancing
Finnegan // Pt. 2
Finnegan and the bull
Finnegan and Coma dancing
Richard Speight Jr fangirling
Jensen *tsk tsk*
Gag reel
The cast and their hair
Dean stealing candy
Dean cleaning himself 
Funny post
Dick Hunter
More Dean
Alternate Dean’s
Swat Supernatural 
Sam and Dean
Jonathon and Glen 
Glen in devotion
Glen in his uniform
Glen in his whites
Lucy and Peter
Tiktok song
Susan w/ Eliza H lyrics
Pevensie Ages
Small timeline
Viva la Viva w/ Peter
Sad times w/ Peter
Moodboard series
Hamilton lyrics x Narnia peeps
William Mosley gifs // Pt. 2
Narnia book remodel
Peter edit
Merlin and poetry
Merlin curses
Arthur’s love language for Merlin
More Merlin
More Gwaine
Merlin edit
Arthur accpeting magic (what we deserved to see)
Non Merlin watcher comments
Rupert Young being cocky
Break my heart // Pt.2 
Arthur learned the truth 
Arthur messing with Merlin
Arthur defying his Father
The End
Arthur undressing
BBC Merlin
BBC Merlin
Character develpment - Anthony
The family dancing
The family
Mentions of the sting
Stranger Things
Equipped Nancy
Nancy and Eddie
Platonic Soulmates
This is music
Ted Lasso
More Jamie
Some more Jamie
Sleepy Jamie
More Jamie
Lot more Jamie
(Don’t judge me) Jamie
Character development
Jamie (cold upstairs, hot downstairs)
The strings
Character arc
Dance Dance
Pass the ball
Dance dance again
Fist bump
Beard and Roy
The Richman Way
Lasso dance
The end
Uncle Roy
Jamie knows Roy
After the poster
More progress
Jamie being mature
Last practice
Jamie and Sam
Ted and Rebecca
Jamie and Sam 
You missed a good one
Wizard of Oz
Father and Son
Will and convos
Sassy trio
The Fashion Police
Team fines
Jamie and Dani
Sweaty Jamie 
Triple Frontier
The boys
Makes me cackle
How I imagined the end in One Shot
The main four
More Will
More Benny
“After” the movie Benny
Menacing walk Benny (future unwritten scene?) 
AU Will 
Marvel/ DC
Zemo dancing
More Bucky
Not Bucky but fits the vibe
Willard dancing
Willard and Ren Dancing
Marko, Paul, Dwayne, and David
Lindsay embarrassing Flack
Shane and Ryan through the years
Shane and Ryan
Salem Saberhagen Icons Pt. 1 // Pt. 2
Salem Saberhagen
Chris Knight deleted scene
Chris Knight
Black Phone
Leatherface (2017)
Numb3rs “date night”
Eric saves Jack
The boys and Lassie
Benny icons for My babysitters a vampire
Bowers gang
(Book) Stan Uris
Stan and Ritchie
Harry potter
Fred and George being adorable
Now you see me
Queen commentary
Tom Hiddleston is a real life prince
James Diamond
Kira Yukimura
Fic edits
BTR vibes
Glen Powell
P & P Trivia
Know your Leatherface
Drew in the puppy interview
Rafe obx 3
“College Student”
Art History meme
American Psycho
Shower AP Scene
AP Lines
Phil Dunster
Dungeons and Dragons 
Aemond Targaryen 
Ken talk
Behind the scenes - HOTD - AT
DPS things
Wolf transformation
The toast
Aemond T
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i cant wait to have my 335th breakdown over the bohrap cast happy birthday to me
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hijackmy-heart · 4 years
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and they are sitting by the Christmas tree and Joe surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and Joe takes it from reader and goes into a speech about how much he loves her and that when he first laid eyes on reader in college, it was love at first sight and he gets down on one knee and asks reader to marry him?
Awww, that's cute!
Again, I don't do requests for longshots but I can do a blurb!
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"Oh, look! Snow!" you cried, running to the window. You felt the chill already from the window.
White flurries by now were falling down so heavily, that it blanketed everywhere. It was so beautiful- and with the fireplace on and the Christmas tree twinkling with lights and decorations, it was quite a perfect Christmas Eve. In the back, the Nutcracker pas de deux between the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier Prince was playing.
"I think having you be me would make it better..." Joe suggested.
You turned around and saw him with a cheeky smile. You then went over and sat down next to him, letting him cuddle you.
"How are you? Was your Christmas Eve busy? I had to do some last-minute shopping..." you said.
"I'm...I'm good...great..." Joe answered.
You looked at him and saw that his ears were bright pink. Normally, he was talkative and confident, but he seemed a little quiet today.
"What's up? Something happened with your mom?" you asked.
"No! She's okay!"
"An audition went badly!?"
"No, not at all! I...it's just I...uh, have a gift for you and it can't wait for tomorrow," he announced.
"Oh! Okay- which one is it?" you questioned, looking after the presents you just finished wrapping up.
He cleared his throat and you returned your head. He had a box that was square and small, wrapped in red and white striped paper.
"Alright, great!" you said cheerfully.
Once you undid the paper and broke open the cardboard box you saw inside was...a small velvet box.
The breath was knocked out of you and your heart picked up.
"Joe, uhm, is...is..."
His eyes, shiny and sincere, looked up at you.
"Y/N, I...I've known you for a while and we have dated for a while and I..I think I have loved you from the moment I met you. I can be myself around you. It was a small love, but a part of me wondered, just wondered...wondered if I met the person who should be my person. I just had to be sure...so I spent time with you. And that little love it grew and grew. I see stars in your eyes, Y/N, and a smile that gives me life. Crap, I'm getting so sappy! I..."
He rubbed the back of his head.
"I don't even talk like this!"
"It's okay, Joe!" you said with a slight laugh. But your eyes were starting to well up.
"But I love you, Y/N and I want you to be happy. I would love it if I could make you happy for the rest of your life, so Y/N..."
Your head spun as he got on one knee. The music surged to it's most romantic.
"Will you marry m-"
It was cut off as you leaned down and planted a large kiss on his lips in answer.
There was a sudden buzz from his phone. It was from Ben.
"Have you proposed to her yet, Mate? Update me!"
Both of you smiled at it. You opened the box and propped the shiny diamond ring on your finger.
"Let's take a picture as an answer!" you suggested.
Taglist: @borhapgirlforlife19 @queenlover05
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where Joe comes home from college for the holidays and brings his girlfriend to meet his family for the first time and reader is super nervous but Joe reassures reader his family will love her and reader has the best time with Joe and his family and they have a great Christmas together?
Pairings: Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader summary: ^^^ Warnings: nothing
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your family had gone to London for Christmas, leaving you alone for the Holidays.
but your boyfriend, Joe, who just came back from college begged for you to stay with his family.
which brought you here, in your room, going through every piece of clothing you own.
"there's nothing!" you panicked, seeing whole mountain on the floor.
"nothing in your closet anymore? yeah" he laughed
"I'm have having a panic attack on what to wear, can you not laugh at me!" you rushed
"I said almost every outfit was fine" he shrugged, coming closer to you
"I don't want fine, Joe, I want, good, great, perfect" you sighed
"you're thinking too much of this, they're not going to care what you wear" he stated simply
"yes they will, I can't wear a dress, they'll think I'm trying too hard, but if i wear something baggy, I'm not trying at all" you fell back on your bed, rubbing your face
"so go with jeans" he sat next to you
you took a deep breath, closing your eyes as Joe laid next to you, warping an armaround you
"I just really want this to go well" you spoke quietly
"and it will, don't think too much of it. they're gonna love you!" he replied encouragingly
"how can you be so sure?" you questioned
"because I love you, and that's all that matters to them" he kissed your cheek
you hadn't seen much of him lately due to him studying and focusing of school but you talked pretty regularly. so the Holiday would be the most you would see him in a while.
"are you ready?" he asked, holding on to your hand supportingly
"not really, no" you sighed, squeezing his hand and flowers you bought for his mother
"it's going to be fine, they're all going to love you" he reasures you
"I hope so" you muttered
"I love you, ok?" he turned you around to meet his eyes
"I love you too" you smiled nervously
he leaned down and placed a light kiss on your lips in hopes to calm you down
he knocked on the door and waited for it to open.
the few days flew by as you had fun with his family, they adored you, asking questions to know you better and make sure you were right for their son and brother, and you were.
His family thought Joe couldn't have found anyone any better than you.
they took care of you and make sure you were always comfortable and full after eating.
and by Christmas night, you were all huddled up in the living room watching a movie.
Joe resting on the corner of the couch with you in his arms as his niece and nephew laughed at the Grinch.
"I like this, this was nice" you whispered to Joe
"I'm glad you thought so, darling. I told you they would love you" he responded quietly
"you're gonna have to get used to it" he winked, seeing him mother looking at the both of you with a smile on her face
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I know I am late to the party
But I couldn't just not commemorate this for posterity.
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And the comment section couldn't possibly get better than this:
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bohrapbois · 2 years
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Unexpected’ to be released February 1st!
From Randy Wayne’s Instagram story
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Just realized that Joe and Ben both share this pose, but reversed.
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