#Best place to work en Afrique
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Best place to work en Afrique: Ecobank remporte le prix du Meilleur Employeur d’Afrique en 2022.
Yves Mayilamene, Directeur Exécutif, Ressources Humaines à Ecobank, acceptant le prix. Le Groupe Ecobank, la première banque panafricaine, a remporté le prix très convoité de Meilleur Employeur d’Afrique 2022 décerné par l’organisation Best Place to Work. Ce prix récompense les entreprises qui affichent les normes d’excellence les plus élevées en matière de pratiques de ressources humaines (RH)…
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Heimat - Review du pull U-boat
Texte : Marcos Eliades Photos : Thomas M.
Le mot allemand « Heimat » fait partie de ceux qui perdent leur puissance une fois traduit. Difficilement transposable, il désigne à la fois une patrie, un lieu familier, un sentiment d’appartenance ou de bien-être. Des éléments qui rassurent, en somme.
Pourquoi choisit-on de porter une marque de vêtements plutôt qu’une autre ? Cette question, je me la pose fréquemment. Je pense qu’un élément de réponse réside d’abord dans le vêtement intrinsèquement, sa fonctionnalité et son design. Vient ensuite l’histoire de la marque concernée. Lorsque j’ai parlé du sentiment d’Einfühlung, il était clair que ma quête d’un sentiment d’appartenance vestimentaire prenait racine.
La marque allemande Heimat prend le pari de transposer ce sentiment dans ses vêtements en maille d’inspiration marine. Chaussettes, écharpes mais surtout pulls, voici leur mythique « U-boat » col roulé couleur vert sapin.
The German word Heimat is one of those words that loses it's real meaning once translated. Even in German it is difficult to put its meaning into words. Heimat evokes the feeling of a homeland, a familiar place, a feeling of belonging or wellbeing in short comforting elements. Why does one chose to wear a brand of clothing rather than another? I frequently ask myself that question. I think that one element of the answer would be to first consider the garment intrinsically, its functionality and its design.
Then comes the history of the brand in question. When I wrote about the feeling of Einfuhlung in my Valstar piece, it was clear that my quest for my sense of clothing was taking root.
The German brand Heimat manages to transpose this feeling into its sailor inspired knitwear. Hats, Scarfs but especially Sweaters, here is our take on their now legendary "U Boat" Turtleneck in Forest Green.
Let’s have a closer look.
Une histoire de fils
Parfois, les mots valent mieux qu’un bon dessin. C’est pourquoi nous avons interrogé Christian Hofmann, le fondateur d’Heimat.
Comment et quand Heimat a-t-il vu le jour ?
Heimat a été créé en 2016 après une carrière de 11 ans chez Ralph Lauren où mon dernier poste était celui de directeur du merchandising Europe pour Polo et RRL.
Toute ma vie, j'ai voulu lancer ma propre marque de mode. Faire les choses comme je le souhaite et mettre mon empreinte sur un projet créatif.
Le mot Heimat est une expression allemande sans traduction. Heimat est un endroit où l'on se sent le plus à l'aise, un endroit qui évoque un sentiment d'appartenance ou de sécurité. Parfois, Heimat peut être simplement le sentiment déclenché par une odeur ou un moment de calme que vous ressentez en faisant ce que vous aimez faire. Par exemple, le sentiment qu'éprouve un surfeur lorsqu'il est dans l'océan ou un alpiniste lorsqu'il atteint le sommet. Le but de nos vêtements est de déclencher cette même sensation de Heimat. Nous voulons que les gens se sentent en sécurité dans nos vêtements et qu'ils se sentent chez eux où qu'ils aillent.
D'où tirez-vous votre inspiration ?
Nos vêtements sont universels, mais nous sommes fiers de l'héritage et du savoir-faire allemand. L'Allemagne est connue dans le monde entier pour son ingénierie de haut niveau et sa grande qualité, et c'est ce qui caractérise les produits Heimat.
J'aime les choses simples, faites dans un but précis et dépourvues de toute caractéristique inutile. C'est pourquoi beaucoup d'inspirations proviennent des vêtements de travail traditionnels ou des vêtements militaires.
Mes principales inspirations sont les sports en plein air ou le surf, la randonnée ou simplement la moto.
Que trouve-t-on dans un vêtement en tricot que l'on ne trouve pas ailleurs ?
Nous utilisons la meilleure laine, ce qui se répercute sur la qualité de nos produits. Vous pouvez porter nos pulls ou nos bonnets pendant des années et la laine ne bouloche pas et ne se troue pas, ce qui est un avantage par rapport aux autres matériaux utilisés traditionnellement.
La coupe est adaptée au tricot lourd. Elle est bien ajustée au corps lorsque vous la mettez pour la première fois, mais après quelques ports, elle s'assouplit et s'adapte parfaitement à la forme de votre corps, comme un jeans tout frais.
Regardez les détails de finition parfaits de nos vêtements, les poignets, l'ourlet ou la couronne de nos bonnets, qui garantie qu'ils ne collent pas à votre tête.
Grâce à notre chaîne d'approvisionnement, nous sommes une entreprise très durable. Le peu d'empreinte carbone que nous créons est compensé par des projets de CO2 au Brésil et en Afrique. Nous sommes une petite équipe et nos fournisseurs et clients B2B sont des partenaires/amis, pas seulement des clients, s'ils font bien, nous faisons bien. Nous voulons nous amuser et rester fidèles à nous-mêmes.
Quelle est la prochaine étape pour Heimat ?
Tout récemment, nous avons ajouté de nouvelles chaussettes (« Die Wandersocke ») faites de la même laine vierge que nos pulls. Nous avons quelques nouveaux articles en préparation et nous avons travaillé sur des mérinos de qualité fantastique qui complèteront vraiment notre assortiment. Nous ne voulons pas continuer à ajouter des catégories, sauf si nous pensons que cela convient à la marque et est conforme à notre philosophie.
Merci Christian !
A story about threads
Sometimes words are better than a well-drawn picture. This is why we interviewed Christian Hofmann, the founder of Heimat.
How and when did Heimat come to exist?
Heimat was started in 2016 after an 11-year career at Ralph Lauren where my last position held was Director of Merchandising Europe for Polo and RRL.
My whole life I wanted to start my own fashion brand. Do things the way I want them to be done and put my stamp on a creative project.
The Word Heimat is a German phrase with no translation. Heimat is a place where you feel the most comfortable, a place that evokes a sense of belonging or security. Sometimes Heimat can be just the feeling that's triggered by a smell or moment of calm you get whilst you do what you love doing. For example, the feeling a surfer has when he in the ocean or a mountaineer when he reaches the peak. The aim of our clothes is to trigger that same Heimat feeling. We want people to feel safe and secure in our garments and feel at home wherever they might be going.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Our clothes are universal but we are proud of the German heritage and craftmanship. Germany is known for high-level engineering and great quality all over the world and that’s what Heimat products are about.
I love things that are simple and made for a purpose and are stripped of any unnecessary design features. Hence why a lot of inspirations come from traditional workwear or military garments.
My main inspirations are the outdoors and lifestyle sports like surfing, hiking, or just riding your motorbike but in the end anything
What do you find in a knitwear garment you don't find elsewhere?
We use the best wool which pays back in the quality of our products. You can wear our sweaters or hats for years and the wool will not pill or rip, which is an advantage against other traditionally used materials.
The fit is tailored to the heavy knitting. It will fit tight to the body when you first put it on but after a couple of wear's it softens up and perfectly adjusts to your body shape, similar to a fresh pair of jeans.
Have a look at the perfect finishing details of our garments, the cuffs, hem, or the crown of our hats, which ensures it does not stick up on your head.
Due to our supply chain we are a very sustainable business. The little carbon footprint we create is off set with CO2 projects in Brazil and Africa. We are a small team and our suppliers and B2B clients are partners/friends not just customers, if they do well we do well. We want to have fun and feel positive about what we are doing.
What is the next step for Heimat ?
Just recently we added some beautiful new socks (Die Wandersocke) made of the same virgin wool as our Sweaters. We have some great new items in the pipeline and we’ve worked on some fantastic quality merino which really will complement our assortment. We don't want to keep adding categories unless we feel it is right for the brand and is in line with our ethos.
Thanks Christian!
Un col roulé pour palier le froid mais pas l’allure
Chaque hiver, je pars à la recherche du pull parfait. Chaque hiver, le constat est le même : il n’existe de pull parfait que pour une situation donnée. J’ai découvert Heimat il y a un an, au détour d’une publication Instagram de Beige Habilleur. Je n’avais jamais vraiment vu ou touché un pull tricoté de cette manière* aussi serré et rugueux.
Le col roulé n’est pas pour tout le monde. Ou plutôt, il y a un col roulé pour tous les cous. Prenons celui d’Heimat : il est monté à la main, se roule et se déroule efficacement à la hauteur souhaitée. S’il fait trop froid : déroulage. S’il fait plus chaud : roulage. Même constat pour les poignets. Ce côté versatile m’a tout de suite plu.
Le pull est fabriqué en Allemagne, les manches et le col sont remaillés à la main. Composé de laine vierge à 100%, le pull pèse son poids, c’est une grosse maille. Il convient toutefois de prendre sa taille habituelle, sachant que le tricot se détendra au fil des ports successifs. Un pull qui vit !
Un col roulé qui me fait – à juste titre – penser aux submariners de l’armée américaine. La force d’Heimat est de proposer un classique du vestiaire masculin tout en adaptant le fit et en proposant différentes couleurs. Ce modèle est disponible en bleu, jaune, écru, noir ou orange.
Ce vert sapin prend magnifiquement la lumière et illumine une tenue. Un pull que j’ai pu tester en ville comme à la montagne et qui s’intègre parfaitement dans ces deux habitats.
Nous vous conseillons de porter ce pull avec des chukka boots en chromexcel comme ici – modèle de Crown Northampton, review à venir – un jeans selvedge Superstitch (lire notre article ici), et un pardessus polyvalent réversible comme celui proposé par L’Impermeabile disponible chez The Coolest Man You Know (lire notre article ici).
Un grand classique
Finalement, Heimat propose un grand classique du vestiaire masculin. Robuste et simple à la fois, le « U-boat » col roulé me durera certainement une vie et me fera sentir à la maison à chaque enfilage.
*point de tricot en côtes perlées
A turtleneck to cope with cold weather and remain stylish
Every winter, I go in search of the perfect sweater. Every winter, the I come to the same conclusion: there is a perfect sweater only for a given situation. I discovered Heimat a year ago, through an Instagram post by Beige Habilleur. I had never really seen or touched a turtleneck knitted this intricate way*, tight and rugged.
The turtleneck – or rollneck for our fellow English readers – is not for everyone. Or rather, there's a turtleneck for every neck. Take Heimat's: it is hand finished, rolls up and unrolls efficiently to the desired height. If it is too cold: unroll it. If it is warmer: roll it up. Same goes for the cuffs. I was conquered by this versatility right away.
The sweater is made in Germany. The sleeves and collar are attached by hand. Made of 100% virgin wool, the sweater is heavy. Nevertheless, it is advisable for you to choose your usual size, knowing the knitting will loosen a bit and make for a perfect fit along wears. A sweater that lives!
A turtleneck that makes me – fittingly – think of the submariners worn by American GIs. Heimat's strength is to offer a classic men's wardrobe while adapting the fit and offering different colors. This model is available in blue, yellow, ecru, black or orange.
This forest green beautifully illuminates an outfit. A sweater that I have been able to wear in the city as well as in the countryside, fitting perfectly in both habitats.
We recommend wearing this sweater with chromexcel chukka boots, fitted here – a Crown Northampton model, review coming soon – a selvedge pair of jeans from Superstitch and a reversible versatile overcoat like the one offered by L'Impermeabile and available at The Coolest Man You Know.
A great classic
Eventually, Heimat offers a wardrobe staple every man should own. One every man should own and care for. Robust and simple at the same time, the Heimat U-boat turtleneck will certainly last me a lifetime and make me feel at home every time I wear it.
*mostly with half cardigan stitch, in french we call it “côtes perlées”
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Dominique BERRETTY
“Office” Gelatin Silver Print Size 19 x 29,4 cm Circa 1960 Stamped on the back
Some works have been exhibited at MoMA Museum in NYC.
Dominique Berretty was born on September 7, 1925 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
He made his first photos at the age of 14, photographing the German occupation in Holland. Until 1953, date of his arrival in France, he remains on the Dutch territory, where he makes resistance. He was arrested and sent to Germany in 1943. Released by the Americans, he joined the Dutch army without ceasing to practice photography.
He began his career as a photographer in 1953 by reporting independently. He comes to Paris that same year and works for American and Dutch clients.
In late 1954, he created with the American Russ Melcher and the Dutchman Otto Van Noppen, the Omicron news agency.
Already, at this time, Dominique Berretty photograph politicians in ambient light. This fervent user Leica, then works for Paris Match independent. His best known report for this magazine was the revolution in Budapest in 1956. He was there with photographer Pedrazzini.
He joined the Rapho agency in 1957 and began working for Life magazine in 1958 until 1968. It was a period rich in "big" photos and "big" reports on various topics: De Gaulle, the Churchill's burial, the Algerian war, the Vietnam war, decolonization in Africa, the Paris of the 50s and 60s, the French politics of this period.
At the same time as his collaboration with Life, he began working regularly for the Black Star agency in New York. He squeezes before many others the end of the "big report" as conceived by Life and leaves the magazine before it closes. He then worked mainly for Black Star, producing industrial reports and annual reports for major US companies.
He died on 4 September 1980.
(full text available: http://www.gamma-rapho-expos.com/Photographes/Berretty-Dominique)
Dominique Berretty est né le 7 Septembre 1925 à Djakarta en Indonésie.Il réalise ses premières photos à l’âge de 14 ans, en photographiant l’occupation allemande en Hollande. Jusqu’en 1953, date de sa venue en France, il demeure sur le territoire hollandais, où il fait de la résistance. Il est arrêté et envoyé en Allemagne en 1943. Libéré par les Américains, il s’engage dans l’armée hollandaise sans cesser de pratiquer la photographie.Il commence véritablement sa carrière de photographe en 1953 en réalisant des reportages en indépendant. Il vient à Paris cette même année et travaille pour des clients Américains et Hollandais.Fin 1954, il crée avec l’américain Russ Melcher et le Hollandais Otto Van Noppen, l’agence de presse Omicron.Déjà, à cette époque, Dominique Berretty photographie les hommes politiques en lumière ambiante. Ce fervent utilisateur du Leica, travaille alors, pour Paris Match en indépendant. Son reportage le plus connu réalisé pour ce magazine a été la révolution à Budapest en 1956. Il est alors sur place avec le photographe Pedrazzini.Il rejoint l’agence Rapho en 1957 et commence à travailler pour le magazine Life en 1958 et ce jusqu’en 1968. Ce fut une période riche de « grandes » photos et de « grands » reportages sur divers sujets : De Gaulle, l’enterrement de Churchill, la guerre d’Algérie, la guerre du Vietnam, la décolonisation en Afrique, le Paris des années 50 et 60, la politique française de cette période.En même temps que sa collaboration avec Life, il commence à travailler régulièrement pour l’agence Black Star à New-York. Il pressent avant beaucoup d’autres la fin du « grand reportage » tel que le concevait Life et quitte le magazine avant sa fermeture. Il travaille par la suite essentiellement pour Black Star réalisant des reportages industriels et des rapports annuels pour de grandes sociétés américaines.Il décède le 4 septembre 1980.
(texte complet disponible http://www.gamma-rapho-expos.com/Photographes/Berretty-Dominique)
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Nouvelles Offres d’Emploi chez Avito
New Post has been published on https://emploimaroc.net/nouvelles-offres-demploi-chez-avito/
Nouvelles Offres d’Emploi chez Avito
Nouvelles Offres d’Emploi chez Avito:
-Data and Insights Manager. -Agent Qualification de leads. -Téléconseiller Commercial. -Crm Manager. -iOS Mobile Developer. -DevOps Engineer. -UX/UI Designer.
Avito.ma est détenue par Avito SCM SARL, une société du groupe Adevinta, leader en Europe des plateformes de marchés (Marketplace). Son activité se développe dans les marchés matures tels que la France, l’Espagne, l’Italie, le Royaume-Uni, l’Allemagne et l’Autriche ainsi que dans des marchés en expansion tels que l’Europe de l’Est, l’Amérique Latine et l’Afrique du Nord. Adevinta compte 2800 employés à travers le monde.
Nous sommes convaincus que avito.ma constitue le choix le plus sûr et le plus pratique pour tout vendre ou acheter au Maroc. Ce service permet à tout utilisateur au Maroc de vendre ou d’acheter en toute simplicité dans sa région, sans inscription ni procédure compliquée. avito.ma met en rapport les vendeurs et les acheteurs du Maroc et offre une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle.
Nos marques dans le monde entier
En Europe, Adevinta dirige des marketplaces classées en Autriche (Willhaben.at), en France (Leboncoin.fr), en Hongrie (Jofogas.hu), en Italie (Subito.it), en Espagne (Fotocasa.es, Milanuncios.es, Coches.net, Habitaclia.com, Infojobs.net), au Royaume-Uni (Shpock.com). En Amérique Latine, Adevinta est présent au Brésil (Olx.com.br), en Colombie (Fincaraiz.com.co), au Chili (Yapo.cl) et au Mexique (Segundamano.mx). En Afrique du Nord, Adevinta est présent au Maroc (Avito.ma) et en Tunisie (Tayara.tn).
Nouvelles Offres d’Emploi chez Avito
Agent Qualification de leads
En tant qu’Agent de qualification, vous aurez comme mission de qualifier par téléphone les prospects qui vous seront affectés pour le compte de nos clients. L’agent est chargé d’identifier le niveau d’intérêt et de détecter le degré d’intention d’achat.
Vous allez être amené à travailler en étroite collaboration avec les équipes commerciales. Vous devez être doté d’un esprit analytique et maîtriser les outils bureautiques.
Nous sommes à la recherche d’une personne sérieuse, motivée et faisant preuve d’esprit d’équipe et de flexibilité.
Votre travail consistera à:
Gérer les campagnes de qualification de leads (appels sortants) de bout en bout, de la pré-qualification jusqu’à la prise de rendez-vous.
Collecter un maximum d’informations sur les prospects et renseigner l’ensemble des informations récoltées.
Effectuer le suivi des rendez-vous / Visites
Collaborer avec les équipes commerciales
Élaborer des rapports pour chaque campagne d’appel qui seront partagés en interne ainsi qu’avec nos clients
Gérer la relation client
Une première expérience en matière de qualification des leads.
Une connaissance avancée des outils bureautiques (Excel, Word, PPt..Etc.)
Une connaissance du monde Google (Gmail, Meet, Agenda…Etc.)
Aptitude et comportement:
Excellente communication écrite et orale
Orientation client
Aisance relationnelle et sens de la communication
Esprit d’équipe.
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Téléconseiller Commercial
Description du poste:
Responsabilité: Vente du service « Boutiques » par téléphone
Domaine d’activité: toutes les catégories
Mission principale:
Veiller à l’atteinte des objectifs commerciaux quantitatifs et qualitatifs. Développer le portefeuille client de l’entreprise.
Activités principales:
-Informer les prospects de l’existence des «Boutiques»
-Vendre le produit par téléphone
-Assurer le conseil commercial et technique
-Prospecter une nouvelle clientèle au niveau des bases de données d’acquisition.
-Utiliser correctement les outils (CRM, outil de téléphonie et autres outils métier)
-Assurer une remontée de l’information terrain
-Maîtrise des techniques de télévente
-Compétence dans la vente terrain est un plus
-Bonne connaissance du marché
-Expérience au sein d’un service relation client
-Communication (voix, grammaire, diction, écoute)
-Maitrise de l’informatique
-Bon relationnel
Qualités requises:
-Expérience en télévente vivement recommandée (Appels Sortants)
-Art de convaincre
-Accroche commerciale
Data and Insights Manager
What will be your role?
You’ll have to deeply understand the different business areas, customers journeys and the problems they are facing, mix that with some creativity and a lot of innovation to come up with a vision for the data strategy of the product: are we tracking the right KPIs, is the way we are tracking them correct and what else we should be tracking. You would need to come up with insights for the various teams about how the customers behave, what we should do to optimize our AARRR funnel and what is the correct interpretation that lies behind the data we see. In addition to managing a team you need to be technical and all hands: take over in our BI infrastructure, maintain it, develop it and put in place vision to better analyze and understand our data.
You’ll need to make sure first all Avito’s Data is structured and automatically available in one place and promote independent usage for Avito’s Team. And then that we get valuable insights from this data.
As a Manager, you will have to build and manage your team (BI specialist, and data scientist the first year) and lead it toward great results and growth in the future. Your team will be reporting to you directly so you will need to ensure constant feedback loops and seek for their career development. Your team’s motivation and engagement should be one of your top priorities. You should lead and coach, not necessarily manage.
You will be reporting directly to the Head of Product & Tech.
What will you need to do or have:
-Very good communication skills in English and French
-Craft Data and Insights strategy that executes on Avito
-Be responsible of the company business targets
-Ownership and accountability of the domain KPIs
-Communicate internally and externally to evangelize vision and inspire all stakeholders to get them on the same page
-The ability to apply the best organizational, analytical and problem solving skills to product development and strategy.
-Measure and evaluate how the product is used to ensure that the product solves the right problem, users understand it and, if applicable, that they are willing to pay
-Work closely with product, marketing, sales and finance teams to design powerful visualizations and help translate data into actionable insights
-Frame and translate business questions into appropriate analytical plans and research studies that will inform strategic and tactical business decisions for go to market planning (GTM).
-Build a very strong team driven by company’s goal achievements
-Maintain and develop the actual data stacks and system in place (Tableau for BI, GA 360)
-Help Product Manager set relevant A/B tests and provide the right interpretation of the results
Ready to have fun?
-At least 3 years work experience in P&T oriented companies/positions
-Excellent analytical and problem solving aptitude combined with brilliant communication skills
-You are initiative and dare to challenge existing mindset nor do you give up after first attempt
-Outstanding product instincts and creativity combined with a passion for digital media and advertising products
-Ability to inspire and guide teams and provide hands-on leadership
-Ability to communicate with all types of internal and external stakeholders
-Ownership of business goals and accountability for reaching them
-Proven track record to take full ownership of products from conceptual ideas to actual launch
-Willingness to travel across the globe
Nice to have:
-MS in Computer Science, Marketing or Economics
-Technical/Engineering background
-Relevant experience in Business Intelligence
-Knowledge in: Python, Scala, Java and Tableau or equivalent
-Good hacking skills
-Experience with data visualization and dashboards
-Experience with text mining and crawling
-Knowledge in: Python, Scala, Java and Tableau or equivalent
-Distributed systems
-Machine learning with tools like scikit, Keras, Tensorflow or equivalent
-Familiar with agile and lean start-up/innovation methods
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CRM Manager
Therefore, you will be asked to:
Planning and delivering CRM strategies encouraging customer retention and customer loyalty either on B2B or B2C via Braze/Zoho CRM
Deciding on the CRM platform structure and architecture ensuring it works seamlessly across the organisation and captures all required information at key points in the customer life cycle within ZOHO CRM
Designing, implementing and evaluating marketing campaigns, focusing on customers and Shoppers, using channels such as email, in-app, push, SMS and others.
Customer Journey Mapping analysing touch points with the organisation and maximising commercial opportunities.
Working closely with all departments to ensure the CRM works effectively for all aspects of the company.
Overseeing direct communications with customers through the CRM.
The position reports to the Head of Growth & Performance manager.
BA or MS in Marketing or Sales.
Entry-level experience of direct and digital marketing (Zoho CRM and Google Ad manager tools…).
Background in customer acquisition, re-engagement and retention strategies is preferred but not mandatory.
A confident and articulate communicator capable of inspiring strong collaboration in an organisation.
Team Player, ability to work cross-functionally for the greater good of the company.
A passion for the profession of Digital Marketing.
Fluent in English and French.
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iOS Mobile Developer
What you will do?
-Implement, optimize and maintain the next generation of Avito apps.
-Collaborate with product owners, UI and UX designers, and other teams to build scalable and innovative mobile experiences.
-Participate in building and follow mobile apps roadmaps.
-Participate in code reviews, debugging and diagnosis.
-Propose innovative and scalable solutions.
-Manage the complete mobile development cycle including testing, integration and publishing.
-Take responsibility for assigning resources to design and implement workflows which meet quality and time targets.
-Design and build applications for iOS
-Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications
-Collaborate with a team to define, design, and ship new features
-Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs
-Help maintain code quality, organization and automatization.
-Your primary focus will be the development of applications and their integration with back-end services. You will be working alongside other engineers and developers working on different layers of the infrastructure. Therefore, a commitment to collaborative problem solving, sophisticated design, and creating quality products is essential.
-Proficient in Swift, with a good knowledge of its ecosystems
-Deep understanding of the application lifecycle
-Solid understanding of object-oriented programming
-Experience with Cocoa APIs on iOS
-Good knowledge of performance limits and characteristics
-Capable of writing concise, optimized and modular code blocks
-Proficient in writing reusable code
-Several years of experience (3+) in the development of iOS apps optimized for thousands of device types and screen sizes.
-Knowledge of memory management and multi-threading
-Experience with embedded databases and other system datastores
-Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect to back-end services
-Experience with known Swift libraries like switfyJson, AlamoFire
-Good sense of UI design and a user-oriented focus
-Implementation of automated testing platforms and unit tests
-Knack for benchmarking and optimization
-Understanding of Apple’s design principles and interface guidelines
-Proficient understanding of code versioning tools
-Familiarity with continuous integration
-Knowledge of low-level C-based libraries is a plus.
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DevOps Engineer
About you:
Are you interested in building large systems that scale to support millions of transactions per day and reach millions of people?
Are you interested in the latest and greatest cloud / big data solutions?
Are you enough of a generalist to move all the way up and down the technology stack?
Do you like optimizing large systems for speed and making them robust?
Do you have a good experience with linux/unix and system administration?
Are you proactive and like to propose new ideas?
Are you interested in being part of a team that exist in more than 16 countries in the world? If you have answered yes to all of these questions then an exciting challenge awaits you at Avito.
What will you do:
Monitor and maintain the infrastructure.
Help optimizing and enhancing the platform performance.
Help dev team automate operations and production.
Forensic analysis and troubleshooting when things go wrong.
Install, configure, fine-tune, and optimize technology solutions.
Make sure that any tech solution that you put in place is robust, will scale, and that failover/BCP systems are in place.
Implement monitoring and logging solutions that enables the production systems to be monitored 24/7.
Bac + 5 or equivalent in computer sciences
Strong analytical / problem solving skills
A strong UNIX background
The ability to write scripts to diagnose problems (Perl, Python or similar)
Proven ability and experience developing computer programs (C, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby or similar)
Experience in building systems that scale
Experience with modern deployment tools like Jenkins, Git, Ansible, Puppet, Chef
Good experience with AWS, Terraform
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UX/UI Designer
We are looking for an enthusiastic UI designer who lives for beautiful experiences across mobile and web.
This role is to own the end-to-end design process for the present and upcoming feature sets across all Avito products (Web, Mobile site, Android App and iOS App). Delivering designs which combine exceptional usability and visual aesthetic, impacting the day-to-day lives of our 6 million monthly unique user base.
You will be working as a UX/UI Designer along, within the Product Manager.
What Will You Do:
Create Cross platform responsive web applications for mobile, tablet and desktop.
Delivering wireframes, mockups, interactive prototypes, design specifications, final assets.
Putting the pen(cil) to paper, drawing and sharing solutions quickly with the team
Strong knowledge of Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, After effect and associated design / design tools.
Work closely with business team and stakeholders in driving user goals.
Design the graphics, icons and user interfaces.
Work with engineering in implementing the user interface
Who You Are:
You’re open minded, collaborative, empathetic and agile
Full stack designer (interaction, usability, graphic design)
Experience creating responsive designs that look and work great on any device
Sketching and prototyping tools such as Invision, Axure, Marvel…
Creativity, knowledge of pro activity and rigor are required.
Icon, illustration, animation
Excellent graphic design and typography skills
A first experience in a tech company
Powerful work ethic
Able to be force of proposal, to understand the needs expressed and to provide an adapted answer
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Mercredi 6 juin 2018
Un séminaire dans le séminaire : COSMOCIDES : ART(S), VIOLENCE, 21e SIÈCLE, Guest Curators : Dominique Malaquais et Lionel Manga.
De 19h à 21h à la
Cité internationale des Arts
18 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville 75004 Paris. L’entrée est située en face de la station de métro Pont Marie (ligne 7).
Artiste pluridisciplinaire, Lamyne M s’est d’abord illustré en tant que styliste avant de se tourner vers une pratique plastique. Ses nombreux voyages ont nourri ses recherches et l’ont très vite amené à marier ses deux vocations autour du textile comme élément culturel, économique et social central. À travers le détournement d’objets du quotidien, Lamyne M produit une œuvre protéiforme empreinte de l’héritage culturel de chacun des pays visités par l’artiste. Installations, photographies, ou encore performances composent l’œuvre de ce créateur engagé, dont le travail interroge les grandes problématiques de notre époque telles que la crise migratoire ou les violences faites à la planète à l’ère de l’Anthropocène.
Nomade et multiculturel, Lamyne M s’inscrit dans une démarche de « tisseur » de liens entre savoir-faire traditionnels et pratiques artistiques contemporaines. Parmi ses travaux les plus connus : d’étonnantes installations faites d’habits géants. Ainsi «Les grandes robes royales», treize robes, chacune mesurant trois mètres de haut, dont, en 2015-2016, il peuple la Basilique de Saint-Denis. Toutes sont inspirées par les célèbres gisantes, ces sculptures funéraires de reines dont les dépouilles reposent dans la basilique. Le projet puise ses racines dans la longue histoire d’expérimentations, de productions et de collections développées par l’artiste, centrées sur la robe géante comme expression d’un métissage radical.
Depuis le début des années 2000, bien avant que naisse l’idée de travailler sur les gisantes de Saint-Denis, Lamyne M explore le concept des « grandes robes ». Il nomme sa première collection « Je les vois grandes ». Ces grandes, elle le sont non seulement par la taille, mais aussi par le parti pris éthique qu’elles incarnent. Dans un monde de plus en plus polarisé, elles sont l’expression d’un intense « vivre ensemble ». Les étoffes choisies par l’artiste sont d’une saisissante variété. Couleurs, dessins, textures, lieux et usages d’origine se côtoient, tous plus différents les uns des autres, dans un mélange profondément satisfaisant. La démarche est esthétique, certainement, mais également politique. La beauté née des juxtapositions proposées par l’artiste se mue en pont : en liant régions, cultures et imaginaires que d’aucuns disent incompatibles. A un monde que les extrémismes de tous bords voudraient cloisonné, aux frontières que des pratiques sécuritaires toujours plus violentes voudraient étanches, les créations de Lamyne M opposent le lien.
Actuellement à la Cité internationale des Arts, l’exposition « Parures » de Lamyne M a été conçue par les étudiant·e·s en 1ère année Mastère Art contemporain de l’IESA arts&culture sous la direction de Hafida Jemni Di Folco, professeure et directrice du département Afrique des centres de recherche appliquée de l’IESA.
[EN] A multidisciplinary artist, Lamyne M first came to public attention as a fashion designer, before launching a practice as a visual artist. Travels far and wide fed his numerous research projects and led him to wed his two practices – as a designer and an artist – around a focus on textile, which he treats as a key cultural, economic and social medium. Through re-use and re-appropriation of objects of daily life, Lamyne M has developed a multi-faceted oeuvre that echoes the cultural heritage of the many countries he has visited. Installation, photography and performance art all come into play in his work, questioning such core contemporary issues as (im)migration and ecological crises in the Anthropocene. Nomadic and multicultural,
Lamyne M. weaves together traditional and contemporary practices to novel effect. Among his best known work is a series of arresting installations made of towering dresses. With one of these installations,"Les grandes robes royales", thirteen dresses, each over 3 meters in height – he took over the basilica of Saint-Denis in 2015-2016. Each dress was inspired by the basilica’s famous "gisantes", funerary sculptures celebrating the lives of French queens. The project resulted from a long series of experiments and previous works centered around dress forms as powerful expressions of "métissage". Since the early 2000s, long before he began work on the "Robes royales", Lamyne M has been researching the concept of giant dresses. His first collection in this vein was titled “Je les vois grandes” (“I See them Big”). “Big”, here, references not only the size of the work, but also its ethical heft. In an ever more polarized world, they are a vivid expression of life lived in concert, despite alleged barriers of difference. The cloths used by the artist are extremely varied, associated with a wide range places and uses; the mix is surprising and highly satisfying. Aesthetics, here, are an expression of political engagement. Beauty born of unlikely juxtapositions functions as a bridge: a link between regions, cultures and imaginaries that many, these days, claim to be incompatible. In the face of a world increasingly closed in on itself, wherein extremisms of various kinds and militarized borders cause ever-mounting harm, Lamyne M’s creations call for interconnection.
Currently exhibited at the Cité internationale des arts, the "Parures" of Lamyne M are presented by the first-year students of the Master of Contemporary Art at IESA arts&culture under the direction of Hafida Jemni Di Folco, professor and director of the Africa Department at IESA's applied research centres.
Programmation et prochains rendez-vous sur ce site ou par abonnement à la newsletter : [email protected]
Pour regarder les séminaires antérieurs : http://www.vimeo.com/sysk/
Séminaire conçu et organisé par Patricia Falguières, Elisabeth Lebovici et Natasa Petresin-Bachelez et soutenu par la Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte.
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Things to do in Montréal February 17 to 23
It may be February but Montréal’s intent on keeping things hot this week: Off-Igloofest gets us dancing in the snow; indoors there’s art, ballet, comedy, theatre and music to keep us on our toes; and brilliant winter festival MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE kicks off with constant entertainment.
Winter festivals
In a city that’s been celebrating winter like a a pro for 375 years, this winter’s Les Hivernales 375th anniversary events have been a stand-out – they wrap up as electronic music festival Igloofest continues with Off-Igloofest on Feb. 17 – ÎleSoniq festival presents Aussie producer Thomas Jack – and on Feb. 18, an entirely free all-ages night with music from Le Matos, Hatchmatik and more along with the Nordik games (including the Slap Shot movie zone) – and don’t miss the Nordik Slide and Nordik Village on the afternoon of Feb. 19. Among this week’s extreme winter sports: race along with or cheer on the participants of the Polar Hero Race on Feb. 18 at Parc Jean-Drapeau, featuring a unique 5-km, 25-obstacle course and a 10-km, 50-obstacle course. And the wonderful MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE winter arts, culture and fine dining festival starts Feb. 23 at various locations – among the outdoor site activities to try: Curling en lumière.
Une publication partagée par Emily Leclerc (@tomorrow_emily) le 10 Févr. 2017 à 13h08 PST
Active February
We’ve had a lot of the white stuff here in the past few weeks, so why not get outside and play in the snow – among the many free things to do this winter, try tobogganing or ice skating on the Mountain or visit Mammouth Village at the Olympic Stadium Esplanade, featuring skating, ice slides, activities for little kids and, on Feb. 18, the Snow Food food truck event. Go from tropics to boreal forests at the Biodôme and Botanical Garden (the Butterflies Go Free event starts Feb. 23!) and explore space at the Planetarium, part of the many worlds at the Montréal Space for Life. Or play a game of cricket, ultimate Frisbee or even quidditch at the Ministry of Cricket (and Other Homeless Sports). Cheer on the Montréal Canadiens as they take on the Jets on Feb. 18, the Islanders on Feb. 23, and open their practice to fans on Feb. 19 at the Bell Centre – or watch the games at one of Montréal’s best sports bars.
Food and drink
Winter weather calls for winter warm-ups: try a big bowl of pho or Japanese authentic ramen, go for a signature winter cocktail at one of Montréal’s Hidden Bars or cozy up next to Montréal’s coziest fireplaces. A cup of tea at Montréal’s tea houses might hit the spot, whether you’re looking for a Parisian café, British high tea or Japanese green. Feed your sweet tooth and spoil your inner child at Montréal’s candy shops – they’ve seriously got everything. And starting Feb. 23, indulge in the MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE winter festival’s many fine dining options from multi-course meals to workshops and food-focused tours.
Stage and screen
Sing along to the sweet pop sounds of ABBA at hit Broadway musical MAMMA MIA!, at Place des Arts, Feb. 17-19. This year’s winter-spring dance program includes Perm Opera Ballet’s rendition of Swan Lake, presented by Les Grands Ballets at Place des Arts Feb. 22-26, while 100Lux brings urban dance troupes such as Tentacle Tribe to the intimate Cinquième Salle stage Feb. 16-18 and Alessandro Sciarroni adapts the Schuhplattler traditional folk dance in his show Folk-s / Will you still love me tomorrow? at Usine C, Feb. 21-23. February is Black History Month – this week, see acrobatic multimedia production Afrique en Cirque with Kalabanté at the Olympia Theatre on Feb. 17, Black Theatre Workshop’s children’s musical Bluenose on Feb. 18, and more. In theatre, laugh along with farcical play Noises Off at the Segal Centre or Centaur Theatre’s comedy Bakersfield Mist. Comedian Amy Schumer might get controversial at the Bell Centre on Feb. 17. And in film: at the Phi Centre watch indie films and step into new realities’s Virtual Reality Garden and Not Short on Talent installation, and see Québecois films on new music in the Salle d’exposition at Place des Arts.
Photo from the Winter Exhibitions Vernissage at Never Apart on Thu, Jan 26th, 2017, where over 500+ people joined us for our seasonal celebration of diversity and culture. . The exhibition shown is Chef’s I’ve Worked For by Beaver Sheppard @beaversheeperd. . Read the interview with Beaver @beaversheeperd about his first solo painting show Chef’s I’ve Worked For, a vivid exposé of the chefs he’s worked for in Montreal’s colorful restaurant scene, in the January 2017 edition of @NeverApartMTL Magazine. . Excerpt: In Chefs I’ve Worked For, Sheppard seeks to: paint chefs who have struck a chord in my life. Whether they were upsettingly hands-off or actively suffocating me under their wings, they all tried their hardest to teach me that ‘Chef’ is simply French for ‘Master’.. . The full interview can be read online at: http://ift.tt/2kv1OE8. Link in bio (2/12/17). . Photo by Saad Al-Hakkak @facesmgmt @saadvision. . #chef #chefs #chefsiveworkedfor #beaversheppard #art #artist #performance #painting #music #video #fashion #film #culture #unity #montreal #mileex #mileend #neverapart #entrepreneur #creative #creativity #startup #nonprofit #installation #exhibition #gallery #design
Une publication partagée par Never Apart (@neverapartmtl) le 12 Févr. 2017 à 12h12 PST
Museums and galleries
Must-see winter’s museum exhibitions include the wonderful paintings, costumes and music of CHAGALL: COLOUR AND MUSIC, featuring 340 works by the Russian-French artist at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Part of the 375th programming, kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) artist Skawennati’s solo exhibition Tomorrow People explores time and identity in analog and digital forms, at Oboro. See the influential work of Montréal artist Françoise Sullivan until Feb. 18 at Galerie de l’UQAM. And at the Musée d’art contemporain, Québec artist Emanuel Licha’s Now Have a Look at This Machine documentary installation. In Old Montréal, Belgian artist Wim Delvoye provokes at DHC-ART. Never Apart’s winter exhibition celebrates Black heritage, Indigenous women and more. See artist and novelist Marc Séguin’s multidisciplinary exhibition Atemporalités at Arsenal. The comic book universe of Astérix steps off the page as Grévin Montréal unveils its newest exhibition – see Asterix, Obelix, Dogmatix and more characters among the stars and historical figures already populating the wax museum. And follow our guide to art in the “underground city” pedestrian network and the city’s most stunning churches and other sacred sites.
Live music
On Friday it’s all about vocals: singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk comes to Le Gesù, singer-songwriter Blaise Moore and Locals Only Sound belt it out at Le Bleury, and Mozart’s Sister makes the party happen at Arbutus Records headquarters. Also on Friday, the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal plays a different kind of concert: two organists improvise soundtracks to short films by Chaplin, Keaton, Méliès and McLaren at Place des Arts and Black History Month Montréal presents a night of soul, Motown, funk and groove with singer Marie-Christine at Le Balcon on Friday – followed on Saturday by a soul, Motown and disco evening with Kim Richardson, and all kinds of music to dance to at Groove Nation. Also on Saturday, float along to the psychedelic rock of Elephant Stone at Théatre Fairmount, while Common Kings bring their distinctive R&B meets reggae-pop sound to Bar le Ritz P.D.B. and electronic producer Grum turns the beat up at Newspeak while Borgeous runs the dancefloor at New City Gas. Spend Sunday afternoon chilling as DJs Andy Williams and Scott C curate an afternoon of music from the African diaspora at Artgang Montréal alongside a slide show and performances by Jamaican Dub poet Mutabaruka and Clifton Joseph. On Tuesday, hip hop supergroup Run the Jewels and The Gaslamp Killer overthrow Metropolis, Imani Gospel Singers launch their album FAITH in a free event at Le Balcon, and hip hop artist SonReal and Clairmont the Second are at La Sala Rossa. Vasily Petrenko conducts the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal and pianist Javier Perianest at Place des Arts Feb. 22-23 and 25. On Feb. 23, violinist Alexandre Da Costa brings his project Stradivarius à l’opéra to Place des Arts, part of the MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE program, and French acoustic reggae group Tryo come to Metropolis. For more, check out where to hear live music in Montréal.
Up next:Your MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE survival guide
The post Things to do in Montréal February 17 to 23 appeared first on Tourisme Montréal Blog.
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Attention : exceptionnellement le séminaire se tiendra un vendredi
Vendredi 1er juin 2018
Un séminaire dans le séminaire : COSMOCIDES : ART(S), VIOLENCE, 21e SIÈCLE, Guest Curators : Dominique Malaquais et Lionel Manga.
De 19h à 21h, à la MSH, 16-18 rue Suger 75006 Paris (métro Odéon ou Saint-Michel)
Danseur, chorégraphe, Faustin Linyekula a toujours un livre en tête, un chemin à prendre, un sac tout juste défait à refaire, une histoire à raconter, une ruine à reconstruire entre Kisangani où il vit aujourd’hui au Nord-Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (ex Zaïre, ex Congo Belge, ex État indépendant du Congo), Kinshasa, Lisbonne et le monde.
Tout commence à Kisangani avec une bande d’amis férus de théâtre, emmenés par un grand frère, Kabako, qui mourra quelques ann��es plus tard à la frontière de l’Ouganda d’une maladie si anachronique en cette fin de XXe siècle qu’elle n’ose plus guère dire son nom, la peste… En 1993, Faustin quitte un pays de fin de règne -celui de Mobutu- et de début de chaos et s’installe à Nairobi. Débutent alors les allers-retours entre l’Ouganda, le Rwanda et le Kenya. En 1997, il fonde avec Opiyo Okach et Afrah Tenambergen la première compagnie de danse contemporaine au Kenya, Gàara. Leur création initiale, Cleansing, exploration des symboliques du nettoyage et de la purification, est primée aux Rencontres chorégraphiques africaines de Luanda en 1998. Malgré le succès, Faustin quittera la compagnie quelques mois plus tard pour reprendre la route entre la France, l’Afrique du Sud, la Réunion et la Slovénie.
En juin 2001, s’impose le retour au Zaïre devenu République Démocratique du Congo, déchiré par plusieurs années de conflits meurtriers. Le séjour de quelques semaines pour un atelier devient un choix de vie. Faustin met sur pied les Studios Kabako, structure pour la danse et le théâtre visuel, « un lieu où l’on travaille, où toujours on cherche et où parfois l’on trouve, un lieu où l’on doute mais où certains soirs s’impose une certitude ». Avec quatre danseurs qu’il forme, il crée Spectacularly Empty, carnet un rien désespéré d’un retour au pays natal. Commence alors une longue réflexion sur l’histoire et une mémoire collective sans cesse malmenée, bousculée, détournée par des dirigeants en mal de légitimité, incapables de penser le futur, mais aguerris à l’art délicat du passe-passe et de la substitution. Suivent Triptyque sans titre (2002), Spectacularly Empty II (2003), recréation pour boîte noire de la pièce de 2001, Radio Okapi (2003-04), performance mêlant radio en direct et artistes invités, chaque soir différents, Le Festival des mensonges (2005-06), veillée autour de la petite et de la grande histoire du Congo et The Dialogue Series: iii. Dinozord (2006). En 2007, Faustin travaille sur la mise en scène d’un texte de Marie-Louise Bibish Mumbu, La Fratrie errante. En 2008-09, il crée more more more… future, opéra ndombolo rock qui a tourné dans le monde entier et a reçu le Bessie Award de la meilleure composition musicale pour Flamme Kapaya en 2012. En 2009, il met en scène pour la Comédie Française (Studio Théâtre) et le Théâtre de Gennevilliers Bérénice de Jean Racine, une Bérénice qu’il reprend à sa façon et avec des comédiens congolais en 2009 en créant Pour en finir avec Bérénice. En 2011, il imagine son premier solo, Le Cargo, qui tourne toujours sur les scènes du monde entier. L’année suivante, il revisite à la demande du KVS Dinozord, une pièce de 2006 ; naît alors Sur les traces de Dinozord. Après Drums and Digging, présentée au festival d'Avignon en 2013, Faustin signe un solo pour la danseuse sud-africaine Moya Michael, The Dialogue Series: iv Moya (2014), ainsi que le projet Statue of Loss, autour des soldats congolais ayant combattu en Europe lors de la première guerre mondiale. Parmi les autres collaborations, Raimund Hoghe imagine pour Faustin le duo Sans-Titre (2009) et La Création du monde 1923-2012, objet grandiose et non identifié pour 24 danseurs du Ballet de Lorraine (Nancy) et Djodjo Kazadi.
Faustin enseigne régulièrement en Afrique, aux États-Unis (University of Florida - Gainesville, University of Arizona - Tempe) et en Europe (Parts, CNDC Angers, Impulstanz). En 2007, il reçoit le Grand Prix de la Fondation Prince Claus pour la Culture et le Développement et a reçu en 2014 le grand Prix de la Fondation Curry Stone pour le travail développé avec les Studios Kabako sur Kisangani. En 2016, il était Artiste associé de la ville de Lisbonne.
[EN] Faustin Linyekula is a dancer and choreographer. Ever engaged in reading, traveling, breaking new ground, telling novel stories and rebuilding ruins, he lives and works between Kisangani, in North Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (which was once Zaïre and, before then, the Belgian Congo and, earlier still, the Congo Free State), Kinshasa, Lisbon and the world at large.
His story begins in Kisangani, with a group of theater-loving friends led by one Kabako, who, some years later, near the border of Uganda, would die of a disease few speak of today, the plague. In 1993, as Mobutu Sese Seko’s reign drew to a close and chaos engulfed DRC, Faustin left his country to settle in Nairobi. While moving between Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya, in 1997, with Opiyo Okach and Afrah Tenambergen, he founded Kenya’s first contemporary dance company, Gàara. The company’s first piece, Cleansing, a reflection on rites and symbols of purification, was a prize winner at the 1998 African Choreographic Encounters of Luanda. In spite of this success, a few months later Faustin left Gàara for further travels, this time to France, South Africa, Réunion and Slovenia.
In June 2001, it became clear to Faustin that he needed to return to DRC, which was reeling from years of bloody conflict. What was meant to be a few weeks’ stay for a workshop turned into a life choice. Faustin founded Studios Kabako, an initiative centered on dance and theater – “a place for work, where one seeks and occasionally finds, a space where doubt and, on occasion, absolute certainty rub shoulders”. With four dancers studying at his side, he created Spectacularly Empty, based on his troubling experience of return to his native land. This ushered in a long period of reflection and research on the vagaries of history and collective memory in a country done intense violence by illegitimate and dishonest politicians incapable of imagining the future. Other works followed: Tryptique sans titre (2002); Spectacularly Empty II (2003); Radio Okapi (2003-2004), a performance involving live radio broadcasts and guest artists that, each evening, took on a new form; Le festival des mensonges (2005 2006), a wake in honor of DRC’s (his)stories; and The Dialogue Series: iii. Dinozord (2006). In 2007, Faustin adapted for the stage a text by Congolese writer Marie-Louise Bibish Mumbu, La fratire errante. In 2008-2009, he created more more more… future, a ndobolo rock opera that has since toured very widely and was awarded the Bessie Award for best musical composition in 2012 for its score by Flamme Kapaya. In 2009, Faustin directed Jean Racine’s Bérénice for the Comédie française (Studio Théâtre) and the Genevilliers Theater. Shortly thereafter, he reworked this adaptation with Congolese actors, under the title Pour en finir avec Bérénice. In 2011, he created his first solo, Le Cargo, which is still touring seven years later. In 2012, at the request of the Royal Flemish Theater, he revisited Dinozord, a 2006 piece; this resulted in a new creation titled Sur les traces de Dinozord. Then came Drums and Digging, which was shown at the Avignon Festival in 2013, a solo developed for South African dancer Moya Michael (The Dialogue Series: iv Moya, 2014), and Statue of Loss, in honor of Congolese soldiers who fought in Europe during WWI. Among Faustin’s many collaborations are two in particular that bear note: his work with Raimund Hoghe, who, in 2009, created for Faustin a duo titled Sans titre, and La Création du monde 1932-2012, a 25-dancer piece that Faustin developed for the city of Nancy’s Ballet de Lorraine and dancer Djodjo Kazadi.
On a regular basis, Faustin teaches in Africa, the United States (University of Florida Gainesville, University of Arizona Tempe) and Europe (Parts, CNDC Angers, Impulstanz). In 2007, he was awarded the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development’s Principal Award and in 2014 he received the Curry Stone Design Prize for work undertaken with Studios Kabako in Kisangani. In 2016, he was designated Artista na cidade by the city of Lisbon.
Programmation et prochains rendez-vous sur ce site ou par abonnement à la newsletter : [email protected]
Pour regarder les séminaires antérieurs : http://www.vimeo.com/sysk/
Séminaire conçu et organisé par Patricia Falguières, Elisabeth Lebovici et Natasa Petresin-Bachelez et soutenu par la Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte.
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Things to do in Montréal February 10 to 16
Love is in the winter air in Montréal this Valentine’s Day, but it’s not the usual romance: chocolate, wine and dinner is always an option here, but this week you could also dance in the snow, watch an ice canoe race, sneak into a hidden bar, raid a candy shop, contemplate Chagall, or sing along with C+C Music Factory.
Une expérience spectaculaire vous attend le week-end du 11 et 12 février prochain, au Quai de l’Horloge au Vieux-Port Venez découvrir le Défi canot à glace Montréal et vivre un événement rempli d’adrénaline! #375mtl #montreal #mtlmoments #canot #vieuxportmtl
Une photo publiée par 375e de Mtl / 2017 (@375mtl) le 1 Févr. 2017 à 16h30 PST
375 winters
This winter’s Les Hivernales 375th anniversary events mark only the latest cold-weather activities in a city that’s been celebrating winter like a a pro for 375 years. The party keeps going as winter electronic music festival Igloofest extends its February reign in the Old Port with Off-Igloofest on Feb. 10, with hip-hop/electro from Tommy Kruise, High Klassified and more accompanied by incredible visuals, and on Feb. 11 with an entirely free night with music from Branko and Poirier, plus the Nordik games (including the Slap Shot movie zone.) Among this week’s extreme winter sports: hop on a bike and join the illuminated cycling parade Snow Moon downtown on Feb. 11; lace up your winter running shoes for the Hypothermic Half Marathon at Parc Jean-Drapeau on Feb. 12; or cheer on the cold-water racers of the Montréal Ice Canoe Challenge, Feb. 12 at the Clock Tower in the Old Port.
Ce week-end, ne manquez pas “Je t’aime en chocolat!” au Marché Bonsecours // Don’t miss “Je t’aime en chocolat!” from feb. 10 to 12 at Marché Bonsecours par/by @libertinebakehouse #mtl #montreal #mtlmoments #mtlatable #instafood #foodie #mtlfood #food #JTMEC @jetaimechocolat
Une photo publiée par MTLàTABLE (@mtlatable) le 8 Févr. 2017 à 6h36 PST
Valentine’s Day
From dancing and dinner at supper club Le Balcon to a weekend of all things chocolate at Je t’aime en chocolat at Marché Bonsecours, Montréal dedicates not only one day but several to Valentine’s romance. For the big night itself though, go big with special multi-course meals at an excellent romantic restaurant such as Les 400 Coups, Toqué!, La Rose des Sable, Europea, Carte Blanche, Ikanos, Tandem and many more. Make Valentine’s Day even sweeter with maple syrup treats at Délices Érables & Cie or with more chocolate at Juliette & Chocolat. Go for a romantic snowshoe in Mount Royal Park, or take in the city lights together from on high from the observation deck of Au Sommet Place Ville Marie.
More wining and dining
So many ways to warm up from the inside out in Montréal… Start with a big bowl of pho or Japanese authentic ramen on a wintery day and end with signature cocktails at one of Montréal’s Hidden Bars. Or cozy up next to Montréal’s coziest fireplaces or go for something different at the city’s new bars and restaurants. Discover excellent restaurants in some of Montréal’s most popular neighbourhoods or indulge at the Casino de Montréal’s L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon. Style meets substance at Montréal’s tea houses, whether you’re looking for a quinessential Parisian café, traditional British high tea or calming Japanese green tea. Feed your sweet tooth and spoil your inner child at Montréal’s candy shops – they’ve seriously got everything. Or snowshoe your way to gastronomic delights on lantern-lit Mount Royal at Les amis de la montagne fundraiser Tuques Bleus on Feb. 16.
Patiner dans un décor de carte postale : check.
Une photo publiée par Charlotte Faraday (@charlottefday) le 5 Févr. 2017 à 17h39 PST
Winter day activities
Whether you’re going to get outside and play in the snow or stick to indoor activities like art gallery hopping, Montréal has so many free things to do this winter – try tobogganing or ice skating on the Mountain like a real Montrealer. Go from tropics to boreal forests at the Biodôme and Botanical Garden, or explore space at the Planetarium, part of the many worlds at the Montréal Space for Life. Or dream about redecorating your own space at the Montréal Home Expo at Olympic Stadium Feb. 9-12. Take a yoga class or simply peruse the hundreds of exhibitors at Expo Yoga at Palais des congrès, Feb. 11-12. Cheer on the Montréal Canadiens as they take on the St. Louis Blues on Feb. 11 at the Bell Centre – or watch the game at one of Montréal’s best sports bars.
Stage and screen
February is Black History Month – this week, see acrobatic multimedia production Afrique en Cirque with Kalabanté at the Olympia Theatre on Feb. 17, Black Theatre Workshop’s children’s musical Bluenose on Feb. 18, and Slim Williams at Le Balcon on Feb. 14. China National Opera and Dance Drama performs the 2017 Montreal Chinese New Year Concert
on Feb. 11 at Place des Arts. This year’s winter-spring dance program includes contemporary dance choreographers Dave St-Pierre and Anne Le Beau’s “urban epic” suie, presented by Danse Danse at Place des Arts, to Feb. 11, while Clara Furey and Peter Jasko perform “sleek love story” Untied Tales, Feb. 9-12 at Usine C and Danse-Cité presents Katia Gagné’s lively Elle-Moi. D’un Bout Du Monde À L’autre video, dance and theatre work at La Chapelle. 100Lux brings urban dance troupes such as Tentacle Tribe to the intimate Cinquième Salle stage Feb. 16-18. In theatre, laugh along with farcical play Noises Off at the Segal Centre or Centaur Theatre’s hit comedy Bakersfield Mist. At the Phi Centre, watch indie films and step into new realities’s Virtual Reality Garden and Not Short on Talent installation. And see Québecois films on new music in the Salle d’exposition at Place des Arts.
#Chagall : #couleur et #musique «Autoportrait aux sept doigts» Les sept doigts du peintre réfèrent à un proverbe yiddish selon lequel celui qui fait les choses de ses sept doigts les exécute excellemment et de tout son cœur. #mbam #arts #exposition #mtlmoments #montreal Chagall: #Colour and #Music “Self-portrait with Seven Fingers” The seven fingers on the artist’s hand relate to a Yiddish saying whereby to do something with seven fingers means to do it very well and with all one’s heart. #exhibition
Une photo publiée par Musée des beaux-arts Mtl (@mbamtl) le 2 Févr. 2017 à 17h03 PST
Museums and galleries
Among the museum exhibitions to see, don’t miss the gorgeous paintings, costumes and music of CHAGALL: COLOUR AND MUSIC, featuring 340 works by the Russian-French artist at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. While there, also see exhibitions Leila Alaoui: No Pasara, SHE Photographs, and Montreal in Love: Embracing Diversity. Telling stories in analog and digital form, exploring time and identity, kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) artist Skawennati’s solo exhibition Tomorrow People opens Oboro gallery’s year devoted to Aboriginal artists. See decades of excellent work by Montréal artist, Françoise Sullivan at Galerie de l’UQAM. In Old Montréal, experience thought-provoking sculpture and more by Belgian artist Wim Delvoye at DHC-ART. Never Apart’s winter exhibition celebrates Black heritage, Indigenous women and more. See artist and novelist Marc Séguin’s multidisciplinary exhibition Atemporalités at Arsenal. The Musée d’art contemporain launches Québec artist Emanuel Licha’s Now Have a Look at This Machine film installation on Feb. 16. And follow our guide to art in the “underground city” pedestrian network and the city’s most stunning churches and other sacred sites.
Live music
On Friday, St. Petersburg Palaces International Music Foundation presents Music Without Borders with Orchestre Métropolitain and guests conducted by Constantine Orbelian, at Maison symphonique. Also on Friday: the Yushra benefit concert for the Ste-Foy victims, with music by Bear Witness and DJ NDN (of A Tribe Called Red), Narcy, Wake Island, Tali Taliwah and more at the Rialto. Saturday brings rockers Arkells with Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls to Metropolis, buzzed-about British singer-songwriter and creative producer Sampha to Théâtre Corona, the orchestral video game music of Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy to Place des Arts, and pianist Charles Richard-Hamelin with Les Violons du Roy to Place des Arts – or get on the dancefloor with Bixel Boys at New City Gas. On Sunday, Feb. 12, Jeffrey Tate conducts violinist Midori and the Montréal Symphony Orchestra in a concert of Mendelssohn’s Third Symphony, the Violin Concerto by Britten and Ravel’s Valses nobles et sentimentales at Place des Arts, and Us The Duo play their charming folk-pop at L’Astral. On Feb. 13, get down with Mykki Blanco and Cakes Da Killa on their The Stunt Queen Tour at Théatre Fairmount. Singer-pianist Andy Black (of Black Veil Brides) comes to town on his Homecoming Tour: Curtain Call on Feb. 14 at Théâtre Corona, while Québecois crooners Garou, Roch Voisine and Corneille are Forever Gentlemen at Place des Arts. Acclaimed violist Joshua Bell plays with and conducts the Montréal Symphony Orchestra, Feb. 14-15 at Place des Arts. Award-winning Canadian blues-rock guitarist Colin James returns with a new album, at Place des Arts˜on Feb. 16, while California metal band DevilDriver cruises into Théâtre Corona with openers Death Angel, and I LOVE THE 90’S TOUR brings Salt-N-Pepa, Color Me Badd, Montell Jordan, Rob Base, Young MC and C+C Music Factory together again at the Bell Centre. For real.
Up next : Your spring break guide to all things Montréal!
The post Things to do in Montréal February 10 to 16 appeared first on Tourisme Montréal Blog.
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