thedickgraysons · 1 month
going to start listing canon interactions men in acotar have had, and then just add "which could mean nothing" to the end à la matt damon and ben affleck.
rhysand was 'the one who taught tamlin how to fuck.' which could mean nothing. rhysand also fell in love with feyre because she reminded him of cassian. which could mean nothing.
cassian slept with mor because he was jealous of how much of azriel's attention she took up. which could mean nothing.
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fourteentrout · 2 months
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Rhys and tam taking up my space for notes like damn get a room u guys
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summerbummin · 3 months
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Title: A Court of Burns and Truth
Rating: E
Relationships: Eris x Male OC, Mor x Emerie, Azriel x Gwyn, Lucien x Elain
Tags: Bisexual Eris Vanserra, Mates, Forbidden Romance, Arranged Marriage, Courtly Intrigue, Espionage
Eris finds his mate during a one night stand — with a male. His father would sooner kill his mate, then accept his son is queer. So Eris flees into the night. But he won’t be able to escape his mate that easily. Not when Beron unknowingly betrothes him to his mate’s sister.
An Eris x Male OC fic with side dishes of Emorie teaching Illyrian females the way of the Valkyries, Gwynriel spy training where Gwyn infiltrates the Forest House, and Elucien taking trips to the human lands and the Day Court as they figure who they are and what they mean to each other.
Here are picrews I made of Eris’ mate Raphael, and Raphael’s sister Isadora
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velarisnightsky444 · 3 months
𝙰 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜: 𝚂𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚌 𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
✧・゚: ✧・゚::・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚::・゚✧*:・゚✧
wattpad ao3 feysand playlist their pinterest board
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superducky800 · 6 months
on todays episode of fictional characters that give me gender envy, we have a very special guest…high lord of the night court…the one and only….rhysandddddd
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rosenecklaces · 1 year
i wish i can be more mad about sjm using the stereotype of bi people be overly sexual when it comes to Helion but also like ... is Helion. have you seen that man? If anyone in Prythian can conquest and go down like no other is him
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incorrectacotarblog · 7 months
Nesta: I think I’m bi
Cassian: which one?
Nesta: wtf do you mean?
Cassian: bisexual? Bilingual? Bipolar?
Rhysand: I know
Rhysand: a bitch
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1800naveen · 1 month
Going on C.AI and asking ACOTAR characters on their opinion on the LGBT: MALE EDITION!
(Happy pride month🌈)
Rhysand 🦇:
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Not him asking if I'm gay😭. I don't know why but he gives off homophobic vibes, is it just me?
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Tamlin threw the first brick at Stonewall (Ally type shit)
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So canon, Lucien is the best male. Tamcien shippers finna go crazy with this one (I am one myself)
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Well, your High Lord gives off hater vibes so I'll check it on that.
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His daddy is probably homophobic, get that fixed Beron.
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Jesus Christ. (PSA: the LGBT is not disgusting. Live your life and love who you want, don't let words dictate what you can't or can do🫶🏾)
Yeah, I'm ending it right there. The next one will be the female edition! Have a good pride month if you're a part of the LGBT and keep being your unapologetic gay self♥️🧡💛💚💙🩷💜
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highladyivy · 4 months
Headcanons and Hot takes of the ACOTARs Series Characters that just feels right to me…. A thread.
*Possible spoilers*
(PSA- I have not read all the books yet I have only fully read ACOTAR. Currently on ACOMAF. so take this with a grain of salt) will be updating as I continue.
• Cassian carries a portrait of Nesta with him behind his siphon wherever he goes.
• I think Elain and Lucien will inevitably end up together. I think him giving her space will work in his favour.
• I think Azriel is Bisexual.
• Azriel (I mean all of them but him especially) Needs Therapy
• Do I condone that Rhysand left Feyre in the dark during her pregnancy… No. Do I understand why he did it … Yes.
• I think Nesta was wrong for always taking the money that feyre worked so hard for when they were humans.
• For someone so creative Feyre choosing Nyx as her sons name is such a basic ass choice. Like you couldn’t come up with anything more unique or better than that. It’s like how every husky is named Luna.#Unoriginal
• Mor did Azriel dirty. Like ok you didn’t want to come out fine. But you could have just told the guy “ like I’m just not that into you.” It’s not that hard
• therapy they all need therapy
• Feyre darling would be the password to all Rhysands things in the modern world
• Lucien x Feyre > Tamlin x Feyre
• Onions have layers …. And so do all the males in this series.
Update as of March 21, 2024
• The basement yard on YouTube is Cassian and Azriel Coded
• Azriel is everyone’s Hall Pass, both the guys, the girls and the gays love him
• I think Rhysand has abandonment issues and that’s part of the reason he butts heads with Nesta so much and is trying to keep Azriel from elain(other then the fact that she has a mate). I think he’s terrified that they’ll leave him now that they have significant others
• Ianthe did Feyre dirty with the red roses and her wedding.
• part of me wonders if the red rose petals weren’t included in the wedding to tamlin would Feyre have been triggered. I almost think she wouldn’t have and then she would’ve married tamlin
• I get that the spring court was cursed to not talk about said curse but you idiots could draw a fucking story board. Do an interruptive dance idk… anything non verbal… CHARADES FOR FUXKS SAKES
•i think the wingspan theory is 100% true. And anyone of the boys who deny it also says that size isn’t everything. (But also how is Azriel walking around with three legs like my god)
• Elain in regards to the bond with Lucien saying she don’t want her choice taken away is simultaneously taking away Lucien’s choice by not rejecting the bond.
Yes she doesn’t owe anyone anything but. As a fae you always wonder if you’ll be blessed with a mate so even if she never rejects the bond and everyone moves on and Lucien accepts that she isn’t gonna give him a chance do you think someone who is born fae isn’t going to have a 1% hope that she’ll come around. you don’t want it fine but atleast put the guy out of his misery by rejecting it. Or be a nice person so that everyone can move on with their lives.
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infiniteetcetera · 1 month
To celebrate Pride month I give you: SJM characters ranked by level of gayness (this is for fun I know some of these aren’t true but also yes they are)
Eris (gayyyy)
Helion (serving pansexual king)
Cassian (i’m convinced he doesn’t like women and is in love with Rhys and Az)
Amren (should have been a lesbian)
Lysandra (same as above, free her, good luck babe plays in her head when she sleeps next to Aedion and thinks of Aelin)
Dorian (bisexual king literally)
Elide (bi queen)
Mor (in the closet, still? for some reason? I think she’s a lesbian but also maybe bi, she’s lower bc i’m confused)
Chaol (very closeted but still into guys and in love with Dorian)
Lorcan (definitely done some gay stuff, a little in love with Rowan )
Emerie (confirmed bi i’m pretty sure)
Elain (“I don’t want a male” OKAY THEN pick a girl [i’d love for her to run off with Mor] )
Aedion (canon bi boi but he gives such straight frat boy vibes)
Rhysand (I consider him being bi canon tbh he makes too many threesome jokes with Feyre)
Manon (her sexuality is women + Dorian FS)
Nesta (it’s giving Bi but leans towards men)
Bryce (can’t ever convince me her + Danika were just friends, was definitely crushing on Nesta)
Fenrys (he’s giving bi but leans towards gals)
Gwyn (giving vaguely bi curious IDK why)
Aelin (I love her but she’s serving up straight girl who makes out with her friends when she’s drunk *cough Ansel/Lysandra cough*)
Rowan (straight but definitely experimented when he was bored)
Ruhn (Straight boi but bi wife energy)
Tharion (such straight frat brother vibes but he’d kiss the homies if they asked)
Azriel (I know this is controversial and I have nothing against Azris but Azriel just gives me such straight vibes. I think he barely stands most men platonically JKWKDKW least gay of the bat boys FS)
Ithan (silly little straight guy)
Lucien (just Straight but ally always)
Lidia (I know I said Ruhn has bi wife energy but I think Lidia is just giving straight ally)
Yrene (straight but very sweet ally)
Feyre (has her moments with Mor but overall such a straight girlie)
Hunt (Idk why he’s just so potently straight to me)
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fourteentrout · 2 months
random headcanons about ACOTAR men
i've already brought some of these up in pasts posts or comment sections but i'd figured i'd put them here too for fun
i always imagined helion as being like. ridiculously tall. like 7 feet at LEAST.
though all high fae have unnaturally long limbs and fingers, it's most obvious with the vanserras.
tamlin's canines can obviously lengthen into fangs, but even when they're resting naturally, they're visibly sharper than average.
rhysand's ears are pointed, but have more of a round arch to them and they're less long than non-mixed high fae ears.
i've talked about this one before, but high fae don't really have facial or body hair aside from pubic hair--and im talking like only in the crotch region, not pubic hair like under the arms, or even trailing below the belly button. they can't grow beards, and their smoothness is just another testament to their distinct lack of humanity. this applies to almost all high fae, except tamlin. he def has a happy trail and can grow stubble at the very least. his father considered it somewhat of an abomination, and would use it as an excuse to punish him when he couldn't come up with any other "valid" reason.
lucien's eye prosthetic extends beyond the actual eye--the gold gilding has also been implanted within the areas of flesh that had been clawed away above and below the eye socket, as almost a metallic skin graft, so it almost looks like he doesn't just have a mechanical gold eye, but an entirely gold skull underneath.
eris vanserra has short hair, and his drip is endless. he prizes jewelry as one of the most important garments a male can wear and is never seen leaving the house without it. his outfits are always tailored perfectly.
i always saw tarquin as having either desi features or central american indigenous features, but with hair shorn almost in a buzz, reminiscent of the style of deep-water free divers. i know it's an uncommon interpretation, but it's been what i've envisioned him as from the start.
in a similar vein, I always saw thesan as east asian, because i'm like 95% sure he states that his parents are from xian, which i assume is SJM's stand in for all of asia, which obviously encompasses an insanely large amount of cultures and common physical features depending on area. however, i always pictured him as specifically chinese inspired because xi'an is an actual city in china that has been around for a WICKED long time, so i just always assumed he was modeled with a chinese visual in mind.
cassian is bisexual. this one i've had since maybe the moment he was introduced. the bisexual vibes just radiate off of him i can't explain it.
azriel is a switch but he's more into bottoming than people often assume.
eris enjoys sports.
the illyrian males have traditional styles of dance reminiscent of hardcore slavic dances, like the ones where the dudes are like spinning around on their knees and crazy shit like that. the more they are able to keep their wings from scraping the ground, the more successful a dancer they are considered to be.
ok i have to go to bed so that is all for now
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Oooo anyway I just remember why I Hate and Loathe the big High Lord meeting in ACOWAR and why it fully cements SJM in my Worst Authors category for like a billion reasons
1. Feyre refuses to bow to the Dawn Court. Weird choice and completely fucking awkward to read - I guess this is meant as some kind of Girlboss Moment - like "no, I won't bow to the stinky old fashioned MEN!!!! who run this world. My super hot boyfriend gave me this title and I'm the master of the universe now." But it's... childish. Also? Way to disrespect Thesan but this is going to become a pattern because of course the gay Asian High Lord has no special powers apart from super good healing that literally every other character can accomplish, and of course he's gentle, and passive (ultimately willing to "bow [to Rhysand] if the other [High Lords] will") and of course his lover has no name and never speaks. Great! Hate it.
2. Morrigan and Vivian. On paper this seems interesting as far as a relationship goes like - what kind of interesting Court relations did Night have pre Amarantha and can those bonds be salvaged? But instead of asking those questions the scene decides to immediately undercut Vivian's character as a badass general and warrior who defended Winter in her childhood friend/future husband's absence by making her squeal like a literal 13 year old when the Night Court - who is suspected of murdering 24 children - shows up. Vivian proceeds to throw a fit and snarks about wanting to be a High Lady. Rip Vivian we hardly knew ye.
3. Do I even need to talk about Helion being the worst bisexual rep. Do I even need to say it. Good lord.
4. Do I even need to talk about Fantasy China and Helion being allied with the Faerie Confederates. Do I even need to explain this. It gets worse, somehow!
5. Tamlin and Tarquin actually have a case against allying with the Night Court given literally everything that happened in the last two books but this isn't painted as reasonable distrust of a group of lying backstabbing sycophants who purposefully play up their cruelty and keep secrets from the other Courts. No, of course not. Tarquin immediately forgives the Night Court because he has no backbone whatsoever apparently. Tamlin is considered unreasonable for not trusting Feyre and Rhys, who have continuously tried to hurt him and his people and undermine his authority as High Lord.
6. Everyone immediately forgets that Rhysand worked for Amarantha for 50 years and distrusts Tamlin, who has worked for Hybern for all of five minutes and also brings tons of information on their troop movements and positions, confirming that all of his so called alliance was a fraud and he's been spying on them the whole time.
7. Literally the whole fucking deal with the Winter Court. Like I'm sorry that Rhys is so sexual traumatized by Amarantha but children fucking died in a horrible, gruesome way that now, nobody can be accountable for. This is on my top 3 of most egregious SJM retcons because I'm supposed to believe that some daemati we've never heard of before, is never mentioned or seen again, is supposedly the missing link to absolve Rhysand of the fact that he murdered 24 children in book one and devastated the Winter Court. Give me a fucking break. And Feyre gets so SAD and hurt when Rhys says he was confined to Amarantha’s bedroom, but I guess dead kids in Winter and Spring are just the price you pay for loving a morally gray bryonic hero uwu. I'd say, "Get fucked," but i think Rhys and Feyre would enjoy that too much.
8. When the Autumn Court says mean things it makes them irredeemable, but when Azriel and Feyre break all the rules of magic and physically retaliate and hurt other people, it's a-okay, and totally justified! Oh, the Lady of Autumn (another unnamed, sad silent [white] victim who only exists for Helion to angst over) gets hurt by virtue of being a bystander? Totally cool and normal, and since she's been a victim of domestic violence before, it means that she's a secret good guy who will totally understand and forgive Feyre for her totally justifiable outburst. Fuck off.
9. Feyre speaking to and ordering Azriel around like a literal rabid dog. Do I even need to explain this and why its bad. Do I even need to say it.
10. This scene was a joke and everything about it was a stinking trash fire.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 1 month
anyways in honor of pride month
Nesta is aroace
Amren is aroace and trans
Elain is an ace lesbian and trans [she/they]
Cassian, Azriel, Lucien and Rhysand are all bi kings
Mor is a lesbian romantic bisexual (literally canon too so)
Tamlin is pansexual
Feyre is a lesbian
Eris is trans and pansexual
Emerie is a lesbian
Gwyn is demisexual and trans [she/they]
also Azriel is trans too ok thanks
Canon isn't real. it's all fake and wrong and I make all the rules
edit: Eris and Tamlin are pan ok NOW thanks
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
lolol Acofas rewrite to make a tamsand moment bc why not
Only I'm turning Tam into a bisexual female. Also changing the POV because Rhys sucks.
Warning: Bondage (No smut), Suicidal Tam
"Lucien claimed you would come," Tamlina said dully. "Funny, I thought his mate was the seer," Rhysand answered. A twisted barb, another dig. A reminder that Rhysand had a mate and Lucien did too. Archeron mates, no less. But Tamlina did not. The pain swooped through Tamlina again. A never-ending ache. She had screwed things up with Feyre, and she had run into Rhysand's arms. She still couldn't believe that the male who'd sexually assaulted her under the mountain turned out to be her mate. Tamlina had been whole-heartedly convinced Feyre was her mate. But perhaps same-sex mating bonds did not exist, for Thesan had yet to receive a mating bond with his male lover. Perhaps the system was just in place to pair up males and females who would make the most powerful offspring. And the Mother had manipulated Feyre into falling in love with a monster.
A monster she, too, had once cared for. Whose life she'd saved not only for Feyre's sake but her own. Bitterness flowed through her again. "What do you want," she asked shortly.
"I came to have a little chat," he said with a half grin. A handsome smile, but entirely soulless. Tamlina wanted to tear it apart with her bare hands. "Can I trouble you for a cup of tea?"
Tamlina led him through the house, knowing that Rhys noted the complete disarray. She couldn't bring herself to care. She only said, "If you've come here to gloat, you can spare yourself the effort." She already knew he had won, after all. Rhys put a hand on his chest in mock humility. "Why should I bother?" Tamlina ignored it. "What did you want to talk about?" He made a good show at surveying the house before saying, "Where's my dear friend Lucien?"
My. Not our, or hers. Another twisted barb. A reminder that Lucien had left her for Night. No less than Tamlina had deserved for how she'd treated him. Yet Lucien had come back. Yet he was the only one who remembered her. Probably the only reason she was still alive.
"Hunting for our dinner." "No taste for such things these days?" "He left before I was awake."
Rhys lounged in a chair, turning it into a throne. "What's this I hear about you not enforcing your borders?" He couldn't be serious, could he? After all, it was his whore that had caused this problem. Tamlina gestured around them. "Do you see any sentries to do it?"
"Feyre did her work thoroughly, didn't she." A combination of rage and sorrow rose to the surface once more. She bared her teeth at him. "With your coaching, I have no doubt."
"Oh no, that was all her. Clever, isn't she." Tamlina dug her nails into her armchair trying to resist the urge to cry. It was a miracle she still had tears left to cry. "I thought the High Lord of the Night Court couldn't be bothered to brag."
"I suppose you think I should be thanking you, for stepping up to assist in reviving me." He thought wrong then. There was a time where Tamlina would've expected such a thing. There was a time where Rhysand would've worshipped the ground she walked on. That time, that boy, was gone. The male before her was someone she didn't know. Tamlina wished she didn't have a moral code. If she had been a slightly lesser female, she would've left Rhysand to rot. But her stupid, soft heart could not bring herself to do it. "I carry no such illusions. I'm fully aware that the day you thank me for anything, Rhysand, is the day the burning fires of hell go cold."
All those times in the war band creating limericks had served her well, she wanted to say. But she lacked the energy to say the words. She hardly had any energy at all.
"You saved my mate's life on several occasions. I will always be thankful for that." Again the word mate stabbed her in the heart. I didn't do it for you, she wanted to shout. But who had she done it for, then? Feyre, the girl who had shattered her heart and her court? Rhys, the male who was glad to do it with her? Tamlina had terrible taste in males and females, it seemed.
"Does she know you're here?" were the words that came out instead. "Oh, she certainly does. And she was as disturbed as I was to learn that your borders are not as enforced as we'd hoped."
As if it wasn't Feyre's fucking fault they were in this predicament. Anger surged through her. "With the wall gone, I'd need an army to watch them."
"That can be arranged."
The Mother herself would die before Tamlina accepted even a cent of Rhysand's aid. "I'm not letting your ilk onto my lands."
“My ilk, as you call them, fought most of the war that you helped bring about. If you need patrols, I will supply the warriors.”
Ironic- so terribly ironic that Rhysand blamed her for the war. As if he hadn't gladly licked Amarantha's boots for fifty years. Tamlina had worked as a double agent against Hybern to bring her love back safely from males who played with minds like toys, and she'd done it knowing that having an in with Hybern would give them a chance to control the inevitable war.
"My war?" She said quietly. "My war? Who gladly served as Amarantha's executioner for decades? Who was happy to murder a dozen children as long as you got off unscathed? And for what, Rhysand? Last time I checked, your people are still heavily oppressed."
"My people are not oppressed, as you would know if you-"
"I know about Velaris," Tamlina interrupted. She stalked up to Rhysand, looking up into his eyes. Most claimed the Night Court High Lord had violet eyes, but Tamlina knew better. They were blue- a very deep blue that in some lighting appeared violet. But blue all the same. "And that, Rhysand, is not equality. Separation of different people is not equality. It's not the Prythian I was fighting for."
"Then what exactly, were you fighting for, Tamlina? This?" He gestured to the ruins of the Spring Court. Tamlina hadn't been able to dredge up the energy to care anymore. Most days, she barely even ate. If it hadn't been for Lucien's constant visits and fussing over her like a nanny, there wouldn't be a bone in her body you couldn't see. But Rhysand's words drew up the hurt again. The pain that her world, her people, everything had collapsed around her. She welcomed the pain. At least it was a feeling, and that was better than nothing.
"Until you ruined it all for me," she said quietly. She could feel the tears coming to her eyes again, and she ran away, not wanting to cry in front of Rhysand. Like hell would she show that kind of weakness in front of him. Like hell would she give him that satisfaction.
She thought she sensed a flicker of guilt on Rhys as she ran away, but she ignored it. She waited until she was out of sight before she shapeshifted into a tiny creature. The waterfall of sadness had been replaced by anger. The two emotions always came together with Tamlina. She spotted the discarded bat with which she used to play fireball with Lucien, a sport native to the Autumn Court that he'd introduced to her. She fluttered near the bat as Rhysand searched for her.
"Tamlina?" he called. "Look, I'm s-" It sounded as if he was about to apologize before he choked on the word, his ego getting the better of him. He never could admit when he was wrong.
Quiet as a mouse, Tamlina shapeshifted back into her normal body. Then she soundlessly grabbed the bat and slammed it into the back of Rhysand's head so hard that he thumped to the ground with a rumble that shook the house.
(Brief Rhys POV)
When Rhysand woke up, his body was fully chained to a chair. He tried to move, to work his way out of the chains, physically and with his magic when Tamlina strode towards him. Even in her lifeless state, staring down at him, Tamlina was the most beautiful female Rhys had ever seen. Guilt originating from the mating bond slid through him, but it was true. Her wavy golden hair tickled his hands as her dark green eyes pinned him in place.
"Don't bother to try and get out of those chains," she crooned. A little more spark in her voice than earlier. "Those chains are made of ash wood. You will die before you can get out of them."
Ash wood? Why the hell did Tamlina have that? He must have said the words out loud, for Tamlina smiled bitterly. "Courtesy of Eris Vanserra. He has a collection, you know. He offered me just a little bit, though. For a cost. I kept it in case I ever decided to..." the words trailed off. But Rhys knew what she meant.
In case I ever decided to end my life.
What had he done? He had goaded a depressed female, Tamlina no less. He had just wanted to get a rise out of her, banter with her as they had in the past. But...he had gone too far. Much too far.
"Why so horrified, Rhys? Last I remembered, you used to enjoy being tied up."
Rhys felt hot all over at her words. Tamlina smiled. "Still affected by me. I knew it."
"Let me out."
"No. I have a reason for keeping you chained up, you see. Your little Inner Circle is going to get worried about you and come for you. And I've been longing for a good fight."
"They'll destroy you."
"I'm a High Lady. A real one, not the bullshit title you handed Feyre. Feyre only has power because it was handed to her. My power...it's raw. Straight from the Mother herself. They'll have a hard time beating me even if I'm alone. Plus," she put a hand to his cheek, and Rhysand shuddered, "I have leverage." She stared at him for a long moment before walking away.
Rhysand didn't breathe, couldn't breathe, until Tamlina left the room.
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rosenecklaces · 1 year
anyways I love Helion rights and wrongs he even invented bisexualism in ACOTAR like what's not to stan...
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
i have more to keep u busy babe, dont worry about anything bc ur fantastic and i love u endlessly 😘❤️
what weird quirks or habits do you think the acotar boys have (batboys + the infamous vanserras that we wholeheartedly adore). like silly/odd/adorable things they do without thinking
OMG excited to finally answer this ask!!! I think I will keep this soft and SFW this time.... maybe I will have a NSFW one later one. How are you my precious?
Lets start with bat boys first!
Okay tbh, this male is so put together. He wears a mask all the time outside of time spent with the inner circle, so I think he has a lot of control over himself and aims to not have any quirks or odd things that others, especially other high lords, would notice. I could totally see one quirk being this male just walks so characteristically, like literally sauntering everywhere he goes. Like if you are walking behind him, you would know it is him because he is just casually strolling, exuding so much power unintentionally.
Also this male is constantly flirting with everyone. Like not even intentionally, but just the way he voices things out, he is constantly purring his words and quirking his brow and smirking at whoever he is talking to. Cass and Az both had a bisexual crisis when they became teenagers and just became more sexually aware because this male is just flirting 24/7.
I like to think that whenever his wings are out, they are fully out and expanded constantly. Maybe it is an unintentional show of power, but it just looks so sexy on him and yeah, what more can I say?
UMMM snorts while laughing??? Is this like shocking to anyone? I swear this male has such a strong belly laugh, but when he really gets laughing, he is struggling to catch his breath, is making little squeeks because he can't catch his breath, and then snorts really hard. It is so freaking endearing I cannot
He is constantly leaning down to talk to anyone, literally with you he is trying to talk to you and you can't hear him because he just stands so tall, so he literally leans against the wall, and slides down into a little squat so you can hear him which is actually so sweet.
He is also someone who is so easily influenced by others LMFAO. Like he is constantly giving into peer pressure and is def someone who gets major FOMO! Whenever you press him to go out with you, it takes him like 30 seconds to give in and he is following you out the door like a little puppy.
This might not be cute, but he is constantly hiding his hands behind his back, and often walks with his hands clasped behind his back kinda making him look like a grandpa while walking LFMAO. He also picks and bites at his nails whenever he is nervous, and he holds this back while being spymaster, but he absolutely does this around you or inner circle members. You eventually just opt to hold his hand really tight whenever you notice he is messing with his hands. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I truly this this male stares unintentionally. Probably because he is so focused on his shadows whispers about the surroundings that he is just not aware he has been gazing at someone for too long. It is super intimidating to people who don't know him, which makes it perfect for his job as spymaster.
He is so stubborn!!!!!!! Like about everything!! He will not back down in an argument if it is something he is super passionate about, and usually will go to bat for everything that he thinks is true. But he is also the kind of male who would support you in any argument, even if you are wrong! Like you could be saying the sky is green and he would totally agree with you in front of others just to have your back!
This male is constantly giving off heat, like you think Illyrian bat boys run hot in general, but Lucien is literally like sitting next to a furnace. Sometimes, you will stuff your hands into his pockets when it is freezing cold because you just know it will be instant warmth, and he doesn't mind. 🥰🥹
Constantly wearing riding boots! I think he is just super used to it from going out horseback riding in Spring Court, but also he just looks super tall and extremely hot whenever he does where his riding boots sooo 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
His nose twiches whenever he is annoyed or is lying and is definitely a tell for the male. Like if you are ever playing poker with him, he immediately gives himself away unintentionally because his nose twiches.
Hums when he is bored! It is not even a specific song, he is just freestyle humming, it is so freaking cute. And it is a habit your children pick up on from their father.
I think sometimes this male mumbles when he is talking to you but then gets slightly annoyed when you can't hear him and will say "nevermind." He was used to people not wanting to hear what he had to say, so when you came along and pushed him to continue with what he was talking about, he was very surprised.
Has a nickname for everyone. And I mean everyone. And he calls people by their nicknames when he is speaking of them in casual conversation, and eventually you pick up on who is talking about. And so now you both create secret nicknames for people so you can talk about them in front of them LMFAO
Shockingly, he is a fucking busybody. He was basically forced to be in everyones business when Beron was alive so he knew where people stood in terms of alliance, but in general, he is super interested whenever you are spilling the tea. He always gets really excited when you walk into his office saying, "Er, I have some piping hot fucking tea." Like you can absolutely bet your ass he is putting down whatever paperwork he is working on and pulling you into his lap with the widest eyes and smile urging you, "Go on beloved, don't hold back." ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
He likes to wear his socks mismatched because it is an autumn old wives' tale that it brings good luck. It is a habit he picked up in childhood because he wanted good luck against his father, and now he continues it centuries later.
I think he is constantly reaching out to touch you or hold your hand in whatever setting you are in. I think it just brings him a lot of comfort and just settles a sense of peace in him that he has never had before. It makes him feel invincible 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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