webcunt · 6 years
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TAKE A CHANCE ON ME  .       tc
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webcunt · 6 years
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webcunt · 6 years
The End of the F***ing World sentence starters
“i actually masturbated once a week for medical purposes.”
“maybe i’m gay. maybe he’s asexual.”
“have you ever eaten a pussy before?”
“yeah, two.”
“i want you to eat mine.”
“i am going to be so fucked off if we get murdered”
“sometimes i just let things happen. i don’t know why.”
“i sometimes wonder if i should just become an alcoholic.”
“i get embarrassed talking. well, after talking when i realize i said something stupid.”
“i think he is properly beautiful.”
“fuck off.”
“guess i’m a twat.”
“she/he made me feel things. i didn’t like it at all.”
“are you a virgin?”
“me too.”
“no shit.”
“i think the fucked up bit was murdering him.”
“fuck. fuck.”
“this is bad. this is really fucking bad.”
“when you have silence it’s hard to keep stuff out. it’s all there and you can’t get rid of it.”
“ah shit.”
“i don’t regret it. i just wish it had never happened.”
“i don’t want to hold your hand.”
“fuckin’ idiot.”
“i’m sorry i left you.”
“i’m sorry i killed him.”
“i won’t leave you again.”
“sometimes you realize you had a thing keeping you going that might be a lie. when you actually really understand that, that the whole thing might have been a lie the whole time it’s like you swallowed a stone.”
“i’m really scared.”
“i think your dad’s a drug dealer.”
“we live in properly fucked up times.”
“to be mad in a deranged world is not madness. it’s sanity.”
“sometimes it was important to lie.”
“are you crying?”
“really kind. really sad. she just always found everything a bit much i think.”
“people can’t be answers. they’re just more questions.”
“you don’t care about me. you don’t give the tiniest, tiniest shit.”
“everyone has a reason for how they behave.”
“shut up. shut the fuck up. stop quoting yourself.”
“i think i understand what people mean to each other.”
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webcunt · 6 years
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                                  WEDNESDAY @ 10:30P.M ———
sadboy2001 says: cmon whats the best way 2 marinate it sadboy2001 says: should i add any spices?????
                                     FRIDAY @ 09:56P.M.  ——— sadboy2001 says: OK IM GNA DO IT!!!!! STAY TUNED sadboy2001 says: …do u think theyll find me hot if i use my ghostface mask ;)
                                   SATURDAY @ 07:08P.M.  ——— sadboy2001 just updated his status to: jfc ghostface’s fuckin hot
                                     TUESDAY @ 12:12A.M.  ———
sadboy2001 says: jesus fuckin christ STOP BEING SUCH A CUNT
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webcunt · 7 years
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                                               I don’t get it !  I absolutely don’t get it !
Alright so I was gonna wait till I hit my next milestone but I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon SO now or never amrite 
( this is in like no particular order pls don’t give me shit ) 
Keep reading
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webcunt · 7 years
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some1 pls teach me how to blend eyeshadow properly
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webcunt · 7 years
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angel 2
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webcunt · 7 years
hello here is a psa on why you shouldn’t write real life serial killers :
obviously they did fucked up shit, we know this, but in case that isn’t enough - remind yourselves that their victims were real people, because they were, and so are the families / everyone else left behind.
there is nothing cute, quirky, or relatable about people like te/d bun/dy or jeff/rey dah/mer. they were also rapists who, you know, killed REAL PEOPLE with REAL FAMILIES and REAL LIVES.
in case we need to get even more personal, imagine someone you loved was killed. now imagine that someone else made a blog for the person who killed your loved one. that’s fucked up, isn’t it ?  exactly.
this also applies to school sho/oters but that’s an entirely different post.
stop being nasty.
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webcunt · 7 years
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webcunt · 7 years
guess who was left on read by her fc yes that’s right this bitch
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webcunt · 7 years
why are personals liking and reblogging my promo wtf
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webcunt · 7 years
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*      i.     FOR HALF OF MY CHILDHOOD I WAS LOCKED IN A FREEZER ,    ——   SO BEING HELPFUL IS KIND OF A NEW THING FOR ME  .        independent     /    semi  -  selective isaac lahey   ,       as told by hoult. 
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webcunt · 7 years
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webcunt · 7 years
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webcunt · 7 years
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webcunt · 7 years
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webcunt · 7 years
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