ocs-and-musings · 2 years
Matchup info!!
Do you currently have bitties?
Actually yes! I have a soulbond bitty called Casper (skeleton bitty, who has memory problems but really chill dude), Butterscotch (human bitty, really shy), Latte and Noir! (Two skeletons lamias, latte is super shy and selective mute and noir is a total gentleman) All of them are small size so i have a lot of things for the bitties already!
What are you looking for in a bitty?
Uhhh im really a lazy person and while yeah, my bitties help me around giving me reminders, i would enjoy someone who will "force" me to actually do the chores i have to do! Not that much of agression either- anddd just to have someone to be with <3
Bitties type you prefer, if any?
Not gonna lie, im a skeleton lover but i also have things for the goats- the mother hen nagging of the toriels and the softness of the asgores are what get me too!
Bitties type to avoid, if any?
Hmm i dont have a big house so i dont think i could have a tank for the acuatic bitties even tho they're cool af and my backyard is also small so there's that, is not that i dont enjoy them! And for universes... none! I enjoy them all as well and im s very patience person for the warm up of fells, all the energy of tales and swaps, that stuff!
Hope this enough,,, thank you!
After careful consideration, I have a few singles and a Bonded Pair that may interest you!
Single: “Skitter”
A Harpy!UT!Papyrus who’s always happy and eager to help! He has an infectious positive attitude and loves everyone without prejudice.
- Always happy and positive
- Will get excited about anything you have to do and remind you with the biggest, starriest eyes.
- Can make cute beepy sounds along with reminders.
- Fidgety and always needs to be doing something
- May be a bit overwhelming at first for shier Bitties. (We will prepare him beforehand so he knows to go slow, but he is just so excited for new friends he may forget)
- A serious shedder. (How can one tiny Bitty produce so many feathers!?)
Single: “Bear”
A Beatsy!UT!Sans who is just a lovable couch potato. One of our few Beastys that don’t require a big back yard to run around in! He prefers to just lay and bask in the sun.
- Low maintenance
- Gentle around both Bitties and humans
- Will lay himself across your arms, making work impossible until you agree to do that thing you were supposed to do first. (Sleep, eat, etc)
- Special diet (Raw Food Diet)
- Needs exercise or he’ll get overweight easily
- Will not enjoy said exercise
- Will need to buy medium size supplies for him. (Medium Bitties are about the size of a cat)
Bonded Pair: "Riel" and "Dahlia"
"Riel", an Outer!Toriel, has an excellent memory and would be great for both you and Casper. She is motherly and patient, a perfect match for any shy Bitty who needs time to open up. She especially loves to brush hair and gives the softest hugs. She also has a knack for embroidery!
"Dahlia" is a bit of a classic Fell!Papyrus in that he's grumpy and spikey on the outside, soft and gooey on the inside. Riel helps keep him from going too overboard with his butt-kicking, so his force is somewhat gentle for fell standards. He's like that older brother who's secretly going through a phase. ("IT'S NOT A PHASE!")
Never miss an important meeting, appointment or date again!
The force of a fell without the harsh bite.
Both get along well with hier Bitties
Riel keeps Dahlia in line... Most of the time.
Warning, your clothes may be subject to "surprise embroidery".
Your Bitties' clothes may be subject to surprise embroidery.
Dahlia is a fussy eater and demands only the best.
Neither like dogs.
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thecrimsonrescue · 1 year
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A Posttale Sans head, Just peek I suppose. Scarberry my love- my grump- my absolute goodest boy- 
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thecrimsonrescue · 1 year
“Welcome to the rescue, Currently it’s just me. Scarberry should be here soon. But, yes, Hello!”
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