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ianmccloud · 2 months ago
I really like this song, so I played it: 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' – Bob Dylan (Acoustic Cover by Ian McCloud). The AI was fed the song lyrics, and in the video, you can see the first image it created based on them.
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janvanbaol · 2 years ago
Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone #bobdylan #bobdylancover
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rough-grains · 4 months ago
If you look from here, far, far away in the sky, then beyond the space, the big bang, all of that – there are numerous dimensions and then you look down in the microscope, there is a whole another world. Another dimension. So, I think here is a good place to be. To remain between two infinitely complex dimensions. Listening to songs which I care about, because I don’t give a damn about me being unconventional. I can’t handle mainstream, it pains me from the inside, makes me want to vomit. I go back and forth, but I like where I am leading too. I am no gentleman, and I am far from being a good man; but I know what I need is different from what the world needs. I have gotten out of the habit of consuming and have started to create more to see what I can do, if I really have it in me to create. Creating rather than consuming. It's like the saying - brave ones die, geniuses go mad and the world remains full of happy fools. Yes, and I don’t want to be a fool, I have been listening to people talk about things that don’t matter and I can’t help but feel sorry for them. I have no right to judge anyone on the basis of anything but I don’t owe them anything to not judge them. Every person I see nowadays feels irrelevant; they do not fit in my grand scheme of things and yet, this conscience of mine can’t help but make them relevant. I have heard it many times before but human conscience was indeed, a tragic misstep in evolution. I seem to care less and less each day but, on some days, I feel like I have not even stepped on that path. People seem immensely immoral lately; all they care about is what the world has always cared about. Money and lust. Hence, I don’t care what anybody (people except my family and friends) thinks of me because they are irrelevant to me; I’ll create what I think portrays me better or portrays a me that I want to be. I have books, which is all I’ll ever need and is all I want to consume, if you take that away from me, I am a dead man. #bobdylan #bobdylancover
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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
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Mi primer cover subido a souncloud. Una calidad muy deplorable pero mucho corazón. Y con mucho respeto al maestro.
#bobdylan #bobdylancover #acousticcover #soundcloudcover #tomakeyoufeelmylove
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elizabethsstudio · 3 years ago
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The Freewheelin' sonando mientras llueve fuera, pinceladas aquí y allá y las formas asomando poco a poco en el papel... . Creo que haré más como este porque he gozado mucho todo el ritual. 🎶🖌️🌧️ . La técnica es grafito en polvo acuarelable. Sobre papel Fabriano 5, que tiene una textura que es ❤️ En un formato "foto Polaroid" pero más grande, 18,7 x 15,7 cm. --------- The Freewheelin' album cover, Bob Dylan. Graphite powder water-soluble on Fabriano paper 300g. . #bobdylan #bobdylanart #illustration #thefreewheelinbobdylan #fanart #blackandwhite #graphite #elizabethsanduvete #escodabrushes #fabrianopaper #originalart #polaroid #bobdylancover #ilustracion #grafitoacuarelable (en New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb-iORCqdan/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cedeterija · 4 years ago
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Noviteti #bobdylan #bobdylanmusic #bobdylanofficial #bobdylancover #roughandrowdyways #newalbum #newmusic #newrelease #music #cd #lp #columbia #aquariusmusicshop #cedeterija (at Zagreb, Croatia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGUvAzYJMfK/?igshid=wwdwd38knis
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beautiful-disaster235 · 7 years ago
To make you feel my love brought to you by the talented @gordlightmusic #adelecover #bobdylan #bobdylancover #tomakeyoufeelmylove #guitar #singer #singersongwriter #covers #music #opeic @thenorthernquarter (at Northern Quarter)
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strutterstuff-blog · 8 years ago
"How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?" - This is a lyric that comes to me so often in times of tragedy all over the world ❤️❤️ #FlashbackFriday to a few days ago at home, learning my fav Bob Dylan tune. #MelissaLearnsTheUke #blowinginthewind #BobDylanCover #Ukulele #UkuleleMaster
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mollyrae18-blog · 6 years ago
Make You Feel My Love
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forwhatitsworthlove-blog · 8 years ago
This land was made for you and me ✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿✡️☪️✝️🕉☮️#thislandisyourland #usa #election #2017 #ukelele #ukelelecover #woodieguthrie #woodieguthriecover #bobdylan #bobdylancover #trump #inauguration2017 #lovetrumpshate #freedom #love #weareone #iloveyou
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janvanbaol · 1 year ago
Bob Dylan - Knockin' on Heaven's Door #bobdylan #bobdylancover
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jshatan · 5 years ago
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@emmaswiftsings - or is that Queen Jane, approximately? - live at @grimeys and in my living room. I wonder if Bob is watching... #livestream @bobdylan #folkrock #indiefolk #coversongs #bobdylan #bobdylancovers https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIXu42A8Vp/?igshid=1l6egrx9ardqp
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charliehopper · 5 years ago
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BLANK plays BLANK, no. 2. Fell behind again. I should quite doing that. Also have become aware that these posts are starting to go on a little too long. Briefly (kinda) (tryin’) here’s what I love about this little gem, besides how the cover tries to capture Dylan’s “Bringing It All Back Home” vibe: Eddy’s guitar is like Angry Hulk busting in on Lee Hazelwood’s polite arrangements. Dylan songs don’t really lend themselves to instrumentals anyway, particularly, and these start out with this polite backing band, then in comes the giant stomping whammy-bar bass-string twang with the single-note melody, ‘RAWRRRRRR.” #duaneeddy #bobdylan #dylan #dylancover #bobdylancovers #dontthinktwice #vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #vinylfreak #vinyladdict #vinylgram #vinyljunkies #vinylgeek #vinyllover #recordplayer #vinylcollector #recordcollector #33andathird #33rpm #onmyturntable #ellipticalsoundtrack #treadmillsoundtrack #hoppervinyl #cvhoppervinyl #nowplaying #nowplayingonvinyl (at Noblesville, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9CXAuuiCCW/?igshid=10sd7h5lydune
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billjonesmusic · 5 years ago
this one is for Michelle ❤️...but, oh, what a wonderful feeling just to know that you are near . . . . . #bobdylancover #thebiglebowski ##bobdylan #bobdylanquotes #themaninme #ʟʏʀɪᴄᴠɪᴅᴇᴏs #lyricmusic #lyricstolife #lyricsvidgram #taylorguitarsapproved #taylortuesday #formylove #beautifulviews😍 #offgridlifestyle #mytuesdaymorning (at Mesa Grande, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDeonQAJYZ-/?igshid=3sn9nmj83t2j
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charlesgrassot · 5 years ago
I've posted a cover of I shall be released in my Soundcloud recorded with my phone. #charlesgrassot #carlitosblues #farewellthechild #songwriter #cantautor #carlesgrassot #ishallbereleased #bobdylan #bobdylancover #phonerecording https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTwJmGH4rp/?igshid=1ccxdqnreqgpy
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zippyriffs · 5 years ago
••• “Blowin’ in the Wind” a timeless classic from 1963 album “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan” ••• It has been described as a protest song, and poses a series of rhetorical questions about peace, war, and freedom. The refrain "The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind" has been described as "impenetrably ambiguous: either the answer is so obvious it is right in your face, or the answer is as intangible as the wind" ••• #ZippyRiffs #BobDylan #BlowinInTheWind #AcousticGuitar #BobDylanCover #ZippyRiffsSings ••• (at Blowin' In The Wind) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYSCWLJ72d/?igshid=15qlgiipqkhjl
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