#Blighton Dolla
popfizzles · 1 year
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I finally got around to making references for my four Blighton guys (in time for ArtFight)!!
i love these dudes and if you have any questions regarding them i'd love to answer :)x
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dreambones · 1 year
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Revenge Attack for @popfizzles !
The attack on ArtFight
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popfizzles · 1 year
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I'm pretty sure these are the last character images I'll have finished before ArtFight starts so!!
some chibis of the blighton crew :)x
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popfizzles · 1 year
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stumbled across this WIP of Dolla, Rue, and Mort that I never got around to cleaning, [the prompt is from this art meme]
happy pride love wins
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popfizzles · 1 year
I wanna know more about Rue, Dolla, Tibi and Mort hobbies / favorite pastimes! Pretty please, I love em all
Rue is sort of a social chameleon, who adapts and changes to fit in with whoever she hangs out with. If you wanna go outside, she wants to go outside! If you want to chill and watch a movie, she wants to chill and watch a movie. Though, this leads her to having trouble finding a real identity for herself. When left alone, she has issues finding ways to entertain herself or doing things she truly likes to do. Despite this, she's found that she likes to write, and she keeps a journal at her bedside!
Mort is more of a hands-on guy, and he loves to go out to do things with people he likes! He's not exactly the stereotypical "party boy", but he wouldn't turn down a social drink or three. He strikes me as the kind to like video games. Though, Mort is kind of particular with the places he'd hang out or the games he'd play. He has a certain aversion to flashing lights, and sudden loud noises. <:)
Dolla is more reserved in the things she likes to do. She's the type to relax at home, binge-watch shows, and just sit in comfortable silence with others. She really likes tending for plants (for what I assume are obvious reasons)! Dolla also has a small history with stress baking, so if she suddenly shows up with lots of cookies one day, that's why.
Tibi looks really scholarly and well-read, and even in her voice, he sounds well-put together and responsible. They also have quite the large library of books! But it's mostly for appearances, and she's more of a collector than anything--the concept of antiquing is really appealing to him. Also, Tibi first bonded with Dolla over a shared love for plant husbandry! :) They do love roses, after all.
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popfizzles · 2 years
Do you have a favourite oc that you've adopted??
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It's easy to forget because you don't tend to see art of adopted characters (at least in my experience), but both of these two are actually purchased designs! I love them both very much and can't imagine them in someone else's hands...
Boba from @adreamaredoodle, and Dolla from @trapdoornumberthree!!!
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popfizzles · 1 year
📂📂📂📂 all of blighton please and thank you- i absolutely love them
Rue has a sweet tooth!
When Tibi was a human, they were lactose-intolerant.
Mort's full name is Morton Deasy.
Dolla likes burning scented candles and incense!! Smoke is comforting to her as well.
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popfizzles · 1 year
I love the Blighton crew!! 💕 I’m curious about what everyone’s love languages are?
Rue loves physical touch, she'll hug and hold hands pretty much anyone she feels safe with! You'll often see her with an arm hooked around Tibi's elbow, her arms around Mort's shoulders, or her hand in Dolla's. Any opportunity she gets to show physical affection, she will!
Tibi prefers words of affirmation, receiving compliments on his clothes or telling them that the work she does is great. Tibi also loves giving those compliments back! They will never hesitate to tell Rue, Mort and Dolla how much she loves them, or giving them advice when they need it.
Mort values quality time with his friends above all else. Going out to restaurants, hanging out at parks, or even just going on a walk to the corner store to pick up a bag of chips is nice; as long as he gets to do it with you. His favorite activities include going grocery shopping with Rue, loitering with Tibi, and relaxing with Dolla at her place.
Dolla loves giving and receiving gifts!! Nothing feels more personal to her than looking at a little trinket, thinking of one of her friends, and then surprising them with it! Rue, Tibi, and Mort all started to accumulate small decorations in their homes after meeting Dolla. :)
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popfizzles · 1 year
throwing a question in here. which blighton characters drink coffee?
I think Rue enjoys nice coffees!!! She strikes me as the type to have a frappuccino order memorized :) Mort doesn't go out of his way to drink coffee (he's more of a soda or energy drink guy) but he wouldn't say no to being offered a cup.
Dolla prefers flavored iced teas, and Tibi can't really drink anything anyway.
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popfizzles · 1 year
I am not very familiar with blighton lore; are those four characters in a polygamous relationship, or are they friends who are all polyamorous? or something else?
I like to think they're all definitely in a relationship but in what ways exactly is difficult to define (simply because I haven't quite written much of their story).
They ARE all friends and they DO love each other very much. I Do think they're all in a polyamorous relationship, but the specific labels between each pair is a bit blurred or undefined at the moment.
I try not to think too hard about it. :) I doubt they do !
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popfizzles · 1 year
How did the Blighton guys meet?
It starts when Rue moves to Blighton (by request of her father)!
She meets Tibi through living nearby and interacting in passing; bumping into each other at the grocers or hanging out at the same coffeehouse and bars. They eventually saw so much of each other that they started recognizing each other and hanging out.
Tibi introduced Rue to Mort, and made easy friends! Mort is a couch-hopper and a drifter who hangs around Tibi and soon started dropping by Rue's place to hang out as well. They made a trio for a while, hanging out and having little domestic misfit adventures.
Then Rue met Dolla (likely keeping to herself at a party or sitting alone at a restaurant) and introduced her to the others. Think along the lines of an extrovert adopting an introvert! Dolla fit in just fine with Tibi and Mort, and now they're all friends :)
I want their story to be a cute slice-of-life that takes place in a Halloween Town where everyone just happens to be spooky monsters. They strike me as college-age or young adults just trying to make it through the week and whatever things they have to experience living in Blighton.
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popfizzles · 1 year
For the folder ask meme, do you want peole to send characters/fandoms/whatnot along with them? If so, could we get a list of what groups of ocs/fandoms youre more interested in at the moment <:) ?
Oh, thank you for asking!!! <:)
Um!! I guess I'm sort of trying to get myself hyped for ArtFight, so I'll list the characters I have listed this year!! Please feel free to send asks regarding any of these characters or the worlds associated with them!
My Blogsonas;
My two Cuphead sonas;
Boba T.
My Pokemon sona;
Fitz (and his emotional support Gengar, Boo)
My two Tavern Crawlers;
My four Neopets;
Mickey Nick
And my four Blighton guys;
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popfizzles · 2 years
Question, do you have any polyam characters?
[Rose Fizz Cookie] is my Cookie Run self-insert, they have their own RP blog: @rosy-champagne
My four protags for my original story Blighton; Dolla, Mort, Rue, and Tibi; [this is their tag on Toyhouse] are pretty much in an unplanned polycule,
[And my four Neopets] are in a polycule.
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popfizzles · 2 years
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Haven’t answered one of these in a while!
Dolla is a dullahan; or more commonly known, a headless horseman.
Dolla has lived in Blighton her entire life--as opposed to others who lived elsewhere and came to Blighton after becoming undead like Mort and Tibi. As a dullahan, she has psychopomp-like tendencies, talking with and helping others come to terms with their new lives in Blighton (She’s actually a licensed psychologist)!
Since she’s a dullahan, her head can be completely removed, and placed elsewhere while her body continues to move with no disconnect. A bright white fire burns within her, and escapes through the hole in her neck. You’ll notice that when her head is off, she has no tongue! That’s because her tongue is actually her neck flame!
also she's irish american because dullahan are irish fae but the headless horseman is an american myth :)
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popfizzles · 2 years
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popfizzles · 2 years
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When it comes to food, Rue is ironically the most quote unquote “human”. She still eats to survive and her biology is way more human compared to the others!
Dolla needs to eat to survive too, but less in a “nutrients” sort of way, and more in a “keep the fire inside her stoked” way. She prefers to eat actual food, but can also eat things like sticks or leaves to keep that fire burning from her neck alive.
Mort doesn’t need to eat or sleep (he’s already dead, so there’s no point). But he likes to eat! He does so out of familiar comfort, and food is tasty anyway. Food gets dissolved into the rest of his floaty ghost body. You can write it off as something like ectoplasm or wisps or something.
Tibi can’t eat, there’s nowhere for the food to go. It’d just fall down through his chest and Tibi would never ruin the inside of her outfit like that. But it’s okay because they never feel hungry or want to eat! Sometimes, they carry around a can or a cup to feel included in social drinking, but there’s nothing ever in it.
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