#Black haired Eliott
irisinthemoon · 2 years
Until I Found You, Pt. 6
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[Pt. 1], [Pt. 2], [Pt. 3], [Pt. 4], [Pt. 5], [Pt, 6]
Warning: F!reader, Rollo being a Malleus hater, event spoilers, mock kidnapping, NRC students being NRC students, Eliott and Jules being menaces to society, Rollo being jealous, and blot
Characters: Rollo, Eliott (Oc), Jules (Oc), Malleus, Silver, Sebek, Idia, Rook, Epel, Jamil, Azul, Ruggie, Riddle, Deuce, Yuu, Grim, Professor Trein, a few Oc's here and there. Neige, Chen'ya
Summery: It was finally the day of the week long festival! And it was time you did your duty as a student in Nobel Bell College, but it also meant meeting the person who was in the same situation as you.
“Did you see the NRC and RSA students?”
“Wow! I never thought I would be able to see Neige Leblanche up close!”
“Did you see that guy with silver hair? He looks like a prince!”
Voices of both boys and girls mingle together as they talk about the newly arrived NRC and RSA students. You hadn’t been able to see them yet, having risen early to get everything you needed along with the two outfits you were going to wear for the performances. Just alone from the conversations you had been hearing all morning, you could tell that the people who came here today weren’t just anyone. 
A prince, an actor and model, a son of a noble family from the Queendom of Roses, a second year who was known for his booming business at such a young age, and the heir to the Shroud family business. Those were some of the things you managed to hear from the two girls who were accompanying you for the first performance. You had expected to meet and see many people from different social standings, but expecting and actually doing so were two different things. 
With a clammy hand, you continued to brush down Snowflake’s mane, the black stallion calmly eating the almonds you had brought to keep him in good spirits and calm. Though, you were starting to think that the one who needed to keep calm was you. You had practiced your routine for almost two months, way before decorations for the Masquerade Ball started to appear on peoples’ houses and the school. 
You practically knew the routine by heart! But that didn’t stop the nervous tremor you felt in your hands. This was different, all of this was new to you. Performing for a group of royals and nobles was already nerve wracking, but performing in front of a crowd of people who saw you on the daily really made your head dizzy. If you mess up, the royals and nobles will speak about it but won’t ever see you again.
But the people who lived in the city and attended NBC would most certainly see you everyday and remember your failure.
“Great seven…I’m not up to performing yet and I am already getting myself nervous.” You told your stallion, running your fingers through his mane. He huffs, a crunch leaving his mouth as he continues to chew on the almonds. The stables were the least packed, most of the performers had taken their horses outside in order to get some last minute preparations.
You had decided to stay inside with a few others, far too nervous to face the crowd that you were sure had formed just outside the battle arena. Instead, for the past hour or so you spend them going over the song you were to perform as the closing event. It was a classic one, originating from the City Of Flowers. And for whatever reason, they decided that you were to perform it.
“Maybe you've heard of a terrible place where the scoundrels of Paris collect in a lair.” You hummed under your breath, the familiar tune you had come used to hearing after countless hours of practice coming out of your throat easily. Snowflake’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice, his hoofs tapping on the dirt ground. Seems like he also recognized the lyrics. Smiling, you patted his neck before putting away the brush and taking the empty snack bucket. 
The rest of the song came out clearly, Snowflake dancing along with it, happy little huffs leaving his nose. The nerves in your body melted little by little as you went over your routine with the black stallion. By the time you finished going over the routine you had been filled to the brim with energy. 
“Ok, we got this Snowflake! All we have to do is keep calm.” He huffed, almost as if telling you that he was not nervous to begin with. You rolled your eyes, a small grin on your lips. “Yeah, yeah, I was nervous for the both of us.” Glancing at the time on the clock hanging by the stables’ double doors, you curse under your breath. 
“Shit, I gotta go and get changed.” Calling over one one of the stable boys, you instructed him in what to do with Snowflake. Then, you rushed out of the stables with a few of the other performers and into the changing rooms. One of the girls handed you a yellow dress, brown riding boots, and a deep blue coat. “Good luck [name]!” Giving her a rushed thanks, you changed as best as you could.
With some help, your hair was done in a style that would keep it away from your face. Some light make-up was added and with that, you were already mounting Snowflake. Pulling on the reins, you directed the horse towards the line of other horses. Glancing behind you, you casted an encouraging smile to one of the girls performing with you. She gave you a nod, her brown eyes glinting with excitement.
You could already hear the crowd inside, all anticipating the performance so they could start the week officially. Rubbing your palm against your stallion, you took another deep breath and put on your best smile. Once you got this done and over with, you would be able to spend the rest of your day with Rollo. 
“We will now be presenting the Equestrian Club!” 
And with that, all ten selected club members guided your horses to the battle arena, bright smiles and ready to perform.
Rollo covered his lower face with his purple handkerchief, a frown present on his lips. He watched the NRC and RSA students mingle with each other, speaking and laughing in excitement. Their black and white uniforms make them stand out like a sore thumb among the festive outfits the citizens of the City of Flowers wore and Nobel bell students still wearing their school uniform. Glancing at the city’s clock, he sighs, your performance won’t be until a few more minutes. He hadn't been able to see you for most of the morning, his duty as student president prevented him from leaving early as he had to show their guests around.
It would have been fine if not for the fact that the moment the NRC students arrived they started to show off whatever magic they had. That put a bitter taste on his tongue and soured the majority of his morning. He was grateful to Eliott who quickly took over when it became clear that Rollo wouldn’t be able to stay quiet about their magic use.
“Why is everyone heading over there?” Yuu, the magicless human Crowley had mentioned in his letter, asked him. He was painting towards the battle arena where he knew you were probably getting ready. “It is tradition to start the week-long festival with a performance and a traditional song from the City of Flowers.” Rollo explained, lowering his handkerchief to speak properly to Yuu.
“In a few minutes, members of the Equestrian Club will perform a small show, and lastly, one of the members will perform an old traditional song. After that, the festival will officially begin.” Yuu nods in understanding. “So it’s like an opening ceremony?” The third year president nods. 
“The festival hasn’t started?” Rollo suppresses the want to roll his eyes. Turning to face the very bane of his existence, Malleus Draconia, he nods. “Yes, I will guide you to the battle arena before the ‘annual hunt’ begins.” Jules nods, his eyes scanning the area. “I think it will be best to leave now, while there isn’t a big crowd.” His secretary adds.
A few of the NRC students furrow their eyebrows in confusion, others looking around the area. “What is this ‘annual hunt’?” Rook peaks up after a few seconds of silence. Jules and Eliott share a look, both of them look unsure of whether they should just tell them in case they are selected. Rollo could see the conflict and familiar mischief swimming in their eyes.  
He gave them a blank look, while it would be amusing to see one of them get selected for the annual hunt, he didn’t want to run the risk of them using magic as self defense thinking that they would get kidnapped. Even if the ones doing the hunt use a magic nulling spell, there could be some sort of repercussion. Turning to face the invited students, he is about to explain what is the annual hunt when a puff of smoke appears in the middle of their formed circle. 
‘Too late’ he thinks as four more clouds of smoke appear, clearly a coordinated attack. Instantly, Silver and Sebek form a protective barrier in front of Malleus, their magic pens out and ready for attack. Deuce stands in front of Riddle in a protective manner, pen out as Riddle covers his back. Epel and Rook put their backs together, eyes sharp while their hands on their magical pens, not taking them out just yet. Ruggie, Jamil, and Azul get into an attack position, each ready to attack if needed to. Idia lets out a whimper, shrinking into himself with fear and shock written all over his face. 
The only ones who don���t move are Rollo, Jules, and Eliott. The three of them simply stood back, already knowing where this was heading. So much for trying to get to the battle arena before the group of ‘hunters’ appeared. “A boss battle this soon in the event?!” Idia said, voice trembling. “Who are you?! And what do you want?!” Demanded Riddle, glaring furiously at the five selected hunters for this year.
“Now, now gentlemen! There is no need to be hostile!” The leader of the hunt, a blonde girl, said. Her hands raised in mock surrender. She was sporting a yellow jester outfit, a black and yellow mask on her face, making it hard for Rollo to tell who it was. “We have come in humbling peace!”
The bells in her hat ring with each movement she does, the other hunters, dressed as different color jesters Rollo noticed, all follow along. A purple jester hums a tune under his breath, and Rollo already knows who Purple jester had picked out of the students. A red jester walks towards him, his brown eyes looking over at the third year with interest before walking away in favor of looking at Neige.
Neige smiles nervously, hiding behind Chenya who looked intrigued by the five different color jesters. A blue jester stands near Malleus, Silver, and Sebek, eyeing the two guards and from where Rollo stands, he could see him thinking about the pros and cons in taking one of the guards. And the final jester, one dressed in green skips around Idia, smirking at the way the blue haired boy shrinks into himself even further. 
“President! You don’t mind if we snag one or two of your esteemed guests do you?” Yellow jester says, hands on her hips. Rollo looks at her, then at the students. They all look at him, confused and a little worried. Their magical pens are still out but he could see how some of them start to lower them. “We just want to show the two specials selected to the V.I.P. room where our esteem judge is!”
At this, Rollo perks up, “So, she really was selected to play the part of the judge this year?” Yellow nods, tiny smirk on her lips. He did know you had a solo performance to do, but he didn’t know if it had been for the part of the judge/jester, or if you were just one of the backup vocals. 
“Very well, whoever you choose, please do handle them with care.” Placing his handkerchief up to his lips, Rollo hides the tiny smirk forming on his lips. Eliott sniggers while Jules jabs him on the ribs, trying to contain his own laughter. “W-What?!” Exclaimed Epel, anger clear in his face. “Yall just gonna let us get taken?!” 
“You will be fine.”
His response only made them even more agitated. Good, they were starting to get on his nerves. 
“Where will they be taking us?” Riddle asked, trying to suppress his rage.
“Who is this Judge person?” Deuce added, his blue eyes eyeing weary at the blue Jester who was circling him and Riddle like a shark.
“Better yet, what do you mean by two of us?” Silver spoke up, aurora eyes glaring at the yellow jester. She laughs, her bells jingling along with her. Rollo sighs, then steps aside. “Take whoever you want, but do so with haste. Or we will be late.” 
“Oh shoot! Right you are Mr. President!” Clapping her hands, she points at the purple jester and red jester. “Let’s hurry! We mustn't make our dear judge wait!” And with a snap of her fingers, purple and blue jester lunged at Idia while red and green jester lunged at Neige.
It all happened in a blink of an eye. 
Without having any time to cast a single spell, Idia was already being carried like a sack by the purple jester, a scream so loud pierced the town square where they all were standing. The blue jester mumbled the familiar incantation and in an instant, whatever spell Idia had thought of using vanished. 
Neige also led out a loud squeal as the red jester carried him bridal style as the green jester did the exact same thing as the blue jester. And in quick fast jumps, they all landed where the yellow jester was. The rest of the students screamed the names of the other two, ready to lunge at the hunters when in a fluid and elegant motion, the yellow jester moved her hand into the air and just like they made their grand entrance, purple smoke blinded them momentarily. 
The echo of their laughter was all they could hear as the two students that had come with them vanished alongside the hunters. Huffing, Rollo put away his handkerchief and casted a quick wind spell, airing out all the purple smoke. The hunters were long gone, only a yellow and black handkerchief left behind. Once everything was clear, he turned to face the remaining students. 
“What the hell was that?!” Exclaimed Epel, eyes trained on Rollo angrily. “And what was with letting them take Idia and Neige?!”
“We have to go and rescue them!” Exclaimed Deuce. “Are they in any kind of trouble? They mentioned a judge, and by the looks of it, you seemed to know who it was.” Added Riddle, gray eyes staring at where Idia had been standing. “Do not fret, they are fine.” He finally said, “Let us go to the battle arena before we miss the opening ceremony.”
“And what about Neige and Idia?” Azul points out, he still looked frazzled about the whole ordeal. “Why were they even dressed like that?” Grim grumbled from where he was in Yuu’s arms. Both the magicless human and cat monster had decided to hide behind the statue of the fair judge until the cost was clear. Not that Rollo blames them, for the years he had stayed here, not once had he been picked. 
And it was mostly because he either sacrificed someone, or hid very well so they weren’t able to grab him. Much like now. 
“As I have said, they are fine. No harm will come to them,” He began walking towards the battle arena. Jules and Eliott to his left and right. “Now I suggest we hurry unless you wish to miss the opening ceremony.” Jules turns to face them, an apologetic (Rollo knows that it was a mocking smile) smile on his lips. “Worry not, I will explain who they were and why they took your two companions as we make our way to the battle arena.”
That seemed to put most of them at ease. Chenya smiles, eyes flashing with interest as he makes his way to Jules and wraps an arm around his neck. “Oh, now this just sounds like something mew would like to hear.”
‘Great Seven, please help me keep my sanity’ 
Shaking his head, Rollo leads the group to the opening ceremony. 
If heaven was on earth, it was at this very moment. When they had announced for the Equestrian Club to make their entrance, Rollo’s eyes had immediately searched for you in the crowd of yellow dresses and suits. Once they landed on you, the world seemed to blend in the back as he watched you throughout the whole first half of the performance. 
The way you seemed to guide Snowflake in elegant movements following your fellow clubmates left him breathless. The smile on your lips, shine in your eyes, and little waves you did for the crowd had his eyes glued to you. He fiddled with his magic ring, finding it grounding him as he continued to observe you. 
Slplitted into two teams of five, he watched as you and four others ran the horses and jumped obstacle courses. The other group of five would trout around the edge, waving at the crowd while handling flowers and bead necklaces. 
From the corner of his eyes, he could see how Riddle, Silver, and Sebek stared at the group who was performing elaborate tricks in amazement. “Wow…I didn’t know they could be maneuvered in such a way.” Said Silver in amazement, aurora eyes following one of the riders. Riddle nods in agreement, “Most of what we do is focused on racing other than performing arts.”
Sebek didn’t say anything, but his electric yellow eyes kept trailing behind one of the riders, interested in them as he saw how they did another high jump. Malleus hums, interest flashing in his green eyes as he keeps a close eye on the riders handing out flowers. Rollo gave a suitable nod to one of the riders, who understood immediately as she galloped towards them. 
“Welcome to the City of Flowers! May your visit here be one to remember!” Handing Azul, Jamil, Ruggie, and Riddle a red rose, she made her way towards Deuce, Silver, Malleus, Yuu, and Grim. “Here you go! A flower to represent an everlasting friendship.” Each one of them got a yellow rose. After she finished handing them one, she moved on to the next group. 
“Rollo, we got word of the last guest that was supposed to be the chaperon for both NRC and RSA.” Whispered Eliott to his right, a tablet in his hands. Pulling away from your figure, he gestures at him to continue. “He will be arriving in around ten to twenty minutes, there has been a delay with his trip but he should be able to make it before the ceremony comes to an end.”
Profesor Mozus Trein, he had volunteered to be the chaperon for both schools, however, he couldn’t be there when Rollo had gone to greet the students. Apparently, he had some issues with his familiar that he couldn’t ignore. “When did you receive the notification?”
“About twelve minutes ago.” Eliott responded after checking his tablet. Rollo nods, “Send one of the members from the student council to go wait for him at the magic mirror. It shouldn’t be long before he arrives.” 
“Alright, I’ll send Catherine then.” Typing away in his tablet, Eliott turned to Jules and began discussing the next planned events they had for their guests. Rollo went back to look at you, however, he noticed that someone else had their eye on you. 
Malleus Draconia
The fae prince had a small gentle smile (it would have looked sadistic to anyone else) as he gazed at you. Something aching to tenderness flashed in his deep green eyes. Rollo felt himself sneer and quickly covered his lower face with his handkerchief. Something ugly twisted in his chest, it made him feel bitter. 
Suddenly, your eyes met him and you beamed at him like you always have. And in an instant, the feeling vanished as it was replaced with gentle warmth. You raised your hand, excitedly waving at him, the sun casting warm rays to your face, illuminating your natural beauty even further. He felt himself smiling like a fool, and without even noticing, he had raised his hand in a half waive. 
That seemed to boost up your energy as your face flushed pink and a dazzling smile covered your face in pure joy. Guiding Snowflake towards the other set of obstacles, he watched as you ran with your other four clubmates, more energy in each movement than before. 
Someone hummed cheerly in his left ear, startling him. Turning to face the cause of the sound, he almost shrieked as the floating head of Chen'ya greeted him. The cat beastman chuckles, a smile too wide for his face breaks out as the rest of his body appears before him. “Why dear president~ I had no clue you had a lover performing. I wonder, is that why you were in such a hurry to get us here?”
Something about the tone Chenya used was getting on his nerves. It may have been the teasing tilt or the obvious mockery, either way Rollo didn’t like it. Glaring at the cat, he simply turns to face the performance. “She is simply a friend of mine, it’s her first time performing and she wanted me to be here.”
“Mmm, my, my, friends?” Leaning in further, the purple haired boy hums. “Are you sure that is all you feel for the little birdy?” 
“I don’t know what you are insinuating.” 
Leaning back, the cat gives him a shit eating grin. “I am just saying, if you don’t act quick, a little dragon may steal that birdy from you.” At the implication, Rollo feels a wave of anger hit him. Before he could respond back, Riddle had reached forwards and pulled Chenya by the collar of his sweater. “Chenya! What have I told you about instigating fights?!”
The cat laughs, “Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to have a nice little chat with the president.” He looked anything but sorry. Frowning, he gave the boy a pointed look. “I would appreciate it if you don’t stick your nose where it doesn't belong.” His voice was so cold that it even startled Riddle.
“I apologize on his behalf, Rollo. I will make sure this doesn't happen again.” Pulling the boy away from the white haired boy, Riddle once again offers another apology and walks away with Chenya, scolding him about manners. 
“Honestly, who does he think he is…” He mumbles slowly under his breath. Huffing, he goes back to watching the performance, yet the words Chenya spoke to him bounced inside his mind. Without thinking, he glances towards Malleus. The fae was staring at another rider, but his eyes flickered to you every once in a while. 
Shaking his head, Rollo tried to rationalize that Malleus simply looked at you like that because he may have never seen people perform with horses until today. He reeked of child amazement the longer he looked at the performers. 
Nothing more, nothing less.
Blot, blot, blot…
Staggering at the sudden vision, you lean on Snowflake for balance. The horse huffs as if concerned and stops moving once you reach the stables. Blinking away the blurriness, you swore you had seen black ink drop right in front of you and into a puddle. 
“What the hell…” You mumbled, head feeling a little fuzzy. “Hey, you alright [name]?” Asked one of your clubmates. Her blue eyes glancing at you with worry. Giving her a strained smile, you nod. “Yeah, just a little thirsty. Don’t worry, I will get some water before the last performance.” She doesn't look convinced but nods nonetheless. 
Guiding Snowflake into one of the stables with water, you leave him there and go to your changing room in order to take a break before the next performance. 
Yuu blinks away the wave of dizziness he suddenly has. Grim yelps as he is almost dropped to the ground the moment Yuu stagers forward. Deuce, who was next to him, manages to steady him before he could fall to the ground. “Whoa! You alright?!” Asked his blue haired friend, eyes glancing at him with concern.
Epel helps him settle Yuu in one of the nearby chairs, his baby blue eyes looking just as concerned as he felt. Waving them away, he gives them his best convincing smile. “I-I’m fine, it's probably just the heat of the sun mixed with the excitement of the crowd.” 
It wasn’t the full truth, but he couldn’t tell them why he had almost fainted. Deuce and Epel share a look, “Have you gotten enough sleep prefect?” Said Deuce, eyeing him cautiously. “Or did you barely sleep because of the excitement of going on this trip?” Added Epel while giving him the same look.
“He actually woke up pretty early.” Grim finally spoke from his position on the ground. Both boys turn to look at him and Yuu glances away with a wince. He had another weird dream, the usual ones he had when someone was about to overblot. He had tried to piece it together to figure out who may be the next victim. 
But the dream didn’t fit anyone on campus. 
And now that he had another vision, this one showing the blot accumulation, he was sure that the person who would overblot wasn’t from his school or RSA. His brown eyes glanced at Rollo, Jules, and Eliott. The three of them huddled in a circle, looking at something Eliott was showing them. Yuu had a hunch that this time, the victim was going to be one of them.
And if his hunch was correct, it may be Rollo.
Yuu had no clue what Chenya had told the third year, but it must have struck a nerve if even Riddle flinched at the tone Rollo had used. No one had seen the interaction, and Yuu had only managed to witness it when he noticed that Chenya and Riddle were not next to him as they had been moments prior. 
“Yeah…I was excited for the trip and ended up waking earlier than planned. I couldn’t go to sleep after that.” Yuu laughed awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Epel shook his head, “Ya need to take care of yourself prefect.” Yuu chuckles but nods along. 
Looking towards the left, he sees Malleus looking at the place where the performance had taken place. A far away look in his green eyes. He wondered what he was thinking about. Shrugging, he went back to focusing on Deuce and Epel, both talking about the tricks the horses had done. 
Yuu prayed that he was wrong about the next blot victim.
Info on the event:
In this au, the festival has a tradition in where five different color jesters will appear and take two people before the opening ceremony begins
The five color jesters are called hunters
The judge mentioned is not related to Frollo, it will make more sense once I post the other chapter as to why they call the reader 'judge'
In case you haven't figured it out, yes Rollo will be overblotting
Neige and Chen'ya will be more included in this au
Eliott and Jules like tormenting people
Fun fact, did yall know that Frollo's horse's name was Snowball, I decided to use that in my favor
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thamaris · 10 months
Daughter of the Sea (OP AU) - Each sea has a 'daughter' but they are all children of Mother Sea.
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The daughters are somewhat based on the elemental directions;
Nemo (Tempest) is the East Blue so she's air.
Fissure (Fizz) is the South Blue, so fire, and she's based on hydrothermal vents.
Maelstrom (Mel) is the West Blue which is water.
Glacier is the North Blue, and even though the north element is earth, because she's the sea her thing is ice.
They all have white hair and eyes; Glacier is snow and ice, Fissure is a carbon dioxide based thermal vent as opposed to a sulphur one (which would be black,) Maelstrom's hair is like the crashing waves, and then Nemo is the wind.
The spirit of Tempest returns to her mother, and Nemo takes her place, and she doesn't understand who or what she is anymore.
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'Rescued' from the shores of a deserted island where the Big Top docks for a time (because she doesn't know the water cant keep her there,) and she joins the crew. She discovers that she likes painting, so she does that, along with other menial stuff, like cleaning, and is constantly fighting the urge to throw herself into the sea.
At some point when they're in calm shallow waters, she is allowed to dive into the sea, and through some shenanigans she learns she can't drown. Buggy takes advantage of this by appointing her as his treasure hunter where she dives for all the treasure on the sea floor, like he had originally planned to do before eating the devil fruit.
On one outing, she was diving near a nest of some kind of sea beast, and they naturally like her because she is the sea, so it was a lot of fun! A group of pirate upstarts thought she was an easy target, and while Nathan was acting as a sort of navigator for them; he was only there because they were his way off his home island.
Long story short, the crew out in the open get mauled, and Nathan (the only one who wasn't out on the deck) joins Nemo. He refuses to be a pirate because he doesn't mesh morally with it, and he just wants to see the world, so he claims Nemo as his captain (in a crew of 2 lol) and helps navigate the sea so she isn't going just off of a feeling, and whatever vague rumours or map she can't understand that Buggy gave her. When she's diving he minds the boat.
The whole premise with Nemo and Buggy is that he has somehow failed upwards once again with an aspect of the very sea that rejects him as a devil fruit user now embraces him.
Insp songs; Daughter of the Sea - Eliott Tordo Erhu | Loreley - Blackmore's Night
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hellmersy · 2 years
Sterek kid hc's I guess???
Eli's full name is Eliott.
Eli has two siblings, Claude and Rhiannon.
The three of them are triplets.
Claude is the youngest and was the runt of the litter until last summer when he shot up 2 and a half feet. he's still growing and currently stands at 6' 1" at 15 years old.
Rhiannon and Eli are werewolves and Claude is human.
Rhiannon and Eli are very protective of Claude since he's human.
Stiles tried to test if Claude had the potential for a spark when he was younger but nothing came out of it.
Despite being human, Claude is physically stronger than both of his werewolf siblings combined. Stiles and Derek are REALLY confused about this.
Sometimes Claude picks Eli or Rhiannon up by the scruff when they are talking to their crushes just to embarrass them.
Claude is Peter's favorite and he spoils him relentlessly to Stiles and Derek's chagrine. Though Peter loves and spoils his niece and other nephew plenty.
There is only one (1) photo of Stiles from when he was noticeably pregnant with Eli, Rhiannon and Claude and it's of Derek with his head on Stiles' stomach, listening their heartbeats while Stiles looks down at him lovingly.
They still don't know who took the photo.
It was Chris.
Rhiannon is their perfect middle child; black hair and gold eyes, Stiles' sailor mouth and Derek's eyebrows.
Eli is basically if someone copied and pasted Derek, but then gave him Stiles' personality.
Claude has blue eyes, no one knows which side of the family they came from. Stiles thinks it's the Stilinski genes but Derek insists Claude has the same stink eye as his grandmother. The picture of a young Peter Hale collecting dust in the attic begs to differ.
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bubbles-the-banshee · 9 months
Happy STS!
"Your characters are invited to a Halloween party; costumes required. Tell me what they're dressing up as and how the night goes. 🙃"
Thank you for another awesome ask, @toribookworm22! I went ahead and answered for the Fantastic Hervaskian Four + Dante, Rowen, Ty, and Will.
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The ultimate, power couple—Aisha and Lea—are 100% going as Howl and Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. Lea is end-of-the-movie, silver bob Sophie, and Aisha does blonde, box braids for beginning-of-the-movie Howl. They spend the entire night being super couple-y and adorable, and Aisha is in-character the entire time—lots of hand-kissing and melodramatics. (Aisha borrowed the coat from Eliott; they own it, not for costume purposes, but because it's a look.)
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As I mentioned in another ask, Eliott doesn't have great feelings about the Fall/Winter season, so Octavius convinces them to to go to the party and picks out their costumes. They go as Fiore and Artemis from Sailor Moon R: The Movie. (Octavius wanted Eliott to go as Sailor Moon, but let's be real, those aren't their vibes.) Octavius does a costume change halfway through the party into Luna for funsies.
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Eliott doesn't suggest a couple's costume to Dante, because while he is 100% that bitch, he is subtle about it, and Eliott's just a little too insecure to ask. So, the minute he knows who they're going as (Lea tells him), Dante plans out his costume and makes an elaborate, in-character entrance as Tuxedo Mask after Eliott arrives. They are starry-eyed. Dante is secretly sweating, and they absolutely leave the party early—saying nothing.
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Acon is not the type to participate in anything that might be viewed as "childish," but he also doesn't want to be left out. After finding out everyone else is dressing up, he asks Eliott for ideas, and they tell him to "go as something fun, obscure, and nostalgic," so he shows up as the Rankin/Bass, claymation Jack Frost to the awe of many. It's a night of compliments and embarrassed blushing, and Aisha gets him drunk enough to sing "One of a Kind."
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Now, I know what you're thinking. Rowen's a vampire; she has long, black hair and impeccable fashion sense. Obviously, she goes as Morticia Addams. Well, you're right, but you're wrong. She's been alive for longer than the country of Hervaskor, and she has the taste and grace to match, but she's also a huge dork. She jumps on the chance to go as James Daly's Dracula. In fact, she commits so hard that she dyes and cuts her hair. (She spikes the punch bowl and spends the entire night fucking with Eliott while Ty laughs.)
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Ty goes as a sheet ghost. Full stop. It has nothing to do with laziness and everything to do with the need to half-ass in a group of overachievers. They're proving a point, and they absolutely win best costume.
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I struggled with Will's costume because he's so cool, far cooler than I or anyone else can hope to be; I imagined he'd go as an awesome, historical figure that nobody's every heard of, but then I realized I was a fool. The answer, like a brilliant flash of light, came to me on the edge of sleep. He goes as fucking Static Shock and absolutely kills it. (If it weren't for Ty, he'd win best costume. It starts a rivalry that spans generations.)
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Fancy. *I get the charger and hook it up*
Directions say to charge it for an hour. The charge lasts 6 hours.
*I read further* then... *I hum as I get down the directions* it says 'a parent have to wear it for 1 hour.'
*Elliot wakes up and coos*
*Harold is still going at the little shovel*
(i'm wearing my green cargo pants, a black tank top, black tennis shoes, and Rancher's hoodie. My hair in a messy French braid down my back. My body ain't snapped back yet, so I wear something baggy up top*
*my contacts work now that I'm not pregnant anymore. So I don't gotta wear my glasses all the time*
*Harold picked up a few words of French and Norwegian from me when I speak to Marie sometimes)
Rancher is in sweats and a tshirt since he’s basically a house husband until eliott has his inhibitor up and running. When the bracelet is fully charged, rancher slips it on his own wrist and helps tidy up while you both wait for it to figure out what it’s blocking
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riddlehatereddi · 2 years
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Please ignore any fucky colours my vision is very poor
Image Description Under Cut
[ID Start] Eliott stand to the left of the screen. He is a white man, with vitiligo around his eyes and mouth. His hair is in a ginger mullet and he has blue eyes. He has multiple ear piercings, eyebrow piercings and he has a septum ring. He has plasters over his cheek, nose bridge and forehead. Eliott wear a black tank top, white scoliosis brace, blue sleeveless jacket, blue short, pink socks and black shoes. He's leaning on two black crutches. Next to him, it says, Eliott Taylor, He/Him, Scottish, Transgender, Gay. Shafeen sits to the right of the screen. She is a brown-skinned woman, with long brown hair accented with punk raccon stripes, slight stubble, a red spiraled prosthetic left eye, and a barely visible cochlear implant. She wear several hairclips, a green tank top with a picture of Gir from Invader Zim, black skirt, mismatched purple & blue socks, purple & black arm warmer on her left arm, and multiple brightly coloured bracelets on her right arm. She sits in a wheelchair with black seating and a pink frame. Above her it says, Shafeen Baig, She/They, English Pakistani, Transgender, Lesbian. Eliott & Shafeen are on a background made of multiple brightly coloured squares. [End ID]
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outerspacekenz · 7 months
Hate Crimes are Real
To understand how hate crimes play a role in maintaining systems of inequality, first we need to understand the definition. It is a crime, which may or may not involve violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientations, and other different identities. As well as knowing hate crimes are also known as bias-motivated crimes. Hate crimes maintain systems of inequalities because they target people that do not conform to societal “norms”. They also “represent fear and intense anger about entitlements or about imagined ways of living that they fear might be loss” (Gendered Voices, Feminist Visions pg 70); people are so scared about societal norms, that they are willing to target people who don’t follow them. This is how hate crimes maintain inequality, because of the mythical norms. A woman is still a woman whether she has short or long hair. A man is still a man even if he expresses emotions; that doesn't mean he is weak. All of these things are part of being human; having choices and emotions and everyone is different, that is the beauty. But hate crimes are people feeling offended about how they deem their gender, sexual orientation, race, etc. is supposed to act, but there is no real “law” on how certain people must look like, act like, or even dress like. 
Sadly there are many examples of hate crime even just in the United States, and all over the world. In the past few years there have been many hate crimes usually targeted towards BIPOC communities as well as the LGBT+ community. One example of a hate crime directed towards POC happened in 2022, at Evanston Haven Middle School. Which was a “fatal act of white supremacist terrorism in Buffalo that resulted in the tragic loss of 10 lives, a total of 13 victims – 11 of whom were Black” (YWCA Evanston-North Shore, Responding to racist hate crimes in our community and across the nation). Hate crimes even happen to children, many of whom don’t understand what is going on around the world. They go to school to learn and make friends but are still targeted because of their race. Another example is a major shooting that happened in Orlando at a gay nightclub. This crime was targeted against the LGBT+ community. “An American-born man who’d pledged allegiance to ISIS gunned down 49 people early Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando, the deadliest mass shooting in the United States and the nation’s worst terror attack since 9/11, authorities said '' (Ralph Ellis, Ashley Fantz, Faith Karimi and Eliott C. McLaughlin, Orlando Shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance). It was a terrible shooting where many members of the LGBT community were hurt and killed. 
Here are links to the articles, if you would like to read more:
Evanston Haven Middle School
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she-is-tim · 5 years
Bleeding Hearts | Elu Vampire Soulmate AU | Ch.2
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AO3 link
Eliott is living on alcohol, weed and blood. That drives his dead body on a daily basis, giving him at least some kind of purpose in his meaningless life. Being immortal sucks. Being dead sucks even more. All he wants is to get out of this endless loop of nothingness, but he doesn’t expect that to happen so soon. When he meets him, his world turns upside down and his heart starts to beat again.
Crossing paths
Blood was dripping down from his lips as he raised his head. An inhuman groan left his throat as the warm liquid filled his insides. His whole body was on fire, he felt himself becoming stronger, invincible even. The metallic flavor on his tongue reminded him of who he was and where he belonged, to the darkness. No one could stop him, because he could kill them all. There will be no more hesitation, no more holding back. The beast inside him cried out, showing his dominance. He slowly opened his eyes that were sparkling blue in the dim light, gazing down at the body in front of him. A beautiful face, small frame, the disheveled brown locks now bathing in deep crimson liquid that was still flowing out of the two holes bitten into his soft neck. Large, ocean blue eyes wide open, showing no signs of life in them. Lucas was dead. The monster killed him. 
Eliott’s eyes snapped open, gasping for air. His whole body was covered in cold sweat, hair sticking to his forehead, tears rolling down his cheeks. He grabbed the shirt he was sleeping in, trying to normalize his breathing and heartbeat. It was such a hard thing to live with a functioning body after spending more than twenty years to get used to being dead. He was just like every other human being, sweating, crying, swallowing, peeing, sleeping, but still different. The sun still burned him, that was sure and he still craved for blood more than anything. Actually things got worse in the last few days. 
He kept following Lucas from afar, making sure the boy won’t notice him. He knew that this was not right, but he just couldn’t hold himself back. It was a strong force inside that made him listen to his newly awakened heart instead of his head. And of course it wouldn’t shut up about Lucas. He needed to know where he lived, where he was working, going to school, to get coffee, who he was visiting at the hospital. Every single detail about his life. At least it was a reason for him to get out of his apartment. Luckily the weather was really cloudy and cold, so he was able to be outside during daytime. He had to admit that with his alive body there came a lot of inconveniences, like feeling cold. Wearing shoes were just as awful as he remembered, but he needed it to protect his feet from the cold. Funny how just for that he wished his dead body back. 
He reached for his phone, that somehow ended up on the floor next to his bed to check the time. It was already past 10, so Lucas was already on the campus, probably being bored to death. Eliott loved to watch him through the university building windows as he was sitting in the classroom, tapping on his cheeks with a pencil, gazing at the professor with those beautiful, ocean blue eyes. Whenever it seemed like the boy noticed him, his heart would beat a thousand miles per hour, just to realize it’s basically impossible. He was a vampire, Lucas was a mortal, therefore he was not able to recognize him until he wanted him to. Of course that was all his heart wished for, but he just couldn’t let it happen. He knew if he would enter the boy’s life in any form, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from being around him all the time, trying to get his attention and make him fall in love. 
He got up from his bed. Since he met his “soulmate” and his heart started beating again he needed much more sleep than before. Now it was 5-6 hours instead of 1 or 2. His abilities were still the same, he was fast, quiet, agile and strong. It was just his brain needed a break and his body needed recharge, which was accomplished by sleeping. 
The kitchen was a bit messy, since he tried to cook something last night, which almost ended with burning down the place. Thankfully he was fast enough to put out the small fire in the pan, but he was sure that the omlette he was making died in the accident. A sad story really. He might do a funeral for it later the day by the trash cans behind the building. Gotta give the honor to those poor eggs that sacrificed themselves to prove him that becoming a vampire didn’t help with his cooking skills. 
He was too sleepy to clean up his own mess, so he just turned on his coffee machine and waited for it to make him some liquid black gold. His hands were still shaking and his heart was racing after the terrible dream he had. Ever since he was following the boy, nightmares like this were haunting him endlessly, reminding him of what could happen if he gets too close to Lucas. What happens if he loses control when he’s around him. That’s why he has to stay away, just observing from the distance, never initiating any sort of contact.  One cup of black coffee later he was agressively staring out the window, well more precisely through a small gap between the thick curtains. The sun was shining bright, no signs of clouds. He hated days like this, because it meant that he had to spend his time inside his apartment, far from Lucas. 
He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. This was not the end of the world, he will go to see him after the sun sets, until then he has a lot of time to spend. The living room was also a mess, crumpled papers, empty beer bottles and an empty box of chinese takeout he ordered after last night’s tragedy. He flopped down on the couch, turning on the TV and just letting it fill the annoying silence. Well, he could hear people walking on the streets, the old lady downstairs talking to her cat, some young couple having sex a few doors away. Who the hell has sex at 11 in the morning? Don’t they have a workplace or school to attend to? Fucking youngsters. 
He was halfway through a TV show called The Umbrella Academy when he got startled by his buzzing phone. He reached for it, snatching from the coffee table he was resting his feet on and accepted the call without checking who was calling him. 
“Yes?” he asked, his voice was still a bit raspy, considering he haven’t talked to anyone in days now. 
“Eliott, my favorite barista! How’s it going?” came the enthusiastic voice of Alexandre Delano from the other side of the line. He couldn’t help the small smile creeping up on his face. They knew each other since a while now. Even a vampire needs a job to maintain his regular life somehow, like paying rent, his Netflix subscription, buying weed, alcohol, coffee and other unhealthy things to fuel his body on a daily basis. That’s why he had a part-time job at a night club a couple streets away from his apartment. It was perfect, because they opened after sunset and were closing a few hours before dawn, which meant that he could work without making stupid excuses when it’s a sunny day. Plus the job was fairly easy, he had to make cocktails, serve it and be charming. Basically the perfect place for a vampire. It also helped him with his self control, since it wasn’t easy being around so many people, feeling their pulse pumpig to the rhythm of the loud music, exposed necks and easy preys everywhere. 
“Hey, Alex. Long time.” he said softly, pausing the episode he was currently watching. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you could come in and cover a shift for us today. You weren’t here since a week now and Emma fucking misses you.” he said with playfulness in his tone, which made Eliott chuckle. 
“Or she just misses my special margarita cocktail.” he joked, but it was probably true. Emma was his coworker, just like Alex, but she couldn’t quite keep herself away from the drinks. She almost got fired a couple times, but the boys always stood up for her.
“Oh, come on, man! We all miss your stupid face!” he claimed. “What would we do without your sarcastic jokes and grumpy behavior?” 
“That’s just super nice, thank you.” he murmured, rolling his eyes with a fond smile on his face.
“You know how I meant. And it’s fucking friday, students are going crazy! There will be a lots of people. We need all the help we can get.” 
“Chill, Alex. I was in the minute I heard your voice.” he calmed him softly, enjoying the warm feeling that was spreading in his chest.
“Really?! That’s cool. See you at 21h?” he asked happily and Eliott could hear Emma’s voice in the background. They were probably out together somewhere. 
“Sure. See you.” he replied and hung up. 
Long hours passed and the club was now filled with mostly tipsy and wilding university students, trying to get rid of all the stress they’ve been gathering throughout the whole week. Eliott was surprised that his beast didn’t even try to burst out, even though he drank half a liter of AB+ before he left his apartment. Maybe it was because of his beating heart, he had no idea, but there was no reason to complain, since that made his job ten times easier. 
He had a lot of fun at the bar with Alex and Emma, making cocktails, serving drinks to sweaty youngsters, enjoying the thumping sounds of dubstep and techno music while watching the crowd of bodies swaying on the dance floor. Of course the brunette couldn’t help herself and got a tiny bit tipsy within two hours. She was a pain in the butt to handle, keep spilling drinks, jabbering at the guests and dancing around the boys clumsily. They had to help her up or clean the mess she made, but they didn’t mind it, because they were having fun. Eliott couldn’t remember the last time he laughed so much, but with all these new feelings inside him, everything was much more intense. Halfway through their shift Alex pointed out how he changed, but in a good way and that he is happy for him, to which Eliott replied with a wide grin. He really was happier and his friend had no idea how much he actually changed. Finally he could feel like he was a normal boy, who wasn’t 48 years old, stuck in a 20 year old body and craving for other people’s blood. He was just Eliott, the bartender. 
Somewhere around midnight he needed to go to the bathroom, just to wash his face and refresh himself. Babysitting Emma all night was a hard task, even for an immortal. As he looked in the mirror, water dripping from his face he felt like he is not seeing a monster, but himself. The young boy that got killed so long ago by a creature of the night made his way back, taking over his body, enjoying his life. He wished for this to be permanent, but a little voice in the back of his head kept reminding him that he can never be normal again, that he and his whole life is completely fucked up. 
He wiped his face with a paper towel and exited the bathroom, walking back towards the bar. He had to stop for a moment when his heart skipped a beat. It was so sudden and unexpected, that he got shocked. It took him not more than a few seconds to notice the cause of it. Lucas was standing by the bar, holding a bottle of beer and chatting with Alex casualy. Eliott panicked. His breathing quickened, heart racing like there’s no tomorrow and his nose got filled with the oh, so familiar scent of mint and deodrant, covering all the different smells that were flying around in the air. He could only see and feel the presence of Lucas, everyone else ceased to exist for him. 
What the fuck is he doing here?!
He could feel his palms getting sweaty, hair sticking to the nape of his neck. His heart was screaming at him, telling him to go over there, talk to Lucas, but this time his brain was sober enough to start coming up with escape routes. He knew he shouldn’t be running away from his workplace, but he couldn’t go there to the brunette and act like he wasn’t just following him for 2 weeks in a row, watching his every step, memorizing his classes and routines. 
No, he can’t go there. No way. He was just about to head towards the back door that was leading to the storage, sneaking out from there, when Emma appeared next to him. He was usually well aware of his own surroundings, being able to tell if someone tried to approach him, but not this time. He was too fucking preoccupied with a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy that was currently laughing at something his stupid friend - Basile, if he remembers his name correctly - said just now. And damn if that laugh wasn’t the best thing he ever heard, Adding to that he was wearing tight, stone washed black jeans with a black button up shirt. Eliott swallowed.
“Hey, Eli! My sweetheart, why are you standing here alone?” she chirped, the smell of vodka mixed with brandy almost, almost covered the sweet scent of Eliott’s beloved boy. Emma threw her arm around the guy’s neck and pulled him towards the bar, keep rambling about some shit. He tried to resist, but it would be too suspicious. He had no choice but to join his friend at the bar. 
“Hey! You’re back!” Alex yelled over the loud music happily. “I was worried that you flushed yourself down in the toilet.” he joked and nudged his side playfully. 
Eliott would laugh at his joke, but all of his hairs were straightening up as he felt the strong presence of Lucas. He was too busy explaining something to his friends at the moment, so he got the chance to just take him in. His beautiful face, his strong jawline, that fucking disheveled hair, his long lashes that were casting spidery shadows on his soft cheeks. Damn, he was so beautiful. 
He got startled out of his thoughts by fingers snapping in front of his nose. He shook his head and looked at Emma, who was standing in front of him with a smug grin on her face. Oh, fuck! 
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” she asked, though it seemed like she already knew the answer. Eliott took a deep breath and shook his head. It was almost impossible to take his eyes off of Lucas, but he somehow managed to do it. 
“Nothing, I’m going back to work.” he said, trying to sound nonchalant, walking to the other side of the bar, as far away from the boys as he just could, but before he had a chance to get away, Alex grabbed his hand, pulling him to his side. He gasped as the realization hit him that all four boys had their eyes fixed on him. Those ocean blue ones were even more beautiful in the blue and pink neon lights of the place. His heart was beating to the rhythm of the music that was currently playing, though he couldn’t tell what it was actually. 
“Don’t try to escape!” Alex said with a wide smirk on his face, pointing forward with the hand that wasn’t gripping into Eliott’s shirt. “These are my sweet friends. They just started college.” he explained enthusiastically. The gang in front of them smiled friendly, they must have heard about the mysterious Eliott Demaury already. Emma likes talking when she’s drunk and he was away for enough time for her to spill some tea to basically anyone that was in her vicinity. 
“Hey, you must be the famous Eliott.” Yann said, her bright smile was in stark contrast with his skin color, which was just extremely charming. Eliott would sure find him handsome, but his eyes were still fixated on one face and it seemed like Lucas also had his full attention on him. Ocean blue eyes boring holes into his face, making his cheeks heat up. What the fuck was this boy doing to him? 
“Yes, he is.” Alex answered, pinching his side while shooting him a disapproving look that was saying ‘Just this one time, be nice to them, okay?’ Eliott wished if he could do that, but as he opened his mouth, nothing came out. 
“Ahw, look at him, being at loss of words.” Emma chimed in, sipping on a glass of god knows what, having a wide smile on her face still. “Excuse him, but he probably never seen such beautiful boys like you. Not Basile, but like the others.” she said smirking, winking at her friends.
“Hey! I’m attractive, okay?” the curly haired boy whined, slamming his beer bottle on the counter, earning a grumpy look from Alex.
“No, I’m fine.” He finally managed to find his voice and talk. He could see something shift through the brunette’s face, but it was gone in a second. “Yes, I’m Eliott. Nice to meet you.” he said and his foolish brain and his fucking polite behavior made him raise his hand. Yann grabbed it first, sending him an encouraging smile. 
“Yann, nice to meet you.” 
“Arthur.” was the next one, hair softly curling up by his ears, his glasses sitting peacefully on his reddened cheeks.
“Basile, we heard a lot about you.” he said with an excited grin, shaking the offered hand a bit too fast and too long. Still Eliott would rather take that than touching the last member of the gang. His heart threatened to just burst out of his chest in excitement and fear. Last time they touched was so fucking intense he got a panic attack, so what would happen if they shake hands? 
He had no chance to get away from it now. Basile’s sweaty palm left his, so he reached towards Lucas, who looked a bit nervous before grabbing it. The feeling of it was like electricity blasting through his nerves and veins, freezing him to the spot where he was standing. It was like something clicked inside him, like a puzzle piece finally found it’s place in the big picture. As he examined the face of the other, he just knew that Lucas was feeling this intensity too. He pulled his hand back like he was touching fire, eyes widening from shock.
“What’s wrong, Lulu?” Alex asked worried, switching his eyes from Eliott to the boy and then back. 
“Nothing.” he mumbled, his voice slightly shaking. He unconsciously licked over his bottom lip, taking it between his teeth while looking at Eliott, searching for answers on his face. He wished if he could give it to him, right after he kissed those soft lips bright red. I am so damn fucked. 
“Wanna go back to dance?” Yann asked softly, placing a hand on his best friend’s shoulder, who finally tore his gaze away from Eliott. He could finally breathe normally again. 
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” he mumbled on a soft tone, finishing his beer with a few gulps and Eliott couldn’t help, but stare at his Adam’s apple moving up and down on his throat. He had to grab the counter because his fangs just popped out. The control he had over himself for the last few hours was thrown out of the window now. Every single nerve in his body was screaming for Lucas as he walked back to the dance floor with his friends. 
He was dragged out of his daze when Alex a bit too roughly poked his side with his elbow. As he looked at his friend, he could see confusion and a hint of disapprovement in his eyes. The urge to tell him everything and explain that he wasn’t just picking out Lucas for a one night stand was too strong in the moment. So as an answer, he shrugged and walked to the shelves behind them, organizing their collection of whikeys. 
Through the rest of the night, he barely saw Lucas. It was almost like he was avoiding him, since it was always just one of his friends coming to them for drinks. He was both glad and upset at that. Glad, because it was easier to hold himself back, controlling his inside monster that just wanted to burst out from the mere presence of the brunette. Upset, because his whole body was craving for the boy so much it was physically hurting him. He could smell him, hear his heartbeat and see his beautiful features in the crowd. This was a torture for sure. 
The boys left an hour before closing, dragging a very drunk Basile with them. Emma already bailed a couple hours ago, now swaying and making out with a girl on the dance floor to some shitty techno remix. Most of the people already left the place, the rest was shit faced and close to passing out. Eliott decided to clean up the floor and the counter, while Alex went to say hi to his leaving friends. Just the thought of Lucas walking away from him was painful, but as he looked towards them, his eyes locked with a pair of ocean blue ones. His cheeks were a bit red, caused by the mix of alcohol and dancing. There was something in his gaze that sent shivers down Eliott’s spine, making his body tense up. The boy blinked a couple times, licking his bottom lip yet again, basically driving him crazy with this and focused his attention back to his friends. The three of them gave a short hug to Alex, still holding their wasted buddy in a tight grip before walking out of the door. Taking a part of Eliott with him.
Closing went much smoother than Eliott expected. He helped to get the remaining people out of the building and clean up the place, but he could leave earlier since Alex offered to close and take Emma home. She was now sleeping on a comfy couch, that was placed in one of the corners, snorring loudly. 
He put on his jacket, shaking hands with his coworker and then stepped outside. The cold breeze of the morning air shook him up a little, helping to get rid of his sleepiness. It was still hard to get used to feeling tired and the need to sleep. His feet was making a crunching sound on the sidewalk as he took a few steps, then he noticed a figure standing a few meters from him, leaning against the wall. He looked over and suddenly he forgot how to breathe. 
Lucas was just standing there, his arms crossed, wearing his signature navy blue bomber jacket over that fancy button up shirt. His hair was falling into his face and his eyes were slightly closed. He actually looked like he was sleeping, even his breathing was slow and even, smelling a bit like beer. 
He wanted to resist so bad, but it was just impossible. They were alone, people were still sleeping or going home from parties, so the street was nice and quiet. The orange light of the street lamps were casting dark shadows over the beautiful face of the boy. As he too a step towards him, his eyes jerked open and his small body got all tensed. He looked at Eliott half shocked, half surprised.
“Hey.” he said, trying to hit a friendly tone in his voice, which seemed to ease the brunette a little.
“Hey.” his voice was almost a whisper and if Eliott wouldn’t have such sharp ears, he could have missed it.
“Alex will be coming a bit later.” he explained, since there was no other reason for him to be here than waiting for his friend. He saw Lucas was fidgeting with his hands, looking down to his feet before raising his gaze at him again. He was so fucking gorgeous.
“I was actually waiting for you.” he muttered under his breath and Eliott’s blue eyes shot wide, not believing his ears.
“I said, I was waiting for you.” he repeated now, looking a bit more confisent, his eyes filled with determination. If Eliott wouldn’t be already head over heels for this boy, well, he would be now. 
“And why?” he asked, not being able to hold back the amused grin that creeped up on his face. As a response, he got a shy smile which was the most precious thing he had ever seen. 
“I don’t know... I felt like I should do it.” he said honestly, shrugging like it was not a big deal, while it actually was. Eliott knew too well how that felt, because he kept having those feelings around Lucas way too often. 
“Well, I am here now.” He was praying to whatever force that took over his brain in the moment, making himself be able to speak in full sentences without stuttering. 
“I wanted to apologize.” he started, fingers playing with the zipper of his jacket. “I was a bit rude back then, not introducing myself and pulling away my hand, you know.” he mumbled and he was looking everywhere just to avoid the tall boy’s eyes. Eliott found that extremely endearing. 
“No need for that.” his tone was soft, like warm and fresh honey. “You must have had a rough night. I can walk you home if you want.” he offered, not thinking about the consequences of his own words. Once again, his heart was much louder than his sleep deprived brain. Lucas thought about it for a second and his face split into the most heartwarming smile on the world. 
“Okay, that sounds good.” he said happily, stepping on the sidewalk now.
It’s finally here! I can’t believe I managed to finish this chapter, it might be a bit short, idk but I HAD TO cut it off here, because cliffhanger and because my brain is too tired to come up with more story atm  Enjoy this while you can, I’m going to have a long weekend so I might be able to squeeze out another chapter soon. Make sure to leave feedbacks and don’t hesitate to shoot me with ideas if you want. Bisous
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ichigokeks · 5 years
Maxence: posts a picture with a razor
Me: surely he won't cut all his hair off
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nalawitchie · 5 years
Maxence Danet Fauvel - stolen people’s heart since 1994
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yeahookayy · 5 years
I’m gonna laugh really hard when Maxence is done with his Voldemort short film and shaves his fucking head. Y’all are gonna be saying sjvddjdjsb for a whole different reason
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What do the SOV ROs look like? Since I doubt FCs are in question since they are all awkward gangly kids and most models are, well, not? lol Also, what are their races and/or ethnicities? (From their names, I'm guessing Elvan is Turkish, Andy is Thai, and El is Dutch? L's surname is Spanish so it's not much to go with.)
elvan yalçın: slightly curly raven black hair that reach a little past their ears; green eyes that are so dark that you'd think that they're black from a distance; pale porcelain skin; scrawny asf in physique; a scar on their left arm that starts from their elbow and ends near their wrist, a gift from their dad when they legit fought against him to stay in camp valhalla instead of jotunheim; final height would be 5 ft 10 in. their ethnicity is turkish.
eli ijzermans: wavy golden blonde hair, kept ear-length for eliott and a little past the shoulders for elain; blue eyes that resemble the colour of lightning; sun-kissed skin that makes them look like a surfer dude/girl; athletic physique from being one of the campers who came at a very young age; their arms and legs are littered with tiny scars; final height would be 6 ft 1 (eliott) and 5 ft 9 in (elain). they are belgian, not dutch but your guess was really close!
lee cabrera: dark brown hair in curls, reaches their back in leah's case and is kept above ear-length for liam; hazel eyes that change from brown to green and vice versa randomly; olive skin tone which nicely compliments their eyes; physically lean; there is a scar on their right eyebrow from when they almost became odin 2.0 on their way to camp; final height would be 6 ft (liam) and 5 ft 8 in (leah). they are of mexican and brazilian descent.
andi narong: straight jet black hair, kept short for andrew and shoulder-length for andrea; deep black eyes holding surprising level of warmth; their ivory skin with pinkish undertones make them look more like a child of freya than lee does; awkwardly lanky but toned physique; andi has claw marks on their back from when a wolf attacked them as a kid; final height would be 6 ft 3 in (andrew) and 5 ft 11 in (andrea). their mother is an immigrant from thailand.
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riddlehatereddi · 2 years
Yay, 2023 or something
Anyway, Ocs Eliott [He/Him] and Shafeen [She/They]
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Ignore any fucky colours my vision is very poor
Not pictured, Eliott immediately collapsing afterwards and deciding they should celebrate New Year's at home /lh
Image ID Under Cut
[Start ID] Eliott and Shafeen are standing in front of a grey-red brick wall. The wall goes up to Eliotts waist. In the background there are fireworks that say 2023. Eliott is a white man with vitiligo and an average build. He has blue eyes, a ginger mullet, several piercings on his nose, eyebrows and ears, he also has quite a few plasters on his face. He wears a blue jacket, and you can't see more than that. His right hand is on Shafeen's shoulder, and his left arm is draped over her, he is holding a glass of champagne and he looks quite happy, he is smiling. Shafeen is a brown-skinned thin woman with light stubble. She has dark-brown hair with bright pink racoon stripes, her hair is covered in pink, blue and yellow hair clips. Her right eye is brown, and in her left she has a white & red swirled prosthetic, she also wears a cochlear implant in her left ear. She wears a green tank top with Gir from Invader Zim on the front, and dark-blue ripped baggy jeans. On her right arm she wears multiple brightly coloured bracelets, and on her left arm she wears a black and purple arm warmer. She sits in a manual wheelchair, with a black seat, blue wheels and a pink frame. She's smiling, and holding Eliotts right hand in her own, her left hand is out to the side and holds a glass of champagne. [End ID]
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Hello there!! Oh my, I just found out about your event, and it looks absolutely stunning? Your medieval AU sounds exciting!! And congrats on the 60+ followers!! :)
If it hasn't been taken yet, I would love to request for Sigma with the Clergy prompt!!
Have a very beautiful day/night, and good luck with all the writing!! <3
Hi Eliott! Thank you so much! Coincidentally, I was just thinking about Sigma with the Clergy prompt, and then I check my inbox and there's your request! ;) Have a wonderful day/night, and I hope you enjoy this work!
I Am Your Herald, Father
Tumblr media
Pairing: Priest!Sigma x gn!Scribe!Reader
Writing Genre: drabble
Genres: medieval times, angsty-fluff
Word count: 645
Warnings: alcohol, me trying to use Latin
Links: Medieval scribe
Notes: I totally didn't use one of @requiem626k 's posts as inspiration for the introductory scenes ;) Don't forget to wish Sigma a happy birthday! :)
Read it on ao3!
for the Medieval!AU followers event
The distinctive voices of three familiar courtiers echoed through the church's arched walls. The vibrato and the timbre unique to each one provided you entertainment while you sat at your desk, writing the Father's preachings from memory. The song was not new to your ears, as it had become popular throughout your duchy; a new composition by a man called Guillaume de Machaut. You looked up from your work and gazed upon a dazzling sight: 
The delicate morning light draped across the figures standing before the grand altar. White silk cascaded down the men’s bodies; gold necklaces and rings displaying their status. The priest’s voice resembled an angel, beckoning you to the light. His grey eyes held a mischievous sparkle, one that was reciprocated by the golden eyes of the King’s fool to his right. The counsellor across from the jester however, held a calculating look as they locked eyes. Together their deeper voices created the punishing sword of the godly servant – one ready to strike down the sinners of Earth.
How deceiving they would be… if one did not know them in the way you do.
As their serenade ended, Sigma approached you and held out a hand, silently asking you to join them. Your matching white ensemble floated behind you as the priest rapidly dragged you to a table near the altar where the courtier stood pouring four small goblets of wine.
He handed one to each of you before speaking, "Sit lux luceat nobis in saecula.*"
Together you raised your cups and drank. A satisfied smile donned the courtier's face as he nodded at the priest.
"This has been a lovely rehearsal, Father, but if you will excuse me I must go meet with the King."
Sigma smiled and cast his hand toward the door, "You may leave, my Lord."
As the black-haired man turned to leave, he was abruptly sent stumbling backward. The white-haired jester had stepped on the edges of his mantle, and telling by his minuscule smirk, it was on purpose. The amethyst eyed man simply glared at him and huffed before continuing along his path to the door. The jester made a risky decision to follow, chuckling as the courtier cursed at him in another language.
The sun had risen to that of a traditional high noon; you sat in the front pew with Sigma to your left. He turned his head in your direction, making steady eye contact with you as he asked,
"Are you ready for today's lesson?"
You nodded in silent response.
His body shifted in your direction now, as he lifted an almost glowing hand.
"What do you feel when I place my hand upon yours?" he spoke, tone sincere and quiet.
"I feel warmth… and an inner sensation of comfort."
The priest's eyes widened for a moment, before returning to their idle state.
"What do you feel when I intertwine our hands?"
"I feel a fluttering in my stomach, like that of a butterfly. My chest almost burns in excitement, and I fear that I might need the physician."
The man hummed, his brows furrowing in thought. "Do you know what this feeling is called? I experience the symptoms that you describe when we're together, but yet I do not know its name."
"According to the poets, and what I have read of their ideology… I believe that feeling is love, Father." you smiled adoringly, waiting for his next query.
He reciprocated your smile as he said, "I believe you are correct, Y/n. What I feel for you is love."
He brought your joint hands to his lips before placing a soft kiss on yours. You sighed happily as you brushed a loose strand of lavender hair behind his ear, fingers tracing over his gold earring.
"You are not alone in those feelings, for I am in love with you as well."
* - English translation: "May the light shine on us forever."
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH12
It’s ya boooooy! Malin is here!! Super huge shout out to @salty-french-fry for bringing him to life. I commissioned her to draw all of my OC hero babies, so you can see Malin in all of his anime boy glory here! We stan a trans bicon. And for those who are unaware, Malin is another name for fox in French, but like with the connotation of calling someone sly or tricky. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I tweaked it quite a bit from the original. ;)
Previous     First      Next     AO3
Chapter 12: WTF Do I Know
“I know our duty is to the city, but I can’t help these feelings stirring my heart. Every time I see her brilliant blue eyes shining in the moonlight, I am overcome with passion and admiration. She truly is Miraculous.” Eliott looked to Marinette sitting cross-legged on the floor for approval. “How was that?”
“Incredible! You really have Chat Noir down,” she said.
Eliott rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks, but I still feel like I could do better. Opening night is only a week away, and I’m playing one of the leads. Everything has to be perfect.” He paced the length of the stage, adjusting his black mask.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine. You make a wonderfully convincing Chat Noir.” She assured him—and she should know.
“Wonderfully convincing isn’t perfect. This play is a tribute to Ladybug and Chat Noir’s triumph on Heroes’ Day. If I screw up then I’ll be dishonoring them.” He turned and gestured to the impressive backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.
“No, you won’t.” Marinette stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’re an amazing actor, and I know you’re gonna kill it.”
“Places in five everyone!” The director swept through the stage.
Stagehands rushed around the set. Costume designers made last-minute alterations, and each prop was meticulously tested and placed for ease of access during scene changes. Marinette never realized how chaotic theater was behind the scenes.
Eliott let a deep breath past his lips, and Marinette offered him a smile. “I’ll be watching in the audience. You’re gonna do great.”
“Thanks, Marinette,” he said. “And thanks for coming to watch our dress rehearsal.”
“Thanks for inviting me.”
“Sorry I’m so crazy about everything, I just want to be the best.” He fiddled with his gloves. “I’ve been studying English since I was little because my dream is to perform on Broadway. I know it’s a long shot, but it’s what I’ve wanted ever since my grandma and I watched a play together when I was a kid.”
“You’ll get there, and I’ll be sitting in the front row with Macy, Martin, and Adrien.”
Eliott smiled at that, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. “I actually owe you, Marinette. You’ve helped me a lot as an actor since we met.”
“Me? How?”
“You taught me to take risks. Before I met you, I was just coasting through life, staying out of the way, playing it safe, but now I can stand up for other people and speak out,” he explained. “You helped me find the courage to step outside my comfort zone.”
Her cheeks burned, but she smiled at the sentiment. All of her new friends gave praise so easily—something Marinette wasn’t used to. Helping others wasn’t about getting rewarded, and in most cases, the attention just made her squirm. She helped her friends because she cared. Although, even if their compliments embarrassed her, it was nice to know she was appreciated.
“Watch where you’re going!” A nasally voice grabbed their attention.
“Sorry!” A tiny stagehand shrank under the icy glare of her aggressor.
Eliott sprang into action to diffuse the situation. “Margot, is there a problem?”
“She bumped into me! Can you imagine if I had fallen and broken my wrist a week before opening night? How can I play Ladybug with a broken wrist?” Margot shouted.
Eliott stepped between her and the stagehand, holding up defensive hands. “I’m sure it was just an accident. No one got hurt, so why don’t you go cool off? We’re almost ready to start.”
“Ugh, whatever. Just stay out of my way!”
As she stalked off, Eliott turned to the small girl. “Are you okay, Lisette?”
“You know my name?” Her eyes widened.
“Of course. You hand me my props before I go on stage,” he said. “Don’t let Margot get to you. She’s just nervous because the show is in a week, and it’s her first time playing a lead.”
“It was my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” Lisette said.
Eliott tucked a strand of her blonde hair back into place, brushing her cheek with his thumb. “Hey, don’t worry about it. We’re all a little high strung right now.”
“You’re not.”
Eliott flashed her a playful grin. “I’m a good actor.”
“I know,” she said, and when Eliott quirked a brow she fumbled to add, “I-I’ve kind of had to watch you for the past several months. You’re really good.”
“Wow, thanks, Lisette. I’m flattered that a pretty girl like you is a fan of mine,” Eliott said.
Her cheeks flushed, and she gave a small nod before scurrying off to her position at the director’s order.
Marinette couldn’t help the smile on her lips as Eliott found his mark and took a few deep breaths to center himself. He’d grown a lot since they met, and if someone had to play Chat Noir, she was glad it was him. She’d been uncertain at first, but Eliott really was worthy of being a hero, even if his costar was the worst. How could they cast such a brat to play Ladybug?
Taking her seat in the audience, Marinette thought back to her encounter with Gabrielle several nights prior. True to her word, Gabrielle hadn’t bothered them since, but what she was doing out on her own like that? And what was up with the apron in her bag? Something fishy was going on with her, but at least she was keeping her word. It was about time Marinette got some peace and quiet.
♪♫♪ I’m Not Calling You a Liar ♪♫♪
When the school bell rang, Alya remained seated, lips pursed. Her other classmates gathered their backpacks, eager to enjoy their weekend plans. Adrien paid her no mind as he slung his bag over his shoulder and followed everyone else out. They hadn’t spoken since their last encounter, and Alya still wasn’t sure what to think. He sounded so sure of himself. After being friends with Marinette, she knew far more about Adrien Agreste than she ever cared to, and truthfully, Alya didn’t think he was capable of being malicious.
Don’t believe everything Lila tells you. Be a journalist. Investigate.
But how? It’s not like Alya could just call up a bunch of celebrities and foreign princes to ask them to corroborate all of Lila’s stories, and even if she could, what would Lila think if they proved Adrien wrong? Or worse, what would Alya think if they proved him right? If they proved Marinette right…
It had been two weeks since she left. Two weeks since they… Alya had been hurt at first, and her heart still ached thinking about it now. In the grand scheme of things, she hadn’t known Marinette that long—only a few months—so it was possible that there were things Alya didn’t know about her. Dark secrets she kept hidden. But if that were possible for Marinette, couldn’t the same be true for Lila? And why was Alya so afraid to go looking?
“Alya? Did you hear me?”
She blinked out of her trance. “Sorry, what?”
“You’ve been awfully spacey lately,” Lila remarked. “I was just saying that I have an important meeting today with my youth ambassadors committee. Clara Nightingale has promised to sponsor our clean water initiative, and today’s the only day we can meet with her. Is there any way you can take care of that thing Mlle. Bustier needed for me?”
Don’t believe her.
“Actually, Lila, I have to go pick up my little sisters because Nora has practice this afternoon, and Mlle. Bustier did ask you to do it,” Alya said.
Lila’s eyebrows raised, but just as quickly, she puckered her lips into a pout. “Is there any way you could have Nino pick up your sisters? This meeting is really important.”
“Nino promised Juleka he’d help Kitty Section with their sound system today so they can practice before their gig this weekend.” Her heart pounded as Lila’s lip twitched.
“I mean, I guess I can put off my meeting. Those kids in India will just have to go a little while longer without clean drinking water…” Lila eyed her.
“Ya know, if you’re too busy to keep up with your class rep stuff, you can always tell Mlle. Bustier to let us elect someone else. I’m sure everyone would understand,” Alya said pointedly.
“And let Chloe become the class rep again? I couldn’t do that to you guys.” Lila shook her head.
“True, but I can’t cover for you all the time. I have my own stuff going on. Maybe I’m not saving third world countries, but sometimes I have a life to live too,” Alya said. “You were elected to do all of this, you know.”
“No, I understand,” Lila sighed. “I’ve been putting too much pressure on you to do my job. It’s just so hard to juggle going to school and saving the world. I’ll figure out a way to do it for all of you because you’re my friends, and my friends are just as important to me as any starving, third-world country.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear that you’ll be putting in more effort.” Alya stood up. “Have a good weekend.”
“Oh, I’m sure my weekend will be better than those thirsty children in Iran.”
Alya stopped in the doorway. “Don’t you mean in India?”
“Earlier you said the meeting was for children in India. Now you just said Iran,” Alya said.
“Oh, yeah, that’s what I meant,” Lila said. “I have a different thing for Iran next week. It’s hard to keep everything straight when you’re so busy.”
“Right.” Alya’s eyes narrowed. “Well, good luck.”
“Give your sisters a hug for me!”
Alya’s hands shook as she headed up the hall. It was probably nothing, just a simple mix up like she said, but… Given the circumstances, it was a little suspicious. One thing was certain: Alya would be keeping an eye on her.
♪♫♪ Thnks fr th Mmrs ♪♫♪
“Your rehearsal was amazing,” Marinette said afterward over tea. “Well, except for Margot’s prop mishap. I thought she was going to have a meltdown.”
Eliott stirred his drink with a smirk. “She’s a great actress until something goes wrong,” he chuckled. “I just feel bad for Lisette. She looked like she wanted to kill her.”
“Speaking of Lisette…” Marinette gave him a knowing look. “I think she might have a crush on you.”
“Lisette? Nah.” Eliott averted his gaze, taking a sip of his tea. “I’m not anyone important. There’s no way she’d be into me.”
“That’s not true. You’re an amazing actor,” Marinette said. “I mean that, you don’t have anything to worry about.”
“Thanks, I guess the thought of someone liking me just makes me nervous.” He bit his lip.
“Come on. You flirt with everyone all the time,” Marinette said. “You flirted with me on my first day of school.”
“Flirting is different. Just because I flirt with people doesn’t mean they have to like me back,” he said, then biting his lip, added, “Do you really think she likes me?”
“As someone who struggles to get two coherent sentences out around the boy she likes, I think she likes you more than you know,” Marinette said.
“Speaking of… You and Adrien sure seem to get along.” He sipped his tea with a satisfied smirk as Marinette’s cheeks burned. He didn’t waste any time flipping the script, but it was her fault for opening that door.
“Oh, do we? I mean, of course we do. We’re just friends, I don’t have feelings for him at all,” she said with a nervous titter.
“I never said you did,” Eliott said.
“Oh, um, yeah, well then I- don’t tell Macy.” She hung her head in defeat.
“Your secret’s safe with me.” He shrugged. “But you don’t have to worry about Macy’s crush. It’s superficial. She fixates on some famous guy for a while, then moves on when something new catches her eye.”
Marinette relaxed. “Good. I’ve just liked Adrien for a long time, and ever since I left my old school, he’s been paying more attention to me, so…I don’t want it to come between us.”
“Nah, I’m sure if she knew she’d back off,” Eliott assured her. “She’s extremely loyal to her friends and would never try to take away something you wanted even if she wants it too. One time she and I argued for twenty minutes because she convinced herself I wanted the last cookie on the plate. We ended up breaking it in half.”
“That’s a relief.” Marinette let out a breath.
“Though I do have to wonder which sounds better, Marinette Agreste or Adrien Dupain-Cheng?”
Marinette nearly choked on her tea. “Eliott!”
“I’m kinda partial to Adrien Dupain-Cheng myself.”
“Stop!” She covered her face, cheeks burning, and Eliott threw his head back with a laugh.
A herd of people stampeded up the sidewalk right before a loud crash sounded a few blocks over. Debris fell from the ceiling, and Eliott tackled Marinette to the ground, cradling her head.
“That sounded close, we should run.” He pulled her to her feet. “My yacht isn’t far from here, we can hide there.”
As much as she hated to do it, Marinette needed to get away. Gradually, she let herself slip from his grasp in the crowd. Eliott turned over his shoulder in an attempt to reach her again, but too many people stood between them.
“Go! I’ll catch up,” she called.
His eyebrows furrowed worriedly, but he pressed on without question.
Marinette ducked into a nearby alley and opened her purse. “Ready, Tikki? Transform me!”
Ladybug tossed her yoyo across the street, tugging the slack and launching herself into the rooftops. Racing down the row of buildings, she followed the civilian trail to the scene of the attack. Overturned cars and broken windows signaled that she was on the right track, and she arrived at the same time as Chat Noir.
“Well, well we meet again, m’lady.” His flirtatious lilt echoed between the buildings as he staff-coptered down to join her.
“I would hope so since saving the city is our job.” She flicked his bell. “I think it’s about time we clocked in, don’t you?”
“Ladies first.” Chat Noir bowed as Ladybug tossed her yoyo and shot into action. “Don’t mean to interrupt your tirade, but I’m gonna need to see some license and registration for that car,” he said as they landed. “What’s the matter? Rough break up?”
The akuma turned to them with a growl, tossing the car aside, and Ladybug spotted a small blonde girl cowering underneath.
“Civilian alert!”
“On it.” Chat Noir charged forward, brandishing his staff.
“Ladybug! Chat Noir! I am Showstopper, and I’m about to give Paris the performance of a lifetime after I get rid of her.”
The small girl on the ground cowered under Showstopper’s glare, her blonde buns oddly familiar…
Ladybug gasped. “That’s Lisette which means Showstopper must be Margot! She really was upset by that mistake.”
Lisette attempted to run, but Showstopper served a ball of light at her with the tennis racket—the lucky charm prop from the play and likely where the akuma was hiding. The attack froze Lisette in place, but before Showstopper could make her next move, she blocked a blow from Chat Noir’s staff. A few seconds passed, and the magic faded, sending Lisette toppling forward.
“So that’s it,” Ladybug said, then to Chat Noir called, “Don’t let her hit you, or she’ll freeze you for a few seconds!”
“Got it!” He dodged an orb.
Once Showstopper drove him back several paces, she dashed after Lisette, launching a bus to the end of the street to block the exit.
“Going somewhere?”
“No, but you are.” Ladybug hooked her yoyo around Showstopper’s ankle. Showstopper lobbed several orbs at her before she could pull the slack, and Ladybug backflipped out of the way, diving for cover with Chat Noir behind two flipped cars.
“We need a plan to get that girl out of here.” He peeked over the side.  
Ladybug palmed her yoyo. “Lucky Charm!” Her eyebrows raised as a paper lantern landed in her hands.
“Oh great, you can light the way for her to wreck that girl,” Chat Noir said.
Ladybug pursed her lips contemplatively. “I need to go to Master Fu,” she said. “Can you handle things until I get back?”
“Just don’t keep me waiting too long.” Chat Noir nodded before they broke off.
Leaving in the middle of a battle was always risky, but this wasn’t a fight they could win alone. She just hoped that she could find an ally in time.
“Master Fu?” Marinette knocked, peeking her head inside.
“What is it, Marinette?” He glanced up from his book.
“I need to borrow a Miraculous to win this battle.”
Master Fu retrieved the Miracle Box from the phonograph and placed it on the mat in front of her. “Have you found someone you trust to wield it?”
Marinette contemplated her choices carefully, running strategies in her head. After she and Alya split up, she wasn’t sure she’d ever trust someone enough to replace Rena Rouge, but her new friends proved her wrong. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and reached for the fox. “I know exactly who to pick, and I won’t let you down this time.”
Master Fu offered her one of his proud, grandfatherly smiles. “You never have. I have always had faith in you, Marinette.”
Her chest swirled with pride as she stood up. “Transform me.”
Eliott’s yacht was empty when Ladybug touched down on the deck. He told Marinette to hide there, so she’d been certain it was where he’d be. Then again, Eliott wasn’t the same cowardly boy he’d been when they met, and he didn’t turn his back on a friend. She knew where to find him.
“Marinette?” His voice echoed between the buildings of the abandoned street, and he flinched when Ladybug landed behind him. “Ladybug! Thank goodness, have you seen my friend Marinette? We got separated, and I told her to meet at my yacht, but-”
“Don’t worry. She’s safe,” Ladybug said. “Actually, I need your help.”
“My help?” He arched a brow. “I mean, sure, I'll do anything.”
“Eliott Chasse, this is the Miraculous of the fox which grants the power of illusion. You will use it to fight for the greater good.” She extended the box to him.
“Whoa, you're giving me a Miraculous?” he gasped. “But wait, why me? What happened to Rena Rouge?”
“She's...not around.” Ladybug averted her gaze. “Will you help me?”
“I-I dunno. I think my friend Marinette would be way better at this than me.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Eliott…” Ladybug smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You are the right person for this job. Have courage and believe in yourself. That's all you need to be a superhero.”
Eliott pressed his lips together, then accepted the box with a nod. Shielding his eyes from the bright light, he gaped in disbelief as Trixx materialized. “Whoa!”
“My name’s Trixx. I’m a kwami, and if you want to transform all you have to say is ‘Trixx, transform me!’” she explained as Eliott fastened the clasp of the necklace.
“Alright then. Trixx, transform me!” When the orange light faded, Eliott examined his orange and white suit with wide eyes. “Wait, is this really happening?”
“Do you know how your powers work?” Ladybug asked. There was no time to waste.
“Of course. I studied news footage in preparation for my role as Chat Noir in an upcoming play. I wanted to accurately portray the team's dynamic,” he said.
“Good, then follow me.”
Ladybug tossed her yoyo and shot off. Eliott hesitated only briefly, taking a few steps before leaping over the building after her. He touched down lightly beside her before they shot off again.
“I know it's a lot to take in, but we don't have a lot of time,” Ladybug said. She pulled up the news coverage of the akuma. Showstopper had taken the battle all the way to the Eiffel Tower. She skidded to a stop behind a chimney and closed her yoyo. “Hmm…Lucky Charm!”
“A bottle of soap? At least the villain will be squeaky clean?” Eliott shrugged.
Ladybug turned it over in her hands, a plan forming in her mind. “Okay, here’s what we’ll do.”
- - -
Showstopper held a frozen Lisette over the edge, and Chat Noir held up defensive hands as he attempted to negotiate.
“Hand over your Miraculous, or I'll drop her!”
“Maybe we can come to a compromise,” he reasoned, but Showstopper was in no mood.
“You have five seconds. One!”
“There has to be something else you want.”
“After all this is murder we're talking about.”
“I'm sure she didn't mean any harm.”
“Ladybug, hurry up!”
Before Chat could react, Showstopper released her grip, sending Lisette plunging toward her doom. Chat Noir attempted to dive after her, but Showstopper pitched another orb at him. To his relief, Ladybug swung in to deflect it just in time, but there was no time for gratitude.
“Ladybug! The girl!”
“Already taken care of,” she assured him.
- - -
Lisette unfroze midway down, eyes widening in fear as the ground grew closer. Just as a scream reached her throat, Eliott caught her, carrying her safely back to the Eiffel Tower. Her screams echoed across the bars as she clung to him for dear life, but they quieted the moment she looked into his eyes.
“Falling from heaven, angel?” He set her down gently. “Stay hidden. Showstopper can't see you if we want our plan to work.”
She blinked in shock, cheeks flushing. “Wait!” She caught his wrist as he turned to leave. “W-Who are you?”
“Uh… Call me Malin.” He winked, giving a two-finger salute before leaping up to the rafters.
Malin summoned his Mirage on the way up, cheeks still hot. Now wasn’t the time to worry about what Lisette thought of him. First, he needed to save her.
“You're too late!” Showstopper proclaimed, and Malin cleared his throat.
“Are we?” He clocked a brow.
Showstopper spun around where Malin held his fake damsel. “No!” she growled.
“New friend?” Chat Noir sized him up.
“I'll tell you later,” Ladybug said.
Malin set his illusion free with instructions to run, and as expected, Showstopper gave chase. Ladybug really was a wizard at coming up with plans. When Chat Noir moved to follow, Malin stepped in front of him with a wink.
“Who are you?” he asked, eyes narrowing.
“Name's Malin, and you are one foxy feline in person, Chat Noir.” He looked him up and down.
“Less flirting, more running. Phase two,” Ladybug ordered. “Kitty, follow me and get ready to use your Cataclysm. Malin, you know what to do.”
“On it.” Malin nodded, leaping back over the edge with a whoop.
Showstopper pursued the fake Lisette to the second-floor restaurants, falling right into their trap. She skidded against the soapy floor as Malin's illusion faded before her eyes. A broom perched between two chairs clotheslined her, sending her tennis racket flying from her grasp right into Chat Noir's waiting Cataclysm.
Malin helped Margot up as Ladybug captured the akuma and returned everything to normal. “Seriously, losing your cool over a prop malfunction is so lame.” He chided. “You're playing Ladybug, so my suggestion is: take a lesson from the real thing and let go of that bad energy.”
Lisette peeked up from the stairs timidly, pacing over to join them. “I'm sorry your yoyo string was tangled. I should have checked it,” she said.
“Yeah, whatever.” Margot rolled her eyes. “Sorry I tried to throw you off the Eiffel Tower.”
“Technically, you did throw her off the Eiffel Tower,” Chat Noir said pointedly.
“You were awesome, Malin.” Ladybug nudged him with her elbow.
“It was your plan, all I did was help.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
Ladybug shook her head. “You saved this girl, and we couldn't have done it without you. Be proud. You're a true superhero.”
Malin bit back a smile, surveying his suit and squaring his shoulders with a new sense of purpose. Ladybug was right. He had his doubts when she asked him because he still had a long way to go before he would consider himself an actual hero. If anyone deserved the title without a Miraculous, it was Marinette, and he owed this opportunity to her. He never would have had the courage to accept Ladybug’s offer without her. It was a shame she’d never know how much she truly changed his life. Maybe one day he could tell her this secret, but for now, he’d wear his secret identity like an invisible badge of honor.
“Pound it!” The three heroes said in unison.
Malin turned to Lisette and bowed formally. “Perhaps I will save you again someday,” he said.
Lisette bit her lip before stretching up to kiss his cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered.
Ladybug took his wrist and toted him off as a dopey grin spread across his lips. They retreated to a private corner at the base of the tower, and Malin returned the necklace to Ladybug. Shoving his hands in his pockets, Eliott shifted his gaze to his shoes with a sigh.
“What's wrong?” Ladybug asked.
“Nothing, just… Lisette kissed Malin, not Eliott.” He kicked at the ground.
“You really like her, don't you?” Ladybug asked.
Eliott flinched, rubbing the back of his neck. That morning the thought of falling in love with someone terrified him, but now… Maybe he hadn’t come down from his heroic high, but with Lisette’s kiss still burning on his cheek, he smiled.
“Yeah, I do,” he said.
“Well, Malin is very charming, but I think she might need someone to walk her home. Think Eliott can handle that?” Ladybug pointed to where Lisette was stepping off the elevator.
Have courage and believe in yourself.
On any other day, the fear of rejection would have convinced him to walk away, and maybe tomorrow it would. But today, today he wasn’t afraid.
“Lisette! Wait up.”
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she-is-tim · 5 years
New Elu fanfic
OK so since I can’t bring myself to write the new chapter of P.S. I miss you, I decided to start a new fanfic, because that’s what you guys deserve. I won’t tell you much about it, but I want you to help choose between two montages I did. So please pick one from these 
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Let’s call this Red and Monchrome one 
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And this the Hands and Eyes one 
And YES this is a vampire AU with black haired Eliott 
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