#Best vape mods
spark1edog · 2 months
ugh i need to stop vaping this shit is so expensive 😭
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4shaahmed · 2 years
What is vaping?
Vaping is a practice where a person uses a small, handheld device (such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, or mods) to inhale a mist or aerosol of nicotine and flavoring, which is created by heating a liquid (e-liquid or vape juice). This aerosol contains particles of nicotine, flavoring, and other substances suspended in air, which are inhaled into the mouth, down the throat, and into the lungs.
E-cigarettes or vape pens typically have a cartridge, tank, or pod that holds the liquid, a heating element that turns the liquid into an aerosol, a battery to power the heating element, and a mouthpiece to breathe in the aerosol. Vaping differs from smoking cigarettes because it heats liquid to create an aerosol, while smoking involves burning tobacco to create smoke.
Although vaping is often considered safer than cigarette smoking, it still poses health risks and can cause lung damage. The particles inhaled while vaping can cause inflammation and irritation in the lungs, leading to scarring and narrowing of airways. E-liquids may contain chemicals that can cause cancer, lung disease, or other harmful effects, including THC, heavy metals, and ultrafine particles.
In summary, vaping involves inhaling an aerosol of nicotine, flavoring, and other substances created by heating a liquid in a vaping device. It poses health risks and can cause lung damage, and its long-term effects are still unknown.
What is Wape ?
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kkyroba · 2 years
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geekvape00 · 2 years
Buy Aegis Vape Mini at Geekvape
The Aegis Vape Mini is the 2nd generation tri-proof Geekvape M100, a smaller and higher companion with IP68-rating water. It provides better protection in harsher environments and has been designed to last. This vape has a military-grade certification, making it extremely shock and dust resistant. It has a built-in 2200mAh battery, providing you with all-day power. The Geekvape M100 also has advanced temperature control and variable wattage, making it perfect for vapers who are looking for an all-in-one device. With its small size and powerful features, this vape is perfect for those who like to take their vaping on the go. If you're looking for a powerful, durable, and portable vaping device, the Aegis Vape Mini is a great choice.
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deeparcadecreation · 2 years
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bucksfoot · 2 years
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In this blog, we’ll explore the various benefits you get from shopping at a vape shop near me. Visit our site to know more about vaping.
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jackalopenecropsy · 4 months
ok i'll indulge myself....
part 1(?) of biker gang!141 and an interesting fem grunge!reader... if u want more
cw; slight mentions of blood
The streets were pretty quiet this time of night. The only sounds to be heard were barking dogs or tires occasionally skidding in the distance. And the teenagers were never out this late in the fall, as school just started or they were working their dead jobs at the gas station or high school graduates pouring the same 5 drinks at a bar.
You liked walking around- even though it was maybe 1 or 2 in the morning- mainly because you had your scary guard dog with you, (who wasn't even a bit scary, he was just a police academy dropout with a fear of cotton swabs and squirrels) but also because the air this time of year smelled the best. It did wonders for your skin and sinuses, so why not? Walking around in the daytime was a lot more of a chore anyways, teenagers skating sporradically with fruity vapes on necklaces or older men just leaving their blue collar jobs for lunch while staring at you with unreadable expressions.
The northwoods, sigh. You'd told yourself that you'd leave it all the time when you were a kid. Over the years, a mix of the economy making that absolutely impossible and an aquirement of taste for small-town life made it a lot easier to accept the impossibility of it. Bartending and eventually being remote in editorial work kept you afloat in the small house you'd been able to buy flat out in the south side of town.
That part of town was just cemeteries and neighborhoods, neighborhoods and railroads, and gas stations and bars. As most south sides were. Another luxury of living where you lived was the copious amounts of streets and drag-worthy strips of old highway that laid for miles in one direction or another.
You used to work as a freelance flag girl for drag racers on some shitty craigslist copy, but quit l because the only racers that wanted you were full of white-claw drunk young assholes rooting for douchebag car modders who compensated for their dick sizes by throttling so hard that the pop of their exhausts sounded like gunfights. It was too loud and to risky and too tasteless.
But in the ends of the summer, it was taken over by the bikers. Not bicycle-bikers, but motorcyclists.
You were absolutely terrible at hiding your drooling depraved stares at every single one of them. The young women in skin-clad leather and red lipstick with matching sleek bikes, the finer-aged older men in their lean-back harleys with bandanas, the cute guys your age in their blackout helmets and their modestly-modded bikes. Oh, the variety, oh the taste. You had once thought about picking up biking yourself, but when you told your friends they all cackled at the idea. You were too absent minded at times; definitely from all the weed you smoked. Only half embarassed, you agreed.
Tonight was no different than the other nights of early Septembers before. Your dog lapped his tongue in the air catching stray dew drops falling from leaves overhead as you took your time walking accross the street. He swayed his tail so hard that you almost got knocked over a few times. The sound of a motorcyle revving in the distance made you slow your speed to a halt, listening intently, shamefully to see if you could get any bit of eye candy while out.
You recognized the sound of the engine, which soon became engines as the sounds came closer.
'Oh... a group of Kawaskis?? No... that's at least two more different motorcyles, but a few Kawaskis.. Do I hear a Harley?'
You blinked to yourself before shaking your head.
'God fucking damnit, you geek. You should NOT be able to tell what motorcyle model someone's riding from the fucking engine.'
Before you can shamefully walk back towards your house, you feel your dog tug harshly at his leash. You try to hold him back, but he yanks with one solid push of his back paws on the blacktop, and before you know it, you're hands and knees down on the hard ground as he's running full speed towards the sound of the motorcycles.
You groan in frustration as you stand up in a small bit of pain, your fishnets torn to shit as your palms and knees are scraped just enough to bleed a reasonable amount for getting launched by a 90 lb dog of muscle.
"Riley!" You shout and run at him, dodging a few trash cans along the street's edge as you do so. "Riley, goddamnit! Come back! Here boy!" Your converse were broken in enough to give you good ground as you chased him, and you almost grab his loose leash dragging behind him- until you trip over your own feet again just before you do.
You stay on the ground this time, unworried for your dog, as he's a big boy who knows how to not get hit by a car or get lost. More focused on the soul-eating embarassment of being outrun by a dog with more anxiety than a war veteran, and tripping twice in the process. You ignore the growing and stalling sound of engines beside- or in front, you can't tell being face down in the gravel- you as you're grovelling.
"Eh... excuse me miss? Are you alright?" You hear a gruff, dark voice mumble from just above you. You whip your head up to look at 5 people in bikers helmets just in front of you, their motorcyles off or stalling as they stand looking down at you on the ground.
"Oh- oh my- uh yeah- don't worry about me I'm great. I just tripped- nothing serious." You wave them off as you try and cover the growing fluster on your face. You stand and shake the dirt off your hands before swiping it off of your zip up, shaking it out of your gloves too. You look up to see none other than Riley, sitting contently behind the man in front of you, eagerly being pet by one of the bikers with a skull design painted onto his helmet and visor.
"Riley!" The biker looks up and your dog wags his tail hard enough to knock the bikers over too, and barks at you. "You are so not going to get any treats when we get home." He whines and continues barking, then twirls in a circle.
"You're dog's name is Riley?" The man in the skull helmet asks- and you suddenly become hyperaware of how all of the bikers are staring so intently at you. And those that have spoken so far have sickeningly thick English accents.
"Ah- yes, yeah. I was just on a walk and I heard you guys from the other street- but he just loves motorcylists so much, he took off on me. Usually he just waits until they pass us by. I'm so so sorry if he got in your way or anything." You scramble to try and seem somewhat normal as you switch between standing like a deer in their headlights, and holding your arms as the wind blew against your back.
"Ain't that a funny coincidence." The biker next to him stated, his accent thicker, and different. Possibly scottish.
"You watch it- It is a good name for a dog like this." The skull-helmet points an authoritative finger at the scot before patting Riley's head again. The man in front of you laughs heartily and takes his helmet off, revealing an older- FINELY aged man with hair in a short, short pulled back light brown and gray spotted ponytail. His mustache pulled down into a scruffy beard by mutton chops, giving him a real grizzly harley-rider look. You swore your jaw dropped when he took it off, and you were quick to cover your mouth when he smiled at you.
"I'm sorry about that miss- You've got a good dog protecting you. My names John Price." He walked up and took your hand from your face, squeezing it lightly. "My boys back there are harmless. You seem to have roughed yourself up a bit." He tilts his head as he leans back and looks you up and down, still holding your hand. Oh how deeply thankful you were that he was blocking the headlights from illuminating your red face.
"Yeah- I'm fine though, really! I just, can't keep up with Riley if I tried." You laugh and tremble a little as the cold air catches up to you. He raises an eyebrow- and fuck it gets to you because it makes him smirk a little bit too.
"Well, no offense but you look like you're in no condition to walk home like that!" A woman's voice comes up from behind Price's. You squint at the light when she comes up, and you see a blonde woman about his age with smile lines and blue eyes that could knock you down to your knees yet again. "My name's Kate, don't let John here scare you, he's just an old man." They banter a bit as you stare into space, begging any ethreal being to show you a sign that this is real life.
'Fuck being bisexual, god hates me.' You curse to yourself as you smile shyly at her.
"We can give you a ride home if you'd want! I wouldn't feel right letting you have to get yourself home with blood down your legs." Price motions with his free hand at your torn fishnets, rocks littering the cuts on your leg.
"Oh- I don't want to impose or anything, and I'll have Riley!" You struggle to keep yourself still as the wind continually stings.
"Lass, you're shakin' like a leaf in this wind." The scottish man shakes his head in his helmet, leaning back against the flat of his bike.
"You ain't getting home with just a dog draggin' you forward." The gruff voice of the skull-head from beside him made you look away in embarassment. They were all right, you were blocks away from home, and you didn't have your phone on you either.
"Um.. If you're sure you don't mind... but what about Riley?"
"He can ride wi' me!" The scott excitedly patted the flat he was leaning on, shuffling a few top panels to show a compartment on the back of it that had a hooking mechanism for leashes. Assumedly he had dogs too, and how greatful you were for it.
You sigh in relief that you wont have to limp home in your misery, as strong as you are, the chunk of you lost twice to the blacktop actually hurt more than you'd ever want to admit.
Before you can take a step forward, you're lifted off your feet and holding the shoulders of Kate. She laughs as you gasp and sets you on the back of skull-head's bike so you can backpack him, right next to Riley in the odd formation their bikes created.
"I promise he's not as scary as he looks- right Simon?"
"I don't bite." He chuckles deeply and you tense against his back as he does so. "You might want to hold on tho', I'm not exactly the easiest ride." You blush, hard as he says it, and the group laughs loudly as they start their bikes.
"Oi, treat her nice Si." A soft voice jeered from the last bike to Kate's right. "Or else I'll have to take her off your hands."
"Nice try Gaz."
"Boys! Quit scarin' her." Price chuckles and lights a cigar as he revs his engine. "Or else she wont wanna see us again. Now where do you need us to take you, love?"
'Ah.' Was all that crossed your mind as you locked your arms around Simon's waist, and you all shot off down the street.
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wormswurld · 9 months
modern day cattonquick headcannons! 🌟
- loves fortnite. would def be a streamer on twitch & get banned within 24 hours for cursing someone out and calling them poor lmao (would have ollie help him draft an apology on twitter) @quick-catton and i thought of this
- male manipulator to his core LOL. loves the smiths, radiohead (because ollie likes them), the strokes, the smashing pumpkins etc.... also def one of those annoying movie buffs. sees fight club for the first time and looks at tyler durden and says "omg he's literally me! 🤗"
- cart & nic FEINNNN. do not let this man see your vape and or cart because he will never give it back. his fave vape flavor is some tooty fruity shit lmao
- kanye west dick rider. need i say more. (this isn't me saying he supports what kanye says, but this is me saying he is the type to be like "graduation is his best work!" when it def isn't)
- chronic tiktok reposter. sees anything that relates to him and will unabashedly repost it, no matter how self-incriminating it is.
- says "sigma male" and "based" unironically (ollie wants to kill him for this)
- my god does this man love reddit. like he for sure tells felix about the crazy ass shit he finds from r/amitheasshole
- takes pride in himself whenever someone asks does he have tiktok and he simply says "no 😐" (tho he gets all the latest trends and dances from felix)
- absolute god at mario kart, like he's so good that anytime he plays with felix he has to dodge being hit by felix's controller cuz he baby rages
- has created him and felix in the sims 4 and made them kiss
- def is a discord mod
- brokeback mountain is his favorite movie of all time.
- also for sureeee uses 4chan (only to fight bigots and point out their logical phallacy's etc)
- listens to lana del rey on the down low (his fave album is ultravioelnce cuz duh) + really likes radiohead & the cranberries
that's all i have folks! i hope u enjoyed my craziness, feel free to leave ur headcannons/thoughts below!! 😁
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photogirl894 · 5 months
Sun and Rain Part 2: Age of the Empire
Chapter 32
"The Gamble"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: Well, I know I said I was gonna wait until all my celebration requests were done...but turns out, I lied! 😜 I got hit with inspiration for this chapter and I was starting to miss it, so I went ahead and wrote the chapter anyway! I'm sure a lot of you are complaining 😜
Plus, it's just all been on my mind since season 3 ended and man, I am gonna miss this show so freaking much, but this story will continue on! We've still got a long way to go and a lot of things yet to happen; lots of twists and turns still to be revealed in the future 😆
Enjoy this, my loves!! It's a little shorter than normal, but fun nonetheless!
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @legolkenxbi , @tech-aficionado
@ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettrose9901
@thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink
@l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49 , @avathebestx
@idoubleswearimawriter , @techs-stitches , @fantasyproductions , @sverdgeir , @totallyunidentified
《 Chapter 31
》 Chapter 33
All chapters (Part 2) (Part 1)
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Explanation: Risks are taken when Omega decides to take on dejarik matches for money.
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When Kimber, Omega and the Koriena Force returned to Cid's parlor, they found the building empty save for Cid sitting at a table with Bolo and Ketch, all of them in the middle of a game of dejarik. 
“Wow, I think we're gonna have trouble finding a seat, girls. It's packed to the walls in here,” Rina remarked loud enough for Cid to hear after taking a drag of sweetblossom from her vape mod.
“I know, it's amazing how popular this place is right now,” Kimber added sarcastically. 
Cid looked up at them, displeased at their remarks. “Ha ha, you all are hilarious,” she responded flatly. 
As the ladies filed in, Irys informed Cid, “Jido's credits have been acquired and have been transferred to your account.”
“Let me double check, make sure it's actually there,” Cid replied, leaning over and picking up a datapad from right next to her.
“You doubt my skills?” Irys questioned.
“Or our credibility?” Kimber added. 
With a sneer, Cid snapped back, “I don't trust anybody, especially when it comes to my money.”
When she went back to her datapad, Kida asked in comment, “Honestly, ladies, should we have expected anything else?”
Sighing with defeat, Lex answered, “Probably not.”
A few seconds passed and then Cid declared, “Would ya look at that? You ladies came through.”
“Doubt doesn't become you, Cid,” Kimber said back. 
“And I believe you owe part of that to us for getting it for you,” Rina reminded Cid.
Waving them off, Cid said back, annoyed, “Yeah, yeah, don't get your britches in a twist, Shortstacks. I'll get to it after I finish this game.”
“Ugh, well, in that case, let’s hit the bar, girls,” Lex suggested, waving them over in the direction of the bar. “And Omega, I’ll grab you some juice. We hid a bottle for you behind the bar.”
“You’re the best!” Omega praised gladly as she took a seat on a barstool.
Lex went ahead and grabbed a couple different bottles and started pouring them into cups for everyone as they all sat down.
“To another job well done,” said Kida, raising her glass and everyone touched their glasses together in toast to their success. 
As they took sips of their drinks, they heard Bolo behind them exclaim to Ketch, “You got her cornered!” 
“Oh yeah, I’m real scared,” Cid replied mockingly. 
The girls all turned in their chairs to watch, curious to see how the remainder of the dejarik game would go. 
As Cid contemplated her next move, Ketch taunted her, “Delay all you want, you’re not getting out of this one.”
Cid moved to press a button on the table when Omega suddenly spoke up, “I wouldn’t do that.” 
Kimber and the Koriena Force all looked down at her curiously.
“Hear that? We got an expert here,” Cid said snidely before rolling her eyes and going ahead with her move anyway. 
Her piece in the holochess game moved around on the board, but ended up getting knocked down by Ketch’s piece and it disappeared. 
Bolo laughed triumphantly and declared, “She’s done for!”
“I told you,” Omega said with snark that made the girls grin.
“You kinda suck at this, Cid,” commented Rina.
Kimber chuckled quietly as she took another drink. It was kind of nice seeing Cid get knocked around for once. 
Looking to Omega and ignoring Rina, Cid asked, unamused, “Well, expert…what should I do next?”
Omega slid off her barstool and walked over to the table.
Leaning over to Kimber, Lex whispered, “This ought to be interesting.” 
Omega proceeded to press a couple buttons on the console and then looked up as Cid’s dejarik piece knocked out Ketch’s piece easily, earning her the win. Bolo and Ketch weren’t happy about it; Bolo told Ketch he blew it while Ketch blamed Bolo for telling him to bet everything, so the two of them decided to take their disagreement outside. While that was happening, the ladies were all impressed with Omega’s easy win on Cid’s behalf.
“How’d you know to do that, kid?” Rina asked her.
With a casual shrug, Omega responded, “It’s a strategy game. I’m good at strategy.”
“Well, I’ll be…,” commented Kida.
“How good?” Cid asked her, a sly grin curling up on her scaly mouth. “Enough to uh…win some matches for some money?”
Kimber opened her mouth to reply, but Omega spoke up first: “Depends. What’s my cut?”
“Omega, no. You cannot be serious,” Kimber protested.
Ignoring Kimber, Cid told the kid, “Thirty percent.”
Wasting no time, Omega fired back, “Sixty.”
“Ohhh, she knows how to hit where it hurts. Way to go, kid,” commented Rina.
“Don’t encourage her,” Kimber chided her.
However, she heard Cid say, “Deal,” in response to Omega and said she’d start getting some matches set up before heading back in the direction of her office.
“Cid, you are not going to exploit a child to try and make more money for yourself,” Kimber stated, bolting up from her barstool.
Turning back over her shoulder, Cid shot back, “Hey, the kid agreed to it, Dollface. You wanna argue with somebody? Talk to her. I got some matches to set up.” Then without waiting for anything further, she went into the back hall towards her office, which only irritated Kimber even further.
Behind her, Irys said, “It’s not a terrible idea to make some extra credits.”
“That doesn’t matter. I don’t want Cid to take advantage of Omega and besides, Hunter said he wanted her to keep a low profile.”
Then she noticed Omega walking up to her and the young girl said to her, “I have a plan, Kimber. Don’t worry.”
Folding her arms, Kimber questioned her, “What is your plan?”
“I want to still help the squad even though I’m not on the mission with them. We didn’t get any of the weapons we were going to sell from Bracca, so we still have a debt we owe to Cid,” said Omega. “I can maybe help pay off part of the debt by doing these matches, which is why I asked for a sixty percent cut. That should get us a good amount to help pay Cid back.”
“I like the way you think,” said Lex before taking a swig of her drink.
Looking to Kimber, Rina put in, “That’s actually not a bad plan, boss lady. The kid knows her stuff. Might as well put that brain of hers to good use. If she wants to help, I say you let her.”
Kimber still was unsure. She despised the thought of Cid using Omega for any sort of gain, especially after her remarks earlier about trying to get free labor out of the girl. Even though Omega’s intentions were good, she worried Cid would try and pull a fast one on them, like taking more money than what was promised or making Omega do something that wasn’t part of the agreement. Kimber didn’t trust the Trandoshan for anything.
However, looking back down at Omega, she saw there was a pleading look in her bright brown eyes that made her heart drop just a little.
“Please, Kimber,” Omega insisted. “I want to do my part. I want to help our friends.”
Kimber sighed, knowing it was hard to say “no” to Omega sometimes. “Oh, all right…,” she relented, “but I’m keeping a close eye on both you and Cid. I don’t trust her to not pull any tricks.”
“Don’t worry, princess. None of us trust her either,” Lex said. 
“You’ll have plenty of eyes on both Omega and Cid,” added Kida.
Irys slipped off her barstool and said to Omega, gesturing with her head to the dejarik table, “Come on, Omega. You and I can get a couple practice games in to prepare you.”
Omega gleefully agreed and ran over to take a seat.
“Be warned, though: Irys is also a pretty decent strategist herself,” said Lex.
With a look of confidence on her face, Omega replied, looking at Irys, “You’re on.”
While those two were starting up a game and Lex and Kida gathered around to watch, Kimber walked out of the parlor for a moment, needing some air and just some time to think. She limped to the top of the stairs, her leg still on the mend, sidestepped in front of the wall and then leaned back against it, letting out a sigh. She trusted Omega, but she still wasn’t sure about this gambling plan the girl had up her sleeve. Omega was confident, but Kimber still feared the plan would maybe backfire.
“Credit for your thoughts, boss lady?”
The smell of sweetblossom accompanied the sound of Rina’s voice and Kimber turned to see her reaching the top of the steps and looking her way. 
“I don’t know about this plan, Rina,” Kimber confided in her. “I’m afraid Cid might try to trick us or Omega. I don’t like the thought of her using the kid like this.”
“Hey, child exploitation is no laughing matter,” Rina said back, “but Omega wants to do this. It’s her call. Frankly, I think she should’ve pushed for seventy-five percent.”
“Rina…!” Kimber scolded her.
Rina held her hands up defensively. “I’m just sayin’. It wouldn’t have hurt to milk a little extra out of old Scales.”
Kimber snickered. “Scales…that's new,” she commented. Then she let her head fall back against the wall again. “Am I doing the right thing? Hunter didn’t want her to draw attention to herself and I’m supposed to mind her while the boys are gone. I see why she wants to do this, but…I just don’t know.”
After taking another inhale of sweetblossom from her mod, Rina stepped closer to her. “I get your concerns. The kid’s your priority and you wanna do right by the Sarge…but Omega’s also her own person and she’s made her choice. She wants to help out, even though she’s been sidelined. This can be a great opportunity for her to prove herself and, if things go south, she’ll learn from it. Not to mention she’s got the Koriena Force watching her back. As long as she's not betting the ship, she'll be fine...plus, I haven't seen Scales take any fingers or limbs as a down payment.”
“Rina!” Kimber chided her, unamused. 
“Sorry, sorry,” Rina apologized. She then laid a hand on Kimber’s arm. “Look, if Lover Boy gives you any grief for this, you know we’ll back you up, if needed. We’ve got your back and Omega’s. Gambling in and of itself is a risky business. Some people get real shady with that stuff.”
“You sound as if you’re speaking from experience,” Kimber remarked.
Rina scoffed a bit in disgust. “Not my own experience, but my old man's,” she replied. “He ended up with a lot of gambling debts which made him turn to smuggling in order to pay them off. He dealt with a lot of messed up people…including the likes of the Pyke Syndicate.”
“You’re serious?” said Kimber.
Nodding, Rina answered, “Uh-huh. Got in too deep with them and now, he owes more to the Pykes than he does to any of his gambling debts.”
“That's a shame.”
“Meh, it is what it is. He made his bed and then he got to lie in it. Ain’t my problem. The only thing all that taught me was to never mess with the Pykes. They're worse than bad news.”
“Well, good thing the Pykes won’t ever come here.” Kimber then looked up to the sky and her hand came up Hunter’s necklace lying against her chest, wondering how he and the boys were doing on Raxus. 
Once again, she felt Rina’s hand on her arm and a light wave of calm seemed to wash over her. “Relax, Kimber,” Rina told her. “Everything’s gonna be fine. Omega is confident in her abilities; I think she’ll do us proud. If things go wrong, then she’s got us. You’re not dealing with this alone, you know that.”
Feeling content with Rina's reassurance, Kimber reached up and grasped Rina's arm, smiling gratefully. 
Then Rina added, “Plus, you're turning into the Sarge with how worried and protective you're getting over the kid, so it's my job to tell you to lighten up.”
“I'm sorry, can you blame me?” Kimber asked in reply. “With Hunter not here, I'm just extra anxious, especially regarding Cid, that's all.”
“Are you gonna be this high-strung by yourself when you guys have smols of your own?”
“Whoa, now! We're nowhere near close to that point, so don't jump the gun on me.”
“I'm just sayin’...you gotta get a hold of yourself.”
“I know, I know….” Kimber then gave Rina a light, friendly jab in the shoulder. “Thanks for always looking out for me.”
In response, Rina playfully punched her arm back a little harder, reminding Kimber a lot of Wrecker, which was fitting. “Hey, Lex said it once and now, I'm gonna say it again: we're part of the Koriena Force. Like the wolves we're named after, we're in this pack for life.” Then she took another inhale from her mod and gestured back to the stairs with her head. “Come on, let's get back inside and help your kid get ready to kick some butt in dejarik.”
Shaking her head, Kimber said back, “She's not my kid.”
“Yeah, she is,” Rina immediately replied. 
Kimber simply grinned as she followed her friend back inside. 
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Within a couple hours, Omega had won five matches. 
By the end of the day, she'd won twelve.
Within the next couple of days, she'd won over a hundred. 
The girl was on fire and the Koriena Force were cheering her on and encouraging her the entire time. It was impressive seeing how skilled at strategy Omega actually was. Even the cockiest and confident of opponents were beaten by her, which took their confidence down by a bit being beaten by a young kid. A couple people tried to pick fights, but the ladies were quick to either get them to back down or give them a good beating before throwing them out. Lex was certain she accidentally broke one guy’s nose because, out of habit, she threw a punch with her cybernetic hand. They weren’t going to let anyone mess with the kid.
Naturally, she was raking in the credits with all the bets being placed on her, which seemed to make Cid a bit more appreciative, to say the least. Appreciative of more money, anyway. Over the course of the couple days, Omega had accrued more than enough credits to pay off the Bad Batch’s debt, which made her happy. She was able to do something good for her brothers while not being on the mission with them. Despite the reservations she’d had previously, it made Kimber glad to see Omega feeling good about herself and what she’d done.
One match had started with a Pantoran man and the stakes were high. A lot of money was on the line because the man was a renowned dejarik player who was confident he would finally be the one to take Omega down. Tons of people who had either been in over the last couple of days or had heard word on the street about the dejarik matches were watching, cheering on both the Pantoran and Omega. 
The match was nearing its end with only possibly a couple moves left. Both players had two pieces left on the holoboard. Cid stood beside Omega, her hands on the kid’s shoulders as she watched closely. Kimber stood on Omega’s other side with the rest of the girls next to her to keep the onlookers in line.
“No one can stop this kid!” one guy cheered in the crowd.  
Kimber looked over her shoulder to see a few more people had entered into the parlor…including a few familiar faces that made her smile. 
The Clones had returned from Raxus.
Most of them looked either curious or pleased to see Omega in her element…but Hunter didn’t exactly look enthused about the situation as Kimber spotted him shaking his head indifferently.
The Pantoran man clicked a button with a smug grin on his face. One of his pieces moved forward and took out one of Omega’s, leaving him with two and her with one. The onlookers all gasped and murmured in awe at what had happened and with wonder at how Omega was going to retaliate. 
“Take him out, kid,” Rina encouraged her.
After studying the board for a few seconds, Omega looked up at the Pantoran and got a smug grin of her own. She hit the buttons on the console and her last remaining piece proceeded to take out both of his two, securing her the win. Everyone cheered excitedly for her while the Pantoran looked shocked at being beaten and then abruptly left. 
“Well done, Omega! You sure showed him,” commented Kida, giving Omega a pat on the arm.
It was then Omega happened to catch sight of Hunter and the others and, after greeting them with a wave, she slid off her stool and ran over to see them while Cid informed the crowd that the matches were over and there were to be no more bets and she shooed the crowd out. Kimber and the rest of the ladies made their way over to greet the Clones, as well.
Wrecker swept Omega off the ground and settled her on his arm as he exclaimed with pride, “Kid, where’d you learn to do that?”
“She’s a natural. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Cid as she approached them.
“Truly, she is an intelligent and gifted child. You all should be proud of her,” Irys added.
Omega beamed with gladness at their compliments.
However, Hunter looked up at her and remarked, almost annoyed, “I told you to keep a low profile. This is the opposite.”
“Hunter, we can explain,” said Kimber.
Though, before she could, Cid gave Hunter a shove back and scolded him, “Ease up, Bandana. Omega made enough money to pay off the debt you boys owe me, so try showing a little gratitude to my friend.”
“She’s got you there, Sarge,” Rina commented. 
As Cid walked over and greeted another man behind them that Kimber assumed was the Senator of Raxus and his Droid, the rest of the Clones followed them back to Cid’s office. Wrecker set a dejected Omega down, but roughly shoulder-checked Hunter as he walked by him, gesturing to the kid with his head and giving Hunter a glare that told him he needed to talk to Omega.
“Well, ladies, I think that’s our cue to leave,” said Lex to the rest of the Koriena Force.
“You want us to stick around and back you up?” Rina asked Kimber in a low voice.
She shook her head. “No…Omega was my responsibility and I supported this decision, so I’ll handle it.”
Kida laid a hand on Kimber’s shoulder and told her, “We’ll see you all back at the Aurora later then.”
Kimber gave her a nod and the rest of the ladies exited the bar, but not before Rina punched Hunter in the arm as they walked out.
He looked to Kimber, looking lost on what to do or think. 
“She had good intentions,” was all she said. Then she gave him a reassuring smile and motioned with her eyes towards Omega, who was beginning to walk away with her head low, urging him, as well, to just talk to the kid.
Then he turned over his shoulder and asked, “You really paid off our debt?”
Omega stopped in place and said, without looking back at him, “I wanted to be useful…even if I couldn’t go on the mission.”
He hummed contemplatively and turned to Kimber before grinning, which slightly startled her. Then he declared, “How about we put those strategy skills to the test?” As Omega turned around to look at him, he walked over to the dejarik table and said, “One match. If you win, then no more sitting out on missions.” He set his helmet down on the ground and turned the table on, signaling with his head for Omega to come join him. 
Now with renewed excitement, she ran over and sat on his other side.
‘You ready for this?” he challenged her.
She replied back with a confident grin, “Are you?”
Kimber smiled with gladness at them. It made her proud to see Hunter beginning to broaden his mind in regards to Omega’s choices and being willing to include her more as part of the squad. Even though the condition of her not being left out of missions was her winning, she knew Omega would win. Whether it was on her own--which, more than likely, it would be--or Hunter would let her win. She could see in his eyes that he had no intention of leaving the kid behind again.
Watching them play their match gave Kimber yet another small glimpse of what a possible normal life could look like for them. Sitting around a table and playing games like a normal family…it brought a light tear to her eye. 
Suffice it to say, Omega beat Hunter at the match easily. 
The rest of the squad came out of Cid’s office just as the game was over and Omega happily exclaimed as she saw them, “I won! I don’t have to sit out on missions anymore!”
“Well done, kid,” replied Echo proudly. “Glad to have you back on board.”
“I assume Kimber shall be joining us again soon, as well?” Tech inquired.
“I believe so. My leg’s feeling much better after taking some time these last couple days and some of Kida's bacta salt treatments,” Kimber replied, “so I think I should be good to go.”
Wrapping his arm over her shoulders, Wrecker responded, “Good ‘cause we’ve missed you.”
“Come on, then. Let’s get to the Aurora and meet up with the girls,” suggested Echo, making his way toward the door with Tech. 
“Good. I need some kisses from my girl after that mission,” said Wrecker, grinning as he followed. 
Kimber went to walk after them, but was stopped by Hunter grabbing her hand. She turned back to him and found him eyeing her closely. 
In a low, gravelly voice, he told her, “Wrecker's not the only one who needs a kiss from his love.”
She smiled even wider as she obliged him, stepped closer and pulled him in for a kiss, his hand cradling her cheek as he returned the gesture. 
“Thank you for looking after Omega,” he told her when he pulled back. “I know I wasn’t pleased with what I saw when we walked in, but…I should’ve known things were under control because you were here.”
“Indeed. You should have a little more faith in us, darling,” she responded. “That and we had the Koriena Force with us.”
He chuckled. “Well, that doesn’t always inspire confidence.”
“Don’t let them hear you say that,” she said, chuckling with him.
His hand came up and he traced her cheek gently. “I hate having to leave you behind. It's never the same without you with us.”
“It's what needed to be done,” she replied, “but I'll be with you next time.”
“Thank the stars,” he said before joining his lips to hers again, this time with more passion.
“Oh, for the love of--would you two cut it out?”
The two of them broke apart and heavily sighed in frustration as they heard Cid ridiculing them.
“Sheesh, just get hitched already, will ya?” Cid added.
Fed up, Kimber spat back, “Cid, you just made a ton of money for your bar thanks to our kid. Would you just lighten up for once in your life?”
Cid simply rolled her eyes in disgust and then went over to manage some things behind the bar. 
Hunter, when he looked back to Kimber, raised an eyebrow at her. “Our kid?” he repeated, a small grin on his lips.
Her cheeks went red, not realizing what she’d said. “Sorry…that just slipped out,” she admitted sheepishly.
His arms came around her waist and pulled her close, he gave her another kiss and then stated, “What I wouldn’t give to have a proper moment alone with you right now.”
A flirty smirk crossed her face. “Well…everyone else is on the Aurora right now…which means the Marauder should be empty.”
Hunter then got a devilish grin of his own and his eyes darkened with desire. “Then why are we still here, my love?”
The two of them wasted no time running out of the parlor, eager for a little alone time together before joining back up with their squads.
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4shaahmed · 2 years
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girls-band-headcanons · 6 months
aya and kanon tried going to an outdoor hippie festival but they caught one sniff of some persons vape and left immediately
Mod Fusion: Honestly, it’s for the best.
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geekvape00 · 2 years
Discover the Best E-Liquid Flavors for Your Vape
E-liquid is an integral part of the vaping experience. Also known as e-juice or vape juice, it is a liquid that is heated and turned into vapor by a vape device.
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This vapor is then inhaled, providing a flavorful and sometimes nicotine-infused hit. With so many different e-liquid flavors available, it's important to find the right one for your personal preferences.
After all, who wants to inhale something they don't enjoy? Today, we'll explore the various types of e-liquid flavors, how to choose the best one for you, and some top e-liquid flavors to try.
Types of E-Liquid Flavors
There are several different categories of e-liquid flavors to choose from. Below you will find a few of the most popular ones:
Fruity flavors
Fruit-based e-liquid flavors are some of the most popular on the market. Who doesn't love the taste of fresh fruit?
From sweet and tropical to tangy and citrusy, there's a fruit-flavored e-liquid out there for everyone. Some popular options include strawberry, watermelon, blueberry, and mango.
Dessert flavors
For those with a sweet tooth, dessert-flavored e-liquids might be the way to go. Often, these flavors taste just like your favorite treats, from cookie dough and ice cream to cheesecake and pumpkin pie.
Menthol and mint flavors
Mint and menthol e-liquid flavors provide a refreshing and cool hit. Perfect for those hot summer days. They range from classic peppermint and spearmint to more unusual options like wintergreen and peppermint mocha.
Tobacco flavors
In the case of those who are trying to switch from smoking to vaping, tobacco-flavored e-liquids can be a good transition option. These flavors range from classic tobacco to more unique options like roasted tobacco and caramel tobacco.
Unique and unusual flavors
In case you're looking for something different, there are plenty of unique and unusual e-liquid flavors to choose from. From coffee and vanilla to almond and pumpkin spice, the possibilities are nearly endless.
You never know, you might just find your new favorite flavor!
How to Choose The Best E-Liquid Flavor For You?
With so many different e-liquid flavors available, it can be overwhelming trying to choose the right one. I have put together a few tips that can help you find the perfect flavor to suit your taste:
Consider your personal taste preferences. Think about the flavors you enjoy in other areas of your life. Do you love the taste of fruit? Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you prefer a more refreshing and minty flavor? These preferences can help guide you toward the right e-liquid flavors.
Try small sample sizes or variety packs before committing to a full bottle
If you're not sure which e-liquid flavor to choose, consider trying a small sample size or a variety pack before committing to a full bottle. This can give you the opportunity to try a few different flavors and see which ones you like best.
Look for high-quality ingredients and reputable brands. When it comes to e-liquid, the ingredients and brand reputation are important considerations. Look for e-liquids made with high-quality ingredients and from reputable brands. This can help ensure that you're getting a product that is safe to use and tastes good.
Top E-Liquid Flavors to Try
Ready to start exploring the world of e-liquid flavors? Here are a few top flavors to try:
Fruit-based flavors: strawberry, watermelon, blueberry, mango, peach, pineapple, raspberry, and cherry.
Dessert flavors: cookie dough, ice cream, cheesecake, pumpkin pie, chocolate cake, and vanilla cupcake.
Mint and menthol flavors: peppermint, spearmint, menthol, wintergreen, peppermint mocha, and iced mint.
Tobacco flavors: classic tobacco, roasted tobacco, caramel tobacco, and vanilla tobacco.
Unique and unusual flavors: coffee, vanilla, almond, pumpkin spice, and butterscotch.
Where to Find The Best E-Liquid Flavors?
Probably you're searching for "Vape Stores Near Me" this is the place for you. One of the best places to find a wide selection of e-liquid flavors is at a vape store.
Many vape stores, especially those that are brick-and-mortar, have a wide selection of e-liquid flavors available for customers to browse and try.
You can also find a variety of e-liquid flavors online, often with the added convenience of home delivery. When shopping for e-liquid, be sure to look for high-quality ingredients and reputable brands to ensure a safe and enjoyable vaping experience.
Final Thoughts!
Finding the right e-liquid flavor is an important part of the vaping experience. With so many different flavors available, there's something out there for everyone.
Consider your personal taste preferences, try small sample sizes or variety packs, and look for high-quality ingredients and the best vape brands.
Lastly, even though you have a lot of choices, don't be afraid to try something new, you never know, it might just become your new favorite.
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deeparcadecreation · 2 years
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bucksfoot · 2 years
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nexussmoke · 9 months
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