#Blessings upon u OP
voiceofsword · 2 years
every1 that voted rinne as worst husband is so wrong... its literally canon that he cares SO much and fakes his insane persona hes just awkward and embarassed when he gets noticed
i have so many things i can say about this but im really bad at words but theyre stewing around in my brain explodes
what were your thoughts?
i do agree with the ones that mention niki haha those are true rinne is absolutely smitten but the ones that say its like. because hes rinne amagi. and others thay were probably filtered out by the OP... people that either didnt read the main story or just dont want to look further lmao
(cracking my fingers) okay. this may or may not be long. i fear you have struck a bit of a nerve with this (NOT YOU but just as like. a general statement. i feel like u dont know what ur asking. but that is ok)
this whole thing might seem really aggressive at times bc this situation did get me a little heated... plz keep that in mind going in! AGAIN IM NOT ANGRY AT YOU ANON ILY AND THANK YOU FOR ASKING you just happened to ask abt smth i feel very sourly about – not the poll itself but the answers to it – but i tried to be as. tactful as i possibly can while talking abt this
overall im very disappointed in a lot of the answers given for the voting so ive stayed off twitter almost all day today and yesterday. i fear like with stuff like this a very silent population of eng side shines through, the one that specifically Doesnt actually engage with the story and goes off fanon interpretation. look, im not saying its necessarily a bad thing. but when it comes to stuff like this, where people grossly mischaracterize a grand majority of charas or narrow them down to be the butt of a joke, or use it as an excuse to be plain racist/ableist, i feel like people really need to reassess where all of this is coming from. like. not rinne, but KANAME couldnt even be included because the answers used for his votes were, in their majority, apparently ableist, and op (definitely in the right, i think this was the right choice to make) chose not to post at all because they feared the qrts would be just as bad. because for some reason people seem to think that because they're fictional characters that being ableist is somehow ok, that saying they would "pull the plug" on charas like him and eichi is fine because theyre not real people – as if there werent disabled or chronically ill people in this fandom, in every fandom, or hell, around you?
and lets not mention tatsumi and people blatantly misinterpreting his christianity as something he would force upon others – first of all, western christianity does not apply to tatsumi. at all. i understand that people might find it easy to just associate him with that and make "haha, he would make me convert" or "haha he would be a homophobe" quips, and obviously its not necessary to have extensive knowledge on kirishitan history in japan and how they are, to this day, a minority that was persecuted for a lot of japan's modern history. LIKE, EVEN FROM HIS DIALOGUE IN ANY STORY.. when has he given off that impression? cite your sources, he's literally one of the most inclusive and accepting charas in the whole cast! not a prejudiced white christian middle aged mom...
i think that if you absolutely must reduce a character to tasteless jokes, stereotypes that arent even funny to begin with, and you refuse to even read the source content at all to correct yourself, you really need to think about how you engage with any media, not just enstars. if you want to look at the pretty characters just say that! but dont be like this, and don’t speak on things you don’t fully understand as if you did just to make a point or be funny! 
OKAY RINNE SORRY LOL i hate it. i hated all of it and judging by the ratio many people seemed to dislike it as well (god bless!). if you havent seen it i wont link it bc tbf i dont feel like looking at it again (peace and love) but the answers summed up are like "oh he would steal my money" "hes selfish and would take stuff from me and not gaf about my wellbeing" "hes married to niki already" the last one being the only one i agree with. and it makes me think about a lot of issues with how a good portion of the fandom sees rinne. ive seen a lot of people read rinne in bad faith, regardless of whether theyve read main story, hot limit or any story rinne is in. and i dont get it, genuinely. YES he can be upsetting! he can be an asshole, he can be rude, he DOES steal money from niki! but these people neglect to see or mention that he gives it back and then some. they fail to talk about how he spends a lot of his time trying to make niki see his self worth!! since hiiro was BORN he's been trying to get him to understand that he's deserving of love!! that YES he can be a dick but ultimately treats crazy:b and his friends with love and wants what's best for them! these are the same ppl that think he's abusive or something idk i can only assume. like yeah rinne has a carefully crafted persona where hes a complete dickhead and ig some players cant really bother to see past that act
unfortunately rinne himself is built on a few harmful stereotypes of ainu culture irt the drinking, being portrayed or viewed as more 'uncouth' by other characters, etc which is why the initial more explicit ties to ainu culture were removed altogether from his and hiiros design and background. it is understandable, which is for example why it's not really my place to say whether he can be interpreted as ainu or not, and even so, i try not to rely on those aspects of him because it still veers into sensitive territory. and its an unfortunate part of his character, but undeniably, rinne amagi DOES drink, (he's one of the only characters in main cast of drinking age anyway) does partake in harmful behaviors, but fsr suddenly that means hes nothing but a drunkard, to a lot of people. when reading rinne you really have to take these things and ofc, consider that theyre relevant to his character, but it's not all there is...? in the slightest..? there used to be a tweet thread explaining this link further but it's either been taken down or the account has been locked. either way, just a bit of googling goes a long way. i'd rather not go into too much detail here because i don't feel informed enough beyond pointing these issues out, and i personally feel like it's not really my place. if anybody wants to add onto this post to cite more specific sources please feel free
he's such a fun loving, cunning, caring guy who helps people get jobs (dance of the white tiger), who volunteers to play with kids at a daycare (asobi), and wishes so badly to become an idol and grant everyone the same opportunities if theyd like to be, as well (main story, sudden death SUDDEN DEATH IS MY FAV STORY AFTER HL BUT THE TL IS DOWN....SORRY. but i really really think it's one of the most important ones when it comes to rinne's character and motivations. also if u can read it in app it's even better bc it's voiced and theres a line where he's like "oh this guy's [niki] is engaged to me" when talking to kohaku's sister AND HE SOUNDS FULLY SERIOUS TOO....)
don't get me started on people who dumb him down as if he wasn't one of the most clever characters in the game. and unknowingly, people that continue to make rinne's character out to simply be a gambling flirty drunkard who doesn't know how to control himself, as if there weren't other facets of him – they lean into stereotypes, bordering on racism, even if its not malicious or theyre not aware. and it makes me so sad. a lot of the time these interpretations are spread around and then liking characters like him becomes some sort of moral debate, esp in current fandom (which is one of the reasons i think this stereotyping? happens? b/c ive found that fandom sometimes has the tendency of grabbing characters and mischaracterizing them so BADLY that liking them makes you a bad person..? not necessarily villains either! i promise it's okay to just dislike characters without making stuff up!)
that aside also suggesting he'd be an awful, neglectful spouse is simply incorrect. i very firmly believe that if rinne is devoted, he will drop every vice, every pretense, to make the other person happy. he's Like That in the story and towards niki because they keep tiptoeing around the subject but the second he gets an inner monologue, or is truly being genuine, you can tell he would do anything for him, if niki would just let him. to say that rinne isn't capable of being a good partner because he'll treat you badly or not care about you just proves to me that you're not reading any scene he is actually in. if rinne loves you, romantic or not, he will go big or go home. read hot limit btw
im not about to pull the story caps out no wait yes i am lol rinniki4ever ✌️
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these arent in order bc i had to scroll up like 2k pictures because i take caps of this game every time i blink. i was considering adding hiiro caps, to show his dedication to him as well, but given that this is for like a marriage poll id rather not. either way he cares about his family and loved ones a lot. read chapter 155 if you want to know the exact scene i was thinking about/referring to while typing this
um ok (breathes out) im fine now. theres things i didnt address because it's 1 am and i want to go to sleep. congrats kuro on getting #1 most marriageable tho u deserve it KURO NUMERO 1 CAMPEAO DO MUNDO 💯💯💯🔥
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cyancherub · 2 years
hi i just finished wyws and j,,, blessings upon blessings op like take all the time you need for pt 5 i gotta take a second after 4 LMFAOO
IMM CRYING FLKGDLKGD thank u I AM SO GLAD U LIKED IT HELLOO,,, pls i love writing horror so much wyws is my baby i have to get back to it sometime ,, but YEAHHHH THAT FIC IS CRAZY INTENSE .. THANK U SO MUCH FOR READING <333
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cataphonics · 1 year
OC - Max Part 3
He is born...
It all starts with an accident. Max Wellington falls into the bucket after having his show broken in a battle and when walking home, stumble upon the bucket and seeing a bunch of people there, praying, and he decides to investigate it. As he is climbing it to see what is on the inside, he falls into it. When he falls into the liquid, his body dissolves instantly by the magic. For some reason (Balancing), his nerves and brain were still intact.
This leads to a reaction as the people praying there meant that the god of a saviour's presence was also there, still without a form. But when Max falls into it, the god decides for whatever reason (Balancing) to incubate there.
This causes the s u c k i n g to begin with sucking in all of the magic in the bucket and begining to pull the bucket in to itself. The magic is compressed into the form that the god shall take under the influence of Max's bodyshape from his nerves. The bucket crushes the form and becomes it's skin.
The soul of the god of a saviour, the mind of Max Wellington and the body of a near indestructible relic.
When our Lord and Savior, Max, was born, twelve angels are said to have appeared above him to greet him, their angelic presence dazzling the night sky with a beautiful brightness. With their magnificent wings and calm expressions, the celestial creatures lavished their divine blessings on Max, announcing his coming as a harbinger of hope and salvation for all humanity. This amazing occurrence signaled the start of an exceptional journey in which Max, guided by the heavenly presence and embraced by unshakeable faith, would lead the world to a future filled with compassion, knowledge, and eternal love.
P.S I know that he is OP but he isn't really meant to be a charatcer. He is more of a histroical and theological charatcer that others will talk about.
Part 4 will talk about Max himself...
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1eos · 2 years
Bro OP HAS TO BE WHITE. My country has a dengue epidemic every year that kills so many people. I've had malaria 3 times as a child and its not fun!!! It can kill you!!! Mosquitos are bad bad bad and OP has to be joking. Right??? Because white people can't possible be that deranged with their animal rights bs, right? Good lord I hope OP never comes to my country because they'd cry if they saw mosquito killing measures that we carry out in summer. (OH WAIT I JUST REALISED, IS OP SAYING ITS DERANGED TO LEAVE A STAIN ON YOUR Wall??? Sorry english isn't my first language!) Anyways have a great day, and I wish you many Leo's in this final week of Ramadan!
the way i didn’t wanna assume they were right but y’all are right…like only a white person would be so obtuse over why ppl hate mosquitos. nd im so sorry to hear abt u getting malaria three times omg :(((( but that proves everyone’s point like thee moment its not an issue for white ppl they can’t imagine it being a problem for them. like regardless of where you live if you have a booming mosquito population the risk of getting something they carry is HIGH. after a really bad hurricane season here we had just a crazy abt of mosquitoes nd saurrrrr many ppl were getting sick from bites nd here u are complaining that they WON’T bite you?????????? itz just tone deaf luv. nd i told adrian it’s fine (even tho i have a bug phobia so i will never get it) to like insects but if you’re really so knowledgable about your little guys 🤪 you’d understand that they aren’t actually harmless lmao. like just use your brain
anyways dw about your englishhhhh you’re fineee. and thank you i hope you have a good day too nd thank you for manifesting today’s deluge of leos like…..you really rained down ramadan blessings upon me…icon!
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
If you're feeling up to blessing us with some constellation name translations here, I'd love to read them 👀
no pressure though, just if you really want to! Please don#t feel obligated or something, especially since you said the translations would be so long-
;))) i am sure that one day i will impulsively do smth like that because translation is smth i do as a hobby anyway
i was actually doing to translate hu tao's on the last post, but apparently the chinese fandom is a bit divided on how to interpret them as well! her entire constellation set sounds like a poem (or lines from poems), but there is no known poetry that corresponds.
here i'll just list a few interpretations that i found and that i personally think make sense:
source 1:
c1: 赤��开时斜飞去
赤团, or 'red ball', refers to a flower. the general consensus seems to be that it's red spider lily (lycoris radiata). there is, however, considerable divide on this since hu tao's signature is plum blossom (her eyes, the mark she leaves on enemies, heck even the flowers on her hat).
but first off, plum blossoms do not bunch up in a ball, and more imporantly, the japanese banner's name was 彼岸满开 (lit. fully blooming on the opposite shore) where 彼岸花 is another name for the red spider lily. traditionally, the red spider lily is seen as a sign of death and bad luck, which segues us very nicely into the next topic.
斜飞去 means 'flies [there] diagonally', but OP did some research and found that in feng-shui, there's talks of 斜飞去水 (outgoing water flying diagonally). for outgoing water (water flowing away from you) that flies diagonally, that's apparently a sign of very very bad luck.
consolidating, the phrase means 'when the red spider lilies bloom, [water] flies out diagonally'. in direct wording, when the red spider lilies bloom, you're gonna have SUPER bad luck!
considering the effects of hu tao's c1:
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where guide to afterlife is her E skill that can proc the blood blossom effect:
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it means that hu tao has unlimited charged attacks and unlimited 'red ball flowers' and the enemies are gonna have super bad luck!
and yes, we know that the blood blossom flower is a plum blossom, which we've ruled out as the 'red ball flower' above, but i personally think that 'red ball flowers' is plum blossoms. why? well, red plum blossoms on snow is a very poetic and often-used way of describing bloodstains on snow, so i think it makes sense. it makes even more sense to me when considering hu tao's motif of plum blossoms hahaha, but i do respect OP's theory.
c2: 最不安神晴又复雨
now this one's pretty obvious. literally, it means 'very restless/disturbed in spirit, the sky is clear then rains again'.
this can be interpreted as 'crying once again', and we can imagine that, when attending a close friend or family's funeral, you can't help but cry once more as you mourn them (assuming you've already cried at least once before, probably upon hearing the news).
and we all know that hu tao is the funeral director hAHAHA.
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OP didn't mention anything about the effects of c2, but i think it might tie in with the fact that with spirit soother, she uhhhh swings around a literal ghost??? LOL idk
c3: 逗留采血色
literally, 'staying to pick the blood color'. there's two interpretations here:
1. implied to be 'staying to pick the blood-colored flowers', where the red flowers are either spider lilies or plum blossoms, depending on which one you like better.
2. staying to shed blood. but the keyword here is 逗留, which means to dally. it's got a very casual connotation, and for someone as strong as hu tao, she could in fact afford to dally a bit and kill some enemies easily.
the effect of her c3 is this:
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so it implies that she's gotten even stronger, able to afford dallying a bit (maybe picking some nice flowers) as she slays her enemies.
c4: 伴君眠花房
literally, '[i'll] stay with you as you sleep in a flowered house'. the english translation, 'garden of eternal rest', explains it pretty well.
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hu tao: u die *gently picks you up from bloodied ground and places you in a red-flower-filled coffin*
c5: 无可奈何燃花作香
here, mihoyo referenced a poem!
宋·晏殊 《浣溪沙·一曲新词酒一杯》 一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。夕阳西下几时回? 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。小园香径独徘徊
i don't particularly want to translate the entire poem, but it's basically lamenting the passage of time and how the author misses someone. 无可奈何 means 'helpless', so in the poem, the author feels helpless as flowers fall over time.
as far as anyone knows, 燃花作香 doesn't reference anything. it literally means 'burning flowers as incense'. in china (and this most definitely has religious background, either buddhism or daoism or both!), we burn incense to worship deities as well as communicate with ancestors. burning things (such as paper money) also has connotations of offering the burnt things to the passed ancestors, which is most relevant here.
so we can consolidate the entire phrase as 'i am helpless [to do anything], so i can only burn flowers to you as incense'.
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OP was like 'yeah it means hu tao's Q can KILL YOU EVEN MORE NOW HAHAHA' and i think that about sums it up.
c6: 幽蝶能留一缕芳
as we all know, hu tao's other motif is butterflies. this line literally means 'spirit butterflies can leave behind a wisp of fragrance'.
butterflies have traditionally been associated with life after death in both the east and west, and as for the fragrance part, OP found that 芳魂 (fragrant spirit) can be used to describe a very good person or a very beautiful person's spirit.
so the line is willing the spirit butterflies (or the deceased person's spirit) to stay for a moment then peacefully pass.
as for the effects:
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hu tao: u thought i was gunna die, bitch u thought
source 2:
in this source, OP believes that the constellation set describes a traditional mourning ceremony/procedures.
here, the 'red ball' refers to the sun.
c1 refers to 守夜, or night vigil. i know other cultures have this too, but in chinese culture, it's said that the deceased spirit would like to come back and see his friends and family again, so until the body is sealed into the coffin, every night there must be someone who sits vigil with a light so that the spirit can find its way home. c2 is 哭丧, or mourning. this isn't like silent tears or anything, nah it's like, full-on you go in the streets and throw paper money into the air and wail your lungs out. the louder the better, and there are actual professional mourners (it's a profession!). you do it to show that you're sad for your family or friend who's passed.
c3 is 小殓, basically cleaning the body up. like makeup, clothes, making sure they hold something in their hands, stuffing orifices to prevent body fluids from leaking, stuff like that.
c4 is 入殓, or putting the body into the coffin. there are a lot of different traditions regarding this, including time, orientation, decorations, etc.
c5 is cremation. i'm sure we all know what this is.
c6 is gathering the ashes.
i'm like, not sure if i'm totally on board with this theory HAHA because as far as i know, you don't cremate the body in a coffin. also, the phrases don't really match up, and OP didn't really do much explaining either way so i had to google all this myself :") and for that i hold a lot little bit of resentment against them.
i hope yall enjoyed that! i spent an hour doing this LOL i was actually gonna get dinner but i just, i enjoy tao's constellations SO much that i had to share them with yall asap LOL
if yall want me to translate anyone else's constellations (and i mean ANYONE, from any region of teyvat) feel free to send in an ask! it might be slow since as you see, i have to google stuff, but i will eventually publish it ;))
- katheryne from liyue
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
op, i literally cannot get over ur pfp it is the best thing i have stumbled upon so far on this cursed website. I've been staring at it for a couple minutes now. thank u for blessing me w it
:DDDD thank you! it’s art made by @starving-dropartist go check them out, they have such good art
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wychive · 4 years
hopefully with the 1.3 update (comes out in february i believe) or the next banner you’ll get razor back! barbra is pretty op since she’s a healer and u don’t really need food unless ur barbra isn’t good. i also heard chongyun is also op bc of his elements burst. speaking of the 1.3 update, there’s a new character coming out and her name is hu tao. she’s so pretty and ngl, that’s the only reason why i want her. too bad qiqi wants her dead though 💀
idk if this is a spoiler or not but if it is look away but (you’ll need to fight a decent amount of fatui’s later on). and the frost bars also gives me anxiety bc i would forget about it while fighting one for the monsters and then i would hear a warning sound and i just panick wjsnksnfe
thanks to my friends, i’ve managed to explore 89% of dragonspine. just watch mihoyo come out with a desert biome and there will be a dehydration bar so we have to find a cactus or a puddle of water for us to drink. idk just some thoughts lol. what about you? and who would u like to roll in the future or now? :))
desert biome seems so cool ngl :(( but DEHYDRATION BAR NOOO NOT OK.. but if it means it'll be the Sheczha'n (this is A very wrong spelling dont follow it) city thing which will advance the plot... so be it. my friends and i play honestly just for laughs and to beat bosses and laugh at each other CRIES EJKF chongyun's very the op but i dont use him that much i need more practice for that plsls
i kind of would like an underwater biome thing? where there would be underwater ruins for you to search upon, smth like atlantis. imagine fighting shark bosses... m.. pls Mihoyo hire me God bless. but this biome has to be special for higher ar's since you would need helmets and oxygen and stuff. IMAGINE SPECIAL SKINS FOR THE CHARACTERS WITH DIVING SUITS HEKDPD so cute <333
im hoping to roll for literally any pyro character honestly LMAOFKF kind of stereotypical but as an aries i kind of really like fire god bless- but also the (small spoiler!!) fire archon (murata QUEEN) and electro archon (baal i love you sm already gf) eventhough their character designs / storyboards have not been revealed yet! how about you? and which element do you think you would resonate with if you were a genshin character? <3
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whatmack · 6 years
Wait you said that kevjeanthea was a whole other post...where is the post, op? *where is the post?* (pls yell about them at your leisure, I'd like to see you yell about them)
lio-zehel said to whatmack: s'up, I saw you reblog my Thea drawing and then I saw your Thea x kevin x jean x jeremy ship and I’M A GONER. gimme all you got for them `___´
BLESS U BOTH,So Kevin Day is a disaster bisexual(This hinges upon that)(As do all things, oh yea ye gods o’erwatching)He’s got a massive crush on Jean and a massive crush on Jeremy and a massive crush on TheaAnd he’s really fucking obvious about itSo no matter how the getting-all-four-together falls out, Kevin’s utter hearteyes for everyone is an integral part of the decision to move things forwardThea never thought too much about Jean in the Nest; I mean, there was the necessary hyper-closeness that came from being Ravens, but Jean was as isolated as Riko could get him and Thea was a senior looking ahead to CourtShe remembers him being a good player, though, and she keeps an eye on him post-Nest not only because he was a Raven and because Kevin keeps texting Jeremy for updates but because, hey, good player might go farJere has always been starstruck by Thea and Kevin, and once Jean comes to California and he gets to play and chill and go out to team bonding events with him?? Holy shit boy’s gone for that Moreau as wellJean had a crush on Kevin in the Nest, but was too fucked up to really act on it emotionally. Once he’s a Trojan he’s quick to fall for Jeremy (even if he doesnt’ realize that’s what he’s doing at first) because this dorky sunshine boy so interested in making sure Jean is comfortable? He had no chance. He had a similar only-mild-attention-paid to Thea while they were Ravens but after he’s healed a bit and Thea’s comin’ to see games or is at functions and she’s…well, gorgeous, but also has a dry wit he hadn’t noticed before…Anyway the point is they’re all messes for each otherThey learn each other’s imperfections and they work hard at giving each other what they need and it’s difficult and it’s easy and it’s worth itJean wakes up early and makes coffee for the other three to coax them out of bedJeremy makes these three sternfolk stop and quite literally smell the rosesKev opens slowly to being an utter sweetheart, cards and coffee dates and ‘this made me think of you so here’Thea refuses to let her partners get too in their own heads, and reminds them, fierce and protective, how much they are and will be and work forThey have a King-sized bed and a giant couch and a large happy dog that lies across all their laps in blissand OH LORD FORBID the four of them ever are in the same interview because their different media-personalities and experiences play off each other seamlessly in a way that leaves the poor interviewer gasping in the dustI can think about them all day
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ilonacho · 6 years
Hey op how the fuck u draw so good I'm cryin; your pencil sketches have me dead. They're so clean?? and sharp??? and I want to hang them all on my wall gdi,,, sorry I'm just, really living for your art right now
hey uhh why the fuck are u being so sweet, telling me this when i’m the one who should be praising u ‘n’ ur art???? i srsly have so much of ur art drafted (drafted and not reblogged solely cuz i’m a lil’ shit who just drafts everything, my bad, let that be a psa for @ y’all) like ur art is sO GOOD, MY DUDE, SO GOODur style? superb, ur lines? amazing, ur colouring? fuckin incredible, it’s a blessing upon my eyes everytime i see it in the tag keep up the funky work ur doing amazing sweetie
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onenettvchannel · 3 years
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OneNETnews EXCLUSIVE: Power91FM in Dumaguete City Now Celebrates on its 30th Anniversary
DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- The pearliest 30th anniversary at a local radio station in Dumaguete City under the affiliation of Radio Mindanao Network (RMN). Almost by mid-August 1991, a 2nd local radio station in an old-fashioned FM Broadcasting of 91.7mhz DYGB-FM's Power91FM went officially on-the-air for the first time as Power95FM with the original frequency of 95.9mhz in this same city (which is after a first launched local radio station of DYEM-FM 96.7mhz Bai Radio: Dumaguete before).
An FM radio broadcaster from this said station serves its transmitted power of 5,000 watts or equivalently reaches from Dumaguete to Dauin and backwards until nearly before Tanjay. Relay stations and far distance outside the Dumaguete area of Power91FM can be partially heard in some neighboring areas like Satander, Cebu; a single portion of Tagbilaran, Bohol; and a parts of Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte.
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Gold Label Broadcasting System Inc. (GLBSi) was introduced with a newest state-of-the-art technology from the 1990s with a transmitter and radio broadcasting electronics. Power91FM keeps everything updated with a latest music as provided from the Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. using a Digital Audio Tape (DAT) and Compact Discs (CDs) as acquired with Jam Creative Productions, Inc. (JCPi) & Tom Merriman Century (TMC) where they playing national and local commercials, jingle IDs, and station promotional materials in a customized way possible.
Speaking to a local radio programme of "Tug-anan" with Power 5 news reporter and anchor named Dionesio "Dions" Duron Manaban under a segment of "Good News, Good Vibes" with Roy Bustillio (news reporter of Power 3 and a stringer reporter of CNN Philippines-NegOr)... Danilo "Danny" Dy and Procs “Proxy Brown” R. Balatayo were first to operate an FM Radio station from the bosses themselves since the first start of its own FM Launch.
The power 'pilit' listeners expands the entire province of Negros Oriental outside the Dumaguete area like Bacong for example, widens it's reached the whole audience due to a higher demand of music. The frequency accusation of the original 95.9mhz from this same year of 1995, DYEM-FM's owner of Negros Broadcasting and Publishing Inc. (NBPi) which is under the Negros Chronicle & Bai Radio: Dumaguete files a case against GLBSi because the station was broadcasting nearer to that station's frequency in transistor radios which is at 96.7mhz. GLBSi later responded to DYEM-FM's case by moving DYGB-FM to its current frequency of 91.7mhz as rebranded from Power95FM to Power91FM. The first format of Power95FM starts with a CHR/Top 40.
3 years after its rebranded in 1994, the FM station changes to "news and music" station as shifted for a 'masa' format along with a brokered programming in selected radio schedule. Before the millennials of Dions Manaban and other Power91FM news bureaus, a public affairs radio programme called "Tug-anan sa Power 91" was first started the same year. In 2010 onwards, another public affairs radio programme was born called "Metro Dumaguete Banat". The program earned accolade for its fearless yet balance approach to its issues concerning the general public in Negros Oriental. While other radio station is trying to imitate the program but they are failed to be equaled.
A research team shows to OneNETnews, most of its blocktimer and radio commentator martyrs were spiked for a trouble like Joene Cahilog known as Rex Santos Kandos in 2014 was found guilty for a Libel. But, he is now on DYSQ-FM 105.7mhz's Radyo Bisdak: Siquijor in the morning. The late news presenter of Edmund Sestoso was died at the end of April 2018 due to a gunshot from a riding-in-tandem, immediately after the "Tug-anan" radio programme. Plus, just before the ABS-CBN franchise shutdown in Metro Manila... The 18th Congress OKs the final approval for a renewal radio franchise of GLBSi as exclusively sponsored by Chiquiting Sagarbarria. Power91FM will continue to broadcast on a local FM radio broadcasting for 25yrs. until 2045. And finally, Marlon dela Cruz known as Major Blanco on Power91FM was arrested publicly due to an unexpected drug problem of 'shabu' or crystal methamphetamine. He was b*nn*d for his Radio DJ until further notice, depending on it's prison sentence at the Dumaguete City Police Station (DCPS).
Today in the present, the celebration was started as during the "Tug-anan" radio programme by August 10th, 2021... Here's a statement for congratulating the 30th Pearl Anniversary of Power91FM in Cebuano dialect, "Mo bati kita ug maayong ika-30th na anibersayo sa Power 91: DYGB-FM, 91.7 sa dial sa imong mga radyo -- FM band. Maminaw kami na padayon ang inyong pag-suporta sa inyong pag-paminaw sa Power 91, ang sibyahanang na natug-an sa tinuod na balita, balanse, patas, ug kadangpan sa tanan. Sa tanan na mo diri sa 'Tug-anan'. Labi na gayud sa among teknisyan on board (Border Mirasol), si Power 7 (Charlie Alkisola - former Radio DJ of Maria Maldita on Yes! The Best: Dumaguete), si Power 4 (John Navarro), sa tanan na lang. Mo pasalamat na inyo sa pag-suporta na gihimo ni-ini inyong #1 sa tanan ng sibyahanan sa Dumaguete. Maayong ika-30th na anibersaryo, gikan ni Dions Manaban tiglaum".
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(Jacket is Excluded on the Right in this Merch’d Photoshoot)
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The news bureau of Power91FM, under the affiliation of RMN are celebrated peacefully for the breakfast party at a Studio Booth in Dy Chiao Kiao Bldg. as part of the 30th Anniversary. Expect when tuning in to Power91FM for this week only, you will get a chance a cash giveaway and a limited edition Power91FM T-Shirt together with a customized free Face Mask from a local sponsors in Dumaguete City. Available in different sizes during only in this anniversary celebration.
Upon continuation for the most powerful FM Radio station as based from the Kantar Media Survey starting between mid-August 1991 until right now in 2021. 3 decades for the best local & regional news and the music, from the #1 local radio station in Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental.
Power91FM in Dumaguete City is an affiliate FM station of Radio Mindanao Network.
RELATED NEWS ARTICLE: A Local Radio Station Franchise of GLBSI has been approved from the Senate in Metro Manila
If you missed a single-day aircheck during the 30th Anniversary, it’s available now on demand partially for a limited time:
PHOTO COURTESY: Power 91.7 DYGB-FM Dumaguete (Contributed Facebook Photo)
SOURCE: *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DYEM *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DYGB-FM *https://www.facebook.com/110526740313462/posts/367263648199505 [Tug-anan sa Power 91 - Aug102021 (SPECIAL EDITION of a 30th Anniversary for Power91FM)] *https://www.facebook.com/110526740313462/posts/350567850099611 [Metro Dumaguete Banat - Aug102021 (SPECIAL EDITION of a 30th Anniversary for Power91FM)] *https://www.facebook.com/110526740313462/posts/559341538765311 [Full Name in Vaccination Card for Dions Manaban] *https://www.facebook.com/1132676468/posts/10223834302782155 [Contributed Photo from an FB Post of NegOr Balita - 30th Anniversary Photos of Power91FM DGTE] *https://www.facebook.com/100040547274068/posts/627189948642575 [Food Photo OPs POWER91FM] *https://www.facebook.com/1691423459/posts/10208877554731426 [Behind the Scenes of Power91FM DGTE with Nikki Magbanua] *https://www.facebook.com/582332433132888/posts/110526740313462 [Quick History of Power91FM Dumaguete - Referenced Excerpt Article] *https://www.facebook.com/100040547274068/posts/627867431908160 [Old Photo Classic - Power91FM] *https://www.facebook.com/100040547274068/posts/627727115255525 [T-Shirt Promotion - Power91FM] and *https://www.facebook.com/100040547274068/posts/627831101911793 [Winners in T-Shirt - Power91FM]
HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this Exclusive News Article are not necessarily those from the Gold Label Broadcasting System Inc. & Radio Mindanao Network. Furthermore, the assumptions of this Exclusive News Article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The show, the station, the management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading! Stay safe and may the Celestia blesses you. Later!
-- OneNETnews Team
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veryfineday · 3 years
Saturday 23 April 1825
6 5/60
10 3/4
.. [Anne’s period] 
From 7 3/4 to 10 10/60 wrote the few last lines of the 1st end, the whole of the 2nd a great deal under the seal, all very small and close, and crossed the 1st page of my letter (began on wednesday part written on Thursday and finished this morning) to ‘madame madame Barlow, Quai Voltaire no.15, Paris’, all which read over, wafered, and directed, and gave for George to take to the post-office –
I have had no time to make extracts but it is very affectionate  say she will perhaps ssee me again before the all off[er]ed two years are expired write as if having no wish but to make her my wife §§  yet say she knows ‘the hard necessity of circumstance that clings around me now’ bid her do what is best for her own interest and for Janes §  for her sake I can forget to be selfish nay more than this abhor thought bid her ‘not sacrifice a certain good for the upncertain prospect of making happy one whose affections she had gained forever but whose hopes of happiness had waked not from their sleep of years till roused by you to live and tremble once again’ § – all this brought on by my saying I had been taken by surprise altogether tho I ought not to have been by the reappearance of her ‘old beau’ that is Mr William Bell §  said I had not the same feeling of repugnance towards him as Mr Hancock between whom to again use her aunts words il nya pas de choix  in point of gentility Mrs H[ancock] nothing beyond her bright grates in bread street but bade her not atten[d] to me but make other inquiries  said I did not mean to reflect on her taste she had seen Mr H[ancock] ‘in ignorance and at Place Vendome two reasons taken conjointly quite enough to excuse the whole thing’ –
she would not ruin me in postage – if her letters cost no more than now and she write regularly every fortnight of her life, they would only cost 47 shillings and 8 d.pence a year  a sum far greater than which I should save by the habits of economy her regard had taught me – why did she not marK the little volumes?  § Rousseaus Nouvelle Heloise  she herself was the only one to whom I would give  did she think I could now make such presents to others perhaps she would soon become what she was pleased to call ‘more rational’ without much effort  ‘you have taught me much untaught before and surely I must strangely learn that hardest science  to forget [wh]ere I can associate another with those sentiments which you have chastened and refined  there is a little sacred record in my memory that would star t up into life against me’ were I to give these too interesting volume to any other than herself – had before all this bidden her not tell me any more of her being an injury to my future prospects etc. etc. §  they we were good enough to content me I wanted nothing more than I was likely to have ‘save that most difficult to gain of all possesions a heart in unison with my own’ –
§ alluding to madame G-[Galvani] ‘They are who thinK but little or tomorrow or of yesterday – are they the happier? I doubt it much – Then are, too, who have no faith in worlds to come; who have no stay for thought to rest upon, and, with whom, it would ‘destroy their paradise’ – when ‘we go hence, and are no more seen, who ever much remembers us, save that lonely one within whose heart our shrine was raised?’ 
ThanKs for her present of the Environs of Paris – I should con it over and plan some litt[l]e excursions for us  concluded my letter with bidding her tell me everything and ‘remember it is the gentle beam of affection not the meridian blaze of intellect that makes happy the heart of your affectionately attached AL’ –
vide last wednesday page 285. no observation made on mrs. B-’s[Barlow’s] letter because I had not time – 3 pp.pages long ends, and a great deal under the seal, all very small and close – § very very affectionate ‘a diversity of objects and scenery saved you from the intense misery I have suffered’ and she goes on to describe feelings much more intense than I had ever dreampt of her experiencing for me it ended in her being ill and having a great deal of fever for which Mrs Guantlet made her take calomel etc. § ‘I became so ill I had so much fever that I composed letters in my brain to your uncle telling him that your return alone could save my child from being an orphan’ – ‘so thin am I that my rings are laid aside I kept losing them every moment’ – about the going to Edmonto[n] etc. she says ‘I know not how to express all my obligation none but yourself could have acted as you describe the invention and decision was unique and the desc[r]iption capital’ –
§ Mr William Bell her ‘old beau’ had called and sat two hours with her making it evident he would offer if he thought he had the smallest chance of being accepted § ‘when I saw him..... I asked myself is that the man who caused much a sensation in our families how altered how changed in every respect’ – ‘would that I had but one day more of your dear societyelf in this ssalon I have so many things unsaid which perhaps we may never meet with op[p]ortunity to express but to tell you truly I must have many days of your society to induce me to undergo the agonized feelings I endured the days which followed your departure I thought I was near my end not that I fear death but on my childs account not that I love you less  but that I feel satisfied you would be decidedly better provided for without the burden of my acquaintance which can only prove disadvantageous and imprudent in being encouraged I must stop op my pen for I know non [not] what my light head would scribble on to say the best thing I could do with this sheet would be to consign it to the flame my next I trust will be more rational god bless and prese[r]ve you you know all I would say adieu CMB’ thus ends the third page –
Her aunt writes that mr. de Lancey speaKs highly of me – Jane has got the SKetch booK with ‘which is extremely well bound – I never saw Jane so delighted with anything’ § – of madame G-Galvani ‘I do not Know anyone who only thinKs of the present so much as our friend – all her actions, even in respect to economy, portray the same character’.... my letter sent off from London on the monday reached mrs. B-Barlow the Thursday following (the 14th April) – and was charged 24 sols – written on my very thin French paper and wafered –
 §§ in my answer when on the subject  vide line 12 from the bottom of the last page slightly alluded to our connection none could possibly understand it but herself  said I still sighed § after happiness gone by with a sigh more deep and long than she might think ‘in the midst of occupation when the strong voice of duty and necessity call on our attention the mind may be diverted for a while but tis the hour of rest when we retire into ourselves tis then when wh fancy brings to mind what absence takes away and thought of happiness gone by disorders all the heart’ said my own room was perhaps the worst place in which to calculate my loss – in an earlier part of my letter had hoped that at all rates she would not be disappointed in me as a friend §  would have nothing to regret but my misfortune (this hard necessity of circumstance that brings around me now) nothing to reproach but my loving her too well  this would be my only fault towards her which I hoped she would forgive ‘and even its very faultiness may wear away with time for time may come when my regard maybe your own without another voice to claim it maybe your own as well from duty as from inclination §§ – in another part speaking of my regard for her calling for no sacri fice on my part my prospect were good enough  [?] and alluding to her thinking of Janes interest  ‘even pride forbids that all the sacrifice should be on one side’ meaning hers § adding ‘if you were as ssingle as I am  I should expect the same sacrifices from you I would in such a case make myself’ - 
Breakfast at 10 1/4 – came upstairs at 11 1/4 – had just written the part of my journal of today on the last page when (at 12 1/2) Cordingley said Dr. Kenny and mr. Sunderland were come (to my aunt) went down – went into the drawing room, where they were with my aunt, for 10 minutes – then waited their going, and followed them into the front stable – spoke to them for a minute or 2 – Dr. K-[Kenny] thinKs my aunt in a very weaK, suffering state – a very delicate subject to deal with – this catching – convulsive motion of the diaphragm which has come on so much within these last few days, the worst symptom – I see he thinKs her constitution much broKen –
she had a warm bath last night, and is to have one again tonight about 98º Fahrenheit – after coming up to bed last night, went down to see how Cordingley had ordered the bath – found the tub 3/2 to two thirds full of water at 170º - staid 25 minutes till Cordingley had put in cold water that reduced it to about 100, or a few degrees more – my aunt too was sitting by the lower Kitchen fire waiting all this time – very bad management – and the tub placed just under the oat bread racK
staid talKing to my uncle and aunt, and did not come upstairs till 1 3/4 – then wrote the whole of the last page which tooK me till 3 – from 3 1/4 to 5 1/4 wrote 3 pp.[pages] and the ends (tolerably close) to mrs. N-[Norcliffe] to go tomor[row] – easy chit-chat, in answer to mrs. N-’s[Norcliffe’s] letter on wednesday 3 pp.[pages] (quite full) the ends, and a good deal under the seal –
a very Kind letter – I had no time to make any observation on it on wednesday – anxious to Know that M-[Mariana] did not visit colonel BerKeley – ‘why introduce her to him at all – old as Jam, I would not be introduced to him’... § a man whose character is so despicable and well Known, that it did not want the addition of his treacherous conduct to miss Foote, to make him as I believe he is, most generally despised .... it is not the 1st trait of treachery to a female’... together with what I copied from M-’s[Mariana’s] letter in my last to mrs. N-[Norcliffe] and the remainder I have copied in this, conclude the L-s[Lawtons] did not visit him, but left mrs. N-[Norcliffe] to form her own conclusions –
§ on her 1st page mrs. N-[Norcliffe] writes ‘you and I suit very well; and, should I live and have my health next year, at this time, should much enjoy a sejour of a month in our capital (London) with you’ – answer after mentioning my uncle and aunt’s health, and saying Dr. Kenny had been here this morning to see the latter – ‘should they be well enough for me to leave them, next year, and this time, nothing would delight me so much, as a month with you in that 1st of cities, London – at all rates, I hope and trust, no flaw in your own health wil be the preventative’ –
Have asKed mrs. N-[Norcliffe] if she Knows anything of mrs. Middleton, daughter of sir William Grace, wife of Mr. Middleton of IlKley – mother of mr. Peter m-[Middleton] of StocKhill-parK who married Miss [Stourton] – wrote the above of this page read over and folded and directed my letter to mrs. N-[Norcliffe], and had just done at 6 –
Great deal of rain last night – rained from the time of my getting up, more or less, till about 3 p.m. – about 8 a.m. sent John Booth to desire nothing to be done at the foot path – no stones to be led, for fear of cutting Thomas Pearson’s field – Dinner at 6 1/2 – Did nothing in the evening – Fair this evening (vide the 4th line above)  Barometer 3 1/4 degree below changeable Fahrenheit 44º at 9 p.m. at which hour came up to bed – Reading volume 1 Rousseau’s confession and looKing at the map of England and that of France, for about an hour – E [2 dots inside] O [1 dot inside] – my cousin came just before getting into bed
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
‘Yo! MTV Raps’ Host Doctor Dré Clears Up Speculation Regarding His Leg Amputation
Source: Al Pereira / Getty
One of our biggest media pioneers is finally detailing his health issues. Doctor Dré has come out to give the Rap community some much needed updates.
In an exclusive interview with HipHopDX the Westbury, Long Island native is finally speaking out regarding his long fight with type 2 diabetes. In 2019 it was confirmed that he had suffered major vision loss due to the metabolic disorder. But back in August rumors started circulating that the man born André Brown was facing more health issues in the form of a leg amputation. Naturally many of his friends and associates rallied behind the cause and reposted information on how people could donate but Dré did not make a formal statement.
He explains why he stayed quiet. “I’ve felt very, very blessed by the overwhelming graciousness and blessings people have bestowed upon me and my family,” he said. “People need to understand I definitely want to be able to discuss this with everyone because people were like, ‘Oh, you could have did this. You could’ve did that. This was your fault.’ And I go, ‘Yes, it was my fault. What do you want me to tell you? No, it wasn’t?’ It doesn’t even sound correct.”
He went to reveal an unfortunate fall caused the problems. “The problem was I fell down a flight of stairs. What most people don’t realize is that I had reversed my diabetes in March. This early in the pandemic and my A1C was below seven, I never had an issue of kidney or heart or all the other symptoms that go along with it. My sugar was about between 100 and 130 consistently” he explained.
Brown also confirmed he did move forward with the procedure but is rehabbing nicely and is already walking with the help of a prosthetic. “Many of my physical therapists and my occupational therapists have said they’ve never see anybody heal like me,” he added. “I did a mile two days ago and I did a mile again the other day. I went and got the proper shoe gear for my prosthetic and today, I was just walking up and down stairs.
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Gratitude to team Doctor Dre repost thank you @k.ha11 I've joined the team leading the post op care campaign for Doctor Dre (from Yo! MTV Raps). If you want to learn more/help – link in bio! https://gf.me/u/yqhbif See behind the scenes pictures and stay posted on my recovery on GFM . Thank you the extended team Doctor Dre and Yo! MTV Raps family
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you made this day an awesome journey and we are in the second half
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of this journey
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. #SpeakToLife #teamDoctorDre #DoctorDré #MyStory #CheckingIn #ThisIsMyStory #HealthandWellness #StrongerBetter #NotAlone #theNEXTchapter #DoctorDreVictory #diabetes #type2diabetes #Victory #2020vision #Healthcare
A post shared by Doctor Dre (@doctordre39) on Aug 17, 2020 at 9:52pm PDT
Thankfully the good Doctor’s fortune is on an upswing with more than $26,000 dollars donated to his GoFundMe. You can hear Doctor Dré on  “The Doctor’s Appointment with Doctor Dre” on LL COOL J’s Rock The Bells SiriusXM channel.
source https://hiphopwired.com/914271/yo-mtv-raps-doctor-dre-leg/
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uniformbravo · 7 years
so this post got me thinking about reigen & his attitude towards mob before and during the separation arc, so i thought i’d just. share my thoughts
(definitely read that post first, this is like partially based on it)
ok disclaimer before i start: im not saying anything im about to say is like. “”The Correct Interpretation”” or whatever, this is just. how i see things. feel free to disagree ok
now can i be real for a sec. like maybe a little Too Real: i really don’t like how the anime handled reigen. u can tell they pushed really hard to make him more likable, like they really really want you to like him so they intentionally framed him in a way that convinces you to admire him; the “conman with a heart of gold” who’s essentially adopted mob and acts as a role model for him, right
and it’s so easy to see him that way if your introductory (or sole) point of reference is the anime (especially with the way they inserted and altered that scene showing how mob & reigen met in ep 11). but in the manga, at least the way i see it, he is just Pure Sleaze through and through, doing anything and everything to keep manipulating mob into staying with him- tells him joining a club to make friends is a waste of time, tries to convince him that no one at school wants to spend time with him anyway, that they all just make fun of him behind his back. he doesn’t respect him, he makes him do things he is very obviously uncomfortable with, he constantly calls him out of the blue expecting him to drop everything (though “it’s not like you had anything going on anyway”) for random jobs despite having been asked several times before not to do that, etc etc
i honestly feel like any time it looks like reigen is being a Good Person and helping mob out it’s at least partially the result of selfish motives; he needs to keep mob happy on the job or else he won’t want to come back anymore (i wonder if that’s part of the reason reigen started taking him out for food). literally the main reason he even shows up for the first claw arc is because mob didn’t show up for work and he needs to drag him back to reprimand him (tho i could see there being an underlying concern for him there as well)*
i mean, just look at their entire situation objectively: a man in his mid-twenties takes advantage of a literal child for his own monetary gain like??? god
anyway the reason i love the separation arc so damn much is because reigen finally fucking realizes what a grade A piece of shit he’s being, and he feels guilty as hell about it and it’s so fucking satisfying like holy shit literally bye reigen
he realizes that mob is worth so much more than the shit he’s been putting him through (what a concept!) and, even further, he realizes that mob is an extremely important (even integral) part of his life and he’s been taking him for granted (an understatement) this entire time. he realizes that he looks up to mob, actually admires him, and that sets everything in perspective for him- the realization that this kid half his age is progressing more than he himself ever has, is a bigger person than he’ll ever be if he continues down the path he’s on now, and that the only thing reigen had ever done for him up until he finally left was hold him back in every way possible
most importantly though, to me at least, is the immediate change he goes through upon having these realizations: he admits that he was wrong and rectifies his last statement to him, publicly, in the hope that it’ll somehow reach mob wherever he is (because he isn’t planning to see or bother him any more in person after this), and he expects nothing in return (kind of amazing for a guy who thus far has done nothing but strive to squeeze every ounce of attention and respect out of every breathing human he comes into contact with)
and when mob shows up at the end, he isn’t received with the gloating “ha, i knew you’d come to your senses eventually” that reigen was very obviously prepared to give before, but instead with a simple, “why did you come?”
because he knows now, he knows he fucked up and that mob has absolutely no reason to forgive him or even speak to him ever again (”i said a terrible thing to him”) ((you said many terrible things to him)), so to see him then and there, after all that, his reaction becomes “what are you doing here, why are you even giving me the time of day, you were right to leave” and that alone already shows so much growth
(and mob, of course, forgives him, because he can see that reigen has learned his fuckin lesson now- honestly in the beginning of the arc reigen was waiting for mob to come to his senses so he could gloat but what really happened was reigen coming to his damn senses and mob going “i knew u had it in you :)” and i think that’s beautiful)
what i love about that analysis / modified translation is that it does a much better job getting across what a condescending piece of shit reigen was being before, and hammers home the weight of what this realization means to him, the full depth of it in context, the subtle nuances, just. everything. it’s so good. it’s so fucking good im #Blessed im living this is such incredibly valuable information @ op thank u???
In Conclusion reigen arataka invented character development, the separation arc saved my life, and that analysis made me immortal
*second disclaimer: when i say reigen only cares about keeping mob to work for him, im just talking about like. his base motivation. if he really was a heartless asshole who didn’t care about mob at all, the events of the separation arc wouldn’t have had any effect on him- he would’ve just gone on being bitter about his most valuable asset ditching him over what he saw as a small argument
i think that initially, back when they first met, reigen was only concerned with the thought of “oh shit i could make a fortune off this kid” (because before he found out about his powers he was annoyed & trying to get rid of him lol) but as time went on he grew a soft spot for him that eventually turned into actually caring about him, but it’s more of a subconscious thing; he doesn’t actually realize how much he cares about mob until he leaves, which is why it hits him so hard when he finally does realize
it’s not a random epiphany, either; it builds over the course of the entire arc, starting when mob stops showing up for work. reigen isn’t prepared to suddenly have that absence in his life, and he’s definitely not ready to confront the possibility (read: fact) that he’s in the wrong. so he pushes all the blame onto mob, convinces himself that he’s just overreacting and that he’ll come crawling back in no time, because mob needs him, he needs him. as far as reigen is convinced, mob doesn’t have anyone else to go to besides him, his sole mentor in life, so in the end it doesn’t even matter if reigen was shitty to him (which, of course, he definitely wasn’t) because mob has no other choice but to return in the end
then of course that all flies out the window when reigen sees mob with his friends in public and it blows his entire goddamn mind and he’s forced to acknowledge the fact that okay, so maybe mob does have friends, and even more, he’s having a good time with them?? he’s not completely floundering without reigen or obsessively thinking about him 24/7 consumed with the question of when things will go back to normal????
and reigen just cannot face that reality, that he’s not the hot shit he thought he was to mob, that his absence has literally zero effect on him, that he’s the only one falling apart over this, so he shoves it all aside and distracts himself with work. throws himself into his work, fuels himself with burning spite and dedicates every waking hour to proving that no, i don’t need him either, if he can get along fine without me then i can do a thousand times better without him holding me back. that’s what he tells himself, and that’s what he believes, but the whole thing is nothing more than one huge distraction, big enough to cover the giant absence suddenly gaping within him like a tarp thrown over so he doesn’t have to look at it, because he doesn’t want to look at it, he wants nothing to do with it
and that works, for a while. he gets wrapped up in success and fame and probably even manages to forget about mob for a little while- until everything comes crashing down and he hits the lowest point in his career, maybe even his life (definitely, from a writing standpoint, his story arc). only then do his thoughts return to mob, and only then does everything hit him in full force. everything he’s been holding back, everything he’s refused to admit, and then some- feelings he never even knew about in the first place but that he realizes were there all along
most importantly, he finally accepts that he was in the wrong and that he has no one to blame for this entire disaster but himself
and that’s where the change begins
(basically, reigen has cared about mob the whole time but he’s a dumbass and didn’t realize it so he just kept treating him the way he always has until mob got himself tf out of there and gave him the biggest wake up call of his life #goodnight arataka)
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thereadies · 6 years
Chapter III: My Reading Machine
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The word “readies” suggests to me a moving type spectacle, reading at the speed – rate of the present day with the aid of a machine, a method of enjoying literature in a manner as up to date as the lively talkies. In selecting “The Readies” as a title for what I have to say about modern reading and writing I hope to catch the reader in a receptive progressive mood, I ask him to forget for the moment the existing medievalism of the BOOK [God bless it, it’s staggering on its last leg and about to fall] as a conveyor of reading matter. I request the reader to fix his mental eye for a moment on the ever-present future and contemplate a reading machine which will revitalize his interest in the Optical Art of Writing. In our aeroplane age radio is rushing in television, tomorrow it will be a commonplace. All the arts are having their faces lifted, painting, [Picasso], sculpture [Brancussi], music [Antheil], architecture [zoning law], drama [Strange Interlude], dancing [just look around you tonight] writing [Joyce, Stein, Cummings, Hemingway]. Only the reading half of Literature lags behind, stays old-fashioned, frumpish, beskirted. Present day reading methods are as cumbersome as they were in the time of Caxton and Jimmy the Ink. Though we have advanced from Gutenberg’s movable type through the linotype and monotype to photo-composing we still consult the book in its original archaic form as the only oracular means we know for carrying the word mystically to the eye. Writing has been bottled up in books since the start. It is time to pull out the stopper. To continue reading at today’s speed I must have a machine. A simple reading machine which I can carry or move around, attach to any old electric light plug and read hundred thousand word novels in ten minutes if I want to, and I want to. A machine as handy as a portable phonograph, typewriter or radio, compact, minute, operated by electricity, the printing done microscopically by the new photographic process on a transparent tough tissue roll which carries the entire content of a book and yet is no bigger than a typewriter ribbon, a roll like a miniature serpentine that can be put in a pill box. This reading film unrolls beneath a narrow strip of strong magnifying glass five or six inches long set in a reading slit, the glass brings up the otherwise unreadable type to comfortable reading size, and the reader is rid at last of the cumbersome book, the inconvenience of holding its bulk, turning its pages, keeping them clean, jiggling his weary eyes back and forth in the awkward pursuit of words from the upper left hand corner to the lower right, all over the vast confusing reading surface of a columned page.
Extracting the dainty reading roll from its pill box container the reader slips it smoothly into its slot in the machine, sets the speed regulator, turns on the electric current and the whole 100 000; 200 000; 300 000 or million words spills out before his eyes and rolls on restfully or restlessly as he wills, in one continuous line of type, its meaning accelerated by the natural celerity of the eye and mind, [both of which today are quicker than the clumsy hand] one moving line of type before the eye, not blurred by the presence of lines above and below as they are confusing placed on a columned page.
My machine is equipped with controls so the reading record can be turned back or shot ahead, a chapter reread or the happy ending anticipated. The magnifying glass is so set that it can be moved nearer to or farther from the type, so the reader may browse in 6 point, 8, 10, 12, 16 or any size that suits him. Many books remain unread today owing to the unsuitable size of type in which they are printed. Many readers cannot stand the strain of small type and other intellectual prowlers are offended by greater primer. My reading machine allows the reader free choice in type-point, type seen through a movable magnifying glass is not the arbitrarily fixed, bound object we see imprisoned in books, but an adaptable carrier of flexible, flowing reading matter. Master compositors have impressed upon apprentices for years that there is no rubber type. Well, now that the reading machine exists with a strong glass to expand or contract the size of letters, compositors can’t ding on that anymore. Type today can be pulled out and pushed in as easily as an accordion.
My machine for reading eye-adjustable type is equipped with all modern improvements. By pressing a button the reading roll slows down so an interesting part can be read leisurely, over and over again, if need be, or by speeding up a dozen books can be skimmed through in an afternoon without soiling the fingers, cutting a page or losing a dust wrapper. Taken at high gear ordinary literature may be optically absorbed at the rate of full length novels in half hours or at slow speed great pieces of writing may be reread and mused over in half life times if necessary. One so minded may continue to take his reading matter as slowly and dully as he does today in books. The underlying principle of reading remains unaffected, merely its scope is enlarged and its latent possibilities pointed.
To save the labor of changing rolls or records, a clip of a dozen assorted may be put in at one time and automatically fed to the machine as phonograph discs are changed at present. The Book of the Day or Book of the Hour Club could sell its output in clips of a dozen ready to slip into the reading machine. Maybe a bookclub offering a dozen new titles a day would result. Reading by machinery will be as simple and painless as shaving with a Schick razor and refills may be had at corner drug stores, cigar stores, or telephone booths from dawn to midnight.
With the present speeding up of publishing a machine is needed to handle the bulk and cut down the quantity of paper, ink, binding and manual labor now wasted in getting out twentieth century reading matter in fifteenth century book form. The material advantages of my reading machine are obvious: paper saving by condensation and elimination of waste margin space, [which alone needlessly takes up a fifth or a sixth of the bulk of the present day book]; ink saving in proportion, a much smaller surface needs to be covered, the magnifying glass multiplies both paper and ink at no additional cost, the ratio is one part paper and ink to ten parts magnifier. Binding will become unnecessary, small paper pill boxes are produced at a fraction of the cost of large cloth covers; American publishers are discarding covers now to produce more and cheaper books, their next step will be to discard the Book itself in favor of the reading roll. Manual labor will be minimized. Reading will be less costly and may even become independent of advertising which today carries the cost of the cheap reading matter purveyed exclusively in the interests of the advertiser. 
All that is needed to modernize reading is a little imagination and a high powered magnifying glass. The Lord’s Prayer has been printed in type an inch high with illuminated initials as long as your nose and bound in plush in elephant folio; also, it has been etched on the head of a pin. Personally I should have been better pleased if Anthony Trollope had etched his three volume classics on the head of a pin. Maybe no more trilogies will be written when Readies are in vogue. Anyway, if they are, they may be read at one sitting.
 By photographic composition, which is rapidly taking the place of antiquated methods, type since 1925 has been turned out which is not readable without the aid of a magnifying glass. The English August-Hunter Camera Composing Machine fired the first gun in this revolution five years ago. Experiments with diamond type, like the old Chiswick PreB Shakespeare Complete in one and miniature books of the 64mo Clubs have already shown what a multitude of words can be printed in a minimum of space and yet be readable to the naked eye. Even Cicero mentions having seen a copy of the Iliad no bigger than his finger-nail. Publishers of our day have perfected Oxford Bibles and compressed all the short stories of De Maupassant, Balzac and other voluminous writers into single volumes by using thin paper. Dumb, inarticulate efforts have been made for centuries to squeeze more reading matter into less space, (the Germans since the war publish miniature Z e i t u n g s in eye-aching type to save paper and ink costs) but the only hint I have found of Moving Reading is in Stephen Crane’s title, “Black Riders”, which suggests the dash of inky words at full gallop across the plains of pure white pages. Roger Babson recently listed the needed invention of a Talking Book in a group of a score of ways to make a million. But he missed the point. What’s needed is a Bookless Book and certainly a silent one, because reading is for the eye and the INNER Ear. Literature is essentially Optical — — — not Vocal. Primarily, written words stand distinct from spoken ones as a colorful medium of Optical Art. 
Reading is intrinsically for the eye, but not necessarily for the naked optic alone. Sight can be comfortable clothed in an enlarging lens and the light on a moving tape-line of words may be adjusted to personal taste in intensity and tint, so the eye may be soothed and civilized and eventually become ashamed of its former nakedness. Opticians have given many people additional reading comfort through lenses. 
We are familiar with news and advertisements reeling off before our eyes in huge illuminated letters from the ops of corner buildings, and smaller propaganda machines tick off tales of commercial prowess before our eyes in shop windows. All that is needed is to bring these electric street signs down to the ground, move the show-window reading device into the library, living and bed-rooms by reducing the size of the letter photographically and refining it to the need of an intimate, handy portable, rapid reading conveyor.
In New York a retired Admiral by the name of Fiske has patents on a hand reading machine which sells for a dollar; it is used in reading microscopic type through a magnifier. Admiral Fiske states: “I find that it is entirely feasible, by suitable photographic or other process, to reduce a two and one-half inch column of typewritten or printed matter to a column one-quarter of an inch wide, so that by arranging five of such columns side by side and on both sides of a paper tape, which need not have a width greater than one and one-half inches, it becomes possible to present one hundred thousand words, the length of an average book, on a tape slightly longer than forty inches”. 
Recently the publishers of the New York telephone book owing to the unwieldy increase in the ponderosity of its tomes, considered the idea of using the Fiske machine and printing its product, advertisements and all, in pages three inches tall, in type unreadable by the naked eye. The idea is excellent and eventually will force its way into universal acceptance because the present bulk of phone directories hardly can be expanded unless hotel rooms and booths are enlarged. The inconvenience of searching through the massive volumes of several boroughs has brought New York to the necessity of giving birth to an invention. 
But book me no books! In the Fiske Machine we have still with us the preposterous page and the fixity of columns. It is stationary, static, antiquated already before its acceptance, merely a condensed unbound book.
The accumulating pressure of reading and writing alone will budge type into motion, force it to flow over the column, off the page, out of the book where it has snoozed in apathetic contentment for half a thousand years. The only apparent change the amateur reader may bemoan is that he might not fall asleep as promptly before a spinning reading roll as over a droning book in his lap, but again necessity may come to the rescue with a radio attachment which will shut off the current and automatically stop the type-flow on receipt of the first sensitive vibration of a literary snore.
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webcunt · 7 years
THURSDAY @ 5:02A.M.  ———
dark circles under his eyes let the fact he hasn’t slept at all even more obvious. don’t be fooled  :   he is tired, he just doesn’t want to rest  !     fingertips scroll through a list of .onion websites,    &.    you can tell he does find it annoying whenever they change addresses or just won’t open at all during that particular time. one, two, three clicks and he lands on his favorite forum!  GOD BLESS WHOEVER CREATED THE INTERNET.   he’s always been quite invested in raw, rotten and all over the place violence with 100% FULL ON GORE   -   jesus fuck !   -   so his interest is not a surprise at all upon clicking on a new topic that scream his new entertainment for the morning. PLOT TWIST LIVING DOLL KILLS MASTER AUCTION GONE WRONG !  
creepypastas were never his forte. they were fake, weren’t they? tristan wasn’t interested in that kinda shit. yet it’d be too soon to assume he’s thrown off by the fact there’s a description under the video, some half ass story of what “happened” and you know he’ll be disappointed if it turns out to be false. BUT GOD DAMN WASN’T IT GOOD !  now that’s what he’d call a movie, a true plot twist just like the title said   -   you could tell he was clearly not expecting that. but jesus fuck, talk about being a dumbass   -    had it been tristan, he would’ve been a little more careful. or ... nah, truth to be told,  TRISTAN BATES IS NEVER CAREFUL .   he’s fascinated   &.   at the same time thinking what could’ve happened if it was his movie   -   of course, everything had to be brought back to himself in the end.   images running through his mind   &.   he barely pays any attention to the current reality and outside world as of now.    
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HE WANTS TO KNOW WHO SHE IS, which is why he’s been searching for the original upload website ever since watching it,     -     the link provided by the topic’s OP wasn’t working anymore, just what he wanted. there’s a kind of idolization inside his eyes and even he can’t tell he’s about to obsess over something brand new,     -----------    an idea being given to his mind about how his next piece should look like.   SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF JOKER SMILES  ,     PLASMA     &.     RAW ENTRAILS  .      it didn’t have to do with the scenes just seen,  or did it ?  he sure as hell would remember if it did  .   but then again, he is a bit tired.  
SATURDAY @ 10:30P.M.  ———
it took him a while to find. sure, he's been busy    &.    almost forgot     -     could be that, too.  there’s a smile on his lips and you know he’s already typing a message. does she have access to the original website? or does she have one of her own somewhere? either way, tristan is just about to give it a try. 
# SADBOY2001  said  :    yo its u isnt it # SADBOY2001  said  :    the plot twist chick  # SADBOY2001  said  :    cmon!!! i know  # SADBOY2001  said  :    u should txt me i like ur work :))) 
SUNDAY @ 9:45P.M.  ———
# SADBOY2001  said  :    id like 2 help if u let me??? u have talent # SADBOY2001  said  :    u there at all?
@divincdecay has successfully logged in !! 
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lucymont · 7 years
HI I LOVE U ALL UR BSD RAMBLE POSTS ARE SO RELATABLE I just found ur blog today and I feel so #blessed. I was going thru the tag and I was just nodding at everything like HELL YAH THIS IS SO TRUE OMG!! esp the stuff about characters being passed over and also OP ADA salt I relate to that so much. ty for sharing ur thoughts
OMG thank you so much for this message. You don't know much this means to me. My English isn't that great so I often have trouble to epress myself correctly, but reading that there are people interested in my view makes me feel really happy *^*Again, thank you so much for this message, I love you, too
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