eristarlight · 1 month
Do you like shipping Bigb with anyone? If so, who? Do you have any hcs for those ships if sox
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I'm shipping BigB with Ren, and I think they have a cozy relationship, unless it's about a secret soulmate.
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And yes, I'm shipping Grian and BigB!
In general, you can notice that one has a glove on one hand, and the other on the other. This is because they have one pair of gloves for two, yes ^^
Their relationship is more tremulous, I think :)
(yes, I can't decide on one pair, so there are at least two, but that's how I'm open to any other pairs ;))
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sometimes-rendog · 4 months
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day 34, bigdog... bigdog i miss you...
[id] Beside a smiling Ren it reads "confidence", he's beaming the stuff. BigB is looking at Ren, visibly unimpressed. Ren is pictured shocked & heart broken by BigB's reaction while BigB laughs. An arrow pointing at BigB reads "was joking" [end id]
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they went for the drama but all i see is this
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Honestly cannot BELIEVE how many "look at me" lines we've had it's only episode three!!! That shit is my kryptonite you guys have to cut it out!!!!!!
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rotten-vivs · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rendog/Anthony Viviano | Bigbst4tz2, Charles | Grian/Anthony Viviano | Bigbst4tz2, Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood/Rendog Characters: Anthony Viviano | Bigbst4tz2, Rendog (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Break Up, Apologies, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Lovers to Friends, Aromantic, Internalized Acephobia, bigb is aromantic and struggles in a love game, Everyone Needs A Hug, Alternate Universe - Double Life SMP Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates Summary:
I know we had a bit of a setback in our relationship, and I believe I deserve a bit of an apology. But now that we're red, I think it's better to work together through this. You and me together, baby, what do you say?
Ren had recited this multiple times on the way to the base, but the words had clogged up his throat.
BigB and Ren will have a better chance of survival working together as red lives. But first, they talk about their relationship.
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comin-h0me · 2 years
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my doof
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toptube2u · 1 year
10 Most Largest Dog Breeds
What are the 10 most largest dog breeds in the planet? Have you ever wondered which dogs are the world's largest? Giant dogs are among the most hardworking and well-known breeds. However, because many of them retain the strong working instincts and drive for which they were bred, they can be difficult to manage.
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firep0wder · 2 years
hello bigdog enjoyers.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41294244 or below the cut vv
“Hey, BigB, my main man, what’s happenin’ baby!” Ren calls up to Box as he trudges home.
BigB peeks out and waves down at him. It’s been a long walk home across rocky fields and hills empty of people, and Ren’s kind of open-mouthed panting, but BigB doesn’t seem any less delighted to see him. The sight of his soulmate encourages Ren to pick up a run again, tail wagging. He makes his way up the narrow staircase and jumps into his soulmate’s arms, just about remembering to close his mouth before he accidentally licks his face. BigB steps back a little to adjust, still getting used to using his new tail to balance himself. B grins down at him as he sets him down gently, and Ren shakes himself out from ears to tail. The red of B’s eyes is no less loving.
“Heya, Ren,” B says fondly. “How we doin’?”
Ren sighs and flops down next to the horse pen, tail sweeping the floor gently. “Bit tired, my dude. Getting ready for the pool party later, you know? We’re doin’ good though, doin’ very good. Listen, B, I got’cha something.” He very much does not gaze eagerly up at BigB, ears twitching patiently as he waits for excitement and approval. He’s very cool and collected and not super personally invested in pleasing his partner. His opaque red sunglasses are proof of that detached, intimidating cool-guy aura that he definitely exudes effortlessly.
“Ooh, what’d you get?” BigB pokes at something in the furnace before glancing over with interest.
“Erm.” Ren realizes he has to get back up for this. “Give me one moment.”
BigB chuckles good-naturedly, turning around again. “Take your time, take your time.”
Ren clambers upright, rifling through his inventory. Snow, quartz… A few ticks later, he stands aside and admires his work. Looks about right, so he approaches BigB, whose ears turn just a little, and gently takes his paw to lead him. “Check this out, baby, look what I’ve snagged us.”
BigB allows himself to be guided, fondly leaning his head to Ren’s shoulder, and then he sees it. Right in the corner, nestled against the wall, is a piano.
“Ren…” he gasps, twisting in his arms to look him in the eyes. “Are you serious?!”
Ren grins, tail wagging proudly. “Oh, yeah baby!”
“A piano?!” B’s eyes shine. “You’re kidding. This is so cool!!”
And it literally is, it’s from the mid-century modern mansion, which is fully air-conditioned and always a little chilly inside. But the sun-warmed cobblestone walls are slowly leaching up the excess cold of the smooth piano. Ren preens a little, pressing his forehead to BigB’s briefly.
“It is, it is. A little dangerous to get, too, guess where I got it.”
BigB’s ears prick. “Where you got it? Oh- don’t tell me there’s pianos in the Ancient City.”
Ren laughs sheepishly. “No, no no. Not that dangerous. I did rob someone for it, though.”
“You stole me a piano?!” BigB shakes his head incredulously, fondness crinkling his eyes. “From where? Who’s on this server building a piano?”
Ren grins at him. “Oh, you know. Just Bdubs and Impulse.”
BigB gasps, giggling. “Ohh no. And we’ve got the pool thing later, too…?”
Ren cackles, leaning into his partner, tail wagging. “Oh, yeah baby! We’re getting ‘em soo good, dude.” BigB leans right back into him, grinning just on the edge of wild.
“You’re incredible, dude.” BigB reaches up to run his fingers through Ren’s ponytail, and Ren does the same absently, scratching behind B’s ears gently. “They’re totally gonna freak. I hope they weren’t planning to have live music at the pool party.” They laugh at that. Anything at that pool party isn't gonna be live for long.
Later, they play silly songs together with blood-smudged keys. BigB is the only one who knows how to use a piano, and Ren is the only one who knows how to use paws. It's a little clumsy for both, and the blood grows tacky in their fur and under their nails, and Ren wouldn't trade it for the world.
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jgmerrick · 1 year
she's so big now❤️❤️❤️
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eristarlight · 29 days
BIGB AND REN BIGB AN REN BIGB RAND REN BIGBR REN 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
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I've been wanting to draw something in the morning for a long time
I hope this will suit your request ^^
(I apologize that it took a very long time, I had a small art block + moving)
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Cujo was such a nice dog … dig my poster for the screening happening at @revuecinema in November! #stephenking #cujo #scarydog #horrormovie #movieposter #bigdog https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLsm3bsY4k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mirramamiau · 1 year
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Shivita filis #shiva #doglovers #dogsofinstagram #happydog #fatdog #bigdog #perros #perrosfelices #perrosdeinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp--qfVqXBv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
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"I feel so relieved now that he's gone."
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cash-von-badeleben · 1 year
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Guten Morgen 🤗☕🤗 Einen schönen Tag für euch mit viel ☀️ #gutenmorgenwelt #gutenmorgen #gutenmorgenbild #malinois #belgianmalinois #herdenschutzhund #herdenschutzhunde #cashvonbadeleben #chapeau_bucovinashepherdog #chapeau_bucovinashepherd #bucovinashepherd #carpatin #kuvasz #kaukasischerowtscharka #kaukasischerschäferhund #karakatschan #tornjak #grossehunde #bigdog #kaffeeammorgenvertreibtkummerundsorgen #kaffee #niedersachsen #malinoispower #humor #gutenmorgengrüsse (hier: Werners Kulturhof Elmland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1xbAHIVQM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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davidwfloydart · 2 years
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He built this from pebbles. “This is part of the Rock Garden in Calhoun, GA, US! It’s main gardener, “Big Dog,” has been working on it continuously for years, and welcomes help. As part of a school trip, I was once able to help build a part of a wall. 8 hours and I only got a couple of rows done. The work is no joke.” #creativityfound #pebblesart #bigdog #calhoungeorgia #rockgardens #artworks #sculpture_art #pebblestones (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmt9BorrSg4UoqsBAP22WTv59BTvPaTuOokT7U0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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