#Black Pean-2
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The screenshots from "Black Pean-2", with Ninomiya Kazunari in main role. Episode 5. 04.08.2024.
Part 2.
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katabay · 8 months ago
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[ブラックペアン/black pean (forceps) fanart]
tokai & sera :’) the hand print scene is something that can be so. personal.
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⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / insta
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snowball-maltese · 7 months ago
Look! Look! Waaa it’s Mr. Snipe’s birthday!!!
Or at least it was on July 10th 😅
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Look how cute he is!! So adorable 🥹
Am I the only person in the world to gush over this man? Because if I am, what is wrong with the world!!!
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thekittenkait · 10 months ago
no tokai in black pean season 2
i have never been more disappointed in a tv show and i watched fucking supernatural
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owarinaki · 5 months ago
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Black Pean S2 EP10 END Gifs part 2 END
P1 // P2
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violet-yimlat · 1 year ago
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Morningstar crest v.2
The red stands “Military strength” (because there are so many of us lol) for and the orange means “Ambition”. The black pean, which is the yellow with black spots means “Valour, justice and dignity”. The pentagram is basically dad’s logo, we got a crown because he was king of Hell, and the whole thing is sort of glittery. The quote is from the poem “Paradise Lost”.
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daquanshell · 5 months ago
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Removing the Shell
So recently I’ve had a change in my life that calls for the end of this blog, since a recent realization has lead to a desire to change my name, but I was struggling to find something that properly reflected my identity. I was never sold on “Pean Shell”, as a family name. I was literally the only person in my family with that name, and it didn’t dawn on me until just recently, that the reason I was the only person with that family name, was because I was the only person in my family.
I obtained the Pean Shell family name as part of an adoption process. My mother asked me if I wanted to switch my name to “Shell”, which I did not want to do, so we compromised and changed it to “Pean Shell”, that way, I could still keep my original family name, while adding my new family on top of it. The best of both worlds! Or so I thought.
When I was about 23 or so, I was removed from the Shell family. My memory failing me aside, I remember Jacklyn, my mother at the time, citing my behavior or my “failures as a young adult” as the reason, but due to the trauma of the event, my brain literally does not allow me to recall the details.
For a while, I thought about “Earning my Place in the Family”, which I was largely able to do after becoming a Marine. However, that comfort was short lived, as shortly after I was welcomed back, I was ejected again, this time by a more senior member of the family.
I cried my eyes out that day. Sorrow, at the loss of the relationship, and joy, at the realization that a struggle was finally over.
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I was able to obtain my current apartment using the money I saved up after the end of my first enlistment contract. This is my first apartment in almost 10 years, and the first place I can freely and openly practice my religion in the time since. Judaism is a lot different from Christianity, in the sense that Temple membership can be quite expensive, and even though exceptions can be made, they reflect very poorly on the person who is asking, since the basic idea of Judaism is that you should practice your religion at home more so than in public.
In addition to that, another core tenant is Torah study, and it’s extremely important to keep a Torah at home. Ideally, one would keep a Torah Scroll among their possessions, but it’s perfectly acceptable to have it in book form. In addition to the book and scroll forms, it’s also wise to keep a copy on your mobile devices, so that way you always have access to it.
The thing is, in the military you don’t always have access to your phone nor do you ever have privacy, so it can become challenging to grow spiritually in those conditions. Every now and then, I’ll display my Judaism publicly through Judaica and informal greetings but for every person who was acceptive and even supportive of my religion, there were 2 or 3 people who came across as somewhat antisemitic.
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I’ve been asked to remove my Judaica despite it not bothering anyone, I’ve been told “I’m not Jewish because my parents aren’t Jewish”, I’ve been told “I’m not Jewish because I didn’t have a Jewish Childhood”, and probably the most insensitive of all, I’ve been told “I’m not Jewish because I’m black”, which is both antisemitic AND racist, I really did not catch any breaks.
The nail in the coffin was the absolute lack of an established Jewish Service in Twentynine Palms.
Church is not the same thing. While there is a lot of value in going to church (specifically for the fellowship) and I have regularly attended services in the past, I usually only do so as a supplement to my regular religious services, and NOT a replacement. Even now, I am a regular member at a local church, but that’s pretty much only because I’m not only able to attend Temple Services but because I’m also able to practice at home. I can freely celebrate both Shabbat and the High Holidays, so my spiritual life is at an all time high.
With my spiritual life in order and both my personal and professional lives reflecting that, I endeavored that it was time to re-enlist. This time, rather than enlisting for the sake of a job outside the military, I plan on staying in the military until I die. If I somehow make it 64 I’ll retire on schedule, after which I’ll go into either acting or politics, whichever one offers better opportunities at the time.
I’ve also considered the fact I might die before the end of my contract, which is also okay with me. I’ve decided on both where and how I’d like to be buried, so at this point it’s just a matter of submitting the documentation and finding trustworthy executors, but those are problems for another day.
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The purpose of this post is to announce the closing of this blog specifically (I’ll start a new one) and to announce my change in name. I’m not changing it to anything crazy, I’m just changing it to what it was before I was adopted, and taking the opportunity to double down on my alter ego, Black Alex.
There will be a slight change in the type of content as well. For the most part, my content moving forward will focus on my military career, with a side story of my sales career. Personally, I think my sales career is more interesting since it’s a little more of a unique story, but I think my military career is more meaningful and thus, overall more important. While my sales career pays better, it is self-serving, using only benefitting me, my directs, or my organization, whereas my military career benefits the world at large.
My overall goal is for Judaism to become more accessible, specifically to African Americans. In order to do that, I’ll need to leverage the platforms available military and political leadership, while doing so in a way that primarily engages both the youth and their parents. In an ideal world, our efforts to broadcast Judaism in a meaningful way would also serve as a recruiting effort, a campaign effort, an effort to improve financial literacy, and an effort to improve the availability of both private and higher education.
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Black Students in Hebrew Schools
My Magnus Opus, is likely to be a film or tv series that is largely inspired by the Power Franchise. I am a huge fan of the Power Franchise, and I watched the entire original series over a few months while spending time with my old family. It was one of the last things we did together, and it’s notable for being one of the few times that my mother, my brother, and myself all ate food together. In fact, I think it’s the only time, so I’ll likely include a reference to that moment in one of my stories.
The idea I’ve had, that I’ve been mulling over for a while, was for a film series called “A History of Blood”. The story would be a work of Historical Fiction, based on the real life events that lead to the creation of the Bloods street gang, with twists based on my personal experiences.
What was a once a story about two African Americans who created a loosely organized street gang in response to victimization in local violent crimes, will become a story about two African Americans who create a loosely organized, yet highly trained private security company made up mostly of military and their families.
Thus, what was once a cautionary tale of Black History has become Military Propaganda, focusing heavily on the lives of African Americans serving in the Armed Forces, specifically the Marines and their Navy Attachments.
Hopefully, I can become a real life officer in either branch, but I’ll settle for being an actor who plays one really well in the unlikely event I run out of time to commission.
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Once a Marine
I’m gonna close this by referring to actual politics and giving my opinion on current events, something I’ll likely be doing a lot moving forward. This is the first year in my adult life where I am a registered voter and I am very happy to have such wonderful candidates running for office at the moment. I’ve been a fan of Trump since long before his presidency but I his choice of VP had really shocked me in how spectacular it is. For his running mate for the US Presidency he chose a United States Marines.
I was reading my orders earlier, and they very clearly state “Once a Marine, Always a Marine”, and I think JD Vance is an excellent representative of not only the GOP but more importantly, the Marines.
It kind of bugs me that out of all the presidents of the United States, a majority of which have served in the military, ranking from private to general, not a single one has come from the Marines. The navy, sure, and the army, obviously, but not a single one from the branch I call my own. So, I think a Marine as a VP is a step in the right direction, and I’ll devote further time into studying the relationship between Military and Politics.
The president is the leader of all the armed forces, so you think it would be natural for the Marines, who have been around since the dawn of the presidency, to also aspire to those great heights, but no. The lack of a Marine as President says a lot about the leadership of the Marines, and for their aspirations outside of service. Serving does take a lot out of you, but I genuinely think that Junior Marines tend to sell themselves short, while the leaders get too comfortable due to how simple life is in uniform.
Rather than put energy into complaining about the current military complex, I’ll work to change it (from the inside), starting with the places and things I know.
For starters, that means an established Jewish Service on Twentynine Palms. I spent a year there totally by accident, got my assed kicked and my uniforms stolen, before being sent home.
I’d tell you what I’m going back for, but if you read this carefully enough you would already know 🩸
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cyanoscarlet · 6 months ago
The way back
Writing this on the plane back to MNL. And god, the view outside is lovely.
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Life update, in brief:
Finally (formally) graduated from residency in January. Research won second at a national competition for residents, and got accepted for an e-poster presentation in an international conference. (Which I'm going home from right now.) All things I never expected to happen, tbh.
Took some time to decompress for pretty much the entire year, hence my absence from online spaces. Spent most of 2024 so far working to save for the conference, and catching up on all the manga and books I missed. It's really hard, though, since each series presents its own rabbit hole, which results in buying more books!
The biggest rabbit hole I've been into so far is definitely What Did You Eat Yesterday? (Kinou Nani Tabeta?). I actually already started reading this way back in med school but forgot all about it when I was lost to follow-up on manga updates. Only recently bought the entire series in English, and it was definitely such a fun experience. I was so invested I ended up TL-ing a couple of plot-relevant non-tankobon chapters (cough: wedding), watched everything from the live action J-drama (and I have never watched any J-dramas since forever!), and I'm now starting to following anything that features either Nishijima Hidetoshi or Uchino Seiyou. (Uchino's my new bias, ngl. I'm definitely crushing on him lol. His fault I'm now also stuck in the Black Pean rabbit hole, but I'll talk about it maaaybe next time?)
Sadly, I haven't had any inspiration to write anything lately, fanfic or otherwise. The stress from forcing myself to complete my research paper has made me loathe any doc files any blank screens. My mind's been stuck in 'Create Mode' for a long while it just broke, and I'm now just in 'Consume Mode' for so long. It feels really weird since I was still able to write for zines/exchanges during clerkship/internship and even first year of residency, when we were deep into emergency pandemic response mode.
I miss writing for me. I guess I just need a little more time.
Upcoming: Specialty board exams over the next 2 months. Once I pass that, I'll finally become a proper attending. Hopefully. (Whether I end up pursuing my pipe dream plans of fellowship remains to be seen. It's really tempting, but I have to take over as family breadwinner now. Sad.)
Plane's landing soon. Love you all!
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sandreeen · 7 years ago
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Nino brings food for the 99.9 cast and staff (that he bought with his own money! *gasp*) in return for the ones Kagawa-san and Tsurube-san gave to the Black Pean team. Jun was on his break so they chatted for a bit.
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tokaigif · 7 years ago
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The screenshots from "Black Pean-2". 07.07.2024. Part 3.
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katabay · 4 months ago
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black pean [forceps] season 2 fucked me up :')
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like, I'm going to be thinking about this still they posted on instagram forever, and I haven't even started on the cher juno letter
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snowball-maltese · 3 months ago
Kotaro Koizumi as Gonta Takashina in Black Pean season 2
S2 Ep2
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Takashina I love you but like this scene hurts me to watch 🥲
He’s lucky Koizumi-san is so handsome bc otherwise I’d be a lot less forgiving of him.
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thekittenkait · 2 months ago
i finally finished black pean season 2 and i'll just be quietly passing away now thank uou
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owarinaki · 6 months ago
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Black Pean S2EP8 [GIFS] 2
[GIFS] Part 1 // part 2 // part3 // part4 // part5
BPS2E8 [PIC] part 1 // part2 // part3 // part4 // part5
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luna-rainbow · 5 years ago
jdramas of the decade
Happy new year and welcome to the third decade of the millenium. As we head forward, let's look at some of the Japanese dramas that defined the last 10 years. Top 20 dramas by rating 1. Hanzawa Naoki (2013) 28.74% 2. Kaseifu wo mita (2011) 25.17% 3. Doctor X season 2 (2013) 22.98% 4. Doctor X season 3 (2014) 22.94% 5. Doctor X season 4 (2016) 21.45% 6. Jin (2011) 21.28% 7. Hero 2 (2014) 21.27% 8. Doctor X season 5 (2017) 20.87% 9. Galileo (2013) 19.92% 10. Doctor X season 1 (2012) 19.10% 11. Shitamachi Rocket (2015) 18.54% 12. Doctor X season 6 (2019) 18.45% 13. Legal High (2013) 18.38% 14. Doctors 2 (2013) 18.32% 15. Nankyoku Tairiku (2011) 18.00% 16. Priceless (2012) 17.71% 17. 99.9 (2018) 17.63% 18. Rinjo (2010) 17.57% 19. 99.9 (2016) 17.15% 20. Freeter, ie wo kau (2010) 17.14% As I've mentioned previously and which might be gleaned from the list, ratings have been declining overall throughout the decade. 2011 and 2013 were really the height, and from 2017 onwards, only the top drama of the year managed to scrape into this top 20 list. If the list is rearranged according to the top 2 dramas per year, it looks like this: 1. Hanzawa Naoki (2013) 28.74% 2. Kaseifu wo mita (2011) 25.17% 3. Doctor X season 2 (2013) 22.98% 4. Doctor X season 3 (2014) 22.94% 5. Doctor X season 4 (2016) 21.45% 6. Jin (2011) 21.28% 7. Hero 2 (2014) 21.27% 8. Doctor X season 5 (2017) 20.87% 9. Doctor X season 1 (2012) 19.10% 10. Shitamachi rocket (2015) 18.54% 11. Doctor X season 6 (2019) 18.45% 12. Priceless (2012) 17.71% 13. 99.9 season 2 (2018) 17.63% 14. Rinjo (2010) 17.57% 15. 99.9 (2016) 17.15% 16. Freeter, ie wo kau (2010) 17.14% 17. Riku-ou (2017) 16.00% 18. Legal V (2018) 15.74% 19. Tennou no Ryoriban (2015) 14.94% 20. Kinkyu torishirabeshitsu season 3 (2019) 13.23% The second top drama of 2019 only rated a measly 13.23% - essentially a C-rank drama back in the early 2010s. That's not to say that the quality of Kintori 3 is worse than, say, any season of Doctor X, but that less audiences are catching the dramas as they screen. Looking through the list (and at the number of dramas that didn't quite make the list), the decade is dominated by the Ikeido Jun brand fairytale underdog story, told through various industries - Hanzawa Naoki (bank), Riku-ou (product development), Shitamachi Rocket (mechanical engineering), and No Side Game (rugby). Then there is the lonely hero/ine standing against rigid hierarchy, archetyped by Daimon Michiko in the Doctor X series, but also seen in Legal V and Black Pean. Quirky crime solvers and suspenseful surgical dramas are a dime and dozen, and there are some hits and lots of misses. As far as actors go, some have moved up while others are trying to hold on: Sakai Masato has cautiously taken a break after a string of highly rated and acclaimed hits, Kimura Takuya still keeping afloat after the SMAP debacle, Yonekura Ryoko doing the same schtick for 7 years is its own brand of impressive, Amami Yuuki managing mid-level ratings even with some bland scripts, while Fukuyama Masaru has fallen from grace after his surprise marriage. Arashi's members take turns in dramas with various success, although most seem to rate better than what the script is worth. Aragaki Yui had been at the height of her fame in the middle of the decade, following the popular Legal V and the topical Nigehaji that made good use of her naturally sweet demeanour. Other leading women her age - Toda Erika, Ishihara Satomi, Ayase Haruka and lately Kuroki Haru are all pushing their boundaries with a range of experimental scripts, some highly successful (e.g. GiboMusu and Unnatural). After playing secondary characters for about a decade, Tanaka Kei finally launched himself into the public eye with the popular Ossan's Love series. Most of actors younger than that age range are yet to establish themselves as a serious actor or a proven audience draw, but Suda Masaki has a decided head start on the others, managing both serious and comedy with ease. I expect in the next decade we will see him routinely lead. I'd really like to see more of Yoshizawa Ryo and Yokohama Ryusei, but both their acting skills need some more polish.
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