mysticalunknownflower · 7 months
Thursday 070324- Doors, flowers, reviews, gratitude and more
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frameofchiku · 2 years
Am I worthy:
I’ve struggled with with question… for a long time. I still do, just not as often. I know there are others that feel this way. That doesn’t make me feel better about it.
It’s not until the great society shift that I realized how impactful my childhood was.
Imagine being reminded, repeatedly that your opinion does not matter, your wants do not matter. They have no jurisdiction in your home, where you live with the folks you didn’t choose.
Yes, they did the best they could. This I know.
Is it a blessing to come from an environment like this?
It can be. It’s all about how it’s viewed.
It’s tough to share my story. I’m not looking to bring the “I’m the hero and my caregivers are the villains…”
I’d like to let others know by sharing their story it can help them heal. It can also help others work on embracing the mindset of thriving instead of being a victim.
There’s so much we have control over in our story. It’s just that when someone has been driving for so long, and they give you the wheel, it’s kinda difficult to learn how to drive.
There’s still hope.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
The energetic journey.
From a young age I realized the travel of energy. 
I grew up in a home with people that, let’s just say didn’t have the best ways of dealing with their pain and development. Not that I was looking for perfection. That is non-existent. I was looking for ownership and understanding. Growing up in a place where people did not take the time to understand the depths of their anger and the depths of their joy and gratitude transferred itself to me as ignoring my ability to feel. My emotions were disregarded, questions ridiculed.  Therefore, for my personality type it created a sense of distrust not only for the people around me, but also towards myself. 
For some personality types, growing up in environments like this can create a cage where trust is not something developed in emotion but developed in material items or developed in behaviors of sacrifice rather than connections of the soul which lead to emotional understanding. Who am I to say that one is better than the other...everything works differently for different people. 
For me, I desire and thrive off of emotional connection. When we question our behavior and how we developed we can better see what is serving to us and what isn’t, we can take the time to move towards or move away from something that doesn’t serve our development and cause. 
I share this to say, that energy is transferable. It takes someone that is not trying to prove their worth, or prove anything to allow it to pass through them and to not use it to take action in the same way it was shared. 
1. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you feel the emotion of anger. You speed up to see who it was and “flip them the bird”, this person does it back to you and speeds off...
2. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you feel the emotion of anger. You breathe, and realize that although you are angered by their behavior, you do nothing and continue about your day. 
This example can be used for many scenarios. However, these two moments are filled with choices. We all have the ones we make that we are aware of and the ones we know we do, but we do them....why?
That’s the difference. 
If we continue to pass on the energy, it will come back to us. The energy = emotions. 
Acts of kindness, acts of anger, acts of doubt, acts of joy. These are ACTions. 
So today, be aware of your ACTions. 
What is the result I desire? Why?
Why do I desire a result?
Why is there a result?
One of the greatest powers we forget we have, is the power of free will. 
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raeleighbaby · 3 years
Blogpost day 6
Dream job? A psychologist, this was my goal as a child, and it still is to this day. 
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mother0fpandas · 3 years
Escapril day 4: ghost
In a sacred space I visit, familiarity illuminates the daze that used to be. In stillness, recollecting the madness of gone days; some hazy, some blinding, some cheerful and some sweetly vibrant. And those mostly blacked out from memories reel, though partially, are moments I recoil to feel—remnants of a former hell. When everything I touched turned to dust, and the only way out was up. Up…
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caligeek4lgbtq · 5 years
April Blog a Day 4: Listen
I think I'm a pretty good listener, I really like to hear how someone's day was and talk about mine, but I have a hard time finding someone to listen and chat with me 😖
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2. Dreams
I'm behind. Terribly, as usual. But I'm determined to stick with this blog prompt thing even if it means I write 4 or 5 in one day.
As far as I can remember, my dreams have always been strange. Like.. as a kid I dreamt of the next day,and it strangely was very accurate even when I didn't do what I had done in my dream, the result would be the same.
At least, at 8 and 9 it was just dreams and I mostly just brushed them off, rare occasions I would write about them in my diary. Looking back now, it's unsettling.
My teenage years began the really weird reoccurring dreams that wouldn't go away. Every single strange and surreal thing that happened in the dream happened the same way for most of my teenage life ..until about 17, when my dreams morphed into a monochromatic third person view. I couldn't see faces in the dreams I had then. And generally speaking, the dreams always had some old time movie feel ... Like the black and white parts of wizard of Oz...except with a splash of color. Sometimes only the people were black and white while the surrounding area was Technicolor.
In my 20s and 30s dreams became a luxury. I rarely remember dreaming during that time, and the dreams I did have were enough that I would often write them down. I have a thing about dreams, and I'm always trying to find the meaning behind why my brain behaves the way it does. I wish I remembered more of my dreams.
After my overdose last year, sleep has been a strange activity for me. Like, some days I feel like I can go days and days without sleep. Others, I can't sleep enough. For almost 6months after, I ran on 36 hour days. Never sleeping at the same time of day, never really dreaming, let alone moving during my sleep.it was like I straight disconnected from life.
Now, if I have the option of remembering a dream, the for some reason I am supposed to get something from it... But, most of the time the rare ones I do recall are completely ridiculous.
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dagneyrobertson · 6 years
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She promises light, wisdom and perspective.
December blog a day, day four.
Six word poem.
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patbertram · 2 years
Daily Blogging
I’m starting to rethink this whole blogging thing, especially daily blogging, and that’s not a bad thing. Next week will be the fifteenth anniversary of when I started this blog. I’d read how important blogging was for authors, both as a way of getting known and as a way of connecting with readers, so even though I had no idea what a blog was, wasn’t yet published, had nothing to say, I jumped…
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haraldwithtwoehs · 6 years
Blog a Day
13. What gives you confidence?
I need to have done something at least once before I have anything other than anxiety about it. If I have to do something important I’ll practice it once (preferably in private with no observers who might criticize :).
I hate winging it ...
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visualsymphony · 6 years
June 25.
25. Pet photos and stories. Childhood pets. Favorite pet. Current pet. All the animals. (Photos!)
I've always had pets. My family has always had pets.  We had dogs, cats, horses, and at some point even chickens. Currently I have three dogs and three cats (one is technically mine, the other two are my daughter's).  My dogs are two geriatric old farts who just sleep, potty and eat, and occasionally come around for a pat and some affection, and one female puppy, who is 10 months old and a challenge all the way.
Let me tell you about them all. 
Gizmo -- he is my daughter's cat, primarily, though I love and adore this cat to pieces.  He is a good cat. He's big, cuddly and intimidating to the point of comedy.  He tries to be intimidating.  He's a sweetheart for real and very terrified of Thunderstorms. He got his name because as a kitten he looked like a Mogwai.
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Miss Kitty-  She's a year older than Giz, and they ended up mating as I was too slow to get her spayed and didn't think a kitten under 10 months old could or would nail her.  Gizmo proved me wrong.  Miss Kitty is temperamental at best. She will look at me and knock my crystal stems off the shelf and casually lick her paw like "Was that a problem for you?"  She tends not to be very friendly to strangers, but she is very affectionate with my grandkids, my daughter and myself.  She actually has to kiss my cheek goodnight every night before she goes to bed at my side.  She is also quirky in that she loves baths and will get in the tub with any unsuspecting person who allows her in the bathroom during a bath. She got her name because we couldn't decide on a name and kept calling her Kitty.. then it became Miss Kitty.
She also has a thing for sitting on tops of open doors... 
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Boo-  (technically Boo Bear)  She's a very tiny calico, the offspring of Miss Kitty and Gizmo.  Boo is SUPER affectionate, but only to her person (my daughter) which is apparently typical for Calicos. She can be skittish with strangers though and she is pretty finicky towards other cats. She avoids children at all costs and generally avoids most people other than my daughter, though she tends to sleep on my bed.  
She has been bullied by the other cats which has changed her personality some, and she’s become less friendly and more skittish. I can’t seem to get the others to quit bullying her. She too loves water, like her momma.   This photo does not do her justice but she’s hard to get pics of.
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Brutus -- He is my old man. Born 14 years ago, I've had him since Pre-Katrina New Orleans.   He is now nearly blind, mostly deaf and walks with a limp from a past injury when he fell down some stairs he wasn't supposed to be climbing in the first place and broke his leg.   He's the 'alpha' of our pack.. setting the other two straight as needed.  He does on occasion surprise us and do a run through the yard and play like a puppy, but then immediately crashes hard.  He mostly sleeps these days.
He’s extremely loyal, loves my grandkids and kids.  He will be missed when he crosses the Rainbow Bridge. 
Recently he made our local news in the police report by running off... blind deaf dog at large.  :)
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Carlos-  He's my little chihuahua. Nickname is Chachi.  He was a rescue from some people who lived down the street. They would allow their children to beat on him, kick him, their other dogs to attack him. He has scars on his face, is missing teeth, and when my ex wife implored them to let her have him, they gave him up without a care.  When I first tried to introduce myself to him, he bit me. It took some time to make up to him, but once he did, he became my dog.  When she moved out, she took him with her, but he kept running away to my house so she finally just gave him to me. He is generally shy, and takes a long time to make up to someone, but once he makes up to someone he loves them forever.  He is also our little mediator.  When the cats fight he gets in between them and breaks them up.  
I think he’s confused. Sometimes he thinks he’s a cat, and I’ve caught him using the litter box.  He’s full of character for sure.
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And last but certainly not least is Jules.  Jules is 10 months old now.  She's a lab/ boxer/ mastiff mix.  Her mother was a golden lab, her father was a mix of Boxer and Mastiff.  She has the colouring of her father, but no brindle like he had.  She had a wide face and stocky stance. She is hyper like a boxer, bouncing off furniture, walls, etc,... doing a wild ass run from one end of the house to the next without warning. She's always smiling.   She's got the lab nose.. and is often nose to the ground sniffing out something. She also got the lab jumping.. can't keep her in a fence. She jumps over it. And the mastiff in her comes out when she's being protective.  She gets this stance... squares up, and head up, ears up and her neck bristles.  She has a menacing deep throaty bark, and when she's warning you she huffs.
She's affectionate and all wiggles though and I've never seen her get agressive except over food.  She's the pup, the young one, and the one that one day will accompany me on road trips across the country.
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mysticalunknownflower · 7 months
Friday Fictioneers 24.02.24- Change of Plans
The photo prompt for this week’s Friday Fictioneers is an old wagon used in the early days. For some reason, I almost missed seeing the challenge but here I am, just in time. PHOTO PROMPT © Alicia Jamtaas "What’s that?" Aaron asked, crinkling his eyes. "A wagon,” Jennie replied, patiently. "Where’s the engine? And what about the cover?" his friend continued the barrage. "Did we come all this…
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frameofchiku · 2 years
Outwitting the devil:
A phenomenal read by Napoleon Hill! This book was recommended by a friend to read and at first… I was excited, maybe anxious… (where’s Brené Brown?) to read this. It was sold to me as something to be reflect on, to be in a state of awareness. Openness.
Here’s the thing… there are things I knew prior to reading this book and… man, Mr. Hill has a way with words that I highly appreciate.. the deep feeling of realization caused huge reflection and awareness in me to even realize that my awareness itself had levels.
I rather not say too much but I highly recommend this book especially if you struggle with procrastination, anxiety… depression.
It’s one of those things where you can’t unsee it once you see it.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Don’t discount your greatness:
We all have things we love to do, or enjoy.
Sometimes we think it’s “no biggie”.
I met a man that carved animals out of wood as a hobby.. these things looked like they came out of an art store, they were gorgeous!
He was like, “Yeah, it’s just a hobby…”
I met a man that didn’t see himself as an artist.
I thought his art was gorgeous, but… he was like… “Thanks..”
I thought that my obsession in habit forming and purpose was just… “average”… like, “So what? There are so many speakers out there…”
People would compliment my voice…
“Thank you, but I hear it everyday..”
We look at our greatness sometimes as average or uninteresting.. but this could be one of the majorly unique things about us that make us, us.
When someone compliments you, don’t question it… accept it and don’t take it personally (They’re just showing appreciation, acknowledgement).
It is what it is… it’s a compliment.
You should know and study your greatness.
You’re unique. Be great.
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raeleighbaby · 3 years
Blogpost day 5
Favorite food, and why?
Pasta, I’ve always liked what I could do when making pasta. You can mix it with almost anything, and it’s always delicious. 
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disneywifelife · 7 years
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If your looking for a blog planning ideas for your bullet journal!
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