#Bestseller in Tower Cranes
acecranesindia · 11 months
We're thrilled to announce that ACE has been awarded three prestigious awards at the 09th India Construction Festival 2023: 1️⃣ Bestseller in Tower Cranes 2️⃣ Bestseller in Mobile Cranes 3️⃣ Top Challengers of 2022-23 These accolades are a testament of our commitment to excellence in the construction industry. Thank you for your continued support! Let's keep reaching new heights together!
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clacefe · 3 years
Bloodlines -- Chapter ⅷ
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x OFC
Summary: In this story, Emelia Clermont received her Hogwarts letter at the end of the fifth month of 1991. Read how she embarks on her Hogwarts journey with friends, enemies and maybe someone who’s more than just a friend.
Hogwarts year: 2
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Emelia and her sister Tina exited Gringotts after withdrawing some money and were met with a group of redheads.
"Emelia!" Hermione yelled gleefully.
She embraced the young witch all of a sudden and Emelia froze, her arms hanging limply at her sides.
"It's good to see you again." Hermione eyed Emelia. "Did you get taller over the summer?"
Emelia laughed nervously before answering, "I guess so."
It was then that Harry approached them with a grumbling Ron trailing after him.
"Hello, Emelia," Harry grinned. "Who's with you?"
The witch pointed at the blonde that had been standing awkwardly at her side. "This is Tina. My sister."
The Muggle smiled and gave a small wave at the friends of her sister.
"Oh, Ron! Is this another friend that we don't know about?"
A plump redheaded woman approached them with a cluster of redheads following.
"No, mum. This is Emelia."
The woman smiled warmly at her. "It's nice to meet you, dear. Ron's told me about you."
Emelia nodded and looked at her sister, "I still need my books, Tina."
"You're going to Flourish and Blotts?" Hermione asked. "We were about to go there, too."
"Great!" Tina interrupted them. "We can all go together then." The blonde gave a pointed look at her sister.
It'd been the first time Emelia really had some friends, and Tina wanted nothing more for her little sister than that.
"Isn't it thrilling? Gilderoy Lockhart's going to be there! We can actually meet him! I mean, he's written almost the whole booklist!" Hermione's smile was as wide as it could get.
Emelia and the others threaded their way through a chattering throng of middle-aged ladies, all craning their necks for a view of Lockhart –A golden-haired wizard--, who sat signing books at the rear of the shop.
At the sight of him, Mrs Weasley patted her hair.
"There he is!" she gushed.
"Mum fancies him," Ron explained.
For that, Mrs Weasley gave Ron a jab in the shoulder. A short man with a camera bumped past.
"Out of the way! This is for The Daily Prophet!"
Instantly, Lockhart looked up and flashed a smile until he noticed Harry.
"It can't be Harry Potter?"
The crowd whispered excitedly as Lockhart dove forward, seized Harry's hand and turned him towards the photographer.
Emelia watched as the wizard mumbled something to Harry before the camera flashed.
"Ladies and gentlemen! What an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me –which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet's Bestseller List—he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works! Free of charge!"
As the crowd clapped, Lockhart caught the eye of a flunky and, before Harry knew it, a towering stack of books was shoved into his arms.
With a mortified look on his face, Harry mumbled, "Thank you."
Slipping free, Harry drifted back into the crowd and, red with embarrassment, dropped the books into Ginny's cauldron.
"You have these. I'll buy my own."
Draco suddenly appeared, sneering at everyone and everything that came into his path. "Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."
"Leave him alone!" Ginny defended Harry. "He didn't want all that!"
"Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!"
A tall man with long, platinum blonde hair appeared behind Draco. "Silence, Draco! Ah... Mr Potter. I don't believe we've met."
He extended his hand, as if offering to shake Harry's, but instead gently played his fingers over the fringe of Harry's scalp, revealing Harry's lightning bolt scar. At his touch, Harry withdrew ever so slightly.
"Forgive me, Mr Potter. But your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."
"He was a murderer." Harry glared at the man.
"Yes, a pity about your parents. Curious that you yourself should escape with a mere flesh wound. Curious, too, that you speak of him in the past. Surely, you don't think He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is gone forever."
"His name is Voldemort."
Those within earshot gasped as Harry uttered the word.
"You must be very brave, Mr Potter, to dare speak his name. Or foolish."
"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."
Lucius Malfoy's eyes slid and found Emelia staring defiantly.
"You must be Miss Clermont. You are in Slytherin, correct? Draco's told me all about you... And your parents. Muggles."
Lucius could barely disguise his distaste for them.
"A Muggleborn in Slytherin. How..." he seemed to be looking for the right word. "Curious."
It was then that Tina stepped forward and pushed Emelia behind her. Her blue eyes were spitting fire at Lucius.
If Tina was a witch, she would've definitely been sorted into Gryffindor.
"I would appreciate it if you'd leave my family out of it," after a withering glare from Lucius, Tina added, "Sir."
Arthur Weasley hurried over.
"Ron! Harry! It's mad in here. Let's go outside."
"Well, well, well. Arthur Weasley."
"Lucius," Arthur answered stiffly.
"Busy time at the Ministry. All those raids. I hope they're paying you overtime."
Malfoy reached into Ginny's cauldron and removed a very old, battered copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration.
"Obviously not. Dear me. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it."
"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of a wizard, Lucius."
Malfoy glanced at Emelia. "Clearly. The company you keep, Weasley. And I thought your family could sink no lower."
Mr Weasley moved to hit Lucius Malfoy. Hagrid suddenly stepped forward and put a firm hand on Mr Weasley's shoulder.
"Ignore 'im, Arthur."
Mr Weasley backed away. Lucius tossed Ginny's battered textbook back into her cauldron.
"Here, girl. Take your book. It's the best your father can give you."
Lucius and Draco exited. Hagrid looked at the Weasleys.
"No Malfoy's worth listenin' ter. Rotten ter the core, the whole family..."
Emelia pushed her large trolley and ran through the wall to get to the platform. Unlike the year before, her parents had come with her to King's Cross. She'd hugged them goodbye before she crossed the barrier.
The scarlet train stood once again before her, and Emelia went searching for any of her friends.
As she'd entered the train, she saw Hermione in the corridor.
"Where are Harry and Ron?"
With a panicked look on her face, Hermione answered, "I have no idea. But the train's leaving any minute now!"
"Let's find a compartment, then. They'll show up one way or another."
Hermione nodded and a few compartments later, they found Ginny sitting with Fred and George.
Hermione slid the door open and sat beside Ginny.
"Well, well, well," one of the twins started. Emelia had no idea who spoke out of the two twins. "Did ickle Ronnykins leave the two dames in distress?"
Emelia rolled her eyes and sat down across from a dark-skinned Gryffindor, who introduced himself as Lee Jordan.
Hermione huffed, "We haven't seen them yet."
"They're probably looting the trolley again," Emelia said.
The first class Emelia had was with —surprise, surprise— Gryffindor. She felt drops of sweat glide down her back from the humid surroundings of the greenhouse.
Professor Spout, a squat little witch, tapped her wand on a stack of pots.
"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Today, we will be re-potting Mandrakes. Now, who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake?"
Hermione's hand shot up in the air. "Yes, Miss Granger."
"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been transfigured to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."
"Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor. As out Mandrakes are only seedlings, their cries won't kill yet. However, they will knock you out for several hours. That is why I have provided each of you with a pair of earmuffs. If you would then..."
Harry and Ron had arrived late to the Welcoming Feast with Mr Weasley's Ford Angela after missing the train.
And now, the Weasley held a bright pink fluffy pair of earmuffs, which made Emelia laugh. He glared at her in response.
When the class was ready, Professor Sprout led them to the garden area. She grasped one of the tufty plants before her and pulled. Emelia gasped. Instead of roots, a small, muddy, extremely ugly baby popped out of the earth with leaves growing right out of its head.
Longbottom's eyes rolled back and he fainted.
Professor Sprout plunged the bawling creature deep into a pot, removed her earmuffs and the others followed suit. Everyone save Neville, who lied stretched on the ground.
"Hm. Looks as though Mr Longbottom neglected his muffs."
"No, ma'am," Finnegan said. "He's just fainted."
"Very well. We'll just leave him then. Come now. Four to a tray, plenty of pots to go round."
Emelia was peacefully eating her lunch when suddenly a voice began screaming. She looked over at the Gryffindor table and laughed at the sight. Ron Weasley, as pale as a ghost, looked mortified as a red envelope screamed at him.
"Ronald Weasley! How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father's now facing an inquiry at work and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home!"
The letter's voice suddenly softened, "Oh, and Ginny dear. Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud."
Ginny, who was sitting a bit apart from the others, looked up shyly and then returned to the small black book she was scribbling in.
The envelope ripped itself to pieces, and then howls of laughter surrounded her.
Gilderoy Lockhart paced before the class. It seemed that Hermione and every other girl but Emelia were hanging on his every word, while the brunette eyed the large, covered, rattling cage on his desk.
"Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award. But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!"
Lockhart awaited laughter. A few students smiled weakly while Emelia cringed.
"I see you've all bought a complete set of my books. Well done. I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about. Just to check how well you've read them; how much you've taken in..."
Lockhart began to circulate papers. Emelia examined the questions and frowned at the idiocy of it.
What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite colour?
What is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?
When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what would his ideal gift be?
She groaned silently. Not another incapable Defence teacher, please.
"You have thirty minutes. Start now!"
Emelia filled in the blanks with absolute nonsense that rivalled the questions.
After a while, he collected the papers and started to rifle through them.
"Tut, tut. Hardly any of you remembered my favourite colour is lilac. But Miss Hermione Granger knew that my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl."
Hermione beamed and Emelia raised an eyebrow towards the girl. She really did know everything.
Lockhart's expression suddenly darkened.
"Now... Be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourself facing your own worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here..."
With a showman's flair, Lockhart turned slowly to the cage.
"I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them."
A pale Neville drew back. Emelia leaned forward. Lockhart let the tension build and then whipped off the cover. Inside the cage were several electric blue creatures. Eight inches tall, with pointed faces and wings, they rattled the bars and pulled bizarre faces at the students.
"Cornish Pixies?" Seamus asked, perplexed.
"Freshly caught Cornish pixies," Lockhart corrected.
Unable to control himself, Seamus snorted with laughter.
"Laugh if you will, Mr Finnegan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them now!"
Lockhart flung open the cage. Instantly, the pixies rocketed about, spraying the students with ink bottles, breaking beakers and shredding books. Two seized Neville by the ears and lifted him into the air.
"Come on now, round them up, round them up. They're only pixies."
Lockhart brandished his wand, "Peskipiski Pesternomi!"
The spell had absolutely no effect. A particularly obnoxious pixie made a face, seized Lockhart's wand and tossed it out the window. Lockhart joined the stampede to the door.
"I'll ask you four to just nip the rest of them back into their cage."
With a slam of the door, he's gone. Emelia and the Gryffindors stood blinking. Ron swatted a pixie gnawing at his ear.
"What do we do now?"
Hermione raised her wand, "Immobilus!"
The pixies froze in mid-air. Neville fell, plopped onto Lockhart's desk, shaken but unhurt.
He looked at Hermione. "Why is it always me?"
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xnxadultstore · 4 years
Adult Coloring Books for Men
I used to be attempting to determine an excellent reward for my dad who’s beginning to have indicators of Alzheimer’s for  Christmas and remembered that since he was a child, he beloved to design and paint giant mannequin airplanes… so why not coloring books for males? But in fact, he most likely wasn’t going to benefit from the flowery, tangled kind that I like so I began my search for Coloring Books for Grownup Guys.
Men’s Coloring Books for All Occasions
Intricate Ink Animals in Detail Volume three by Tim Jeffs
Son of a Mother Trucker
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A Manly Adult Coloring Book: Dad Life: Clean Dad Swears & Old Coot-isms: A Unique & Funny Antistress Coloring Gift for Men
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One of the most well-liked books for males in our coloring group proper now could be the most recent one from Kerby Rosanes World inside Worlds.
World Within Worlds
I personally personal this pretty e-book and the largest downside is deciding which cool image to paint first. Paper high quality is nice too.
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Dad & Me Coloring Book
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I obtained a replica of this lovely e-book and was very impressed with each the illustrations, the standard however principally with the distinctive concept of the softer aspect of fatherhood being present and celebrated all through the e-book. The pages are perforated and TOP sure so it’s great for lefties in addition to those that need to show their creations after you shade them in.
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The Men’s Coloring Book by Nathaniel Wake
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Nathaniel says it’s a Manly Mans Adult Coloring Book with Cyborg Women, Military Machines, Futuristic Battles, Western Armory, Fish Illustrations and Cars… nonetheless I completely beloved this e-book so that you might need to struggle your feminine vital different for among the illustrations on this e-book.
 Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada 
Mythomorphia: An Extreme Coloring and Search Challenge by Kerby Rosanes
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Click to Order on Amazon:  US     UK     Canada    or   Book Depository
An wonderful coloring e-book for adults that includes the super-detailed animal pictures from artist Kerby Rosanes. Known for his common Sketchy Stories weblog, Kerby works in intricately detailed black and white line to create creatures, characters, patterns, and tiny components to type compositions of mind-boggling complexity. Bring your creativity to finish the breath-taking drawings and discover hidden treasures and creatures scattered all through its pages
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Imagimorphia Coloring Book by Kerby Rosanes
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Fans of grownup coloring books are invited to enter the extraordinary world of Kerby Rosanes, the illustrator behind the Sketchy Stories weblog and Animorphia, the worldwide phenomenon and New York Times bestseller. In Imagimorphia, animals, and objects morph and explode into astounding element. Bring every intricate picture to life with shade and discover the objects hidden all through the e-book.
Printed on high quality paper, Imagimorphia is a unusual coloring and search e-book for followers of grownup coloring books like no different.
Dad Life – A Manly Adult Coloring Book
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Color in humorous issues that EVERYONE’s Dad says to them.
 Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada 
ColorArt Coloring Book – Real Men Color
This e-book is spiral sure eight half x 11 pages with over 100 pictures to paint in.
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The Art of the Cigar: Vintage Labels Coloring Book
Based on the attractive lithographs of cigar field labels from years passed by. Each of the 40 gorgeous labels is pre-1920 with elegant designs that wrap you within the nostalgia of an age when life was less complicated and folks knew easy methods to benefit from the second. The pages on this e-book are one-sided professionally printed by Vintage Pen Press.
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Oldtimer Grayscale Adult Coloring Book for Men
This e-book contains 43 Oldtimer Images of Vintage Rustic Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Tools, Motorcycles and different Things for Men to Color. Creator Timothy Parks has his pictures printed on eight half x 11 paper printed solely on one aspect. He has penned a couple of different coloring books with related themes however this one has the most effective opinions.
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Die Hard Coloring Book
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If you reside in a home the place Die Hard IS a Christmas film custom, then this coloring e-book is for you. All your favourite scenes and quotes are on this official Die Hard coloring and exercise e-book. This coloring e-book from Harper Design is superb high quality. I obtained a pattern of it from the writer and it’s Coloring Book Addict accepted!
Hans Gruber and his posse crash the Christmas social gathering at Nakatomi and take the tower hostage;John McClane’s limo trip with Argyle;The tension-filled crawl via the constructing vents;John’s morbid message supply to Hans (written on the corpse of one in every of Hans’ males);The well-known bloody footprints;And in fact, John leaping off the Nakatomi tower.
The Book of Beasts
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A buddy of mine in Scotland (Kemberlee) ordered this e-book within the UK and he or she couldn’t cease gushing about how fabulous it was. It’s obtained a hardcover with fabulous paper and wonderful illustrations of Dragons of all kinds. Filled with legendary monsters from around the globe, The Book of Beasts will take younger readers on an epic coloring quest via historical lands and lore. As they fill within the pages, kids will encounter creatures from Aboriginal, African, Mesoamerican, Greek, Roman, Indian, Norse, Chinese, and Japanese tales. On the again of every web page, children will discover background on the beasts within the e-book.
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Full Metal Coloring – A Book of Down Range Reflection
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Along with the pages to paint, you’ll discover some historic background of the firearms and weapons on every of the pages which had been written by a aggressive shooter and veteran who can be the artist. I’ve a replica of this e-book from the artist and have gifted it to the gun fanatic in my life. Its unique artwork on respectable paper. As at all times use a sheet between your pages to keep away from bleed-through and stress marks.
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Bennett Klein’s model is very detailed tattoo inked line artwork. 
Colour my Sketchbook – DRAGONS by Bennett Klein
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The coloured in dragons on this cowl had been executed by members of his Facebook web page linked right here.
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This is simply one of many Bennett Klein Books, discover the remainder right here. 
Tattoo Art Coloring Books for Men
The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete
I obtained this e-book from the writer and was fairly happy with the number of pictures contained inside. There is so much to select from however most do have a Hispanic, Chicano, Mexican taste to them. There are a lot of the Virgin Mary in addition to Sugar Skulls which make sense culturally. There’s even a sugar cranium Virgin Mary to paint in. As a colorist, most weren’t tremendous detailed so when you choose that kind of coloring e-book this one most likely received’t be your cup of tea, however when you like so as to add your personal patterning or are studying and working towards shading and contouring this e-book is ideal.
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Kitchen Overlord’s Colorable Compendium of Geek History: An Adult Coloring Book and Companion to the Illustrated Geek Cookbook
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I haven’t seen this one in particular person, however its on my record and from the opinions, it seems enjoyable. “The creators of Kitchen Overlord’s Illustrated Geek Cookbook invite you to paint together with 120 years of geek historical past!
Start with H.G. Wells Time Machine in 1885 and produce the black and white pages to life because the world grows geekier with each decade.
See Cthulhu rise in 1928, shade Captain America in 1941, depart the Shire for Mordor in 1954, boldly go on a 5 12 months mission beginning in 1966, lastly be taught what “inconceivable” means in 1973, struggle Zuul and Gozer in 1984, assist the Scooby gang shield Sunnydale in 1997, turn into a Big Damn Hero in 2002, and assist Ichabod Crane turn into a contemporary man in 2012.
You recover from 50 enjoyable illustrations representing your favourite books, comics, motion pictures, TV, and video games – organized chronologically so you possibly can see how geekdom has developed over greater than a century.” Click to order AMAZON US AMAZON UK AMAZON CANADA BOOK DEPOSITORY
Guys have a tendency to like Science Fiction so most of the books on my nerds and geeks web page would possibly work for the boys in your record too!
Military Coloring Books for Men
The very first thing to do is work out hobbies and issues that the person in your life is into.. my dad loves airplanes and was within the USAF in order that was my first search. I discovered these two: Airplanes of the Second World War and Jet Fighters. Both are Dover Coloring Books so the worth level is correct, underneath $5.
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If you want freebies take a look at the free coloring web page and e-book excepts from Dover too.
Other Military Coloring Books for Men embody:
Many of those navy books additionally work in case your man is a historical past buff.
American Muscle Cars Coloring Books for Men
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Expertly rendered illustrations of quick, flashy, and highly effective sports activities vehicles, amongst them the 1962 Ford Thunderbird, 1964 Corvette Stingray, 1968 Chevy Impala SS427, 1969 Camaro Z-28, 1970 Ford Torino Fastback, 1971 Mustang Boss 351, 1974 Firebird Trans-Am, and 37 others. For coloring e-book lovers and “muscle car” followers. Click right here to Order American Muscle Cars Coloring Book There’s additionally Classic Cars of the 50’s Coloring Book Luxury Cars Coloring Book Sports Cars Coloring Book & History of Trucks
Motorcycles Coloring Book – This assortment chronicles over 100 years of bike historical past with illustrations of 45 precisely detailed fashions, together with Gottlieb Daimler Motor Bicycle (1885), 1913 Royal Enfield, 1947 Indian “Chief,” 1966 BSA A65 Lightning, and the Honda ES21 Future Motorcycle Concept Prototype.
Dover Books has an excellent number of History Coloring Books
Looking for an excellent historic coloring e-book? Dover may also help you add shade to among the most exceptional occasions in historical past! From dinosaurs, the Old West, the Civil War, Native Americans, the house race, American presidents and first women to classic cars and trains, castles and cathedrals, well-known explorers and inventors, historic structure like Famous Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright and landmarks. Black historical past coloring books function genuine illustrations in regards to the Underground Railroad, the Amistad, Barack Obama, and extra. Each version gives fantastically detailed illustrations and fact-filled captions.
Click right here to see the complete choice.
The Bicycle Coloring Book
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This e-book blew me away once I began seeing coloured in photos from it. It is full of cityscapes and countryside illustrations that function a motorbike and a cat. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen earlier than. The paper is fabulous artwork high quality and the illustrations are one-sided with a middle fold-out part for a big poster-sized creation. On the dealing with aspect of the web page is an illustration of the identical cat you see in every image (generally you must hunt to seek out him) however what’s actually cool in regards to the cat is that once you flip the pages he animates. This will for certain convey you again to your faculty days once you used to make flipbooks. If you’re a bicycle fanatic or the person in your life is, you possibly can’t go fallacious with this coloring e-book. It’s eight.2 x zero.eight x 10.eight inches and has 144 pages.
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100 Animals by Jade Summer
An Adult Coloring Book with Lions, Elephants, Owls, Horses, Dogs, Cats and extra. 100 pictures printed on one aspect of the web page.
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Ill-Gotten Brain Coloring Books by Chris Guest
I wished so as to add a few books from a brand new illustrator that I do know guys will love. Thanks to one in every of my coloring group, Shawn B. for the heads up about his enjoyable books! Meet Chris Guest aka IllGottenBrain. He has 2 books out, Beyond the Fairytale Forest and Monsters Eat Everything that you’re certain to get pleasure from.
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His books remind me of Steve Squidoodle’s illustrations too.. enjoyable and funky, verify his work out right here.
Walking Dead Coloring Book
This e-book is completed in a graphic novel model so LOTS of black and background particulars so it’s alongside the strains of a grayscale coloring e-book. The illustrations are from the Walking Dead graphic novels and it’s very detailed. We are hoping they arrive out with one other that follows the TV present a bit extra but when you recognize a Walking Dead addict, this may be an ideal reward.
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Steampunk Devices
Dudes like to tinker with devices so this Steampunk Devices can be an excellent alternative for the artsy man in your purchasing record.
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We discover heaps extra Steampunk and Science Fiction choices for guys right here.
Intricate Ink – Animals in Detail
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After seeing colorings from this e-book on Instagram I bought it on Amazon. It’s a greyscale e-book that makes your colorings actually come to life. It’s a hardbound e-book that opens on the prime so nice for left-handed colorists too.
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Lost Ocean by Johanna Basford
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Although Johanna Basford is understood for her fairly flowers and delicate leaves, guys can fall just a little in love along with her illustrations in her third Inky e-book, “Lost Ocean”
Visit coral reefs and barnacle-studded shipwrecks, uncover intricate shells and pirate treasure. Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest followers and newcomers alike will welcome this artistic journey into an inky new world.
Click right here to order Lost Ocean Amazon US  Amazon Canada  Amazon UK  Book Depository
Bugs & Creepy Crawling Coloring Books for Men
Maybe your grown guys nonetheless have that little boy in them that loves spiders and snakes… There are some decisions for them too. Check out this Complicated Spiders Coloring Book… This distinctive coloring e-book is eight inches broad x 9 inches excessive, it has 25 completely different illustrations of intricately adorned spiders; every illustration is printed within the e-book twice, one on a black background and the identical illustration on a white background with mild grey strains. Lots of spider and bug e-book right here too.
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Fantasy and Dragon Coloring Books For Men
Amazon has dozens of Fantasy & Dragon coloring books that guys would possibly like right here.
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Funny Coloring Books
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Coloring for Grown-Ups: The Adult Activity Book
Electile Disfunction – The Story of the 2016 Presidential Election Coloring Book
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You can see extra Political Coloring Books right here.
Unicorns Are Jerks: a coloring e-book exposing the chilly, exhausting, sparkly reality
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Coloring for Grown-ups – Holiday Fun Book
There are extra right here of the extra “R” rated variations as nicely.
See a big itemizing of our favourite humorous naughty & horny coloring books right here.
Steve MacDonald’s Cityscapes e-book “Fantastic Cities“ will even attraction to the fellows our there with a e-book the place no flowers or fairies are anyplace to be seen. Steve McDonald applies his distinctive photo-based strategy to create lovely, detailed line drawings of wonderful buildings and different constructions from around the globe in Fantastic Structures and his third e-book contains less complicated designs in Fantastic Collections,
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Comic Book and Graphic Novel Coloring Books
DC Comics Coloring Book
Featuring iconic paintings by famend comedian artists, DC Comics Coloring Book contains gorgeous line artwork of beloved characters corresponding to Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Click to Order on Amazon
Wonder Woman Coloring Book
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This graphic novel options basic illustrations from among the most well-known Wonder Woman artists of all time, together with George Pérez, Jim Lee, Brian Bolland, Amanda Conner, Ross Andru, H.G. Peter, Cliff Chiang, and Phil Jimenez printed on each side of the web page.  Click to Order the Wonder Woman Coloring Book
Coloring DC Batman Hush Volume 1
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This grownup coloring e-book options chapters from one of many biggest graphic novels of all-time, BATMAN: HUSH. Illustrated by Jim Lee, identified for his intricate strains and distinctive element, this story is ideal for coloring. Click to Order this totally illustrated Batman graphic novel right here
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Civil War – All your favourite Avengers battle on this graphic novel coloring e-book
120 pages of all-out costumed warfare, that includes Steve McNiven’s exquisitely rendered paintings simply ready for you so as to add the colour! Captain America and Iron Man are the feuding Avengers main the 2 sides of heroes that battle it out over the rights and wrongs of Superhuman Registration. Click to order Civil War
Color Your Own Age of Ultron
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Color in your favourite Marvel Heros and Sinister Bad guys on this graphic novel. Difficulty ranges from simple to superior so there’s something for each graphic novel fan.
Click to Order Age of Ultron Here.
Color Deadpool Graphic Novel
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This e-book contains covers from New Mutants 98, old-fashioned Pool, New Pool, the Daniel Way years, and Deadpool vs; Thanos, carnage, zombies, Cable, and Spider-Man. Click to order Deadpool
Assassins Creed Coloring Book
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Click to Order Assasins Creed Coloring Book
Guys which are into Science Fiction and Fantasy can discover a big number of SciFi Coloring Books right here.
Steve Squidoodle has a implausible following on Facebook which is the place I found him. Like Bennett Klein, he’s at all times gifting away freebies on his fan web page. Learn extra about Steve Turner the illustrator right here. 
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Squidoodle’s Book of Fancy Letters – Click to Order
All 26 letters of the alphabet, on single aspect pages with doodles objects to paint in. Taken from the intricate hand-drawn pen drawings of Steve Turner a.ok.a Squidoodle. Each letter is detailed and ornate, with doodled objects starting with that letter.
Each letter sits centrally on the web page, away from the backbone – you possibly can minimize the letters out, shade them and provides them as presents to household or mates. All the pages inside this e-book are taken from the hand-drawn illustrations by Steve Squidoodle Turner. He rigorously chosen objects to be contained in every letter – making it enjoyable for children and adults alike. The A incorporates an astronaut, an apple, an aeroplane, an anchor…. The B incorporates a bee, Big Ben, a beetle, balloons…. you get the concept!!
Squidoodle’s Book of Fancy Letters: An Adult Coloring Book – Click to Order
A Day on the Beach by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
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The Natural Atlas by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
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Creative Insults for Foul-Mouthed Beasts – A UK Sweary Coloring Book by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
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ryukoishida · 7 years
Arslan Senki Fandom Day [Encounter] | In which top idol!Gieve and folk-rock musician!Isfan collaborate.
Written for Arslan Senki Fandom Day 2017 – [Encounter]
Title: Primadonna and the Piano Man [Part I] Author: ryukoishida Character(s)/Pairing(s): Isfan/Gieve Summary: This is the story of how one of the nation’s top idol Gieve and bestselling folk-rock musician Isfan meet (and eventually fall in love). [Idol/Musician!AU] Rating: T Warning: N/A A/N: Yes, I’m writing that self-indulgent AU that nobody cares for again. Sue me. Also this got too long so I’m splitting it into two parts. Sorry.
Sing When You’re in Love Series:
i. We Sing We Dance We Steal Hearts ii. We Sing We Dance We Fall in Love iii. Untitled iv. This Storm, It’s Coming v. I’m Yours (and so are they) vi. Primadonna and the Piano Man [Prequel] [Part I | Part II]
“It’s impossible.”
“But Isfan—”
“There’s no way in hell—”
The agitated fingers on the fretboard dance in an even more erratic rhythm, his right hand strumming harder in a frail attempt to drown out his well-meaning manager’s desperate plead. The chords reverberate raucously within one of the soundproof practice rooms in the core building of Ecbatana Entertainment Productions.
“Will you put away your guitar and just listen to me for one moment, please?” Lucian, hair swept back into a half-ponytail and streaked with silver-grey, frowns disapprovingly, the lines around his eyes deepening as he leans against the wall with a rumbling sigh.
Isfan is usually one of the more easygoing artists to deal with in the company, but being the manager of this particular singer-songwriter — infamous in the music industry for being exceedingly serious and painstakingly methodical when it comes to his compositions and lyrics-writing, as well as being a little too opinionated about the idol culture, among other controversies — for the last few years, Lucian has seen him at his worst.
Trying to convince him to collaborate with one of the nation’s top idol, as Lucian soon discovers, turns out to be even more of a challenge than he’s initially anticipated.
“According to Farangis, he’s the one who personally wants to invite you for this collaboration,” Lucian’s mouth curves up in amusement as he continues, “apparently, he likes, and I quote, ‘the impossible way he can tug at my heartstrings while playing the piano with such a straight face and singing about a haunted ship and dead lovers’.”
Isfan snorts in reply. So, that man has done his homework after all, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s an arrogant, flippant man with over-the-top make-up and even stranger hairstyle that seems to change every time he appears for an event or talk show (not that Isfan had been paying any particular attention) who dares to call himself a musician, when all he seems to be capable of doing is dancing to mainstream pop and singing such cliché, sickly saccharine love songs the lyrics of which may as well have been written by a sixth-grader bearing their first crush.
If there’s one thing he detests the most in the world, it’s crudely-crafted, shallow combinations of words that disguised themselves as lyrics.      
“Have you ever seen him perform?” Lucian can practically see the weaving pathways in his protégé’s brain busily working out this disaster of an idea.
“How long have you known me, Lucian?” he asks, quirking up an eyebrow, the answer clear as day.
“You haven’t,” Lucian announces with quiet triumph, “then maybe you shouldn’t judge him so harshly. I’ve seen footage of his performances when he was still with his previous idol unit and I’ve got to say, that boy’s got charisma and one hell of a voice.”
Isfan’s responding hum is brisk and non-committed.
Lucian was the one who discovered him in a local bar and restaurant when he had been working part-time, performing mellower versions of top 40 hits on a tiny stage in a dimmed corner for patrons who hardly paid attention to him or his music, to support his last year of college. When the music producer approached him, business card and genuine smile intact, Isfan was still suspicious of the stranger’s intent until he recognized the face and voice of the famous rock musician who had been most active about two decades ago, and Isfan only knew of him because his elder brother Shapur was a huge fan and would constantly play Lucian’s CDs in the car and at home.
It has been five years since then, and Isfan has learned very early on to trust Lucian. Not only was Lucian a talented musician back in his prime years, but he’s also a capable manager who understand his charge's needs and tries his hardest to accommodate Isfan’s wishes whenever possible. Of course, there had also been times when they had their disagreements, but these were rare and far in between, and during the few instances that happened, Lucian had made the right calls.
Isfan would trust his career and future in Lucian’s hands, but this collaboration will surely end in nothing but a catastrophe — a catastrophe Isfan would rather avoid at all costs.  
Attempting his best to put on an optimistic air, Lucian starts again, “I’ve already arranged everything with his manager; all we need is for you two to find some time to get together during the next few weeks to work on the single.”
“I’m too busy,” Isfan immediately replies with a hint of a smug grin.
“I cleared out your schedule,” Lucian smiles back pleasantly, knowing exactly how the singer-songwriting will counter.  
“But I need the time to work on my new materials,” Isfan protests.
“And how are those new songs coming along?” Lucian asks pointedly.
He doesn’t mention the scrawled-out melodies on crumpled pieces of paper or the many deleted or discarded samples on his laptop. Lucian probably already knows and is just saving Isfan from embarrassing himself.  
“That’s what I figure. Look, you know I always respect your talent and artistic freedom,” Lucian says.
“Then you understand that it takes time to craft something that’s better than the previous album,” Isfan mumbles, fingers mindlessly plucking the strings in a nameless melody.
“I understand perfectly,” Lucian reassures him with a grim expression, “but don’t forget that the music industry is still business to the higher-ups. They only care about the results and profits, and at the rate you’re going right now, you’re not giving them anything. It has been more than six months since you’ve released any new content; the fans may be patient enough to wait for you, but the company is less forgiving.”
That’s one thing Isfan dislikes being a contracted artist at a major label; everything is about money, money, money. It’s not that he doesn’t understand their side, but it doesn’t stop him from feeling the frustration and unease roiling in his chest that can only be assuaged by banging loudly on a drum-set. Percussion is not his strength, but it sure feels satisfying.
“Even…” Isfan glances up at his manager, fingers slowing down the strumming, “even if I were to work on a collaboration, does it have to be him?”
Seeing a crack gradually opening up, Lucian quickly takes advantage, “You might not see it now, but perhaps he’s the spark of inspiration you need to get you moving forward.”
“You think?” Isfan sounds doubtful.
“It’ll be beneficial for both parties,” Lucian nods with a relieved smile, “I’m sure of it.”
Isfan isn’t sure of anything anymore.
He pauses before the door of the studio, sharp topaz eyes glancing through the glass only to spot an unfamiliar figure inside: the young man donned in a knitted sweater half a size too big for his frame and skinny jeans that accentuates the length of his legs is sitting on the plastic chair and plucking the strings of his acoustic guitar delicately, dark purple hair the shade of twilight bunched up with hairclips to keep forelocks from blocking his sight, a pair of plastic, black-rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose and making his eyes impossibly green, and he’s solely focused on the scattered sheets on the music stand.
Isfan checks the room number again to make sure he’s at the right place.
He is.
His grip on the strap of his guitar case tightens a degree, and then he knocks on the door two times. Without waiting for an invitation to come in, he turns the knob and lets himself into the studio with confident steps, a challenging glint in his eyes, and firm line to his lips.
The man with the obnoxious purple hair looks up, eyes widening in surprise as if he hasn’t expected any guests even though they have arranged this meeting just two days prior.
“Damn, those MVs didn’t do you any justice. At all.”
“Excuse me?”
This is clearly a mistake, Isfan thinks as he walks up to the man who still has a guitar in his lap. Isfan’s height easily towers over the other man’s, but he seems nonchalant about the intimidating aura Isfan’s body language is emitting.  
“It’s a compliment,” he explains with a flirtatious grin as he pulls himself up after placing his guitar on a nearby stand, and with how close they’re standing, he has to crane his neck a little to stare at Isfan straight in the eyes, sea-green irises bold and unafraid. “I’m Gieve. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope we’ll be able to work well together.”
The folk-rock musician is ready to either throw a punch at the idol’s incredibly pretty face and risk getting yelled at by Lucian, or pull him in and kiss that insufferable smirk away. He chooses to do neither; instead, inhaling deeply in an attempt to calm himself down, he pulls a chair over, folds himself into the seat elegantly, and begins to take out his instrument and some notes he’s made beforehand — lyrics ideas and snippets of melodies he’d been working on that might act as starting points for this collaboration.
He’s a professional, Isfan reminds himself like a chant, he’s a professional and he’ll act like one, and he will not let this damn idol get the better of him with his terrible flowery rhetoric or his dazzling smile that has successfully slain thousands of fanboys and fangirls all over the country.
“Isfan,” he coldly introduces himself and presses his lips tightly together without another word.
“Oh, a little shy, are we?” Gieve takes his seat and picks up his guitar once more, fingers idly caressing the strings as a gentle series of notes begin to form and flow like a small creek drifting smoothly over pebbles warmed by the sun in the depth of summer.
Isfan is about to open his mouth to snap a retort, but he’s genuinely surprised by the strange complexity of the chords and notes weaving together into this seemingly light and buoyant tune, so much so that his fingers are trembling slightly as they crave to touch the cool, ivory keys of a piano to play the harmony to accompany the sweet melody of the guitar.
“You wrote that?” Isfan asks when Gieve stops abruptly, breaking the brunet’s trance.
“Still tinkering with it.”
“It’s… it’s good,” he’s staring at the music stand when he says it, his eyes not quite meeting Gieve’s.
“That was really difficult for you to admit, wasn’t it?” Gieve grins knowingly, and the expression only grows more imminent when he sees Isfan’s cheeks staining red at being found out. He stands up once more and stalks towards Isfan, almost like a predator, the sharp gleam in his eyes merciless, though a small smile still curves along his lips as he closes the gap between them. “What? You think I got to this point in my career just by looking pretty and knowing how to dance and sing? Don’t look down on idol culture, Isfan. A lot of us worked hard since we were teenagers, and less than half of us would even make it past the eliminations to get a chance to perform on stage. So, if you think I’m just going to let you push me around while we’re working on this project because you think you’re more musically superior to me or whatever, you better think again.”  
Their faces are mere inches away from each other’s, and Isfan can feel Gieve’s frenzied, heated breaths against his cheek, his sea-green eyes brightened from agitation. Isfan gulps, gaze unable to rip away from the idol’s intense stare, and when he finally realizes they’ve remained in this awkward position for way too long, he shoves the idol away by the shoulders, causing Gieve to stumble a few steps back into a safe distance.
“Did you only invite me for the collab just so you can give me a lecture?” Isfan mutters darkly, “If so, then well-fucking-done. Shall I see myself out now that you’re finished?”
He begins to stuff his guitar back into the case, but a hand wrapped firmly around his forearm makes him freeze.
“Calm down,” Gieve laughs and let go of Isfan’s arm when the brunet sends him a glare, his previous irritation seeming to have dissipated without a trace, his smile once more bright and harmless if a little too cunning. “I didn’t know what I was expecting, but given the theatrical lyrics you write, I should have guessed that you’re as melodramatic as they come.”
It looks like Isfan is about to protest again but Gieve is quicker, “Look, the reason why I want to collaborate with you is because I truly admire your music and tenacity to strive for perfection. I’ll be frank with you: I’m sick of always doing dance pop and being assumed that I can only do one genre of music; I want to do something new, something unexpected and exciting that would make the fans happy. What about you?”
Gieve settles back on his chair, cradling his guitar and strumming a chord with practiced hand.
“What do you mean?”
The idol’s gaze is unsettling, yet Isfan is unable to look away.
“What do you want out of this collaboration?”
He thinks back to the past six months when he tried to write and rewrite so many melodies, none of them to his satisfaction, each seeming to be missing a piece, lacking the passion, the energy, and the soul of his previous works. He’d locked himself in the studio for hours on end; he’d travelled to the countryside to get inspiration and peace; he’d even attempted to write after he’d gotten himself drunk just enough to be tipsy and his emotions were allowed to burst forth onto blank pages without his usual constraint.
None of those had worked.
He sits up straight and clears his throat.
“I want to move forward with my music; I want to transform what I’ve achieved before and turn it into something different but still irrevocably me…” Isfan has never imagined that telling Gieve, of all people, would feel like this — as if he’s sharing this insurmountable pressure and frustration that he’d been unable to disclose to anyone else because he’d always been able to handle this on his own.
But this is a collaboration; he has a partner this time, and it looks like Gieve is just as ambitious and driven as he is in this regard.  
“So, it seems like we have a similar goal,” Gieve’s smile grows wider, almost scheming.
“It would seem so, yes,” Isfan is still wary of the other man’s intention but he’s willing to hear him out for now.
“I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s go big or go home. So why don’t we aim for our song to reach the number one spot in the Pars Top 40 chart?”
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Saffron Quotes
Official Website: Saffron Quotes
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• A man who is stingy with saffron is capable of seducing his own grandmother. – Norman Douglas • And Mocha’s berry, from Arabia pure, In small fine china cups, came in at last. Gold cups of filigree, made to secure the hand from burning, underneath them place. Cloves, cinnamon and saffron, too, were boiled Up with the coffee, which, I think, they spoiled. – Lord Byron • As the saffron tints and crimson flushes of morn herald the coming day, so the social and political advancement which woman has already gained bears the promise of the rising of the full-orbed sun of emancipation. The result will be not to make home less happy, but society more holy. – Frances Harper • Autumn that year painted the countryside in vivid shades of scarlet, saffron and russet, and the days were clear and crisp under harvest skies. – Sharon Kay Penman
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Saffron', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_saffron').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_saffron img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Bastian had climbed a dune of purplish-red sand and all around him he saw nothing but hill after hill of every imaginable color. Each hill revealed a shade or tint that occured in no other. The nearest was cobalt blue, another was saffron yellow, then came crimson red, then indigo, apple green, sky blue, orange, peach, mauve, turquoise blue, lilac, moss green, ruby red, burnt umber, Indian yellow, vermillion, lapis lazuli, and so on from horizon to horizon. And between the hill, separating color from color, flowed streams of gold and silver sand. – Michael Ende • Black for hunting through the night For death and mourning the color’s white Gold for a bride in her wedding gown And red to call the enchantment down White silk when our bodies burn Blue banners when the lost return Flame for the birth of a Nephilim And to wash away our sins. Gray for the knowledge best untold Bone for those who don’t grow old Saffron lights the victory march Green to mend our broken hearts Silver for the demon towers And bronze to summon wicked powers -Shadowhunter children’s rhyme – Cassandra Clare • Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It’s the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist. – Mia Kirshner • Colored lights shone right across the northern sky, leaping and flaring, spreading in rainbow hues from horizon to zenith: blood red to rose pink, saffron yellow to delicate primrose, pale green, aquamarine to darkest indigo. Great veils of color swathed the heavens, rising and falling as light seen through cascading curtains of water. Streamers shot out in great shifting beams as if God had put his thumb across the sun. – Celia Rees • Darling Daddy, This is Rose. So flames went all up the kitchen wall. Saffron called the fire brigade and the police came too to see if it was a trick and the police woman said to Saffron Here You Are Again because of when I got lost having my glasses checked. But I was with Tom whose grandmother is a witch on top of the highest place in town. Love, Rose. – Hilary McKay • I don’t want to be a great leader; I want to be a man who goes around with a little oil can and when he sees a breakdown, offers his help. To me, the man who does that is greater than any holy man in saffron-colored robes. The mechanic with the oil can: that is my ideal in life. – Baba Amte • I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets. – Hamlin Garland • I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets. It has given me blessed release from care and worry and the troubled thinking of our modern day. It has been a return to the primitive and the peaceful. Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and benumbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me – I am happy. – Hamlin Garland • If you enjoyed laughing in the face of death, you might like to have a crack at High Saffron. One hundred merits, and all you have to do is take a look.’ ‘I understand there’s a one hundred percent fatality rate?’ ‘True. But up until the moment of death there was a one hundred percent survival rate. Really, I shouldn’t let anything as meaningless as statistics put you off. – Jasper Fforde • In 1879 the Bengali scholar S.M. Tagore compiled a more extensive list of ruby colors from the Purana sacred texts: ‘like the China rose, like blood, like the seeds of the pomegranate, like red lead, like the red lotus, like saffron, like the resin of certain trees, like the eyes of the Greek partridge or the Indian crane…and like the interior of the half-blown water lily.’ With so many gorgeous descriptive possibilities it is curious that in English the two ancient names for rubies have come to sound incredibly ugly. – Victoria Finlay • In saffron-colored mantle from the tides Of Oceans rose the Morning to bright light TO gods and men. – Homer • never forget this moment, the hum of the bee, the saffron threads of the flower, the drawn blinds, nature’s assiduousness and human cruelty. – Edna O’Brien • She’ll soon forget.” “Caddy,” said Saffron impatiently, “she is headmistress of the private school! She’s probably never forgotten anything in her whole life! – Hilary McKay • Sometimes, looking up at Sophiatown… I have felt I was looking at an Italian village somewhere in Umbria. For you do ‘look up’ at Sophiatown, and in the evening light, across the blue-grey haze of smoke from braziers and chimneys, against a saffron sky, you see close-packed, red-roofed little houses. …And above it all you see the Church of Christ the King, its tower visible north, south, east, and west. – Trevor Huddleston • Suddenly Saffron had a picture in her mind of Sarah waiting at the bottom of the wall, and she was angry with herself. Something changed in Saffron at that moment. She knew all about feeling left out…. That was why she wanted her angel so badly; proof that she mattered as much as anyone else. “I couldn’t really climb the wall,” she said. “And if I could, what if I got caught? What would I say?” “You’d think of something.” “No. It was a stupid idea. Let’s try your way, early in the morning.” “Before breakfast?” “Yes. All right Mission Control?” “All right,” said Sarah. “All right, Superhero. – Hilary McKay • This Bouillabaisse a noble dish is – A sort of soup or broth, or brew, Or hotchpotch of all sorts of fishes, That Greenwich never could outdo; Green herbs, red peppers, mussels, saffron, Soles, onions, garlic, roach, and dace; All these you eat at Terre’s tavern, In that one dish of Bouillabaisse. – William Makepeace Thackeray • Tough times for Martha Stewart. Yesterday, Martha Stewart reported to her parole officer and had to take a mandatory urine test for cocaine and marijuana. Martha was found to be drug-free and her urine was found to be a lovely yellow saffron. – Conan O’Brien
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Saffron Quotes
Official Website: Saffron Quotes
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• A man who is stingy with saffron is capable of seducing his own grandmother. – Norman Douglas • And Mocha’s berry, from Arabia pure, In small fine china cups, came in at last. Gold cups of filigree, made to secure the hand from burning, underneath them place. Cloves, cinnamon and saffron, too, were boiled Up with the coffee, which, I think, they spoiled. – Lord Byron • As the saffron tints and crimson flushes of morn herald the coming day, so the social and political advancement which woman has already gained bears the promise of the rising of the full-orbed sun of emancipation. The result will be not to make home less happy, but society more holy. – Frances Harper • Autumn that year painted the countryside in vivid shades of scarlet, saffron and russet, and the days were clear and crisp under harvest skies. – Sharon Kay Penman
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Saffron', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_saffron').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_saffron img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Bastian had climbed a dune of purplish-red sand and all around him he saw nothing but hill after hill of every imaginable color. Each hill revealed a shade or tint that occured in no other. The nearest was cobalt blue, another was saffron yellow, then came crimson red, then indigo, apple green, sky blue, orange, peach, mauve, turquoise blue, lilac, moss green, ruby red, burnt umber, Indian yellow, vermillion, lapis lazuli, and so on from horizon to horizon. And between the hill, separating color from color, flowed streams of gold and silver sand. – Michael Ende • Black for hunting through the night For death and mourning the color’s white Gold for a bride in her wedding gown And red to call the enchantment down White silk when our bodies burn Blue banners when the lost return Flame for the birth of a Nephilim And to wash away our sins. Gray for the knowledge best untold Bone for those who don’t grow old Saffron lights the victory march Green to mend our broken hearts Silver for the demon towers And bronze to summon wicked powers -Shadowhunter children’s rhyme – Cassandra Clare • Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It’s the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist. – Mia Kirshner • Colored lights shone right across the northern sky, leaping and flaring, spreading in rainbow hues from horizon to zenith: blood red to rose pink, saffron yellow to delicate primrose, pale green, aquamarine to darkest indigo. Great veils of color swathed the heavens, rising and falling as light seen through cascading curtains of water. Streamers shot out in great shifting beams as if God had put his thumb across the sun. – Celia Rees • Darling Daddy, This is Rose. So flames went all up the kitchen wall. Saffron called the fire brigade and the police came too to see if it was a trick and the police woman said to Saffron Here You Are Again because of when I got lost having my glasses checked. But I was with Tom whose grandmother is a witch on top of the highest place in town. Love, Rose. – Hilary McKay • I don’t want to be a great leader; I want to be a man who goes around with a little oil can and when he sees a breakdown, offers his help. To me, the man who does that is greater than any holy man in saffron-colored robes. The mechanic with the oil can: that is my ideal in life. – Baba Amte • I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets. – Hamlin Garland • I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets. It has given me blessed release from care and worry and the troubled thinking of our modern day. It has been a return to the primitive and the peaceful. Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and benumbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me – I am happy. – Hamlin Garland • If you enjoyed laughing in the face of death, you might like to have a crack at High Saffron. One hundred merits, and all you have to do is take a look.’ ‘I understand there’s a one hundred percent fatality rate?’ ‘True. But up until the moment of death there was a one hundred percent survival rate. Really, I shouldn’t let anything as meaningless as statistics put you off. – Jasper Fforde • In 1879 the Bengali scholar S.M. Tagore compiled a more extensive list of ruby colors from the Purana sacred texts: ‘like the China rose, like blood, like the seeds of the pomegranate, like red lead, like the red lotus, like saffron, like the resin of certain trees, like the eyes of the Greek partridge or the Indian crane…and like the interior of the half-blown water lily.’ With so many gorgeous descriptive possibilities it is curious that in English the two ancient names for rubies have come to sound incredibly ugly. – Victoria Finlay • In saffron-colored mantle from the tides Of Oceans rose the Morning to bright light TO gods and men. – Homer • never forget this moment, the hum of the bee, the saffron threads of the flower, the drawn blinds, nature’s assiduousness and human cruelty. – Edna O’Brien • She’ll soon forget.” “Caddy,” said Saffron impatiently, “she is headmistress of the private school! She’s probably never forgotten anything in her whole life! – Hilary McKay • Sometimes, looking up at Sophiatown… I have felt I was looking at an Italian village somewhere in Umbria. For you do ‘look up’ at Sophiatown, and in the evening light, across the blue-grey haze of smoke from braziers and chimneys, against a saffron sky, you see close-packed, red-roofed little houses. …And above it all you see the Church of Christ the King, its tower visible north, south, east, and west. – Trevor Huddleston • Suddenly Saffron had a picture in her mind of Sarah waiting at the bottom of the wall, and she was angry with herself. Something changed in Saffron at that moment. She knew all about feeling left out…. That was why she wanted her angel so badly; proof that she mattered as much as anyone else. “I couldn’t really climb the wall,” she said. “And if I could, what if I got caught? What would I say?” “You’d think of something.” “No. It was a stupid idea. Let’s try your way, early in the morning.” “Before breakfast?” “Yes. All right Mission Control?” “All right,” said Sarah. “All right, Superhero. – Hilary McKay • This Bouillabaisse a noble dish is – A sort of soup or broth, or brew, Or hotchpotch of all sorts of fishes, That Greenwich never could outdo; Green herbs, red peppers, mussels, saffron, Soles, onions, garlic, roach, and dace; All these you eat at Terre’s tavern, In that one dish of Bouillabaisse. – William Makepeace Thackeray • Tough times for Martha Stewart. Yesterday, Martha Stewart reported to her parole officer and had to take a mandatory urine test for cocaine and marijuana. Martha was found to be drug-free and her urine was found to be a lovely yellow saffron. – Conan O’Brien
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kayawagner · 6 years
12 Titles, for 12%, for 12 Days [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
Merry Christmas in July! This very special 88% off bundle contains 12 titles, including two Gold bestsellers; four Electrum bestsellers, including “100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking,” which is only ever available as part of special events like this; and four Silver or Copper bestsellers. We very much hope you enjoy it!
100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking Regular price: $0.49 Bundle price: $0.06 Format: Watermarked PDF This "100 Oddities" holiday mini-sourcebook will only be available until the end of the holiday season!  When the holiday season comes around why shouldn’t the heroes in your campaign get in on the action?Why not roll up a few random treats and tricks using this table of random items, any of which might be found in a stocking hung over the fireplace, a goody bag at a birthday party, a bucket of Halloween candy, or any other time when gifts are in the offing?  Oddities are intended to aid storyteller creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gaming episodes into something more, and the goal of this publication is to make things more fun and to take your imagination in directions it might not otherwise have gone. They fill in the corners of a bookshelf, a room, a level... 100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.12 Format: PDF Welcome to "100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest," the eighth entry in Skirmisher Publishing’s popular "Oddities" series! This publication includes 100 unique things characters might encounter in a sylvan setting and includes guidelines for introducing the Wild Hunt into your game sessions or stories.  Your characters are traveling from one region to another, such as from the keep they call home to a distant ruin, a frontier outpost, a battlefield, or the like. Making their way through the forest that lies between their point of origin and destination can be a simple matter of a couple of nights camping out and an encounter with a wandering monster ... or it could be so much more.  Oddities are intended to aid storyteller creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gam... Communities (City Builder Volume 1) Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.37 Format: PDF City Builder Volume 1: Communities is the first in a series of 11 complementary books that will help guide Game Masters through the process of designing exciting and compelling urban areas and places within them for their campaigns. It is not specific to any particular game setting and is designed to be compatible with the needs of any ancient, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, or fantasy milieu.  Contents of this book include: An Introduction that describes the scope of the series and the contents of the upcoming volumes; A section on the Characteristics of Communities that examines small communities, towns, cities, and special-purpose communities like military bases and plantations, along with regional and racial influences on the development of communities; A sec... Dwarves: Tokens & Avatars for Virtual Tabletops Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.12 Format: Watermarked PDF This set of 20 full-color tokens and avatars/character portraits by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl contains two variations on five different figures, a Champion, Infantryman, Crossbowman, Goat Rider, and Goat. One variation has blue armor and square markings on their shields, while the other has red armor and circular shield devices, and these alternate versions can be used to easily reflect different factions, levels, and/or capabilities.  These tokens and avatars are system-free and can be used for any sort of fantasy roleplaying games and in a wide variety of virtual tabletop programs, including the popular Roll20 interface. Avatars and man-sized tokens are 300 x 300 pixels and formatted to conform to 1-inch squares, while the size-large cavalry tokens are 600 x 600 pixels and des... H.G. Wells’ Floor Games Regular price: $3.74 Bundle price: $0.46 Format: PDF Often referred to as a companion volume to H.G. Wells’ wargaming classic Little Wars, Floor Games is a republication of "the Father of Miniature Wargaming’s" first volume devoted to recreational gaming. Highlights include a lighthearted, often humorous discussion on the theory and methodology behind a wide variety of "floor" and tabletop games and tips on the use and creation of improvised models, terrain, and other gaming props.  Skirmisher’s edition of Floor Games is divided into a Foreword, an Introduction, and four chapters: I) "The Toys to Have"; II) "The Game of the Wonderful Islands"; III) "Of the Building of Cities"; and IV) "Funiculars, Marble Towers, Castles, and War Games, But Very Little of War Games." Other features include: Foreword by reno... Insults & Injuries: A Pathfinder Sourcebook for Medical Maladies Regular price: $10.49 Bundle price: $1.30 Format: PDF You have never read a game book quite like this one! Written by a practicing medical doctor, Insults & Injuries presents real world illnesses in Pathfinder game terms. Why afflict characters with “filth fever” when you can give them rabies, the black plague, or the flu? Within this sourcebook, you will find dozens of sicknesses that your players already know and fear in a format that allows them to be easily and realistically brought into your games. You will also find expanded rules for more effective non-magical healing. This detailed book is divided into an introduction, 14 chapters, and six appendices and includes: * Rules for more than 50 diseases and disorders, their game effects, and how they can be treated by both mundane and magical means. * A chapt... Krampus & His Minions (Five Monsters for BASH) Regular price: $0.49 Bundle price: $0.06 Format: PDF This title contains five fully-stat'ed monsters for the BASH superhero roleplaying game that Game Masters can use individually or in conjunction with one another as villains! It is fully illustrated with custom images by game industry artist William T. Thrasher.  Krampus is Saint Nicholas’ evil opposite-number and, where Santa rewards good children with presents, his nemsis presents bad ones with lumps of coal, beats them with birch switches, throws them in chains, and drags them off to the underworld. Krampus is depicted as large and bestial, with horns and fangs that enhance his devilish aspect. In addition to the boss monster himself, this publication contains four sorts of minions to help him achieve his ends, including Evilized Orphanage Officials (EOOs), an Evil ... Little Orc Wars: Dwarf Soldiery (Cardstock CharactersTM) Regular price: $1.49 Bundle price: $0.19 Format: PDF This set of downloadable Cardstock CharactersTM miniatures contains three variations on five different figures, a Champion, Infantryman, Crossbowman, Goat Rider, and War Goat. These figures were designed initially for both the tabletop and video versions of the H.G. Wells' Little Orc Wars miniatures game but are the ideal addition to any sort of tabletop fantasy RPG or wargame. They can be used to enhance encounters or even serve as the basis for them and the different variations can also be used to easily reflect different levels and capabilities. One of the factions even has blank shields that can easily be customized.  We hope you and your players will enjoy battling with them! ... Skirmish! Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.38 Format: PDF Skirmish! is a quick-to-learn, easy-to-set up game of combat that can played using almost any miniature figures to simulate small-scale battles. It is intended for both veteran and novice players and is simple enough to be a beginner's first wargame and versatile and expandable enough to satisfy more experienced gamers — especially those who want to pull some of their old toy soldiers out of a footlocker or the closet and use them in a game.<o:p></o:p> Skirmish! is designed for simplicity and playability. All that is needed to play Skirmish! are some miniature figures, a ruler or tape measure, and three standard, 6-sided dice. The basic rules can be read, a handful of soldiers selected, and a game set up in about 20 minutes, and in much less time than that for... The Jester Dragon's Random Tavern Generator Regular price: $0.74 Bundle price: $0.09 Format: Watermarked PDF Every successful adventure begins and ends in a tavern. It’s where your heroes spend their down time, the place they pick up plot threads and adventure hooks, and where that one player always tries to creep you out by flirting with the NPCs. The pub is a fixture in any fantasy campaign, but you’re a busy GM with more important things to do than rattle off a silly name and describe the local color. So why not let the Jester Dragon do the heavy lifting for you with this convenient random tavern generator? Grab your percentile dice, roll on the tables below, and let the fates describe a full tavern experience so that you can get on with your campaign.... The Return of Cyris Crane (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.49 Bundle price: $0.19 Format: PDF Last autumn, Cyris Crane, brilliant businessman, loving father, world traveler, and one of the wealthiest and most respected men in Arkham, ventured into the Arkham hill country and disappeared in a sudden blizzard. Now, he has returned, much to the joy of his friends and family, and he has summoned them to his home to make a pronouncement to them ... "The Return of Cyris Crane" is a LARP scenario designed to be played with minimal staff and a small number of players. The only staff required are the Keeper and, if possible, a Stage Manager. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but can easily be adapted for use with other LARP or tabletop games.  Cthulhu Live is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP) version of the popular horror r... World of Kos (Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting) Regular price: $5.24 Bundle price: $0.65 Format: PDF Welcome to the “World of Kos,” the sixth volume of the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting! This book provides an overview of the campaign setting and of how it came to be and provides a framework for the first five volumes, “Kos City,” “Kos Island,” “Lands Beyond Kos,” “Lives of Kos,” and “Encounters,” and can be used either in conjunction with them or on its own.  This book contains:  * Maps of Kos Island, the Aegean, and the Mediterranean.  * An overview of the world, the impact upon it of the Great Cataclysm, and a timeline.  * A section on Deities and Religion and the ongoing war between the Olympian Gods and the primordial Titans.  * A section on 17 races...
Total value: $32.13 Special bundle price: $3.99 Savings of: $28.14 (88%)
Price: $32.13 12 Titles, for 12%, for 12 Days [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes
krissysbookshelf · 7 years
Free Ebooks (7/12/17)
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  Murder in the Family: A Hannah Kline Mystery (Book 1) by Paula Bernstein: A protagonist for our times, Hannah Kline is a savvy, Los Angeles-based obstetrician and working mother who finds herself embroiled in a shocking murder case, as well as a new romantic relationship with the LA detective assigned to the case, Daniel Ross.
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  Turn or Burn by Boo Walker: Harper Knox, an ex-military contractor battling PTSD, takes a gig protecting an AI scientist speaking at the Singularity Summit in Seattle, a conference sure to bring protests reminiscent of the World Trade Organization disaster years earlier. Due to his innovative and controversial research, this scientist has a long list of enemies. Can Harper and an Italian mercenary named Francesca hold them off?
This book is Free on July 12, 2017
  Russian Hill by Ty Hutchinson: FBI Agent Abby Kane believes a killer in San Francisco is playing an elaborate game of death. In order to catch him, she must do the unthinkable: join the gameplay.
This book is Free on July 12, 2017
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    Original post: http://ift.tt/2tP0NIM
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kayawagner · 6 years
12 Titles, for 12%, for 12 Days [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
Merry Christmas in July! This very special 88% off bundle contains 12 titles, including two Gold bestsellers; four Electrum bestsellers, including “100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking,” which is only ever available as part of special events like this; and four Silver or Copper bestsellers. We very much hope you enjoy it!
100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking Regular price: $0.49 Bundle price: $0.06 Format: Watermarked PDF This "100 Oddities" holiday mini-sourcebook will only be available until the end of the holiday season!  When the holiday season comes around why shouldn’t the heroes in your campaign get in on the action?Why not roll up a few random treats and tricks using this table of random items, any of which might be found in a stocking hung over the fireplace, a goody bag at a birthday party, a bucket of Halloween candy, or any other time when gifts are in the offing?  Oddities are intended to aid storyteller creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gaming episodes into something more, and the goal of this publication is to make things more fun and to take your imagination in directions it might not otherwise have gone. They fill in the corners of a bookshelf, a room, a level... 100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.12 Format: PDF Welcome to "100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest," the eighth entry in Skirmisher Publishing’s popular "Oddities" series! This publication includes 100 unique things characters might encounter in a sylvan setting and includes guidelines for introducing the Wild Hunt into your game sessions or stories.  Your characters are traveling from one region to another, such as from the keep they call home to a distant ruin, a frontier outpost, a battlefield, or the like. Making their way through the forest that lies between their point of origin and destination can be a simple matter of a couple of nights camping out and an encounter with a wandering monster ... or it could be so much more.  Oddities are intended to aid storyteller creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gam... Communities (City Builder Volume 1) Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.37 Format: PDF City Builder Volume 1: Communities is the first in a series of 11 complementary books that will help guide Game Masters through the process of designing exciting and compelling urban areas and places within them for their campaigns. It is not specific to any particular game setting and is designed to be compatible with the needs of any ancient, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, or fantasy milieu.  Contents of this book include: An Introduction that describes the scope of the series and the contents of the upcoming volumes; A section on the Characteristics of Communities that examines small communities, towns, cities, and special-purpose communities like military bases and plantations, along with regional and racial influences on the development of communities; A sec... Dwarves: Tokens & Avatars for Virtual Tabletops Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.12 Format: Watermarked PDF This set of 20 full-color tokens and avatars/character portraits by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl contains two variations on five different figures, a Champion, Infantryman, Crossbowman, Goat Rider, and Goat. One variation has blue armor and square markings on their shields, while the other has red armor and circular shield devices, and these alternate versions can be used to easily reflect different factions, levels, and/or capabilities.  These tokens and avatars are system-free and can be used for any sort of fantasy roleplaying games and in a wide variety of virtual tabletop programs, including the popular Roll20 interface. Avatars and man-sized tokens are 300 x 300 pixels and formatted to conform to 1-inch squares, while the size-large cavalry tokens are 600 x 600 pixels and des... H.G. Wells’ Floor Games Regular price: $3.74 Bundle price: $0.46 Format: PDF Often referred to as a companion volume to H.G. Wells’ wargaming classic Little Wars, Floor Games is a republication of "the Father of Miniature Wargaming’s" first volume devoted to recreational gaming. Highlights include a lighthearted, often humorous discussion on the theory and methodology behind a wide variety of "floor" and tabletop games and tips on the use and creation of improvised models, terrain, and other gaming props.  Skirmisher’s edition of Floor Games is divided into a Foreword, an Introduction, and four chapters: I) "The Toys to Have"; II) "The Game of the Wonderful Islands"; III) "Of the Building of Cities"; and IV) "Funiculars, Marble Towers, Castles, and War Games, But Very Little of War Games." Other features include: Foreword by reno... Insults & Injuries: A Pathfinder Sourcebook for Medical Maladies Regular price: $10.49 Bundle price: $1.30 Format: PDF You have never read a game book quite like this one! Written by a practicing medical doctor, Insults & Injuries presents real world illnesses in Pathfinder game terms. Why afflict characters with “filth fever” when you can give them rabies, the black plague, or the flu? Within this sourcebook, you will find dozens of sicknesses that your players already know and fear in a format that allows them to be easily and realistically brought into your games. You will also find expanded rules for more effective non-magical healing. This detailed book is divided into an introduction, 14 chapters, and six appendices and includes: * Rules for more than 50 diseases and disorders, their game effects, and how they can be treated by both mundane and magical means. * A chapt... Krampus & His Minions (Five Monsters for BASH) Regular price: $0.49 Bundle price: $0.06 Format: PDF This title contains five fully-stat'ed monsters for the BASH superhero roleplaying game that Game Masters can use individually or in conjunction with one another as villains! It is fully illustrated with custom images by game industry artist William T. Thrasher.  Krampus is Saint Nicholas’ evil opposite-number and, where Santa rewards good children with presents, his nemsis presents bad ones with lumps of coal, beats them with birch switches, throws them in chains, and drags them off to the underworld. Krampus is depicted as large and bestial, with horns and fangs that enhance his devilish aspect. In addition to the boss monster himself, this publication contains four sorts of minions to help him achieve his ends, including Evilized Orphanage Officials (EOOs), an Evil ... Little Orc Wars: Dwarf Soldiery (Cardstock CharactersTM) Regular price: $1.49 Bundle price: $0.19 Format: PDF This set of downloadable Cardstock CharactersTM miniatures contains three variations on five different figures, a Champion, Infantryman, Crossbowman, Goat Rider, and War Goat. These figures were designed initially for both the tabletop and video versions of the H.G. Wells' Little Orc Wars miniatures game but are the ideal addition to any sort of tabletop fantasy RPG or wargame. They can be used to enhance encounters or even serve as the basis for them and the different variations can also be used to easily reflect different levels and capabilities. One of the factions even has blank shields that can easily be customized.  We hope you and your players will enjoy battling with them! ... Skirmish! Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.38 Format: PDF Skirmish! is a quick-to-learn, easy-to-set up game of combat that can played using almost any miniature figures to simulate small-scale battles. It is intended for both veteran and novice players and is simple enough to be a beginner's first wargame and versatile and expandable enough to satisfy more experienced gamers — especially those who want to pull some of their old toy soldiers out of a footlocker or the closet and use them in a game.<o:p></o:p> Skirmish! is designed for simplicity and playability. All that is needed to play Skirmish! are some miniature figures, a ruler or tape measure, and three standard, 6-sided dice. The basic rules can be read, a handful of soldiers selected, and a game set up in about 20 minutes, and in much less time than that for... The Jester Dragon's Random Tavern Generator Regular price: $0.74 Bundle price: $0.09 Format: Watermarked PDF Every successful adventure begins and ends in a tavern. It’s where your heroes spend their down time, the place they pick up plot threads and adventure hooks, and where that one player always tries to creep you out by flirting with the NPCs. The pub is a fixture in any fantasy campaign, but you’re a busy GM with more important things to do than rattle off a silly name and describe the local color. So why not let the Jester Dragon do the heavy lifting for you with this convenient random tavern generator? Grab your percentile dice, roll on the tables below, and let the fates describe a full tavern experience so that you can get on with your campaign.... The Return of Cyris Crane (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.49 Bundle price: $0.19 Format: PDF Last autumn, Cyris Crane, brilliant businessman, loving father, world traveler, and one of the wealthiest and most respected men in Arkham, ventured into the Arkham hill country and disappeared in a sudden blizzard. Now, he has returned, much to the joy of his friends and family, and he has summoned them to his home to make a pronouncement to them ... "The Return of Cyris Crane" is a LARP scenario designed to be played with minimal staff and a small number of players. The only staff required are the Keeper and, if possible, a Stage Manager. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but can easily be adapted for use with other LARP or tabletop games.  Cthulhu Live is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP) version of the popular horror r... World of Kos (Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting) Regular price: $5.24 Bundle price: $0.65 Format: PDF Welcome to the “World of Kos,” the sixth volume of the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting! This book provides an overview of the campaign setting and of how it came to be and provides a framework for the first five volumes, “Kos City,” “Kos Island,” “Lands Beyond Kos,” “Lives of Kos,” and “Encounters,” and can be used either in conjunction with them or on its own.  This book contains:  * Maps of Kos Island, the Aegean, and the Mediterranean.  * An overview of the world, the impact upon it of the Great Cataclysm, and a timeline.  * A section on Deities and Religion and the ongoing war between the Olympian Gods and the primordial Titans.  * A section on 17 races...
Total value: $32.13 Special bundle price: $3.99 Savings of: $28.14 (88%)
Price: $32.13 12 Titles, for 12%, for 12 Days [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes
kayawagner · 6 years
12 Titles, for 12%, for 12 Days [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
Merry Christmas in July! This very special 88% off bundle contains 12 titles, including two Gold bestsellers; four Electrum bestsellers, including “100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking,” which is only ever available as part of special events like this; and four Silver or Copper bestsellers. We very much hope you enjoy it!
100 Oddities for a Hung Stocking Regular price: $0.49 Bundle price: $0.06 Format: Watermarked PDF This "100 Oddities" holiday mini-sourcebook will only be available until the end of the holiday season!  When the holiday season comes around why shouldn’t the heroes in your campaign get in on the action?Why not roll up a few random treats and tricks using this table of random items, any of which might be found in a stocking hung over the fireplace, a goody bag at a birthday party, a bucket of Halloween candy, or any other time when gifts are in the offing?  Oddities are intended to aid storyteller creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gaming episodes into something more, and the goal of this publication is to make things more fun and to take your imagination in directions it might not otherwise have gone. They fill in the corners of a bookshelf, a room, a level... 100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.12 Format: PDF Welcome to "100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest," the eighth entry in Skirmisher Publishing’s popular "Oddities" series! This publication includes 100 unique things characters might encounter in a sylvan setting and includes guidelines for introducing the Wild Hunt into your game sessions or stories.  Your characters are traveling from one region to another, such as from the keep they call home to a distant ruin, a frontier outpost, a battlefield, or the like. Making their way through the forest that lies between their point of origin and destination can be a simple matter of a couple of nights camping out and an encounter with a wandering monster ... or it could be so much more.  Oddities are intended to aid storyteller creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gam... Communities (City Builder Volume 1) Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.37 Format: PDF City Builder Volume 1: Communities is the first in a series of 11 complementary books that will help guide Game Masters through the process of designing exciting and compelling urban areas and places within them for their campaigns. It is not specific to any particular game setting and is designed to be compatible with the needs of any ancient, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, or fantasy milieu.  Contents of this book include: An Introduction that describes the scope of the series and the contents of the upcoming volumes; A section on the Characteristics of Communities that examines small communities, towns, cities, and special-purpose communities like military bases and plantations, along with regional and racial influences on the development of communities; A sec... Dwarves: Tokens & Avatars for Virtual Tabletops Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.12 Format: Watermarked PDF This set of 20 full-color tokens and avatars/character portraits by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl contains two variations on five different figures, a Champion, Infantryman, Crossbowman, Goat Rider, and Goat. One variation has blue armor and square markings on their shields, while the other has red armor and circular shield devices, and these alternate versions can be used to easily reflect different factions, levels, and/or capabilities.  These tokens and avatars are system-free and can be used for any sort of fantasy roleplaying games and in a wide variety of virtual tabletop programs, including the popular Roll20 interface. Avatars and man-sized tokens are 300 x 300 pixels and formatted to conform to 1-inch squares, while the size-large cavalry tokens are 600 x 600 pixels and des... H.G. Wells’ Floor Games Regular price: $3.74 Bundle price: $0.46 Format: PDF Often referred to as a companion volume to H.G. Wells’ wargaming classic Little Wars, Floor Games is a republication of "the Father of Miniature Wargaming’s" first volume devoted to recreational gaming. Highlights include a lighthearted, often humorous discussion on the theory and methodology behind a wide variety of "floor" and tabletop games and tips on the use and creation of improvised models, terrain, and other gaming props.  Skirmisher’s edition of Floor Games is divided into a Foreword, an Introduction, and four chapters: I) "The Toys to Have"; II) "The Game of the Wonderful Islands"; III) "Of the Building of Cities"; and IV) "Funiculars, Marble Towers, Castles, and War Games, But Very Little of War Games." Other features include: Foreword by reno... Insults & Injuries: A Pathfinder Sourcebook for Medical Maladies Regular price: $10.49 Bundle price: $1.30 Format: PDF You have never read a game book quite like this one! Written by a practicing medical doctor, Insults & Injuries presents real world illnesses in Pathfinder game terms. Why afflict characters with “filth fever” when you can give them rabies, the black plague, or the flu? Within this sourcebook, you will find dozens of sicknesses that your players already know and fear in a format that allows them to be easily and realistically brought into your games. You will also find expanded rules for more effective non-magical healing. This detailed book is divided into an introduction, 14 chapters, and six appendices and includes: * Rules for more than 50 diseases and disorders, their game effects, and how they can be treated by both mundane and magical means. * A chapt... Krampus & His Minions (Five Monsters for BASH) Regular price: $0.49 Bundle price: $0.06 Format: PDF This title contains five fully-stat'ed monsters for the BASH superhero roleplaying game that Game Masters can use individually or in conjunction with one another as villains! It is fully illustrated with custom images by game industry artist William T. Thrasher.  Krampus is Saint Nicholas’ evil opposite-number and, where Santa rewards good children with presents, his nemsis presents bad ones with lumps of coal, beats them with birch switches, throws them in chains, and drags them off to the underworld. Krampus is depicted as large and bestial, with horns and fangs that enhance his devilish aspect. In addition to the boss monster himself, this publication contains four sorts of minions to help him achieve his ends, including Evilized Orphanage Officials (EOOs), an Evil ... Little Orc Wars: Dwarf Soldiery (Cardstock CharactersTM) Regular price: $1.49 Bundle price: $0.19 Format: PDF This set of downloadable Cardstock CharactersTM miniatures contains three variations on five different figures, a Champion, Infantryman, Crossbowman, Goat Rider, and War Goat. These figures were designed initially for both the tabletop and video versions of the H.G. Wells' Little Orc Wars miniatures game but are the ideal addition to any sort of tabletop fantasy RPG or wargame. They can be used to enhance encounters or even serve as the basis for them and the different variations can also be used to easily reflect different levels and capabilities. One of the factions even has blank shields that can easily be customized.  We hope you and your players will enjoy battling with them! ... Skirmish! Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.38 Format: PDF Skirmish! is a quick-to-learn, easy-to-set up game of combat that can played using almost any miniature figures to simulate small-scale battles. It is intended for both veteran and novice players and is simple enough to be a beginner's first wargame and versatile and expandable enough to satisfy more experienced gamers — especially those who want to pull some of their old toy soldiers out of a footlocker or the closet and use them in a game.<o:p></o:p> Skirmish! is designed for simplicity and playability. All that is needed to play Skirmish! are some miniature figures, a ruler or tape measure, and three standard, 6-sided dice. The basic rules can be read, a handful of soldiers selected, and a game set up in about 20 minutes, and in much less time than that for... The Jester Dragon's Random Tavern Generator Regular price: $0.74 Bundle price: $0.09 Format: Watermarked PDF Every successful adventure begins and ends in a tavern. It’s where your heroes spend their down time, the place they pick up plot threads and adventure hooks, and where that one player always tries to creep you out by flirting with the NPCs. The pub is a fixture in any fantasy campaign, but you’re a busy GM with more important things to do than rattle off a silly name and describe the local color. So why not let the Jester Dragon do the heavy lifting for you with this convenient random tavern generator? Grab your percentile dice, roll on the tables below, and let the fates describe a full tavern experience so that you can get on with your campaign.... The Return of Cyris Crane (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.49 Bundle price: $0.19 Format: PDF Last autumn, Cyris Crane, brilliant businessman, loving father, world traveler, and one of the wealthiest and most respected men in Arkham, ventured into the Arkham hill country and disappeared in a sudden blizzard. Now, he has returned, much to the joy of his friends and family, and he has summoned them to his home to make a pronouncement to them ... "The Return of Cyris Crane" is a LARP scenario designed to be played with minimal staff and a small number of players. The only staff required are the Keeper and, if possible, a Stage Manager. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but can easily be adapted for use with other LARP or tabletop games.  Cthulhu Live is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP) version of the popular horror r... World of Kos (Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting) Regular price: $5.24 Bundle price: $0.65 Format: PDF Welcome to the “World of Kos,” the sixth volume of the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting! This book provides an overview of the campaign setting and of how it came to be and provides a framework for the first five volumes, “Kos City,” “Kos Island,” “Lands Beyond Kos,” “Lives of Kos,” and “Encounters,” and can be used either in conjunction with them or on its own.  This book contains:  * Maps of Kos Island, the Aegean, and the Mediterranean.  * An overview of the world, the impact upon it of the Great Cataclysm, and a timeline.  * A section on Deities and Religion and the ongoing war between the Olympian Gods and the primordial Titans.  * A section on 17 races...
Total value: $32.13 Special bundle price: $3.99 Savings of: $28.14 (88%)
Price: $32.13 12 Titles, for 12%, for 12 Days [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes