#Big rant incoming maybe idk
nervousmonolith · 2 years
i am annoyed
#Big rant incoming maybe idk#basically my mother once again blamed me or made me out to be the shitty person in a convo earlier#basically saying person A did nothing wrong and i cant change how people are and how i have to keep my emotions under control#and how its ''All On Me''#she's right about the not changing people but i can fucking criticize their shitty fucking actions all i fucking want#ESPECIALLY IF THEY SAY A FUCKING SLUR THEN ARE LIKE '' ITS TO SHOW YOU THAT PEOPLE WILL SAY THINGS YOU DONT LIKE SOMETIMES'' LITERALLY#DID IT ON FUCKING PURPOSE TO GET A FUCKINY REACTION BUT NOOOOOO ITS FUCKING ALL ON ME?????#fucking choke die die fuck you die choke#<- sorry had to get that out of my system fr#but yeah she also said Me getting sent to a doctor was going to get her sent to a doctor <- paraphrased#YEP.#also saif some other shit that idk how to paraphrase#anyway i regret ever opening up ever 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶.#ALSO SHE GOT FUCKING MAD AT ME FOR ALL THIS SHIT ALSO SHIT OUT OF MY FUCKING CONTROL AGAIN#apparently the principal called her and said to take me to ane and get me put in a ward because i was seeing things which i NEVER FUCKING#SAID THEN SHE GOT MAD AT ME FOR IT#also not a great fucking idea principal a shitty one infact considering i didnt fucking know SHE SAID THAT UNTIL TODAY#i fucking hate it here so bad i will fucking kill and maim#any rant over time to seeth in rage and cry#i feel better after typing all that#crazy
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circeyoru · 5 months
About the Collector (and you don't have to answer!), I was wondering if the sins sorta just appeared, maybe after Eve bit the apple? Or maybe after when there's other humans besides Adam and Eve? Main curious thing is, how did the sins act when first meeting the Collector? What about the imps? :0c I'm so curious of the Collector's early days in Hell! (Remember to stay hydrated!) -Lily
This is for {Collection of Overlords}, check MASTERLIST for the work
Oh ho ho~!! Nice ask! I'd love to talk about Collector's/your early days in Hell and how you appeared, but that's spoiling the parts I've wrote already (else I would have answered here). Big lore rant incoming~!
We aren't exactly given a story on how Heaven and Hell were created, but we know that Heaven was just there, same with Earth. Hell was supposingly non-existent? Maybe cause it was phased as "the dark pit he had created", implied that Hell was only there because of Lucifer's actions. BUT evil was originally present, which is what the Golden Gate and Angels were protecting Heaven from.
Essentially, you and Noir popped into existence the moment these elements were there. Now, you two were originally watching from afar. Though I won't explain how you two separated and ended up in your respective elements (Heaven and Hell), cause it's spoiler territory. So I'll talk about what the ask is asking here.
How did the Sins of Hell appear? After Eve bit the apple? Or after the presence of Adam and Eve's descendants?
I'd say the moment Lilith rejected Adam and fled the Garden. That's how sin grew. Like how you and Noir came to be, that's how the Sins came to be as well. Some goes for the rest of Hell. Though because there's Heaven, there's Hell. A balance like you and Noir's existence. Why Hell wasn't established was because it was chaotic by nature and you have yet to interfere in it.
Oh, something to add before I move to another point. I'd like to think that Heaven and Hell have the same sense of time, but it's different from Earth. So Heaven and Hell have a longer time than what Earth has to prolong the reward and suffering respectively.
With that in mind, you established yourself to the Sins and Hellborns after evil inflicted Earth and before Lucifer and Lilith fell/banished to Hell (idk how to phase it).
Now then, how did the Sins and Hellborns act and react to first meeting you?
From what we got in Helluva Boss, the Hellborns like Imps and Hellhounds all belong to a Ring. But the Rings were established by you. That's how you made your first big move, granted that no one knew it was your doing, but still. The change was noticed definitely.
There was a hierarchy of the Sins, like how Mammon (Sin of Greed) called Asmodeus (Sin of Lust) the weakest. So before you were in Hell, everything was together, all in the same place. That's how their own hierarchy based on power was present.
With the separation, they would have to see who it was that did it. Who among them was this powerful. In their (some more than others) minds, they felt threatened of their standing as a Sin. Do remember that without Lucifer and Lilith present (Charlie's not even born so we don't talk about her), they are the ruling powers.
I'd like to think that the Rings were arranged in the order of potential, in your mind. With Pride as first, so demons are more active to the inactive ones down to Sloth. And while Helluva Boss have yet to reveal all Sins, I'll go with what is present. Pride Ring used to have a Sin, not Lucifer, but an original one with the other 6. Where'd they go? Here's a hint, why are you stationed at the Pride Ring? Yup. You killed the Sin of Pride to make a point.
Pride was the strongest and the most stubborn one when you appeared and challenged your authority. So you did what you do best. You established yourself. I see all the other Sins as having a phase of change because they were once of pure representation of their respective Sins. Like Wrath will always be fueled with rage and Envy is always fueled with jealousy. But with your presence, they change to express something more, because they were shown how to be 'better' in a way. You don't need them as saints or compete against Heaven's holy angels of light, you just need them to see how they can better rule and govern their Ring (instead of always fighting for dominance over the others).
As for the Hellborns, they are under their respective Sins, different species in different Ring. When they see their Sin obeying and bowing down to you, they follow suit. Of course, there's always some that tried to challenge you. Take one Ring for example, we'll say the Wrath Ring waged war with you. The result? You easily wiped them all off within the blink of an eye. That's how you got the Hellborns' submission as well.
Their perspective of you changes to pure loyalty and obedience when you introduce ways for them to strive and constantly show them human inventions that they can adapt into their lives to live better. It's with the arrival of more and more Sinners that Hell transform to something more and more advanced.
Sins and Hellborns know nothing of humans and you were their gateway. A bit of trivia, they are actually excited with each generation of Sinners, or era, because you'd give the whole Hell something of a new makeover to accommodate the changing times. It's like a constant upgrade that they would look forward to. For more detailed changes, you do meet with the Sins to show them human inventions and the like for them to incorporate into their respective Rings.
So let's talk about the Sins and you~
Lucifer: Nothing much to talk about. You two are teacher and student bond, though now Lucifer sees you more as a wise friend than anything. You see him as a silly student that doesn't grow up, in a good way because you know that he was meant to see the bad and cruel in others after being casted into Hell.
The remaining 6 Sins (in general): After Pride's death and Wrath's defeat, they quickly appointed you to be the True Ruler of Hell and they as your subordinates. It was through pure fear and self-preservation. But later on, the relationship to serve you is more willing after knowing that you weren't in Hell to do 'bad', like destruction or threaten their standing as a Sin.
Asmodeus (Sin of Lust): He's more chill with you after learning that you were changing Hell to be more orderly and a place to actually live. He tries to talk about love with you and affection and all that stuff, but you just sit there and listen with such a blank face and composed self that he sometimes questions if you were even applicable of such things. (you are, you just don't express much)
Beelzebub (Sin of Gluttony): She takes on a big change, in your opinion, like she went from power-hungry to what she is now! Granted, you didn't do much but showed her human interactions and the like. But she is honestly very fascinated with you because even though you were supposingly The Cursed Entity, you don't exactly act all evil and mean. She joins your visits and tries to get you to lighten up. (no success as of now)
Mammon (Sin of Greed): He's one of the more defiling ones among the Sins. He thought you were all talk at first, until he saw what you did to Pride and Wrath, so he changed his tune. Now he's just trying to bribe you for more support, like in terms of money and human ideas. Carmilla is actually giving him a run for his money when nearly all of Hell uses her weapons. It was always funny to see how desperate he gets to earn your favour. (not that you give him attention)
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srslyscary · 5 months
songs // mini series
a mini series on how I would associate a song to skz members!
headcanons + small rants incoming! This isn’t based off meanings or lyrics, just instrumentals!
bang chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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Candy ; Doja Cat
not based on the ENTIRE SONG but like.. from the timestamp 2:04 - 2:34 .. GOSH HE LOOKS LIKE THAT SONG.
I actually feel like on any occasion he would look like this song bc of the many different types of chan’s you get from him. obviously there’s Chan, then there’s Chris, and Christopher.
it also gives off rockstar chan in the photoshoot where he was in the bathtub with the wires and had the metal things in his mouth.. yeah this is him.
Swang ; Rae Sremmurd
Lord give this man my heart I forever bow in his presence. If I find an edit with this sound I’ll be so happy. HE LOOKS LIKE HE WOULD LISTEN TO THIS SONG WHILE WORKING OUT LKE IM SORRY.
“Hey Stay… how ya doin’?” TYPE SHIT.
It’s giving “late night drives with the windows open”… am I right or wrong???
This song gives that one blonde chan from Super intern ep. 3 I think and also chan in the oddinary trailer. SORRY NOT SORRY.
Swoon ; Beach Weather
Idk if it’s just me but this instrumental gives off chan at the beach (it’s obviously by beach weather) but aside from the artist’ name I can sort of picture his partner hand in hand while they run to the beach water and splash each other until sunset.
this is like happy and calming chan, giving off those soft moments.
Messages From The Stars ; The Rah Band
i’m foive. literally that’s it. I SWEAR it gives off youngest son chan.
I also play this song in my head anytime chan does his little excited fists or anything to show he’s happy.
It just gives off silly channie.. like that one interview with Lee know where he was messing with him.. “a fiveee! A fouurrr- a threee- a— I’m sorry.” Apologies spouted when he realized Lee know was threatening him.
Dream, Ivory ; Dream, Ivory
this gives off him being up really late at the studio, and his partner calls his phone to tell him they miss him. he’s like “I miss you too, maybe even more.”
he skedaddles right on home to lay with them in bed, he’s holding them tight and giving them kisses on their head while whispering sweet nothings (god I want this)
the song is literally the same as the artist (how ironic) but like I could picture chan having dreams of sunny days with his partner and the boys. they’re all out on a grassy field having a picnic and playing with water balloons and water guns. they’re laughing and having a good time, him and lee know are probably sitting down watching them (ugh get a load of these oldies..)
West Coast ; Lana Del Rey
his partner simply woke up first and was faced with Chan’s back towards them. just running their fingers along his back one time to get a reality that he was real. that might have tickled him a big.
he turns around in his sleep, facing the other way. and now his partner could see his sleeping face. they rearranged his hair and smiled, nothing was more precious than waking up to the face of the one you love the most.
Idk I feel like this only goes well with morning scenarios… anyhoo he’s a cutie to wake up to I’m telling you.
taglist: @sixxze
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daily-crabbys · 1 year
mmg,, i might hiatus again,,,
I'd hate to do it, but there's no joy in crab posts as of right now, and also as of a long while ago.
Managing messages and responding to people in replies and being tagged and all the stuff in inbox is. a lot.
I never intended or expected crab blog to get this big, and it feels like such a chore to do at this point. Not that I dont like it, and not that I dont enjoy the fellow crab lovers, but it's certainly overwhelming.
That plus other socials and such that I manage and real life stuff is just. IDK, it's a lot. Usually, if I get to this point, I just drop off, maybe delete the account if I really can't stand it, but I'm definitely not going to do that here.
At the very least, I'm going to empty out the submissions that have been piling up, but after that, I'm not sure. I may not even get through all of those, I've already been relying on those for a long time at this point, and I think that's pretty obvious.
It feels like a hassle to deal with those anyways since most people don't even identify what type of crab it is that they submit, so I have to take the time to find it, which is usually not at all easy. There are so many posts that I've just had to guess what to tag it as because I just don't know, and there's no solid answer that I can find, at least not usually.
Which is also partially my fault, I've never said anything about it before, and I never specified it at an earlier time to make incoming ones less stressful to deal with, but even so I just. I don't know, I don't.
I don't know exactly when it'll happen, but it's the most likely thing to happen from here. I think I'll modify some stuff about how I handle the daily-crabbys blog to make it easier on me when I come back, but I'm not entirely sure what that'll be. I've never managed a successful daily posting account before, I haven't the slightest clue how to make it all easier on me.
Sorry that this has gotten so long, I didn't mean to rant. There's just so much that I feel like I need to say.
This isn't something coming out of nowhere, and it isn't going to be immediate. I've thought about wanting to do this for a while, and I know I did this already not too long ago, but I didn't really change anything for myself, so I'm just burnt out a lot faster.
Sorry again, both for the length of this and the fact that it's going to happen, but I've just got to make things better for myself before I carry on long term. I really just fucked myself over by not doing this the first time, but if I don't do something about it eventually then I'll just end up hating this blog too much to continue.
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warning: super hot take incoming, pls don’t kill me people, ik it’s not that serious but i gotta RANT.
so, idk why but i absolutely hate the intolerance some fans (cough twitter cough) has for new fans of the series. they take every new contrary opinion by first time watchers as a personal affront and make SO many snarky remarks about such pointless things i hate going on there even though i want to since i love supporting all the art there. but the atmosphere is just so hostile to unpopular opinions. everyone HAS to be super pro-percabeth, has to believe percy never even remotely liked rachel, has to subscribe to memefication of characters and call percy all sorts of loser-y names and treat annabeth like a queen who can do no wrong and have no criticisms for the show or certain characters or the posts made by big accounts and i’m just. so. 😭 i just want to see some wholesomeness on that site and nuance but maybe every social media will have its own type of fandom culture and while tumblr is amazing for more in-depth (but also hilarious) discussions about the show and the books, twitter is its own kind of insular echo-chamber enjoyed by those who can mesh in with the way things work there.
just to make clear here: i’m a big time percabeth shipper and love percy and annabeth to bits but if a show watcher came and told me they don’t ship percabeth or don’t find annabeth or percy all that interesting, i’m not gonna blow a casket because their opinion is valid and they are NOT deserving of jokes and snark that belittle their judgement of the characters. i just think that makes the fandom such an unwelcoming place for new fans and discourages productive discourse in favour of this weird herd mentality of mass-held opinions that more often than not skews people’s perception of the events of the books or characterisations. idk man, i shouldn’t be venting about this and i probably won’t ever again but ugh, i just hate it when longtime fandoms slowly turn toxic in these bizarre gatekeepy ways and i don’t wanna see that happen with pjo now that it’s been resurged in such a wonderful way by means of the show.
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acourtofthought · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, I think I’m up to something. Lucien was forced to leave his home twice already with basically only what he had on his back. We know that Tamlin basically packed his stuff and shipped them off and those are all the belongings he has. So I always wonder what is Lucien’s financial situation. It’s impossible to try to figure that out since he has a salary and can afford to rent an apartment in Velaris but he has no land or like property and he’s sharing an old mansion with two humans rn. He always speaks about being the seventh son of a high lord as nothing to brag about, he loses a lot of his titles so I always assume that he is very aware that he doesn’t have much to offer Elain in terms of property/living situation or even a court. I always assumed that comparing himself to Graysen (a very wealthy nobleman’s son), he thought he’d come up short. And if he is aware of the thing between Azriel and Elain, he might also think that he has nothing to offer compared to Azriel who is basically a high lord’s brother and right hand man. Elain is also surrounded by wealth and practically anything she could want, so I think Lucien would find himself at a disadvantage from this perspective too. Even if he wanted to take her, where could he? In an apartment in Velaris that’s not even on the nicer side of town? Or his shared manor in the human lands? He’s currently not doing well with Tamlin either. I really don’t think he’d ever just claim Elain, especially knowing that she was meant to be a wealthy noblewoman. And I find it especially interesting from this perspective that he keeps calling her Lady. Lady is the female version of lord. It is interesting to me that Lucien is showing respect towards her with that specific title. Not to mention that no one seems to care about Lucien’s heritage (the known one or the Helion one). It just feels like Lucien doesn’t see himself on the same level as Elain and her family. Idk this was a big ole rant you might have some ideas about it though so I thought I’d share 👀
I love how much thought you put in to this!! I'm thinking Lucien has money as he chose an elegant apartment in Velaris and dresses well but I agree that to him, that's maybe not the same thing as having roots and anything to offer someone. To him, what could he offer Elain? It's a little bit of the Cassian / Nesta situation. Cassian knew that Nesta grew up intending to marry a prince and regardless of the income he makes from Rhys, he had no title to offer her. Similarly, though Lucien is the 7th son of the High Lord of Autumn (or at least to it's Lady), Beron tried to have his other sons kill Lucien and chased him out of the court, Lucien doesn't stand to inherit a territory in Autumn. Yet he knew Elain was engaged to someone of some importance in the human lands, she was destined to become a Lady there. He hops between the Night Court, Spring Court and the human lands. I imagine he doesn't think any female would want that sort of nomadic lifestyle. I'm not even sure if Lucien knows what's going on with Az but I do think his struggles with his own self worth ("And a whole lot of nothing") and not feeling like he has anything to offer anyone has played a role in his hesitation to bridge the gap with Elain. I think when you add that into what happened to the last female he loved, that she was murdered by his "father", there have been a lot of things Lucien has struggled with upon realizing that Elain was his mate. That he was given this amazing thing (the bond) and what can he even offer to the person he probably wants to try to offer everything to. No home, no real title, and to some degree he probably fears for her safety and his ability to protect her against a High Lord. It doesn't matter how powerful someone is, the High Lords are supposed to be "power itself" and right now, Lucien doesn't realize he could stand up to Beron and actually win.
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Cod rant incoming but i'm feeling a type of way and you're the only cod posting blog i follow, this will piss off the people who whine about people not playing the games and stuff but i've already been spoiled about multiple parts of mw3 and am so tired of shitty depressingly lackluster games from greedy companies that i don't really care to buy it or watch play throughs. All that happens in new cod games is disappointing cheap shots at inspiring nostalgia and stuff that used to be free being added in as "bonus content", and so much more. i'm gonna deep dive into fix it fics and make my own canon from now on loosely based on the games story but man i'm just so tired of disappointing games. idk how you feel about it but i'm pretty miffed about the state of cod in general and have been for years, i love the fandom's interpretations of characters and all that but the actual game just doesn't hit the same anymore and maybe it's because i'm getting better standards for what game companies shit out
I didn't mean to sit on this ask for that long but i totally agree anon
It's annoying to see big gaming companies just take advantage of people who like the game they create by giving them shittier games the time goes on but it's also incredibly heartbreaking to the devs who put their work into it and who actually liked the stories they created. It's also heartbreaking to the actors and voice actors who get taken advantage of as well.
I'm pretty upset by the way it ended. It feels cheap, there's no love or emotion put into it when the other games had it to an extent. I won't say that COD has ever really had an amazing stories in the past or even in the reboot before this game but there was still passion in it and it was upsetting to see it be taken away and ruined by greed.
Greed ruins creativity. Greed ruins the human in creation.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 8 months
hello steeeeephhhh :D
yet another rant incoming - hold on! (or ignore your choice lmao)
but like-
idk why it took me so long to watch the rdj sherlock holmes movies but like... HAHAAHAHAHAH HOW CAN A MOVIE TRY SO DESPERATELY TO BE STRAIGHT AND END UP SO BEAUTIFULLY GAYYYYY
lmaoooo literally can't. it's just too funny!!!
i watched them both (are there really only two?) (nvm i just looked it up myself - yes there are only two)
thaha. holmes constantly trying to sabotage watson's relationship with mary and watson actually giving in to holmes' attempts to keep him company... it is hilarious!
OH aaalso... the first one was made before the bbc show right? it's funny to see the parallels between those!
(bbc did better but honestly nothing will ever be better than bbc sherlock to me...)
(jude law is an amazing watson!!! not entirely convinced of rdj as sherlock holmes. maybe i didn't buy his british accent xD (or maybe i am just too big of a sucker for benny boi xD) (who am i kidding ofc i am too big of a sucker for benefit cumbernoodle))
ANYGAYS!!! i hope youre okay and i am sending you hugs!!!
btw i am sorry for my random rants in your inbox but... i don't know i just love the way you interact with your asks... ask-people? what is that called??? idk but i hope you know what i mean!)
whoop!! reminded me of how much i love sherlock haha (not that i could ever forget i am just in desperate need of a rewatch)
(am i making too many brackets?) (i totally am) (shut up turtely it's getting awkward) OKAYYYY BYYEEE
love you take care youre wonderful and loved and beautiful and perfect just the way you are and I NEED TO STOP AND BRING THIS TO AN END NOW!!!
Hey Turtely!!!
OMG I LOVE RDJ Holmes, and it's so BEAUTIFUL. The first one came out in 2009, and Sherlock came out in 2010, so yes, RDJ Holmes was first, and I fell in love with that one first (I got into Sherlock in 20...13? Just before season 3). The two RDJ films are still a couple of my faves, and there's been talks for YEARS for a third one (I know both RDJ and Law want to do it, but I think the problem is all the issues plaguing WB...)
AND OMG the BEST PART?? Law literally shamed a reporter for calling their relationship a bromance; I think they BOTH want the third one to be an explicit queer relationship, but I think the big hurdle is the studio interference and (BEFORE 2023) was the remaining copyrights not having expired. NOW that all the ACD canon is public domain, the big hurdle is the WB.
Anyway, I love them, SO MUCH. I ship them SO hard, and now I think I'm gonna go rewatch the movies because they're SO beautiful. I love them to bits.
Since it's been over a decade since the last one, I would LOVE SH3 to explore them older and together. I think that would be lovely.
I have a lot of fun stuff in my rdj holmes , ritchie holmes , and sherlock holmes 2009 tags you can check out!
And thank you for your kind words. I will try my best to take care of myself <3 My heart is a squishy at the praise LOL
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lindszeppelin · 4 months
Long Movie Anon incoming! Be warned 🤣
I don’t know if anyone else finds it interesting, but I love behind the scenes stuff, especially when it comes to marketing, and I’m just loving to see the contrast in a press tour for a film with a smaller budget like Bikeriders.
We’ve been spoiled with shinny baubles by the money behind Elvis, Dune and MotA, and I gotta say, I love the fact that this is a smaller film, more intimate. It makes me happy that Aus is doing indie stuff or with modest budgets, because even though I love big movies, the smaller ones get to my heart in a special way.
Like, we knew from the start that Bikeriders had a much smaller budget, and I’m really enjoying seeing the costume department talking about the vests being handmade and all the details of a smaller project, it makes me fall in love with filming all over again! It also shows in the way that the soundbites have come out so the different outlets can edit their own material, and how the press junkets are happening. I wonder how many more premieres we’ll get, I know LA is a go, maybe London or NY? Well see! But I do hope for lots of Q&As, since those are more in the indie way.
I hope he gets to do what Chris Evans and others do, big budget films that help to make smaller indies that fulfil them artistically too.
Even if it maybe seems like it’s in reverse (big budget to indies), I am so ready for this new phase of AB’s career!
Anyways, thanks for letting me rant here, and to whoever read all this, thanks as well! Looking forward to reading your thoughts in the comments
indie films and smaller budget movies are so special to me, i really love them. and when an actor takes on an indie project it's for the love of filmmaking and storytelling. so it's beautiful to see his passion for this movie come to life
there is a screening in London on the 11th, and i imagine he probably might be there? and he's slated to be in NYC at the tail end of the press tour, so possibly there too? i mean, since it's an indie film idk how much money they are allotted, and how many big premiere's they're able to do. but we'll get a lot of interviews and such!
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i'm sorry for the incoming rant but "big multi-year time jump" is my most DESPISED trope next to "memory loss that never gets recovered" and i am not fucking pleased
For me it's just. ugh. Any story devices that remove character development and/or take away my ability to see that development happen make me so, so frustrated. Like. . . you are a different person in 8 years. the current story effectively just ended. in a sense we will never actually see the characters from this story again. unless there are 8 years worth of flashbacks, we won't actually get to see how any of them became the people they now are a decade later. i'm so fucking upset.
i'm so, so sad about cristobal but i know at this point that i'm watching a tragedy. i went into this season expecting the story to end badly for everyone (christ, i didn't think it would end THAT badly for Hank and Cristobal and i think i'm still fucking processing it, but still).
But this? I truly, genuinely hate this so fucking much as a narrative choice. I get where Bill is coming from with the idea of "seeing what would happen if they got what they wanted." But I feel like they could've accomplished that without the ENTIRE STORY jumping ahead by nearly a fucking decade??
Idk. Maybe Barry will prove itself to be the only piece of media i've ever seen that does this trope in a way that doesn't make me want to tear my hair out. First time for everything, i guess.
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commandermahariel · 6 months
this isn't really applicable to people on tumblr because i haven't been friends with you guys for 3+ years. i needed to put this somewhere and tumblr is the place where there's the lowest chance someone this actually applies to will see it. rant incoming
tired of people not giving a fuck about my birthday!!!! guy who i consider one of my best friends leaves to another city for it. friend that i have known for 6 years and for whom i got a gift (not a super big one as i was unemployed but i did go through getting their address from common friends and getting it delivered to them bc we live far away) didn't even remember until another common friends scolded them for it 👍 a bunch of people just straight up forgot or didn't care i guess. another friend got lost in dates and thought it was a different day and only realized it the next day which i wasn't actually upset about as it was a genuine mistake and they did have a tendency to Actually Fucking Remember in the past years.
idk man i don't want expensive gifts or anything i just wanted that day to be. slightly less ordinary. for someone to maybe give a fuck about me. silly me.
to be clear there were also lovely people who did remember and a friend to whose city i came unannounced and told about it the day of arrival went to the length of getting me a handmade custom necklace even though i said it was okay if she didn't do anything and just hanged out with me since i basically gave her no time to prepare. also to elaborate on the part at the top: you are all lovely people and i consider a lot of you my friends, but we haven't gotten a lot of time to get to know each other compared to the other people in this post so i did not expect anything from tumblr folks because of that.
so yeah. this guy is desperate for attention they didn't get. and the pope is catholic
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airi-p4 · 2 years
JATP AU: Everlasting musical connection - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue … 
Julie and the Phantoms x Lukanette AU
(Sorry for the incoming little rant)
I'm a bit mad tbh because I wrote this before we had any leaks or information about S5 and now it looks like the 'red moon' and Felix are a canon reference when they're NOT. But I guess it's partly my fault for not posting this earlier... *sigh*
Anyway- This story will be finished! Idk when but it will! Thank you for your patience.
TW: check AO3 for the tags ( !!! )
Chapter summary:
Marinette refuses to accept the Phantoms imminent crossing over, and decides to face the only one who may know a way to help them: the magician ghost Felix- their enemy.
While the ghosts were busy at the cemetery, Marinette snuck out of high school to go to Paris' Ghost club. She had only heard about the exclusive club from the Phantoms and rumors, and she had no idea how to find it… but the Internet tricks Alya taught her some time ago did the rest of the job.
Felix wasn't lying when he said the doors would be exceptionally opened for her anytime. She would have never imagined going straight to the enemy's headquarters and exposing herself to such danger.
The girl had already confronted the centuries old magician ghost once and knew too well how dangerous he was. She had to be cautious- he knew a great amount of tricks. She stepped in, carefully at first, but soon brought her courage afloat after remembering her mission had a time limit.
Just a few more hours.
She had no time to lose.
“Felix! Show yourself! I know you’re here!” she called loudly.
“Oh, my my… look who's here: Marinette Dupain-Cheng…” a voice said from the shadows. The teenager got shivers, but remained courageous, standing tall. “To think you would visit me… Aren’t you scared I may possess your body like I did with your blond pathetic friend?”
“I know how to kick you out now! I’m not scared of you!” she yelled, and his evil laugh interrupted. Within a blink, he appeared in front of her and she gasped. “I’m- I’m not scared of you!” she repeated.
“Yet you’re here, trembling like a newborn puppy…” Felix laughed, amused by her fears. The sound of his slow steps walking in circles around her was keeping her alert. “How desperate you must be for your ‘Phantoms’ if you’ve come to me in order to save them…”
“Shut up!" She recomposed at the mention of her friends "I know there has to be a way! A way so they don’t have to cross over! Or maybe that they can come back to life!”
“Oh, innocent child… Don’t you think I’d have already done that myself if there was a way?”  His laugh echoed in the club, giving her goosebumps.
“I know you keep secrets. And I know you’re good at hiding them. But your powers are not only for evil. And music! Music has to be the reason you’re still aliv- well, not completely dead.”
“Haha… Very funny…" A few claps followed ironically. "You did well figuring out this much… Hmmm... What would you say if I told you there’s a way for them to come back to life?” he tempted her in a hum.
“Is there!?"
“Oh, so you’re interested, huh?” He smirked evilly and Marinette remembered he wasn't going to give her what she wanted for free. She knew him.
“What’s the deal?” she demanded, looking straight in his eyes.
“An exchange." He paused in front of her, close. "Your soul. Your life for theirs. How does that sound?”
She paused for a second, out of the shock, and before her voice left her throat she was interrupted by three newcomers.
“NEVER!" they yelled. Marinette's eyes opened big.
“Luka! Guys! Why are you here!?”
“Oh, c’mon Marinette, we know you. We’ve been together for a while now.” Juleka winked. "You can't fool us."
“We’ve actually followed you here and eavesdropped a bit…” Ivan innocently confessed.
“Don’t tell her, Ivan! I was trying to act cool and steal the show!”
“Oops, my bad-”
“Anyway- No one is taking away Marinette’s life. That’s out of the question. We’ll cross over and Marinette will be an amazing singer on her own- or with her new band or whatever she chooses to do with her outstanding talent.” Luka stepped in between Marinette and Felix, pushing him and raising a protective arm in front of her. Marinette's eyes glowed and teared up at him.
“Are you sure you want to cross over while I’m still around? I could try to harm her anytime… Try to figure out her connection with spirits… Or maybe a fatal accident could bring her talent here, to me. Maybe she would agree to remain in my club for all eternity, unlike you...”
“Don’t you dare!” Felix's threat enraged Luka. "Touch her and I'm killing you!"
“Luka…” Marinette blushed, moved.
“Yeah. It seems our last warning wasn’t enough... Let’s kill this ghost.” Juleka jumped closer, fists clenched.
“I wish so too, but guys: we can’t kill him. He’s already dead!” Ivan pointed out and Felix's smile widened.
“You’re not helping, Ivan!” The bassist glared. “And I'm not giving up just like that! There has to be a way to stop him for good!” Her nails sank deeper in her palms.
“There might be a way,” a familiar voice that sounded weak and sweet interrupted, appearing from upstairs.
“Rose!? You were ok!?” Juleka ran towards her beloved ghost, holding her hands tenderly.
“I heard your voice, Juleka, and I rushed here despite the jolts of Felix’s attachment spell." She smiled weakly and it brought Juleka to the verge of tears.
“You fool! I’m so happy to see you…” She hugged her.
“Me, too.” Rose pulled her closer, enjoying the warmth.
“Oh, what a sweet moment…" Felix hummed. "Too bad it won't last long…" His eyes turned red and the blond girl gasped. "Rose. I own your soul and you disobeyed me. You’re going to disappear now-” His fingers were about to snap, but Juleka jumped between Rose and Felix.
“No! I won’t let you harm her!”
The next second, Rose pushed Juleka behind her, making her fall to the floor. Felix's destructive thunder followed its path towards the two ghosts and everyone gasped when the blond ghost was hit.
“ROSE! NO!” Juleka cried, crawling to hold her falling body in her arms.
“Juleka, guys, listen…" Rose coughed. "I’m going to disappear soon, but… there’s a way… There’s a way you can stay here. Love and music... The red moon… Join your powers together... Your bond is special- strong. You can do it… you can make a miracle happen...”
"Rose! No!" Juleka cried.
"As for Felix… Take my curse and cast it to him… hurry up… before I disappear… Do it and he'll remain trapped here forever…" Rose whispered to Juleka. She knew the Phantoms were close enough to hear her, too. "Ivan. Do it, please. Only you can. Hold my wrist and take it. Hurry!"
"I- ok!" Ivan did as Rose told him, and a mark appeared on his wrist.
"Good…" She smiled in relief. “Now you have to say the words: ‘Resistance’, pass the curse to his wrist and say ‘Gift.’. The spell will activate then. Will you do it?” Ivan nodded, uncertain. Rose’s voice became weaker. “Thank you… Now I can leave at peace…"
“No, Rose… Don’t leave me…” Juleka begged in tears.
“I’m very happy to have met you, Juleka." Rose smiled weakly at her. "I love you.”
“Rose… I love you… I love you, too…” Some of Juleka's tears fell on Rose's cheeks. The rest fell on the floor through her disappearing skin.
"Don’t hurry up to join me on the other side, ok? Make a miracle happen. I’ll wait for you. Forever…”
"Rose, no!" Juleka cried. "Rose!!'
"Goodbye…" Rose smiled as she turned into hundreds of flying shining golden lights. On the floor, only her unicorn hairpin remained. Juleka picked it up, kissed it, and put it in her hair. Her long bangs now stuck in place, not covering her deathly glaring eyes anymore. Then she took a deep breath and cleaned her tears as she confidently recovered. Her eyes soon glared at Felix with all her wrath.
“Guys- That’s it. I’m killing this man! Are you with me?”
“Juleka, don’t be reckless, you could end up harmed too!” Luka warned, terrified for his sister, Ivan, and Marinette's safety.
“I don’t care! He just killed Rose! I can NEVER forgive him!”
Juleka's fierce voice turned into a loud roar, and it made the whole club tremble. Luka tried to hold Marinette, but she lost her balance when she fell through Luka's spiritual arm. Felix's eyes opened wide and before he could even blink, Juleka charged against him, punching his face with all her power. Felix fell on the floor with a face of not believing what was happening.
“What!?” Her bandmates gasped, in awe.
It took Felix a second to react. He touched his face where the punch had landed and checked his fingers; there was blood at the corner of his lip. “How- how is this possible!? You-- injured ME?”
Juleka roared loud, jumped, and tackled Felix, immobilizing him with Ivan's help. “Guys. We can do this.” Juleka's fist clenched again, more confident, ready to attack once more. Some stripes, resembling a tiger, appeared over her skin, on her face and arms.
“You…" Felix looked as if he couldn’t believe it, but seeing how her fist raised he changed his attitude to a self-protective one. “I see… So that’s how it is…” he mumbled. He tilted his head down and half-covered his smile with his hand.
Enraged, Juleka raised her fist and prepared to punch him again. "What's so funny, huh!?" Felix didn't answer.
"Do it now, Ivan! The curse!" Luka yelled.
Ivan took the chance while Felix was immobilized under Juleka to pass him the curse. "Wait. Is that Rose's curse? As if this was going to work…” He smirked. But his smile didn’t last long- wiped off his face when Ivan said the words he learnt from Rose: “Resistance.”. His eyes opened wide, as in realization. “No… No! No please!" He begged, but the mark had already appeared on his wrist. "No…!"
“Gift,” Ivan finished the spell, and the mark blended with his ghost skin. The Phantoms looked at the mark's shine spreading over all his body. A jolt followed and it was proof enough the spell seemed to work. They exchanged relieved looks while Felix curled his body in pain.
"Good. You can't leave this hotel ever again, Felix. Now Marinette will finally be safe," Luka said, looking fondly at Marinette.
"And now… To ensure it even further… I'm going to kill you!" Juleka raised her fist one more time, and Felix's face changed to one of fear.
"No, wait- wait please! I'll tell you what you want to know! There is a way to survive! Just don’t kill me!” the magician begged, coughing from the jolts.
Juleka wasn't stopping. "We’re not falling for this again, Felix!”
“The red moon!" he yelled when Juleka's fist almost touched him. "Tonight! It grants special powers to the spirits! Rose is right! With the right spell, a miracle could happen under the moon!"
“Really?” Marinette stepped closer.
Luka looked at her hopeful eyes in worry. “I’m sorry, Marinette, but I don’t trust him. I don’t think we should risk it…" he said, and Marinette looked back at him in sadness.
“But what if he’s right? What if it’s possible for you to come back to life? Or to stay as you are? Rose said it, too! We have nothing to lose! Let’s try it! Let’s go under the red moonlight and-” the girl insisted, desperate.
The purple-haired ghost roared as she punched the floor just beside the magician's face. He gulped in fear.
“Tell us what’s the spell. If you don’t then…” Her fist rose again and he covered his face with his arms.
“Fine! I’ll tell you!” he finally gave in. “Tonight, under the red moonlight, at 2AM exactly, you have to repeat the magic words, three times: ‘kwamis, release the magic.’ If my theory and Rose’s suspicions are correct, you’ll be able to ask for a wish- a miracle.”
“And how do we know you’re telling us the truth?” Ivan asked.
Felix smirked. “You can’t know, truly. But I have no reason to give you a fake spell. I can’t cast it on my own anyway, since moonlight is needed and I’m now trapped here forever…” He suffered again from the spell.
“Tricking us for revenge sounds like a good reason for lying to me…” Marinette glared.
“Revenge? Against you pitiful souls? Don’t make me laugh.” He smirked evilly, still coughing. “You’re worthless. As pathetic as Rose was…” He touched Rose’s unicorn hairpin for a second and Juleka grabbed his shirt collar.
“Hmph- Whatever.” Felix's smirk widened. “You can try the spell or not. But isn’t this your only chance? No one knows if it really works anyway, but you won’t know unless you try. You know what not trying means anyway…”
Juleka growled at him and he shrugged, his fear seemingly gone despite the electric jolts striking again.
“Let him go, Juleka. He’s right,” Luka said, to Marinette’s surprise. “We don’t have much time left, and he’s trapped here forever, whether he's telling the truth or not, our fate is sealed. I can rest in peace knowing he won't be able to harm Marinette.”
“But-” Marinette and Juleka protested.
“We have a concert to go to, right? Let’s forget about Felix and enjoy the last hours we have together.” Luka shrugged with a weak smile. Marinette and Juleka weren’t happy, but ended up following Luka’s lead.
"It's time for you to pay for your sins." Juleka stood up and looked down in absolute disgust at Felix. “Enjoy your solitude for eternity.”
The ghosts escorted Marinette out of the hotel and they sighed in relief when they reunited outside. Once outside, Luka turned to speak to Marinette.
"Don't you ever do that again, Marinette. Don't expose yourself to danger like that. Especially not for us, when we're already…" The guitarist had an urge to hug her, but he knew he couldn't even touch her. His body language was obvious to his ghost bandmates, though, who smiled sadly at them.
“I'm sorry… I wanted to-" she stopped, not wanting to be scolded again when the count on their wrists kept going down. "You’re the best friends I could ever have,” Marinette thanked them.
“You’re our treasure, Marinette.” Luka gave her his sweetest smile and she blushed.
If he wasn't a ghost, he would have probably leaned down to kiss her, had she allowed him, of course. But he knew better. Both of them knew better. They belonged to different worlds, despite their connection being so real...
*cof cof*
The pair turned to Juleka and realized they had been staring at each other's eyes for too long. Ivan looked away, slightly blushing, and Marinette panicked a bit. Luka smiled at her cuteness before taking the lead again.
“Ok, let’s go! We can't be late to our last concert tonight!”
“Hell yeah! I’m on fire!” Juleka exclaimed.
"Have you decided yet which song we're performing?" Ivan asked, stretching his wrists.
"I have," Marinette interrupted. "I know exactly which one song we should perform." She grinned and the Phantoms smiled back at her.
"Ok, let's do it!"
"We're 'Marinette and the Phantoms,' and today was our last concert. Please enjoy our last song: ‘everlasting musical connection’!"
There was evident shock, sadness, and devastated fans at the French Orpheum, but it was soon replaced by the feelings that resonated through the music with the frantic audience.
Their last concert was short, but moreover, it was unforgettable. Epic. Outstanding.
Those were the adjectives the specialized press was already calling it online.
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hey-kae · 1 year
ROAST THEM! please, i am begging
I didn’t mean to ignore this, i just got sorta busy and now idk where to start anymore but i still wanna roast them so here we go.
Big rant incoming. I warned you.
I just found it so disrespectful that they were practically mocking racing in a room of people of literally give and have given so much to it, let alone everything that juan manuel correa went through. That alone should be enough to indefinitely shut them up and show them how much racing can mean to the drivers.
The comment asking for a gift absolutely made my skin CRAWL. Just unnecessary and weird and entitled. If they meant it as a joke, they have shit humor.
I don’t watch f2. I’ve watched like three f2 races in my whole life and i still know more than half the drivers. You have to consume absolutely zero motor-racing related media to not know them. Be for real, some of them are f1 reserve drivers.
The part where they said they didn’t know who juan manuel was? How? Just how? I’ll take it into consideration that maybe they don’t know his own story, cause that’ll take research beyond their mental capabilities to do. They hear about a racing driver that passed away racing, do they not feel ANY compassion? Or curiosity to understand why that happened? Who was involved? How they were affected? Beyond me.
Minor things and errors and penalties happen sometimes and i go google regulations and mechanics and aerodynamics to understand what happened and why. Come on, bffr.
This is the part that literally enraged me. They literally said they see f1 as an opportunity to be famous without having a real interest in it. They literally said the races are always boring and they took up f1 as the topic to do a podcast on because football had already reached its peak when they started and f1 is just on the way to reach its peak popularity.
For once, i found that people who say DTS did more damage than good have a point, and it wasn’t girls who fan girl over drivers who caused the world to realize that. It was grown ass men who are there for the drama and would rather watch DTS than the actual season (they said that fr). Don’t get me wrong, that wouldn’t be too bad in case of someone who watched DTS for entertainment, without disrespecting anyone, in case of people who haven’t unrightfully earned such a big platform in f1 just by being white cis men who pretended to know a lot about the sport.
Lastly, according to what they said previously, i’ve been watching f1 for about the same time as them and it blows my mind that i, someone who doesn’t have a platform in this sport, know wayyy more than them. Nico Rosberg was champion in 2013?! I could take not knowing what years seb won his championships, but keeping up with the memes part of this community is more than enough to know Rosberg won in 2016. I had to do 0 research to find that out! The jokes about it are enough.
When people called them out last year, will buxton defended them. Now maybe people can realize how idiotic it is to give such people a platform.
I just think people who don’t actually love and enjoy the sport and aren’t even passionate enough about it to understand its basics should not be such known figures in it.
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Incoming med-Ed rant:
Okay to preface, I generally like my classmates. I think we are all trying and I know that racism is really hard to combat and some of the more “casual” or implicit biases are trickier to even see in yourself. The student I’ll be calling out is usually a very kind and supportive person to all races and I think she legitimately didn’t realize this was kinda racist.
My class does well on exams compared to other cohorts. We are usually the top of all 6 campuses and about 4-5% higher than the school-wide average. This only comes out (typically) to 2 questions more than the average. This isn’t great discriminatory power- but it’s a trend.
I’m all for celebrating success, but today it got to the point where it felt more like pushing down the other cohorts/campuses rather than recognizing the factors that help us succeed. One thing I feel strongly: my success ideally should never come at the expense of another’s. There are times where success is based on comparison, but I want to see us ALL reach goals and do our best and learn etc etc. It is one reason I hate applications (eg the process of applying) so much- I don’t see myself as any more (OR LESS) worthy than anybody else.
Anyway my class was talking about how well we do in comparison and why other cohorts don’t match us? And so I reminded them of two things: one, my cohort studies a lot and it’s p/f so other cohorts may have different priorities, and two, we have ESL students. I know one in in a large city campus, pretty sure another is in another smaller campus, but I don’t know them all nor do I expect to. I just know they’re there.
Anyway after I mentioned ESL students, somebody then said “maybe in the larger campuses but not like, [smaller campuses].”
So ofc I said no, actually, I think there is an ESL student in [smaller campus].
Here is why I’m so annoyed by this: the implication when you don’t know the other campuses is that a smaller more rural campus couldn’t have an ESL student. 10% of the population in the area this campus serves is Spanish-speaking, idk what percent of that is Spanish primary but it’s a good amount that speaks Spanish. It just seems a little racist to assume that these people wouldn’t be going to our med school at all.
I get not knowing and expecting, given demographics, that it’s more likely to have ESL students in the “big city” cohorts. But don’t assume. “Do you know if there are ESL students in the smaller cohorts?” Is a more appropriate way of asking. Because it an ask, not an assumption. I joke that my assumptions are “usually correct,” but that’s because I DONT MAKE THEM. Statistics may tell us who is more or less likely to have a given characteristic, but it doesn’t tell us anything definitive about any single person or even sample. You can make a hypothesis, but the key to a hypothesis is that you stay entirely open to other ideas if the evidence fits.
Honestly, it’s more than just the language assumption made here, too. It’s the association of the marginally higher test scores with intrinsic factors and this kinda refusal to acknowledge that it doesn’t make us somehow “better.” The point of p/f is to give us room to make mistakes and use mistakes as learning tools, reduce the stress of comparison, reduce the stress of medical school in general… and to remind us that’s it’s okay to not be perfect right now. But my cohort‘s success so far- which I love for them in principle- seems to be inflating their ego.
I’d also like to say: I like that we are thinking about WHY we do better, and I think that even if it’s a marginal “better,” it’s a good idea for faculty who design curriculum to ask, is there a reason for this? Because if there is and it’s actionable, we could implement it on other campuses. Eg, if the adjusted slides our block lead makes really are more effective, then the entire school should get them. If we consistently, even if subtly, outperform with certain subjects, maybe our lecturer who gives those talks could record their lecture and that could be the basis for others, or the main points and pedagogy could help us teach our faculty to better teach. If it’s just something like we study more, meh, that’s also doesn’t matter. But I HIGHLY doubt our class is just blanketly like, more intelligent. 🙃
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amphitritebaby · 1 year
vicious by v e schwab review yippee!!! spoilers under the cut
not my first book of the year but i finished it like 20 mins ago so. :) huge rant incoming!
first off i was entertained so that means its already pretty good. second i Loved the stuff in the beginning, talking about them doing research, experimenting, stuff like that. i guess i was in the mood for dark academia lol. i did wish there was more of that though, i wanted more of the research, more of the actual experimenting with basically killing themselves and being brought back to life shit cause that was epic. i fucking love it when crazy people especially crazy academics get so obsessed with their work it drives them even more insane. big fan. also,,,,,, ok not to be fucking gay but i kinda wish there was more stuff about their relationship in the beginning? like i didnt need them to make about but the whole aspect of trusting each other to both kill them and bring them back to life.....knowing someone so well you know that they'll do literally any crazy ass idea you come up with.... literally being remade by another person... OUHG. and i do wish there was more of the religious aspect too.... like maybe more of eli's backstory? i know that it says it like once that he has scars from his religious father, but maybe it could have talked him about how that ties into him thinking its his purpose from god to kill other eos.... idk. oh yeah and maybe this is my fault but my idea of the book before i read it was that the kinda mystery of why vic and eli aren't friends any more but then it just kinda revealed it pretty early so i was a lil disappointed about that maybe the pacing was a bit weird? or maybe i was further along in the book than i thought oh well. but yeah i thought those bits were good. the stuff in the present wasn't as good in my opinion, like i liked sydney she was fun and all, and mitch was fine but he didn't feel all there or as 3 dimensional. and victor i guess i just couldn't tell what the reader was supposed to get out of him... like he would kill people and feel like no remorse and then like go be nice to sydney or whatever and usually that would work for me like aww soft murder dude love him but here it idk didn't work as well he kinda was just a dude. like ok you shot and killed and tortured a cop. whatevs i'd love to do that. also this is on me but for some reason i could only picture him as percy from the critical role show with a top hat so that made him way less menacing to me idk. thats my bad lmao. anyways i think it was definitely a solid book and from the other stuff ve schwab wrote i can for sure see how she's improved which is cool but yeah. i'd say a solid 3.75 stars out of 5 for me rant over now
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chappell-roans · 1 year
Sorry rant incoming but it makes sense to me low-key bc I think she's a performative activist. Like she doesn't actually give a shit about peoples struggles in any meaningful way which is why she made a hoopla about becoming political and then made cookies one time? Or something. If you refuse to be political on the basis imma side eye you but ok bc we shouldn't be looking to celebs for politics. she tries to court progressives without ever doing anything to alienate a conservative fanbase. I don't think she's spoken up about the drag ban when lizzo and Hayley kiyoko have bc I don't think she want to risk alienating that side of the fandom. I think if you asked her point blank her opinions on issues I think her answers would fall in line with a lot of her fanbases morals but I don't see her voluntarily actually making meaningful statements. The never being political thing isn't even accurate bc shes always been political, she spoke up about sexism all the time, the difference is she was advocating for for herself bc she was personally affected.
I don't think I'll ever forget how she decided to sue? Or take down an article pointing out her big white surp. Fanbase instead of just making a statement about.. not wanting white supremacist in her fanbase. It's one think to not denounce republicans and another if you won't even say I don't want proud boys to be my fans lol.
Like I get being non political or the fear of being political because your career would be impacted but not only has she risen above bein negatively impacted by speaking out (other smaller pop stars are doing it) there have been other country artists who have so much more to lose who have protested the ban why wearing drag in their concerts. If she had never "become political" maybe if be less annoyed more just side eye but she centered an entire comeback around supporting queer people (not well imo) and now barely speaks up about issues they face. She used it to rebrand but I dont see her rocking the boat to really denounce all the stuff going on rn drag etc. It's pretty easy to sum up the point in that she made two cottagecore albums and was at the top of that celeb jet list. It's all performative.
Idk I think Taylor's a nice person. I think she's talented and charming and funny and I'm not surprised she has so many people that like her because she does nice things for fans, and friends and is generous in her personal life it's just the nice is different than good. I don't actually care of she's dating him I would prefer her to just be honest and be like I don't give a fuck about being progressive enough to actually take personal risks.
I mean yeah I don’t have a lot to add here because I don’t think you’re wrong. I will say I wish she said more absolutely, but I just know it ain’t gonna be the case and my expectations for pop stars have adjusted dramatically. I definitely agree being nice is different than good and idk how exactly to define it. I will add that LGBT rights is one of the few things she’s been outspoken/clear on, even if it was to promote an album, she’s mentioned it pretty consistently since then. And she has dancers in drag with her on stage during this tour, nb/trans performers, lots of LGBT (or at least lesbian and bi, idk about nb/trans?) openers. Not saying it makes up for anything or trying to paint her as a saint. I don’t think she or anyone else is. But yeah idk. My feelings on her activism (and sometimes lack of it) are complicated.
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