#Bitty selves yo
crowsworks · 5 years
The Bitty Connection
@inkswirl @firedrakegirl @nascentcreations @Space_lover @maiuoart @alpaca-keeper
After gathering samples from everyone that opted into the “bitty” party which was Maiuo, Swirl, Alp, Mimi, Space, and Fire; Crow made her way to see her favorite fish friend… Undyne, aka Kraken. She was Smoke and Indigo’s Undyne and though she looked mean, Crow knew she was a sweet loving anime geek with nerdy tendencies. Even though she hated humans she found peace in Crow’s realm. She was given a lab, she was allowed experiments, given anime. And suddenly a delivery truck was parked outside her door with a bunch of new anime, manga of her favorite ships, plus some new ones, and cups of noodles. There was even a plushie thrown in of Smoke and Crow as she grabbed them up and squealed in delight. Grabbing up some of the new manga she saw it featured all new ships. Someone named “Aritafae” and Mutt. A handsome looking skellie that was close to how Smoke looked but without a broken nasal cavity. Another manga with a bunch of other skellie boys wearing collars and living in a dorm house together with the same mysterious “Aritafae”, a cute woman that could shift into a cat. The anime consisted of new stuff she’d never seen before and was delighted to get her hands on it. But she grew suspicious…. This never happened before. She sighed anyway and the delivery driver was helping in bringing it all in. More stacks on the already overly cluttered floor, more cups of noodles piling up on the counters. Thankfully, this lab had a built-in storage room and she was able to move a lot of it into there. But just as they finished up, she heard the tell-tale sing song voice of Crow. Groaning she shut the door… of course… she accepted the damn gifts… it better not be anymore bitty requests. Sure, Bitty Dewie was sweet compared to Bitty Mol but after Bitty Mol that left a bad taste in her mouth. “Hey Kracken, I see you got the gifts. You uhh… ready for this request?” Crow asked with a smile as she leaned against the wall looking right at her with smile on her stupid human face. “No.” Kraken deadpan stared at her and flat out answered rather quickly. Pouting moving away from the wall. “Ahh, come on. I see you got the shipment.” Crow sang out to her. “Oh… please s…stop singing…” Kraken was trying not to stutter. She had been working on it. Honestly, with Crow’s help she was getting better. “Ok, fine, but please I got some bitty requests. Humans and I have the required stuff to make em. I mean you signed for the shipment and I promise no more bitties. Just please do this.” Crow wasn’t one to beg, but she was begging right now. This must be important to her, Kranken thought to herself looking at the “witch” that let them stay, gave them houses, didn’t care what they were before or where they came from. Gave them all roofs, food, jobs, even the demons and other beings smiled at them, welcomed them with open arms. Stars… how could she say no? Damn her sappy heart, damn Crow for her good-natured loving ways. But … she figured she owed a lot to her, most humans would have snubbed their noses at them, sent them away. But not Crow… she watched as Crow first day opened her arms and gave Sans… or Black or Indigo whatever he was called now and just hugged him. Watched as Black threw her across the room and stormed out. How she laughed off the pain even though she winced, how she just smiled even though she was hurting physically and said it was ok it wasn’t his fault. That she forgave him now and always. Alphys or Dina called her a softie, an idiot. That was until two weeks later when they were all invited to a celebration at the Jinia Manor and … Crow… entered battle. Magic was not allowed, no armor and but weapons were allowed, and death apparently was a no go this time. Curious she found out the Jinia; at least most of them, had found a way to bring back their dead. Using the soul and their spirit to do so. But seeing Crow battle it out, it changed the view of many of them. Crow was a warrior with a big heart. That changed Indigo’s view of her. He had once said to Dina it was like “watching an angel in battle, dancing while her soul sang.” And thus, many came to respect her more. Looking at Crow now begging… ugh “Get up come on.” “YES.” Crow called out happily and the two got everything set up and started. The baggies and one vial were all clearly labeled and marked so Kraken got to work on making the newest bitties. “Give m..me about a week? I’ll call you w…when I’m done.” Kraken told her waving Crow away with her hand as she got into her zone. Human bitties, she was working with human bitties. She was more excited than she let on. And one of them seemed to have antlers… Stars she was excited to see these bitties. Crow went home later that night and grabbed up a copy of the manga where Hal had a collar and all of them were in high school sharing a dorm living together, the antics, the collars, the little “love drama”. Snrking Crow put it in the mail and her a copy right then and there. Thinking though as she sat on the couch she heard an egg hatch and buzzing sounds. “Shadow bees.” Wrynn called from the nusery as Crow got up to look at just one of her newest creations. Shadow bee to make ashen honey. They were adorable. One giant Queen bee, a bunch of workers, and some guard bees. The Shadow Queen bee about the size of a fucking rat buzzed over to Crow curious and Crow scooping her up nuzzled that thing. Taking her to little garden outside in the back and showing her around. She hadn’t had bees before but now a little less magic would get used trying to keep everything pollenated. “I shall name you Fuzzy.” Crow declared. A black bee, with a red stringer and violet bands around her and silver blue wings. She was just cute. Fuzzy got right to work and the drones following her orders started to build nests and putting everything together and started doing their bee duties. Crow let em go at it as she yawned and curled up on the couch. HS seeing is moment moved over snuggling up to her and just smooching all over her face. The two falling asleep on the couch. It had been an eventful day.
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penpursuiits · 7 years
     “Why?”     He looks to this itty-bitty propped against his knees. Ideally, in a perfect world, Louis would think that she has her mother’s eyes. Well, the way her mother’s eyes once were. Like when she first got off the bus: out of the country and suddenly thrust into a whole new world. Big, wide and brown: eyes were tinted with innocence but overall packaged in wonder.     But Shyla does not have her mother’s eyes. They’re big, but only big because she’s still a little kit-cat. The shape of her eyes are different… there’s even a richer darkness they hold. Yes, occasionally in the right light Shyla’s eyes shine and gleam but, there’s never a moment where the setting sun could hit the orbs and suddenly showcase some warm coffee shade. Shyla has his eyes. Those squinty little eyes that have her look as though she’s always doing something.     It’s accurate, far more accurate to say she has her mother’s mind. 
     Louis finds his answer without deep thought. “Not everybody’s going to like you.”     Such a claim holds many meanings. Some would hate her because she’s a girl. Some would hate her because she’s a black girl. Sometimes you can’t make people like you in general. These people don’t necessarily matter, in Louis’ mind but, it’s nonetheless important for Shyla to know. Now, this was not necessarily INTRODUCTION TO RACISM & PREJUDICE 101 as much as it was a topic of her grandparents.     “Why?” Louis could gasp! There’s the same word for a third time in a row!    Why? Because they thought she was sinful. They didn’t look at her and get the sense she was a devious little thing who wrote on walls and held a presence so ominous that Slick and Sly dashed under the bed the minute she came into the room. No, Shyla was born into a world of sin – she was born through sin – she was sinful. But Louis didn’t, couldn’t, explain that to her.   “Because yo’ mama’s parents are a part of the elite.~”     “El-ite.” A line develops over her brow, the word is repeated with puzzlement.     “Yes, young Shyla, the elite. Every day they meet and greet the same man.” His right hand captures the nearest book, his thick thumb rolling over the pages as he would do a fresh wad of money. “Praising the same man’s words. And discussing other topics, that he – and they, made up their selves. So they have a fine time, they and the man.” He puts the book back on the end table, “And people who thought the man was a sloppy writer? They go bye-bye.”      “What’s the book?”     Louis thought he would never call on the Lord’s name but, here he is. His legs begin to shake. He hopes the sudden movement would diminish Shyla’s curiosity for each word coming out his mouth. Yet, it’s only he is who snickering, the tot. If anything, is enraged by the bouncing; “Where can I geddit?” Did she just try to hit his leg? “I wanna geddit!”           “They only sell it to the elite.” He explains with that same cool calmness, though on the verge of having laughter whistle and weasel out from clenched teeth. “And didn’t I tell you? Not everybody’s gonna like you, girl.”     “They’ll like me!”      “What?”     “I can make ‘em like me!” She repeats, bitter as ever.     Sometimes she wants to spend a whole twenty-four whopping hours asking why in-between tantrums. Other times, he’s off-guard when she says things like this. He wonders how she’ll be when grown, handling rejection of any sort. If she’ll calm down and hold indifference or, still feel as though if you don’t like her now, you’re going to like her later. Louis chooses to laugh, his thick finger dabbing at her nose. Like a puffer-fish taking a hit, her cheeks flare.    “Not with no attitude like that.”
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