chaoticace2005 · 6 months
Charlie, a class on driver’s safety for reasons: Okay, you're driving and Angel and Niffty walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Sir Pentious: Oh, definitely Angel. I could never hurt Niffty!
Angel, having no regard for his safety: Yeah, you don’t even hafta ask.
Sir Pentious: I’m willing to hit myself too if it keeps Niffty safe!
Charlie: *concerned about her friends complete lack of self preservation*
Vaggie, massaging her temples: The brakes, bobos. You hit the brakes.
Niffty: *in the background sad that they won’t hit her with a vehicle*
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rosyronkey · 1 year
any1 else ever take a hot sexy photo of themselves in the mirror and their hands on their phone look stupid as shit its my favorite thing i cant stop doing that
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dreamlogic · 1 year
weed enjoyers out there take an extra hit for me bc i have to pass a drug test this afternoon for work & can't smoke until results come back negative :(
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Esse é um STARTER ABERTO na Biblioteca do castelo !
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Sendo a amante de livros e histórias que era, não foi surpresa alguma quando Charlie se viu dentro da biblioteca, enorme e majestosa, de Drácula. “Esse é o lugar mais lindo do castelo todo, isso é um fato.” Comentou para MUSE ao seu lado. Sem esperar por uma resposta, dirigiu-se para a estante mais próxima, desviando de uma pequena ABÓBORA decorativa. Passou os dedos pelos livros, e puxou um aleatoriamente. Na capa, havia um LOBISOMEM, mostrando suas PRESAS e GARRAS assustadoras. “Uhm, parece ser interessante. Queria um livro sobre FRANKENSTEIN, mas até eu achar vai levar muito tempo, então vou ver esse primeiro. Será que o senhor rei VAMPIRO me empresta?” Brincou, antes que sua atenção recaisse sobre um MORCEGO que estava em um canto da biblioteca. Ela se aproximou, com um sorriso no rosto. “Nossa, eles capricharam na decoração de HALLOWEEN até aqui! Tem até um VAMPIRINHO olha só…” No momento em que ela estendeu a mão para tocá-lo, o MORCEGO abriu os olhinhos e asinhas e voou para cima de si, fazendo a Hopps soltar um grito alto, enquanto tentava fugir do bicho que agora a atacava. “Ai não! É de verdade, socorro!”
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Hello there Chikuwan (Churro Charlie) fans.
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renjunplanet · 1 year
| Vícios e Virtudes Lee Haechan II
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— Que lindo... — você diz encarando as ondas cristalinas do mar, totalmente vidrada no ritmo e no brilho que o reflexo do sol fazia ao pousar delicadamente nas águas claras.
— Concordo. — Donghyuck responde, organizando a leve bagunça que você fez quando largou as sacolinhas do supermercado no chão assim que se encantou pela vista.
Depois daquela madrugada serena, no dia seguinte o Lee teve a cara de pau de ir a sua casa te buscar para o tal encontro que haviam comentado enquanto se resolviam. Você claramente não estava esperando que ele fosse agir tão rápido para que tivessem este encontro a sós. Quando ele apareceu na porta de sua casa às 14:30 da tarde — com a costumeira mochila surrada, uma bermuda de banho e uma regata branca —, você o encarou indignada.
"O que você está fazendo aqui, peste?"
"Vim buscar você para sair, ué. Você sabe, sentar na areia da praia e fazer um piquenique, uns treco brega desse tipo..."
E a partir daí suas palavras se tornaram realidade.
— A gente teve sorte de não ter quase ninguém na praia hoje. — a voz doce ressoa próxima ao seu ouvido.
Você sai de seu transe ao sentir o corpo quente perto do seu. Ele apoia uma das mãos em seu ombro, com o intuito de convidá-la para se sentar com ele na toalhinha quadriculada que acabara de estender sobre a areia fofinha. Você sorri para ele e se senta junto com o rapaz de pele dourada.
— Sua mãe sabe que você roubou a toalha de mesa dela, Lee Haechan?
— Ei, 'pera ai. — ele resmunga, balançando o indicador tal qual uma mãe dando bronca em seu filho — Primeiro que eu não roubei, ela me emprestou. — ele diz retirando os lanchinhos da mochila, ainda te encarando — Segundo, eu fiz questão dela me emprestar essa toalha em especifico porque eu sei que você vai querer ficar batendo foto pra por nos storys do instagram. — ele termina de tirar as guloseimas, colocando a mochila para o lado.
— Então você fez questão de pedir a toalha mais bonita da sua mãe só para aparecer nos meus storys? Que fofo. — você ri, zombando divertida do rapaz.
Ele apenas a encara de cenho franzido, enquanto mexe na pontinha da toalha inquieto.
— Vai continuar me zoando ou vai me ajudar aqui, ein? — ele pergunta com um biquinho chateado nos lábios.
Você sorri para ele mais uma vez, ajudando a organizar os lanches. Depois de um tempinho, com os lanches bem organizados e posicionados, vocês se preparam para comer.
— Deus, eu pedi uma refeição não um banquete! — Donghyuck exclama esfregando as mãos e com a boca salivando.
— Deixa de ser idiota, menino. — diz entre risadas, dando um tapinha de leve em seu braço.
Como podia ser tão bobo?
Depois de tanta comilança, conversas soltas, fotos, brigas e brincadeiras, ambos se deitaram sobre o pano, apreciando o céu que mudava de cor lentamente. Um silêncio confortável e confuso pairava sobre ti, com a dúvida dançando junto do som das ondas.
Ficou se perguntando a tarde toda se aquele cenário todo que Donghyuck construiu finalmente chegaria no ponto clímax ou se o rapaz continuaria naquele chove e não molha.
Passaram a tarde toda juntos e não houve nenhuma investida direta do rapaz e, quando você era quem tentava tomar o próximo passo com algum flerte disfarçado de piada, o Lee simplesmente se fazia de sonso.
Será que ele havia mudado de ideia? Perdido o interesse?
— Ei...
— Hã? — você responde ao chamado do rapaz, que brincava com os dedos meio incerto.
— Você... Você gostou de hoje? — ele te olha com os olhinhos brilhando, esperançoso.
— Óbvio que eu gostei. — uma risada fraca sai de sua boca — O dia bonito, as besteiras que a gente comeu e a sua companhia, tudo isso tornou hoje um dia especial.
Ele vira o corpo de lado e você o acompanha. Sente a mão dele se aproximando, sente o homem de pele dourada tatear suas curvas com os dedos, observar seus lábios e depois voltar a te olhar diretamente, como se admirasse uma arte delicada.
— Eu sei que cê deve tá mó frustrada comigo porque eu fiquei de cu doce a tarde inteira. Mas poxa. Eu queria algo mais romântico para nós dois, queria ir um pouquinho devagar.
Donghyuck puxa seu corpo ainda mais para perto do dele, segurando com firmeza sua cintura e apoiando sua cabeça em seu braço.
Os dedos que antes te agarravam com força, agora te fazem um leve carinho na pele de seu rosto. Consegue sentir o toque deslizar pela pele macia e os dedos ásperos de Donghyuck tocarem seus lábios.
Hipnotizante, assim como as águas cristalinas do mar e os raios de sol contra as ondas.
Ele segura seu queixo, toca uma última vez sua boca com o polegar e se conecta a você através de um beijo.
Sente alguns de seus sentidos indo embora. O som agressivo das ondas some, o frio que sentia antes desaparece, os olhos fechados apreciando o contato apaixonado do Lee.
Agora você apenas se permitia sentir o sabor do refrigerante que antes beberam e os lábios carnudos deslizando contra os seus.
Sente ele ofegar por um instante, não estava cansado de beijar-te, mas estava tenso de tanta felicidade que corria nas veias dele. Donghyuck interrompe o ósculo aos poucos, deixando leves selares.
— Tá ficando tarde, prometi pra sua mãe que ia te levar pra casa cedo. — ele diz sorrindo, deixando mais um beijinho em você.
— Então tá na hora de levantar acampamento? — você brinca, vendo ele se levantar e tentando tirar a areia do corpo.
Se levanta junto dele, fazendo o mesmo.
— Hyuck... — o tom preocupado em sua voz faz o menino juntar as sobrancelhas.
— Que foi?
— O meu celular, você viu ele? — você toca os bolsos do short numa tentativa falha de encontrar o aparelho.
— Pera aí, vou ligar.
Donghyuck liga e se ouve o som do celular saindo da mochila dele.
— Ta aqui, oh. — ele puxa o eletrônico para interromper a ligação.
Você suspira aliviada.
— "donghyuck 103 b"? — ele franze o cenho desgostoso — Sério que você salvou meu contato assim?
— Oxe, que que tem? Eu tenho seu número há anos, deu preguiça de mudar o contato.
— Hum. — ele fica emburrado.
— Que foi? Quer que eu mude?
— É óbvio!
Você revira os olhos.
— Tá bom, princeso. Quer que eu salve como então? — você tenta puxar o celular da mão dele.
— Deixa que esse B.O. eu que vou resolver. — ele ergue o celular no alto te impedindo de pegar o aparelho de volta. Você apenas suspira em derrota.
Depois de um tempo digitando ele te devolve o telefone e volta a arrumar as coisas.
— "meu namorado minha vida"? — você olha para ele com uma expressão indecifrável enquanto Donghyuck apenas ri.
Realmente era um idiota. Um idiota que fazia seu coração chacoalhar e errar a batida a cada idiotice dele.
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artlimited · 25 days
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Happy dreamer ou L'énigme presque résolue du bonheur by Charlie Bobo https://www.artlimited.net/22899/art/peinture-happy-dreamer-ou-l-enigme-presque-resolue-du-bonheur-huile-gens-personnage/en/11997574
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theogclownboy · 7 months
Do the Hazbin babies have any cute lil nicknames for their pacis? (num num, sucky, bobo, etc etc)
Alastor: calls it his dummy
Angel: since his is pink he calls it his "pinky pink"
Charlie: she just calls it her paci or a pa if she's ready little and can't say the whole thing
Vaggie: it's her squishy
Husk: he doesn't use them and he prefers teethers
Nifty: her little gremlin self accidentally breaks all the ones she gets so she uses teethers
Sir pentious: like teethers but ones with different kinds textures like some with bumps and different patterns on them that have a feeling when you touch them (idk how to explain)
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stinky-fuck-swag · 1 year
Aaand here's the brackets!
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Wacky ass formatting, i know- Matchups under the cut, polls will be starting soon!
(note: i know nothing about like. 80% of these characters. if their names or where theyre from is incorrect, just lmk cuz i have NOO IDEAA) also i am fully aware of every mistake made in this bracket. whoops
Henry Oak (Dungeons and Daddies) VS Normal Oak (Dungeons and Daddies season 2
Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) VS Stink (Epithet Erased)
Anders (Dragon Age) VS Isabela (Dragon Age)
Deandra the new girl (Most Popular Girls in School) VS Peach (real life)
Randy Jade (Dialtown) VS Phonegingi (Dialtown)
Stunky (Pokemon) VS Stinkeye (Yo-kai Watch)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) VS Dimple (Mob Psycho 100)
Moonbeam McSwine (Li'l Abner) VS Marc Spector (Marvel Comics)
Link (BOTW) VS Lt. Columbo (Columbo)
Yoda (Star Wars) VS Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Dob the Half Orc Bard (Oxventure Dungeons and Dragons) VS Caleb Widogast (Critical Role campaign 2)
Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3) VS Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)
Gyro Zepelli (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) VS Guido Mista (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Tokkori (Kirby right back at ya) VS Jotaro Kujo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Elon Musk (real life. sadly) VS Berdly (Deltarune)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune) VS Susie (Deltarune)
The Great Mighty Poo (Conker) VS The Poop Smith (Homestar Runner)
Michael Afton (Five Nights at Freddy’s) VS Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy’s)
Manjoume Jun/Chazz Princeton (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) VS Datz Are'bal (Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice)
Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) VS Humans in general (Star Trek)
Captain Rockhopper (Club Penguin) VS King Micah of Bright Moon (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Frank Gallagher (Shameless) VS Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides)
The Riddler (Batman: Arkham Knight) VS Power (Chainsaw Man)
Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) VS Every Dog (real life)
c!Technoblade (Dream SMP) VS c!Wilbur Soot (Dream SMP)
Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium) VS Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Submitters Brother (real life) VS Prosperity Redding (The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi) VS Goobleck (Just Roll With It)
Enoch O'Connor (Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children) VS Smores (real life)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth) VS Erik (The Phantom of the Opera (Andrew Lloyd Webber musical & movie))
The Voters (Tumblr) VS Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Rotten Apple (Showvember) VS Loki (real life)
Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) VS Smudge (Cascão) (Monica’s Team (Turma da Monica))
Oscar the Grouch (Sesame Street) VS Stinky Pete (Toy Story 2)
Toko Fukawa (Danganronpa) VS L (Death Note)
Stink Bomb (Skylanders: SWAP Force) VS Slugcat (Rain World)
Thorfinn (Vinland Saga) VS Vice (Kamen Rider Revice)
Dr. Iceberg (SCP Foundation) VS Dr. Alto Clef (SCP Foundation)
Ash Ketchum (Pokemon) VS Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359)
Estinien Wyrmblood (Final Fantasy XIV) VS Alphinaud Leveilleur (Final Fantasy XIV)
Raphael Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Gobber (How To Train Your Dragon)
Keaton (Fire Emblem Fates) VS Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Bill Lenz (Black Christmas 1974) VS Stinkor (Masters of the Universe)
The Sewer Urchin (The Tick (1994 Animated Series)) VS Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid)
Barfbat (Ward (Parahumans series)) VS Kevin (Synthesizer V)
Yellowfang (Warrior Cats) VS Big Mac (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Heppokomaru (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo) VS Captain 3 (Splatoon 3)
Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls) VS Linus (Stardew Valley)
Jeong-Jeong (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Pigpen (Peanuts)
Beelzebub (Good Omens) VS Stinkfly (Ben 10)C
Hiravias (Pillars of Eternity) VS Chell (Portal)
Murdoc Niccals (Gorillaz) VS Bacterian (Dragon Ball)
Captain K'nuckles (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack) VS Kimchi (Chowder)
Stinky (Moomins) VS Stinky (Animal Crossing)
Mitchell Shephard (Hunt Down the Freeman) VS Melly Plinius (Identity V)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) VS Yato (Noragami)
THAT FUCKING THING IN YOUR BANNER (my banner lol) VS Harold (Fallout 1, 2, and 3)
Barik of the Stone Shields (Tyranny) VS Samuel Gladiator (Yandere High School (minecraft roleplay))
John Hart (Torchwood) VS Orochimaru (Naruto)
Dung Defender/Ogrim (Hollow Knight) VS Zane (Borderlands)
Pumbaa (The Lion King) VS Enki (Fear and Hunger)
Goro Majima (Yakuza) VS Sandalphon (Granblue Fantasy)
Finn Mertins (Farmworld) (Adventure Time) VS John Doe (John Doe / John Doe+)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS Ed Sheeran (ginger people fandom)
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factorii · 10 months
Muppet version of genloss
whos who
(in the most polite way possible)
this will take a bit of thinking.
So if the muppets are playing genloss characters:
Ranboo played by Kermit the Frog. um... they're both the main person I guess?
Charlie played by Fozzie Bear. Both funny guys, cracking jokes 'n stuff. Nervous energy.
Sneeg played by Rowlf the Dog. Sarcastic. Deadpan sense of humor.
Hetch played by Gonzo?? They're both mysterious in a sense. I could see Gonzo killing Kermit.
The Puzzler played by Bobo the Bear. Intimidating but actually doesn't know what he's doing.
Rats played by Statler and Waldorf. They are a duo. And why not?
Ethan played by Lew Zealand. They both love fish.
Austin played by Sam Eagle. Logical kind of people.
Niki played by a human being. Look, I didn't know what to do with this one. Maybe Scooter?
Vinny played by Rizzo the Rat. New York.
Security played by Animal. Obvious.
Showfall media employees played by Chickens and Humans.
okay. I think I got them all.
pleaase enjoy this insanity.
I can't wait until the Muppets recreate Generation Loss the Social Experiments.
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girl4music · 3 months
Finished my 3rd watch of the finale episode of Season 3 of ‘Wynonna Earp’ and a lot of things happened.
Nicole almost died… again. But was saved by Doc, who found her, and with a huge bloody stab wound, managed to get her to safety and then Charlie/Julian gave up his immortality as an angel to save her life.
Charlie/Julian then passed on the ring to Waverly so now she was the next Guardian of the Garden of Eden and explained to her that she now had the power to anoint someone as a chosen hero with the capability to wield the flaming swords that belong to Charlie/Julian and Juan Carlo - one of which being Peacemaker shape-shifted into a flaming sword.
Bobo requests that Waverly end him once and for all because she is the only one who he will let end him and she does after he kills now mortal Charlie/Julian. Poor dude didn’t even get to disappear into the nothingness with all the rest of the revenants when the curse ended. But I guess he chose that brutal fate the moment he became Bulshar’s Lieutenant, willingly doing his bidding by going against the good guys.
Waverly proposes to Nicole in a pre-apocalyptic fashion, choosing to give her her ring as a keepsake but WynonnaInterrptus pulled them away from the moment before Nicole had the chance to answer her and then ended up drugging her along with the rest of her team sans Waverly so she wouldn’t be able to - unbeknownst to her of course because surely if she knew she wouldn’t have taken that moment away from them no matter how much in dire straights they all are. It only takes 2 seconds to answer a proposal after all. So glad they got to redo this whole thing.
Jeremy and Robin make a protection solution that camouflages Wynonna and Waverly from Bulshar’s bee-keeper army, allowing them to get past Bulshar’s defenses so they can destroy him once and for all.
Bulshar broke the Earp curse, leaving him apparently mortal but also apparently not either since he could still shapeshift into a snake at will. Not sure what that’s about. Maybe he is half human, half snake. 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, Bulshar takes Wynonna’s blood in order to do this and then Wynonna rushes after Bulshar and Waverly follows behind her chastisizing her for her “dick move” in drugging them all. Wynonna explains that she didn’t try to drug her because they were in this together. Waverly pulls out the flaming sword that is a shape-shifted Peacemaker from the stairs and anoints Wynonna as the chosen hero of it yet again when Bulshar breaks the Earp curse. Waverly gets stuck in a force field, leaving her trapped at the entrance to the Garden just as Wynonna gets bitten by Bulshar after she kills him but Doc appears from out of nowhere to suck the venom out of her and then Waverly gets kidnapped by the Garden of Eden itself, to which Doc breaches the forcefield and follows her, leaving Wynonna behind with his pistol belt holder.
So yeah,… A LOT happened in that final episode of Season 3 but still very easy to follow. On to Season 4.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
tbh if you ever feel like dishing I would be interested in a breakdown of the writing room in-fighing in spn ;) I always find the tidbits you drop here and there very thought-provoking. I have my own bias in terms of which writers I stan and I enjoy thinking about bts dynamics. No pressure ofc, but since you mentioned that you *could* expand on that but didn't think people would believe you, I figured I'd let you know you'd have an interested reader here
Alright. I got another comment asking for this too, so here we go.
I'll be clear in that while I know some business decisions before season 9, most of my actual dedicated info for this starts season 9, hence saying seasons 9-15.
Before that though, it's important to learn about a few other things so let's dig in.
So first off, when SPN was made this old blooded industry guy had found a guy writing under WW Vought for Sam's War, filmed it, it didn't work, they tried again. Singer was basically the sign on to give kripke a shove, and stayed long after kripke. he had his personal idyllic takes on the show which aged like milk.
Showrunners rotated and Singer stayed. After Kripke fully left, Singer even hired back in his wife. Singer was never GOOD industry blood. His highest rated film was Cujo which is still a rotten tomatoes embarassment. But he had the clout to get it rolling.
Over time, new showrunners came in and had less and less power compared to Singer more and more rooted in with his wife.
While season 8 carver came in with his 3 year plan, most of it ended up on the cutting room floor or dumped in a bathtub
Carver ran his room a little bit competitively-- like, it was bad enough dealing with Singer's takes, and Carver wanted to do what he wanted to do for that plan and assigned it through. If authors had other ideas, they kinda had to pump it out in an episode, which is why you got killer standout episodes from individual authors like Thompson or Edlund. (One exception arose: the Thompson-Berens friendship picking up one another's plot ends eg First Born > Executioner's Song, Colette, etc which berens even brought up as MOC in S15)
But Carver wasn't down for Singer's shit. Almost the whole room railed against Singer about Charlie, but he made sure his wife wrote it and he directed it when everyone protested. This also made for the season 11 author exodus once contracts expired.
By season 12, not only was Dabb taking over, but really only singer's wife eugenie (and buckner), and bobo were left of old guard. Everyone else walked out. Bobo was still amped for Wayward and stayed. It started as a season 10 fan pitch, got rolled around a few years and almost got launched S12 but was delayed for creative reasons. So he stuck while everyone else walked out.
This is also when the market testing started, and probably came by way of the S9 Destiel books Some Folks:tm: sent to Some Authors:tm: about demographics and testimonials, which Meg Fitz was reading a week after joining Dabb's crew.
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For the first year or so (s12), the new writing room was a little cluttered but it was because bobo was grooming the new kids into working as a unit, rather than a competition. Dabb opened up his methods "melting pot" style on ideas, everyone threw their stuff in, they laid it out and figured out how much they could use and where to assign it.
But Eugenie still clung to Eugening and for a while, they tried to write around her. Dangled Mark P carrots to keep her happy and hyperfocused on that and then didn't touch the topics themselves and wrote around it in a way you can almost delete Mark P.
And they were like, hm, this is working. But really eugenie and singer don't even watch the show, they barely ever check the dailies
what would happen if
because god doesn't care
...we just... all... were dabb.
And so they did.
So Dabb gave Berens permission to forge showrunners notes and shit, and kept giving authors clearance to write on whatever. Bobo sort of fathered the philosophy charge and bound together their work, and just. Like, Jeremy for example talking about the help Berens gave him with Last Call is the friendly face of it. The less friendly is fandom wondering why "We Are" is in 15.02 when it's not in the script. I told yall for ages that was Berens overwriting Eugenie, and this is how, and that's not the only place.
Over time you might notice, especially S15, buckleming eps weren't... awful? they weren't overall great but they'd have some surprisingly good shit and be a little less chaotic.
It's because Dabb and Berens realized, you don't argue with Singer, or someone gets dumped in a bathtub offscreen. Just use the fact that chuck doesn't care and wanders off until he wants to force his version of the story down everyone's throat.
The crew was actually intending to make use of budget and filming/schedule limits to run a ball. Covid dropping was just. Ugh. It gave Singer time to realize his entire crew had betrayed him basically.
It wasn't JUST corporate itself slapping back. Singer was that old industry arm for that, and why we had a deadweight on progress and change. It was Singer slapping back and digging in the knife. Or the dickbar. And laughing as Dabb's Pie got smashed in Dean's face when he finally wanted to live and eat. Yeah you can see him laughing with his covid band. Classy.
Dabb got boned at the end. As it was he was barely writing it. He tried to save a lot of Berens and Meredith's work and plans, or what could make it, like Miracle. But I mean, they were fucked 17 ways to sunday, he didn't have his team, his rebels, his crew, he didn't have any of his shit. He just had singer, eugenie, and showalter trying his DAMNDEST to still tell a visual story with 15.19. There's a reason Showalter came back and Singer didn't.
Berens trained up Meredith as his protoge in that time. Others like Yockey were on board, Davy was the supportive and energetic friend and Dabb Let Them Do. Yockey moved on, the others stuck through and ran it as hard as they could.
But there's a reason Meredith was called Berens Work Boyfriend, despite the genders and stuff not matching their sexual prefs etc. It's because the S15 shit was real, man. Chuck didn't care and they would never give him the story they want. Everyone knew Meredith was Dean and Bobo was Cas and they were Work Boyfriends and that's just what it is, so fucking cope.
This shit is why it was kept low key. Like, yes, A FEW SELECT PEOPLE knew it was written first on the season, and got screamed at and called delusional all year by denialists. But even people that know these authors IRL were largely clueless--Natalie Fischer, for example, knows Meredith IRL, but was so clueless about it that she was arguing "don't get people's hopes up" when I said an ILU was coming... and I had the leak in three languages.
It was the only reason he stayed. Anyone that knew him--REALLY KNEW HIM--knew that, before he hinted it at S15 SDCC. Wayward getting murdered on contract BS almost made him walk out, but he stayed only for this, and wrote it first, and made sure the season orbited it. Then they got fucked again by covid, and 2po makes confused monkey sounds why berens might still be influencing it via talking with his bestie but not wanting to sign his soul into another 2 year contract.
Which is why I talk about fandom not understanding the limits of their would be leakers. Know their caps, man.
Either way that's the rough of it. If there's any followup questions I can probably add to it.
Robbie's heavyhanded romance sprint he was told to chill down the accidental predestination on in The Winchesters showed signs of Carver-Singer room trauma. Like THESE ARE MY IDEAS, MINE, I'M WRITING THEM ALL, IT'LL BE A 3 HOUR EPISODE, FUCK YOU. And his friends get to be like. calm down dude you can cowrite the whole season nobody's taking it away from you now. We can do this right.
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lewdcanons · 1 year
lewdcanons is a secondary blog of @sparsilelove and @aeipathiclove -- all guidelines of my main blog apply here too! this page is for all my (likely canon divergent) adult plots involving canon characters. while i'm usually picky about canons and their portrayal, everything here is a little more chill and entirely #toohornyformain. characters under the cut 🥴
a note on gender: * indicates a genderswapped character. all muses can be played as cis or trans, but please don't use feminisation kink with trans guys in threads with me. i'm trans myself and it makes me super dysphoric, thanks!
for all of the fandoms mentioned, i'll most likely play anyone from that fandom -- just send me a message on main and we'll figure it out.
comics - dc:
bruce wayne (henry cavill or ben affleck)
conner kent (joshua orpin)
damian wayne (anthony keyvan)
dick grayson (brenton thwaites)
garfield logan (ryan potter)
jason todd (curran walters, noah centineo or matthew daddario)
jon kent (michael cimino)
timothy drake (tyler lawrence gray or jay lycurgo)
comics - marvel:
clint barton (alexander ludwig, sam claflin or boyd holbrook)
frank castle (jon bernthal)
kane bishop* (ryan potter or tanner buchanan)
matt murdock (charlie cox or cameron monaghan)
miles morales (jharrel jerome)
peter parker (nick robinson or tom holland)
steve rogers (chris evans)
movies - scream:
billy loomis (felix mallard or skeet ulrich)
chad meeks-martin (mason gooding)
ethan landry (jack champion)
quinn bailey* (cameron monaghan)
richie kirsch (jack quaid)
troy carpenter* (michael cimino)
movies - misc:
duncan idaho (jason mamoa)
indiana jones (john krasinski or chris pratt)
james bond (thomas doherty or henry cavill)
leto atreides (oscar isaac)
nick gant (finn cole)
paul atreides (timothee chalamet)
raleigh becket (charlie hunnam)
sebastian valmont (aron piper)
tyler durden (charlie hunnam) and the narrator (robert pattinson)
tv - fate: the winx saga:
dane (theo graham)
riven (freddie thorp)
sam (jacob dudman)
saul silva (rob james-collier)
sky (danny griffin)
tv - misc:
bobo del rey (michael eklund)
doc holliday (tim rozon)
geralt of rivia (henry cavill)
joel miller (pedro pascal)
nick scratch (gavin leatherwood)
tv - riverdale:
archie andrews (kj apa)
barney cooper* (hunter doohan or froy gutierrez)
fp jones (skeet ulrich)
jughead jones (cole sprouse)
vernon lodge* (rafael silva)
tv - shadowhunters:
bat velasquez (rafael silva)
clarence fairchild* (kj apa)
jace herondale (finn cole or dominic sherwood)
simon lewis (asa butterfield or alberto rosende)
tv - teen wolf:
alexander argent* (thomas doherty or manu rios)
chris argent (john krasinski or milo ventimiglia)
derek hale (richard madden, michael trevino or tyler hoechlin)
isaac lahey (archie renaux or paul mescal)
liam dunbar (jordan elsass, rudy pankow or dylan sprayberry)
noah stilinski (ben affleck or timothy olyphant)
peter hale (jensen ackles or sebastian stan)
stiles stilinski (nico hiraga or dylan o'brien)
theo raeken (jacob elordi, gavin leatherwood or cody christian)
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lihmoxxie · 9 months
-começo a rir tanto que meus olhos lacrimejam.
-Mas isso é tão bobo! Porque precisamos comer comida para não morrer,não é? Então,meu irmão Charles, Charlie,ele,ele pensou que seria melhor se superasse isso naquele momento! Até que ele,ano passado, ele... - Eu seguro o meu punho e aponto. - ... ele se machucou. E Escreveu um cartão para mim, dizendo que estava muito arrependido e tal,mas que eu não deveria ficar triste porque ele estava bem feliz com aquilo.
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rachirodehills · 1 year
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RHH vs Newgrounds (Marvel vs Capcom Parody)
RHH vs Newgrounds (Marvel vs Capcom Parody) THIS TOOK ME LIKE A WEEK TO MAKE! Though they're will be more, and I will make some changes, but here! This was Heavily Inspired by "Marvel vs Capcom"   Arcue(In Arcta) Wilson, Oaklina(Wublin-Man), Brian, Toni, Niaomi, Tanner(Who's Hiding Somewhere) (Ka-pow Koopalings), Violet, Rosie, Rocco, Shrooby, Bobo, Chliffe(Random-Island), Zan, Maxwell, David, Yī'èrsān, Anteane, Raul, Onius, Serene(Crimson Eiennia), Harriette, Johnnie, Cindy,(FunHouse), Woomie(Mari's and Inky's) Neil(The Demon of Purple) - (c) @Rachi-RodeHills Pico, Nene, Darnell(Pico's School), Boyfriend, Girlfriend(Friday Night Funkin), Salad Fingers, Blockhead, P-bot, Hal and Jeff(Bowser's Kingdom, also Nintendo), Edd, Tom, Matt, Tord(Eddsworld), Henry, Ellie, Charles(Henry Stickmin), Sublo, Tango Mustard(Sublo and Tango Mustard), Cassette Girl, P-bot, F(The Alphabet Lore), Geometry Dash, Charlie, Pim(Smiling Friends), Ula, Margo(Hands Up), Trickie, Hank(Madness), Fancy Pants, Alien Homind - (c) Newgrounds Happy Birthday Thomas Fulp
OH P.S, Check our other stuff out. Hell, We're everywhere! Twitter YouTube Newgrounds Fur Affinty Inkbunny Furbooru Artstation Pixiv ToyHouse  Picarto Wattpad
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artlimited · 12 days
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Best of day: Happy dreamer ou L'énigme presque résolue du bonheur by Charlie Bobo https://www.artlimited.net/22899/art/peinture-happy-dreamer-ou-l-enigme-presque-resolue-du-bonheur-huile-gens-personnage/en/11997574
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