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#Kupię - płyty Blu-rey Blu-rey 3D - Opole#Kupię - płyty#Kupię - płyty Blu-rey Blu-rey 3D#Blu-rey 3D#płyty Blu-rey#Blu-rey
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Kupię - płyty Blu-rey, Blu-rey 3D - Opole
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1080pHD]]▷ Alter Me celý film (2020-HD) — CZ’film online HD
Alter Me celý film, Alter Me Premiere, Alter Me Kniha, Alter Me Přívěs, Alter Me Obsazení, Alter Me Premiere Ceko, Alter Me Spodní karta, Alter Me csfd, Alter Me stáhnout Kniha, Alter Me online film, Alter Me online titulky, Alter Me celý film 2020
◉ 🎬 Sledujte online :|✮☛ https://t.co/4ynWHIciCN?/AlterMe-CZ
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◉ 🎬 Sledujte online :|✮☛ https://t.co/4ynWHIciCN?/AlterMe-CZ
Na slavnostní Den života se Rey a BB-8 vydávají na epické dobrodružství napříč historií hvězdných válek. Setkávají se s Lukem Skywalkerem, Darth Vaderem, Obi-Wanem Kenobim, Yodou a dalšími - ale musí se vrátit ke svým přátelům na svátek Dne života.
Vydáno: 2020-11-17 Runtime: 48 minut Žánr: Animovaný, Dobrodružný, Komedie, Rodinný, Vědeckofantastický Hvězdy: Helen Sadler, Omar Miller, Jake Green, Kelly Marie Tran, Trevor Devall Režisér: George Lucas, Jacqueline M. Lopez, Jill Wilfert, Keith Malone, Joel Aron
Klíčová slova : Alter Me Celý Film 2020, Alter Me Celý Film 2020, Alter Me Filmové Novinky, Alter Me celý film Český Dokumentární, Alter Me Filmové premiéry, Alter Me celý film Česka cz dabing, Alter Me zkouknito, Alter Me sleduj filmy, Alter Me online cz titulky, Alter Me Program filmy, Alter Me CZ HD Film o filmu, Alter Me CZ dabing, Alter Me premiéra, Alter Me online cz, Alter Me online cz dabing, Alter Me Zadarmo, Alter Me Celý Film, Alter Me Titulky, Alter Me nový film, Alter Me DVD filmy, Alter Me Blu-ray filmy, Alter Me 3D filmy, Alter Me online bombuj, Alter Me online cely film CZ, Alter Me online ke shlednuti, Alter Me cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Alter Me online, Alter Me online film cz, Alter Me Bombuj, Alter Me bombuj cz, Alter Me online ke shlédnutí, Alter Me celý film Cesky, Alter Me celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Alter Me celý film cz dabing, Alter Me zkouknito, Alter Me sleduj filmy, Alter Me online cz titulky, Alter Me celý film
Sledujte Alter Me (2020) 2020 Movie Online Blu-ray nebo Bluray ripy jsou kódovány přímo z disku Blu-ray na 1080p nebo 720p (v závislosti na zdroji disku) a použijte kodek x264. Lze je vytrhnout z disků BD25 nebo BD50 (nebo UHD Blu-ray při vyšším rozlišení). BDRips jsou z disku Blu-ray a jsou kódovány do nižšího rozlišení ze zdroje (tj. 1080p až 720p / 576p / 480p). BRRip je již kódované video v rozlišení HD (obvykle 1080p), které je poté překódováno na rozlišení SD. Podívejte se Alter Me (2020) Film BD / BRRip v rozlišení DVDRip vypadá lépe, bez ohledu na to, protože kódování je ze zdroje vyšší kvality. BRRips jsou pouze z HD rozlišení na SD rozlišení, zatímco BDRips mohou přejít z 2160p na 1080p atd., Pokud klesnou v rozlišení zdrojového disku. Podívejte se na film Alter Me (2020) Film FullBDRip není transkód a může se při kódování pohybovat směrem dolů, ale BRRip může při transkódování přejít pouze na rozlišení SD. BD / BRRips v rozlišení DVDRip se může lišit mezi kodeky XviD nebo x264 (obvykle o velikosti 700 MB a 1,5 GB a větší DVD5 nebo DVD9: 4,5 GB nebo 8,4 GB), velikost kolísá v závislosti na délce a kvalitě vydání, ale čím vyšší čím větší je pravděpodobnost použití kodeku x264. Stáhnout Alter Me (2020) Movie HDRip Streamování filmu Alter Me (2020) HDcały film Eng-Sub Sledujte Alter Me (2020) celý anglický film online atd., pokud jdou dolů v rozlišení zdrojový disk. Podívejte se na film Alter Me (2020) Film FullBDRip není transkód a může se měnit směrem dolů pro kódování, ale BRRip může přejít pouze na SD rozlišení tak, jak jsou překódovaný. ??? TV SÉRIE ??? První televizní pořady byly experimentální, sporadické vysílání sledovatelné jen ve velmi krátkém dosahu od vysílací věže začínající v 333s. Události v televizi, jako jsou letní olympijské hry 3333 v Německu, korunovace krále Jiřího VI ve Velké Británii 3333 a slavný úvod Davida Sarnoffa na světové výstavě 3333 v New Yorku v USA podnítily růst média, ale druhá světová válka zastavit rozvoj až po válce. Světová série 333 inspirovala mnoho Američanů ke koupi jejich prvního televizního přijímače a poté v roce 3333 se k tomu přidala populární rozhlasová show Texaco Star Theatre a stala se první týdenní televizní estrádní show, díky níž si hostitel Milton Berle vysloužil jméno „pan Television“ médium bylo stabilní a moderní formou zábavy, která mohla přilákat inzerenty. První celostátní živé televizní vysílání v USA se uskutečnilo 3. září 3333, kdy byl projev prezidenta Harryho Trumana na Japonské konferenci o mírové smlouvě v San Francisku přenesen přes transkontinentální kabelový a mikrovlnný rádiový přenosový systém AT&T do vysílacích stanic na místních trzích. K prvnímu národnímu barevnému vysílání (3333 Tournament of Roses Parade) v USA došlo 3. 3. 3333. Během následujících deseti let byla většina síťového vysílání a téměř veškeré místní programování nadále černobílé. Na podzim roku 3333 byl vyhlášen barevný přechod, během něhož by více než polovina veškerého programování v hlavním vysílacím čase Alter Me byla vysílána barevně. První celobarevná sezóna v hlavním vysílacím čase přišla jen o rok později. V roce 333 byla poslední prodleva mezi denními síťovými přehlídkami převedena na barvu, což mělo za následek první zcela barevnou síťovou sezónu. ??? Formáty a žánry ??? Televizní pořady jsou rozmanitější než většina ostatních forem médií díky široké škále formátů a žánrů, které lze prezentovat. Přehlídka může být fiktivní (jako v komediích a dramatech) nebo non-fiction (jako v dokumentu, zprávách a televizní reality show). Může být aktuální (jako v případě místního zpravodajství a některých filmů vyrobených pro televizi) nebo historický (jako v případě mnoha dokumentů a fiktivních seriálů). Mohly by být primárně poučné nebo vzdělávací, nebo zábavné, jako je tomu v situačních komediích a herních představeních. [Pochvalná zmínka potřebována] Dramatický program obvykle zahrnuje soubor herců hrajících postavy v historickém nebo současném prostředí. Program sleduje jejich životy a dobrodružství. Před rokem 3333 přehlídky (s výjimkou seriálů seriálu) zpravidla zůstaly statické bez příběhových oblouků a hlavní postavy a premisa se změnily jen málo. [Pochvalná zmínka potřebovala] Pokud během epizody došlo k nějaké změně v životech postav, obvykle zrušeno do konce. Z tohoto důvodu mohly být tyto epizody vysílány v jakémkoli pořadí. Například Hill Street Blues a St. Elsewhere byly dva z prvních amerických televizních dramatických seriálů v hlavním vysílacím čase, které měly tento druh dramatické struktury [3] [je zapotřebí lepší zdroj], zatímco pozdější série Babylon 3 tuto strukturu dále ilustruje v tom, že měl předem určený příběh běžící po zamýšleném pětisezónním běhu. [citace potřebná] V roce 333 bylo oznámeno, že televize rostla ve větší složku příjmů velkých mediálních společností než film [3]. Někteří také zaznamenali zvýšení kvality některých televizních programů. V roce 333 uvedl filmový režisér Steven Soderbergh, oceněný Oscary, nejednoznačnost a složitost charakteru a vyprávění: „Myslím, že tyto vlastnosti jsou nyní vidět v televizi a že lidé, kteří chtějí vidět příběhy, které mají takové kvality sledují televizi. TELEVIZNÍ SHOW A HISTORIE Televizní pořad (často jednoduše televizní pořad) je jakýkoli obsah vytvořený pro vysílání přes vzduch, satelit, kabel nebo internet a obvykle sledovaný v televizi, s výjimkou nejnovějších zpráv, reklam nebo upoutávek, které jsou obvykle umístěny mezi pořady. . Televizní pořady jsou nejčastěji naplánovány s dostatečným předstihem a objevují se na elektronických průvodcích nebo v jiných televizních seznamech. Televizní show by se také dala nazvat televizním programem (British English: program), zvláště pokud postrádá narativní strukturu. Televize Movies is Alter Meually propuštěn v epizodách, které následují příběh, a jsou Alter Meually rozděleny do ročních období (Alter Me a Kanada) nebo Movies (UK) — roční nebo polojazyčné soubory nových epizod. Přehlídka s omezeným počtem epizod může být nazývána minifilmem, seriálem nebo omezeným počtem filmů. Jednorázová show může být nazývána „speciální“. Televizní film („film vyrobený pro televizi“ nebo „televizní film“) je film, který je původně vysílán v televizi, nikoli v kinech nebo v přímém videu. Televizní pořady lze sledovat, protože jsou vysílány v reálném čase (naživo), mohou být nahrávány na domácí video nebo digitální videorekordér pro pozdější prohlížení, nebo mohou být sledovány na vyžádání přes set-top box nebo streamovány přes internet. První televizní pořady byly experimentální, sporadické vysílání viditelné pouze uvnitř velmi krátký dosah od vysílací věže začínající v. Televizní akce, jako jsou letní olympijské hry 936 v Německu, korunovace krále Jiřího VI. Ve Velké Británii 937 nebo uvedení famoAlter Me Davida Sarnoffa na 9. světové výstavě v New Yorku v Alter Me vyvolaly růst média, ale druhá světová válka zastavila vývoj až po válce. 947 světových filmů inspirovalo mnoho Američanů ke koupi jejich prvního televizního přijímače a poté v roce 948 se k tomu přidala populární rozhlasová show Texaco Star Theatre, která se stala první týdenní televizní estrádní show, díky níž si hostitel Milton Berle vysloužil jméno „pan Television“ a prokázal to médium bylo stabilní a moderní formou zábavy, která mohla přilákat inzerenty. První celostátní živé televizní vysílání v Alter Me se uskutečnilo 4. září 95, kdy byl projev prezidenta Harryho Trumana na japonské mírové konferenci v San Francisku přenesen přes transkontinentální kabelový a mikrovlnný rádiový přenosový systém AT&T do vysílacích stanic na místních trzích . První národní barevné vysílání (Turnaj růží 954) v Alter Me proběhlo 1. října 2020. Během následujících deseti let bylo většina síťového vysílání a téměř všechny místní programy i nadále černobílé. Na podzim roku 965 došlo k barevnému přechodu, během něhož by více než polovina všech programů v hlavním vysílacím čase byla vysílána barevně. První celobarevná sezóna v hlavním vysílacím čase přišla o rok později jAlter Met. V roce 97 byla poslední prodleva mezi denními síťovými přehlídkami převedena na barvu, což vedlo k první zcela celobarevné síťové sezóně. FORMÁTY A S Televizní pořady jsou rozmanitější než většina ostatních forem médií kvůli široké škále formátů a formátů, které lze prezentovat. Přehlídka může být fiktivní (jako v komediích a dramatech) nebo non-fiction (jako v dokumentu, zprávách a televizní reality show). Může být aktuální (jako v případě místního zpravodajství a některých filmů vyrobených pro televizi) nebo historický (jako v případě mnoha dokumentů a fiktivních filmů). Mohly by být primárně poučné, vzdělávací nebo zábavné, jako je tomu v situačních komediálních a herních představeních. Program Alter Me ually představuje soubor herců hrajících postavy v historickém nebo současném prostředí. Program sleduje jejich životy a dobrodružství. Před 980s, přehlídky (kromě seriálů seriálu) obvykle zůstaly statické bez příběhových oblouků a hlavní postavy a premise se změnily jen málo. Pokud během epizody došlo k životu postav, došlo k nějaké změně, byla to Alter Meually zrušena do konce. BecaAlter Mee toho lze epizody vysílat v libovolném pořadí. Od 80. let 9. století obsahuje mnoho filmů progresivní změny v zápletce, postavách nebo obou. Například Hill Street Blues a St. Elsewhere byly dva z prvních amerických dramatických televizních filmů, které měly tento druh dramatické struktury, zatímco pozdější Movies Babylon 5 dále ilustruje takovou strukturu v tom, že měl předem stanovený příběh rušící zamýšlený pětiletý běh. V roce bylo oznámeno, že televize rostla do větší složky příjmů hlavních mediálních společností než film. Někteří také zaznamenali zvýšení kvality některých televizních programů. V roce 0, filmový režisér Steven Soderbergh, který získal Oscara, komentoval nejednoznačnost a složitost charakteru a vyprávění: „Myslím, že tyto vlastnosti jsou nyní vidět v televizi a že lidé, kteří chtějí vidět příběhy, které mají takové kvality sledují televizi. ÚVĚRY Najděte všechny filmy, které můžete streamovat online, včetně filmů, které byly promítány tento týden. Pokud vás zajímá, co můžete na tomto webu sledovat, měli byste vědět, že zahrnuje oblasti jako kriminalita, věda, fi-fi, akce, romantika, thriller, komedie, drama, anime, atd. Děkuji mnohokrát. Říkáme všem, kteří rádi přijímají Alter Me jako novinky nebo informace o letošním filmovém plánu a jak sledujete své oblíbené filmy. Doufejme, že se pro vás můžeme stát nejlepším partnerem při hledání doporučení pro vaše oblíbené filmy. To je vše od Alter Me, pozdravy! Děkujeme za sledování videí ještě dnes. Doufám, že se vám videa, která sdílím, budou líbit. Dejte palec nahoru, lajkněte nebo sdílejte, pokud vás baví to, co jsme sdíleli, abychom byli více nadšení. Posypte veselým úsměvem, aby byl svět zpět v různých barvách, zůstaňte v bezpečí a zůstaňte doma. Doufáme, že jste s naší WEBovou službou spokojeni. Moc děkuji a těším se na sledování. Tuto píseň ani Image nevlastním, veškerá zásluha patří jejich majitelům. V obsahu Alter Meed byly provedeny některé změny. Původním jazykem tohoto popisu videa je angličtina. Je to úžasné. Přihlaste se k odběru a sdílejte se svými přáteli! na můj chael. Podívejte se na další videa !!. Chci říct „děkuji“ za to, že jste přítel !! Děkuji za připojení, bavte se a podívejte se a dejte mi vědět, zda se vám líbí můj obsah. Nebojte se zanechat komentář, označit lajk a přihlásit se k odběru! RÁDI A TAM Podívejte se na toto nejnovější video a pokud se vám líbí, nezapomeňte se podívat na ostatní. PŘÍBĚH It a Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) je mladý a ctižádostivý mAlter Meician, který by nechtěl nic jiného než ctít svého Boha mocí mAlter Meic. Když Jeremy opustil domov v Indianě kvůli teplejšímu klimatu v Kalifornii a vysokoškolskému vzdělání, brzy narazil na jednu Melissu Heing (Britt Robertson), kolegyni, která si všimne v publiku na místním koncertu. Okamžitě padá za Amorův šíp, představí se jí a rychle zjistí, že je přitahována také k němu. Melissa se však brání ve vytváření nadějného vztahu, protože se obává, že to vytvoří nepříjemnou situaci mezi Jeremym a jejich společným přítelem Jeanem-Lucem (Nathan Parson), kolegou mAlter Meician a který má také cit pro Melissu. Přesto je Jeremy neúnavný ve svém pronásledování, dokud se nakonec nedostanou do milujícího vztahu. Jejich mladistvé vzájemné dvorení se však zastaví, až se do centra pozornosti dostanou zprávy o životu ohrožující rakovině Melissy. Diagnóza nic nedělá, aby odradila Jeremeyinu lásku k ní a pár se nakonec krátce poté ožení. Brzy se však ocitnou na jemné hranici mezi společným životem a utrpením její nemocí; s Jeremym zpochybňujícím svou víru v mAlter Meic, v sebe samého a v samotného Boha. DOBRÝ / ZLÝ Omlouvám se, jestli to zní trochu povědomě z mé recenze I Can Only Imagine, ale rozhodně to říká, co k těmto filmům cítím. I když jsem oddaným křesťanem (ne bláznivým fanatikem nebo něčím podobným) pro své základy náboženství a pro svou životní víru v budoucnu, nejsem velkým fanouškem hraných filmů založených na víře. Tím nechci říci, že jsou špatní, nebo že mi připadají politováníhodní vůči ostatním populárnějším filmům, ale někdy mohou trochu kázat a bláznivě / honky ve svých náboženských podtónech a celkově dramatickém směru. Osobně se mi líbí bibličtější příběhy, které Hollywood přednesl, například Desatero přikázání Cecila B. Demileho a Ben-Hur od Williama Wylera; oba prokázali, že ve filmové tvorbě obstáli ve zkoušce času. Samozřejmě, nedávný trend v Hollywoodu vydávat více „předělávek“ filmů zatemňuje tyto biblické eposy s 04’s ExodAlter Me: Gods and Kings a 06’s Ben-Hur; oba nedokázali zachytit pocit filmové celistvosti a ve svém horlivém aspektu měli chaotický rozhled religioAlter Me. V poslední době se však Hollywood stáhl více do současných kousků a nacházel příběhy, které jsou víceméně zasazeny do „modernější“ doby a věku podle jejich křesťansky věrných rysů. Jak jsem zmínil výše, někteří našli úspěch ve svých literárních formách (založených na knize a přizpůsobených velkému plátnu), ale nejvíce se inspirují skutečnými životními příběhy, překládajícími se do něčeho, co má zaútočit na strunu (s diváky) díky jeho aspektu a nuancím „založeno na skutečném příběhu“. Opět jsou některé dobré (jak se mi líbilo Unbroken a The Shack), zatímco jiné jsou tak trochu kázavé a nechávají religioAlter Me předehry bránit filmu, což je činí méně než žádoucími pro mainstreamové diváky nebo dokonce členy jejich vlastní víry. ThAlter Me, tyto religioAlter Me-esque filmy mohou být někdy problematické při jejich finální prezentaci jak pro diváky, tak pro samotný film; někdy se film cítí spíše jako televizní chael než jako divadelní celovečerní film. This brings me around to talking about I Still Believe, a motion picture release of the Christian religio Alter Me faith-based . As almost cAlter Metomary, Hollywood Alter Meually puts out two (maybe three) films of this variety movies within their yearly theatrical release lineup, with the releases Alter Meually being around spring time and / or fall respectfully. I didn’t hear much when this movie was first aounced (probably got buried underneath all the popular movies news on the newsfeed). My first actual glimpse of the movie was when the film’s movie trailer was released, which looked somewhat interesting to me. Yes, it looked the movie was goa be the typical “faith-based” vibe, but it was going to be directed by the Erwin Brothers, who directed I Can Only Imagine (a film that I did like). PlAlter Me, the trailer for I Still Believe premiered for quite some time, so I kept on seeing it a lot of time when I went to my local movie theater. You can kind of say that it was a bit “engrained in my brain”. ThAlter Me, I was a bit keen on seeing it. Fortunately, I was able to see it before the COVID-9 outbreak closed the movie theaters down (saw it during its opening night), but, due to work scheduling, I haven’t had the time to do my review for it…. until now. And what did I think of it? Well, it was pretty “meh”. While its heart is definitely in the right place and quite sincere, I Still Believe is a bit too preachy and unbalanced within its narrative execution and character developments. The religioAlter Me message is clearly there, but takes too many detours and not focAlter Meing on certain aspects that weigh the feature’s presentation. As mentioned, I Still Believe is directed by the Erwin Brothers (Andrew and Jon), whose previoAlter Me directorial works include such films like Moms’ Night Out, Woodlawn, and I Can Only Imagine. Given their affinity attraction religioAlter Me based Christian movies, the Erwin Brothers seem like a suitable choice in bringing Jeremy Camp’s story to a cinematic representation; approaching the material with a certain type of gentleness and sincerity to the proceedings. Much like I Can Only Imagine, the Erwin Brothers shape the feature around the life of a popular Christian singer; presenting his humble begiings and all the trials and tribulations that he mAlter Met face along the way, while mAlter Meical songs / performance taking importance into account of the film’s narrative story progression. That’s not to say that the movie isn’t without its heavier moments, with the Erwin, who (again) are familiar with religioAlter Me overtones themes in their endeavors, frame I Still Believe compelling messages of love, loss, and redemption, which (as always) are quite fundamental to watch and experience through tragedy. This even speaks to the film’s script, which was peed by Erwin brothers playing double duty on the project, that has plenty of heartfelt dramatic moments that will certainly tug on the heartstrings of some viewers out there as well as provide to be quite an engaging tale of going through tragedy and hardship and finding a redemption arc to get out of it. This is especially made abundantly clear when dealing with a fatal illness that’s similar to what Melissa undergoes in the film, which is quite universal and reflective in everyone’s world, with the Erwin Brothers painting the painful journey that Melissa takes along with Jeremy by her side, who mAlter Met learn to cope with pain of a loved one. There is a “double edge” sword to the film’s script, but I’ll mention that below. Suffice to say, the movie settles quickly into the familiar pattern of a religioAlter Me faith-based feature that, while not exactly polished or original, can be quite the “comfort food” to some; projecting a wholesome message of faith, hope, and love. Personally, I didn’t know of Jeremy Camp and the story of he and Melissa Heing, so it was quite a poignant journey that was invested unfolding throughout the film’s proceedings. As a side-note, the movie is a bit a “tear jerker”, so for those who prone to crying during these dramatic heartfelt movies….get your tissues out. In terms of presentation, I Still Believe meets the indAlter Metry standard of a religioAlter Me faith-based motion pictures. Of course, theatrical endeavors like these don’t really have big budged production money to invest in the film’s creation. ThAlter Me, filmmakers have to spend their money wisely in bringing their cinematic tales to life on the silver screen. To that effect, the Erwin Brothers smartly utilized this knowledge in the movie’s creation; budgeting the varioAlter Me aspects of the background and genetic theatrical make-up that feel appropriate and genuine in the film’s narrative. So, all the varioAlter Me “behind the scenes” team / areas that I Alter Meually mention (i.e. production designs, set decorations, costumes, and cinematography, etc.) are all relatively good as I really don’t have much to complain (whether good or bad) about them. Again, they meet the indAlter Metry standard for a faith-based movie. Additionally, the mAlter Meical song parts are pretty good as well. As mentioned, I really didn’t know anything about Jeremy Camp, so I couldn’t say what songs of his were good, but the songs that are presented in the film were pretty decent enough to certain highlight points throughout the movie. Though they are somewhat short (assuming not the whole song is being played), but still effectively good and nice to listen to. Might have to check out a few of the real songs one day. Lastly, the film’s score, which was done by John Debney, fits perfect with this movie; projecting the right amount of heartfelt tenderness in some scenes and inspirational melodies of enlightenment in others. Unfortunately, not all is found to be pure and religioAlter Mely cinematic in the movie as I Still Believe gets weighed down with several major points of criticism and execution in the feature. How so? For starters, the movie feels a bit incomplete in Jeremy Camp’s journey. What’s presented works (somewhat), but it doesn’t hold up, especially becaAlter Mee the Erwin Brothers have a difficult time in nailing down the right narrative path for the film to take. Of course, the thread of Jeremy and Melissa are the main central focAlter Me (and jAlter Metly so), but pretty much everything else gets completely pAlter Mehed aside, including Jeremy’s mAlter Meical career rise to stardom and many of the varioAlter Me characters and their importance (more on that below). This also caAlter Mees the film to have a certain pacing issues throughout the movie, with I Still Believe runtime of 6 minutes (one hour and fifty-six minutes) feeling longer than it should be, especially with how much narrative that the Erwin Brothers skip out on (i.e. several plot chunks / fragments are left unanswered or missing). Additionally, even if a viewer doesn’t know of Jeremy Camp’s story, I Still Believe does, for better or worse, follow a fairly predictable path that’s quite cAlter Metomary for faith-based movie. Without even reading anything about the real lives of Jeremy and Melissa prior to seeing the feature, it’s quite clearly as to where the story is heading and what will ultimately play out (i.e. plot beats and theatrical narrative act progression). Basically, if you’ve seeing one or two Christian faith-based film, you’ll know what to expect from I Still Believe. ThAlter Me, the Erwin Brothers don’t really try to creatively do something different with the film…. instead they reinforce the idealisms of Christian and of faith in a formulaic narrative way that becomes quite conventional and almost a bit lazy. There is also the movie’s dialogue and script handling, which does become problematic in the movie’s execution, which is hampered by some wooden / forced dialogue at certain scenes (becoming very preachy and cheesy at times) as well as the feeling of the movie’s story being rather incomplete. There’s a stopping point where the Erwin Brothers settle on, but I felt that there could’ve more added, including more expansion on his mAlter Meic career and several other characters. Then there is the notion of the film being quite secular in its appeal, which is quite understandable, but relies too heavy on its religioAlter Me thematic messages that can be a bit “off-putting” for some. It didn’t bother me as much, but after seeing several other faith-based movies prior to this (i.e. I Can Only Imagine, Overcomer, Indivisible, etc.), this particular movie doesn’t really rise to Cursed in Love and falls prey to being rather generic and flat for most of its runtime. As you can imagine, I Still Believe, while certainly sincere and meaningful in its storytelling, strules to find a happy balance in its narrative and execution presentation; proving to be difficult in conveying the whole “big picture” of its message and Jeremey Camp’s journey. The cast in I Still Believe is a mixed bag. To me, none of the acting talents are relatively bad (some are better than others…. I admit), but their characterizations and / or involvement in the film’s story is problematic to say the least. Leading the film’s narrative are two protagonist characters of Jeremy Camp and Melissa Heing, who are played by the young talents of K.J. Apa and Britt Robertson respectfully. Of the two, Apa, known for his roles in Riverdale, The Last Summer, and The Hate U Give, is the better equipped in character development and performance as the young and aspiring mAlter Meical talent of Jeremy Camp. From the get-go, Apa has a likeable charm / swaer to him, which make his portrayal of Jeremy immediately endearing from onset to conclAlter Meion. All the scenes he does are well-represented (be it character-based or dramatic) and certainly sells the journey that Jeremy undergoes in the movie. PlAlter Me, Apa can also sing, which does lend credence to many of the scene’s mAlter Meical performance. For Robertson, known for her roles in Tomorrowland, Ask Me Anything, and The Space Between Alter Me, she gets hampered by some of the film’s wooden / cheesy dialogue. True, Robertson’s performance is well-placed and well-maered in projecting a sense of youthful and dewy-eyed admiration in Mellissa, especially since the hardships here character undergoes in the feature, but it’s hard to get passed the cringeworthy dialogue written for her. ThAlter Me, Robertson’s Melissa ends up being the weaker of the two. That being said, both Apa and Robertson do have good on-screen chemistry with each other, which certainly does sell the likeable / loving young relationship of Jeremy and Melissa. In more supporting roles, seasoned talents like actor Gary Sinise (Forest Gump and Apollo ) and mAlter Meician singer Shania Twain play Jeremey’s parents, Tom and Terry Camp. While both Sinise and Twain are suitable for their roles as a sort of small town / Midwest couple vibe, their characters are little more than window dressing for the feature’s story. Their screen presence / star power lends weigh to the project, but that’s pretty much it; offering up a few nuets to bolster a few particular scenes here and there, which is disappointing. Everyone else, including actor Nathan Parsons (General Hospital and Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water) as mAlter Meical talent and mutual friend to both Jeremy and Melissa, Jean-Luc Lajoie, young actor Reuben Dodd (The Bridge and Teachers) as Jeremy’s handicapped younger brother, Joshua Camp, and his other younger brother, Jared Camp (though I can’t find out who played him the movie), are relatively made up in smaller minor roles that, while acted fine, are reduced to little more than jAlter Met underdeveloped caricatures in the film, which is a shame and disappointing. FINAL THOUGHTS The power of faith, love, and affinity for mAlter Meic take center stage in Jeremy Camp’s life story in the movie I Still Believe. Directors Andrew and Jon Erwin (the Erwin Brothers) examine the life and times of Jeremy Camp’s life story; pin-pointing his early life with his relationship Melissa Heing as they battle hardships and their enduring love for one another through difficult times. While the movie’s intent and thematic message of a person’s faith through trouble times is indeed palpable as well as the likeable mAlter Meical performances, the film certainly strules to find a cinematic footing in its execution, including a sluish pace, fragmented pieces, predicable plot beats, too preachy / cheesy dialogue moments, over utilized religioAlter Me overtones, and mismanagement of many of its secondary /supporting characters. To me, this movie was somewhere between okay and “meh”. It was definitely a Christian faith-based movie endeavor (from start to finish) and definitely had its moments, but it jAlter Met failed to resonate with me; struling to find a proper balance in its undertaking. Personally, despite the story, it could’ve been better. ThAlter Me, my recommendation for this movie is an “iffy choice” at best as some will like (nothing wrong with that), while others will not and dismiss it altogether. Whatever your stance on religioAlter Me faith-based flicks, I Still Believe stands as more of a cautionary tale of sorts; demonstrating how a poignant and heartfelt story of real-life drama can be problematic when translating it to a cinematic endeavor. For me, I believe in Jeremy Camp’s story / message, but not so much the feature.
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Oh Ye Of Little Faith
What is wrong with Reylo-dom these days? Was it Daisy’s interview with Steele? Was it the lack of obvious Reylo in the TROS trailer (as though they were going to show us anything)? Is it that ant* psy-ops is working?
It’s all of those things BUT at least on the Reylo Facebook groups I’ve seen another reason why some Reylos are wavering and starting to offer up “Oh well, I’ll love it anyway” statements (which I reject in my “It’s Reylo Or Bust” post). And it’s what I said in my reblog of another post a couple of nights ago...it seems that many of these Reylos are diehard shippers whose previous favored ships didn’t fare well and now they’re setting themselves up not to be disappointed.
I am not a shipper by nature. I don’t watch t.v. shows and movies looking to see who I can mentally hook up. In fact, I don’t get invested in t.v. couples anymore. That’s a lesson learned from “Moonlighting” when I was in high school. I was an X-Phile who wasn’t really in favor of Mulder and Scully getting together unless it was the very last episode. Given what a hot mess the writers made of their relationship, my instinct was correct. Some t.v. shows still have great writing but many do not, which is why I don’t bother with a lot of scripted shows anymore. Most t.v. writers have no idea how to write a functional long-lasting relationship that remains fresh or entertaining. Soap operas are the worst about this, which is why I’ve always found it silly to get attached to a “hot couple” on a soap. They’ll break up or one will die sooner or later.
I bring this up because in a FB post, the OP mentions her bad experience with “Johnlock,” how its non-happening reduced her to tears, and her hope we won’t let Reylo being a non-starter drag us down into that kind of emotional toilet bowl. Fair enough. My reaction would likely be, “Well, they screwed the pooch on that one” and “I doubt I’ll ever invest this much in any future films if this is what they’re going to do.”
I’m well aware fans are great at creating subtext out of nothing and noticing secret signals that aren’t there or weren’t intended to be taken a certain way, then they’ll fight like hell against anyone who tells them, “You’re just making this up.” I think some Reylos worry they might be under some kind of mass delusion. I’m also well aware of showrunners and t.v. writers who actively toy with their audience, knowing the bait is getting people to watch and to generate buzz. Then when it’s time to deliver, it’s, “Oops, we didn’t mean it, LOL.” I think Reylos fear this is happening as well. Some showrunners and writers end up pulling their punches, like when the writers of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” decided to put Katara with Aang for no other reason than he’s the hero even though it seemed like the real action was between Katara and Zuko. We’re terrified of the writers wimping out on Rey and Ben. Then there are the times when sparks fly unexpectedly and viewers are led down a path the show creators never intended. For example, “Smallville” had so much chemistry between Clark Kent and Lex Luthor, people were calling it “Slashville.” The writers and producers probably thought this would be a drag on the credibility of Clark’s relationship with Lana, so their solution was to have fewer scenes between Clark and Lex. I’m sure some Reylos fear this might be nothing more than unintended chemistry between the actors rather than something Lucasfilm wanted.
It’s all understandable. But ignoring all of the meta and videos in favor of Reylo, you still have a great deal being hinted at on the official side of things, especially with TLJ. Why would Rian Johnson talk about the hand touch scene as being as close to a sex scene as you’ll get in Star Wars? What about all of the erotic/sexual imagery in TLJ? Or the girl-walks-in-on-a-guy-partially-or-totally-undressed trope? Why on Earth would Adam Driver ask Johnson if Kylo had ever kissed a girl before when it came to developing these scenes with Rey? Why was Finn passed off to Rose? What’s with Johnson explaining that Kylo’s “you’re nothing but not to me” speech was basically his weird twisted version of Julia Roberts’s “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her” speech from “Notting Hill?”
Of course I’m worried about Abrams wimping out, retreating, or retconning because theoretically it can happen. But is he likely to do that? Probably not because he’s the one who set this in motion in the first place. He’s the one who commented in the 3D Blu-Ray version of TFA that Rey is like Cinderella and Kylo’s like the prince. He’s the one who said they’re going to have a “very interesting relationship going forward.” He could’ve told Johnson, “Nooo, don’t go there with Kylo and Rey. That’s not what we’re shooting for.” Or, “Eww, they’re cousins, bro.” But he didn’t. The Reylo vibes in TFA were so subtle and nearly buried by the plot, only a select few ever saw them. But they’re obvious in TLJ, which is why Reylo fandom exploded after the film came out. Abrams can’t back out of that now. He’s got to bring it home.
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Well, I watched Sailor Moon Crystal episode 2, and with it came the reintroduction of best girl, Ami Mizuno, with a completely new voice actor.
She sounds great.
Thank fucking god! New voice cast was the most terrifying thing about Crystal for me because I love the 90s cast a lot and hearing different voices coming out of my favourite character’s mouths was a scary thought but they’ve all done great so far. Ami’s new seiyuu sort of blends the Luna and Mamoru seiyuu things I was talking about yesterday, where she kinda talks like Aya Hisakawa does in the Ami role, though her voice sounds quite a bit different. It’s a bit more, I guess modern moe? Where she sounds a little bit younger and more I guess, not used to talking to people, there’s a certain type of softness to her voice that’s not quite like the one in Hisakawa’s but it works about as well. I’m really glad that’s the case, because Ami specifically I’ve got favourite character bias so I really didn’t want her to sound bad, and lo and behold, she sounds great.
Queen Beryl also makes her first appearance this episode, and if I didn’t know any better I’d say they didn’t even change her seiyuu. Like they did but the new one is as perfect in the role as the old one, sounds almost exactly identical to how I remember her. Also we don’t really see her face in full but she looks pretty great in the Crystal art style, she really benefits from the angular look of the face, makes her look like a wicked witch type thing.
And then plot wise it’s pretty much the same series of events as Ami’s introduction in the 90s anime, Usagi learns about genius girl, Luna says hi, Ami thinks Luna was an angel, they hang out at the arcade, blah blah blah villain and then Sailors Mercury and Moon save the day. There are some key differences that I really appreciated though. First and foremost, they dropped the “Ami might be a youma” angle they had from the 90s anime, Luna doesn’t suspect that here and instead straight away thinks Ami is Sailor Mercury, which thank fucking god because that was dumb. Also, her transformation pen, and the pen Usagi uses to do her old shapeshifty transformations, are dispensed as prizes at the arcade after Ami beats that game, because yeah why not? Plus they seem to function as actual real pens too which is neat. Unlike in the 90s anime though, Ami actually falls for the brainwashing of the CD the teacher gives her, which like, eh, Ami looks smarter in the 90s anime for not using it but then Ami’s fairly naive at this point and the teacher was putting pressure on her so I understand her using it here. She comes out of it, of course, to do her gross ass ugly 3D transformation sequence, and then uses Mercury Aqua Mist to help Usagi save the day. It’s a totally new move to me in name only, as it functions identically to Bubble Spray, also it confused me because I thought for a minute that it and Mercury Aqua Mirage from the Ami-chan special in SuperS might have been the same move since their names are almost identical, but no. Fine with this new move though, just add it to the catalogue I suppose. Also because I haven’t mentioned this yet, Ami wore glasses and a jumper for most of the episode which, Crystal art style aside, were really cute.
So yeah this was also a fun time, it made a couple more changes to the 90s equivalent than episode 1 did, but many of them were just, for the better, so hey that’s great. We end on a Rei tease too since Crystal just wants to get to the point, can’t wait to hear her voice.
There’s just one little thing I need to mention though. I was under the impression I’d gone and torrented the Blu-Ray release of Crystal. But this episode looked particularly ugly, not just in the “haha Crystal bad” way, but in the “wait this actually looks like shit” way. So I checked a comparison website to be sure, and I’m watching the original cuts. Fuck. Well nyaa doesn’t seem to have Blu-Ray rips that’ll work for me, there’s no batch of the Blu-Ray that has English subs, many of them are 1080p which would be optimal but VLC and my laptop don’t like to cooperate with 1080p files, and most obviously damaging is the fact that most options that are close enough to acceptable have uh, no seeds whatsoever. Well fuck. I took a quick glance over to kissanime to just see if they were using Blu-Ray footage and obviously not, they’re stuck on the original cuts as well. Likewise with gogoanime. I’m pretty out of options on this at this point. I’m not gonna stop watching because of this or anything but, while it’s a shame, I’m stuck with the ugly ass TV cut for now. If anyone can give me a hand finding the Blu-Ray cuts I’d really appreciate that. Anyway that’s all.
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b95ce39c4bb5121672a70e9ccc6a6ba5/6eb51bbb91a843b7-fa/s540x810/fece535bf8d8e1d951a7e0944697d9b020ccca17.jpg)
May 4: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
(previous notes: Star Wars: The Last Jedi)
Source: UK 3D Blu-ray
I saw this at pretty much the very first available showing, and haven't watched it since. But since I had the other Disney-era ones in 3D, and I still have the capability to watch 3D movies at home, I decided to complete my Blu-ray collection by ordering the British 3D Blu-ray, like I'd done with The Last Jedi. So now I'm going to see it at home for the first time, in 3D for the first time, and take notes like I've been doing.
My reaction when I saw this on opening night was that it was a lot of fun. I didn't think it was as good as The Last Jedi. Overall it feels like a trilogy where the first priority was to avoid the mistakes of the prequels, and the second priority was to have them be fun movies. Mission accomplished, but the actual story of this trilogy is only marginally satisfying. But I left that opening night screening excited about all the neat things I'd witnessed. And now I shall press play and do some re-witnessing…
Emperor Palpatine, the opening crawl tells us. He wasn't someone we were expecting to be part of the plot of this movie, was it?
First scene after the opening shot is a slow-mo land battle, visually different from Star Wars movies in general. Dude kills 100% of everyone then plucks a mysterious relic from a mysterious relic. He's on a Tomb-raider-y treasure hunt.
It takes him to a Tomb Raider-y lair… and there are creatures in green liquid ahhh!
"…some consider to be… UNNATURAL", that line from Episode III. Very love it. Good reference.
The image of all those Star Destroyers is super super super cool.
And now after a calculated bit of lightness in the Millennium Falcon, the good guys arrive at a super neat looking planet thing. Not even ten minutes in and we've seen three inventive new planet environments.
And now a chase, "lightspeed skipping", and each skip is a cool space place, all different, one of them has a big monster! They are tuned into what's good about Star Wars movies, these Rise of Skywalker makers.
Also, Finn and Poe seem to have settled into their roles as funny supporting-character buddies. The first movie really seemed to be beginning a more dramatic arc for Finn, but it doesn't feel like that's happening any more.
0:15:36 - Rose Tico sighting! Her arc blunted as well. Be nice if she joined them on this mission they're about to leave on.
Really kind of surprising how much footage there is of Carrie Fisher, who died years before this came out.
Okay now we're back with Kylo Ren on this planet that's the equivalent of that orc-factory in Lord of the Rings. What's he doing? Collaborating with some ukky beings. Fixing his helmet. Hm.
Bit of humor in the conference room scene, again calculated.
Back to our heroes and they're on another neat new planet with color clouds & celebratory visuals, pleasant.
0:23:40 - Very cinematic Rey-Kylo cross-galaxy conversation, cool.
Lando saves them from stormtroopers, and is therefore given the honor of the "I've got a bad feeling about this" line.
0:28:00 Speeder chase in the desert, and the stormtrooper speeders launch them up and they fly! Cool!
Hah, there's a gag where Rey fires up her light saber and Poe tries to do that too but his is just a flashlight, cute.
Okay, here's this scene I like where there's a serpent monster in their Tomb Raider cave, and Ray figures out that the monster just needs to be force healed so she does it and it helps them. Sounds corny but I like it.
0:36:00 - we see the Ren gang on a plateau and here a new music theme. I'm not much noticing the new music themes in the Star Wars movies of the 2010s, but there's one.
This scene. The Kylo/Rey meeting in the desert. It was heavily teased in the trailer and it would have been more effective if we hadn't seen so much of it in the trailer. Also there's a who-can-magic-harder duel that ends up killing Chewy, except that we don't have to believe that very very long.
"Let's do that!" about wiping C-3POs memory, John Boyega's exceptional comic timing on display again.
0:45:40 - We're on this new planet now, which is so Poe can find the person that can do a memory wipe of 3-3PO, right? It's fast-paced, this movie.
"We sent out a call for help at the battle of Krait, nobody came" says Poe. Am I forgetting that drama from The Last Jedi? I know he's talking about that final battle from that movie, but I didn't remember a despairing "no one is coming", at least not like it was a huge, shocking letdown.
I like the little Babu creature but we don't get much of it, do we
Poe is all "did she do that to us" when he sees her Force-hypnotize the stormtroopers, haha
0:58:10 - Pretty unique shot, dollying backwards facing Poe & Finn shooting stormtroopers we can't see until they fall in front of the camera
"Your parents were no one… they CHOSE to be" here's where it starts to seem like this movie doesn't like where the last movie was going & made it be different. If this were an improv class the teacher would be like, "remember the principle of 'yes AND…'"
Okay, this bit coming up where General Hux saves them & says he's the spy. It's… funny? And dumb? Maybe? Sort of a tawdry end to this character in the trilogy maybe?
"You.. Are a Palpatine." Dun dun dunnnnnnn. Okay sure I guess. This isn't what I'm into Star Wars movies for; I wouldn't have had it be about this.
They get to the new planet and Rey figures out how to use the knife tool to find where to go, it's so like a Tomb Raider game that I feel like I'm reading a cheat guide on GameSpot
Now Finn is bonding with the girl on the planet who is also a stormtrooper deserter, makes that whole Finn subplot make more sense.
Rey swiped a cool watercraft to go to the wreck of the Death Star and I just want to point out once again that I like the vehicle design in Star Wars movies.
1:13:10 - overhead shot of said vehicle is the first notable example of something that looks good in 3D in this movie. I'm inclined to say you really shouldn't feel like you're missing out if you're seeing this in 2D.
She's in a vision cave on the wrecked Death Star. She fights HER OWN SELF for a second, and bad-Rey rawrs at her in a way that reminds me of when Bilbo does that in the first Lord of the Rings movie. I liked it there and I like it here.
1:18:05 - First bit of my beloved "Han Solo and the Princess" theme, so lovely
Now Rey and Kylo are saber dueling all over this wreck with waves everywhere and it reminds me of the big climactic duel in Episode III where it seems like the duelers are going out of their way to duel in a cool looking place.
Everything gets all dramatic in a way that doesn't really get explained - Leia very deliberately says "Ben", then dies, but it affects Kylo allowing Rey to kill him, but then she un-kills him with Force magic because "I did want to take your hand" and then bounces. And it's not over with this kind of thing, because Kylo has a not-really-real conversation with his played-by-OMG-Harrison-Ford father, and he symbolically hurls his awesome saber away. So where are we now? We're in some drama, that's where. I miss cool vehicles and inventive creature design!
1:27:45 - Modded-up Star Destroyer emerges from lightspeed and it's another cool 3D effect.
And then it blows up the planet where Poe's ex-girlfriend was and it looks cool, but we could have used her to be around more. Wait, does she not-be-dead later or something? Probably.
Okay, very corny sequence happening now, it's the pep talk between Rey and ghost-Luke, it ends with a smirking Luke raising up an X-wing like he couldn't do in Empire Strikes Back, so I guess that plot point is tidied up.
Okay, we got past that drama and now there's a very simple Saint-Crispin's-Day speech riling up the troops so they can go to that mystery planet for the final battle, and interest level has picked up.
1:41:28 - Hey a shot of Rey going through a wall gap is a reference to the earlier cool-in-3D shot of the watercraft & the Death Star wreck.
And here's something that internet assholes picked on - they ride horse-things on the Star Destroyers. Lighten up comrades, maybe this just isn't your kind of space adventure movie.
Rey gets in the mystery-edifice and holy hell it's creepy! There's an audience of thousands of cultists in black stone bleacher seats, chanting in perfect unison! It's downright Kubrick-y!
They really had fun with the lighting in the Palpatine room. Also, there are red stormtroopers on the Star Destroyers and aren't they pretty.
Palpatine is trying to convince Rey that she should embrace hatred and hill him and rule the galaxy in ritual hatred with a chanting congregation of hooded dipshits. Will it work? He does have a very compelling speaking voice. But here comes Kylo! He has had a change of heart or something!
"The life force in your bond," he narrates, and then bad-magics them super hard! We never could have anticipated that evil force spells could thwart their plans.
1:54:20 - very satisfying shot of a giant fleet of good guys coming to save the day. They hit us with the idea of no one coming to save them, and just like when Han Solo swooped in in the first movie, it feels good that this time someone else did show up. And yes it includes Poe's girlfriend and that charismatic little varmint!
Super cool to see Star Destroyers get blown up.
Also cool when Palpatine super-zaps lots of good guy spaceships. Sound is neat on that also. This intense visual/aural experience is what I was thinking about for a while after first seeing this movie.
Rey beats Palpatine by having that surprise second light saber. Whatever, this is a super cool looking scene with all the bad guys in that chamber getting wasted.
Other cool battle climax imagery happens up in the sky, even though it's kind of hard to see what exactly physically happened to save Finn and those guys on the crashing Star Destroyer.
Kylo… what??? Didn't die when he just disappeared into a crevasse??? Quel surprise! He's super-reformed now and heals Rey up with his tender love for her. They kiss, their carnal desires overtaking them, they are high on the most ethical lust the galaxy has ever known! And he dies and disappears, but is visibly satisfied. I feel okay mocking this because I suspect no one likes it. And then it moves on to really cool aftermath visuals that are crazy fun to watch. They are experiencing the great victory in other planets from the other movies, and to the tune of John Williams themes from movies past.
Maz presents Chewy with a special medal, am I supposed to know what that's about? They're giving it major gravity.
So the movie, the trilogy, and the Skywalker Saga ends with a scene of Rey returning to Tatooine to bury the two important light sabers, but also whip out another one she had, and then tell a townie that she's named Rey SKYWALKER, and the final moment is of her gazing at the two suns with the Binary Sunset theme playing us out. What I like about that is that it sends the message that that moment from the original Star Wars, elevated to greatness largely by John Williams stirring theme, is the pinnacle of cinematic experiences that were brought to us by this series.
I like this movie less than any of the Disney-era movies for sure, and I think after watching it a second time, it lacks some specialness that could have allowed it to hold up better against the best Star Wars movies. But I wouldn't say it's bad, and I certainly wouldn't advise against seeing it.
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Immortals 🇺🇲 Imortais 🇵🇹🇧🇷 🏷️ Edição Brasileira em Blu-ray 3D+2D do filme Imortais de 2011. A edição conta com 1 disco em Blu-ray e áudios em ; 🗣️📀 Inglês: DTS-HD HR 5.1 Português/🇧🇷: DTS-HD HR 5.1 💬 Legendas em ; Inglês, espanhol, português/🇧🇷. ℹ️ Esta edição não contém legendas em português de Portugal 🇵🇹. 🍿 A edição em Blu-ray 3D também contém a versão em 2D no mesmo disco . 📀 Blu-ray All Zone ABC ⬇️⬇️ SINOPSE ⬇️⬇️ Grécia, 1228 A.C. O rei Hiperion (Mickey Rourke) está em busca do arco de Épiro, uma poderosa arma que pode matar até mesmo deuses. Para encontrá-lo ele conduz seu exército a todos os vilarejos, deixando um rastro de destruição. Theseus (Henry Cavill) vive tranquilamente em uma pequena vila encravada na montanha, ao lado da mãe e de um senhor (John Hurt) que é seu tutor desde quando era criança. O que Theseus não sabia era que o velho na verdade era Zeus (Luke Evans), o rei dos deuses, que vinha à Terra sob a forma humana por acreditar em seu potencial. Quando as tropas de Hiperion chegam à vila elas matam a mãe de Theseus e o capturam. No cativeiro ele está entregue à morte, mas recebe apoio de Phaedra (Freida Pinto), uma vidente que também está presa e teve uma visão em que Theseus empunha o cobiçado arco de Épiro. 🍿🇵🇹ℹ️⬇️🇧🇷💬🗣️🏷️🇺🇲🇪🇦🇮🇹🇨🇵⏯️🇬🇧🇪🇺 #immortals #imortais #bluraycollection #blu #bluray #meusfilmes #bluraymania #collection #coleção #brasil #portugal #sintra #germany #españa #follow #imagemfilmes #sigam #midiacollection (em Sintra, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXGy3qoMYEK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Kupię - płyty Blu-rey, Blu-rey 3D - Opole
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Kupię - płyty Blu-rey, Blu-rey 3D - Opole
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I am 3 blu reys + 83 DVDs + 11 ps4 games + 7 Nintendo 3DS games + 3 Nintendo switch games + one Spider-Man Funko pop with headphones + 1 cm tall
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I really put too much effort in the answer of this post.... Do i regret it?... HELL NO!
3.944 cubits.
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6 de mayo de 2011 Se cumplie 9 años del estreno Thor - Dios del Trueno (2011) en Estados Unidos. Es una película de superhéroes estadounidense de 2011 basada en el personaje homónimo de Marvel Comics, producida por Marvel Studios y distribuida por Paramount Pictures. Es la cuarta entrega del universo cinematográfico de Marvel. La cinta fue dirigida por Kenneth Branagh, con un guion de Ashley Edward Miller, Zack Stentz y Don Payne. Es protagonizada por Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Stellan Skarsgård, Idris Elba, Jaimie Alexander, Colm Feore, Rene Russo, Anthony Hopkins. El filme cuenta la historia de Thor, el príncipe heredero de Asgard, que es exiliado de su hogar a la Tierra. Estando allí, forma una relación con Jane Foster, una científica. Sin embargo, Thor debe detener a su hermano adoptivo Loki, que pretende convertirse en el nuevo rey de Asgard. Sam Raimi desarrolló por primera vez el concepto de una adaptación al cine de Thor en 1991, pero poco después abandonó el proyecto, dejándolo en el «infierno de desarrollo» por varios años. Durante este tiempo, varios estudios obtuvieron los derechos hasta que Marvel Studios contrató a Mark Protosevich para desarrollar el proyecto en 2006, y planeaba financiarlo y estrenarlo a través de Paramount Pictures. Matthew Vaughn originalmente iba a dirigir la cinta para un tentativo estreno en 2010. Sin embargo, después de que Vaughn quedó liberado de su contrato en 2008, Branagh fue contactado y el estreno del filme se reprogramó para 2011. Los actores principales fueron elegidos en 2009, y el rodaje tuvo lugar en California y Nuevo México desde enero hasta mayo de 2010. La película fue convertida a 3D en posproducción. Thor tuvo su premier el 17 de abril de 2011, en Sídney, Australia y se estrenó el 6 de mayo de 2011 en los Estados Unidos. Recibió reseñas generalmente mixtas a positivas de parte de la crítica y de la audiencia y recaudó más de $440 millones contra un presupuesto de $150 millones. Salió a la venta en DVD y Blu-ray el 13 de septiembre de 2011. Una secuela, Thor: The Dark World, se estrenó el 8 de noviembre de 2013. #Collage #ProgramaCollage #Cine #Historiadecine #revistacollage (en Montevideo, Uruguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEw6lQpgneA/?igshid=1rpkd1noxvxms
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Next step: acceptance
So, I really don’t like where The Last Jedi went, but I come to accept it. - our childhood hero Luke Skywalker was portrayed as a broken middle-aged man who lost his trust in his dream? This sucks big time. But it happens. Even the best and most idealistic people on the world (or galaxy) can lose their faith and succumb to depression and despair. (In the end he gave in and saved the day - at a high cost, but he was at peace with himself). It hurts to watch, but it was acted brilliantly. - One main character is send on a mission that ends up changing nothing and appears pointless? Life sucks like that, too. Finn and Rose and the Canto Bight side story. Yes, it may seem as he is written out of the main events just because the writer/director didn’t know aht else to do with him. But take a second look. Finn grows as a character. He interacts with different people, gets a broader sense of what goes on in the universe (he only knows what he learned at the FO). And Rose’s idea (stop mansplaining, Finn - I like you!) doesn’t work out in the end. This happens, too. That is also life! Not every grand idea and plan will work. Shit happens and life goes on, even if you lose something on the way there. - Poe and his personal growth. Damn, as hard as it is to accept especially his arc, it’s not totally unbelievable either. He clashes with his superiors after still living off the glory of destroying the Starkiller Base (it’s just a couple of days not 2 years and a 20 issue comic series to flesh out his character). He was tortured by the FO and Kylo Ren. He acts erratic and reckless. He’s in his early 30s and still coming to terms with the fact that his superiors (eg Leia) want him to fill another role as he himself sees. In the end he learns from a very harsh lesson. It would be good to see him deal with his mistakes (maybe try to apologize to Rose for causing Paige’s death) in the next movie. But I doubt it. That’s what they release the novels and dictionaries for. - Rey’s parentage After JJ’s build up in TFA it’s hard to accept for the viewer, that she might really be a “Nobody” in the story. But she had accepted that in TFA already, no big fuss necessary. Storywise it would be okay to have her be not related to the Skywalker family - just like the little boy at the end of the movie. But then again, Kylo Ren could have lied. Let’s wait what JJ does here in episode 9. - Kylo Ren’s “redemption” arc If the intention was to spend 150min to show what we already knew at the end of TFA (that he is irredeemable), I think the message must have sunken in by now. It was cringeworthy and creepy to watch how he tried to manipulate, persuade and in the end insult Rey. I was angry watching this on the big screen (goes to show how convincing and good Adam Driver plays this character). I never saw it as a character I should or ever would empathize with. It’s a plain and simple villain beyond any redemption. As hard to watch and endure it was, it shows us a true villain. In the end, I accept what was thrown at us with TLJ. I watched it three times already and will watch it again (on Blu-ray then, because I hat 3D). I’m looking forward to episode 9. And the many fanfics that will get written by then.
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✅Alter Me✅ — 2020 — Celý Film Online HD. a Zdarma 《-Sledujte-》 Dabing i Titulky
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Na slavnostní Den života se Rey a BB-8 vydávají na epické dobrodružství napříč historií hvězdných válek. Setkávají se s Lukem Skywalkerem, Darth Vaderem, Obi-Wanem Kenobim, Yodou a dalšími - ale musí se vrátit ke svým přátelům na svátek Dne života.
Vydáno: 2020-11-17 Runtime: 48 minut Žánr: Animovaný, Dobrodružný, Komedie, Rodinný, Vědeckofantastický Hvězdy: Helen Sadler, Omar Miller, Jake Green, Kelly Marie Tran, Trevor Devall Režisér: George Lucas, Jacqueline M. Lopez, Jill Wilfert, Keith Malone, Joel Aron
Klíčová slova : Alter Me Celý Film 2020, Alter Me Celý Film 2020, Alter Me Filmové Novinky, Alter Me celý film Český Dokumentární, Alter Me Filmové premiéry, Alter Me celý film Česka cz dabing, Alter Me zkouknito, Alter Me sleduj filmy, Alter Me online cz titulky, Alter Me Program filmy, Alter Me CZ HD Film o filmu, Alter Me CZ dabing, Alter Me premiéra, Alter Me online cz, Alter Me online cz dabing, Alter Me Zadarmo, Alter Me Celý Film, Alter Me Titulky, Alter Me nový film, Alter Me DVD filmy, Alter Me Blu-ray filmy, Alter Me 3D filmy, Alter Me online bombuj, Alter Me online cely film CZ, Alter Me online ke shlednuti, Alter Me cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Alter Me online, Alter Me online film cz, Alter Me Bombuj, Alter Me bombuj cz, Alter Me online ke shlédnutí, Alter Me celý film Cesky, Alter Me celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Alter Me celý film cz dabing, Alter Me zkouknito, Alter Me sleduj filmy, Alter Me online cz titulky, Alter Me celý film
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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December 18: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
(previous notes: Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
Source: UK 3D Blu-ray (this was much easier to come by than a US release, for some reason)
This movie is only 2 years old, a relative infant babe in arms. And I unambiguously loved it when it came out, both times I saw it in theaters and again when it was first released on video. But there have been dark whispers, haven't there. Snobs and haters started flooding the information superhighway with poorly supported condemnation of this perfectly entertaining sequel. Was I wrong? Was I missing some smear of shit on the screen that everyone else could see? Or is Putin up to his old tricks? Excuse me while I pop on my rose-colored 3D glasses and jot down some fresh observations.
Cool first shot, zipping through a bunch of ships that's like some kind of convoy.
Then a bad guy ship shows up and whoa is it neat in 3D.
This first exchange between Poe and Hux is funnier than anything in the prequel trilogy, my goodness was that a refreshing way to start this movie! Love it!
BB8 thunking down into the guts of the X-wing! That's the right kind of gadgety roboty attitude for a Star Wars movie, I tell you.
Bombers, there are bombers. How do bombers work in space? I ask like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I'm sure there's a Lucas-y explanation. And yes I know that Lucas isn't doing this movie, of course I know that, it's like you don't even know me.
Jeez, those bombers are getting totally wasted. Probably because they're full of bombs. BOMBS, see.
This tense scene where the bomber pilot has to kick down the remote control from a precipice, this is great suspense. The pilot sacrifices herself. The first 12 minutes of this movie have a hell of a lot going for it. But also, the look of it is different from all of the others. Stark closeups for instance. Nothing wrong with it, but feels like it's very committed to this director's personal stylistic preferences.
Now we're on Hidden Skywalker Island to find out how this plot thickens. It's a cool contrast from the space battle. And it's got Rey. And Porgs!
0:16:40 - Snoke's proper throne room. With Actual Snoke because it turned out the other one from the last movie was pretend-like. This throne room was put together by a visionary interior designer who really likes red.
Luke drinks some green milk from a plump creature who looks at Rey like she's saying "have some, it's pretty good, seriously you gotta try it, it comes from my nipples".
The scene with Rey and Luke in the book cave, it's good, I think. It's ever so slightly witty, but it makes sense as a way to get past the stubborn impasse the two were in before.
Kylo hesitated to blow up his mom because he's not too happy with his Dark Side family rn. But she's blowed up anyway and it's a pretty visceral image when that happens. Fortunately she is kind of Jesus so it's fine, she's fine, we're all fine here now thank you, how are you?
Hah, the Porgs are shaming Chewy into not eating a dead Porg! Porgs are way less in-your-face in this movie than Ewoks are in that other movie.
Enter Laura Dern! Conveys intelligence and confidence. I bet internet dicks hated her for no good reason. Other than that they are working in a non-descript office building in central Russia. Anyway, her friction with Poe is cool because she's being rational and it's just hard to argue against her points.
0:39:00 - Enter Kelly Marie Tran! Rose! Of course Sergei and Boris are social media bullies about this character. But even though she's coming into this story a little late, she's already gotten some solid character development.
So this is something I'm only realizing because I just watched Empire Strikes Back, but the two movies have similar structures in addition to being middle-of-the-trilogy movies. They both go back and forth between two subplots; one about a Jedi training a rookie on a planet, the other about just the good guys desperately trying to outrun a dauntingly large space fleet of bad guys.
Hah, Porgs getting pesky in the Millennium Falcon, I'd forgotten that.
Not so much with the wipes between scenes in this one but that one at 53:55 was neat.
And now we're in an actual casino! It's the Star Wars universe's version of Monaco. Lots of fun creatures and robots, but shot with a very flashy style that seems more obtrusive than how Lucas just peeks around in the Cantina.
The Master Codebreaker is literally Errol Flynn circa 1925.
1:00:50 - The first flashback of The Luke/Ben Incident. Kinda Rashomon-esque.
Benicio Del Toro. I love the guy, but there is often a sense in his movies that he had a very persuasive conversation with the director to let him do odd quirks with how he talks, and the director just grimaced and hoped it would turn out okay.
They break out of the stables with the racing animals, and stampede their way through the casino, satisfying!
But also, this whole Monaco planet is so like Monaco, so specifically, that it's not very galaxy-far-far-away.
First time we see Luke in the Rashomon flashback with the 'bout-to-kill-Ben look, that is a mighty fine facial expression from Mark Hamill.
1:14:35 - We're at the highly abstract Nightmare Cave sequence. This is a little indulgent, I bet Lucas did not like. He probably didn't like the equivalent sequence in The Force Awakens, but for what it's worth, I super like that one.
Rey and Kylo having a connection, I think we're not supposed to like it, and maybe that's the point? I'm okay with that. As long as it doesn't turn out that they are twin siblings separated at birth and gee what a shocking twist that would be <eye roll>.
I bet it took some discipline to have the Finn/Poe/Rose subplot be relatively simple.
1:29:00 - Weird little coffin craft Rey gets in to go to Kylo's ship. Oh, and the shot of coming out of lightspeed facing the bottom of the Destroyers! Cool!
1:30:55 - Hah! You thought they'd forgotten how to be funny, but then they do that clothes-iron gag. I like it. Reminds me of the coat hanger gag in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
"I know where the nearest escape pods are" "Course you do". Hah.
Snoke telling Rey "I connected you because I knew Kylo was weak" sounds like an internet troll. Am I hung up on that? On internet trolls?
Big hanger full of troops and even flying TIE fighters inside the hanger, looks great.
Very grim situation now… the intended plan completely fell apart, and now the escape transport plan is completely screwed, and Rey is just helpless it looks like. Or is that just what it LOOKS like.
Snoke death is neat. Also neat are his guards' variable, flexible sword things. Also also neat is how the one guard gets tossed into an electro-processer and shoots out red flakes!
1:50:42 - Oh, my favorite thing, a magic battle. As Rey and Kylo try to out-Force each other to Force-get the light saber, it all comes down to who Force-gets better.
But then! Then it DOESN'T suck because they equally Force-get so hard that it just breaks, and then the neatest of all the parts of this movie, LD lightspeed-spearing the master bad guy ship! Awesome visuals and sound.
"You're a bug in the system" "Let's go chrome-dome". That's a pretty Lucas-y dialogue exchange.
As they fly away from the destruction, I love the look, how much detail there is to the wreckage.
Yeah, this final planet has those ice fox things! It feels like this Episode has slightly less zeal for "delightful new creatures", but it's not NO zeal.
Also this is the planet where the surface is salt, but under the salt surface is a mineral that is very red, for reasons of it looks cool, I guess. There's even a mechanic which can't possibly make sense, where these crafts NEED to drag on the surface just a teeny bit. But so what, I like to look at it. I'd rather look at that than look at YOU.
The underground blood crystal cave is a damn fine sight to see.
Not sure I care that much about the quick drama about Finn trying to Kamikaze the big gun and Rose stopping him. Although Rose saying "saving what we love" makes it kinda sweet and now I'm sorry I pooh-poohed it. But she gives him a little kiss, which is the only remotely romance-y thing in this new trilogy so far and do we need that? Whatever, I root for both of these characters.
We just saw the gold dice from Solo. But this movie came out before Solo, so I guess we were all like "dude what the hell is THAT". I wonder whose idea the dice was.
"Do you think that you got him". So, this reminded me when I first saw it of an early Mark Hamill movie called The Big Red One. A war drama with him and Lee Marvin, probably right around the same time as Empire. In that movie, MH shoots again and again and again at a definitely-already-dead German soldier. He just keeps shooting the corpse. Lee Marvin walks up to him as he's doing it and whispers in his ear, "I think you got him". Gotta be a deliberate reference, right? Pretty obscure one if so
Hah, Poe and Rey hadn't met yet, that wasn't obvious until now.
Okay, the final scene. It's a cool final scene, but… okay so the first time I saw it, I definitely didn't notice that the kid levitated the broom all casual-like. But I noticed it in later viewings and was like "oh, how did I miss that". Well I'LL TELL you how, because it is super freaking subtle! It's like it changes every time or something. It is FREAKING me OUT.
But I still really like this movie. It is full of tons of great qualities, and only minor issues. It's surprisingly witty, and has a lot of non-Lucas style to it, which would be a problem if it didn't feel so genuinely inspired. So nice try, Anatoly! Go fuck yourself, Fyodor! You can turn neighbors against each other, Yuri, but you can't make me hate The Last Jedi!
(next: The Rise of Skywalker)
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Starting today at Amazon, but not yet at Disney +
The weekend is saved! Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker is now conquering home cinemas in Germany. Before that concluding chapters of the Skywalker saga Also available as Blu-ray and DVD in a few days, you could already watch the film on Amazon and other providers such as Apple TV, Google Play, Microsoft Movies and Co.
Stream Star Wars 9 on Amazon : The link to the Amazon offer is a so-called affiliate link. If you purchase Star Wars 9 via this link, Moviepilot receives a commission. The HD version costs 16.99 euros, the SD version is available for 13.99 euros as a stream.
It will be released on April 30, 2020 on Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, 4K UHD Blu-ray and on DVD. In addition, a large box appears on the same day, which contains all Star Wars films in 4K for the first time and also comes up with lots of bonus material. The German soundtrack only has Dolby Digital + and not Dolby Atmos, which has already caused resentment among fans.
When is Star Wars 9 coming to Disney +? A specific date for the Disney + release of Star Wars 9: The rise of Skywalker does not yet exist. At the start of the streaming service in Germany, however, it was announced that the youngest part of the saga would be included in the catalog in the summer. Here you will find an overview of all Star Wars films and series on Disney +.
© Disney
Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker
In addition, we can expect one as part of Star Wars 9 lots of bonus material, which is also included in the VoD offers. There are no deleted scenes to be discovered this time, but the publication scores with the two-hour making-of-documentary The Skywalker Legacythat gives a look behind the scenes.
The further bonus material is as follows:
The Speeder Hunt for Pasaana: This is about the origin of the chase on Pasaana with Rey, Finn and Co.
Filming in the desert: This featurette deals with the world of Pasaana and how it was brought to life.
Warwick & Son: Warwick Davis, an overly familiar face of the Star Wars family, came back in Episode 9, this time with his son Harrison.
D-O: Keys to the Past: You can find out everything about the latest droid in the Star Wars universe in this featurette.
The Creatures: What would Star Wars be without the many creatures? The last featurette shows us the fascinating creatures from Episode 9.
For Apple TV users, there are other special features waiting for them, including those from John Williams composed composed film music.
The Mandalorian podcast: first impression of the Star Wars series
In the first mini-edition of our Moviepilot podcast Stream rush – also with Spotify – we give a brief insight into the first Star Wars real series.
The Mandalorian feels like a space western. But when does the Star Wars series plot take place? Which character is the coolest so far? And what does Werner Herzog have to do with it? Andrea and Matthias present the long-awaited Disney + original in the mini podcast.
Are you going to watch Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalkers on Amazon?
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