#Black Latte мнение
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black-latte-cbjc7-blog · 5 years ago
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Black Latte цена, мнения, да купя, отзиви, аптека
Хормонални смущения, след 40 години наистина порази прекрасната половина на човечеството 2. Това се приписва откриването на британския доктор Т.е. Меню за обяд: супа от праз лук с крутони. Искам да ви разкажа за няколко начин за отслабване на ананасе и за моето любимо... [Прочетете повече→]
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Black Latte отзиви
Придържайте се към PP,ЗОЖ и внимавай за храната?Вие сте на диета и ви се иска нещо вкусно?Широка гама от продукти за ПП и Диети(+продукти за Дюкану!)Тук има ВСИЧКО,което да бъде стройна... И въпреки, че това твърдение е остаряла още в началото на 2000-те години, повечето все още вярва, че за отслабване няма други начини освен диети и прекомерни... Категория: Диети за отслабване. Давай напред. Дневен калориен дефицит, който трябва да се създаде, за да отслабнете, се изчислява като Проведените медицински изследвания показват, че създаването на дефицит на калории в 20-30% по-скоро води до желаното намаляване на теглото, отколкото дефицит в размер на 50% и повече. Black Latte цена, мнения, да купя, отзиви, аптека Като резултат - отлично състояние на здравето, намаляване на обемите, енергия и мотивация за по-нататъшна работа... Интервални тренировки, упражнения, изпълнявани едно след друго, с малка почивка или без него. При спазване на протеинова диета за отслабване няма да е трудно да изберете рецепти, които можете да приготвите в домашни Дневния прием на храна ограничен, но при правилен подбор и комбинация от месни, рибни, млечни продукти ви позволява да нарисува... Отделно се споменава заслужава здравословно хранене за отслабване след 40 години.
Black Latte Български
Безопасно отслабване. Колко да си спомня, постоянно седя на диети: кремлевская, правилното хранене, пет супени лъжици, точно за нея и ще отиде сега става. Днес начини за бързо отслабване са предмет на спор от много хора, особено... Най-ефективни варианти на спешна диета – на кефире, на... Проба меню за седмицата и за отслабване. Правилното хранене – това означава не само да получавате всички 100 г на съдържанието му може да побере не повече от 160 ккал. Балансируем хранене низкокалорийными продукти и не само.
Black Latte къде да купя
Най-голяма ефективност се дават редовни упражнения за пресата и за работа по наклонени мускули на корема. А ето малоуглеводных диети трябва да се избягва. Рецепти за напитки за ускоряване на нулиране на теглото. Има редица продукти, които ефективно помагат да отслабнете. Бессолевая диета: принципи, плюсове и минуси, менюта и рецепти, без използването на сол. Прочетете коментарите на похудевших хора в нашия форум за този препарат! Полезни свойства за отслабване и прочистване на организма. Яжте черен шоколад. Как да отслабнете без диети? Според коментарите, момичета, тази бърза диета за отслабване е перфектно, ако е нужно много да доведе тялото си в ред, за кратък период от време.
Black Latte състав
Също така се използва пълно гладуване или изхвърляне ден. Възможно ли е отслабване при трехразовом храна? Хранене и йога за отслабване. Бърз, защото имам само 5 минути отне! Как да се хранят, за да отслабнете. Циклична диета противоречи на обичайното разбиране за отслабване, когато ние остро, значително, и най - важното- дълго време нарежете количество калории Същността на диета. В търсене на начини за това как да отслабнете бързо, трябва комплекси за отслабване трябва да се комбинират, за да преследват идеален външен вид не... Тази диета расчитана на месец, но резу. Въпреки това, такава диета като цяло не са много ефективни за отслабване. Икономична диета. Мнозина смятат, че продуктите, за храната и храненето са твърде скъпи, а Придружава всяка протеинова ястие от зеленчуци гарнитура, тегло доза трябва да бъде същото...
Black Latte как да приемам
Наистина ли за отслабване трябва да се откаже от животински мазнини и защо слънчогледово масло е опасно за здравето? Теоретично тя допринася за тялото расходовал собствените си стопанства, за поддържане на работоспособността. Видове йога има огромно количество. Предпоставка за отслабване е правилното съставяне на диета и точното му спазване. За жени калорични порции – 250-300 (при малки натоварвания), 400 (при редовни тренировки). Диетични палачинки с тиква – това е бързо, вкусно и най-важното е нискокалорично ястие, което е идеално както за основно хранене... Бессолевая диета / прегледи. Супата е готова! Грудку може да се дръпне и да се хранят с некалорийным гарнитура като основно ястие, а... Разгрузочная диета за една седмица за талията и корема. Така че си лягаме искам повече и Елена, напълно съм съгласен с вас?Низкокаллорийные диета е много вредно за организма!!!!
Black Latte в оше цена
Освен дневните норми, контрол на диета помагат още и пропорции нутриентов. Поради зашлаковывания на червата, намалява... Характеристики на това захранване е, че пъпеш много удовлетворяващо и при нейната употреба организмът много бързо и трайно наситени мастни киселини, като при това възстановява се за... Зеленчукови ястия 4. Какво да се готвя за чай 5. Една от най-лесните методи за отслабване в домашни условия... Някои мазнини, съдържащи се в храната, са необходими за нормалното усвояване на редица полезни елементи, за намаляване на холестерола и дори за борба с ненавистными килограма. Как ефективно Ефективна диета за отслабване след 40 години. Задължително условие за отслабване – да се пие 2 л...
1 note · View note
igromantic · 5 years ago
Издатель: Sony Computer Entertainment
Разработчик: Compile Heart
Дата выхода: 2014
Платформа: PlayStation Vita, Microsoft Windows
Ru-перевод: Отсутствует
Представляет собой dungeon crawler, разработанный Compile Heart для PlayStation Vita. Это вторая игра в серии видеоигр Compile Heart’s Genkai Tokki, после Monster Monpiece и предшествующего прямому продолжению Moero Crystal и Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates.
Moe Chronicle была выпущена 15 мая, а азиатский выпуск с китайскими и английскими субтитрами состолся позже от Sony Computer Entertainment 5 мая 2015 года. Затем игра вышла в Steam с английскими, японскими и китайскими субтитрами 16 августа 2017 года.
Сражения пошаговые, игрок принимает решение о том, какие девушки-монстры размещаются в группе, и может менять их нижнее белье, что влияет на способности каждой девушки, в дополнение к ее навыкам.
Игрок может посещать личные комнаты девушек-монстров, чтобы общаться с ними и повышать их привязанность, дарить им подарки и тем самым активировать специальные сценки и CG.
Это игра, в которой вы блуждаете по подземельям, отбиваясь от врагов, смахивающих на фаллосы и срывая одежду с симпатичных девичьих монстров. Не обошлось и без гарема, куда может попасть полсотни девушек, позволяющих ему делать очень многое при достижении нужного уровня.
Below are just some general notes on sections of the guide.:
1. Traits are listed below including a detailed description of what they do.
2. While only 1 or 2 H-Monsters have been listed for some girl’s Pantie drops, there are usually 2 monsters per girl. What is listed is the one that is easiest to obtain the panties from.
3. Recommended level is entirely estimated on experience and based on Normal Difficulty settings. That is not to say you cannot beat the girl on a lower level than prescribed, it is a guideline.
4. The body parts listed in the “Rub Point” section change per stage, make sure you recognise this.
5. Sealed District contains all girls unlocked post game (Excluding Ranju)
6. The best communication gifts are NOT by any means the only gifts that girl will like, however be careful experimenting as some girls dislike certain gifts which can reduce max affection a lot.
7. There is no need to obtain these girls in this order, they are laid out by what floors they appear on (low to high) not based on their difficulty as a boss fight.
Class Leader: If Aura-Attack combos reach 3 or more, Class Leader increases base ATK by 50%
Innocent: If SP is under 50%, Innocent increases base MDF by 25%.
Animal Ears: When Otton is angry, the party’s base ATK will be increased by 20% for each Animal Ears in the party.
Wild: When being attacked while Desire P is over 35%, you can sometimes Counterattack
Tiny Tlts: When being attacked while desire P is over 45%, you can sometimes Counterattack
Sadist: When Otton’s Anger reaches maximum, each Sadist will increase the party’s base ATK by 50%
Tsundere: Chance to reduce damage done to your party by 35% if HP is under 60%.
Unpredictable: Enables Attack All when HP is reaches 7.
Big Sister: If SP is under 30%, Lady increases base DEF by 45%.
Masochist: Occasionally decrease damage to party by 60%, if HP is below 40%.
Big Boobs: When HP is below 65%, Lolitas will have their base ATK increased by 40%.
Silly: If HP is under 50%, Silly will increase base ATK by 30%.
Tomboy: Tomboy will activate Persue and Attack if hit by Aura-Weaknesses, if Desire P is over 35%.
Thigh-Highs: If Aura-Attack combos reach 3 ore more, the party will receive 10% less damage from Aura-Attacks.
Affectionate: If SP is under 60%, Affectionate increases base DEF by 25%.
Beauty: Chance that when HP is below 80%, damage will be decreased by 10%.
Twin Tails: When HP is below 50%, Clumsy increases base MAT by 40%.
Lady: Lady shortens Action Time when Big Boobs, Animal Ears, and Silly are in the party.
Lolita: If Tiny Tlts and Lolita are in the party, HP and SP will recover by 3% after a battle.
Magical Girl: When HP is below 30%, Magical Girl increases base MAT by 60%.
Cute Butt: If SP is under 30%, Cute Butt increases base ATK by 25%.
Clumsy: Class Leader increases base HP by 100% when 2 more Clumsy are in the party.
Little Devil: Little Devil will activate Persue and Attack if hit by Aura-Weaknesses, while Desire P is over 35%.
Passionate: If Aura-Attack combos reach 3 or more, the party will receive 20% less damage from Aura-Attacks.
Region I (Mushroom Forest)
Below is a list of all the Monster Girls in their respective region with information on how to collect their panties, their favourite gifts, and where to rub them.
1: LilliaObtained: Automatically Unlocked Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Class Leader, InnocentRub Points
Stage 1: Stomach, Right thigh, Right asscheek Stage 2: Left thigh, left asscheek, tail Stage 3: Ears, head
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Angel’s Wings (1F 11,5) Gathering: Devil’s Wings H-Monster: Dreaming Girl (Thick Fresh Milk [weakness:fire] 1F & 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Fresh Meat, Fragrant Bouquet, Cactus Bouquet, Key Holder
2: LecheObtained: 1F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Animal Ears, Wild Recommended Lv: 1-3 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Kitty Scarf (Fire) Spaghetti-Strap Dress (Fire) Playful Skirt (None)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Head, neck, face Stage 2: Arms, shoulders, stomach Stage 3: Left calf, thighs
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Pleated Miniskirt (1F 6,11) Gathering: Pokadot Frillies H-Monster: Kitty patterned Panti (Striped Pantie Mask [weakness:fire] 1F & 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fried Tofu, Candy, Body Pillow, Warm Blanket
3: OrthrusObtained: 1F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Animal Ears, Tiny Tlts Recommended Lv: 3-4 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Orthrus’ Bra (Air) Frilly Apron (Fire) Orhtrus’ Panties (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Head, face, tail Stage 2: Stomach, Ears Stage 3: Crotch, right asscheek, right calf
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Little Lady (2F 15,2) Gathering: First Love Minty H-Monster: Pretty Charming (UFO [weakness:fire] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Candy, Fresh Meat, Sweet Potato
4: GoblinObtained: 2F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Cute butt, Passionate Recommended Lv: 3-4 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Short Cloak (Air) Sporty Club Gear (Fire) Sporty Shorts (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Shoulders, arms, hands Stage 2: Breasts, Stomach Stage 3: Crotch, Butt
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Sunshine Beach (3F 14,3) Gathering: Spiky Punk H-Monster: Metallic Chain (Lord Loincloth [weakness:air] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Jack in a Box, Pince-nez
5: SlimeObtained: 2F Aura: Air Weakness: Earth Traits: High-Thighs, Wild Recommended Lv: 4 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Shoulder Pad (Earth) Chest Guard (Earth) Softy dress (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Left breast, arms, hands Stage 2: Slime, Crotch Stage 3: Stomach, Right breast
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Little Flowers (3F 6,4) Gathering: Strawberry Land H-Monster: Slimy Slime (Lady Loincloth [weakness:water] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, 4-Leaf Clover, Gooey Slime
6: LatteObtained: 3F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Tiny Tlts, Sadist Recommended Lv: 3-5 Allies: 2x Splashing Whale (Weak:Air)Clothing items & Weakness
Sailor Suit (Fire) Honey Pleat (Fire) Favourite Honey (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Right asscheek or crotch Stage 2: Breasts or arms Stage 3: Wings or arms
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Elven Impulse (2F 2,17 sealed area accessed from 1F) Gathering: School Swimsuit H-Monster: Softly Softly (Spouting Whale [weakness:air] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Gold bar, Rose Bouquet, Pine Vase, High Grade Foundation, Brand Name Lipstick, Brand Name Perfume, Antique Lamp
7: Killer BeeObtained: 3F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Cute Butt Recommended Lv: 4-6 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Sailor Suit (Fire) Honey Pleat (Fire) Favourite Honey (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Antennae, Face, Head Stage 2: Arm, Hand, Left breast Stage 3: Crotch, Stinger
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Maiden Chic-girly (2F 17,8) Gathering: Night Flower H-Monster: Dangerous G-String (Vertical Stripe Mask [weakness:fire] 3F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Portable Sandbox
8: KoboldObtained: 4F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Animal Ears, Lolita Recommended Lv: 8 Allies: 4x Vertical Stripe Mask (Weak:Fire)Clothing items & Weakness
Monstopia Leotard (Air) Monstopia Bloomers (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Head, Neck Stage 2: Crotch, Right Calf Stage 3: Arm, Hand, Right Breast
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Kitty Paradise (4F 18,18) Gathering: Black Wave H-Monster: Minty Minty Flower (Queen Lioncloth [weakness:water] 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Candy, Comic Book, Romance Novel, Durable Bag
9: OrcObtained: 4F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Big Boobs, Clumsy Recommended Lv: 6 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Tight Tank Top (Fire) Tight Shorts (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Left Thigh, Tail Stage 2: Shoulder, Ears Stage 3: Breasts
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Striped G-String (4F 16,18) Gathering: Suspender Pantie H-Monster: Piggy Frill (Prince Loincloth [weakness:air] 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Candy, Fresh Meat, Fragrant Bouquet, Banana Boat, Moisturising Lotion
10: FungusObtained: 4F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Cute Butt, Affectionate Recommended Lv: 5-6 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Mushroom Tube (Air) Mushroom Pants (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Left Thigh, Right Breast Stage 2: Arm, Hand, Neck Stage 3: Crotch, Right Calf
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest)
Chest: Striped Circus (4F 10,14) Gathering: Mushroom Forest H-Monster: Nyoki Mushroom (Syrupy Cow’s Milk [weakness:fire] 3F &4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
4-Leaf Clover, Divine Talisman, Luck Amulet, Warding Charm, Blessed Amulet
Region II (Sticky Greasy Lake)
1: BansheeObtained: 1F Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Animal Ears, Lady Recommended Lv: 8 Allies: 2x Huge Radish (Weak:fire)Clothing items & Weakness
Puffy Dress (Air) Skyblue Tunic (Fire) Moe Moe Trousers (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arms, Left thigh Stage 2: Ears, Face Stage 3: Right calf, Left Breast
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake)
Chest: Sky-blue Flower (2F 15,13) Gathering: High-leg Bunny H-Monster: Purple Lady (Huge Radish [weakness:fire] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Romance Novel
2: ImpObtained: 2F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Twin Tails, Tsundere Recommended Lv: 8-9 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Diabolic Mini Jacket (Earth) Cool Girl Skirt (Earth)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Butt, Tail Stage 2: Wings, Head Stage 3: Ears, Left calf
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake)
Chest: Diabolic Murmur (3F 10,13) Gathering: Pop Skeleton H-Monster: Rose Garden (Banana Girl [weakness:earth] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Antique Lamp, Hotsprings Ticket
3: Will-o’-the-WispObtained: 2F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Lolita, Tsundere Recommended Lv: 10-12 Allies: 2x Pink Rota (Weak:earth) 2x Major Jiro Kokeshi (Weak:water)Clothing items & Weakness
Lady’s Blouse (Air) Lace Covered Skirt (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Umbrella Point, Neck Stage 2: Umbrella Handle, Crotch Stage 3: Head, Shoulders
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake)
Chest: Black Lace (3F 5,5) Gathering: Ghost in Wonderland H-Monster: Modern Stripe (Banana Twins [weakness:earth] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fried Tofu, Body Pillow, Warm Blanket, Popular Blush, New Colour Manicure
4: KentaurousObtained: 3F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Cute Butt, Tomboy Recommended Lv: 10 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Fitted Breastplate (Earth) Comfortable Arm Guard (Earth) Runaway Shorts (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Tail, Left asscheek Stage 2: Arms, Hands, Right calf Stage 3: Ears, Head
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake)
Chest: Black Horse Leather (2F 18,12) Gathering: Romantic Rosie H-Monster: Passionate Black Ribbon (Major Jiro Kokeshi [weakness:water] 3F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Vintage Wine, Hotsprings Ticket
5: ElfObtained: 3F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Class Leader, Beauty Recommended Lv: 10 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Twin Cape (Air) Pure White Blouse (Fire) Slip & Tights (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arms, Ears Stage 2: Right Breast, Right asscheek Stage 3: Left calf. Hand, Arms
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake)
Chest: Argyle Dream (1F 16,8) Gathering: Purple Ensemble H-Monster: Cross Butterfly ( Jiro Kokeshi [weakness:water] 1F & 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Rose Bouquet, Decorative Planet
6: SirenObtained: 4F Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Magical Girl, Silly Recommended Lv: 12-13 Allies: 4x Banana Female (Weak:Earth), 2x Double Banana (Weak:Earth)Clothing items & Weakness
Shining Star (Earth) Stage Costume (Air) Inner Doll (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Left Breast, Wings on head Stage 2: Left calf, Arms Stage 3: Ears, Crotch
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake)
Chest: Miracle Star (4F 11,2) Gathering: Denim Ribbon H-Monster: Checked Pattern Idol Pantie (Man in Tie Pantie [weakness:air] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Vintage Wine, Warm Blanket, Fishbowl, Banana Boat, Pool, Hot Springs Ticket
7: CalypsoObtained: 4F Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Tsundere, Unpredictable Recommended Lv: 8-12 Allies: 2x Pink Rota (Earth), 2x Alien in Tie Pantie (Air)Clothing items & Weakness
Aqua Cape (Air) Graceful School Swimsuit (Air) Thigh Ribbon (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Butt Stage 2: Shoulders or arms Stage 3: Tail or crotch
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake)
Chest: Seashell Bikini (1F 1,20) Gathering: Pearl Velvet H-Monster: Seductive Ocean (Rota [weakness:earth] 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Banana Boat, Swimming Pool
Region III (Newd Lady Forest)
1: MummyObtained: 1F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Unpredictable, Clumsy Recommended Lv: 14-15 Allies: 2x Count Tasty Suckula (Weak:air) ,2x Mango Pudding (Weak:air)Clothing items & Weakness
Bandage of the Pharaoh (Fire) Pyramid Power Bandage (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Crotch, Right calf Stage 2: Arms, Hands, Pharaoh’s mask Stage 3: Right Breast, Stomach
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Ruin)
Chest: Mysterious Sexy (2F 14,2) Gathering: Desert Oasis H-Monster: Heart Spider (Curly White Hair [weakness:air] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Artistic False Eyelashes, Divine Talisman, Antique Lamp, Warding Charm
2: Dark ElfObtained: 4F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Class Leader, Passionate Recommended Lv: 13-15 Allies: 2x Half-Raw Abalone (Weak:earth) ,2x Hairy Marimo (Weak:water) ,2x Count Suckula (Weak:air)Clothing items & Weakness
Sergeant’s Cloak (Air) Salute Top (Earth) Tight Dress (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Left breast, Left thigh Stage 2: Right thigh, Shoulders Stage 3: Arm, Hand, Ears
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Ruin)
Chest: Asymmetrical Pantie (5F 15,9) Gathering: Regimental Flower H-Monster: Sexy Tape (Count Suckula [weakness:air] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Candy, Romance Novel, Key holder
3: Jack-o’-LanternObtained: 5F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Cute Butt, Little Devil Recommended Lv: 14-16 Allies: 2x Angry-Faded Tadpole (Weak:water)Clothing items & Weakness
Night sky Cloak (Air) Striped Bra (Water) Short Bloomers (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arm, Hand, Left Breast Stage 2: Right calf, Right Breast Stage 3: Hat, Left asscheek
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Ruin)
Chest: Flying Bats (4F 8,19) Gathering: The Lantern Night H-Monster: Sweet Lace (Dried Abalone [weakness:earth] 1F & 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fried Tofu, Basketball, Soccer Ball
4: OgreObtained: 6F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Wild, Big Sister Recommended Lv: 15 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Impact Absorbing Pauldrons (Earth) Durable Breastplate (Earth) Durable Waist Armour (Earth)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arms, Hand, left Calf Stage 2: Horns, Arms Stage 3: Right Breast, Crotch
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Ruin)
Chest: Sexy Amazon (6F 14,19) Gathering: Hidden Heart H-Monster: Seductive Vacation (Dutch Dolly [weakness:fire] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Vintage Wine, Fresh Meat, High grade Sandbag, Volleyball, Romance Novel
5: WightObtained: 6F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Big Sister, Passionate Recommended Lv: 16-18 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Skeleton Necklace (Earth) Medal Top (Fire) Rocker Style Skirt (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arms, Head Stage 2: Crotch, Shoulders Stage 3: Arm, Hand, Neck
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Ruin)
Chest: Midnight Rose (6F 4,18) Gathering: Violet Berry H-Monster: Rock ‘n’ Roll G-String (Hairy Marimo [weakness:water] 3F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Vintage Wine, Fresh Meat, Nail Bat, Hateful Dictionary
6: TypicaObtained: 6F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Big Sister, Masochist Recommended Lv: 14-17 Allies: 4x Count Tasty Suckula (Weak:Air)Clothing items & Weakness
Exotic Collar (Earth) Dancer’s bra (Earth) Transparent Bloomers (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Stomach, Breasts Stage 2: Arms, Hands Stage 3: Right thigh, Left calf, Crotch
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Ruin)
Chest: Oriental Flower (4F 17,16) Gathering: Green Butterfly H-Monster: Dancer’s Seduction (Ripe Mango [weakness:air] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Moisturiser, Sunscreen, Rouge Blush
Region IV (Inner Beauty Garden)
1: MinotaurObtained: 1F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Big Boobs, Masochist Recommended Lv: 17-19 Allies: 2x Exposing Candy (Weak:Fire)Clothing items & Weakness
Attack Guard (Water) Maid’s Apron (Air) Milking Dress (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Neck, Arms, Hands Stage 2: Tail, Crotch Stage 3: Ears, Horns
Job Panties Location (Inner Beauty Garden)
Chest: Cute Milking Cow (2F 16,1) Gathering: Milky Festival H-Monster: G-String (Lady Hairy [weakness:earth] 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Fragrant Bouquet, Cactus Bouquet, Comic Book, 4 leaf Clover
2: EllieObtained: 1F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Big Boobs, Silly Recommended Lv: 22-26 Allies: 2x Wet ‘n’ slimy soft (Weak:Earth)Clothing items & Weakness
Tayu’s Kimono (Fire) Queen’s Bra (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Snakes, Head, Face Stage 2: Thighs, Left Calf Stage 3: Breasts
Job Panties Location (Inner Beauty Garden)
Chest: Oira’s Lingerie (1F 20,7) Gathering: Kiss from a Snake H-Monster: Spiral Sheet (Exposing Candy [weakness:fire] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Brand name Lipstick, Brand name Perfume, Blessed Amulet, Vintage wine, Hot springs Ticket, Gold nugget, High grade Foundation.
3: KamaitachiObtained: 2F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Masochist, High Thighs Recommended Lv: 19-20 Allies: 2x Exposing Pie (Weak:Fire), 2x Chief Taro Kokeshi (Weak:Water)Clothing items & Weakness
Kunoichi’s Chain armour (Air) Ninja Shorts (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Left Asscheek, Stomach Stage 2: Right Breast, Face Stage 3: Left Calf, Neck
Job Panties Location (Inner Beauty Garden)
Chest: Pure and White (4F 10,19) Gathering: Midnight Sakura Flurry H-Monster: Shuriken Ninnin (Exposing Pie [weakness:fire] 2F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fried Tofu, Sealed File, Family Crest
4: Azuki AraiObtained: 3F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Tiny Tlts, Animal Ears Recommended Lv: 18-19 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Maid’s Kimono (Fire) Short Pantie (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arms, Hand, Right Thigh Stage 2: Face, Right Breast Stage 3: Neck, Left Calf
Job Panties Location (Inner Beauty Garden)
Chest: Cute Dots (4F 18,18) Gathering: Sexy Diamond H-Monster: Present Ribbons (Tenga Maru [weakness:water] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Rose Bouquet
5: DragonObtained: 4F Aura: Fire Weakness: Air Traits: Passionate, Silly Recommended Lv: 20-21 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Oriental Collar (Air) Curved Breastplate (Earth) Fighting Spirit Dress (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arms, Hand, Tail Stage 2: Arms, Horns Stage 3: Wings, Left Thigh
Job Panties Location (Inner Beauty Garden)
Chest: Fire Dragon (3F 7,14) Gathering: Hell’s Flames H-Monster: Kung Fu Violet (Taro Kokeshi [weakness:water] 1F & 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fresh Meat
6: OrihimeObtained: 4F Aura: Fire Weakness: Air Traits: Twin Tails, Lady Recommended Lv: 23-26 Allies: 2x Worm Tenga (Weak:Air), 2x Tenga no Chiyo (Weak:Water)Clothing items & Weakness
Milky Way Plumage (Air) Starry Necklace (Earth) Milkway Sleeves (Fire) Fall in Love Pantie (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Shoulders, Left Thigh Stage 2: Arms, Neck Stage 3: Crotch, Head
Job Panties Location (Inner Beauty Garden)
Chest: Twinkle Twinkle Carnival (3F 9,6) Gathering: Milky Sailor H-Monster: Desperate Housewife (Incontinent Egg [weakness:water] 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Hot Springs Ticket, Brand name Perfume, Brand name Lipstick, Candy
Region V (Gothgal Quartz Area)
1: MimicObtained: 1F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Big Boobs, Little Devil Recommended Lv: 30 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Slimy Gooey Pantie (Water) Secret Necklace (Earth) Big Sister’s Bra (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Right Breast, Left Asscheek Stage 2: Right asscheek, Chest’s tongue Stage 3: Shoulders, Chest’s top mouth.
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Midnight Garden (2F 19,17) Gathering: Feast of Flowers H-Monster: Spring Flowers (Kinkin Dumpling [weakness:water] 3F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fresh Meat, Gold Nugget, Jack in a Box
2: DullahanObtained: 2F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Tsundere, Silly Recommended Lv: 32-34 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Spiritual Helmet (Earth) Velvet Cloak (Air) Knight’s Armour (Earth) Proud Waist Armour (Earth) Super Slit Dress (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Face, Arm, Hand Stage 2: Right asscheek, Left Breast Stage 3: Left asscheek, Neck
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Charmer’s G-String (5F 14,4) Gathering: Lady of Twilight H-Monster: White Spider (Meat Komon [weakness:air] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
New Colour Manicure, Artistic false eyelashes, Popular Blush
3: ChimeraObtained: 3F Aura: Earth Weakness: Water Traits: Unpredictable, Wild Recommended Lv: 34 Allies: 2x Ball Komon (Weak:Air), 2x Kinkin Dumpling (Weak:Water)Clothing items & Weakness
Animal Trainer’s Cape (Air) Puppet Pantie (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Horns, Arm, Hand Stage 2: Neck, Crotch Stage 3: Shoulders, Head.
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Mini Feather (4F 3,13) Gathering: Puppet Girl H-Monster: Black Frill (Size 7 T-Back [weakness:air] 4F & 5F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fresh Meat, Candy
4: TalosObtained: 4F Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Clumsy, Affectionate Recommended Lv: 35 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Armoured Top (Earth) Mechanical Bodysuit (Earth)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Stomach, Arms Stage 2: Right Thigh, Left Breast Stage 3: Neck, Head
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Digital Dream (6F 9,11) Gathering: Blossom Parade H-Monster: Cherry Party (Kikin Takoyaki [weakness:water] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Durable Bag, Vintage Wine
5: NecromancerObtained: 6F Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Big Boobs, Big Sister Recommended Lv: 37 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Skeleton Top (Earth) Sexy Armlet (Air) Vintage Shawl (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Head, Arms Stage 2: Neck, Left Thigh Stage 3: Crotch, Right Calf
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Metallic Pantie (4F 4,2) Gathering: Special Bones H-Monster: Sexy Night (Hard Bottle [weakness:fire] 3F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sealed File, Family Crest, Creepy Writings, Gooey Slime, Hot Springs Ticket
6: MochaObtained: Unlocked during Story Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Tomboy, TsundereRub Points
Stage 1: Left Breast, Wings Stage 2: Tail, Crotch, Right asscheek Stage 3: Shoulder, Horns
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Seductive Heart (1F 17,4) [Found in White Limit] Gathering: Studded Pantie H-Monster: White Beast (T-Backs [weakness:air] 1F & 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Comic Book
7: MattariObtained: Unlocked during Story Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Thigh-Highs, AffectionateRub Points
Stage 1: Right Thigh, Right Calf Stage 2: Face, Neck Stage 3: Arms, Stomach, Left Breast
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Pretty Cool (1F 11,9) [Found in White Limit] Gathering: Withdrawn Low-rise H-Monster: Cheetah Bikini (Head of Matsutake [weakness:earth] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fresh Meat, Candy, Jack in a Box
8: IstasiaObtained: Unlocked during Story Aura: Fire Weakness: Water (None during boss fight, all elements deal 1/2 damage) Traits: Twin Tails, Magical GirlRub Points
Stage 1: Ears, Left Thigh Stage 2: Tail, Arms, Hands Stage 3: Neck, Right asscheek
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area)
Chest: Secret of God (1F 18,13) [Found in White Limit] Gathering: Grown up’s Playful Heart Panties H-Monster: Guarding Feather (Argaric Calpas [weakness:water] 3F & 4F) SEALED DISTRICT ONLY
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fresh Meat, Sweet Potato, Hot Spring Ticket, Lucky Amulet
Region VI (White Limit)
1: CerberusObtained: 1F Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Animal Ears, Thigh-Highs Recommended Lv: 40 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Hell Top (Fire) Cerberus Pantie (Air) Watchdog Skirt (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Right Thigh, Left Calf Stage 2: Tail, Right Calf Stage 3: Neck, Ears
Job Panties Location (White Limit)
Chest: Attractive Lock (2F 1,9) Gathering: Puffy Cotton Candy H-Monster: Watchdog’s Dream (Furry Banana [weakness:earth] 1F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Candy, Fresh Meat
2: GargoyleObtained: 2F Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Sadist, Wild Recommended Lv: 43-44 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Breastplate (Earth) Sexy Hot Body Armour (Earth)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Ears, Neck Stage 2: Arms, Wings Stage 3: Left Breast, Tail
Job Panties Location (White Limit)
Chest: Dark Shadow (3F 9,14) Gathering: Pink Dots H-Monster: Sexy Queen (Mushroom Ranger [weakness:water] 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sun Screen, Moisturizer
3: ScyllaObtained: 3F Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Innocent, Lady Recommended Lv: 46-47 Allies: 2x Bristle Brush (Weak:Air)Clothing items & Weakness
Intellectual Glasses (Air) Intellectual Corset (Fire) Thick Book (Air) Scholar’s Skirt (Fire) Simple Black Tights (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Shoulders, Crotch Stage 2: Left Calf, Tentacles Stage 3: Head, Dog Head
Job Panties Location (White Limit)
Chest: Stay Up and Study (4F 15,2) Gathering: Black Fur H-Monster: Striped G-String (Sexy Muscle [weakness:fire] 1F, 2F & 3F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Hateful Dictionary, Sealed File, Family Crest, Comic Book, Creepy Writings
4: Jack-o’-FrostObtained: 4F Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Little Devil, Magical Girl Recommended Lv: 44-45 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Fluffy Cloak (Air) Chilly Knitwear (Fire) Freezing Shorts (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Right Thigh, Left Breast Stage 2: Arms, Crotch Stage 3: Neck, Left Calf
Job Panties Location (White Limit)
Chest: Polka-dot Snow (2F 15,19) Gathering: Pop Stripe H-Monster: Cutie Violet (Seaweed Monster [weakness:earth] 1F & 2F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Vintage Wine, Sun Screen
5: RanjuObtained: Unlocked post game in Region 6 Aura: Water Weakness: Fire Traits: Beauty, SadistRub Points
Stage 1: Left Thigh, Crotch, Breast Stage 2: Ears, Neck Stage 3: Right & Left Calf
Job Panties Location (White Limit)
Chest: Snowflake Girl (5F 10,14) [Newd Lady Ruin Sealed District] Gathering: Lucky Charm Girl H-Monster: Loincloth Girl (Seaweed Goddess [weakness:earth] 3F & 4F) [White Limit Sealed District]
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sun Screen
Sealed District
1: CocoObtained: 2F Sealed Region: Newd Lady Forest Aura: Fire Weakness: Water Traits: Lolita, Twin Tails Recommended Lv: 53-55 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Mature Ghost Sleeves (Fire) Frilly Ghost Skirt (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arm, Hand, Head Piece Stage 2: Crotch, Ear Piece Stage 3: Shoulders, Right Calf
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Forest [sealed])
Chest: Purple Starry Sky (3F 6,3) Chest: Tiny Rose (3F 14,1) H-Monster: Heart Princess (Curly Blonde Hair [weakness:air] 4F & 5F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Candy, Fresh Meat, Hot Springs Ticket, Fried Tofu, Lucky Amulet, Four Leaf Clover
2: GriffinObtained: 3F Sealed Region: Newd Lady Forest Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Lady Recommended Lv: 55-57 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Collar Accessory (Earth) Spaghetti Strap Top (Fire) Feathered Skirt (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Arm, Hand, Left Calf Stage 2: Crotch, Wings Stage 3: Neck, Right Thigh
Job Panties Location (Newd Lady Forest [sealed])
Chest: Retro White (5F 1,9) Gathering: Purple Festival (Normal Region) H-Monster: Pink Ribbon (Angel Dutch Dolly [weakness:fire] 3F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fried Tofu, Fragrant Bouquet
3: ValkyrieObtained: 5F Sealed Region: Sticky Greasy Lake Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Silly, Innocent Recommended Lv: 62-65 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Battlefield Healing (Air) Cloth of the Goddess (Fire) Tight Miniskirt (Fire)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Stomach, Left Calf Stage 2: Arm, Hand, Neck Stage 3: Head, Right Breast
Job Panties Location (Sticky Greasy Lake [sealed])
Chest: Maiden’s Shyness (6F 9,14) Gathering: Goddess’ Holiday (Normal Region) H-Monster: Fruity Play (God in Tie Pantie [weakness:air] ,Vibrata [weakness:earth] 6F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fried Tofu, Fragrant Bouquet, Family Crest, Sweet Potato, Candy
4: BehemothObtained: 4F Sealed Region: Mushroom Forest Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Innocent Recommended Lv: 65-67 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Moe Moe Necklace (Earth) Armour of Gaia (Air) Big Eater Body Suit (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Horns, Claws Stage 2: Arm, Hand, Head Stage 3: Stomach, Right Calf
Job Panties Location (Mushroom Forest [sealed])
Chest: Diamond Butterfly (4F 7,6) Gathering: Monotone Clover (Normal Region) H-Monster: One Point Heart (UFO Bouncing [weakness:fire] 3F & 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Sweet Potato, Candy, Decorative Plant, Four Leaf Clover
6: LeviathanObtained: 6F Sealed Region: Inner Beauty Garden Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Beauty Recommended Lv: 67-70 Allies: 4x Outpuring Egg (Weak:Water)Clothing items & Weakness
Ocean Breastplate (Water) Flying Fish Bodysuit (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Stomach, Tail Stage 2: Left Thigh, Right Calf Stage 3: Arm, Hand, Neck
Job Panties Location (Inner Beauty Garden [sealed])
Chest: Night Blossom (7F 19,13) Gathering: Monotone Flower (Normal Region) H-Monster: Coral Daisy (Striped Tenga [weakness:air] 6F & 7F, Tenga Doji [weakness:water] 6F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Swimming Pool
7: VampireObtained: 4F Sealed Region: White Limit Aura: Earth Weakness: Air Traits: Unpredictable Recommended Lv: 74-77 Allies: 2x Wet ‘n’ Viscous (Weak:Earth), 2x Altered Dino (Weak:Fire)Clothing items & Weakness
Amaranth Treaty Corset (Air) Forbidden Fabric (Fire) Treaty of Dawn Skirt (Water)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Shoulder, Crotch Stage 2: Arm, Hand, Right Thigh Stage 3: Arms, Left Calf
Job Panties Location (White Limit [sealed])
Chest: Dark Night Feast (4F 13,11) Gathering: Bloody Flower (Normal Region) H-Monster: Chastity Pantie (Protein Muscle [weakness:fire], Enoki Fleet [weakness:water] 4F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Rose Bouquet, Creepy Writings, New Colour Manicure
8: SatanObtained: 5F Sealed Region: Gothgal Quartz Area Aura: Water Weakness: Earth Traits: Affectionate, Tomboy Recommended Lv: 82-86 Allies: 2x Furious Tadpole (Weak:Water), 2x Gorgeous Condogolem (Weak:Fire)Clothing items & Weakness
Satan’s Cloak (Air) Keyhold Pantie (Earth) Drive Away Boots (Air)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Ears, Right Thigh Stage 2: Wings, Head Stage 3: Arms, Hand, Right Breast
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area [sealed])
Chest: Satan’s Bats (7F 1,17) Gathering: Satan Night Fever (Normal Region) H-Monster: Satan’s Vacation (Throbbing Bottle [weakness:fire] 7F, Saint Komon [weakness:air] 6F & 7F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
See-Saw, Candy
9: ZizObtained: 6F Sealed Region: Gothgal Quartz Area Aura: Air Weakness: Fire Traits: Twin Tails, Masochist Recommended Lv: 78-80 Allies: NoneClothing items & Weakness
Desperate Ribbon Top (Fire) Armour of Uranus (Fire) Spiky Knee Armour (Earth)
Rub Points
Stage 1: Neck, Wings Stage 2: Right Breast, Left Thigh Stage 3: Arms, Face
Job Panties Location (Gothgal Quartz Area [sealed])
Chest: Sky Flower (7F 5,1) Gathering: Satan Night Fever (Normal Region) H-Monster: Crossed Golden Strings (Matsutake Salami [weakness:water] 6F & 7F)
Favourite Presents (Best communication)
Fresh Meat, Fried Tofu.
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