littlebloomclan · 3 months
For Frogkit: you wanna be leader like your dad, huh? what kinda things are you hoping to do once you’re in charge? -👻
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softlyinbloom · 1 month
i’ve just come across your blog randomly and your reblogs are so pretty 🌸
aaa thank you so much ♡ !!
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littlebloomclan · 2 months
Given Tawnypath and Nightdrizzle disagreeing with Archstar's opinion, and Gentlefur outright leaving. I'm getting the impression someone is not popular.
There is division for sure. But he also has many supporters, and Tawnypath is a supporter.... he just also has his beliefs and morals.
Someone guessed he's righteous and he actually is not. His trait is Cold (and secondary is Keen Eye). So I made him quiet/stoic, doesn't speak much. As opposed to Foxtail who is fierce (and unnatural senses, which is why I figured he found Littlestar so easily). Foxtail wants to show off to his leader and be noticed. He's young and dumb lol
Also for fun here's their refs
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littlebloomclan · 4 months
Lavenderkit could be a sorta reference to Littlestar/Littlelilac and Honeykit is orange so..
What gave you two the instinct to name a lil white gal Frogkit? Not to say I don’t like it but I’m just curious.
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Deertuft delirious after giving birth - Haha. Frog.
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littlebloomclan · 3 months
Honeykit, hello !! I see that you like bugs. Have you met the frogs or lizards yet, or do you not have those?
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Holds up frogkit
is this a frog?
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littlebloomclan · 4 months
I don't know how Starclan works in your setting, but I'm sure Gentlefur will watch out for those youngsters!
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Yeah he is <3
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littlebloomclan · 6 months
kitties, would you desire to have a family of your own?
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littlebloomclan · 3 months
Hello Lavenderkit! How's Mama Deertuft doing?
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He's working hard
Also I got a TON of asks for the kits lol I can't/won't answer them all because I lack time but it'll be good kit drawing practice for me
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littlebloomclan · 3 months
Honeykit, the bug will be okay! Ask your parents about StarClan, that's where the bug went!
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littlebloomclan · 3 months
To Honeykit
Here is another bug friend 🐛. His name is Henry
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littlebloomclan · 6 months
What happened to Bloomclan that made it just you two?
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If y'all have more questions on this, this isn't something either of them will talk about much! At least not now. But Littlestar gives the basics of what happened
Also here's their song, based on all this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u41DQn8mQT4
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littlebloomclan · 13 days
littlestar has a very "overly enthusiastic summer camp counselor" energy in the most recent update and I love it.
aside, did littlestar teach deertuft how to fight on top of her medicine training, or is she just learning now? or is it less for her and more for the kits?
He strikes me as a morning person who is ready to go early! He loses steam the later in the day it is, esp while training two apprentices which he’s about to find out.
Deertuft knows some yeah. I’d think since it was just then he’d wanna be sure she knew enough to at least defend herself/get away. She’s gonna teach Lavenderpaw the same. If he wants more he’ll have to sit in with his sisters!
I also like to think medicine cats learn to hunt and patrol too, it’s just not the main focus for them. Lavender may just wanna learn so he can hold his own with his sisters, but Deertuft is definitely thinking of how Gentlefur died and their dangerous neighbors.
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littlebloomclan · 5 months
Gentlefur, what do you think of your new clanmates?
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littlebloomclan · 4 months
I know they're evil n stuff BUR ARCHSTARS DESIGN IS SO SICK
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Thank you! I love my terrible poofy guy
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littlebloomclan · 4 months
Deertuft, are you hoping for a big litter or a little litter?
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It's the scene in fox and the hound when Vixey is like "Six. :)"
and Little goes "..........Six? Six what."
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littlebloomclan · 4 months
So, Littlestar, how are you feeling about Deertufts announcement?
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He IS happy! Just has concern
Also, since I've had MANY people bring it up - Sorry they didn't name a kit after Gentle. I've played way ahead and I really like the names the game (Deer and Little) pick!
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