cubojorbr · 16 days
Longa 'Betânia' é selecionado para o Festival do Rio
Longa maranhense promete levar o Bumba Meu Boi para o tapete vermelho
O longa “Betânia”, escrito e dirigido por Marcelo Botta, está confirmado no 26º Festival do Rio, que acontece de 3 a 13 de outubro de 2024. A produção, rodada nos Lençóis Maranhenses, compete na mostra Première Brasil. A categoria promove sessões e debates abertos ao público, ingressos a preços populares, além de sessões de gala para convidados e público. Realizado no Maranhão, a narrativa de…
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gossipgirrl · 1 year
As oportunidades são para candidatos de nível superior; confira os detalhes Concursos › Notícias › Nordeste EDITAL DE ABERTURA Nº 001/2023 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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euoce4no · 26 days
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João 12:3
“e não importa o preço do perfume derramado, Sua presença vale mais”.
Que nada seja mais valioso do que está em Teus pés, meu Amado. Este é o meu lugar, aos Teus pés, com os olhos fixos em Ti, me entregando e derramando tudo que tenho e sou.
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desertoparticular · 1 year
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Divas brasileiras!
Instagram: @mariabethaniafas
"Algumas coisas nunca mudam
💟 📷 1: Maria Bethânia e Alcione em 1978 posando com o disco de Chico Buarque autor de "O meu amor" que as cantoras gravaram para o disco Álibi de Bethânia naquele mesmo ano. 📷 2: Mais de quarenta anos depois as amigas posando juntas para foto no Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro onde aconteceu o 30° Prêmio da Música Brasileira que teve a Marrom como homenageada desta e edição e contou com uma apresentação luxuosa de Bethânia com a cantora Glória Groove onde cantaram "O meu amor".:
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ch4teaulobbyno4 · 2 months
moodboards for my ocs • betânia de serafim
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ofertasnaweb · 1 year
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portalnaynneto · 2 years
Homem é detido com veículo clonado no Sertão de PE
Na tarde desta quarta-feira (22), por volta das 14h23, um homem foi detido com um veículo clonado em Betânia, no Sertão de Pernambuco. De acordo com informações, Policiais Militares do 14º BPM durante patrulhamento receberam informações que o veículo FIAT STRADA, cor preta, era clonado e que o veículo verdadeiro estava em Ilicínea-MG. Imagem Ilustrativa Através de vídeo chamada, o proprietário…
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falangesdovento · 2 years
Pequeno e breve texto deste belíssimo
poema declamado por Marria Betânia...
Apesar das ruínas e da morte,
Onde sempre acabou cada ilusão,
A força dos meus sonhos é tão forte,
Que de tudo renasce a exaltação
E nunca as minhas mãos estão vazias.
Gosto dos venenos mais lentos, das bebidas mais amargas, das drogas mais poderosas, das idéias mais insanas, dos pensamentos mais complexos, dos sentimentos mais fortes… tenho um apetite voraz e os delírios mais loucos.
Você pode até me empurrar de um penhasco que eu vou dizer:
- E daí? Eu adoro voar! (Bruna Lombardi)
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How Brazil's Evangelical Surge Threatens Survival Of Native Afro-Brazilian Faith
Followers of the Afro-Brazilian Umbanda religion in four traditional communities in the country’s northeast are resisting pressure to convert to evangelical Christianity.
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Among a host of images of saints and Afro-Brazilian divinities known as orixás, Abel José, 42, an Umbanda priest, lights some candles, picks up his protective beads and adjusts the straw hat that sits atop his head. He is preparing to treat four people from neighboring villages who have come to his house in search of spiritual help and treatment for health ailments.
The meeting takes place discreetly, in a small room that has been built in the back of the garage of his house. Abel lives in the quilombo of Sítio Bredos, home to 135 families. The community, located in the municipality of Betânia of Brazil’s northeastern state of Pernambuco, is one of the municipality’s four remaining communities that have been certified as quilombos, the word used to refer to communities formed in the colonial era by enslaved Africans and/or their descendents.
In these villages there are almost no residents who still follow traditional Afro-Brazilian religions. Abel, Seu Joaquim Firmo and Dona Maura Maria da Silva are the sole remaining followers of Umbanda in the communities in which they live. A wave of evangelical missionary activity has taken hold of Betânia’s quilombos ever since the first evangelical church belonging to the Assembleia de Deus group was built in the quilombo of Bredos around 20 years ago. Since then, other evangelical, pentecostal, and neo-pentecostal churches and congregations have established themselves in the area. Today there are now nine temples spread among the four communities, home to roughly 900 families.
The temples belong to the Assembleia de Deus, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the World Church of God's Power, the latter of which has over 6,000 temples spread across Brazil and was founded by the apostle and televangelist Valdemiro Santiago, who became infamous during the pandemic for trying to sell beans that he had blessed as a Covid-19 cure. Assembleia de Deus alone, who are the largest pentecostal denomination in the world, have built five churches in Betânia’s quilombos.
Continue reading.
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geisterland · 5 months
I read your post about your Brazil headcanons and some critiques on popular fandom tropes, and while I don’t have a personality set out for Brazil yet, as I haven’t gotten much chance to write her, I do have a little sheet with some more basic headcanons that I wanted to share with you
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Woah, dude, this is so awesome!!!
You really did you research, especially on the languages part - Really liked seeing Talian specifically, such a nice surprise! :D Outside of Brazil no one really talks about the Italian-Brazilians. The German dialect thing is really awesome too (<- extremely biased), I always did imagine her speaking with a hunsrückisch dialect and adapting as it was fit to the different regions here in the South (and Germany too, lol). Plus researching about the Tupi linguistical tree, so cool! :D
The family parts are really interesting as well, kinda makes me wonder why specifically you put certain states on siblings and others on children, but that's just me being curious lol! At first I thought it was because of the Captaincies but it's probably the territorial progression from there to now-
Also Betânia!!! Love that name! :DDD I think you really nailed a name which would've been more popular by the time she was born!
All of this is so interesting, I got really happy when you sent this to me ^^
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raissaas · 1 year
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Céu das 17:00
📍Granjas Betânia
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cubojorbr · 2 months
'Betânia' é premiado em Festival da Ásia
Longa maranhense de Marcelo Botta ganha prêmio New Hope, no Malaysia International Film Festival em Kuala Lumpur
Longa maranhense de Marcelo Botta ganha prêmio New Hope, no Malaysia International Film Festival em Kuala Lumpur No último fim de semana de julho, o longa BETÂNIA, escrito e dirigido por Marcelo Botta, saiu vitorioso do Malaysia International  Film Festival (MIFFest) com o troféu New Hope. A premiação é dedicada a filmes que trazem alento e mensagens humanitárias em tempos de crise. A produção…
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marlesbian · 2 years
How i perceive Mary Mcdonald
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Maria Rita Moreira McDonald 
she/her (either cis or trans idc) 
born on august 8th, 1960 
Brazilian and Black
Bisexual and Demiromantic 
Life, family
Both her parents are brazilian, her mother is from Salvador and her dad is from Amazonas. The family lived in Salvador until Mary was 4 then they moved to São Paulo because of her dad’s job. The family left Br for exile in the UK, since her father was an activist and journalist and her mother a musician during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) and both were being persecuted by the government. They left in 1969. Since her family was being persecuted the family changed their last name to Mcdonald and made all their names 'british' and easier to pronounce.
She is, of course, fluent in Portuguese and anytime she was mad she swore in front of the entire school because nobody understood. She also called her friends many pet names in Portuguese.
She plays football and loves watching it, it's her favorite sport. She is very very proud of the TRI (at the time) and fights Marlene about football all the time.
She loves Brazilian music and is actually a very good singer. her favorite artists are Gal Costa, Maria Betânia, Gilberto Gil, Elis Regina, and Belchior. She plays cavaquinho and guitar.
She can't samba, she only dances funk and learned to dance forró because her dad taught her.
She has an older sister (4 years older) and two younger sisters (2 and 5 years apart)
Her favorite food is, of course, bahian cousine, especially the Caruru (as in the event) Her favorite holiday is the day of São Cosme e Damião (September 27th), because it’s celebrated with the Caruru de Cosme. it’s very traditional for the people in her hometown (Salvador) to make a huge party on this day, her grandmother always made a feast where she fed the poorest children in their neighborhood, and every child left the party full of candy and sweets. The feast consists of all the traditional baiana foods, so vatapá, caruru, acarajé, fried plantains, cabbage and crab fritada, farofa de dendê, and rice. It's one of her favorite days of the year and she always wanted to spend it with her family (though for seven years she didn't). But, in her 6th and 7th years, she gave all the first and 2nd years lots of candy on this day to honor her culture.
Her comfort food was brigadeiro, she always made it when she felt sad or she missed home. she also brought to her friends the tradition of eating brigadeiro and gossiping on a sleepover, which made her feel at home.
In their first year, she promoted a football game at Hogwarts between the first years so everyone could get to know each other, the muggle borns teaching the purebloods, it was so much fun.
She cries every time she listens to "Como nossos pais” (Elis Regina version)
She only realized she had a crush on Marlene after marls started dating Dorcas.  She and Marlene never really worked out, they never got the timing right, and they died loving each other wondering what could have been
She missed drinking green coconut at the beach and banho de lua
Emmeline Vance was the love of her life
She moved back to Brazil after the first wizarding war
How i perceive her:
Physical appearence:
Black (light skin) midsize, kinda short around 1,60m.
Her hair was very curly and soft, she usually kept it kinda long and she usually wore it natural or with braids She had a belly button piercing
She never really cared abt what ppl said about her hair, she was always styling it differently, using flowers, gemstones, elastics, and all kinds of things to decorate it.
She is very feminine, very stereotypical girly girl that loves makeup, pink, skirts, dresses, jewelry and every traditional girly thing very afropaty (as we call in Brazil). She loved flowers and a red lipstick that she wore all the time. She just exubes feminine energy.
Color palette: bright happy colors, such as yellow, red, orange and pink.
She loved thigh-high boots and bell bottoms
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Her favorite season is summer and she loves the sea. She feels a profound connection to Yemanjá and she always skips the first wave when she goes in the water. On February 2nd she always tried going to the beach to leave Yemanjá oferendas, like roses and soap (she wasn't very religious but this was just in her blood). She found UKs water extremely cold and uncomfortable but got used to it after a while.
She loved to dance. Mary so sweet and strong, she was fierce and always spoke her mind, nobody made a fool of her
Mary was the friend everyone came to for advice, she was a great listener but also loved talking. She was an open book and very extroverted, loved being around people and parties and crowded places. She loved drinking ice-cold beer in the summer. 
Mary was warm and loved hugging people. Her love language was touch and acts of service. She always invited the girls to stay at her house in the summer.
She was a very talented witch, her favorite subject was transfiguration and divination, she loved the mysteries of the world.
She was an artist.
She did not take anybody's shit, (não comia reg de ninguém)
she had a very easy time making new friends and was very social
Her patronous was a jaguar (onça pintada)
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espiritismo · 4 months
"Disse-lhe Jesus: Teu irmão há de ressuscitar." - (JOÃO, 11:23.)
Há muitos séculos, as escolas religiosas do Cristianismo revestiram o fenômeno da morte de paisagens deprimentes.
Padres que assumem atitudes hieráticas, ministros que comentam as flagelações do inferno, catafalcos negros e panos de luto. Que poderia criar tudo isso senão o pavor instintivo e o constrangimento obrigatório?
Ninguém nega o sofrimento da separação, espírito algum se furtará ao plantio da saudade no jardim interior. O próprio Cristo emocionou-se junto ao sepulcro de Lázaro. Entretanto, a comoção do Celeste Amigo edificava-se na esperança, acordando a fé viva nos companheiros que o ouviam. A promessa dEle, ao carinho fraternal de Marta, é bastante significativa.
"Teu irmão há de ressuscitar" - asseverou o Mestre. Daí a instantes, Lázaro era restituído à experiência terrestre, surpreendendo os observadores do inesperado acontecimento. Gesto que se transformou em vigoroso símbolo, sabemos hoje que o Senhor nos reergue, em toda parte, nas esferas variadas da vida. Há ressurreição vitoriosa e sublime nas zonas carnais e nos círculos diferentes que se dilatam ao infinito.
O espírito mais ensombrado no sepulcro do mal e o coração mais duro são arrancados das trevas psíquicas para a luz da vida eterna. O Senhor não se sensibilizou tão-somente por Lázaro. Amigo Divino, a sua mão carinhosa se estende a nós todos.
Reponhamos a morte em seu lugar de processo renovador e enchei-vos de confiança no futuro, multiplicando as sementeiras de afeições e serviços santificantes.
Quando perderdes temporariamente a companhia direta de um ente amado, recordai as palavras do Cristo; aquela reduzida família de Betânia é a miniatura da imensa família da Humanidade.
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joseane-assis · 8 months
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💡Cristo, amigo das famílias
📖 Jesus amava Marta, a irmã dela e Lázaro. [João 11:5]
Jesus ama as famílias! Ele se importa com cada um dos seus familiares e deseja que a sua casa tenha as portas sempre abertas para O receber com amor! O Senhor deseja fazer parte dos nossos lares, ser acolhido com amor, louvor e adoração.
O versículo de hoje nos afirma que Jesus amava uma pequena família de Betânia composta por 3 irmãos: Marta Maria e Lázaro. Esses irmãos serviam com afeto e hospitalidade a Jesus e aos seus discípulos, sempre que passavam por aquela região, os recebendo em sua casa com carinho. Marta era excelente em servir, Maria, fervorosa adoradora, e Lázaro, acolhia com prontidão.
Quando essa família enfrentou um terrível momento com a doença e morte de Lázaro, Jesus foi ao seu encontro. Ele consolou o coração das irmãs e fez algo que era impossível aos homens, trazendo Lázaro de volta a vida! E assim também Ele pode fazer na sua família.
Jesus é a ressurreição e a vida, Ele pode dar vida ao seu casamento destroçado, pode libertar os aprisionados em vícios, pode restaurar relacionamentos quebrados, pode curar as dores da alma, pode carregar o seu fardo pesado e árduo de carregar. Confie no Senhor, nem tudo está perdido!
▪️Convide Cristo para o seu lar. A família foi instituída por Deus, desde o princípio da criação. Ela é o berço do amor, fé, amizade e consagração que Cristo deseja desenvolver em cada um dos seus.
▪️Não desista de clamar pela sua família. Ore com seus familiares e busque ao Senhor pelos que estão longe do Senhor.
▪️Deus pode todas as coisas. Ele não desistiu da sua família. Por mais que a situação seja difícil, coloque tudo em suas poderosas mãos.
▪️Construa valores bíblicos dentro de sua casa. Leia a Bíblia coma família, estudem, cantem louvores e façam oração juntos. Essas práticas produzirão frutos espirituais na vida de todos.
🙏Para Orar:
Pai celestial, é maravilhoso saber que o Senhor se importa com cada familiar, com todos os entes queridos que nos cercam. Obrigado, Jesus, porque cuidas de todos: dos pais, dos filhos, cônjuges, irmãos, avós, netos, tios, etc., com teu amor e graça.
Renova os relacionamentos abalados, transforma os corações feridos, liberta os cativos e salva aqueles que estão longe dos teus caminhos. Visita a cada um e ajuda nas suas necessidades, Pai de amor.
Que a Tua Palavra nos guie até à tua presença e que Tu encontres sempre morada em nossa casa, tal como nos corações de todos.
Fica conosco, Senhor, e faz o que ninguém mais pode fazer! Nós cremos no teu amor e no teu poder!
Em nome de Jesus oramos e agradecemos! Amém.
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ofertasnaweb · 2 years
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