#Bob's burgers season 15 episode 6
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onlytiktoks · 4 months ago
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yahoo201027 · 4 months ago
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Now Playing: Season 15, Episode 6 of Bob’s Burgers on FOX.
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br1ghtestlight · 21 days ago
youre one of the main ppl i know who is really into bob's burgers, so i want to consult you about what are the best tina or louise centric episodes?
i also enjoy episodes about all three kiddos too. ive kinda skipped around bob's burgers (i watched seasons 1-4 in order, watched the halloween specials, watched the movie, watched some of the christmas specials, and various episodes around other seasons too, i really like the school centered ones especially w/ tina and tammy's rivalry)
OKAY I SHOULD ACTUALLY SERIOUSLY ANSWER THIS ONE cuz ur my object show oomf even though its been in my inbox for like..... god knows how many months now??
reaching into the deep recesses of my Mind <3
season 15 episode 10 advice things are ad-nice (newest episode overall as of rn. its a school-focused tina episode and i thiiiink tammy is in it?? don't quote me on that though)
season 15 episode 8 they slug horses, don't they (REALLY GOOD EPISODE. really really sad especially if you have siblings. ending song still makes me cry. focused very heavily on louise and tina's relationship)
season 13 episode 22 amelia (louise-focused episode and also one of my favorites of the entire show. SO SAD. very beautiful. ending credits song also makes me cry)
season 13 episode 10 the plight before christmas (highest rated episode of the entire show :) very very sweet christmas episode focused on louise and tina's relationship)
season 12 episodes 21 & 22 some like it bot (if you dont enjoy the episodes that are like "the kids tell a story" you miiight not enjoy this as much?? but it's a really good season finale focused on tina's experience of being autistic/feeling like an outsider and her relationship with tammy. basically a "conclusion" to their entire relationship tbh the ending is SO GOOD and feels so in-character. also good songs)
season 12 episode 1 manic pixie crap show (FANTASTIC episode about traditional gender roles and how louise doesn't feel like she's a "real girl" bcuz she isnt traditionally feminine or girly. also focused on tina and louise's relationship the ending is soo sweet)
season 11 episode 6 bob belcher and the no-good very bad kids (not really tina or louise focused but it's a really good episode lmao. kinda focused on all 3 kids and their relationship with their parents)
season 10 episode 12 a fish called tina (another episode that makes me CRY. also focused on louise and tina's relationship but only tangentially which makes the ending hit so much harder. focused on their school and one of those big fish/little fish programs and tina wanting to be a good "big sister")
season 8 episode 20 mission impos-slug-ble (kind of a tina and louise focused episode?? but its also just really fun lol and involves all the kids planning a heist)
season 8 episode 18 as i walk through the alley of the shadow of the ramps (louise learns to ride a bike....?? just a very fun episode with all the kids and some good older sister tina)
okay thats all ive got cuz i need to do laundry and i was just reading through the wikipedia for all the episodes of bob's burgers and going off memory. but i remember all these episodes being really good at least to ME
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 1 year ago
What are some of your favorite quotes from Bob’s Burgers? Can be a top five, can be from a specific character or episode, can be from the movie, anything you want!
babs!!!! thank you so much for this fun ask.....i decided to go for a top 5 (though not in any particular order)....from the stupidest brothers to ever exist 💖 THEY'RE SO DUMB!!!!!!
season 14, episode 5 : "bully-ieve it or not"
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season 3, episode 15 : "O.T. the outside toilet"
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season 4, episode 2 : "fort night"
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season 6, episode 18 : "the secret admiral-irer"
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season 5, episode 12 : "the millie-churian candidate"
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ltwharfy · 1 year ago
"Bob's Burgers" Season 7 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post! If you want to check out any of the other seasons, I've been using the "bob's burgers episode ranking rewatch" tag for all of them.
Now, on to Season 7:
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Average (Mean) Score: 4.64
Mode (Most Common) Ranking: 5
Ranking Breakdown: 15 5s 6 4s 1 3
Season as whole thoughts:
Our new first place season (and I think it's kind of unlikely to be topped!) Unlike with Season 4, where I was kind of surprised by how high its average scored ended up being, Season 7 is one that I knew going in had several of my favorite episodes. I remember several years ago, the AV Club had a Q and A asking "What's the strongest 3 episode run of a TV show"? My immediate thought when seeing that : "Bob's Burgers" when they did "Ex Mach Tina" followed by "Bob Actually" followed by "There's No Business Like Mr. Business Business".
"Bob Actually" is a strongest contender for my favorite episode, and when I think of the reasons why (which do, in fact, go beyond "Roudise Kiss!!!!!!!"), I think they kind of encapsulate the strengths of this season. I think "Bob Actually" is a perfect combination of being really funny (everything Flips Whitefudge says; Ms. LaBonz stealing from the school; heck, even Mr. Blevins gets a funny line!), being really creative (giving each of the Belchers their own storylines rather than just an A and B story), and being emotionally satisfying (obviously, this kind of depends on how fond you are of Tinimmy and Roudise and Boblin.)
And I feel like a lot of the episodes of this season have that perfect combination of humor, emotion, and creativity- "Large Brother, Where Fart Thou?" sees the hilarity of Bob and Linda getting high with their account, the innovation of Tina having a storyline where she doesn't interact with any of the other Belchers, and the emotion of Gene being a protective big brother to Louise. "Last Gingerbread House on the Left" features a gunfight at a gingerbread house competition (hilarious!), that uses beautiful slow motion and closeups (creative!), and results in Bob actually winning something for once and giving a great Christmas present to his kids- and Mr. Fischoeder and his weird rich friends (awwwww!)
Obviously, I think the show was great in its previous seasons, but in my book Season 7 is just amazing- a show at the top of its game and not content to rest on its laurels!
Some thoughts on specific episodes (and feel free to ask if you want my thoughts on an episode I didn't comment on):
"Flu-ouise": I loved learning a little bit more about Kuchi Kopi and Louise's other toys! I will always crack up when Teddy says "Mumaluma!" One of my favorite end credits sequences- I love Louise's exuberant dancing and the song- "but the sickness made you better, and I'm glad you didn't diiiiiiiiie!"
"Teen-a Witch": I hope before the show ends we get to see Mr. Ambrose riding his bike to school with a little dog in the front basket.
"The Quirkducers": Along with "The Hormone-iums" this was the other episode that convinced me I should do a rewatch before doing the spreadsheet. One of the cable channels was doing a marathon of the Thanksgiving episodes and I remember feeling kind of meh when this came up- I knew it wasn't one of my favorites. Or I THOUGHT I knew! This is a wonderful episode! There is a good chance I will tear up when Tina starts singing about how "it takes guts to be yourself!" And the Grandpa Potato is hilarious! And Peter Pescadero's women's issues club song is further proof that he is THE great underrated character of the show.
"Ex Mach Tina": So, we can all just agree that Jimmy Jr's musoems are some of the funniest writing on the show, right? And that "Watching You From a Distant Place" is one of the best songs? The way all three of the plots- Tina and J-Ju and the robot, Louise and Gene and Yuli and the robot, and Bob and the banjo- come together at the end is brilliant and beautiful! Tammy and Joceyln's "A.I"-"as if" conversation, followed by Zeke's "you guys are making me feel smart" is possibly my favorite moment for those characters. This episode is really pretty perfect.
"Bob Actually": So, you may not know this about me, because I tend to keep this close to my chest but I'm actually a pretty big fan of Louise and Rudy's relationship. Shocking, right? And I've basically been shipping them since the end of "Carpe Museum", a fact which I have never disclosed before (certainly not in my Season 3 rewatch post). And then they have a Valentine's Day story that ends with them kissing, and I really like that episode. Okay, I probably dropped a lot of surprising info on y'all there so I understand if you need to take a break before reading the rest of this.
"There's No Business Like Mr. Business Business": John Oliver! Gene and Tina eating cat food! Bob training a cat! Bob accepting Gayle for who she is! Mr. Business getting ALMOST as much screentime as he deserves! This is an amazing episode, and I stand by my 2019 opinion that this the two previous episodes are the best 3 episodes run in TV history (okay, well, one of them anyway. I haven't watched all the TV shows! And how would I even know how good their episodes are if Babs doesn't make a spreadsheet for them?!)
"A Few 'Gurt Men": I was surprised how much I enjoyed this one! I'm a lawyer, and a pretty burnt out one at that, so I tend to not enjoy legal shows or movies any more- even comedy ones. But my love of the Wagstaff students and staff trumped by legal burnout and I really enjoyed this episode! Also, I love the episodes that show that Louise and Mr. Frond really respect and care for each other. (That said, I absolutely am not one of those people who sees this episode and thinks Louise will grow up to be a lawyer! She wouldn't last more than a semester at law school. No matter how mature she gets, Louise will never suffer fools gladly, and that's a kind of necessary trait to get through law school- let alone be a practicing lawyer.)
"Like Gene for Chocolate": Meh. Even Michael Jordan didn't make all his shots.
"Aquaticism": I think this is one of the most romantic episodes of "Bob's Burgers"- even more romantic than some of the Valentine's Day episodes. I may love Boblin and Roudise, but honestly it's Roger and Judy that are my real relationship goals at the present moment. Just some kind of sweet, kind of awkward middle aged people finding love...or, at least, a date Awwww. (Also, to again point out the combination of emotion and humor in this season: this is also an episode where the kids convince an aquarium owner to commit tax fraud by creating a religion and it results in an IRS agent jumping in a jellyfish tank...)
"Ain't Miss Debatin'": I love Henry Haber. I wrote a fic about him named after a line of dialogue from this episode. The scene where he goes to pick up Tina for their date and makes small talk with Bob, Gene, and Louise is one of my all-time favorites. Also, the introduction of Duncan, a character who basically makes me laugh with every single line. "Rebuttal? Where I'm from we call it buttle-rubbies."
"The Laser-inth": Maybe the sleeper hit of this season. I remember thinking it was okay going in, but it just really moved me this time around. Bob is just such a great Dad in this episode! It might be my favorite Bob and Gene episode. And the subplot is great too! I love Louise and Gretchen's dynamic: "Pretend you're a little girl." "Pssh. I'll try."
"Mom, Lies, and Videotape": So, I feel like I may have been even more obnoxiously Roudise shippy than usual in this post given that this is the season of "Bob Actually", so if that's bothered any of you, I am sorry, and I advise you skip this comment. Okay, so, this is the first speaking appearance by Chloe or Rudy since "Bob Actually". And Louise makes up a story where they are in a class play that culminates in: 1. Her shooting Chloe with a rubber band and 2. Rudy holding her tenderly in his arms in front of everyone in the auditorium (yeah, I know she's playing his mom and she's dying BUT STILL!) She could've come up with any idea and put any of her classmates in any of the roles, and that's the story she tells...
"Paraders of the Lost Float": Some episodes I know how I am going to rate them pretty early on, others I don't really know til the end. This episode just has a such a beautiful feelgood ending that it moved it from a 4 to a 5. Really, I think it's probably one of the most feelgood endings of any episode of the show. It just makes me so happy! "Hot pants rain dance! Da-da doo-doo rain, I don't know the words!"
Random thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-So I kind of stopped mentioning first appearances by characters after either Rudy in Season 3 or Felix in Season 4, but it's kind of remarkable how many characters joined this season or later. It's hard to imagine we went over six seasons without having Chloe in Ms. LaBonz's class (and Arnold and Kaylee still aren't there)!
-It's too bad I'm an old person who's more comfortable writing a bunch of words than just making memes, because I feel like this all could've been covered much more succinctly with that "Seinfeld" meme: "You're crying from 'Bob's Burgers' Season 7?"
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drawthething · 2 years ago
I wanted to give you an actual ask, unlike last time, haha (hopefully this is a fun one).
What're some of your favorite end credits songs of the show? A few of mine include (but are not limited to, because I know I will forget a bunch that I love):
--"Doing a Dance ('Cause I've Got Pesto in My Pants)" from Season 9, Episode 15, "The Fresh Princ-Ipal") (this one lives rent free in my head oh my god)
--"Wonder Wharf (Wharf of Wonder)" from Part One of the Season 4 "Wharf Horse" finale
--"I Love U So Much (It's Scary)" from Season 6, Episode 3, "The Hauntening"
--"Buenos Dias Como Estas (Me Llamo Tina)" from Season 6, Episode 6, "The Cook, the Steve, the Gayle, & Her Lover"
--"Goblins, Ghouls, Ghosts, & Bears" from Season 12, Episode 3 "The Pumpkinening"
--"Loft Bed" from Season 12, Episode 7, "Loft in Bedslation"
--Teddy's cover of "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" from Season 7, Episode 2 "Sea Me Now" (this one is definitely S-Tier)
--"I'll Be Around" from Season 12, Episode 11 "Touch of Eval(uations)"
--"Morse Code" From Season 9, Episode 9, "UFO No You Didn't"
--"Best Couple Friends" from Season 8, Episode 14 "The Trouble with Doubles" (seriously, why did this one get stuck in my head so easily?)
"We're Just Children Watching You" from Season 11, Episode 11 "Romancing the Beef"
--"Turkey, I Need You Beside Me" from Season 11, Episode 7 "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid"
And now I need to physically restrain myself from adding more so you can actually answer this with other outros, hahaha
PLEASE the Pesto in my pants song fricking lives rent free in my head too
Thank you for the ask 😭 I was so born to answer this 🤌 The bobs burgers outros are just never not amazing ya know?
• Basically any outro that's like visually stylized 👀: Horse Wharf I? Yes without my Zeke? Eight grade runner? Perfecta! The animation sequences are just so creative and the music is hella epic (hello? Linda's vocals in Horse Wharf? Mind blowing!)
• Taffy Butt: my boy Jimmy Jr dancing like a happy idiot sabotaging the animation budget plus the most catchy hilarious song ever? Gimme gimme gimme
• 99 Red Balloons: this song got stuck in my head for daysss. And the slow mo gig is just too golden and awesome. Fantastic way to end a season 😭
• The Gene Mile: l-look at Bob, look at him in his fanboy CAKE T-shirt, crying jamming to the art of high fiving. Ain't that the most beautiful thing ever 🤣?
• Bad stuff happens in the bathroom: I meannn, no question right? Everyone (and I mean e v e r y o n e) singing and the camera zooming out and oh my god it's a fricking genius finale outro I'm-
• Hot pants rain dance: them muppets dancing and wiggling and having fun plus the song that sooo needs an extended version are just 😌👌
• I've got a Yum Yum: Linda is a national treasure. She's so dorky in this ep 😭😭😭
• Also Teddy's cover for Beyond the Sea: I've really got a soft spot for this Teddy ep and this outro's just too perfect
• Just what I needed: the way they end this ep is just really well done and so is the outro 🤌 I looove the singing and the kiss sequences :D
• Slumber Party Fashion Show: catchy tunes? Check. Iconic catwalk? Check. Also this ep is so good arghh
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My Favourite Bob’s Burgers Episodes (seasons 1-13)
This list will be updated whenever there are new episodes.
Season 1
Episode 2 - Crawl Space - funny
Episode 3 - Sacred Cow (funny)
Episode 4 - Sexy Dance Fighting (funny)
Episode 5 - Hamburger Dinner Theatre (funny)
Episode 6 - Sheesh! Cab, Bob? (funny)
Episode 7 - Bed & Breakfast (funny)
Episode 8 - Art Crawl (funny)
Episode 12 - Lobsterfest (funny)
Season 2
Episode 1 - The Belchies (funny)
Episode 2 - Bob Day Afternoon (funny)
Episode 4 - Burgerboss (funny)
Episode 5 - Food Truckin’ (funny)
Episode 6 - Dr Yap (funny)
Episode 7 - Moody Foodie (funny)
Episode 8 - Bad Tina (funny + siblings)
Season 3
Episode 1 - Ear-sy Rider (funny)
Episode 2 - Full Bars (funny)
Episode 3 - Bob Fires The Kids (funny)
Episode 4 - Mutiny On The Windbreaker (funny)
Episode 7 - Tinarannosaurus Wrecks (funny)
Episode 8 - The Unbearable Like-Likeness Of Gene (siblings)
Episode 11 - Nude Beach (funny)
Episode 13 - My Fuzzy Valentine (funny)
Episode 14 - Lindapendent Woman (funny)
Episode 15 - O.T.: The Outside Toilet (funny)
Episode 16 - Topsy (siblings)
Episode 17 - Two For Tina (funny + love triangle situation + jealousy)
Episode 21 - Boys 4 Now (siblings)
Episode 22 - Carpe Museum (funny)
Episode 23 - The Unnatural (funny)
Season 4
Episode 1 - The River Runs Through Bob (funny + siblings)
Episode 3 - Seaplane! (funny)
Episode 5 - Turkey In A Can (funny)
Episode 7 - Bob & Deliver (funny & family)
Episode 8 - Christmas In The Car (funny)
Episode 9 - Slumber Party (funny + siblings)
Episode 11 - Easy Com-mercial, Easy Go-mercial (funny + siblings + family)
Episode 13 - Mazel Tina (funny + siblings)
Episode 18 - Ambergris (funny + siblings)
Episode 21 - Wharf Horse (funny + siblings)
Season 5
Episode 2 - Tina & The Real Ghost (funny + siblings)
Episode 3 - Friends With Burger-Fits (funny)
Episode 4 - Dawn Of The Peck (funny)
Episode 7 - Tina Tailor Soldier Spy (funny + siblings)
Episode 8 - Midday Run (funny + siblings + Tina being badass)
Episode 10 - Late Afternoon In The Garden Of Bob & Louise (funny)
Episode 14 - Li’l Hard Dad (funny + siblings)
Episode 16 - The Runway Club (funny + siblings)
Episode 17 - The Itty Bitty Ditty Committee (funny)
Episode 19 - Housetrap (funny)
Episode 21 - The Oeder Games (funny + Tina & Zeke & Jimmy Jr)
Season 6
Episode 2 - The Land Ship (funny + siblings)
Episode 6 - The Cook, The Steve, The Gayle & Her Lover (funny + siblings)
Episode 8 - Sexy Dance Healing (funny)
Episode 9 - Sacred Couch (funny)
Episode 10 - Lice Things Are Lice (funny)
Episode 17 - The Horse Rider-Er (funny + family)
Episode 18 - Glued, Where’s My Bob? (funny)
Season 7
Episode 2 - Sea Me Now (funny + siblings + family)
Episode 3 - Teen-a Witch (funny + siblings)
Episode 4 - They Serve Horses, Don’t They? (funny + siblings)
Episode 6 - The Quirk-Ducers (siblings)
Episode 8 - Ex Machtina (funny + siblings)
Episode 9 - Bob Actually (funny + Tina & Jimmy Jr)
Episode 11 - A Few ‘gurt Men (funny)
Episode 13 - The Grand Mama-pest Hotel (funny)
Episode 15 - Ain’t Miss Debatin’ (funny)
Episode 16 - Eggs For Days (funny)
Episode 20 - Mom, Lies & Videotape (funny)
Episode 21 - Paraders Of The Lost Float (funny)
Episode 22 - Into The Mild (funny)
Season 8
Episode 1 - Brunchsquatch (funny)
Episode 2 - Silence Of The Louise (funny)
Episode 3 - The Wolf Of Wharf Street (funny)
Episode 4 - Sit Me Baby One More Time (funny)
Episode 5 - Thanks-Hoarding (funny)
Episode 6 - The Bleakening Part 1 (funny)
Episode 7 - The Bleakening Part 2 (funny)
Episode 8 - V for Valentine-Detta (funny + family)
Episode 11 - Sleeping With The Frenemy (funny)
Episode 12 - The Hurt Soccer (funny)
Episode 13 - Cheer Up, Sleepy Gene (funny)
Episode 14 - The Trouble With Doubles (funny)
Episode 15 - Go Tina On The Mountain (funny + siblings)
Episode 18 - As I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Ramps (funny + siblings)
Episode 19 - Mo Mommy Mo Problems (funny + siblings)
Episode 20 - Mission Impos-slug-ble (funny + siblings)
Episode 21 - Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters For You (funny)
Season 9
Episode 2 - The Taking Of Funtime One Two Three (funny)
Episode 5 - Live & Let Fly (funny)
Episode 6 - Bobby Driver (funny)
Episode 7 - I Bob Your Pardon (funny)
Episode 8 - Roller? I Hardly Know Her! (funny)
Episode 9 - UFO No You Didn’t (funny + siblings)
Episode 11 - Lorenzo’s Oil? No, Linda’s (funny)
Episode 12 - The Helen Hunt (funny)
Episode 14 - Every Which Way But Goose (funny + siblings)
Episode 15 - The Fresh Princ-ipal (funny)
Episode 16 - Roamin’ Bob-iday (funny)
Episode 17 - What About Blob? - funny
Episode 19 - Long Time Listener, First Time Bob - funny
Episode 20 - The Gene Mile - funny + Tina being a badass
Episode 21 - PTA It Ain’t So - funny
Episode 22 - Yes Without My Zeke - funny + Tina being funny/badass
Season 10
Episode 1 - The Ring (but not scary) - funny
Episode 2 - Boys Just Wanna Have Fungus - funny
Episode 7 - Land Of The Loft - funny
Episode 8 - Now We’re Not Cooking With Gas - funny
Episode 9 - All That Gene (funny)
Episode 10 - Have Yourself A Maily Linda Christmas (funny + siblings)
Episode 13 - Three Girls & A Little Wharfy (funny)
Episode 15 - Yurty Rotten Scoundrels (funny) (“I miss Tina”)
Episode 16 - Flat Top-O’ The Morning To Ya (funny) (“I hate all of you, except maybe Tina”)
Episode 18 - Tappy Tappy Tappy Tap Tap Tap (funny)
Episode 21 - Local She-ro (funny)
Season 11
Episode 1 - Dream A Little Bob Of Bob (funny)
Episode 2 - Worms Of In-Rear-Ment (funny)
Episode 4 - Heartbreak Hotel-Oween (funny + siblings)
Episode 6 - Bob Belcher and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids (funny + siblings)
Episode 10 - Yachty Or Nice (funny)
Episode 12 - Die Card, Or Card Trying (funny)
Episode 13 - An Incon-wheelie-ent Truth (funny)
Episode 14 - Mr Lonely Farts (funny)
Episode 15 - Sheshank Redemption (funny)
Episode 16 - Y Tu Tina Tambien (funny + siblings)
Episode 17 - Fingers-loose (funny + siblings)
Episode 18 - Fender Benderful (funny)
Episode 19 - Bridge Over Troubled Rudy (funny + siblings)
Episode 20 - Steal Magazine-olias (funny + siblings)
Episode 21 - Tell Me Dumb Thing Good (funny)
Season 12
Episode 1 - Manic Pixie Crap Show (funny)
Episode 2 - Crystal Mess (funny)
Episode 3 - The Pumpkinening (funny)
Episode 4 - Big Dummy (funny)
Episode 5 - Seven-Tween Again (funny)
Episode 6 - Beach, Please (funny)
Episode 7 - Lost In Bedslation (funny)
Episode 8 - Stuck In The Kitchen With You (funny)
Episode 9 - FOMO You Didn’t (funny + siblings)
Episode 10 - Gene’s Christmas Break (funny)
Episode 11 - Touch Of Eval(uations) - funny
Episode 12 - Ferry on My Wayward Bob & Linda (funny)
Episode 13 - Frigate Me Knot (funny)
Episode 14 - Video Killed The Gene-io Star (funny + siblings)
Episode 15 - Ancient Misbehavin’ (funny)
Episode 16 - Interview with a Pop-Pop-Pire (funny)
Episode 17 - Spider House Rules (funny)
Episode 18 - Clear and Present Ginger (funny)
Episode 19 - A-Sprout A Boy (funny)
Episode 20 - Sauce Side Story (funny)
Episode 21 - Some Like It Bot Part 1: Eighth Grade (funny + siblings + family)
Episode 22 - Some Like It Bot Part 2: Judge-Bot Day (funny + siblings + family)
Season 13
Episode 1 - To Bob, or Not To Bob (funny + siblings)
Episode 2 - The Reeky Lake Show (funny)
Episode 4 - Comet-Y Of Errors (funny)
Episode 5 - So You Stink You Can Dance (funny + Tina and Zeke)
Episode 8 - Putts-giving (funny + siblings + “I miss Tina”)
Episode 11 - Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang (funny + siblings)
Episode 12 - Oh Row You Didn’t (funny)
Episode 13 - Stop! Or My Mom Will Sleuth! (funny)
Episode 14 - These Boots Were Made For Stalking (funny)
Episode 15 - The Show (and Tell) Must Go On (funny + siblings)
Episode 16 - What a (April) Fool Believes (funny)
Episode 17 - Crows Encounters Of The Bird Kind (funny)
Episode 18 - Gift Card or Buy Trying (funny + siblings)
Episode 20 - Radio No You Didn’t (funny)
Episode 21 - Mother Author Laser Pointer (funny)
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macthebrazen · 2 years ago
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babsvibes · 3 years ago
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A set dedicated to the best visual gag of all time. Let me know if I missed any!
Honorable mention:
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disneytva · 4 years ago
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October 2020 Programming Highlights
Friday, Oct. 2
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “The Mystery of Hot Dog Lake!/Phantom Wing”
(8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT)
“The Mystery of Hot Dog Lake!” – Pete thinks he sees a legendary creature known as the ‘Scronchasaur’ in Hot Dog Hills Lake.
*Legendary musician Alice Cooper returns as the voice of Alistair Coop De Ville.
“Phantom Wing” – When Daisy gets a mysterious note from her GramQuacker Lily, it leads her to believe her GramQuacker is living a secret life as a superhero named Phantom Wing.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Puppy Dog Pals “221B Barker Street/Leaf It to Puppies”
(9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT)
“221B Barker Street” – When treats go missing from the Puppy Playcare Halloween party, Bingo and Rolly set off on a mission to solve the mystery.
“Leaf It to Puppies” – When Bob leaves before he finishes raking, Bingo and Rolly set out to protect the leafy pile.
Monday, Oct. 5
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney XD
DuckTales “The Trickening!”
(7:00-7:30 P.M. EDT)
The kids forego their usual trick-or-treat path and instead take on the most haunted house in Duckburg, while Launchpad confronts ghosts from the past.
Original Series – Season Three Premiere on Disney XD
Big Hero 6 The Series “Trading Chips/Mini Noodle Burger Max”
(7:30-8:00 P.M. EDT)
“Trading Chips” – Hiro switches Baymax’s chip with Mini-Max’s so that Baymax can rescue Mochi.
“Mini Noodle Burger Max” – A low-charged Baymax and Mini-Max join forces with Noodle Burger Boy to save Big Hero 6.
Friday, Oct. 9
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Mira, Royal Detective “A Seedy Mystery/Mystery at the Jalpur Games”
(8:30-9:00 A.M. EDT)
“A Seedy Mystery” – Mira’s friends help solve the case when she loses a game that’s been passed down through her family.
*Sakina Jaffrey (“House of Cards”) guest stars as Mrs. Kapadia, Auntie Pushpa’s best friend.
“Mystery at the Jalpur Games” – When the archery arrows go missing during the Jalpur Games, Mira sets out to find them.
Monday, Oct. 12
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney XD
DuckTales “The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!”
(7:00-7:30 P.M. EDT)
Scrooge and Goldie O’Gilt are turned into teenagers as they race Rockerduck to the Fountain of Youth, while the boys’ sibling rivalry uncovers danger at a spring break hotel.
*Nestor Carbonell (“Bates Motel”) guest stars as a hotel owner. Allison Janney (“Mom”) and John Hodgman (“Coraline”) return as Goldie O’Gilt and Rockerduck, respectively.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney XD
Big Hero 6 The Series “Friendly Face/Big Chibi 6”
(7:30-8:00 P.M. EDT)
“Friendly Face” – When Krei wants to sell the Mayor an automated fleet of shuttle vehicles, Honey Lemon suggests giving the shuttles a friendly face and an upbeat personality.
“Big Chibi 6” – Hardlight crashes Karmi’s autograph session.
Thursday, Oct. 15
Original Series – Season Finale on Disney Channel
Puppy Dog Pals “ARF’s Robot Wish/Missing Collar Mission”
(9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT)
“ARF’s Robot Wish” – When ARF wishes that he had a brother, Bingo and Rolly make it their mission to help him find a robot sibling.
“Missing Collar Mission” – When Bingo and Rolly’s collar accidentally gets mailed to Bonnie in Africa, the pugs go on a mission to get them back.
Saturday, Oct. 17
Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “The Shut-In!”
(8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT)
In this special extended episode, Anne and the Plantars protect themselves from the dangers of the annual Blue Moon by locking themselves in the house and entertaining each other with the scariest stories they can think of.
*George Takei (“Star Trek: The Original Series”) guest stars as Mr. Littlepot.
Monday, Oct. 19
Original Series – One-Hour Episode Premiere on Disney XD
DuckTales “Let’s Get Dangerous!”
(7:00-8:00 P.M. EDT)
Darkwing gains an unlikely sidekick as he uncovers a dark conspiracy tied to the Missing Mysteries and one of Scrooge’s employees.
Friday, Oct. 23
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Mira, Royal Detective “Mystery at the Gymnastics Show/The Case of the Curious Confetti”
(8:30-9:00 A.M. EDT)
“Mystery at the Gymnastics Show” – Mira must find Preeti’s lucky headband when it goes missing right before the gymnastics show.
*Sunita Mani (“GLOW”) recurs as Mikku and Chikku’s mongoose cousins, Neeti and Preeti.
“The Case of the Curious Confetti” – When confetti starts popping up all over town, Mira searches for the source.
Monday, Oct. 26
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney XD
DuckTales “Escape from the ImpossiBin!”
(7:00-7:30 P.M. EDT)
With F.O.W.L. at their heels, Scrooge tests out the Money Bin’s new security system on Louie and Della, while Beakley and Webby train the others for an enemy attack.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney XD
Big Hero 6 The Series “Cobra and Mongoose/Better Off Fred”
(7:30-8:00 P.M. EDT)
“Cobra and Mongoose” – After Fred is attacked by mechanical cobras, he learns that they were actually sent after Heathcliff.
*Kirby Howell-Baptiste (“Killing Eve”) guest stars as Cobra.
“Better Off Fred” – Fred meets the girl of his dreams, Olivia, only to be rejected by her for reasons he doesn’t understand.
*Nichole Bloom (“Superstore”) guest stars as Olivia.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 years ago
Hey there Lyd 💖 Hope you're doing well! I know you have impeccable taste (your favorite movie is BATB 2017 after all 😊) and it seems we also have the same taste in TV shows (Anne with an E, The Queen's Gambit) I'm looking for a new show to watch during my lunch break, something soft and not too dark and preferably short. Any suggestions?
oh ho ho!!! i’m honored you’d come to me!! i’ve watched a plethora of shows. i’ll do my best to remember all of them and i hope you find something that sticks!!! i don’t watch any dark stuff, and as far as length goes, i’ll just list it out for ya ! + i’ll put a 🌸 by my personal faves. like yeah sure i recommend any of these but, beloveds, you know?
sit-coms/20 min eps:
that 70s show (8 seasons) 🌸
new girl (7 seasons)
schitt’s creek (6 seasons) 🌸
frasier (12 seasons)
friends (10 seasons) 🌸
parks and recreation (7 seasons) 🌸
the office (9 seasons)
community (6 seasons, but honestly. i only really enjoyed the first four...)
the good place (4 seasons. i actually haven’t finished 4 yet, but i’ve heard amazing things about the finale)
bob’s burgers (11 seasons, still going! i actually haven’t seen it all the way through, but literally 15/10 always a pleasure) 🌸
fresh off the boat (6 seasons. actually also haven’t finished this show but i still recommend!! very funny)
we bare bears (4 seasons & only 10 minute eps!! also haven’t finished but literally such a soft and cute time. you will not be disappointed it’s just a delight)
period dramas - 40 min-1 hr eps:
call the midwife (10 seasons (11 coming!) i love this show so much it’s my current comfort show!!) 🌸
anne with an e (3 seasons) 🌸
the queen’s gambit (1 season)
the great (1 season (2 coming out!))
poldark (5 seasons) (my beloved) 🌸
downton abbey (6 seasons + movie)
the crown (4 seasons (5+6 planned))
bridgerton (1 season (2 coming??) i loved this show, the aesthetic was impeccable, but personally could’ve majorly done without the sexual content!! that’s just me though! and it’s not terribly explicit until ep 5 i think? anyway)
dramas/shows that prove that i actually lied to you and i do watch some “dark” stuff - 40 min-1 hr eps:
law & order: svu (22?? seasons??? i started at 13. it’s not that plot important, start wherever you want. i just watched it for barba, my fictional husband, who’s in 14-19. but don’t watch his last episode because it doesn’t exist<3)
supernatural (15 seasons. yes yes i know there’s a whole bunch of things about spn but i am literally rewatching it right now so it goes on the list!)
hannibal (3 seasons. definitely the darkest of the shows. i watched it with my friend jess, as it is one of her faves. it’s. i mean. you can see who it’s about. but cinematically? it is stunning.)
bojack horseman (6 seasons. this show is actually funny, too! it just has major dark themes and tones. it’s a really good show but it handles serious topics so it’s definitely not a light-hearted show)
legion (3 seasons. i watched this for our boy dan stevens!!! he’s the lead!! but also it’s one of my best friend’s favorite shows and i probably wouldn’t have watched it on my own, ya know? i didn’t love it, but still a good time! but i can talk on it more if you’re interested lmao.)
and last, i won’t go on a youtube tangent but my favorite channel there is watcher and my favorite show on that channel is puppet history!! generally 30 minute eps (i think around 20 episodes currently?? season 3 just finished) and always a good time. but they have other great shows too!! watcher is just 10/10 🌸🌸🌸
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(Originally written on October 8, 2020)
🎵Bang, Bang Bangedy Bang
I said a Bang Bang Bangedy Bang🎵
My How I Met Your Mother Thoughts
I just spent the last nine seasons in New York with the gang that spends all their time in MacLaren’s Pub. SELF FIVE! I have to say, this binge of How I Met Your Mother brought me so much happiness. I started watching this show for the first time back in high school, and I ended up watching the last six seasons as they aired. I remember loving this group of characters, and now I am reminded why. There’s so much chemistry between the five, and it makes for one of my favorite Comedies/Sitcoms of all time. If you’ve read any of my previous Show Thoughts, then you know I’ve been watching several over the course of this lovely Pandemic That Will Just Keep Going. After this rewatch, I’ve decided HIMYM is my third favorite Comedy/Sitcom, right after Boy Meets World and Scrubs.
Now, I know that the Finale is infamous. It’s in the Mount Rushmore of Terrible Endings, and people end up getting a sour taste in their mouth when they bring up the show. Well, it’s been some years. There’s been time to reflect and look back. And, while I’m not in favor of the Finale, I also don’t hate it anymore with the passion of a thousand suns. I just loved watching and growing with the gang, seeing them experience their highs and their lows, their triumphs and their failures. It just hits harder as an adult, like most of these shows assuredly do, and I cherish so many of these episodes and moments.
And now, my rankings for the seasons!
Seasons Rankings
1. Season One
2. Season Four
3. Season Two
4. Season Six
5. Season Eight
6. Season Five
7. Season Three
8. Season Seven
9. Season Nine
My rankings for the girlfriends, purely on how much I like them as a character
The Girlfriends Rankings
1. Robin
2. Tracy
3. Victoria
4. Zoey
5. Stella
6. Jeannette
And now, a ranking of my favorite episodes. From 1-50, these are the ones that stand out above the rest. I consider every single one of these enjoyable.
Favorite Episodes
1. Slap Bet (S2E9)
2. Come On (S1E22)
3. The Limo (S1E11)
4. The Best Burger in New York (S4E2)
5. Ten Sessions (S3E13)
6. The Pineapple Incident (S1E10)
7. Bachelor Party (S2E19)
8. Game Night (S1E15)
9. Oh, Honey (S6E15)
10. Glitter (S6E9)
11. The Duel (S1E8)
12. The Pilot (S1E1)
13. Arriverdverci, Fierro (S2E17)
14. The Over-Correction (S8E10)
15. How Your Mother Met Me (S916)
16. Intervention (S4E4)
17. The Magician’s Code, Part II (S7E24)
18. The Autumn of Break-Ups (S8E5)
19. The Ducky Tie (S7E3)
20. The Best Man (S7E1)
21. The Leap (S4E24)
22. Blitzgiving (S6E10)
23. Three Days of Snow (S4E13)
24. The Scorpion & The Toad (S2E2)
25. Bass Player Wanted (S9E13)
26. The Final Page, Part 2 (S8E12)
27. Duel Citizenship (S5E5)
28. Happily Ever After (S4E6)
29. Farhampton (S8E1)
30. Bro Mitzvah (S8E22)
31. Robin 101 (S5E3)
32. The Magician’s Code, Part I (S7E23)
33. Last Words (S6E14)
34. The Playbook (S5E8)
35. The Time Travelers (S8E20)
36. Splitsville (S8E6)
37. Subway Wars (S6E4)
38. Showdown (S2E20)
39. Drumroll, Please (S1E13)
40. Front Porch (S4E17)
41. Twin Bed (S5E21)
42. Who Wants to be a Godparent? (S8E4)
43. Girls vs. Suits (S5E12)
44. Something Borrowed (S2E21)
45. As Fast As She Can (S4E23)
46. The Wedding Bride (S5E23)
47. The Bracket (S3E14)
48. The Sexless Innkeeper (S5E4)
49. Third Wheel (S3E3)
50. Spoiler Alert (S3E8)
And now, just some thoughts on the show and on the gang!
Ted - I know people don’t like Ted. I don’t actually like Ted all that much. And yet, I found myself rooting for Ted just like I did the first go around. He’s not the worst person in the world, and I would be scared to see half of the decisions we’ve made in the dating game stringed together into a TV show. I know people wouldn’t like me very much for those decisions. Then again, I also don’t get super crazy about details about buildings, I don’t pronounce encyclopedia that way, and he tends to stick his foot in his mouth with this White Man confidence that I just don’t have. With all that being said, I still find Ted being a great friend, a man who is just trying to find the love of his life, and someone who really drives this story with great tales and narration (Bob Saget is the Sixth Man of the Show for just always bringing it). I think Ted does stupid things and he pretty much admits it after the fact. He learns, sometimes, and also doesn’t much like most of us. When he finally found the Mother, when he finally found Tracy, I cared. I cared so much, and I still do. Even though they just shit on her character and don’t give us enough time with her, I almost wonder if that’s a metaphor for the fact that you won’t always have enough time with your loved ones.
Robin - Let’s go to the mall! Yeah! Robin Sparkles is a Canadian Treasure, and so is Robin Scherbatsky. She is one of the best things about this show, and I love her so. Played by Cobie Smulders who I need to see in more stuff, Robin is who we all wanted Ted to maybe be with first. Then we go through all the loops of the HIMYM roller coaster, and a lot of us still wanted them to be together. I was one of them. Yet, she was more than just a romantic plot line for Ted. She was a part of the group who we got to see join it and evolve into a member of their family organically. Robin is fun, loud, full of fun quirks that we get to learn over the course of the series. I was heartbroken when we found out she can’t have children. I was loving the back and forth between her and Barney (the first time), and kind of mad at Barney about being such a crazy ass prankster the second time. Robin shows us just how amazing some gun loving, hockey obsessed Canadian news anchor can be, and how much she cares for her friends.
Lily - Justice Aldrin ends up being one of my favorite characters, even if that gets some curious looks. Yeah, she left Marshall for a summer. Yeah, she had some hesitancy with the marriage and everything. That happens. Lily was also always there for her friends, even if she ends up going a little overboard. She wants Ted to find happiness, and does whatever she can to help. She is there to listen to Robin at all times, and her and Marshall are easily one of the best relationships in TV I’ve ever witnessed. Then we have Lily and Barney which is honestly super underrated. Barney trusts Lily, even though she can’t keep a secret, with all of his emotional problems. Lily is who thought Barney could change before anyone else, and I love seeing their friendship grow from eye rolls to eye tears.
Barney - Oh, Barney. He honestly brings so much annoyance and fun to the show. He’s the friend of the gang who everyone tolerates. He’s the one in the gang who everyone ends up loving just as much as everyone else. Barney shows such a terrible face to the world, sleeping with over 250 women and lying to most of them. He has all these rules that aren’t very ethical. He gives us most of the Misogynism in this show, which is definitely prevalent and makes the show not as strong as it was in the first watch. Still, we get to see Barney grow into someone who wants real love and a happy life. Sure, they show us that his marriage to Robin only lasts three years, but at least they tried. Barney just couldn’t make it work, and that’s honestly who Barney really is. A person who just enjoys sleeping with different people. I was very warmed to see the baby reveal and that Barney becoming a dad was what would change him more than anything. Barney is an underrated friend, and his importance to the gang is legendary.
Marshall - I. Love. Big Fudge. He’s just so fun, caring, goofy, loyal, and everything that I aspire to be in life. For some reason, when watching the show the first time, I related to Ted the most. I was definitely a bit more selfish then. But now, I see that I am a Marshall. He wants to do good in the world, and it drives him so much. He only loves Lily, and his loyalty to their relationship is just Goals. He is also the most fun to watch having a crisis. He gets the big eyes and covers his mouth and just gets obviously super uncomfortable. Some of my favorite moments of the show are also Marshall’s talks with Ted about his feelings for Robin. Any one-on-ones with Marshall and someone else are probably my favorite moments. And yes, I will always root for him over those damn machines!
Last Thoughts:
Sure, the writing wasn’t as sharp or as witty in the later seasons, but I loved the story lines and seeing the gang just live.
Tracy was an amazing character as The Mother, and I truly wonder what could have been if they had given us two full seasons of story with her instead of any episodes of Jeannette.
I really can’t believe Ted told his kids all those stories. A fun premise for a show, but really, not very realistic telling them all that jazz.
Ranjit and Carl are such fun recurring characters that I always enjoyed seeing every time they popped up.
Out of all the recurring jokes and gags, which there are many (y’all said Community has so many, but HIMYM really swings for it), I love the Major/General salute joke. Idk if I just didn’t care for it the first time around or forgot about it, but I just love how silly it is and how they kept it through to the very last episode.
Watching the gang sit at their table in MacLaren’s just hanging out will always make me smile.
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yahoo201027 · 10 months ago
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Day in Fandom History: April 24…
Bob's friend, Warren, pays a visit to the restaurant and decides to invest in it by transforming the place into a Hawaiian theme, in which Bob agrees to the change until he begins to have second thoughts. “Pro Tiki/Con Tiki” premiered on this day, 8 Years Ago.
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Hulu New Releases: September 2021
September usually means the beginning of the traditional fall TV season. As such, Hulu’s list of new releases for September 2021 contains some impressive TV swings.
For starters, all of ABC and Fox’s (both now united under the Disney banner alongside Hulu) fall season offerings will be made available to stream on Hulu the next day. More impressively, however, two FX on Hulu originals make their way to the streaming world this month.
The first is the long-awaited adaptation of the classic comic Y: The Last Man. The story of a virus that destroys every mammal with a Y-chromosome (save for one escape artist and his monkey) is set to premiere on September 13. Shortly after that, the B.J. Novak-produced anthology series The Premise arrives on September 16. Even those who are fatigued from timely anthology concepts will want to check this one out.
Read more
How Y: The Last Man Updates Its Story for the Modern Era
By Alec Bojalad
Nine Perfect Strangers Review: Hulu Series Achieves Wellness
By Erin Qualey
There aren’t any original movies of note coming to Hulu in September but that’s alright as the library titles are uncommonly compelling. Edward Scissorhands, Gattaca, The Interview, Office Space, and Raising Arizona are just some of the library films this month.
Here is everything else coming to Hulu this month.
Hulu New Releases – September 2021
September 1 50/50 (2011) A Fish Called Wanda (1988) Anaconda (1997) Angel Unchained (1970) The Apparition (2012) At the Earth’s Core (1976) Blue City (1986) Bull Durham (1988) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Cannon For Cordoba (1970) Cellar Dweller (1988) Cold Creek Manor (2003) Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) Crazy Heart (2009) The Dunwich Horror (1970) Edward Scissorhands (1990) El Dorado (1967) Election (1999) Exterminator 2 (1984) Free Willy (1993) Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995) Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997) Free Willy: Escape From Pirate’s Cove (2010) Friday the 13th – Part III (1982) Friday the 13th – Part IV: The Final Chapter (1984) Fright Night (1985) Gattaca (1997) Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962) The Glass House (2001) Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Hoosiers (1986) I Spit On Your Grave (2010) I Spit On Your Grave 2 (2013) I Spit On Your Grave 3 (2015) Internal Affairs (1990) The Interview (2014) Jacob’s Ladder (1990) Just Between Friends (1986) The Killer Elite (1975) Kiss the Girls (1997) The Last Castle (2001) Magic Mike (2012) The Manchurian Candidate (2004) The Mexican (2001) McLintock! (Producer’s Cut) (1963) Miss You Already (2015) Mommy (2015) Mosquito Squadron (1970) Mr. North (1988) Much Ado About Nothing (2013) New Year’s Eve (2011) Nixon (1995) Office Space (1999) The Omen (1976) The Patsy (1964) Phase IV (1974) The Possession (2012) Priest (2011) Raising Arizona (1987) The Ring (2002) Road to Perdition (2002) Salvador (1986) Secret Admirer (1985) Shaun The Sheep Movie (2015) Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Solace (2016) Stephen King’s It (1990) Sucker Punch (2011) Tears Of The Sun (2003) The Tenant (1976) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Tyler Perry’s The Family That Preys (2008) Under Fire (1983) Vantage Point (2008) Volcano (1997) The Wedding Plan (2016) The Wrestler (2008) The X-Files (1998)
September 2 Trolls: TrollsTopia: Complete Season 4 (Hulu Original) Death in Texas (2021) The Unthinkable (2021)
September 3 The D’Amelio Show: Complete Season 1 (Hulu Original) What We Do in the Shadows: Season 3 Premiere (FX) Bolden (2019) Undine (2021)
September 4 Flower (2017)
September 8       Wu-Tang: An American Saga: Season 2 Premiere (Hulu Original) La La Land (2016)
September 10      The Killing of Two Lovers (2020) Transporter 3 (2008)
September 11       High Ground (2021)
September 13       Y: The Last Man: Three-Episode Series Premiere (FX on Hulu) Colette (2018)
September 15      Dark Side of the Ring: Season 3A (Vice) Joseph: King Of Dreams (2000) Love, Simon (2018) Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018)
September 16       The Premise: Series Premiere (FX on Hulu) Stalker (2021) On Chesil Beach (2018) Riders of Justice (2021)
September 18       Dark Side of Football: Complete Season 1 (Vice)
September 20       Grown Ups (2010)
September 21 9-1-1: Season 5 Premiere (FOX) The Big Leap: Series Premiere (FOX) Dancing with the Stars: Season 20 Premiere (ABC) Ordinary Joe: Series Premiere (NBC) The Voice: Season 21 Premiere (NBC)
September 22 New Amsterdam: Season 4 Premiere (NBC) Our Kind of People: Series Premiere (FOX) The Resident: Season 5 Premiere (FOX)
September 23 A Million Little Things: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) Alter Ego: Series Premiere (FOX) Chicago Fire: Season 10 Premiere (NBC) Chicago Med: Season 7 Premiere (NBC) Chicago P.D.: Season 9 Premiere (NBC) The Conners: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) The Goldbergs: Season 9 Premiere (ABC) Home Economics: Season 2 Premiere (ABC) The Masked Singer: Season 6 Premiere (FOX) The Wonder Years: Series Premiere (ABC) The Eric Andre Show: Complete Season 5 (Turner Networks) Funhouse (2021)
September 24 Law & Order: Organized Crime: Season 2 Premiere (NBC) Law & Order: SVU: Season 23 Premiere (NBC) An American Haunting (2006)
September 25 Gemini (2018)
September 27 Bob’s Burgers: Season 12 Premiere (FOX) Celebrity Wheel of Fortune: Season 2 Premiere (ABC) Family Guy: Season 20 Premiere (FOX) The Great North: Season 2 Premiere (FOX) The Rookie: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) The Simpsons: Season 33 Premiere (FOX) Supermarket Sweep: Season 2 Premiere (ABC)
September 28 The Good Doctor: Season 4 Premiere (ABC) Felix and the Hidden Treasure (2021) Home Run (2013)
September 29 La Brea: Series Premiere (NBC) Minor Premise (2021)
September 30 New Order (2021)
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Leaving Hulu – September 2021
September 1 The Iron Lady (2011) Our Family Wedding (2009) Young Adult (2011)
September 2 Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (2016)
September 23 An American Haunting (2006)
September 29 Destination Wedding (2018) Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector (2006) Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011) One For The Money (2012)
September 30 2012 (2009) 50/50 (2011) A Fish Called Wanda (1988) A Hard Day (2014) A Perfect Day (2006) The Adventures of Tintin (2011) Anaconda (1997) Anaconda 3: Offspring (2008) Anacondas: Trail Of Blood (2009) Angel Unchained (1970) The Assassin (2015) At the Earth’s Core (1976) Australia (2008) Bad Teacher (2011) Beasts Clawing At Straws (2020) Better Living Through Chemistry (2014) Big Fish (2003) Black And White (2000) BOY (2010) Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) Breakdown (1997) Bruno (2009) Bull Durham (1988) Burning (2018) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Caddyshack (1980) Caddyshack II (1988) Cannon For Cordoba (1970) Cellar Dweller (1988) Charles and Diana: 1983 (2020) Charlotte’s Web (1973) The Chumscrubber (2005) The Condemned (2007) Contagion (2011) Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) Coyote Ugly (2000) Dangerous Minds (1995) Daredevil (2003) Desperate Measures (1998) Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings (2018) Don’t Think Twice (2016) Dumb & Dumber (1994) Dumb And Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) The Dunwich Horror (1970) Eliminators (2016) Exterminator 2 (1984) Fired Up! (2009) Foxfire (1996) Fred Claus (2007) Fright Night (1985) From Paris with Love (2010) Galaxy Quest (1999) Grandma (2015) Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) The Grudge (2004) Gundala (2019) Hard Romanticker (2011) Hideaway (1995) Himalaya (1991) House of the Dead (2003) House of the Dead 2 (2006) Housesitter (1992) I Do…Until I Don’t (2017) I Wish I Knew (2010) Ice Age (2002) In The Cut (2003) Indignation (2016) Intolerable Cruelty (2003) It’s Kind Of A Funny Story (2010) Jacob’s Ladder (1990) Johnny English (2003) Just Between Friends (1986) The Killer Elite (1975) Knowing (2009) Lady Vengeance (2005) Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2018) Lost in Hong Kong (2015) Machines (2016) The Man From Nowhere (2010) Maximum Risk (1996) Mercury Rising (1998) Mosquito Squadron (1970) Mountains May Depart (2015) Mr. North (1988) The Nightingale (2013) Nixon (1995) Old Stone (2016) The Omen (1976) Once Upon a Time in the West (1969) Open Water (2004) Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) Places In The Heart (1984) The Polar Express (2004) Pop Aye (2017) R.L. Stine: Mostly Ghostly (2008) R.L. Stine’s Monsterville: The Cabinet Of Souls (2015) R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? (2014) R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: One Night In Doom House (2016) R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour: Don’t Think About It (2007) Raising Arizona (1987) Reno 911!: Miami: The Movie (2007) The Ring (2002) Rookie of the Year (1993) Salvador (1986) Scent of Green Papayas (1993) Secret Admirer (1985) Sk8 Dawg (2018) Sleeping With The Enemy (1991) Sleepwalkers (1992) The Soloist (2009) Somewhere (2010) Sorority Row (2009) Space Jam (1996) The Stepfather (2009) Sunshine (2005) Super Troopers (2002) Sweet Bean (2015) Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002) Take Shelter (2011) Taken (2009) This Means War (2010) Thunderheart (1992) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Tokyo Rising (2020) Tooth Fairy (2008) Train to Busan (2016) Tyler Perry’s The Family That Preys (2008) Under Fire (1983) Universal Soldier (1992) Virtuosity (1995) The Wailing (2016) Whip It (2009) Wilde (1998) Wings Of Courage (1995) The Woman Who Left (2016) Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)
The post Hulu New Releases: September 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3zxzW4W
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did this a bit ago and never posted it so
tagged by @acelandonkirby thank youuuu very glad you tagged me i love seeing your revenge stuff and i love this game it’s very fun.
Pick 5 tv shows, then answer the following questions (don’t cheat!)
1. Bojack Horseman
2. Andi Mack
3. Ducktales (2017)
4. Stranger Things
5. Bob’s Burgers
1. Who is your favorite character in 2? (andi mack) Jonah Beck, my babe I love him so much.
2. Who is your favorite character in 1? (bojack horseman) Todd Chavez, of course he’s why I started the show and like he’s a canon ace character and he’s the best soooo.
3. What’s your favorite episode of 4? (stranger things) Season 3 Chapter Seven: The Bite, okay like the Robin coming out scene, just Steve and Robin being the best in general, Alexei being an absolute treasure like he’s so cute when he’s trying out carnival games, also Murray and Alexei so good, and in the end where I get to see all of my children meet up and my actual 1 second of stonathan.
4. What’s your favorite season of 5? (bob’s burgers) hmm this is hard probably season 7 it’s the one I’ve probably watched the most but I also love the new season a lot too.
5. Who’s your favorite couple in 3? (ducktales) Um no one there aren’t really any in general, except daisy and donald are cute obviously
6. Who’s your favorite couple in 2? (andi mack) T.J and Cyrus obviously, one they are adorable and have the cutest relationship build up and the first gay disney couple uh yeah.
7. Least favorite episode of 1? (bojack horseman) um like I’ve said I’ve watched this show a thousand times and I guess the ones I skip the most is s2 ep 11: Escape from LA, it’s just ugh bojack is so gross in it like obviously that’s the point but when I do watch it I have to stop before the end because it makes me sick. Also s3 ep 11: That’s Too Much, Man! because I mean Sarah Lynn’s death so.
8. Favorite episode of 5? (bob’s burgers) oh god there are so many episodes, um it might have to be season 6’s season finale, Glued: Where’s my Bob? most of my favorites all have songs because I love song episodes and this has like the best song ever as well as I love Louise and Bob’s relationship so.
9. Favorite Season of 2? (andi mack) probably season 3 because the most T.J and like I liked the storylines in that season the most
10. How long have you watched 1? (bojack horseman) Since season 3 maybe or like right before season 4 came out
11. How did you become interested in 3? (ducktales) Um when I found out they were doing a reboot I had seen some og Ducktales and I love Donald and the nephews so I got into from the beginning
12. Favorite actor in 4? (stranger things) um i mean maybe david harbour he’s just so iconic but i also love joe keery and maya hawke obviously and wynonia ryder and just all of them.
13. Which do your prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Bojack, I love Andi Mack and Bob’s Burgers a ton but Bojack will always have a special place in my heart and I can always rewatch it.
14. Which have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? I’ve seen all of both but I’ve rewatched Bojack more then any other show like ever. I rewatch it constantly.
15. If you could be anyone from 4 who would you be? (stranger things) oh boy like I’m most like Robin (was in band, played soccer, dc comics, and muppets fan) , but I have a really strong connection with El and relate to them a lot so one of them I guess.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Ducktales and Stranger Things like not really unless they some how got to do an animated bit and it made sense like in supernatural but probably not they both deal with abnormal occurances so that’s kind of all
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? (bojack horseman) this is hard because like none of the characters really work together but I thought about this a lot and like maybe Gina and Diane like I would kind of like to see it.
18. Overall which show has a better storyline, 1 or 3? omg you can’t do this too me ughh my two absolute favorite shows and like ummm i don’t know they both have really good plot lines I mean I guess bojack has more of an overarching theme but that’s just because it’s over and ducktales has that too it’s just not as intense even though it is i don’t know they both have so much character development i can’t choose
19. Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? I mean it’s both very different theme music but soundtrack over all I’d say stranger things but andi mack has some jamming original songs talking about your stuff asher
Tag: (totally do this if you want it’s super fun it’s like the most fun one i’ve ever done!) ps tag me if you do i’d love to see other people do it
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sammysreelreviews · 5 years ago
My Top 10 Bob’s Burgers Episodes
So I’ve literally been sitting on this list since May 2018 cause it’s just so hard to choose my favorites! I thought since the 10th season is coming out this Sunday I would drop a list of my ten favorite episodes so far. This was so fucking hard to do so if you say anything negative you will be BLOCKED. Enjoy and don’t forget Bob’s Burgers is back September 29th at 9pm on FOX!
10. Purple Rain-Union: Season 4, Episode 6
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Linda and her old band “The Ta Tas” reunite to play at their 25th high school reunion. Gayle sings one of the most memorable songs from the show and Bob’s zit is the life of the party but the best part of the episode is the encore song Linda sings with the band. Also, Fuck Bad Hair Day!
Best line:
Linda: “I still got my sexy parts. Well I got two out of five, I still got two out of five!”
9. Slumber Party: Season 4, Episode 9
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Linda makes Louise have a slumber party and Louise is NOT about it. Louise tries to make the girls go home one by one but the best part of the episode is that she makes a friend in the end and that’s what I love about it.
Best line:
Louise: “If she was a spice she’d be flour. If she was a book she’d be two books.”
8. Ain’t Miss Debatin’ Season 7, Episode 15
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Season 7 is full of amazing episodes including this favorite cause it’s centered around Tina and the Tina episodes are 100% the best episodes. Tina having a random boyfriend and Linda critiquing him when he comes to the house will never fail to make me laugh. I also need Sasha in every episode.
Best line(s): 
Duncan: “You know in New Zealand we don’t say turn off the light we say turn on the dark.”
Tina: “Son of a bitch.” 
7. Brunchsquatch Season 8, Episode 1
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Brunchsquatch is late in the game out of all the other episodes listed but the character Dalton honestly makes this whole episode. Brunch is such a big thing and they made fun of it perfectly. Also it was so cool that they had so many different people draw their own version of the Belcher fam.
Best line(s): 
Dalton: “I’ve seen brunch skunks throw up in their booths and just keep drinking. I’ve seen a boy brunch skunk fight his way out of an ambulance to try to get back into a restaurant for more drinks. This is bad Linda this is very bad!” 
Linda: “Oh god I got to go tell Bob!” 
Dalton: “Yes you do but before you do that could you be a lil cabbage and grab us another round of Mom-osas and some more jalapeño aioli for our burgers? Love you! Mwah!”
6. Work Hard or Die Trying Girl Season 5, Episode 1
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Episode 1 of season 5 set the bar extremely high but season 5 is genuinely one of their best seasons. I’ve never seen Working Girl or Die Hard (please don’t attack me) but you don’t need to see these movies to appreciate the incredible joint musical that happens.
Best line(s): 
Gene: “But your characters don't even end up together!” 
Tina: “We're all allowed to interpret the movie differently.”
Doug: “No, they definitely don't end up together.” 
Tina: “Eh, to each his own.” 
Doug: “No, they really don't.”
Tina: “Well, comme ci, comme sa.” 
Doug: “All right, well, now you're just saying words.” 
Tina: “C’est la vie.” 
5. The Kids Run Away: Season 4 Episode 19
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Most people would forget this episode but for some reason this episode will always have a special place in my heart. I love how even though Louise is always a badass it shows that at the end of the day she’s still a little girl. To be honest even I don’t know why I’m obsessed with this episode sometimes. Is it because it’s all about Louise or the fact that they play Gayle force winds? Either way Louise says a line (written below) that never fails to make me cry laughing which makes the episode so much more worth it.
Best line: 
Louise: “Wagstaff was my platoon in ‘Nam. Oh man, they said there’d be people like you when I came back.”
4. Mother Daughter Laser Razor: Season 3, Episode 10
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Louise is the definition of a daddy’s girl so to have an episode where her and Linda are forced to bond is magic. Even though Bob is Louise’s favorite it was awesome to see her and Linda play laser tag together.
Best line:
Linda: “Here goes the hair and there goes the hair and where is Harry Truman? He’s dead in the ground, he’s dead in the ground. He’s dead dead dead!”
3. Bad Tina: Season 2, Episode 8
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I think most Bob’s Burgers fans can agree with me when I say that Bad Tina is one of the best episodes of the show. Tina being influenced by the new girl Tammy not only is one of the best Tina centric episodes but also introduces Tammy and honestly I can’t imagine the show without her anymore. We love Bad Tina and we love Erotic Friend Fiction.
Best line:
Gene: “We’re Belchers, from the womb to the tomb!”
2. Ex Mach Tina: Season 7, Episode 8
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Like I said before season 7 is full of gems and this episode is the very best one from that season. Tina sprains her ankle from wearing her espadrilles and has to go to school through a remote controlled computer. Through this program Tina connects with Jimmy Jr. on a “deeper” level. This episode has so many one liners it was hard to choose just one. The whole subplot of Bob having a banjo moment is so random but it’s so funny it fucking works like when he imagines he’s good at the banjo I always choke on my water. Also just the name of the episode is fucking priceless.
Best line: 
Gene: “This is the worst episode of the O.C. ever!” 
1. Can’t Buy Me Math: Season 5, Episode 11
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If you know me you know how much I fucking love this episode. This is undeniably the best Valentine’s Day episode of the entire show. From Tina and Darryl to Bob trying to seduce Linda I mean what more could you ask for?! This episode is absolute PERFECTION and that’s why it’s number one.
Best line(s):
Louise: “So the breakup, is it gonna be classy or nasty?”
Tina: “Definitely nasty. Want to know how many holds will be barred?”
Gene: “Three?”
Tina: “None.”
Gene: “Wow, that is... so few.”
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