#Bjørn Giesenbauer
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lampenfiebermusicblog · 7 years ago
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Now we have reached 2018. Time to look back at the year that was. Before I get to my usual Top Twenty listomania I would like to reminisce some special music-related events I was lucky to be a part of in 2017. Experiences that fall out of the usual categories.
One of them was my acoustic one-song-concert just for me (well, and a few other listeners around the garden fence...) with Jens Lekman. I was number two in a series of seven of those mini-shows at Badesøen Festival at the end of July.
We had all won this one-of-a-kind intimate concert experience through the radio station The Lake which is one of the main forces behind the festival (acually an eighth person had won as well - but somehow never showed up).
This “happening” with Jens Lekman wasn’t the only pop-up show during the festival. Actually, there were so many many of them that I totally missed out on quite a few of them, as I later found out. So when it was my turn to lake the chair opposite of Jens Lekman, shortly afterwards a percussionist started with her pop-up-show not far away. At first it was a bit annoying, but then I moved my chair closer and enjoyed that the pure acoustic version of Some Dandruff On Your Shoulder.
Apparently, Jens Lekman also enjoyed this special kind of concert himself.
Later that day, I (and everybody else) could enjoy another pop-up show with him - this time amplified on the stage for kids’ music.
Let’s hope that this year the festival will pop up again with a hat full of magic music tricks.
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a-night-like--this · 5 years ago
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𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔲𝔯𝔢 live at Hurricane Festival in Scheessel, Germany — June 23, 2019
📷 by Bjørn Giesenbauer :)
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ianfishersongs · 3 years ago
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Not only will I finally get to play with my band next month, but I’ll also be supported (musically & morally) by my good friends in the new group Accidental Bird! Get tickets now 🎫 May 19 - Haus der Musik - Vienna (A) May 20 - Bart - Timelkam (A) May 21 - Milla - Munich (D) May 22 - Komma - Wörgl (A) May 27 - Jaki - Cologne (D)* May 28 - Knust - Hamburg (D)* May 29 - Prachtwerk - Berlin (D)* May 30 - Horch! - Pforzheim (D) * = support by Accidental Bird photo by Bjørn Giesenbauer (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc2dSlhMzf5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jonabyron · 13 years ago
One night on earth
One night on earth by Bjørn Giesenbauer Via Flickr: Jona Byron at the 6th Melodica Festival Hamburg Opening Night / Compilation Release Party www.melodicafestival.org
Thank you Bjørn Giesenbauer for taking this wonderful pic! This was snapped while I was performing at the Melodica compilation #2 CD Launch in Hamburg last weekend. 
To order the CD please follow this link. 
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yahoo-travel-editor · 7 years ago
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(Photo by More pics than views…, License: CC BY 3.0, 圖片來源)
1. 法國・艾吉桑
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(Photo by More pics than views…, License: CC BY 3.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by More pics than views…, License: CC BY 3.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by jean melis, License: CC BY 3.0, 圖片來源)
2. 義大利・布拉諾島
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(Photo by Рустам Абдрахимов, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by JalilArfaoui, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
在威尼斯潟湖(Venetian Lagoon)上,除了威尼斯以外,還有一大亮點——布拉諾島(Burano)。說是亮點,還真是亮點,島上色彩鮮豔到彷彿都要滴出顏料的小屋,實在是非常吸睛啊!
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(Photo by Chris 73, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
3. 義大利・五漁村
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(Photo by Valeriano Della Longa from Rome, Italy, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Superchilum, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
在義大利地中海沿岸,被稱為「義大利里維拉」(Italian Riviera)的利古里亞��岸(Riviera Ligure),坐落著數十座小鎮,它們夾在狹窄的海岸線和崎嶇的山脈間,形成非常獨特的風景,其中最知名的要屬五漁村(Cinque Terre)。不過,當地位居險峻之境的村落不計其數,五漁村之所以能「殺出重圍」,全靠色彩明亮的房舍,大舉擄獲眾人目光。
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(Photo by Angelo nastri nacchio, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
4. 葡萄牙・里斯本
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(Photo by Pablo Nieto, License: CC BY-SA 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Jose Hidalgo from Punta Arenas y South Lake Tahoe, Chile y California, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
5 . 波蘭・弗次瓦夫
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(Photo by Photographs by Radosław Drożdżewski (User:Zwiadowca21) , License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
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(Photo by Klearchos Kapoutsis from Santorini, Greece, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
名稱聽來很陌生,位於波蘭西南方的奧得河(Odra)畔的弗次瓦夫(Wroclaw),可是波蘭僅次於華沙的第二大金融中心。不過吸引遊客到此一遊的,顯然無關這番顯赫背景,反倒是中央集市廣場(Market Square)四周、色彩繽紛到令人聯想起糖果紙盒的建築!
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(Photo by Andrzej Otrębski, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
6. 羅馬尼亞・錫吉什瓦拉
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(Photo by MarculescuEugenIancuD60Alaska from Anchorage, Alaska, USA, License: CC BY-SA 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Aw58, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供) 
提起羅馬尼亞,你是不是和Iris一樣先想到吸血鬼德古拉公爵(Count Dracula)呢?那麼讓我再告訴你,錫吉什瓦拉(Sighisoara)可是這位吸血鬼界代表人物的原型——瓦拉幾亞大公(Prince of Wallachia)弗拉德三世(Vlad III the Impaler,)的故鄉!不過不用害怕,這座城市一點既不陰森也不駭人,反而填滿五顏六色的房舍,讓人看得眼花撩亂哪~~
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(Photo by Cezar Suceveanu, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
7. 丹麥・哥本哈根
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(Photo by Marshallhenrie, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
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(Photo by Edgar El, License: CC BY 3.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Bert Kaufmann from Roermond, Netherlands, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
興建於17世紀、位於國王廣場(Kongens Nytorv)旁的濱海地帶,這座延伸著運河的娛樂「城」,聚集著咖啡廳、酒吧、餐館和許多木造船隻,展現出獨特的海港風情,特別是成排17~18世紀的聯棟住宅,外觀雖大���小異,卻各個「塗脂抹粉」,使出渾身解數和鄰居爭奇鬥豔一番~~
8. 瑞典・斯德哥爾摩
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(Photo by Julian Herzog, License: CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
由14座島嶼和一座半島組成的斯德哥爾摩(Stockholm),最初從位於Stadsholmen島的老城(Gamla Stan)發跡。700年來,包括皇宮(Kungliga Slottet)、大教堂(Storkyran)和舊交易所(Börsen)等主要建築,在此落地生根,其中核心中的核心,就是大廣場(Stortorget)。
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(Photo by Bengt Nyman, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
9. 冰島・雷克雅維克
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(Photo by Christine Zenino from Chicago, US, License: CC BYA 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Bjørn Giesenbauer, License: CC BY-SA 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Dragan Maksimovic, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, 圖片來源)
 文字/Iris PENG
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photographicbloguk · 7 years ago
25 Stunning Examples of Tilt-Shift Photography
Tilt-Shift photography can produce some amazing images, we covered how to create the effect in Photoshop before, but eactly what is it ?
Tilt–shift photography refers to the use of camera movements on small- and medium-format cameras, and sometimes specifically refers to the use of tilt for selective focus, often for simulating a miniature scene. Sometimes the term is used when the shallow depth of field is simulated with digital post-processing; the name may derive from the tilt–shift lens normally required when the effect is produced optically.
So essentially, different parts of the image are in focus which gives the over all effect of viewing a miniature scene. With that in mind, lets take a look at 25 amazing photos which use this effect for great results …
biG miNiaTURe wOrLd
biG miNiaTURe wOrLd by 27147
Miniature Cathedral of Trier
Miniature Cathedral of Trier by 55Laney69
fake model quito 2
fake model quito 2 by bunchofpants
mini santorini 2…
mini santorini 2… by EnKayTee
Tilt-shift – Brussels
Tilt-shift – Brussels by B.Romain
toyway bay, hong kong
toyway bay, hong kong by thechannelc
Tilt-shift ─ Jhongjhu Port
Tilt-shift ─ Jhongjhu Port by *Yueh-Hua 2012
Dollhouse skatepark
Dollhouse skatepark by when i was a bird
Canal Grande
Canal Grande by ~jjjohn~
China Town
China Town by Ian Sane
Without Science
Without Science by B Tal
Reykjavík revisited
Reykjavík revisited by Bjørn Giesenbauer
Praha … Model effect!
Praha … Model effect! by occhiovivo
Michigan’s Adventure
Michigan’s Adventure by Chris Mc Roberts
Brussels by night – Christmas market tilt-shift
Brussels by night – Christmas market tilt-shift by B.Romain
Everyday actions – Praga
Everyday actions – Praga by Andrea Costa Photography
This is what it would be like if the highway was your playground
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This is what it would be like if the highway was your playground
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 by hathu-
Piazza del Duomo
Piazza del Duomo by Bjørn Giesenbauer
Old and loved
Old and loved by aussiegall
Mission by Dustin Diaz
miniatur wunderland
miniatur wunderland by wvs
Grand Central, Tilt-Shift Fake, New York City
Grand Central, Tilt-Shift Fake, New York City by Northcountry Boy
Another Detail Of My Amazing Bergen Model!
Another Detail Of My Amazing Bergen Model! by aha42 | tehaha
Mercado em Miniatura
Mercado em Miniatura by Breno Peck
street-life-small by Werner Kunz
The post 25 Stunning Examples of Tilt-Shift Photography appeared first on Photographic Blog.
from Photographic Blog http://photographicblog.com/25-stunning-examples-of-tilt-shift-photography/
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best-health-every-day · 7 years ago
Body Building, Eat Smart
Body Building, Eat Smart
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by Bjørn Giesenbauer Body Building, Eat Smart Now we all know that by consuming more calories than you are burning off your body will store it as fat and if you burn more calories than you are consuming you will lose it. However when dieting your body can counteract against the lack of calorie intake so you must make sure you are consuming the right amount of calories, not too much and not too…
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halc6 · 5 years ago
On the other side (via Bjørn Giesenbauer)
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atlanticsentinel · 5 years ago
Italy Is Failing Its Next Generation
Italy is failing its next generation
View of the Piazza del Duomo in Milan, Italy, November 24, 2009 (Bjørn Giesenbauer)
Italy is creating a lost generation.
Consider the following statistics, some taken from the Financial Times:
30 percent of Italians between the ages of 15 and 24 are out of work, more or less the same rate as in Spain but almost double the eurozone average.
Of those in work, the majority are on temporary contracts.
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lampenfiebermusicblog · 7 years ago
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I saw John Maus live.
Again after five years.
At dark dense TAPE.
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a-night-like--this · 5 years ago
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𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔲𝔯𝔢 live at Hurricane Festival in Scheessel, Germany — June 23, 2019
📷 by Bjørn Giesenbauer.
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jonabyron · 13 years ago
Folking up Aarhus, Denmark - Melodica Festival Aarhus 2012
This past weekend I was one of the headline acts at Melodica Festival Aarhus 2012, and what a wonderful weekend it was. I don’t want to ramble on, but it was such an enlightening experience to once again be around talented artists from all over the world and get to play in front of so many appreciative fans of acoustic music. Yes them Danish sure know how to drink, dance, shout and open their hearts and even their homes to such old troupadours such as myself. Especially thanks to Mads who opened his home to us and listened to our drunken stories until 6am! My performance at the festival went down better than I expected, and I was joined on stage by Jonas Dahl and Halla Norðfjörð on Man Kingdom which was a nice touch. I also played a brand new song called ‘Hold The Silence’ and it’s the second only song I have written in almost 2 years! Basically, since I left Iceland I have written nothing, but had a bunch of ideas. I played it on electric guitar and it rocked out nicely, emotionally!
In fact, this was the first gig I have played in a while. The past year has been a rough rough time, in my personal life in many regards and I am now coming out of a very difficult period of my life here in Berlin and getting ready to set sail once again come this July! I will be going on tour with Douglas First and Jonas Dahl throughout Europe, and I can hardly wait! It is time for music and sunlight to grace my life again, and God knows I deserve it!  
Thanks for the amazing pics by Bjørn Giesenbauer.
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Man Kingdom featuring Jonas Dahl & Halla Norðfjörð
Saturday 19/5
14.00 - 14.10 Welcome 14.10 - 14.40 Melodica Allstars Denmark 2011 (Randi Gustafsson, Jørgen Clausen, Maria Ørndrup & Maria Manuela) 15.00- 15.30 Kristian Mikkelsen (DK) 15.50 - 16.20 Douglas First (F) 16.40 - 17.10 Eva Lucia (DK) 17.30- 18.00 Jona Byron (AUS) 18.00 - 19.00 Break 19.00 - 19.30 Prita (AUS) 19.50- 20.20 Snejgast (DK) 20.40 - 21.10 Tone (DK) 21.30 - 22.00 Mijo Biscan (AUS)
Sunday 20/5
13.00 - 14.00 CD Release: Kasper Bai - “En Udmærket Ordning" 14.00 - 14.10 Welcome 14.10 - 14.40 Kasper Bai (DK) 15.00- 15.30 Our Blanket Skies (D) 15.50 - 16.20 Brett Winterford (AUS) 16.40 - 17.10 Carsten Henze (DK) 17.30- 18.00 lùisa (D) 18.00 - 19.00 Break 19.00 - 19.30 Benjamin Aggerbæk (DK) 19.50- 20.20 John Bæk/Svend Seegert (DK) 20.40 - 21.10 Town of Saints (NL/FIN) 21.30 - 22.00 Melodica Allstars International (Torben Stock, l.f.singer, Jonas Dahl, Halla Norðfjörð)
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photographicbloguk · 8 years ago
25 Stunning Examples of Tilt-Shift Photography
Tilt-Shift photography can produce some amazing images, we covered how to create the effect in Photoshop before, but eactly what is it ?
Tilt–shift photography refers to the use of camera movements on small- and medium-format cameras, and sometimes specifically refers to the use of tilt for selective focus, often for simulating a miniature scene. Sometimes the term is used when the shallow depth of field is simulated with digital post-processing; the name may derive from the tilt–shift lens normally required when the effect is produced optically.
So essentially, different parts of the image are in focus which gives the over all effect of viewing a miniature scene. With that in mind, lets take a look at 25 amazing photos which use this effect for great results …
biG miNiaTURe wOrLd
biG miNiaTURe wOrLd by 27147
Miniature Cathedral of Trier
Miniature Cathedral of Trier by 55Laney69
fake model quito 2
fake model quito 2 by bunchofpants
mini santorini 2…
mini santorini 2… by EnKayTee
Tilt-shift – Brussels
Tilt-shift – Brussels by B.Romain
toyway bay, hong kong
toyway bay, hong kong by thechannelc
Tilt-shift ─ Jhongjhu Port
Tilt-shift ─ Jhongjhu Port by *Yueh-Hua 2012
Dollhouse skatepark
Dollhouse skatepark by when i was a bird
Canal Grande
Canal Grande by ~jjjohn~
China Town
China Town by Ian Sane
Without Science
Without Science by B Tal
Reykjavík revisited
Reykjavík revisited by Bjørn Giesenbauer
Praha … Model effect!
Praha … Model effect! by occhiovivo
Michigan’s Adventure
Michigan’s Adventure by Chris Mc Roberts
Brussels by night – Christmas market tilt-shift
Brussels by night – Christmas market tilt-shift by B.Romain
Everyday actions – Praga
Everyday actions – Praga by Andrea Costa Photography
This is what it would be like if the highway was your playground
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This is what it would be like if the highway was your playground
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 by hathu-
Piazza del Duomo
Piazza del Duomo by Bjørn Giesenbauer
Old and loved
Old and loved by aussiegall
Mission by Dustin Diaz
miniatur wunderland
miniatur wunderland by wvs
Grand Central, Tilt-Shift Fake, New York City
Grand Central, Tilt-Shift Fake, New York City by Northcountry Boy
Another Detail Of My Amazing Bergen Model!
Another Detail Of My Amazing Bergen Model! by aha42 | tehaha
Mercado em Miniatura
Mercado em Miniatura by Breno Peck
street-life-small by Werner Kunz
The post 25 Stunning Examples of Tilt-Shift Photography appeared first on Photographic Blog.
from Photographic Blog http://photographicblog.com/25-stunning-examples-of-tilt-shift-photography/
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nelsoncanband · 12 years ago
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Nelson Can LIVE @ Atlas // SPOT Festival, Aarhus, Denmark. PHOTO BY Bjørn Giesenbauer
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atlanticsentinel · 7 years ago
Young Italians Blame EU, But Their Problems Are Homegrown
Young Italians blame EU, but their problems are homegrown
View of the Piazza del Duomo in Milan, Italy, November 24, 2009 (Bjørn Giesenbauer) In most European countries, young people are more supportive of the EU than their elders. In Italy, Politico reports, the trend is reversed. If a referendum on EU membership were hold, one in two Italians under the age of 45 would vote to leave. Only a quarter of those over 45 would do the same. Younger voters’…
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webception · 12 years ago
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