crystaltoa · 20 days
The 2005 story barely makes use of most of the powers and abilities that the characters canonically have. Whenua and Nuju can apparently summon burrowing and flying Rahi, respectively, with their tools. The Rahaga all have weird Rahi catching methods with their spinners (Pouks has a lasso spinner. Cowboy Pouks confirmed.)
…Probably for the best that we didn’t see the Boggarak’s powers in action though…
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sepublic · 1 year
This is the second part of my unfinished Rahi Beasts WIP from sixth grade:
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Domain: Le-Metru
An Artakha Bull defending its home against Visorak.
The Artakha Bull is one of the oldest Rahi known to Matoran. It is oftenly believed to be the inspiration for the legend of the mutant Kane-Ra who guards a tunnel network.
In another tale, the Artakha Bull had beyond Matoran-level intellligence, allowing them to live on Artakha.
All of this is most likely false. What we do know is that it is strong, swift, an excellent tracker, and hostile. Attempts to catch them are futile.
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Domain: Po-Metru
An Ash Bear lumbering in the mountains.
Ash Bears are ursine Rahi that are famous for their sharp teeth and claws.
Ash Bears are peaceful, if territorial. They are two to three times larger than a Matoran.
Their left arm is equipped with two large, overgrown talons.
In Po-Metru, the Ash Bears lived in peace and harmony with their neighbors, the Kikanalo.
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Domain: Karda Nui
An Avohkah attacking.
Avohkah are dangerous Rahi, which looked like lightning bolts.
Before the GSR was activated, these Rahi attacked settlements in Karda Nui. The Matoran dismissed them as weather until someone was injured.
Seeing this as a probiem, the Great Beings sent in the Toa Mata to help.
It was a tough battle, but Toa won. It is unknown the fate of the Avohkah.
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Domain: Archives Sub-Levels
A Blade Burrower sniffing tracks.
One of the most powerful Rahi known to bein, the Archives Sub-Levels they dig tunnels similar to Matoran ones. Some Matoran wonder down them on accident.
Having poor eyesigt, these Rahi hunt by smell, using their club-like tails to take down enemies.
Their tunnels form the Unity, Duty, and Destiny symbol to remind Mata Nui of his mission.
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Domain: Visorak
Boggarak vs Doom Viper.
One of the six breeds of Visorak, the Boggarak are the only ones whose spinners contain two powers. Under water, they cause a target to swell up and float to the surface. When used on land, they remove all moisture from a target, reducing it to a pile of dust.
Boggarak are also able to create a sonic hum that can transmute solid matter into gas.
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joompheart · 7 months
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Strangely having your soul shattered and interred in your Bionicles after the second pill isn't listed as a side effect. Waging an endless battle with no sides over the bottle on this busted typewriter now.
Observe how Vezok and Vezon face off in their awesome hate for eachother, notice Roodaka's Boggarak sneaking under Kardas to suprise Gorast. See how Vakama spotted the beast and is doing a badass slide so he can blast it square in the mouth. Check out Matoro about to smite the battered Reidak who's laying back exposed on the keys. Spot Hakann sneakily preparing to shoot his lava launcher into Vezok's back, and then see Takadox about to backstab the backstabber. War really is hell :]
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bomonga · 2 years
Quick list of all (known) powers a Faxon user could access
In case you were wondering just how overpowered this mask actually is.
Land Rahi:
Artakha Bull - Incredible intelligence
Boggarak - Rhotuka that rapidly dehydrates a target, skating on water
Cable Crawler - Rhotuka that causes vertigo in an enemy
Crystal Serpent - Absorbing light to power a heat ray
Dermis Turtle - Having an impenetrable shell
Dikapi - High endurance and stamina
Doom Viper - Breathing highly toxic chemicals at prey
Energy Hound - Tracking targets
Fader Bull - Teleporting to safety
Frost Leech - Sucking all the heat out of prey
Furnace Salamander - Clinging to any surface
Gate Guardian - Being invisible and making a smaller decoy of itself
Ice Vernin - Rhotuka that makes the target vibrate real hard
Kahgarak - Rhotuka that opens a gate to the Field of Shadows
Mavrah’s Kavinika - Detecting Kanohi use
Keelerak - Rhotuka that acidicly melts anything
Keetongu - Producing any antidote
Kikanalo - Powerful sonic roar
Kinloka - Eating anything
Kraawa - Growing larger every time it gets hit
Kratana - Seeing the future and the past
Lava Rat - Can burst into flames
Mana Ko - Firing energy blasts
Nui-Jaga - Venom that causes blindness
Oohnorak - Rhotuka that causes numbness, voice mimicking
Roporak - Near perfect camouflage
Spine Slug - Feeding off of Skakdi battle rage
Suukorak - Rhotuka that makes an electric net around a target, perfect mimicry of a corpse
Vako - Incredible speed
Aerial Rahi:
Air Serpent - Acid spitting
Avokah - Being a beam of electricity
Fireflyer - Stinging someone so bad they feel like they’re on fire
Kanohi Dragon - Breathing fire, being resistant to cold
Klakk - Sonic beam that cures Shadow Leech effects
Lava Hawk - Total immunity to extreme heat
Phase Dragon - Turning intangible
Venom Flyer - Rhotuka that makes a target unable to fly
Underwater/Amphibious Rahi:
Cave Fish - Absorb Protodermis to become bigger
Hydruka - Firing solidified air bubbles
Makika - Poisonous skin
Sea Spider - Venom that shrinks prey
Underground Rahi:
Archive Beast - Shapeshifting
Blade Burrower - Digging, good sense of smell
Catapult Scorpion - Materializing balls of magma, eating Protodermis
Dagger Spider - Having a paralyzing venom
Fire Entity - Being made entirely of fire
Hoto - Giving off intense heat
Krahka - Shapeshifting
Tunneler - Turning into whatever you shoot at it
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Last night I was explaining Bionicle's early army-builder villains to a friend, and it got me thinking about how like, kinda interesting it was how the portrayal of the Visorak shifted across 05, and how... un-nuanced, for lack of a better word, their ultimate fate later on wound up being.
Like, even before we get so much as a direct glimpse at them, they were being built up as something terrifying; in Maze Of Shadows it's made clear that all the Rahi, mutated or otherwise, the Toa Metru were running into as they made their way back down to the city, were fleeing from something. This did get somewhat confused at the end by the reveal of the Energized Protodermis entity, admittedly, but still.
Web Of The Visorak brought this back in line and then some, though, the book tinged with a mixture of melancholy and suspense, the entire book building up the Visorak further through the indirect effects their occupation of the city and how thoroughly it has been transformed by their presence, even beyond the damages sustained in the Cataclysm. "Stealers of life" we're told, is what their name means. When we finally run into them in person near the end, it's a harrowing encounter, that the Toa only make it out of because said Visorak (a handful of Sukkorak, if I recall correctly?) explicitly let them go. And then not long after that, the trap is sprung, all six toa ambushed and paralyzed within seconds, and themselves mutated into the Hordika.
Up to this point, the main thing we know about the Visorak is how terrifying they are. The official blurbs for the sets doesn't help, with all sorts of outlandish traits being listed for each breed, ranging from kinda intense (the Keelarak being able to act as living sawblades thanks to their bladed legs) to disturbingly onesided. (the Boggarak being able to emit a sonic hum that would just plain vaporize anything within range) They're one of the first times I started to really feel the Power Creep in Bionicle, well before I had words for it. (though I still think the Piraka were the worst offenders on that front.)
But then, from Challenge Of The Hordika onward, something really interesting happened: We started to get scenes from the Visorak's point of view. We learned they were sapient, and had their own language. And as they met with Sidorak and Roodaka to report new developments, the story introducing and beginning to build up the two generals and their opposing methods, it didn't necessarily diminish the Visorak as a threat, but it did still fundamentally alter our understanding of them - particularly with Roodaka's habit of harsh and arbitrary punishments. For as terrifying and unnatural as the Visorak were, they were on some level sympathetic now, minions cowering in fear of a higher power.
Even when they unleashed the Zivon to combat the Hordika, it was made quite clear that this was a desparate move that would bring only a pyrrhic victory, as the Zivon treated them as food, laying waste to the horde just as effectively as it laid waste to their enemies. Thanks to Sidorak's incompetence, this particular summoning was simply a massive failure on all fronts, the Zivon not destroying the Toa to at least make up for the massive losses it incurred upon the Visorak.
All of this was of course in service of the year's overall themes about leadership, as Vakama laid out near the end. Roodaka's tyrannical treatment of the Visorak undermined her; when Vakama took advantage of his recent appointment to Visorak captain to order them into freedom, they all instantly deserted and got as far away from her as they could go, rather than sticking around to help. Her fear-based rulership left no sense of loyalty that might have helped her out at the end.
Unfortunately, aside from a brief cameo in Time Trap, (the one Oonarak that was using its vocal impersonation power to pose as Nokama, to aid in Makuta's deception) we didn't really get to see much of what the Visorak did after that point, with their newfound freedom, for good or for ill. After all, with 06 we were barely back in Metru Nui before needing to launch off for Voya Nui, and they just weren't really relevant or aknowledged again until it was time to commit mass genocide against them.
Still, let me rewind a bit first. Because even as we learned more about the Visorak from their own point of view, we also got another important perspective; that of the Rahaga, back when they were the Toa Hagah. Even as much of their story served to further reinforce how cruel and toxic Roodaka was, we also learned through them the sheer scope of the Visorak's destruction, laying waste to countless lands before coming anywhere near Metru-Nui, wiping out or completely destabilizing countless ecosystems with their mutative venom. This was, again, at the behest of the generals, but regardless, between these flashbacks and what we saw in Web Of The Visorak with the sonic entity, it was made clear that the Visorak were an inherently subversive presence, the Hordika venom in particular having the potential to sow absolute chaos.
This was further reinforced later on, as in 08 we learned that the Visorak were created specifically as a weapon by the Makuta Chirox, as part of his ongoing mad-science feud with Mutran, and they were so dangerous, to an almost absurd degree, as a result of Chirox's lack of subtlety in designing his homegrown incomprehensible horrors. They were employed by the Brotherhood as a shadow army to eliminate populations that the Brotherhood couldn't be seen moving against publically, as they could be dismissed as a sort of natural disaster; the idea that there was an intent and leadership driving their actions was one of the hard truths the Hagah had to learn when they realized they were working for the wrong side. The Visorak were explicitly created, from the outset, to be as dangerous and terrible as they were, and employed to that end quite liberally.
An invasive species, if you will.
So that leaves us with an interesting conundrum with lots of potential for nuance. On one hand, they are a sort of bioweapon, with abilities explicitly geared toward inflicting mass death and mutations, and a long, long history of doing exactly that. And, from some of their POVs we understood that despite everything with the generals, they did genuinely enjoy the hunt.
On the other hand, they were thinking, feeling beings with their own distinct language, who despite their deadly nature lived under an oppressive regime themselves, ordered about and punished. One of the more genuinely chilling scenes of the third movie was Roodaka ordering a squad of Boggarak to commit suicide as a demonstration, and them complying without protest because whatever she would do to them if they refused would be so much worse. Once again, at the end of 05, they were finally freed, in a roundabout way, and there was a lot of untapped potential to see what could have become of them after that.
Because I feel like it wouldn't be so cut and dry as them suddenly becoming docile and wholesome, not when their very design stands against that, not with the Hordika venom being an inherently chaotic element with extremely destructive potential. They were given the freedom to choose their own path, and that path probably would have entailed still doing what they knew and following their instincts; hunting, webbing, mutating, overrunning, even if not in such huge concentrated numbers as before.
But all the same, there was also the potential for them to do more than that, explore their newfound freedom. They had speech, they had reason. Could we have had the Visorak disperse and form into tribes, take their place as another species amidst the Matoran Universe? Even for all their destructive potential they still paled in comparison to the likes of the Makuta, who despite their own villainy were respected (if feared) participants of civilization as well. Could they have claimed an island of their own (wasn't there one they originally started out on, also called Visorak?) and built something there, instead of invading other lands?
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bionicle-ramblings · 11 months
Some more Maukta Vakama thoughts because I think Vakama would make a decent villain in some kind of AU
Isn't evil for the sake of evil. He knows what he's doing isn’t 100% right or to the Toa code, but in his mind, he is doing the right thing, doing what he must to save the Matoran.
Has the feeling of, "You need me more than I need you," towards the other Toa Metru. It hurts them to hear it from their brother, especially because they're too late to get him back. There's nothing they can say to change his mind.
Why did he switch sides? Story-wise, it's up in the air. Maybe he and the team pushed each other too far, and Vakama was the one to break. Maybe after Lhikan's rescue, Vakama is accidentally left behind by the team, or stuck on the other side of the massive door and he gets swarmed by Vahki, coming to bound and at the mercy of the Makuta Teridax, who Vakama knows isn't the real Turaga Dume and who either manipulates Vakama into joining the Brotherhood of Makuta or makes him the offer because while Teridax does have plans for all of Metru Nui, plans he doesn't want the Toa to thwart, he will need help running the show, amd Vakama is less a show-runner and more a behind the scenes guy, and he can have his old friends back, if he so desires. He can't be turned back into a Matoran, but he can have his friends, the ones who really cared for him, the ones who never doubted him or made him feel insignificant. Either way, Vakama agrees and joins up
Similar to how the Dark Hunters had Nidhiki and Krekka partnered together, Teridax gives Vakama to Sidorak and Roodaka, because the two need to keep an eye on him and Vakama won't be quick to backstab them or hide any plans. Both would like to turn him again the other, or at least use him to get the other Toa, maybe to kill them all, but it becomes clear that there will be no trickery of any kind with the ex-Toa of Fire because he's already planning ahead by using his invisibility to spy on them and gather intel for his own purposes
All villains have a laugh. Vakama does have a villain laugh, but it's terrifying to hear because he sounds like he's just as scared as the person hearing him laugh, like the control on himself and his own fear and despair that he's fought so hard to maintain is slipping and what's left is an ex-Toa who has screwed up in a way he will never recover from and the only way to go now is forward
Roodaka does try manipulating him and scaring him to her side, but she does so by threatening him with the Visorak, more specifically knocking him out and throwing him in a room with A BUNCH of them without his disk launcher and with his hands bound. When he comes to, he's not cocooned in webbing or mutated. He's surrounded by Visorak and they do go to scare him, but Vakama asks them to stop showing off and get it over with, assuming they're going to kill him. They don't. They're more frozen where they are, even when Vakama shouts, asking them what they're waiting for and, in his rage, sends out a burst of flame that scares the Visorak and frees Vakama. They leave him be and Vakama, unable to get out of the room he's in, sits against a wall, staring at the ceiling before he has a vision of himself sitting on a firey throne with the Visorak around him. When he 'awakes' from the vision, a Boggarak approaches and joins Vakama's side, not wanting to anger a Toa with nothing to lose. He swears that he will ensure their freedom, so long as they help him with something of great importance
Over time, the more he's away from the Toa, his armor changes color. It's not really red or red mixed with the gold and orange like the Movie design. The red stays, but it darkens to a burgundy or crimson color, the gold fades to a more tarnished silver, and the orange is black. He's kept the red armor as a reminder of where he's from and the home he's fighting for.
"Reunions" had between him and the other Toa Metru are TENSE. For one, they see what's become of their brother when he's not with them. They also see that he's a force to be reckoned with because, as they soon realize, he's been planning circles around them, rigging the archives to be IMPOSSIBLE to get in and out of, booby trapping roads and ally-ways so that someone gets shot by a disk launcher or even a Rhotuka spinner, sneaking behind them until they see a shadow or until their path is blocked by fire or something else happens. When things allign too well, they know Vakama was behind it
He doesn't fully understand his visions, but he's at the point where he can make educated guesses amd those guesses are good enough that he's VERY close to the mark
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titanic-toa · 2 years
You aint lookin' too heroic like that gonna be honest
"Yeah yeah laugh it up, you're just bumping up to the front of the line to be my test subject for all of my Boggarak tests..."
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ask-toa-hahli · 5 years
I have a question, how difficult is it to maintain a vizorak as a house pet? What are some requirements that I would need in order to keep one happy and healthy as a pet?
That depends… Frankly I think it sorta hinges on what you have and what you’re able to provide for them.
Visorak generally prefer shade and darker areas to inhabit. That can seem a little daunting at first when you live on beach, but I’ve just stopped opening my window curtains all together.
You would also want some space to give them. As a Toa, my hut is already a little bigger than a regular Matoran’s. So the little one does have some room to scurry around and places to hide in; though considering how big she will probably get, I don’t plan for her to be restricted indoors as she grows older.
They do need toys, stuff to chew on and things to keep them occupied. Apparently they are used to be born and raised in large broods, which would keep them busy and stimulated. So you don’t want to leave one alone and board, unless you really dislike the everything in your home. 
Of course you also have to take their type of breeds into account, which can vary some care since they would have different needs. My Boggarak for example likes water and to be around wet places, she can even get a little fussy if she’s feeling too dry. This would also extend a little into diet preference, Boggarak for one like fish and other aquatic or semi aquatic Rahi to feed on. Though for the most part all Visorak are carnivorous. 
I will admit that I am not a complete expert on this… I’m still learning as I go along. I’ve not had my Visorak for that long. Iara is still young, and while she does sometimes try to dominate my attention, she’s not hard to placate and can be a rather calm campaign to bring along with. The most strenuous thing with her is her need to be in my constant presence.
But she is getting older, and starting to change a little… She’s showing a little more interest to explore outside and extend her range from me. Then there’s the matter of her veno-… her new teeth that come in, which I need to keep a better eye on…
Chances are that I will probably need to make more adjustments and accommodations for Iara as time goes on and she grows up. So I will need to keep learning and adapting my care with her. 
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czym · 6 years
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No escaping from Bionicle. Ever.
I’m gonna train that Dewpider, I like it and it’s evolution, such cool design. Is anyone selling any toy of them?
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bionigrls · 3 years
Boggarak’s rhotuka power is blatantly stronger than literally all the others for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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anyone else who who just always read character names in their native language as a kid and then gets their mind blown when much later they stumble upon the fandom discussing the correct pronunciation and neither of the options is even close to what you've been doing all this time
or is it just me
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datavoltus · 7 years
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#Lego #Bionicle #Visorak #boggarak #suukorak #Oohnorak
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crystaltoa · 3 years
The Boggarak will never not be funny to me.
There’s the product character bio that describes its Rhotuka powers and their effects in depth. Which Greg has mostly ignored in-story in favour of giving them disintegration abilities instead, which is apparently the same basic power manifesting differently when used on land than in water. Logically, both applications should be fatal, but the aquatic version would be a slower and more painful death.
But I like to think of Greg just looking at what the story team came up with and going, “Nope. Not happening. Not touching that one.”
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radioshackraider · 3 years
Bonkle Haul
So I bought a bulk load of Bonkles on Monday, and I’m finally done building the sets in it. So here’s what I got: Complete Sets 1 Matoran Hafu - McDonalds version 1 Lehvak Kal 1 Pahrak Kal 1 Toa Tahu Mata 2 Toa Gali Nuva 2 Toa Onua Nuva 1 Toa Lewa Nuva 1 Rahkshi Turahk 1 Rahkshi Panrahk 1 Rahkshi Kurahk 1 Rahkshi Lerahk 1 Vahki Nuurakh 1 Vahki Bordakh 1 Vahki Vorzakh 1 Vahki Rorzakh 1 Vahki Zadakh 1 Toa Vakama Metru 3 Toa Nokama Metru 3 Toa Nuju Metru 2 Toa Matau Metru 1 Toa Onewa Metru 1 Nivawk and Dume 1 Toa Vakama Hordika 1 Toa Nuju Hordika 1 Toa Onewa Hordika 1 Toa Whenua Hordika 1 Visorak Boggarak 1 Visorak Oohnorak 1 Visorak Roporak 1 Visorak Suukorak 1 Rahaga Bomonga 1 Rahaga Kualus 1 Rahaga Gaaki 1 Toa Norik Hagah 1 Piraka Vezok 1 Toa Nuparu Ignika 1 Barraki Mantax 1 Matoran Defliak 1 Toa Gali Mistika Incomplete Sets - Substitutions Made 1 Bohrok Pahrak - Krana plat missing, replaced by random piece 1 Toa Tahu Nuva - Missing right leg, replaced with light grey leg piece of the same kind 1 Toa Pohatu Nuva - Mask missing, plus neck piece - Mask replaced with Onua Nuva mask, neck replaced with various pieces 1 Makuta - Mask of Shadows, 1 silver Mask of Light and 1 piece of silver tubing, plus minor pieces. Mask of Shadows replaced with Dume’s Mask. Minor pieces replaced by same kind but different colour 1 Takanuva and Ussanui - 2 pieces of silver tubing missing, plus various minor parts. Tubing replaced with gold tubing, minor parts replaced with same kind, but different colour 1 Toa Vakama Metru - Missing small chest piece + 1 leg armor. Chest filled in with various pieces 2 Toa Nuju Metru - Mask missing from both, head and arms missing from one. Replaced with Toa Kopaka Nuva mask and arms, and Toa Onua Nuva head and Silver Mask of Light 1 Toa Whenua Metru - 1 foot missing and 1 leg armor piece. Feet replaced with grey Toa Mata/Nuva feet 1 Nidhiki - Minor pieces missing, replaced with same kind, but different colour 1 Krekka - Minor pieces missing, replaced with same kind, but different colour 1 Keetongu - Minor pieces missing, replaced by same parts but different colour 1 Toa Matoro Ignika - Sword missing, replaced by Toa Nuju Metru weapon 1 Brutaka - Eyes and various minor pieces missing, plus gold tubing used for Ussanui Incomplete Sets - No Substitutions 1 Toa Gali Mata - Mask missing 1 Toa Pohatu Mata - Mask Missing 1 Toa Lewa Mata - Mask Missing 1 Toa Kopaka Mata - Mask and body missing 1 Toa Kopaka Nuva - Body render unusable by stuck pieces. 1 Boxor - 1 piece of cable missing, plus parts used as substitutions 1 Takua and Pewku - Takua’s missing 1 leg piece (not foot), Pewku is missing 4 tubing pieces, plus parts used as substitutions 1 Piraka Hakann - rubber spine missing, eyes used on Brutaka 1 Pile of Spare Parts All in all, a very good haul for £40. Very bummed about Makuta not being complete, since I’ve wanted one for a very long time, but if I had my original collection, I could easily fix that.
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makuta-official · 4 years
The Child
Life had been interesting for the Visorak as of late. Being utterly destroyed by a volcanic eruption, resurrected by Makuta, only for him to perish, and for them to be cast into the wastes to fend for themselves. Then Makuta seemingly resurfaced, no less than three times; the first smelled wrong, like he came from somewhere else, somewhere alien, and he was so bright and shiny and utterly distasteful. The second smelled right, but seemed to have gone somewhat mad, and so the Visorak capitulated for their safety, but tried to spend as little time around him as possible. Then, much later, a third appeared. This one smelled right, looked right, acted right, so the Visorak began following him instead. The Visorak are nothing if not master opportunists, and here was a golden opportunity to reoorganise the horde and regain their grip on the ecosystem. This Makuta (the rumours of the original's death, it seemed, were premature, though Visorak cared little for details like this) was certainly kinder than he had been in the past, by some small measures, anyway; rather than ordering them on the offensive, he told them to simply keep surviving as they had been, keep building their numbers, and to stay safe so they could serve him in the future. The Visorak were more than happy to comply. The balance of the universe, it seemed, was finally reasserting itself.
Such introspective thoughts were promptly swept from the mind of a wandering Boggarak as it caught upon a familiar scent: a juvenile Visorak. A juvenile Visorak all on its own, it realised with a start. This simply would not do. The Boggarak set off as fast as it could in the direction of the scent; as it drew closer, it caught other smells. Threatening smells. As it crested a rise it realised that wherever the juvenile was, it was smack in the middle of a Matoran settlement. The Boggarak promptly burrowed into a nearby bush, peering out, attempting to catch a glimpse of the wayward child.
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rebuiltbionicle · 4 years
Visorak Horde
The Visorak are a species of arachnine war Rahi created by the Makuta to serve as a covert military force. For centuries they stalked the Matoran Universe reducing islands to wastelands haunted by Hordika mutants. They were routed in their invasion of Metru Nui, and from there were reorganised and began to serve openly in the Brotherhood army.
The Visorak were the invention of Makuta Chirox, slowly tested and experimented with in the wilds of the island of Lilirum. Multiple breeds of specific roles in the army, with specialised combat powers, and to top it all off the latest in command and control crystals, dubbed the Heart of the Visorak. He worked until the species was hideously perfected, and unleashed them upon the island’s populace as a trial run. The event immediately brought the creatures to notoriety in the universe. Lilirum was renamed to Visorak after the creatures by Chirox to gloat, though the publicised reason was as a warning of what lay on the island. The blame for the Visorak’s creation was pinned on a Makuta that was purged though whose death was not publicised.
Chirox created the Heart of the Visorak, a telepathic crystal, to rule the Horde, but he couldn’t get them to obey him. Makuta Gorast had to intervene and rally them to the Brotherhood’s service in a display of immense violence, which would henceforth be known as the “Conquest of the Visorak.” Their service was kept a secret, and was placed under the command of a subcontracted King. Those few Visorak that openly served the Brotherhood were accompanied by Rahkshi of Rahi Control as an excuse and a guarantee. War Rahi were ubiquitous to the Brotherhood Army, so very few questions were raised and even then only about taste.
The Visorak Horde would serve as plausibly deniable superweapon to destroy islands they didn’t like. This would be the way of the Visorak for the next thousand years. The leadership would occasionally change with promotions, demotions, and coups by the Visorak themselves. Rule of the Horde was based purely on how brutally the leader could strike fear into the spider’s hearts. Eventually after an incident with an insurgent Toa Hagah team, the Horde was brought under the command of Sidorak as King and Roodaka as a viceroy. The Toa Hagah had been mutated by Roodaka into the “Rahaga” which began to stalk the Horde and aid escapees, all while seeking a mythical cure in the form of Keetongu, master of cures.
The final action of the original horde was the attack on Metru Nui after the Great Cataclysm to rescue Makuta Teridax from a Toa seal. This was the most significant and metropolitan area ever hit by the horde prior to their open servitude of the Brotherhood, though Metru Nui was nearly abandoned by that point. They did require a major battle with the remaining Vahki, but the city was occupied.
The occupation of Metru Nui proved their final unravelling. They mutated the Toa Metru into Hordika but ended up having to fight a guerrilla war with them across the city. They pressured one of the Hordika into defecting, promising them a leadership position over the horde. When the rest of the Toa Hordika, the Rahaga, and the legendary Keetongu came to rescue them, a battle was fought in which Sidorak was killed, Roodaka’s strength brought into severe question, and an explicit order was given to disband. Given the fear of punishment for disobedience, the Horde dutifully disbanded.
Visorak became widespread and nowhere near the threat they used to be, though their infamy lived on. A tiny Visorak nest was enough to cause evacuations, and many wanted to see if they could weaponise the spiders. Clan Umoth on Stelt notable managed to gather up a sizeable little army that promptly rampaged across Stelt and caused great damage to the island. The Brotherhood too began slowly regathering the Horde, not using the Heart of the Visorak due to a desire for subtlety.
The Dark Hunters, at this point at war with the Brotherhood, chose to publicly reveal that the Makuta created and controlled the Visorak Horde. They proved this with documents supplied to them by Roodaka. The Brotherhood took a massive public relations loss, but were now able to use the Horde openly as their weapon. The Brotherhood’s military capacity increased immensely. Visorak were a pillar of their army which needed to be smashed.
During their own war with the Brotherhood, the Order of Mata Nui had the Toa Nuva steal the Heart of the Visorak, which they used (under orders they didn’t fully understand) to have the Horde commit mass suicide in a volcanic eruption. The Brotherhood took a military blow that was the first in a long stream of military defeats.
Despite the Brotherhood’s defeat by the Order, Makuta Teridax was able to take over the universe and enact his will. To help enforce his reign, he recreated the Visorak from the GSR’s species synthesisers. He specifically sent Visorak against those that had spent so much effort in defeating the Horde in the first place, as a major morale blow and demonstration that Makuta was unstoppable.
Makuta was stopped, fatally, and his armies disbanded. The Visorak Horde once again disbanded and attempted to escape the universe. Many have escaped into the wilds of the Spherus Magna, while many others were culled by vengeful victims as they tried to leave.
Visorak were quadrupedal spider rahi roughly the size of a Toa; a size that balanced fighting potential and cheap production. Each of them have the ability to produce extremely durable webbing which they can use to move around and restrain victims. Each Visorak also can secret hordika venom from their mandibles, can use a rhotuka spinner with two different powers (paralysis and a second species specific power), and have a tertiary power unique to the species. Visorak are a sapient species of Rahi, which the Makuta regretted as it ended up with too many questioned orders. However, their brains were wired to obey the directives of the Heart of the Visorak without question.
There were nine breeds of Visorak:
Keelerak: Green armoured. They have retractable razors in their feet, and their rhotuka creates a globule of highly potent acid. Noted as the most violent Visorak breed.
Suukorak: White and blue armoured. They have an ability to slow their life processes down to near zero, being nearly undetected and undistinguishable from the dead. Their rhotuka has a powerful electric charge. Noted as natural tacticians amongst the Visorak.
Boggarak: Blue armoured. They have the ability to emit sonic screams and their rhotuka causes a debilitating bloating effect in their victims. Can skate across water on their legs. Technically all Visorak can do this; the Boggark are the only ones that bother to. When a leader is weak they are the first to scheme overthrow, but when a leader is strong they are the most blindly obedient.
Vohtarak: Red and orange armoured. Their horns have invulnerability powers when charging fast enough, and their rhotuka have a burning agoniser power. Noted as the most loyal breed to the Brotherhood’s cause.
Oohnorak: Black and yellow armoured. Have the ability to mimic voices stolen from memories via telepathy, and their rhotuka have a numbing effect. Follow the horde loyally due to a lack of leadership skills or imagination. The Brotherhood has considered culling all Visorak Breeds except for the Oohnorak, but decided against it.
Roporak: Brown and red armoured. Have the ability to blend in with their surroundings, and their rhotuka have an energy drain ability. Noted as the most cautious fighters amongst the Visorak.
Kahgarak: Gold and blue armoured, and twice the size of a regular Visorak. Their rhotuka have the ability to open portals to or suck victims into the Field of Shadows. Rare amongst the breeds due to the resources needed to synthesise them, and operate as special forces for the Horde.
Mothurak: Grey and sand green armoured, and only slightly larger than a Matoran’s head. They have elasticity powers and their rhotuka have a magnetising effect. Used mostly to scout out tunnels and crevases too narrow for regular Visorak.
Zypherak: Silver and copper armoured, and have a pair of wings to fly with. Their powers are odd. Flight is considered their tertiary power despite is being an anatomical feature, and only have paralysis rhotuka. However, their rhotuka differ from the others in which they burst in mid air and bath the entire area in paralytic energy. Obviously used to hunt aerial prey.
Three other species are dragged along in service of the Horde:
Colony Drones: Simple creatures in reptilian faces and Turaga like stature. Kept as cattle for the Horde; their rhotuka are mere low-yield energy projectors that can be fed on.
Gate Guardians: Larger bipeds used as guards for important installations. They can turn invisible, and their rhotuka project tiny illusions of themselves.
Zivon: An enormous destructive scorpion beast, normally residing in the Field of Shadows, and used as a last resort superweapon by the Horde. Its rhotuka rob targets of their senses. Has a fondness for the taste of Visorak and tends to kill as many of them as their enemy.
Two major pieces of military hardware saw frequent use by the Horde:
Battle Ram: Giant siege engines prominently featuring a battering ram carved in the likeness of a Visorak. The platform is also a mobile fortress that can house a division of Visorak and features a powerful catapult.
Transport Ships: Giant carrier submarines used to discreetly move the Horde from island to island. The Visorak originally crawled along the outer shell of the domes, but after being granted non-spidery officers and proper military equipment they required better transport.
The Horde answered to the Makuta, but due to the need to remain dissociated the Makuta subcontracted rule of the Horde to an officer that became Visorak King, whose rule was theoretically absolute. The King tended to leave day-to-day operations to a Viceroy. Beyond them there were occasionally other officers serving under the Viceroy, usually captaining the transport ships. Beyond that there was no structure to the Horde. An attempt was made to install Kahgarak as platoon captains, but the King found it easier to just let the Visorak organise themselves.
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