#Bluto x reader
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 months ago
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing, drinking
otter winked at bluto as he pushed past the party goers with me in tow. Bluto rolled his eyes as he pushed outside. The backyard was full of people and bluto made a face at me.
“front yard?” He asked. I nodded and we pushed our way to the front. “How long until midnight?”
“D-Day said ten minutes when we left the house so maybe five now.” I shrugged.
“Everyone's gonna be too drunk to care." Bluto said, grabbing a beer from Flounder as he passed by. I giggled as he tipped it back before turning to grab Pinto's arm.
"Hey!" Pinto stuttered out. Bluto twisted his arm to look at his watch better.
"thirty seconds." Bluto said, starting to count down as he shoved Pinto away. Bluto grabbed two beer bottles and passed one to me. "Five. Four. Three. Two. One." Bluto wrapped an arm around my waist, dipping me in a kiss. I laughed as I cupped his cheek. "Happy fucking New Year!" He cheered as he let me back up. We clinked our bottles together before downing them. A muted cry came up from inside the house. Bluto and I turned to look before dissolving into giggles.
"Either they're off or we are." I laughed. Bluto nodded.
“ah fuck it.” Bluto smiled at me and pulled me in for another kiss.
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fadedseas · 4 years ago
what died didn’t stay dead: part II
Miguel Galindo x fem!reader
Part 2 of __: take me back to the night we met
Tags: Soulmate AU, Legal Drama, Canon Divergence, this part will be very Miguel-centric with heavy mentions of Emily
Summary: You walk into the courtroom, expecting to arraign Emily Galindo for the murder of a county clerk. You don’t expect to meet your soulmate in that courtroom. The husband of the woman you’re trying to indict. Miguel Galindo. 
Chapter Summary: Miguel gazed at the photo of the woman who would be prosecuting his wife, and considered the moments that led to this point. There was something about you...something in your expression, the determined straightness of your shoulders, and the ferocity that emanated from your image was almost...beautiful. 
TW: cursing
Word Count: 2115 
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(not my gif but conveys the vibe of the chapter well)
Miguel Galindo did not believe in soulmates.
Not only did he not believe in them. He hated the very thought of them. There was no future for himself other than the one that he dictated. He was a Galindo for god sake. He would not be moved by frivolous sentiment or such a fickle thing as “fate” or ��soulmates”. No. He understood what his name meant. His father had made sure of that. 
“A man is nothing without his dignity Miguel. Especially not a Galindo. Es el orgullo de los hombres. Without your word, you’re nothing.” Miguel felt his father’s hand on his shoulder, the weight of it suffocating him for a moment as he sat across from his father in his office, a place that had, at some point, been previously off-limits to him. Apparently, his father had finally considered him ready. 
“What I’ve built Miguel...some day you’ll take it over. The way your brother was supposed to. But remember, mi hijo, you can’t live in the shadows forever. Nothing can.”
But his father was dead. Miguel wasn’t sure if it was fate, karma or the CIA that put him in his early grave. But whatever it was, soulmates wouldn’t bring him back. Soulmates wouldn’t expand the Galindo empire, or secure his legacy. 
Besides, Miguel was sure he knew what love was. What it meant. He had met Emily in college, had almost looked past her at the social event he was attending. She just blended into the rest of the gringitas at first. He was at a frat party well after midnight when the air reeked of stale beer and privilege. To be frank, he wasn’t one to get sloppily drunk and vomit on himself or go home with a random college girl. 
While he did enjoy the occasional one night stand, Miguel prided himself in maintaining some sort of standards for taking a woman out. There would be dinner and good wine at the very least. But there was something to be said about making connections here that would probably serve him well down the road. After all, that was the real value of college: networking. 
Miguel still grimaced internally as the soles of his shoes peeled themselves from the floor that seemed perpetually tacky from decades of spilled alcohol. He was sitting with a classmate from his economics class as he babbled incessantly about some inane topic. Miguel’s fingers curled around a red solo cup and a part of him wanted to chuckle at cliche, a Latino Bluto.
Miguel watched, almost smirking as the other students nervously hovered around him, trying to catch his eye and avoid it at the same time. He had to admit, a part of him felt like an exhibit on display. The exotic son of a drug lord. It was presumably intoxicating to a Jessica from Connecticut whose coke probably came from Brad around the corner. 
He was bored. And he already had enough of this. Miguel was about to stand and make some half-assed excuse to leave when he saw her. Whereas everyone in the room had, at some point, drifted over to where he had been sitting, she hadn’t come close. Hadn’t tried to casually walk into his line of sight. Hadn’t raised her voice so he could hear any grating giggles. No. She was just standing there, with a matching red solo cup, sipping it slowly and glancing around the party, almost awkwardly. 
Before he knew what he was doing, he had left his companion mid-sentence and walked over to her. Her hair and skin seemed even paler in the moonlight. The chatter in the room quieted.  
“I’m Miguel,” he held out his hand. 
She looked up at him and he could read the shock in her eyes. There was a pause before she took his hand. It was small. Delicate. “Emily,” she responded.
For their first date, Miguel had taken her to a small Italian restaurant in the outskirts of Ithaca. He didn’t know much about her at that point. Other than the fact that her full name was Emily Thomas. She was an economics major, and she was from a small town in Southern California.   
“It’s a tiny shithole.” Emily chuckled, her shoulders jerked a bit as if the force of the curse word erupting from her mouth surprised even herself.
Miguel raised an eyebrow, “it can’t be too bad, can it? It produced you after all.” 
Emily’s pale skin flushed pink. Miguel was charmed. He liked that. The paleness of her skin and hair. The slenderness of her hands. She was like one of his mother’s porcelain dolls. And there was something else. Something stirring in the undercurrent of her voice as she described her hometown. A restlessness that manifested itself in the anxious rubbing of her palms against her jeans and a reluctance to meet his eyes that betrayed a feeling he knew well from accompanying his father to his “business meetings”. Emily Thomas had memories that she would rather forget. At least they had that in common.
Miguel had never been in love with another person until this point. He knew that they weren’t soulmates. But what did that matter? He liked Emily. He enjoyed the way she pursed her lips when he would tease her. Her ability to calculate sums quickly in her head. The way her stiffness and propriety exposed her fragility, as if a sharp word or a judgmental glance from a classmate would shatter her. Most of all, he liked her yearning for something more than what she had come from. 
When he discussed his father or the family business and his plans for the future, his determination to secure his family’s legacy, he could see the fear in her eyes that was belied with hate for what he and his father would have to do, and hunger for what the business could bring for her.  
Perhaps that was how they had fallen together. They were just so enamored with each other’s desperation that they called it love. 
But right now, all Miguel could feel was rage.
His hands played with the wires on his shades to hide his trembling anger. His wife had lied to him. She was contacting that f**king Reyes boy. He had known something was wrong, long before those detectives had knocked on his door. Emily was distant. Distracted. Perhaps some part of him should’ve been disturbed by how easily the lies rolled off her honeyed tongue if he hadn’t been lying to her as well. 
Honesty buys honesty. Miguel wanted to scoff at Nestor’s words now. Too little, too late now. Honesty wouldn’t help him as his wife sat, stiff and quiet with their defense attorney in a courtroom. Honesty wouldn’t help their already tattered public image or relieve the pressure from the DEA that would only worsen from this entire debacle.    
He hated being here. Miguel shifted, his back already aching from the hard wooden bench, as he watched lawyers in suits rush in and out of the room. God, he despised prosecutors. Hypocritical f**ks. They walk around with that holier-than-thou attitude, so confident in their exacting of justice while a significant portion of them were on his payroll. Their egos made Miguel’s head hurt. 
But this time, his wife’s trial...he hadn’t heard of the judge. He wasn’t on the Galindo payroll. Nor were you. He had looked you up obviously, and read through your file the previous night. You were impressive. Scholarship to Berkley. Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Received your J.D. from USC. Clerked for a judge in the Ninth Circuit. 
He set his glass of liquor down on his table, picking up a polaroid of you. You were walking down the steps of the courthouse, one hand brushing your hair away from your face. Miguel examined the seriousness in your eyes, and your set jaw. Your small frame made you seem almost innocuous. Almost. 
“What’s her conviction rate?” 
“High,” Nestor responded, shifting in his chair. 
Miguel sighed, leaning back in his chair, “I thought we were going to get Simmons on this case.” F**k who the judge was. The best thing that could happen was getting a prosecutor that wouldn’t file charges in the first place.
Nestor nodded, “we were. But she got assigned to it. Lead detective requested her specifically.” 
Miguel remembered him. Lawrence Kohler. He was a large man, worn clothes, entered Miguel’s house with an air of disdain. Also not on the Galindo payroll. Damn. 
“What else do we know about her?”
“She moved here two years out of law school. Mother died in a car accident. Father died three months later. No other family. They were soulmates.”
Miguel furrowed his brow, picking through the pages of the report. Soulmates. He hadn’t heard that term in a while, not that he was in a business where it appeared often. He wanted to snort at the absurdity of that. His parents weren’t soulmates. But their marriage was strong, built day by day - not in the passing fancy of a first glance and a name on their arms. But that left an idea. 
“Does she have a soulmate?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
F**k. You didn’t seem like someone who could be plied with money. There went that leverage.  
Miguel leaned his head back in his seat, “we have Beckett on retainer right?”
“Yes. He’s coming tomorrow to begin prepping her defense,” Nestor responded, referring to the lawyer that Miguel had relied upon in the past to help him out of any sticky legal situations. 
Miguel nodded, “Ok. Keep looking into her Nestor. There’s something that we can use.”
Nestor stood, “It’ll be ok Mikey. We’re going to get Emily out of this.”
Miguel closed his eyes for a moment, “whatever this is. I’m still not sure yet.” 
Nestor did not have a response to that. Instead, he quietly left the room, closing the door behind him. Miguel rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. What the f**k was going on with his wife? The woman who never wanted contact with the other world was now involved in a murder investigation. And he still had the entire mess with Potter gunning to take him down. 
Miguel stretched, trying to relieve the tension in his shoulders. And now you have entered the picture. He picked up your photo from his desk, his thumbs pressing at the corners. There was something about you that he had to admit was somewhat magnetic. Something in your expression, the determined straightness of your shoulders, and the ferocity that emanated from your image was almost...beautiful. 
Miguel rubbed his hand over his eyes. F**k. He was just tired. He needed some sleep. Tomorrow would bring a long day of legal strategy and disclosures that he would likely not be ready for. Miguel stood from his seat, slipping your photo back into your file on his desk, and readying himself for bed with his wife. Never had his bedroom felt so sterile or empty. 
Miguel folded himself next to Emily, trying fervently to ignore the growing distance and the stony silence between them. 
The door to the courtroom opened once again, and there you were. Miguel recognized you immediately from his reconnaissance. He had found himself looking over your file over and over within the past few days, so much so that your image had inadvertently seared itself into his memory. 
He watched your feet, encased in sensible heels, advance in steady strides as you entered. You wore a plain black skirt and white blouse with that same tension in your shoulders and your expression set with resolve as you glanced at Emily and Beckett. 
You were ready with the energy to take on the world like a force of nature. And when someone was coming up against the Galindo Empire, they would need every bit of energy and determination they would have. Miguel was almost impressed with your boldness. Almost. 
But then you turned, your eyes meeting his. 
It took all of the control he had developed in his years of running the business to stop himself from exhibiting any emotion as he felt the sudden burn in his forearm. Miguel didn’t even have to look. He didn’t believe in soulmates, but he knew what this meant. 
Emily chose that second to turn around, catching his eye and nodding at him. Miguel wrested his sense back from the shock that had paralyzed him for a moment to nod back. 
Well. It seems that he had found the leverage he was looking for. Against you or himself, Miguel wasn’t sure. F**k.
part I
part III
A/N: I swear these turn out to be more character studies than I ever plan for them to be. But we finally have a look at Miguel’s side of the encounter! 
A few notes that I wanted to impart: 
There is going to be major canon divergence so events that happened on the show are going to be reformed/omitted/changed in chronology or events and maybe merged depending on how well they fit into the story
I’ll be updating the links to previous chapters and to my masterlist so check that out for other stories that I’m writing
Updates will be somewhat sporadic based on how much time I’ll have outside of work - but I’ll try for weekly at least
I’m going to start tagging parts as #wddsd so it’s easier to find on my page
If you want to be added to the taglist for future chapters - please send me a message or comment to let me know!
Please R&R as always! Very much appreciate it!
Lastly, I honestly miss writing fanfic and will probably also be writing more one-shot pieces about Miguel and Nick - just for the smuttiness/fluff in different AUs (let me know if you have any requests - I’m open to fulfilling those! Send me a message!)
I also just wanted to flesh out the beginning of his relationship with Emily because I feel like that’s not touch on in the show. (Also I’m still unsure of how I feel about Emily at this point because she’s both a victim and a perpetrator in all of this mess? But leaning on her being somewhat hypocritical about not wanting to be involved in the cartel life while it funds her entire lifestyle). 
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years ago
Star Wars 101 (Ch. 2) Episode IV - A New Hope
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Wow, I didn't realize how much I'd written until I hit the tumblr limit. Hope you like it! Comment your thoughts!
Chapter Summary: Steve just wants to do his job, the avengers are the best wingmen, Scott doesn't like porn, and [y/n] thinks all nerds are freaky
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sci-fi boi: okay which cartoon rivalry was better?? Popeye the sailor man and Bluto or Tom and Jerry?
crackhead [y/n]: dude.
crackhead [y/n]: how is that even a question??? Obviously Tom and Jerry lol
sci-fi boi: explanation pls
crackhead [y/n]: popeye and bluto were always fighting over that girl olive and some other stupid crap but with my two furry buddies it was no talk pete no discussions just murder attempts ON SIGHT. Tell me they don't go harder than any other rivalry
sci-fi boi: haha truuuu
"Are we boring you, Queens?"
Peter's head snapped up quickly, discreetly turning his phone off underneath the meeting table. "Um-huh? No no no, Mr. Rogers I'm listening. Sorry."
Steve shook his head and continued to speak as he pointed to the pictures on the screen at the end of the room. All of the Avengers of Earth were there, some half asleep, while the others either joked or listened intently.
In two short days, they were going to be taking back powerful tech that Martin Li(aka: Mr. Negative)'s "demons" had stolen from Stark Industries. A simple "get in and get out".
They'd known this plan for some days now, yet Steve insisted on calling meetings to go over it again and again.
Feeling a quick vibration go off in his hand, Peter instinctively looked back down at his phone to see a snapchat text notification from you.
crackhead [y/n]: According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible🐝...
Peter shook his head slightly as he chuckled, a smile shamelessly creeping onto his face.
sci-fi boi: did you really just quote the bee movie at me???😂😂
"Hey spidey-boy, would you mind sharing to the class what's so hilarious?" Rhodey's voice rang out loud and clear from across the table.
Quick as lightning, Peter turned his phone off and buried it in between his thighs, realizing that he hadn't been as quiet as he'd thought. To his luck, everyone’s eyes were trained on him now.
“It's n-nothing!” Peter squeaked, his voice breaking embarassingly. He shoved his phone into his pocket in fear of someone snatching it from him.
Natasha rolled her eyes and smirked. "So what're you looking at down there?"
"I-i, uh, I was just um, w-watching a funny- very funny video actually-"
"C'mon guys!," Sam laughed, clapping his hands together. "Don't tease the kid. We all know what he was smiling at down there!"
At that, Peter practically choked. "WHAT?!"
Tony snickered. "Personally, I don't think two inches is something to be proud of, but alright."
Peter's eyes widen, nearly falling out of his skull by the looks of it. "I-it's not two inches a-and I wasn't looking at-!"
"Jesus christ, guys..." Bruce sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He was obviously just doing something on his phone. Leave the poor guy alone."
Peter coughed as he saw Steve glare at him with that infamous 'Im Captain America and Im judging you' glare. Phones weren't allowed in the meeting room. Well, they weren't supposed to be. No one ever really followed that rule except Peter. But he'd already been so deep in his conversation with you that he just couldn't put his phone down. "No no, um, I wasn't.. I was just zoning out, y'know, and I just happened to be looking-"
"-at your phone?," Steve cut in to ask.
"-at your dick," Rhodey stated at the same time.
"-at porn," Tony said with an all-knowing smile, causing everyone at the table to turn towards either him or Peter, whose face was beet red with embarrassment.
"Peter please tell us you weren't watching porn," Scott begged, his jaw completely dropped. "I mean, no judgment but-"
"Full judgement, actually," Clint corrected, an extremely disturbed look on his face. "Seriously, what were you doing, kid? You gotta tell us now with all these assumptions being thrown around."
"Curious," Thor stated, leaning back in his chair. "What is porn?"
"Something that I definitely WAS NOT watching!," Peter responded as he practically slammed his face into the table and slapped his hands over his eyes. "Does it even matter what I was doing anyway?," he mumbled into the table.
Natasha raised an eyebrow, blowing the smoke off of her coffee. "People usually aren't this defensive when they're telling the truth, Peter."
Peter shrunk into his seat with a loud groan. Can I die. Can I please just die. Like why am I seriously even alive right now??? Some bad guy please just burst through the door and maim me please.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. pull up Parker's phone," Tony commanded once the commotion in the room died down.
Peter quickly lifted his head. "Wait, what?!"
"Accessing Peter Parker's mobile device, sir," F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded. "Would you like for me to transfer the screen to the meeting board?"
Tony looked back with a laugh to see a frozen, slack-jawed Peter. He turned back around. "Yeah sure, F.R.I.D.A.Y., what the heck let's have fun."
"No wait- are you seriously hacking into my phone right now?!"
"Well why're you so tense, Parker?," Sam asked teasingly. "Thought you had nothing to hide?"
"I-i don't!," he stammered. "I-it's just..." he trailed off, looking for the right words to say. "..that's my private property," he said lamely while staring at the wall.
Tony stared back at him. "Well that's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard." He pointed towards the board. "Alright it's coming up."
Scott closed his eyes. "Oh God, please don't be porn.."
Peter rolled his eyes. Everyone else looked to the large board, fully expecting to see either porn or just some stupid game the boy had been playing.
But none of them expected him to be texting a girl.
crackhead [y/n]: hey u still there?
"Who's crackhead [Y/N]?," Natasha asked.
Scott turned to Rhodes who was sitting on the side of him. "Is that some trashy porn star?," he whispered.
"Why're you asking me like I know?"
"It's this girl from school.." Peter answered, blushing profusely.
"And you like her," Natasha noted, watching his body language intently.
The boy's eyes widened. "N-no I don't!"
"Why crackhead though?," Rhodey asked, crinkling his nose.
Peter shrugged. "That's what she wanted her name to be," here responded. "Thought it was funny."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Just like you thought 'sci-fi boi' was funny?" Shaking his head, he changed focused. "Guys, are we gonna get back to work or not?"
"Not," Tony answered as he scrolled up all the way to the beginning of the messages from early that morning. "So, you've been texting this girl today off and on since..." He checked the time. "Five in the morning?"
Clint chuckled. "Oh yeah, huge crush."
“No!” Peter protested, his voice an octave too high. Realizing that it isn’t working, he decided to try a different technique. Clearing his throat, he tried to sound and act as nonchalant as possible. “She’s just a friend from school.”
"She's first on your best friends list, even over that computer kid you practically live with. And you and her practically snap each other nonstop."
Peter scratched his nose. "W-well that's only cuz Ned doesn't like to text much."
Bruce took his glasses off and sighed, realizing there was no way this meeting was getting back on topic. "Look Pete," he said. "Friends don't do that. I've seen it all before. If you and this girl are talking on a daily basis all throughout the day starting at five in the morning?" He titled his head in a suggestive way, though Peter stared back at him blankly.
"What?," Peter asked.
"Oh my God, kid," Bruce sighed.
Tony held his head back and laughed. "It means either she likes you and your just too dense, you like her but won't admit it and she's just concerningly nice, or you both like each other and just won't make your moves!"
Sam, who hadn't lifted his eyes from the board the entire time, spoke up. "And judging by these texts, you already got her, it's just not official yet."
Tony kept scrolling. "You two went to winter formal together?"
"Yeah... but as friends," Peter said with a shrug.
Steve cleared his throat loudly, gaining the attention of everyone in the room at once. He looked at Peter who was doing everything here could not to look him in the eye. "Look, as much as I would love to talk about Peter's sad love life, we have a mission-"
"-that will still be there tomorrow, Cap," Bucky finished for him. "C'mon we've been going over this stuff for hours. Let us have this distraction."
Everyone looked to him, Tony feigning a puppy dog expression. Crossing his arms, he left the room. "Fine, but when someone gets hurt because they didn't know where they were supposed to go, don't blame me."
"...literally no one's ever blaming you, man," Sam said.
Suddenly, the screen lit up and F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke. "Sir, Peter Parker has a new message."
Everyone looked to the board. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Scroll down, Mr. Stark. Scroll down!," Peter yelled frantically. "What's she saying?"
Natasha smirked. "And you're sure you don't like her, Peter?"
His face flushed. "Okay fine...I might have a tiny crush-"
"I'm sorry I can't hear you," Tony cut in. "Can you say that agai-"
"-I SAID YEAH I REALLY LIKE THIS GIRL!," Peter finally yelled with his eyes squeezed shut. He kept them closed for about twenty seconds afterwards, afraid of the judging faces he would see if he opened them.
He carefully opened his eyes to see all of the avengers (minus Cap) staring back at him with stupid smiles and smirks on their faces.
"Well, that's all I needed to hear," Tony said. He clapped his hands together. "Okay everybody, first order of business, checking the text. Sam, you're our reader."
"Got it."
"What?," Peter yelled, reaching for his phone. Tony dodged him and gave it to Sam. "Mr. Stark, I can text a girl on my own. I don't need help."
"Nat, you're our timer. Make sure none of the responses take longer than a minute. We don't want the girl to get bored and go on to something else."
"Mr. Stark, c'mon-"
"Sam, you explain stuff to lightning head over here if he doesn't understand it. This could be learning moment for ole Shakespeare. Thor, you listen to Sam."
"On it."
"Everyone else, you're with me. We gotta find the perfect thing to say to this girl. I've got a feeling this is probably the only chance he's gonna have to get a girl in a long time."
Rhodes, Scott, Clint, Bruce, and Wanda looked to each other and nodded.
"And Pete?"
Peter raised his head. "Yes sir?"
"You know this girl more than anybody here does, so you tell us if what we say is appropriate for her or not."
Peter rolled his eyes and nodded. After all, what's the worst that can happen?
Tony pointed to Sam. "Okay, read it."
crackhead [y/n]: u going to flash's party on saturday??
"She wants to know if the kid's going to some party Saturday."
Tony turned to the boy. "You're going," her demanded.
Flash was the most popular douchebag in school. Totally rich and totally rude and totally determined to use his every breath to spite Peter. "I wasn't even invited," Peter mumbled, shooting a glare towards Sam when he heard him laughing.
"Well get invited," Tony ordered. "A party is the perfect place to make a move. Send yes."
sci-fi boi: yes
"Mr. Stark, how am I supposed to get into this party? Flash hates me! And if I crash it and Flash sees me, he's gonna make sure everyone thinks I'm a loser!"
Tony rolled his eyes and sighed. "Peter we're trying to help you here. Figure that part out on your own."
Peter sighed, leaning forward in his chair. The last thing he wanted was another assignment, even if it wasn't actually an assignment. On the plus side, he'd get to see you, and maybe have some fun if he actually tried to enjoy himself.
crackhead [y/n]: cool so i guess ill go too
Rhodey chuckled while shaking his head. "Kid, if you don't ask this chick out the second you see her again, I'm gonna bodyslam you."
Peter frowned. "What do you mean?"
Bruce smiled. "Whether or not she went to the party was depending on if you were going," he pointed out.
"This girl used to be like that with me back in college," Scott said with a shrug. "Thought she liked me. Turned out she just had social anxiety..."
"Yeah you're really not helping this, bugman," Tony said.
"Wait, you guys think [Y/N] actually likes me back?," Peter asked, getting groans and laughs in return.
"Where have you been the last few minutes?," Natasha said.
"We've literally been saying that this entire time," Sam deadpanned.
Peter stared at his feet below the table. If the team was right, and you did actually like him back, then the movie marathon he was planning was the perfect excuse to hang out with you. "I-i think I might have a plan!," he rushed out, his head flying up. He pointed to Sam. "Ask her if she's free tonight!"
"Yes!," Thor yelled, his fists pumped into the air. "The spider child has grown his man balls!"
"Now that's what I'm talking about." Sam nodded approvingly as he texted.
sci-fi: r u free tonight??😉
"Wait hold on," Peter said, suddenly rushing towards the phone in a frantic manner. "Why is there a winking emoji?! I didn't say anything about a winking emoji!"
Sam raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were flirti-"
Peter groaned. "Delete it, man. Delete it before her bitmoji pops up!"
"Okay okay, dang kid," Sam chuckled, quickly deleting the text and replacing it with one without a winking emoji. "There. And ya girl didn't even see it."
"Hey guys," Scott said. "I know we're all freaking out and stuff. But honestly, I'm just glad he wasn't watching porn." He shrugged. "So no matter what happens with this girl, today's still an absolute win."
It went on like this for a solid thirty minutes.
crackhead [y/n]: yeah wassup
sci-fi boi: wanna come over and watch movies?
crackhead [y/n]: sure what're we watching
sci-fi boi: we can decide that when u get here. how about 4??
crackhead [y/n]: alright sure
"Okay, last thing," Tony said. "We need a sly compliment. Something not that special about her, but enough to show her that you're tuned in. Gets them every time, trust me."
Natasha rolled her eyes. "Wow, lady-killer."
Tony pointed towards her and shrugged. "She said it, not me."
Thor looked to Peter. "So, young spider. What have you observed about your darling love?"
Peter blushed, almost wanting to comment on the Thor's word choice but ultimately deciding not to. "Well, um, her eyes light up a lot when she gets excited and it's really dorky in a cute kind of way I guess," he mumbled, scratching his head.
"Alright I got it," Sam said, typing the words in. He lifted his shoulders into a shrug. "Who knows, kid? There be some hope for you."
sci-fi boi: btw how do you get ur eyes to sparkle so bright when u get happy about stuff? Just thinking about it lol its cute
Peter blew out a shaky breath as he looked back over the set-up he'd made in the living room.
He'd cleared out space to build a super huge homemade blanket fort and inside it at the end was his tv. Towards the middle were all of pillows he could find inside the house and at the other end were snacks. All around the inside were fairy lights because he knew you liked them, though personally he found them cliche.
He spent about an hour on the whole set and an additional thirty minutes stressing over and making sure everything was safe (with all three fairy lights and tv cords). The last thing he needed was for the both of you to catch on fire while watching the movie.
The two of you were going to be watching Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (or as normal 'not-nerds' like to call it, "the first one"). Of course, he hadn't told the team that. If they'd known what movie he'd planned on showing her, high chances are they wouldn't have even let him out of Avengers tower. But if Peter was gonna be forced to hang out with someone (not that he was really complaining), he would at least pick the film.
Finally checking all the boxes in his head for the night, Peter went to go check the DVD before he heard your knock at the door.
"Coming!," he yelled, quickly chucking the disc into the DVD player. He ran to the door and opened it with an awkward smile. "Uh, hey [Y/N]."
"Hey," you said back, already sort of blushing. "How's it going?"
Peter stared. Are your eyebrows done or are they just naturally that nice? He found his voice after abruptly noticing that he was staring. "Uh-well. It's been going great! How's it going for y-you also as well?" He frowned. "I-i mean, what's been going on with your life lately? No, that's dumb. I meant-"
"Peter, Peter! Calm down, dude," you giggled. "I've been fine."
"Oh," he chuckled. "That's good... d-do you wanna come in?"
"Question. What're we watching, Peter?," you asked, a smile playing on your face. Considering what you remembered from the last time you were at his house, and the fort you could get a peek of from the doorframe, you figured it was special for the nerdy boy. Plus his shirt had Yoda on it.
Freakin' Star Wars.
Immediately, a wide grin spread across his face. "Remember what you promised me we'd watch?"
You rolled your eyes, stepping past him into his living room. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Time to get nerdy I guess."
"Come on, you'll love it,"Peter said, quickly closing the door behind them and then briskly running towards the fort to hold up the side blankets for you. "So, snacks and drinks are beside us. We'll chill on these blankets here. And...um, yeah. That's about it." After stepping outside for a bit to go turn off the lights(for the full "movie theater" experience), Peter laid down on his belly, reaching for the DVD player to press play.
You watched as he fumbled with the wires, making sure the DVD player was plugged in before turning it on. Has your jawline always been that sharp?
You couldn't quite place it, but his texts from before seemed.. weird. But not a bad weird at all. A good, intriguing weird.
And that compliment was pretty nice, but odd for Peter. Sure, he complimented you often, but it just felt different this time. Usually it'd be something like, "new dress?" or "nice shoes". But never "you're eyes sparkle when you get excited." Heck, you didn't even know that about you. Was he paying attention? Did that mean he-
You remember how he acted about Liz Allen and Michelle Jones. Always staring. Never able to even say a full sentence in front of them without stuttering up a storm.
But he was so comfortable about you for the most part. You were just a friend.
"Okay got it," Peter said, laughing excitedly as the screen in front of him lit up. He scooted back to where you were sat. "Prepare to have your mind blown."
The Fort quickly became dark as the Lucasfilm logo shined on the screen.
"I seriously dou-"
"Shhh!," he cut you off. "Wait for it..."
You gave him a look but joined him in his silence to see what he was waiting for.
BUMMMMM buh buh bummmm
Practically jumping on top of him, you flinched at the loud and sudden music. "Crap dude! Turn it down!"
Peter shook his head, reaching for a soda. "You have to get the full effect, [Y/N]!," he laughed. "Just embrace it." He began to sing with the music and mime crazy gestures as if he were directing an orchestra.
Halfway through he stopped and recited the opening crawl, his eyes glued to the screen with a sort of focus that made you sure that not only was this not foreign to him, he probably did this every other week.
"It is a period of civil war," he mumbled, throwing some popcorn into his mouth. "Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic- [Y/N] you have to watch the words, I swear it'll make the whole experience better." It went on for a little while longer until he paused the movie and looked over at you, cowering a bit. "D-do I have something on my face?"
"Huh? Nah you're good," you said, realizing he'd noticed you staring. "It's just-" you remembered his text from earlier. "-you got really excited... It-um..it was cute."
Because of the darkness(the only lighting being from the tv), you couldn't see if Peter blushed or not, but you could clearly see the stupid grin plastered on his face that he was trying to hide from you with his hand. Repeatedly licking his lips as a desperate attempt to stop smiling as he pressed play on the remote control. "A-ah, um, thanks [Y/N]."
The opening crawl was over and soon the movie actually began, showing a huge spaceship.
"That's the imperial star destroyer," Peter whispered, never taking his eyes off the screen. "They belong to the empire." He saw your blank expression, wide eyes as he realized that meant nothing to you. "Uh, the bad guys."
You squinted your eyes at the screen, silently judging the graphics of the energy blasts- space bullets?- or whatever they were supposed to be. "Pete, when was this movie made?"
"Oh okay," you said, deciding to give it some leeway for the trash designs.
You scooted a little closer to your friend, figuring you'd get a little bit more comfortable.
Oh how he wished you hadn't done that.
Nothing like actual, physical contact with a girl that you like and you think she might like you back to actually manage to distract you from one of your favorite movies ever.
He froze, not wanting to pull away and offend you, but definitely not wanting to stay because just being this close to you was making his mind run wild.
Does she actually like me back? What if Mr. Stark and the team only said that to get me to make a fool of myself? She's too comfortable with me. She just sees me as a friend. Or maybe she likes me and she's just really chill about it? Ooh my gosh and she's leaning on me right now. What am I 'sposed to do?? I don't know I don't know I don't know!!!!!!!!!
Deciding for a quick compromise, he got up completely to reach for another soda, though his sprite was still half finished. When he sat back down, he wasn't as close. Hopefully, you'd just see it as natural human behaviour and not him wanting to be away from you.
Course you would see it that way, wouldn't you?
"Oh my gosh I recognize someone! That's R2D2, right?!" You pointed wildly, glad to not be completely clueless for once with this nerd crap.
"Yeah that's R2," Peter responded, letting out a secret sigh of relief, thankful for the distraction.
"A-and that's that gold dude!"
"Yeah, C-3PO."
"And oh crap that's Princess Leia!," you shouted. "Fucking feminist icon!"
Peter tilted his head. "Wait, how would you know that if you've never watched this?"
You laughed. "I still have access to the internet, doofus! Scroll down the nerdy feminist side of tumblr and Leia is literally everywhere."
Peter chuckled as he finally finished his sprite. "Okay. Valid."
Since that, you stopped talking for a bit. Part of you actually did figure that since you're here, you might as well actually try to enjoy the movie and maybe find out what the fans actually see in it that makes them like it so much. The other part just really didn't want to annoy Peter while he was watching his favorite movie series.
But sometimes you just have to say something.
"Hold up, wait. Isn't that his sister? Oh my God, Pete I swear somebody told me before that Leia was Luke's twin!"
Peter shrugged while nodding. "Well, that's a bit of a spoiler, but yeah. What about it?"
"Oh my gosh, Pete- what about it?! Dude, he's literally making 'fuck me' eyes at his own sister! He's all like, 'ooh you're so sexy I'm gonna bone you all over the galaxy'. That's freaky!"
You grabbed the remote and began to rewind it.
"C'mon now [Y/N]," he explained. "He didn't call her sexy. He said she was beautiful. Sexy is wayyy different from beautiful. You can think your family members are beautiful can't you?"
You paused it once you got to where you wanted.
"Okay Parker, look at that. Look at that and tell me Lukes's not totally undressing her with his eyes!" You pointed at Peter's face with a goofy smile on yours. "Oh wow, I've finally figured you people out now."
Peter's head cocked to the side. "Figured out what?"
"Star Wars nerds are a bunch of horny kids that like that step-sibling porn stuff but can't watch that in front of their parents so they have to use an alternative!"
Peter fell on his back with laughter, practically rolling around like a pig. "[Y/N], what?!"
You gave him an incredulous look. "Who else likes to see two siblings bang each other, Peter?!"
At that he pointed back at you while picking up his other soda. "To be fair, they never do that with each other. They only kiss, like twice and that's it. And one of them is only to make Han Solo mad."
"Oh yeah, I forgot about the Han Solo guy. Where is he anyway?"
Peter smiled. "Well, we're only twenty mintues in. He'll come soon."
To tell the truth, Peter really didn't even know what part you were at. His eyes were watching the screen but nothing was being comprehended. The only thing he could manage to think about was all the tiny things that were going on over on your side of the fort. Did you notice him staring? Was Tony right and you were just concerningly nice?
"I love how everybody at this bar is so chill south everything that's happening. It's like oh wow this guy just shot this green dude at table 8 and nope we totally don't care," you joked, pulling Peter out of his trance. He reminded himself that he should probably try to pay more attention. He didn't want to ruin the movie for you in case you had any questions.
But eventually, like all things do, the movie came to an end.
"So, how'd you like it?," Peter said while neither one of you made a move to leave the dark fort. You were laid out in practically a starfish-type position while he was sitting Indian-style.
You smirked. "I'll admit, it was pretty nice for a movie made in 1977. Still a bit lame though," you teased, pinching your fingers together with a giggle. Suddenly, you gasped. "Ooh, Vader was pretty lit though! Just straight force-choking people who disagree with you is such a power move."
Peter rolled his eyes and scoffed lightly. "Typical..."
"Excuse me?"
He bit back a quick smile. "Look, I'm not saying that Darth Vader isn't awesome. Because he is! Totally and completely but [Y/N], you do realize that in literally every movie we watch you like the villains?," he said, raising an eyebrow.
"Because the villains are awesome!," you defended.
"Just saying. I'm sensing a bit of a pattern...," he teased.
You scoffed. "This coming from the guy who actually feels bad about some the people crashing into things when we're watching Ridiculousness," you said, reminding in how Peter was forever the relentless sap. "Well, while you're so busy judging me, whose your favorite character?"
At that, he gave a small sincere smile. "Ben. He's really cool."
"Ben Kenobi? The old guy that literally let himself die? But why?"
He shrugged, the small grin still present on his face. "Eh, sentimental reasons..."
He watched you return his sweet smile and it was then and there when Peter really felt content with the night. Though, you hadn't even known the weight his words carried, he did. Ned was the only other person who knew about it. But Peter knew right then and there that if you had asked, he'd tell you. And he knew you'd understand. Maybe you were just nice. Or maybe you did like him back. But in that moment, Peter didn't care. He just wanted to be here with you. Lost in the warm smell of popcorn and your vanilla perfume, watching a Star Wars movie with Uncle Ben surely smiling down from Heaven. And it gave Peter hope that maybe, just maybe, this was a step in the right direction.
2 hours (and five minutes) down. 22 hours (and forty seven mintues) to go...
Taglist: @underoosjae @spn-assemble-seven @of-your-eyes-begonia-skies @parkerpeter24 , @audreylovespidey706
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