#Biscuit Oliva
yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
I had this idea in my head but I just couldn’t type it into a story. Chances are it be well near 15k word or more. So enjoy this super depressing head canon/ short story creation!!
Yandere Baki Shorts: One More Time
Biscuit Oliva x Afab Reader x Regretful Yandere Reverse Harem (Baki, Jack, Hanayama, and Katsumi)
TW: Angst and mentions of emotional neglect
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(Your name) is Tokugawa’s granddaughter so everyone tolerated her excessive kindness since they did not want to upset Tokugawa. Though it was no secret he was indifferent to her and often ignored her in favor of the fighters of his tournament. She gave a lot of her nuturing love because she wanted nothing more in the world than to be loved in return. Sadly these men were emotionally constipated so they did not understand her affection and unknowingly took her for granted… she had an inkling that they did not like her but she still tried to cheer them up and encourage them to keep pushing through… despite no one doing the same for her (not even her grandfather)
Hanayama ignored her whenever she made an attempt to speak to him, Katsumi was always ‘too busy’ to spend time with her, Baki complained about Kozue all the time to her and would cut her off every time she spoke, and Jack was just mean. Jack was the most vocal of his distaste for her…
- Jack was the one who pushed her off the deep end. She visited him since he wasn’t at the Baki and Yujiro fight to check on him. And she offers him words of encouragement and support but he shut her down by saying, “Of course I’d get sympathy from someone as pathetic as you. Can’t you get the hint that no one wants you around? Why don’t you just do everyone a favor and disappear.”
She felt her entire world fall apart around her but she just asked Jack if she can just sit beside him for five more minutes and then she’ll never appear again. That she will disappear from his and everyone’s life if he just let her sit beside him for a few minutes. Jack relented so she rested her head on his large arm. He was disgusted by her touch but if it meant she’d leave him alone, then he would do it. Jack had no idea she simply wished for comfort since he himself had never experienced comfort (despite her constant attempts to comfort him since she felt he was the most traumatized).
After the promised five minutes passed, she rushed out of his apartment in tears. She ended up leaving her jacket behind since Jack had cried on it (she used it to cover his face since he didn’t want her to see him cry). He sighed in relief and gets back to watching the fight he believes should have been him
(Your name) was there for everyone in her free time. She was there for Hanayama when his mother died, she was the mediator between Baki and Kozue when they argued, she sat beside Katsumi while he was in the hospital, and she was at the hospital with Jack and even pitched in for some of his hospital bills since he sustained so many injuries… she was a very nurturing light but they didn’t appreciate her. No one cared about her.
None of them ever celebrated her birthday with her and they didn’t visit her in the hospital when she was sick. They didn’t know her favorite food or color. They didn’t know her favorite restaurant or her nervous ticks. They hardly responded to her texts if at all… (your name) was so lonely it wasn’t even funny.
So she decided to go to the family’s rumored well for a wish. An old wishing well from an old scroll she found hidden within a secret wall of the Tokugawa estate. It was written by one of the first relatives who wished for the Tokugawa family to become wealthy. Btu there was a price to pay… but it’s blurred out. Regardless of the unknown danger, (your name) travels up the mountain alone with the old map in hand… to make a wish.
Rather than wish for something selfish, she wishes for her friends- no the people she cared about, to have all their desires come true, but in exchange, she offered the spirit in the well her life. She’s never been touched, she’s still pure. (Your name) could be of value, right? But the spirit pitied her so they had her disappear from the Japan for five years... they wanted her tormentors to suffer the heart ache she had for the rest of their lives
The baki men all have their dreams come true… Shinshinkai dojo became world renowned for the best karate, Hanayama was successful as the leader to his family, Baki became the strongest creature in the world, and Jack defeated his father … but they were without her love and affection for five years… they missed her. They don’t feel like they deserved the success because she wasn’t there to cheer them all on. It all felt empty without the unwavering support of the bubbly (your name). They went insane in their search for her but she disappeared without a trace…
Baki often found himself glance at the stands after a fight in hopes he’d hear (your name)‘s voice cheer for him and sing his praises. That she would run over to him to check his wounds and treat him to dinner. He swore he would thank her this time and he’d give her some compliments himself. He had seen some pictures of her and had forgotten how pretty she was…
Katsumi would often unconsciously reach for a bento box on the bench he usually sat on at the dojo. He missed (your name)’s cheery smile as she handed him a home cooked meal. He swore he would make time for her if she asked to hang out with him. Katsumi would take her to every restaurant and fun date spot she wanted to try if she came back through the Shinshinkai’s doors. Katsumi would spend his time researching date spots in hopes of her sudden return. He wanted to make up for all the broken promises he’s made to her over the years…
Hanayama often found himself glance at the door in hopes she would come in and ask to walk through his rose garden with him. He made sure to add an extra chair in his office so she could sit beside him and talk to him as he worked. Hanayama swore he would listen to her her this time.
Jack is the most distraught. He was the last to ever see her and he still had her jacket… he felt so guilty. He hadn’t moved out his dinky apartment in hopes she would walk through his door again and ask to sit beside him. That she would want to share a meal with him and rest her head on his arm. Jack would do anything for her to come back… she was the only one who wasn’t afraid of him. Jack would give her the effort she deserved if she came back to him
Her memories of her so called ‘friends’ are wiped. She can no longer remember any of them or much about her life at the Tokugawa estate. The spirit sent her off to America where she comes to be under the care of a lonely Biscuit Oliva who had lost Maria. He’s instantly taken with her and he helps her since she seems so lost… he was lost too. And they found each other.
She spent five years by Biscuit’s side, where he spoiled her rotten. She was granted her true wish of being loved the way she deserved. Her true wish was granted and the Baki men paid the price.
Biscuit and her have a beautiful relationship. He talks with her and he listens to her. He remembered every small detail she shared about herself, even ones she did not verbally share. He’s so considerate of her and he helps her build self esteem. Biscuit constantly made time for her and always put his best efforts into making her happy. And Biscuit never stopped giving her compliments about her appearance or of a task she completed that she felt was minuscule. Biscuit claimed everything she did was perfect to him and he’d never change a thing about her. She often found herself crying here and there for no reason… like there was a part of her that finally started to heal
Five years later and Baki went to see Biscuit to challenge him for a fight out of boredom. Baki is shocked to hear such a familiar laugh and he runs into Biscuit’s room to find (your name) and Biscuit enjoying a meal together. She looked so beautiful in her designer dress… like a princess from a fairytale… but she had always been a princess now that Baki thought about it
Baki immediately collapsed in front of her and hugged her knees while he sobbed. He told her how much he and the others have missed her. How they were so sorry for the way they treated her, that she could come home… but she had no idea who he was… she didn’t know him. She didn’t remember him and it sent Baki spiraling. Baki is insistent that she’ll remember if she returned to Japan but she declined his offer. She told him that despite not knowing him, she was happy that his dreams came true
Baki refused to leave the Arizona prison until she returned back with him. She said she would so long as Biscuit can come with her. Baki is so thrilled… but the other men are much worse than Baki. So much worse.
When she arrived at the Tokugawa estate, Katsumi is the first to run to her and pull her into a hug. He’s bawling his eyes out as he hed her body as close to his body as he could. He babbled about his accomplishments and how he wished she was there to see them… that she belonged by his side. She just awkwardly pushed him away and apologized to him because she had no idea who he was. Katsumi went silent in disbelief and at first had thought it was a joke… but Baki frowned at him.
Baki explained to the other martial artists that (your name) completely lost her memories. They don’t believe him at first. Especially Katsumi who kept bringing up memories he had of her being at every tournament and by his side in the hospital. He convinced himself she was in love with him. (Delulu isn’t the solulu)
Hanyama just stared at her while she held Biscuit’s hand for comfort. He’s consumed with jealousy (on the inside) when he saw the way she looked at Biscuit… she used to look at him like that.
Hanayama quietly shared how the last five years of his life was without her and of his feelings for her… Hanayama admitted that he couldn’t date or sleep with anyone since she haunted his dreams since her disappearance. Hanayama kept his rose garden beautiful all year round since she loved it so much. Kaoru wanted to walk through the garden with her and pluck roses with her so she could display them in the compound… Hanayama even had a bench placed in the spot she’d always kneel in the grass in… he would be better for her if she came back to him… Hanayama would marry her on the spot
Hanayama offered her a lot of power, pleasure, and luxuries if she returned to his side but she politely turned him down. (He continued to bring it up whenever Katsumi or Baki weren’t speaking… it was so awkward)
Katsumi then spoke up about the last five years without her and about the true love he held for her. Katsumi admitted he searched for her face in the stands every time he had a tournament and he’d search for her when he was training people at the dojo. He never gave up his search for her. He felt awful for not making time for her and all the broken promises he made. Katsumi vowed to make as much time for her as she wanted if she just returned to his side… Katsumi swore that he would be an amazing husband to her. That he wanted to start a family with her and build her dream house… Katsumi poured his heart out to her with a pink blush on his cheeks. He sounded like he was sharing a dream that would never be in reach (delusional mf)
Baki then shared the last five years without (your name).. Baki and Kozue finally broke up for good a few years back due to their differences. Baki didn’t have the (your name) to help him make up with Kozue or to be his voice of reason. He didn’t have the (your name) to make sure he ate or that he rested enough. He didn’t have her compliment him or congratulate him anymore… he missed her motherly affection. He missed someone being proud of him. Baki rested his head on her lap while (your name) sits beside Biscuit. He kept trying to get her to rub her fingers through his hair but she swatted his hands away
Jack remained silent the entire time. He’s trying his best to remain calm but he looked angry… and he is. He’s so upset that she had been fine this entire time and she hadn’t came back to see him… he doesn’t believe she lost her memories because she’s so scared of him. She was never scared of him before… he wants to talk to her alone. His eyes don’t leave her the entire time while he clenched his jaw
Tokugawa brought up how she was always there for all the men in the room and how everyone had missed her so much but not a single person brought up any memories where one of them had been there for her… she asked if any of them knew her birthday and none of them knew. They were ‘so close’ to her but didn’t even know her birthday…
Biscuit pitched in and shared the date and the exact time of her birthday. The older man gave her a big smile before he began to list off her favorite color, food, and her hobbies. He shared all her quirks and her interests. It touched her heart… Biscuit knew everything about her which caused her to burst into tears .
The men all try to hand her handkerchiefs but she rejected them (she accepted Biscuit’s). She can’t explain to them why she started to cry, but she tells everyone that something within her was so happy… that Biscuit made her so happy.
(Your name) sadly had no desire to get to know any of the guys again because she’s happy with Biscuit. She tells them all that she’s happy they achieved their goals and that she’s proud of them but she no longer has a desire to be a part of their lives. Memories or not, from the way they talked about her, it seemed like she was the one who put in all the effort. Not a single one of them brought up a memory in which they did something for her… and that made her sad. Perhaps it was better she didn’t remember any of them
They cannot accept her rejection. Baki and Katsumi begin to beg and bargain. While Hanayama threatened her family (Tokugawa), but Biscuit held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He began to try to take her away but Baki blocked the exit. He’s frantic and his eyes are crazy. He began to beg her not to disappear again. “I don’t want to live in a world where you aren’t there… I can’t do it again. Please stay.”
She tells him, “Perhaps that was the kind of world I lived in… a world where no one cared about me until I disappeared. Please live a good life and don’t forget to take care of yourself, Baki.”
Baki broke down and that’s when Jack rushed forward and grabbed her. He hurriedly brought her to the garden at the Tokugawa estate at an inhuman speed while the others all chased after him (especially Oliva)
Jack began to scream at her once they were far enough from everyone. He’s yelling on the top of his lungs while his face turned red and tears all from his cognac eyes. He finally fell apart in front of her after he tried to hold himself together for all these years.
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“You do remember! Stop lying… you know who I am and that’s why you can’t look me in the face because you remember our last conversation all those years ago…”
“I swear I don’t remember-“
“You’ve never been scared of me before!” Jack screamed, the blonde ran his large hand through his short blonde locks. Jack tried to reel himself in but the emotions broke through the dam he held together for the last five years. “You’ve never looked at me like I’m a monster!”
(Your name) flinched at his sharp tone, her eyes wide in shock when Jack suddenly fell to his knees and held her hands. The blonde placed his jaw in her hands while he cried. The shouts of the others can be heard as they make their way towards the two of them. Yet it felt like it was only Jack and her left in the world in this very moment.
“I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to tell you to disappear!” Everyone froze in shock when they make it to the outer perimeter of the garden. Their mouths open like a fish out of water at what Jack admitted… he was the reason? He was the reason she disappeared? “I didn’t… I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
(Your name) squirmed when Jack pressed his lips to her hand in a way to apologize. She didn’t know why, but she needed to leave. She wanted to get away from him because he was scaring her. But his iron grip on her hands prevented her from escape.
“You can hit me… you can do whatever you want to me so long as you come back to me. I won’t be mean to you ever again.” Jack whispered into the palms of her hands as he guided her right hand to cup his scarred cheek. “You can sit beside me as much as you like. You can wear my jacket on your head when you need to cry and you can share meals with me. W-we can go for hikes together and you can sit on my back when I do pushups. I’ll do anything for you to be by my side and to not look at me like that.”
(Your name) can only stand there in shock as the giant man before her now appeared to be more like a lost child eager for love than a man… it broke her heart but he wasn’t her responsibility. If he was the reason why she lost her memories in the first place then he deserved her forgiveness the least.
And that’s when all the memories flooded in. The loneliness. The heart break. The broken promises. The constant rejection. She lived such a pathetic life before she was granted a second chance… these men didn’t deserve her. They never did.
“Jack?” Jack perked up at his name, his breath hitched as he clung to the sound of his name leaving her lips for the first time in years. He missed when she spoke his name. To him, she was meant to speak his name… she was his.
“Do me a favor and forget about me.” Jack felt himself shatter at her words, the blonde now her her hands tightly to his face. His breathing now erratic.
“What?” Jack was in disbelief. He didn’t hear that right… this wasn’t his (your name). There was no way his sweet (your name) would tell him to forget her. She would never reject him. “I didn’t catch that.”
“Forget about me. Treat me as if I never existed.” (Your name) repeated as she tried to move her hands off his face. “You don’t need to have someone as pathetic as me beside you.”
No… no. No. No. No. No. No. She was supposed to forgive him. She was supposed to kiss his scarred cheeks while she happily accepted his apology with tears of joy in her eyes. (Your name) should know he never apologized and that he truly sought forgiveness.
(You name) snapped her hands out of his hold and turned on her heel to leave. She ignored the men who had once constantly let her down now try to gain her affection. She didn’t need these people. She didn’t need empty promises and sweet words… (your name) just needed her lover, Biscuit Oliva.
“I want to go home.” (Your name) told Biscuit with a smile. She took his large hand in her small one and gave it a squeeze.
“Of course, dear. We can do anything you want.” (Your name) rested her head on Biscuit’s arm as he lead her out of the estate. She ignored the screams of her name and the loud begging of Katsumi and Baki.
They never turned their heads for her when she begged for love and when she’d ask to spend time with them… why should she turn hers?
(Your name) finally had the love she always wanted while they had fulfilled their goals… how could they be so selfish to want more?
“(Your name)! Please stay in Japan! We can get married and I’ll take you on dates every weekend!” Baki shouted while Katsumi tried to one up him.
“I’ll take you out everyday and we can get married as soon as tomorrow!”
“I’ll give you the world if you turn around and come to me right this moment.” Hanayama piped up from behind her. “If you don’t turn around, then the Tokugawa family will be no more.”
Tokugawa began to shout out to the granddaughter he neglected for years in favor of these men who didn’t value him. “Please don’t let him do that. You love your grandpa, don’t you? You can be the heir to the Tokugawa family!”
Poor Jack remained on his knees in the garden. His brown eyes dull as he watched her leave with Biscuit without so much as a glance behind her.
For the first time in five years, Jack and the others have suffered a true defeat. All they wanted was one more time.
Just one more time and they’d make it all right… for they could not accept that they already wasted so many chances to make things right due to their own selfishness. They had lost the one love of their lives forever.
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rae-pss · 1 year
i was bored, so take these.
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606 notes · View notes
baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
Cuddling the Baki Cast (NSFW)
Minors DNI and all that, you guys know better. I had a lot of fun with these ones, changed up the order a bit, and also carried over the bonus Yanagi, Oliva, Chiharu and Gaia, at the cost of taking out Tokugawa because I apparently can't sexualize that particular old man. DW, You'll still get your old man fix though ;) These are a bit longer than the initial ones because I'm not as restrained when I can just put the cut right beneath my little blurb and write... Well, sin. Also guess who finally decided to whip out colours so things are clearer :D (it's me)
NSFW under the cut!
Cuddling with him always comes with a risk. A risk of being interrupted by some upstart trying to challenge him, or his dad, for some godforsaken reason. Sometimes he gets a sudden spurt of energy and feels the need to just disappear and go train for a few hours, but sometimes, and sometimes, like now, you feel his hands start to snake around your sides and under your shirt, higher and higher towards your chest as his previously innocent kisses turn hungry and deliberate against your throat. His fingers tweak your nipples as his lips meet yours, his hips bumping softly against your own, his legs urging yours apart so he can make room for himself, grinding against you hard and slow. He was all over, kissing you, grinding against you, playing with your nipples.
He didn't want to take his hands off of your chest, so it was up to you to reach down to pull your pants and underwear down. He didn't get the luxury treatment for being lazy, of course, the most he got was you clumsily undoing his pants and pulling him out of his boxers so he could grind against your eager little hole for a little bit before he pressed in, rolling slightly so that he could press both of his knees to the futon beneath the two of you, rolling his hips, his hands still cupping your chest, but now using it as a form of handhold so he could pull you back down onto his cock, his hot breath fanning against the shell of your hear.
"You're driving me wild baby doll."
She liked having music playing while you two cuddled. She said it added to the atmosphere, helped soothe you two into a comfortable, zen mood, and sometimes even into sleep. But other times, it was helpful for covering up the sounds of her breathless gasps. Your teeth gently came down on the shell of her ear as your fingers slid over her slick clit, her hips pressed back against yours, her own hand cupping you through your pants, providing you the friction you needed as you ground against her palm, her shirt pulled up exposing her chest to the now slightly chilly air. She'd been working so hard lately, it was only fair that you help her take off the edge so she doesn't burn herself out.
She gasped slightly louder, her other hand grabbing frantically at her pillow to muffle her voice, her hips bucking against your palm as your fingers circled her clit faster and harder, her face turning slightly so you could kiss her properly. She was shaking, so close to the edge that you could almost taste it, feeling the minute twitches in her thighs and her lower stomach, her ragged breaths hitching as hit-pitched whines escaped her.
"Baby please, I'm so close already."
Having him crawl into bed after coming home dead tired was always a treat. He'd normally keep the lights off and not notice that you woke up the second the front door opened. You could tell what kind of mood he was in just by how he took off his shoes. And today was a mood that you could get behind. His hand slid up your thigh over the blankets, tickling you as his weight settled behind you only a moment later, the blankets being pulled down slightly. He knew you were awake at this point, you couldn't help the stupid grin on your face as he found you naked as the day you were born in bed, waiting for him. A soft swear was muttered under his breath, before you felt his cock slap against your ass, encouraging you angle your hips up and back so he could make you feel good.
And of course, you obeyed. Why wouldn't you? This was the kind of cuddling that you didn't mind in the slightest. The delicious stretch you felt as he pressed into you was exactly what you've been needing all night. You've been lonely without him. His forehead pressed against the back of your head, hips rolling slowly to get used to the feeling before he sat up, his hand settling on your lower back, guiding your hips back to meet his in a tiny thrust, your only hint of playfulness in him before you were jostled forward by a hard snap of his hips, your hands scrabbling at the pillows for purchase.
"That's it, be good for me and take it."
He was a bundle of nerves during regular cuddling, always worried that he'd do something wrong and freak you out or hurt you. He's not as strong as some of the guys in the arena, but he's still plenty powerful you know! This time, however, you were the one worried about freaking him out as your hand travelled lower and lower down his torso towards his hips, innocently looking up at him as you toyed with his zipper, your hips wiggling slightly. He looked flabbergasted, eyes flicking between your eyes and your hand, then back to your eyes, and finally down to your lips as he licked his own. This would be fun, you could tell as he gave you a tiny nod, and you started unbuckling him.
His shaft was hot and heavy in your hand as you slowly pumped him, his hand resting on your ass, slowly starting to creep around to slide beneath your pants and sink into your eager hole. It's only fair that he return the favour, right? His head fell back slightly, a groan leaving him, before his head came back to but against yours gently, his brow furrowed, his unlit cigarette dangling from his lips, his eyes glassy and filled with pleasure locked with your own as you jerked him off, still smug, but you couldn't stop your hips from rocking back against his hand as his fingers gently rubbed at your insides.
"Fuck me doll, you're making my brain melt."
Warm. You normally woke up warm, but now you were almost too warm as Katsumi tossed your legs over his thighs, hands cupping your chest, rolling your pert nipples between his pointers and thumbs, kissing you hungrily. You loved it when he woke up and decided his morning run could be replaced by ramming you into the mattress, his hips slowly rolling against yours as he sank into you slowly, the stretch delicious as he pressed in and pulled out time and time again. One of his hands left your chest to gently rest at the base of your throat, your only warning that he was about to pick up the pace before he was off to the races.
His hips slammed into yours, the wet sound of your bodies joining amplified in the room as he used your throat to pull you back down on his cock after he jostled you forward, his hair messy, lightly panting before he flashed a smile at you, your legs cinching around his waist and giving him a little squeeze, drawing him in deeper, closer, and he didn't hesitate to throw his head back and let out a low moan that vibrated through the air, making you scrambled to reach up and cover his smirking lips.
"Come on sweetheart, the neighbours already hate us, have some fun."
Your hands were braced on his chest, firm and strong. He was big and sturdy, one of his hands resting on your thigh, the other on your hip, thumb pointing down to give you that extra bit of stimulation as your hips rocked against his hard, a deep groan leaving his lips as his head fell back against the arm of the couch, his cock pressing deep into you, hitting parts that you'd previously never known about before meeting him. His hips rolled in tandem with yours, timing it just right so that he'd press in as you rocked back, sending him deeper into you in just the right way that made you feel like you were going to explode.
His eyes were glazed over as he brought his head back, low moans tumbling from his parted lips as he watched you ride him. One of your hands moved up and squeezed the base of his thick neck, earning a louder moan, his hips bucking up sharply, though he rubbed at your thigh in apology immediately after, he knew he had to behave. Sometimes him assuming that you had no ulterior motives to crawling into his lap had its benefits, like the flustered look on his face when you'd started griding your hips onto his only moments ago. He growled against your lips as you leaned down to kiss him.
"Fuck honey, keep going, just like that, I've needed it all day."
The first time he'd slotted his thigh between your legs while you were watching your show, you'd slapped it away playfully. He knew how much you liked this show, surely he wouldn't bother you while you were watching the new episode, right? But his thigh bumped between your legs again, and another time after that, one of his hands resting on your hips to guide them down on his leg, his other massaging the base of your throat. He was, apparently, going to make you miss this episode, forcing you to watch it some other time, which really wasn't the same. He nipped at the shell of your ear, impishly smiling at you when you glared at him from over your shoulder, though you both knew that it was half-hearted at best.
He had you grinding against his thigh on your own in no time, extremely proud of himself for providing the perfect distraction at just the right time, his own hips chasing yours with each roll forward and down, basking in your little whimpers and sighs as he brought pleasure to you, his hand rhythmically squeezing at the base of your neck in time with your increasingly desperate thrusts against his leg.
"What's the matter sweetheart? Can't focus?"
His hands, you decided, were fucking dangerous. You'd just been trying to snuggle up to him, it was cold tonight, and now you were pinned to his chest, squirming and bucking your hips as he fucked you on his fingers, his other hand holding your cheeks, forcing you to look him in the eyes as his palm made a slick slapping noise whenever it made contact with your skin, pleasure rising from each forceful impact, each crook of his fingers. You could feel him, fully hard, pressed against your stomach, but he wasn't going to let you touch him yet.
No, that was for people who behaved and didn't make him lose his comfortable spot when he was so close to falling asleep. He wasn't genuinely mad, that you both knew, but he was going to make a point, and he was going to make sure that it got across before he gave you his dick. You made a choked noise as his fingers hit a spot that made you see stars, and he smirked.
"Are you warm enough now, babydoll?"
Cuddling with Kureha was dangerous for a multitude of reasons. For starters, sometimes he'd just sit in silence, and then come out and say that your heartbeat was irregular and that it was annoying him. Other times? Well, other times you'd wind up where you were now, with your legs over his shoulders as his mouth worked wonders on you on your couch, the freshly folded laundry knocked all over the floor during the excitement. He grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand to his crotch, the angle awkward, but allowing for access.
Your movements were sloppy, because of course they were, he was making your brain leak out of your ears with what his tongue was doing to you, but he knew better than to expect perfection from you while he was going down on you, settling for the sloppy, jerky handjob he was getting from you, well aware that you'd get better after he helped you cum.
"Darling I love you, but if you don't give me some more grip, I'm going to lose it."
You loved how you could absolutely blindside this man by asking him to cuddle you. A quick cuddle on the couch, that was all you'd asked for, and he'd given it to you. What he hadn't realised was that it was all a clever ploy for you to find a way to suck his dick before he went and trained. He'd made some really good food for supper the night before, and now he was going to get cherished, absolutely fucking appreciated, the idiot.
Your head bobbed, and the couch groaned under the force of his grip, his hands shaking as he whined, hips shallowly bucking into your mouth, drool slicking his shaft, wanting to touch, but not wanting to at the same time. His face was bright red and twisted in pleasure, and if you could take a picture and frame it, you'd keep it beside your bed so you could see it every morning and every night.
"Love, please- Gods- Don't stop!"
Telling him about any of your fantasies was a huge mistake. Why? Because now he had you pegged. Literally and figuratively. He knew what you'd like, and he'd used that to get to where you where now, bouncing on his cock, your hands braced on his knees as his hand, settled on your lower back, guiding you up and down on him, that damn smirk playing across his lips, like he was proud of himself (he was, he absolutely was and he wouldn't hide that).
There was a brief moment where his guiding hand stopped, but only so that the other hand could give your ass a "light tap". The resounding slap rang out in the room, earning a strangled moan as you threw your head back, hearing that all too familiar chuckle.
"That's it honey, take it just like that."
You'd both had long days, so you'd settled for just lounging around the house, wrapped up in a blanket, watching whatever was on TV at the time. But Doppo had keen eyes and a golden tongue, he saw the way you'd kept rubbing your thighs together- hell, he'd felt it- and he wasn't about to let you end your night horny. And you would have appreciated that fact more if he hadn't put you in a damn headlock and decided to fuck your soul out. His hips pounded against yours, slick smeared across both of your skin, his arms powerful steel rods around your head and neck, choking, but not entirely.
Broken, garbled little sounds left your lips, but he only chuckled, pausing for only a second to readjust and reposition his hips to hit that spot he knew drove you absolutely insane and would usually have you cumming so hard you'd start crying, his arms flexing harder for just a moment, completely cutting off your air supply, and your eyes rolled. You could just see the proud smirk on his lips as he laughed breathlessly.
"Come on baby, I said I'd make it all better, didn't I?"
You really should have known that you couldn't out-sly the master. You thought you were being clever by offering him your lap so you could cop a feel, but that hadn't turned out the way you were expecting at all. As it stood, he currently had you pinned to the ground and was fucking your thighs almost painfully slowly, chuckling in your ear. He was so close, yet so far from you, and it drove you mad with need.
He wasn't evil, of course, just mischievous, so he was kind enough to at least direct his thrusts upwards once in a while for a short period so you'd get some stimulation beyond in your thighs, his grip so firm that it was almost guaranteed that you wouldn't be able to writhe away.
"Do you see now darling? You can't pull a fast one on me."
His hand covered your mouth, but he wasn't trying to kill you. No, he was trying to shut you up so you wouldn't make the neighbours freak out and call the cops as he slammed his hips against yours, your eyes rolling back as he hit a spot that made you see stars. All of this because you insisted on being so needy right after his escape from prison. His hand came down on your ass again, earning a jolt as the sharp sting shot through your body like a gun.
His fingers flexed, moving slightly, making sure that his palm wouldn't entirely cover your mouth so you could breathe, but they immediately moved back at the loud sob you let out as he hissed sharply, sucking air in through his teeth.
"Now now sweetheart, if you keep making noises like that I'll have to leave."
You thought you'd won the lottery by getting Motobe to cuddle with you. He was warm, comfortable, and relaxed. And then he'd started cleaning his damn sword. Of course, you could still relax, hell, you even started to drift off to sleep until the movement of his arms changed slightly, a new, slick noise rousing you from your dozing. His breath came out in short pants as he grabbed your hand, squeezing it around his shaft as he kissed your forehead. Not this was a sword you could get behind cleaning.
Of course, there was something much better at cleaning his sword than your hand, and he wasted no time sinking straight into the hilt, earning a long whine as he pulled you down onto his hips, smirking up at you as your hips rolled and bucked against his, desperate for some form of relief, your hands braced on his shoulders, gasping as he simply leaned back, lighting and taking a drag of his cigarette as he watched you bounce on his cock.
"There you go baby, take care of me just like that."
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kairolee2004 · 1 year
Reporter: So reader! Out of all the fighters, who would you have fuck you first?
Me: Fuck- that is a hard question man… All of them. I would fuck all of them.
Reporter: What?
Me: You heard me, I don’t get ‘bent over.’ I ‘bend over’ both girls and guys!
Reporter: you’ve got to be kidding me…
Me: Hhahahah! Ask all of the guys, none of them are safe- except yujiro… the hoe is not my cup of tea.
Reporter: Im pretty sure none of those fighters would fuck you-
*The ‘hoes’ pulled up*
Baki: I aint say nothing- except i would.
Katsumi: I probably would-
Retsu: Let me think… respectfully i would be bent over by reader.
Hanayma: Your my bestie reader… but i dont get bent over.
Jack: Fuck yes.
Biscuit: Yasssssssss!!!!!
Yujiro: What the fuck did I do?
Me: Everything my guy… everything.
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veliana · 2 months
𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓞𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓪 𝓑𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓾𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾
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When you walk down the street, Oliva always holds your hand or keeps you close to him. He has this instinct to position himself between you and the road, and he always observes the surroundings to ensure everything is safe. He would never let anyone threaten or harm you, and you feel invincible by his side.
At home, Oliva transforms into a real teddy bear. He loves spending time cuddling with you on the couch, watching movies, or just talking about your day. His muscular arms give you an incomparable sense of security and comfort. He also enjoys playing with your hair or giving you relaxing massages after a long day.
Oliva has a talent for making you laugh, even in the most unexpected moments. He can tell stories from his past with such liveliness that you find yourself doubled over with laughter. Sometimes, he improvises hilarious imitations of other prisoners or guards or even situations he has experienced. His contagious laugh warms your heart and brightens your days.
Oliva loves to surprise you with exquisite dinners. He doesn’t hesitate to book tables at high-end restaurants or even prepare extravagant meals at home. He loves to see you savor each bite. He has a weakness for desserts and loves sharing sweet treats with you after dinner.
Oliva is very attentive to your needs and desires. He always remembers the little details, like your favorite drink, the flowers you love, or the books you want to read. He enjoys surprising you with these little attentions for no particular reason, just to see you smile.
No matter the challenges you face, Oliva is always there to support you. He encourages you in your projects, gives you wise advice, and helps you overcome obstacles. He is your biggest fan and firmly believes in you and your abilities.
Knowing his passion for training, Oliva loves to share workout sessions with you. He adapts the exercises to your level, and you spend time training together, thus strengthening your bond. And if you're not sporty or simply not up to it, just being there and watching him makes him happy.
Oliva loves to travel and discover new places with you. Whether it's a romantic getaway to the beach or an adventure in the mountains, he always plans memorable trips. He enjoys surprising you with unexpected destinations and exciting activities, making each trip a unique experience.
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jamstruck · 2 months
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Secret date(s) unlocked! 🌹
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moonlight-alphafemale · 11 months
Wow, so the gonna draw Oliva's cock but not Pickle's cock 😭😭
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A Pirate’s married life
Jun Guevara x female! Reader
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Author note: this is just fluff, I’ll go back to nsfw soon but for now enjoy this cute dynamic between you two. I hope you enjoy this really short story and please leave your comments and requests I’m open to them all.
***************story begins here************
As soon as you and Guevara start living together as a married couple a lot of things in his life will need adjusting, some against his will, some he doesn’t really mind but ultimately he is trying his best to be the perfect husband for you so as long as it makes his love happy he would do it.
* The first and most important thing is redecorating, although guevara lives a very humble life giving a majority of his earning back to the community his home still looks like a tree house before you. This man had no time for colour coordination and he did not care if his interior looked good because until now he spent the majority of his time out on the sea. But to put it simply almost every aspect of his home was dark Oakwood brown, the ceiling, walls and floor seemed to match, and all the colours of the furniture clashed (green, red, blue, basically anything he looked at and bought for the sake of it).
Once you got his permission you got rid of almost everything in the house leaving the floors as the colour they were, then painting the ceilings white and the walls light grey, even though he wouldn’t boldly admit it he loved the change but he loved working with you to paint and redecorate even more, the furnitures now matched the colours of the ceiling and floor blending well with the environment.
Installing the furnitures took forever because your husband’s large hands prevented him from twisting smaller knots so you had to do it while he watched and then lifted the heavy object sometimes showing off by doing some bicep curls with the objects and winking at you or just lifting you and the object at the same time, it made no difference to him cause he always got a cute giggle out of you.
* The next thing you worked on was comfort, Guevara being a man of the sea was used to sleeping on a hammock without any sheets or anything bothersome for him to tidy up later, his room was quite empty because he was a busy man, switching to a Bed was a no brainier, the issue was finding a big enough bed for him that was also very sturdy for his body weight and when he wanted to have fun with his wife. Guevara might be busy and humble but you were built for the budgeting life so when you saw the prices of some of the beds you both decided to just build your own.
Well he fully intended to help but his big hands put him in the position of muscle, overall he was very impressed with your work, he had no idea your grandfather used to be a carpenter, and you had learned from him so much so that you had engraved carvings on the headboard to keep the bed interesting, and even though Guevara protested about getting the bed the loudest he ended up being the one that slept in it the most, his constant excuse being “well I can’t just let the hard work of my wife go to waste, I’m a good hubby” to which you always rolled your eyes before cuddling with him.
* Another thing you got to was hygiene, we have already emphasised how busy your husband is, being a very important figure in your community, he never had time for change and barely had time for himself, which is on if the reasons why he has always wanted a housewife, sure he is the type of man to obey his wife like a lost puppy led by a string, he is also the type of man that values housework never making the mistake of underestimating his much work goes into the maintenance of a home, he is grateful for you, all your actions makes him want to take care of you so well, spoil you rotten, I mean you have important duties in the community that come with being his wife (making you a half housewife) but you never failed to serve him freshly made breakfast in the morning before work, “Is this freshly squeezed…..where do you get the time to be such an amazing wife” he dotes “bye honey” you said kissing him and then walking out of the door.
What he wasn’t grateful for was you throwing his half dead toothbrush into a black bag you held like a beach cleaner, “ugh so much junk” you moaned getting tired of finding new things to throw out “hey, no I don’t like this” he protested but you did not listen, bending down to clear the cabinet, “I do love the view though” he chuckled, relaxing into the door frame. You threw the bag out with no mercy, cleaning the bathroom like it had been dirty in the first place, then you brought in a new bag organising new essentials that made Guevara nervous, a stack of white clean towels with face towels on the top, 2 toothbrushes and a ceramic toothbrush holder that cutely showed off your marital status, some small decor in the bathroom, cleaning essential for the cabinet under the sink, new soap, soap holder and even better quality sponges. “You are enjoying this aren’t you” he scoffed, “can you tell” you answered sarcastically, letting him kiss your hand, he has to admit your prepared state was very attractive.
* “I’m so bored” Guevara whined as you stared at the blue wardrobe in your room, opening it “no wait-“ an avalanche of clothes buried you, you quickly swam out, pulling out the rest of the clothes, he helped you move the wardrobe out of the house, installing a new one, same size, more organised compartments, better long lasting wood quality and a better design compared to the old one. “Since you are bored come and help me fold these clothes” you said patting the floor next to you from where you sat.
Out of everything he did with you to adjust to the married life, this has to be his favourite, just sitting close to you, folding clothes and talking about nothing that mattered that much, laughing with each other and sometimes stopping to play fight, even if the process of organising your shared wardrobe took forever and a part of the two of you wishes it could be like that forever.
* You both finally finished and looking at the final results Guevara would be the biggest liar on earth if he dude say he was happy with the results, wrapping his big arms around you he kissed your forehead “I’m so glad we did this, I love you so much” he said in his corny Casanova voice, if made you giggle a bit before facing him, a mischievous grin plastered across your face, you placed your hand on his shoulders looking into his handsome eyes “I love you too honey…..but what do you mean we, techno this was me, how ever I do have something for you to do” you said holding him by the wrist and leading him to the backyard.
“Babyyyyy I don’t want to do this” Guevara whined, looking to you for mercy, “if you be a big boy I’ll get you a toy, do you want a toy” you teased sarcastically sipping apple juice with a straw as you watched him. Placing his large masculine hands on the mower he pulled the string to get it started and began to drag it along the grass, a chore that he had been putting off since you both had been dating, you had begged him to just do it claiming that you couldn’t grow flowers in such a messy place only to recieve bouquets after bouquets of flowers, but at least now he was doing it and he was so focused about it to and you could have sworn that he kept glancing at you searching for a gaze of approval from your part, once done he dramatically laid on the floor acting as though he had just solved world hunger, in these small ways he was such a big baby, you walked over to him as he sat up, handing him a cold glass of juice and kissing his forehead, “so I did that good huh?” He asked teasing you, “yes you did, in fact you did so good I got you a toy after all” pointing in the far distance, Guevara stood up to look around, finding his precious hammock installed between two palm trees in his garden, with a hand knitted pillow adorning its comfy cozy beauty, overjoyed Guevara grabs a hold of you dipping you and placing a deep long kiss on your lips, he didn’t care who say because at the end of the day your husband was the type of man that expressed a lot of pda as much as he damn well pleased.
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Thought this one up while rewatching Billy and Mandy.
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Yarem reaction to us kissing them in the check as gratitude and then ran away embarrassed
Don’t do that to them 😭😭
Katsumi would chase after you so he can give you more kisses. He loves physical affection. He adores hugs and pecks. Katsumi love language is physical touch.
Retsu would probably stand there for a solid 5 minutes to process that you gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then he’d touch the spot you kiss and blush a bit (he’s a cutie). He’d kiss your forehead later on in the day
Baki would blush and grab you before you run away so he can give your nose a kiss. He’s a bit shy as well
Jack would have to be sitting down for you to give him a kiss on the cheek. He’d be so shocked and once he comes back to reality, he’ll give chase. Jack loves a good chase. There’s something primal about him
Kaoru would be surprised but he’d grab your wrist before you can take off. Kaoru would then pull you into him so he can give you a proper smooch. It never ends with just kissing so it won’t be long till he whisks you away to somewhere a little more… private
Jun would grab you so fast and dip you down so he can trail his lips down your neck. His stubble would tickle the soft skin and the sweet nothings leaving his lips will leave goosebumps on your skin. This man is smoother than butter
Oliva would be so flustered but he’d also be so happy. “Now where do you think you’re going?” He’d give chase so he can cover you in kisses and give you proper royalty treatment
Doppo would be shocked to say the least if you kissed his cheek and took off. But he’d laugh with a big smile. Why were you so cute all the time?
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
characters Yujiro and Oliver are definitely rich and afford luxuries, so they probably look surprised and confused at their s/o who buys some minimal food or clothes for themselves or just enough to get by. And they literally give their wage card and take their partner by the hand to the top quality merchandise store. For God's sake, I'd then quietly pay my tuition and get all my teeth fixed at the dentist
It's what I say!
I could afford my entire higher education with a measly part of their entire fortune, and I'd bet I'd be the least of their worries.
Oliva literally has one of the largest nations in the world under his thumb and therefore his economic capacity is just as great. Oliva won't mind spending his money on his partner, that man would give his whole life to make his partner happy, spending his money is small in comparison. Trips to paradisaical places, expensive gifts, dinners in expensive restaurants, a lot of clothes, health service coverage and academic services, etc. You just have to ask and Oliva will make it happen. When you want something, he's already pulling his credit card out of his pocket; My God, he would give you his credit card to spend as much as your heart desires, he will insist if you are demure, why settle for just enough to live on when you have the chance to have everything you could want?
In the case of Yujiro, I really believe with all the fervor of my heart that this man has free things just for being him, there are no limitations; A complete stay in a luxury hotel, dinners in the greatest places, meetings with the most influential people in the world, the most expensive items that money can buy and even if money can't buy it. His mere presence imposes and no one can say 'no' to any of his demands, nor is there anyone who wants to. Since you're his partner, you're just enjoying the ogre privilege; People will give you and do what you want to not be in Yujiro's sights. Yujiro looks at you as if you've grown a second head when you admit that you buy the bare necessities or how you try to make ends meet on your salary, you're kidding right? Well not anymore, he will pay for your whole life just because he can. And because he maybe he loves you in some way.
Versión en Español.
¡Es lo que yo digo!
Yo podría costear toda mi educación superior con una mísera parte de toda su fortuna, y apostaría que sería la menor de sus preocupaciones.
Oliva literalmente tiene a una de las naciones más grandes del mundo bajo su mano y por tanto su capacidad económica es igual de grande. A Oliva no le molestará gastar su dinero en su pareja, ese hombre daría su vida entera por hacer feliz a su pareja, gastar su dinero es una pequeñez en comparación. Viajes a lugares paradisiacos, regalos caros, cenas en restaurantes caros, un montón de ropa, cobertura del servicio de salud y los servicios académicos, etc. Solo debes pedir y Oliva lo hará realidad. Cuando quieres algo, él ya está sacando su tarjeta de crédito de su bolsillo; Dios mío, él te daría su tarjeta de crédito para que gastes tanto como tu corazón desee, insistirá si eres recatado, ¿por qué conformarse con lo suficiente para vivir cuando tienes la oportunidad de tener todo lo que puedas querer?
En el caso de Yujiro, realmente creo con todo el fervor de mi corazón que ese hombre tiene cosas gratis solo por ser él, no hay limitaciones; una estadía completa en un hotel de lujo, cenas en los lugares más grandes, reuniones con las personas más influyentes del mundo, los artículos más costosos que el dinero pueda comprar y aun si el dinero no puede comprarlo. Su sola presencia impone y nadie puede decir que 'no' a ninguna de sus exigencias, tampoco hay nadie que quiera hacerlo. Como eres su pareja, solo estás disfrutando del privilegio ogro; las personas te darán y harán lo que quieras para no estar en la mira de Yujiro. Yujiro te mira como si te hubiera salido una segunda cabeza cuando admites que compras lo justo y necesario o como tratas de llegar a fin de mes con tu salario, ¿estás bromeando, cierto? Pues ya no más, él costeara toda tu vida solo porque puede. Y porque quizá te quiere de alguna forma.
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What the fuck is up Pinterest and its Baki memes 😭????
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Like please i cant be staying up all night looking at these bro school starts up again tomorrow🙏
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misterbaritone · 5 months
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Them teasing these matchups is cruel cause I know for a fact these fucks are gonna talk/have a brief skirmish at most
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maxmuscle313 · 2 months
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Biscuit Oliva muscles collection
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boilingpotfrog · 3 months
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So I just go to finally watch this and I know I'm kinda late to this situation but I do have my own thoughts on this crossover.
To be honest it's 50/50 for me. Not the best but also not the worst, I do feel like it was kinds rush and semi with holes. I don't know if it's a big issue or not but I kinda don't like how it left in a cliffhanger, like in this case it feels like this was going to be a one time thing and just add to the collection of kengan and baki content. I don't think a one hour special crossover is enough for all the characters to be there. also why so many characters? Like I'm happy that they add some of my favorite but just listen to the list:
Baki Hamma
Tokita Ouma
Akiyans Kaede
Akoya Seishuu
Biscuit Oliva
Adam Dudley
Gensai Kuroki
Muteba Gizenga
Hanafusa Hamjime
Hanayama Kaoru
Jack Hammer
Yuujirou Hamma
Sen Hatsumi
Cosmo Imai
Kaiou Jyaku
Kaiou Kaku
Kaiou Retsu
Kanou Agito
Katahara Metsudou
Katahara Sayaka
Katou kiyosumi
Kura Raian
Orochi Doppo
Orochi Katsumi
Reinhard Julius
Sekibayashi Jun
Shiba Chiharu
Shibukawa Gouki
Shinogi Kureha
Tokugawa Mitsunari
Tyson Jerry
Yamashita Kazuo
Yoroizuka Saw Paing
Yoshizawa Kokomi
Also the death row convicts I ain't writing more names
And you think that they would all get a reasonable amount of screen time, right? No Olivia gets only like two or three voices lines before getting knocked out by shibukawa and even him has small amount of voice lines.
I fell like they try to hype it up by adding multiple characters but just expecting to be happy that their favorite characters is just there like kaiou Jyaku was just there basically saying the same darn line "I wanna teach them" what's the fucking point of him being there if he ain't going to do anything else? That's the main problem I have with it. Too many characters but just sitting there like a cardboard cutout and don't get me wrong, I loved that some of my favorites were there but they were just sitting there also I don't know if it's just me or what but where the fuck was Pickle? Like his name of in the introduction and they brought him up one time but that was it, did I somehow skip him somewhere or what?
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Was I fucking high during this moment? Can I get the time this happened?
I feel like it should be more like a crossover series, with one or two seasons, with it being at its own pace. It would give more time for other characters to shine and interact while getting more screen time and less leaving things on cliffhangers. Each episode would be Baki and Ouma training for the big day and the same with the other four for their fights against each other with one of the episode is about being able to go into more detail about the fight that Doppo and Saw Paing dad had, maybe even showing all of it. It would give put more time for it to world build better and not feel like a rush project.
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baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
Cuddling the Baki Cast Short Stories
All SFW, but I could make an NSFW version if that's what the people want (this would not be a challenge lmao). Added in some characters per request of the folks in the super secret server (you know who you are, come get y'alls juice).
The sun was filtering lightly through the windows, the sky a warm, rich red as the sun began to set over the horizon. It was cold outside now that it was getting into mid fall, but you were nice and cozy beneath the blanket, your boyfriend's arms around your waist, his chin perched on your shoulder as you both watched the movie you'd put on. There was a gentle rustle as Baki turned to kiss your cheek, giving your waist a gentle squeeze. Quiet moments like this were rare, but always appreciated. you didn't need to say anything as you reached back and ruffled his hair, soft beneath your fingers, fluffy from his recent shower. He smelled like his bodywash, some generic men's scent, but it was good, and it enveloped the both of you.
She'd snuck you in through her bedroom window, it was dark and raining out, and you'd been shivering from the cold for the few minutes it took for you to get changed and dried off. Her homework was long done, so she didn't waste any time dragging you into her bed, snuggling into your neck with a hum as your hands rested on her lower back beneath her thick blankets, the sound of her little speaker playing gentle lo-fi music as she flipped through the pages of her book. Her lips met your skin in a quick peck, before she dove back into her book with intense focus.
He'd come stumbling into your shared home late at night, the lights staying off, but it was clear that it was him, his heavy steps cautiously making their way closer. He said nothing as he crawled into bed behind you, his suit ditched and laying on the ground. He was clearly tired, he hadn't taken his glasses off. You rolled over, cupping his face in your hands to take off his glasses, gently setting them on your bedside table, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you back into his chest. He mumbled something against the top of your head, though it wasn't clearly heard, before a soft snore escaped his lips.
The birds hadn't started chirping yet, the sun not quite risen, but it was getting close. The blankets around you were warm, soft and heavy, but so was the arm tossed over your waist, and the lips pressing against your forehead. That's how you woke up, warm, comfortable, safe in his embrace, with him peppering kisses all over your face. Once he realised you were awake, he grinned at you, tracing little nothings all over your back, pressing another kiss against your forehead, and then your nose and cheeks.
You didn't think you could eat another bite, and for once, Jack looked like he was going to agree with you. Lounging on your couch, finally back home, he looked over at you and wordlessly pulled you into his lap. He was radiating heat, his limbs heavy with sleep. He looked about ready for bed, eyes half-lidded and heavy, but he pulled you closer still as he rolled over onto his back, holding you close as he nuzzled against the top of your head, hands rubbing up and down your back in slow, gentle movements. Taking things slow after such a big meal surely couldn't hurt.
You'd been cold all night, sleeping on the other side of the futon, by yourself, since Kosho had gotten comfortable and had refused to move or cuddle you the night before. But now, two strong hands dragged you backwards into a firm chest, long hair tickling your cheeks as his lips pressed against your temple. Warmth enveloped you, the smell of him invading your senses as he peppered you with affection, holding you close. He would get up and start moving soon, but for now, he was all yours, and he wanted to love you.
His leg was tossed over your thighs, his back to you as he snored loudly, his head somewhere above you, hanging off the bed. It was late, and you'd only been asleep for a short while, but he'd already awoken you with his ceaseless tossing and turning. Your hand stretched across his broad back, and his minute twitches ceased, but he still didn't wake. You were able to roll over further, resting your cheek on his back, his sleep still undisturbed. You thought you might be able to drift off again before he started rolling around again, but you were proven wrong when he rolled over in place, his arms pulling you closer, his nose resting against the top of your head.
You were stuffed, you'd eaten so much you felt like you could pop. Retsu's cooking was just divine, as always, but he'd made a bit much, and while he'd put his portions away just fine. He seemed to pick up on that, leaning forward to gently card his fingers through your hair, smiling at you, before pulling you into a hug, letting himself fall back on the floor, snuggling you close as he rubbed soothing shapes onto the side of your stomach, pressing kisses to your forehead, his legs wrapping around yours to keep you playfully pinned, peppering your face with kisses, chuckling lightly.
It had been a rough day. You'd scraped your knee, pulled a muscle, gotten bruises and roughed up from karate practice, and now you just wanted to sleep. Passing out on the couch, you woke up to a firm chest against your cheek, arms wrapped around you, your body being carried. Doppo had come home to find you at home, sleeping on the couch, and while he was also roughed up slightly, he'd expected it. He settled into his futon with you, holding you close, a gentle chuckle rumbling up from his chest as he toyed with the ends of your hair. He was going to ease the stress of the long day that you'd clearly had.
Your head was resting on her lap, her hands carding gently through your hair. The sun was shining, birds were singing, there was a faint breeze making the leaves rustle. Doppo was out in the yard training with Katsumi, their boisterous laughter invading the air as Natsue gently swept hair out of your face, her smile soft as she began humming.
His head was resting on your lap, everything about him relaxed as he laid in front of you. He was waiting for his new eye to finish being fitted and finished, so in the meanwhile, he'd taken up lazing on your lap while the two of you waited. He reached up, twirling some of your hair around his fingers as he hummed, sending a mischievous grin on his face, though when you reached up to gently bat his hand away, he caught yours and brought the back of your hand to his lips. Whatever mischief he had planned could apparently wait.
He's old you know, he needs his naps to keep his energy up throughout the day! But he'd never thought of napping out in his garden. It wasn't too bright, nor too dark, it was just the perfect atmosphere for a cozy nap. You two could lay there for hours, just lazing about, but Noro roaming through the bushes didn't afford that chance, that dog could be a lot to handle sometimes.
After a long day of running from the law, he's come back to you, slipping into bed quietly. You barely even stirred, so naive to the danger that lurked in the hand that approached your face, getting closer and closer, before gently pushing your hair out of your face, tucking in behind you with a sigh as he draped an arm around your side, one of his legs sliding between yours so relieve himself from the cold he'd just come in from, even if that's what finally fully woke you.
Comfortable. That's all you could think as you rested your head on his broad, expansive chest, breathing in his cologne, his large hands settled on the small of your back, his thumbs rubbing tiny circles, soothing your muscles and helping you relax even further. A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest, shaking you ever so slightly as you drifted in and out of conscience, and while normally you may have protested about him laughing at you, right now, you were just too comfortable and tired to do so now. He didn't mean anything by it anyways.
His hands shook as he held your waist, trembling nervously, sweat beading at his temple as you snuggled further into his chest in your sleep. He was in a blind panic, not knowing what to do in this situation. You'd asked to cuddle, that was it, but now you were asleep, and he didn't want to wake you! But his leg was numb and he wanted to roll over. He supposed that as long as you were comfortable, he wouldn't move. He was tough, he could endure laying there, snuggled up to you while you were napping.
His foot met your shin once more, and you swore that the next time he kicked you, you would deck him. His smug smile and barely suppressed giggle irked you even more, and the warning glare you shot at him seemed to do nothing but egg him on more. His arms squeezed you tighter for just a moment, before his cheek met yours, his face turning to press a quick peck against your cheek before he turned his head back. Maybe he'd settle down now- His finger poked at your hip, and you felt your irritation return, until he pecked your cheek once more. He'd keep pestering you for as long as you'd keep cuddling, but the little sweet moments between his playful pestering made it worth it. Or at least, that's what you were telling yourself so you wouldn't kill him on the spot.
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