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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
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Pairing: Miles Morales-42 x Reader
CW: None, just fluff
WC: 1.4k
A/N: This was part of an ongoing series I had on Ao3 when Spider-Man ATSV was popular, I lost motivation to keep it going (I forgot what the plot was gonna be) so I hope yall enjoy the few episodes I had
Everyone hates waking up in the mornings to a loud beeping sound coming from whatever device you use as an alarm, some people are lucky and their bodies are programmed to wake up exactly at the same time every single day, but sadly I am not one of those people. A loud groan escaped my lips as the obnoxious sound of the alarm woke me, making all my peaceful dreams flee my mind. Reluctantly, I sit up, rubbing my eyes to get rid of any sleep threatening to cling onto me before climbing down from the bunk bed. My gaze shifted over to the top bunk where my roommate remained dead asleep, as per usual. Sometimes I wonder if she has superpowers, not once have I seen her actually go to a class, but yet she has killer grades! How does she do it? The world may never know.
Emerging from the quiet sanctuary of my dorm room into the chaos of the hallway, the cacophony of conversations, laughs, and occasional screams of surprise or delight were quick to pierce the once serene atmosphere of the dorm. I paused for a moment, readjusting myself to the new environment, taking it all in while walking down the corridor towards my locker. I popped open the door and pulled out my belongings, putting others that I wouldn’t need into the empty space. With a quick swing, my backpack landed swiftly over my shoulder, proceeding to slam the door shut, and continued my route to my first period.
Staring ahead, my mind was back to being consumed by my thoughts as I lazily walked to my first class. Typical trivial things such as what I’d have to eat, or what to do with your free time when you don’t have any friends, you know.. normal teen stuff. Yet, those thoughts quickly subsided as I was abruptly knocked off my balance. Stumbling forward, my arms flailed around wildly trying to hold on to something for support, quickly regaining my footing and looking back towards the person who I seemed to have tripped over.
At first glance it was hard to recognize the culprit, but as my gaze focused on his I realized it was no other than Miles.
To say we were friends was an overstatement, we shared a couple of classes together, and sure we talked sometimes, but apart from that? He didn’t seem to care less about me as a person. Before I could respond, or even say something, he walked away, not interested on keeping the conversation going.
I was about to head off, but just out of the corner of my eye I could see something on the floor. Curious, i bent down and picked it up. It was a black sketchbook, a few colorful lines and stickers on the cover, i glanced around to see if it belonged to any of the students nearby, but no one even batted an eye. Standing up again, my mind drifted off to my earlier encounter, it must have been his. I turned to see if by chance Miles was still somewhere on the hallway, but he was far gone.
My eyes drifted off to the clock, a minute remained until the start of class, cutting my time short. Quickly stuffing the sketchbook into my bag, I made a dash for the classroom.
Thankfully, I made it just in time, everyone was already in their seats but the teacher still wasn’t here. A relieved sigh escaped my lips as I made my way to my seat. It didn’t take long for the teacher to arrive and start the lesson, yet It felt almost impossible to pay attention to the words spewing from his mouth. I wondered what his art looked like, the pages seemed to crumble a little making the sketchbook thicker, was he a good artist? The temptation to look at its contents was eating its way out, but I persisted. It wouldn’t be right to violate his privacy, no matter how much I wanted to take a peek.
“Díaz, are you paying attention?”
Mr. Anderson brought me out of my thoughts once again. My gaze met his, then proceeded to take a look around the room… everyone was watching.
Immediately, the possibility of being swallowed whole by the earth seemed enticing. Shrinking into my spot as my cheeks took a reddish tint.
“..Anywho, as I was saying”
As he turned back to the chalk board, everyone soon went back to writing things down, and I followed, forgetting the topic of the notebook and Miles… or at least trying to.
Time seemed to fly by after the incident, my mind being far too focused on the piles of homework that were assigned with little to no class time left. Soon enough, it was fourth hour, the one class I looked forward to, and coincidentally enough, the class I had with miles.
When I entered the room I was quick to notice only a handful of students were actually there. Yet, after a quick scanning I came to the conclusion that he wasn’t any of them.. hopefully he didn’t decide to skip class today.
I slipped my earbuds in, desperate to muffle the rising classroom din as more students filed in. My hope of his arrival was fading with each passing minute, the possibility of him showing up growing slimmer by the second. Then, almost miraculously, with barely a minute left in class, he materialized out of thin air. His hazel eyes briefly met mine before he turned away, rejoining the conversation he'd been having with those surrounding him.
Reaching down to my bag, I pulled out the sketchbook, carefully placing it on the desk. Hesitating slightly, my hand outstretched and tapped his shoulder… nothing. An eyebrow quirked in confusion as I tried again once more, yet he didn’t even flinch.
Was he ignoring me? Or did he genuinely not feel someone poking his shoulder? Regardless of what it was, I was just about ready to give up all hope and simply slide it over, all up until I saw one of his friends quirk his head towards me.
Miles turned to face me, his face holding a confused expression, maybe even annoyed, yet, it quickly faded as his eyes landed on the square object.
“This is yours, right?”
He didn’t hesitate, not wasting a single second before snatching the sketchbook from my hands. His once hardened expression now softened, a relief seemingly washing over him for that split second, then he remembered I spoke.
“Yeah, thanks”
As he spoke, he gave me a warm smile, his appreciation palpable in the subtle curve of his lips. The gesture was delicate, almost imperceptible, yet something profound shifted in his typically harsh expression. His perpetually cold gaze momentarily thawed, softening with an unexpected vulnerability, a side he never really showed… it was nice.
He turned around just as our teacher entered the classroom, exchanging quick pleasantries before launching into the day's lesson. Assignments accumulated steadily, and soon the teacher divided us into partners for a worksheet that felt more like a perfunctory exercise. I found myself paired with Miles. We settled into a comfortable silence, our proximity neither awkward nor forced. Without a word exchanged, we both bent our heads over the worksheet, an unspoken understanding between us.
Eventually, I finished the worksheet and stretched back in my chair, a subtle sense of accomplishment settling over. Stealing a glance sideways, I caught Miles engrossed in his sketchbook, his pencil moving with practiced ease. Curiosity finally got the better of me, leaning closer to him. His page was filled with intricate portraits—faces emerging from delicate lines and subtle shading. I found myself transfixed, unable to look away as the figures took shape beneath his hand.
“You’re a really good artist”
Resting my cheek on my palm, I continued to look down at the colorful page, yet, he suddenly stopped and looked at me. Mimicking his action, my gaze slowly lifted from the drawing, finding its way to his face. Our eyes met and locked, creating a charged silence that seemed to stop time itself, neither of us uttering a word. Perplexed by his this, I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head slightly.
“Do I have something on my face?”
As my voice filled the air, he seemed to get out of his trance, shaking his head and going back to drawing sharp and precise strokes on the piece of paper. A small chuckle escaped my lips, who knew he was actually awkward.
“No, uh… Thanks”
He finally answered, avoiding my own gaze. I hummed in response, continuing to watch as he drew. It was almost mesmerizing, art was something so beautiful, I was a bit of an artist myself, but if he didn’t want to know then there was no reason to tell him about it.
We remained like that for the rest of class, he continued to doodle away besides me as I watched, every now and then glancing away and talking to someone in case he was getting uncomfortable with my presence, eventually the bell rang, signaling the end of class. While walking out of the classroom I felt a slight tug at my bag, almost sounding like someone slapped it. I turned in order to see who did that, but as I turned miles smoothly escaped from behind me, out of sight and earshot.
I pulled my backpack off my shoulder, there was a small yellow sticky note on top of it with a small doodle of him on it, my lips curled into a smile again, looking at the hallway in which he had made his escape shaking my head.
It was kept safely between two notebooks until the end of the day
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
Animation sequence i made for school, was very fun to do i love mopsickle
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
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Pairing: Vin Jin x Sunnie (oc)
CW: Obsession, possessiveness
WC: 1k
A/N: This one is one of my friends oc, not mine but I really enjoy them so I used to write about them a lot. This post wasn’t proof read or changed so I am very sorry for any mistakes that might come along the way
His girlfriend Sunnie was breathtakingly beautiful; Vin Jin knew that deep in his bones, but it infuriated him that every other guy seemed to know it too. He tried so hard to suppress the raging jealousy that burned in his chest whenever she interacted with her male friends. Logically, he understood she would never betray him; her love was pure and unwavering. But god, his heart hissed venom into his mind about how those guys weren't really just friends. They were snakes, slithering around and sinking their fangs into her with sly comments about her radiant looks, thoughtful gifts playing on her kind heart, and those stupid jokes comparing hand sizes like they were measuring something else entirely. It made his blood boil, and it took every ounce of willpower not to overreact and cause a scene that would end up embarrassing both of them.
However, his feelings only seemed to worsen when it came to total strangers staring at his gorgeous girlfriend. It was no surprise she drew stares in public; her calming presence, warm smile, and almost angelic kindness made her approachable to everyone. But the oblivious sweetheart never seemed to notice when they crossed lines, shamelessly flirting right in front of him. So that's how they ended up sharing coffee with this audacious stranger who had just rudely invited himself over, obviously trying to weasel his way into Sunnie's heart right under Vin Jin's fuming glare, going unnoticed because of his tinted shades.
The thick, tension-filled atmosphere was suffocating to Vin Jin, yet he appeared to go completely unnoticed by Sunnie and her new "friend." He felt like a third wheel, forced to watch this man shamelessly attempt to charm the love of his life away right before his eyes, while sweet Sunnie remained naively blind to the slick advances. It took every strained muscle in Vin Jin's body not to simply toss her over one shoulder and storm away from this jackass. He thought he was keeping his temper impressively contained. At least until he heard those damning words slip past the stranger's mouth like a harsh slap across his face.
"What are you doing after this?" Oh, fuck no. Vin Jin's restraint finally snapped like an overstretched rubber band. He had endured enough disrespect, silently stewing as this scumbag relentlessly hit on his woman right under his nose. This was half the man he was supposed to be; there was no way in hell he would let this keep going for one second longer.
"We will be going back to our place, actually! It's getting late, so I think we should head out now." Vin Jin snarled the reply before Sunnie could respond, abruptly standing up and pulling her up with him. His eyes burned holes through the startled stranger. "Such a pleasure meeting you, Michael, was it? Whatever, it's not like she'll need to remember it anyway."
The jealousy continued to simmer within him. Many would think that his demeanor would get distant with her as well for allowing such nonsense, but that wasn't the case at all. He would never let it twist into resentment towards his girlfriend. It wasn't her fault; how could she help being so breathtakingly beautiful? She certainly couldn't control the vulgar remarks of those who would try to come between them. The entire walk home, his expression remained serious, though his hands tenderly caressed hers. His thumb rubbed the back of her hand in circles, and when her heels began to hurt her feet, he didn't hesitate to sweep her up into his arms, carrying her the rest of the way.
Once inside, he led her straight to the bedroom, dropping his weight onto the soft mattress before gently pulling her down beside him. Without a word, he nuzzled his face against her stomach, arms finding their way around her waist in a tender embrace. She combed her fingers through his hair, nails lightly grazing his scalp, allowing the tension to slowly release from his body.
Minutes ticked by, his breathing deepened and steadied thanks to her familiar warmth and the reassuring rhythm of her heartbeat. She continued the lazy motions, stroking his hair, trailing her fingertips along the column of his neck in featherlight patterns. A contented sigh tumbled from her lips as she felt him fully relax against her, the furrows of distress smoothing from his features.
"Feeling better?" She asked with her gentle demeanor, pulling his bangs back to get a clearer image of his face. Vin Jin just hummed out a lazy affirmation, though part of him was still embarrassed over his earlier outburst. "Good," she murmured, the acceptance in her tone furthering his sense of ease as she continued playing with his locks.
He tilted his head back to gaze up at her. His glasses slipped down the slope of his nose, fully exposing the mesmerizing polycoria of his eyes to her adoring stare. An awed reverence swelled within him, as it so often did in her presence. How was this possible?? Out of all the people in this world, she has somehow chosen him, with all his flaws, with all his secrets and insecurities, she still chose him.
Memories of their earlier years flooded his consciousness - the constant teasing, their protective bond with each other, the constant playful flirting that always made him lose sleep as he just replayed the memory in his mind over and over. Even after all the turmoil she had endured by his side, she remained his unwavering angel. She protected and defended him fiercer than anyone else, soothing his fears of rejection, healing the fractures his insecurities wrought with infinite grace. She was a gift, and he would tear the moon from the sky itself to ensure her happiness.
Pushing his glasses fully aside, he scooted upwards until they were face-to-face, tugging her form against his own. "I really am the luckiest man alive," he rasped, voice thickened with awe as his palm cradled her cheek. Leaning in, he captured her lips in a tender, reverent kiss before pulling back, a playful glint shining in his gaze. His grip tightened ever so slightly as he pulled her flush against him, peppering her face with kisses as his hands made sure to hold her tight against him to prevent any sort of escape. After a few moments his playful banter dissipated into a calm, almost shy demeanor. Burying his face into the crook of her neck as he murmured, "Seojun?"
"Yeah?" she answered, her fingers idly toying with the strands at his nape.
"I love you,"
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bogwaterparasite · 2 months ago
I went to watch sonic 3 because I had to work yesterday and HOLY SHIT DUDE,
beware of spoilers
Honestly in the beginning I was a little skeptical, the way sonic kept making jokes (although kinda fits his character) every five seconds made them feel rushed and forced, I do gotta admit I laughed at a few, but overtime it got a little annoying. I don’t dislike sonic, but personally in this movie I didn’t really enjoy having him as the main character yk? At the same time, I’m just a hater so take everything I say with a grain of salt
HOWEVEEER, I feel like the other characters (outside of sonic and fhe 2 humans who’s names I can never remember) were pretty funny, sure they were mostly background characters, but they added some interesting stuff to the movie. Knuckles served as the comedic relief, his jokes (not really jokes but yk) actually landing in a smooth way that made me laugh a few times. Stone and Robotnik? LOVED THEM, I’ve always thought their dynamic was silly, and the whole conflict of eggman pushing him to the side because of his grandfather just served as a development of their relationship I really liked. WHAT I DID NOT LIKE WAS THE FACT THAT ROBOTNIK DIED, LIKE WDYMMM??? It makes sense given it was his whole redemption arc, him and shadow sacrificing themselves in order to make up for their wrongdoings, BUT IT MADE ME SOOOO SADD.
Talking about shadow, he’s always been one of my favorite characters so I’m extremely biased towards him. I loved him since the moment he went on screen, I NEEDD him to be alive omg, not even in a romantic way? But I just feel like my life would be better if I had a little emo hedgehog with me at all times.
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
Could you please do 2004 Tord x reader, pls? He's my comfort character x(
(btw, pls make him as an adult if ur comfy with that! The TeenTord headcanon makes me uncomfortable x(
(not forced!)
Hello why of course!! I’m gonna be completely honest, last I watched Eddsworld was back in 2014?? So my interpretation might not be the best 🙏🙏 either way I hope you enjoy!!!
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Pairing : 2004Tord x Reader
CW : none
Wc : 639 (wow so short)
A/N : I actually quite enjoyed this one? Im writing this at night and I didn’t have much of an idea of what else to do/ where to take it, but lowkey I can see it possibly becoming an actual story rather than a one shot. Who knows, maybe if I’m feeling inspired I’ll make it into a series
Sypnosis : You’re a mechanic working late one night when someone bursts into your workshop
The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting long shadows across the cluttered garage. It was well past midnight, one of those rare moments when the world seemed to pause, allowing you a precious slice of personal time. Your own projects—the ones that never made it to the top of the priority list—were finally getting some attention.
Being a mechanic wasn't just a job; it was a calling. Each day brought a wild mixture of characters: stubborn old men who looked at you with skeptical eyes, convinced that youth equated to incompetence; entitled customers who argued over every dollar; self-proclaimed experts who believed YouTube tutorials made them equivalent to professional technicians. You'd seen it all—or so you thought.
The sudden crash of the workshop door made you jump, your wrench clattering against the concrete floor. A lanky figure burst in, light brown hair slightly disheveled, eyes wild with an intensity that immediately set your internal alarms ringing. Your gaze shifted towards the window, the LED sign with the words “Open” was shut off.. there was no way he actually thought the shop was open.
Before you even had the chance to protest, to tell him that right now you weren’t under working hours, blueprints exploded across your workspace like a paper hurricane, accompanied by several heavy metal boxes that looked like they'd been "borrowed" from somewhere decidedly official. Immediately, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, who the hell was this lunatic?
You didn’t have much time to question his theatrics as he soon began to explain his plan. Something about a robot.. approximately 10 meters tall? Looking down at the prints on your desk you weren’t able to tell if this was just some geeky fascination or something that you should genuinely be worried about. Regardless, it was something way out of your budget and league. Despite your interest and knowledge on cars, you weren’t so sure it applied to.. this..
"Look man, I dunno…" you started, your voice wavering between professional skepticism and genuine confusion. "I'm a mechanic, not a manufacturer. A twenty- thirty.. something foot robot? That's way beyond the standard automotive repair."
The stranger—dressed in a vibrant red hoodie that seemed almost too casual for the plans now scattered before you—let out a low chuckle. It was the kind of laugh that suggested he knew exactly how ridiculous this all seemed, and yet, didn't seem to care one bit.
"Not asking for mass production," he said, his accent carrying a hint of something Nordic—Norwegian, maybe? "Just one. Perfect prototype. Think of it as... a special order." His hands remained casually stuffed in his hoodie pockets, but there was nothing casual about the calculation behind his eyes.
The blueprints were meticulously detailed. Intricate mechanical designs intertwined with what looked like weaponry specifications. It was.. almost scary, how someone as simple as he looked was able to acquire such things, ones of such magnitude to say the least. This wasn't just a robot; this was something more. Something potentially dangerous.
"Split the profits," he continued, watching you carefully. "Fifty-fifty. All I need is your technical expertise and this workspace for a few weeks."
Something told you this was more than a simple business proposition. The boxes of materials, the precise blueprints, the way he'd so easily found his way into a private workshop, everything screamed of a deeper, more complex story.
And yet, a part of you was intrigued. Curiosity had always been your weakness, and this stranger had just presented a puzzle too compelling to dismiss.
"Who are you?" you found yourself asking, knowing the answer would likely raise more questions than it would resolve.
The smile that crossed his face was equal parts charming and dangerous—the smile of someone who knew exactly how this conversation would end, even if you didn't.
“My name is Tord, What about you, Stranger?”
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
Literally me
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
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Paring: Miles Morales-42 x Reader
WC: 2.1k
CW: None
A/N: Third chapter and oh lord… no wonder this project was abandoned LMFAOOOO, uhm, well!! I hope you guys enjoy this? I practically rewrote the entire thing but kept the whole plot I had in mind at the moment, so you might see a change in the writing. It seems like I also only had 3 chapters, and honestly? I don’t know where to take it from here.
Growing up teaches you a harsh reality that not many are able to accept, days off are a myth. Even when you're supposed to be relaxing, there's always something demanding your attention. For high school students like me, "free time" is just another opportunity to study, to prepare for the next exam, to keep that perfect grade that might not even matter in the grand scheme of things. Weekends become a continuous cycle of burning words and numbers into your brain, hoping to maintain that elusive 100 on a piece of paper.
This particular weekend, I found myself drawn home to study, seeking some undefined comfort in family proximity. Looking back, I'm not sure it was the smartest decision.
The cacophony of my family home crashed against my already frayed nerves. My mother's music battled with the construction-level noise of my younger nephews, her occasional disciplinary yells cutting through the chaos. The two earbuds wedged in my ears offered minimal protection, more a psychological shield than an actual sound barrier. Typically this wouldn’t have bothered me, my family is huge and the years of being in this exact position should’ve made me immune to the noise, but no. Stress has a way of amplifying every sound, every movement, until the world feels like it's pressing down on you.
When my nephew's cry pierced through my music, something inside me cracked. I needed to escape before I joined him in tears.
"Alvaro Deja eso ah- Mija? Where are you going? Do you have practice today or something?"
My mom paused her cleaning, lowering the vacuum's roar and dimming her music. I fumbled with my shoes, leaning against the wall for support as I struggled to slip on the boots.
"No, I'm gonna head to the coffee shop for something to eat. I'm craving a croissant," I replied, managing a light chuckle.
She rolled her eyes. "Tu y esas cochinadas.. Be back before dinner, alright? And don't fill yourself up with food, it's bad for you!"
"Yeah yeah, I know."
After finally getting able to get the shoes on my feet, I proceeded to pick up the bag on the floor, quickly slipping it over my shoulder before walking to her side, giving a quick kiss on her cheek, and practically bolting through the door.
Brooklyn's streets were a symphony of urban noise - horns honking, construction drilling, people chattering. But with my earbuds firmly in place, the world transformed. As corny as it sounds, the music became my runway, and suddenly, I was more than just a stressed teenager. I was a model, head high, stride confident, face stoic. It was a momentary escape, a fantasy that I fabricated to escape the reality that haunted me, a fantasy that lasted right up until the mortifying thought of someone reading my mind would snap me back to reality.
The familiar cafe welcomed me, a sanctuary of warmth and routine. In the corner behind the counter you could see, and hear, Linda and her husband, an elderly couple who'd run this place for decades, who continued their eternal love story. They laughed like teenagers, their connection a beacon of hope in a world of fleeting connections and situationships. Some part of me hoped someday I would be able to have something like that, a relationship so full of love despite being together for so long. But during this day and age? It’s highly unlikely
I took out the earbuds from my ears, pausing the music from my phone as Linda greeted me with her usual brightness. We chatted about school, her children, their latest adventures. Talking with her was like a breath of fresh air, a small moment of genuine human connection that could lift even the heaviest mood.
After our conversation, I settled at a window counter, laptop out, diving deep into my studies. The world around me dissolved. Sounds became a distant buzz, my focus laser-sharp on the screen, analyzing every word, every detail.
The coffee shop had always been his sanctuary - a place of quiet study just blocks from home. Today, however, something felt different. Different, because *she* was also there.
Miles caught sight of her hunched over her laptop, that distinctive hairstyle instantly recognizable. A smile crept across his lips before he could stop it. He'd never considered himself particularly social. Just days ago, she was just another face in his biology class - someone who existed out of the corner of his eye, boring and easily ignored. So why couldn't he stop thinking about her now?
Grabbing his usual drink, Miles approached her table with a casualness that mimicked his usual demeanor. He sat down besides her, avoiding any direct interaction with her. Don't seem desperate. Don't seem like you're trying
The window became his focal point, the shield against his confusing emotions. Each sip of his drink was calculated, each glance carefully measured. But concentration proved impossible. Ten minutes passed, and she remained completely absorbed in her studies, unaware of his presence.
An unfamiliar restlessness grew inside him. Irritation? Curiosity? His emotions tangled themselves into something he couldn't quite name..
Finally, he turned. His cheek rested against his knuckles while studying her profile. *Should I say something? Would she even notice?* The internal debate felt ridiculous. He, Miles Morales, was overthinking an interaction with a classmate who’s name he couldn’t even remember… ironic.
When she finally looked up, the shift in her expression was fascinating. Initial confusion transformed into recognition, surprise prominent in her face. His own lips quirked into an unexpected smile, a small laugh following afterward.
"I was wondering how long it was going to take you," he found himself speaking first, the words coming out more confident than he felt. "You need to be more aware of your surroundings, especially in public spaces. Someone could've stolen something, and you'd have no clue."
It was a deflection, really. A way to cover the fact that he'd been watching her, wondering about her, trying to understand this sudden fascination that seemed to consume him whole these last few days. His friends would never believe this. The guy known for his stoic demeanor, practically staking out a spot just to sit near someone who, mere days ago, he'd found merely tolerable? It was ridiculous.. laughable, and that just made him feel even more ridiculous.
"Are you stalking me or something?"
The words slipped out of my mouth before I could fully comprehend the situation. Before the day he lost his sketchbook, he could be compared to a ghost. A person I only saw during biology, but now? He was everywhere!! The library, the hallways, the goddamned coffee shop that I frequented.. it was only plausible to assume he was doing it on purpose!
To my surprise, he laughed at the accusation. Not a small chuckle, but a genuine, full-bodied laugh that seemed to surprise even him. His usual sharp features softened, revealing a vulnerability I'd never seen before. This all just made it contagious, a smile tugging at my lips before I started to laugh as well.
“I think it should be me asking you that question.. suddenly you’re everywhere I go. It’s getting creepy” he spoke, his laugh diminishing yet leaving a small smile remaining on his lips.
“Let me remind you that I was here first” I answered, resting my elbow on the table and leaning my cheek against the palm of my hand, “and besides, I am not the weirdo that sat there staring at an oblivious person for god knows how long”
My intentions were to tease him, however, his reaction made me realize that it indeed wasn’t the way it played out. His smile faded, his eyes falling on the window once more as he coughed to clear his throat. My smile slowly faded as well, looking away sheepishly. Maybe I’m getting too comfortable too soon? I mean, we just started talking to each other not too long ago.. I’m definitely being weird.
“Anywho..” Imitating his actions, I coughed to clear my throat. Shutting my computer close and stuffing it back into the bag. “I was already done either way. I’ll get out of your territory now”
As I was about to stand up he reached over for my bag, yanking it away and looking up to meet my eyes once again
“Chill ma, I didn’t say you had to leave” he replied nonchalantly, placing the bag back on the floor next to the bar stool where I once sat “what test were you studying for?”
As we talked, the initial awkwardness I had created dissipated. He wasn't just the intimidating boy from biology class anymore, he was something more like… a friend? I couldn’t quite place what I could associate him with. He spoke passionately about his art, his hands moving expressively, his eyes lighting up with each story. I found myself captivated, not just by his words, but by the way he revealed layers of himself I'd never imagined existed.
My gaze drifted, tracing the lines of his face - his long braids, those sharp yet soft eyes, the subtle curve of his lips, simple and minuscule details I hadn’t ever taken the time to notice. Part of me felt regret for not seeking out a relationship with him before, despite all the opportunities that I was given at the time.
Those thoughts consumed me whole, given away by the fact that I continued shamelessly staring. When he caught onto the fact, I quickly looked away, heat rising to my cheeks.
"Hey, are you even listening?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry, I zoned out," I mumbled.
“Figured.” He replied quickly, taking out his phone from his pocket and checking the time “it’s getting pretty late out. You should head home soon”
Checking my phone, I realized I was well past my mother's expected return time. Panic seized me.
"Shit... I've got to go!"
I gathered my things in a whirlwind, promising to see him at school, leaving Miles alone in the cafe.
Miles found himself trapped in a dangerous dance of denial. He was spending time with someone he'd previously dismissed, and the very thought made him uncomfortable. People had always seemed to speak about her fondly - mentions in passing during lunch, casual comments about her wit or intelligence, even his own friends had made a few comments about her in some of their classes, but he'd never paid attention. To it
When she sat back down, a strange mix of relief coursed through him, straightening himself out for a moment before returning to his typical relaxed stance
The conversation was typical of those who were just beginning to meet each other, casual comments about their classes, stuff at school.. but then the inevitable topic slipped from her lips. Art.
His whole life, art had become somewhat of a lifeline for him, an escape from a world that could either be your worst enemy or your best friend. He began talking about his passion, the way colors blended, how a single brushstroke could tell an entire story. His hands moved animatedly, revealing a vulnerability he rarely showed. Each word was a piece of himself, carefully being unwrapped and presented to her with an ease that seemed to amaze even himself.
But something was off. Her gaze seemed... different. Not quite listening, but not disinterested either. She was looking at him with an intensity that made him simultaneously uncomfortable and exhilarated.
'Am I boring her?' The thought crashed into him like a tidal wave, a new sense of nervousness beginning to rise within him. Stopping mid sentence, he began eying her carefully. Her gaze was fixed on him, her attention also focused on his being, yet not really his words. Something about her stare felt different. Admiring? Analyzing? The distinction blurred.
"Hey..? Are you listening to me?"
The spell broke. She apologized, something shifting in the air between them. He had planned to ask for her number, to formally start... something. A friendship? More? But before he could gather his thoughts, she was gone.
The walk home was a wind whirl of emotions. His mind battled with the newfound sense of intrigue that overwhelmed him whenever she was around. The questions circled like vultures, offering no resolution to his problem.
His home greeted him with a familiar emptiness. "Pa, Ma, I'm back!" The words echoed through silent rooms. His father was perpetually chasing a promotion, his mother working endless hospital shifts. Loneliness was a familiar companion.
Dropping into his chair, Miles pulled out his books. Study materials stared back, a reminder of why he'd gone to the coffee shop in the first place. Yet all he could think about was her - the way she looked at him, the conversation they'd shared.
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Hi hi!!! I hope you enjoyed this one last snippet, just as I was finishing with the edits I remembered some of the original story that I was gonna go with! Yet, I don’t really find the whole plot line of the female character becoming Spider-Man very interesting… I know a lot of yall don’t comment, but if you have been enjoying the story so far and decide that’s something you would like, please let me know! Otherwise I have a few alternatives to it.
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
Sticky Notes
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Paring: Miles Morales-42 x Reader
WC: 1.5k
CW: None
A/N: Second chapter YIPPEEEEE, yk maybe I’ll make up a plot as I go and continue from where I left off. Possibly switch the 1st person perspective as well because it’s lowkey been bothering me as I re read this shit
The morning sun streamed gently through the gaps in the curtains, casting cheerful rays of light around the room. The light fell gently atop my face, eyelids fluttering a little before I woke up. Typically, this would be the bane of anyone’s existence, yet, i didn’t feel that sense of dread that usually followed. Sitting up on the bed, I stretched my limbs and reveled in the comforting relief, the warmth of the blankets leaving as they fell to the side. In a way it was confusing, my alarm hadn’t even gone off yet, but I was up and full of energy.
Picking up my phone, I checked the time followed by the date. It most certainly wasn’t my birthday, it wasn’t the weekend either so I still had to go to class, and it was also a Wednesday meaning that I would have to go to practice afterwards.. so why was i so happy?
All of the theories on why I would be in a good mood were quickly brushed off as I hopped out of the bed. Going back to the usual routine and getting ready for class.
As the door of the dorm swung open, I was greeted once again by the chattering sound of the halls. The air was thicker than before, probably due to the mass amount of bodies within the space. Students walked back and forth between classrooms, some alone, others in groups, but they all seemed to share the same sentiment of cheerfulness that had overwhelmed me a few moments ago.
The atmosphere was much more lively than the silence of the room I had just emerged from. Not feeling exhausted certainly makes you feel different, and for once, I wished I too, had someone to laugh with in the mornings.
That thought was quickly brushed to the side. It was a good day, there is no need to let negative thoughts ruin that. I made my way amongst the sea of students to my locker, picking out my things as per usual before making my way into class with a smile. What could possibly ruin this day now?
Well. . .
Sometimes it’s just better to keep your mouth shut.
The peaceful atmosphere of the day was shattered within seconds. A sense of dread slowly overcame me, and apparently everyone else in the class, as we blankly stared at the big bold chalk letters on the board, proudly exclaiming “Test Week!!”
My eyes were stuck on the little squares of the calendar, filled with the reminders of the exams I should’ve been studying for. My heart sank as the realization that I would be spending the next few days in a constant state of fear and anxiety, desperately trying to study for the upcoming assessments, began to sink in. Many others seemed to share the sentiment, the atmosphere quickly souring, and once the lesson had started, no one even dared to sneeze. All of our attention on the board in order to not lose a second of the information that could be the beginning of our downfall.
The day seemed to fly by, this time for the wrong reasons. Each lesson felt shorter and shorter, too much information, too little time. Thankfully, exam week meant no practice, which meant I could use this time to study, which is exactly what I did.
As I quietly entered the library, I felt a sense of calm and tranquility wash over me. The air was still, the only sound breaking the silence being the flipping of pages as other students diligently studied. The place was serene and peaceful, and I just knew it would be my sanctuary during the stressful and frantic exam week. I grabbed a table near the window, quickly focusing on the work in front of me and drowning out everything else.
As time passed I could feel myself growing rather bored of it, my wrist aching due to the non stop writing, and my hunger increasing with every second. My gaze drifted off to the clock, about an hour had passed ever since I stepped foot into this place, it was time for a break.
My hand reached down to my bag, pulling out a pack of gummy bears that I had luckily brought for this exact moment. Carefully opening the bag so as to not make noise and disturb the others, shortly popping one of the gummy pieces into my mouth. A smile creeped tugged at my lips, the sweet flavor of the treat practically melting on my tongue. It seemed like this was all it took to get some of my energy back, shortly placing the bag in front of me and resuming with my work.
While writing down a small set of notes, I caught a glimpse of a familiar yellow piece of paper stuck in the middle of the book page. Setting the pencil down, pulling the sticky note towards me in order to see what it was, my confused expression shortly turned into a sly smirk as the familiar doodle along with a few words came into view.
“Are you gonna share?”
I looked up, and surely enough, it was Miles. I was expecting to be met by his usual intense gaze, the one that just made you feel like he knew your deepest darkest secrets, but no, his expression was lighter, relaxed as our eyes fell onto one another. There was the slightest curve on his lips, simulating a smile.
The world seemed to stop around us. Our gazes locked, and I found myself trapped in the intensity of his eyes, a deep hazel that seemed to pierce through my very soul. His left eyebrow arched slightly, a subtle gesture that showed his mounting confusion and growing awareness of my unintended, prolonged stare. The weight of my own vulnerability crashed over me like a wave, forcing me to look away, heat rising to flush my cheeks with an embarrassment I couldn't quite disguise.
Once I finally got ahold of myself I looked back up at the guy sitting in front of me. He had returned back to his work.. great..
Feeling slightly embarrassed, I turned the opened bag in his direction. Pulling out a small note pad, i grabbed my pencil again and started to write. “Just don’t eat them all” I wrote down next to a silly doodle of myself, placing it on the top of his book before quickly going back to my studies trying to avoid any more awkward interactions.
The evening went by quickly after that, we sat quietly studying, the crinkling sound of the bag filling the air every time one of us reached for some of the gummy assortment. Maybe it was a dumb thought, but for a moment I thought the typical romance cliche of our hands touching while reaching into the bag would happen, but of course it didn’t.. it would’ve been funny tho! In the end my focus on the school related stuff started to fade, meaning that it was time to end the small study session I held for myself and walk away.
“Leaving so soon?”
Miles spoke up as I finished stuffing everything back into my bag. My gaze trailed down up af him, then back towards the exit before nodding
“Too much work for today, if I keep going I’m probably gonna burn my last brain cell” a small chuckle escaped my lips after the sentence as I stood up, was it the most clever joke? No. But it was one that never fails
And it certainly didn’t.
“Didn’t know you had any of those” he replied with a smirk on his lips, placing his pencil down on the desk as his eyes remained PIERCING into my soul.
“You’re an ass!” I proclaimed, feigning offense, yet, my smile certainly gave away that those weren’t my actual feelings. “Either way, I better get going. I promised my mom that I would be home tonight.. and if I’m not there by the time I told my mom I would be she will freak. I’ll see you tomorrow”
There was no time to waste, no time to wait for an answer. As soon as the sentence was over I walked away from him with only one mission in mind, getting home as soon as I could.
Meanwhile, miles was left in the quiet room, looking at her as she walked out of view. His gaze lingered at the door for a couple of minutes as if waiting for her to come back or something, but she never did. Eventually he leaned back on his chair, letting out a heavy sigh and looking down at the book in front of him, staring down at the words but not really taking any of it in, his mind was somewhere else.
Eventually he lifted his gaze to the bag of gummy bears, taking a handful and shoving them into his mouth before pulling the sticky note she had written. A smirk slowly formed on his lips as he stared at the silly doodle, shaking his head as a small chuckle threatened to come out of his mouth.
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
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"It is natural to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes to that siren until she allures us to our death."
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bogwaterparasite · 2 months ago
Me when I’m working on writing something new but I just can’t seem to write well enough
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
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Paring: Dg Kang x Shizuka (oc)
WC: 1.3k
CW: None?? Teasing I believe, but nothing too bad
A/N: Another one YIPPEEEEE, once again I didn’t proof read this one either, so it might be a we bit funky. I hope you enjoy tho!!
“You have got to be joking.”
The absurd sight before him caused Diego to erupt into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, his loud chuckles echoing through the spacious room. Just before him stood Choi, his ever-serious boss, accompanied by a young woman who appeared to be around his age. However, what made the scene so utterly hilarious and ridiculous was the fact that the girl had a flimsy paper plate covering her face, two holes cut out to allow her to see her surroundings, and a stupid smile drawn on with a red marker.
Choi had been talking about getting a bodyguard for DG, and although it wasn't something he was favorable for, he'd imagined it would be someone stronger, intimidating even. But this? Her? This was supposed to be the person entrusted with protecting him? The notion seemed laughable at best. He was James Lee, the infamous legend who had built an empire through cunning, violence, and sheer audacity. He made sure to always leave a reminder of his power. A man of his stature and power didn't need some preposterous bodyguard, let alone one who thought concealing her identity with a paper plate was a totally normal thing to do. Why on earth would Choi think he needed someone to protect him? Did he really look down on him that much?
To make matters even more absurd, his supposed protector was a mere girl, her identity cloaked behind that ridiculous paper disguise. Choi, who is typically a no-nonsense man, must have been playing an elaborate prank. There was simply no other plausible explanation for this bullshit unfolding before Diego's eyes.
"Are you quite done?" Choi asked, his tone dripping with annoyance, clearly not appreciating Diego's mocking laughter. "Stop behaving like a petulant brat and stand up. This is no joke."
It took him a moment to completely compose himself, clearing his throat with a cough. "Sir, you can't possibly think that she is going to be able to serve as my bodyguard." The idea itself was ridiculous.
“Perhaps it would be better if I showed you.” DG raised his eyebrow in confusion before quickly realizing what he meant. The man was quick to act, pulling out a gun and pointing it directly to his head. In one fluid motion, she disarmed Choi of his gun before either of them could blink. The weapon clattered to the ground as she held Choi in an inescapable wrist-lock. She released him a moment later, leaving Diego slack-jawed. Regaining her composure, she straightened her shirt brushing off the dust particles.
"I think you'll find my skills more than adequate, Mr. Lee," she stated flatly.
Diego knew then he had underestimated her. This was no mere girl - she was a highly trained machine, her abilities honed to sheer deadly perfection. Begrudgingly, he gave a curt nod of acceptance. She would make a formidable bodyguard indeed.
A few months had passed since Shizuka was assigned as his personal bodyguard, and all in all, it wasn't nearly as bad as he had initially imagined. Having her by his side proved to be quite useful, especially when dealing with the numerous fights that took part in his day-to-day life. As time passed, he had grown to think of her as a friend; after all, they were together 24/7, and it would've been hard not to get attached. However, there was still something that bothered him. That stupid paper plate mask she insisted on wearing still threw him off in an unsettling way.
She flat-out refused to remove or even lift up the flimsy disguise, only begrudgingly raising it briefly to quickly eat or drink something before letting it fall back into place over her features. Why did she feel like she needed to hide her face from him? It offended Diego on a personal level. He had to trust Shizuka with his life in the dangerous situations they found themselves in, but she couldn't trust him with a simple factor like her face. It wasn't like he would post it online or anything. There was no logical reason to maintain such anonymity, at least not for him
That irked him in a way that was hard to describe, and in a moment of frustration, Diego had tried to forcibly remove the mask, an action that proved to be a tremendous mistake. Though he was larger and ostensibly stronger, Shizuka did not play games when it came to that wretched paper plate. An argument quickly escalated; he made a grab for it, and the next thing Diego knew, he had been thrown against the wall with such explosive force that the air was violently knocked from his lungs. After that harrowing incident, he never attempted anything of the sort again.
He still found the entire mask situation utterly stupid, however. Choi had limitless resources of money at his disposal, yet all Shizuka had been provided was a simple paper plate to conceal her identity. It was ridiculous.
Eventually, Diego decided to put an end to the idiocy once and for all. For months, he had saved his money to commission a porcelain mask from one of the finest artisans in Seoul ensuring it was perfectly fitted so it would last. In an odd way, the thought of finally being rid of her paper plate filled him with a tinge of melancholy; it was so absurd, and yet it had become an inexplicable part of her charm over the course of their time together. One simply could not help but grow attached after living in such proximity.
He arrived home later that day, clutching a striking crimson box adorned with intricate golden details engraved along its sides. Without saying anything, he simply placed the box on the floor before her, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at her. "Open it," he demanded gruffly, his tough demeanor betrayed by the nervous drumming of his fingers against his biceps as he awaited her reaction holding his breath. What if she despised it? He briefly debated snatching the box away, but by the time the decision was made, it was already too late - she had opened it.
A knot formed in his throat as Shizuka did not immediately react, instead analyzing the mask cradled in her hands as the atmosphere grew tense with heavy silence. "It's fine if you don't like it, I can just return it," Diego blurted out hastily, reaching for the luxurious gift. A gift which she swiftly pulled away from his grasp. Without uttering a single word, she deftly removed the tattered paper plate and carefully secured the new mask over her features. He felt his heart skip a beat as he drank in her striking appearance. And although a new mask had once again found its place upon her face, he could not fail to notice the faintest glimmer of gratitude shining in her eyes as she gave him a brief, solemn nod of gratitude.
Diego let out a sigh of relief, his tense shoulders finally relaxing as the weight of anxious anticipation melted away. Since the mask had been custom made, there would have been no feasible way to return it regardless of her reaction. He stooped down to retrieve the tattered remnants of her previous paper plate "mask" from the floor, using it to lightly fan his flushed face in an attempt to get rid of the ‘evidence’.
"I'll...throw this away," he murmured gruffly, his voice thick with an uncharacteristic vulnerability as he tenderly cradled the tattered disguise. "Anyhow, it's getting late. I'm heading to bed." The words tumbled out in an uncharacteristic rush as he swiftly turned and retreated towards his room, his heart hammering in his chest as he fought to regain his composure.
Months continued to steadily pass by, the ornate porcelain mask fastidiously maintained and cared for with the utmost devotion by its recipient. And the crumpled paper plate? That remained carefully enshrined within a simple box tucked just beneath Diego's bed to this very day.
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
Now that I think about it, I have been talking about it often sure.. but is the My Candy Love community still active?
I remember in Hispanic media it was very popular, but after they started their new updates and practically turned on the users of the games, I’ve heard that the whole franchise kind of went to shit.
Just wondering, specially because my obsession is still thriving LOL. Might start writing about them, who knows?
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
Do you ever think about childhood games that you used to love and decide to play them again? For some reason that has been happening to me a lot this month, it’s kinda funny tbh. First it was a cat game, then dragons, and now im just as obsessed with a love rpg game as I was back when I was like 10… crazy how sometimes you still enjoy the same childish things you liked before
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bogwaterparasite · 2 months ago
Last Meet Up
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Paring: Joongoo Kim x Jiwon
WC: 2.1k
CW: Mentions of SA, R@pe, bullying, abuse, Descriptive depictions of killing, blood, substance abuse, you get the gist of it
A/N: This was one of the stories I was most proud of, based off a song i really like. This story has some heavy content that not everyone is able to digest, so please DNI if you can’t tolerate ANY of the warnings
There is only so much a person can endure before reaching their breaking point, and with her volatile temper, it was a miracle she hadn't broken earlier.
The week had been hellish. Goo had been expelled, but that wouldn't have mattered except he slowly began to grow distant, busy with his own affairs. The time they spent together dwindled into nothing, leaving her to fend for herself once again—a feeling she loathed with every fiber of her being. His annoying presence had become her lifeline, the only thing that kept her sane through the daily cruelties she endured. Now, that light had been ripped away once more.
It took a few days before students realized her friend's disappearance. Once they did, the taunts began again. They seized upon her vulnerability, each word and action piercing like poisoned arrows. She cowered, absorbing their venom in silence while waiting for someone—anyone—to rescue her. To others, she appeared a pitiful creature, a helpless lamb. But they were wrong.
For years, she had weathered their relentless cruelty, always cast as the villain, always bearing the blame for others' actions. It was a cycle without end. Ironically, Goo's presence only amplified their desire to hurt her. In their eyes, she was a pathetic waif, too frail to stand her ground, always relying on others to fight her battles. If only they knew the truth behind her silence.
"Your little boyfriend isn't here to protect you anymore." His brittle voice resonated within her mind, but she barely registered it. Her gaze remained fixed on his; the bright shine that once took place was replaced by a dull, lifeless expression. The memories of their earlier encounters flooded her mind: the feeling of repulsion that rose through her body every time she stood in front of a mirror, the sensation of his calloused hands imprinted upon her once soft skin. What should've been a gentle memory was tainted by the vile actions of the man in front of her.
They had robbed her of everything she held so dearly—her innocence, beauty, pride, strength. It was finally time to take it all back, and she would spare no expense until feeling complete again.
"Be a good girl and don't make a fuss, just relax" he crooned, his hand snaking around her head, his fingers combing through her hair before getting a good grip on it.
His words, once paralytic, now ignited a blaze of defiance. She was through with silent submission. The rage that had smoldered for years now boiled over. In this moment, she was no longer a victim but an avenging force, determined to never let anyone take anything from her again.
"Get your hands off of me.." she muttered under her breath in an airy tone, her gaze clouded, her hands slowly wandering until landing on a piece of broken glass.
"Speak up," he spat, his words laced with contempt. His calloused fingers twisted in her hair, yanking her head back with savage force, sending shockwaves of pain down her spine. The brutal motion exposed her vulnerable throat, making her feel like prey in the jaws of a predator. With his other hand, he roughly grasped her chin, forcing her to confront him face-to-face.
"I said, Get your filthy hands OFF OF ME!" He had no time to react; by the time he had raised his fist, the shard had been stabbed into his eye socket. A gruesome shriek escaped his mouth, immediately letting go of her hair as he covered his bleeding flesh with his hands. "WHAT THE F*CK."
The jagged glass punctured his cornea with a sickening pop, slicing through vitreous humor and optic nerve. As he impulsively tried to blink, his eyelid snagged on the shard, peeling back like a ripped curtain. Blood gushed forth, mingling with fragments of iris and lens that now dangled from the torn socket.
Jiwon was quick to follow through, swiping his feet with hers, knocking him down. Her body found itself on top of his, yanking the shard out of his eyeball. It dripped with blood, almost making it impossible for her to hold. Regardless, she held on tight, the splatters of his blood slowly beginning to mix with hers as the sides bore into her skin. She raised her hand once again aiming for his remaining eye, his hand quickly stopping her in desperation to keep his sense of sight.
Using her weight as leverage, she bore down, driving her knee into his chest. The impact was seismic; he wheezed as his lungs spasmed, robbing him of breath. In that moment of paralysis, his grip on her wrist slackened. She seized the opportunity, plunging the shard into his remaining eye.
This time, her aim was lower, the glass slicing through his lower eyelid and into the bone. A wet crunch resonated as she twisted the weapon, splintering the orbital floor. His eyeball, now severed from its muscular moorings, began to protrude unnaturally. She yanked out the shard, dripping with the gelatinous consistency of what once was his optic nerve.
His screams became animalistic, howls that echoed off the walls out into the street. No one could hear them, after all he made sure to find the best spot for their games. Blood fountained from his ruined sockets, painting Jiwon's face. Her face remained motionless, not daring to give him any chance of survival.
"Not so tough without your eyes, are you?" she asked in a calm manner. Her hand found his throat, fingers digging into his arteries. As his oxygen supply diminished, his arms flailed, the desperation lending him strength. His nails dashed across her cheek, leaving crimson furrows, but she didn't even flinch.
Instead, she reached for the discarded shard, this time aiming for his mouth. "Let's see how you like having something forced down your throat." She jammed the glass between his teeth, enjoying every moment. Why had she put up with years of constant pressure and abuse when she could've simply ended them? He gagged as the shard hit the back of his palate, mutilating his uvula.
She leaned in, her breath hot against his ear. "Swallow it." Her command was ice cold, his body trembled and tried pushing her off. "Oh you can't? Here, let me help you with that," she clamped his jaw shut and tilted his head back. The glass sliced his esophagus as it went down, each swallow bringing a fresh surge of agony and a warm gush of blood.
His body bucked wildly beneath her, a smile tugging at her lips as she watched his torment. She maintained her dominant position, keeping him pinned as he convulsed. One of his thrashes caused his head to slam against the floor, knocking out a tooth, which tumbled into his hemorrhaging mouth. He choked, the tooth and blood forming a lethal slurry that threatened to drown him.
"I've endured years of constant hurt," she whispered. "Now, in mere minutes, you can't even handle a fraction of what you've dealt out." Her hand, slick with his blood, caressed his cheek in a perverse mockery of tenderness.
"You wanted me to speak up, right? Well this is what it gets you." She leaned in closer, her lips brushing his mangled ones. "You should have just left it at what once was, you should've just left me alone.. but you didn't. And now you're gonna die, all alone.. no friends, no family… how sad."
His gurgles were becoming weaker, his resistance fading. Yet even as life drained from his body, Jiwon felt no satisfaction. The rage that had fueled her brutality still burned within her core.
She slowly opened the door to her home, carefully analyzing her surroundings only to find her mom passed out on the floor. Typical. The woman lay in a tangle of limbs, an empty vodka bottle just out of reach, takeout and cigarette butts surrounding her. The acrid stench of alcohol and stale cigarettes hung in the air, a familiar miasma that Jiwon had grown numb to.
Making her way to the bathroom to clean herself up, she watched as the white marble slowly turned crimson while the water cleaned her dirtied body. The contrast was mesmerizing. Pure, white stone slowly being tainted by her dark deed. It was poetic, she thought, how something so clean could be tainted so easily, in a way it reminded her of the reason for her outburst. Her innocence, once so pure and clean, tainted by the man who had lost his life to her hand.
The hot water stung her wounds, particularly the gashes on her cheek where he had clawed her. As she scrubbed, flakes of dried blood and small chunks of... something else... swirled down the drain. Was that a bit of his iris? A shred of his lip? Who knew, she just continued with her routine.
Her mind wandered to how long it would take for him to be found. Weeks? Months? Considering the place where he had been buried, it was unlikely to be anytime soon. The abandoned coal mine on the outskirts of town where he had held some of his favorite memories, where he took her that first time. More than likely his favorite place to hang out with the rest of his repulsive friends. She had done him a favor, dying in the same place he lived the most. That coal mine was what brought their town to life, and now it stood as a decrepit monument to industrial decay, shunned by all but those who had something to hide.
She had chosen a line deep in the tunnels, one that had collapsed years ago. The rubble provided the perfect camouflage; after rolling his body into it, she simply shifted some rocks to conceal it. Even if someone ventured that far in, an unlikely event given the mine's reputation for structural instability, they'd mistake any protruding limb for just another twisted metal scrap.
Nature served as a perfect aid for her cover-up. In those damp, lightless tunnels, decomposition would take over quicker. Bacteria, insects, perhaps even larger animals would work tirelessly, breaking down his remains. By the time anyone discovered him, he'd be little more than a skeleton, his identifying features long obliterated.
The irony wasn't lost on her: he who had sought to strip her identity would become anonymous himself. His family might remember, they would live with the image of a perfect son stripped from their grasp unjustly. But those vultures who he called friends could give less of a shit about him; give it a year, or maybe even less. His name would soon be forgotten by everyone around him.
She barely had any worries about being caught, even if they suspected her. In the bathroom mirror, her reflection was enough to tell the suffering she had been put through. Her neck, ringed with dark bruises from his strangulation attempt, the shredded lines on her cheek from his nails tearing into her skin. If anything happened, she could retort to self-defense. After all, this wasn't an act; it was the genuine aftermath of her ordeal. She had been a victim, at least until the moment she turned the tables so savagely.
She pressed her back against the cool tile, the weight of her actions suddenly felt overwhelming. For a fleeting second, she saw not the face of a cunning survivor but that of a teenage girl in way over her head.
But then, memories resurfaced. His hands on her body, his breath on her neck, the feeling of utter violation. The years of taunts, each one a small death to her self-worth. Her mother, too drunk to protect her, to even notice her pain. The system that had repeatedly failed her, excusing such behaviors and asking her to be better so they wouldn't continue to tease her.
Her gaze in the mirror hardened. No, she wasn't in over her head; she was finally seeing things clearly. If society turned a blind eye to her suffering, she had every right to take justice into her own hands. Her actions weren't just self-defense; she had protected those that would have come after her.
She stepped out of the shower, her skin burning from the hot water and rigorous scrubbing. As she toweled off, she noticed a smear of blood she had missed on her arm, now diluted to a pale, rose color turning dark wine in contrast to her skin. She didn't wipe it away immediately. Instead, taking a moment to admire it.
This was the beginning of her life. Suffering in silence solved nothing. They would never learn—there were so many other predators, enablers, those who watched and did nothing. They were all the cause for this world's problems, and she would make sure that every single one of them would pay.
Finally, she wiped the smear away. Her gaze falling on her buzzing phone, the familiar contact saved as "bleached cockatoo" appeared on the screen.
"Want to meet on the school roof?"
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
Sometimes I like to pretend that my ocs are actually canon, and that everyone just knows about them. Ofc it’s not like that, but it’s still fun to dream every now and then
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bogwaterparasite · 3 months ago
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Pairing : Joongoo x Jiwon (cc x oc)
CW: Bullying..??? Doesn’t really get too much into it but it’s mostly just fluff
WC: 1102 words
A/N : This is one of my old written stories, it’s not the best but I think it’s very cute tbh
Sypnosis : Jiwon is a character of mine, her relationship with Goo is portrayed as a somewhat toxic dependency of each other. Him only wanting to get a reaction from her when she got mad, and her only wanting the financial support he offered in return.
She struggled to comprehend how her actions had led to such an outcome. How did they end up becoming so...close?
It wasn't her intention at all. Yeah, sure, he had “saved” her from those bullies, but 1. She hadn’t asked him to, 2. She could’ve done something herself if he had not interjected himself into the situation, and 3. That just simply wasn't enough to make them friends! At least in her eyes. But, different people had different thoughts, since apparently he had a completely different view on what they were after the incident. No matter how much distance she tried to create between them, it only seemed to entice him further to stay by her side. She could hide all she wanted, skip school, skip class, not get out of her home for days at a time; it didn’t matter. He was always gonna be there in some way, shape, or form.
She didn’t understand why he insisted on it even after making her intentions clear. They fought, bickered like cats and dogs, but that only seemed to make him want to stay closer. With every fight, every argument, it just spiraled into wanting more; he could easily overpower her, and he knew that, yet he always insisted on sparring, leaving her battered each time. One would say that she was dumb for still engaging with him after everything, but there was something keeping her from pulling away.
It wasn’t like these beatings came for free; she always received something in return—new clothes, food, jewelry, anything she might need—he provided it all. Where did he get so much money? Who knows. It was smarter to not ask and just take the ‘gifts’ silently.
Perhaps that's where she went wrong. Never rejecting his offers, always taking his gifts without a word, remaining by his side for the rest of the day (or at least until he grew tired). It made sense why he would think she didn’t mind his company, because even with how much she complained about his constant presence in the past, she had grown to enjoy it.
Even when she remained quiet, he made sure to yap her ear off with his constant stories and bragging. Although initially annoying, she grew to appreciate the lack of silence in her life. No longer having to worry about being bothered when he was by her side; no longer having to worry about the lack of resources in her home, he was always there to help her out. In a way, she was actually grateful for his company; however, that gratitude would never be expressed out loud, or at all.
A hand was quickly blocked her view, wailing around in a dramatic manner as if checking her blindness. “¡Hey! Are you even listening to me?” His voice was quick to snap her out of her thoughts, glancing over at him for a second before looking down at the street below them, “No.” The reply was curt, earning a sigh from the blonde. It wasn't unusual for the girl to ignore him, but sometimes it could get so annoying.
He always tried so hard to interact with her, but she never appreciated his efforts! What a bitch! After everything he does for her, this is how she acts? It didn’t take long for her to go back into her own mind, tugging the scarf up to cover her mouth as the cold breeze hit her skin. Meanwhile, the blonde only stared, not daring to speak up. Why would he if she was just going to ignore him? He should just leave her to be in her solitude; that’s what she wanted, right? If she wanted to rot by herself, then he would let her
Except he wouldn’t
She had made it more than clear that his company was unwanted, which only made the idea of remaining by her side more enticing. No one would tell the Joongoo what to do! He imitated her action, looking down at the people walking below their feet. Both sat at the edge of the building, the cold breeze of the autumn season lowering their body temperatures. The atmosphere was oddly comforting, and in all honesty, it just made his exhaustion a lot more noticeable.
He had a ‘long day’, or at least that’s what he says. His attempt at ranting to her about it had failed miserably, and his body was just begging for some rest. A low hum escaped his lips when an idea popped into his head, switching positions, he laid down. Back pressed against the cool concrete of the building, his head resting atop her lap. He waited for a second, his eyes strictly focused on hers in order to catch her reaction. Unfortunately, or fortunately? She didn’t react much to his antics.
“What are you doing?” She asked, confusion apparent in her gaze.
“Sleeping” His reply was just as dry as the one she had given him earlier; if she wanted to be petty and only give him one-word answers. He would too! He could also become some emo broody teenager if he wished to.
“Move your head, or I'll throw you off the roof.” Despite the edge on her words, they both knew she wouldn't, she can't; it had gotten to the point that he might even be considered her friend, even if she never outright said anything, and he knew that a little too well.
A smirk tugged at his lips, brushing off the threat and simply closing his eyes. “Whatever you say, Jiji," She wouldn’t do that; she depended on him way too much! There was nothing else to do other than suck it up. Two seconds was all it took; his chest began rising and falling calmly, his lips slightly agape, and his eyes, once squeezed-closed, softened. The warmth of her skin transferred to his, making the cold weather a lot more bearable. She couldn't be too bothered to move him; he must have been exhausted for him to be able to fall asleep so fast. or not, It's Goo; you never know what is normal for him.
Her hands took his glasses, slowly removing them from his face and carefully examining them. The thought of tossing them down quickly crossed her mind, but it was brushed off just as fast. He would probably start something if she did, and she was in no mood to fight him at the moment. After placing them on the concrete behind them, her gaze fell on the scenery ahead once more. It was best to let him enjoy the moment.
After all, it would be the last nice memory they’d have of each other.
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