#Blood Pressure 911 Capsules
flying-health · 5 months
Taking Charge of My Heart Health: A Positive Review of Blood Pressure 911
I've always been conscious of my health, but in recent years, I became increasingly concerned about my blood pressure readings. They were starting to creep up, and it worried me. I knew I needed to make some changes, and that's when I discovered Blood Pressure 911.
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Natural Support for a Healthy Heart
Blood Pressure 911 is a dietary supplement formulated with a blend of vitamins and minerals specifically chosen to support healthy blood pressure levels. I was drawn to the fact that it offered a natural approach to managing my concerns. Unlike some medications, which can come with unwanted side effects, Blood Pressure 911 promised a more holistic approach.
Easy to Integrate into My Routine
The best part? Taking Blood Pressure 911 is incredibly easy. The capsules are similar in size to a standard multivitamin, and the recommended dosage is just two per day. This fit seamlessly into my existing routine, and I never found myself forgetting to take them.
Seeing Results with Consistency
After incorporating Blood Pressure 911 into my daily regimen for a few weeks, I started to notice a positive difference. I felt more energized throughout the day, and a sense of calmness I hadn't experienced before. Most importantly, when I checked my blood pressure at home, the readings were consistently lower. This gave me tremendous peace of mind knowing my efforts, with the help of Blood Pressure 911, were paying off.
Living a More Fulfilling Life
Since starting Blood Pressure 911, I feel a renewed sense of control over my health. My concerns about high blood pressure have significantly diminished, and I'm more confident than ever in my ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This newfound confidence allows me to fully embrace life's activities without holding back. Whether it's taking a brisk walk in the park, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying a stress-free evening, I do it all with a lighter heart.
A Word of Caution
It's important to remember that everyone's body is different, and what works for me may not work for everyone. While Blood Pressure 911 has been a positive addition to my health routine, I would always recommend consulting with a doctor before taking any new supplements. Discuss your individual needs and make sure Blood Pressure 911 is right for you.
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with my experience with Blood Pressure 911. It's a natural, convenient, and effective way to support healthy blood pressure levels and overall heart health. If you're looking for a way to take charge of your cardiovascular health, I highly recommend giving Blood Pressure 911 a try.
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Blood Pressure 911 Supplements - Health
A Right Jolly Good Sort: My Experience with Blood Pressure 911
I used to be a bit of a skeptic when it came to herbal supplements. All that seemed a bit "snake oil salesman" to me, you know? But then my doctor mentioned I was borderline for high blood pressure. Now, a flutter in the old ticker wasn't exactly unheard of in my family, but the thought of being on medication for the rest of my life wasn't particularly appealing. So, I decided to explore some natural alternatives.
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Taking the Plunge with Blood Pressure 911
That's when I stumbled upon Blood Pressure 911. Now, the name might be a bit dramatic, but it piqued my curiosity. The idea of a natural solution based on Japanese ingredients appealed to me. After doing some research and seeing mostly positive reviews, I decided to give it a go.
Easy to Swallow, Easy to Maintain
Blood Pressure 911 comes in capsules, which is perfect for someone like me who isn't a fan of syrups or powders. The dosage is simple – just two capsules a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. It easily slotted into my routine, no fuss, no bother.
Feeling the Natural Difference
Now, I'm not going to say it was a miracle cure. It took a good few weeks before I really noticed a difference. But slowly and surely, I started to feel a change. That tightness in my chest, the occasional light-headedness – it all seemed to fade away. I felt more energised, and sleep came a bit easier too.
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Back to the Doctor, Back with a Smile
After three months of taking Blood Pressure 911, I decided to head back to the doctor for a check-up. He was pleasantly surprised! My blood pressure had dropped to a healthy range. He was cautious at first, recommending I continue with the supplements for another few months alongside a healthy diet and exercise – all things I was already incorporating more of thanks to feeling better. But there was a definite shift in his tone – he seemed genuinely impressed by the natural approach.
A Word to the Wise
Look, I'm not saying Blood Pressure 911 is a magic bullet. Everyone's body is different, and what works for me might not work for you. But for someone like me, who wanted to explore natural ways to manage my health, it's been a real game-changer. If you're on the fence about giving it a try, all I can say is – it might just be the "cup of tea" you've been looking for. Just remember, consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, alright?
Now, I'm not back to scoffing at all things herbal. Blood Pressure 911 has shown me that sometimes, a natural approach can be just as, if not more, effective than traditional medication. It's certainly made a positive difference in my life, and for that, I'm a right jolly good fan!
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physical-products · 5 months
Taking Back Control of My Health: A Positive Experience with Blood Pressure 911 Supplements
For years, I struggled with maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It caused me a great deal of anxiety, and I constantly worried about the long-term effects on my health. I made some lifestyle changes, incorporating more exercise and a healthier diet, but I still felt like I needed some extra support. That's when I decided to try Blood Pressure 911 Supplements.
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Natural Ingredients, Real Results
What initially drew me to Blood Pressure 911 was its focus on natural ingredients. I'm wary of harsh medications and their potential side effects. Blood Pressure 911 boasts a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts like Hawthorne berry, garlic, and green tea, all known for their heart-healthy properties. This focus on natural ingredients gave me a sense of security and felt in line with my desire for a more holistic approach to managing my health.
Easy to Take and Integrate into My Routine
Another positive aspect of Blood Pressure 911 is its convenience. The capsules are easy to swallow and integrate seamlessly into my daily routine. I take them once a day, which makes it simple to remember and avoids the hassle of multiple doses. This consistency is crucial for anyone who, like me, struggles to maintain a complex medication schedule.
Feeling the Positive Effects
After incorporating Blood Pressure 911 into my routine for a few weeks, I started to notice positive changes. My energy levels increased, and I felt a general sense of well-being. Most importantly, I began to see a gradual decrease in my blood pressure readings. While I still monitor my pressure regularly and continue with my healthy lifestyle choices, Blood Pressure 911 seems to be providing that extra support I needed.
Open Communication with My Doctor
It's important to note that I always consult with my doctor before starting any new supplements. They were aware of my struggles with blood pressure and were supportive of my decision to try Blood Pressure 911. We continue to monitor my progress together, and they've been impressed with the positive changes I've experienced.
Taking Charge of My Health
Blood Pressure 911 has been a valuable tool in my journey towards better health. It's empowered me to take a more proactive role in managing my blood pressure and overall well-being. The combination of natural ingredients, easy integration into my routine, and noticeable positive effects has made Blood Pressure 911 a welcome addition to my health regimen. If you're looking for a natural and convenient way to support your heart health and blood pressure management, I highly recommend giving Blood Pressure 911 a try. Remember to always consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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health-is-wealth1985 · 5 months
Taking Control of My Health: My Positive Experience with Blood Pressure 911
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For years, I lived with a nagging concern about my blood pressure readings, which sometimes edged towards the prehypertension range. This constant worry, coupled with a family history of high blood pressure, motivated me to seek natural solutions to promote healthy blood pressure levels. After much research, I discovered Blood Pressure 911, a supplement gaining traction online for its focus on supporting cardiovascular health.
A Natural Path to Healthy Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure 911 appealed to me because it offered a comprehensive, natural approach to supporting healthy blood pressure levels. The formula boasts a blend of vitamins, minerals, and powerful herbs known for their potential benefits in promoting blood vessel relaxation, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall cardiovascular health. Ingredients like CoQ10, Hawthorn Berry, and Garlic Extract stood out for their ability to improve blood flow, potentially lower blood pressure readings, and support healthy cholesterol levels.
The focus on natural ingredients resonated with me, as I wanted to proactively manage my blood pressure without resorting to harsh medications. Blood Pressure 911 offered a natural, multi-nutrient approach to potentially improve my cardiovascular health and promote healthy blood pressure readings.
The Blood Pressure 911 website provided clear information on each ingredient and its role in supporting healthy blood pressure. They also offered studies and research highlighting the potential effectiveness of these natural components. This transparency and the focus on a natural approach instilled confidence in the product's safety and effectiveness.
Easy to Use and Integrate into My Routine
The convenience of Blood Pressure 911 is one of the things I appreciate most. The capsules are easy to swallow and don't require any messy mixing or special storage. The recommended dosage is two capsules daily, which I seamlessly integrated into my morning routine alongside my usual vitamins.
Gradual Improvement and Peace of Mind
Within a few weeks of taking Blood Pressure 911 consistently, I noticed a positive change. My home blood pressure readings started to trend lower, falling within the normal range. This decrease in blood pressure readings, along with the overall feeling of well-being, provided a welcome sense of peace of mind.
Perhaps the most unexpected benefit was an improvement in my energy levels. I felt less sluggish and more energized throughout the day, which I attributed to the improved blood flow and cardiovascular support offered by the supplement.
Sustainable Support and a Healthier Lifestyle
Blood Pressure 911 offers a natural and sustainable approach to potentially promote healthy blood pressure levels and support overall cardiovascular health. Unlike medications with potential side effects, the effects of Blood Pressure 911 are gradual and improve with consistent use. This natural supplement has become an essential part of my daily routine, promoting healthy blood pressure readings, improved energy levels, and a renewed sense of control over my health.
Important Note: It's crucial to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to supplements. While my experience with Blood Pressure 911 has been positive, it's always advisable to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and managing stress remains crucial for optimal cardiovascular health. However, Blood Pressure 911 can be a valuable tool in your proactive approach to managing blood pressure and promoting overall heart health.
A Reliable Partner for Cardiovascular Wellness
Overall, I've been very impressed with Blood Pressure 911. The convenient format, the natural formula, and the noticeable improvement in my blood pressure readings, energy levels, and overall well-being have made it a valuable addition to my health regimen. If you're looking for a natural way to support healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health, I highly recommend giving Blood Pressure 911 a try. Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key, and Blood Pressure 911 can be a helpful companion on your journey to a healthier heart.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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bodycare-products · 5 months
Taking Control of My Health: My Experience with Blood Pressure 911
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Managing high blood pressure can feel like a constant juggling act, requiring lifestyle modifications, medication, and a proactive approach to overall health. While medication remains crucial, I believe in exploring natural solutions that can complement my existing management plan. This is why I decided to try Blood Pressure 911, a supplement that has become a valuable addition to my wellness routine.
A Natural Approach to Blood Pressure Support:
Blood Pressure 911 caught my attention because of its focus on natural ingredients. The formula features a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts like olive leaf and hawthorn berry, known for their potential benefits in supporting healthy blood pressure levels. This natural approach aligns with my desire to manage my health holistically, alongside conventional medication when needed.
Positive Impact on Blood Pressure Readings:
Since incorporating Blood Pressure 911 into my routine, I've observed a positive impact on my blood pressure readings. While it's not a magic bullet, I've noticed a gradual decrease in both systolic and diastolic numbers. This trend, alongside regular monitoring and medication adherence, has provided a sense of control and improved my overall well-being.
Convenient and Easy to Integrate:
Blood Pressure 911 comes in convenient capsule form, making it easy to incorporate into my daily routine. The recommended dosage is clear and straightforward, and the capsules are small and easy to swallow. This hassle-free integration makes it a sustainable addition to my health regimen.
A Proactive Approach to Heart Health:
Beyond its immediate impact on blood pressure, Blood Pressure 911 also promotes overall heart health. The inclusion of ingredients known to support healthy cholesterol levels and vascular function offers a comprehensive approach to cardiovascular well-being. This holistic focus resonates with my desire to prioritize long-term heart health.
A Valuable Addition to My Management Plan:
It's important to note that I always consult my doctor before starting any new supplements, and Blood Pressure 911 is no exception. However, based on my experience, this supplement has become a valuable complement to my existing blood pressure management plan. It provides a natural and convenient way to support healthy blood pressure levels, empowering me to take a proactive approach to my cardiovascular health.
While individual results may vary, I believe Blood Pressure 911 offers a promising solution for individuals seeking natural support in managing their blood pressure alongside conventional medical care. It has become a trusted part of my wellness journey, helping me feel more in control of my health and promoting a sense of overall well-being.
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useful-health · 5 months
A Natural Ally in My Fight for Healthy Blood Pressure: Blood Pressure 911
For a good few years now, I'd been watching my blood pressure creep up a tad. It wasn't off the charts by any means, but it was enough to have the doctor raise an eyebrow and suggest keeping an eye on it. The thought of jumping straight onto medication didn't quite sit right with me, so I decided to explore some natural solutions alongside some lifestyle changes. After a bit of digging around online, I stumbled upon Blood Pressure 911, and I'm glad to say it's been a real blessing!
Simple to Take, Easy to Remember
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Blood Pressure 911 comes in a handy bottle filled with capsules. They're not too big, so swallowing them is a breeze. The recommended dose is two capsules a day, one in the morning and another in the evening. It's become such a routine now that I barely even have to think about it – a massive plus for someone like me who forgets things from time to time!
All-Natural Approach, Peace of Mind
What truly drew me to Blood Pressure 911 was its focus on natural ingredients. There's no hocus pocus here, no strange chemicals or ingredients you can't pronounce. It's simply a blend of vitamins and minerals like B6 and C, alongside things like Hawthorne Berry and Olive Leaf Extract. Knowing it's all-natural gives me a sense of peace of mind, and to be honest, I haven't experienced any unpleasant side effects at all.
Feeling the Benefits
It's important to be realistic with supplements, but I can genuinely say I've noticed a positive change since taking Blood Pressure 911. I feel generally calmer and more relaxed, which might seem a bit odd for a blood pressure supplement, but I do believe managing stress has played a part in my overall well-being. More importantly, my blood pressure readings have improved! They're still firmly within a healthy range, but they've definitely dipped a bit since I started taking the capsules.
A Supportive Addition to My Health Journey
Blood Pressure 911 isn't a miracle cure, but it's certainly been a supportive addition to my health journey. When combined with a bit more exercise and a healthier diet, I feel like I'm taking a proactive approach to managing my blood pressure. If you're on the lookout for a natural way to support your heart health, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend giving Blood Pressure 911 a try. Just remember, it's always best to check with your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you're already taking medication.
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imlershy · 1 year
Why Using Blood Pressure Supplements Is Important?
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Getting products to help lessen significant blood pressure can lead to vital health rewards. However, it is critical to choose correctly To various natural supplements might actually increase systolic or alternatively diastolic blood pressure, and some can deal with a few other drugs you have to improve ones own superior blood pressure. We assessed the research to search for the best blood pressure pills supplements, together with folks produced by way of physicians and the generated simply by using a variety of secure constituents want hibiscus, l-theanine, hawthorne extract, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin c, vitamin d, and many more. By using the site, an individual can have some understanding blood pressure supplement reviews a lot faster.
Most of us select simply heallth supplements that had been lab-tested to make sure many get together with top notch guidelines, come with no non listed constituents, plus stand for publicised. Obvious Substances, Levels, Values, and Sources: I was wary of supplements of which never obviously listing lots of the materials that they hold. Additionally chosen those that wouldn't take advantage of little-known products, that make them inconceivable to fnd out the complete amount of the two additive as well robustness.
Probably the most promising health supplements provide you with strong repayment insurance plans that may demonstrate the maker is normally comfortable their specific supplement performs mainly because offered. That we were watchful about individuals that just didn't supply a big refund guarantee, which will tell us they're expectant a number of give back tickets.
Shown prescribed drugs similar to ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and even lime scale manner blockers can certainly considerably decreased higher blood pressure after only days to weeks. The sad thing is, a lot of people do not want these prescription medications or choose to avoid them a result of the side-effects. On those occasions, natural supplements that actually work to provide a organic replacing will be a good opportunity. There is however several stories in relation to which often nutritional supplements work and in what way they must be employed.
Various tablets aim to duplicate the consequences of medicines which more affordable higher blood pressure, along the lines of ACE inhibitors, ARBs, or limescale tv channel blockers. Individuals serve as a great all-natural diuretic, enhancing the body system take out additional sea salt together with drinking water from your blood flow. One of the best capsules in order to big blood pressure intermix each of those tactics ; sustaining nourishing swelling around and in the centre together with improving upon blood circulation by promoting peacefulness . not to mention dilation for abnormal veins.
PhytAge Blood Pressure 911 is known as a powerful augment which may be designed by simply general practitioners and possesses many different natural ingredients that are that can straight down superior blood pressure, along with hibiscus, hawthorne extract, vitamin b6, and magnesium malate. Moreover it possesses a handful of many other herbal treatments and minerals and vitamins that may enhance cardiovascular exercise wellness prevent chronic malady, which include cinnamon, beans, dandelion roots, and others. If you happen to click here, you can aquire increasing numbers of best ranked blood pressure supplements on the world wide web podium.
This widely used combined with top-rated dietary supplement because of VitaPost has become lab-tested with respect to purity plus capability, and then incorporates an extraordinary mix of herbs, minerals, and vitamins which you'll find systematically shown to reinforce blood pressure levels. It's just a good alternative for those that have lowered or maybe sensibly huge blood pressure. The major edge is going to be its ability to help reduce essential inflammatory reaction, bring about increased blood pressure and other considerable problems. Additionally, it is very affordable, at a cost level that starts up at under $30 per bottle.
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goodvibesfitness · 2 years
Blood Pressure 911 Review
Blood Pressure 911 is a health supplement in capsule form, made completely of natural products, and designed to combat high blood pressure and bring it down to the normal, desirable level. Blood Pressure 911 supplement also helps in maintaining optimal cholesterol levels in the body. Blood Pressure 911 is a blend of seven herbal extracts, which have the ability to stabilise the level of blood pressure and ensure cardiovascular health. Besides that, it contains some essential minerals and vitamins as well. Chemicals or other synthesised materials that are generally found in many prescription drugs are not present in Blood Pressure 911. This makes it quite safe for long-term use. To get proper results, the capsule has to be taken twice daily and has to be taken for at least 90 days continuously. However, there are enough cases where results were visible even in a week or two. 
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healthyrex · 3 years
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healthiswealth0914 · 2 years
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brighttech · 4 years
Blood Pressure 911 Review: Natural Blood Pressure Management Supplement
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healthandfoodsblog · 3 years
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Blood Pressure 911
Blood Pressure 911 works as a dietary supplement. Blood Pressure 911 highly recommended that adults take 1 capsule twice on the daily basis
Blood Pressure 911 supplement targets the root cause of unhealthy blood pressure and promotes a healthy heart. It is 100% safe and natural
Blood Pressure 911 claims to support healthy blood pressure using a blend of vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, plant ingredients
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Keto Complete – Know Shocking Price & Reviews
Keto Complete is a relatively new supplement on the Australia market that is supposed to tumble excess pounds without dieting or major dietary changes. At least this is what the manufacturer promises. In fact, around half of the population in Australia is overweight. Therefore, we wanted to find out what is really behind the manufacturer's promise, did extensive research on the product, carried out our own self-test and summarized the results for you in our brand new article on Keto Complete. It is therefore not surprising that many people are looking for ways to achieve their dream weight. In everyday life, many people often do not have the time and energy to exercise for hours or to follow a strict diet. 
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This special preparation is an over-the-counter slimming product that is taken orally in the form of capsules.In addition, according to the Keto Complete manufacturer, the body should be supplied with valuable minerals and vitamins. Obesity is a problem that affects more and more people in Australia. In fact, according to statistics, more than half of Australiain are obese. (Obesity) and its consequences. The reasons for this can be different. Mostly it is thanks to an unhealthy lifestyle that fat deposits and deposits form. It is all the more important that you do something about it in good time. That's why we took a closer look at this weight loss powder to find out how effective Keto Complete actually is. The effectiveness and tolerability of this preparation has already been confirmed in several studies and was able to convince many of our readers. In addition, the capsules not only help you lose weight, but also suppress the feeling of hunger and thus prevent food cravings. The consumer organization is best known for its objective reporting. That is why so many people trust Stiftung Warentest when they are looking for a professional opinion on the quality of a product. On the homepage of the public foundation you can now find countless reports on the most varied of products. However, we have not yet been able to find a report from the Stiftung Warentest on the Keto Complete. If the foundation publishes a report on this in the future, we will of course adapt our report to the new information.
Visit for more info official web click here :-
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rayarmat · 4 years
A Guide to Outpatient COVID Treatment: Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life
Recently, Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, of Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas testified to Texas Senate HHS Committee  about how mass media and even some government agencies are silencing clinical outpatient evidence for effective treatment of COVID19 and instead push vaccines only (video shown below).
Treatments like those mentioned by Dr. McCullough can be found in sites like https://c19early.com/ but specifically, McCullough refers to the following Appendix to a document published by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) as an educational resource. It is based on a paper published in American Journal of Medicine (link), by Dr. Peter McCullough and 22 other clinicians (MDs) and researchers (PhDs).
“Seek early treatment and be your own advocate. All of the physicians contributing to this booklet are  on the frontlines treating outpatients at the first signs of COVID illness. Studies in the US and many other  countries clearly show that patients who are treated within the first 5 days of symptoms have better  outcomes using the combination of medications in the algorithm below.”
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COVID-19 hospitalizations and death can be reduced with outpatient treatment.
Principles of COVID-19 outpatient care include: 1) reduction of reinoculation, 2) combination antiviral therapy, 3) immunomodulation, 4) antiplatelet/antithrombotic therapy 5) administration of oxygen, monitoring, and telemedicine.
“For the ambulatory patient with recognized early signs and symptoms of COVID-19, often with nasal real-time reverse transcription or oral antigen testing pending, the following 4 principles could be deployed in a layered and escalating manner depending on clinical manifestations of COVID-19-like illness and confirmed infection: 1) reduction of reinoculation, 2) combination antiviral therapy, 3) immunomodulation, and 4) antiplatelet/antithrombotic therapy. Because the results of testing could take up to a week to return, treatment can be started before the results are known. For patients with cardinal features of the syndrome (ie, fever, body aches, nasal congestion, loss of taste and smell, etc.) and suspected false-negative testing, treatment can be the same as those with confirmed COVID-19. Future randomized trials are expected to confirm, reject, refine, and expand these principles. In this article, they are set forth in emergency response to the growing pandemic as shown in Figure 1 .
Treatment algorithm for COVID-19-like and confirmed COVID-19 illness in ambulatory patients at home in self-quarantine. BMI = body mass index; CKD = chronic kidney disease; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DM = diabetes mellitus; Dz = disease; HCQ = hydroxychloroquine; Mgt = management; O2 = oxygen; Ox = oximetry; Yr = year.
The basic groups of prescription medicines and other therapies used in COVID-19: 
▪ Combination anti-viral medicines started as soon as symptoms occur ▪ Medicines to decrease inflammation, such as corticosteroids (called  immunomodulators) 
▪ Anticoagulant therapy to prevent blood-clots that can cause strokes, heart attacks,  kidney shut-down, and death. 
▪ Non-prescription supportive treatments with zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, electrolyte  drinks such as Pedialyte, and others. 
▪ Home-based oxygen support, such as with an oxygen concentrator. These machines  are available by physician prescription from home health medical supply businesses and are covered on most medical insurance plans. 
I. Antiviral Agents:  
These must be started quickly at STAGE I (Days 1-5):  
Symptoms include sore throat, nasal stuffiness, fatigue, headaches, body aches, loss of  taste and/or smell, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, fever.  
These medicines stop the virus from (1) entering the cells and (2) from multiplying once  inside the cells, and they reduce bacterial invasion in the sinuses and lung: 
▪ *Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with azithromycin (AZM) or doxycycline 
▪ Ivermectin with azithromycin (AZM) or doxycycline 
Either combination above must also include zinc sulfate or gluconate, plus supplemental vitamin D, and vitamin C. Some doctors also recommend adding a B complex vitamin. 
Zinc is critical. It helps block the virus from multiplying.  
Hydroxychloroquine is the carrier taking zinc INTO the cells to do its job.
An educational resource from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) 16 
II. Anti-inflammatory Agents - Corticosteroids (“steroids”): Oral and Nebulized. 
These are started at STAGE II (Days 3-14) to reduce inflammation, the cause of added  damage to the lungs and critical organs. Symptoms include worsening cough, difficulty  breathing, chest heaviness/tightness or chest pain.  
As inflammation damages the airways interfering with normal oxygen-carbon dioxide  exchange, blood oxygen levels drop and people experience loss of focus, drowsiness, confusion, difficulty concentrating, low energy and severe fatigue.  
The exaggerated Inflammation response in COVID further increases the risk of blood clots. 
Prescription medicines and other support added now to Stage I medicines are: ▪ nebulized budesonide to help penetrate the lungs and reduce inflammation ▪ oral prednisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone 
▪ colchicine – may also be added to reduce inflammation 
▪ full strength adult aspirin 325 mg to reduce inflammation and risk of blood clots ▪ home oxygen concentrator may be needed to improve oxygen levels (requires  physician prescription) 
III. Prescription Anticoagulants (“blood thinners”):
STAGE III (Day 7 and beyond): Symptoms seen in Stage II intensify. Difficulty breathing becomes extreme, oxygen levels  drop sharply, risk of heart attack or stroke increases. At this point, people are critically ill.  
The medicines to be added to Stage I and II medicines now include: 
▪ Aspirin 325 mg unless told not to take by your doctors 
▪ And/or low molecular weight heparin injections (e.g. enoxaparin [Lovenox]) OR 
▪ apixaban (Eliquis), or rivaroxaban (Xarelto), or dabigatran (Pradaxa) or 
edoxaban (Savaysa) in standard doses for 5 to 30 days 
If these added steps do not lead to improvement, or the patient becomes unstable, a 911  call is warranted for ER evaluation and hospital admission so that more aggressive IV  medications (such as remdesivir, Regeneron, and others) may be considered, and more  intensive ventilation regimens are possible in ICU settings. 
IV. Vitamins, Supplements, and Oxygen.  
▪ Zinc sulfate, gluconate or citrate. These forms are available in pharmacies, health  food stores, and sold online. Zinc sulfate 220 mg provides 50 mg elemental zinc, the  recommended anti-viral dose. Zinc in the form of zinc picolinate form is not  recommended following reports of liver damage and tumors from studies about 20  years ago. Following these reports, the German Commission E that regulates  supplements used in medical practice in Germany banned this form of zinc. 
An educational resource from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) 17 
▪ Vitamin D3, preferable in oil in capsules for better absorption. Recommended doses  for anti-viral benefit vary from 5000 IU or more for 5-30 days 
▪ Vitamin C with bioflavonoids for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. Dose  
recommendations from our contributors vary from 1000 mg (1 gram) once or twice  a day up to 4 or more times a day. 
▪ A word about quercetin. Some physicians are recommending this supplement to  reduce viral illnesses because quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore to improve zinc  
uptake into cells. It is much less potent than HCQ as a zinc transporter, and it does  
not reach high concentrations in lung cells that HCQ does. Quercetin may help  
reduce risk of viral illness if you are basically healthy. But it is not potent enough to  replace HCQ for treatment of COVID once you have symptoms, and it does not  
adequately get into lung tissue unless you take massive doses (3-5 grams a day),  
which cause significant GI side effects such as diarrhea.
Control of Contagion
A major goal of self-quarantine is the control of contagion. Many sources of information suggest the main place of viral transmission occurs in the home. Facial covering for all contacts within the home as well as frequent use of hand sanitizer and hand washing is mandatory. Sterilizing surfaces such as countertops, door handles, phones, and other devices is advised. When possible, other close contacts can move out of the domicile and temporarily stay with others not ill with SARS-CoV-2. Findings from multiple studies indicate that policies concerning control of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are effective and extension into the home as the most frequent site of viral transfer is paramount.
Reduction of Self-Reinoculation
It is well-recognized that COVID-19 exists outside the human body in a bioaerosol of airborne particles and droplets. Because exhaled air in an infected person is considered to be “loaded” with inoculum, each exhalation and inhalation is effectively reinoculation. In patients who are hospitalized, negative pressure is applied to the room air largely to reduce spread outside of the room. We propose that fresh air could reduce reinoculation and potentially reduce the severity of illness and possibly reduce household spread during quarantine. This calls for open windows, fans for aeration, or spending long periods of time outdoors away from others with no face covering to disperse and not reinhale the viral bioaerosol.
Combination Antiviral Therapy
Rapid and amplified viral replication is the hallmark of most acute viral infections. By reducing the rate, quantity, or duration of viral replication, the degree of direct viral injury to the respiratory epithelium, vasculature, and organs may be lessened. Additionally, secondary processes that depend on viral stimulation, including the activation of inflammatory cells, cytokines, and coagulation, could potentially be lessened if viral replication is attenuated. Because no form of readily available medication has been designed specifically to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication, 2 or more of the nonspecific agents listed here can be entertained. None of the approaches listed have specific regulatory approved advertising labels for their manufacturers; thus all would be appropriately considered acceptable “off-label” use.
Zinc Lozenges and Zinc Sulfate
Zinc is a known inhibitor of coronavirus replication. Clinical trials of zinc lozenges in the common cold have demonstrated modest reductions in the duration and or severity of symptoms. By extension, this readily available nontoxic therapy could be deployed at the first signs of COVID-19. Zinc lozenges can be administered 5 times a day for up to 5 days and extended if needed if symptoms persist. The amount of elemental zinc lozenges is <25% of that in a single 220-mg zinc sulfate daily tablet. This dose of zinc sulfate has been effectively used in combination with antimalarials in early treatment of high-risk outpatients with COVID-19.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an antimalarial/anti-inflammatory drug that impairs endosomal transfer of virions within human cells. HCQ is also a zinc ionophore that conveys zinc intracellularly to block the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is the core enzyme of the virus replication. The currently completed retrospective studies and randomized trials have generally shown these findings: 1) when started late in the hospital course and for short durations of time, antimalarials appear to be ineffective, 2) when started earlier in the hospital course, for progressively longer durations and in outpatients, antimalarials may reduce the progression of disease, prevent hospitalization, and are associated with reduced mortality. In a retrospective inpatient study of 2541 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, therapy associated with an adjusted reduction in mortality was HCQ alone (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.25-0.46, P <0.001) and HCQ with azithromycin (HR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.22-0.40, P <0.001). HCQ was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1955, has been used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide since then, is sold over the counter in many countries, and has a well-characterized safety profile that should not raise undue alarm. Although asymptomatic QT prolongation is a well-recognized and infrequent (<1%) complication of HCQ, it is possible that in the setting of acute illness symptomatic arrhythmias could develop. Data safety and monitoring boards have not declared safety concerns in any clinical trial published to date. Rare patients with a personal or family history of prolonged QT syndrome and those on additional QT prolonging, contraindicated drugs (eg, dofetilide, sotalol) should be treated with caution and a plan to monitor the QTc in the ambulatory setting. A typical HCQ regimen is 200 mg bid for 5 days and extended to 30 days for continued symptoms. A minimal sufficient dose of HCQ should be used, because in excessive doses the drug can interfere with early immune response to the virus.
Azithromycin is a commonly used macrolide antibiotic that has antiviral properties mainly attributed to reduced endosomal transfer of virions as well as established anti-inflammatory effects. It has been commonly used in COVID-19 studies initially based on French reports demonstrating markedly reduced durations of viral shedding, fewer hospitalizations, and reduced mortality combination with HCQ as compared to those untreated. In the large inpatient study (n = 2451) discussed previously, those who received azithromycin alone had an adjusted HR for mortality of 1.05, 95% CI 0.68-1.62, and P = 0.83.23 The combination of HCQ and azithromycin has been used as standard of care in other contexts as a standard of care in more than 300,000 older adults with multiple comorbidities. This agent is well-tolerated and like HCQ can prolong the QTc in <1% of patients. The same safety precautions for HCQ listed previously could be extended to azithromycin with or without HCQ. Azithromycin provides additional coverage of bacterial upper respiratory pathogens that could potentially play a role in concurrent or secondary infection. Thus, this agent can serve as a safety net for patients with COVID-19 against clinical failure of the bacterial component of community-acquired pneumonia. The same safety precautions for HCQ could be extended to azithromycin with or without HCQ. Because both HCQ and azithromycin have small but potentially additive risks of QTc prolongation, patients with known or suspected arrhythmias or taking contraindicated medications or should have more thorough workup (eg, review of baseline electrocardiogram, imaging studies, etc.) before receiving these 2 together. One of many dosing schemes is 250 mg po bid for 5 days and may extend to 30 days for persistent symptoms or evidence of bacterial superinfection.
Doxycycline is another common antibiotic with multiple intracellular effects that may reduce viral replication, cellular damage, and expression of inflammatory factors. This drug has no effect on cardiac conduction and has the main caveat of gastrointestinal upset and esophagitis. As with azithromycin, doxycycline has the advantage of offering antibacterial coverage for superimposed bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract. Doxycycline has a high degree of activity against many common respiratory pathogens including Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, anaerobes such as Bacteroides and anaerobic/microaerophilic streptococci and atypical agents like Legionella, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydia pneumoniae. One of many dosing schemes is 200 mg po followed by 100 mg po bid for 5 days and may extend to 30 days for persistent symptoms or evidence of bacterial superinfection. Doxycycline may be useful with HCQ for patients in whom the HCQ-azithromycin combination is not desired.
Favipiravir, an oral selective inhibitor of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, is approved for ambulatory use in COVID-19 in Russia, India, and other countries outside of the United States.35 It has been previously used for treatment of some life-threatening infections such as Ebola virus, Lassa virus, and rabies. Its therapeutic efficacy has been proven in these diseases. Like, the antimalarials and antibiotics, favipiravir has no large-scale randomized trials completed at this time, given the short time frame of the pandemic. A dose administration could be 1600 mg po bid on day 1, following by 600 mg po bid for 14 days.
The manifestations of COVID-19 that prompt hospitalization and that may well lead to multiorgan system failure are attributed to a cytokine storm. The characteristic profile of a patient acutely ill with COVID-19 includes leukocytosis with a relative neutropenia. These patients have higher serum level of cytokines (ie, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10) and C-reactive protein than control individuals. Among patients with COVID-19, serum IL-6 and IL-10 levels appear even more elevated in the critically ill. As with any acute inflammatory state, early treatment with immunomodulators is expected to impart greater benefit. In COVID-19, some of the first respiratory findings are nasal congestion, cough, and wheezing. These features are due to excess inflammation and cytokine activation. Early use of corticosteroids is a rational intervention for patients with COVID-19 with these features as they would be in acute asthma or reactive airways disease. The RECOVERY trial randomized 6425 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in a 2:1 ratio to dexamethasone 6 mg po/IV daily for up to 10 days and found dexamethasone reduced mortality (HR = 0.65, 95% CI 0.51-0.82, P <0.001). One potential dosing scheme for outpatients starting on day 5 or the onset of respiratory symptoms is prednisone 1 mg/kg given daily for 5 days with or without a subsequent taper.
Colchicine is a nonsteroidal antimitotic drug that blocks metaphase by binding to the ends of microtubules to prevent the elongation of the microtubule polymer. This agent has proven useful in gout and idiopathic recurrent pericarditis. The GRECCO-19 randomized open-label trial in 105 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 found that colchicine was associated with a reduction in D-dimer levels and improved clinical outcomes. The clinical primary end point (2-point change in World Health Organization ordinal scale) occurred in 14.0% in the control group (7 of 50 patients) and 1.8% in the colchicine group (1 of 55 patients) (odds ratio, 0.11; 95% CI, 0.01-0.96; P = 0.02). Because the short-term safety profile is well understood, it is reasonable to consider this agent along with corticosteroids in an attempt to reduce the effects of cytokine storm. A dosing scheme of 1.2 mg po, followed by 0.6 mg po bid for 3 weeks can be considered.
Antiplatelet Agents and Antithrombotics
Multiple studies have described increased rates of pathological macro- and micro-thrombosis. Patients with COVID-19 have described chest heaviness associated with desaturation that suggests the possibility of pulmonary thrombosis. Multiple reports have described elevated D-dimer levels in acutely ill patients with COVID-19, which has been consistently associated with increased risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Necropsy studies have described pulmonary microthrombosis in COVID-19. These observations support the notion that endothelial injury and thrombosis play a role oxygen desaturation, a cardinal reason for hospitalization and supportive care. Based on this pathophysiologic rationale, aspirin 81 mg daily can be administered as an initial antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory agent. Ambulatory patients can be additionally treated with subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin or with short-acting novel anticoagulant drugs in dosing schemes similar to those use in outpatient thromboprophylaxis. In a retrospective study of 2773 inpatients with COVID-19, 28% received anticoagulant therapy within 2 days of admission, and despite being used in more severe cases, anticoagulant administration was associated with a reduction in mortality (HR = 0.86 per day of therapy, 95% CI: 0.82-0.89; P <0.001). Additional supportive data on the use anticoagulants reducing mortality has been reported in hospitalized patients with elevated D-dimer levels and higher comorbidity scores.53 Many acutely ill outpatients also have general indications for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis applicable to COVID-19.
Delivery of Oxygen and Monitoring
Because ambulatory centers and clinics have been reticent to have face-to-face visits with patients with COVID-19, telemedicine is a reasonable platform for monitoring. Clinical impressions can be gained with audio and video interviews by the physician with the patient. Supplemental information, including vital signs and symptoms, will be important to guide the physician. A significant component of safe outpatient management is maintenance of arterial oxygen saturation on room air or prescribed home oxygen under direct supervision by daily telemedicine with escalation to hospitalization for assisted ventilation if needed. Self-proning could be entertained for confident patients with good at-home monitoring.
Many of the measures discussed in this article could be extended to seniors in COVID-19 treatment units in nursing homes and other nonhospital settings. This would leave the purposes of hospitalization to the administration of intravenous fluid and parenteral medication, assisted pressure or mechanical ventilation, and advanced mechanical circulatory support.”
This is the group’s statement on vaccines:
“Vaccines in Development: 
Several vaccine models are being investigated for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) including DNA and RNA  vaccines. These vaccines take genetic information from other sources that is introduced into the cells. This  information includes instructions to produce a SARS2-like viral antigen itself, and the immune system then  reacts to it to develop immunity to the virus.  
The most important consideration before approving a vaccine for human use is to make sure that the  vaccine is safe and effective. Developing safe and controlled infection models for humans normally takes many  years of phased testing in the lab and then in humans. Many physicians and scientists have been concerned  that vaccine manufacturers, with government support, are speeding up this process in ways that are not  allowing adequate time for the usual phased testing leading up to human clinical trials. Two vaccine  manufacturers already have voluntarily paused their clinical trials in people due to serious adverse events. 
Currently, there are no RNA-based vaccines approved for human use so it would seem prudent to take  the time needed to ensure safety. Vaccines for RNA viruses are notoriously challenging and difficult to  develop. We still, after all these years since AIDS emerged in the 1980s, do not have a vaccine for the AIDS  virus, or the SARS-1 coronavirus that emerged in 2002-2003, and both are RNA viruses.  
Several attempts have been made to create vaccines for coronavirus and other respiratory viruses but  none of the vaccines have survived the testing phases. The vaccine trials for SARS-1 from 2003, for example,  was shut down because it produced autoimmune hypersensitivity reactions when exposed to the natural virus  after immunization in animal studies.  
Another problem is that the SARS-2 virus has already shown many mutations. Viruses adapt to the  environment to survive. Like the flu virus, it is difficult to predict what mutations will occur and circulate  around the world each season. A new vaccine must be reformulated to adjust to the changing genetic makeup  of the SARS-2 virus.  
Even the best vaccines for flu are only about 30-60% effective. Compare that with an effectiveness for  improvement ranging from 64% to more than 90% in more than 100 new studies showing early, outpatient  treatment with our existing medications described in chapters.  
As research on the vaccine continues, safety and effectiveness are of primary concern. The good news  is there are very safe and effective early treatments already available as we described in Chapter 3. Clearly,  early, home-based treatment has now been so successful and offers so much hope, there is less urgency to  have a vaccine.”
You can sign up to receive the full protocol here: https://aapsonline.org/covidpatientguide/  or find the research paper here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7410805/
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best-reviews · 5 years
Tinnitus 911 CPS Review – Is this Supplement Really Effective Against Tinnitus?
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What is tinnitus?
Health is essential! We all know that. When we suffer from a condition, we go to the doctor and ask for solutions. One medical condition is tinnitus, an odd disease that affects the inner ear, causing people to hear weird noises. Tinnitus 911 is one of the treatments for the tinnitus condition, which is available online. But, it is as good as its manufacturers claim? Let’s find out! About the Tinnitus condition Tinnitus is that sound in the ear that resembles a creeping noise. The sound can mimic sounds such as hum, clicks, whistles, or others similar. It occurs frequently and varies in severity, being just an annoying, disturbing symptom. Sometimes, however, weird noises might be caused by other things rather than tinnitus. So, if you hear odd sounds, you may need medical attention for your condition to be evaluated immediately. Tinnitus causes Tinnitus does not have a known direct cause. It can be a symptom of an ear infection, the presence of foreign bodies in the ears, and several more. A well condition known as the Meniere's disease that is the accumulation of fluids at the level of the inner ear channels causing dizziness and hearing loss. Also, alcohol, caffeine, and certain drugs are factors that can contribute in some cases of tinnitus. Symptoms of tinnitus include hearing sounds that mimic: buzzingclickswhistlesclatter Symptoms that may accompany tinnitus: ear leakage or secretiondizzinessearachefeverheadachealtered general condition, lethargyredness, local heat, and edema (swelling) About Tinnitus 911 CPS and its ingredients Tinnitus 911 is claimed to be an excellent cure for tinnitus, as its name suggests. Developed by Charlies Gaines, Tinnitus 911 improves brain activity and functions and also protects against other brain conditions. The ingredients in Tinnitus 911 CPS are: Hibiscus – Regulates blood pressureHawthorn berry – Improves nerve signal transmissionOlive leaves – Protects against bacterial infections at the sinuses levelNiacin – Relaxes the muscles in the ear and regulates blood flow in the inner ear cavityGarlic – Between the many other benefits of garlic, it's an excellent treatment for inner ear conditions, including infections, earaches, and so onBuchu leaves – Well-known anti-inflammatoryJuniper berries & Uva Ursi – Both have antiseptic proprieties and anti-inflammatoryGreen tea & Vitamin C – Both are excellent anti-oxidants and protect against cellular damage Judging on the ingredients contained in Tinnitus 911, we can state that this supplement is indeed effective on the tinnitus condition. Besides, it can also improve the cognitive function since it has anti-oxidants and blood pressure regulators. “With vitamins, minerals, and some of the world’s most sought-after ingredients, Tinnitus 911 is a natural treatment option that’s good for you, too. Every ingredient was carefully researched and hand-chosen by experienced experts,” Tinnitus 911 official site reads. How does Tinnitus 911 work? It works in five stages, each with its specific effects on the tinnitus condition and brain functions improvement. At first, Tinnitus 911 will restore your nervous system to its regular state. Secondly, it will strengthen your brain network and the communication between neural cells. In the third phase, the supplement will restore your cognitive functions. That could increase your memory and protect you against Alzheimer’s disease. Next, in the fourth phase, it will regenerate your neural cells, a fact that could help you boost your imagination and creativity. The fifth stage, and the last one, will cure tinnitus for good. From then on, you will never hear weird sounds caused by the condition. Tinnitus 911 CPS prices Tinnitus 911 costs as follows: 1 bottle - $69.952 bottles - $119.94 bottles - $199.80 You will 60 capsules per bottle. The producer’s recommendation is to take Tinnitus 911 twice a day. e stock photos from websites such as Getty Images and Masterfile. Tinnitus 911 has likely fabricated these success stories in an attempt to attract customers. Buy Tinnitus 911 Here
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Customer opinions on Tinnitus 911 At a quick overview on the Internet, we can see some mixed opinions on Tinnitus 911. Most of the people who used this supplement don’t complain about its effectiveness, but about its price, that is quite high, and its online-exclusive availability. On the other hand, there are people who stated that Tinnitus 911 did not help them cure tinnitus. But, each of us is unique and responds differently to the same cure. Tinnitus 911 pros and cons Pros: Apparently effective against tinnitusImproves brain functionsSafe product for everyone with tinnitus, regardless of their age100 percent natural ingredientsAvailable worldwide Cons: No offline availabilityNot recommended to pregnant women or minorsNo money-back guarantee, apparently Conclusions This supplement looks effective against tinnitus, a condition of the inner ear that causes people to hear different, odd noises, such as hum, clicks, whistles, or others similar. However, Tinnitus 911 CPS comes at a quite high price per bottle, something that might upset some consumers. Besides, there is no money-back guarantee, so, in case Tinnitus 911 doesn’t work for you, you cannot get a refund. Tinnitus 911 is recommendable, but we cannot guarantee its effectiveness since there are no clinical trials to back up this supplement. Judging only on its ingredients, Tinnitus 911 CPS looks a reliable product to cure tinnitus and improve brain functions. Read the full article
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davidlrichards · 5 years
Hydroxycut Black
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Will Hydroxycut Black cast your weight loss demons into the darkness? You will find out and also discover If it made it into the top 10 most potent weight loss supplements at the end of this article. But first Do you find weight loss annoying? — Always putting the weight back on. — Tired of feeling you may never get the body you want — Its not easy to sweat blood on the treadmill — Especially when your also having to give up basic food everyone else enjoys
I will reveal great options to boost energy and and give you a lift no matter what your circumstances. Unlike other websites we are not affiliated to Hydroxycut so you will get real objective information
You will also get quick overview of what all the other experts say. Yes all the science baby!
Hydroxycut Black is another dietary supplement that Hydroxycut has put on the market. Hydroxycut claims that it is the number #1 weight loss supplement brand in America. While all of its products are centered on weight loss, most feature 2 main ingredients that are stimulant based. The company makes the following claims but don’t they all? I give you the truth today 
Intense weight loss. 
Helps to elevate your metabolism. 
is backed up by scientific research.   
Hydroxycut is apparently formulated for people with an active lifestyle, especially for athletes  and active people, although we find it doubtful indeed that many athletes would use the supplement so it would seem more of a marketing ploy than anything. It is claimed to give you an extra boost of energy and increased mental focus. Its two main ingredients, caffeine and C. canephora robusta are present in nearly all the Hydroxycut range. You can learn how effective they are for weight loss in the ingredient section.
Hydroxycut black is a thermogenic product promoted to both men and women aiming to lose weight faster and who also want an energy boost. Compared to other products produced by Hydroxycut, Hydroxycut Black is said to offer you an enhanced energy, improved focus, and a sensory effect. Hydroxycut also promotes the product as having quick release tablets. There is absolutely no evidence that the tablets are quick release or that  means anything. In Fact many claims are made suggesting each supplement in the hydroxycut range offers you something unique. But can that be true when the main ingredients are virtually identical in all Hydroxycut supplements? Well to check if Hydroxycut got in the readers top 10 check out the product compare section at the bottom of the article.
According to limited studies C. canephora robusta helped people lose a limited amount of weight over a 2 month period in conjunction with a low calorie diet. But the claims are somewhat less exciting then presented by the company and we found clear evidence of fake reviews on the official website and on amazon. Check the science section further for round up of what scientific and medical sources say.
If you take a look at the reviews on the Hydroxycut website, Customers give either 4 or 5 stars positive reviews. But it is highly suspicious that there are hardly any negative reviews on the official website. Especially given the same hydroxycut black has less favourable reviews on Amazon.  It gets worse however because I have discovered blatant and widespread fake positive reviews on Amazon. If you want to avoid being scammed check it out here.
Hydroxycut has decided to plant and select fake positive reviews on the its official website.
Fake positive reviews on Amazon are rife but at least there are some real reviews Here are some of customer reviews from amazon considered most helpful. Kim wrote… “The first couple of days were fine till I had to up the pills from 1 2xs a day to 2 2xs a day my chest started hurting I felt sick had cold sweats had sharp pains in my chest my daughter called 911 turns out the caffeine was to much for me to handle put my blood pressure through the roof” L,fallis wrote.. “The side effects were not worth struggling through a month to see if it works. I tapped out after four days because the extreme acid reflux had me marathoning Tums, in addition to anxiety so bad it felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest…no. Just no. Lesson learned“ Amazon Customer wrote… “Does nothing. Waste of money. I don’t believe all the fake reviews.
But first i will reveal what the science has to say.
  The evidence from RCTs seems to indicate that the intake of GCE can promote weight loss. However, several caveats exist. The size of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance of this effect is uncertain. More rigorous trials with longer duration are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of GCE as a weight loss supplement.
The US National Library of medicine
    The most widely used study to promote green coffee the main ingredient of Hydroxycut was later retracted.
Chemistry Department, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, USA. Author
  The main study promoted on the “Hydroxycut” product website (published in a French journal and translated in English) is one of the three studies that was included in the meta-analysis. But, like the other studies, it does have some methodological queries surrounding not only the randomisation process but also the statistical analyses of the results.
    Overall, the current meta-analysis demonstrated that caffeine intake might promote weight, BMI and body fat reduction.
US National Library of medicine.
  Scientists from the University of Nottingham have discovered that drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate ‘brown fat’, the body’s own fat-fighting defenses, which could be the key to tackling obesity and diabetes.
    Caffeine is stimulant which can boost your metabolism but if consumed to late in the day may result in disturbed sleep. Disturbed sleep has been linked to weight gain in many studies.
US National Library OF Medicine
All Hydroxycut products have one common denominator, its key ingredient is C. canephora robusta (green coffee extract). Coffee beans are green until roasted. In their green form they contain a high content of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is the compound most believe acts on your body to help you lose weight. So in fact the 2 main ingredients in Hydroxycut are Chlorogenic acid and caffeine. The other Ingredients are normally token in that they are not at a high enough dosage to be effective. Here is what medicalnewstoday.com had to say about chlorogenic acid
“studies (in mice and rats) have shown that chlorogenic acid can reduce body weight, reduce fat absorbed from the diet, reduce fat stored in the liver and improve the function of the fat burning hormone adiponectin”
Caffeine anhydrous  – Believed to help your body’s ability to metabolize fat and utilize it as a fuel source and can also enhance your focus. Each pill has 100mg of caffeine. An average 8oz cup of coffee ranges from 95-16mg, an 8oz cola has between 24-46mg.
Purslane extract – is one source of vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. 
Alpha lipoic acid – is a fatty acid found in mitochondria that also plays a role in energy metabolism. 
Black caraway extract – which has also been used by our ancestors for medicinal purposes. 
Furthermore, Hydroxycut Black also has the following ingredients, Yohimbe extract, Maitake mushroom extract, Chicory Extract, Glycerine, Capsule (Hypromellose, FD&C Red No. 40) and Water. To compare the ingredients of all the hydroxycut products side by side go here.
For individuals who are caffeine sensitive, take note that most Hydroxycut has large doses in most of its supplements. To discover the more potent non stimulant alternatives check compare section further down the page. Side effects of caffeine often include nervousness, increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, and difficulty sleeping. 
There are many reports of side effects so it’s best that you become aware of the following health problems: 
Cardiovascular problems
Seizures, etc
In terms of its daily intake, you are to take one serving (two liquid capsules) twice a day. It’s best that you take it 30 or 60 minutes before your two large meals each day. You must not exceed 4 capsules in a period of  24 hours. For you to have an optimal results…. it is recommended that you take it for 60 days and combine it with a low-calorie diet and exercise according to the official website. As directed on the label, you are to take 1 capsule, twice a day during your Day 1 to Day 3. From the 4th day onward you are told to take 2 capsules twice a day. Keep in mind that you must not exceed the recommended serving per day especially in the evening because these are stimulant based fat burners. 
You must not combine the Hydroxycut Black product with other products containing caffeine or stimulants. In addition, this is not for individuals who are below 18 years old. Also, pregnant and/or nursing females are also not advised to take this product. 
You can buy Hydroxycut Black directly on the following websites and the price for one bottle is $30.99.
Vitamine Shoppe 
We are not Impressed! Hydroxycut will only give you a refund if you return the bottle unopened in its original packaging within 30 days. Many other suppliers like Havasu who sell apple cider vinegar offer a 60 day no questions asked guarantee.
Hydroxycut claims to be one of the leading dietary supplements in the US.  It may heighten your focus and metabolism with the use of caffeine. However those effects are normally short lived and your body will develop a tolerance.  Complaints about nervousness, difficulty sleeping  and palpitations are common place. More serious side effects may include jaundice, cardiovascular problems, and panic attacks. Hydroxycut Black is the 5th most popular hydroxycut product but no hydroxycut even made the top 3 go here to see the quick view compare table.
Hydroxycut Black really isn’t really isn’t the wonder supplement it purports to be. Poor customer feedback is common, Science puts a sledge hammer to the claims made by the company and amazon reviews are littered with fake positive reviews.
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