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Àquele que é capaz de fazer infinitamente mais do que tudo o que pedimos ou pensamos, de acordo com o seu poder que atua em nós, a ele seja a glória na igreja e em Cristo Jesus, por todas as gerações, para todo o sempre! Amém!
Efésios 3: 20, 21
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Sé paciente.

#Siendo Luz#Frases Cristianas#Reflexiones Cristianas#Amor#Bendiciones#Mensajes de Fe#Promesas de Dios#La Bibilia#Dosis Diaria#Mi Versículo
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2 Wakorintho 5:21 Mungu alimfanya yeye ambaye hakujua dhambi, awe dhambi kwa ajili yetu ili ndani yake tupate kuwa haki ya Mungu.
Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could become right with God. — 2 Corinthians 5:21 | Neno: Bibilia Takatifu (SNT-Swahili) and New Century Version (NCV) Neno: Bibilia Takatifu Copyright © 1989 by Biblica and The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Cross References: Numbers 7:64; Isaiah 53:12; Jeremiah 33:16; Acts 3:14; Romans 1:17; Romans 3:21; Romans 3:25
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2 Corinthians 5:21 - Bible Verse Meaning and Commentary
#God#God's will#God's purpose#Jesus#sin#righteousness#substitution#in Christ#2 Corinthians 5:21#The Epistle of Second Corinthians#New Testament#SNT-Swahili#Neno: Bibilia Takatifu#NCV#New Century Version Bible#Biblica#Thomas Nelson Inc
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Sophia Bibilia headcanon next please please
Impromptu Sophina Bibilia Headcanon Dump Part 1
Gif credit to @fallinblossoms
Sophina Bibilia
Height: 5’6/168cm
Age: 24
Birthdate: April 2nd
Sign: Aries
Gender: Transgender MtF
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Disaster Bisexual
• Oh Sophina is so prim and proper, one who detests vulgarity and only ever enjoys the fine classics of literature and study… WRONG. My girl’s favorite type of literature is the most trashy, schlocky, cheesy and cliche of romantic fiction.
• Although, of course, that’s her dirty little secret, and she INTENDS to keep it a secret. Has a whole hidden alcove somewhere in her personal library that can only be accessed through the most complicated of locking spells. The room itself looks like the most girliest of girl bedrooms you’ve ever seen that have trashy romance novels and manga alike lined across the walls. Diaries included with her own personal fictional works.
• Occasionally she’ll stop by public libraries to do live readings for the children who want to attend.
• Will absolutely go to town on a nice sherbet. Absolutely clean that bowl/cup and do a proper little dab dab of her mouth with a napkin like she didn’t just eat it like a savage.
• Favorite drink is a nice floral tea or dessert wine.
• She’s often found working alongside Tsurara and Renatus the most(the latter much to her dismay), since their roles often cross over into each others territories. With Tsurara’s experiments and research and Renatus’ confiscation of illegal grimoires used to tamper with bodies, she’s often the one who oversees and collects such information.
• She absolutely hates working with Renatus, she cannot STAND him or his crudeness. And he is the only one who is able to get under her skin and break her professional attitude with his impropriety. Renatus thinks it’s funny every time to hear her swear and be contradictory to her reputation.
• In terms of closeness with her coworkers, she is closest with Tsurara, friendly with Agito, Orter and Rayne, neutral with Kaldo and Ryoh, and on negative terms with Renatus.
• Really really really wants to get a cat or similar feline familiar but doesn’t want her bookshelves to get scratched or covered with fur.
• She’s debated on asking Agito what pet he’d recommend for her lifestyle but she’s worried about her reputation if she’s found being “soft.”
• Tried forming a book reading club with the other Divine Visionaries. It went about as well as you’d expect(bad).
• Owns a variety of hair accessories. On holidays she’ll change her headband based on the theme of said holiday.
#sophina biblia#mashle#mashle magic and muscles#hope you enjoy anon *finger guns motion*#goldie answers#renatus revol#agito tyrone#tsurara halestone#kaldo gehenna#ryoh grantz#orter madl#mashle headcanons#anon#rayne ames
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Quiero compartir estos versículos de la Biblia con vos.
Lectura Publica de la Bibilia
3 Pues ni siquiera Cristo vivió para agradarse a sí mismo. Como dicen las Escrituras: «Los insultos de aquellos que te insultan, oh Dios, han caído sobre mí».
Romanos 15:3 NTV
6 Entonces todos ustedes podrán unirse en una sola voz para dar alabanza y gloria a Dios, el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Romanos 15:6 NTV
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-Nuevos ítems las frutillas y carne extra
-Modificar cosas del GDD y emperzar a organizar la bibilia del arte con todo el arte
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Renueva tu mente
Hace tiempo un maestro me dijo “para que darle tantas vueltas a las cosas si siempre terminas haciendo lo primero que pensaste”
Y creo que tenía mucha razón.
Además la mente tiene un poder que impresiona, especialmente con algunas personas.
Otro maestro me enseñó esta otra “ten cuidado con lo que pongas en tu mente porque te lo va a dar”.
Que todo pensamiento en tu mente pasé por la mirada de Jesús (Romanos 12:2)
Así que hay que buscar pensamientos correctos ¿pero como hacerle? Fácil, cada que tengas un pensamiento contrario a la palabra de Dios reemplázala con la verdad de la palabra. Cuando Jesús en el desierto él contrarrestó con las escrituras. ¡Ese es el poder!
A medida que tomes la palabra de Dios en ti y comiences a combatir las mentiras del enemigo, perderán su poder en ti. Entonces comenzarás a correr en el camino de la libertad, descubriendo la vida que Dios quiere para ti.
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Gracias por ser mi guía.

#Siendo Luz#Frases Cristianas#Reflexiones Cristianas#Amor#Bendiciones#Mensajes de Fe#Promesas de Dios#La Bibilia
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Deus é tão maravilhoso conosco que as vezes nós não sabemos nem como agradecer, as vezes somos até ingratos , humanos falhos que somos , mas em meio à tudo isso, as nossas fragilidades nossos medos , nossas dores ele permanece sendo ele! Sim ele permanece sendo Deus ele não nos retribuiu segundo os nosso pecados , mas sua infinita misericórdia que nos alcança a cada manhã , nos permite usufruir de tudo que ele é , Amor , perdão, bondade, compaixão. Que possamos aprender a ser melhor pra ele como ele é para nós, porque não seríamos nada se ele não decidisse que seríamos, é tudo dele por ele e para ele sempre e sempre!
Salmos 103:10-14
Não nos trata segundo os nossos pecados, nem nos retribui consoante as nossas iniquidades. Pois quanto o céu se alteia acima da terra, assim é grande a sua misericórdia para com os que o temem.
2º Timóteo 2:2
se somos infiéis, ele permanece fiel; porque não pode negar-se a si mesmo.
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Pues estoy a punto de hacer algo nuevo. ¡Mira, ya he comenzado! ¿No lo ves? Haré un camino a través del desierto; crearé ríos en la tierra árida y baldía.
Isaías 43:19 NTV
#Dios#tallerdesonrisas#no estoy solo#no estas solo#tengo a Dios#fe#fuerza#voluntad de Dios#motivación#citas en español#citas de amor#versículo#bibilia#religion#catolico#cristiano#amor a Dios#humildad#mejor amigo
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O Espírito Santo dá as coisas na hora certa. Tenha sede e não ansiedade.
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Ei... Deus tem uma promessa linda para ti ok? Apenas confia que Ele te abençoa! #fé #gratidao #deus #jesus #amor #pai #eternidade #Deusnocomando #deuscuraomundo #bibilia #reflitaantes https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgu3fzyMI29/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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No fuiste un error, fuiste creado con un propósito eterno. (Romanos 8:17)
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rettenetesen nevettem fel

a Bibliában hol van az leírva kedves katolikus felebarátaim (testvéreim az Úrban, kvázi), hogy ujjatlan pólóban nem léphetek be a templomba?
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The Fruit of the Spirit - Matunda ya Roho (KISWAHILI: Tafsiri ya Kusoma-Kwa-Urahisi Bibilia NT)
The Fruit of the Spirit – Matunda ya Roho (KISWAHILI: Tafsiri ya Kusoma-Kwa-Urahisi Bibilia NT)
KISWAHILI: Tafsiri ya Kusoma-Kwa-Urahisi Bibilia NT Galatians (Wagalatia) 5:22-23 22 Lakini tunda linalozaliwa na Roho katika maisha ya mtu ni upendo, furaha, amani, uvumilivu, wema, fadhili, uaminifu, 23 upole, na kiasi. Hakuna sheria juu ya mambo kama haya.

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